Will the fall out from the Bashir Fraud continue ? Will Prince Charles speak ? Or Tony Hall ? Or anyone from the BBC ? And will the papers follow up on other cases where the BBC has used deceit to ‘get a story ‘. After all – if they’d do it to a member of the Royal Family – isn’t everyone else fair game ?
Weekend Thread 22 May 2021
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Maybe the peerage can be taken away too – and the ‘tradition ‘ that heads of the BBC get a gong ended.
Fedup2, from your lips to God’s ears
“Follow The Science!”
they bray
>>> whose science? – angel wings in the background – I’d say they need to add a holy cow just maybe?
Clap for the NHS plebs !! – or else?
We followed the ‘good science’ over thalidomide, deck access flats, DDT, smart motorways, I could go on it’s a long list!
Corona virus has actually shown the reverse, a hysterical over reaction to a virus which was no where near as dangerous as they science led us to believe.
For Science, read the WHO and the UN…..
Best chuckle of today ? Amanda Platell in the Mail, and her little by-line headline……… When Harry met Doolally ……
How heart-warming that on Day 3 of Bashirgate the media and press are still piling in to bash the beeb.
So much so that they’ve got the Grauniad rattled:
“Fears of ‘feeding frenzy’ against BBC after Diana interview backlash” reads their headline.
Well, Guardianistas, YOU may fear it; we welcome it.
The article goes on to quote a former chair of BBC that there was a danger of destroying something that “would be impossible to recreate”.
Oh, stop it Guardian, now you’re just titillating us, you tease you.
Personally, and I am sure that many on this site share my view, I want heads on spikes and the BBC to be racked before being disembowelled and I want a front row seat to watch the fun. However given modern sensitivities I suppose that abolition of the License Fee is the best we can hope for and even that seems a long , long way off.
It looks as though the newish DG , Davie , has insisted on a full investigation because it gave him something to threaten the numerous layers of complacent liberal left Wokist management with, basically ‘ accept my changes or you will be changed by outside forces in a much more radical and unpleasant way’.
The problem will be that his changes will not go anywhere near far enough and that in any case they will be run into the sand by passive resistance from the overwhelming majority of BBC management.
The government is scared of tackling the BBC and will be happy if Davies manages to make it just a little less left wing in its output. It’s the easy way out for this timid Tory Government.
Only direct action by the people of refusing to pay the License Fee will free them for this Woke monster.
When the Daily Telegraph unleashed the MP’s expenses scandals, there were so many ‘apologies’ and ‘excuses’, one or two resignations from those well past it and hoping for a cushy number in the HoL, some humiliation, and a furious public descended like a ton of bricks on the lifestyle of these people who trade as our representatives in parliament, and prefer to rip us off instead.
Now, is there a newspaper which will do the same with the disgraceful BBC and it’s overpaid, under-talented and deceitful minions? Will the statement announcing his resignation, Lord Hall added: “I am very sorry for the events of 25 years ago and I believe leadership means taking responsibility” be shown as yet another finger, casually flipped at the public which pays the TV tax?
I can’t expect the BBC to do anything about their problem. They have the money by law to do exactly what they like, say what they like, fiddle facts like they often do and stuff the taxpayer!
So which paper is going for the throat tomorrow?
Yesterday and today the editorial column in the Telegraph calls for the abolition of the License Fee and its replacement by a voluntary subscription. I don’t think I ve seen this in the Telegraph before. A small step forward. Hopefully this will encourage people to refuse to pay the LF which is the best way to force the government to act and to bring home to the corporation that it is subscription or nothing.
Thank you, Doublethinker, I don’t see much on the Telegraph, as I don’t pay for their news, but yes, it does seem a step in the right direction.
I think Boris must only read the guardian…
Watch this before you tube remove it – again !
@Thoughtful The intro actually says that a previous edition with Hitchens in December was removed
That was temporarily for a few days and YouTube apologised and put it back
That Dec 13th show is still there
This new vid May 9th has been up for 2 weeks untouched
There is a backup audio .. https://soundcloud.com/user-923838732/peter-hitchens-on-his-experiences-living-in-the-soviet-union-marxist-ideology-in-britain
Someone tweets to Ash Sarkar & Owen Jones that he’s trying to get the YouTube channel shut down using incessant reporting
… It’s quite possible that’s how the first video got banned : Youtube responding to mass complaints by automatically removing the vid.
