“Meghan Markle wears T-shirt made by Welsh designer” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-57176697
A made up story if ever there was one .
How much ingenuity did it take to design that T-shirt?
By way of light relief……not BBC.
Roy Walker, ex ‘The Comedians’, ITV in the 70s.
He told a story about men understanding the pain and distress women go through by …..plucking their eye brows.
And then they mark them back in with a pencil.
But not on the same line but half an inch higher up.
So when you see them, they look surprised.
I’ve just seen Rebecca Long Bailey, the Corbynite Labour MP on ‘Peston’…………
“Covid: How to do a lateral flow test, in South Asian languages” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-57147912
its pretty clear now who are not having the Jabs ?
Trouble is, the government and the meeja are afraid to say it.
Reality check. The vast majority of South Asians in the UK speak or comprehend English to an acceptable level. Those who do not tend to be poorly educated and from rural areas of the sub-continent. For example, a young woman from a village in Sylhet or Mirpur, brought to the UK to marry a cousin and effectively isolated in her home with a very small range of social contacts.
Despite this, the premise of the BBC article is that a person who is illiterate in English will, nonetheless and as their first point of call, decide to seek out an article in English on an English language website that explains how to take a Covid test in their own native language…
Why are the BBC refusing to inform people that Hamas are officially a terrorist organisation who are known to use civilians as human shields in the body of their reports ?. I’ve been checking for it in every story and it’s now quite clearly deliberate.
They are missing a major part of the context by this omission and consequently it implies the blame is with one side when the largest part of it belongs to the other.
But they haven’t reported anything fake. They just didn’t tell us something very, very important.
Even more important : why are they allowed to get away with it ?.
ASAP Rocky confirms he is dating Rihanna https://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-57180714
Why are the BBC spending our money for people to produce full-page reports on topics like this ?.
Is it ‘cos they is black ?.
‘A senior Hamas official has said that he expects Israel and Gaza militants to reach a ceasefire “within a day or two” as cross-border attacks continue.
But Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu said on Wednesday he was “determined to carry on” until “calm and security are restored to Israeli citizens”.
There were more than 100 Israeli air strikes on Hamas infrastructure in the north of Gaza early on Thursday.
Palestinian militants retaliated with rocket fire at targets in Israel.’
Hamas are obviously banking on a ceasefire as a result of international pressure due to the carnage they are deliberately provoking.
Yet the BBC don’t go anywhere near that suggestion. Instead they are now making out like Israel are the aggressors and Hamas are just retaliating.
Do the BBC even know that the UK has officially designated Hamas to be a terrorist organisation ?. You would never guess it reading that report.
They are siding with a terrorist group trying to murder civilians against a democratic country defending its people.
The BBC are scum. I can’t think of another word.
Yeah it worked so well last time. Trains always running and always on time. Lovely clean carriages with enough seats for everybody. Prices always kept low and never subsidised from your taxes. Friendly staff who sounded like they were happy to help you. Yes, British Railways were wonderful.
So wonderful that I dread the thought of them being nationalised again.
..Friendly staff who sounded like they were happy to help you. …
Lol ! I remember my jaw dropping when travelling on the Bullit train in Japan. The on board Guard would bow when entering your carriage and again when he left – ok his uniform looked as though he was an extra on a film set in Ruritania, but compared with the grunt & glare attitude of rail staff here, it was an absolute revelation.
Demon, the privatisation didn’t exactly work well either. Endless fare rises, constant support from the taxpayer still required, crowded carriages and constant delays and cancellations.
John Birt was the DG. Lord Hall was head of news. The great deception happened on their watch. Both should be punished in the public arena. The News of the World went out of business over phone hacking . Surely this deception of a vulnerable unstable woman must rank alongside hacking as a crime. Yet another reason for the BBC to be closed down or at the very least forced to exist without any public money.
Of course what will happen is that Bashir will be thrown under the bus and his bosses will escape censure. He will be portrayed as a rogue reporter and a lone wolf who deliberately misled the POW and his bosses who knew nothing about his deceit.
But the Dyson report will add to the stench around the BBC and damage it reputation a bit more. If only GB News was up and running it could have a field day.
“We are not opening our markets to Australia as a favour to Australia, we’re opening our markets as a favour to ourselves… How is it a bad thing to be getting high-quality, more diverse products at an affordable price from around the world? – @DanielJHannan#Newsnightpic.twitter.com/X4iFywbiNj
Despite the shouty title “Republicans defy Trump to back Capitol riot probe”
..the meat is the line
“The bill looks unlikely to pass the upper chamber”
The article looks as if it were written by partisans like Antifa
“He (Trump) continues to spread unfounded claims that last year’s election was stolen from him – the conspiracy theory that drove many of his supporters to Capitol Hill on 6 January”
FFS whatabout the Russia probe thing ?
… that was an unfounded conspiracy theory by the Dems, but the media played along.
Luckily the bbc Moaning Emole knows people who know people.
Hamas official predicts ceasefire within days
As international pressure mounts on Israel and Gaza militants to end hostilities, a senior Hamas official said he expects to reach a ceasefire “within a day or two” as attacks from both sides continue. “I think that the ongoing efforts regarding the ceasefire will succeed”, Hamas political official, Moussa Abu Marzouk, told Lebanon’s al-Mayadeen TV, adding the “ceasefire will be on the basis of mutual agreement”. The Gaza fighting began after weeks of rising Israeli-Palestinian tension in occupied East Jerusalem that culminated in clashes at a holy site revered by both Muslims and Jews. Hamas, which controls Gaza, began firing rockets after warning Israel to withdraw from the site, triggering retaliatory air strikes. US President Joe Biden held his fourth call with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu yesterday saying he “expected a significant de-escalation”. Yesterday, Mr Netanyahu said he was “determined to carry on” until “calm and security are restored to Israeli citizens”.
In the article a farmer explains the BBC is wrong.
That essentially it’s not a brand new payment system but rather a tweak of the exist EU style farm subsidy.
That instead of collecting your subsidy for the next 10 years, if you agree to retire they’ll give you a lump sum of the next 10 years payment.
He fears he’ll end up paying income tax on it
(personally I doubt that, cos I thought payments into your pension fund don’t get taxed.)
He sums it up Apparently the current system encourages
“some farmers ‘to coast, to take no risks’”
. So these old fuddy-duddies, many of whom would have retired ten years ago if they were civil servants or teachers, will be given a few quid and told to bog off.
Then instead of these coasting farmers you’ll have a new generation of young and dynamic people …” who’ll be saddled in debt.
“When women aren’t in the room we end up with a world built for men. So let’s be clear: Women aren’t leaving the workforce because they want to. They’re leaving because America has put women, mothers especially, in an impossible situation.” https://t.co/2aD2UDXiMj
This all started with a slogan “Protect the NHS” which was somewhat imprecise but became seemingly almost infinitely malleable towards whatever restrictions politicians reckoned they could get away with. Now one reads the Guardian frontpage (I know, I’m a fool to myself, but I see it as akin to the fascination a schoolboy might enjoy as he lifts a rock to observe all the exotic-looking creepy crawlies that dwell beneath) and one attempts to divine the likely cryptic messaging and restriction-enabling new directive behind the bullet-headed Prof Van Tam’s latest soundbite: ‘The challenge ahead of us is to make sure we outrun the virus‘
Well, I couldn’t help but notice that in public spaces pedestrians have been organised into one-way traffic lanes, as though we were motor vehicles, and this in some mysterious sense apparently confounds the virus. Perhaps it resists making that tricky right turn manoeuvre across oncoming traffic? Now, ought I to take it the virus is a bit of a slaggard when it comes to velocity of travel and it can be outpaced? Perhaps I’m a little nearer understanding why our elderly slowcoaches in their eighties and upwards have been markedly more vulnerable whilst the likes of Usain Bolt (as far as we’ve heard so far) have been streets ahead of the infection. I jest of course.
