So the G7 has agreed to …nothing
A victory for the Taliban
The BBC avoiding blaming Biden .
Meanwhile Departures at Kabul airport become more frantic . The so Islamic promoting BBC has its work cut out now .
Midweek Thread 25 August 2021
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Afghanistan: Biden vows to complete evacuations despite airport attack
Nobody in the media is going to make this link for obvious reasons – but the deaths in this attack are the direct result of Joe Biden being elected.
And Joe Biden was elected because of the incredible anti-Trump bias of the left-wing media (including social media). The BBC were one of the most extreme offenders,
Some of this blood is on your hands BBC.
Not that the Left will care one bit : only the agenda matters.
“It’s only the BBC that’s lefty” ..Really
Bio : “Pete Mills : Programme Director Hull Kingston Radio 107.4FM. Socialist, (little bit left-wing)”
(His wife is the BBC local radio presenter
She was a right Climate-tele-evangelist today)
The media in general has lots of people who want to ‘make a difference’ and push their own ideology onto others. It’s a form of fascism. Which is why it’s full of Lefties.
People on the right are too busy dealing with life. My experience is that people drawn to the media are incredibly useless at anything practical. They are of little value in the real world. They just cause problems for everyone else.
I often find it amusing how similar politics in an almost-3rd world country like Thailand and our sophisticated Western ‘culture’ are when you scrape through the veneer.
Before the coup, Thailand’s PM was Thaksin Shiniwatras sister (so he could instruct her what to do over skype as he was in exile to avoid prison for corruption). She was utterly useless. And I mean utterly.
Whenever there was anything important going on, she was always shipped out somewhere else to keep her ‘clean’ and her mouth away from the press.
Just like they have done with Harris.
Kabul airport attack: What do we know?
60 people killed and 140 wounded.
Can someone explain to me how the BBC can report everything we know about this attack by an extremist muslim terrorist group and not use the word ‘muslim’ or ‘terrorist’ even once ?.
Even ‘Islam’ only gets ‘the Afghanistan branch of the Islamic State group’
This is beyond a joke. The BBC are protecting these people.
President Biden said: “We will not forgive. We will not forget.”
A lot of people will be saying that about you Joe. This blood is on your hands.
– and – pandering to / kissing the backsides of the US Democrats at every turn. One thing I’ve noticed is that the DNC higher ups are very noticeable by their near complete absence ….. We can see that things aren’t being orchestrated by the folks at the lecterns…. – somebody is pulling the strings.
– and then there’s this lady
When I checked the BBC website ‘world’ page, it took me a few seconds to work out that there had actually been an attack at all.
The top headline is ‘Biden vows to ‘hunt down Kabul attackers’ and the best picture of Biden looking resolute they can find.
All the rest are small side-articles the same size as one called ‘Meet the greatest Paralympic swimmer of all time’.
It will be gone completely by tomorrow.
Just surfing the net about what happened with the bombings and the aftermath. Then I watched Bidens awful speech where he reminded me of Greta Thunberg when he reached a point on the autocue which said ‘Be Angry’ and his entire facial expressions and attitude changed instantly.
Surely he can’t survive this ?.
Hard luck for having to watch it, John!
The 3.00am ‘news’ on R5dead mentioned something, then the actual prog afterwards solemnly played the old man’s ‘speech’ – I presume in full, as I switched off after a few minutes of empty, mindless rhetoric, useless commentary on ‘what he’d been doing all day,’ and no remorse of course, for doing absolutely bugger all when he had all the intel he wanted after he crept into the WH and mucked up all the hard work President Trump had done in trying to resolve the Afgee debacle.
When a ‘leader’ starts quoting The Bible, you know that there’s a real problem! Margaret Thatcher at least recited a decent St Francis’ Prayer, and we bloody well needed it back then when Labour were bankrupting the country! Biden just kept repeating the same tired stuff about talking to commanders etc., which he should always do if he thinks he’s CiC.
