So the G7 has agreed to …nothing
A victory for the Taliban
The BBC avoiding blaming Biden .
Meanwhile Departures at Kabul airport become more frantic . The so Islamic promoting BBC has its work cut out now .
Midweek Thread 25 August 2021
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Not Al Beeb yet but more migrant Channel crossings predicted as the big pull out of Afghanistan is completed.
What is our “Conservative” government going to do about it ? What are they doing about returning the thousands of illegals already here as promised by Bo Jo and Priti?
Question: Do we have an incompetent government ?
Taffman… please be careful about referring to the ‘Conservative’ government, even though you have used quotes. It is quite possible they could sue you for slander for using this term to describe them.
It will take a month or two for them to filter up to Europe then work their way across (with encouragement from the rest of the EU).
Then it’s boat-bonanza time. Though as it will be probably be winter, I expect we will just pick them up from the beach and bring them over.
About us
The first duty of the government is to keep citizens safe and the country secure.
The suicide bomber who killed 22 people at an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester last year had been rescued from the Libyan civil war by the Royal Navy. Salman Abedi detonated a home-made bomb in the foyer of the Manchester Arena on 22 May 2017 as concert-goers, many of them children, were leaving the venue.31 Jul 2018
BBC briefed the IED guys on the defensive perimeter routes yet?
Islam – religion of peace. Repeat. Clap on Thursday.
Dogs are Haram.
Alistair Campbell retweeted this.
An apology must surely follow?
Or someone like Peter Jukes not mentioning the pandemic.
That tw@t retweets Femi. Enough said.
‘supply chain problems’ – 4 years to prepare … saw a news report where the Spanish Border Guards were delaying trucks on purpose.
“NHS stops some blood tests due to vial shortages”
“ The medical device company, which manufactures its tubes in the US, said routine testing for procedures which were delayed due to the pandemic had also increased demand.”
Why can’t these be manufactured in the UK?
I thought this was a spoof.
Rog already a special measures specialist surely?
BBC Shires spins up…
Have you ever been involved in a protest? 😡
Should we protest more?
200 people were arrested at the Extinction Rebellion protests in London yesterday.
Do we need more protests? Or does it just annoy people?
In her 2018 training video Dr. Diesel runs through Alinsky rules and tops of with getting over 50 arrested is guaranteed media coverage.
Especially if complicit rather than credulous.
“200 people were arrested at the Extinction Rebellion protests in London yesterday.” They have a fund to pay for this …
I would have to disagree, some things definitely ARE impossible… like a man giving birth, for example… oh, hang on…
Whilst importing large families into houses built on flood plains incapable of doing anything other than demand the local culture is changed to conform to the one they escaped because it is so screwed.
OT, but… quality.
How are they going to spin that one ?
Ask for “Jim”…
Keith living the dream in 2019 …
Name of donor: Italian Barometer Diabetes Observatory Foundation, via FASI Srl Comunicazions Ed Eventi
Address of donor: Segreteria c/o FASI, Via Re Venuti 73, 00162 Roma
Estimate of the probable value (or amount of any donation): flights, refreshments, internal transfers and incidentals with a total value of £1,064.86
Destination of visit: Rome
Dates of visit: 9 July 2019
Luckily the supply failures will soon resolve this.
How many more with ‘issues’ has the bbc got in the pipeline to ‘reveal’, ‘open up’, etc?
BBC reports a shortage of ‘blood tubes ‘ or similar . It rants about brexit and HGV drivers and covid yer never says – ‘the NHS is responsible for this mismanagement “ .
The government got the blame for the failure of the NHS to protect its own staff with PPE – now another shortage which planning would have avoided .
Too many managers – too much money – and no accountability .give them another pay rise .
I saw an article somewhere the other day where a HGV driver said there are plenty of drivers sitting around but they want more money before they are prepared to do it.
Easy to say while they are sitting on a few thousand from furlough.
Another ‘gift’ resulting from EU membership. For years, the greedy road haulage operators forced wages down by importing HGV drivers from poorer parts of Europe, rather than pay a fair wage to existing workers, plus they stopped investing in training schemes and career development. The result is that there are now over 100,000 HGV qualified drivers in the UK who no longer want to work in the sector and, given that it is a hard gruelling job with long hours and often only paying the national minimal wage, who can blame them? Even my Polish neighbour has thrown in the towel after 12 years in the UK.
Give it a couple of weeks and we’ll start hearing about whether newly-arrived Afghan migrants could be trained to drive lorries and “solve the HGV crisis by doing the jobs that lazy Britons won’t do”.
