A make-up artist in hiding describes how much the growing beauty industry has meant to Afghan women – but that is all up in the air under Taliban rule.
TOADY Watch #1 – “give us yer munney, we need more munney”
The ever grasping hand of the public sector features large on this morning’s TOADY with the NHS wanting more, DWP wanting more and the Prescription Service wanting free to stay for over 60s. The BBC, who have an endless supply of heretofore inflation protected-income cannot get their tiny little brains around a simple fact.
The Government has no money.
Government funding for public services come from the taxpayer. If HMG decided to increase the additional and higher rate bands of income tax to, say, 60% and 75% then I expect that among the first people to voice an opinion on that would be highly paid, guaranteed income, Beeboids.
On Toady earlier: The ex Ambassador for Afghanistan tells us that we will have to pay surrounding countries to house Afghan ‘refugees’. Likely for ever, and Raab will be talking that way to the countries involved on his current visit. We, of course, can only allow the many millions in to the UK when enough of the white indigenous have died.
How long is a piece of string?
The concept of precedent seems to have escaped the establishment classes.
And history.
If every time a bunch of cavemen act up and are allowed to by their fellow cavemen to a point they figure the ticket to the West is opened up enough to export fellow cavemen demands and ambitions there, the global spread of a less than optimal result is inevitable.
G & Guest, our dear Government, especially its PM – possibly with the help of some (unfriendly) Civil Serpents – have now made themselves hostage (thanks to a never ending Pandemic) to various groups. A list might include:
Education and its Trade Unions
Marcus Rashford & so-called food poverty
The anti-Universal Credit mob
The devolved Parliaments
The MSM, especially the BBC
The Taliban, Al-Q, Boko-H and the rest of the alphabet soup of terrorist groups
Big Pharma
The EU
Umpteen different charities
Greta, XR and other environmental campaigners
Metropolitan Police, especially, but other forces as well
City and regional Mayors and their administrations
The legal profession, especially Human Rights lawyers and the Supreme Court.
and I may have missed some. Please don’t complain to me or this site if you have been omitted. Please send all complaints concerning that to No.10 Downing Street, Lodnon WC1, c/o the Prime Minister.
It is taken as a natural law over there at the BBC that any and all employee shortages must surely be due to Brexit.
So how about this: ‘McDonald’s hiring 14-year-olds in Oregon amid labour shortage‘
Last time I checked the US was never a member of the EU. How does the BBC explain the fact that Americans, the people that love their burger and fries, don’t seem to want get paid for flipping such?
‘There is currently a sharp labour shortage in the US as fear of Covid, schools remaining shut, and a lack of available child-care keeps workers at home‘ – a lot of the usual lefty obfuscation there, I’m afraid. If one were truly afraid of death through covid then no amount of childcare would overcome the problem. And don’t our covid fear mongers focus on school reopening as one of their main bugaboos?
‘Some economists have also blamed generous federal benefits brought in during the pandemic – which provide an extra $300 every week‘ – some economists, eh? You prefer not to call them economic “experts”, BBC? I guess “expert” opinion is only to be flagged up as such when those experts say something in line with the BBC’s own left-liberal in-house opinions.
The Telegraph suggests: ‘We need £10bn or backlog could last seen years, say NHS chiefs‘ – this could be a problem since it is often hard to raise taxes: ‘Outrage over prescription “tax on sick”‘ (Daily Express) – don’t worry, the Treasury and Bank of England will print the required cash and we’ll all pay for it through inflation.
‘Home working here to stay for Treasury staff‘ (Telegraph) – aw, bless the poor frightened little things. It’s scary enough having to commute in for two days a week braving exposure to the deadly virus. They obviously need the other three days duvet time to get over it.
Our friend Matt the cartoonist has two beekeepers chatting over a hive: “You can identify the working-from-home bees because they’re the ones wearing dressing gowns”
And on a day when Kate Lister in the ‘i’ tells us: ‘The surprising history of male celibacy‘
Our pictorial satirist might have had his honey farming apiarists explain: “They’re the ones we term public sector drones”
No such chaste abstention for: ‘Adele. No masking her love on date night‘ (Daily Mirror) – and we poor celibates are celebrating this because? We have a pic of: ‘Fun singer Adele shares jokes with boyfriend Rich Paul‘ – I’ll just say this famous pair would have no problem at all should they ever want to work together advertising DFS sofas. Enough said.
Large numbers from Afgh. and cross channel ‘little boats’ – ‘genuine refugees’ from France. Planeloads, protected by the lowest of the low: ‘Human Rights’ lawyers. Do you get the impression we are being taken for suckers?
Ah, ‘extended families’ -composite rights. Clever little earner. Ivon Sampson – got it all worked out, trying to make Nigel looking lacking in compassion. Wonder how the Merc is doing, Ivon? Parked next to the Porsche, is it?
We get the impression there is simply no political will here and they are dancing rings around us (with a little help from the HR lawyers….)
The more you take steps like leaving the EU, the more you find we’re in even worse schtuck. Cos our own lot have no backbone.
The Germans missed a trick in WW2. They needn’t have bombed a thing – simply emigrated to Britain en masse and pleaded compassionate grounds.
What really makes me laugh about these do-gooder idiots is : how can you call someone coming from France a refugee ?.
I know it’s a bit of a sh1thole in some places over there now, but it’s not that bad.
The question he asked about denying grandchildren the right to family life with their criminal father was strange. I believe that the traditional mother/father family model is the ideal but if I was their grandparent it wouldn’t phase me in the slightest, they would have their mother and the support of their grandparents, and if Social Services stayed out of it, they might well have a far better upbringing without him.
Anyway, if you were to believe everything fed to you by the bBbc absent fathers don’t appear to be an issue at all in many of our “diverse” communities.
vonrecht, the ECHR did not exist then. It came into being post-WW2. Ivon Sampson is one of the good guys, in my view, he is merely explaining how the system works currently to the UK’s disadvantage.
BBC ‘News’ has a list of offensive names rejected by Companies House…
Among the names rejected from the UK’s register of firms were Go Fudge Yaself Ltd, Just Weed Ltd, Meow Meow Cooking Studio Ltd, Fit as Fork Ltd and The Great Big Corrupt Company.
That last… sure it wasn’t Broadcasting Bonkers Corruption?
‘Children In Need’ should have been rejected as it sounds like a statement meaning children who are actually in need.
So some unscrupulous, greedy scumbags could say ‘All your money goes to Children In Need’ (and miss off the ‘Ltd’ bit). Where the staff cream off an average salary of £42,000 before passing it on.
Afgee is forgotten already – so it’s back to Project Begging bowl for the NHS – the daily demand for 10 20 30 40 50 billion trillion pounds to do stuff it can’t do without more taxpayers ‘cash .
No BBC employee would ever speak to someone saying ‘no – they get more than enough already ‘.
Instead they roll out some dragon with sharp elbows whose kid needs some special ‘experimental ‘ cannabis drug you can only get in somewhere nice in America at a cost of a million a shot …
Then accuse some helpless health minister of being cruel ..you know the tune . …
An exciting opportunity has arisen to join our senior HR team and support the Trusts strategic ambition to develop a highly skilled, engaged and motivated workforce by taking responsibility for leading the Equality, Diversity & Inclusion agenda.
Many years ago, when I was fresh out of Uni, I started a new job and was placed in a shared office with a number of more experienced men (it was all men then).
One of these guys was despised by everyone he worked with, a combination of: laziness, total incompetence, and (the clincher) an obnoxiously pedantic, smug, and sarcastic personality. He was Scottish by the way, not sure if that is relevant, but it has sort of coloured my opinion of Scots ever since.
My first lesson in ‘office politics’ was how we (rather satisfyingly) shunted him ‘sideways’ into Health and Safety, and another office, far away at the other end of the building.
Unfortunately, they couldn’t stand him there either, resulting in a number leaving the department, as a result of which he got whirlwind promotion, and then reappeared, as our ‘Health and Safety Manager’ in an office next door!
He clearly enjoyed his new role, ordering us around and making our lives a misery. So, we started a new ‘campaign’ to get him promoted again, into senior management. It took a good two years, but finally we ‘assisted’ his rise up and out of the office next door, and into the ‘Senior Team’, with a plush new office in the ‘Main Building’.