Speaking of the official reorganisation and hygienic resystematisation of our perambulation and queueing habits in public spaces… if Sainsbury’s can enforce it, then tell me what’s up with Border Force? ‘New photographs show passengers from red list countries waiting alongside visitors from non-red list regions inside busy Terminal 2 arrivals hall – stuck in border bottleneck‘ (‘i’) Oh dear me, quick get Karen from customer services on the intercom – virus spillage in aisle 4 !
Terminal 2 – the phrase for a moment brings to mind those apocalyptic dystopian themed sci-fi tales from J G Ballard’s collection of short stories The Terminal Beach…. I’d recommend his sideways take on our various evolving modern predicaments.
‘Concerned travellers complain of inadequate social distancing for hours at immigration‘ – now this statement is worthy of a little unpacking – if you’ll excuse the punning reference to baggage.
You see, I’m certain people did complain of their ‘hours at immigration‘, (straight to social media no doubt) who would want those delays? But was the recent innovation ‘lack of social distancing‘ a real genuine bona fide concern, or was it just another handy cudgel usefully lying about with which to beat the airport authorities? Or, conversely, are people actually in their hearts afraid of catching the virus? I’m willing to believe the latter – that’s apparently what polls are still telling our political leaders – that a fair proportion of the population have contracted the right old collywobbles and just can’t seem to shake them off.
For all you jab enthusiasts out there… ‘Booster vaccine trials begin in Britain – ahead of third jabs planned of autumn 2021‘ (‘i’)
Frankly, I’d dearly like to get off the subject, but the media won’t let me. I’d take my couple of jabs, three at a stretch…. and hope for no side effects but I have this nagging doubt that even that won’t be the end of it. I wasn’t a big fan of the lefty Welsh band Manic Street Preachers but a lyric comes to mind here: “If You Tolerate This Your Children Will Be Next”
So let’s abandon the subject for a moment. The ‘i’ newspaper informs us inventive technical experts have been thinking in directions other than the craze of the day obvious: ‘Scientists invent the spare thumb‘ – that’ll come in handy.
‘Diana probe to find BBC’s Bashir guilty of deceit’ (Telegraph) – and to think how the BBC grandstanded over the discomfort of the News of the World caught tapping a few celebrity mobile phones.
Couldn’t help but giggle at your reference to pedestrian traffic lanes AISI…
I visited a Waitrose in a very well-heeled part of Hampshire yesterday where I had not been before.
I didn’t pick up that there was an unwritten rule that exiting had to be done in a certain manner so found myself leaving against the tide of red-trousered blokes coming in.
It was like suddenly becoming a leper in India, much pointed and vigorous stepping aside with glaring eyes above masks. I wouldn’t have been surprised if they had hauled me off to the local stocks to pelt me with organic aubergines, hyacinth seeds and tofu to be honest.
Sorry you had those blokes, Digg, I suppose I’m luckier, because there are several gorgeous gals working at my Waitrose, and if I was a younger (single) man, they’d be getting a damn sight more than a ‘look’!
And one or two in Tesco for that matter…
Come to think of it, the farm shop down the road is well worth a quick visit to check the sizes of the aubergines…
How long before the bbc Press Off release a statement from a spokesperson for a spokeswoman for a spokesweasel for the Good Lord to say the bbc thinks he got it about ‘who cares’?
I wonder which is greater : their arrogance or their ignorance.
Neither are good qualities to have in such abundance with zero experience of the real world.
The BBC are in full social justice activism mode today. Of the 10 most read articles on the BBC News website we currently have:
1. State owned trains
2. A Polish couple’s baby who died shortly after birth.
3. Civil service is posher than ever (of course the BBC can be full of privileged people but no other organisation is allowed)
4. Teachers grades biased to ‘agreeable’ pupils
5. How organ donation helped Simran Sahajpal.
6. Compensation for breast implants
That one about the civil service still being posh and it’s difficult to reach the top if you can’t crack jokes in Latin – oh, what a shame!
I would say that most of us most of the time have to work in environments that are not congenial to us. To list a few in my own limited experience of working life, I have found myself the only male in an office full of giggling girls, working with a squad of foul-mouthed labourers, being the least smart person in a team of computer programmers, being the youngest person in the room, being the oldest person in the room, being temperamentally and intellectually out of place and unable to find even one kindred spirit.
I have never once thought my employer should change their recruitment policy in order to find employees with whom I could feel comfortable. I always thought the onus was on me to fit in as best I could.
I don’t watch the BBC and so haven’t seen the latest version of Nancy Mitford’s Love in a Cold Climate. However I was prompted by a letter in the Daily Telegraph to watch the 2001 BBC version on You Tube. Lots of dialogue that I don’t think the BBC would broadcast today on the grounds that it would offend , Huns, Wops, Frogs , daegoes etc. Now mention of slavery which seems to be obligatory in every utterance from the BBC. How enormously enjoyable it was to be so un PC. Absolutely no political messaging other than what was actually written by the author. It reminded me that two decades ago although BBC News and Current Affairs were as left leaning as they are today, most of the rest of the corporation’s output was largely unpolluted and much of it enjoyable and worth watching. Of course there were exceptions to this but the cancer was largely confined to the N&CA .
My loathing for the BBC actually started at the end of the 70’s and grew throughout the 80’s as I realised the extent of their bias but it was focused on their news. Now I loath everything the corporation puts out because everything is politicised, biased and leftist Woke propaganda.
Ladies and Gentlemen , boys and girls – Thursday afternoon the BBC is to publish the Bashir Report by Lord Dyson – promises to be help for our cause ….but
The staff are no longer with the BBC
It was a long time ago
Codes of practice have changed
It couldn’t happen now
BBC apologises so that’s OK
Lessons will be learnt
Belfield’s new vid
” 🤦♂️ Grim Future Of Free Speech 🎙 YouTube Worrying @ The Voice Of Reason”
… It’s not that the court verdict of the Jeremy Vine injunction has come in.
It’s just that having talked to Mahyar Tousi, he’s decided that he will have to set up his own platform away from YouTubes rules.
… Well Sargon of the LotusEaters already did that last year.
And Belfield’s pal Jim Davidson likewise has been running JDTV for a year too.
Belfield could run on the same platform tomorrow if he wanted to.
YouTube is nothing special it’s just a popular gateway
I guess there is one advantage it has right now
..that the way it auto-embeds into Twitter, Facebook and blogs makes it very shareable.
The video references a 2017 event
when the Metropolitan Police LGBT Network account tried to intimidate a tweeter by snidely revealing ‘watch it we’ve got access to private data on you, here’s your wife’s name’
Crimebodge then brought a prosecution against the police for abuse of data protection
and they settled for £2,750.
Stew – it is a shame that the individual who breached the data protection law wasnt named – just the queer group it belonged too – financed – of course by taxpayers
Plod recruitment seems shot to hell . Anyone ‘ normal ‘ now would be mad to join them
The kind of nasty spite we see from the Left all the time is absolutely all about hate and should be included under ‘hate crime’.
I wondered why it isn’t and discovered the definition only applies to ‘membership (or perceived membership) of a certain social group or racial demographic’.
So it’s been specifically worded to apply to minorities and does not include their kind of political hatred to everyone else.
Another one for my list of their English they have conveniently warped so it doesn’t cover what they do.
@JohnC that kind of spite is playground stuff
Instead of open debate about the issues
it’s all ‘You’re not in our gang, so we hate you’
.. Then they do all kinds of misrepresentation and name calling so they can see you as a monster and dismiss you.