Exactly right. Having access to limitless cheap labour is bound to depress wages. Pay a decent wage and people will be willing to do the job. A British worker with a wife and family cannot exist on the wages paid to young guys living twelve to a house.
Theresa May could have re-iterated this at the U.N. meeting … “Because when immigration is too high (no figure given), when the pace of change is too fast, it’s impossible to build a cohesive society. It’s difficult for schools and hospitals and core infrastructure like housing and transport to cope. And we know that for people in low-paid jobs, wages are forced down even further while some people are forced out of work altogether. … So there is no case, in the national interest, for immigration of the scale we have experienced over the last decade.”
Theresa May as Home Secretary // Speech to the Conservative Party Conference – in full / 06.10.2015
BBC ‘Full Story’ on the main page:
Forced to eat insects in drought-hit Madagascar
Someone ought to let Andrew at the BBC know that eating insects is quite normal outside of the hotel restaurant his lavish BBC expenses will provide.
Then we get:
Madagascar is on the brink of experiencing the world’s first “climate change famine”. So what were all the others then ?.
But what really bugs me about these articles is that people like him NEVER question or blame the governments of these countries. Because usually the famine is caused by their own government frittering away all the money making themselves richer. I’m absolutely certain Andrew lives a privileged life where he is and upsetting the government in a country like that would severely cramp his style.
And anyway, the worse the condition of these poor people, the more impact they have as victims for potential press awards.
I have to admit my opinion of journalists these days is ethically barren scum. I don’t trust a single one of them. Particularly if they work for the BBC.
‘Bugs me’? #sawwhatyoudidthere
The next BBC Three Eco Loons In A Wok special serving up a tasty spread of grubs and cocoons etc to save the planet going to have a specially selected audience of XR crazy cat biddies ready to tuck in, or a Jugend wing of the QT standby crew less likely needing to be ‘force fed’.
Bugs Lives Matter.
ALL the issues in Madagascar are caused by exponential leaps in population over the last 50-60 years which the island can not sustain.
The population of Madagascar:
1960 = 5 million
1980 = 9 million
2000 = 16 million
2019 = 27 million
It’s not exactly rocket science is it?! Madagascar is a large island, but much of the south is near desert and uninhabitable, much of the rest has a highly seasonal climate, with periods of severe drought and very little resources. It can’t sustain such a mass of humanity, especially as many of the inhabitants traditionally eat anything which moves.
Back before he went insane (or sold his ethics for the big wads of cash offered), Attenboogie Man used to comment on this particularly obvious and pressing issue.
I don’t know if most of today’s BBC reporters are simply moronic media studies graduates with no grasp of basic science or mathematics, or genuinely ‘ethically barren’, as you say John, either way they’re not fit for purpose.
Don’t confuse people with the facts!
You are right about Attenborough, I can’t stand him any more. He sold his soul to Big Climate and made sure he wouldn’t be cancelled like Johnny Ball and David Bellamy.
Both look like the output of mentally challenged tribbles.
So, bang on, news wise.
Naga to laugh at Taliban flag?
£3.5 bn News Service.
Next World conflict (shortly in my view), watch this space:
“Russia: Muslim draftees in the military increasingly refuse to obey orders on religious grounds”
Coming to a country near you, anytime now.
If the Russians don’t deal with the problem in their usual way, I’ll be surprised. But here, in the West………..
Hasan then went around behind the desk and bowed his head for several seconds, before he suddenly stood up, shouted “Allahu Akbar !” and opened fire.
On November 5, 2009, a mass shooting took place at Fort Hood, near Killeen, Texas.[1] Nidal Hasan, a U.S. Army major and psychiatrist, fatally shot 13 people and injured more than 30 others.[2][3] It was the deadliest mass shooting on an American military base.[4]
East is east, Kane is a remainer, only fans now cheer the naughty kitchen goddess, cookie requests and Boris could do better
Our media are still banging on about Afghans keen to depart Afghanistan and how this is obviously our crisis, our problem – the only solution being to get them out. Western forces seem to have employed one hell of a lot of interpreters over there.
Where should we evacuate them to? Neighbouring Pakistan, perhaps, where they can join the millions headed here anyway whether it be unofficially with people traffickers or semi-officially with a first cousin marriage or a dodgy college visa passport?
Given we’re seeing a number approaching a thousand third world travellers rocking up on our shores per day we can be pretty certain there’s an almost limitless desire in developing countries for a western, preferably US or UK passport.
