The current PM is due to announce any changes to restrictions due to take place on 21 June . How will the BBC respond ? And how will the first week of GBNews be received ? How soon will OFCOM put it on the woke naughty step?
Start the Week 14 June 2021
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I’d love to write something but I’m watching GB News.
*it’s an ad break right now.
Me too , its my first Sunday night in ages that I’m not listening to Classic FM on my bloody television.
Catchup links to latest posts on the previous thread
– page 3 just 6 posts
It started 8pm Sunday, that’s the same time as GBnews started
It’s not a rolling news station,
but rather quite similar to TalkRadio, as it has a series of guests and phone-ins
Lefty guests as well as the righty guests not given a fair say by MSM
Even so when Farage was about to comment on Boris’s extremely wokist words it suddenly went to a Coop advert and emerged with another guest instead.
Met Office do the weather
– page 2 started 8am Sunday
At the end had comments about GBNews
but it started with lots of comments about Biden at the G7 etc.
EG – Ha Ha me too … its a bit rough about the edges but still a fresh presentation. I thought Lord Sumption was the high point so far – but then again – i was a kind of lawyer once.,,
Its a pity they couldnt give Alan Sugar a daily 15 minutes …
Yes it is a bit rough but ok so far and Yes to Lord Sugar…
I think inevitably there will be the knockers but when you get £ 4.5bn regardless of content life is easy..
I was monitoring the reaction to GB News but came across a piece by Norman Brennan of a couple wrecking a defibrillator at Buxted FC last night ( saturday ) after the Erickson incident.
If you see it – you will wonder about human nature – drunk – drugged – or not….
The Sun will be pushing for the identity of the couple on monday…
One noticeable point with GB, the guests are allowed to speak (so far) without any interruptions from the interviewer. It was a delight to hear Lord Sumption speak at length.
Gosh, just like on those internet interviews we are not supposed to trust because the BBC isn’t doing them; interviews where the point is to give some one the time to explain something, and the interviewer is there to draw him out, not shut him up.
11pm interesting item with journo and Chinese scientist
banned for saying Wuhan Lab created the virus.
Crucial Point : ‘It’s too much of a coincidence that the Covid virus just happened to first appear around the corner from the world’s main coronavirus research lab’
A doctor who argued that the UK’s COVID-19 lockdown should remain in place indefinitely may have inadvertently revealed his true thoughts by letting slip the comment, “sadly, it can’t be forever.”
7am R4Sunday cover photo “children wearing our House Is On Fire T-shirts”
Climate Change Boat Relay; Faith and Football; Cult Survivor
– a group of young Christians will meet at Truro Cathedral. There they will bless a wicker boat to be carried in relay to Glasgow in time for the UN Climate Change Conference in October.
Probably a #PRasNews item
– Taking the knee controversy
(A tenuous excuse to air “the Bishop of Willesden who includes Wembley in his diocese”)
Basically an antifa supporter
says that booing is ununderstanable, so must be racist
Also in the programme, the race against time to save some extraordinary murals in a London Church.
by the German Jewish artist Hans Freibusch who was exhibited in Hitler’s infamous “degenerate art” exhibition of 1937.
A *refugee in the UK*
a survivor of the Children of God cult
dogged by allegations of child abuse and psychological manipulation.
She said the founder was a paedophile who used religion as a vehicle for abuse.
What a breath of fresh air GB news is .. Even the adverts aren’t bad ! Watching it as I type. So wonderfully not the BBC !
Really really hope it is a commercial success.
Hope they get a radio channel sorted out soon .. So can listen in the car .. So many other minorities have their own radio channel ..
Once they employ someone who can switch on a microphone or knows how to play a video at the right time, then it might be a success.
It’s got to be more than just a place where you can hear a wider range of opinions. It has to be professional and entertaining too.
So far I have the feeling that they are certainly prepared to broadcast views you won’t hear on the BBC but I suspect that they are not prepared to move the Overton Window as far as I would. I can’t imagine that the kind of opinions on issues such as race, LGBT, or Islam that we often hear on this site will be tolerated on GB News. But I hope they prove me wrong.
If it’s only slightly better than the BBC then I predict it will collapse. It’s got to be MUCH MUCH BETTER to get me to watch it.
Yes – someone who presses buttons needs to be gone …
Fed, may I please suggest – if you do not need a TV Licence to view GB News – that a permanent link to the digital version/web-platform is placed in the side bar of this web-site or for it to be given its own tab at the top.
I too was watching some of GB News. At the moment finding the technical amateurness charming, but it will need sorting out. They have obviously not spent money on fripperies like Dan Wooten’s desk but that shows up the waste at the bbc.
“I suspect that they are not prepared to move the Overton Window as far as I would.”
Quite – will Andrew Neil allow all the Batley and Spen candidates to have their say? If so, will he ‘do a TR’ on AMW?
I posted this last night. This is only 20 mins long so please listen to Anne Marie Waters the only party leader willing to publicly speak the truth about Islamic threats/ violence/corruption and its enablement predominantly, but not exclusively, by the Labour party.
The Islamisation of Batley
the island
Yes, an interview with AMW would be the acid test. She has much to say and frequently says it right.
@theisland I’d seen that AMW video already
Surely there can’t be any truth in her claims that
fanatics were so unholy they put glass shards in the sports ground
so they could do the holy thing of building a mosque there instead ?
is there any proper evidence ?
Ah I see further down the page you posted the text page, I’d opened it but haven’t read it
.. remarkable claims
The 2015 Mail article contains the claim about the 999 year lease
but is in the form “a local man told me”
Ah someone in 2012 also wrote it up
saying it’s in Danny Lockwood’s book
Danny seems quite trustworthy
However footage of the playing fields in 2016 shows the plying fields still have a few football pitches with goal posts
the Markazi Mosque seems to be a sub-cult of Islam…cultish.
