House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Sicknick was a patriot who will be remembered by lawmakers each day as they enter the Capitol. “We will never forget,” she promised his family, who attended the ceremony.
Never forget what Nancy ? – that he died of natural causes which had nothing to do with the protesters ?.
I don’t have the words for how much I detest everything that woman stands for. She is a liar full of hate. That’s it.
Thanks for pointing this out. I see it as giving the prosecution two bites at the cherry.
In this case the Defence argued for a mistrial on the grounds that the Prosecution’s rebuttal was improper and belittled the Defence’s expert witnesses, repeatedly referring to stories including Halloween stories
Found you again.
Been getting withdrawal symptoms. So much bias and so few outlets.
Well in the situation I’ll re-iterate belatedly my ‘favourite’ bias of the week.
On I think Toady about a week ago, Barbara Plett Usher was ‘reporting’ about the Floyd George trial and in that context talked about ‘Police Brutality’.
I thought the general rule was to wait for the verdict of the jury. Until then I thought the general rule was innocent until proven guilty, and particularly in this case the determination of whether reasonable force was used.
But clearly the BBC have already decided on the court’s behalf. No need for jury trial in BBCland.
During the BBC Weather report this afternoon the reporter gleefully states that so far, this has been the driest April since 2013…… the constant drip drip of climate change agenda.
Perhaps they could try to report something that would be in the public interest like the fact that there has been a distinct lack of wind since the 12th of April.
8 days of wind power generation never going above 8% and mostly less than 5%..
Note wind power in blue, coal in black, gas in orange…
Worth noting, as mentioned previously, that gas plus wind is roughly constant. In other words, gas is essential for when the wind doesn’t blow, and therefore we need and have to fund a total generation capacity nearly double what we need.
Even Greta and Roger can’t produce that level of hot air. Nor explain how we keep warm during cold windless anticyclones. As we have now.
An issue the BBC climate change propaganda singularly fails to confront.
I would be very interested to see the actual cost for each of those to get it into perspective.
The true cost of electricity from wind turbines through their life including all the subsidies etc is an inconvenient truth very carefully hidden.
@JohnC Bottomline you are free to build a large wind farm on your own huge country estate if you fulfil simple planning permission rules.
No one does this.
The BBC make out that’s , cos onshore wind *is banned*.
.. It is not, it’s just super uncompetitive, so no one builds them without huge effective subsidies
what I pick up from years of reading Paul Homewood
is that coal/gas plants sell to the grid at £35-£40 per MWh if the contract says they can run steadily through the day
but now they enter contracts where they are paid a certain rate, but have to switch off and on with the wind
Except they get a super high price for sudden quick start if a lot of green power suddenly drops.
Meanwhile wind/solar contracts come with these 4 effective subsidies
#1 Guaranteed priority market access
If they have power to supply then fuel powered power stations are made to switch off
Likewise if they suddenly stop supplying power they get no penalty
#2 From the beginning they get a guaranteed price which over 20 years climbs with inflation
today it’s about £130/MWh
#3 If they have power to sell but the grid doesn’t need it , they get constraint payments to switch off
#4 They are located far from most large customers, so the grid supplies them with free gigantic infrastructure like the Scotland to Holyhead link
Likewise Drax gets a subsidy for burning US wood pellets instead of coal.
In addition start up grants are available to corps pushing new magic green dreams
Countryfile on bBBC1 came from the Hambleden Valley, which I know well.
Let’s see what mass appeal stories they have for us.
1. BAME presenter
2. Three wheeler motorbike small business.
3. Lace making
4. Park and ride for horse boxes with horses.
5. Pony riding for autistic children.
Mmmmm. Just as I expected. None at all.
Meanwhile….in the real world, most people go walking, go to the pub, do a bit of sightseeing, spend time by the river, and see some film and TV locations. Oh, and get very angry with new and exorbitant car park charges. About which the BBC had nothing to say whatever.
The only time I see a BAME in the countryside (and I live down a leafy lane surrounded by a fields and a small river), is on Countryfile – so hardly representative is it. ? Equally there is a commuter market town close by with a fairly vibrant BAME community, but they tend to stay in their own claustrophobic confines, yet they live within shouting distance of beautiful countryside which they cant be bothered with. So when I hear that racism is rampant outside of inner city centres, its utter bullsh…t !
We heard from sex-pest Moffat the other day how the BBC consciously lie and mis-represent minorities because they believe it might change the world and peoples perceptions to make the lie come true.
The reason why they think it is perfectly OK to lie in the name of THEIR agenda eludes me. But that’s the outrageous double-standards of the Left for you. They are fascists by every definition except their own.
For Europe deaths/million per week stats Iceland has zero
Then a batch of countries Like UK, Portugal, Denmark have 3
Then the worst 10 of the 40 countries have death rates twenty to six times worse (ie 60-180)
George Floyd death: Three Americans assess Derek Chauvin trial
Here’s what these specially chosen people had to say about the verdict:
1) Everything is there and we need to come out with a conviction for sure. I hope the jury is going to come back with the fastest verdict in history and find him guilty of the highest charges (Black male).
2) I think Derek Chauvin should be found guilty. He’s got three different charges against him and I don’t know the nuances of these different charges, but it’s up to the jury to find the perfect charge to find him guilty. (Mixed race mother of two)
3) The unfortunate reality I think the country is facing is that anything short of first degree murder will bring riots. (Retired policeman ‘trainer’ who doesn’t even know he’s not charged with first degree murder).
And that’s it. Not a single one saying he should be found not guilty.
Another triumph of Left wing ‘fair and impartial reporting’. Straight from the gutter where the BBC seem to spend most of their time these days.
So true. My favourite was after the first Dr Who with Jodie. The BBC had carefully chosen some twitter comments including one slightly negative (for balance) – but followed it with someone disagreeing with it.
The HYS comments absolutely panned it as woke rubbish. Made my day.
Has anybody noticed the bias in the BBC reporting of the proposed European super league? A group of 12 football clubs no longer want to be tied to the UEFA controlled Champions / Europa leagues and so have devised their own private tournament instead. UEFA can still run their own leagues except these clubs don’t want to participate.
Now the BBC reporting on it has been hysterical and sensationalist. They even have got Boris Johnson to do something. He is now on record saying it would be bad for these English football clubs to leave UEFA and he Bo – Jo will be a defender of UEFA. This is just like when Bo – Jo said it would be bad for England to leave the EU … oh wait … no … I have just realised Bo Jo a hypocrite and clueless political opportunist.
I have to admit that I am surprised that such a pro EU globalist outfit as the BBC is so anti a ‘European super league “.
As a neutral – ie someone who doesn’t spend any money on football and doesn’t watch live footy anymore – except as part of prime – I really could care less .
I do care about the true English football – from the Championship down – which is financially struggling .
It must be time for the EU to chime in but the French and Germans will have a view ….
Elsewhere ….
Is anyone monitoring the number of air covid flights coming in from India and Pakistan before the red status in 3 days time … must be in the thousands …
I am anti-Globalist and am also a football fan. This move is a step on the road to full globalisation so I am totally against it.
As far as football goes it makes the rich clubs richer and damns those who aren’t as financially healthy. (I am a Man Utd fan and I condemn the owners who are agreeing to this). In fact this is all about the fact that these major clubs are all owned by Americans, Russians and Arabs. None of these have the interests of the clubs they own in their hearts. They regard the clubs as cash-cows and this will make them even richer.
Once the bubble bursts they will all sell up leaving these clubs in a mess (asset stripping) and the clubs may not be allowed to take part in domestic competitions again.
I don’t often agree with Gary Neville but I am 100% with what he says on this. The 12 clubs are a disgrace. I don’t even know why half the teams are English and the other six are split between Italy and Spain. Is it an attempt to destroy English Football’s successfulness in European competition?
Recall meeting a lovely guy from a local ISP. Turns out he was a teacher before.
A kid was pummelling another in the school corridor so he restrained him. Head and senior weasels got him fired rather than support, despite all parents siding with him, to avoid activist/media pile on.
Seeing a vanilla Meghan clone given this fluff job on a complex subject is very bbc.
I’ve noticed the BBC are quoting ‘social media influencers’ more and more these days as if the title makes their opinion somehow definitive.
They are invariably young females obsessed with how they look holding opinions shared by other young girls who want to be like them and who are the last people on Earth we should pay any attention to.
influencers are often non-white females
…. experts are likely to be white-males.
So less experts and more influencers means the BBC can make the the UK seem 60% non-white, like they seem to think it is.
I understand that the footage of the leader of the Labour Party being thrown out of a pub in Bath hasn’t got ‘air time ‘ on the BBC . Perhaps they are too vexed about footy and the end of ‘match of the day ‘ .