I watched the whole Biden speech on GB News. The BBC would have never allowed us to watch the whole thing. It was as if Biden’s medication was working and then not working. He found the energy for the sound bite to claim he would hunt the perpetrators down. But 3 of the commentators thought it a good speech. One was Andrew Doyle (Jeremy Corbyn supporter but who can talk sense), the non Russian from Triganometry, and a feminist female journalist. This left Neil Oliver who also saw what we saw and what John C saw. I wonder how far a Trump hater has to be pushed to see reality.
Springster trying to direct away from editorial by omission as every bit as venal.
What vapid rubbish this girl spouts. She seems to live in a fantasy where only her and the bBBC views are correct.
Absolutely : the sudden switch to anger ready to say he will hunt them down was disturbing. It was like someone shoved a cattle-prod up his backside.
I suspect the answer to your question re Trump haters is that they will never see reality if that reality implies that Trump was right about anything , let alone that he was a good President.
John C I was watching it on a YouTube channel for the ‘Washington post ‘.. in passing it was said that Karmela has ‘ cut short ‘ her visit to anywhere but america and come straight back to Washington – cancelling fund raising jobs on the west coast ……
……maybe even the democrats can’t avoid her having her fingerprints on the current disaster – or getting her to rehearse her acceptance speech as first female president of a failing state ….
The most ironic consequence of this fiasco in Afghanistan is that
when ” President” Biden finishes up in the funny farm , he won’t
remember any of this.
10am Woman’s Hour : Tribute to Britain’s first black policewoman Sislin Fay Allen
who joined the Metropolitan Police in 1968, died at her family home in Ocho Rios, Jamaica in June 2021
They’ve left the page blurb blank, but have put up that image.
The UN
The EU
Where were they all?
Great Britain stands alone again. Al Beeb better wise up and stop knocking us .
I have posted this before: Al Beeb’s nightmare – President Donald Trump to make a return ?
Not if Andy can help it. The BBC Moaning Emole has a… ‘vow’.
Biden’s vow after Kabul attacks
Biden pledges to continue airlift as US braces for more attacks
Story detailFamily members visit wounded patients who have been admitted into Wazir Akbar Khan Hospital. in Kabul, Afghanistan
US President Joe Biden says the airlift from Kabul will continue, despite a jihadist attack that’s thought to have killed at least 90 people – including 13 US service personnel – and wounded 150. “We must complete this mission and we will,” he says. More than 100,000 people have been evacuated from Kabul but many more are rushing to flee Taliban rule ahead of an agreed 31 August deadline for US forces to leave. And US Gen Frank McKenzie says forces are braced for more attacks on the airport.
At about 18:00 local time yesterday, the first bomb targeted Abbey Gate, where US and British forces have been processing people entering the airport. Minutes later, the second blast occurred at a hotel used by British officials to process Afghans hoping to travel to the UK. Here’s what we know about the attacks. Responsibility was claimed by IS-K, the regional branch of Islamic State – read more about the group below. And Mr Biden is warning them: “We will not forgive. We will not forget. We will hunt you down and make you pay.” Keep abreast of developments in Afghanistan via our live page.
…which seems to be directing more poor sods into the meat grinder from the safety of his bunker, vis bbc propaganda ‘live’ developments.
Recalling reaction from brain MIA Presidents in the past to raghead carnage excess, hardly encouraging.
Next on Blue Peter; making a mostly peaceful IED to ensure a place with those virgins. Plus some honey.
Not the Biden Backing Clan…
There can, rarely, be consequences to hitching to the wrong knackered horse…
“Time’s Up CEO Tina Tchen is stepping down, after the organization’s ill-chosen involvement with Andrew Cuomo doomed her tenure.”
Apt name.
But not in the UK media.
This is the headline in The Economist…
“Joe Biden reckons with Kabul bombings”
Uh huh.
What the hell does that mean?!
You wondered too?
No idea.
The Economist used to run ads based on its editorial style guide. It was the gold standard.
These days it makes the BBC Ed Guds almost seem coherent.
The BBC continues to desperately not criticise the false president they have been unquestionably supporting all the way from 2020.
