I hadn’t watched Channel 4 News in a while. Thought I’d try it for a change.
Lead story: Knife crime and “youth” violence in London. They actually meant black violence but they seemed afraid to use that term.
Apparently we adults aren’t paying attention. “We” have allowed it to happen. “We” should step up.
When black thugs are excluded from school, the message we are giving them is “we don’t want you”. You see, it is “we” who are turning them into knifemen.
London is a war zone according to a young black guy brimming with reforming zeal. But black violence apparently “belongs to us all” according to another intense guy who had written a book or something.
Came away with the impression that these London knife murders were somehow all my fault.
Guilty secret – I watched it . The street ferals being interviewed described being in a āwarā. Well – Iām guessing they havenāt had too much experience of war ā¦
ā¦ and I laughed out loud when I was told we are all responsible ā¦ but there was an obvious omission from the listing of coloured teenage male victims – it was that the killers are coloured males as well . Tribalism imported to city streets in Blighty – enriching the culture – is how far left trolls would describe it ā¦
Funeral directors are only going to be doing better ā¦
This piece was followed by the drought in California . Unusually president trump didnāt get the blame – which makes a change ā¦
This is the situation the black poet described in his poetry show yesterday.
The way on street corners he’d bump into people and in a split second, he was have to decide what to say, so he didn’t get into a territorial gang fight.
I had been so guilt-tripped by the programme that I was about to confess to the 125,000 knife crime offences committed in London between 2010 and 2020. Your post has brought me to my senses. Thanks.
It seems to me that Channel 4 News has this type of hand-wringing discussion about knife crime regularly every six months. It follows the same depressingly familiar pattern: Posh leftie female presenter hanging on the lips of a reformed black thug with a progressive academic in the background blaming white education or Tory cuts or the eighteenth century British economy.
There are never any good ideas put forward in these discussions about how to reduce those crimes and improve the lot of blacks. Why not? Because they never analyse the problem properly. That would involve facing some depressing facts about the realities of racial differences.
The potential solutions to coloured yoof street crime ( killing ) will not be paletable to the Far Left .
Parental control
Personal responsibility
Plod use of powers to target colours
Education about right and wrong
Physical punishment
Naming and public shaming
Punative imprisonment
Death penalty
Yes its the old stuff- but it they think they can ā just do it ā now – without much by way of consequences – then perhaps the old stuff needs another go
BBC local news
Quite unusual the family of a working class Hull murdered boy are allowed on to make an appeal for people to step forward to give info about his murder.
For the third time the CCTV of a wanted man was played
Again no one spoke to say the guy is a young black kid
.. The girlfriend spoke to say people must be protecting this perp.
No info was given about the event , like was it a drug deal gone wrong ? etc.
Local BBC news in Boston the council have been taking tough action against litter louts
How ? by fining people Ā£200 for leaving neatly bagged rubbish next to charity recycling donation bins or council recycling bin which the charity and council had left overflowing. FFS !
The council leader apologised
and suggested some fines will be refunded
On BBC4, i watched a programme nominally about the origin of the partition of India in 1947. Fairly typical anti-British BBC guff, it talked among other things about a British ā divide and ruleā policy going back to the early 30s before trashing its own argument by focussing on Jinnahās wish for muslim rule by muslims.
At the end of the programme I switched over to BBC1 and caught the final moments of BBC London news.
Within 5 minutes we had a. Womenās perceived safety b. The transgender hairdresser in Shoreditch c. Mention of BLM.
In other words the very divide and rule they castigated the British for in India. The hypocrisy and juxtaposition was very obvious.
Divide and rule. A neat summary of BBC editorial policy..
Thanks for the warning; I recorded the partition programme, but shall not bother to watch it. I did watch another programme that was on next to it, however, about Churchill and his use of the cinema, which was fascinating.
“Moored cruise ships off Dorset coast ‘scarred’ seabed” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-dorset-57509931
Why aren’t they put to good use as accommodation ships for illegal immigrant criminals ? Far more economic and secure as holding places than the 5 Star hotels that the government are using .
Remember HMS Maidstone ?
I am afraid the British Government and its Home Office is not taking the mass invasion of Great Britain seriously.
Or could there be another reason?
Follow the money.
“Former Speaker and Conservative MP John Bercow joins Labour” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-57541836
I don’t think Berco Boiler realises that many, many Labour voters were Brexiteers. If Sir Keir Rodney Starmer KCB QC , takes him on, it will be another own goal by Labour. Go for it Keir !
No, it is not. It is usually a matter of supreme indifference to anyone other than the individual themselves.
A chap in the office where I once worked was known to be a homosexual, which everyone accepted was his business and did not discuss. One day, he announced that he had fallen in love with a woman and they were to marry. This was something of a surprise, but he was keen to talk about it. He explained that he had realised his homosexuality was just a phase, possibly as a result of being assaulted as a young boy and the fact that many pop stars of the time promoted themselves as bisexual or androgynous. But now he was firmly ‘normal’ (his words) and looking forward to marriage, children and a new life.
These occurences are not unusual. People do switch from being homosexual to heterosexual, or from heterosexual to homosexual. But the media only ever discusses the latter. They demonstrate a value judgement, that ‘coming out’ is somehow more worthy, something aspirational, desireable, a promotion to a superior level, something to be encouraged.
Why is this? There has always been debate about whether being homosexual is matter of nature or nurture i.e. are people born that way or are they socialised. Much of society’s acceptance and sympathy towards homosexual equality has been based on the former – people are born that way, have no say in the matter and therefore it is wrong to pass moral judgement. But in their heart of hearts, many liberals do not really believe this, even if they cannot rationalise it. They consider that people, especially young people, can be ‘turned’ through propaganda. When the BBC promote sportsmen, musicians and actors who have ‘come out’, or glorify drag queens and alternative lifestyles, they are not trying to encoure understanding: they are proselytizing.
Or you could realise that your tv career is at risk, and you need to join a group that makes you untouchable. Difficult to change race, so homosexuality is your best bet. Any criticism and you can shout “homophobia!”. Or, as it could be termed “Doing a Schofield”.
Presumably to stay close to BLM sources. And BBC editors?
CNN's Don Lemon said that "we're living in two different realities as Black and White people."
Tucker Carlson reveals that he lives in $4.3 million home in an area of New York that is 80% white and just 3% African American. pic.twitter.com/x23tHxbLYS
For context, that little black dot is NOT the ship – only a buoy. This CBS video was recorded from the deck of the USS Gerald Ford, hereās an angle from a helicopter: pic.twitter.com/JJ4L6biBOq
(Exemptions of color were enabled for the purposes of 5his racial effort)
White working-class pupils have been “let down and neglected” by the education system in England for decades, according to MPs. Describing it as “nothing short of a scandal”, the education select committee accuses the government of “muddled thinking” in targeting support. Its report says, among those receiving free school meals, 18% of white British pupils achieved grade 4 in English and maths in 2019, compared with a 23% average. Figures for those receiving free meals show 16% of white British pupils get university places, compared with 59% of black African, 59% of Bangladeshi and 32% of black Caribbean youngsters.
The committee’s chairman, Conservative Robert Halfon, says many white working-class pupils live in towns which had less investment than big cities. He criticises use of the term “white privilege” in education as “divisive”. However, fellow committee member Kim Johnson, of Labour, sees this view as a bid to “stoke the culture war” and avoid highlighting a lack of investment in education and communities. The government says the pupil premium – given to schools to help disadvantaged pupils with extra teaching, academic support or activities such as breakfast clubs – is expected to increase to more than Ā£2.5bn this year.