Starmer is heard to say to the publican ‘I don’t need lectures from you ‘ – an attitude he applies to all voters …..
… but there again – a view shared by all politicians – who all know better than you – dear reader … now the football – squirrels !
Quite agree. In this increasing ‘Alice in Wonderland’ World the irrelevant is prominent yet the really serious is by-passed or ignored. Football v the massing armed forces in the South China Sea? I know what I would prefer to know about.
And in response – I agree – a military encounter in either the Ukraine or South China Sea – if it becomes public – will hit the markets hard – irrespective of potential escalation .
I wonder if either is the predicted test of the regime of the false president ? The MSM seem to be behaving as though this stuff is not happening so the shock of an ‘event ‘ will be even greater .
On the upside – since our military forces are so small our direct involvement can’t be up to much – plus or minus a leaky aircraft carrier …
“The Mouse Threatens The Bear: After US Pull-Back UK Sends Warships to Black Sea”
Interesting discussion on the now refusal of the Fake President to send two warships into the Black Sea, yet, ‘hey presto’ the UK steps up to the plate.
The end of the CANZUK idea. With Canada having the wokist PM of limited intelligence and New Zealand b eing in league with the Devil, CANZUK has now become AUK.
As ex-forces myself, I can only imagine what life will be like on an Army camp staffed by all the new generation woke warriors.
Actually I’m pretty sure it’s all PR BS and the few they recruit will all be stuffed into admin roles while the real Army will be the same young, agressive people it has to have to do the fighting.
No – only by other people’s comments and what I saw in the Telegraph.
Every time I hear of it, it reminds me of when I was in training and we were paired up to fire the GPMG down a 1,000 yard range and I got put with an office boy who I am sure would be classed as a woke-warrior now.
All I can say is that in the event of war, it would have saved lives to give him the first bullet …
Yes, I remember vividly first understanding that joint manoeuvres with our “European Friends” stopped on a Friday night for them and resumed the next Monday as they had to have the weekend off. Just like ‘real’ war I guess.
I’ve had some limited experience with an emergency services exercise with the UK and EU and what struck me the most is how the entire focus was how to get more funding from the EU. The actual exercise was slightly useful, but mostly a waste of everybodies time doing easy exercises made up to fill the day.
That might well be the logical health and safety reaction when we read in the Daily Telegraph this morning: ‘Covid deaths fall below average daily number killed on roads‘ – and one could point out the disparity in the average age of the two categories of victim – but lets not encourage some expert to bang a load of numbers into another bloody computer model, we’re in enough trouble as it is.
Lest we completely rule out the notion of confining the private motor car to the pages of history as being no more than a daft utopian pipe dream…
‘Johnson to commit to tougher targets on emissions ahead of climate summit‘ (FT)
I suppose these days one ought never underestimate the all-pervading impulse to virtue signal. The habit of loud public trumpeting of one’s supposed personal piety has grown from the habit of a few fringe left-wing politicians into almost the raison d’être for our entire media and national institutions, moreover it’s now the necessary qualification of a public figure or celebrity.
The tell tale mark of the most craven and egregious virtue signalling is that the subject matter of the signal falls so very far outside of the actual purview of the signaller.
We notice too, the exclamation of this individual righteousness to be most often detatched from any personal cost or consequences.
And so it is that where a dozen former bang-average right-backs employed to burble about football at half-time between the adverts on Sky have already squeeled their distaste, our Prince William weighs in on the subject of how televised football competitions are to be administered and financed: ‘William cries foul on league of greed‘ (Daily Mail)
I wonder what the Duke of Cambridge has to say about other corporate profit-led developments in this fair land? ‘100ft phone masts may be built in countyside as rules are eased‘ (Telegraph)
The enviroment, that’s more his dad’s bag. Sadly the Prince of Wales’s PR department seems to have been unavailable for comment: ‘…as Charles mourns alone for father in Welsh retreat‘ (Mail)
One apologises to those not all that interested in the multi-million dollar (I mention the form of curency advisedly here) supposedly beautiful game, but the reaction to a proposed business reorganisation has been quite something to behold. In terms that would normally hardly have the FT blush pink… the present ruling cartel is threatened by a hostile merger of sorts eager to nab their best assets.
And yet a thousand pundits cry “I am Spartacus” – all without the least fear of ever being nailed to a cross.
‘The great game robbery‘ – claims the Sun. We ask ourselves who suffers under this new deal?
Why, those angelic Robin Hood paragons of virtue UEFA, the Premier League and FIFA. Perhaps we should summon up that selfless euro humanitarian Sepp Blatter to lead the opposition from his retirement home he shares with fellow mitteleuropeans Albert Schweitzer and Oskar Schindler?
With nothing better to do with themselves a few bored fans rock up to the various home stadia of the errant big six clubs – of course they can’t enter their beloved grounds to watch any live football but they can have a bit of a protest. Which gifts the papers with a photo and a story. And they’re all at it.
‘Opposition to the European Super League outside Arsenal’s Emirates stadium‘ (Guardian)
Insert here some form of commentary on how the former Manchester Guardian has become fully metropolitan focused.
‘Manchester United fans express their dismay in their banner outside Old Trafford yesterday‘ (Telegraph)
Insert here some form of commentary on how the former Torygraph has become somewhat Northern Red Wall focused.
The slogan daubed on the United fan’s banner is quite something to behold (we already mentioned the legendary Robin Hood) “Created by the poor stolen by the rich” – all together now…
Robin Hood, Robin Hood, riding through the glen
Robin Hood, Robin Hood, with his band of men
Feared by the bad, loved by the good
Robin Hood, Robin Hood, Robin Hood
Remind me how many Premier League players voted for a pay cut, due to covid?
And yet supposedly we’re all in this together, a nation of charitable merry men.
Let’s have less of this “men”
‘Is Carey’s hit film a feminist triumph – or anti-man diatribe?‘ asks the Daily Mail. My reaction to movies is are they any good? But what do I know? In direct answer to the Daily Mail’s question – could it be the two are the same thing?
Angela Rayner the lispy Labour Party number two is certainly a feminist but in the left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper today she calls for her wimpy (some would claim forensic – let’s nickname him Captain Briefs) boss to get a bit more muscular – dare I say manly – in his opposition to the Tories: ‘Labour deputy calls on Starmer to come out fighting‘
Steady on luv, he’s in enough trouble as it is…
‘Starmer ejected from pub by angry landlord‘ (Telegraph)
‘Keir off! Moment Starmer was barred from pub by angry landlord‘ (Metro)
Perhaps it is the ‘sweet shop effect ‘ – the MSM goes from one ‘thing ‘ covid – royalty – footy – to the next – focusing on some ‘outrage ‘.
Maybe the PM knows that the next wave of some virus will kill so many of us that we will achieve our ‘climate target ‘ – but the BBC will want to put up the licence fee to meet the shortfall of millions of dead licence fee payers ….
Starmer’s line “I don’t need lectures from you”
Is about 30 seconds into The Guardian video
It’s the cleanest edit I can find
cos most media first insert the later bit of the landlord blocking the door at the front
Even the Guardian cuts a bit between the landlord showing his graph and Starmer delivering his line.
And to be fair I reckon he says something like
‘My wife and her NHS colleagues have been working on the front line,’ “so I really don’t need lectures from you”
..and then marches into the pub unaware he’s just been arguing with the landlord.
TOADY Watch #1 – the BBC are besides themselves with joy at the news
It’s 6 a.m. and the news brings with it the decision of the PM to commit national suicide on behalf of our UK economy, UK business and probably the elderly, certainly the elderly poor. The Prime Minister is to enact into law the biggest carbon/CO2 reduction programme of any nation in the world.
I do wish politicians would stop ‘grandstanding’ with our well-being and futures.
Blair did it.
Brown did it.
Cameron sort of did it with his little Libyan adventure.
May did it.
Doing it with out our consent and with “our” money.
Time our politics was reformed ! The politicians are not listening to the people that pay their wages.
They all want to go down in History as the one who saved the world.
I’m certain that’s the main reason Blair went into Iraq – which would certainly be followed by becoming the first President of the EU.
How happy I am that he is now a has-been almost universally hated.
If the West’s so-called, “Leaders” recognised some while ago this was the line of travel, it could explain, certainly in part, why they are so ineffective and blatantly useless.
Today’s Belfield court case .. has been cancelled
…doh of course
I did mention from the start that, in his case the police have habit of giving him a court date and then cancelling it.
