As the Biased Far Left Anti British BBC hoped everyone would look away from their corrupt prodigy – Martin Bashir – it will now be publishing a report trying to explain why he was re hired as ‘Religious Editor ‘.
Maybe someone wanted to put a fox in the chicken coop .On the downside – expect a whitewash . On the upside -it will do even more damage to the BBC ..
Midweek Thread 2June 2021 Bashir2?
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Did you listen to More or Less on R4 this morning, Emmanuel?
Now add 48 to 27 and 42? More importantly, how did you do it?
Just me putting the answer to everything on.
(Hitch Hikers guide to the Galaxy)
I don’t know about the other stuff snuff.
Would you are to enlighten me?
I didn’t listen to more or less by the way.
Yes, am familiar with 42, including Level 42 😉 both of them.
It was the first time I had listened to MoL in ages. Apparently, Tim Harford posed the question in last week’s prog (first in new series) about adding 48 to 27. Part of today’s prog was dealing with the many e-ms from listeners how they did it to arrive at correct answer: 75. Because of past ‘influences’ on me [ work 😉 ] I tend to do it in columns. 4+2=60, 8+7=15, 60+15=75.
I knew what your post was about, so I was just being BBC-related to everything, life, the universe and all that, and asked for you to do the extra sum. As I typed, I was a bit worried it might add up to 111 for you 😉 😉 but it doesn’t. Phew! Have a great day.
Ta Snuff.
I understand now.
new David Keighley article
An end to BBC bias? Don’t count on it
It was also republished on a UKIP linked website
so there are more comments there.
Earlier GW mentioned today’s BBC daily agenda pushing email
Now Paul Homewood has a rebuttal
Today’s TCW posts
Apropo the millionaire tennis player who has mental issues.
In my working career I spent many years in the local Mental Health Department at our local Hospital (as an employee – not a patient!). It was well known within the health service that mental health was always the poor relation and at the back of the queue when it came to getting handouts from the yearly budget.
How times have changed !
With the world and his celebrity/sporting/pop singer / tv presenter / royalty / wife now going public about their mental state and ongoing issues, every mental health unit in the country must now be first in line to get a topped up budget from their local health authority. I blame all the ‘counsellors’ who have been wheeled out in the past two or three decades whenever a community tragedy has taken place. We’ve arrived at the stage where ‘therapy’ is required if a false nail has fallen off.
@BRISSLES – you make me laugh (with despair at the yoof) with your spot on comments
Go on BBC , lead the way . Tell everyone your TV detector vans are electric powered . By solar panels .
Classic BBC Sh*t St*r News
A parish council in Derbyshire, England, has once again voted against displaying the rainbow flag in June – but will display it for one day in September instead.
Anger as pride month flag snubbed by Derbyshire council again
Again…. see! The homophobes!
Seems the only gays in the village are having a hissy fit and have a direct line to Sammy, telling xe how utterly miffed they are that… a flag is only to wave for a day rather than 30.
Next, the ISIS paintball team are in the offence queue with their ‘Free Palestine with every BOGOF moped tow bar’ banner.
The main bbc Emole is illustrated by something about schools, possibly in the Punjab. Seems the cubicle gardens got the rellies to send in a selection.
But more crucially, #wefiles !
What we learned from Starmer on ITV
Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer was Piers Morgan’s guest on ITV last night, in which he answered questions about his life and times in front of a live studio audience. In a wide-ranging interview, Sir Keir spoke tearfully about the death of his mother Josephine from Still’s disease, how his “difficult” relationship with his father had an impact on him as a parent, and the slightly less than romantic manner in which he met his wife. In terms of his politics, Sir Keir said he wanted to go on a summer tour of the UK to meet people “who are no longer voting Labour”. He also admitted that his party has a “huge task” in turning its fortunes around. You can read about the five things we learned from his appearance on ITV’s Life Stories here.
Hmmm. BBC now advertising paint drying meets grass withering on other channels now.
Unique value at just around £160.
Also in the ‘mole… the ongoing inability to locate elephants.
Why are house prices rising so fast?
UK house prices are soaring. Official figures show they have been increasing at their fastest rate for more than a decade despite the country being gripped by a pandemic. The UK’s biggest building society, the Nationwide, has described the housing market as “buoyant”. Potential first-time buyers and movers may have more of a sinking feeling, as some watch the likelihood of owning move further out of reach. One notable boom area has been Cornwall which, according to property search site Rightmove, overtook London as the most popular search destination for property buyers. The reason for that is many buyers are engaged in a race for space. They want bigger homes with room to live and work, as well as a garden and easy to reach coast or countryside. The trouble is, they are in short supply.
Read full analysis >
Kevin Peachey and Daniele Palumbo
BBC News
Kev and Dan seem a lovely couple. Maybe a bit worried about the 2 bed in a vibrantly diverse area of London plunging in appeal is Mayor Diqless squanders council tax on videos, odd consultants and boosting nutters.
The race in question seems more to get as far away as possible from his power base than any great desire for ‘space’.
Next up in the BBC: Is surfing racist? How salt water utterly ruins the ‘fro.
R4…morning…jesus I lasted a few minutes…the end of one piece…apparantly having less car journies and more cycling etc is good for health, pollution , climate change and FFS social justice…WTF does tgat even mean?
Next bit got Climate change in within first 8 secs…
Switched back on to hear teaching unions moaning Govt isnt giving them enough money or help to ‘disadvantaged chldren’…is this the union that couldnt be bothered to teach?…
And Tony Bliar institute spokesperson telling us all how Brexit bad…
Bottomline, how many teachers have died from Covid ?
AFAIK it’s less than in a lot of other professions.
The puff piece in the Daily Mail about Sir Kier in the Daily Mail on the back of this programme, had to be read to be believed. How this son of a working class couple who went to a state school and lived in a grotty flat, made good. It finished up by asking if he reminded anyone of a previous Labour leader (TB) But the comments could be going better.
Nick knows good journalism. Apparently.
Nick Whitehead’s reply is just trolling,
.. school bully stuff akin to “yeh they didn’t call you back, cos you smell, you Tory”
Why would anyone want to be on the side of such trolling ?
Imagine him tweeting that against a BAME lefty.. there’d be outrage.
in the real world journos would certainly call back a Tory if they thought his thinking was flawed, cos then they could expose him ..a gotcha.