It is very worrying! Steven Crowder has gone and I think Tim Pool has just had a weeks suspension and won’t be long before he’s gone too like many others who dare to criticize the left.
I read information about an outfit called citizengo.
Their prime function is to fight for the rights to life of unborn children and because of this they have come under extreme attack from Globalist left-wing organisations, many linked to Soros.
I find it sad that so many people, including many young people are prepared to wave banners and gather in groups to shout about the right to use particular pronouns but are unconcerned about the moves to make unlimited abortion of feasible human life legal and a done deal merely on request.
The BBC is still pushing the statement from Professor Andrew Hayward of University College London, who advises the government through the discredited SAGE group. In a textbook example of getting the answer you want:
‘Asked if the UK is at the start of a third wave of infections, he says: “I think so.”‘.
This is the same Professor Andrew Hayward who warned that Christmas celebrations would result ‘in a deadly third coronavirus wave’, so perhaps he means we are now looking at a fourth wave (although I have heard rumours that the fifth wave has been scheduled to take place before the fourth).
For a calmly explained, rational analysis of what is happening – the antithesis of the BBC’s hysterical propaganda – Tim Spector of King’s College London remains a valuable source.
I sat and listened to the Delingpole Podcast with “Nina” (not her real name) last night.
If all that she says about her employment (NHS receptionist) is true, it is absolutely shocking, and well worth a listen. I recommend it – it’s from about four days ago, and almost an hour long:
The world at one does not mention an important report being published in an hour or two .
Instead they lead on the test and trace thingy not chasing the third worlders being allowed into blighty from India – complete with complementary virus .
They have koonsberg on it so it must be try – just ask Dyson .
The CommonwealthWarGraves @CWGC are promoting their War Graves Week
.. Fair enough it’s important that we commemorate the sacrifice of the war dead who certainly include white Commonwealth people, but black, brown and East Asians as well, people of all colours
… and although they were mostly men
we also think of the women folk they left behind as well.
I note that @CWGC’s main promo tweet and the one they are paying Twitter to promote
is Walter Tull the black Caribbean footballer who fought in WW1.
Two other more minor tweets feature a white archaeologist
and an un-named white soldier and wife.
BBC 1pm local news
– 78 yo Hull footballer has died
– coming report into the structure of football clubs ..local Labour MP has an opinion
bet you can’t guess which one
One day I’ll find out that her husband is the BBC producer or something.
Woman’s Hour gets quite a few tweets today
showing it caters to the lefty student union types.
Topics : Tory environment minister was on
“Burn her she’s an evil Tory” shout their listeners.
: Those guys in the car shouting rape the Jews
They brought on feminist Julie Bindel to say basically all men support rape . WTF !
The sane people on Twitter complained
Why is Emma doing another Newsnight style gotcha interview.
Just turned on @BBCWomansHour & yet again it’s been replaced by @Emmabarnett
doing a bog-standard Radio 5 Live “hard-hitting” political interview,
this time with a Govt Environmental Minister.
The reason it’s on Woman’s Hour? – because the Minister is a woman?
The gotcha question was “ do you believe as environment minister that UK needs a new coal mine ?
Is this compatible with gaining net zero ?“
The Green Tory is unable to give the honest answer
that now steel is made with imported coal
so using local coal is a CO2 reduction.
The bigger point is that he was appointed under the Socialist Workers Party Infiltrator David Cameron, and the cowardly useless incompetent Tories don’t like stories which disturb their lunches over fine clarets, so it’ll like as not be squashed, and they can carry on as usual.
The BBC show 2 photos of the innocent Muslim female victim but they only mentions the names of those in court for murder:
Mr Suleman
Mr Manzoor
Mr Hussain
Mr Satia
Mr Raja
Mr Ennis
Mr Satia
Ms Chapman
The BBC published the Dyson report at 1400 Thursday but it seems to have forgot to put it onto the internet .
Also – it was announced that the Panorama cancelled a few days ago is to go out tonight …
…..will Earl Spencer dish more dirt ?
Will meghan and the ginger idiot chime in ?
Will the popcorn run out again?
The small article on the BBC News website about the report pretty much says “the dodgy dealings of the BBC made no difference”. This news will soon be hidden under UK->England->Local News in a couple of hours.
“… the BBC “fell short of the high standards of integrity and transparency which are its hallmark”.” Who said comedy is dead?!
From BBC News online:
The BBC “fell short of high standards of integrity and transparency” over Martin Bashir’s interview with Princess Diana, an inquiry has found.
Mr Bashir faked documents to obtain the interview and later lied to BBC managers about them, the inquiry said.
The BBC said the report showed “clear failings” adding: “We are very sorry for this.”
Mr Bashir apologised for mocking up the documents, but said they had no bearing on Diana’s decision to be interviewed.
Princess Diana’s interview with Martin Bashir for Panorama was a huge scoop for the BBC – in it, the princess famously said: “There were three of us in this marriage.”
It was the first time a serving royal had spoken so openly about life in the Royal Family – viewers saw her speak about her unhappy marriage to Prince Charles, their affairs, and her bulimia.
But since then, Diana’s brother, Earl Spencer, has questioned the tactics used by journalist Mr Bashir to get the interview.
The independent inquiry was commissioned by the BBC last year, after Earl Spencer went public with the allegations. It is the inquiry’s findings that have been published on Thursday.
What is the Diana interview row all about?
Lord Dyson, the retired judge who led the inquiry, said the BBC “fell short of the high standards of integrity and transparency which are its hallmark”.
He found that Mr Bashir deceived Diana’s brother, Earl Spencer, by showing him the fake documents to gain his trust so he would introduce Mr Bashir to Diana.
The inquiry said Mr Bashir had later lied when he told BBC managers he had not shown the fake documents to anyone, and described significant parts of Mr Bashir’s account of the events of 1995 as “incredible, unreliable, and in some cases dishonest”.
In a statement, Mr Bashir apologised for mocking up the documents, but said he remained “immensely proud” of the interview.
He said: “The bank statements had no bearing whatsoever on the personal choice by Princess Diana to take part in the interview.
“Evidence handed to the inquiry in her own handwriting (and published alongside the report today) unequivocally confirms this, and other compelling evidence presented to Lord Dyson reinforces it.”
Panorama’s new tweet
The One Show is replaced by Panorama special tonight
The inside story of how Martin Bashir obtained his career-defining interview, and the BBC response when it discovered he'd faked documents and shown them to Princess Diana’s brother, Earl Spencer.
Princess Diana, Martin Bashir and the BBC | @BBCOne | Thursday 20th May, 7pm
entire prog blurb a new Panorama team fronted by journalist John Ware has carried out its own four-month investigation,
with exclusive interviews and revelations from internal BBC documents.
This is the inside story of how Martin Bashir obtained his career-defining interview, and how the BBC responded when it discovered he had faked bank statements and shown them to Diana’s brother, Earl Spencer.
Bashir’s statement “This is the second time that I have willingly fully co-operated with an investigation into events more than 25 years ago.
I apologized then, and I do so again now, over the fact that I asked for bank statements to be mocked up.
It was a stupid thing to do and was an action I deeply regret.
But I absolutely stand by the evidence I gave a quarter of a century ago, and again more recently. I also reiterate that the bank statements had no bearing whatsoever on the personal choice by Princess Diana to take part in the interview.
Evidence handed to the inquiry in her own handwriting (and published alongside the report today) unequivocally confirms this, and other compelling evidence presented to Lord Dyson reinforces it.
.. It is saddening that this single issue has been allowed to overshadow the princess’ brave decision to tell her story, to courageously talk through the difficulties she faced, and, to help address the silence and stigma that surrounded mental health issues all those years ago.
She led the way in addressing so many of these issues and that’s why I will always remain immensely proud of that interview.”