By the time I left, he was well on his way to the top and smugger than ever. For some reason, I feel this wasn’t a particularly unusual series of events, and it might explain a lot about those at the top of most large organisations I’ve ever worked for.
Oh no, not Fatty Blackford Bris… this guy, ‘Gus’ was his name, was a completely obnoxious Scotsman too, but smarmy, thick as a brick, Blackford is in a whole different league.
Every time I see him I feel he needs a punch in the face, and a couple of kicks in the balls… just to put him back in his place, ‘therapy’ if you will, and I’m a mild mannered kind of fellow.
MM- wait till the number of qualifying Afghans rises to 82,000…extended families and all that. They may try to pull this off cos they think we’re stupid, and they have the full compliance of the bbc, who would be happy if half a million came over.
“Consider this, I give this example. If immigration continues at the levels it has average over the last ten years. Britain will be adding 10 million people to it’s population in the next 20 years. That means building a new house roughly every seven minutes. Now, we currently have no leadership from the Liberal Democrats, Conservative or Labour Parties saying they are going to do anything to change that course. @5:56 … if any party wishing to get into power doesn’t address this they are committing political suicide….@10:30″ {youtube – Douglas Murray – oct2015}
… but wait, someone, who is now in power to act out their words, did mention this problem and almost suggests that ‘too high immigration’ should be reduced …
“Because when immigration is too high (no figure given), when the pace of change is too fast, it’s impossible to build a cohesive society. It’s difficult for schools and hospitals and core infrastructure like housing and transport to cope. And we know that for people in low-paid jobs, wages are forced down even further while some people are forced out of work altogether. … So there is no case, in the national interest, for immigration of the scale we have experienced over the last decade.”
Theresa May as Home Secretary // Speech to the Conservative Party Conference – in full / 06.10.2015
The army probably employed interpreters in groups and changing shift patterns.
When something needed to be translated three translators would be put on the job and three more to check what they had come up with. Then the army would compare the results.
How else could they function when your ‘friend’ is probably your ‘enemy’ and a ‘friend’ can be bought or blackmailed at any time?
I wonder how many of those suspects are far-Right.
About 75% if you go by BBC coverage.
I’m still mystified as to how they justify it to themselves. I can only come with that they are blinded by hatred of the Right.
Because of the ECHR we will have to expect the Taliban landing on our beaches shortly, while many will be shipped in by the RNLI and our totally useless Border Force.
ECHR only applies to non British people.
We need a Prime Minister with backbone –
1. To rid us of the BBC.
2. To secure our borders.
3. To Remove illegal immigrants and foreign criminals
4. To get our trade operating under WTO.
We will not get any of this under Conservative or Labour parties .
Shock of the day:
The BBC have opened a HYS on the main page.
Most predictable thing of the day:
It’s on sport.
Anyone want to have a bet ?.
If you put a post on there demanding a HYS on Biden and Afghanistan + accusing the BBC of protecting him, how long would it take before they deleted it ?.
I think you will find Afgee disappearing out of embarrassment for a while – or until an ‘over the horizon ‘ drone hits the wrong target … meanwhile the taliban are probably fighting each other over 12 year old girls – bit like Oldham ….
Just browsing the BBC news site to see what they are using our money to push their agenda for today and I notice the majority of the stories about the Taliban are how women will not enjoy their freedom like they used to.
Nothing anywhere about all the men who helped the West during the war. They aren’t being inconvenienced, they are being hunted down, tortured and murdered. I wonder how many it will end up being. Thousands I presume.
What it indirectly shows is how the people at the BBC don’t actually care about any of these victims at all. Everything these liberal elites do is purely to push their own political agenda.
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – really fact checked or sort of glossed over
Marianna has sprung into action with her team to run her ruler over President Biden’s speech on the US withdrawal from Afghanistan. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/58412530 How does she do?
Very poorly, in my view. At the end of the article there is no summary. There is no conclusion. It is not clearly stated how many statements President Biden made, nor how many were true and how many were false or possibly neither true or false. Marks out of ten for Marianna? 1/10 Just one, and that is being a little generous and is just for getting the President’s name right. Shame the BBC could not do that, at all, with former President Donald Trump.
Tucker Carlson points out that the Biden gang are settling large numbers of Afghan immigrants in swing districts where they’re expected to vote Democrat in future.
Likewise the huge numbers pouring into the US from the southern border.
And that Covid is being hyped up and used as an excuse to flood California with dodgy postal ballots ahead of the upcoming election there.
Vlad \thank you for putting tucker up – always worth the watch .
I think the democrats will employ the new arrivals from Afgee to count postal votes – and train them accordingly ……
……problem with fixing elections – once you see how easy it is to fix one – you get into the habit – so you can do what you want because voters don’t matter any more ….
I think one of the most chilling pieces of analysis I have ever seen. Democracy is dying before our eyes and the liberal Woke hegemony is strengthening its position with each passing day and ordinary folks are powerless to stop it. Their only weapon, their vote , has been rendered totally ineffective. Perhaps in the US the people are able to find other ways of fighting back but we can see that much of the military top brass and the justice system are fully paid up Wokists who will act against the people . Getting rid of the Wokist yoke won’t be easy.
According to racial equality activist Richard Lapchick, the NBA in 2020 was composed of 74.2 percent black players, 16.9 percent white players, 2.2 percent Latino players of any race, and 0.4 percent Asian players. There were 6.3 percent of the players classified as “other” races.
BBC Asian Network is a British Asian radio station owned and operated by the BBC. The station’s target audience is people “with an interest in British Asian lifestyles”, especially British Asians between the ages of 18 and 34. The station has production centres in London and Birmingham.
Our cowardly useless Socialist government could deport these monsters along with their entire familes regardless of whether they were born here, but they made a deliberate choice not to do so, putting every one of us in danger and not caring about it.
TOADY Watch #2 – the drugs don’t work {* yes I know it’s not the Bank Holiday weekend]
In the 6 a.m. News on TOADY (and possibly later in the programme – my listening this morning has been, er, ‘selective’) it was announced but without the Daily Mirror gloom, that third doses of a Covid-19 vaccine are to be given to those deemed at risk. I looked at the front pages and it would seem that the third dose of vaccine is going to be offered to people who, if I recall correctly, were advised not to have a Covid-19 vaccine because it might hinder various treatments they were undergoing. I could be mistaken on that.
I don’t know whether the programme considered this news item in any depth but according to the Daily Mirror, the third doses will be offered “after experts warned their first two doses are unlikely to have worked.” We know that the BBC are insolubly stuck to the views of The Guardian. The Daily Mirror has re-discovered its Socialist roots and is very much a fellow traveller of The Guardian.
[ * I thought I would just drop in another song title for fun. 🙂 ]
BBC curiously not reporting the frankly embarrassing comment of a Labour female coloured MP called Claudia Webb
Ms Claudia Webb occupies a seat on the FCO select committee. Yesterday she asked the Foreign Secretary about the West’s involvement in Afgee over the last 40 years …. To which Raab very gently gave her a history lesson .
Twitter noticed this cretins lack of knowledge about Afgee but for some reason the BBC MSM didn’t …. They think they are onto Raabs carcass …
0. Islam asks you to have zero thought about it’s origins and practices. And make zero comparisons with successful cultures.
1. Islam asks for one simple thing. Islam asks for everything – finance, religion, police, morals, schools, law, food, science, clothes, art and your body to be Islamic.
2. Islam only has two problems – Muhammed and Mohammed. Once the first problem has been solved then the second one can be solved easily.
3. Islam offers three things. In the Koran it offers Peace, War and then a Continuation of War. In your life Islam wants you to subjugate yourself, subjugate your family and then subjugate everyone else.
– Just found a reason to add zero. “FOXNEWS: British media are reporting that two men (terrorists) due in court on terror charges plotted to assassinate (Islamic method: bomb and cut her head off) Prime Minister Theresa May.”
This BBC propaganda video about a white football fan who was talked out of his ‘ racism ‘ by his enlightened ( ie brainwashed at school) daughter was bought to my attention by Simon Webb, who has ‘debunked’ it .. At least watching his video helped calm me down after watching the BBC video which even by the BBC’s standards is something else.