Even bbc number crunching struggling to get this to qualify as news.
Probably less newsworthy at W1A.
It’s hilarious: at a time when misgendering someone is a hate crime, opening the door to a woman is a microagression, speaking the truth about islam gets you cancelled, de-platformed or arrested, refusing to bake a gay cake gets the plod pounding on your door, etc etc etc, yet you can spew all the antisemtic hate you want, providing it’s a in a ‘just’ cause.
‘Just’ meaning approved by the Left, or muslims.
It is not in Cardiff they should be holding a protest, but outside the Israli embassy in New York USA-the Jews control the USA-what good it will do with such a protest in the UK is useless, carries no weight.
Much to unpack in that one.
A career in Oxfam social media beckons?
What you have posted is antiSemitic trope which leaves me unsettled. It is the sort of thing I would have expected from 1930s Germany or a Labour Party meeting today. If you want to insult Jews I suggest you join one of these Palestinian demonstrations.
They shouldn’t be allowed to protest anywhere in support of a terrorist run country. If these protests continue I hope that counter pro Israeli protests develop and are awarded all the privileges that these pro Palestine fools are.
HMS Janet Daley firing a broadside from the Bridge of the DT
The morning after Prince William’s shattering statement, Nick Robinson began his coverage on the Today programme by describing it, presumably with a straight face, as one great “national institution” attacking another. Which raises the question: does the BBC regard itself as being on a par with the monarchy?
Answer: you bet it does. Much of the rest of that rather confused Today presentation in the immediate aftermath of the Prince’s devastating pronouncement seemed to imply that, as regards any consequences for the BBC, this farrago was a bit overblown. It all happened twenty-five years ago under different management, so why all the fuss now? Needless to say, this misconstrues precisely the point in question – that the BBC, under successive managerial changes (some of which involved the very people who were directly responsible for dealing with the Bashir phenomenon in the first place) had managed to keep all this sordid information hidden for twenty-five years.
What was obviously exercising the BBC most in those early shocked moments after the unprecedented royal intervention was the existential risk to itself. The “enemies” of the Corporation and its precious funding arrangement – which is to say, the Tory government and the venal newspaper industry – were no doubt going to have a field day. So it must be made absolutely clear that they would be attacking a previous generation of executives – for all the world, as if there could be a moral statute of limitations on acts of dishonesty so brazen and damaging that they had threatened the constitutional settlement of the country.
The real key to understanding these events – and the BBC’s appalling failure to respond to them in an appropriate way – requires an appreciation of the Platonic level of sublime conceit that prevails in the corporation which sees itself as something far, far more than a broadcasting organisation. (Indeed, as a “national institution” which can vie with the monarchy as a quintessential feature of the British identity.) From this mindset flows the inevitable conclusion not only that anyone who criticises its decisions or policies must be doing so for self-serving, spurious reasons, but that the BBC – being unique in its stature and function – can be the only possible judge of itself. (Hence, its long battle against any external regulation by Ofcom which it has only recently lost.) In other words, the fact of its unique role and funding arrangement, is what justifies its immunity from having that role and funding arrangement questioned.
In his report, Lord Dyson used the word “naive” in describing the shockingly dismissive attitude that BBC managers showed in their treatment of the Bashir revelations. That might seem an odd way to characterise the deliberate way in which a whistleblower and a graphic artist had their livelihoods destroyed, which looks rather like systematic, conscious victimisation intended as a warning to others.
But I know what he means. There is something almost idiotically, perversely obtuse about the way the BBC treats anything that it regards as contrary to its sacred view of itself. Some years ago, I was invited to address a seminar at the BBC with daily line editors to present the views of a Conservative-supporting newspaper. Back then there was little competition in television or radio news output, and no such thing as social media. When I commented on what appeared to be the monopolistic control of the BBC empire on what the public received by way of broadcast news, a hand shot up at the back and, with that total lack of self-awareness that is so tragically common among BBC staff, its owner proclaimed that if I was so critical of “news empires”, I must be equally opposed to the Murdoch press outfit.