Not calling him back, means his arguments looked GOOD so they chose to deny him publicity.
But the more likely explanation is BBC incompetence.
Ha, I miss his twitter name.
Thought it said @nickdickhead at first glance.
On reflection after reading his comment, perhaps it would be apt.
Whose Nick Whitehead? Is he a maxist revolutionary? However trust John Redwood will make a reply to this foul Whitehead individual.
I think you’ll find he is a splitter – a revolutionary Marxist not an inferior Marxist revolutionary .
John Redwood on Twitter said he was contacted by the BBC news night to appear Tuesday night . I replied “yes ‘ then they asked him what he was going to say? He told them – and the appearance didn’t go ahead .
Mr redwood is a bit too Tory for modern tastes and can take any BBC droid apart in interview ..
As the derision at the awful BBC issues increases by the day, I still have a chuckle at the terms ‘TWATO’ and TOADY’, and wondered if one or two new ones could be thought up, to keep the momentum (the action not the bunch of lefties) going!
Please note, that to comply with our unwritten agreement not to insult ladies, people with anxieties etc, I have omitted some of the words: –
*** n**** at b*******
S*** s****y a*** **** b******
S** the l*t ** ***!
M***** B****r innocen* of any c***
and finally – ‘Minge and Ginge go to Hollywood’ – a hilarious account of two young folk, living off a pittance of $40,000 a day, and the antics they get up to in their spare time!
And all for a week’s pension, folks!
Shows I am an innocent (thank goodness), I couldn’t fill in the gaps! No need to enlighten me if the are really rude.
It’s alright, Deborah, just a simple play on words which are pretty meaningless, and therefore special news on certain progs!
Nor could I Deborah, far too polite, I didn’t hear the Ancient Anglo Saxon word, now so commonly used until I was fifteen, when playing Rugby against another school who Captain used that certain expletive when considering the way his team had played-needless to say they lost the match. Mind you it was a shock and horor event when a wee gilr of about 5 shouted out the word-but these days who cares seemingly.
The Guardian, the BBC and the Times each prioritise news of the Sir Keir Starmer TV interview with Piers Morgan – draw your own conclusions as to their respective political leanings.
The BBC online news adopts the rather pedagogic tone of the modern left bringing us a Cliff’s Notes style summary of the show: ‘Five things we learned about Sir Keir Starmer‘ – In other words – what you need to know. I do hope you’re concentrating, you may be tested on this later.
A smart PR man could have knocked me down with a feather – straight in at number one we have Keir fact numero uno – proof if you needed it of Sir Keir’s empathy for pandemic anxiety suffers/victims/relatives: ‘The Labour leader has often spoken of his mother, Josephine Starmer, and her painful experiences living with Still’s Disease‘
Huge apologies to anyone with this condition or their relatives, friends, supporters, empathisers etc… but I’ve no notion of what this illness is without looking it up.
I shan’t bother with the next four fun Keir facts, for fear of narcolepsy setting in. That’s the chronic disorder characterised by overwhelming daytime drowsiness.
Oddly the Times frontpage picks up on the elements of the interview most likely to endear the personality-challanged Labour leader to the youth vote: ‘Young dude. Sir Keir Starmer… recalled his university days’
Cue David Bowie – “All the young dudes, Carry the news, Boogaloo dudes…”
‘…and refused to deny using drugs‘ – Hey man!
‘He said his best physical feature was his hair’
Careful, Sir Keir, Boris has you beat even on the crazy hairstyle front.
The Guardian frontpage meanwhile takes the rather risky strategy of publishing the pin up pic of the adolescent Keir you’ll see in the Times but makes a guess who puzzle game out of the politically anonymous Labour leader currently failing to break through with the public: ‘Who’s that boy? Picture emerges of young leader. But what’s his name?‘
Is it Vladimir Putin before he had his quiff shaved off to join the KGB?
Anyway, the Express frontpage ingores the young Keir with his mop of hair and his grunge-style lumberjack shirt to bring us some news: ‘ZERO. UK records no covid deaths‘
File this next one under turkeys voting for christmas: ‘Be green and let your lawn go brown, RHS tells gardeners‘ (Times) – that’ll be the Royal Horticultural Society.
Why don’t they take it to the next green level and suggest we concrete our front gardens over and build battery car recharger points in place of all that outmoded suburban privet and pampas grass?
The ‘i’ newspaper quotes someone or other saying: ‘I’m proud to be called a lesbian‘ – what a way to start the day, I guess it makes a change from all the trans news with which we are presented these days.
In completely unrelated news the Daily Star warns of the: ‘End of the fag break‘
This abrupt exclaimation is explained by the Telegraph report: ‘Council comes after smokers outdoors. Smokers face being banned from lighting up outside restaurants and offices in Oxfordshire, under plans for the country to go “smoke-free” by 2025‘
It’s reassuring to know that even should covid and every other related virus be completely and utterly eradicated from the face the earth, our fabulous public health officials won’t be left unemployed.
You should have asked for a dispensation …
Anyway …nick robinson is in a happy place .
He had a nice chat to two people upset because there are too many jobs for too few people .
And its because of Brexit furlough – house prices –
All three of these nodding dogs had a nice laugh at the owner of weatherspoons who is also short of labour .
Im an american at heart – dont work dont eat is my view . Cut benefits as soon ad furlough is ended .
At the end of the chat Robinson realised there was no rebuttal and tried to remedy it by mumbling something about work visas to import labour .
Meanwhile the southern coast invasion carries on . FFS
I did have one once, Fed, but it was so long ago, I can’t remember her name!
I see that there is pressure from some scientists , but by no means all, to prolong the lockdown past 21 June. I have been a strong supporter of the gov policy re Covid as I believed and still believe it was the best way to protect a lot of vulnerable people. (I know many users of this site have not been and regarded it as causing immense damage to the livelihoods of millions for not a great deal of gain overall) .
However, I can see no reason for prolonging the lockdown now. Virtually all of those in the groups which have been vulnerable have been doubledosed, which we know gives a very high degree of protection, those people who h avnt been double dosed are in groups were Covid has not resulted in hospitalisation let alone deaths. This includes the effects of the Indian variant. So what purpose would prolonging the lockdown serve? Total elimination of the disease is impossible as it would have to be a global elimination. Unless of course Boris could guarantee that no one , absolutely no one , could enter or leave the country . We have to hope that the current vaccines and the future ones that will be developed, defend us against the new variants which inevitably will arise.