Their news describes him as ‘emotional ‘ in the rambling and poor speach he made on Thursday night ..again he took controlled questions from the media and rambled along clutching a briefing pad like a comfort blanket ( you could see he hadn’t realise he was dong this )
Then he made empty promises about getting the Muslim terrorists who caused 13 military deaths . There can be little meaningful ‘revenge ‘ because the US is gone in 3 days.
The BBC has ignored the insanity of the US miltary handing over a list of people they want to get into the airport to the taliban . Could you make that up?
Veterans for Britain
“Angus Lapsley’s negligence led to military secrets about Afghanistan being EXPOSED to the world DAYS BEFORE THE TALIBAN’S MAJOR OFFENSIVE.
WHY has he still not been charged?
WHY are ministers pretending this disaster didn’t happen?
WHY is he still listed as ‘MOD staff’?”
A local man ,Leoaai Elghareeb, has been charged with contamination of foodstuff in 3 Fulham supermarkets . The internet describes him as a ‘solicitor ‘ and helpfully gives his home address.
No mention of terrorism as the motivation yet …
Middle name – Ahmed.
He’s ‘British’ – apparently.
‘Has British citizenship’ is probably a better way to describe these people.
“Foreign Office staff left documents with the contact details of Afghans working for them as well as the CVs of locals applying for jobs scattered on the ground at the British embassy compound in Kabul that has been seized by the Taliban.”
That would be Foreign Office HR then?
Toady watch
Project ‘blame Brexit ‘ . This time it was container shortages . The beeboid interviewed a chap who knew about supply chains . The beeboid was desperate – desperate – to get Brexit blamed for container shortages in the run up to the oh so important- oh so godless Christmas .
But – oh dear – the container shortage is global – they used to be hired for£1500. Now it is £15000 ( I might have got the numbers wrong ) .
Apparently the containers are in the wrong place and some are stuck in closed ports …more and more .
But -the beeboid managed to get a ‘shortage of Eastern Europeans’ to be blamed for the shortage of warehouse staff.
Where I live there is no shortage of Eastern Europeans.. Africans… pakis …. name it …. Very … vibrant … I do like to hear English occasionally ….my taliban neighbour seems very nice …
There’s a good piece in The Telegraph about the reasons behind the current shortages. Sorry it’s a bit long but I’ve pasted it here as it’s behind a paywall. I’m really fed up with bitter remainers blaming it on Brexit:
Many hardcore Remainers have jumped on the ongoing disruption to UK supply chains as proof that “Project Fear” was right all along. They are mistaken of course. Brexit is just one of many contributing factors – and a small one at that – even though the process of leaving the EU could certainly be managed better.
The first point to stress is that the supply chain problems are global. The rapid recovery in the world economy is already running into capacity constraints, mainly due to Covid. The UK, eurozone and US are therefore all suffering from similar issues. Indeed, the latest purchasing managers’ surveys suggest that it is the US, not “Brexit Britain”, which is being hit hardest by lengthening delivery times.
The slump in UK car production in July is another example. The global auto sector is being hammered by a shortage of electronic components (ask any German manufacturer). The UK figures were relatively weak last month, but this was due to the “pingdemic” and the timing of summer shutdowns – not Brexit.
The shortages of HGV drivers are global, too. The International Road Transport Union (IRU) warned in March that these shortages would “soar” in 2021, in all regions. The pandemic is exacerbating long-standing problems of low pay, poor working conditions and an ageing labour force. The US and German media are also full of reports of struggles to find drivers.
What about “empty shelves” and “food shortages”? These do appear to be a uniquely British problem, but they are not widespread. For instance, Sainsbury’s has said “availability in some product categories may vary but alternatives are available and stores continue to receive deliveries daily”. The Co-op has noted “some patchy disruption”, while Tesco has said “there may be some shortages” but people should not “over-dramatise”.
This is backed up by the latest retail data. In particular, the CBI Distributive Trades survey reported “soaring sales” in August, despite the supply problems. If “empty shelves” were now common, surely sales should be tanking?
None the less, stock levels are at record lows, and warnings of further disruption in the run-up to Christmas need to be taken seriously. It is also fair to say that Brexit is presenting additional challenges. Some 58pc of respondents to a recent poll by the Road Haulage Association (RHA) cited the departure from the EU as a reason for the lack of drivers.