To which I replied, as patiently as possible, that if I disliked what the Murdoch news outlets did, I had the right to refuse them my custom. Whereas, if I refused to pay for the BBC, I got a criminal record. His response was speechless silence.
In all the present excitement, it is important to remember that the BBC has form in this sort of misadventure. Previous Director Generals, such as George Entwhistle who was in the job for only 54 days, have had to resign over what were regarded as horrendous offences against responsible journalism.
It was nearly a decade ago that Newsnight broadcast a notorious slur on the late Tory party Treasurer, Lord McAlpine accusing him of disgusting crimes of which he was completely innocent. And then there was the failure to take any action against Jimmy Savile who actually had committed disgusting crimes for which there was a mountain of evidence. In the case of Lord McAlpine, the most basic rules of journalism had been breached: no newspaper would have touched such a story without having it double (or triple) sourced, and without even a simple historical fact check. In the Savile case, the desire to protect the reputation of the BBC (here we are again), apparently transcended everything.
I really doubt that the BBC, as it is presently constituted (and funded) can recover from this. The alienation from the monarchy is beyond repair: the grief and the bitterness so stunningly clear in Prince William’s statement are too deep for formulaic apologies. Its raison d’etre as the voice of the nation is discredited.
It seems impossible to conceive of a solution – or even a way to address the problem – that does not go to the heart of what the corporation still sees as its founding mission. It’s relationship with the country was supposed to have been inextricably related to its guardianship of the nation’s sense of itself. That was the whole point of its system of funding which would free it from commercial pressures and allow it to connect directly with the hearts and minds of the people who, in turn, would agree to support it.
All that is gone now. Perhaps it went quite a while ago: sometime between its mistake in the 1980s when it refused to understand the appeal of Thatcherism, and the Brexit referendum. Whatever can be salvaged now will have to involve less apologising and more real regret.
A long post but worth the read.
However, she still seems to be keeping the door ajar for ‘salvaging’ and ‘regretting’.
NO! Nothing to salvage – just DEFUND, NOW!
Another defence line the BBC has taken is that it is really big and you can’t tarnish a whole organisation as being ‘deceitful ‘.
As readers and writers on this site know – the whole problem of the BBC is that it pumps its lefty propaganda through all aspects of its ‘ output – starting with kiddie programmes .
The whole thing is dirty . And there must be a reckoning .
While I was fuming Fed, I popped a post a little earlier, so apols for saying what you thought, but well before me!
The trouble I see is, that the Sunday rags have more leftie comment than the dailies, with the Sunday Times, the awful Observer etc., and the furore will be plastered with all their excuses in greater quantity (not much quality), and become the agenda for the normal papers to sort out later.
A weekend is a long time in ‘journalism’, and while we all sip our claret and ruminate after Sunday lunch, it’s not the same as getting really pissed off with the lefties at the proper time of early morning, and having the awful BBC whingeing and whining at the same time, to make matters worse.
I might even wait up and hear R5 ‘bashir’ just to see how many of their quick-diallers get on their progs, and what short time the normal sleepless-in-Kents get!
Springster and a few others ‘liked’ this.
Presumably after a break from the group hug in a telephone booth.
Is PressGazette a website run by just one person ?
cos articles typically have jut 2 comments are both of them are spam job advertisements.
Showing it has little troll protection practice itself.
Baz speaks for the nation. Bbc sources can reveal.
Years ago I used to attend meetings with Barry and he wasn’t the sharpest knife in the door even then.Now two decades later he Is a doddery old fool. He has been MP for Huddersfield for decades and has an ‘understanding ‘ with the rapidly growing RoPer community. No more need be said.
Do like a calm counter.
Maybe Springster and American Booty can investigate to provide the substantive base lacking?
If you get the opportunity Guess Who, listen to Candice Owen on Michelle Obama, you will realise just how false much of what this Obama woman pertains to complain of. Candice Owen is a very intelligent black American lady who pulls no punches on the position of BLM for example, totally against what is being promoted.