For regulars on this site I think the BBC video needs one of those warnings like you might see in Disneyland on the tower of terror or similar .. ‘ this video is not suitable for those of a nervous disposition or with health problems. ‘
Apologies if the BBC video is already here somewhere but I couldn’t see it.
Perhaps the BBC could push matters along a little further and create a special Pavlik Morozov Medal to encourage children to report parents with ‘problematic’ views on race, global warming, sexual deviancy and the need for Big Pharma profits. Medals could be awarded on a special show on Cbeebies and CBBC once an hour. Go on BBC, you know you want to!
Hate crime bill: Parents face prosecution if ‘insulting remarks’ are repeated in playground
Mark McLaughlin
Wednesday November 04 2020, 12.01am, The Times
Children could unwittingly inform on their parents if they discussed remarks about controversial issues with friends
This man clearly has no understanding of the word ‘racism’, and that it is a word devoid of any meaning nor definition. It is instead a weapon of the Fascist Left to be deployed against anyone who dares stand against them.
R4 You and Your starts
– “You want to help with Afghan refugees
– Why Climate Change is changing the taste of your wine”
“Our reporter Bob Walker finds out by speaking to wine makers, importers, and sellers,
discovering it’s increasing the strength of the wine in your glass”
EWANYORES Watch #1 – I’m hearing NannyState Propaganda here or something worse
One of the items they looked at in today’s programme was/is the alcohol content of wine. There was a three-pronged approach: the increasing alcohol content is down to Global Warming and Climate Change. (In reality, the programme admitted, it was because consumers, the mass of people who actually buy wine and are the most important part of the equation, actually prefer richer, less acidic, more fully-bodied – to use the wine terminology – wines than those provided many years ago.)
Second bit of propaganda was that ‘Wine experts and the Media Wine Critics know best’, as do the NGO Charities who deal with problem drinking, and lower alcohol content, lighter wines, are both better for you and you can have more if your consumption of wine is counted and limited by glass numbers per week.
There was another slight hint of BBC pro-EU propaganda around labelling of wine alcohol content but the BBC and EU, say no more!
It was interesting to hear that propaganda in a so-called ‘consumer programme’. When I was young, the mantra was ‘the customer is always right.’. Sadly, not any more, at least in BBC You and Yours programming.
Beats the minimum wage they had before, I suspect. And you get to make your own rules based on hate Crime. You hate BOVRIL, right that’s a warning to you…!!
We only like ‘Marmite’ around here and it will go on your ‘record to the Police’ who will possibly enter it as a HATE crime. Oh yes they will. A non crime hate crime.
As its all based on perception. And as there are no civil defence for (any) non-crimes reported (lots of them). We are all guilty as charged. That’s the way it works in China. And look how wonderful it was in East Germany!
The left have no memory of atrocities. The liberal elite are the new useful idiots debating the global rights of communism and how wrong we all are to debate it.
BBC Strictly Come Dancing contestant Stacey Dooley … will the BBC mention Stacey’s visit to home town Luton and meeting Anjem Choudary (Anjem backed the remain campaign)?
“What’s the solution? If Muslim people are in the wrong and they are committing crimes… you know, no one is above the law.” – Stacey Dooley
“If the law of the land is Islamic, we will respect the law of the land. If it’s not Islamic (the law) then the law of the land, and those who make them, can go to hell quite honestly.” – Anjem Choudary
“Oh my God!” – Stacey Dooley
“Because Allah says in the Koran Q33v1 ‘Fear Allah, and do not obey the disbelievers and the hypocrites. Is David Cameron a Muslim of a disbeliever? Guys?” – Anjem Choudary
“Disbeliever!” – mumbles crowd of 5 other Muslims
“So you (a Muslim) can’t obey him (UK Law). So he (David Cameron) can go to hell.” – Anjem Choudary
Hate crime bill: Parents face prosecution if ‘insulting remarks’ are repeated in playground
Mark McLaughlin
Wednesday November 04 2020, 12.01am, The Times
Children could unwittingly inform on their parents if they discussed remarks about controversial issues with friends
The hate crime bill being debated in parliament, as drafted, would criminalise conversations over the dinner table if they were deemed to deliberately incite abuse of minorities, MSPs were told.
The report focusses hard on Church of England, Jehova’s Witnesses and the Catholic Church with an almost buried one-liner response from The Council of Muslims.
I believe this is simply a fabricated tactic of blame-spreading and balancing to dilute the attention and combat the unrest over very blatant cases such as Rotheram.
In other words “don’t blame the “men” in Northern towns, Western Religions are possibly more complicit”.
In fact once again, not news BBC, simply a propaganda smokescreen for the worst habitual offenders.
It’s as if they started with
“Rule 1 is that all religions will be appear to be equally at risk”
Is that likely ?
Some religions cults encourage individual responsibility and challenging authority
Some have dogma which says never challenge the big man
Or a females testimony is worth half of a man’s.
Surely the second is more dangerous.
Although circumstances might play a part
eg both Anglican and Catholic might have a much a bigger tradition of residential schools than say Islam Or Hinduism.
The report gave the example of four people who were all sexually abused when they were approximately nine years old whilst they were being taught the Koran by a teacher in a mosque.
In 2017, the perpetrator was convicted and sentenced to 13 years’ imprisonment, the report said.
#2 The report also gave the example of a girl who was sexually assaulted by a church volunteer when she was 12 years old.
When the mother reported it the church stalled the investigation.
======================= The report highlights an estimated 250,000 children in England and Wales receive “supplementary schooling” or “out-of-school provision” from a faith organisation.
There is no reliable information on how many settings there are
.. Surely that is not true
Religion is only 1 section of the the CSA investigation. The final report of overarching findings from all 19 sections of the investigation will be laid before Parliament next summer.
Matt the cartoonist did a brilliant one where multiple police cars are escorting a large tanker of whitewash on a motorway where the next turnoff sign is Rotherham.
Conservative constituents please have a word with your MPs and tell them that their job will be on the line at the next elections. That’s the only thing that will concern them as most will have difficulty finding another job because they are career politicians.
Tell them Its UKIP or The reform Party.
The Islamic Party of Britain is a defunct political party in the United Kingdom that was active from its formation in 1989[1] until 2006. The IPB was opposed to both capitalism and communism. David Musa Pidcock, a Sheffield man who converted from Roman Catholicism to Islam while working as an engineer in Saudi Arabia, founded and led the party.[1] The IPB published a quarterly magazine entitled Common Sense.
Boris is deaf since Cummins left. I am no expert but it seems that many true Conservatives would vote other, probably REFORM party but here is a letter from the TELEGRAPH stating how many feel:
SIR – Dr Tony Parker’s letter (August 8) is representative of the way many of us feel. I have said on many occasions that I no longer recognise the Conservative Party.
There are notable exception. Some backbench MPs, for example, are concerned about the stance the Government is taking. However, their efforts to resist it have been thwarted because of the remote nature of parliamentary business, and the Government’s ability to force its plans through with little or no scrutiny. This is not democracy. We can only hope that things will improve following the summer recess.
If there were to be another general election I would not feel able to vote Conservative unless things change dramatically. Yet all the alternatives are unappealing. This is a very sad reflection of the state of British politics.
And that goes for Keir Starmer as well, if he thinks he is any better with disgruntled lefties.
Driver shortage: ‘I got a big pay rise overnight’ https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-58394903
“I got a big pay rise overnight” So what’s he complaining about?
Al Beeb will not let go of conflating Brexit with Covid.
Most of the licence delays are because the bureaucrats are working from home.
Drivers should get much more than ‘Big Ears’ as they are an important link in the food chain .
‘Big Ears’ is only concerned with potato crisps.
Israel inaugurates Chinese-run Haifa port terminal, in likely boost for economy
$1.7b terminal operated by state-owned Shanghai firm to handle large vessels of some 18,000 containers; Transportation Minister Michaeli says it will accelerate trade, lower prices
Our teams are now embedded in governments around the world, helping them to keep their people safe during this pandemic – not just in respect of Covid-19 itself but also the political and economic collateral damage.
A massive traitor to this nation and should be held to account for his utter disregard in protecting the country that gave him the opportunities-unfortunately he used those opportunities to further his own gain with a careless attitude towards his own people. Never show this man’s face here again. Thank you.
