As the Far Left anti British BBC asks for more money – the forthcoming New TV station will give an ideal indication of as to the trust( or lack of it ) the public have in BBC content . The sooner this compulsory funded monopoly is challenged and broken – the better .
Midweek Thread 24th March 2021
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Judge Rinder robbed
Who is judge grinder ?
Anyone who walks along the road in a city with a phone, bag or a dog lead (with a dog at the end of it) in their hand, needs their head looking at. Why would anyone be THAT trusting ????
15:27pm Radio 4 charity Appeal
Comic Relief Red Nose Day
Tony Robinson makes the Radio 4 Appeal on behalf of Comic Relief Red Nose Day.
Simon McCoy joins GBnews
I wonder which ethnic women will replace him?
Stew – I had a feeling he would be going there ….he was the only presenter I could stomach for any period of time . The quality and experience of the journos heading for Brillo TV is as good as it gets as so many have already been dumped to be replaced by tick box dregs ….
Imagine the lobbying of the token coloureds to get the job ….
Guido McCoy post
Sadiq Khan’s “design advocate”
Guido looks at Dinah Bornat’s own “inspiring” architecture dross.
Glad to hear it ! I always had a feeling he went ‘against the grain’ with the little aside remarks he would come out with. Many years ago I always enjoyed his banter with his onscreen sidekick Carrie Gracie – in the days when she had shoulder length hair and no glasses ! (and before she left to have cancer treatment).
Looks like Andrew Neil has done some brilliant canvassing.
Will the ReuchEU gaulitiers have a press conference to tell us how nasty we are for getting a proper vaccine contract and developing and paying for the Oxford AZ vaccine ?
Popcorn ready ….
Fedup2, it’ll be great to see.
It’s got the potential to be every bit as entertaining as Comical Ali or the MACV 5 O’clock Follies
The BBC’s barrack room lawyers at the Guardian and the Independent are both falling over themselves to find stories that include denigrating references to the Union Flag to try to defuse and belittle the response to the Stayte/Munchetty disgrace, of course whipping out the race card at every opportunity.
They sure do like to stick together!
This partisan co-effort shows exactly what these people are. Much of this of course goes back to Brexit but a lot of it is down to the perceived vision of “enlightenment” by flying their own flags of wokeness.
They live entirely in their own little London centric “World” view and obviously detest anyone with any shred of National pride.
Sorry chaps there are rather a lot of us and you won’t shut us up either in fact you just strengthen our resolve to have our say and claim our freedom in our native land!
They talk much about “divides” without realising that they are creating exactly that with their monotonous whinging on.
All flags will stir bad memories in some
eg some people will get flashbacks to homosexual rape after seeing rainbow or BBC flags
Some people will get bad flashbacks after seeing BLM flags etc.
4:30pm R4 Sciency show with Gaia Vince
– UK is now halfway to meeting its target of “net-zero” with the guy from Carbon Pants PR agency
– hydrogen to replace fossil fuels (IMech boss & Cadent) *
– Fagradalsfjall, Iceland’s active volcanic system
* duh ! hydrogen is made from fossil fuels
cos the electrolysis route is too expensive
BBC trying to create the world
instead of merely reflect it
“The BBC are now a political entity not just a broadcaster.”
At least it is more realistic than what happened in US police dramas.
There all the black rookies got shot on their first day, which made one wonder where all the black bosses came from a few years later!
(In the UK the female rookies were all off-screen attending courses. Then when it came to promotion the women had: Attended courses, lots, walked the beat, yes (once). For the men: Attended courses, none, walked the beat, yes (20 years). Woman gets the Chief Constables job!)
Oswald Moseley would have been proud even if his preferred colour of garb was brown rather than black!
Has the 15 minutes of fame gone to Beresford’s head ? A bloody weatherman suddenly becomes the voice of,…. who ? himself ?
Can you imagine Bill Giles leaving his fluffy white clouds to take a pot shot at James Callaghan ?
Pink post box Dinnington, Yorkshire
..perhaps direct action from LGBT activists
..Nah apparently it’s the undercoat.
I see that this comment was removed from a BBC Have Your Say
“Personally, I want to see the Union flags flying on government buildings. It will not cost much and doesn’t impinge on anything else.”
Who says the BBC hate Britain?
maybe off topic ?
Claim woke school principal sent out this letter
they scrubbed the ID, so it’s not easy to verify.
So, a majority of MPs have voted to extend the coronavirus laws for another six months. A total of 76 MPs voted against the authoritarian legislation.
To put it in context, when the Enabling Act was passed in Germany on March 23rd 1933, also putting an end to parliamentary democracy, it was opposed by 94 deputies (MPs) in the Reichstag. And those gentlemen were – how shall we say? – under considerably more pressure yet still managed to follow their conscience.
If you think about it it’s easy to explain.
It’s much easier for a Government to hold power against a backdrop of a seemingly valiant struggle against an external and invisible foe than to try to convince the population that they are governing with competence.
The Covid fanaticism helps Boris and his merry men to carry on regardless and ignore the chaos and disintegration of everyones quality of life, they just have to simply shout Covid as everything goes tits up.
The problem partly is that they know they have a lot of willing fools assisting with this. Witness the number of people I see driving alone in their own car, wearing a face mask!
While anyone who even questions what is happening is quickly labelled a “dis-informer”.
I think we got pretty close to a situation where cuffing people who raised objections in the street or hauling them off to the detention camps was becoming a reality.
Yep rather like 1933 in fact.
In years to come this will go down as “The Pitiful Parliament”. What, in the name of God, are they there for? We’ve seen just about every basic civil liberty taken from us on the most spurious of pretexts, while they sit on their hands. I think it’s only the most bovine simpleton that could still believe these measures have anything to do with a bloody virus with a recovery rate of about 99%.
On top of that we were promised that the vaccine would “open the doors to freedom”. Well, all of the vulnerable have had the bloody jab, there’s no need to extend this Marxist regime for a further 6 months. It’s a repellent idea.
This parasitic parliament hasn’t just sat too long, the blighters have also awarded themselves a nice healthy wage increase into the bargain. For doing what exactly?
FFS, it beggars belief…
Director at BBC, lead Trusted News Initiative
getting ratioed as she promotes Trusted News conference
only 12 people liked her tweet
The whole effort was/is an embarrassing shambles.
An FOI on what it cost to stage would be interesting, if rejected.
Link her tweet
24 reactions.