Remember Bashir having to leave his US post after advocating pooing in Sarah Palin’s mouth. You can see why the BBC loved him.
”Among other things, Bashir said that someone should defecate and urinate in Palin’s mouth, a punishment delivered to some slaves. He apologised, but that was not enough.”
I remember watching the documentary series done – I believe – in the early days of PBS and channel 4 – left a long standing impression .the Prof was a great communicator …
There’s a 5 min TalkRadio video, warning that the BBC will try to rush on and get away with it.
“if it was a newspaper there would be calls to shit in down” clip
“The end doesn’t justify the means”
I spotted that too. Perhaps she’s already given birth ! after all, by the time the British media had got their knickers in a twist that she had gone into labour with Archie – she had given birth 6 hours earlier !!!!
Prepare for a statement in a month’s time saying she had a girl at the beginning of May.
LGBT lobbying sells training/advice services to orgs
.. except it’s just got caught giving false legal advice to Essex Uni
saying that cos some peole labelled professors “transphobic” the legal thing is to deplatform the professors.
Just typing on a lefite type forum with someone who thinks a nuclear armed Iraq is not going to happen and laughing at me saying what are you doing to prepare for this, anmd I think back to the time when the leftist loons were parading their idiocy all over our cities under the banner of CND, campaigning for us to unilaterally abandon our weapons for nothing in return.
Until of course the Russians stopped funding them when the evil empire collapsed.
They’ve gone from claiming they were scared to death to thinking it’s funny!
I wonder if in a few years they will be looking back at the climate change scam and think it very funny?
I recall the early days of CND when the lefties refused to condemn the Soviet Union’s nuclear weapons.
A demonstration opposing the CND’s defence of the ‘workers bomb’ was held at the Russian Embassy to the embarrassment of the official CND.
Children’s television is an area where the BBC has free reign for its propaganda, presumably because most adults don’t bother monitoring the content too closely, with parents too happy to leave their kids in what they trustingly assume to be a safe space, right? Think again.
Here are just 2 examples of the BBC pushing their woke agenda:
To save you the tedium of watching, the first promotes the joys of families with same-sex parents, as the autocutie approvingly tells us: “this family has 2 daddies and 2 daughters.”
The second is a 4 minute story (agitprop) called Mixed, about different coloured blobby-creatures, mixing happily and interbreeding. Their offspring not only inherit the best qualities of both parents but they’re even better, extra special.
As @chicagosmayor reaches her two year midway point as mayor, her spokeswoman says Lightfoot is granting 1 on 1 interviews – only to Black or Brown journalists pic.twitter.com/PAUsacD9Gj
The rest seem to have gone on a squirrel hunt and Marianna is desperately seeking more ‘tens of people’ to keep her expertise in ONE THING going and away from other fake news as long as possible.
#1 Lord Nazir Ahmed gives us a narrative a poor Palestinian girl
..except it’s actually a photo from Russia ..so he deleted the tweet with no apology.
He’s trigger happy with the Retweet button so there are more past offences here .. and here
despite the twitter handle he is no longer a lord he “retired” before his child sex offences trial.
#2 “LABOUR MP Rosena Allin-Khan was slammed on social media yesterday evening, after being exposed by the police as having lied in a tweet that smeared the force and falsely accused them of racial profiling.”
Officer’s were doing routine stops on delivery drivers and she said how dare they arrest ones that had committed immigration offences.
After two Thai men working near Israel’s border with Gaza were killed by a rocket fired by Palestinian militants, workers say they feel under near-constant threat of attackhttps://t.co/15beHQXvA9pic.twitter.com/UnOeuAK7cH
Ah, now I see the Arabs position in the latest rounds of fighting. An Arab gentleman showed the TV reporter a lease for his property that the Jordanian authorities gave him in 1950. That was after the Jordanian annexation of Jewish land after the 1948 war so of course he has rights to it (not) even after the 1968 war when Israel took it back again. Fancy expecting him to return it to the rightful owners (who were sold it by the Ottoman (Islamic) Empire in 1898. I now fully expect the Germans to lay claim to all those Chateaux that they seized in 1940 from the French who had the temerity to seize back. By the way, the Jews gave the guy another lease allowing him to stay on the condition that he agreed the property was theirs and they paid the appropriate rent. They haven’t paid rent for 18 years so not surprising that the owners want it back. Why do I have to dig out the real story and not Marianna Spring (aged 25)?
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“Meghan Markle wears T-shirt made by Welsh designer”
A made up story if ever there was one .
How much ingenuity did it take to design that T-shirt?
Where has that baby bump disappeared to?
“Mark Drakeford backs calls for bigger Welsh Parliament”
More ‘jobs for the boys’, more bureaucracy, more expenses, more waste .
Who in Wales called for this other than Drakeford?
By way of light relief……not BBC.
Roy Walker, ex ‘The Comedians’, ITV in the 70s.
He told a story about men understanding the pain and distress women go through by …..plucking their eye brows.
And then they mark them back in with a pencil.
But not on the same line but half an inch higher up.
So when you see them, they look surprised.
I’ve just seen Rebecca Long Bailey, the Corbynite Labour MP on ‘Peston’…………
“Covid: How to do a lateral flow test, in South Asian languages”
its pretty clear now who are not having the Jabs ?
Trouble is, the government and the meeja are afraid to say it.
Reality check. The vast majority of South Asians in the UK speak or comprehend English to an acceptable level. Those who do not tend to be poorly educated and from rural areas of the sub-continent. For example, a young woman from a village in Sylhet or Mirpur, brought to the UK to marry a cousin and effectively isolated in her home with a very small range of social contacts.
Despite this, the premise of the BBC article is that a person who is illiterate in English will, nonetheless and as their first point of call, decide to seek out an article in English on an English language website that explains how to take a Covid test in their own native language…
Why are the BBC refusing to inform people that Hamas are officially a terrorist organisation who are known to use civilians as human shields in the body of their reports ?. I’ve been checking for it in every story and it’s now quite clearly deliberate.
They are missing a major part of the context by this omission and consequently it implies the blame is with one side when the largest part of it belongs to the other.
But they haven’t reported anything fake. They just didn’t tell us something very, very important.
Even more important : why are they allowed to get away with it ?.
Why do they use the term “militants” for “terrorist groups”?
ASAP Rocky confirms he is dating Rihanna
Why are the BBC spending our money for people to produce full-page reports on topics like this ?.
Is it ‘cos they is black ?.
‘A senior Hamas official has said that he expects Israel and Gaza militants to reach a ceasefire “within a day or two” as cross-border attacks continue.
But Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu said on Wednesday he was “determined to carry on” until “calm and security are restored to Israeli citizens”.
There were more than 100 Israeli air strikes on Hamas infrastructure in the north of Gaza early on Thursday.
Palestinian militants retaliated with rocket fire at targets in Israel.’
Hamas are obviously banking on a ceasefire as a result of international pressure due to the carnage they are deliberately provoking.
Yet the BBC don’t go anywhere near that suggestion. Instead they are now making out like Israel are the aggressors and Hamas are just retaliating.
Do the BBC even know that the UK has officially designated Hamas to be a terrorist organisation ?. You would never guess it reading that report.
They are siding with a terrorist group trying to murder civilians against a democratic country defending its people.
The BBC are scum. I can’t think of another word.
Our present government know this and do nothing about this .
“Rail services to come under unified state control”
I am afraid that like Hs2, it will all end in tears.
Yeah it worked so well last time. Trains always running and always on time. Lovely clean carriages with enough seats for everybody. Prices always kept low and never subsidised from your taxes. Friendly staff who sounded like they were happy to help you. Yes, British Railways were wonderful.
So wonderful that I dread the thought of them being nationalised again.