Can we be sure everyone in the photos at Kabul airport are bona fide dissidents from the Taliban and not just chancers taking the opportunity for a lifestyle upgrade?
I’m sorry, liberal media, I’m now hardended to your heart-rending repetitive foreign photo journalism. East is east – as Rudyard Kipling once put it… and west is west. The twain won’t be happily united via airlifts or rubber dinghies.
Plus, I can’t help being vaguely reminded of all those celebrity Remainers who swore they would depart Britain at the advent of Brexit. Obviously in deep fear that the likes of Jacob Rees-Mogg and Daniel Hannan would seek them out, publicly berate them with the text of Magna Carta just before a quick rendition of Land of Hope and Glory prior to kick off at the local soccer stadium, force the women to serve as handmaids to bearded beer-swilling Morris dancers just down from Norfolk, before throwing all their Waitrose boursin and bagettes off a tall building.
I jest, of course. The newspapers are serious: ‘Britain tells Afghans to forget the airport and head for the border‘ (‘i’) – don’t worry, they will.
Although you would think that if these Afghan interpreters take the Guardian, they might be put off their trip to the UK and prefer to take their chances with the Taliban: ‘Black people “likely to be Tasered for longer”‘ – the Gruan there perhaps doing more to deter illegal migrants in one headline than any number of Priti Patel’s tough statements on the subject.
It’s not just Afghans who appear stranded and unable to realise their dreams of a better future: ‘No Kane do. Harry’s £150m move to Man City is off (for now) as he stays at Spurs‘ – there’s one for the lily whites.
In kitchen goddess news – as everywhere else in the news – it seems there’s a crisis bubbling: Rowan Pelling in the Telegraph censoriously opines: ‘Nigella’s sauce puts me off my food‘ and Polly Vernon in the Times, snarks: ‘Sorry Nigella, “slut” is too useful a word‘ – gosh, I’m sure our naughty but nice Nigella will reflect that all publicity is good publicity and the broadsheets stirring the pot in an apparently rather puritanical style won’t put off fans of her crispy duck and sticky puddings… look on her performance as the middle class answer to Love Kitchen Island… with unsolicted requests for her cookies…?
‘End of web cookie requests in Brexit data law shake-up‘ (Telegraph) – and quite right too. What is the point of demanding that pointless click: “yes, agree“?
I’m only dismayed that the Telegraph can describe this minor relief to the absolute onslaught of annoying daily red tape as: ‘…the first major regulatory reforms since Brexit‘ – come on Boris, you can do better than that.
Spingster hit the L’Oreal Burnt Auburn for a change in mood?
Has Sopes assigned an On Track Editor yet?
No one repeats what he actually said.
Current national threat level
The threat to the UK (England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland) from terrorism is SUBSTANTIAL.
LOW means an attack is highly unlikely
MODERATE means an attack is possible, but not likely
SUBSTANTIAL means an attack is likely
SEVERE means an attack is highly likely
CRITICAL means an attack is highly likely in the near future
On this morning’s media round Armed Forces Minister James Heappey warned that a terror attack on Kabul airport by ISIS was imminent and that the group posed a credibly and deadly threat.
It wouldn’t be beyond the realms of possibility for the US/UK to organise a false flag attack on the airport. They could then claim that although they really, really wanted to remain in Afghanistan past August 31st to “complete their humanitarian mission of rescuing vulnerable people, especially women and children”, the deteriorating security situation meant that alas it just wasn’t possible in the end…
But but… terrorist attacks only come from the far right, and there is no evidence of the EDL or UKIP in Afghanistan.
Let us all stop funding UK terrorism!
It would seem Khalid Masood (Westminster Attack 22.03.2017 5 Innocents Killed) was on benefits which comes out of National Insurance payments by the workers of the UK. Thus, it would seem prior to these findings the workers in the UK were unknowingly funding terrorism.
But now we know terrorists operate using welfare benefits it would seem we are knowingly paying terrorists.
Can I suggest that the Government please make sure NI payments by UK workers don’t go into the hands of terrorists by removing the terrorists in the first place. Can you also calculate how much we have/are funded terrorism via welfare benefits by simply getting all known terrorists (left,right,islamic) arrested to-date and those on the watch list and check welfare payments made to them or their immediate family (under various names possibly).
Similarly, convicted criminals fighting/appealing their convictions and/or deportation should be denied legal aid.
lol, they tell us the biggest threat is from the far-right while they are busy erecting bollards all around our public areas.