BBC Radio 4 online are displaying a Union Flag Icon at the head of their Radio section. I have used an internet archive which shows it has only popped up in the last couple of days.
This is an obvious sarcastic swipe, I bet their woke lefty web gremlins had a right good snigger pulling this stunt!
It also looks like they have “borrowed” the flag image from a rival free radio site…
This is a fourth form attempt at insult. Everything the BBC do shows their colours and utter contempt for the majority of the British people.
They haven’t dared to pull the same trick with their main website so I assume they think the average Radio 4 listener is in on the elite joke!
@Digg you are mistaken
That’s not a BBC website
And on a desktop it clearly appears it’s a link to the radio-uk app and it appears for every station not just radio4
The BBC doesn’t have its own website these days.. it’s embedded into BBC Sounds website.. Don’t see any Union Jacks.
Thanks. For putting me right Stew, I thought I had got it “about right” in beebspeak…..
Humbled but unwavering….
my typo : BBC Radio4 doesn’t have its own website these days s.. it’s embedded into BBC Sounds website.. Don’t see any Union Jacks.
Two takes.
One is uniquely funded by the British public.
Nick harks back.
Sounds like how BBC Complaints answer nothing that was asked.
BBC News at 6pm Headmaster makes a grovelling apology to the mob who were filmed protesting outside of his school where a teacher had shown a picture of the mob’s prophet.
Note that the BBC audio reader referred to ‘The Prophet’, not their prophet.
The police made no arrests at the scene of the mob’s protest.
Time our authorities stood up to bullying by primitives. Suggest rounding them up and putting them on a boat destined for Pakistan where they won’t feel offended . Seriously, it won’t stop with an apology; we have seen what has happened in France.
Don’t you just love good old ”Aunty”..
His Twitter thread
..seems fifth arrest and still no charges
Upto now he always said “not charged”
– “brand new unconnected lie from BBC
– smashed in the door with chainsaw/hammer
– took all my eqt again
– strip searched
– Finally they interviewed me for 5 minutes and then let me go
More on 9pm show“
Interesting that 3 videos were put up on Youtube 3 hours after the raid, and 2 hours before the brand new video
As if some helper is in a different location on standby, and armed with material to upload
so they can’t even shut AB down by just arresting him.
On YouTube you can upload videos on a timer…
Therefore all Belfield would need to do, is to type in a specific time, and up a new video would come, without the need for him to be anywhere near…
All the videos uploaded during the time of his arrest were snippets from the previous nights live phone in..
He also has his sister and a friend (producer) working on the channel.
“BBC accused him of a bomb threat”.. he reckons
Live show he says there were 8 officers in the arrest team
Police admitted they had no warrant
“This was a new set of CID, appeared to know nothing about me or prior cases, I suggested to them that they had be set up ”
Q1 “We had reports from the BBC accusing you of a bomb threat on Sunday
Was it you ?”
“Nope, I was doing a live show most of the time”
“oh dear”
Q2 Will there be any info about a bomb threat on your phone ?”
Q3 “Do you know anyone else who has info about this bomb threat”
“OK you can go home”
“Wat you fkrs mean this is a witch-hunt”
I get home they’d spent 4 .5 hours searching and found nothing and filmed by builders”
“The police suggested that I would get my stuff back tmw”
“My team are out buying new laptops and new phones so the show will not be interrupted.”
“They took panels off my car”
“nothing, nothing, cos there’s nothing to find ”
he just accused the BBC lawyer of corruption (that’s risky)
“The police have told me it was the BBC that had filed this complaint, that means I can sue them
Tonight @PaddyTipping ‘s launch for re-election as @UKLabour
Police and Crime Commissioner for Nottinghamshire.
People have already be tweeting him AB’s videos
To be clear he said “no” to all 3 questions
He said a few MP’s have contacted him with support
but that writing to Boris or Priti is a waste of time, cos they will never lift a finger to help for fear of being caught out
..they’ll just leave it to Notts Police.
“The police stupidly believed a lie letter from the BBC
They saw a letter from the BBC and were awed , thinking it must be true
but I can prove in a court of law , that the BBC do lie”
They just mentioned Brian Harvey a similarish situation to AB also with a BBC connection ..Brian Harvey’s new vid to Alex 5 mins
he seems an OK guy but has in the past has had a lot of mental issues, so it’s complicated.
The TSG van are the team that regularly smash down doors on drug raids
Alex Belfield, instead of hiding (which I am doing as I interact here), is publicly out there criticizing the BBC, he is taking all the arrows from the BBC as they try all the tricks in the book to shut him down, to cancel him, to destroy him – to destroy his reputation, to destroy him financially and to destroy his mental health.
If I and others are ever to go public with our criticisms Alex Belfield is showing us what we will face – so that we can learn from him on how to survive the onslaught. Others haven’t survived and have had to flee – even having to flee the country.
Whatever criticism is directed at him he has had to be very very careful in what he says and to be sure that all the statements he makes is backed up with evidence, or has already been made public elsewhere from official sources.
First they came for Tommy, next they the came for Alex , who will they come for next ?
If anyone here ha snot seen the Tommy Robinson interview, it is well worth watching whether you like him or not.
It opens your eyes to what the state are prepared to do.
The thing about Tommy is that he does not go out to fight the state, he points out truths the state want to keep hidden. And the Left hate him with a passion for it because it is they who want to hide it.
As I suspected, I can’t find that original interview with Google. Anyone have a link to it ?. I mean the one where he describes how they tried to use threats against his family to blackmail him and how the guards pushed him into a cell full of Muslims and locked the door.
Google wants to gives me links to The BBC, Sky News, The Guardian and The Independent as usual.
Just a small observation as I detected a little touch of irony on this evening’s BBC News at Six.
They reported on Muslim protests outside Batley Grammar School (three-quarters of pupils from ethnic minority backgrounds) angry (when aren’t they?) about a cartoon of the prophet Muhammad being used in a lesson about blasphemy. Apologies issued, teacher suspended.
This was followed by a report on the tragic maternity scandal of the Shrewsbury and Telford NHS Trust, with one father who lost his daughter appearing from home. Unlike politicians who always have bookshelves behind them, he had a map of Wales and a poster of the Tintin adventure The Red Sea Sharks, with its original French title Coke en Stock.
If you’ve ever read Tintin you might remember that in this story Arabs are trafficking black African Muslims into slavery by promising to take them to Mecca. ‘Coke’ is the code word for the slaves.