However, 58pc of respondents also identified “drivers retiring” as a problem. The RHA notes that the average age of an HGV driver is 55, and that many more than usual have recently quit the industry.
Covid is making this worse. Restrictions on training and driving tests mean that the number of people qualifying as new drivers in the UK fell from its usual level of around 40,000 to just 15,000 last year – a drop of 25,000. This alone explains more than half of the recent increase in the estimated shortfall of drivers, from 60,000 to 100,000.
Some EU drivers have left the UK and failed to return, but this may be due at least as much to Covid travel restrictions as to new Brexit red tape. The growing shortages of drivers in their home countries also means that some EU drivers may not have chosen to come back anyway, even if Brexit had not happened.
What’s more, almost as many respondents to the RHA survey (53pc) also blamed the introduction of new tax rules (known as IR35), which have raised the cost of agency drivers. Unfortunately, “IR35 food shortages” is not quite as catchy as “Brexit food shortages”.
The bigger picture is that any impact from Brexit on the supply of workers, including drivers, has been dwarfed by a shortage of labour generally as the UK economy has rebounded. This is consistent with other replies to the RHA survey: 48pc of respondents blamed “drivers leaving for other industries” and 47pc identified “unsatisfactory pay rates”.
What’s more, even the Brexit-related issues are not an inevitable consequence of leaving the EU. The UK Government could still add HGV drivers to the skilled workers list, making it easier for them to get visas. The same applies to other sectors where there are labour shortages, such as the poultry industry.
Indeed, it is not obvious why the Government hasn’t acted already. Perhaps it would be too much of a political climbdown to acknowledge that free movement of workers has had many benefits for the UK economy. But perhaps it is because so many EU citizens have already applied for settled or pre-settled status, allowing them to continue to live and work here.
In the meantime, it is possible that supply shortages will hold back the economic recovery. This is already happening in many countries. However, free-market economies are usually good at adapting to shocks. Changes in relative wages and prices are part of this process.
There are also some ways that policy-makers can help. At the macro level, it does not make a lot of sense to continue pumping even more money into economies that are already at risk of overheating. The problems lie on the supply side, rather than a lack of demand.
This point applies to the UK Government’s furlough scheme too. This is now contributing to labour shortages and risks doing more harm than good.
The focus should be on removing artificial barriers that make it harder for markets to work properly. These barriers may include overly-bureaucratic visa requirements, as well as unnecessary restrictions on driver hours and lorry size. The lack of training and testing for new HGV drivers clearly needs addressing too.
In short, the UK is far from alone in facing driver shortages. Supply chains have also been hit by other UK-specific factors that are nothing to do with the departure from the EU, including IR35 and the “pingdemic”. Pinning everything on Brexit really doesn’t make a lot of sense.
This driver shortage has been predicted for the last 20 years. Trade magazines have been full of it.
Importing drivers was always a convenient and artificial solution.
TOADY Watch #1 – the increasing desperation of ‘the Left & Socialists’ is apparent from 6 a.m.
I switch on during the 6 a.m. news on Radio Flaw. More news from Afghanistan and the suicide bombings with much muddle from Beijing Biden and the TOADY team. “Can we mention “Islamic” and State.” “Better not to. Try to use IS or ISIS instead.” The stoopeedes do not realise that the alphabet soup of Al-Q and ISIS and the Taliban is a fluid thing with joint memberships, flexible adherences and much ‘mixing and matching’.
Remember Woolworth, BBC, remember F.W. Woolworth.
Are you entitled to be flown out from Afgee ? Are you being left behind ? Well we can help. Just ring freefone ‘parasite lawyer ‘ and we will get you the compensation you deserve . ….
Or just walk up to the nearest Taliban member and tell him you are on the list of those who worked with the Americans and should be escorted to an aeroplane right away.