Having seen sheermans ‘ behaviour during the brexit travails in the last Parliament I was thinking he is suffering from ‘Biden disease ‘….
His comment does evidence the lefty output of his comrades in his BBC
Newsbeat has called a crisis production meeting.
Guest Who
Surely Muslims must be used to ‘ a Man ‘ because when there are mass murders and rapes reported and its always ‘ a Man ‘ who is helping Police with their enquiries ?
I don’t know the full background to the beautician story, nor do I care, but it sounds like another absurd case of woke vs woke.
To which I say: excellent, a curse on both your houses and may the best man* win.
*By man, I mean of course he/she/ it /they.
Having read the facts not from an MSM shill like WaPo or the BBC, this story framing is quite sweet.
The Hill actually mentions…
Front cover of Today’s Times weekly TV guide
“Paapa Essiedu on playing the despicable brother in Anne Boleyn”
This pic is from online version
so doesn’t have the text written over the top
BBC2 tonight another #WiteManBad night
9:30pm They given a “british-Nigerian poet activist the topic of making a film about a rogue Frenchman in Africa
11pm Film about a couple in the 1950 arrested for breaking the mixed marriage laws (Loving 2016)
“Loving celebrates the real-life courage of interracial couple Richard & Mildred Loving, and their landmark civil rights case against the state of Virginia.”
Meanwhile, LBC…
Also LBC.
Missing a few bits, guys?
It is just possible the MSM has again hooked up with the wrong side.
Get ‘em young?
…cheered on by brainwashed pupils and, no doubt, ‘teachers’. I use the term loosely.
What a disgraceful idiot Baddiel is! He was amongst the leftist loons who caused all this with his far Left Blair supporting hate. And I really mean hate, the anger and the rage with which he denounced decent White British people is still there on the record for anyone who wants to see it.
Baddiel is highly representative of the self destructive Jew who sees what he has done doesn’t like it, yet cannot reconicle his own self destructive actions have caused it.
Alas there are many many like Baddiel in the Jewish community.
Hey, you can’t blame them, the car looked distinctly Jewish, big hooked bonnet an’ all.
Does anyone watch this crap!?
Always find it funny too when bbc staff refer to themselves as ‘journalists’. Especially Jon’s BS TDS merchants.
Oddly, this phenomenon has escaped me so far.
Epstein goings on in the good old USA.
2 black warders break all the rules and consequently Epstein dies,
Then they get off with community time.
No T shirts printed, no crowds on the street, no tv stations shouting for justice.
The USA is now corrupted to the core thanks to the evil Dems.
I hope that the sane people in that Country can eventually see what’s going on in front of their eyes and rise up against it,
Huw Edwards has apparently taken down a Twitter he made because it could lead to attacks on BBC staff ….
The BBC is one sets of cogs in the machine of bias
I switch on Twitter
and in its “for you” section
It pushes at me
9pm Channel5 Queen Mother documentary 1/3
Interesting. Probably not newsworthy.
We can commit War Crimes because we describe ourselves as victims but you can’t retailate since you’re the aggressors according to us
I see the BBC are trying to rename the Indian variant as the Yorkshire variant, bet their mate Nicola Queen of Scots is delighted.
Apart from the fact that large swathes of Yorkshire are now “Indian” or more likely “Pakistani”, we all know what you are up to BBC you slugs!
Comparing the BBC to slugs is an insult to slugs.
The majority of the Eurovision songs sound like somthing you’d hear in a Lebanese taxi.
Oh I forgot to mention Eurovision is in for 4 hours on BBC1
… and all day warm up shows on Radio2 etc.
The BBC will keep showing the Eurovision thing as a sort of propaganda eulogy to the EU: See, we’re all one big happy family – see what we left – see what you’re missing?
Stunned that anyone listens or watches this pathetic drivel. It is an insult to any decent sane individual.
Its that bad that even Graham Norton was going through the motions as to criticise or mock anyone as Terry used to would be seen as an assault on that person’s esteem ….so it’s just a big woke gay fest of no relevance to the common people. Hence its on the BBC.
The BBC actively want to ram it down our throats.
A small ‘f*ck you’ to those who do not share their agenda.
