Fortunately for those of us who see the BBC as a monster the Bashir Affair is continuing to fester. However there is little sign of the current government being willing to do anything about it at all – even with the outright condemnation of the future King . But public pressure is building . It won’t take much to force reform or better still – destruction.
Start the Week Thread 24 May 2021
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We have had a serious week in the past week, with the Dyson Report escaping into the public realm despite the BBC’s attempt to stop it.
However, for some time I have wanted to pay tribute to fellow contributors on here and the humour in their contributions. Thank you. It helps to keep me cheerful (I’m naturally a happy and contented soul) and I’m sure it helps others who find life in the world a lot tougher, especially life in a world ruled by the BBC and its Licence Fee.
Let me encourage you all to keep going. It is probably guaranteed that the BBC will slide out from under the Bashir Scandal, especially with our distracted and chaotic PM lacking a steadying advisor and Chief of Staff. I’ve seen some of the BBC tactics coming into play on TWatO and Any Questions and its Panel as soon as on Friday, together with statements from various people over the weekend. We are in for an interesting week.
Bite the bullet if you haven’t already done so and give up the TV Licence. Make your voice heard by doing that!
“It helps to keep me cheerful (I’m naturally a happy and contented soul) and I’m sure it helps others who find life in the world a lot tougher, especially life in a world ruled by the BBC and its Licence Fee.”
So say all of us !
Thank you Up2snuff for your work on this site .
taffy, you are welcome but I really wanted to pay tribute to the wit and humour that has kept me chuckling away from time to time – unlike the BBC, itself. There has been some good serious writing from others as well, with perceptive comments and observations from all of you. Well, with the exception of maxi and Piku and that Wild Woman who was in something or other, they are the really deplorables along with the Beeb.
“with the exception of maxi and Piku and that Wild Woman who was in something or other”
The Trolls that keep me amused, nay entertained, just like ‘The Three Stooges’.
Beware, they could be very active on Wednesday as there will be a full moon.
🙂 🙂 🙂 x 5!
Catchup links to latest posts on the previous thread
– page 3 started 12pm Sunday lunch
– page 2 started 2pm on Saturday
I’d welcome more of the lurkers to post.
Don’t be afraid of the trolls trying to intimidate you guys.
Why I think Al Beeb will survive …………….
The Marxists are a failure and never get elected to government so they Pretend they are “Labour” supporters and become elected as Labour MPs.
We get a Communist opposition.
The “Liberals” are a failure and never get elected to government so they Pretend they are Tory supporters and we get a Liberal Government .
Hence the state of the British Parliament and why Al Beeb is does not get de-funded.
We have a ‘Rotten Parliament’ under a ‘false flag’.
I have not paid my TV Licence for some time and saved myself a lot of money.
We’re hearing calls from various quarters for better ‘governance’, ‘checks and balances’, ‘supervision’, ‘safeguards’, ‘robust structures’ etc, so Bashirgate can never happen again.
All good and well, but that doesn’t address what we, here, are more concerned about, namely the institutional bias and woke ideology that runs throughout the corrupt Corporation; not just in its news and current affairs, but every aspect, every department (as is consistently exposed here).
Until that is addressed, an overhauled BBC will just be a better propaganda machine, that doesn’t forge bank statements.
“forge bank statements.”
A jailing sentence I would have thought ?
“…so Bashirgate can never happen again.”
If the BBC were abolished, it wouldn’t.
ITBB new post
summarises the Tala Halawa situation
the Hitler loving BBC reporter in Palestine was also mentioned on our prev thread page 2
The Speccie pickup the story
The JC from February
What was he worried about then ?
So, the previous DG, from not long ago, is setting his lawyers on the BBC, for how the BBC portrays him?
If this were the plot of a bad crime drama it would be laughed off as incredible.
If oddly familiar. And unique.
The Bashir story is second to the one about Hall and how this man who covered it all up got to be director general IMHO.
The BBC is corrupt to the core once you scratch the surface. And I expect that corruption is what might save it. Lots of powerful people involved who can turn a career in either direction. We’ve witnessed how people get destroyed a lot recently.
Are there any true Tories on this site ?
What ever happened to “Essex Man” who used to populate this site?
Why do you ask? Is it a prerequisite for being unhappy with bbc propaganda?
Just wondering if they are unhappy with our PM and his cabinet for not closing Al Beeb down after the last five years of blatant bias aginst the Tory government ?