Like I say, a little touch of irony from two very different news stories.
But then, of course to Beeboids and their like, Tintin’s creator Herge was racist, imperialist, colonialist blah, blah blah. . .
(Edit: Just seen G.W.F.’s comment about the Muslim protestors, above.)
This morning Guardian had Alice Procter article
“Colonialism : Aberdeen Uni to return pillaged Benin bronze to Nigeria”
so Radio 4 are putting on tonight arts prog
The Kingdom of Benin practised human sacrifice and slavery. By woke logic we should really be smashing this Benin bronze and chucking it into a canal.
The University of Aberdeen will instead repatriate the sculpture. I too believe that repatriation is the best solution to a whole host of problems.
For some reason I’ve been getting flak for posting Alex Belfield’s YouTube video clips here.
Admittedly he’s idiosyncratic and sometimes melodramatic, OTT, and not to everyone’s taste.
However, he’s a free spirit who expresses the sort of anti-woke, conservative views that are largely suppressed elsewhere.
More importantly, and more relevantly to this site, he’s fiercely critical of the BBC which he clearly detests – and for that reason alone deserves to be heard.
And not just heard, but supported and shared, especially now when he seems to be under attack by the BBC in cahoots (allegedly) with our ever more woke and politicised police.
For those wishing to support him, he will be online live tonight at 9pm.
I am not sure that you or others have received flak for such posts – however some have criticized Alex Belfield over certain things. I am happy with that because they make comments and provide useful additional information for us to get the bigger picture. We can decide for ourselves what to make of it all.
ps: I think FedUp2 has to look through every link that we post – including video. Fedup2 can you confirm? If that is the case I can understand his frustration if he is watching something that doesn’t seem to get to the point after 10 or 20 minutes of watching. Maybe if the link is from a reliable source he won’t need to look through it in detail?
Caliphate – yes – I watch and read the vast majority of stuff . I’m brutal in information assimilation because I worked in a high pressure complex environment where you are encouraged to get to the point .
So sometimes watching a meandering repetitive ego trip puts my blood pressure through the roof . Bell field is an extreme case of self pity and I won’t watch him again .
I have been following this story about Bellfield for some time. If he is correct the BBC and Notts cops are up to their necks in it. But I do wish he can deliver more information – always hints and only half the story. Probably because he wants to bring it out in court.
I will watch at 9pm.
Arrests and smashing his door in demand some explanation.
It’s just a shame Alex isn’t a more ‘likeable’ person because without people like him who are prepared to stand up for what is right and not be cowed by the unpleasant bullies of the Left, we are finished.
Yes, why exactly are the BBC after him? I have not heard him say.
Dark looks at the Friday lunch?
I know he is not everybody’s cup of tea, but Alex Belfield arrested today, and police used a chainsaw to get through his door (allegedly)
I know he is not everybody’s cup of tea, and an endless self-promoter, but Alex Belfield arrested today, and police used a chainsaw to get through his door (allegedly)
There’s another video of the police turning up earlier today on his YouTube channel.
@Harry Free speech, but that’s the same video posted 3 times in 40 minutes here
They didn’t appear to be there when I posted, but if the mods want to delete my post, feel free to do so.
I’ve not deleted anything for a couple of days so fingers getting itchy – it’s the power thing …
No one is forced to watch it, even once.
“MPs agree to extend Covid powers until September”
If all the ‘vulnerables’ have had their ‘game changer’ vaccination – Why ?
Yorkshire Evening paper covers the story
Alex Belfield latest: who is the Voice of Reason YouTuber – and what he said on Twitter about the BBC and arrests
The ex-Radio Leeds presenter says he has been ‘living through hell’ in the past 18 months
text In recent days, Belfield has been similarly quiet, but has now shared his side of the story, giving his fans an insight into the real reasons behind his mysterious dissappearances
His website describes him as “one of the busiest and most respected artistes in British media & entertainment”, and Belfield has broadcast on over 80 radio stations around the world, and secured exclusive front page stories for newspapers like The Sun, the Daily Mirror and the Daily Express.
– Belfield was once a presenter on BBC Radio Leeds, where he presented the mid-morning show.
– In 2010, Belfield found himself in hot water when he made lewd comments about watching Look North weather presenter Keeley Donovan’s broadcasts at home, which attracted complaints from listeners.
(Keeley in the 3 last years married and has a child with The Radio Leeds DJ Johny Iannson) end of part 1
gimmicky website that overloads your browser
( The Keeley segment seemed like it was supposed to be cheeky banter about how men fancy her. AB goes on about how he like to watch her do the breakfast TV slot
.. whilst he is in bed not wearing pyjamas )
article continues .. By Alex Nelson
Sidebar : In January 2021 a conservative YouTuber who once called a mother of triplets a “slapper” live on air, and recently referred to the women who escaped fines for walking by a reservoir during lockdown as “hotties” returned having gone missing from social media.
(I left out the January thing where he went dark
cos the writer doesn’t understand what happened)
A couple of months later, and Belfield is still experiencing issues with those wanting to “silence” him, an 18-month long campaign which he described as a “witch hunt”.
Posting to YouTube on 22 March, Belfield said he had been “living through hell” for the past year and a half, claiming he’d been arrested four times, and had his house raided twice “without a warrant”.
The so-called witch hunt has been orchestrated in collusion with the BBC and Nottingham police according to Belfield, who have extended the presenter’s bail “illegally”.
The presenter divulged that the whole sage began with an e-mail sent to him with the intention of “destroying” him, an “unprovoked” attack by somebody he had “never met”.
He did not confirm the identity of the sender, but said the BBC want him “dead” as he is is their “biggest whistleblower”.
Belfield said in a statement in January he was “completely bound” by lawyers, and is not allowed to state what has happened.
This character sure has a fanclub ..
And as an ex BBC type likes to share his problems with the world dont he ?
Maybe i should put up a separate thread
BBC Moaning Emole, and as fact checking can turn up stuff the bbc does not fancy, Nick goes full #couldfiles
What might a third Covid wave look like?
There are a number of points that will be crucial in determining exactly what happens from here. As well as protecting those vaccinated, the vaccine programme will also help slow transmission. Early evidence suggests the AstraZeneca jab could stop two-thirds of people who are vaccinated from passing it on.