If it turns out to be a tolerated variant of the BBC, a Talk TV, then it will be a waste of time.
Flipping heck Radio4 is obsessed with a particular type of black grievance
– 05:45am Profile, Michaela Coel
The multi-talented performer making BAFTA history with awards for ‘I May Destroy You’.
8:48am A Point of View
opinion from black writer : Bernardine Evaristo
topic Saving ART funding
11:45am repeat from 2017
Shelina Janmohamed – writer and vice-president of Ogilvy Noor, the world’s first Islamic branding consultancy – outlines the emergence of “Generation M”: the world’s 1 billion Muslims under the age of 30, of whom 90% say their faith informs their consumer decisions.
12:30pm The food prog
Connections to the ART industry
4pm Book Show
was there a black author as usual ?
Yep “Natasha Brown”
In the first book about a New York hero
the presenter loved dwelling on black characters the black man who killed him and the black brothel keeper woman Bessy who became very rich
“this book confronts race and racism”
Yet they then admit that the hero had actually died before Bessy existed.
They trailed next week’s episode which will star
Zakiya Dalila Harris “author of THE OTHER BLACK GIRL”
4:30pm Poetry show was not black
Rather a 19C lesbian couple who wrote in the name of a man
“the women were aunt and niece, but also lovers.”
they did point out this would be seedy if they had been male.
5:40pm – 05:45am Profile, Michaela Coel the black actress again
6:15pm Pick of the Week
selected by a black rapper Guvna B
Guvna B tells you about his cousin, who he says, “somehow managed to win a couple of BAFTA awards”.
later in the how
“Thank god for role models that speak up MY COMMUNITY
in a way that people who aren’t from MY COMMUNITY can understand
here’s George the poet …”
then a black grievance poem grievance about booing taking the knee
“one of those things the world needs is empathy
I find it strange that there are people when people are *doing whatever the can for justice*, but their actions are met with DEFENCE rather than empathy
..Wow that is a very BBC framing … kneeling footballers are noble, rather than victims of exploitation by a Marxist Cult and middle class mind controllers
Clip of radio 5Live commentator going on about the booing
Guvna B “Players were booed by their own fan, for taking the knee
then at the whistle they were booed
It was almost like fans were saying ‘We don’t care about your fight for justice, just hurry up and play some football’ “
… Wow the guy talks about empathy and then he say that nasty thing
Of coure the crowd DO CARE about justice , but alo care about Marxist PR trickery.
I am hoping and praying more more unity”
..again NOT empathy , he wants people to conform
“I think it i fitting to finish off my show with Black British icon : Trevor Nelson
he has been exemplary “
(well apart from his son who he named after himself who beat up a guy in a fight, and admitted drug dealing, suspended 15-months jail)
“unconscious bias… blah blah”
ends show by playing a black song
19:45 : The Chronicles of Burke Street
series set in Trinidad by the author of ‘Love After Love’.
by Trinidad born author Ingrid Persaud
8:30pm Obituary show
Main focus : “Lee Evans, the world-record-breaking American sprinter
who took part in black power protests at the 1968 Mexico Olympics”
11pm Film prog : “Ousmane Sembene the father of African film”
single-handedly starting a movie industry in Senegal.
As his 1968 film …
Can Black persons inform the world why being Black is the only thing that should matter to them, and to every one else in the world?
We have university professorships handed to Black persons just for being Black, to profess on the subject of being Black. Its of no intellectual significance being Black or woman. The academic title is debased, and so are universities.
Every inch the director in that hat.
Oh, you mean to tell me this is not the ‘Black Broadcasting Company’ well I never did.
Out of interest, has anyone watched “I May Destroy You”?
Me neither.
If you want to read an example why we need GB news, just read what this bitter, sneering lefty in the Guardian wrote:
It seems the BBC are going spoilt-brat spite mode after their last minute ambush attempt yesterday backfired and are sulking. However, expect some nasty sniping and smearing soon.
Absolutely John!
But do you really expect normal journalism from a tired leftie rag?
I love being sniped and smeared by lefties and the BBC and the guardian had better suck it all up, because GBNews ain’t going away soon!
Bye bye bbc.
… gone yet?
The greater the put downs that appear in the Guardian re GBN the better the new channel must be. It’s worth to the UK can be judged by how much it is loathed by the Guardian et al.
The Guardian is such a magnet for writers over-impressed with their penmanship – you can almost see the lines wobble as they laugh at their own brilliance.
As you say John, the bald, bitter Stuart Jeffries suits his platform to perfection. Let’s face it, he’d not find another.
Ha ha ha!
When the equivalent of autocue-readers on the awful bbc ‘write’ for tired, failing rags like the guardian, you wonder what sort of non-degree they got when blair told them to go to uni, and keep off the unemployed lists so he could waste more money on his stupid ideas.
I’m so glad they have to read everything you and chums write here, because, however ‘observant’ they are, it’ll get to them one day, and maybe make them better people!
From the article
Can a channel that postures as unbiased correct biased coverage without itself becoming biased? Probably not.
I wonder if the Guardian journo ( under the table subsidised by the BBC License fee) can detect the logical trap he has fallen into.
No comments invited after that article, I notice. The Guardian at its unselfconsciously nastiest.
The only time when they invite comments is when they are begging for money. . They feel its not fair that dont get a portion of the BBC License, as they write most of the political script, Global Warming, Climate Change.
“21 June: End of England’s Covid lockdown could be delayed by one month”
Of course we all know that after that one month it will be extended to just one more month. It should now be a personal choice.
We have a “game changing vaccine”.
Absolutely taffman- personal choice it should be-in my case I will do all I can to make it my choice.
It’s not rocket science. If you are an anarchist Marxist or a
liberal bigot you tune in to watch BBC or Channel 4 news.