Yup, I’m one although no longer a member.
Liebor lie and foment trouble by pandering to every obscure minority pushing an agenda. Luckily, the real English have cottoned on to them.
The LibDums are plainly just stupid and Liebor followers on. The Greens are pure nutters.
So despite their many faults, it’s the Tories, faute de mieux if we are not to slide into a permanent Leftoid dictatorship.
Ah, back to BBC levels of impartial integrity.
I hadn’t noticed until last night, what has happened to the ‘report’ button?
I am sure yesterday the Today programme and on the news I heard the Dyson report called ‘a controversy’. What Martin Bashir did and Lord Tony Hall condoned was just plain wrong. I don’t think there is an alternative view, so no ‘controversy ‘.
I don’t think the ‘report’ button worked . I reported myself a few times but i never got the’ report’. And do nt think anyone did .
Unless of course there is a bloke stroking a white cat at Smersh who has the job on the side whilst he runs an Evil Empire . Lord Hall perhaps ?
As for Tony Hall – i wonder if the Staff at the National Gallery will buy him a leaving present ? A painting perhaps ? Of a bank statement…
Thanks Fedup re the report button, when I couldn’t find it, I posted a reply which I hope explained why I thought the post inappropriate.
Well, golly; there’s a thing.
Why didn’t it all come out when the Fake Sheikh was exposed ?
It’s common knowledge the media are devious as hell.
In the early 80s. I remember a ‘controversy ‘ on Panorama because the makers had been careless when spicing some film together and whichever Conservative MP it was ‘changed’ his tie half way through his speech. It might have been about ministers having links with the far right. The researcher who had previously been a researcher for a Labour MP moved on to train BBC journalists at their training college. The BBC always looks after their own.
And they’ve been doing it constantly ever since. Right up to the outrageous editing about Trump and the ‘inject disinfectant’ story.
I imagine they have done plenty to cover up sleepy Joes dementia. I’m afraid I can’t watch them to find out : it’s just too creepy.
I am sure that is wrong. His tie was so soaked with sweat that he had to change it.
Ah … the new #MeToo movement.
Wow, the scandals are coming thick and fast!
Now the Sunday Express thinks it might have found “the next big scandal to hit the BBC”: the Alex Belfield story.
“Former DJ turned Youtube star sues police over ‘scandalous’ BBC allegations”
summary : UK BLM organiser and Taking the initiative Party founder Sasha Johnson has been shot in the head and is in intensive care.
“Detectives are appealing for information after a woman in her twenties was shot in Peckham.
Police were called shortly before 3am on Sunday, May 23 to reports of gunshots in Consort Road, SE15.
The woman is currently in hospital with life-threatening injuries, police said.”,/i>
One Tweet has a WhatsApp msg saying a woman was shot at a party in Peckham
Labour MP Jon Cruddas has been musing over Labour’s decline.
You can read about it at length here.
Read it. Think about the tone of it.
Can you imagine in your wildest dreams the BBC giving an equally generous, kindly, thoughtful, sympathetic account about anything from the Conservatives? It feels like an in-house discussion from one of their own.
There’s the bias. Right there.
metroliberals are fake greens, it’s always “do as I say, not as I do”
Sasha Johnson: Black Lives Matter activist critical after shooting, her political party says
I notice how they are being very coy about this article.
Could it be she was shot by a black person ?. Oh the irony if she was. And a quick exit for the story from the news.
The BBC will be praying the shooter was white.
I noticed the BBC was bigging-up her as a politician rather than an activist so I checked the reality of how these massively over-promoted people did in any elections.
(Results near the bottom).
I think that puts them in perspective for the real world.
The elections were for wards in Croydon, ffs.
What more do you expect from that rotten borough?
When somebody customarily dresses up in paramilitary kit, the reticence about context of a shooting needs closer investigation – anyway guns are banned aren’t they?
Here’s something that has always occurred to me……why do pacifists wear combat trousers?!
tomo, and Sasha Johnson also wears black and stands alongside red bow-tie wearing men in black suits. I seem to recall that that was the uniform for Louis Farrakhan’s foot soldiers.
I had forgotten she was a right honourable and not just a gobby heat over light ism dream come true for the bbc.
The whole gun thing is quite shocking too; very shades of MLK.
Hard to recall other firearms-related assassinations here in the U.K.
Unless of course she was zeroing in on nonce activity for a show that watches out for such crime.