On top of that those who have already been infected – estimated to be about a quarter of the population – will have some immunity. Secondly, seasonality could help. Respiratory viruses tend to thrive in the winter, but are less likely to spread in the spring and summer. UK chief medical adviser Prof Chris Whitty says it’s possible a significant rise may not actually come until the winter.
Read full analysis >
Nick Triggle
What might a third Covid wave look like?
It will look like payday for the pharmaceutical companies. Some of the initial vaccines are relatively low cost (e.g. AZ), but the real profits are to be made in the years to come when annual top-up boosters become ‘optionally mandatory’ if you want to do anything more than step outside your front door.
Being a person from oop north, I sometimes look at the local rag from my home town of Hull. Appearing in todays online edition is a piece regarding EU immigrants. Since we left the 5th reich known as the EU all EU immigrants have to apply for settled status. The ONS reckoned that 15,000 EU immigrants lived in Hull, now for a town of 290,000 people thats a fair slice. The kicker however is that since these people have to apply for this status, 24,500 have applied. 9,500 more than originally thought. This just one small city, how many more are under the radar, not including the illegals coming on the reverse of the small ships of Dunkirk?
All thanks to The Border Farce while the government watches and does nothing . How many terrorists, murders, rapists and fugitive criminals have come in ?
Taff, these are legal EU immigrants, courtesy of Bliar and Broon. By the way has any one seen anything of Broon’s “beard” since he left Parliament?
BBCone 9pm The Yaku family
9pm BBC2 see the BBC even use a Union Jack
We know we’re going to hell in a handcart when a Z lister (who is shacked up with another Z lister Joe Swash), is given her own programme at teatime.
Honest to God, this is part of the press blurb……. ” The mum-of-three has made a name for herself with her handy DIY tricks, upcycling creations and impressive cleaning skills that she shares with her 4.2 million followers on Instagram. ”
Isn’t it telling in this world that it needs someone like her to tell her generation how to clean house ? Bloody laughable.
Sometimes a photograph says 1000 words……………..
Stacey Solomon, and family: do you think their mouths can actually shut?
American Beauty takes aim with both barrels, and takes out both feet.
Her reply is exactly what I expect from the twitter mob now.
The style shows she is not really very bright, but her confidence and arrogance are off the scale. She’s a 5/10 who – because of backup from similar people on twitter – believes she is a 10/10.
She is oblivious to what a complete hypocrite she is. She would never have said such a thing about Trump.
How to scrap the BBC licence fee tomorrow
Parliamentary groupthink and a digital monoculture are to blame for our anachronistic and unjust TV tax
Depressing times get worse as I read the following lead;
– The BBC has scored an astonishing victory by persuading Parliament it needs to prolong the life of the licence fee for another two decades! Arrrrghhh!
An interesting short read on the argument that would make the BBC a subscription service – and a poll (if your registered).
Q. Should non-payment of the TV licence fee be decriminalised?
A. 95% agree that it should be decriminalised.
(just 5% disagree), so far.
So why are we back to square one? The BBC back to demanding more money with menaces? I am shocked that we still have the BBC demanding, begging and bragging for more money for another 20 years. But it may make no difference as they will be forced to offer subscription services which it claims it cannot survive on. I wonder why.
Interesting Cummings had a cunning plan, but don’t expect Boris to implement it or do what needs to be done, what the country needs is a clean broadcaster without the Trots in charge..
Just don’t pay it . It’s easy.
Is anybody else reminded that Ursula von der Leyen
has certain similarities, and not only facial with
Joachim von Ribbentrof ?
I was thinking – more like Hitlers Secretary – who sadly lived to a great age and didn’t know anything about war crimes … because she was ‘off ‘ that day …
Still lurk on here but haven’t posted for a long time as I no longer watch any BBC output…..Or much of any TV come to think of it. However, thanks to our small dog suddenly deciding for the first time in her entire life that the house needs guarding (at 5:30am no less!) I caught something on BBC News this morning that reminded me exactly why I haven’t watched them in months.
In my half dazed pre-coffee state I switch on the TV and there’s an attractive young lady in some strange red boiler suit type getup talking about the Ever Given being stuck in the Suez canal. An interesting story that doesn’t involve any mention of viruses so I decided to leave it on…….Oh why do I do this to myself?
Ms Pretty Lady is interviewing a face on a webcam and they’re discussing how a gust of wind is apparently the cause of this accident. A few minutes in Ms Pretty Lady asks “Are cargo ships getting too big?”. Errrrr ok, odd question. Mr Webcam Face gives some non-answer and it’s at this moment Ms Pretty Lady decides to ruin my morning.
This lunatic starts ranting……”I’ve been covering these sorts of stories for some time now and I’m seeing more and more weather related incidents. Also, these ships are so big because we’re addicted to consumerism, we can’t stop consuming things!”
So there you have it folks! The Ever Given is stuck because of capitalism and climate change! Who knew?
Give me strength, even at 5:40 in the morning the agenda just doesn’t stop.
Duck – read somewhere that the grounded boat breached the maximum length a boat could be on the canal – but about 50 yards – which was meant to prevent total blockage .
Someone somewhere took a bung ……
I haven’t followed the story before this morning but that would explain her first question. However, it was the blatant and clumsy way she injected the usual lefty nonsense of anti-capitalism and climate change into a story about a boat getting stuck that really irked. They can’t help themselves.
I think on the BBC (and the others) they get extra brownie points if they can squeeze in any irrelevant reference to “climate change.”
Over two hundred men were enjoying a morning’s sailing just off the coast of Calais, when a freak gust of wind forced their flimsy dinghies across the channel and into the Dover Straits.
Thankfully they were rescued and are now being attended to at a 4 star hotel somewhere in southern England.
Alex Beresford is here to give us his views on this latest evidence of climate catastrophe…
Without wishing to be pedantic, the vessel is a ship not a boat. I don’t believe the vessel was too long for the Suez Canal as there are even bigger container ships operating in the Far East-Europe trade using the waterway.
The idea of a bung to the highly regarded Suez Canal Authority seems fanciful.
But clearly something has gone seriously wrong here and it is having a major impact on global trade. In terms of oil, there is an Egyptian pipeline (Sumed) that runs from the Red Sea to the Mediterranean so there is an alternative to the Canal for moving crude from the Gulf to Europe.
This morning, it seems, the next East-West Evergreen sailing (otherwise approaching the Red Sea) looks to be diverting round the Cape of Good Hope and if global tracking systems are to be believed. So Evergreen does not appear too hopeful that things will improve any time soon.