Those countries that sing in English rather than in their own language always sound particularly naff. Germany’s song is called “I Don’t Feel Hate”.
BBC web commercials are weird – last month in Holland / Belgium >>> wall to wall Rolex / Accenture / Saga Cruises – this month in Italy and Cyprus – no ads…
Relevant video from the parody news site
The nasty sneering bias that infects the BBC and all our woke-supremacist masters
Does Nazir write his own tweets
or do Labour party goons write them for him ?
Why can’t he criticise policies instead of behaving like he’s in a girl gang in a playground ?
They say it clearly: “The koran tells us to hate Jews.”
So when mayor Khant tells us he won’t tolerate anti-semitism in London, does that mean he’s going to destroy all copies of the koran?
Well, a bit of believer joshing when Mo was in Medina would routinely end up in a beheading or a few hundred.
Not via Ceebeebies feat. Nish.
Yes it is in their scripture – the Israeli-Palestine ‘conflict’ is all about about killing Jews.
The Western left and the institutions it has taken over – e.g. the police, education, media – have aligned themselves with this jihad. They are temporarily united in their desire to destroy western civilisation and democracy.
Anne Marie Waters sets out the blindingly obvious in a short 25 min video, which includes clips of recent
protestsriots in Europe and the US.Or would Khan say publicly that he disbelieves the Koran? (or Q’u’r’a’n, or however people in the know spell it.)
Ummm post analysis of Eurovision (somebody has to do it)
We had wokeism pushed at us just like the adverts , crime series, NETFLIX films etc. And then the European public voted. Not one of top 4 featured a BME singer and on top of that you’d expect Israel to tank (not a pun) they didn’t. I know its an awful show but again we had diversity shoved down our throats but the European public said No, Non, Nien ! We prefer our own types thank you very much.
Interesting take on the deceit of the BBC in the Express today.
It was probably assumed that there would be individual claims for compensation because of the lies and cheating going on, with several good citizens getting clobbered, but if/when the momentum really does take hold, does the team think that when the awful BBC decided to tax everyone over 75 again, they factored in these eye-watering claims against the income they would get?
The sideshow of the dreadful Lineker and Ball pay rises was a smokescreen – they must have seen this shameful episode coming and started to pinch the cash while they could.
The ‘News of the World’ issue was a comic strip compared to this.
BBc House Jewnal
Just went to Radio 2 to see if there was anything to listen to for Eurovision.
It has 6 special programs available by 5 women, the gay black travel reporter and a Russian violinist.
No jobs for any white English males then.
Might be worth getting Wendy and unit to check?
Or not.
Matthew Syed in the Times
Oxfam International put out a now deleted tweet
about the trouble in the Middle East
..saying we should *especially* think of the Palestinian victims
Allegedly at the same school Matthew attended here in Reading.
Not to be seen on the BBC.
The Oxfam deleted tweet
(small thing, he got the account name wrong
@Oxfam International…. not @OxfamGB )
Going well where comments still allowed.
Which means the bbc can pretend it never happened.
Oxfam turned Left some time ago.
Proud to let you know that at the Sunderland game yesterday, the 10,000 fans gave a resounding BOO when the players ‘took the knee’ (grovelling to blm)
None of the commentators mentioned it and I’ve neither read nor heard any mention of it anywhere in the msm even though this was the loudest ‘BOO’ I’ve yet heard at the football games.
BBC Breakfast host Dan Walker is quoted as praising efforts to “laugh it off” meanwhile BBC Commentator Graham Norton reacted by saying: “I’m trying to put a positive spin on it”
No, not the BBC Bashir scandal, this is Britain’s entry for the Eurovision Song Contest coming last again with nil points.
Who cares? Brexit backlash?
Appropriately enough it was a 1977 BBC Panorama documentary targeting the excesses of Millwall’s hooligan fans and emphasising their involvement in the National Front that gave rise to the defiant chant “No-One Likes Us, We Don’t Care”
Matt the Telegraph cartoonist has Blue Peter (does that still exist?) declare: “Today we’ll show you how to fake bank statements in order to get an interview”
I’m standing by with my empty squeezy bottles and sticky backed plastic. Although I suspect if an ordinary joe were to be caught counterfeiting documents for gain he’d end up in the chokey.