Seems they waited to the day before and then sent him an email his 8 min video
She speaks of Vine “has liked tweets from people, who have also tweeted death threats to me”
All part of the ploy I think. They know they’re shedding viewers like a snake sheds its skin. The BBC probably think to get to rock bottom quickly will make the Government step in and finance the broadcaster through taxation thus becoming a safety net. The rush to achieve that? Well wouldn’t you with a flexible shape-shifter PM sat in No. 10?
COVID, lockdown, hands ,face,space,fresh air, vaccines, follow the data, ….etc . A simple message to Bo Jo & Al Beeb……………… “You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time.”
This government needs reform .
1) Chad’s President Idriss Déby dies after ‘clashes with rebels’
2) Natasha Lewis: Fiancé says he has ‘lost the love of his life’
3) Aldi brings back Cuthbert the Caterpillar cake for charity
I got that treatment too . I thought my days of ‘power through moderation ‘ were over and id have to merge into the background with millions of others grinding their teeth and rolling their eyes after 5 minutes exposure to the BBC –
– which has reverted to type after its short painful period of pretending to be British with the Death of the Duke or Edinburgh ..
Type being non reporting of
the Starmer confrontation –
wall to wall coverage of a foreign murder trial-
going bananas over football –
ignoring daily illegal arrivals across the Channel –
“The 47-member U.N. Human Rights Council has just passed a resolution that essentially condemns international efforts to press Venezuela, Cuba and other dictatorships to respect human rights.” Diddum’s.
Reeks of China, in the process of terraforming the World to suit their style of ‘leadership’. ‘Let’s get the World sorted out in our favour before we take over’. Well on the way I observe to a smooth transition.
Eastwood Nottingham with a grudge comes up behind pensioner kicks legs from under him
..then leaves the store within a minute ..
2.40pm on Monday 29 March 2020
Dunno why it takes police 3 weeks to release video
Full description by opening youTube
4:30pm : Great Lives : Black and British pioneer Kenny Lynch
Eddie Piller (white DJ) chooses the black and British entertainer Kenny Lynch,
who first found fame with the song ‘Up on the Roof’.
at the start of his career – one of the very few black and British singers in the UK
“Kenny Lynch was no victim,” Eddie says
Kenny clip “Yeh my dad came from the West Indies very early , we were one of the first coloured families
it never gave me any trouble at school”
sketch with Jimmy Tarbuck
“Are you playing Buttons ?
… no chocolate buttons
Kenny are you Irish ?
Yes I’m from Cork
… what burnt Cork ?”
Oh they arrived before the war
Kenny “Times were tough, they kinda let us steal apples, people were kind”
Presenter “It’s possible his father served in WW1”
It was Shirley Bassey that got him into making records.
It’s all in this long thread, that includes a Tucker video
" Francisco J. Diaz, the medical examiner, said the autopsy found no evidence the 42-year-old officer suffered an allergic reaction to chemical irritants, which Diaz said would have caused Sicknick’s throat to quickly seize."
President Biden has called for a police officer accused of killing George Floyd to be convicted, describing the evidence against him as overwhelming
Nixon almost ruined the Charles Manson trial by speaking about his guilt before there was a verdict. During Chelsea Manning’s court martial, Obama — as commander-in-chief — called her guilty. This is an important principle:
Not the BBC – but a woke ‘historian ‘ of Mixed heritage has put out a book describing ‘bomber ‘ Harris as a psychopath . This was reported in the Telegraph ( comments were not allowed ) -there is a rebuttal today regarding the great man .
The DT giving publicity to this ‘historian ‘ who I won’t name – is akin to the kind of sniping the BbC does from time to time on Bomber Command .
Fortunately the BBC doesn’t do detail – and at one stage thought was given to using the Atom Bomb on Germany – if thing went bad – using adapted lancasters to deliver it ……………..they even started training for it …
“US Sleepwalks Into Taiwan Guarantee, Risking War with China”
Anybody else follow this character, Alexander Mercouris? He’s involved with The Duran as well. Personally, I have found his talks informative and interesting – up to about a month ago. Then I detected/sensed a change. He’s slowly becoming a signed up member of the Russian and Chinese Communist Party. It’s all supportive of them and their actions.
But, I seem to recall he was somehow involved with RT some years back. Have I got that wrong. Could explain his topple from the vertical.
\\PM Boris Johnson announces new taskforce to find “promising new medicines” to treat Covid by autumn//
This could be a sign that we can expect another lockdown in the fall?
First, it was about getting the jab now its getting “two pills”. What next, passports ?
Lincolnshire MP Sir John Hayes in parliament called upon Kemi Badenoch
to make representations to “stop the worthless work of organisations like the RunnymedeTrust,
often publicly funded,
promulgating : weird, woke ideas and in doing so seeding doubt and fear, and more than that, disharmony and disunity”.
It would seem that some MP’s are waking up to the ongoing saturation of outfits like the Runnymede Trust by lefty “common purpose” people and the massive danger it creates.
The tendency for any organisation to go woke usually starts in the PR or Marketing departments of these places as they are usually populated by younger “arts” graduates who have been brainwashed at uni that this is their mission.
The same indoctrinated people usually have their fingers on the social face of the organisation and can re-purpose the organisation simply by using social blackmail as it is now a much more powerful driver of the outfits “presence” than the board of directors or even their end products for example.
I have clients where I can see this going on. It starts with for instance posters appearing on the Company notice board supporting woke thinking then Company posts on social media doing the same and ends with complete domination of the Company through it’s HR department and etc. as the top brass find themselves backed against the wall and silenced.
The only way to fight this pernicious trend is from the end-user, vote with your wallets, don’t buy anything from any company that is heading this way.
I can even see my own bank starting off down this route, a bank I won’t name but who I joined because they seemed fair and responsible, They are becoming every day more and more ridiculously woke in the emails and advertising so I fear a parting of the ways pretty soon!
Finally do not overlook the fact that the outfit Runnymede Trust exists purely to attempt to remove the concept of “Britishness” in this Country and to replace it with a concept of absolute enforced global equality personally and financially for anyone arriving in this Country regardless of their talent or ability or even willingness to integrate and contribute.
local bbc news last night
“at the Sikh temple in Scunthorpe where people are getting vaccinated”
last week it was the same but “at the Scunthorpe mosque”
That Sikh report ,was presented by the Sikh trainee reporter who is also an anti-Indian government activist re farm reforms.
both ITV and BBC local news had an item
“southern family move to Hull and say it’s cheap and friendly.”
I guess that’s Hull Council PR team
.. and they found a family so far untouched by Hulls vandals and deliquents.
It’s like a sick game of working out the truth from the omissions …..
Meanwhile – I saw a bit of an effervescent Roger harrabin telling us the eating meat, dairy products, flying and being alive is going to be illegal in order to meet some ‘climate change targets ‘….
……….I wish someone would put up pictures of each Chinese coal powered station coming ‘on stream ‘ each week…
……. burn that carbon ….
Beltane – I’d never seen him before – just heard those gloomy miserable bits he came out with on R4 – sad way to make a good living though – and I wonder if he shares the ‘mental issues ‘ that Scandinavian girl has –
Did this site finish with the ‘ice war ‘ or has it just cooled ?
Fed, there are approximately 26 million homes in the UK. At a guess, less than 1% will have ground source or air source heat pumps fitted for heating the home in winter. The CO2 created and energy used in manufacturing, let alone transporting, selling and installing these heat pumps will be massive. How will it be offset?
Before the ground source or air source heat pump is installed in a property several things must happen.
Firstly, the Grade Listing rules will have to be done away with by legislation. I imagine English Heritage and the Victorian Society will have something to say about that along with the more affluent people who own Grade listed properties. There will be opposition.
Secondly, properties will have to be insulated and sealed up tight. (Not very good in the age of Covid and Influenza, I would have thought.) The insulation materials have to be manufactured; that will create CO2 & require energy as will the transportation and installation of the insulation.
Thirdly, the pumps themselves will require maintenance visits and may well have a service life, not dis-similar to a boiler. And that all assumes a fault-free installation. I can imagine there will be some poor workmanship in some installations and maybe damage caused which will require making good. That will all require correction and possibly new parts and more energy (carbon) consumed and CO2 emitted.
The heat pumps will not be transported, I guess, by lads on bicycles.
The Prime Minister has obviously not thought this through.
I think nut nuts husband made a promise in a horizontal position and he knows that it’s just a G7 peeing contest to make the biggest impossible promise for future politicians to be beaten up with .
I favour nuclear powered jet aircraft – nothing could go wrong there ….
OK here’s the Tucker Greenwald full 5 min video On Youtube
No coincidence that two of the few remaining journalists with actual integrity left – Tucker Carlson and Glenn Greenwald – are targeted virtually every day on here by the insatiable mob.