Yes, but “double-dosed” with what exactly? It isn’t a vaccine, and even if it was, it hasn’t been through the required rigorous testing for such medication. It causes side-effects in some – often serious, sometimes fatal, and goodness knows what the long term effects will be. People are improperly informed of the risks, and are bribed with certain “freedoms” if they submit, regardless of whether or not having had the “vaccine”, it makes any difference to anything. Those who are rightly sceptical have become pariahs and victims of social division.
There is an agenda driving the “need” to have the population of the planet “vaccinated” – and I suspect it’s nothing to do with the ‘flu variant known as Covid.
I have no intention of submitting.
Spot on Old Goat. Its actually an MRNA gene therapy that alters the immune system. Remember all the protests a few years back regards GM foods?
A jab that’s been allowed under botched legislation and rushed science (when compared to normal processes for developing new treatments) needs to be carefully though about and the reasons behind it questioned and debated.
Regards Covid, the ‘Government’ and their communist advisors in SAGE have been moving the goalposts since week one on this. Its akin to psychological warfare on the week minded, aided and abetted by the BBC and MSM. The biggest con has been the clear policy to leave the borders open and allow all and sundry in, whilst locking up the indigenous population. How on any level can that be considered correct? Its akin to a war crime – if the virus is a bad as HMG and the scientists claim.
What would the obese, unhealthy and general lazy British make of a daily 5pm update of new diabetes cases, cancer cases and deaths, Road Traffic accidents, domestic violence, London knife attacks…
The list is endless, but seldom reported to the sheeples.
Well Old Goat, I support your view on the suspected testing and can see that that is part of the plan so as to be able to fool the public into having another dose of the drug oops sorry Vaccine- the public now so complacent , will oblige the Pharma Orgs thereby increasing their overflowing monet belts. Well not I, have had two doses and that’s your lot-anyway I’m an old bugger, so who cares.
I’m sure that the few dissenters from the vaccination programme here in the UK won’t be pressured into agreeing to be vaccinated as there is no need to do so. I don’t know what the French will do if the % of dissenters remains high.
Vaccination will be mandatory for anyone who wishes to travel abroad, at port of departure or destination, and points between. So too the return journey.
In effect, vaccination will be compulsory. And it will take its appearance as an EU vaccine passport. Better still a WHO vaccine passport – global, and funds the WHO too. Too, it will trump a future Trump.
What has been getting on the nerves of control freaks is that ordinary people were getting more and more freedom to arrange their own lives, move about the world, and getting used to it as Normal. This is unacceptable to any self-respecting control freak.
So vaccines and Masks forever.
Not the BBC, but most TV channels are equally awful these days…
On Channel 5 last night we had Anne Boleyn, the first of a three part drama about Henry’s second wife. I think we all know it’s not going to end well…
The ghastly and increasingly pathetic Daily Mail has been won over; “Jodie Turner-Smith’s casting as a black Anne Boleyn has caused much debate, but she will quickly win you over with her majestic performance.” I just couldn’t watch this utter nonsense. I love history and this constant corruption of my heritage is deeply troubling. Mind you, I’m really looking forward to their dramatized biopic of Nelson Mandela…played by Ray Winston…
Equally revolting was ITVs double header with two of the most repulsive creatures in Christendom, Piers Morgan and Sir Keir Starmer having a chat. For the love of God have mercy, or a least pass the sick bucket.
Once again from the ridiculous Daily Mail; “But don’t think Piers will let him off lightly on his rather uninspiring performance as leader of the opposition so far.”
Rather uninspiring! Are you having a bleedin’ laugh? Somehow the Labour Party have managed to elect a leader who’s actually even worse than Corbyn. It’s incredible. Starmer oozes insincerity and has all the personality of a suet pudding. Eugh.
Get out of my pub!
I did some fact-checking, so beloved by the BBC.
Anne Boleyn was white.
Nope. Ann Boleyn was actually Black (and a French plant), but due to systemic Racism in England, had to use makeup to appear White.
How could you have brought yourself to have watched such a nonsence-a complete distortion of our History-shouldn’t but I am amazed that the top bods of Channel 5 would have allowed this prog. A very poor effort of the Multiculturalists in their endeavour to bring about a meeting of white and black. If I were black I would decry the attempt.
Tarien – it wasn’t just the colour – it was terrible .
Interestingly on the Letters page in the Express yesterday, a reader asked why there wasn’t more outrage and discussion on the colour blind casting in this production, and how our history was being messed with.
The easy answer is that columnists, tv critics and reviewers dare NOT even mention this distortion of history for fear of being cancelled on social media, and ‘disgusting outrage’ by the Millenium offended. Much easier to praise it and keep their jobs !
The only objections I’ve heard and read about it are on here or in conversation with friends. Certainly the press are jogging along with it – which means, sod popular opinion and therefore more distortions will be in the pipeline !
British Academy Television Award for Best Actress 2022 – Jodie Turner-Smith will get a nom, just to rub our noses in it further.
Thanks Fedup2 my Mrs and I would never have watched such tripe-mind you we went on to watch some other tripe, American of course but less harrowing than watching a Black Ann Bolyn. Really this country, its, politicans, its media, its appalling beaviour when out, the seemingly complete lack of what is bad and what is good-someone being knifed, shot or assaulted every single day-are we in a living hell, or nightmare? No longer have I the love I once had for dear old Britain, once my old dad stood knee deep in water off the Dunkirk beaches, managed to get back to England, with rotten feet, still he pulled up his socks and lived a full life. What would he think now? He would think we were mad to stop Capital Punishments, mad to give people so much with many of them never really working for the benefit of a free land-No we have no free land anymore. Lucky as I am to look out at beautiful countryside just yards from my front door, lucky to be able to watch the birds feed, the sheep in next field enjoying rich grass, BUT for how much longer before the dogs of war come upon us. Those who control the past control the future, those who control the present control the past.
I’ve been in a bit of reflective mode . What would your dad think ?( how old was he at Dunkirk ?)