I will agree that the Right ARE the biggest threat to the government. If only everyone would just accept Islamic terrorist attacks every once in a while and not complain about it, everything would be fine.
I would like to know just how much anti-terrorism and the monitoring of the tens of thousands of Muslims costs the taxpayer. That one will be even harder to find than the true cost of a wind turbine.
Get ‘em young.
BBC 3 is going to be awwwwwwwsome!
Naga from BBC to laugh at Taliban Flag?
Naga could be heard laughing in the background and liked several tweets about the incident. However, she later apologised for liking tweets ‘that were offensive in nature about the use of the British flag as a backdrop in a government interview this morning’, saying that she had removed the likes.27 May 2021
ITBB offers evidence as to why she needs to be dropped in to negotiate with the lads in person, in Kabul.
Quick round of golf, a stoning… and time to present at a corporate do for a Russian Lord of War.
I wonder how long
Subha Nagalakshmi Munchetty-Chendriah
Would last in a taliban press conference ?
BBC Presenter laughs at Taliban flag and is then asked to applogise … (future breaking news)
Taliban to meet their Net Zero Climate agreement early .. by Aug 2021.
Coronavirus: Waning immunity and rising cases – time to worry?
But just weeks later, infections levels are rising again, with more than 30,000 new cases being confirmed each day, and there is growing evidence immunity through vaccination is waning.
“So if they go up across the board from here and that translates to a rise in hospital cases, there could be problems.”
But there are no guarantees that will happen – especially if we are truly close to an equilibrium whereby the levels of immunity in the population can keep the virus at bay.
“The truth is we just don’t know,” Prof Tildesley says. “And it will probably be the end of September before we can say with any certainty.”
Consider stocking up on Ivermectin………….
Amazing what you can buy on Amazon …
And Biden shows everyone at the press briefing his back before they can ask any questions.
Anti-Semitic news report?
Rifka Meyer was 32 when she entered into a religious marriage. Two-and-a-half years later, she became what is known among orthodox Jews as a “chained wife” – trapped in a religious marriage with a man who refused to let her have a divorce.
Greta says eat bugs … LEDs decrease number of bugs …
In a UK study, artificial street lights were found to disrupt the behaviour of nocturnal moths, reducing caterpillars numbers by half.
Modern LED streetlights appeared to have the biggest impact.
Western World offered a novel … Satanic Verses .. Islam replied with death.
Western World offered a cartoon … Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten .. Islam replied with death.
Western World offered a film … Submission .. Islam replied with death.
Western World offered a word … Islamophobia .. Islam used it to hid terrorists (22 Lost In Manchester).
Western World offered their slaughter houses … Halal … Islam replied with everything must be Islamic or nothing.
Western World offered a capital City … London … Islam thanked them by shouting at the leader of the largest economy in the democratic free World.
Western World offered a singer … Janet Jackson … Islam treated her with distain and she left the repressive religion.
Western World offered to dress all its women in chains … #WorldHijabDay … Islam replied with everything must be Islamic or nothing.
Western World offered a voice in media … BAME Quotas … Islam bans Peppa Pig and hides the nasty acts of Mohammed.
Western World offered a hand in friendship … 1750 Mosques in UK … Islam chops it off and asks for the other hand as the West bows.
“So the government is going to delete pop ups, maybe they should concentrate on deleting illegal immigrants that keep popping up”
Alistair Heath in the DT is writing well these days – a thought piece is below
So that’s it, then: British troops will be out within days, and the Americans shortly after. There will be no delay, no extra time to fly out more citizens or refugees, no pity. Why? Because the Taliban say so, and they, rather than Joe Biden, are now in charge of Afghanistan, free to terrorise it back to the stone age.
The West’s Kabul moment, unlike the Fall of Saigon in 1975 or Jimmy Carter’s Tehran hostage crisis in 1979, scenes of previous humiliations, is no false alarm. There will be no bounce-back, no miraculous renaissance: this time the North American-European-Australasian model really is in trouble, as the next stage of the 21st century’s great geopolitical and civilisational realignment begins in earnest.
In the coming years, there will be more Afghanistans: America may still boast the world’s most powerful army, but the West’s 320-year hegemony, which began when English GDP per capita finally overtook that of China’s Yangtze Delta in around 1700, is over. Other civilisations will become as rich and powerful, and sometimes more so, than ours, just as they were throughout recorded history. They too will want their spheres of influence; they too will want their values to prevail.
At least four mega-trends are conspiring to break the West’s grip on the world: the emergence of non-democratic capitalism; the misuse of technology; the net zero revolution; and America’s and Europe’s ideological decadence.