No doubt those parasite lawyers will be of British descent…
There’s no such thing as International Rescue
You may remember that 1970s movie, based on a Rudyard Kipling novella, in which Michael Caine and Sean Connery came a cropper in a remote fictionalised version of Afghanistan. Spoiler Alert, as the kids say. Well now the media’s former darling, let’s call him The Man Who Would Be President, Joe Biden, has been exposed for the stubborn, miscalculating, won’t take advice, know-nothing old codger we might have known he was – had the media shone a true light on his poor record as a politician and his flawed character, rather than shining it up his posterior in their desperate anxiety to dethown Donald Trump.
The Telegraph spells out the cost – so far: ‘Twelve US troops die in Kabul blasts. America’s deadliest day in a decade as Islamic State suicide bombers attack crowds outside airport‘
I’m reminded of those post-disaster tv vox pops where still shocked members of the public would have a microphone shoved under their chin and come out with some line such as “It was like the Blitz” or “This is the inevitable thing that just might happen”
This was never really about girls being allowed to go to school – that was a story liberals, Malala, the BBC and the neocons told themselves. This was a policing job. Relatively bloodless in recent times. The bad guys saw the big cop was on the beat and mostly remained cowering in their caves. Now they squat in the Presidential palace caressing their korans and Kalashnikovs.
It was anarchic comedian Spike Milligan who would end his TV show sketches, once out of ideas and devoid of a further punch line, with the actors exiting the stage muttering the mantra: “What are we gonna do next, What are we gonna do next…?”
In times like these you find out who your friends are: ‘Brussels yesterday warned it could stop sharing data on criminals and suspected terrorists with Britain and tear up a Brexit data transfer deal if the UK diverges too far from EU laws‘ (Telegraph)
The ‘i’ newspaper is upset: ‘100,000 UK vaccine doses set to be wasted. GPs furious that jabs have not been given to countries in need‘ – sort of sounds fair but since when did our medical functionaries become our moral and ethical arbiters?
Are the Archbishop of Canterbury and Dean of St Paul’s now going to opine on the most efficacious mix of covid vaccine jabs?
Is a white coat and stethoscope now stand in for a clerical collar and crosier? We know the NHS is the new national religion – worshiped mainly in the media – but it is getting ridiculous now.
The ‘i’ provides a couple of headlines that need a little decoding.
‘Majestic Root flattens India‘ – is not a cryptic crossword clue but will mean something to cricket fans.
Meanwhile in pet news: ‘Why your cat wants you to stop WFH‘ – apparently WFH means working from home.
I’m still none the wiser as to the meaning of Gerry Anderson’s Thunderbirds catchphase F.A.B.
Turns out FAB meant nothing, it just sounded like a hip thing for the puppets to say.
AISI, F.A.B. means (in Alex-Jones-speak) Funderbirds Are Brillian’.
TOADY Watch #2 – the increasing desperation of ‘the Left & Socialists’ is apparent from 6 a.m.
First AfGee, now Hebridee. The Global Walarmingists & Climate Changeisis are claiming that 2021 – already, so soon! – will be the hottest year evvah for the UK. I can hear the laughter now rising from the bedrooms, the kitchens, the dining rooms, the cars of the nation, from across the whole UK.
Yes, honestly.
The Socialist Left are so desperate, ahead of COP26, to try to keep the Global Warming and Climate Change deceit going that they are resorting to linking a good summer for a part of Scotland, to record breaking temperature for 2021 (in August!) for the whole of the UK.
Try telling that to the Aberdonians!
We have just given the green light for the Iranians to finalise thier atomic bomd. It’s just another step to defeat the capitalist society we live in. The MSM are the propagandist and left wing anarchists are allies with the Muslims.
The Muslims are the stormtroopers they don’t care if they die. The change of European society to a Muslim one will do the work of the left what couldn’t be achieved by the USSR but will be achieved by Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iran.
In other media news
Mail reports white presenters on BBc Londonistan ( there is one ?) are to replaced by Africans – there is a fear listening figures will halve from 2 to 1 .
And the ego maniac on sky strutting around the outside of Kabul airport planning his award speach – is moaning about being forced out of the country . Funny isn’t it ? If he’d been there on Thursday he might just be body parts in a bag now …
Fear not; Sopes has a bead on the new BBC N. American Defence Correspondent of Diversity.
GB hires a bbc ECU director to analyse.
The politico media establishment is lost.