GB news looks something different. A Chinese virologist
actually telling us that that at the very least that when the
MAN MADE Covid 19 escaped from the Wuhan virology
department. The Chinese communist government with
Machiavellian thought and intentions let it spread around
the world ,to achieve in the first place commercial domination
and secondly ,and this is to follow, complete military
dominance in South East Asia.
At the same time we have wokeness weaving it’s way through our media and undermining freedom of speech, traditions and culture.
We even have supine people on their knees kowtowing.
Whatever happened to the British Spirit ?
I have posted this before – there are dark forces at work in the east.
Maybe, just maybe, GB news will be an awakening of Great Britain?
GB news might taffman-however the Left has looked at the atrocities committed by the fascists in World War Two and drawn completely the wrong conclusion. Instead of opposing intolerance in all its guises it has turned on its own people and attacked the very culture, national pride, history and homogeneity that allowed evil to be defeated in the first place. Instead of embracing decency and family they have adopted the same kind of superstitious, hate-filled, violent ideology that brought the world to war in the first place… Broadly speaking the Labour Party and your taxpayer funded national opinion former, the BBC, are run by a cabal of unreconstructed student radicals who never lost faith in the propaganda drip-fed to them by their Marxist lecturers in the ’70s and ’80s. Many are followers of the Frankfurt School that waved the red flag for the tactics of Gramsci and Marcuse, a blueprint for controlling organisations funded by the state. That was the class warfare of Ralph Miliband, taught to students of history, philosophy, sociology, politics and economics. The Left’s utopian vision of one great melting pot of humanity with the whole world hand-in-hand, like the old Coca-Cola advert, required the overthrow of capitalism and the destruction of Western values to sustain it. It is being destroyed before our eyes, but what are we, you and I doing about it?
“Awakening”? Even if Andrew Neil is good, he is not that good. I hope I am wrong.
I wonder, do they also love airline food and have curiously easy access to bbc editorial?
I think it’s going to end in tears ?
Is that not where it started?
Its going to end like most socialist health care mistakes end – in the crematorium, and no autopsy possible.
Boris Johnson is proving to be more socialist then Labour.
In many measures Boris Johnson is no longer a conservative.
1. He is for Open borders
2. He is paying into the EU all that they ask
3. British waters are open to EU fisheries.
4. No Nation first politician would agree to let the UN control its nation’s policy on Energy use. Boris does.
Its no surprise that the EU is all for Climate Change policy. Its a socialist enterprise.
For all practical purposes we are in the EU, but with no voting rights. But that was to be expected from Boris.
They should read Thomas Sowell’s thoughts on the subject. That could bring them up a bit short – as they say.
This is terrible news. Gays should never be allowed to donate blood. This appears to be complacency but perhaps it is more a case of us just surrendering yet again to the intimidating gay activist lobby, a group of people who seem to me to hate normal society and desire its destruction.
Gays are not the marriage-loving, monogamous martyrs of BBC mythology. These promiscuous perverts haven’t radically altered their behaviour post-AIDS and are riddled with STDs and many other diseases.
Diseases mutate and tests can fail to detect them. We seem to believe our tests are foolproof. They are not.
We should be exercising extreme caution. Public health is paramount.
Zel a bit of a view there, but free speech and all.
Some gays might be celibate or clean living
whereas some straight people might be fetid or drug users etc.
“Some gays might be celibate or clean living.”
That BBC piece was explicitly not about that kind of gay.
Thats Boris for you. A socialist in disguise.
Why does the BBC think we want to know what they get up to?
Greta gives a flying monkeys, mate.
Jon flown in to sit next to Sleepy in the wine bar?
That explains the long face.
Not looking as anorexic.
Good feeds of Haylage and Pony Nuts will always put weight on.
30 seconds in, she says that delegates don’t know who will be in the White House in 4 years time, for gods sake most of them don’t know who’ll be there in 4 weeks time! Will sleepy last that long? Might be time to start a sweepstake on his departure date.
My guess November 30 2021.
They really can’t do without DJT, can they? He is as permanently indispensable as Mrs Thatcher.
I am surprised (not) that the EU is still making physical marks on passports rather than just taking a scan and matching it up to the airline’s manifest and parking ticket for his Fiat 500.
They should have stamped his face.
Red meaaaaaat?!
And what does LOIVE mean?
Morning all.
The G7 has finished.
Biden has gone on to NATO In Brussels.
The PM is back in London deciding on more lockdown.
The Queen is back in Windsor.
So on Toady why is Rick Knobson still reporting from Cornwall and telling us how cold the sea was when he went in for a swim?
Presumably after all that weekend work, ‘part-time’ will need the whole week to recuperate.
Another tough day for the entitled BBC ‘reporters’.
Toenails exposed on the beach? Jellyfish in the rock pool.
The struggle is real.
Since Sopel is a full time agent of the US Democrat Party and seems to detest Britain
I can’t imagine that he is a supporter of England’s football team.
Maybe he has Croatian roots ?
Is NATO in Brussels these days, Sluff? Have I missed something? It used to be in the north London suburbs, Northwood if I recall correctly.
“Rick Knobson”!
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha !
Genuinely hilarious, Sluffy! Fabulous chuckle!
G7 : 7 elected leaders of Nations and 2 EU tag-nuts who elected themselves as leaders of everybody else.
Actually Biden elected himself too now I think about it.
He might have done, John, but didn’t actually realise until his nurse told him.
G7 – All of them heavily in debt to China, and wondering how they are going to pay when Xing comes calling.
Posting this again because of the confusion with multiple weekend threads:
Please please if there is nothing else you do this week watch this, it’s so important
Andy Ngo is the journalist who was badly beaten by Antifa and early lost his life. He is a refugee or at least his parents were running from Communism, he knows what it is and what to fear.
America is a lost country now, it’s just a matter of time, and unfortunately it’s likely to be us next. Make sure you can see the signs and prepare an escape route for you and your family.
Interesting and unsurprising that Jon and ‘journalists’ from BBC Naaaaa BS do not mention him or what he reports factually on the ground not from the hotel bar.