Sage – you fell for my trap – but if they drive it like a boat – it’s a boat …. 10 days to go the long way round ? Seems more sane than waiting for it to be dug out …. the traffic jam will be long enough -?
A cut and paste from the DT as to why we might be stuck with the BBC in its current format for another 10 years or more – (with apologies to Phillip 2 who posted the link at 2250 Thursday night – but it’s an important read )
With an account as to how it could be dumped sooner …
The BBC has scored an astonishing victory by persuading Parliament it needs to prolong the life of the licence fee for another two decades.
But it’s a conclusion that’s based on a faulty premise. To reach this conclusion, the House of Commons DCMS Select Committee didn’t hear from the one group that mattered – digital TV engineers. Here’s what happened.
The BBC’s lobbyists have been pushing the argument that the licence fee cannot be repealed any time soon, because universal high-speed broadband is needed to deliver the content to everyone, and that broadband won’t be fast enough, or ubiquitous enough, for a very long time. Only then, the argument goes, could the BBC move to a fairer revenue model, like subscriptions.
As John Whittingdale, formerly the head of the Select Committee and now a Minister summarised it last year: “The rollout of broadband is very fast, we will reach universal coverage, and there will come a time when it would be possible for us to move towards a full subscription service for everybody, but that time has not yet arrived.”
And that time might not arrive until 2038, the Select Committee concluded this week, blaming the slow rollout of broadband for not pursuing abolition harder. But it’s a very strange argument, and even the BBC must be amazed at how easily the Committee bought it – for it simply isn’t true.
We investigated the tools and technologies that could introduce conditional access on modern TV hardware – and found that they’re largely already in place. Google even helped the TV industry develop some of them. That’s because today’s smart TV is essentially a computer that’s running apps. Introduction would require minimal regulation – far less than mandating a smart card – merely the necessity to include a small BBC authenticator applet in the TV’s app menu.
That applet could then block the set from receiving the BBC’s existing over-the-air DTV streams. Since firmware can be updated on modern TVs on the fly, via your home network, hardly anyone would need to buy a new TV. A 1980s modem, or even a text message confirmation, would complete the authentication circuit. The technology is here, we concluded, and doesn’t require high speed broadband.
So what went wrong? The heart of the problem isn’t that Select Committees are full of Oxford PPEs – but they do rely on the quality of the technical advice they receive, and unfortunately, in UK digital, that comes from a monoculture. The UK has created a number of impressive-sounding technology institutes in the past decade, but they largely comprise of small networks of friends.
The groupthink that envelops such cultures is particularly noticeable in the world of TV regulation: a buttery smooth travelator continually whisks BBC management into offices of Ofcom.
Last year, in his ‘assorted weirdos’ blog post, Dominic Cummings advocated a concept that emerged from the US defence sector – commandos of tech-savvy contrarians, or Red Teams. He suggested “a Parliament-mandated small and extremely elite Red Team …to ensure diversity of opinions, fight groupthink and other standard biases”. It’s one of Cummings’ better ideas.
Rather than inflict two more decades of an anachronistic and unjust TV tax on a hostile population – and death by a thousand cuts on the BBC – let’s give the Ministry of Fun and Ofcom a Red Team to re-examine TV technology. Ministers could declare that they’re simultaneously saving the BBC, and abolishing the TV tax, and they could do it tomorrow.
Yes the idea that people without internet wouldn’t be able to access a subscription based BBC is rubbish.
There have been aerial based subscription channels for year, accessed by a mart card lot in your TV or by a conversion dongle into the USB slot.
Argument #2 is that the BBC is public service broadcasting
and that people with the internet would easily be able to see other similar options
whereas people with no internet would be stuck in a biased world of commercial only services.
The truth is the BBC output is superbiased world anyway.
Then the only answer is to change this useless government. It does not represent the people of Great Britain. It is full of career politicians that have never done a day’s real work in their lives.
Pat gets it right again. Not directly bBC but it’s all interconnected.
BBC ‘analysis’ is often noticeable by being avoided.
If the pharmaceutical companies want freedom to export in the future, they should ‘up sticks’ their factories and move to the UK . This could be yet anther ‘own goal’ by the EU?
That BBC tweet is over 3 hours old and has 3 likes and 3 retweets. Not bad for BBC “World Service” getting the message across to some of the 7.6 billion people on the planet.
A good 11 minute video – unlike the Bellfield victim ego trip elsewhere this chap explains his case calmly and logically .
I cant see youtube leaving it up very long . Watch it you will hear the excuse that will be used against him….
6.5 k thumbs up 50 thumbs down
Methinks the 50 thumbs down will be busily reporting him …
I watched the first 20/30 mins or so of this:
Worth watching because if a scintilla on Alex’s’ detailed explanation is accurate (and I’ve no reason to think otherwise), the police are indeed more evil that that I’ve considered to date.
Going the way of Tommy Robinson if I’m not mistaken: persecution over and over again. This time, though, the police are acting as handmaiden to the BBC. All the more reason to watch this person as he is much more articulate. That’s not to criticise Tommy, (otherwise known as……)
@G I described the video contents a it was broadcast Live
see the 9:30 PM
“BBC accused him of a bomb threat”.. he reckons
Live show
(I watched the whole thing live ..and listed the main points in that 9:30pm post and the ones after it .
Point being?
@G you are being rude
The point is you mentioned you had seen the the first 20 mins.
And I pointed out that I had watched the entire hour and posted a summary above.
So anyone who wanted to know what happened could glance at my post instead of wading through the entire thing.
Sometimes people seem to think I am bragging when I point out I or someone already posted the item up the page.
but I don’t brag, I am merely trying to help by pointing those interested in the topic, that there’s more info up the page.
StewGreen, nice of you to drop by again. I’m, “being rude” am I?
That’s for others to judge.
You set yourself up as such a hero and such a “help”. What would we do without you? On your explanation and if every one followed your reasoning, there would be only your posts with only your views everyone following your sometimes questionable line of analysis on the subject matter.
‘Oh StewGreen has posted on that subject so I need not bother’.
But, the hypocrisy. The expression which includes ‘planks’ and ‘splinters’ importantly comes to mind. I’ll remind you of this when you next embroider a contributors posting to, “help”. Or perhaps you would, on those occasions, like to include in your embroidery, the reason why you felt it so necessary so other contributors will know that their offering didn’t come up to your exacting standards and/or they didn’t share your opinion.