..Friendly staff who sounded like they were happy to help you. …
Lol ! I remember my jaw dropping when travelling on the Bullit train in Japan. The on board Guard would bow when entering your carriage and again when he left – ok his uniform looked as though he was an extra on a film set in Ruritania, but compared with the grunt & glare attitude of rail staff here, it was an absolute revelation.
Curly dried out “cheese” sandwich anybody?
Will they bring back the sandwiches?
Demon, the privatisation didn’t exactly work well either. Endless fare rises, constant support from the taxpayer still required, crowded carriages and constant delays and cancellations.
Question: who was DG of Al Beeb when Bashir did his Diana interview?
Who reading the posts on this site still pays for the Telly Tax?
John Birt was the DG. Lord Hall was head of news. The great deception happened on their watch. Both should be punished in the public arena. The News of the World went out of business over phone hacking . Surely this deception of a vulnerable unstable woman must rank alongside hacking as a crime. Yet another reason for the BBC to be closed down or at the very least forced to exist without any public money.
Of course what will happen is that Bashir will be thrown under the bus and his bosses will escape censure. He will be portrayed as a rogue reporter and a lone wolf who deliberately misled the POW and his bosses who knew nothing about his deceit.
But the Dyson report will add to the stench around the BBC and damage it reputation a bit more. If only GB News was up and running it could have a field day.
Excellent summary, Double.
Like most publicly paid organisations, the BBC will never admit their mistakes, and like in the Jimmy Savile disgrace, we will never get the truth.
BBC dating
Saw this on mute.
BS looks utterly deranged.
Nick Bryant liked this.
The awful bbbc at their most bilious!
What a tiresome bunch of failed tossers they are.
having finally admitted how the deaths related to that day occurred
they add
“The Capitol Police union said one officer lost an eye during the attack and others sustained brain injuries”
thats a new one on me
Despite the shouty title “Republicans defy Trump to back Capitol riot probe”
..the meat is the line
“The bill looks unlikely to pass the upper chamber”
The article looks as if it were written by partisans like Antifa
“He (Trump) continues to spread unfounded claims that last year’s election was stolen from him – the conspiracy theory that drove many of his supporters to Capitol Hill on 6 January”
FFS whatabout the Russia probe thing ?
… that was an unfounded conspiracy theory by the Dems, but the media played along.
JezBo needs to up his game; Geraldo is an equally hugely experienced Middle East expert.
The throwing stuff at the cameraman would be ironic.
Gerry reminds me of that bloke Dateline Comical Alley wheel out to impartially blood libel Jews.
Luckily the bbc Moaning Emole knows people who know people.
Hamas official predicts ceasefire within days
As international pressure mounts on Israel and Gaza militants to end hostilities, a senior Hamas official said he expects to reach a ceasefire “within a day or two” as attacks from both sides continue. “I think that the ongoing efforts regarding the ceasefire will succeed”, Hamas political official, Moussa Abu Marzouk, told Lebanon’s al-Mayadeen TV, adding the “ceasefire will be on the basis of mutual agreement”. The Gaza fighting began after weeks of rising Israeli-Palestinian tension in occupied East Jerusalem that culminated in clashes at a holy site revered by both Muslims and Jews. Hamas, which controls Gaza, began firing rockets after warning Israel to withdraw from the site, triggering retaliatory air strikes. US President Joe Biden held his fourth call with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu yesterday saying he “expected a significant de-escalation”. Yesterday, Mr Netanyahu said he was “determined to carry on” until “calm and security are restored to Israeli citizens”.
Analysis of actual value.
Might be easier to post when the bbc gets something correct.
In the article a farmer explains the BBC is wrong.
That essentially it’s not a brand new payment system but rather a tweak of the exist EU style farm subsidy.
That instead of collecting your subsidy for the next 10 years, if you agree to retire they’ll give you a lump sum of the next 10 years payment.
He fears he’ll end up paying income tax on it
(personally I doubt that, cos I thought payments into your pension fund don’t get taxed.)
He sums it up
Apparently the current system encourages
“some farmers ‘to coast, to take no risks’”
. So these old fuddy-duddies, many of whom would have retired ten years ago if they were civil servants or teachers, will be given a few quid and told to bog off.
Then instead of these coasting farmers you’ll have a new generation of young and dynamic people …” who’ll be saddled in debt.
Jon and Nick are currently at rest.
Katty has this.
The lack of opportunity is a scandal.
Lurch’s thread is… very bbc Naaaaaa.
Will we ever get off the subject?
This all started with a slogan “Protect the NHS” which was somewhat imprecise but became seemingly almost infinitely malleable towards whatever restrictions politicians reckoned they could get away with. Now one reads the Guardian frontpage (I know, I’m a fool to myself, but I see it as akin to the fascination a schoolboy might enjoy as he lifts a rock to observe all the exotic-looking creepy crawlies that dwell beneath) and one attempts to divine the likely cryptic messaging and restriction-enabling new directive behind the bullet-headed Prof Van Tam’s latest soundbite: ‘The challenge ahead of us is to make sure we outrun the virus‘
Well, I couldn’t help but notice that in public spaces pedestrians have been organised into one-way traffic lanes, as though we were motor vehicles, and this in some mysterious sense apparently confounds the virus. Perhaps it resists making that tricky right turn manoeuvre across oncoming traffic? Now, ought I to take it the virus is a bit of a slaggard when it comes to velocity of travel and it can be outpaced? Perhaps I’m a little nearer understanding why our elderly slowcoaches in their eighties and upwards have been markedly more vulnerable whilst the likes of Usain Bolt (as far as we’ve heard so far) have been streets ahead of the infection. I jest of course.
Speaking of the official reorganisation and hygienic resystematisation of our perambulation and queueing habits in public spaces… if Sainsbury’s can enforce it, then tell me what’s up with Border Force? ‘New photographs show passengers from red list countries waiting alongside visitors from non-red list regions inside busy Terminal 2 arrivals hall – stuck in border bottleneck‘ (‘i’) Oh dear me, quick get Karen from customer services on the intercom – virus spillage in aisle 4 !
Terminal 2 – the phrase for a moment brings to mind those apocalyptic dystopian themed sci-fi tales from J G Ballard’s collection of short stories The Terminal Beach…. I’d recommend his sideways take on our various evolving modern predicaments.
‘Concerned travellers complain of inadequate social distancing for hours at immigration‘ – now this statement is worthy of a little unpacking – if you’ll excuse the punning reference to baggage.
You see, I’m certain people did complain of their ‘hours at immigration‘, (straight to social media no doubt) who would want those delays? But was the recent innovation ‘lack of social distancing‘ a real genuine bona fide concern, or was it just another handy cudgel usefully lying about with which to beat the airport authorities? Or, conversely, are people actually in their hearts afraid of catching the virus? I’m willing to believe the latter – that’s apparently what polls are still telling our political leaders – that a fair proportion of the population have contracted the right old collywobbles and just can’t seem to shake them off.
For all you jab enthusiasts out there… ‘Booster vaccine trials begin in Britain – ahead of third jabs planned of autumn 2021‘ (‘i’)
Frankly, I’d dearly like to get off the subject, but the media won’t let me. I’d take my couple of jabs, three at a stretch…. and hope for no side effects but I have this nagging doubt that even that won’t be the end of it. I wasn’t a big fan of the lefty Welsh band Manic Street Preachers but a lyric comes to mind here: “If You Tolerate This Your Children Will Be Next”
So let’s abandon the subject for a moment. The ‘i’ newspaper informs us inventive technical experts have been thinking in directions other than the craze of the day obvious: ‘Scientists invent the spare thumb‘ – that’ll come in handy.
