So the G7 has agreed to …nothing
A victory for the Taliban
The BBC avoiding blaming Biden .
Meanwhile Departures at Kabul airport become more frantic . The so Islamic promoting BBC has its work cut out now .
Midweek Thread 25 August 2021
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Relax …
The threat to the UK (England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland) from terrorism is SUBSTANTIAL.
The UK Next ?
Thanks to our ‘open door’ government with its porous border control.
Wasn’t the Ariana Grande Bombing one ‘lesson to be learned’ enough to control the Channel crossings ?
The Home Office simply does not know how many insurgents have been allowed to enter Great Britain since Bo Jo took office.
“.. and tighten security around our borders we can keep people and communities in Britain safe.” Boris Johnson
About us
The first duty of the government is to keep citizens safe and the country secure.
The suicide bomber who killed 22 people at an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester last year had been rescued from the Libyan civil war by the Royal Navy. Salman Abedi detonated a home-made bomb in the foyer of the Manchester Arena on 22 May 2017 as concert-goers, many of them children, were leaving the venue.31 Jul 2018
Mediterranean migrants flock to Europe from Tunisia
A Tunisian people smuggler says the key to becoming rich is to “take as many people as you can and not care if they die”. He works between the coast of Tunisia and Lampedusa, which is a route frequently used by migrants to reach Europe. Over 1,000 people have died in 2021 alone.
“.. and tighten security around our borders we can keep people and communities in Britain safe.” Boris Johnson
“Llangollen Railway trains vandalised with graffiti”
It minor to what is happening to compared other incidents in Great Britain, but a lot of work went into these carriages. A lot!
We are far too soft on criminals and vandals in our nation . Its time that public birching was brought back .
Its about time that Banksy shoved that tin of paint up his jacksey and sprayed his brains
At least that would be much better.
Manchester University students paint over Rudyard Kipling poem in ‘racism’ row – and replace it with this
Union bosses admitted they had made a mistake by putting up the artwork without consulting students first, and have apologised
Fatima should try doing that in China or Afghanistan.
She is very lucky that she is living in Great Britain and going to a British university.
Spoilt brat .
I don’t know what you’re moaning about Taffman, someone was clearly inspired to create a new masterpiece by the recently revealed rainbow police cars and the genius that is Banksy, what’s not to like?
Those vintage carriages had been lovingly restored to their old glory by dedicated volunteers at their own cost and effort, over many years, did you say? But, Banksy, Banksy! And rainbow colours too… you must be an ignorant homophobic art hating heathen… literally Hitler, in fact, and a Daily Mail reader too.
TWatO Watch #2 – the Remainers keep getting it wrong
It just so happens that I was in a supermarket late this morning. It’s CEO is a fervent Remainer judging by the number of times he pops up to provide the Remainer BBC with helpful anti-Brexit quotes for the last four years. The shelves did have some gaps in the stock but then that is far from unusual at this particular store which is well-known locally for its poor management. It is also something that I would tend to expect both for the day (Thursday – when OAPs shop in their hordes) and at the time of day for my visit: not far short of mid-day.
The other interesting thing to note was that most, almost all, of the people not wearing facemasks were older people. This was the complete opposite to my previous brief visit when most maskless were young people, which I found quite heartening at the time. Anyway, ‘Back to Brexit’.
The Montacutie gave the BBC game away a bit when she persisted in asking a contributor to this item: is it about Brexit? Sarah sounded almost disappointed when this contributor said it was also about the Pandemic and the working conditions for HGV drivers.
To whit, the first contributor to this item was a truck driver, Helen, who did not have a deep voice and a beard but a nice Scots burr. She has been driving HGVs for three decades although she sounded younger than that. She did say it was a tough life, for not a lot of pay, and bemoaned sleeping in a metal tent, without access to showers because all the men got in the way. You do wonder why she had stuck it for thirty years.
Was it just for the Yorkies?
” sleeping in a metal tent, without access to showers because all the men got in the way” – GENDER IS A CONSTRUCT. WE ARE ALL EQUAL. MEN CAN USE LADY TOILETS in 2021.