The Shrimad Bhagavad Gita (/ˌbʌɡəvəd ˈɡiːtɑː, -tə/; Sanskrit: श्रीमद्भगवद्गीता, lit. ’The Song by God’;[a] IAST: bhagavadgītā),[1] often referred to as the Gita (IAST: gītā), is a 700-verse Hindu scripture that is part of the epic Mahabharata (chapters 23–40 of Bhishma Parva), dated to the second half of the first millennium BCE and exemplary for the emerging Hindu synthesis. It is considered to be one of the holy scriptures for Hinduism.
The vast majority of Muslims in the United Kingdom live in England: 2,660,116 (4.3% of the population). 76,737 Muslims live in Scotland (1.45%), 45,950 in Wales (1.50%). … The vast majority of Muslims in United Kingdom adhere to Sunni Islam, while smaller numbers are associated with Shia Islam.
How many mosques are in the UK?
Image result for muslims in uk
1,500 mosques
There are more than 2.5 million Muslims in the UK and more than 1,500 mosques. The mosque is a place to gather for prayers, to study and to celebrate festivals such as Ramadan. It can also be used to house schools and community centres.7 Feb 2016
R4 now, a scientist is now describing how they make “coal” from bio-waste.
The presenter is avoiding the word “coal”
says “this carbon material” instead.
4pm BBC Lincolnshire news
“Campaign group Hope not Hate have asked the Attorney General to review the sentence imposed on a Lincoln man, found with extreme rightwing terrorist material
Ben Jon was given a 2 year suspended sentence for having material.. Lincolnshire police are also appealing the sentence (yes you mentioned it yesterday, so today’s story i a second bite on the same topic”
They didn’t mention that HnH is basically a Socialist Worker /Labour front group.
HnH put out a tweet quoting Vice quoting them
.. “The unorthodox sentence was slammed by UK anti-fascist group HOPE not hate, which labelled it lenient, and said it failed to take the threat of far-right terrorism seriously.”
"The unorthodox sentence was slammed by UK anti-fascist group HOPE not hate, which labelled it lenient, and said it failed to take the threat of far-right terrorism seriously."https://t.co/KgRzRCul6y
BBC Two, Friday 6 November 2015
In a report about the crash of a Russian airliner it was stated that an official report had determined that Flight MH17 was brought down over Ukraine by a rocket launched by ‘Russian backed rebels’. Although the report by the Dutch Safety Board did cite the use of a Russian made missile and surface to air missile system, it did not state who had launched the missile.
If Newsnight reported MH17 as Russian airliner maybe a correction should have been published on that as well. MH17 was a Malaysian Airlines flight. Fun filled fact. I flew on a Malaysian Airlines flight the following week to London on an A380. Made the flight scary.
The Andrew Marr Show, BBC One, 13 November 2016
We received complaints from some viewers unhappy that Andrew Marr interviewed Marine Le Pen.
The Andrew Marr Show had several prominent items to reflect Remembrance Sunday, as well as an
interview with the leader of France’s Front National party, Marine Le Pen MEP. Andrew
acknowledged beforehand that some viewers may have found the timing or content distasteful, but he
also fully explained the context and rationale for the interview with Ms Le Pen as follows: http://www.bbc.co.uk/complaints
“Now, today we are remembering the fallen, particularly of two World Wars, and we are doing so in a
context of a world which feels particularly unstable, even dangerous. Our greatest ally – the United
States – has been going through great political change, but what of our other great wartime ally,
France? Since Donald Trump’s victory, anything seems possible, and in France they’re asking
whether Marine Le Pen – the highly controversial leader of the right wing, nationalistic French National
Front – will become their next President. She’s polling strongly – at least 6 million voters so far – and
most predict that she will reach the final round this spring. Now, if she won that would be a huge and
significant moment for Europe – Marine Le Pen is hostile to Brussels, she’s against NATO, she’s
against free trade, and she’s a vehement supporter of Russia’s Vladimir Putin. Now, I know this
morning some people are offended and upset that I have been to interview Marine Le Pen, and that
we are showing this interview on Remembrance Sunday. I understand that, but I would say this: Le
Pen could – under some circumstances – become the next French President in the spring. This week
in the immediate aftermath of the Trump victory, she’s declared that the whole world has changed and
that her brand of politics is on the march. What does that mean? In the end, we are a news
programme and I don’t think the best way to honour the fallen is to fail to report on the next big
challenge to western security…”
On the day the Taliban took control of Afghanistan’s capital Kabul, advertising posters outside beauty parlours showing women in bridalwear were painted over. Salons around the city were closed down too. While some businesses have vowed to return to full service soon, others fear for their futures. Afsoon (not her real name), a make-up artist in hiding, describes how much the beauty industry has meant to Afghan women.
What a sad nation we have become-succsessive UK governments have opened our doors to those whose ideology is very far removed from ours Western Christian Democratic , and in so doing have allowed the introduction of terrorism as we have unfortunately discovered, and now again this government is allowing many more thousands of those that follow the teachings of Islam to enter our land. The cost irrespective of supporting such numbers, will also be heavily born by the indigenous folk of the UK-our majority is sinking, our pride once held so dear is being strangled by duplicitous means. I am an oldie worried for the future of our younger generation.
ITV local news
“A new windfarm information hub has opened in Grimsby”
.. The #PRasNews is laid on thick.
Various voices spout buzzwords , “Green Energy Revolution”
“saving the planet” etc.
“Here’s a little boy that wrote a fan letter to the windfarm company”
2.5 mins of a 12 minute programme.
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
BBC do like a quote.
Can we see his expenses and bills please plus his weed and tattoo habits.
BBC News
A make-up artist in hiding describes how much the growing beauty industry has meant to Afghan women – but that is all up in the air under Taliban rule.
Oh dear.
Makeup is bad for the climate – ban makeup – Taliban is close to Net Zero Carbon .. INshallah.
Personally when I saw the hoards at Kabul airport, I did wonder how bad the body odour smell was.
Meanwhile in other news, 500 ex-government workers were rounded up in the Town square and murdered in cold blood.
And now the weather ….
TOADY Watch #1 – “give us yer munney, we need more munney”
The ever grasping hand of the public sector features large on this morning’s TOADY with the NHS wanting more, DWP wanting more and the Prescription Service wanting free to stay for over 60s. The BBC, who have an endless supply of heretofore inflation protected-income cannot get their tiny little brains around a simple fact.
The Government has no money.
Government funding for public services come from the taxpayer. If HMG decided to increase the additional and higher rate bands of income tax to, say, 60% and 75% then I expect that among the first people to voice an opinion on that would be highly paid, guaranteed income, Beeboids.
On Toady earlier: The ex Ambassador for Afghanistan tells us that we will have to pay surrounding countries to house Afghan ‘refugees’. Likely for ever, and Raab will be talking that way to the countries involved on his current visit. We, of course, can only allow the many millions in to the UK when enough of the white indigenous have died.
How long is a piece of string?
The concept of precedent seems to have escaped the establishment classes.
And history.
If every time a bunch of cavemen act up and are allowed to by their fellow cavemen to a point they figure the ticket to the West is opened up enough to export fellow cavemen demands and ambitions there, the global spread of a less than optimal result is inevitable.
G & Guest, our dear Government, especially its PM – possibly with the help of some (unfriendly) Civil Serpents – have now made themselves hostage (thanks to a never ending Pandemic) to various groups. A list might include:
Education and its Trade Unions
Marcus Rashford & so-called food poverty
The anti-Universal Credit mob
The devolved Parliaments
The MSM, especially the BBC
The Taliban, Al-Q, Boko-H and the rest of the alphabet soup of terrorist groups
Big Pharma
The EU
Umpteen different charities
Greta, XR and other environmental campaigners
Metropolitan Police, especially, but other forces as well
City and regional Mayors and their administrations
The legal profession, especially Human Rights lawyers and the Supreme Court.
and I may have missed some. Please don’t complain to me or this site if you have been omitted. Please send all complaints concerning that to No.10 Downing Street, Lodnon WC1, c/o the Prime Minister.
It is taken as a natural law over there at the BBC that any and all employee shortages must surely be due to Brexit.