‘Diana probe to find BBC’s Bashir guilty of deceit’ (Telegraph) – and to think how the BBC grandstanded over the discomfort of the News of the World caught tapping a few celebrity mobile phones.
Couldn’t help but giggle at your reference to pedestrian traffic lanes AISI…
I visited a Waitrose in a very well-heeled part of Hampshire yesterday where I had not been before.
I didn’t pick up that there was an unwritten rule that exiting had to be done in a certain manner so found myself leaving against the tide of red-trousered blokes coming in.
It was like suddenly becoming a leper in India, much pointed and vigorous stepping aside with glaring eyes above masks. I wouldn’t have been surprised if they had hauled me off to the local stocks to pelt me with organic aubergines, hyacinth seeds and tofu to be honest.
Sorry you had those blokes, Digg, I suppose I’m luckier, because there are several gorgeous gals working at my Waitrose, and if I was a younger (single) man, they’d be getting a damn sight more than a ‘look’!
And one or two in Tesco for that matter…
Come to think of it, the farm shop down the road is well worth a quick visit to check the sizes of the aubergines…
Ha ha. Great description. That would have been a great drawing.
How long before the bbc Press Off release a statement from a spokesperson for a spokeswoman for a spokesweasel for the Good Lord to say the bbc thinks he got it about ‘who cares’?
The BBC is after da yoof.
As is their other main Jez. Corboman.
I wonder which is greater : their arrogance or their ignorance.
Neither are good qualities to have in such abundance with zero experience of the real world.
BBC appeals to the faithful.
Yes, and it was to be used for FIVE years !!!l traffic traffic traffic and what state the woodland after they’ve packed up and left.
The BBC are in full social justice activism mode today. Of the 10 most read articles on the BBC News website we currently have:
1. State owned trains
2. A Polish couple’s baby who died shortly after birth.
3. Civil service is posher than ever (of course the BBC can be full of privileged people but no other organisation is allowed)
4. Teachers grades biased to ‘agreeable’ pupils
5. How organ donation helped Simran Sahajpal.
6. Compensation for breast implants
That one about the civil service still being posh and it’s difficult to reach the top if you can’t crack jokes in Latin – oh, what a shame!
I would say that most of us most of the time have to work in environments that are not congenial to us. To list a few in my own limited experience of working life, I have found myself the only male in an office full of giggling girls, working with a squad of foul-mouthed labourers, being the least smart person in a team of computer programmers, being the youngest person in the room, being the oldest person in the room, being temperamentally and intellectually out of place and unable to find even one kindred spirit.
I have never once thought my employer should change their recruitment policy in order to find employees with whom I could feel comfortable. I always thought the onus was on me to fit in as best I could.
I don’t watch the BBC and so haven’t seen the latest version of Nancy Mitford’s Love in a Cold Climate. However I was prompted by a letter in the Daily Telegraph to watch the 2001 BBC version on You Tube. Lots of dialogue that I don’t think the BBC would broadcast today on the grounds that it would offend , Huns, Wops, Frogs , daegoes etc. Now mention of slavery which seems to be obligatory in every utterance from the BBC. How enormously enjoyable it was to be so un PC. Absolutely no political messaging other than what was actually written by the author. It reminded me that two decades ago although BBC News and Current Affairs were as left leaning as they are today, most of the rest of the corporation’s output was largely unpolluted and much of it enjoyable and worth watching. Of course there were exceptions to this but the cancer was largely confined to the N&CA .
My loathing for the BBC actually started at the end of the 70’s and grew throughout the 80’s as I realised the extent of their bias but it was focused on their news. Now I loath everything the corporation puts out because everything is politicised, biased and leftist Woke propaganda.
Ladies and Gentlemen , boys and girls – Thursday afternoon the BBC is to publish the Bashir Report by Lord Dyson – promises to be help for our cause ….but
The staff are no longer with the BBC
It was a long time ago
Codes of practice have changed
It couldn’t happen now
BBC apologises so that’s OK
Lessons will be learnt
That was in another country,
And besides, the wench is dead.
Belfield’s new vid
” 🤦♂️ Grim Future Of Free Speech 🎙 YouTube Worrying @ The Voice Of Reason”
… It’s not that the court verdict of the Jeremy Vine injunction has come in.
It’s just that having talked to Mahyar Tousi, he’s decided that he will have to set up his own platform away from YouTubes rules.
… Well Sargon of the LotusEaters already did that last year.
And Belfield’s pal Jim Davidson likewise has been running JDTV for a year too.
Belfield could run on the same platform tomorrow if he wanted to.
YouTube is nothing special it’s just a popular gateway
I guess there is one advantage it has right now
..that the way it auto-embeds into Twitter, Facebook and blogs makes it very shareable.
The Tories need to get off their arses and abolish Section 127
cos that law controls online speech is a blasphemy law by the back door.
Mr Rotten Politics explains
The video references a 2017 event
when the Metropolitan Police LGBT Network account tried to intimidate a tweeter by snidely revealing ‘watch it we’ve got access to private data on you, here’s your wife’s name’
Crimebodge then brought a prosecution against the police for abuse of data protection
and they settled for £2,750.
Stew – it is a shame that the individual who breached the data protection law wasnt named – just the queer group it belonged too – financed – of course by taxpayers
Plod recruitment seems shot to hell . Anyone ‘ normal ‘ now would be mad to join them
The kind of nasty spite we see from the Left all the time is absolutely all about hate and should be included under ‘hate crime’.
I wondered why it isn’t and discovered the definition only applies to ‘membership (or perceived membership) of a certain social group or racial demographic’.
So it’s been specifically worded to apply to minorities and does not include their kind of political hatred to everyone else.
Another one for my list of their English they have conveniently warped so it doesn’t cover what they do.
@JohnC that kind of spite is playground stuff
Instead of open debate about the issues
it’s all ‘You’re not in our gang, so we hate you’
.. Then they do all kinds of misrepresentation and name calling so they can see you as a monster and dismiss you.
It is very worrying! Steven Crowder has gone and I think Tim Pool has just had a weeks suspension and won’t be long before he’s gone too like many others who dare to criticize the left.
Mr Rotten Politics praises the Tory Rother Valley MP
who he says descends from well integrated East European grandparents
“Rotherham Tory MP DEMANDS groomers AND enablers see JUSTICE”
video … https://youtu.be/dMP15S4PWa8
He recommends Alexander Stafford the MP’s youtube channel
… https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIaC0PxeQ6Sya5CA8dP8aTA
Adam likes to climb inside the camera.
A Zoom call with him and Springster would need a Jumbotron.
The good old days of British Rail.
Oh harry – you are a wag – but what happened after the advert ended…?
Jimmy fiddled and the entire BBC pretended they hadn’t seen it.
Al Beeb attracts them doesn’t it?
I read information about an outfit called citizengo.
Their prime function is to fight for the rights to life of unborn children and because of this they have come under extreme attack from Globalist left-wing organisations, many linked to Soros.
I find it sad that so many people, including many young people are prepared to wave banners and gather in groups to shout about the right to use particular pronouns but are unconcerned about the moves to make unlimited abortion of feasible human life legal and a done deal merely on request.
I worry about the way the World is going!
The BBC is still pushing the statement from Professor Andrew Hayward of University College London, who advises the government through the discredited SAGE group. In a textbook example of getting the answer you want:
‘Asked if the UK is at the start of a third wave of infections, he says: “I think so.”‘.
This is the same Professor Andrew Hayward who warned that Christmas celebrations would result ‘in a deadly third coronavirus wave’, so perhaps he means we are now looking at a fourth wave (although I have heard rumours that the fifth wave has been scheduled to take place before the fourth).