Boris Johnson’s Guarantee
We will get Brexit done in January and unleash the potential of our whole country.
I guarantee:
20,000 more police and tougher sentencing for criminals.
20,000 more police
20,000 more police
20,000 more police
20,000 more police
Home Page ..
Explosion by Allah believer …. Women opens business with Allah’s blessing …. BBC and Islam …
Thank Allah it’s a religion of peace. Imagine if it was a religion of war and terrorism.
Shhhhh …. peace ….
First Islam came for your religion … it took your religion and blended it with Arab culture, you did not worry.
Then Islam came for your lands … and you stood your ground and sent decapitated heads back.
Then Islam came for your literature … and your police protected the burning of Satanic Verses in the streets under Freedom of Speech banner. (Renewed Fatwa 2016)
Then Islam came for your cartoons … and your media refused to laugh at the madness because it would hurt feelings.
Then Islam came for your beer … and your media said how wonderful it would be if no one drank.
Then Islam came for your children … and you stood silent as 1400+ raped kids over 16 years in 1 town with 0 BBC coverage.
Then Islam came for your freedom to vote/democracy … and you gave them your ballot box so you did not appear racist.
Then Islam came for your institutions … and you celebrated the diversity of it all and called everyone else racist.
Then Islam came for your jobs … by removing anyone who criticised Islam at ASDA in jun2019.
Then Islam, when everything in the UK was Islamic … Islam started fighting Islam because Sunni and Shiite don’t work .. see Yemen in 2019.
You can say what ever you want in the new political world …
Clinton forced to admit she exaggerated tale of Bosnian sniper fire
2008 21.04 GMT
The Clinton campaign played down the episode as a “misstatement” and a “minor blip”.
TWatO Watch #3 – this BBC Commentator keeps getting it wrong
It was nearly 1.38pm. Before Sarah spoke to the next item, the BBC played an audio clip from the Special Olympics. It seemed to be cycling. The commentator got very excited and was yelling away. I hit the OFF-switch.
That guy – don’t know who it is – is a complete idiot. There’s no noisy crowd cheering away, the stadium seemed to be playing music but even so, the BBC Commentator did not need to shout but shout he did.
I was immediately grateful for the peace and quiet after his stupidity and the activation of the OFF-switch.
The footage showed Clinton wearing a coat over a flak jacket, with daughter Chelsea behind, stepping off a US transport plane from Germany. Far from ducking and weaving to evade sniper fire, she walked upright at a stately pace across the runway. She waved to US soldiers nearby. In contrast with her claim that a greeting ceremony had been cancelled, she was met by a group that included an eight-year-old girl, Emina Bicakcic, who read her a poem and kissed her.
Faced with the video evidence, Clinton acknowledged on Monday that she had made a mistake.
BBC – “Questions over security that Taliban provided” ????
BBC report on Macron stating the obvious …
Posted at 15:5915:59
Macron: Situation may descend into one ‘we can’t control’
French President Emmanuel Macron has said that the situation has “profoundly deteriorated” in Afghanistan.
He called for caution before the situation descended into one “that we can’t control” and added that the situation around the airport remains very dangerous.
Tea and biscuits arranged for Thursday ….
UK prime minister to chair emergency meeting
Prime Minister Boris Johnson will chair a crisis meeting on the situation at Kabul airport on Thursday afternoon, his office says.
Taliban ask Afghan Residents not to post social media and to jump to conclusions. All avenues are being looked at and it is not seen as a terrorist … oh wait ….
James Heappey, MP, was good with his crystal ball..this morning.
“imminent” – ha ha ha ha
Seems extensive media coverage of an area makes it attractive to terrorists.
The BBC allowed a a member of the Muslim sharia council,
and to say the least a sympathizer of the Taliban to to air her
support for them on BBC national radio. She said that she did not know any Muslim in the UK that did not support the Taliban.