Then the bbc will likely get very disinterested very quickly.
House party in Peck’um?
How many whiteys do you think will have been around?
Do Black lives matter to Blacks might come into sharper focus for those, mainly Leftoids and/or the stoopid, who support them.
The Daily Mail says that Sasha Johnson’s shooting was outside a house where a party was going on. I am sure there were only 6 people there from 2 households, as is required by the regulations at the moment, so the Police shouldn’t have too much to investigate.
When President Trump had covid a left-wing friend said she wished him dead. When I pointed out he was a husband and a father, and I was sure she didn’t mean it, she stopped, thought about it and said yes, she did. I also remember the horrible memes going around at Mrs Thatcher’s death. Yet comments following the story of Ms Johnson’s shooting in the Mail are all very measured. The top comments all say they don’t agree with her aims but still wish her a speedy recovery. Difference between Left and Right, I suppose.
The Right dislike the Left because of what they do.
The Left hate the Right because of what they think.
You cannot reason with their hate the same as you can’t reason with a religious fanatic.
The Left hate the right because of what (they think) they ARE.
As she called for the police to be defunded would it be racist if the police ignore her demands and investigate her shooting?
“The BBC understands the incident happened in south London.
The Metropolitan Police said a 27-year-old woman was shot shortly before 03:00 at a gathering in Southwark.”
How come so many of these assassination attempts end in failure? If I had a gun and say six bullets, I would use the lot to make sure I finished the job. 3.00 a.m? The local milkman must be the chief suspect.
A monday morning where the ‘news’ needs to be dissected. A coloured woman shot in the head in London. The woman is a race activist
Headline ? No
Racial attack ? No mention
Outrage ? No
Comment by politician ? No
Description of suspect ? No
Any suspect ? No
What to make of that then ? How we have to see what is left out to find out what happened . And that is the MSM
Options then –
Suicide attempt
Drugs party shooting
You too can play the read between the lines game . And if the breakfast TV isnt full of the race industry loud mouths you know the shooter was not a whitee.. whatever .
Or possibly hit by accident. An indicator of the sort of company she keeps.
My prediction for the lack of outrage is that the shooter was black.
Listening to the BBC news – no mention – so make your guess . But someone old won a golf game .
How many white people even have guns?
As a rule of thumb, after any incident like this.
If there’s no description of the suspect…
The suspect is black.
Give the BBC a few hours and they will find a Prof of Black Studies who will claim black on black shootings at illegal drug dens are a direct result of white slave owners in 1735.
BBC board meeting minutes leaked
via @BurnsideNotTosh
How do I talk to my 12 year old son about race ?.
George Floyd death: How do I talk to my son about race?
The agenda is relentless.
I suggest a FAR more relevant and useful thing to talk to your 12 year old black son about is how to avoid getting caught up in black gangs and being stabbed or shot.
Why do we NEVER see articles like that on the BBC ?.
……And after all this the Tory government has still not closed the outfit down . They are still talking about making “changes”.
Yes 6am R4Today opened with “… and an actor asks How do I talk to my children about race”
& in their morning tweet
” the actor and presenter Eddie Nestor on how to speak to children about race #R4Today”
“Glasgow politicians write to Home Office over immigration policy”
Looks like wee Crankie. Wants to keep illegals here? Maybe we should ship all the illegals in Great Britain to Scotland ? They must have a surplus of housing up there?
Noises coming from Priti . It sounds like she is getting ‘Tough’ with illegal immigrants – Again.
Happy Empire Day readers.
Did you get your “save the date” card? The Sun brings us the news: ‘Boris to marry Carrie‘ meanwhile the FT tells us about a paring who aren’t about to shackle themselves to a nutty green future: ‘Tokyo and Canberra snub IEA carbon cut. Japan and Austraila have disputed the findings of the global energy body’s report on reaching net zero emission by 2050, signalling they will continue fossil fuel investment despite its advice‘
And as you and I are to be forced to give up our home gas boilers and petrol cars under dopey government plans and our longed-for summer airflights are to be looked upon with increasing disapproval, those two Pacific nations are not the only sensible countries: ‘Brazil set for $50bn development boom. Infrastructure minister… deFreitas has told the FT that an injection of private sector cash will result in a bonanza that will include the building of 22 airports…‘
Seems the British media has scant interest in our future wealth but rather is concerned for our health – it’s an obsession that’s taken hold lately in our politics and culture but for all the blood and treasure expended to Protect the NHS are we really any healthier or better off?