He also predicted that re-opening the schools on March 8th would be ‘reckless’:
On the plus side, he did call for travel curbs from India on April 19th:
For a calmly explained, rational analysis of what is happening – the antithesis of the BBC’s hysterical propaganda – Tim Spector of King’s College London remains a valuable source.
I sat and listened to the Delingpole Podcast with “Nina” (not her real name) last night.
If all that she says about her employment (NHS receptionist) is true, it is absolutely shocking, and well worth a listen. I recommend it – it’s from about four days ago, and almost an hour long:
Or this link: https://delingpole.podbean.com/
The interview with Nina is at the top of the page at present.
IR, You’ve got the Covid Wave thing sorted so how about an old fashioned Mexican Wave? They used to be all the rage, you know.
The Guardian trying to throw more logs on the fire?
NHS nurses: are you considering leaving your job?
They must have a special department for this sort of baiting!
This could be a vintage day for seeing how the BBC manages bad news about itself …
Will there be a press conference ?
Will a BBC bod be ‘ interviewed ‘ on their own propaganda news output ?
When will Bashir surface ?
Will he continue to play the ‘ sick ‘ card?
Will the BBC be prosecuted?
Can the ‘Royal charter ‘ be removed ?
… and what will Panorama have to say? Will they diverge from the Dyson Report? If so, tougher on al beeb or easier? How much?
The world at one does not mention an important report being published in an hour or two .
Instead they lead on the test and trace thingy not chasing the third worlders being allowed into blighty from India – complete with complementary virus .
They have koonsberg on it so it must be try – just ask Dyson .
Fed, the Basher has ‘retired’, no doubt on a full and juicy pension and is now beyond reach …. probably.
That’s what 90 year old former concentration camp guards thought….
The CommonwealthWarGraves @CWGC are promoting their War Graves Week
.. Fair enough it’s important that we commemorate the sacrifice of the war dead who certainly include white Commonwealth people, but black, brown and East Asians as well, people of all colours
… and although they were mostly men
we also think of the women folk they left behind as well.
I note that @CWGC’s main promo tweet and the one they are paying Twitter to promote
is Walter Tull the black Caribbean footballer who fought in WW1.
Two other more minor tweets feature a white archaeologist
and an un-named white soldier and wife.
I see the web site headline features the perils of fake tits.
How appropriate
Will this be investigated by the person who looks into misiniformation, cos I suspect fakes there.
BBC 1pm local news
– 78 yo Hull footballer has died
– coming report into the structure of football clubs ..local Labour MP has an opinion
bet you can’t guess which one
One day I’ll find out that her husband is the BBC producer or something.
Woman’s Hour gets quite a few tweets today
showing it caters to the lefty student union types.
Topics : Tory environment minister was on
“Burn her she’s an evil Tory” shout their listeners.
: Those guys in the car shouting rape the Jews
They brought on feminist Julie Bindel to say basically all men support rape . WTF !
The sane people on Twitter complained
Why is Emma doing another Newsnight style gotcha interview.
Just turned on @BBCWomansHour & yet again it’s been replaced by @Emmabarnett
doing a bog-standard Radio 5 Live “hard-hitting” political interview,
this time with a Govt Environmental Minister.
The reason it’s on Woman’s Hour? – because the Minister is a woman?
The gotcha question was
“ do you believe as environment minister that UK needs a new coal mine ?
Is this compatible with gaining net zero ?“
The Green Tory is unable to give the honest answer
that now steel is made with imported coal
so using local coal is a CO2 reduction.
..and that NetZero is a PR BS word
Just The BBC.
Now imagine any senior exec in front of The BBC tries this.
The bigger point is that he was appointed under the Socialist Workers Party Infiltrator David Cameron, and the cowardly useless incompetent Tories don’t like stories which disturb their lunches over fine clarets, so it’ll like as not be squashed, and they can carry on as usual.
Two rival tyre firms stepping on each others patch so they settle it with murder.
The BBC show 2 photos of the innocent Muslim female victim but they only mentions the names of those in court for murder:
Mr Suleman
Mr Manzoor
Mr Hussain
Mr Satia
Mr Raja
Mr Ennis
Mr Satia
Ms Chapman
Feel that enrichment!
\\If it were #Muslim attacker incident, headlines would be full of’Terrorist’ //
said the 2021 Glastonbury headliner
The BBC published the Dyson report at 1400 Thursday but it seems to have forgot to put it onto the internet .
Also – it was announced that the Panorama cancelled a few days ago is to go out tonight …
…..will Earl Spencer dish more dirt ?
Will meghan and the ginger idiot chime in ?
Will the popcorn run out again?
The small article on the BBC News website about the report pretty much says “the dodgy dealings of the BBC made no difference”. This news will soon be hidden under UK->England->Local News in a couple of hours.
“… the BBC “fell short of the high standards of integrity and transparency which are its hallmark”.” Who said comedy is dead?!
From BBC News online:
The BBC “fell short of high standards of integrity and transparency” over Martin Bashir’s interview with Princess Diana, an inquiry has found.
Mr Bashir faked documents to obtain the interview and later lied to BBC managers about them, the inquiry said.
The BBC said the report showed “clear failings” adding: “We are very sorry for this.”
Mr Bashir apologised for mocking up the documents, but said they had no bearing on Diana’s decision to be interviewed.
Princess Diana’s interview with Martin Bashir for Panorama was a huge scoop for the BBC – in it, the princess famously said: “There were three of us in this marriage.”
It was the first time a serving royal had spoken so openly about life in the Royal Family – viewers saw her speak about her unhappy marriage to Prince Charles, their affairs, and her bulimia.
But since then, Diana’s brother, Earl Spencer, has questioned the tactics used by journalist Mr Bashir to get the interview.
The independent inquiry was commissioned by the BBC last year, after Earl Spencer went public with the allegations. It is the inquiry’s findings that have been published on Thursday.
What is the Diana interview row all about?
Lord Dyson, the retired judge who led the inquiry, said the BBC “fell short of the high standards of integrity and transparency which are its hallmark”.
He found that Mr Bashir deceived Diana’s brother, Earl Spencer, by showing him the fake documents to gain his trust so he would introduce Mr Bashir to Diana.
The inquiry said Mr Bashir had later lied when he told BBC managers he had not shown the fake documents to anyone, and described significant parts of Mr Bashir’s account of the events of 1995 as “incredible, unreliable, and in some cases dishonest”.
In a statement, Mr Bashir apologised for mocking up the documents, but said he remained “immensely proud” of the interview.
He said: “The bank statements had no bearing whatsoever on the personal choice by Princess Diana to take part in the interview.
“Evidence handed to the inquiry in her own handwriting (and published alongside the report today) unequivocally confirms this, and other compelling evidence presented to Lord Dyson reinforces it.”
… … …
Panorama’s new tweet
The One Show is replaced by Panorama special tonight
entire prog blurb
a new Panorama team fronted by journalist John Ware has carried out its own four-month investigation,
with exclusive interviews and revelations from internal BBC documents.
This is the inside story of how Martin Bashir obtained his career-defining interview, and how the BBC responded when it discovered he had faked bank statements and shown them to Diana’s brother, Earl Spencer.
So when did Bashir use other trickery ?
Martin Bashir secured interviews for ITV’s #Tonight programme with the 5 guys accused of the Stephen Lawrence murder
How did he get them in ?
Then Michael Jackson fans
think they’ll expose his doco about MJ
Must be due to play the race card and turn Bashir into a victim pretty soon ….squirrels …
Bashir has a lot of front
Bashir’s statement
“This is the second time that I have willingly fully co-operated with an investigation into events more than 25 years ago.
I apologized then, and I do so again now, over the fact that I asked for bank statements to be mocked up.
It was a stupid thing to do and was an action I deeply regret.
But I absolutely stand by the evidence I gave a quarter of a century ago, and again more recently.