Can you imagine the BBC giving the same air time to Tommy
Robinson who does not support the Taliban and believes that
gays should not be thrown from roofs in Kabul or anywhere
else? To go with that Tommy doesn’t believe that adulterers
should be stoned to death. Tommy also believes that 10 year
old girls should be allowed to go school. And do you know what ?
So do I !
Yes I know that anarchist Marxists have quite a lot of interest
now at the BBC to stir up as much trouble as they can, But
Ofcom should give a warning to the BBC that as a national
broadcaster they should not allow anyone to give succour to
the Taliban and it’s associates who have just blown up
innocent folk at Kabul airport.
BBC there is diversity and diversity. And you BIG BROTHER at
the BBC better learn this lesson before you have the right to broadcast taken away from you.
A counter-terrorism chief said the police were taking the threat of neo-Nazism as seriously as that of jihadist terrorism. {independent 28sep2017}
“The problem is that as soon as the Government proscribes an organisation, they change the name and there’s very little law enforcement can do.”
… a little piece of history for the police and the BBC…
“… they may say one thing to you in front of CNN, but I can assure you behind your backs in every Masjid* (Mosque) and Community Centre. They are standing with their Muslim brothers and sisters saying ‘we hope the Americans and British are pushed out of countries and we can implement the Sharia’. This is an Islamic obligation for us to support our brothers around the world. Our land is one. Our War is one. Our Peace is one. Our honour is one.” – Anjem Choudary {youtube oct2010}
– 11 YEARS AGO! @8:40 “… Sharia has a solution to every (man made) problem..”
Anna Soubry: If White British Community Learned More From Muslims Then UK Would Be A Better Country { sep2017}
“And my goodness me(Anna Soubry), she (Halimah Khaled) and members of her (Muslim) community could teach many white British people many a good thing. And if my community, such as as it is, learned more from your community, this country would be a better country.”
“… they may say one thing to you in front of CNN, but I can assure you behind your backs in every Masjid* (Mosque) and Community Centre. They are standing with their Muslim brothers and sisters saying ‘we hope the Americans and British are pushed out of countries and we can implement the Sharia’. ”
Oops, a Muslim speaking the truth instead of Taqiya for a change.
And this is the guy we released from prison?!
Only served half his sentence … Tories – tough on crime.
A community radio station may face sanctions after it broadcast a chant which contained “jihadi lyrics” that were an “indirect call to action”, a broadcast watchdog has said.
Link FM, which is based in Sheffield, broadcast a chant – known as a “Nasheed” – twice during two breakfast shows in December last year.
Talbian say that this is just a drop in the ocean ….
2021.08.25 Niger Baroua 16k 9i Boko Haram stages a massive attack on a town, killing at least sixteen.
2021.08.24 Nigeria Yelwa Zangam 36k 0i Militant Muslims massacre thirty-six civilians.
2021.08.24 Nigeria Guma 8k 2i Fulani mercenaries open fire on patrons at a market, killing eight.
2021.08.24 Afghanistan Kabul 4 0 In separate attacks, four former Afghan army officers are killed in their homes by religious extremists.
2021.08.24 Cameroon Malika 2 0 Two people sleeping in their huts are murdered by Boko Haram.
2021.08.24 Somalia Amaara 10 14 An al-Shabaab suicide assault on a small town leaves ten others dead.
2021.08.24 Iraq Qayara 1 0 One person is laid out by shrapnel from an Islamic State bomb.
2021.08.23 Afghanistan Kabul 2 0 Two Afghans are executed by the Taliban for working with Americans.
2021.08.23 Afghanistan Kabul 1 3 A local guard at the main airport is killed by Taliban.
2021.08.22 Iraq al-Tuz 1 1 Mujahid pick off a passing civilian with a roadside bomb.
2021.08.21 Afghanistan Kabul 15 0 Fifteen people are reportedly shot dead by the Taliban, including children.
2021.08.21 Nigeria Ungwan Dooh 9 1 Muslim terrorists are suspected of shooting nine villagers to death.
2021.08.21 Pakistan Sultan Masjid 2 0 A young couple in their 20s are honor killed for marrying by choice without family permission.