‘Cancer crisis “risks replacing the pandemic”. Experts sound alarm after more than 300,000 miss urgent checks in past year‘ (Telegraph) – I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – you may not have a close relative who has died of the pandemic lurgy unleased by a country – shhhhush whisper it – beginning with a small “c”, but I’ll bet there’s a loved one who’s died of the big “C”.
And if you’re fortunate enough to avoid anything serious health-wise, then how’s the gnashers?
‘The dentist will see you… in three years. Some NHS patients forced to wait till 2024 for appointment‘ (Daily Mail) One can only hope it doesn’t clash with Carrie’s big day.
The report in the Mail goes on to say patients were offered private appointments within weeks whilst those unable to pay have been advised to self-medicate with “DIY filling kits” (as they are dubbed in the Express version of the story. The mind boggles… a teaspoon, a couple of bulldog clips and a tub of polyfiller?).
Despite their devotion to the NHS the liberal press are perfectly cool over self-medication of certain kinds: ‘Legalising drugs saves lives and hurts gangsters‘ says Ian Birrell in the ‘i’. So does abstention. Legalise it, he’ll advertise it. Amusingly the teaser for this article is placed on the frontpage of the ‘i’ right beside one for a report on online Glasto – which I take it was a bit of a damp squib: ‘It was great, if the online streaming actually worked. Glastonbury review‘
They do say of the 1960s, if you remember, then you weren’t really there.
Hey, man, bad broadband trip? And, like, you felt remote… like you weren’t really there? That’s like, profound…
OfCom , what are they for ? What have they done about the BBC ?
Scrap the BBC .
Scrap OfCom.
Scrap the archaic Television Tax.
Mark my words, none of the above will be done by the Tory Government despite its bluster as it is full of liberals.
Moaning emole
Black Lives Matter activist shot, her political party says
A woman left with life-threatening injuries after being shot in London is prominent Black Lives Matter activist Sasha Johnson, her political party says. Taking the Initiative Party says she’s in intensive care after sustaining an injury to her head in the early hours of Sunday morning. Police are investigating a shooting near a house where a gathering was taking place in Southwark. The Met would not confirm the identity of the 27-year-old but said at the moment there was no evidence to suggest it was a targeted shooting or that she had received any credible threats against her before the shooting. In a statement on Instagram, the Taking the Initiative Party described mother-of-two Ms Johnson as a “powerful voice” who fought for black people and the injustices that surround the black community. “Let’s all come together and pray for Sasha, pray for her recovery and show our support to her family and loved ones,” it said.
The next Jo?
Decisions time on who gets invited on Newsnight?
Champion surely has something to offer?
Only if a white male did it.
Otherwise quickly dropped.
Turns out, on a mostly peaceful Sunday morning, a bullet was out jogging or something.
Also mole…
Children speak of sickness and neglect in US asylum camps
The US has a vast system of detention sites scattered across the country, holding more than 20,000 migrant children. In a special investigation, the BBC has uncovered allegations of cold temperatures, sickness, neglect, lice and filth, through a series of interviews with children and staff.
Journalists have not been allowed to talk to the children inside. Instead we have been tracking down the children who have been released, to find out about conditions in US detention sites.
Read full story >
Hilary Andersson and Anne Laurent
BBC News
Hills and Anne going to get some snappy remarks from Jen if this keeps up.
How does one uncover an allegation?
Is it more a press release the bbc can’t say wasn’t news any more?
Tracking down children seems… very bbc.
And…. something out East…
Outrage after plane diverted to Belarus to arrest activist
An internal EU flight that was forced to land in Belarus where an opposition activist was then arrested has sparked international outrage, with leaders now considering how to respond. Roman Protasevich, who had spoken out against President Alexander Lukashenko, was onboard the flight bound for Lithuania from Athens when the plane’s crew were told a bomb was on board. The alert, which turned out to be false, resulted in the plane – while in Belarusian airspace – being forced to land in the Eastern European country’s capital, Minsk. State media in Belarus are reporting President Lukashenko had personally given the order. Since winning a disputed election last August, he has cracked down on dissenting voices. The forced diversion of yesterday’s flight has sparked outrage with the European Union calling it a “hijacking” and the US state department saying it was “a shocking act”. European countries have called for the 26-year-old’s release and a full investigation.