Andy Ngo has proved to be a really brave man.
I agree America is lost in a morass of confusion, Antifa, BLM, White hatred, worshipping Blacks, Elections stolen on request, and more. If it continues on this course, America will break up. The Republican states will leave the Union. The union will dissolve.
America is so lost that it needs God’s help.
And yes, when that happens, we will have another EU referendum.
Post GB News BBC audience behind him?
Toady Watch
Bee Lady having a chat with a nice old man from sage happily talking about the need to delay the end of lockdown – maybe 4 weeks. Bee lady was a nodding dog .
Not 4 weeks – lets make it 8 or maybe 12 – just in case of shortages – but then add 3 weeks for the virus to work – but then its getting cold – so lets be cautious – maybe we can reduce restructions after christmas – or after Spring – but the could be a new variant – so maybe delay it further – lets be on the safeside .
The above – by the way – is an effing joke . The government has lost the plot .
Fed, Bojo has allowed himself to be tricked into not looking at the data but instead looking at dates.
The data shows rising infections but very few deaths.
I suspect the reason why some SAGEistas and other scientists and bits of the media have done this is to be able – again – in future to portray the PM as unreliable and a liar. The PM doesn’t have the brain fully engaged on the subject, he is still away with the Cornish fairies or dreaming of proper Cornish pasties and cream teas and has allowed himself to be suckered into a never-ending series of lockdowns.
Look at the data, Prime Minister, not dates. Don’t be a wimp.
But we all know, don’t we, that none of this has anything to do with a virus, but everything to do with control and repression. We KNOW it. Those who designed it that way, have been telling us so, for ages – even before the plan was put into operation.
This is the “New World Order”, the “Great Reset”, the “Building Back Better”, and the ” Green New Deal” we have been warned about, and it’s being enforced upon us.
People are so weak and gullible, they have been forced into submission. How will it end, I wonder, and when? What will it take for the country to erupt into serious protest? Silly question really, as everyone is sitting fat dumb and happy with the new regime – just think, you don’t need to go to work, and will still be paid. All right, some people will lose their jobs and income, and private enterprise will die, but well worth the convenience of being stop-at-home slugabeds.
Yes, the government may compulsorily purchase your homes – but they’ll rent them back to you, just wait and see! No cars or travel? So what – who needs to go anywhere? Pricey food and much less meat? Not a problem – everyone loves soya and lentils, and they’re fed up with neighbour’s barbies, anyway. What a glorious, lazy outlook for many.
All we have to do is wear these ruddy masks, and not get close to anyone else. So that’s why they invented “Zoom”….
TOADY Watch #1 – it is definitely time to shuffle off Auntie BBC into a Care Home, her memory has gone, she has serious dementia, possibly Alzheimer’s Disease.
I’m not a fan of former President Trump but I hate the way the BBC directly, and indirectly through others, unfairly malign him. It started first thing this morning, right after the first look at the newspapers. Rick Nobinson – completely forgetful or totally ignorant of recent political history – started on the ‘Once again, America is engaging with the world.’
Just to remind Nick and the BBC, in November 2016 all those with early Trump Derangement Syndrome were fearing a war between the USA and North Korea. I have a friend who was actually terrified at the prospect. What had happened by November 2020, dredged from my unreliable memory?
The then President Trump had:
1. Faced down the leader of N.Korea and charmed him into a ‘stalemate’
2. Met with leaders of N.Korea and S.Korea and brought them together for talks
3. Had a successful tour of Japan
4. I seem to recall met with other leaders of the ASEAN region
5. I think he’d met and charmed President Xi of China
6. Taken out a terrorist organiser in the Iranian RG heirarchy
7. Demonstrated a willingness to keep President Assad from using chemical weapons
8. Moved the US Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, the capital.
9. Negotiated a peace Treaty between Israel and some of the surrounding Arab nations
10. Put up with a load of insults and rubbish from people like Sadiq Khan while on a visit to the UK.
There could be more to add to that list.
Now if that is withdrawing from the world, I don’t know what Rick Nobinson and Joe Biden think is America engaging with the world, America ‘leading the world’. Another war? Like the ones Democratic Party Presidents (note the plural) have had in the past?
Pathetic. Radio off switch hit.
Have a good day everyone.
A fan writes.
Clearly he and American Booty shared a room and discussed all the boys they met at the party.
100% UpStuff-They the loathsome critics of Donald Trump could not control him (in view of the fact that he was richer than most of those rats), as they may have done and did do with other Presidents, especially Obama-(don’t forget that Biden was Obama’s vice President for a time)- therefore they resorted to malicious snipes-I am just hopeful that America will remain strong enough to keep the invading armies of the Communists at bay. Touch and go I fear. My 303 rifle is no longer operative!
Lif death more serious than that
One’s outlook depends very much on one’s persective. They used to say one man’s meat is another man’s poison – although we don’t tend to hear that saying so much these days.
Take for instance President Joe Biden, who has just visited the Queen at Windsor: ‘The US leader said… his royal host reminded him of his mother‘ (Times) – she’s certainly getting on in years but that’s putting it a bit strong. Mind you, Boris compaired Biden to a “breath of fresh air” which is pretty odd if he’s referring to fresh ideas considering Sleepy Joe has been in Congress for fifty years. He’s old enough to have met the Queen’s dad. He’s hardly what the yanks term a freshman. I don’t know about your relatives on the brink of eighty years of age but mine – love ’em – tend not to give off that elusive whiff of fresh air.