2021.08.21 Pakistan Orakzai 2 1 An 8-year-old boy is among the casualties when Tehreek-i-Taliban fire on tribesmen.
2021.08.20 Afghanistan Kabul 1 0 A former translator is hanged by the Taliban.
2021.08.20 Afghanistan Andarab 2 0 At least two children are reported killed by the Taliban.
2021.08.20 Afghanistan Kabul 3 0 Three former soldiers are dragged out of their home and hanged by the Taliban.
2021.08.20 Iraq Tarmiya 6 4 Mujahid blow up a passing vehicle, killing a half-dozen locals.
2021.08.20 Pakistan Khwajawast 1 0 A Muslim sniper takes down a villager with a cross-border shot.
2021.08.20 Niger Theim 19 3 Nineteen villagers are machine-gunned by Jihadists.
2021.08.20 Afghanistan Herat 1 0 A police chief is captured by the Taliban and executed on video.
2021.08.20 Pakistan Gwadar 2 3 A suicide bomber targeting Chinese persons takes out two children.
2021.08.20 Syria Daraa 5 2 A Sunni landmine claims five lives.
2021.08.20 DRC Katanda 9 0 ADF Islamists massacre nine civilians and burn down their village.
2021.08.19 DRC Malaya 1 0 One guard is killed when ADF Jihadists attack a village.
2021.08.19 Afghanistan Kabul 1 1 The Taliban murder the relative of a journalist.
2021.08.19 Nigeria Bassa 3 0 Three women are murdered by Fulani terrorists.
2021.08.19 India Rajouri 1 0 A local soldier is shot to death by Islamic militants.
2021.08.19 Mali Mopti 11 10 Eleven are reported dead following a Jihadist bomb and shooting attack.
2021.08.19 Afghanistan Asadabad 2 0 Two are killed when the Taliban fire into a protest.
2021.08.19 India Devsar 1 0 Muslim terrorists assassinated another political worker.
2021.08.19 Pakistan Bahawalnagar 3 59 Sunnis bomb a procession of Shiite Muslims, killing three.
2021.08.19 Somalia Mogadishu 5 12 Five unfortunates at a tea shop are laid flat by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2021.08.18 Afghanistan Kabul 1 A child is killed by the Taliban outside an airport.
2021.08.18 Afghanistan Jalalabad 3 13 The Taliban open fire on a rally for the Afghan flag, killing three innocents.
2021.08.18 Pakistan Kanniguram 1 0 A 42-year-old security employee is shot dead by Sunni radicals.
2021.08.18 Burkina Faso Arbinda 80 24 An attack by Islamic extremists leaves eighty dead.
2021.08.18 Iraq Muqdadiya 1 0 An elderly man is shot to death by Muslim terrorists.
2021.08.17 Iraq Maqdadiyah 3 1 Islamic State gunmen attack a local security base, killing three members.
2021.08.17 Iraq Baqubah 2 4 Two tribesmen are blown up by ISIS bombers.
2021.08.17 India Brazloo 1 0 Terrorists shoot a secular political worker to death outside his home.
2021.08.17 Nigeria Chando-Zrrcehi 6 0 Muslim terrorists take out a half-dozen.
2021.08.16 Armenia Yeraskh 2 0 Two Armenian border guards are picked off by Muslim snipers.
2021.08.16 Syria al-Hawl 2 0 Two refugees are executed by a Sharia council at a camp.
2021.08.16 Niger Darey-Daye 37 0 At least four women and thirteen children are among thirty-seven innocents massacred by Jihadists.
2021.08.15 Nigeria Madamai 5 4 Radicalized Fulani assault a village, killing five and burning the church.
2021.08.15 Afghanistan Kabul 1 0 A gay man is hunted, killed, then cut into pieces.
2021.08.15 Nigeria Jox 1 0 A female university student is killed days after Boko Haram issues a threat to violence.
2021.08.14 Pakistan Bahawalnagar 0 0 Two boy are badly beaten by a cleric at a Madrassa, one of whom dies.
2021.08.14 Afghanistan Taloqan 1 0 A woman is shot dead for not wearing a burqa.
2021.08.14 Yemen Dar Sad 2 6 Terrorists target passersby with a motorcycle-rigged bomb, killing two.
2021.08.14 Pakistan Karachi 13 7 Thirteen women and children returning from a wedding are callously murdered by terrorists.