C4 news – for the hardcore woke
C4 seems to be leading the charge on ‘wealthy’ countries giving vaccine to the third word because it just ain’t fair …..
So screw national self interest or the needs of UK taxpayers who funded the development and contracting for supply here –
C4 will be looking for ( suicidal ) Uk politicians wanting to supply the 3rd world before our programme is completed – I nominate one red Tory – Andrew Mitchell – to lead the charge from his morally superior altitude …
I’ve got a theory about the footy thing – I think that the owners are just ramping the value of their companies – sorry – footy clubs – in order to get bought out / compensated for giving up ownership of these clubs – which are only investments after all …
Perhaps reality is to be found in the share prices of quoted football companies ….
I know I shouldn’t watch the bBC, but it was only the snooker, honest. Anyway, it struck me that snooker is very biased racially. Only 1 white ball, but 3 balls of colour, yellow, brown and black, even the greens get a look in.. Also, there are no bame snooker players, just white and Chinese. Can the bBC do something about this inequality?
It’s a very green sport… unlike motor racing – which hopefully will be banned shortly to reduce the ‘carbon footprint ‘ so painfully stamped out by the UK . ( all those private jets for Lewis) Let’s have more nuclear every where – that’s the solution …
And it might be flippant to suggest that the orld needs to with Joe Biden and the red button, however I want you to cast your mind back to the time Hilary Clinton was standing for election and the rumours then that she was intending to start a war with Russia.
And here we are again, just 4 years later and the same thing rearing its ugly head again.
Russia is a major oil & gas producer, and it supplies much of Europes gas for winter heating. If you believe the conjecture the destabilising Syrian war was all about a gas pipeline running to at least the Southern Medditeranean.
We had an Islamic group ISIS funded largely by Saudi but also several other oil rich Sunni Muslim states including Qatar.
Syria rejected the pipeline allegedly to protect the interests of its ally Russia which is the largest supplier of natural gas to Europe.
Clinton wasn’t just crooked she was totally bent, and now although I don’t believe Joe Biden is compos mentis enough to run a confrontation with Russia, there are wicked evil people in his party who most certainly are.
Again it comes back to that old mantra – follow the money and in this case there’s really only one place it ends up.
And we prep for nuclear war how ? Buy toilet rolls ? I can’t even get to my secret bunker in New Zealand now and people might notice if I start digging one in my secret garden in NE Londonistan …. or white sheets on the windows to stop the thermo nuclear flash a second before the blast demolishes the city …
I just hope I get my second jab before they drop one … you’d have to feel sorry for the Russian? Targeting committee trying to find something worth hitting in blighty ….the IKEA in Edmonton maybe ?
Tonight’s TV diversity as ever
8pm Become a champion jeweller, contest
9pm History of make-up
8pm Become a champion make-up artist, contest
Any cooking shows ?
7pm BBC Hairy Bikers in the Med
7:30pm ITV Ainsley in the Med (see diversity !)
9pm ITV Gordon & Ramsey and mates travel in the South of France (The Med ?)
8pm C4 Celebrity Bake Off repeat (not in the Med)
9pm Chefs make Shreddies breakfast cereal
Channel 5
7 pm GPs in Brm
8pm Yorkshire Vets
8pm Yorkshire Farm
10pm Doctors in Sudan War
11pm Ambulances in London
You know Joe’s put his foot in it, when even the BBC’s finest Anthony Zurcher can’t think of a way to try and spin it
“Biden just positioned himself into the middle of a social and political tinder-box just a day after the presiding judge in the trial warned politicians to “stop talking about the case” and that their failure to do so was “abhorrent”.
That tinder-box could explode depending on the outcome of the trial, and Biden will be judged on how he handles the resulting fallout.
By effectively taking sides, his ability to serve as a leader for this divided nation may prove all the more challenging.”
It concerns the death of a young man pinned to the ground, and complaining “I can’t breath” several times before finally expiring. Yet there were no headlines around the world, no claims of a ‘racist murderous intent, there were no shrines errected to him by Labour, and no public court case.
In fact no one was even charged with an offence, despite the coronor recording that the four men who had restrained Jack did so with ‘unnecessarily prolonged, grossly excessive, and unreasonable force.’
Jack Barnes unfortunately for his family was White and so in the scheme of things today counted for very little to the left, no riots, no protests nothing. Had he been Black however it would have been a very different story.
Actually just 3 or 4 hours ago CPS changed their mind
on the Jack Barnes case
“The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) had previously ruled out manslaughter but has now ordered a review.”
AFAIK the security team of ex-coppers were unprofessional and negligent in breaking their own operating rules “don’t give chase”
They weren’t murderers but seem more negligent that Chauvin.
The irony is Manchester Council protect the illegal George Floyd mural in the middle of Manchester.
“The corporations !”
..there is one corporation that puts people in jail, for refusing to pay it
even when they don’t consume its product, but rather consume a competitors ..which is broadcast live.
paraphasing @OldHolborn
There’s so much more on the PJW Twitter feed
including this
Biologist author Richard Dawkins has been stripped of an honour awarded to him by The American Humanist Association in 1996, following tweets that he says merely called for a discussion on transgender issues.
JohnCMar 4, 00:00 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I think you overcomplicate it there Zelazek: Trump is outspokenly right-wing. And the Left absolutely hate people like him with…
ZelazekMar 3, 23:46 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Jeff – exactly. They hate Trump no matter what. Their reasons will appear illogical and contradictory over time. This hatred…
tomoMar 3, 23:39 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Still no mention on the BBC… Even given the Daily Mail’s hyperbolising it’s pretty crazy…
JohnCMar 3, 23:29 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Two dead after car drives into crowd in Germany Damn those cars : when will they stop driving into…
JohnCMar 3, 23:24 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I think the recent statements from the EU of how they want to be the worlds leading military superpower opened…
KikuchiyoMar 3, 23:11 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Zelenskyy has repeatedly expressed his gratitude to the US for their assistance and opened his remarks in the Oval office…
The Floyd George fiasco of a trial.
Why is the prosecution allowed two closing arguments, one before and one after the defence’s closing argument.
BBC NA BS reporting, or quietly distancing themselves?
IIRC, at one stage the world’s most trusted broadcaster had the ‘storming of the Capitol’ taking the lives of four or five?
This seems now to have reduced to one, and not the one the narrative is too keen to ask many questions about.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Sicknick was a patriot who will be remembered by lawmakers each day as they enter the Capitol. “We will never forget,” she promised his family, who attended the ceremony.
Never forget what Nancy ? – that he died of natural causes which had nothing to do with the protesters ?.
I don’t have the words for how much I detest everything that woman stands for. She is a liar full of hate. That’s it.
GWF, it’s how the American legal system works.
Prosecution presents
Defense presents and attempts to rebut Prosecution allegations and witnesses
Prosecution is allowed to rebut Defense testimony/allegations
Might be different from the UK, but it is what it is, like it or not
Thanks for pointing this out. I see it as giving the prosecution two bites at the cherry.
In this case the Defence argued for a mistrial on the grounds that the Prosecution’s rebuttal was improper and belittled the Defence’s expert witnesses, repeatedly referring to stories including Halloween stories
Found you again.
Been getting withdrawal symptoms. So much bias and so few outlets.
Well in the situation I’ll re-iterate belatedly my ‘favourite’ bias of the week.
On I think Toady about a week ago, Barbara Plett Usher was ‘reporting’ about the Floyd George trial and in that context talked about ‘Police Brutality’.
I thought the general rule was to wait for the verdict of the jury. Until then I thought the general rule was innocent until proven guilty, and particularly in this case the determination of whether reasonable force was used.
But clearly the BBC have already decided on the court’s behalf. No need for jury trial in BBCland.
So. Undemocratic despots as well as biased.
During the BBC Weather report this afternoon the reporter gleefully states that so far, this has been the driest April since 2013…… the constant drip drip of climate change agenda.
Perhaps they could try to report something that would be in the public interest like the fact that there has been a distinct lack of wind since the 12th of April.
8 days of wind power generation never going above 8% and mostly less than 5%..
Note wind power in blue, coal in black, gas in orange…
Tonight, coal producing more than wind.
Really like your posts on this.
Worth noting, as mentioned previously, that gas plus wind is roughly constant. In other words, gas is essential for when the wind doesn’t blow, and therefore we need and have to fund a total generation capacity nearly double what we need.
Even Greta and Roger can’t produce that level of hot air. Nor explain how we keep warm during cold windless anticyclones. As we have now.
An issue the BBC climate change propaganda singularly fails to confront.
I would be very interested to see the actual cost for each of those to get it into perspective.