Ā£2.5bn is half what the national broadcaster gets to stoke the cultural war, Andy. Whilst issuing āno whitesā ads using unique exemptions.
Well – if the education system hasnāt done the whitee kids much good then we donāt need to worry too much about schools being closed for a year or so – suggests they havenāt really missed much .
Also – parents are those primarily responsible for the education of their children ..but I donāt think the BBC sees it that way – the State – the State – the State .
Shayan know anyone else who attacked a pregnant person?
A 33-year-old Middlesbrough man, who had posted a number of QAnon theories about the pandemic, attacked his pregnant partner with a hammer and tried to drown her in the bath after becoming obsessed with the US election a "great revelation" on 20 January.https://t.co/BLxG6FCj2d
Missed this bit out though:
‘Jonathan Walker, in mitigation, said his client had suffered serious mental health issues since childhood, predating his regular use of cannabis.’
Judge Penny Moreland said: “At the time of committing this offence, you were suffering from a brief psychotic disorder or cannabis induced psychotic disorder.
But hey, lets just infer everyone who supports Qanon is like that. When in fact it had nothing whatsoever to do with it.
I wrote a short piece for the DM comments section this week which was removed following complaints. See what you think.
It concerns the murder of the British Mother by her Greek husband after she decided to leave him with a 1 month old baby.
If he was aware of the current state of the unfairness of British laws in divorce cases – and he probably was then he might have been motivated to take his murderous action.
She has a meal ticket, she will be able to return to Britain where some of the most biased and unfair divorce laws in the world are enforced.
She would have taken most if not all of his assets and his future income for the next 18 years leaving him in destitution. He probably would not have been able to see his daughter given the cost of visiting the UK and staying here.
So he takes a chance of retaining his life by murdering her and he gets caught, but if he hadn’t been then he would have been in a better financial position than if she’d divorced him, and even when he has been caught he is still probably in a better position than he would have been because at least he is going to be able to see his daughter and Greek sentencing being similar to UK sentencing he will probably be free in 16 years anyway.
Thoughtful – i think you fell at the hurdle of ā reality ā and how the legal system drives someone to contemplate and do such a thing .
Its not what the DM wants to think about . Its a bit like those ā murder suicide ā domestic cases which seem to be reported but then quickly expunged from the media memory.
And there seems to be a lot of it about . I dont directly know anything about the story apart from what you have written . ā¦
By the way – i was studying āfamily lawā at the time the Child Support Act and further divorce ā reform ā was coming in ā¦ i was the only bloke on the course . The enthusiasm with which the girls greeted the opportunity to get ārevenge ā on men was – unsettling ā¦
ā¦ and at the time i didnt have ā skin in the gameā as they say ā¦
In the wake of Brexit – that’s your new phrase for the day.
What with all the play acting and diving in the penalty box, they do say modern football is no longer a contact sport. But this is ridiculous: ‘England pair have to self-isolate after tunnel chat with virus Scot‘ (Daily Mirror)
Meanwhile, there’s no pretence here, Boris Johnson has a rare moment of complete veracity and frankness with the British public: ‘Expect summer of holiday chaos, says PM… [he] warned summer travel will be filled with “hassel and delays”‘ (Telegraph) – well, they are bringing back a nationalised British Rail.
But we all know the context of Boris saying this: ‘…as he played down the prospect of freedom for the vaccinated‘ – it’s like the scientist said to the lab rat: “I’m just going to give you this experimental jab – but don’t expect me ever to release you from your cage – now you’ll just feel a small prick…”
There was no such inescapable confinement for those Wuhan Lab test subjects – or so it seems we are now allowed to speculate.
‘Summer holidays blow for foreign travel‘ (‘i’) – and perhaps just to rub it in: ‘hordes of Germans swept into Med resorts‘ (Sun) – and: ‘Love Island is back‘ (Metro) – for the uninitiated, or those perhaps without female competition for control of the remote – Love Island is a British-made reality TV show with a dating theme where contestants… participants (?) are whisked off to self-isolation (?) at a holiday resort and we watch their developing relationships like they were… lab rats?
The Sun introduces us to: ‘Love Island’s raunchiest star. I need sex 8 times a day‘ – I do hope she has had all her innoculations – we wouldn’t want the show spoiled and a couple of our favourite chaps having to pull out after unhealthy contact in her tunnel. By the way, tabloids speak a language all of their own, don’t they? Has anyone ever in their daily lives found themselves using the word raunchy? No, me neither.
Considering we gifted to the world Love Island one finds oneself harbouring a certain sympathy for Brussels at their latest bit of anti-British spite: ‘Brexit blow for British television as EU cuts airtime. The EU is preparing to act against the “disproportionate” amount of British television and film content shown in Europe, in the wake of Brexit‘ (Guardian – of course it is the Guardian)
One is intrigued to read this latest absolutely de rigueur example of European trade protectionism descibed as defending their “cultural diversity”
I suppose we can now excuse ourselves watching all those gloomy stilted subtitled Scandi Noir detective series and re-watch The Sweeney on the perverse basis our abstention from Euro TV actually makes us more diverse?
I used to enjoy a bit of what they now call cultural appropriation, the odd foreign language movie, a foreign restaurant… now we all have to check our Privilege: ‘William Sitwell: Culinary appropriation – a new nightmare for chefs‘ (Telegraph)
The reality is that the Culture War is something that the Left do all the time – rather successfully, since they own education, the arts and media – but it is something which they accuse the Right of whenever we dare to push back.
‘Tory MPs accused of adding fuel to fire of “culture war” in education report‘ (Guardian, natch) – so what did these dangerous right-winger culture warriors dare to say? ‘White working class pupils have been let down by decades of neglect in the English education system, according to a controversial report by MPs‘ – controversial, dontcha know. This committee is ‘Conservative-dominated‘ – well, they did win the general election. No matter, the Left are fighting back and I’ll wager nothing changes: ‘The report faced immediate opposition‘
And all in the wake of Brexit. It’s more like the woke wake of Brexit
9am Radio pitches today vs the past
#1 The Sarah Everhard case being used to highlight violence against women
vs #2 “a violent attack against a woman in Victorian Britain that provoked an outcry over the growing menace of violence against women in public spaces”
“the attempted rape of Kate Dickinson by the military officer Valentine Baker had a less tragic conclusion,
the response to his assault on her in a railway carriage, which resulted in her hanging out of the train door for several miles until rescue came,
provoked a very similar reaction across the nation”
Well the outcry over Everhard seems to be from certain activist groups rather than the public as a whole
This is a difficult dilemma for the BBC and we need to be sensitive to their position. On the one hand, they wish to exploit the shocking but thankfully rare case of Sarah Everhard in order to stoke the gender wars as part of the ‘divide and rule/atomised society’ strategy. Yet on the other hand, they simultaneously need to educate and prepare women and girls for much higher levels of everyday sexual violence against them – an inevitable consequence of the mass importation of misogynistic brutes from backward countries. As the women of the socialist paradise of Sweden are learning to their cost.
At the end he makes the point that whereas in the UK the collapse of national culture and tradition has taken place over many decades, in Sweden it’s been a much shorter time scale. So here the rot has been gradual, less noticeable year by year and we’ve got used to it (think boiling frogs) whereas there it’s been possible to chart the whole ghastly process of the destruction of the Swedish way of life in real time.