The formation of the welfare state post war was something that should have been done after WW1.- it was about the only benefit the UK got at the end . Hard to see it as a ‘win’.
Unfortunately the welfare state has become a way of life for far too many . Obviously the BBC loves it .
There is an ongoing cultural war fighting for the past present and future now . Brexit was a win for my side . I was well aware of the EU – and the cancer that it is .
Personally I worry now about our membership of NATO – the attack on one – attack on all – has good and bad features – but could kick off an ‘unplanned ‘ war in a way we might not be able to withstand – whatever the size of the military .
But the immediate future – the economy after covid – is likely to be shocking – unless the Chinese pay what they should for causing the virus .
I’m in the med at the moment – mainly empty – and waiting to see what the ‘travel review ‘ next week will bring . ….
Elsewhere – I don’t get lockdowns any more . That whole script for a whole year about saving the NHS doesn’t work anymore . What the hell was vaccination for if it is effective – even with variants . ?
Open up the economy – return freedoms – tell the welfare state – the NHS – teaching and the rest to get on with what they’ve got and stop asking for more . But too many are addicted now …
Fedup2 my dad was 25 years old whilst on the beaches of Dunkirk. I’m now 79, but only own up to 65, fit and well! Yes indeed Brexit was a win for my side also-whish I was also out of the UK-spent 7 years living in Southern France, loved it made many friends and yes I spoke reaonable French, same with Spanish, so just right now if I had the spondulucks I would live in Southern Spain and take ny chances-Spain used to have an excellent health service-not all free of course. Goodness knows if the UK will ever be able to recoup its losses as a result of a Hitler style Lockdown which served little purpose-the virus was kept indoors and once the doors were open again-wooooof out it comes to find new hosts-your last para, agree absolutely let’s get on with life , where is the true grit we once had or at least the majority did. Now as you point out this nation has become to soft with ever the waiting hand for some benefit or other. Trouble is most benefits have gone to wrong people-what on earth is any but the most basic benon UK shores every day.
How could you have brought yourself to have watched such a nonsense-a complete distortion..
Good question.
If this docudrama succeeds there will be a line of such docudramas. The tragedy is that as real history, maths and science are not taught, young people will come to believe all manner of distortions, so that eventually nothing is believed. This results in breaking up ties that bind people, to history and place. This has always been the aim of the left.
Not fussed so long as I am not paying.
Seems they got some girl on girl action in for the lasses in BBC commissioning. And the boys.
Somewhere a PR agency is banking their bonus.
It may pall eventually.
YAB as John Wick 5… I may watch.
Who pray are these so called critics that praise? Praise what? The complete misrepresentation shoved across our screens with a degree of political duplicity creeping along the sidelines. Glad to say that my grandchildren were horrified to note this distortion and knew it was not only totally incorrect but a stab at promoting BLM. Young people are not all dead from the neck up.
Has any correlation been shown about those who smoke and Covid ?
Do smokers catch it more often and do they die of it more often ?
Or less often ?
I don’t think anything conclusive has been discovered – only that to stop smoking (along with other personal pleasures in life) is roundly encouraged by the government, who invariably know best in these matters…
Smokers and drinkers should be denied NHS treatment.
Just sayin’ as some lefties are shrilling for the un jabbed (its not a vaccine) to be denied NHS help.
Then the NHS would have even less to do…
If certain groups of free thinkers are denied NHS treatment, given the NHS, its quiet possible that they survive to an old age. Which would probably be an undesired outcome.
Given the immense waste in the NHS, it has to come up with some sort of a formula to determine which life to save, and which not. So presumably a male smoker would not get treatment even if he has paid into the NHS all his working life.
This would be totally contrary to natural justice.
Equity should demand a two tier NHS.
I think there is a big fat people link …
Marianna Spring is back but noone can comment as she has locked the doors on her echo chamber. Here she is mentioning a fake screenshot of a BBC report saying ‘350 people marched through London’. Of course that BBC News screenshot is fake-the BBC didn’t report the protests at all.
“False image ..conspiracy”
Bottomline the image is a JOKE ..and you don’t debunk jokes.
Next Bernard Manning’s mother-in-law run and says “look I am thin” ..that reality is not the point of the joke.
Victoria’s tweet is similar to the school bully tweet above
.. the original image is a PARODY MEME that highlights the way BBC news plays down anti-lockdown rallies, usually by not covering them at all.
This time the school bullies are playing us by taking the parody as if it were scientific allowing them to play the victim.
..although the non-bullies are not allowed to directly point out that
cos Marianna has blocked replies to her tweet.
The BBC has all but officially become the media outlet
for the Labour Party and even more the BLM anarchist
Marxist organization.
When the BBC cover the Euros in just over a week. The
pride of place for them will be the England team
subjugating themselves with the knee bending. Let’s
see how many other European countries perform this
virtue signal farce of a ritual.
The Telegraph has a report on the large increase in migrants coming across on boats. Here are some quotes from the people directly involved:
More than 560 reached the UK over the weekend, including 336 in 19 boats on Friday, a record for a single day in 2021, surpassing the previous high of 209 on April 28.
‘She said so many had arrived at one point at the weekend that officers had to abandon the normal practice of Covid testing on arrival and instead take them to detention centres or other accommodation to avoid a potentially dangerous build-up of migrants.’
‘They are not exhausted, beaten down and glad to be here. They know they are going to be moved into accommodation. They want to be moved into accommodation. If that doesn’t happen promptly they get cross about it.’
‘They have to be clothed but we cannot provide hot food there. They might not have eaten anything. There is a mob mentality that takes over. The vast majority are young males. The families and children are moved clear very quickly.’
‘These are groups of people used to acting together to get what they need and frequently we cannot understand what they are saying to each other. The numbers arriving are phenomenal.’
Can’t find anything like that on the BBC.
Are you there maxicony ?. Perhaps you can lean over your desk and ask someone where they hid the link ?. Or if it’s not even there, ask them to justify why they have not reported it.
Because the whole sorry affair is an absolute scandal – enabled by hypocrites such as yourself who will lie/cheat/mislead freely if it suits your personal agenda.
JohnC, good post. You wont get the scum troll to respond, it only does cut’n’paste snipes in the early hours.
Its a bloody disgrace -HMG should at 5pm every day provide these figures to the nation. A daily update ala’ the covid briefings.