The true cost of electricity from wind turbines through their life including all the subsidies etc is an inconvenient truth very carefully hidden.
@JohnC Bottomline you are free to build a large wind farm on your own huge country estate if you fulfil simple planning permission rules.
No one does this.
The BBC make out that’s , cos onshore wind *is banned*.
.. It is not, it’s just super uncompetitive, so no one builds them without huge effective subsidies
what I pick up from years of reading Paul Homewood
is that coal/gas plants sell to the grid at £35-£40 per MWh if the contract says they can run steadily through the day
but now they enter contracts where they are paid a certain rate, but have to switch off and on with the wind
Except they get a super high price for sudden quick start if a lot of green power suddenly drops.
Meanwhile wind/solar contracts come with these 4 effective subsidies
#1 Guaranteed priority market access
If they have power to supply then fuel powered power stations are made to switch off
Likewise if they suddenly stop supplying power they get no penalty
#2 From the beginning they get a guaranteed price which over 20 years climbs with inflation
today it’s about £130/MWh
#3 If they have power to sell but the grid doesn’t need it , they get constraint payments to switch off
#4 They are located far from most large customers, so the grid supplies them with free gigantic infrastructure like the Scotland to Holyhead link
Likewise Drax gets a subsidy for burning US wood pellets instead of coal.
In addition start up grants are available to corps pushing new magic green dreams
Countryfile on bBBC1 came from the Hambleden Valley, which I know well.
Let’s see what mass appeal stories they have for us.
1. BAME presenter
2. Three wheeler motorbike small business.
3. Lace making
4. Park and ride for horse boxes with horses.
5. Pony riding for autistic children.
Mmmmm. Just as I expected. None at all.
Meanwhile….in the real world, most people go walking, go to the pub, do a bit of sightseeing, spend time by the river, and see some film and TV locations. Oh, and get very angry with new and exorbitant car park charges. About which the BBC had nothing to say whatever.
Did you miss the “horses aren’t racist” line at minute 56 ?
see weekend thread
other segments “And this is where BBC progs like the Vicar of Dibley are filmed” etc.
The only time I see a BAME in the countryside (and I live down a leafy lane surrounded by a fields and a small river), is on Countryfile – so hardly representative is it. ? Equally there is a commuter market town close by with a fairly vibrant BAME community, but they tend to stay in their own claustrophobic confines, yet they live within shouting distance of beautiful countryside which they cant be bothered with. So when I hear that racism is rampant outside of inner city centres, its utter bullsh…t !
We heard from sex-pest Moffat the other day how the BBC consciously lie and mis-represent minorities because they believe it might change the world and peoples perceptions to make the lie come true.
The reason why they think it is perfectly OK to lie in the name of THEIR agenda eludes me. But that’s the outrageous double-standards of the Left for you. They are fascists by every definition except their own.
Green Boris continues with his Make-Britain-Poor-Again programme
#Hairshirts for us
Subsidy ££s for his Green-Subsidy-mafia mates
New weekly trends
UK is 106th in deaths per million population (39th in Europe only)
but case rate trend is almost flat
For Europe deaths/million per week stats Iceland has zero
Then a batch of countries Like UK, Portugal, Denmark have 3
Then the worst 10 of the 40 countries have death rates twenty to six times worse (ie 60-180)
George Floyd death: Three Americans assess Derek Chauvin trial
Here’s what these specially chosen people had to say about the verdict:
1) Everything is there and we need to come out with a conviction for sure. I hope the jury is going to come back with the fastest verdict in history and find him guilty of the highest charges (Black male).
2) I think Derek Chauvin should be found guilty. He’s got three different charges against him and I don’t know the nuances of these different charges, but it’s up to the jury to find the perfect charge to find him guilty. (Mixed race mother of two)
3) The unfortunate reality I think the country is facing is that anything short of first degree murder will bring riots. (Retired policeman ‘trainer’ who doesn’t even know he’s not charged with first degree murder).
And that’s it. Not a single one saying he should be found not guilty.
Another triumph of Left wing ‘fair and impartial reporting’. Straight from the gutter where the BBC seem to spend most of their time these days.
Anything specially selected and then editted by the bbc is worth vey little.
They may as well have had Jon Sopel chat with David Lammy, Amy Rutland and the ghost of Winnie Mandela, and chop out the bits that did not fit.
So true. My favourite was after the first Dr Who with Jodie. The BBC had carefully chosen some twitter comments including one slightly negative (for balance) – but followed it with someone disagreeing with it.
The HYS comments absolutely panned it as woke rubbish. Made my day.
Has anybody noticed the bias in the BBC reporting of the proposed European super league? A group of 12 football clubs no longer want to be tied to the UEFA controlled Champions / Europa leagues and so have devised their own private tournament instead. UEFA can still run their own leagues except these clubs don’t want to participate.
Now the BBC reporting on it has been hysterical and sensationalist. They even have got Boris Johnson to do something. He is now on record saying it would be bad for these English football clubs to leave UEFA and he Bo – Jo will be a defender of UEFA. This is just like when Bo – Jo said it would be bad for England to leave the EU … oh wait … no … I have just realised Bo Jo a hypocrite and clueless political opportunist.
I have to admit that I am surprised that such a pro EU globalist outfit as the BBC is so anti a ‘European super league “.
As a neutral – ie someone who doesn’t spend any money on football and doesn’t watch live footy anymore – except as part of prime – I really could care less .
I do care about the true English football – from the Championship down – which is financially struggling .
It must be time for the EU to chime in but the French and Germans will have a view ….
Elsewhere ….
Is anyone monitoring the number of air covid flights coming in from India and Pakistan before the red status in 3 days time … must be in the thousands …
I am anti-Globalist and am also a football fan. This move is a step on the road to full globalisation so I am totally against it.
As far as football goes it makes the rich clubs richer and damns those who aren’t as financially healthy. (I am a Man Utd fan and I condemn the owners who are agreeing to this). In fact this is all about the fact that these major clubs are all owned by Americans, Russians and Arabs. None of these have the interests of the clubs they own in their hearts. They regard the clubs as cash-cows and this will make them even richer.
Once the bubble bursts they will all sell up leaving these clubs in a mess (asset stripping) and the clubs may not be allowed to take part in domestic competitions again.
I don’t often agree with Gary Neville but I am 100% with what he says on this. The 12 clubs are a disgrace. I don’t even know why half the teams are English and the other six are split between Italy and Spain. Is it an attempt to destroy English Football’s successfulness in European competition?
Have you seen UEFA’s new three league system: Champions League, Europa League and Europa League Conference?
One not just for Marianna, but most bbc staff still keen on the BLM divisivty cause.
The coverage of the BBC NA na na BS team is again telling.
Flogging books, reminiscing…. anything but going there.
Katty is RTing mosque conversions and Marianna is still on feet.
BBC has been approached by the pr team for another American celebrity of peroxide out of the limelight, clawing back.
Recall meeting a lovely guy from a local ISP. Turns out he was a teacher before.
A kid was pummelling another in the school corridor so he restrained him. Head and senior weasels got him fired rather than support, despite all parents siding with him, to avoid activist/media pile on.
Seeing a vanilla Meghan clone given this fluff job on a complex subject is very bbc.
I’ve noticed the BBC are quoting ‘social media influencers’ more and more these days as if the title makes their opinion somehow definitive.
They are invariably young females obsessed with how they look holding opinions shared by other young girls who want to be like them and who are the last people on Earth we should pay any attention to.
influencers are often non-white females
…. experts are likely to be white-males.
So less experts and more influencers means the BBC can make the the UK seem 60% non-white, like they seem to think it is.
The BBC are going strongly after British kids market. Getting to them early and brainwashing them.
I understand that the footage of the leader of the Labour Party being thrown out of a pub in Bath hasn’t got ‘air time ‘ on the BBC . Perhaps they are too vexed about footy and the end of ‘match of the day ‘ .
Starmer is heard to say to the publican ‘I don’t need lectures from you ‘ – an attitude he applies to all voters …..
… but there again – a view shared by all politicians – who all know better than you – dear reader … now the football – squirrels !
Quite agree. In this increasing ‘Alice in Wonderland’ World the irrelevant is prominent yet the really serious is by-passed or ignored. Football v the massing armed forces in the South China Sea? I know what I would prefer to know about.
And in response – I agree – a military encounter in either the Ukraine or South China Sea – if it becomes public – will hit the markets hard – irrespective of potential escalation .
I wonder if either is the predicted test of the regime of the false president ? The MSM seem to be behaving as though this stuff is not happening so the shock of an ‘event ‘ will be even greater .