I asked you before whether you had finished the Rule Book for distribution to contributors. Prissy lefties always want to control the narrative so, finish it and let us have it.
I look forward to your name calling again. You’ve passed, “snowflake” followed by “strawman” what ever next?
@G you misrepresent of course
I don’t command other people
so your perception is wrong.
You asked a direct question “point being?”
I merely answered it …. and was not rude to you.
Your second misrepresentation
‘Oh StewGreen has posted on that subject so I need not bother’.
.. that’s not a paraphrase of what I said
I actually said entirely the opposite .
the opposite.
Plus I always say people have “free speech”
“misrepresent”. Well, well.
You said: “So anyone who wanted to know what happened could glance at my post instead of wading through the entire thing.”
Redolent of the implication: ‘Here, let me do it for you so you can follow my summary and opinions’ No. Too many mature persons here who want to make their own minds up in the midst of all the nonsense. And those mature enough, will understand the relevance of about half of all communication between people, is in body language. You cannot ever provide that.
Has Al Beeb covered the “blasphemy” fuss in the Yorkshire school yet ? Gavin has finally put his foot down .
In the main hourly news on TOADY, taffman. Don’t know if it was covered in the programme itself as although I’ve been listening since 6 a.m., I’ve been in different places around the house and haven’t listened continuously.
Al Beeb News Website?
The Free Speech Union have written to Gary Kibble, the headteacher, complaining about his failure to stand up for the speech rights of his staff member; a letter to John Robbins, the Chief Constable of West Yorkshire, asking him to ensure the teacher is given round-the-clock police protection until this controversy subsides; and a letter to Helen Stephenson, the CEO of the Charity Commission, complaining about the behaviour of the Purpose of Life, a Muslim charity that condemned the teacher’s actions, called for him to be “permanently removed” from the school and – unforgivably, in the circumstances – named him. Not only did the charity doxx this teacher, it then published its letter naming him on Twitter.
The closing paragraph of the FSU’s letter to Kibble rightly says:
“Surely, as a headteacher who is under an obligation to promote British values, you have a responsibility to model appropriate behaviour when confronted by a censorious religious mob demanding that one of your staff be sacked because he has offended their faith. Abasing yourself at the feet of that mob by writing a grovelling letter of apology, describing the teacher’s behaviour as “inappropriate” and suspending him from duty is the very opposite of how a school promoting British values should react. You should be encouraging the staff and pupils at your school to respect one another’s values and beliefs, and not prioritise those of an angry religious mob just because they are assembled outside the school gates. In responding in the way you have, I am afraid you have failed to live up to the motto of Batley Grammar School: Forte non Ignave (Bravely not cowardly).”
I’m sure the muslims would prefer stoning to death: A lingering death which leaves a mess on the pavement.
Hmmm the teacher hasn’t really been doxxed.
His name would have been already well known.
However all protest communication should have been drafted with risk assessment in mind, that a similar case in France had led to murder of the teacher.
Muslim orgs should already had a process set up, whereby they can redress grievances without the risk of setting off murderous thugs
.. if they haven’t they are failing in a duty of care.
Yes, The BBC have blamed extremists on both sides. They would wouldn’t they.
And Baroness Warsi is with them
“Gavin has finally put his foot down.” In what sense “finally”? What is actually going to happen?
The very best feature headline is in the Mail this morning – on the subject of Princess Diana’s second son: ‘Harry’s got the perfect CV for a Micky Mouse executive! Jan Moir’s Royal job centre‘
Mind you, even the brightest of sparks with the faciest of educations can’t always be relied upon to be any good at their job – who am I thinking of? Well there’s that top lawyer with the super forensic mind: ‘Labour Left fights back. Growing disillusionment among former Corbyn loyalists‘ (‘i’) and although a big brain plus a super posh school ought to be qualification enough for Boris to run the country we still get: ‘Bozo pubs chaos’ (Daily Star)
Let’s put that pair of boobs out of our minds and concentrate on what our press seems most important this morning – the age of female celebs.
The Daily Mail features: ‘Jane Fonda: My sex confession… at 83‘
Ooh er. I guess at that age you can let it all hang out.
Paloma Faith is a bit of a lefty, not unlike our Hanoi Jane used to be. But being a modern girl she plays the system and tells the ‘i‘: ‘Age counts against me in this industry – that’s why I lied about mine‘
Let’s ask a token capitalist: ‘Drangons’ Den Deborah: I’ve earned every line and wrinkle‘ (Express)
And since we’re covering every demographic: ‘Elton John: I’m still standing at 74‘ (Express)
‘Eddie Izzard’s renaissance: “I’m an average boring person”‘ (‘i’)
It’s all getting very BBC Radio 4 tick boxy. Here comes a lady vicar…
‘Splash! Britain’s outdoor swimming spots reopen – and I’m first in line by Rev Kate Bottley‘ (‘i’) – one might have imagined she’d be excited about the prospect of churches reopening at Easter?
I can’t say I’d noticed the closure of outdoor swimming spots (whatever the heck they might be?) Anyway it’s still a little nippy for me luv. Sorry, your Reverence.
And you never know, the weather might still come along and spoil all the government’s plans for their global warming tosh: ‘White Easter on the cards!‘ (Daily Star)
Press language is a thing to watch. There’s a new one on me in the Guardian. When I hear the phrase “government figures” I tend to think tractor production in the soviet five year plan. You may think covid infections. The Guardian has something different in mind: ‘Making covid certificates compulsory for entry into pubs could help tackle vaccine hesitancy among young people, government figures, believe…‘ – then we get ‘…government insiders...’ – mysterious and unnamed individuals, well, so much for open government and accountability. But the Gruan is apparently quite happy to quote them as keen to “nudge” public behaviour to their way of thinking. Later still we have the more famailiar ‘UK Government source‘ and evenutually Michael Gove is outed as ‘seen by government insiders as a strong supporter of the covid status certificate scheme‘ – whatever the blazes that might be?
This reads like Cold War era Kremlinology
Did anyone vote for this sort of thing?
Nut Nut s husband is ideally suited not to be PM . I watched him at the joint parliamentary committee the other day and he really did remind me of ‘toad ‘ out of ‘wind in the willows ‘.
He doesn’t do facts – and I guess he doesn’t read the ‘briefs ‘ carefully prepared for him . So he just blusters and then makes things up ….