Sadly whilst the useless Patel and Johnson do nothing we are soon going to have taken action ourselves.
I’m monitoring its shift pattern but doesn’t always take my bait …we all need a hobby …
Why the heck are these illegal entrants not being immediately sent back across the channel? Apart from not wanting these individuals, we are already well over crowded on these Islands, what virus’s or disease are they carrying? How utterly subservient are the British Government still to the European Union-all our Embassy’s world wide should make it stonlgy known that no person from their country will be welcomed into the UK unless legal application has been made-yes I know that sounds weak against what we are facing, but we are and have been building up colossal resentment over the past twenty years, which if the government are not considerate to the indigenous views it creates it could result in civil strife issue.
I think we all know full well why these people are not just ‘returned to sender’. International law is that, if in our waters, they become our responsibility. If we then pick them up in UK government craft (the illegals having sabotaged their own craft, for instance, so that they become ‘endangered’, and under maritime law, must be rescued), or allow them to land on UK soil and then stuff them on board a UK craft, and sail them back to, say, France, then the government must work within international law and agreements with foreign governments. And basically, the French (for example) can quite legitimately say to us that they are not allowing us to land these illegal immigrants in their country – they want absolutely nothing at all to do with them.
The only way we are going to solve this problem is to make it very clear that illegal immigrants will not be allowed to claim asylum unless they do so, through normal channels, from outside the UK. Illegal entry will be deemed a crime, and they will never, ever, be released into the UK. They will be offered a free return to their country of origin. What they will never, ever, get is the right to any benefits, nor cash payments or inducements of any form. They will be put into detention centres until such time as they can be moved back home. There will be no appeal allowed in this country if they have arrived here unlawfully.
There’s no point in trying to offer them a return to France, for instance, so they can attempt entry again next week. In any case, France won’t take them.
The big draw to this country is our benefits culture (housing, education, health services, cash in their hands, etc.) Whilst we were in the EU, as I understand it, we were bound by EU law, whereby immigrants were treated in exactly the same way as anyone entering adulthood as a British citizen. They are allowed to collect benefits immediately they reach a certain age – the same is not true in other Europen countries, where benefits to their own citizens entering adulthood are nothing like as generous as in the UK. EU law was written specifically that way, knowing that the UK was simply a bloody soft touch they could dump all their problem immigrants into if they wanted.
Now that we are out of the EU, we can make our own laws about this situation, and it’s damned well time that we did – never mind the bluddy snowflakes in this country who have become almost as dependent on the tyaxpayer teat as these illegals.
You`re right Rich D that under SOLAS we have to pick them up .
UNLESS there is a fear that they would endanger the rescue crew .
Imagine pirates using SOLAS to gain illegal entry onto a vessel ( or land ) .
As these bogus asylum seekers have threatened violence and are a bit iffy anyway I think we can leave them out there .
The reason they are not moved back is that Boris Johnson stated explicitly that migration of any sort will continue.
We elected the conservatives as Labour is worse.
It is clear to anybody paying the slightest bit of attention that the population replacement plan is no longer a conspiracy theory.
I do not think anyone in government or power reads sites like ours. If they did they would realise the strength of feeling amongst normal patriotic people. Perhaps they do dip in occasionally but just consider us (biasedbbc) to be insignificant oafs, poorly supported and toothless, and laugh about us during their liquid lunches and occasionally send in fifth rate trolls.
In other news the BBC asks:
Why house prices are rising so fast in a pandemic
Immigration is not even mentioned. It doesn’t even register as a potential problem in BBC land.
Its more then any old problem, its an existential one. Once Muslims are around 40% of the population, the UK is finished.
As is France if this is a true indicator.
“If they did they would realise the strength of feeling amongst normal patriotic people”
They simply don’t care. Their only first hand experience of migrants are the foreign nannies, gardeners and builders who work for them cheaply, allowing them to have domestic servants in the way their grandparents did before the war.
They are not affected by housing problems. They live in nice houses in gated communities, paid for by a mixture of the public purse, inherited wealth and business directorships courtesy of the old school tie.
They don’t have problems obtaining medical treatment. They have access to private health plans and the best hospitals and clinics.
Their children are not being held back in overcrowded classes stuffed with children who cannot speak English, or terrorised in the playground by feral third worlders. Their children attend expensive, private schools.
They don’t experience the problems of the motorist or commuter. They are chauffered around in limousines or helicopters, courtesy of the tax payer.
So no, they don’t care. Their only worry is that one day the public might wake up, pick up their pitchforks and come looking for them.
The Tories have still not figured out that France is responsible for all of this people movement and are doing it out of hate and spite towards the UK.
The UK now has only two options.
1. Accept whoever comes and cross fingers.
2. Establish the Country of origin and draft urgent new UK legislation to facilitate the instant return of ALL illegals to their own country. If implemented the flood would become a trickle in no time.
As for the bleeding heart liberals who would howl I say this, far better to inconvenience these arrivals and the criminals making cash from them than to trash the UK which is what is happening.
Piece of cake, put pig farms on the beaches they land on.
@JohnC shamefully you failed to report a recent major success by the Border Force/Home Office
…. they’ve managed to get a rainbow flag into their Twitter profile pic .. #priorities
I for one am beginning to think that our Priti is actually a planted sleeper….
She has no natural allegiance to England, Europe and Christendom. I
TOADY Watch #1 – the attacks on Brexit are subtle but the BBC are continiuing with them
This morning it was the unfilled vacancies in the hospitality and leisure ‘industry’ sector. I would not be the slightest bit suprised if next week, the BBC and Radio 4 are proclaiming the woes of unemployed young people being forced to live on benefits and how hard it is and how damaging it is to their Mental Elf.
Nick Robinson, in the last half hour (when I started listening again) of the programme was back on the same trail – still in the Lakeland fells? sounded like he was in the studio – of subtly bashing Brexit.
Thanks to Lewis, I see Newsnight is on it.
With apols to Fed, again showing BBC fans have the high ground.
The BBC seems to have gone very quiet on BLM activist Sasha Johnson. I can’t help thinking if the gunman had been white the story would be rolling news, top of every bulletin, with a team of reporters camped outside the hospital giving hourly updates on her condition.