It used to be believed that the entire world would converge voluntarily on a Western model. We would wear the same clothes, drive the same cars and eat at McDonald’s. Capitalism would lead to the universal adoption of democracy, human rights and secularism, buttressed by institutions such as the UN: this Hegelian version of history was as deluded as the Marxist nonsense it replaced.
It was based on a series of intellectual errors, not least a denial of the West’s particular Jewish and Christian history, the latter recounted so brilliantly in Tom Holland’s Dominion, and a narcissistic, arrogant, ahistorical downplaying of other traditions. A corollary to this was the erroneous belief that adopting capitalism – a technology to deliver economic growth – had to mean also adopting individual liberty: one couldn’t pick and choose, because both emerged together in England and the Netherlands.
Terrifyingly for libertarian conservatives such as myself, this was wrong. The Western model can be disaggregated, as the Chinese have proved. Capitalism can easily coexist with tyranny; free markets don’t imply free speech. This means that the 21st century will be defined by a range of clashing civilisational models. There will be China, of course, and India, but also Indonesia, Pakistan, Brazil and Nigeria as regional powers. Thanks to capitalism, they will become rich; but they won’t be Western. Some may be democracies, but in a very different sense to what we understand by it: India, for example, may well become far more explicitly Hindu nationalist.
The next big change is that the West is no longer putting economic growth first, while the emerging empires are still desperate to get rich. America and Europe’s embrace of net zero is largely driven by altruism: its proponents believe that poorer countries will suffer greater harm from climate change than wealthier nations. Yet many of these same nations are planning to make the most of the West’s green turn to reinforce their own rise.
China’s real agenda is to pick up new, clean technologies developed at great cost by the West on the cheap, allowing it to leap-frog America and Europe without crippling its own economy. Net zero will also unleash geopolitical chaos: how will Putin respond to the collapse in demand for gas? Could he push Nato and an unprepared, semi-pacifist EU beyond destruction? The Gulf States are also likely to implode, creating a series of additional Afghanistan-like scenarios for America. Last but not least,by bolstering the importance of the rare earth metals such as lithium and cobalt required for new technologies, net zero will give China a dramatic boost. It has cleverly been seeking to corner the supply of these key 21st resources and is hoping to grab Afghanistan’s plentiful supplies.
Technology, and its misuse, represents the third great paradigm shift. In the West, social media in particular has had a catastrophic, corrosive impact on attention spans, the quality of discourse and, paradoxically, the ability to think freely. Bullying and hate are the norm, squeezing out reason, kindness and support for free speech. It has dramatically exacerbated tribalism and extremism.
At the same time, states now have more tools than ever before at their disposal to control their populations. Privacy, the best protection of the dissident, is dying. Everything we buy, read and every trip we make can be logged. For China, this is a dream come true. When all cars are electric and networked, the state could simply shut down the vehicles of opponents. When all currency is digital, dictators can track, control, tax and confiscate as they please. Combine all of that with massive progress in facial recognition and AI, and the outcome will be nightmarish. Authoritarian states will become ever harder to overthrow, further tipping the balance of power in their favour.
What of the West? Will we embrace a Chinese-style social credit system in the guise of fighting obesity or saving the planet, and in effect converge with our authoritarian rivals?
All of this takes us to the fourth mega-trend driving the West’s decline: we are turning our backs on the values that made us great. Support for capitalism is dwindling at the very time when every other society has embraced it, and many would rather see mob rule than the rule of law. In the US, the young are less likely to support democratic values than the old. There is growing scepticism about reason and the pursuit of truth. Universities are going back to their obscurantist roots, putting identity politics before knowledge. Many believe meritocracy has gone too far. We are even seeing a resurgence of neo-Lysenkoism, whereby politics trumps science.
The woke ideology is the greatest threat to freedom since communism, and it is gaining ground by the day, fragmenting and dividing society, and pitting group against group better to undermine the West. As Afghanistan burns, the rest of the world is looking on, and laughing at our stupidity.ENDS
I guess we won’t be seeing too much of Mr Heath on the BBC.
Word for the day ‘ Lysenkoism’…
“So as Gamesa executives see it, they made the right bet by coming to China. And they insist that they have no regrets about having trained more than 500 Chinese machinery companies as a cost of playing by Beijing’s rules — even if those rules have sometimes flouted international trade law. It is simply the table stakes of playing in the biggest game going….
‘If we would not have done it, someone else would have done it,’ said Jorge Calvet, Gamesa’s chairman and chief executive.”