Luckily Lisa was handy.
Questions are, however, being asked.
Sweeney! is so on it.
The sauce. Early.
Bet he doesnt fly Ryanair either
So Sweeney collected his KGB paycheck and then went straight across the road for a beer again ?
Do you think he had been checking in with his real bosses, or getting a bung or something?
Was only 1 person detained by the Belarussians ?
Most news reports omit to say his girlfriend Sofia is also detained.
Isn’t it great the the Ryanair thing has nothing to do with us?
Leave it to the ReichEU ….
I bet Ryanair put a surcharge on passengers …
The president of bell o Roos is ‘widely believed’ to have won the election by fraud ….
Funny how the BBC use that term – but not for America .
Some remainer Tory traitor is on toady talking nonsense about’ act of war ‘. Hope he goes to fight it then.
Fed, the BBC’s hypocrisy knows no boundaries.
At least the BBC have a distraction story now – unless Lord Hall flies Ryanair …
Election fraud-
Widely believed
No evidence ….
The deciding factor about the rigging for me was that it is such a huge issue with so many people believing it that they should have made a big thing about taking every claim made by Trump and very publically showing everyone why it was fake. That would have put it – and him – to bed for good.
But they didn’t. They ignored every one and just called him a liar with all the ferocity you can with a left-wing mainstream media who hate him for his political beliefs.
That for me was the proof they did cheat.
And that was the great assault on American democracy. Not the people at the Capitol. These are dark times.
I wait with great anticipation to see how many are convicted of insurrection.
There are several reports like this on American Thinker about audits uncovering just how corrupt and fixed the election was.
Newsbeat. Watched by bbc staff.
FRAMING TODAY – breathtaking
A spokesperson, may have been the new Director, from the CBI was on Farming Today. The wonderful moment occurred toward the end of the interview with Charlotte Smith when she asked her interviewee about whether the CBI’s hostility toward Brexit was causing problems between them and the present Government in ‘building back better’, ‘levelling up’ and generally getting business going after the June 21st re-opening. Spokesperson said something like, “Oh Brexit was in the past and since January this year we have been concerned with our members’ interests.” So that’s the CBI framed by the BBC and no Bashir in sight.
BBC hypocrisy! Breathtaking. Black pots and black kettles all arranged on top of the farm Aga.
In the very same programme, the BBC had been taking a dig at Brexit and the Northern Ireland Protocol.
There’s absolutely nothing on the awful BBC’s website about their disgraceful Bashir car-crash of a programme.
As they really pissed off our future king, and thousands of their tax-payers, it would have been nice to read that they are still taking the matter seriously.
Maybe the forthcoming compensation claims, plod interest and general dismay at their deceit means they’re really on the back foot now.
I bloody well hope so; they’re an international laughing stock, even worse that CNN or some godforsaken state radio in some s***hole in the subcontinent.
Probably not enough room on their website as they have still kept the Brexit section.
It is a requirement that it stays there for ever, otherwise Femi will leave his green room lair and eat all the baked potatoes in the rec room until his t shirt rips.
I’m sure it will be there.
Just not anywhere you will see it unless you very specifically go looking for it.
There’s desperate.
And then, there’s BBC Press office…
All this obsession with Worthy Farm and bloody “Glasto” is more evidence of the mentality and age group of those in charge of programming at the BBC, and just a glorified jolly for those 40 plus year old teenagers who cant wait to get their wellies out in the name of ‘work’.
About 7.50am an American woman apparantly involved in British Education was introduced as a member of the Teachings Examination ..whatever, can’t recall her name, BUT why do we have an American telling us about British Education? Sick of hearing Americans seemingly being allowed to poke their noses in everywhere. Begining to wonder if the British Isles has mysteriously slid across the pond without us knowing.
The left in Britain are too thick to think for themselves which is why they need to import every stupid idea wholesale from the USA to Britain and then attempt to make it work here when no one really knows what they’re going on about.
BLM when we don’t have an issue with armed Police shooting people
White Supremacy when we never had the KKK
White Flight happens in the US but not in the UK
And there are many many more as well. I notice that the USA has not yet had to experience the anti Semitism and Nazism the left have managed to get themselves into in Britain, but then the ideas stream appears to be a one way street and even the US leftists aren’t as stupid as the British ones!
“White Flight happens in the US but not in the UK”
gonna have to beg to differ on that one
BBC’s move to Manchester ..