Welcome to diversity, Sweden. Trump warned you, and you laughed.
As usual the Radio4 Wokist show did everything it accuses its enemies of.
It made the issue ALL MEN versus ALL WOMEN
whereas the actual issue was SOME BAD PEOPLE molest SOME PARTICULAR PEOPLE
Yes, sure vast majority of molesters are men
and the majority of victims are women
You shouldn’t forget about male victims like abused boys
Nor should you pretend that every single woman is at great risk, many really aren’t.
Nor should you pretend that every single MAN is a molester .. a lot even more that 50% might be gropers but i wrong to imply all are.
End of show guest@JamieKlingler (ReclaimTheStreets organiser)
says “*white manās* consequences are not what most of us call consequences !”
… FFS not only sexist but racist and nasty
… she’s including white men who have been raped, murdered etc.
Not good consequences.
It’s touch and go who is more into “virtue signalling” the
BBC or Barclays Bank. Any of you who bank with Barclays ,use
their branches or use internet banking will know what I mean.
As Gay Pride month is coming to an end , I wonder what
Barclay’s next virtue signalling will be on their home page ,and in their branches,when they are open?
It could well be old mother Hubbard the New Zealander
transgender weight lifter going into her cupboard looking for
weights. That’s if the BBC beat Barclays to it. Oh my god. I will
probably will get their woke marketing “it’s” minds thinking
if they read this!
A far cry from when I was proud to bank in Barclays, when they had a branch nearby the statue of Cecil Rhodes in Bulawayo, Rhodesia. As they say: “Other banks and financial institutions are available”.
Ian-My ex brother -in-law and still good friend Ian Gardiner
came from Bulawayo.In his eighties now. He has told me
some interesting stories about times in the fifties and sixties.
I still have a recording of his 4 year old son Mark singing “Ach
plis daddy will you take me to the drive in.” But by that
time they had moved to South Africa.
Over at ‘Is the BBC Biased?’ ‘Charlie’ is ‘tiggered’ by finding that the BBC writes stories such as this in ‘pidgin’ and questions the use of his licence fee.
Personally it reminds me of the days of my youth when as a homogeneous society we spoke a language in common and bore some physical resemblance to each other .
Apologies if you’ve already covered this, I’m probably a bit late as usual…
The BBC have been advertising positions for “non white applicants only”. I should be shocked by this clearly racist revelation, but sadly I’m not. It’s par for the course.
It seems to be a truism that lefties always turn out to be the exact opposite of what they claim to be and very similar to the groups they loathe.
The most fascist mob in Britain call themselves Antifa. They go about dressed all in black and beat up anyone they disagree with. Remind you of anyone?
There’s a hateful group using the name, Stop Funding Hate, that are trying to see GB News taken off the air-waves, bullying weak companies to stop advertising with them.
And the most violent people I’ve ever been confronted by was at an anti war demo and claimed to be pacifists. Very aggressive! When I pointed out that burning a papier-mache likeness of George Bush Jnr looked pretty nasty, they started screaming. I needed a police escort.
And now we have the dear old BBC, forever promoting “anti racism and inclusion” and lecturing us about the evils of racism, offering jobs on a racial basis. How is this not bigotry, plain and simple?
What next…adverts saying “No Dogs, no whites, no Irish”…
The trouble with ‘affirmative action’ is that you never know if the beneficiary got the job on merit or to meet a quota.
This doesn’t matter too much if it’s a BBC journalist – where they’ll be spouting cr*p anyway – but when you’re having a heart operation or boarding a plane…
– New EV – up to Ā£28k loan
– Second hand EV – up to Ā£20k loan
– New Electric motorcycle – up to Ā£10k loan
– Second hand Electric motorcycle – up to Ā£6k loan
If you want an e-bike you can get a Ā£6k loan for that too
This has all the hallmarks of a Quango fuelled F-Up. The grants are organised by a cute little outfit called “energy saving trust” I guess they chose that name because it sounds sort of official but in fact they are a hard-nosed private finance Company and no doubt out to make quick bucks using “green scaremongering and green flag waving credentials”.
As well as EV’s they also push heat-pumps and etc. now both EV’s and heat-pumps are completely unviable for an overwhelming percentage of the UK population due to their operating restrictions, charging access, range, building type, available land etc. etc. etc. but this company know that there are enough punters (and stupefied local authorities etc.) out their to make them rich before the truth dawns.
It very much reminds me of the early days of the double glazing scams that exploded on us a few years back.
I suspect the Queen of Scotland is heartily behind this scam if only to gloat over Scotland getting in there first.
I suspect it will all go quiet in due course, by which time the directors of Energy Saving Trust will be sunning themselves on yachts in places where you would not need heat pumps for sure!
Energy Saving Trust is often described as “taxpayer-funded”
I wouldn’t describe it as a hard-nosed private finance Company
..though in this Scottish project they might operate a bit like that
ie if they give out a 1,000 loans they’ll generate more admin commission than if it’s only 100
No Jaguar I Pace, probably due to price. However you can buy a Chinese built MG which will have a questionable carbon footprint. Another Box Ticking excercise……
The penny has not yet dropped vlad, they and all the other woke chasing retailers haven’t tumbled to the fact that there are rather a lot of people feeling offended and voting with this wallets and purses.
Drip-drip-drip but eventually the message will get through.
My bank lost my business a couple of weeks back over a similar stupid flag-waving stunt.
– Nothing better than cashing in on a criminals name
– Well I wonāt be buying them, I hope others donāt too
– George Floyd is not a thought I want in my mind when buying underwear.
– Ghislaine Maxwell and Epstein next no doubt along with Fred and Rose West and Myra Hindley
– Have you people lost your Fāin minds?
– Was the previous range of underwear racist?
– This is becoming a religion.
– Excellent ideaā¦. Will they prosecute if you shoplift it.
– So it includes a pocket for the drugs, gun
– What? He served 5 years for aggravated robbery with a deadly weapon against a pregnant WOMAN.
– Dedicated to a violent criminal, really, not the kind of shop Iād like to spend money in.
– What, gun motifs pointing a bellies in their maternity range?
USA is now embroiled in a woke-on-woke colour fight.
Nutcase fruitcake environmentalists (mostly white Americans) have sabotaged an oil pipeline from Canada currently under construction causing millions of dollars worth of damage to contractors equipment.
The problem is that the “Contractors” turned out to be mainly Native American Indian folk trying to make a living on what they claim to be their home territory, trying to support their indigenous population by creating jobs and they are not amused!
Add to this the mounting fury against the massive damage Biden is causing to the US economy and it couldn’t get any better! He quite obviously doesn’t have a clue and just rubber stamps whatever crazy notion the pack of lefty jackals around him push in front of him.
I really can’t see how Biden can survive as he blunders from one car crash to the next.
We now await to see if green beats red I guess! No idea where blue will fit into this carnage.
“Protest at a law passed by the Hungarian government.”
.. that *POLITICAL* then
“UEFA on Tuesday rejected plans by the city of Munich to light the Allianz Arena in rainbow colours for the Germany-Hungary Euro 2020 match”
“Munich mayor Dieter Reiter had said he wanted to light up the stadium in the colours in protest against a new law in Hungary that bans the dissemination of content in schools deemed to promote homosexuality and gender change. ”
\\ UEFA has halted an investigation into Germany captain Manuel Neuer’s rainbow armband.