Know how Sopes’ team used to ‘analyse’ every word and nuance spoken?
Two now gone of course, writing books about when America got great again….
Meanwhile scores of families await a tragic return. RIP the heroes that matter.
That would be this NBC…
“And yes… you… you… and you, from NBC…”
“Oh, and you… from NBC…”
“And of course, Jon Sopel, BBC..”
Guest who – yes I heard that little give away at the start of the ‘questions ‘ . I think they were all ‘scripted ‘ except for the last one .
There was no concern about the amount of kit left behind by the Americans – but I think that could be the biggest threat to us and them after this mess is formally ‘closed ‘ on 31 August …..
On the 1st of September the airport will be remained the chairman moi international airport – with flights from China only ….
Sopes: not changing the stuck record. A bit of muffling might be welcome rather than this pathetic cheerleading.
Dear me.
So Biden’s employed the ‘Taken’ scriptwriters then. Big Liam was a lot more convincing though and probably has as much chance of following this hollow promise through.
You and whose army?
The Lesbian Legionnaires, the Transgender Troops, the Gendered Grenadiers and a division of Diversity Officers with a battalion of Broadcasters?
A few breakfast sherries in the Rice Krispies to come up with that image…
Or invade again and kick them both out?
“In these grave times, I have taken the decision and have the determination to stand… and be the president of a France that is reconciled, to respect the French and have France respected”
Specifically, Barnier would implement a five-year ban on immigration and, unbelievably, “reform the EU” to curb regulations and bureaucracy. We’re through the looking glass now, mes ami…
I see, so the Taliban are good guys and the other lot are Islamist extremists.
It’s absolutely pathetic isn’t it ?.
While they are shoring up Biden, the BBC won’t report any of the atrocious things they are doing.
OT, but this actually was a LOL. We need it.
He chases down the criminals – oh wait – that’s only in the movies.
Like the ‘fudge pot’ comment.
People falling from planes in Afghanistan – man loses luggage.
How often should you wash yourself – and your things?
Part of Learn & revise BBC
Parental online discussion groups have lengthy debates about this one. All families are different, as are their routines, so while it may be easier for some to wash pyjamas every day, others leave it for a week, or even until they’re just too dirty to wear.
The BBC actually pay people to come up with this nannying drivel? Defund it now.
Likely taking questions Joe styly?
XR audience then
Mosque in pledge to support armed forces { 02oct2017}: “Covenant signed between Birmingham Muslim Mosque and British Army … “
… find this USA Army Muslim Chaplin,Khallid Shabazz on youtube …
“The Koran says don’t let the hatred of a people move you to deal with people unjustly. The Prophet Mohammed beheaded people who were extremely unjust to him. {youtube mar2015}”
– Army Lt. Col. Khallid Shabazz, March 2015
– Current US Chaplin (feb 2017), who is Muslim, in charge of spiritual guidance of 14,000 Christian soldiers says beheading is OK under Islam if you felt (perceived) they were unjustly!
Luckily there is still real news from the BBC
Gay marriage is legal in the US, but Indian-American couples say they have struggled to find priests willing to marry them.
A simpleminded, sheltered (Biden) gardener becomes an unlikely (President) trusted advisor to a powerful businessman and an insider in Washington politics.
China has positioned itself as a leading player in Afghanistan’s economic future, with state media trumpeting it as the standout option for the Taliban and President Xi promising to work with Russia to ensure a smooth transition of power.
Beijing is willing to play a “constructive role” in the rebuilding of Afghanistan, arguing that its experience in building infrastructure, political neutrality and ability to secure funds made it the best candidate to help.
. . . . .
The exact numbers of executions, and death sentences, are considered a state secret by China, and are not publicly available. According to the Dui Hua Foundation, a U.S.-based organization, the estimated number of executions has declined steadily in the twenty-first century, from 12,000 each year to 2,400.
The US Biden-friendly media have cited economic sanctions as political leverage against the Taliban, insisting, even after this carnage, that the Biden Administration still holds the upper hand and that it is in the interests of the Taliban to allow safe passage for fear of future financial pressures from them.