Maybe I’m not reading that right but there seems to be a lot of ‘we thought other people would like to be like us’ and not so much of ‘our leaders have decided to abandon everything that made the West an exception to the barbarity elsewhere’.
The former was never under our control and the later is self-inflicted, (but why?).
“Gender, the very thing that needs to be simple in nature in order for a species to survive.”
Clap … harder … longer … faster …. 2017 …
“An Italian nurse whose English was so bad a colleague had to point and mime to show her what to do has been struck off the nursing register.
Numerous patients refused to have Antonella Indrizzi look after them due to her “extremely poor” language skills, a committee heard.”
Can you imagine how many of those foreign ‘medics ‘ are killing ?
@10:34 “To cite the other person you just said that would *trigger you Sam Harris*, Mark Steyn said this the other day, *this is the conversation we will be having when the Mullahs nuke us*.Everyone will be discussing if someone is transgender despite the fact they’ve had no operation (ref Jack Monroe in UK)” – Douglas Murray when he’s angry, but he still makes sense.
LOL. Ex-Beeboid who turned the broadcaster into a laughing stock no one wanted to watch reckons losing his accountability free ideological ego platform should still get its money spigot untroubled.
As Jon Snow once said at Glasto… “….. the state media!”
Truth will destroy it …
Taliban to negotiate opening up trans gender toilets for Boris Johnson to open in 2022.
Quote from Feds link to the DT.
“The woke ideology is the greatest threat to freedom since communism, and it is gaining ground by the day, fragmenting and dividing society, and pitting group against group better to undermine the West. As Afghanistan burns, the rest of the world is looking on, and laughing at our stupidity”.
China promotes education drive to make boys more ‘manly’
By Kerry Allen
BBC Monitoring
Published4 February
I know americans dont do irony – but after 20 years – and coming up to the 20 9/11 anniversary – there is a warning of a terrorist attack at the airport .
As for Mr Heath and the deep pessimism . I wonder if commentators are in danger of overdoing the failure in afgee ?
I should say – i dont know- but afgee is a worthless lump of rock with some minerals ( lithium ? ) but was it ever worth anything ? Even playing the Great Game ( again ) .
Methinks our borders and who is in the UK is more important and immediate
ISLAMABAD, PAKISTAN – The United Nations said Monday that opium cultivation in conflict-ridden Afghanistan increased by 37% in 2020 compared to the previous year, potentially producing an estimated 6,300 tons of opium.
The findings are part of a new survey the U.N. Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) conducted in coordination with the Afghan National Statistics and Information Authority (NSIA).
$115 billion dollars on the street….
threpence and a goat to the Afghani farmers – rather more sloshing around Islamabad….
I suspect the ISIS attack will be at least one lorry bomb driven up to the airport gates by martyrs. It will have a safe passage all the way of course.
BBC/Biden thoughts and prayers will be the response plus candle lit gestures.
ISIS have a chance now to inflict huge damage not only physically to the west but also economically and politically. With potentially hundreds of western hostages, their demands will continue for years to come.
A potential benefit to us is that all the nutters in the UK will head for Afghan. Let them go, I say. But never let them return.
No – they like poetry – so they’ll try to bring down a C17 on take off with some newly acquired American kit ….
…. Though the ‘terrorist ‘ threat narrative is a convenient excuse for packing bags and getting out right now ( well 0400 Afgee time ) ….
“Why rent control isn’t working in Sweden”
Of course no mention of mass immigration to Sweden,for the bbc the housing shortage is due to rent controls😆
“Afghanistan: Where will refugees go after Taliban takeover?”
Sweden took 30,000 Afghans last year
Sweden population 10 million
Fears are growing among Western nations of an imminent attack on Kabul airport from the militant group ISIS-K, with UK Defence Minister James Heappey telling the BBC there was “now very, very credible reporting of an imminent attack” ‘
Ah ..let me guess, conspiracy thoery :
The Taliban thwart the attacks from rivals isis k at the very last moment, setting up a romance between them and our retarded governments
Jeremy Corbyn says he regrets calling Hamas and Hezbollah ‘friends’
This article is more than 5 years old
Labour leader tells home office select committee that with hindsight he would not have used same phrase
The Socialists (ie Wrongists) are so trapped in their ‘belief systems’ that they cannot comprehend that members of and fighters for Al-Q, ISIS-I (Iraq), ISIS-S (Syria), the Mujahadeen, Boko Haram, Al-Jazeera (or is that a Telly station/network?) and the Taliban are pretty much interchangeable, can mix and match on a whim, change sides in an instant.