You’d think his name would be tweeted hourly
Yet the only one in the last 24 hours is the parody Diane Abbott calling out lefties
The loathsome Flabbott is her own walking parody.
When Johnson was shot, before any details were known of the shooter, Flabbopotamus immediately started race-baiting on Twitter: “Nobody should have to potentially pay with their life because they stood up for racial justice #BlackLivesMatter.”
But it gets worse. When asked whether she had “inflamed racial divides” with her tweet, the clueless Flab replied: “If you raise issues of race and are accused of inflaming tensions, that doesn’t get us anywhere fast.”
Abbot perfectly sums up the current race situation in the UK. She is black so whatever stupid (and dangerous) nonsense she spouts has to be accepted by the media as genuine and meaningful and must be accepted without scrutiny.
There is absolutely no doubt that any white personality coming out with anything like the sort of crap she digs up would be dragged over the coals by the media.
If the news profession are so bloody good at rooting out the truth, why can they not see this? It’s 100% clear to everyone else.
Fat cow couldn’t get anywhere fast, especially wearing one welly and one open toed sandal.
Probably not news… or the time is not right… or…
Guessing the appeal of the shires is more than access to nearby green spaces then?
Hyde Park and Speakers Corner are under Sharia control. Any Christian preacher brave enough to venture there, spreading the Gospel, is likely to be assaulted, and then arrested by the police.
TOADY Watch #2 – how to spend money we haven’t got
In the first 40 minutes of TOADY this morning, attention was focused on the extra £1.5bn (that is £1500,000,000 in real taxpayer money) being spent on education by the Government. They returned to the subject in the last half hour of TOADY because Labour wants to spend ten times that figure. Thanks to an appearance of Kate Green MP, Labour Shadow Education Secretary on TOADY we now know how Labour would be spending that £15 billion.
Yes. Playing. Not on education. Not on teaching children to add 48 to 27 (or 27 to 48) but on playing. Oh, and cultural activities like music and dance. And sport but not on helping children catch up on the education they might have missed – learning to read and write and be numerate, the things that employers need and want in potential employees.
Sucker Starmer has really been suckered into his job as Leader of the Labour Party. That man is surely doomed with talent like Kate Green in his Shadow Cabinet.
Todays addition to the ‘Must See’ section of the BBC home page is:
… wait for it …
… drum roll …
‘Why is it harder to diagnose disorders on non-white skin?’
Is there ANYTHING in this world that isn’t racist ?.
See how much you can bear to watch of the video before you quit it. I managed about 10 seconds. This black victim of institutional racism and white privilege told me that if I searched for ‘acne’, I would have to scroll down a lot before I saw a black face.
I tried it. The 4th picture along in google images was a black forehead. More agenda driven lies by the shameless BBC.
Obviously they don’t see same tv adverts as I do…some evenings you don’t see a white man unless clearly gay…the ratio of black people to white is generally 80:20…
It has become a game in our family to see how long it is before we see a white man in an advert…excluding those in the mixed race families..cos they also seem to be 90% of our population
I don’t buy from gap and a few other companies as there products are not made for me.
PG and Yorkshire Tea tell Black Lives Matter critics ‘don’t buy our tea’
Agreed . Drink to that.
James Arthur
I got to the first commercials on the Anne Boylin show and waited for coloured folk eating KFC or doing DFS.. but gave up as the paint on the wall was drying …
Most doctors in major cities are Asian/Brown, and very likely Muslim. Is there another agenda we dont hear about.
You’d have no trouble finding a blackhead in any of today’s adverts.
I watched some of the film “Dunkirk” the other day. The 1958 version, not the inferior 2017 one. In 1958 they actually mentioned we were fighting the Germans.
At the end, we saw one of the “little ships” making the crossing to Britain, with a platoon of soldiers aboard. And then I thought that this is still happening, every day, only the men are not British soldiers, they are bogus asylum seekers. In the film they were even picked up by a Royal Navy destroyer, just as nowadays they are picked up by the RNLI or Border Farce.
One of the rescue ships was a steamer called the Sir John Hawkins. That would be cancelled now. It was only a fleeting appearance, so perhaps it will not go the way of Nigger the dog in Dambusters.
At the end of the film it said we had become one nation. Well that certainly isn’t true any more. When I think of all we have lost, I cannot have any faith in the future of this poor old country, once so great, and now brought down so low.
Rob in Cheshire: then I thought that this is still happening, every day, only the men are not British soldiers,
But they are soldiers of another conquering religion.
Truly, if we lose faith in our own culture and the faith that underpins it, we will lose to another that does.
A minor issue compared to everything else but I see that Holby City has run it’s course after 23 years, to be replaced by Lord knows what horror. It had its faults and descended into wokeness quite a bit but in its characters and storylines it was streets ahead of the lovey-dovey Casualty where everyone is indoctrinated into non-offensive NHS-speak.
I haven’t watched Holby City in years, but wasn’t that the one where they had a young black doc who was openly gay and a superb surgeon? He had an unfriendly rivalry with a blond, posh doc who was a closet gay and not as good a surgeon.
In frustration, the blond doc tried to force himself on the black one in the toilets – the black guy battered him into submission. This happened twice! (I remember thinking, aren’t there ‘specialist’ videos for people who like this kind of thing?)
Also, the dishy blue-eyed doc (called Valentine!) brain-damaged from a bullet to the head, but with no visible injury?
The violinist playing his instrument during brain surgery? (Actually, this might be one of the more credible things that happened).
I’m sorry, but if Holby City is truly ending, I won’t be mourning it!
Neither, from what I remember sixteen years or more ago, were a patch on the American ‘ER’ which had an amazing reputation.
Especially among Doctors and nurses for its realism.
Rob – you gave away the ending – spoiler alert 😎
Today Virgin Media and O2 have merged together. The two firms which are actually owned by Liberty Global and Telefonica creating a £31 Bn group.
This group will provide internet telephone, cable TV and mobile comms and will be a rival to Sky and BT.
The groups mentioned are established and have good market share, and the longer BBC privatisation is put off the more difficult it is going to be to be able to make a subcription based alternative viable.
For a privatised BBC to be a viable business it would need to compete with Sky BT and now Liberty / O2 offering internet, cable TV and mobile communications. A few years ago it would have been a plum time to have done this, but with Brexit and what is assumed to be a dodgy deal with Cameron to support remain.