So how about this: ‘McDonald’s hiring 14-year-olds in Oregon amid labour shortage‘
Last time I checked the US was never a member of the EU. How does the BBC explain the fact that Americans, the people that love their burger and fries, don’t seem to want get paid for flipping such?
‘There is currently a sharp labour shortage in the US as fear of Covid, schools remaining shut, and a lack of available child-care keeps workers at home‘ – a lot of the usual lefty obfuscation there, I’m afraid. If one were truly afraid of death through covid then no amount of childcare would overcome the problem. And don’t our covid fear mongers focus on school reopening as one of their main bugaboos?
‘Some economists have also blamed generous federal benefits brought in during the pandemic – which provide an extra $300 every week‘ – some economists, eh? You prefer not to call them economic “experts”, BBC? I guess “expert” opinion is only to be flagged up as such when those experts say something in line with the BBC’s own left-liberal in-house opinions.
The Telegraph suggests: ‘We need £10bn or backlog could last seen years, say NHS chiefs‘ – this could be a problem since it is often hard to raise taxes: ‘Outrage over prescription “tax on sick”‘ (Daily Express) – don’t worry, the Treasury and Bank of England will print the required cash and we’ll all pay for it through inflation.
‘Home working here to stay for Treasury staff‘ (Telegraph) – aw, bless the poor frightened little things. It’s scary enough having to commute in for two days a week braving exposure to the deadly virus. They obviously need the other three days duvet time to get over it.
Our friend Matt the cartoonist has two beekeepers chatting over a hive: “You can identify the working-from-home bees because they’re the ones wearing dressing gowns”
And on a day when Kate Lister in the ‘i’ tells us: ‘The surprising history of male celibacy‘
Our pictorial satirist might have had his honey farming apiarists explain: “They’re the ones we term public sector drones”
No such chaste abstention for: ‘Adele. No masking her love on date night‘ (Daily Mirror) – and we poor celibates are celebrating this because? We have a pic of: ‘Fun singer Adele shares jokes with boyfriend Rich Paul‘ – I’ll just say this famous pair would have no problem at all should they ever want to work together advertising DFS sofas. Enough said.
“Warning over cuts to NHS services without £10bn extra funding”
Will this money be put to employing more nurses and doctors or will it be wasted on admin staff ?
Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Manager
Royal Surrey NHS Foundation Trust
Job Reference: 384-LH-8850
Employer:Royal Surrey NHS Foundation TrustDepartment:Human ResourcesLocation:Guildford, SurreySalary:£47,544 to £53,459 per annum pro rata inc. HCAS
Sajid Javid needs to get a grip and sort it .
I missed Sajid Javid earlier, but here’s Naz Shah swearing the oath on the Koran
Stats, darn stats and BBC Propaganda
Radio 4
🚚 🚛 🛻 Radio 4’s statistics programme More or Less is back, with an investigation of the numbers behind the crisis in road haulage.
GB News: Farage getting a wholesome lesson from a black ‘lawyer’ as to why the UK is F****d in trying to halt the flow of ‘migrants’.
The public? Just sit back and shut up but take heart in the fact that our taxes are being put to good International use over our own abused services.
Large numbers from Afgh. and cross channel ‘little boats’ – ‘genuine refugees’ from France. Planeloads, protected by the lowest of the low: ‘Human Rights’ lawyers. Do you get the impression we are being taken for suckers?
Ah, ‘extended families’ -composite rights. Clever little earner. Ivon Sampson – got it all worked out, trying to make Nigel looking lacking in compassion. Wonder how the Merc is doing, Ivon? Parked next to the Porsche, is it?
We get the impression there is simply no political will here and they are dancing rings around us (with a little help from the HR lawyers….)
The more you take steps like leaving the EU, the more you find we’re in even worse schtuck. Cos our own lot have no backbone.
The Germans missed a trick in WW2. They needn’t have bombed a thing – simply emigrated to Britain en masse and pleaded compassionate grounds.
What really makes me laugh about these do-gooder idiots is : how can you call someone coming from France a refugee ?.
I know it’s a bit of a sh1thole in some places over there now, but it’s not that bad.
The question he asked about denying grandchildren the right to family life with their criminal father was strange. I believe that the traditional mother/father family model is the ideal but if I was their grandparent it wouldn’t phase me in the slightest, they would have their mother and the support of their grandparents, and if Social Services stayed out of it, they might well have a far better upbringing without him.
Anyway, if you were to believe everything fed to you by the bBbc absent fathers don’t appear to be an issue at all in many of our “diverse” communities.
vonrecht, the ECHR did not exist then. It came into being post-WW2. Ivon Sampson is one of the good guys, in my view, he is merely explaining how the system works currently to the UK’s disadvantage.
Home Office loses track of more than 600,000 people who should have left country, finds immigration watchdog
UK border checks branded ‘shambolic’
May Bulman
Social Affairs Correspondent
Thursday 29 March 2018
I suspect that the Home Office deliberately ‘loses track’ of these folk so that they cannot be found and hence cannot be deported.
What is the motive of people in the Home Office to deliberately lose track of them?
Ummmm MSM as a whole and especially the BBC very quite on the Larry Elder California election race…….
LarryElder is standing for California Governor
and is running a referendum this week to force a recall of the current Democrat governor.
BBC ‘News’ has a list of offensive names rejected by Companies House…
Among the names rejected from the UK’s register of firms were Go Fudge Yaself Ltd, Just Weed Ltd, Meow Meow Cooking Studio Ltd, Fit as Fork Ltd and The Great Big Corrupt Company.
That last… sure it wasn’t Broadcasting Bonkers Corruption?
‘Children In Need’ should have been rejected as it sounds like a statement meaning children who are actually in need.
So some unscrupulous, greedy scumbags could say ‘All your money goes to Children In Need’ (and miss off the ‘Ltd’ bit). Where the staff cream off an average salary of £42,000 before passing it on.
Afgee is forgotten already – so it’s back to Project Begging bowl for the NHS – the daily demand for 10 20 30 40 50 billion trillion pounds to do stuff it can’t do without more taxpayers ‘cash .
No BBC employee would ever speak to someone saying ‘no – they get more than enough already ‘.
Instead they roll out some dragon with sharp elbows whose kid needs some special ‘experimental ‘ cannabis drug you can only get in somewhere nice in America at a cost of a million a shot …
Then accuse some helpless health minister of being cruel ..you know the tune . …
Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Manager
Royal Surrey NHS Foundation Trust
Job Reference: 384-LH-8850
Employer:Royal Surrey NHS Foundation TrustDepartment:Human ResourcesLocation:Guildford, SurreySalary:£47,544 to £53,459 per annum pro rata inc. HCAS
An exciting opportunity has arisen to join our senior HR team and support the Trusts strategic ambition to develop a highly skilled, engaged and motivated workforce by taking responsibility for leading the Equality, Diversity & Inclusion agenda.
Has anybody ever seen a ‘Diversity’ manager who is not black ?.
Totally arse about face. Like putting George Best in charge of giving out the rum ration.
Brad Pitt to play Nelson Mandela in a new Movie called – Black is White.
Ha ha – but like trying to find an HR manager who doesn’t just says ‘ you can’t do that ‘ …
More like the ‘Safety’ or ‘Quality’ departments in my experience.
Stuffed full of people who couldn’t do the real job but considered themselves management material.
Many years ago, when I was fresh out of Uni, I started a new job and was placed in a shared office with a number of more experienced men (it was all men then).
One of these guys was despised by everyone he worked with, a combination of: laziness, total incompetence, and (the clincher) an obnoxiously pedantic, smug, and sarcastic personality. He was Scottish by the way, not sure if that is relevant, but it has sort of coloured my opinion of Scots ever since.
My first lesson in ‘office politics’ was how we (rather satisfyingly) shunted him ‘sideways’ into Health and Safety, and another office, far away at the other end of the building.
Unfortunately, they couldn’t stand him there either, resulting in a number leaving the department, as a result of which he got whirlwind promotion, and then reappeared, as our ‘Health and Safety Manager’ in an office next door!
He clearly enjoyed his new role, ordering us around and making our lives a misery. So, we started a new ‘campaign’ to get him promoted again, into senior management. It took a good two years, but finally we ‘assisted’ his rise up and out of the office next door, and into the ‘Senior Team’, with a plush new office in the ‘Main Building’.