It decided it was promoting “a good cause”, rather than a banned political statement //
#3 @nazirafzal
“#WhitePrivilege isnāt that white people, especially the poor working class, donāt suffer,
itās that their suffering wonāt be because of their colour
The blame lies on chronic underfunding & a system which leaves poor (black & white) people fighting over the scraps.” … https://twitter.com/nazirafzal/status/1407228980340707329
(That’s BS : suffering occurs cos of multiple factors
.. one is that they are sometimes left at the bottom of priorities,
cos you have prioritised other groups like BAME
just the same as BAME kids would be, if you prioritised white kids)
Weāve now published our report on disadvantaged White pupils.
I read Michael Holdings, the former W Indes fast bowler, account of how being black was a disadvantage and that White Privelege meant that being white you might still be disadvantaged in life but not solely based on prejudice against your colour.
But we all know that class prejudice in the UK was very strong up until at least the sixties and only slowly subsided in the following decades. It still exists today in many areas of life.
So ordinary Brits who didnāt go to the right school or speak with the right accent were discriminated against but did they riot , did they call for special positive discrimination, did anyone kneel for them , did they want the statues to monied classes of the industrial revolution pulled down? Of course not , and they were still expected to die or be maimed fighting for their country if necessary during war and they did so in their millions.
It seems that BAMEs want to be treated far better than the white inhabitants of these isles.ever were or still are!
Look – allowing 2500 ish UEFAāofficials ā into Blighty without restrictions – and spreading the next project fear variant – is a small price to pay for having the Euro final – Belgium v the krauts – at Wemberly
And they can extend the lockdown to Christmas and beyond ! More press conferences ! Medic heads getting famous ! The groupies ! Press profiles ! Money ! Power ! Isnāt it great ! .
R4 4pm Why would the law show, bother doing an item about a barrister who was once a DJ ?
Ah cos he’s a black guy that was one on BBC1Xtra their black station
What do you think a barrister looks like? Mark Robinson challenges the stereotypical image of a barrister and details his journey into law, showing how you too can become a barrister regardless of your background.https://t.co/IQTiJw23Pt#Barrister#legaltech#tech
I see the blurb on the R4 show tonight is blank
The photo however is another black face
It’s the cover from Joan Armatrading’s new album
I suppose she’ll be on, plugging the album.
8pm Radio4
“In a joint investigation with The Guardian and the non-profit investigative organisation Source Material, File on 4 investigates whether some firms were given preferential treatment
when lucrative Covid contracts were being awarded”
“Michelin-star restaurant stops serving lunch due to lack of staff”
“If I slog them to death, in two weeks’ time, I won’t have a restaurant,” he told the BBC. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-57555608
If you pay them more wages you will get more staff.
The usual British problem there in a nutshell, blame someone else and do nothing to make it any better.
The usual tired tropes about Brexit are inevitable despite the fact we are in a pandemic ridiculous lockdown and people can’t even travel between countries if they wanted to!
“Oh there aren’t any trains chefs in Cornwall” Really? Well how many have you trained in the past 10 years which might be there now instead of trying to poach them from more forward looking establishement.
London of course is a little different. Boris’s crazed mass migration influx drives up housing and rent, and Khans increases on transport make it impossible for anyone to make themselves available for a 4 hour lunchtime shift even if it pays them Ā£65 – Ā£75 per day
In a nutshell, a case of Al Beeb starting the Rejoiner Propaganda Campaign again .
Long before we joined the Common Market we had Europeans working in the UK from fruit pickers and onion sellers. All I understand under visas.
How many ‘illegals’ working in restaurants under slave labour conditions ? All making fat profits for their greedy, London centric owners?
Just seen this on the BBC website and in regard to the world’s most expensive cities. Does the BBC believe all of its readers to be total idiots or is this for viewers of Cbeebies?
Read the text below, my comments are in brackets:
Expatriates, or expats, are people who live or work outside their native countries (wow, you don’t say).
Most of the cities in Mercer’s top 10 are business hubs where economic growth has led to a hike in the price of housing and other living costs.
But Ashgabat owes its high ranking to economic woes rather than prosperity, making it an outlier.
Why is Ashgabat at the top of the list?
Jean-Philippe Sarra of Mercer told AFP news agency that “high local inflation” explained Ashgabat’s rise to first from second in last year’s survey. Inflation is the rate of increase in prices for goods and services over time (who knew!!!).
10pm BBC Four – Philly DA: Breaking the Law
“hope springs eternal in America in spite of everything! ”
The Times and Guardian recommend a EIGHT part homage to a BLM lawyer Larry Krasner who was elected DA in 2017 promising totally overhaul of the police system
11pm ep2 Krasner and his team begin a radical overhaul of the criminal justice system from within by poring over a cache of police misconduct archives.
“First it’s Diversity Week in schools
a LGBT charity Just Like Us has said … (Dominic spokesman)
..A Lincoln teacher explained books are written from CIS pov
… interview with kids spouting woke scripts.
Next new verges plan
..”not cutting leads to DIVERSTY”
Only 20 in the audience which I presume includes all the ‘Windrush Generation’ and the support group.
And regardless of race, they came here because they got far better opportunities for employment and a much higher standard of living for the rest of their lives.
I’m not sure why we are constantly being told we are the ones who should be grateful.
What a shame there is no interest in honouring the far, far greater number of white men who came back from the war and rebuilt Britain.
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called āfirst among equals ā which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I donāt know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
I hadn’t watched Channel 4 News in a while. Thought I’d try it for a change.
Lead story: Knife crime and “youth” violence in London. They actually meant black violence but they seemed afraid to use that term.
Apparently we adults aren’t paying attention. “We” have allowed it to happen. “We” should step up.
When black thugs are excluded from school, the message we are giving them is “we don’t want you”. You see, it is “we” who are turning them into knifemen.
London is a war zone according to a young black guy brimming with reforming zeal. But black violence apparently “belongs to us all” according to another intense guy who had written a book or something.
Came away with the impression that these London knife murders were somehow all my fault.
Guilty secret – I watched it . The street ferals being interviewed described being in a āwarā. Well – Iām guessing they havenāt had too much experience of war ā¦
ā¦ and I laughed out loud when I was told we are all responsible ā¦ but there was an obvious omission from the listing of coloured teenage male victims – it was that the killers are coloured males as well . Tribalism imported to city streets in Blighty – enriching the culture – is how far left trolls would describe it ā¦
Funeral directors are only going to be doing better ā¦
This piece was followed by the drought in California . Unusually president trump didnāt get the blame – which makes a change ā¦
This is the situation the black poet described in his poetry show yesterday.
The way on street corners he’d bump into people and in a split second, he was have to decide what to say, so he didn’t get into a territorial gang fight.
I had been so guilt-tripped by the programme that I was about to confess to the 125,000 knife crime offences committed in London between 2010 and 2020. Your post has brought me to my senses. Thanks.
It seems to me that Channel 4 News has this type of hand-wringing discussion about knife crime regularly every six months. It follows the same depressingly familiar pattern: Posh leftie female presenter hanging on the lips of a reformed black thug with a progressive academic in the background blaming white education or Tory cuts or the eighteenth century British economy.
There are never any good ideas put forward in these discussions about how to reduce those crimes and improve the lot of blacks. Why not? Because they never analyse the problem properly. That would involve facing some depressing facts about the realities of racial differences.
The potential solutions to coloured yoof street crime ( killing ) will not be paletable to the Far Left .