How could a newly privatised BBC survive in an established marketplace is difficult to see now, and I expect that would be the excuse the hapless Tories would use in order to force people to fund their far left propaganda machine by adding the bill to household rates making it a compulsory tax regardless of whether people even own a TV !
Sky is owned by Comcast ? A really big US operation ?
Maybe the new outfit will buy C4 – but not much of a ‘back catalogue ‘…
Meanwhile the BBC repeats ‘yes minister ‘ and ‘to the manor born ‘….both look like foreign imports now ….
And ‘smiley ‘ of course ….
Just watching Bbc 1 1:00 news. Headline human traffic bollards-in Oxford. One is this worthy of main news and two it’s a load of bollards.
Of course it’s green Cars bad walking good. Let’s see how they get a sofa delivered or that magic cooker that runs on fresh air.
Just a rant sorry
And todays news with a hint or waaycism
BBC Why is it harder to diagnose disorders on non-white skin?
‘Er…cos the doctors are waaycist and need education.
‘Professor Colin Melville, director of education and standards at the General Medical Council, says: “We want to be active in driving change that is real and effective in support of black and minority ethnic students, trainees, doctors and patients in the UK”.
WGAP mentioned this article
BTW when he said “Dr Ella Hill is a medical doctor/mother and grooming gang survivor
I went to check
A lot of antifa accounts on Twitter tried to dismiss her with claims like ‘she’s all fake , just an anonymous far right person on Twitter running a series of sock puppet accounts’
indeed when I check there is a main account in her name that is suspended and Konstatin says
“It was mass reported by antifa and suspended.”
Since in other videos she appears in vision except for a mask
She seems a real person.
Woman’s Hour, what agenda are they shoe-horning in today ?
“Marianne North – she is one of several female artists being featured …
The exhibition, called UnNatural History,.. also features contemporary artists addressing the current climate crisis“.
Every snatch of anything on R4 manages to get climate change in…I think it is a BBC game…how many times, no matter how tenuous, can we make a link to climate change..
9:45am Natives: Race & Class in the Ruins of Empire by Akala
“The racism of the last few decades has become more subtle than the unacceptable rallying cries of skinheads, but it lurks everywhere still and is just as much of a threat.”
Does he mean this systematic-racism ? whereby
– If you come from a special-victimhood group the law will be soft on you ..doing things like not publicising your arrest , with-holding your photo from the press etc.
– If you come from a mainstream group like white male with no SJW credits the law will stamp on your face as it comes down hard on you.
The BBC and media in general is not interested in an important subject – the very real threat to the world of Iran obtaining the nucleur bomb .
The 12 minute news at
gives the details.
Gonna be real entertainment when they test one …
4pm Laurie is talking about attitude to closing coal mines
” Those who opposed the closure of the mines were often described as Luddites
but Gavin Mueller suggests that Luddism may not always be regressive.. argues that improvement in people’s working lives may depend on subverting or halting some technological changes. “
4:30pm media show talks about War reporting
Guests: John Simpson, BBC World Affairs Editor; Sebastian Walker, Vice News
Christina Lamb, Sunday Times Chief Foreign Correspondent;
Arwa Damon, CNN Senior International Correspondent.
John Simpson “most Americans couldn’t find Afghanistan on a map”
interesting he calls them thick.
You wouldn’t know from the media , but the country is large enough to have many areas which have always been safe.
I vaguely recall reading, during the second US war in Iraq, that a survey was carried out on 11-18 year old US students. They were shown a map of the world with the borders in place, but no country names. Approximately 95% of these future world leaders could not find Iraq. Most worryingly, over 10% of them were unable to locate the United states of America. They would point to the former USSR (Which still existed then) and assume that it was the USA as it was the largest. Incredible but i’m sure I didn’t imagine it.
Libmob are spitting feathers about Melanie Phillips new article
“The police are quick to feel the collars of Christians publicly preaching Biblical passages against homosexuality
. But they are not moved to similar action, apparently, when Muslim men scream for the blood of Jews on a London street.”
The strange reluctance to defend liberal principles
Over antisemitism and Islamist extremism, the government still has its head in the sand
Then a similar article from SIR JOHN JENKINS
“Government isn’t doing enough to tackle the extremism behind Britain’s rise in anti-Semitism
It is a stew of intellectual influences that explains an otherwise strange alliance between elements of the British Left and Islamists”
‘London is the hub for Hamas’
Remember that tweet the other day by BBC World RaceBaiting?
The one about black entrepreneurs.
Its not kind to show faces and quotes from people who are clearly mentally unfit or suffering from Dementia.
The guy cannot string a single sentence together any more.
How bad is he going to have to get before the double-standard hypocrites like the BBC actually acknowledge it ?.
Every time he falters, I am reminded of what a huge issue the BBC would have made of it if it were Trump.
This guy is not fit to be president and neither is his vice-president. Everybody knows it.
11pm R4 Comedian Twayna Mayne, continues to explore her identity as a trans-racial adoptee
(born to Jamaican parents and raised by a white parent)
Episode 4 Food
I have never heard of her. Is she a “comedian” in the modern sense of “as funny as cancer”?
Three seconds, then ***click***
“strange alliance between elements of the British Left and Islamists”
This is more or less what Anne Marie Waters (For Britain) was saying here a week ago.
I’m guessing Sir John Jenkins and Melanie Phillips must also be ‘far right’ then.
My, how diligent the BBC were in revealing the name and photo of Daniel Boulton, the man suspected of murdering a mother and child.
In some cases it takes them ages, if they get round to it at all.
Wouldn’t want to prejudice certain trials, would we?
R4 asking a question…what is reason for knife crime…incisive thoughts…ha ha ha
No mention that most in London and no mention of mostly black on black..
Clearly one white person with a knife is much much worse than all black people. How can you discuss this without mention of location and perpetrators..only on BBC
Justin amazingly there to witness.
BBC protest reporting policy
– Climate protests with 3 people
– Righty protests don’t report them with 300,000 people
ITV local news
Sheffield foodbank coming up Sikh postmaster cleared after 18 months in jail.
“Channel crossings: Migrant crossings continue amid good weather”
In the meantime ………………
“Dover: Four charged after anti-immigration protest”
We’ve taken one for the team and sat through a wretched 25minutes of the BBC 1 6 pm news.