Taliban to offer free ALL ISLAM INCLUSIVE holidays for citizens of Braford and Birmingham.
Just appeared on the BBC, Lisa Shaw, BBC presenter 44, dies from complications from A-Z vaccine. This is tragic, young wife and mother. My personal view is that these vaccines will be just fine when they have been properly tested. Another couple of years and I may even have it myself. My son, 30 years old, runs marathons in his lunch hour and is the size of a small town. One A-Z jab and he’s in bed for a fortnight. I don’t think he ever took a day off school .My interest here (Apologies if you feel it morbid or in poor taste) is how on earth are the BBC going to spin this into their “side effects extremely rare” Narrative?
” these vaccines will be just fine when they have been properly tested. Another couple of years and I may even have it myself.”
They will all deteriorate to become non-efficacious/effective by then.
Hi G!
You could well be right, I don’t know. I shouldn’t have put my personal matters in as an aside to the main event, which of course is comment on BBC bias. No offence intended. I think we’ve both seen discussions fly off to one side a mile away from the original topic, so shall we say no more before the whole gang join in?
MNM, good name that, I may take up rapping.
Speaking of which I see Mr. West-Kardashian has changed his name to “YE”. I’m pleased with that; he couldn’t even spell Kenny.
mick, the side effects are extremely rare. The Pharma Cos. work in percentage terms and if you’ve jabbed, say, 52,000,000 then adverse reactions will likely occur in up to 26,000 cases. They will range from the discomfort of a sore arm (the majority) to, sadly, some deaths. About 1600 reported, when I looked yesterday.
I hope your son sent a yellow card report to HMG/NHS. It is important to do that.
BBC don’t do adverts … oh wait …
“It should be simple – do something you love and get paid for it.”
How Reconnecting With Allah Helped Me to Manage My Anxiety
8 Muslim Sex Educators and Resources
Gatestone, as usual, get’s it right.
“Europe Braces for Tsunami of Afghan Migrants” (Naturally, that includes the UK by arrangement with the EU/UN)
I do hope the Border Farce are returning the rubber boats and outboards to France – just to help out. Conspiring with the trafficker’s? Yes, intergovernmentally of course seeing that the French are the traffickers. C’mon Boris the Bottler and Priti Useless you know we can take three or five million more. It will be nicely spaced out and manageable if it happens by rubber boats at a thousand a day in ‘Season’.
“Standing Room Only”
There is increasing anxiety amongst the commentariat about the end of the West and liberal societies. Well we on this site and millions of other sensible folks have been worrying about exactly this for decades as we saw our infantile Go Deed Daily politicians and liberal elites throwing open our borders to all manner of parasites and mediaeval nutters.
About ten or twenty years ago many of us began to think that the pass had already been sold and that it was getting too late to prevent the end of the West. Nothing that has happened in the past years has done anything to alter that view.
One thing that has changed in the past twenty years however is my view of the liberal elite. I used to think of them as clever people who knew exactly what the outcome of their actions would be and really wanted to smash the West , no matter how grotesque that seemed to me. Now I regard them as idiots who simply couldn’t see where they were taking us. You cannot overestimate their incredible stupidity . They are so dumb they don’t even realise how dumb they are.
Perhaps more relevant than ever before. From a 1995 interview with author/commentator Ben Wattenburg, Thomas Sowell provides insight as to how ruling class elites use the perception of crisis to increase their powers and promote their self-interests.
BBC – How to masturbate
We’ve always known the BBC were a bunch of w*nkers.
Guys – i think we are straying into abuse here…🤪
What has happened to friend Zephir? I was getting a persistent alarm bell ringing …. maybe the house is about to burn down?
BBC More from Entertainment – Social Engineering … Entertainment – Social Engineering … Entertainment – Social Engineering … Entertainment – Social Engineering … Entertainment – Social Engineering … Entertainment – Social Engineering …
RuPaul’s Drag Race UK
The Rap Game UK
The Rap Game UK
The Rap Game UK
Most Popular
Drag Race UK’s first female queen Victoria Scone: ‘I didn’t know if drag was a possibility for me’
How to masturbate
Every question you ever had about female ejaculation, answered
Young, female, and addicted to porn
While watching Only Connect and University Challenge, I was horrified by the hideously white complexion of all the contestants. Thinking about it, it occurred to me that the same applies to all BBC quiz and general knowledge shows.
This can only be due to institutional racism, as there can be no other explanation for the grotesque imbalance.