Parental control
Personal responsibility
Plod use of powers to target colours
Education about right and wrong
Physical punishment
Naming and public shaming
Punative imprisonment
Death penalty
Yes its the old stuff- but it they think they can ā just do it ā now – without much by way of consequences – then perhaps the old stuff needs another go
But it wont happen .
Tractor stats?
Don’t know.
Why don’t we have enough housing this year..
Never to be reported on al beeb …
That dates from June 5th
Here’s the reporter’s June 8th video
BBC local news
Quite unusual the family of a working class Hull murdered boy are allowed on to make an appeal for people to step forward to give info about his murder.
For the third time the CCTV of a wanted man was played
Again no one spoke to say the guy is a young black kid
.. The girlfriend spoke to say people must be protecting this perp.
No info was given about the event , like was it a drug deal gone wrong ? etc.
Local BBC news in Boston the council have been taking tough action against litter louts
How ? by fining people Ā£200 for leaving neatly bagged rubbish next to charity recycling donation bins or council recycling bin which the charity and council had left overflowing. FFS !
The council leader apologised
and suggested some fines will be refunded
MacDonald’s staff, and GBN reporter abused by *hooligans* at Rutland Christian festival
I saw several reports and the people purportedly kicking off on site have been described as “travellers” and “Christians” …
They’re Christian travellers?
One for Toenails, Laura or the Hack with the Rack to follow up on?
On BBC4, i watched a programme nominally about the origin of the partition of India in 1947. Fairly typical anti-British BBC guff, it talked among other things about a British ā divide and ruleā policy going back to the early 30s before trashing its own argument by focussing on Jinnahās wish for muslim rule by muslims.
At the end of the programme I switched over to BBC1 and caught the final moments of BBC London news.
Within 5 minutes we had a. Womenās perceived safety b. The transgender hairdresser in Shoreditch c. Mention of BLM.
In other words the very divide and rule they castigated the British for in India. The hypocrisy and juxtaposition was very obvious.
Divide and rule. A neat summary of BBC editorial policy..
Thanks for the warning; I recorded the partition programme, but shall not bother to watch it. I did watch another programme that was on next to it, however, about Churchill and his use of the cinema, which was fascinating.
“China fails to meet promises on missing Xinjiang children”
Where have all the Jhadis gone?
“Moored cruise ships off Dorset coast ‘scarred’ seabed”
Why aren’t they put to good use as accommodation ships for illegal immigrant criminals ? Far more economic and secure as holding places than the 5 Star hotels that the government are using .
Remember HMS Maidstone ?
I am afraid the British Government and its Home Office is not taking the mass invasion of Great Britain seriously.
Or could there be another reason?
Follow the money.
“Former Speaker and Conservative MP John Bercow joins Labour”
I don’t think Berco Boiler realises that many, many Labour voters were Brexiteers. If Sir Keir Rodney Starmer KCB QC , takes him on, it will be another own goal by Labour. Go for it Keir !
How many of you lot are still funding Al Beeb with its oppressive Telly tax ?
In my view, GB News will turn the tide. Our BBC are worried. Indeed, they are greatly concerned.
Our BBC were transformed when Blair was elected back in 1997. The immigration/migrant gates were then opened. Deep joy for our BBC.
Dover Sentry
The woke brigade will endeavour to close GB news down . It may in turn be the end of this anti British woke cult .
Clearly not.
To you, Ā£5,000,000,000.
BBC Active News
Is either being gay, or “coming out” some sort of achievement?
No, it is not. It is usually a matter of supreme indifference to anyone other than the individual themselves.
A chap in the office where I once worked was known to be a homosexual, which everyone accepted was his business and did not discuss. One day, he announced that he had fallen in love with a woman and they were to marry. This was something of a surprise, but he was keen to talk about it. He explained that he had realised his homosexuality was just a phase, possibly as a result of being assaulted as a young boy and the fact that many pop stars of the time promoted themselves as bisexual or androgynous. But now he was firmly ‘normal’ (his words) and looking forward to marriage, children and a new life.
These occurences are not unusual. People do switch from being homosexual to heterosexual, or from heterosexual to homosexual. But the media only ever discusses the latter. They demonstrate a value judgement, that ‘coming out’ is somehow more worthy, something aspirational, desireable, a promotion to a superior level, something to be encouraged.
Why is this? There has always been debate about whether being homosexual is matter of nature or nurture i.e. are people born that way or are they socialised. Much of society’s acceptance and sympathy towards homosexual equality has been based on the former – people are born that way, have no say in the matter and therefore it is wrong to pass moral judgement. But in their heart of hearts, many liberals do not really believe this, even if they cannot rationalise it. They consider that people, especially young people, can be ‘turned’ through propaganda. When the BBC promote sportsmen, musicians and actors who have ‘come out’, or glorify drag queens and alternative lifestyles, they are not trying to encoure understanding: they are proselytizing.
Or you could realise that your tv career is at risk, and you need to join a group that makes you untouchable. Difficult to change race, so homosexuality is your best bet. Any criticism and you can shout “homophobia!”. Or, as it could be termed “Doing a Schofield”.
Yes, “We Buy Any Car” are stuck with him now.
Presumably to stay close to BLM sources. And BBC editors?
So he doesn’t like being mugged – big deal.
It really is all about bank balances in
The race industry
OT, butā¦
Recalling recently the possession of a copy of a book was deemed quite the excitement by ānewsā media.
But it was a book they saw opportunity to use.
There is a difference between understanding motivations and promoting their aims.
āNewsā now is knowing the angle to take.
Bet the BBC know many āSalford Womenā.
Are they her own eyebrows?
“It sounds strange, but apparently the more distinctive the eyebrows shape, the higher participants scored on the narcissism personality test.”
According to Hello Trash! magazine
(Probably doesn’t apply to the Middle East, where beautiful women often have naturally bushy eyebrows)
Rented out from Andy Burnham.
BBC News
“The pain again was excruciating. I fainted, and then I burst into tears of relief. I felt violated, weak and angry.”
#bbcquotes Possibly from a BBC Breakfast viewer.
BBC Moaning Emole
By Andrew McFarlane
Poorer white pupils neglected, say MPs
Generic image of pupils in an exam hall
(Exemptions of color were enabled for the purposes of 5his racial effort)
White working-class pupils have been “let down and neglected” by the education system in England for decades, according to MPs. Describing it as “nothing short of a scandal”, the education select committee accuses the government of “muddled thinking” in targeting support. Its report says, among those receiving free school meals, 18% of white British pupils achieved grade 4 in English and maths in 2019, compared with a 23% average. Figures for those receiving free meals show 16% of white British pupils get university places, compared with 59% of black African, 59% of Bangladeshi and 32% of black Caribbean youngsters.
The committee’s chairman, Conservative Robert Halfon, says many white working-class pupils live in towns which had less investment than big cities. He criticises use of the term “white privilege” in education as “divisive”. However, fellow committee member Kim Johnson, of Labour, sees this view as a bid to “stoke the culture war” and avoid highlighting a lack of investment in education and communities. The government says the pupil premium – given to schools to help disadvantaged pupils with extra teaching, academic support or activities such as breakfast clubs – is expected to increase to more than Ā£2.5bn this year.
Ā£2.5bn is half what the national broadcaster gets to stoke the cultural war, Andy. Whilst issuing āno whitesā ads using unique exemptions.
Spingster has been scrambled.