2021.08.13 Afghanistan Helmand 14 0 Video shows fourteen Afghans executed for fighting back against the Taliban.
2021.08.13 Iraq Maysan 1 1 A 10-year-old dies in the hospital following a Mujahid shooting.
2021.08.13 Nigeria Buruku 5 0 Five farmers are cut down by Muslim militants.
2021.08.13 Nigeria Udawa 3 0 Three innocents are shot to death along a highway by Muslim terrorists.
2021.08.13 India Rajouri 1 6 A very young Sikh child dies from splinter injuries when Muslim terrorists toss a grenade into a home.
2021.08.13 Iraq Sharqat 1 0 A rival prayer caller is gunned down by ISIS.
2021.08.13 Afghanistan Bati Kot 1 0 ISIS claims a bomb attack that kills a local mukhtar.
2021.08.12 Egypt New Rafah 9 6 Islamic State members target a local patrol with an IED, killing nine members.
2021.08.12 Pakistan Sararogha 1 0 Terrorists kill a guard in an heinous attack on a border post.
2021.08.12 Afghanistan Kandahar 4 0 Four Afghans are executed outside their homes.
2021.08.12 Nigeria Ngala 5 0 A Boko Haram grenade claims the lives of five children.
2021.08.12 Iraq Jardaghli 1 0 An orchard worker is torn to shreds by a Mujahideen bomb blast.
2021.08.12 Afghanistan Mohammad Agha 1 0 A former judge is wrapped with barbed wire and dragged to his death.
2021.08.11 Afghanistan Kunduz 6 15 An attack on an airport leaves six dead.
2021.08.11 Iraq Mahana 1 0 An Islamic drive-by shooting leaves a dead civilian.
2021.08.11 Iraq Qayyarah 1 0 Terrorists use pistols to bring down a civilian.
2021.08.10 Afghanistan Kolohi Sabz 3 0 Three civilians are neatly disassembled by Taliban shelling.
2021.08.10 Sudan Tabit 1 0 Arab militia plunder a village and kill one person defending their property.
2021.08.10 Nigeria Jebbu Miango 3 0 Muslim terrorists storm a farming community, killing three women in their fields.
2021.08.10 Iraq Mamlji 3 0 A mayor and two employees are brutally gunned down by Mujahideen.
2021.08.10 Afghanistan Mohammad Agha 40 0 At least forty more civilians are executed by the Taliban, many by beheading.
2021.08.09 Egypt Rafah 1 0 An IED planted by religious radicals targets a patrol, killing one member.
2021.08.09 India Anantnag 2 0 A secular official is assassinated along with his wife.
2021.08.09 Afghanistan Mazar-e-Sharif 1 3 A civilian is killed and three more injured by the Taliban.
2021.08.09 Iraq al-Abara 1 0 A local cop is brutally gunned down by Mujahideen.
2021.08.09 Pakistan Kulachi 3 0 Three customs officials are assassinated by suspected Tehreek-e-Taliban.
2021.08.09 Iraq al-Zab 1 0 An agricultural worker is executed by the Islamic State.
2021.08.09 Afghanistan Lashkar Gah 47 136 Fifty more civilians are reported dead in ongoing Taliban violence, including twenty-seven children.
Shhhh … 2021.08.01
Afghanistan Lashkar Gah 40killed 118injured
Forty civilians are reported dead following a week of Taliban assaults on a small city.
Allah is watching ….
On 24 September 2015, an event described as a “crush and stampede”[5] caused deaths estimated at well over 2000 pilgrims, suffocated or crushed during the annual Hajj pilgrimage in Mina, Mecca, Saudi Arabia, making it the deadliest Hajj disaster in history.
“Taliban: Americans have all the watches, but we have all the time.”
― Mark Steyn
2014 ….