The frontpages of the papers are filled with news of yesterday’s England win at football: ‘Sterling work in England’s Euro 2020 opener at Wembley‘ (Telegraph) – which, as Blairite spin doctor Jo Moore once infamously observed, makes today “a good day to “bury” bad news”
You can’t kid a kidder and you can’t spin the hoary old Grub Street hack the Daily Mail. They don’t miss a trick: ‘Good news England make winning Euros start Bad News fury as Boris set to confirm June 21 is OFF‘
Meanwhile it’s like taking candy from a baby over there at the born yesterday snowflake millennial ingénue Guardian: ‘Delay in easing could keep thousands out of hospital‘
I’ll give them this – the Guardian knows what buzz words whet the attention of its limited attention span low information audience: ‘Netanyahu loses power Far-right leader takes charge as coalition ousts Israeli PM after 12 years in government‘
Far-right…? In Israel? Surely that’s synonymous with… ah but you see Far-right has no real fixed meaning or definition – it just means they don’t like something. Brexit was Far-right, right?
Back to the football – just when you thought it was all over – the Sun celebrates: ‘Raheem glory… days after gong. Footie hero Raheem Sterling did the honours for England yesterday – two days after being made an MBE‘ – it took the 1966 England World Cup winners decades to get their honours but our Raheem gets his medal before the fact. It’s just as well he tapped in the goal as I hear apart from that he had a shocker and our taking-the-knee proponent Southgate was criticised for picking the newly blinged out MBE Sterling over the in-form pale Grealish. Phew. Big relief all round as these days anything but fulsome praise for a black person equates to full blown racism.
But how do I purport to pontificate on the intricacies of the beautiful game? I’m just a bloke. The Daily Mail makes clear on their frontpage that contray to our own prejudices and lying eyes it’s not the lads but the ladettes who predominently cheer on the football: ‘Party time: England fans in Manchester yesterday‘ – eight beer swilling young northern lassies are pictured, all in their three lions shirts and with cross of St George flags painted on their cheeks… with red lippy.
‘Football comes home as (small) crowds cheer Wembly win‘ – the Times there with a headline worthy of its former status as the newspaper of historic record.
Talking of burying bad news – as we were earlier – and why not double dip on a good segue: ‘GB news complains to regulators over BBC‘ (Telegraph) – this is our licence funded national broadcaster, and their liberal-minded media allies at Sky et al, attempting to strangle the apparently ‘Right-leaning‘ rival GB News at birth by denying the newcomer the sharing of video of public events.
Speaking of which: ‘BBC faces scrutiny over Erikson footage‘ (‘i’) – I know there’s a lot of football in this press review but there’s an awful lot of footie footage in the news columns – so to speak. For those who have looked away ever since they thought it was all over in 66, the controversial Erikson footage is not the latest Scandi Noir but the on pitch collapse of a Danish player and susequent unwillingness of BBC producers and directors to cut away from the live broadcast of CPR on the unfortunate chap and what may techincally have been his death and may if things had gone badly actually have been his death.
England may or may not win the Euros. But you can bet your mortgage the BBC will judge itself to have got that one about right.
Personally I welcome the football as a distraction – if only they’d stop taking the knee – I’ve got the beer in. Now, can anyone lend me a red lipstick?
Crisps Linew*nk*r told us the al beeb of Erickson was just right and al beeb could not have dine any different
“ The US leader said… his royal host reminded him of his mother‘“
That’s fine, I was more worried that Manny MacroNapoleon might have goosed, or worse, jumped Her Maje given his manifest gerontophilia!
Her Majesty is about 90 years too old for Biden. He prefers to sniff children.
G7 over. Next for bbc….
Razzall like all in the bubbleworld thinks she has empathy,
but from outside we see it’s *selective empathy*
…lots of other people suffer injustice, death, rape and they get ignored by the media pack.
I think my favourite leftoid aspect of this is the implication that it was all due to the miserly Tory council.
The fact that they were renovating 120 flats at a projected cost of £8 million seems to have been forgotten.
If only I could get my own local council to give me £70,000 of taxpayers money to upgrade my own house………
Razzal’s memorial tweets are similar to someone from the Student Labour Party club
: Jul 7, 2020
In the week of the 25th anniversary of the Srebrenica massacre, the worst atrocity in Europe since WW2, I’m thinking of @NedzadAvdic and his family
: Jan 30, 2020
At the end of the week of #Grenfell opening statements: today we heard from families’ lawyer that companies behind the refurb killed 72 ‘as sure as if they had taken careful aim with a gun and pulled the trigger’
: Jun 13, 2018
Tonight, on the eve of the #Grenfell anniversary, we look at how 72 people
and the awful story of what happened to them on 14.6.17 might be memorialised.
Can New York’s 9/11 memorial offer any lessons?
@BBCNewsnight 10.30pm
: Jun 11, 2018
In the week of the #Grenfell anniversary, firefighter @RickyMcChopChop ‘s full poem on the impact of the fire is released.
: Jun 9, 2017
Tracy Brabin says ‘next weekend will be particularly hard’ as we mark the anniversary of Jo Cox death.
: Jun 16, 2016
RIP Jo Cox – a public servant killed as she carried out the vital work we all take for granted in our democracy
: Sep 24, 2014
Ibrahim Kamara’s mum is amazing. Her son apparently killed fighting jihad and she comes out to talk to @BBCNews
-holds head high rightly
: Jul 9, 2020
A fitting memorial to a remarkable woman.
… the first female editor of a British national newspaper happened in the 1890s
: Dec 22, 2018
Very sad to hear about the death of Paddy Ashdown.
He was – indirectly – one of my first bosses, a leader, a visionary and a man of great principle
: Jun 2, 2015
Desperately sad about Charles Kennedy.
He was kind & funny and had real political judgment at some crucial points in our recent history. RIP
: Mar 14, 2014
Sad to hear about the death of Tony Benn .
Interviewed him a few times over the years. He was always forthcoming, friendly & fascinating
I filtered out all her memorial tweets to Tory politicians and soldiers etc. /sarc ..there weren’t any
Katie Razzall; daughter of Liberal Democrat peer Tim Razzall, married to Eton-educated actor Oliver Milburn.