The Times promotes their Rich List and we notice even this hallowed press institution is ripe for the bending toward the great deity of diversity: ‘Wealth boom brings Britains first black billionaire‘
The Times comic illustrator Newman decides to go social justice warrior and has an old time tramp figure leap in the air at the sight of a headline “Rich become super rich” as he calls out “Hooray for levelling up”
Who wants to be a millionaire? Just you wait for inflation to take off mate.
” Fact checking” the BBC.
Compare and contrast the BBC’s article here ‘ what’s causing the spike in the Indian variant in Bolton?’ ( answer, poverty and bad housing ..all because of ‘deprivation and low paid jobs ‘. No mention of any other factors at all, just the poor innocent people of the North let down by the Tories… ): https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-57094274.amp
With what actually cause the spike in Bolton.. Which of course everyone in the whole country knew but finally the daily mail writes it down : https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9608141/amp/Families-refusing-quarantine-India-trips-blamed-Bolton-Covid-Indian-variant-surge.html
Wait for the daily mail to be ‘ cancelled’ next.
The BBC makes me sick.
GAZA—BLM has expressed solidarity with Hamas and Palestine by sending organizers to protest Israel by rampaging through Gaza and burning down Palestinian-owned businesses.
“Everyone knows the best way to fight back against your oppressor is to burn down your own community,” said BLM leader Patrisse Cullors. “We here at BLM are experts at that, so we figured the least we can do is help out.”
BLM sent 500 of their best ground troops to enter Gaza at night. They immediately began looting the local shoe store and Halal market before setting fire to an apartment building.
“Free, free, Palestine! Free, free, Palestine! Black and brown lives matter!” they chanted loudly as the townspeople began to wake up.
“This seems kinda counterproductive,” said one Hamas leader. “But, if it works in America, maybe we should try it here.”
The battle is not even remotely won, despite the BBC’s superficial grovelling post Bashir.
But I’m starting to wonder if Bashir is a very useful conducting rod for them. While many and especially the useless government focus on the Bashir stuff ( and consign things like Savile to the dustbin of BBC history in the process) the BBC can get on with their Guardianista woke leftoid agenda untrammelled.
Here’s the three features I heard on Toady on Sunday this morning, pretty much one after another.
1. A black woman querying, unchallenged, the portrayal of Jesus down the centuries as a white man !!!
2. Choir boys (Winchester? Not sure) who have recorded a song about the ‘climate crisis’ in time for the G7 and COP26 meeting. Got that ? CRISIS. the children need to know it’s a CRISIS you see.
3. The charity appeal was about child trafficking………in Ghana. Not, for example, Rochdale or Rotherham.
Then they wonder why the Tories are winning red wall seats whose residents are switching off the BBC.
But somehow Boris seems to be staring at an open goal and yet is refusing to shoot.
But sluff wasnt the religious stuff on the BBC the responsibility of Bashir until last Friday week ?
I guess he blackmailed BBC management to get that non job …
BBC webshite ‘Have Your Say’ update.
With so little recent news (LOL) , readers will have noticed a marked dearth of HYS opportunities.
But today you have your chance. So please submit your comments on………errrrr………..a footballer who has broken a scoring record in the German football league!!!!!!!!
Go on. You know you want to.
Sluff, looking through some of those comments I get two overwhelming impressions:
1. That particular Thread has been very heavily moderated in advance
2. That thread does not appear to have any of the usual ‘This comment is awaiting moderation’ or ‘This comment has been removed’, and,
3. some of the comments appear to be from overseas or from some very ‘dodgy’ registered user names.
I have two … I have three impressions … hah! you weren’t expecting the Spanish Inquisition!
The Spanish Inquisition needs to be visited on the BBC. Those comments on that Thread appear decidedly dodgy to me; but then, I’m biased about the BBC. 🙂
When the going gets tough the BBC always has Esther Rantzen
to turn to. She reminds of Manuel from Faulty Towers with
his ” I know nothing, I know nothing.” I remember her
being asked about Jimmy Saville some years ago. ” There
were rumours at the BBC” she told us , but basically she
knew nothing.