On the upside – since our military forces are so small our direct involvement can’t be up to much – plus or minus a leaky aircraft carrier …
“The Mouse Threatens The Bear: After US Pull-Back UK Sends Warships to Black Sea”
Interesting discussion on the now refusal of the Fake President to send two warships into the Black Sea, yet, ‘hey presto’ the UK steps up to the plate.
Fascinating that the Navy is interested in the Black Sea but not in the security of the Channel formerly known as ‘English “.
I suppose the UK government is doing what america wants to be in the fictitious ‘ special relationship ‘ thing ….
… BTW – has the rioting in NI restarted ?
Saint Jaq seems to be mixed messaging, at best.
First Aung Sun Su Ki, now the teeth on the hoof?
Mad Max, BLM… Surkeer and entourage… soon the BBC will only be able to talk footy, and even then…
The end of the CANZUK idea. With Canada having the wokist PM of limited intelligence and New Zealand b eing in league with the Devil, CANZUK has now become AUK.
Lets hope it doesn’t go the way of The great Auk. This is a danger with Biden in the Whitehouse.
As ex-forces myself, I can only imagine what life will be like on an Army camp staffed by all the new generation woke warriors.
Actually I’m pretty sure it’s all PR BS and the few they recruit will all be stuffed into admin roles while the real Army will be the same young, agressive people it has to have to do the fighting.
Have you heard the recent army recruiting adds. on the radio ?
No – only by other people’s comments and what I saw in the Telegraph.
Every time I hear of it, it reminds me of when I was in training and we were paired up to fire the GPMG down a 1,000 yard range and I got put with an office boy who I am sure would be classed as a woke-warrior now.
All I can say is that in the event of war, it would have saved lives to give him the first bullet …
And the office boy became chief of the efence staff ,…
Echoes of the Royal Navy encounter with the Iranians who committed a war crime by taking their iPods away on capture – the swine ….
Yes, I remember vividly first understanding that joint manoeuvres with our “European Friends” stopped on a Friday night for them and resumed the next Monday as they had to have the weekend off. Just like ‘real’ war I guess.
I’ve had some limited experience with an emergency services exercise with the UK and EU and what struck me the most is how the entire focus was how to get more funding from the EU. The actual exercise was slightly useful, but mostly a waste of everybodies time doing easy exercises made up to fill the day.
How does one recognise a French soldier?
Sunburned armpits!
Enough trouble as it is…
So why don’t we ban all road traffic?
That might well be the logical health and safety reaction when we read in the Daily Telegraph this morning: ‘Covid deaths fall below average daily number killed on roads‘ – and one could point out the disparity in the average age of the two categories of victim – but lets not encourage some expert to bang a load of numbers into another bloody computer model, we’re in enough trouble as it is.
Lest we completely rule out the notion of confining the private motor car to the pages of history as being no more than a daft utopian pipe dream…
‘Johnson to commit to tougher targets on emissions ahead of climate summit‘ (FT)
I suppose these days one ought never underestimate the all-pervading impulse to virtue signal. The habit of loud public trumpeting of one’s supposed personal piety has grown from the habit of a few fringe left-wing politicians into almost the raison d’être for our entire media and national institutions, moreover it’s now the necessary qualification of a public figure or celebrity.
The tell tale mark of the most craven and egregious virtue signalling is that the subject matter of the signal falls so very far outside of the actual purview of the signaller.
We notice too, the exclamation of this individual righteousness to be most often detatched from any personal cost or consequences.
And so it is that where a dozen former bang-average right-backs employed to burble about football at half-time between the adverts on Sky have already squeeled their distaste, our Prince William weighs in on the subject of how televised football competitions are to be administered and financed: ‘William cries foul on league of greed‘ (Daily Mail)
I wonder what the Duke of Cambridge has to say about other corporate profit-led developments in this fair land? ‘100ft phone masts may be built in countyside as rules are eased‘ (Telegraph)
The enviroment, that’s more his dad’s bag. Sadly the Prince of Wales’s PR department seems to have been unavailable for comment: ‘…as Charles mourns alone for father in Welsh retreat‘ (Mail)
One apologises to those not all that interested in the multi-million dollar (I mention the form of curency advisedly here) supposedly beautiful game, but the reaction to a proposed business reorganisation has been quite something to behold. In terms that would normally hardly have the FT blush pink… the present ruling cartel is threatened by a hostile merger of sorts eager to nab their best assets.
And yet a thousand pundits cry “I am Spartacus” – all without the least fear of ever being nailed to a cross.
‘The great game robbery‘ – claims the Sun. We ask ourselves who suffers under this new deal?
Why, those angelic Robin Hood paragons of virtue UEFA, the Premier League and FIFA. Perhaps we should summon up that selfless euro humanitarian Sepp Blatter to lead the opposition from his retirement home he shares with fellow mitteleuropeans Albert Schweitzer and Oskar Schindler?
With nothing better to do with themselves a few bored fans rock up to the various home stadia of the errant big six clubs – of course they can’t enter their beloved grounds to watch any live football but they can have a bit of a protest. Which gifts the papers with a photo and a story. And they’re all at it.
‘Opposition to the European Super League outside Arsenal’s Emirates stadium‘ (Guardian)
Insert here some form of commentary on how the former Manchester Guardian has become fully metropolitan focused.
‘Manchester United fans express their dismay in their banner outside Old Trafford yesterday‘ (Telegraph)
Insert here some form of commentary on how the former Torygraph has become somewhat Northern Red Wall focused.
The slogan daubed on the United fan’s banner is quite something to behold (we already mentioned the legendary Robin Hood) “Created by the poor stolen by the rich” – all together now…
Robin Hood, Robin Hood, riding through the glen
Robin Hood, Robin Hood, with his band of men
Feared by the bad, loved by the good
Robin Hood, Robin Hood, Robin Hood
Remind me how many Premier League players voted for a pay cut, due to covid?
And yet supposedly we’re all in this together, a nation of charitable merry men.
Let’s have less of this “men”
‘Is Carey’s hit film a feminist triumph – or anti-man diatribe?‘ asks the Daily Mail. My reaction to movies is are they any good? But what do I know? In direct answer to the Daily Mail’s question – could it be the two are the same thing?
Angela Rayner the lispy Labour Party number two is certainly a feminist but in the left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper today she calls for her wimpy (some would claim forensic – let’s nickname him Captain Briefs) boss to get a bit more muscular – dare I say manly – in his opposition to the Tories: ‘Labour deputy calls on Starmer to come out fighting‘
Steady on luv, he’s in enough trouble as it is…
‘Starmer ejected from pub by angry landlord‘ (Telegraph)
‘Keir off! Moment Starmer was barred from pub by angry landlord‘ (Metro)
Perhaps it is the ‘sweet shop effect ‘ – the MSM goes from one ‘thing ‘ covid – royalty – footy – to the next – focusing on some ‘outrage ‘.
Maybe the PM knows that the next wave of some virus will kill so many of us that we will achieve our ‘climate target ‘ – but the BBC will want to put up the licence fee to meet the shortfall of millions of dead licence fee payers ….
4:25am BBC radio
“The Kremlin’s compliant media machine”
… well that parallels The Democrats
“compliant media machine” CNN-CBC-BBC etc.
The voice seemed to be an expert talking about Putin against Navalny
but might as well as been talking about the Democrats agai Trump.
Starmer’s line “I don’t need lectures from you”
Is about 30 seconds into The Guardian video
It’s the cleanest edit I can find
cos most media first insert the later bit of the landlord blocking the door at the front
Even the Guardian cuts a bit between the landlord showing his graph and Starmer delivering his line.
And to be fair I reckon he says something like
‘My wife and her NHS colleagues have been working on the front line,’ “so I really don’t need lectures from you”
..and then marches into the pub unaware he’s just been arguing with the landlord.
TOADY Watch #1 – the BBC are besides themselves with joy at the news
It’s 6 a.m. and the news brings with it the decision of the PM to commit national suicide on behalf of our UK economy, UK business and probably the elderly, certainly the elderly poor. The Prime Minister is to enact into law the biggest carbon/CO2 reduction programme of any nation in the world.
I do wish politicians would stop ‘grandstanding’ with our well-being and futures.
Blair did it.
Brown did it.
Cameron sort of did it with his little Libyan adventure.
May did it.
And now Bojo is doing it.
Doing it with out our consent and with “our” money.
Time our politics was reformed ! The politicians are not listening to the people that pay their wages.
They all want to go down in History as the one who saved the world.
I’m certain that’s the main reason Blair went into Iraq – which would certainly be followed by becoming the first President of the EU.
How happy I am that he is now a has-been almost universally hated.
Gatestone’s accurate appraisal. Cannot be faulted.