You have to understand what White Flight is to differ on it.
White flight or white exodus is the sudden or gradual large-scale migration of white people from areas becoming more racially or ethnoculturally diverse.
In the UK this hasn’t happened, it’s has been more a displacement, as White people have sold homes because of death of house moves, those homes have been bought by BAME people especially in Pakistani / Bangladeshi areas. In some cases White people have been offered good prices to move from their homes by BAME families.
This is not white flight it is Ghettoisation, or an ethnic cleansing. The Whites are not moving out en masse, they are slowly being subsumed.
I can’t understand your distinctions, but it doesn’t matter, because the effect is the same.
TOADY Watch #1 – in the BBC’s gunsights
As it fights back, just like a cornered and wounded predator animal, the BBC let slip in the first hour of the programme this morning who they think is their enemy in the Cabinet: Home Secretary, Priti Patel. No great secret. The BBC have been out to ‘get’ or neutralise Priti ever since she went on holiday to Israel as a Government Minister and – as an Asian – let it be known she was pally with Israel and some of its then Netanyahu led-Government Ministers.
Oliver Dowden, Culture Secretary and ‘line manager’ for the BBC is, by way of contrast, considered to be much more friendly to the BBC. Nothing we didn’t know but it is now on record – the political sub-bias of the BBC.
TOADY Watch #2 – in someone else’s gunsights but the BBC bring on a diversion
The Sasha Johnson shooting was mentioned in the first hour and a concerned JustRemainIn Webb asked a ‘correspondent’ how she was having previously been told at the start of the item that she was in a critical condition in hospital. Needless to say some obfuscation was introduced with mention of ‘Women being able to feel safe on the streets’ despite reports that the shooting took place at a party at 3 a.m. and was almost certainly indoors. The BBC correspondent had obviously not been investigating too much, if at all.
Up2, al beeb correspondents do not investigate, that would make them too much like responsible journalists rather than mouthpieces for the woke leftists.
Dobyns, funny you should mention woke Leftists but the diversionary tactic was of the Sarah Everard order with added implied misandry: ‘Wimmin must be safe on the streets’. Even at 3 a.m. in the morning when most people are asleep in their beds. It will be very sad if it turns out that Sasha was shot by a wimmin, and a PoC wimmin, at that.
Sasha Johnson: Black Lives Matter activist critical after shooting, party says
[the ‘party’ being Taking The Initiative Party who say she was ‘brutally attacked’]
Friend Imarn Ayton says:
“Ms Johnson had been at a party or gathering when she was injured but she did not believe “she was the intended victim”.
“As far as I am aware… this incident is more related to rival gangs as opposed to her activism,” Ms Ayton said.
*definitions of what constitutes a party may vary**
** a lot, looking at those few paras. JezCo and Satsuma need to be careful at the next BBC ME Monitoring get together organised by JezBo, as AK rounds flying about seldom result in further feedback.
If it turns out to have been a result of a fight between rival gangs it might be interesting to note what colour of skin covered these gangs.
So if those involved were gang member of colour it would be interesting to see how the BBC handles the matter.
If this does not see the entire gay section of the BBC in full flounce, what will.
Sorry… that should read ‘the entire BBC’.
HR interview room. JezBo as lead;
“So what was it about your apparent psychotic lack of impartiality that first attracted the BBC to you?”
According to the Telegraph the bBC has launched an investigation into her [paywall].
“A BBC Spokesperson told MailOnline: ‘These tweets predate the individual’s employment with the BBC but we are nevertheless taking this very seriously and are investigating.’
Will it be ‘we got it about right’ or ‘lessons will be learned’?
Any embedded BBC paintballing coaches?
BBC and Hamas handling the whole editorial combo on words and images?
Not asked: How much money does Hamas get from Iran (thanks Biden) and what is it used for?
Greta’s Sweden – Sweden was the world’s sixth-largest export country of weapons and military technology in 2005, but went down to the eight place on the list in 2011. Nevertheless, Sweden remains a major weapons exporter with Swedish weapons being used all around the world.
Climate change.
In the olden days you could watch a whodunnit such as an Agatha Christie and try to work out through the various clues who the baddie was.
If you look at these types of shows and films now it’s quite easy to pick out the baddies because they all have a similar set of characters.
In line of duty the coloureds all get the roles of highly intelligent cops who come up with the best information and all the whiteys are bumbling idiots, crooks, thicko’s and bent.