By the time I left, he was well on his way to the top and smugger than ever. For some reason, I feel this wasn’t a particularly unusual series of events, and it might explain a lot about those at the top of most large organisations I’ve ever worked for.
It wasn’t Ian Blackford by any chance 🙂
Boom boom – you’d be spoilt for choice with SNP MPs …. Or indeed quite a few from other parties ….
Oh no, not Fatty Blackford Bris… this guy, ‘Gus’ was his name, was a completely obnoxious Scotsman too, but smarmy, thick as a brick, Blackford is in a whole different league.
Every time I see him I feel he needs a punch in the face, and a couple of kicks in the balls… just to put him back in his place, ‘therapy’ if you will, and I’m a mild mannered kind of fellow.
There’s a sermon in that.
20,000 Afghans – UK government move heaven and earth.
1,400 raped kids over 16 years – 0 interest.
20K Afghan interpreters … As of 2021, the British Army comprises 82,230 regular full-time personnel and 30,030 reserve personnel.
MM- wait till the number of qualifying Afghans rises to 82,000…extended families and all that. They may try to pull this off cos they think we’re stupid, and they have the full compliance of the bbc, who would be happy if half a million came over.
UK: Shia Muslims beat chests in Manchester’s self-flagellation procession
“Consider this, I give this example. If immigration continues at the levels it has average over the last ten years. Britain will be adding 10 million people to it’s population in the next 20 years. That means building a new house roughly every seven minutes. Now, we currently have no leadership from the Liberal Democrats, Conservative or Labour Parties saying they are going to do anything to change that course. @5:56 … if any party wishing to get into power doesn’t address this they are committing political suicide….@10:30″ {youtube – Douglas Murray – oct2015}
… but wait, someone, who is now in power to act out their words, did mention this problem and almost suggests that ‘too high immigration’ should be reduced …
“Because when immigration is too high (no figure given), when the pace of change is too fast, it’s impossible to build a cohesive society. It’s difficult for schools and hospitals and core infrastructure like housing and transport to cope. And we know that for people in low-paid jobs, wages are forced down even further while some people are forced out of work altogether. … So there is no case, in the national interest, for immigration of the scale we have experienced over the last decade.”
Theresa May as Home Secretary // Speech to the Conservative Party Conference – in full / 06.10.2015
The army probably employed interpreters in groups and changing shift patterns.
When something needed to be translated three translators would be put on the job and three more to check what they had come up with. Then the army would compare the results.
How else could they function when your ‘friend’ is probably your ‘enemy’ and a ‘friend’ can be bought or blackmailed at any time?
As of 2021, the British Army comprises 82,230 regular full-time personnel
UK’s MI5 has 43,000 terror suspects on watchlist: media
Source: Xinhua| 2020-06-23
I wonder how many of those suspects are far-Right.
About 75% if you go by BBC coverage.
I’m still mystified as to how they justify it to themselves. I can only come with that they are blinded by hatred of the Right.
List of terrorist groups or organisations banned under UK law, and details of proscription criteria.
Because of the ECHR we will have to expect the Taliban landing on our beaches shortly, while many will be shipped in by the RNLI and our totally useless Border Force.
ECHR only applies to non British people.
We need a Prime Minister with backbone –
1. To rid us of the BBC.
2. To secure our borders.
3. To Remove illegal immigrants and foreign criminals
4. To get our trade operating under WTO.
We will not get any of this under Conservative or Labour parties .
1. More DIVERSE BBC programmes
2. Open borders into Afghan
3. Parliament to house all criminals
4. Trade under China rules.
Shock of the day:
The BBC have opened a HYS on the main page.
Most predictable thing of the day:
It’s on sport.
Anyone want to have a bet ?.
If you put a post on there demanding a HYS on Biden and Afghanistan + accusing the BBC of protecting him, how long would it take before they deleted it ?.
I’ll start with 1 minute 30 seconds.
I think you will find Afgee disappearing out of embarrassment for a while – or until an ‘over the horizon ‘ drone hits the wrong target … meanwhile the taliban are probably fighting each other over 12 year old girls – bit like Oldham ….
Articles linking it to Biden are already off the menu.
They will resort to reporting bare-facts from now on just to say they have covered it. Like they do with terrorist attacks.
Just browsing the BBC news site to see what they are using our money to push their agenda for today and I notice the majority of the stories about the Taliban are how women will not enjoy their freedom like they used to.
Nothing anywhere about all the men who helped the West during the war. They aren’t being inconvenienced, they are being hunted down, tortured and murdered. I wonder how many it will end up being. Thousands I presume.
What it indirectly shows is how the people at the BBC don’t actually care about any of these victims at all. Everything these liberal elites do is purely to push their own political agenda.
I hope the Taliban have the right quota of women, alphabet people etc.
If not all the Western Soy-boy leaders will “thkweem and thkweem until thick.”
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – really fact checked or sort of glossed over
Marianna has sprung into action with her team to run her ruler over President Biden’s speech on the US withdrawal from Afghanistan. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/58412530 How does she do?
Very poorly, in my view. At the end of the article there is no summary. There is no conclusion. It is not clearly stated how many statements President Biden made, nor how many were true and how many were false or possibly neither true or false. Marks out of ten for Marianna? 1/10 Just one, and that is being a little generous and is just for getting the President’s name right. Shame the BBC could not do that, at all, with former President Donald Trump.
Tucker Carlson points out that the Biden gang are settling large numbers of Afghan immigrants in swing districts where they’re expected to vote Democrat in future.
Likewise the huge numbers pouring into the US from the southern border.
And that Covid is being hyped up and used as an excuse to flood California with dodgy postal ballots ahead of the upcoming election there.
Vlad \thank you for putting tucker up – always worth the watch .
I think the democrats will employ the new arrivals from Afgee to count postal votes – and train them accordingly ……
……problem with fixing elections – once you see how easy it is to fix one – you get into the habit – so you can do what you want because voters don’t matter any more ….
The good thing about them is that they will take a bribe to do something without question. It’s second nature to them.
I think one of the most chilling pieces of analysis I have ever seen. Democracy is dying before our eyes and the liberal Woke hegemony is strengthening its position with each passing day and ordinary folks are powerless to stop it. Their only weapon, their vote , has been rendered totally ineffective. Perhaps in the US the people are able to find other ways of fighting back but we can see that much of the military top brass and the justice system are fully paid up Wokists who will act against the people . Getting rid of the Wokist yoke won’t be easy.
Football bBbc style.
Name ten? Name one.
The @UN Human Rights Council attracts & welcomes many of the worst human rights violators in the world. #UNGA {twitter 21sep2017}
The BBC and Cheryl Cole have been criticised over a new 12-part podcast about R&B music.
The Girls Aloud star, former X-Factor judge and solo chart-topper shared details of the BBC Sounds podcast You, Me & R&B on social media.
Critics say it should have been hosted by a black presenter and some feel it’s an example of “black talent being pushed to the side and ignored.”
According to racial equality activist Richard Lapchick, the NBA in 2020 was composed of 74.2 percent black players, 16.9 percent white players, 2.2 percent Latino players of any race, and 0.4 percent Asian players. There were 6.3 percent of the players classified as “other” races.
BBC Asian Network is a British Asian radio station owned and operated by the BBC. The station’s target audience is people “with an interest in British Asian lifestyles”, especially British Asians between the ages of 18 and 34. The station has production centres in London and Birmingham.
Our cowardly useless Socialist government could deport these monsters along with their entire familes regardless of whether they were born here, but they made a deliberate choice not to do so, putting every one of us in danger and not caring about it.
TOADY Watch #2 – the drugs don’t work {* yes I know it’s not the Bank Holiday weekend]
In the 6 a.m. News on TOADY (and possibly later in the programme – my listening this morning has been, er, ‘selective’) it was announced but without the Daily Mirror gloom, that third doses of a Covid-19 vaccine are to be given to those deemed at risk. I looked at the front pages and it would seem that the third dose of vaccine is going to be offered to people who, if I recall correctly, were advised not to have a Covid-19 vaccine because it might hinder various treatments they were undergoing. I could be mistaken on that.