Other works; she recites the spoken word stuff on Muse’s song “The 2nd Law: Unsustainable.”
Now, let me head over to the BBC website so I can check my privilege. . .
Always refreshing when one of the rich and connected tells us about ‘inequality ‘ …
Fascinating amount of Hatred for President Trump over NATO. It says that nice Joe Biden is going to nice . Nice .
But it leaves out why President Trump wasnt happy with NATO – largely because a lot of countries do not pay their way.
Personally i think NATO is a danger to us . Too many countries – takes one event to trigger a war – bit like pre 1914…
At least another will be mercifully short if it goes ‘big’
New video about the Licence Fee from Spectator TV and Andrew Neil
I don’t think we’ve had it before.
9am Marr Show : London – villain and victim?
#1 It’s nearly 200 years since one critic described the capital as ‘the Great Wen’ a monstrous cyst sucking the life blood from the rest of the country.
Jack Brown plugging his book : The London Problem: What Britain Gets Wrong About Its Capital City
#2 The writer Jennifer Kavanagh plugging her book about talking to people on the streets of London
: “40% of Londoners voted for Brexit, and the population is the most ethnically and religiously diverse and has the greatest levels of poverty, compared to the rest of the country”
#3 The countertenor Iestyn Davies celebrates Handel’s life in the capital,
Marr “and Handel was an immigrant !”
Davies himself moved to York
Kavanagh ‘poor London security guards work 12 hour shifts, but cant afford to live in central London
so by the time they finish their commute home there is only time to sleep before coming back to work’
…. em a 12 hour security shift always seems to have a lot of sitting around.
She just admitted she lives right next to the BBC
so must be fairly wealthy.
Only 12 hours ? London has been an ‘in and out ‘ city for as long as I’ve known – some kidult might have just discovered it .
In peace time the tube is full of people at the end of shifts commuting out to somwhere just about affordable – it’s a fact of life .
In fact I don’t know why I bothered writing something so obvious
‘Handel was an immigrant’
Kappelmeister to the Elector of Hanover and subsequently asked to be his Master of Music when the Elector became King George l is a long way from sneaking ashore in a rubber dinghy.
The prog didn’t say that
they said ‘ah he worked in Rome and Germany, but then you were under the nobility
so he came to London where there was new money from business so he was not under the nobility.’
Is that what they said Stew?
Ah well, history is only there to be re-written.
He was under the King, just a little bit.
“The BBC (radio 4) responding to GBnews channels
opening this morning with a bizarre chat with Andrew Marr and a cockney geezer called Jack,
defending London
and how it’s misunderstood, again by us thickos that don’t live there “
As they do. This driving up house prices for the rest of us.
There’s always some incredibly tangled and twisted reason in their justification. Amazing really.
“Nigel Farage” is trending
Looks like the Labour twitter army are using the fact that he was one of the first guests on GBNews
as a focus in their tweets against GBNews
The attacks continue
They’ve got Gammon and #GBeebies trending too
Why when Claire Fox says she’s been on GBnews
does lefty writer PhilipPullman
“And you’re not being ironic, either.
Keep it up and they might give you a job”” ?
that’s a hatey sneer.
… She’s in the House of Lords now. she doesn’t need a job at GBnews
The BBC IS London and London IS the BBC, what we are seeing with such stuff as this Marr episode praising the Capitals history and diversity is a long-range tactical retaliatory strike back at those awful uncultured folk outside London who are dissing them both and threatening their God-given right to be “The voice of the Nation”.
I expect much more of this as GB News slowly gets into gear.
GB News must not buckle in any way to the vicious lefties who will be doing all they can to strangle it at birth. This includes the Guardian sneery columnists and the Labour activists who really just want anarchy and lefty-mob rule at any price.
GBNews needs to fix their sound and continuity problems (and tone down that Wooton guy) if they want to make an impact.
Their presentation will likely never be as slick as Al Beeb who can afford anything with our money, but if they don’t improve, viewers will turn off.
PS – does anyone know why Lord Nige was cut off so abruptly last night?
Peter – I guess too much excitement amongst the cheap kidult Labour in the control room . On reflection I think first night was pretty poor all round .
I don’t know if wooton is on marching powder but much too much ….
I don’t watch daytime TV in any form unless there is an ‘event ‘ …. will be watching when the footy is on … the Scots – I am certain – will kneel …so I hope they get ripped apart.
‘I don’t know if wooton is on marching powder but much too much ….’
Does this explain his hysterical delivery?
In fairness it was only the first evening, and I think there will be bound to be a certain amount of teething troubles. Hopefully they’ll get ironed out fairly soon, otherwise people might lose interest which would be a shame.
View on GNnews from a libdem who says she has an apartment to rent in Paris
Gosh, think what we could do if we actually had a voice!
Saturday and today 11:30am LooseEnds actually has a white guest
Jack Guinness promoting his book #TheQueerBible
Could only be the BBC couldn’t it ? Next time – was Mohammed queer ? The queer Koran …
Of course GBnews airs lots of lefty/libs
“As I write this @GBNews is politely interviewing Steve Valdez-Symonds.
He is being allowed to speak uninterrupted and heartily in defence of allowing boats to arrive illegally on our shores, putting the @AmnestyUK case for migration”
Lovely to hear Colin Brazier on GB speaking like a normal bloke; don’t know if I can stand much more of his on sofa colleague Mercy , her glottal stop way of speaking and lots of errrrrr’s and ummmm’s is becoming irritating, she also tends to shout her piece, but perhaps she’ll improve once the nerves are over. Perhaps her pairing with Brazier was deliberate with his calm and measured way of speaking.
She has already said on air that she’s received an email to stop saying “gonna”, and she did revert to “going to”, but has slipped back to ‘gonna’.