The BBC would not send anybody on to the Andrew Marr
programme this morning to talk about Bashir. So Esther Rantzen
was brought on to tell us she knew nothing other than
the fact that Dianna had said it all before she appeared with
Bashir. Everybody knew that Charles was carrying on with
Camilla .And that everything would calm down at the BBC.
The question that really has to be answered now is how on
earth did Bashir get the job in 2016 to be be the editor of
Religion on the BBC? The answer so far as the BBC is concerned
is a perfect example of Occam’s Razor principle. The BBC in
2016 were going hell for leather in their number one priority,
DIVERSITY. Nothing was more important for them to show
the unwashed viewers that they had to be educated in
“inclusiveness” “positive discrimination”” diversity” call it
what you will. Bashir had past form , but never matter . He
ticked all the right boxes the BBC were looking for head of
religion at the BBC , an ethnic Muslim. A proved deceitful forger,
exploiting a vulnerable flawed Dianna. Took second . third
and fourth place to his diversity which had become the
number one default position of the BBC.
Your report did appointment me. I was expecting Tony Hall the former Peer to turn up for a chat about his future – on the Marr gig .
Obviously Tony would have his ‘ legal team ‘ present and read out a prepared statement .
However i somehow think that Mr Hall and those associated with their contribution to the death of future Queen have got on the BBC lear jet and headed for a BBC safe house in Portugal or some country from where they cannot be extradited….
Bashir suggested doing a pooh in Sarah Palin’s mouth. Had to leave his job, but the BBC loved him.
And he does a good apology.
Update on GB News.
Ha, we must be getting similar youtube suggestions, I almost put that video up last night
The main thing is they have GloriaDePiero Ex Labour MP (she already does Times Radio on Sunday morning’s)
and then a lot of black faces, non-lefties I assume they are non-lefties
Maybe more black faces than white males
but then those like Andrew Neil will get more airtime.
The morning news show on ITV will shortly be renamed GML
…. Good Morning Labour
The BBC disinformation trolls on Marr and Politics twitter are trying to make out GB viewers will be footballism hooligans and Emily Thornburyphobes.
I will reserve judgement on GB News. Not sure yet. Not a fan of Brillo – is your real name Yaxley Lennon – Niel.
Yes, Neil’s mask came off in that interview with TR.
I have the line up list just cropping it
Breakfast show

Is that a MAN?
Old on… reporters are people? This been fact checked?
Lurch checked BBC claims lately?
Big story BBC “anti-Zionist not antisemite” Hitler (yimakh shemo) supporting “journalist”.
exposed by GnasherJew
Tala Halawa BBC-digital journalist at BBC-Monitoring & BBCWord
She locked her Twitter account
over deleted Israel is Nazi tweet
That had been put up last night, until he exposed it this morning
GnasherJew tweeted
I’ve just checked @TalaHalawa feed, she’s supposed to be an unbiased @bbc reporter,
she’s an obsessive anti Israel campaigner at @BBCWorld
He posted about 20 examples on his Twitter account
(His tweets chronological .. his tweets to her )
Her crucial tweet
She would be be breaking UK hate laws
but it seems she is based in Palestine
… My hypothesis is that she is a Palestinian working in Palestine and that if she wasn’t posting severe anti-Israel stuff Hamas wouldn’t tolerate her.
Bio : Tala Halawa is a journalist from Palestine, a researcher in the field of new media, holds a master’s degree in international media from the University of Leeds in Britain, writes for local and Arab media and presents a radio program on Radio 24 FM in Ramallah
Another welcome ITTB venture out inspired.
Probably covered under ‘views my own’ BBc exemptions.
Again, oddly unidirectional in ‘view’.
ah the Hitler tweet is dated 2014
as we can see.
For some reason Dominic Frizbg ( the bloke who does those anti EU ditties ) id always around when ‘ projectorman’ put a lazer message on key central london locations at night.
Last night a message was as projected on broadcasting house which read
“BBC lies lies and leftist propaganda ‘
Im sure that wont feature on ‘feedback ‘ …