I don’t know whether the programme considered this news item in any depth but according to the Daily Mirror, the third doses will be offered “after experts warned their first two doses are unlikely to have worked.” We know that the BBC are insolubly stuck to the views of The Guardian. The Daily Mirror has re-discovered its Socialist roots and is very much a fellow traveller of The Guardian.
[ * I thought I would just drop in another song title for fun. 🙂 ]
BBC curiously not reporting the frankly embarrassing comment of a Labour female coloured MP called Claudia Webb
Ms Claudia Webb occupies a seat on the FCO select committee. Yesterday she asked the Foreign Secretary about the West’s involvement in Afgee over the last 40 years …. To which Raab very gently gave her a history lesson .
Twitter noticed this cretins lack of knowledge about Afgee but for some reason the BBC MSM didn’t …. They think they are onto Raabs carcass …
Usually the fitness of political leadership is a bbc account holding priority.
Next, Sopes…
Oh… sticking with the footy from days ago.
0. Islam asks you to have zero thought about it’s origins and practices. And make zero comparisons with successful cultures.
1. Islam asks for one simple thing. Islam asks for everything – finance, religion, police, morals, schools, law, food, science, clothes, art and your body to be Islamic.
2. Islam only has two problems – Muhammed and Mohammed. Once the first problem has been solved then the second one can be solved easily.
3. Islam offers three things. In the Koran it offers Peace, War and then a Continuation of War. In your life Islam wants you to subjugate yourself, subjugate your family and then subjugate everyone else.
– Just found a reason to add zero. “FOXNEWS: British media are reporting that two men (terrorists) due in court on terror charges plotted to assassinate (Islamic method: bomb and cut her head off) Prime Minister Theresa May.”
This BBC propaganda video about a white football fan who was talked out of his ‘ racism ‘ by his enlightened ( ie brainwashed at school) daughter was bought to my attention by Simon Webb, who has ‘debunked’ it .. At least watching his video helped calm me down after watching the BBC video which even by the BBC’s standards is something else.
For regulars on this site I think the BBC video needs one of those warnings like you might see in Disneyland on the tower of terror or similar .. ‘ this video is not suitable for those of a nervous disposition or with health problems. ‘
Apologies if the BBC video is already here somewhere but I couldn’t see it.
Perhaps the BBC could push matters along a little further and create a special Pavlik Morozov Medal to encourage children to report parents with ‘problematic’ views on race, global warming, sexual deviancy and the need for Big Pharma profits. Medals could be awarded on a special show on Cbeebies and CBBC once an hour. Go on BBC, you know you want to!
Hate crime bill: Parents face prosecution if ‘insulting remarks’ are repeated in playground
Mark McLaughlin
Wednesday November 04 2020, 12.01am, The Times
Children could unwittingly inform on their parents if they discussed remarks about controversial issues with friends
In infants’ schools the children’s news books will be an invaluable source of information.
This man clearly has no understanding of the word ‘racism’, and that it is a word devoid of any meaning nor definition. It is instead a weapon of the Fascist Left to be deployed against anyone who dares stand against them.
R4 You and Your starts
– “You want to help with Afghan refugees
– Why Climate Change is changing the taste of your wine”
“Our reporter Bob Walker finds out by speaking to wine makers, importers, and sellers,
discovering it’s increasing the strength of the wine in your glass”
Sounds like BS
Manchester Arena bomber was rescued from Libya by Royal Navy
This article is more than 3 years old
Salman Abedi, who killed 22 people in a suicide attack last year, was saved from civil war in 2014
A quick look at the BBC Activist (aka News) website…
Milton Keynes lake rescue: Mum tracks down pair who saved son
Yep, you guessed it, the pair are black
Mural screams welcome to our white town, says crtics
I’m not surprised the NHS want £Billions more. Have you seen what Diversity Managers cost!
Head of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust53 reviews – London SE5 9RS
£61,861 – £70,959 a year
Head of Equality, Diversity & Inclusion
The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust37 reviews – Shropshire
£47,126 – £53,219 a year
Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Lead – Band 8a
Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust11 reviews – Crewe CW1 2ER
£47,126 – £53,219 a year
Equality, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) Project Manager
Black Country and West Birmingham CCG – Towcester NN12
£47,126 – £53,219 a year
EWANYORES Watch #1 – I’m hearing NannyState Propaganda here or something worse
One of the items they looked at in today’s programme was/is the alcohol content of wine. There was a three-pronged approach: the increasing alcohol content is down to Global Warming and Climate Change. (In reality, the programme admitted, it was because consumers, the mass of people who actually buy wine and are the most important part of the equation, actually prefer richer, less acidic, more fully-bodied – to use the wine terminology – wines than those provided many years ago.)
Second bit of propaganda was that ‘Wine experts and the Media Wine Critics know best’, as do the NGO Charities who deal with problem drinking, and lower alcohol content, lighter wines, are both better for you and you can have more if your consumption of wine is counted and limited by glass numbers per week.
There was another slight hint of BBC pro-EU propaganda around labelling of wine alcohol content but the BBC and EU, say no more!
It was interesting to hear that propaganda in a so-called ‘consumer programme’. When I was young, the mantra was ‘the customer is always right.’. Sadly, not any more, at least in BBC You and Yours programming.
Wine is Haram (c) tALBIAN
Head of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust53 reviews – London SE5 9RS
£61,861 – £70,959 a year
Head of Equality, Diversity & Inclusion
The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust37 reviews – Shropshire
£47,126 – £53,219 a year
Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Lead – Band 8a
Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust11 reviews – Crewe CW1 2ER
£47,126 – £53,219 a year
Equality, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) Project Manager
Black Country and West Birmingham CCG – Towcester NN12
£47,126 – £53,219 a year
Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Lead – Public Sector
Page Personnel – UK265 reviews – Manchester
£45,000 – £50,000
Beats the minimum wage they had before, I suspect. And you get to make your own rules based on hate Crime. You hate BOVRIL, right that’s a warning to you…!!
We only like ‘Marmite’ around here and it will go on your ‘record to the Police’ who will possibly enter it as a HATE crime. Oh yes they will. A non crime hate crime.
As its all based on perception. And as there are no civil defence for (any) non-crimes reported (lots of them). We are all guilty as charged. That’s the way it works in China. And look how wonderful it was in East Germany!
The left have no memory of atrocities. The liberal elite are the new useful idiots debating the global rights of communism and how wrong we all are to debate it.
Disgusting for people to read about those salaries who have never been paid anything like so much, for doing work that was actually useful.
2017 … UK 2017 : Shia Muslims beat chests in Manchester’s self-flagellation procession
Christian children in the Whit walks when Manchester was part of the civilised world
BBC Strictly Come Dancing contestant Stacey Dooley … will the BBC mention Stacey’s visit to home town Luton and meeting Anjem Choudary (Anjem backed the remain campaign)?
“What’s the solution? If Muslim people are in the wrong and they are committing crimes… you know, no one is above the law.” – Stacey Dooley
“If the law of the land is Islamic, we will respect the law of the land. If it’s not Islamic (the law) then the law of the land, and those who make them, can go to hell quite honestly.” – Anjem Choudary
“Oh my God!” – Stacey Dooley
“Because Allah says in the Koran Q33v1 ‘Fear Allah, and do not obey the disbelievers and the hypocrites. Is David Cameron a Muslim of a disbeliever? Guys?” – Anjem Choudary
“Disbeliever!” – mumbles crowd of 5 other Muslims
“So you (a Muslim) can’t obey him (UK Law). So he (David Cameron) can go to hell.” – Anjem Choudary
“Go put on some clothes.”
– Muslim women wearing black Burqa talks to Stacey, who is wearing a pretty summer dress
Hate crime bill: Parents face prosecution if ‘insulting remarks’ are repeated in playground
Mark McLaughlin
Wednesday November 04 2020, 12.01am, The Times
Children could unwittingly inform on their parents if they discussed remarks about controversial issues with friends
The hate crime bill being debated in parliament, as drafted, would criminalise conversations over the dinner table if they were deemed to deliberately incite abuse of minorities, MSPs were told.
Boris to wear a Burka when talking to the Taliban!
Does he, Biden and Al Beeb get their orders from China ?
Typical BBC tactics… A report on an inquiry into child sex abuse in religious communities.