Well – if the education system hasnāt done the whitee kids much good then we donāt need to worry too much about schools being closed for a year or so – suggests they havenāt really missed much .
Also – parents are those primarily responsible for the education of their children ..but I donāt think the BBC sees it that way – the State – the State – the State .
Dog not included?
No problem Emma. Get a crop, drop the lippy, you’ll be a ringer for Mike Tindall. Job done.
Shayan know anyone else who attacked a pregnant person?
Missed this bit out though:
‘Jonathan Walker, in mitigation, said his client had suffered serious mental health issues since childhood, predating his regular use of cannabis.’
Judge Penny Moreland said: “At the time of committing this offence, you were suffering from a brief psychotic disorder or cannabis induced psychotic disorder.
But hey, lets just infer everyone who supports Qanon is like that. When in fact it had nothing whatsoever to do with it.
Northern BBC viewer attacks pregnant partner with hammer?
Damn that BBC!
I wrote a short piece for the DM comments section this week which was removed following complaints. See what you think.
It concerns the murder of the British Mother by her Greek husband after she decided to leave him with a 1 month old baby.
If he was aware of the current state of the unfairness of British laws in divorce cases – and he probably was then he might have been motivated to take his murderous action.
She has a meal ticket, she will be able to return to Britain where some of the most biased and unfair divorce laws in the world are enforced.
She would have taken most if not all of his assets and his future income for the next 18 years leaving him in destitution. He probably would not have been able to see his daughter given the cost of visiting the UK and staying here.
So he takes a chance of retaining his life by murdering her and he gets caught, but if he hadn’t been then he would have been in a better financial position than if she’d divorced him, and even when he has been caught he is still probably in a better position than he would have been because at least he is going to be able to see his daughter and Greek sentencing being similar to UK sentencing he will probably be free in 16 years anyway.
Thoughtful – i think you fell at the hurdle of ā reality ā and how the legal system drives someone to contemplate and do such a thing .
Its not what the DM wants to think about . Its a bit like those ā murder suicide ā domestic cases which seem to be reported but then quickly expunged from the media memory.
And there seems to be a lot of it about . I dont directly know anything about the story apart from what you have written . ā¦
By the way – i was studying āfamily lawā at the time the Child Support Act and further divorce ā reform ā was coming in ā¦ i was the only bloke on the course . The enthusiasm with which the girls greeted the opportunity to get ārevenge ā on men was – unsettling ā¦
ā¦ and at the time i didnt have ā skin in the gameā as they say ā¦
In the wake of Brexit – that’s your new phrase for the day.
What with all the play acting and diving in the penalty box, they do say modern football is no longer a contact sport. But this is ridiculous: ‘England pair have to self-isolate after tunnel chat with virus Scot‘ (Daily Mirror)
Meanwhile, there’s no pretence here, Boris Johnson has a rare moment of complete veracity and frankness with the British public: ‘Expect summer of holiday chaos, says PM… [he] warned summer travel will be filled with “hassel and delays”‘ (Telegraph) – well, they are bringing back a nationalised British Rail.
But we all know the context of Boris saying this: ‘…as he played down the prospect of freedom for the vaccinated‘ – it’s like the scientist said to the lab rat: “I’m just going to give you this experimental jab – but don’t expect me ever to release you from your cage – now you’ll just feel a small prick…”
There was no such inescapable confinement for those Wuhan Lab test subjects – or so it seems we are now allowed to speculate.
‘Summer holidays blow for foreign travel‘ (‘i’) – and perhaps just to rub it in: ‘hordes of Germans swept into Med resorts‘ (Sun) – and: ‘Love Island is back‘ (Metro) – for the uninitiated, or those perhaps without female competition for control of the remote – Love Island is a British-made reality TV show with a dating theme where contestants… participants (?) are whisked off to self-isolation (?) at a holiday resort and we watch their developing relationships like they were… lab rats?
The Sun introduces us to: ‘Love Island’s raunchiest star. I need sex 8 times a day‘ – I do hope she has had all her innoculations – we wouldn’t want the show spoiled and a couple of our favourite chaps having to pull out after unhealthy contact in her tunnel. By the way, tabloids speak a language all of their own, don’t they? Has anyone ever in their daily lives found themselves using the word raunchy? No, me neither.
Considering we gifted to the world Love Island one finds oneself harbouring a certain sympathy for Brussels at their latest bit of anti-British spite: ‘Brexit blow for British television as EU cuts airtime. The EU is preparing to act against the “disproportionate” amount of British television and film content shown in Europe, in the wake of Brexit‘ (Guardian – of course it is the Guardian)
One is intrigued to read this latest absolutely de rigueur example of European trade protectionism descibed as defending their “cultural diversity”
I suppose we can now excuse ourselves watching all those gloomy stilted subtitled Scandi Noir detective series and re-watch The Sweeney on the perverse basis our abstention from Euro TV actually makes us more diverse?
I used to enjoy a bit of what they now call cultural appropriation, the odd foreign language movie, a foreign restaurant… now we all have to check our Privilege: ‘William Sitwell: Culinary appropriation – a new nightmare for chefs‘ (Telegraph)
The reality is that the Culture War is something that the Left do all the time – rather successfully, since they own education, the arts and media – but it is something which they accuse the Right of whenever we dare to push back.
‘Tory MPs accused of adding fuel to fire of “culture war” in education report‘ (Guardian, natch) – so what did these dangerous right-winger culture warriors dare to say? ‘White working class pupils have been let down by decades of neglect in the English education system, according to a controversial report by MPs‘ – controversial, dontcha know. This committee is ‘Conservative-dominated‘ – well, they did win the general election. No matter, the Left are fighting back and I’ll wager nothing changes: ‘The report faced immediate opposition‘
And all in the wake of Brexit. It’s more like the woke wake of Brexit
The Guardian has so lost the plot that it doesn’t even see the irony of accusing conservatives of waging culture war.
(And its broadcast arm known as the BBC.)
“Raunchy” (tabloid words). Also “flaunt”.
9am Radio pitches today vs the past
#1 The Sarah Everhard case being used to highlight violence against women
vs #2 “a violent attack against a woman in Victorian Britain that provoked an outcry over the growing menace of violence against women in public spaces”
“the attempted rape of Kate Dickinson by the military officer Valentine Baker had a less tragic conclusion,
the response to his assault on her in a railway carriage, which resulted in her hanging out of the train door for several miles until rescue came,
provoked a very similar reaction across the nation”
Well the outcry over Everhard seems to be from certain activist groups rather than the public as a whole
This is a difficult dilemma for the BBC and we need to be sensitive to their position. On the one hand, they wish to exploit the shocking but thankfully rare case of Sarah Everhard in order to stoke the gender wars as part of the ‘divide and rule/atomised society’ strategy. Yet on the other hand, they simultaneously need to educate and prepare women and girls for much higher levels of everyday sexual violence against them – an inevitable consequence of the mass importation of misogynistic brutes from backward countries. As the women of the socialist paradise of Sweden are learning to their cost.
At the end he makes the point that whereas in the UK the collapse of national culture and tradition has taken place over many decades, in Sweden it’s been a much shorter time scale. So here the rot has been gradual, less noticeable year by year and we’ve got used to it (think boiling frogs) whereas there it’s been possible to chart the whole ghastly process of the destruction of the Swedish way of life in real time.
Welcome to diversity, Sweden. Trump warned you, and you laughed.
Well you’re not laughing now.