A decent start from GB News. I hope over time the deployment of regional commentators gains traction. Neil Oliver should be heavily utilised to combat the endless SNP Grievance narrative….his assertion last night to identify as Scottish and British should be used extensively.
there is a great banner up here which gives the SNP the “willies”
“Proudly Scottish, fiercely British”
It will never be shown ot mentioned by a kowtowed bBC Scotland…who are bunkered down in the ir £37 m white elephant
echoing the SNP narrative.
“Proudly Scottish, fiercely British”! I love it.
Thank heavens that GMB has started.
I hope Neil Oliver gets interviewed a lot. I liked him from the days when he was in “Two men in a Trench”. I saw his talent then.
Good luck in your battle against the SNP/BBC Alliance s.trubble
From a half English half Yaqui 100% Brit.
I see anti-Covid people spreading fakeNews
not correcting it
and some of them saying ‘What does it matter that the report is from the wrong year, it’s still the same’
Meanwhile the anti-Covid protesters have got the hashtags #ImDone and #EnoughIsEnough trending
in protest over Boris’s goal post moving.
‘Biden breaches Royal protocol by wearing dark glasses….’
But then HM might have seen that his eyes were closed. Obviously a long day and way past Joe’s beddy-byes.
I thought his press conference was remarkably articulate…how did he manage that?
Sarfraz Manzoor just tweeted
My book ‘They’ will be @BBCRadio4 Book of the Week in August.
in the first week of publication”
It’s about Muslim issues in Britain
What to expect ?
His recent retweets include the Guardian and Diane Abbot
he has a Guardian posh voice.
You can be sure he sticks to the issues which suit his argument and avoids all the awkward ones.
There will be no issues if Muslims were not waging war on Britain. Tens of thousands of rapes ands mini and max Jihads throughout the land.
There will be no peace in the UK ever until all recognise that Islam and any other cannot coexist in peace,
God help us.
Then again, maybe Joe wanted to look like ‘One of the Bhoys’ from the good old days.
This is another ‘off-topic’. The Climate was never about the state of the weather. (A BBC invention that was so popular as is a new belief that high tech GATES. SOROS. FACEBOOK. GOOGLE. CHINA. RUSSIA. VENUZULEA et al – can solve ALL the worlds problems), by locking up all sceptics (including Scientists, Lawyers and others who have proof that a climate emergency exists – or that the VIRUS was man-made). Which is true. No doubt BIDEN will blame it all on CHINA). We’ll see later in August September whether TRUMP was right or not.
Western governments were primed that this ‘could’ happen back in 2017 well before it was ‘distributed’ in host nations. By accident maybe.
Remember the BBC is part of this pandemic UN inspired GLOBAL ‘reset’ plan (post COVID). The global billionaires – DAVOS elite – have long sought to impose upon the worlds ‘plebs’ (those that may refuse to pay the TV license for example. This is the plan and mindset of the tech elites to keep us enslaved consumers. Its working. BIG data compliance and (pre-planned) CCTV and data snoopers on every aspect of your life is already in place here in the UK.. Fines for dropping litter, fines for using the wrong rubbish bin labelled ‘Green’. Fines for late Car Tax, fines for late TV license (or non payment). This is the brave New World of UK surveillance when ramped up to whatever ‘crisis’ you can invent. It might be true , or it might not exist.
For proof of our DATA being stolen and sold read here.
If you trust the NHS with your data then fine. If you trust FACEBOOK with your data then ignore those who have lots all personal information on Facebook (Legal claim is here).
If you trust Google to not sell your data – then you probably don’t have a computer or email address. If you don’t totally trust the NHS will vital health records you can opt out…
OPT OUT or NHS data collection.
It has since been pushed back to 1st September (so please alert family and friends of this ability to ‘opt-out’). After that date (1st September 2021) , there is no choice, it will be cradle to grave UK surveillance). And the BBC will use that data to enforce TV license impositions and personalise it to match your profile. The NHS will use that profile to mange your life expectancy. Or termination.
NHS data- Its YOUR data (not theirs to sell to the BBC or anyone else).
WE DO NOT KNOW who will access our (future) data in another Labour government (or even this one). The BBC is just one example that has free access to HMG data for TV license tracking. It will know your address, health, age and occupation at the click of a button. Secondly the NHS will sell your data to those prepared to pay for it. Most of it will be ‘hacked’ or stolen in a future breach. The NHS is not exactly ‘secure’ and will never be ‘not’ in crisis or have staff that will not ‘sell’ you data for a small profit to hackers. This has happened before and its not unique as Lawyers (will be) prevented in future from launching claims against the NHS; (see NHS for negligence)
WATCH THE VIDEO (dramatic) but its shows what they can do now.
If you want an outline of what this all means, watch the FT video on how this can be manipulated using a ‘third party’. You can be sure all the big tech companies will target you on whatever device you hold or have and links to everyone you know.
This really is the land of ORWELL when the BBC has access to our NHS data records.
Note: Only this morning the LEFT have found an new ‘variant’ scare to keep us locked up in our homes. Meanwhile today (Monday) HIV infected blood (as blood doners) can be distributed by the NHS to all those who have not got it. This the BBC has long campaigned for this -as a human right (to infect others) and create a health crisis. At the same time TRANSGENDERS (sponsored by the BBC) in the BBC enabled to tell us all about what GENDER ‘is’ – and why we should be to be ‘happy’ and live a short life on drugs (living with HIV) or gender re-assignment. The BBC are happy to ignore our complaints – that this IS a total abuse of taxpayer money – as is the NHS forced to provide and ‘harm’ another innocent child or adult requiring a blood transfusion. Despite this happening once before (and denied by NHS that blood scanned ‘safe’ was contaminated).
The liberals (in governance and civil service) are the new Marxists. The BBC Marxists are (self admitted) ‘elite’ Trotskyists (they claim no relation to the lower class Marxists, who are foot soldiers for the cause). That is not progressive enough for the BBC. They want a New World Order where we simply never ever ask what country we live in, or what rights we once held power to account. It was called Democracy.