In Mare of Eastown the psychologist is a super likeable black.
In Innocent (I’ve only watched the first 2 episodes) the headmistress is black (a goodie)
In films, when was the last ‘good’ USA President who was not black. All the police chiefs (the good ones) are black and all the Doctors and similar are black. Only the bad ones are white.
The formula is that all non white characters are invariably good, highly intelligent and in general simply great people except for the ones portrayed as wronged, falsely accused or badly mistreated.
All the baddies are stupid, greedy, bent, cruel whiteys.
When you’re looking for ‘whodunnit’, it’s the whitey every time.
I’ve missed a lot of news up here in the NE because a radio presenter died in hospital last Friday and we’ve had blanket coverage of it. Yesterday (bbc radio newcastle) a 5 hour phone in of tributes, today it’s still headlining and they’ve opened a book of condolence for her. Sad news but over the top. I thought that I was in Liverpool with all the misery porn going on.
They did have a 5 minute break from it to have a scientist on who said we should carry on with the restrictions, not go into pubs and don’t hug. The vaccine (AZ) is only 30% effective and then after 3 weeks first dose.
The bbc gave a bit away when they said “ Every scientist we’ve had on has said the same”.
So much for fair reporting when they only put out one sides argument.
Still, that’s the bbbc for you.
Emm. Everything you say is true.
However, always loving a challenge, I gave one of your points some serious thought.
Back in 1995 there was quite an acceptable film starring Michael Douglas as The American President with the excellent Richard Dreyfuss as his political foe.
Of course, this was long before all the diversity nonsense got going, when most of the ‘activists’ were still in infant school.
Brissles, my dear old thing (well, it’s raining down south so it must be the cricket season) you have broken my movie buffyness. You’ll have to tell what film that was otherwise I’ll not be able to sleep nights.
The clue is in the name Brissles gave.
It’s called: The American President.
Ha ! ha ! well spotted Emm ! clearly Up2 has been at the gin again !
There was a slew of films in the nineties that portrayed the POTUS as romantic or heroic – Douglas in The American President as you say, Bill Pullman in Independence Day, Harrison Ford in Air Force One. . . It’s because Bill Clinton was President at the time.
And Hollywood just loves the Clintons.
9am and the disinformation starts
Local radio presenter is wetting her knickers as she talks about £3m Northern Powergrid electric cables to ships project.
The presenter sounds dizzy as she bangs on about “green revolution”
She doesn’t understand that it’s a kind of routine thing in urban ports that ships connect their onboard systems like freezers to the grid, and turn their engines down.
The last tweet from her guest was about the 2 helicopters they run.
9am R4 Arctic melting porn with Kirsty Walk
she asks her guest how much methane will be emitted from beneath melting ice.
… the guest says she can’t give quantities
strange cos she’s just written a book about the subject
Moments later Kirsty is making out the Northern Russian Sea route is a routine way container ships come to Britain
.. expert guests didn’t pick her up on this
… Radio off
Ever noticed the repeated use of the word ‘conversation’?
Here are a few conversations about waycism and children.
One way conversation where you listen.
Jeremy Vine R2 – unbelievable or not?? His first guest, Prof Susan Michie.
They will NEVER change because they think they are untouchable.
Mr Vine appears to have been using his ten-year-old daughter Martha to avoid tax payments. The presenter of the Jeremy Vine Show and the TV quiz Eggheads, has been funnelling cash through a limited company, Jelly Vine Productions, of which she is a shareholder.6 Mar 2015
I don’t doubt that both the BBC and the equally awful Sky news will be playing us endless interviews with friends of the “BLM activist”, Sacha Johnson, who was shot yesterday.
We’ll hear that she’s a “27 year old mother.” They’ll tell us that “She’s a passionate anti racism campaigner.” She’ll be depicted in the same way they spoke about Jo Cox and the very stupid will believe this guff.
I don’t doubt they’ll mention that her life has been threatened…with a knowing look towards the camera that suggests it was members of the (largely mythical) far right that were behind these threats.
What they won’t show us, or mention at all, is the deeply unpleasant verbal assault she unleashed on a black chap who tried to question her. “What the fxxx you on about coon?” this charming young mother asked. “Come outside and I’ll fxxx you up.” You can see this for yourself while it’s still available on You Tube.