I also reiterate that the bank statements had no bearing whatsoever on the personal choice by Princess Diana to take part in the interview.
Evidence handed to the inquiry in her own handwriting (and published alongside the report today) unequivocally confirms this, and other compelling evidence presented to Lord Dyson reinforces it.
.. It is saddening that this single issue has been allowed to overshadow the princess’ brave decision to tell her story, to courageously talk through the difficulties she faced, and, to help address the silence and stigma that surrounded mental health issues all those years ago.
She led the way in addressing so many of these issues and that’s why I will always remain immensely proud of that interview.”
… em wasn’t Bashir’s action ILLEGAL ?
Will anyone come out and say that Bashir was one of those who sent Di toward that underground car ‘accident ‘?
( personally I could care less but if it turns the screw on the BBC that’s a good thing ) ..
They are turning a lot.
The swamp sharks have long memories of sanctimonious beeboids before.
Remember Bashir having to leave his US post after advocating pooing in Sarah Palin’s mouth. You can see why the BBC loved him.
”Among other things, Bashir said that someone should defecate and urinate in Palin’s mouth, a punishment delivered to some slaves. He apologised, but that was not enough.”
The BBC must be praying for some human disaster to distract away from the dirt .
They seem to be using the ‘rotten apple ‘ excuse .
The chakrabarti bbc droid was pulled up by Lord grade when she claimed it was a ‘one off ‘…..
Lord Grade went on to blame the culture of the ‘never wrong ‘ BBC and its’ failure to apologise or take years to do so …..
Vile man.
No wonder he fit in so well at the beeb.
Dear God.
Has anybody read this….
Has brilliant scientist, Richard Feynman been obliterated from history ?
He married a woman from near my relatives. One of his interviews was filmed at his mother in laws.
I remember watching the documentary series done – I believe – in the early days of PBS and channel 4 – left a long standing impression .the Prof was a great communicator …
There’s a 5 min TalkRadio video, warning that the BBC will try to rush on and get away with it.
“if it was a newspaper there would be calls to shit in down”
“The end doesn’t justify the means”
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – not sure it is wise to draw attention to ‘that photo’ again
That disappearing baby bump might raise some questioning eyebrows if the photo is a very recent one.
it would appear they have a stock of Meagain stories to roll out if she hasnt been mentioned for a few days.
why this even classes as news is beyond me
I spotted that too. Perhaps she’s already given birth ! after all, by the time the British media had got their knickers in a twist that she had gone into labour with Archie – she had given birth 6 hours earlier !!!!
Prepare for a statement in a month’s time saying she had a girl at the beginning of May.
LGBT lobbying sells training/advice services to orgs
.. except it’s just got caught giving false legal advice to Essex Uni
saying that cos some peole labelled professors “transphobic” the legal thing is to deplatform the professors.
Amazing error on Radio 4 brief news at 16:00!
The Dyson report was summarized reasonably well but, at the first mention of it, I’m sure the newsreader said “Lord Donnison” instead of “Lord Dyson”.
Did anyone else hear this who might confirm my impression? Or do I need to have my ears tested?!
Jon Don’s fame grows!
Just typing on a lefite type forum with someone who thinks a nuclear armed Iraq is not going to happen and laughing at me saying what are you doing to prepare for this, anmd I think back to the time when the leftist loons were parading their idiocy all over our cities under the banner of CND, campaigning for us to unilaterally abandon our weapons for nothing in return.
Until of course the Russians stopped funding them when the evil empire collapsed.
They’ve gone from claiming they were scared to death to thinking it’s funny!
I wonder if in a few years they will be looking back at the climate change scam and think it very funny?
I recall the early days of CND when the lefties refused to condemn the Soviet Union’s nuclear weapons.
A demonstration opposing the CND’s defence of the ‘workers bomb’ was held at the Russian Embassy to the embarrassment of the official CND.
@Thoughtful I guess that’s a typo and “nuclear armed Iraq” means nuclear armed Iran
Stew – the Iraq – Iran spelling issue is – I believe – one of the reasons George bush invaded the wrong country …
Some good points.
And questions… which appear to have escaped the likes of Jeremy Bowen, most of the BBC and Labour.
Children’s television is an area where the BBC has free reign for its propaganda, presumably because most adults don’t bother monitoring the content too closely, with parents too happy to leave their kids in what they trustingly assume to be a safe space, right? Think again.
Here are just 2 examples of the BBC pushing their woke agenda:
To save you the tedium of watching, the first promotes the joys of families with same-sex parents, as the autocutie approvingly tells us: “this family has 2 daddies and 2 daughters.”
The second is a 4 minute story (agitprop) called Mixed, about different coloured blobby-creatures, mixing happily and interbreeding. Their offspring not only inherit the best qualities of both parents but they’re even better, extra special.
It’s the BBC’s updating of Hitler’s eugenics.
Via, of all people… Katty.
The rest seem to have gone on a squirrel hunt and Marianna is desperately seeking more ‘tens of people’ to keep her expertise in ONE THING going and away from other fake news as long as possible.
Mayor Beetlejuice
Tricky Labour politicians RP video
#1 Lord Nazir Ahmed gives us a narrative a poor Palestinian girl
..except it’s actually a photo from Russia ..so he deleted the tweet with no apology.
He’s trigger happy with the Retweet button so there are more past offences here .. and here
despite the twitter handle he is no longer a lord he “retired” before his child sex offences trial.
#2 “LABOUR MP Rosena Allin-Khan was slammed on social media yesterday evening, after being exposed by the police as having lied in a tweet that smeared the force and falsely accused them of racial profiling.”
Officer’s were doing routine stops on delivery drivers and she said how dare they arrest ones that had committed immigration offences.
Also tricky…
BBC News
“I’m scared. I want to go home.”
Two Thai men, working on a farm near Israel’s border with Gaza, were killed on Tuesday by a rocket fired by Palestinian militants.
Now, workers say they feel under near-constant threat of attack.
Yes, they have mentioned something that doubtless has JezBo rocking in his soundproof room to, but just who is ‘attacking’ that these guys fear?
Clarifying that might put a bunch of folk in politics and media in their unsafe place.
The BBC audience internationally, plus domestic, on this issue is appalling.
They range from pig thick activists to professional propagandists.
Almost no comment from the moment it appeared is anything but bile or excuses.
The BBC shared a simple FACT.
The reaction shows their core can’t handle anything unless it conforms, and if the BBC stays from that expectation they go nuts.
And they live amongst us. Check out the charmer at the march yesterday. Why are they here? How are they allowed in and to stay?
Here’s an interactive one.
Twitter seem cool on some facts that seem based on… pure propaganda. Here’s a lady at best confused…
Ah, now I see the Arabs position in the latest rounds of fighting. An Arab gentleman showed the TV reporter a lease for his property that the Jordanian authorities gave him in 1950. That was after the Jordanian annexation of Jewish land after the 1948 war so of course he has rights to it (not) even after the 1968 war when Israel took it back again. Fancy expecting him to return it to the rightful owners (who were sold it by the Ottoman (Islamic) Empire in 1898. I now fully expect the Germans to lay claim to all those Chateaux that they seized in 1940 from the French who had the temerity to seize back. By the way, the Jews gave the guy another lease allowing him to stay on the condition that he agreed the property was theirs and they paid the appropriate rent. They haven’t paid rent for 18 years so not surprising that the owners want it back. Why do I have to dig out the real story and not Marianna Spring (aged 25)?
For some it was the squaddies lobbing them off the docks.
Different strokes, I guess.
Listening to the journo’s reports – WHY do they ALWAYS sympathise with the plight of the refugees, and NEVER condone them for invading other shores ?
Great photo ops for blondes and insane 1st minnies?