And what trash it was. Just an unending list of grievance-hunting. Whether fair or not, the narrative and underlying agenda was clear.
So get out the hankies, or alternatively razor blades, for these.
1. UK farmers may miss out due to potential competition from …errr….Australian farmers (the inability to compete with products which have to be shipped 12,000 miles was not addressed)
2. Older women have missed out on pensions (why was never spelt out)
3. Native Alaskans might miss out if oil companies drill for oil in a few places out of 19 million square miles
4. Parents (how were they chosen to speak? Local Labour or Union officials perhaps) straight off the mark complaining about insufficient education funding post covid. A report from Hartlepool (well, well)
5. I missed the detail but even a report on the resumption of cricket at Lords involved the word ‘anti-discrimination’.
In other words, business as usual at BBC news.
You missed out the kid from myrie s tribe being stabbed to death in Birmingham . Since so many are killed every other day I wondered why who this promising footballer ?
You’re right though – it is continuous ‘give me ‘ grievance stuff …maybe they really have no idea how depressing it is . Lucky fewer are watching …..
BBC news weather
“its a day of records, hottest day of the year so far”
.. FFS that is not a real record
.. “latest day of the year is the hottest”
it’s natural for a June day to be warmer than an April day
Coming up “The commuter saving time by ditching the car and switching to bicycle”
“The commuter saving time by ditching the car and switching to bicycle”
Try that up in North Wales. You are gonna have to be pretty fit
I’ve got long trousers on today
cos there is breeze here.
Day started with mist.
Stewgreen reports
BBC news weather
“its a day of records, hottest day of the year so far”
I’m sorry , but I am a bit more forceful when I hear this sort of ‘reporting’ – along the lines of….
Well, why the hell wouldn’t it be, you divot ? Each day, as we move towards the Summer Solstice, the northern hemisphere (never mind just the UK) is seeing more and more sustained sunshine (i.e heat), so, in very broad terms, you would totally expect each day to be a possible, if not probable, ‘hottest day of the year so far’. Now, it would be headline news if a June day were the coldest day of the year so far – but let’s not dwell on statements of the blindingly obvious not being real headline news.
Good grief, what are we teaching people, and especially these so-called ‘BBC meteorologists’, these days ? Statements of the obvious just have to be headline news just to justify your existence ? We could easily cull that bunch and save the licence-payer/taxpayer a bit of money. Mind you, there are a whole raft of BBC departments to which this could be applied – starting with the ‘comedy’ department.
“Channel crossings: Migrant crossings continue amid good weather”
In the meantime ………………
“Dover: Four charged after anti-immigration protest”
The Border Farce and Police should block the lawbreaking invaders .
IMHO The Tory Government are complicit in bringing the invaders in . What secret deal has been signed ?
Who will have ‘blood on their hands’ when just one of them turns out to be a Terrorist?
Priti has a boss who has the power to sack her if she does not do her job.
Over to you Mr Prime Minister
She’s doing a good job as far as Boris is concerned. He wants loads of immigrants. Always has and always will.
Why do people think he’s going to change?
There is no pressure from the populist right is there?
They are more worried about their democratic right to be able to spread covid! The same sort of people who refused to take part in the blackout when the Luftwaffe were bombing.
In the meantime Patel will continue to make statements and Boris will keep grinning and the invaders will keep arriving.
Priti Patel sees no difference between herself and the asylum seekers.
She has no allegiance to the culture and people of this country.
“Covid: Concern at ‘very serious’ Conwy county cluster”
Expect a taff- variant next. Where is this going ?
It’ take a long time to get a jab for that one .
Imagine what the label would say ? Snigger
Where is this going? In my view this will keep on keeping on until worldwide Marxist misery is achieved. The world desperately needs to hear the opinons of medical experts that, at the moment, are denied airtime in the mass media. There is more than one “expert” view regarding the pandemic but we are being directed down a one way street so we need to back up and find a through road.
We, the people of Great Britain are in a government’s so-called lockdown, while thousands of illegal, criminal, migrants pour in by the thousand from France this, year alone
There is no excuse, it is being done deliberately. Remember all those get tough promises from the Home Secretary? What was that ‘incognito marine’ all about ? This goes all the way to the top from the Home Secretary. to the Prime Minister.
I remember, a few years ago that MI5 did not have enough personnel to cover all the suspected terrorists already in the country .
The slaughter on London Bridge ?
If only the British people had a Broadcasting Corporation dedicated to the protection and preservation of British culture and traditions instead of this publicly funded alien organisation hellbent on brainwashing their benefactors into accepting their twisted view of the world. No self respecting Marxist country would allow this kind of treason and they would be right. Think on THAT Auntie you cosseted old hag and ffs grow up before it’s too late!
What’s happening on Twitter ?
Twitterstorm against Morrisons by chicken-welfare revolutionaries.
I suppose they support the fallacy “nature is best”
and would have chickens fighting each other and in constant terror of predators
I think just treating the poor animals with respect and allowing them to roam free, on grass, during their short lives would suffice .
Eng er land footy players take the knee – fans exercise their right to boo – loudly – and a bit of traditional post match nasty words on the Twitter …
The ITV clone said it’s not about ‘politics ‘ it’s about ‘social justice ‘ – maybe there’d be more of that if football kickers were taxed at 95% – for the NHS – you understand …
I’d like some examples of social injustice in the UK please.
Hi Halifax – hope you ok – here’s an example of social injustice – kid footballers earning millions a year and avoiding those oh so precious taxes to pay benefits – then campaigning for the state to do what parents should be doing – such as feeding their own kids ….
Breaking news in the USA and too soon for the UK media to have fully picked it up yet is thte leak of Dr Faucis Emails right from the start of the pandemic.
InFox news there are a few early interviews about the implication of this, it appears he knew right from the get go this was most likely produced in a Chinese lab and got loose, he chose not only to supress this but to say the opposite when Trump was talking about it.
Looks like this could be thte end of Dr Fauci at long last.
Times TV guide is excited to report that Thu 8:40pm PBS has a drama about 1947 Israeli terrorists working with the IRA
and doing an attack that killed 91
They seem to want to link it Hamas terrorism last week.