The truth is she’s a horrible, nasty bullying little racist and someone, almost certainly another black person, has tried to take her out.
Am I bovvered? Honestly?
Not much…
The Shadow Secretary of State for Justice and Shadow Lord Chancellor is straight in there.
Will there be kneeling?
But when the BBC lie it’s too late .. the lie has gone, and the correction never reaches day light …
Friday 17 November 2017: Question Time, BBC One, 27 October 2017
A questioner referred to “low and decreasing numbers” of non-white and “poor” students at Oxford and Cambridge Universities.
In fact the number of BAME (Black and minority ethnic) students at both universities has increased since 2014.
Research by David Lammy MP, to which this question referred, did not in fact include figures for students from poorer backgrounds.
Just saw this on the web:
‘Ms Ayton said: “I can’t speculate, I wasn’t there. Again, just based off of the information that I’ve been given from closer friends and family, as far as we are aware, she was at a party or some sort of gathering and this incident is more related to rival gangs as opposed to her activism, let’s just say that.’
Black on black shooting then. No wonder the BBC and Lammy are being so subdued. They know.
Clearly black lives don’t matter to other blacks Lammy you racist. Nothing to say about that ?.
BLM site removes page on ‘nuclear family structure’ amid NFL vet’s criticism
By Joshua Rhett MillerSeptember 24, 2020
My guts are not wrenched.
Aye, eh bah gum, retired miner gives up coal fires to save the world. Background music – pit band as like as not.
A Government/BBC exclusive
“This video is part of Leeds: City on a Mission, a year long project from BBC Radio 5 Live as they follow the city of Leeds as it tries to cut its carbon emissions.”
Dear Marianna Spring (BBC wages paid under threat of prosecution),
As I’ve had to look at your BBC news and use other sources to determine that your news is not news but selective editorial opinion I’d like to request that I have a refund for the last 4 years plus get the BBC free from now on.
Please let me know how I can go about this as I am willing to create a full list of articles that I’ve had to investigate plus time taken for me to check your fact checker whilst realising that the BBC intentionally removes news rather than incorrectly report on it, uses images to sway opinion or misleads with the main titles hoping no one reads the full article.
‘Omission is the greatest form of lie.’
CAS-4987700-SY1FTF : BBC NewsWatch says boredom with pro-Brexit march.
CAS-4844672-N8FDYY: Update on the MP Expenses 2009 scandal in 2018.
CAS-4939547-J71Z1V: Here’s hoping Ireland do the right thing G.Lineker.
CAS-4937378-YKMWBJ: BBC not reporting ‘Day of Freedom’ March 06may2018.
CAS-4906141-BFJQL0: I take offence that presenters promote their books.
CAS-4892811-C820SC: I am offended that I have to pay the BBC TV Tax.
CAS-4824332-633N1P: What happened in Italy was not covered …
CAS-4933135-ZV3V7F: The omission is the most powerful form of lie …
CAS-6005141-S1V9D1: Not seen a report on the UK Governments Covid19
Let me know how to go about resolving the issue of paying for something that wastes my time as I have to check each story rather than rely on its accuracy.
BBC Radio 4, Wednesday 24 March 2021
In an item about proposed Government changes to immigration rules we interviewed a Syrian teacher and filmmaker now living in the UK, Hassan Akkad. We should have made clear Mr Akkad is a member of the Labour Party as this might have helped the audience evaluate his contribution, without casting into doubt his personal knowledge of the issue.
Venezuelans urged to eat rabbits (by president Nicolás Maduro) amid food shortages { sep2017}
Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro has devised a “rabbit plan” to counter the economic war he says is being waged against his government by “imperialist forces”.
– Dear BBC, why was I expecting a picture of Jeremy Corbyn eating Venezuelan rabbit stew, for solidarity, on the BBC news article?
– Remember when the BBC dropped a big photo of Jeremy Corbyn giving a football top to Mr. Barnier when talking about Brexit { jul2017}?
That this House, while welcoming the success of England’s football team in the European 1996 Championships, deplores the jingoism and nationalism in the pages of sections of the tabloid press which does nothing to maintain the true spirit of sport, but is reminiscent of Hitler’s use of sport to enhance his evel regime in the 1930s.
Barnes, Harry Labour Party North East Derbyshire 27.06.1996
Corbyn, Jeremy Labour Party Islington North 26.06.1996
Cummings, John Labour Party Easington 03.07.1996