A man in Afghan military uniform opened fire at a British-run military academy near Kabul, killing one soldier and wounding at least 14, officials say.
The Nato soldier who was killed is thought to be from the US, while a German general is among those wounded.
Afghanistan’s Ministry of Defence said the Afghan soldier was shot dead after he opened fire.
The BBC understands the shooting at Camp Qargha happened after an argument broke out.
Afghan Defence Ministry sources told the BBC the attacker was a soldier who was recruited three years ago.
Shortly after the academy opened there was a shooting incident when an Afghan soldier in a neighbouring barracks opened fire, injuring Australian and New Zealand troops providing security.
BBC Breaking news … “Nah he tweakin: What it means and why it’s all over our timelines”
Well it did not take long (today) for the supports of world Taliban to carry on here as they do in Afghanistan. ‘Man held for ‘using syringes to contaminate food’ at supermarket I wonder what kind of man would do that! Guess……
Report in Today’s Telegraph:
‘Locals said the man, who was in his 20s or 30s was of Middle Eastern or Mediterranean appearance and was ranting randomly at passers by before he was apprehended by police.’
I would like to report that the BBC have ‘more’ information, but all we will get ‘is a man’ and not his ‘origin’ or ‘age’ or the fact that he was mentally ‘disturbed’ either. If your wondering what was in the hidden Syringes the BBC report fails to tell us; other than: ‘The content of the syringes is unknown.’
The Telegraph newspaper however reported that it was a blood contaminant ‘ as yet to be analysed as toxic ‘ by the Police.
Why does the BBC hide that information from the public? I think we know the answer. Its interesting to compare a proper newspaper to a BBC filtered ‘news-feed’.
Telegraph (today):
BBC news feed (compare):
While the BBC show relatively anodyne footage of the Kabul attack, there is horrendous footage of bloody slaughter on Twitter. And the death toll is patently more than the official 12 being quoted.
Extinction Rebellion are doing a marvellous job.
– their actions and the spoilt brats involved, have done the worst PR job possible for Climate Change claims.
Reality and common sense will prevail.
“Food firm in ‘drastic’ action amid driver shortage”
But at the very bottom ……………
Tesco said “there may be some shortages”, but people should not “over-dramatise” and panic-buy. “It’s very easy to make a drama out of a modest crisis.”
Its high time we started training school leavers with real jobs instead of wasting their time and effort in younee getting silly degrees.
I’ve sussed it out. People ask how can we afford all these Afghan immigrants?
Easy Peasy, sell off the bBBC £4 billion, sell off the anychess, God knows how much, even the anychess don’t know.
All will have prizes.
Press Gazette must be a small bubbleworld
Their tweet has 2 Likes , zero replies
3 people replied by quote tweeting
1 is the one above
1 is a tweet saing #CircleJerk
1 has been banned.
BBC news at 6 pm have a big item about the underfunding of …….( what is it this time)……. people with autism or learning difficulties. Heartstrings were pulled in the normal way.
More money is needed apparently.
But is that before or after we have paid up for 20,000 Afghans plus 800 economic chancers crossing the channel every day?
On that issue the BBC is silent, as usual.
Perhaps the Magic Money Tree will feature on Gardener’s World or Countryfile?
ITV local news
#1 Emotional blackmail
two Hull Afghan women plead about their relatives.
Sad that people feel at risk
Meanwhile many wars and suffering go on unreported
BBC local news
#1Pregnant women need to get vaccinated
#3 A repeat of the report that one area of Hull has very low vaccination rates.
ITV also had a vaccine PR item
Meanwhile in town today I went into the pharmacy where the staff stopped wearing masks on Freedom day, and asked about local Covid cases.
“No we aren’t seeing any Covid cases around here”
Next item
“Here we are at The Sleaford mosque where donations are flowing in for Afghan refugees”
Please tell me you’re joking that Sleaford has a mosque??
Amidst all the horror, the BBC don’t lose sight of who the real culprit is.
Yes, it’s Orange Man.
Matthew Amroliwala to American General: “Did Trump get played by the Taliban?”