“All the elements for history’s next great conflict are now in place.”
If the West’s so-called, “Leaders” recognised some while ago this was the line of travel, it could explain, certainly in part, why they are so ineffective and blatantly useless.
Some folks have seen this coming for a number of years now, unfortunately none of them are in Government on either side of the Atlantic
Starmer was not the first. Not on Al Beeb but last December ITN news……………..
“First Minister Mark Drakeford banned from over 100 Welsh pubs“
Sturgeon true to form gets in with a panic-stricken last minute coronavirus easing briefing before Boris does his thing for England later today.
What a childish shallow woman she is!
She is indeed digg. A vile wee hag.
Today’s Belfield court case .. has been cancelled
…doh of course
I did mention from the start that, in his case the police have habit of giving him a court date and then cancelling it.
Seems they waited to the day before and then sent him an email
his 8 min video
She speaks of Vine “has liked tweets from people, who have also tweeted death threats to me”
typo .. He speaks
Belfield’s other video
Greater Manchester Police decided to HELP a victim of harassment by sending three policemen to his home at 1:30am
to warn him that if he continued his complaint against the alleged-perp, the poor perp might suffer mental health risks.
BBC Disciplines Just TWO Staffers for Social Media Breaches in Last Year
Hands up anyone who is surprised……..
So, views their own…. but not to the taste of the bosses?
Pure #tellitoftenenough
They know and they don’t care. They know there are no consequences for bad behaviour
All part of the ploy I think. They know they’re shedding viewers like a snake sheds its skin. The BBC probably think to get to rock bottom quickly will make the Government step in and finance the broadcaster through taxation thus becoming a safety net. The rush to achieve that? Well wouldn’t you with a flexible shape-shifter PM sat in No. 10?
COVID, lockdown, hands ,face,space,fresh air, vaccines, follow the data, ….etc . A simple message to Bo Jo & Al Beeb……………… “You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time.”
This government needs reform .
Gurning out from the entrance to local supermarket checkouts
There really should be an annual Private Frazer Award
bBC website, News Headlines
1) Chad’s President Idriss Déby dies after ‘clashes with rebels’
2) Natasha Lewis: Fiancé says he has ‘lost the love of his life’
3) Aldi brings back Cuthbert the Caterpillar cake for charity
Number 3 – news headlines!
Get a grip
The BBC used to run Blue Peter. Now Blue Peter runs The BBC.
I thought the game was up for us as kept getting ” your connection is not private” messages and …made me think Mr Tim Davie has found a way to ban us?
I got that treatment too . I thought my days of ‘power through moderation ‘ were over and id have to merge into the background with millions of others grinding their teeth and rolling their eyes after 5 minutes exposure to the BBC –
– which has reverted to type after its short painful period of pretending to be British with the Death of the Duke or Edinburgh ..
Type being non reporting of
the Starmer confrontation –
wall to wall coverage of a foreign murder trial-
going bananas over football –
ignoring daily illegal arrivals across the Channel –
to list but a few ….
China’s own direct supporter: The UN –
“The 47-member U.N. Human Rights Council has just passed a resolution that essentially condemns international efforts to press Venezuela, Cuba and other dictatorships to respect human rights.” Diddum’s.
Reeks of China, in the process of terraforming the World to suit their style of ‘leadership’. ‘Let’s get the World sorted out in our favour before we take over’. Well on the way I observe to a smooth transition.
Shut up and think how you are told.
oo[s it’s already above
but the tweet hadn’t loaded when I looked at the page
Getting all the cred gigs.
Reading off a script, badly… less so.
Eastwood Nottingham with a grudge comes up behind pensioner kicks legs from under him
..then leaves the store within a minute ..
2.40pm on Monday 29 March 2020
Dunno why it takes police 3 weeks to release video
Full description by opening youTube
4:30pm : Great Lives : Black and British pioneer Kenny Lynch
Eddie Piller (white DJ) chooses the black and British entertainer Kenny Lynch,
who first found fame with the song ‘Up on the Roof’.
at the start of his career – one of the very few black and British singers in the UK
“Kenny Lynch was no victim,” Eddie says
Kenny clip “Yeh my dad came from the West Indies very early , we were one of the first coloured families
it never gave me any trouble at school”
sketch with Jimmy Tarbuck
“Are you playing Buttons ?
… no chocolate buttons
Kenny are you Irish ?
Yes I’m from Cork
… what burnt Cork ?”
Oh they arrived before the war
Kenny “Times were tough, they kinda let us steal apples, people were kind”
Presenter “It’s possible his father served in WW1”
It was Shirley Bassey that got him into making records.
End “He felt his colour helped him”
They do have their moments.
Not at the BBC, obvs.
It’s all in this long thread, that includes a Tucker video
Sleepy moment.
I wonder if Jon is still tweeting about having his toenails painted?
Not the BBC – but a woke ‘historian ‘ of Mixed heritage has put out a book describing ‘bomber ‘ Harris as a psychopath . This was reported in the Telegraph ( comments were not allowed ) -there is a rebuttal today regarding the great man .
The DT giving publicity to this ‘historian ‘ who I won’t name – is akin to the kind of sniping the BbC does from time to time on Bomber Command .
Fortunately the BBC doesn’t do detail – and at one stage thought was given to using the Atom Bomb on Germany – if thing went bad – using adapted lancasters to deliver it ……………..they even started training for it …
“US Sleepwalks Into Taiwan Guarantee, Risking War with China”
Anybody else follow this character, Alexander Mercouris? He’s involved with The Duran as well. Personally, I have found his talks informative and interesting – up to about a month ago. Then I detected/sensed a change. He’s slowly becoming a signed up member of the Russian and Chinese Communist Party. It’s all supportive of them and their actions.
But, I seem to recall he was somehow involved with RT some years back. Have I got that wrong. Could explain his topple from the vertical.
Covid deaths back up to 33
… yesterday’s total of 4 seems the result of doctor’s weekend
Looks like the deaths are averaging 20/day
\\PM Boris Johnson announces new taskforce to find “promising new medicines” to treat Covid by autumn//
This could be a sign that we can expect another lockdown in the fall?
First, it was about getting the jab now its getting “two pills”. What next, passports ?
Lincolnshire MP Sir John Hayes in parliament called upon Kemi Badenoch
to make representations to “stop the worthless work of organisations like the RunnymedeTrust,
often publicly funded,
promulgating : weird, woke ideas and in doing so seeding doubt and fear, and more than that, disharmony and disunity”.
The minister agreed and said say that the
Equality & Human Rights Commission had written an open letter to Runnymede ?
about them apparently calling for the EHRC to be defunded
Parliament video
It would seem that some MP’s are waking up to the ongoing saturation of outfits like the Runnymede Trust by lefty “common purpose” people and the massive danger it creates.
The tendency for any organisation to go woke usually starts in the PR or Marketing departments of these places as they are usually populated by younger “arts” graduates who have been brainwashed at uni that this is their mission.
The same indoctrinated people usually have their fingers on the social face of the organisation and can re-purpose the organisation simply by using social blackmail as it is now a much more powerful driver of the outfits “presence” than the board of directors or even their end products for example.
I have clients where I can see this going on. It starts with for instance posters appearing on the Company notice board supporting woke thinking then Company posts on social media doing the same and ends with complete domination of the Company through it’s HR department and etc. as the top brass find themselves backed against the wall and silenced.
The only way to fight this pernicious trend is from the end-user, vote with your wallets, don’t buy anything from any company that is heading this way.
I can even see my own bank starting off down this route, a bank I won’t name but who I joined because they seemed fair and responsible, They are becoming every day more and more ridiculously woke in the emails and advertising so I fear a parting of the ways pretty soon!
Finally do not overlook the fact that the outfit Runnymede Trust exists purely to attempt to remove the concept of “Britishness” in this Country and to replace it with a concept of absolute enforced global equality personally and financially for anyone arriving in this Country regardless of their talent or ability or even willingness to integrate and contribute.
Sir John Hayes was 100% correct.
local bbc news last night
“at the Sikh temple in Scunthorpe where people are getting vaccinated”
last week it was the same but “at the Scunthorpe mosque”
That Sikh report ,was presented by the Sikh trainee reporter who is also an anti-Indian government activist re farm reforms.
both ITV and BBC local news had an item
“southern family move to Hull and say it’s cheap and friendly.”
I guess that’s Hull Council PR team
.. and they found a family so far untouched by Hulls vandals and deliquents.
“Wythenshawe rape: Woman attacked by group of men in park”
Why no description of the “Men” ?
It’s like a sick game of working out the truth from the omissions …..