Surely this is bullshit. Both China and Russia, and no doubt numerous Muslim states throughout the world, are primed to trade with the Taliban, itching for access to their mineral deposits and willing to reward them financially for those rights.
Once the US leaves Afghanistan can turn it’s back on the West for as long as the lithium lasts, they don’t need the US at all.
Economic sanctions – deny then new pronouns and gender books?
2012 … The authorities in Pakistan have shut Malala college in Mingora in the Swat valley after a row over its new name.
Correspondents say the move is aimed at defusing demonstrations by students.
The move followed fresh protests over a decision to rename the school after Malala Yousafzai, the schoolgirl activist shot by the Taliban.
Girls at the college are demanding it revert to its previous name, Saidu Sharif college. They say they fear for their security.
Last week, girls at the school tore down posters of Malala and demanded her name be removed from the school, saying they feared Taliban attacks.
Potential routes exist along the Wakhan Corridor and via Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan, but it is Pakistani access to Kabul that looks the better option – as long as the Taliban can provide stability, develop Afghan society, and refrain from regional aggression.
The Afghanistan-China Belt & Road Initiative
These miscellaneous isis gangs are a bit like covid.
It seems almost every week there’s a new variant popping up somewhere.
Have we reached covid K yet or are the isis’s winning the suffix race.
Provisional ISIS, The Real ISIS, and Continuity ISIS up next.
Bearded spokesman, actors’ voice, hidden negotiations, dodgy deals, “historic handshakes”, legitimacy soon enough.
Mishal got an alphabetical chart yet based on relative lethality, with I, D and F being the worst?
Mendy in court today.
You won’t find that on the news page.
BBC’s Afghanistan rescued cat and dog saga..
“Afghanistan: Pen Farthing team ‘turned away’ from airport”
“Mr Farthing and his supporters have been campaigning to have his staff and their families, as well as 140 dogs and 60 cats, evacuated from Kabul since the Taliban takeover.”
Of course the BBC doesn’t ask the inconvenient question, why the staff need to leave Afghanistan and come to Britain..
“The whole team & dogs/cats were safely 300m inside the airport perimeter. We were turned away ,,”
They never show the 200 animals either..
Staff – 1 women – then asks for husband – then asks for parents – then asks for grand parents.
Taliban to open up toilets to goats …
Barack Obama orders US public schools to allow transgender students access to toilets of choice
‘There is no room in our schools for discrimination of any kind, including discrimination against transgender students on the basis of their sex’
Katie Forster
Rachael Revesz
Friday 13 May 2016 10:11
Taliban to demand that Afghans in UK who helped attack Taliban are sent to Afghan for a fair trial … (future breaking)
“Every effort” was made to destroy sensitive material when British embassy staff evacuated their Kabul building as the Taliban approached, the Foreign Office has said.
It comes after a report in the Times said documents with contact details of Afghans working for the UK had been found “scattered on the ground”.
The UK-Eco-Taliban take £4.4bn PA of the public’s money and use to to fund your tele-evangelical-network that pushes your Fake GreenDream religion
Total Country Project Budget for 2021/2022: 1677.09m
. . . . .
The UK is to double its humanitarian and development aid to Afghanistan, which will provide urgent life-saving assistance to millions of people suffering from the conflict, drought and COVID-19. This takes the total UK aid to Afghanistan this year to £286 million, one of our largest bilateral programmes.19 Aug 2021
Take the UN’s number for opium production, a middling street price for the organic opium and multiply…. – the pot to play for is ca. $115 billion dollars on the street.
All rape victims matter
Ehsan Abdulaziz: Saudi millionaire who said he ‘accidentally tripped and penetrated’ teenage girl cleared of rape
He said it was possible he had semen on his hands from having sex with a 24-year-old woman earlier
Emma Henderson
Wednesday 16 December 2015
A millionaire property developer has been cleared of raping a teenager after claiming he accidently tripped and fell on her.
Ehsan Abdulaziz, 46, was accused of forcing himself on an 18 year-old-girl who had slept on his sofa in his Maida Vale flat after a night out drinking.