(My question: did the BBC get played by Biden?)
The Joe Biden fan club that is C4 news continues the non criticism of the false president . It’s quite funny really in a sick sort of way . How they call it journalism or news is beyond me.
If c4 is sold off and C4 news binned would anyone miss it ?
Are they wheeling Biden out to make a speech?
Assuming they can find a vein..
BBC News anticipated a speeh from Biden, kept showing the empty lectern and his door. But he never came and the BBC never commented.
A statement has been issued cancelling his speech. Is this the end?
Biden now as a lot of blood on his hands -direct responsibility for making those soldiers victims . Thank God he hasn’t got any UK soldiers harmed – yet .
I am pretty sure that there will be a lot of very angry Democrats and Republicans in the USA today.
Americans are very proud of their nation unlike the woke Brits with exception to our Excellent, British Forces.
Biden will be replaced.
Taffman – I took the view that Biden would be gone . But I’m not so sure now – especially after the mass murder today – when he will wrap himself in the flag .
Speaking of incapable presidents – has George bush said anything about this – ? Since that fool started the whole afgee dumb campaign ?
Fedup2, there’s a longstanding tradition in US politics that former presidents do not comment on actions/inactions of the incumbent President unless that incumbent is named Donald Trump.
lol, Obama had plenty to say about Trump. And the BBC reported every word.
After all the faux outrage directed at Trump, the irony is that sleepy Joe could end up starting an even worse conflict (is that the plan…don’t democrats like wars?)
“Covid-19: NHS England prepares jabs plan for 12-15 year-olds”
Is this without parental consent ?
“The downsides of mass migration.
Those effects WILL be felt by Britons who, the sociologist David Goodhart, famously dubbed the Somewheres. The people who like where they live, don’t want to move, but feel wistful about how their communities are changing around them without their consultation.
Somewheres also feel a strong sense of national history and patriotism. They may not always be able to put their disaffection into arguments that would impress a TV executive, but they know how they feel when they see images of people landing in boats on their coast.”
Ha. Impress a tv executive?! Come on now.
I could express those feelings and make lucid, logical arguments.
But I would never be allowed to.
8pm -10pm BBCFour chose a Proms orchestra
They chose a chose a Proms orchestra that excludes white people
and the pianist is of course from their favourite black musician family : Jeneba Kanneh-Mason
“The Chineke! Orchestra was founded by Chi-chi Nwanoku for black and minority ethnic classical musicians.”
The blurb “celebrating diversity in composers as well as performers.
Black British composer Samuel Coleridge-Taylor’s overture to his popular cantata
based on the tale of a Native American leader
quotes the spiritual ‘Nobody knows the trouble I’ve seen’.
There are further meetings of African and European musical styles in Nigerian composer Fela Sowande’s African Suite
and the piano concerto by Florence Price,
the first female African-American composer to win renown in America.
Afghanistan: Tired, overwhelmed Afghan families start new lives in the UK
Says 15k have arrived already? I thought it was going to be 5k at first and up to 20k over the next few years (according to Priti). Where are they all going and where’s the money coming from? (rhetorical question)
9pm Channel4 selected a school and children
to represent British schools under Covid
.. Tickbox mentality
Sopes’ analysis of this latest skilled administration strategic genius will be interesting.
Kammy suddenly needs to visit Lapland?
Soon, Americans will be begging for the return of Trump.
Dear god.
Perhaps our BBC could be merged with the Labour Party (it already is), and GB News merged with the Conservative Party?
But only if we have a real Conservative Party. Not the pastiche that we have now, run by a snowflake wife.
The BBC is a reflection of Tony Blair. He called himself a centrist but what he was, was a Communist alongside his Islington sidekicks Gordon Brown and Mandelson (now a Lord).
The BBC barged into politics as soon as Labour was elected by fielding a number of ‘safe’ MP seats. Many of those went onto head Government newly formed NGO’s (government funded and tax free). Many of these (new) institutions were left wing ‘sock puppets’ funded by the tax payer and registered as ‘charities’.