As usual the Radio4 Wokist show did everything it accuses its enemies of.
It made the issue ALL MEN versus ALL WOMEN
whereas the actual issue was SOME BAD PEOPLE molest SOME PARTICULAR PEOPLE
Yes, sure vast majority of molesters are men
and the majority of victims are women
You shouldn’t forget about male victims like abused boys
Nor should you pretend that every single woman is at great risk, many really aren’t.
Nor should you pretend that every single MAN is a molester .. a lot even more that 50% might be gropers but i wrong to imply all are.
End of show guest@JamieKlingler (ReclaimTheStreets organiser)
says “*white manās* consequences are not what most of us call consequences !”
… FFS not only sexist but racist and nasty
… she’s including white men who have been raped, murdered etc.
Not good consequences.
It’s touch and go who is more into “virtue signalling” the
BBC or Barclays Bank. Any of you who bank with Barclays ,use
their branches or use internet banking will know what I mean.
As Gay Pride month is coming to an end , I wonder what
Barclay’s next virtue signalling will be on their home page ,and in their branches,when they are open?
It could well be old mother Hubbard the New Zealander
transgender weight lifter going into her cupboard looking for
weights. That’s if the BBC beat Barclays to it. Oh my god. I will
probably will get their woke marketing “it’s” minds thinking
if they read this!
A far cry from when I was proud to bank in Barclays, when they had a branch nearby the statue of Cecil Rhodes in Bulawayo, Rhodesia. As they say: “Other banks and financial institutions are available”.
Ian-My ex brother -in-law and still good friend Ian Gardiner
came from Bulawayo.In his eighties now. He has told me
some interesting stories about times in the fifties and sixties.
I still have a recording of his 4 year old son Mark singing “Ach
plis daddy will you take me to the drive in.” But by that
time they had moved to South Africa.
I recommend āair afrikaansā on youtube – nearly 8 million views ā¦
Do they still have branches ?
Over at ‘Is the BBC Biased?’ ‘Charlie’ is ‘tiggered’ by finding that the BBC writes stories such as this in ‘pidgin’ and questions the use of his licence fee.
Personally it reminds me of the days of my youth when as a homogeneous society we spoke a language in common and bore some physical resemblance to each other .
Wetin dey happen?
Uptick for “homogeneous”, an endangered word. (“Minuscule” is another.)
Local radio news today’s #PRasNews
“It’s National Windrush Day , there is an exhibition in Hull”
..they’d dropped it by 9am
BBC has made resources available to schools
Apologies if you’ve already covered this, I’m probably a bit late as usual…
The BBC have been advertising positions for “non white applicants only”. I should be shocked by this clearly racist revelation, but sadly I’m not. It’s par for the course.
It seems to be a truism that lefties always turn out to be the exact opposite of what they claim to be and very similar to the groups they loathe.
The most fascist mob in Britain call themselves Antifa. They go about dressed all in black and beat up anyone they disagree with. Remind you of anyone?
There’s a hateful group using the name, Stop Funding Hate, that are trying to see GB News taken off the air-waves, bullying weak companies to stop advertising with them.
And the most violent people I’ve ever been confronted by was at an anti war demo and claimed to be pacifists. Very aggressive! When I pointed out that burning a papier-mache likeness of George Bush Jnr looked pretty nasty, they started screaming. I needed a police escort.
And now we have the dear old BBC, forever promoting “anti racism and inclusion” and lecturing us about the evils of racism, offering jobs on a racial basis. How is this not bigotry, plain and simple?
What next…adverts saying “No Dogs, no whites, no Irish”…
The trouble with ‘affirmative action’ is that you never know if the beneficiary got the job on merit or to meet a quota.
This doesn’t matter too much if it’s a BBC journalist – where they’ll be spouting cr*p anyway – but when you’re having a heart operation or boarding a plane…
Guido has published details of Berkowās completed application to become a peer. He is such a plank hed to better as a pier .
The Times has details too apparently .
Berkow will do and say anything – anything – to get into the Lords – the corruption of the UK political class really is something ..
How is the Treason Law reform going?
Bercow would do well as a comic on the end of the Pier. Audiences would love to see him doing his ‘Order Order’ stuff on the stage.
Two English football players quarantined after coming into contact with a Scotsman.
Strange that both teams are not all required to isolate and – perhaps – withdraw from the Euros and leave it to those who do not kneel down ā¦
Interest FREE loans to buy an EV – in Scotland – but apparently you can buy the vehicle concerned from near anywhere.
– New EV – up to Ā£28k loan
– Second hand EV – up to Ā£20k loan
– New Electric motorcycle – up to Ā£10k loan
– Second hand Electric motorcycle – up to Ā£6k loan
If you want an e-bike you can get a Ā£6k loan for that too
This has all the hallmarks of a Quango fuelled F-Up. The grants are organised by a cute little outfit called “energy saving trust” I guess they chose that name because it sounds sort of official but in fact they are a hard-nosed private finance Company and no doubt out to make quick bucks using “green scaremongering and green flag waving credentials”.
As well as EV’s they also push heat-pumps and etc. now both EV’s and heat-pumps are completely unviable for an overwhelming percentage of the UK population due to their operating restrictions, charging access, range, building type, available land etc. etc. etc. but this company know that there are enough punters (and stupefied local authorities etc.) out their to make them rich before the truth dawns.
It very much reminds me of the early days of the double glazing scams that exploded on us a few years back.
I suspect the Queen of Scotland is heartily behind this scam if only to gloat over Scotland getting in there first.
I suspect it will all go quiet in due course, by which time the directors of Energy Saving Trust will be sunning themselves on yachts in places where you would not need heat pumps for sure!
Energy Saving Trust is often described as “taxpayer-funded”
I wouldn’t describe it as a hard-nosed private finance Company
..though in this Scottish project they might operate a bit like that
ie if they give out a 1,000 loans they’ll generate more admin commission than if it’s only 100
No Jaguar I Pace, probably due to price. However you can buy a Chinese built MG which will have a questionable carbon footprint. Another Box Ticking excercise……
OT, but remember when Stewie was never off BBC āBiznizā flogging his tat?
Not just brand desperation, M&S brand desperation.
Possibly they all come with a little secret pocket to keep your Fentanyl stash in…
Plus “M&S why are you doing nothing about underwear for blind, bald, black, overweight people with no arms or legs? Come on this is 2021 you know!”
No more M&S Y-fronts for me, then.
The penny has not yet dropped vlad, they and all the other woke chasing retailers haven’t tumbled to the fact that there are rather a lot of people feeling offended and voting with this wallets and purses.
Drip-drip-drip but eventually the message will get through.
My bank lost my business a couple of weeks back over a similar stupid flag-waving stunt.
Vlad – going commando then – ?
M&S Twitter – Some interesting replies:
– Nothing better than cashing in on a criminals name
– Well I wonāt be buying them, I hope others donāt too
– George Floyd is not a thought I want in my mind when buying underwear.
– Ghislaine Maxwell and Epstein next no doubt along with Fred and Rose West and Myra Hindley
– Have you people lost your Fāin minds?
– Was the previous range of underwear racist?
– This is becoming a religion.
– Excellent ideaā¦. Will they prosecute if you shoplift it.
– So it includes a pocket for the drugs, gun
– What? He served 5 years for aggravated robbery with a deadly weapon against a pregnant WOMAN.
– Dedicated to a violent criminal, really, not the kind of shop Iād like to spend money in.