The businessman had already had sex with the teenager’s 24-year-old friend, whom he already knew, in the bedroom and said his penis might have been poking out of his underwear when he fell on the teen.
Same lawyer ?
A millionaire property developer has been cleared of raping a teenager after claiming he accidently tripped and fell on her.
Ehsan Abdulaziz, 46, was accused of forcing himself on an 18 year-old-girl who had slept on his sofa in his Maida Vale flat after a night out drinking.
The businessman had already had sex with the teenager’s 24-year-old friend, whom he already knew, in the bedroom and said his penis might have been poking out of his underwear when he fell on the teen.
Somebody should have referred the jury to 1991 movie The Last Boy Scout, in which the character played by Bruce Willis says:
“Sure, sure, I know… it just happened. Coulda happened to anybody. It was an accident, right? You tripped, slipped on the floor and accidentally stuck your dick in my wife.”
Can use same defense.
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Abortion – my body. my choice.
Covid – my body, Governments choice.
Sounds good
but they argue that if you don’t take a vaccine you are risking OTHER PEOPLE’S BODIES
Specifically those in vulnerable categories..
Not having an abortion risks the planet?
The world should stop due to “vulnerable categories” – ramps and bubbles for everyone.
Envy of the world.
You might’ve seen the shortages of milkshakes at McDonald’s, or chicken at Nando’s.
One organisation says the same supply chain issues are affecting drugs – and it’s making them more dangerous
Festivals: Drug supply issues and low tolerance add to overdose fears
Rach hopefully gets her baggies at the side door short circuiting bbc security.
tptb seem to be playing down Fentanyl
Looks like the ideal drug to smuggle via the Royal Mail from China….
The new poster girl for BBC Canadian coverage?
(you might want to reach for the sick bag)
David Cameron attacks Jeremy Corbyn over Hamas and Hezbollah ‘friends’ comments
‘He must stand up and say they are not his friends’
Nina Koushi a recently qualified solicitor
was in 2019
#1 Driving a white Mercedes in Ealing (How could she afford that ?)
#2 Parked in a disabled spot and put a blue badge on
#3 When challenged first said it was her dad’s
#4 Then admitted she had LIED, and then said that in her hurry she had simple used the blue badge that had been left in a car by a friend of her dad’s
#5 The investigator pointed out the badge had already been cancelled after being reported missing
#6 The report doesn’t explain WHO had put a cancelled blue-badge in her car
#7 She said “honest gov, it’s a one off I’ve never done it before”
#8 The law society just decided to punish her with a six month suspension
.. Strange they took 2 years to make a decision
I think this parallels the case of the Peterborough Labour MP who lied about her speeding ticket.
Old news …
The latest lockdown easing means new guidance on having sex.
In England and Scotland, you’ll be able to meet indoors and stay at another person’s household overnight from Monday.
The rules on close contact between friends are also being relaxed, which means you can have sex with someone outside of your household or support bubble.
But Boris Johnson and Nicola Sturgeon have urged people to be cautious.
Excellent video from Simon Webb about how the BBC News avoids having white British correspondents or newsreaders.
One in six BBC stars ‘must be gay or lesbian or disabled’ by 2020 says new staff-hiring guidelines at the corporation
LGBT and disabled people must each constitute eight per cent of roles
Half of all corporation’s on-screen and broadcasting roles will go to women
Representation of ethnic minorities remains at target of 15 per cent
Part of new diversity pledges unveiled by broadcaster following criticism
PUBLISHED: 10:41, 23 April 2016 | UPDATED: 14:41, 27 July 2016
How do you provide adequate proof that you are gay or lesbian?
Perhaps video evidence might be acceptable.
According to racial equality activist Richard Lapchick, the NBA in 2020 was composed of 74.2 percent black players, 16.9 percent white players, 2.2 percent Latino players of any race, and 0.4 percent Asian players. There were 6.3 percent of the players classified as “other” races.
You are soooo yesterday Mark.
How many Trans ?. How many non-binary ?. How many LGBTQ++NICKYNACKYNUCKY’s (as Les Dawson would say)?.
There’s a bit of video which covers the handover from the black Myrie to the brown BBC London guy