Teenagers on Radio4
and teenagers in your area might be a bit different
I hope they are not subsidised by the taxpayers
Marty feldmans ‘ grand child?
A doodle on the weekend’s news:
Here’s a handy guide to understanding al beeb and their woke lapdog useful idiots
[url=]map geojson[/url]
I thought for a moment, looking at that diagram, I was getting sight of the leaked tactical team sheet for Southgate’s next virtue signalling match in the football Euros.
To get a full size image on a PC
use the source link
Looks like a handful of people have turned up outside Downing St.
I hope that GB News can get all the sound problems sorted out quickly.
I’m not going to change channels but I think some people looking in to see what it’s all about will be put off by the poor sound. Echo-ing and double sound slightly delayed together with noise on the sound will make some switch off.
Studio sound and studio panels are fine but the outside interviews all seem to be affected.
They also often miss the beginning of comments before they put the sound on the outside source.
All problems which can be sorted but it’s does need sorting asp before it loses viewers.
I’m fully behind them but it’s even annoying me.
I know it’s teething problems and will be fixed but it needs fixing sooner rather than later.
The Government clearly failed on borders. Not only importing a new variant, but importing it in such quantities that it was allowed to embed fast and become dominant faster than many other countries.
they at least seem to be saying the previously unsayable
I fired off an email to them, saying exactly this Emm. Also that the female hosts were shouting and shreiking, perhaps due to the echoing, so they need to sort out the decor to absorb the sound, or it’ll just be another hyper version of the Holly & Phillip show.
Emmanuel: Glad I’m not the only one, and I’m also finding the studio sound is very faint. I have to double my volume on the TV to make it audible compared to other channels.
As you say, people will lose interest, and they’ll lose their audience.
I guess a more slick presentation will come with time, but the technical defects need to be sorted ASAP.
Anything better than Al Beeb is welcome .
They have only just started , give them time.
Have you stopped paying your telly tax ?
Readers will no doubt be pleased to know that in my business career when I was appointed global project lead (for a certain business activity the details of which need not detain us) the appointment was not to cover up the fact that while at college I got blind drunk from time to time.
What has this irrelevant rubbish got to do with me? I hear you rightly ask.
‘Martin Bashir – no evidence journalist re-hired as cover-up- BBC report’
I doubt that anything will happen but here’s a copy of an email I’ve sent to Michelle Dewberry on GB News.
Can I give you a couple of questions you may like to answer on your show.
1. Is it true that when the crowd started booing the England players kneeling, the tannoy system was used to sound applause to drown the booing out. I’ve seen some posts on places like Facebook comments from people saying they were there and this happened. The tannoy playing the applause they use when they have been televising games with no crowds.
2. These 29 people which have died after having both jabs. Is there any info on them and the circumstances. Did they catch covid (or already have it) at the time they got the 2nd jab because it’s supposed to take 3 weeks before becoming fully effective. Were these people already in a bad way and covid wasn’t the primary cause of death. I’ve seen no info on these 29. Is it being suppressed because if the facts were known it might harm the govt’s plans to keep the lockdown going.
Perhaps some of your viewers might get back to you with info on the above if it’s asked on your show.
All the best for GB News. It’s my go to channel. It’s such a breath of fresh air.
“1. Is it true that when the crowd started booing the England players kneeling, the tannoy system was used to sound applause to drown the booing out. I’ve seen some posts on places like Facebook comments from people saying they were there and this happened. The tannoy playing the applause they use when they have been televising games with no crowds.”
been wondering that myself , the normal course of events at football is for the noise to ramp up just before kickoff anyway, and I was wondering whether the cheers and applause just ramped up as the players stood up to kick off.
Ive not managed to find any real clips
ITVs is telling me taking the knee was met with almost universal applause
which seems to differ from other outlets
and the mirror chooses oddly a video of some pub or other without reference to what the players were doing at the time
Maybe thats one for the BBC factchecker girly – but somehow i think there would be only one outcome .
Once news programmes lie so openly there is no going back .
I don’t think the the PA or tannoy was used to drown out the booing
cos if that were true Twitter would be full of audio/video clips
If the FA had any sense
they would have a stand up for Kick It Out at the half time resumption
and see if that gets booed.
Using the tannoy to drown out away support is quite common . The worst i experienced was at old Trafford where 3000 way supporters are subjected to blasted sound to kill any chanting .
Meanwhile 50 000 Man U supporters are busy taking selfies …
I believe Wembley would do that – and anything. Else to stamp out freedom to boo.
Mannah from heaven for GB News as the BBC find no evidence that Bashir was re-hired to keep his mouth shut.
That’s the thing with internal enquiries, they’re so dependable. And shamelessly predictable.
Meanwhile the commentary on the Scotland match is a study in pathos and angst as they say ‘C’mon lads, clock’s ticking doon, one more eeffort….’ again. And again.
Like our local BBC shire radio still banging on about Floyd and XR biddies.
Tragically, those are “local issues” for Batley. The area has been colonized by islam far more effectively than the Raj ever tried to colonize India.
Apparently, the Indians were right to want to be free of the Raj, whereas we have to “celebrate diversity”. It won’t end well for anybody.
The Islamic Republic of Yorkshire
“It has gone the way of so many formerly beautiful areas of Europe. It has become the Islamic Republic of Yorkshire, and unless we fight back, it will one day be a county in the Islamic Republic of England.”
Excellent article. Chilling, but this should be brought out into the open.
I hope ‘For Britain’ manages to get the message across during the Batley and Spen by-election. Interestingly FB has become the only Ukip spin-off worth supporting. (The original party having shrunk beyond belief and run by a timidocracy and no use to anyone)
BBC coverage of the Scotland v Czech game – all whit – all Scottish pundits . England and coloured footy types didn’t exist for this one .
Fortunately Scotland will be gone in a week – mid table championship team at best …