… in the past I’ve been a chap who prepares ‘briefs’ for bosses who I knew where neither clever nor interested – so knew all my hard – hard – work of reducing huge amounts information into one simple page would be for nothing .
So at a time when we need a leader who has a huge brain to process and decide life changing issues we has a buffoon best suited to presenting TV panel shows .. life’s funny innit ?
I looked up “toad ‘ on wiki and he is described thus
“ Toad is rich, jovial, friendly and kindhearted, but aimless and conceited; he regularly becomes obsessed with current fads, only to abandon them abruptly. “……
I maintain the maxim that we get the politicians we deserve. Either by apathy or conceit we’ve come to this.
Several years ago I was Christmas shopping in one of those suburban family-run minor department stores – hard to imagine, I know, they went out with the dinosaurs.
In the toys and model kit section I happened to overhear an exchange between a small boy and his father.
The boy, in typical youthful enthusiasm, pointed excitedly to an Airfix kit of a beau geste sort of Foreign Legion play set fort complete with arabs on camels etc. “What’s that Daddy?”
Pater replied in tones that put me in mind of Reggie Perrin’s priggish son-in-law (not Geoffrey Palmer the ex-army brother-in-law) I mean Tom the pompous politically correct chap.
“Oh, that’s about when europeans went to other peoples’ countries and made war with them”
The little boy was quiet, I guess somewhat deflated from his previous excitment.
Then again, my father had a brush with the police at young age. Aged about 6 he went with a pal one day to look at the crash site of a V-1 flying bomb nearby his home. A copper on guard told him to clear off home, suggesting his mother would have custard and jelly for tea. “You bloody liar!” he replied and ran off.
Maybe that’s where I get my distain for authority?
And we get the politicians we deserve.
See it
I disagree – the Party political tribal thing did for us . Voting for the colour of the party instead of individuals involved stopped us from getting the politicians and country we deserved .
And that building – Palace of Westminster – has a lot to answer for . I’ve worked in it a bit and you can feel it institutionalising you into ‘your place ‘ .
Unfortunately the concrete is set and there will be no change i during current circumstances – it would take more than a pandemic .
The MSM keeps the concrete set as it is part of that bubble with us punters looking on ….
“the Party political tribal thing did for us”
Fair point, although I think in past decades the tribal vote was stronger for both Tories and Labour. Both institutions decayed in on themselves toward a middling marxist managerial mush.
The “pandemic” is in fact now setting the political system in concrete – either by luck or design, depending how conspiritorial your outlook.
Boris, “…….toad”.
For me, the ‘Rab Nesbitt’ of No.10.
Differentiate G!. I’d put the original Rab Nesbitt into the 1st Ministers seat in the Scottish Parliament and have done with it – “alright hen”
Fed: ” I looked up “toad ‘ on wiki and he is described thus
“ Toad is rich, jovial, friendly and kindhearted, but aimless and conceited; he regularly becomes obsessed with current fads, only to abandon them abruptly. “…… ”
I hope the PM abandons SAGE. I laughed out loud when someone (can’t remember who) said on BBC R4 the other day that we should be grateful for scientists because they are saving us during the Pandemic.
Funny, I thought.
I thought funny.
Are not some of them already planning to make the Government keep us as prisoners next winter?
Maybe Marianna could get a show based on bbc twitter deletions?
TOADY WATCH #1 – talking up the market?
The Ever Given stuck across the Suez Canal has prompted the Beeboids to keep mentioning that it may cause an increase in the market price of oil. They have done this for several days in which the oil price has resolutely declined. Brent Crude (a bench mark oil for price although unlikely to be affected by the Suez blockage) has gone from around $66 per barrel to $62 p.b..
The attention from the BBC makes one wonder whether Beeboids are day trading oil once their shifts at the BBC are done for the day.
Toady watch
The big interview is about a boat stuck in the Suet Canal . I cute editorial choice . It doesn’t deal with splits in the Reich EU over their ( self inflicted ) vaccination problem or how they are dealing with increased infection and death .
Maybe the boat thing will further nudge blighty to be a bit more self reliant – such as having strategic industry such as steel , plastic and … medicines …. and people .
Can’t see it Fed,
If they haven’t the brains, common sense or foresight needed to realistically develop and manage our energy industries to make us more self-sufficient there won’t be any great lightbulb moment here.
Rich, interesting ‘In Our Time’ on BBC R4 yesterday. The subject was David Ricardo (1772-1823), a proponent of Comparative Advantage.
Our politicians have that Comparative Advantage wedged in their brains. They cannot see that on an island you have another advantage but also a very specific need for security, security and energy as you point out. That security of supply can be the only advantage needed at significant points in time, e.g. WW2.
Yes, we need high tech skills in our population but it may be wise not to import them when there is no loyalty to this country with the incomer and their skill.
‘Grow our own’ should be the mantra in Westminster and Whitehall.
Fed, where is maxi when you really need him? I owe you an apology. maxi could have saved me from an error with one of his constant late-at-night drive-by-snipings. I replied to one of your posts that Pfizer BioNtech is a Dutch Company not German. The BioNtech part is German.
Think my elderly brain had remembered the early BBC R4 enthusiasm for something developed in the EU (now, there’s a thing) where a co-founder of BioNtech was interviewed on TWatO, iirc, but from the Pfizer base in Holland.
Up2 – no need for an apology as i knew i was right . I was going to send you a snotty reply – the type i usually reserved for ‘stew’ but thought ‘nah why bother ‘
I knew it was german because ‘Bild ‘ had gone into a rant about how could a kraut company not be delivering to krautland ? And dumping on their Helga in brussels .
She is now a case study in survival . Any other politician – in any other institution on the planet – would be spending more time with their family by now …
The EU reaction to the vaccine disaster is also a case study into politicians digging deeper and deeper holes – which hopefully for some will turn into their graves
Meanwhile as a result too many voters will land up in real ones .
Ha ha ” I was going to send you a snotty reply – the type i usually reserved for ‘stew’ but thought ‘nah why bother ‘ ”
Poor old Stew, he has to put up with a lot!
Yes, the Beeb, trumpeted the Turkish immigrant bit at the time. I wonder why? How many Turks are (and Greeks – apart from Chloe Hadjimatheou) are represented among BBC staff numbers?
Of course, Pfizer is an American company. 😉 But they are collaborating with the Germans on Covid vaccines. Collaborating. Hmmmnnn. Not something the EU does too well – especially at present – despite all the claims made for it.