Meanwhile – I saw a bit of an effervescent Roger harrabin telling us the eating meat, dairy products, flying and being alive is going to be illegal in order to meet some ‘climate change targets ‘….
……….I wish someone would put up pictures of each Chinese coal powered station coming ‘on stream ‘ each week…
……. burn that carbon ….
‘…an effervescent Roger Harrabim…..’
Not CO2, surely?
Beltane – I’d never seen him before – just heard those gloomy miserable bits he came out with on R4 – sad way to make a good living though – and I wonder if he shares the ‘mental issues ‘ that Scandinavian girl has –
Did this site finish with the ‘ice war ‘ or has it just cooled ?
Fed, there are approximately 26 million homes in the UK. At a guess, less than 1% will have ground source or air source heat pumps fitted for heating the home in winter. The CO2 created and energy used in manufacturing, let alone transporting, selling and installing these heat pumps will be massive. How will it be offset?
Before the ground source or air source heat pump is installed in a property several things must happen.
Firstly, the Grade Listing rules will have to be done away with by legislation. I imagine English Heritage and the Victorian Society will have something to say about that along with the more affluent people who own Grade listed properties. There will be opposition.
Secondly, properties will have to be insulated and sealed up tight. (Not very good in the age of Covid and Influenza, I would have thought.) The insulation materials have to be manufactured; that will create CO2 & require energy as will the transportation and installation of the insulation.
Thirdly, the pumps themselves will require maintenance visits and may well have a service life, not dis-similar to a boiler. And that all assumes a fault-free installation. I can imagine there will be some poor workmanship in some installations and maybe damage caused which will require making good. That will all require correction and possibly new parts and more energy (carbon) consumed and CO2 emitted.
The heat pumps will not be transported, I guess, by lads on bicycles.
The Prime Minister has obviously not thought this through.
I think nut nuts husband made a promise in a horizontal position and he knows that it’s just a G7 peeing contest to make the biggest impossible promise for future politicians to be beaten up with .
I favour nuclear powered jet aircraft – nothing could go wrong there ….
Those impartial professionals who hold power to account? Surely not.
OK here’s the Tucker Greenwald full 5 min video On Youtube
C4 news – for the hardcore woke
C4 seems to be leading the charge on ‘wealthy’ countries giving vaccine to the third word because it just ain’t fair …..
So screw national self interest or the needs of UK taxpayers who funded the development and contracting for supply here –
C4 will be looking for ( suicidal ) Uk politicians wanting to supply the 3rd world before our programme is completed – I nominate one red Tory – Andrew Mitchell – to lead the charge from his morally superior altitude …
I’ve got a theory about the footy thing – I think that the owners are just ramping the value of their companies – sorry – footy clubs – in order to get bought out / compensated for giving up ownership of these clubs – which are only investments after all …
Perhaps reality is to be found in the share prices of quoted football companies ….
Mercer has resigned!
Its about time the Tory Government looked after our servicemen and put them first.
I know I shouldn’t watch the bBC, but it was only the snooker, honest. Anyway, it struck me that snooker is very biased racially. Only 1 white ball, but 3 balls of colour, yellow, brown and black, even the greens get a look in.. Also, there are no bame snooker players, just white and Chinese. Can the bBC do something about this inequality?
It’s a very green sport… unlike motor racing – which hopefully will be banned shortly to reduce the ‘carbon footprint ‘ so painfully stamped out by the UK . ( all those private jets for Lewis) Let’s have more nuclear every where – that’s the solution …
Vote Boris get Greta
US military leaders claim the world needs to prepare for nuclear war
And it might be flippant to suggest that the orld needs to with Joe Biden and the red button, however I want you to cast your mind back to the time Hilary Clinton was standing for election and the rumours then that she was intending to start a war with Russia.
Here are a couple to refresh your memories.
And here we are again, just 4 years later and the same thing rearing its ugly head again.
Russia is a major oil & gas producer, and it supplies much of Europes gas for winter heating. If you believe the conjecture the destabilising Syrian war was all about a gas pipeline running to at least the Southern Medditeranean.
We had an Islamic group ISIS funded largely by Saudi but also several other oil rich Sunni Muslim states including Qatar.
Syria rejected the pipeline allegedly to protect the interests of its ally Russia which is the largest supplier of natural gas to Europe.
Clinton wasn’t just crooked she was totally bent, and now although I don’t believe Joe Biden is compos mentis enough to run a confrontation with Russia, there are wicked evil people in his party who most certainly are.
Again it comes back to that old mantra – follow the money and in this case there’s really only one place it ends up.
And we prep for nuclear war how ? Buy toilet rolls ? I can’t even get to my secret bunker in New Zealand now and people might notice if I start digging one in my secret garden in NE Londonistan …. or white sheets on the windows to stop the thermo nuclear flash a second before the blast demolishes the city …
I wonder if Boris’ Government will have time to issue guidance such as getting under the kitchen table or in the cupboard beneath the stairs.
I wonder what ever did happen to the CND nutters who were so ernestly supported every step by the BBC and their program writers?
I just hope I get my second jab before they drop one … you’d have to feel sorry for the Russian? Targeting committee trying to find something worth hitting in blighty ….the IKEA in Edmonton maybe ?
Thoughtful: “US military leaders claim the world needs to prepare for nuclear war”
That is one way to get out of this Global Warming, Climate Change, Climate Emergency madness that our stupid politicians have gotten us into.
Tonight’s TV diversity as ever
8pm Become a champion jeweller, contest
9pm History of make-up
8pm Become a champion make-up artist, contest
Any cooking shows ?
7pm BBC Hairy Bikers in the Med
7:30pm ITV Ainsley in the Med (see diversity !)
9pm ITV Gordon & Ramsey and mates travel in the South of France (The Med ?)
8pm C4 Celebrity Bake Off repeat (not in the Med)
9pm Chefs make Shreddies breakfast cereal
Channel 5
7 pm GPs in Brm
8pm Yorkshire Vets
8pm Yorkshire Farm
10pm Doctors in Sudan War
11pm Ambulances in London
What about BBC4 ?
10pm Stephen Lawrence doco ep2
11pm play who about an Egyptian woman, who claimed asylum in Scotland and became trans.
Egyptian girl becomes Scottish man?
Giza brek!
Stew, I’m so glad I don’t watch telly.
There’s an interesting radio programme repeated on R4e at 9 p.m. so I will listen to that instead.
Rab C Nesbit becomes an Egyptian woman ?
George Floyd: Biden ‘praying for right verdict’ in Chauvin trial
Biden said. “I’m praying the verdict is the right verdict. It’s overwhelming, in my view. I wouldn’t say that unless the jury was sequestered now.”
You know Joe’s put his foot in it, when even the BBC’s finest Anthony Zurcher can’t think of a way to try and spin it
“Biden just positioned himself into the middle of a social and political tinder-box just a day after the presiding judge in the trial warned politicians to “stop talking about the case” and that their failure to do so was “abhorrent”.
That tinder-box could explode depending on the outcome of the trial, and Biden will be judged on how he handles the resulting fallout.
By effectively taking sides, his ability to serve as a leader for this divided nation may prove all the more challenging.”
A long overdue poke in the eye for Soros.
“The Council of Europe concedes the veracity of the report on NGOs and the judges of the ECHR & rejects the new “Soros-Judge” candidate”–juge-soros-
Here’s a salutory story for you.
It concerns the death of a young man pinned to the ground, and complaining “I can’t breath” several times before finally expiring. Yet there were no headlines around the world, no claims of a ‘racist murderous intent, there were no shrines errected to him by Labour, and no public court case.
In fact no one was even charged with an offence, despite the coronor recording that the four men who had restrained Jack did so with ‘unnecessarily prolonged, grossly excessive, and unreasonable force.’
Jack Barnes unfortunately for his family was White and so in the scheme of things today counted for very little to the left, no riots, no protests nothing. Had he been Black however it would have been a very different story.
Actually just 3 or 4 hours ago CPS changed their mind
on the Jack Barnes case
“The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) had previously ruled out manslaughter but has now ordered a review.”
“Prosecutors to consider manslaughter charges in unlawful killing of man restrained by Metrolink-contracted workers
The CPS will complete an ‘all options’ review which includes the consideration of manslaughter charges”
AFAIK the security team of ex-coppers were unprofessional and negligent in breaking their own operating rules “don’t give chase”
They weren’t murderers but seem more negligent that Chauvin.
The irony is Manchester Council protect the illegal George Floyd mural in the middle of Manchester.
“The corporations !”
..there is one corporation that puts people in jail, for refusing to pay it
even when they don’t consume its product, but rather consume a competitors ..which is broadcast live.
paraphasing @OldHolborn
There’s so much more on the PJW Twitter feed
including this