– What, gun motifs pointing a bellies in their maternity range?
Have they really thought this through?
George Floyd. Pants.
Just a bit too ironic M&S?
Quick heads-up folks
UK National Emergency siren tests coming up
apparently over
“planned emergency alerts will take place today between 1-2pm”
USA is now embroiled in a woke-on-woke colour fight.
Nutcase fruitcake environmentalists (mostly white Americans) have sabotaged an oil pipeline from Canada currently under construction causing millions of dollars worth of damage to contractors equipment.
The problem is that the “Contractors” turned out to be mainly Native American Indian folk trying to make a living on what they claim to be their home territory, trying to support their indigenous population by creating jobs and they are not amused!
Add to this the mounting fury against the massive damage Biden is causing to the US economy and it couldn’t get any better! He quite obviously doesn’t have a clue and just rubber stamps whatever crazy notion the pack of lefty jackals around him push in front of him.
I really can’t see how Biden can survive as he blunders from one car crash to the next.
We now await to see if green beats red I guess! No idea where blue will fit into this carnage.
“Protest at a law passed by the Hungarian government.”
.. that *POLITICAL* then
“UEFA on Tuesday rejected plans by the city of Munich to light the Allianz Arena in rainbow colours for the Germany-Hungary Euro 2020 match”
“Munich mayor Dieter Reiter had said he wanted to light up the stadium in the colours in protest against a new law in Hungary that bans the dissemination of content in schools deemed to promote homosexuality and gender change. ”
\\ UEFA has halted an investigation into Germany captain Manuel Neuer’s rainbow armband.
It decided it was promoting “a good cause”, rather than a banned political statement //
Twitter news
“Looking at the claim that discourse around āwhite privilegeā can hamper White working-class students
#1 HoC Education Committee statement
#2 @BBCbitesize Aug 5, 2020
What is white privilege?
… https://twitter.com/bbcbitesize/status/1290969898517254145
#3 @nazirafzal
“#WhitePrivilege isnāt that white people, especially the poor working class, donāt suffer,
itās that their suffering wonāt be because of their colour
The blame lies on chronic underfunding & a system which leaves poor (black & white) people fighting over the scraps.” … https://twitter.com/nazirafzal/status/1407228980340707329
(That’s BS : suffering occurs cos of multiple factors
.. one is that they are sometimes left at the bottom of priorities,
cos you have prioritised other groups like BAME
just the same as BAME kids would be, if you prioritised white kids)
I read Michael Holdings, the former W Indes fast bowler, account of how being black was a disadvantage and that White Privelege meant that being white you might still be disadvantaged in life but not solely based on prejudice against your colour.
But we all know that class prejudice in the UK was very strong up until at least the sixties and only slowly subsided in the following decades. It still exists today in many areas of life.
So ordinary Brits who didnāt go to the right school or speak with the right accent were discriminated against but did they riot , did they call for special positive discrimination, did anyone kneel for them , did they want the statues to monied classes of the industrial revolution pulled down? Of course not , and they were still expected to die or be maimed fighting for their country if necessary during war and they did so in their millions.
It seems that BAMEs want to be treated far better than the white inhabitants of these isles.ever were or still are!
Look – allowing 2500 ish UEFAāofficials ā into Blighty without restrictions – and spreading the next project fear variant – is a small price to pay for having the Euro final – Belgium v the krauts – at Wemberly
And they can extend the lockdown to Christmas and beyond ! More press conferences ! Medic heads getting famous ! The groupies ! Press profiles ! Money ! Power ! Isnāt it great ! .
And eternal furlough !
R4 4pm Why would the law show, bother doing an item about a barrister who was once a DJ ?
Ah cos he’s a black guy that was one on BBC1Xtra their black station
I see the blurb on the R4 show tonight is blank
The photo however is another black face
It’s the cover from Joan Armatrading’s new album
I suppose she’ll be on, plugging the album.
8pm Radio4
“In a joint investigation with The Guardian and the non-profit investigative organisation Source Material, File on 4 investigates whether some firms were given preferential treatment
when lucrative Covid contracts were being awarded”
“Michelin-star restaurant stops serving lunch due to lack of staff”
“If I slog them to death, in two weeks’ time, I won’t have a restaurant,” he told the BBC.
If you pay them more wages you will get more staff.
The usual British problem there in a nutshell, blame someone else and do nothing to make it any better.
The usual tired tropes about Brexit are inevitable despite the fact we are in a pandemic ridiculous lockdown and people can’t even travel between countries if they wanted to!
“Oh there aren’t any trains chefs in Cornwall” Really? Well how many have you trained in the past 10 years which might be there now instead of trying to poach them from more forward looking establishement.
London of course is a little different. Boris’s crazed mass migration influx drives up housing and rent, and Khans increases on transport make it impossible for anyone to make themselves available for a 4 hour lunchtime shift even if it pays them Ā£65 – Ā£75 per day
In a nutshell, a case of Al Beeb starting the Rejoiner Propaganda Campaign again .
Long before we joined the Common Market we had Europeans working in the UK from fruit pickers and onion sellers. All I understand under visas.
How many ‘illegals’ working in restaurants under slave labour conditions ? All making fat profits for their greedy, London centric owners?
Just seen this on the BBC website and in regard to the world’s most expensive cities. Does the BBC believe all of its readers to be total idiots or is this for viewers of Cbeebies?
Read the text below, my comments are in brackets:
Expatriates, or expats, are people who live or work outside their native countries (wow, you don’t say).
Most of the cities in Mercer’s top 10 are business hubs where economic growth has led to a hike in the price of housing and other living costs.
But Ashgabat owes its high ranking to economic woes rather than prosperity, making it an outlier.
Why is Ashgabat at the top of the list?
Jean-Philippe Sarra of Mercer told AFP news agency that “high local inflation” explained Ashgabat’s rise to first from second in last year’s survey. Inflation is the rate of increase in prices for goods and services over time (who knew!!!).
10pm BBC Four – Philly DA: Breaking the Law
“hope springs eternal in America in spite of everything! ”
The Times and Guardian recommend a EIGHT part homage to a BLM lawyer Larry Krasner who was elected DA in 2017 promising totally overhaul of the police system
11pm ep2 Krasner and his team begin a radical overhaul of the criminal justice system from within by poring over a cache of police misconduct archives.
ITV local doing #PRasNews
Hands up any white British in Doncaster who had ever heard of this in the last 40 years.
Chalkie White the comedian
“First it’s Diversity Week in schools
a LGBT charity Just Like Us has said … (Dominic spokesman)
..A Lincoln teacher explained books are written from CIS pov
… interview with kids spouting woke scripts.
Next new verges plan
..”not cutting leads to DIVERSTY”
Their web story not mentioned on air
“A 19 year old man needed life-saving surgery after a ‘ride-by’ stabbing in Leeds.
The suspect was described as *mixed race*,
aged 19 to 20, 5ft 9ins tall, and medium build.
… wearing a dark coloured tracksuit and a face covering and was riding a dark coloured mountain bike”
Only 20 in the audience which I presume includes all the ‘Windrush Generation’ and the support group.
And regardless of race, they came here because they got far better opportunities for employment and a much higher standard of living for the rest of their lives.
I’m not sure why we are constantly being told we are the ones who should be grateful.
What a shame there is no interest in honouring the far, far greater number of white men who came back from the war and rebuilt Britain.
Two football matches. Will both Scotland and England do the Floyd George kneel?