I mentioned here the other day that the USA has banned exports of vaccines and components – this doesn’t seem to have got any coverage .
Perhaps I’m wrong but I saw something about ‘Moderna’.
Then I thought ‘supposing president trump had put that ban in place ‘… I’m sure Everyone would know ….
As an aside – I watched all of the Biden press conference yesterday , both bbc and Sky cut away for the weather and 6pm news but cnn ran with it .
Biden didn’t screw up as much as I thought but he really looks and sounds old and burnt out . His minders did a good job prepping him .
I notice that the biased ‘100 days ‘ nightly propaganda fest bbc 4 put out with ‘Katy and Christian ‘ has gone . Perhaps since the false president has done only one press conference even they couldn’t find enough ‘pro ‘ material . …
“Poor old Stew, he has to put up with a lot!”
Not as much as the rest of us filtering through the stream of incoherent, ‘in my mind, but not in yours’ fragments, random listings of programmes, petulant postings because someone repeated something he posted earlier or, worse, before him, just in case there might be a nugget of pyrite.
Interesting (and potentially scary) video about the “boat thing”, here:
OG, Some Quantitative Easing coming for the airline industry, perhaps? I wonder if the Execs in Evergreen Marine have shares in airlines and aircraft manufacturers?
Wait until the BBC and dfs get wind of this.
Using the example of how leaves are different colours, Elijah and Wes explain why people have different skin colours and tones.
Interesting idea. The characteristics of leaves are defined by the environment in which the trees developed and are best suited for. Put the trees in the wrong place and the results may not be so good, which is why palm trees don’t flourish in northern latitudes and fir trees don’t do so well in the Sahara. Sometimes the trees may appear to fit in but unforeseen problems arise, such as the devastating forest fires in Portugal when the native cork trees were replaced with eucalyptus trees.
Can I expect to see one of them getting kicked by police while resisting arrest then the others murdering 5 policemen in a riot while the rest loot TV’s and trainers from the local stores ?.
No. Thought not.
The kids will not be educated on racism. They will be educated on Woke.
Ha…. and then their are those evil beings Tom and Jerry…
I marvel at the granular level of pettiness and total lack of humour and humanity of the left!
Ha…. and then their are those evil beings Tom and Jerry…
I marvel at the granular level of pettiness and total lack of humour and humanity of the left!
The QT special sorted.
Sarpong in the chair, moderating Abbott, Butler, etc… on this topic…
intro Bell Ribeiro-Addy on ‘being made to feel stupid’ as a black female MP
“Streatham’s Labour MP wants MPs to undergo anti-racism training alongside their anti-sexism training”
We all feel stupid at times …. do we need laws to protect us from that feeling ?
Bell Ribeiro-Addy is famous for attending an online meeting with Diane Abbott and not walking away when it was obvious that some of the speakers had been kicked out of the Labour Party for antisemitism for saying ‘Jews financed the slave trade’ etc.
TOADY Watch #2 – Nick Robinson is a great admirer but has not read your book
Richard Dawkins, one-time BBC favourite atheist (until a certain Brexit incident – was it on Question Time?) was temporarily rehabilitated for a Happy Birthday with Nick Robinson. A remarkable scientific error was committed by the famous author of ‘The God Delusion’ and ‘The Selfish Gene’ on air. He suggested a Covid virus mutation follows the Theory of Evolution.
No challenge from Nick Robinson. As I understand it, viruses run counter to Theory of Evolution becoming adapted to find a continual home by weakening, not evolving to be strong. Maybe I’ve got that wrong. I’ll blame it on the thicko gene in my head. 🙂
“No challenge from Nick Robinson.”
What’s to challenge?
A stronger virus is one that replicates more effectively. Viruses require the machinery of its host to replicate, so there is no evolutionary advantage for a virus to kill or seriously harm the host. A virus that has adapted to kill fewer hosts has a competitive advantage. That’s evolution.
Another necessity for evolution is that the replicating entity must occasionally make a mistake when reproducing itself. If replication was a perfect process, there could be no evolution. The mistake is called a mutation. Maybe that is what Dr Dawkins was saying when he “suggested a Covid virus mutation follows the Theory of Evolution”.
Prince Harry has a new job as ‘Commissioner on Information Disorder’, (look out Mariella), about which he reportedly says:
He has missed out one group, the audience.
Apparently my MP has upset the Chinese so much that they are applying sanctions to him . All restaurants are being withdrawn from Chingford and a nuclear missile has been set on grid ref 538591, 194294. ( welcome the check it out ) …
There are currently 27 open Have You Says on the BBC websites. 14 of those are about Covid, 7 are about Brexit or the economy.
A refreshing change will be the upcoming Have Your Say about the teacher suspended for the Mohammed cartoon news.
Anyone know what time that will be open for comments?
There is an open HYS on the claim the licence cannot be abolished
One asks “Lorry drivers ‘must expect Covid test to enter UK’
WTF are we still allowing untested people into Britain
Surely this got fixed when Frances cases rose above Britains
surely the priority is not protecting France from British Covid now ?
Link to the Parliamentary report
11am Another radio4 prog claiming to debunk conspiracy theories
.. today part 3
I expect the series actually pushes conspiracies
I started to listen .. he’s talking about a contemporary drama about a liberal president.. then the next moment is saying “but at the time the HARD RIGHT were asking for”
… hang on is he talking about the drama still or the real world ?
cos I can’t tell I check the tweet to R4
This just came up : On Wednesday Sangita Myska ran a prog “Future Proofing Our Schools”
.. it seemed really wish washy dreamy ideas
.. schools with no classes or teachers etc.
Now she just put out this protest tweet
What I see is professional teachers criticising her prog
and her responding by belittling them
eg Oh dear. And this is how you treat debate in your class.
And you call yourself a teacher? etc.
Long thread by a critic
An education researcher put out a very critical blogpost
Main thread where real world teachers piled in against the BBC prog.
Such a great moral height to be on ….
I bet she is still dining out on being ‘shouted at ‘ during a street report …
He’s joking he knows the Leicester one was Sima Kotecha
11 May 2020 “BBC reporter suffers racist abuse in Leicester street”
Despite the BBC accusation that was not in the initial complaint, but that was added later .. it was never proved in court
Rather the guy was punished by bail conditions and preliminary court cases, before it was apparently dropped