I tried to list these activities a few years ago (now lost it seems). Listed in Robin Aitkins book ‘Can We Trust the BBC?. Answer=No, not at all.
They really did try to bankrupt the country.
The experience is still with us, despite Brexit, we would do better still without the BBC culture wars.
Another link (more disturbing perhaps) is links to the Jimmy Saville at the BBC and other incidents of the time.
GB News –
‘Frankly, all we saw today was a normal day in Afghanistan it’s just that there was a lot of media there to see it’
Soon Springster will be on serious debunking duty from a secret location.
And Jez and Simpo will be screaming for some squaddies to be sacrificed as a set up exclusive interview goes tits up.
BBC news story last week buried an important detail at the bottom
that’s Bias by Omission
The men, both in their 30s, had homophobic abuse hurled at them by a group of four men who then got out of a black SUV and assaulted them. Among other things, the attackers used bottles to attack the couple, and managed to knock one of them unconscious before driving off.
Douglas Murray “the press and media in the UK have been cowed by pressure groups and made to fear writing up their own reports in the accurate fashion they would have done just a few years ago. ”
That’s in Aug 18th commentary
In the last decade or so, a sinister group of individuals from a range of organisations have spent their energies trying to rein in the free press. Specifically they try to stop the reporting of stories that might portray any follower of Islam in a negative light.
the army of anti-media mujahideen get to work to complain to Ofcom, Ipso and whatever other regulators they can find. In time, their work has an effect.
If every story about Islam causes editors to receive a blizzard of complaints then soon they start to wonder whether it wouldn’t be easier to cover some other story. Just too much hassle, etc, etc.
Didn’t the homosexuals chase after the men and escalate the situation from it’s verbal start…
Top rated
I’ve learned to read between the lines of the BBC woke-filter for a very long time;
– when they say “Asian” they invariably mean “Muslim”,
unless it’s a positive story of course, in which case they will always specifically say ‘Muslim’
… When they say ‘migrant’ they actually mean ‘illegal immigrant’,
when they say ‘diverse’ they really mean ‘less white and less male’.
When they say ‘group of London youths’ they mean ‘black gang members.”
And of course when they say ‘far-right’ they really mean ‘anything that’s not far-left.
‘a man’ stabs some people, he ‘is reported to have shouted something’, and it is quickly established that ‘he has mental health issues’. Case close, nothing to see here, move along.
What matters more to the BBC
Black Lives OR pushing White-Guilt-narratives ?
over three hundred people were killed in South Africa in the recent violence.
The BBC never took it past it’s Africa pages on its website. Yet, the George Floyd incident made it immediately onto the front pages of its internet site.
We see it every day.
The framing of a story, that tells readers and viewers how to interpret events,
is deliberately shaped so that the story conforms to libmob’s worldview.
Narrative trumps Truth in today’s media.
via @Finknottle
Biden has just finished a rambling press conference and took a few questions . It would be great to get an assessment of his behaviour during the speach and questions .
He is saying – in effect – that the reason there is a mess is because the US military advised him to shut bagram and concentrate on Kabul airport in the time he set .
What a mess
The Plymouth shooting, whilst extreme and very rare, had deservedly huge exposure but was nevertheless immediately portrayed as an act resulting from ‘incel ideology’ which should now be considered a dangerous terror movement, that HATE women.
.. Meanwhile, two women were apparently deliberately burnt to death (in Bury and Staffordshire) in the last fortnight and received almost no media coverage.
We are left to presume that their deaths resulted from a very real political/religious movement that we could all name but aren’t allowed to in public.
Via @Victor Eremita
Who is running this great nation, Al Beeb, Boris or Carrie?
Where is the Conservative Party ?
Where indeed are the Tories ?
Where is maxincony?
All this, yet Al Beeb survives?
I note that Al Beeb and the MSM are keeping out Tice and The Reform Party by ‘no platforming them’.
Dover Invasion ?
No, the police are more involved with “Coursing”
“Seven police forces team up to tackle hare coursing.”
Isn’t it time our Police were less woke and sorted out the real crime issues like stabbings and murders?