One more reason the BBC should be shut down immediately.
BBC Presenters must now laugh at all national flags includding the Taliban flag so no one is left out. Equality for all!
“transmission” not to be found on the page
Covid-19: NHS England prepares jabs plan for 12-15 year-olds
By Alex Kleiderman
BBC News
The Department of Health said no decisions had been made.
But it confirmed that planning for a range of scenarios was taking place to ensure all eventualities were prepared for.
“transmission” not to be found on the page
Theresa May could have re-iterated …
“Because when immigration is too high (no figure given), when the pace of change is too fast, it’s impossible to build a cohesive society. It’s difficult for schools and hospitals and core infrastructure like housing and transport to cope. And we know that for people in low-paid jobs, wages are forced down even further while some people are forced out of work altogether. … So there is no case, in the national interest, for immigration of the scale we have experienced over the last decade.”
Theresa May as Home Secretary // Speech to the Conservative Party Conference – in full / 06.10.2015
The Conservatives will always take the necessary steps to ensure criminals are kept off our streets. Since the appalling incident on London Bridge, we’ve announced that we’ll keep terrorists in prison for longer and tighten security around our borders we can keep people and communities in Britain safe.
There were examples
of children who had been doused in petrol and threatened with being set alight, threatened with
guns, made to witness brutally violent rapes and threatened they would be next if they told anyone.
Girls as young as 11 were raped by large numbers of male perpetrators.
This abuse is not confined to the past but continues to this day.
“.. and tighten security around our borders we can keep people and communities in Britain safe.” Boris Johnson
Record number of migrants cross Channel in a day
Published2 days ago (24/08/2021)
TWatO Watch #1 – the Socialists keep getting it wrong
Afghanistan is the main item. What else on Al-BBC these days? The Montacutie interviews a Socialist in disguise as a Conservative, Andrew Mitchell, former DfID Minister. Mitchell was keen as ever to give our UK away. Billions in UK aid money and the lives and limbs of our Armed Forces has not bought you a cuddly, liberal, Taliban, has it Andrew?
The War in Afghanistan was not about Osama bin Laden, Al-Quada and terrorism. It was so girls could go to school and when they became women they could work as Journalists, Judges, Teachers and Truck Drivers. Who knew?
BBC Home Page … … Nafisa Bakkar: I’m living proof you can follow your passion and make money …
Amaliah strives to amplify the voices of Muslim women and Nafisa’s M.O. has always been to make it easier for them to exist in this world.
Explosion reported outside Kabul airport. Details await.
Explosion of peace?
‘mostly peaceful explosion’
Wear a Hijab in solidarity with the Taliban leadership.
Relax … bbc leading with …
Halal sexpert Shaakira Abdullah is a sexologist and sexuality educator for the Muslim Ummah, teaching parents, youth, couples and families. Join her exclusive webinars or #Halal Sex T.A.L.K.S., the Muslim sex-ed course that provides parents with a blueprint for navigating their kids and teens questions and concerns while keeping it all connected to Allah.
Does Halal sex mean you cut off the head of your organ with a rusty knife and let the blood drain out?
No porking.
“.. and tighten security around our borders we can keep people and communities in Britain safe.” Boris Johnson
As per my posting of 9:26am this morning, possibly a false flag operation by the US/UK. How come? When you have intelligence of possible future enemy action, you don’t announce it to the world, you work behind the scenes to neutralise it. Let the enemy know you are on to them and they will change their plans, plus look for the traitors and collaborators (i.e. your assets) within their ranks. The announcement this morning came across as a press release to prepare the public for the subsequent Western ‘response’.
Maybe add more gun turrets?
The 2012 Benghazi attack was a coordinated attack against two United States government facilities in Benghazi, Libya, by members of the Islamic militant group Ansar al-Sharia.
On September 11, 2012, at 9:40pm local time, members of Ansar al-Sharia attacked the American diplomatic compound in Benghazi resulting in the deaths of both United States Ambassador to Libya J. Christopher Stevens and U.S. Foreign Service Information Management Officer Sean Smith.[1][2]
At around 4:00 a.m. on September 12, the group launched a mortar attack against a CIA annex approximately one mile (1.6 km) away, killing two CIA contractors Tyrone S. Woods and Glen Doherty[2][3][4] and wounding ten others. Initial analysis by the CIA, repeated by top government officials, indicated that the attack spontaneously arose from a protest.[5] Subsequent investigations showed that the attack was premeditated—although rioters and looters not originally part of the group may have joined in after the attacks began.[6][7][8]