“Religious groups in UK failing children over sex abuse, report says”
The report focusses hard on Church of England, Jehova’s Witnesses and the Catholic Church with an almost buried one-liner response from The Council of Muslims.
I believe this is simply a fabricated tactic of blame-spreading and balancing to dilute the attention and combat the unrest over very blatant cases such as Rotheram.
In other words “don’t blame the “men” in Northern towns, Western Religions are possibly more complicit”.
In fact once again, not news BBC, simply a propaganda smokescreen for the worst habitual offenders.
Again… so very, very BBC.
The BBC missed opportunities to stop “monstrous” abuse by DJ Jimmy Savile and broadcaster Stuart Hall because of a “culture of fear”, a report says.
The Dame Janet Smith review identified 72 victims of Savile – including eight who were raped – and 21 victims of Hall, over five decades from 1959.
She said BBC culture “was deeply deferential” and staff were reluctant to speak to managers about complaints.
It’s as if they started with
“Rule 1 is that all religions will be appear to be equally at risk”
Is that likely ?
Some religions cults encourage individual responsibility and challenging authority
Some have dogma which says never challenge the big man
Or a females testimony is worth half of a man’s.
Surely the second is more dangerous.
Although circumstances might play a part
eg both Anglican and Catholic might have a much a bigger tradition of residential schools than say Islam Or Hinduism.
The report gave the example of four people who were all sexually abused when they were approximately nine years old whilst they were being taught the Koran by a teacher in a mosque.
In 2017, the perpetrator was convicted and sentenced to 13 years’ imprisonment, the report said.
#2 The report also gave the example of a girl who was sexually assaulted by a church volunteer when she was 12 years old.
When the mother reported it the church stalled the investigation.
The report highlights an estimated 250,000 children in England and Wales receive “supplementary schooling” or “out-of-school provision” from a faith organisation.
There is no reliable information on how many settings there are
.. Surely that is not true
Religion is only 1 section of the the CSA investigation.
The final report of overarching findings from all 19 sections of the investigation will be laid before Parliament next summer.
The CSA inquiry’s own video tweet
deliberately highlight’s “all religions”.
.. https://twitter.com/InquiryCSA/status/1433384293821210625
Above I quote the two examples in the ITV news report
The BBC webpage omits the Koran/Mosque teacher example.
Matt the cartoonist did a brilliant one where multiple police cars are escorting a large tanker of whitewash on a motorway where the next turnoff sign is Rotherham.
Anyone know where I can get an image ?
Conservative constituents please have a word with your MPs and tell them that their job will be on the line at the next elections. That’s the only thing that will concern them as most will have difficulty finding another job because they are career politicians.
Tell them Its UKIP or The reform Party.
Islamic Party of Britain – 20K afghans can’t be wrong.
The Islamic Party of Britain is a defunct political party in the United Kingdom that was active from its formation in 1989[1] until 2006. The IPB was opposed to both capitalism and communism. David Musa Pidcock, a Sheffield man who converted from Roman Catholicism to Islam while working as an engineer in Saudi Arabia, founded and led the party.[1] The IPB published a quarterly magazine entitled Common Sense.
Boris is deaf since Cummins left. I am no expert but it seems that many true Conservatives would vote other, probably REFORM party but here is a letter from the TELEGRAPH stating how many feel:
SIR – Dr Tony Parker’s letter (August 8) is representative of the way many of us feel. I have said on many occasions that I no longer recognise the Conservative Party.
There are notable exception. Some backbench MPs, for example, are concerned about the stance the Government is taking. However, their efforts to resist it have been thwarted because of the remote nature of parliamentary business, and the Government’s ability to force its plans through with little or no scrutiny. This is not democracy. We can only hope that things will improve following the summer recess.
If there were to be another general election I would not feel able to vote Conservative unless things change dramatically. Yet all the alternatives are unappealing. This is a very sad reflection of the state of British politics.
And that goes for Keir Starmer as well, if he thinks he is any better with disgruntled lefties.
Driver shortage: ‘I got a big pay rise overnight’
“I got a big pay rise overnight” So what’s he complaining about?
Al Beeb will not let go of conflating Brexit with Covid.
Most of the licence delays are because the bureaucrats are working from home.
Equal pay for lorry drivers and Gary Lineker.
Drivers should get much more than ‘Big Ears’ as they are an important link in the food chain .
‘Big Ears’ is only concerned with potato crisps.
Ireland and USA also have a shortage?…..brexit?
Israel inaugurates Chinese-run Haifa port terminal, in likely boost for economy
$1.7b terminal operated by state-owned Shanghai firm to handle large vessels of some 18,000 containers; Transportation Minister Michaeli says it will accelerate trade, lower prices
Our teams are now embedded in governments around the world, helping them to keep their people safe during this pandemic – not just in respect of Covid-19 itself but also the political and economic collateral damage.
Eloquently put!
A massive traitor to this nation and should be held to account for his utter disregard in protecting the country that gave him the opportunities-unfortunately he used those opportunities to further his own gain with a careless attitude towards his own people. Never show this man’s face here again. Thank you.
Conservative Rishi Sunak is (I think) the first MP to swear on the Gita
The Shrimad Bhagavad Gita (/ˌbʌɡəvəd ˈɡiːtɑː, -tə/; Sanskrit: श्रीमद्भगवद्गीता, lit. ’The Song by God’;[a] IAST: bhagavadgītā),[1] often referred to as the Gita (IAST: gītā), is a 700-verse Hindu scripture that is part of the epic Mahabharata (chapters 23–40 of Bhishma Parva), dated to the second half of the first millennium BCE and exemplary for the emerging Hindu synthesis. It is considered to be one of the holy scriptures for Hinduism.
Religious groups in UK failing children over sex abuse
They’ve seen the light?
The Green Party was too small to qualify.
The vast majority of Muslims in the United Kingdom live in England: 2,660,116 (4.3% of the population). 76,737 Muslims live in Scotland (1.45%), 45,950 in Wales (1.50%). … The vast majority of Muslims in United Kingdom adhere to Sunni Islam, while smaller numbers are associated with Shia Islam.
How many mosques are in the UK?
Image result for muslims in uk
1,500 mosques
There are more than 2.5 million Muslims in the UK and more than 1,500 mosques. The mosque is a place to gather for prayers, to study and to celebrate festivals such as Ramadan. It can also be used to house schools and community centres.7 Feb 2016
R4 now, a scientist is now describing how they make “coal” from bio-waste.
The presenter is avoiding the word “coal”
says “this carbon material” instead.
coal being a boo-word now?
What an utterly pathetic crowd of prats they’ve got on the payroll – or are they playing deliberate Marxist language games?
I suppose they’ll move on to renaming diesel and gas ? £5 says that the BBC will start referring to petrol as “E10” ?
What’s wrong with my friend Peat?
What do you call an Irishman who has been dead for 6 million years?
Arh, thatud be me ol’ friend Peat. He’s a fine soul right enough and his water can make a gran’ spot of the ol’ poteen, y’know.
4pm BBC Lincolnshire news
“Campaign group Hope not Hate have asked the Attorney General to review the sentence imposed on a Lincoln man, found with extreme rightwing terrorist material
Ben Jon was given a 2 year suspended sentence for having material.. Lincolnshire police are also appealing the sentence (yes you mentioned it yesterday, so today’s story i a second bite on the same topic”
They didn’t mention that HnH is basically a Socialist Worker /Labour front group.
HnH put out a tweet quoting Vice quoting them
.. “The unorthodox sentence was slammed by UK anti-fascist group HOPE not hate, which labelled it lenient, and said it failed to take the threat of far-right terrorism seriously.”
Found a Koran?
Fake News?
BBC Two, Friday 6 November 2015
In a report about the crash of a Russian airliner it was stated that an official report had determined that Flight MH17 was brought down over Ukraine by a rocket launched by ‘Russian backed rebels’. Although the report by the Dutch Safety Board did cite the use of a Russian made missile and surface to air missile system, it did not state who had launched the missile.
If Newsnight reported MH17 as Russian airliner maybe a correction should have been published on that as well. MH17 was a Malaysian Airlines flight. Fun filled fact. I flew on a Malaysian Airlines flight the following week to London on an A380. Made the flight scary.
Question Time
BBC One, Thursday 14 January 2016
We received complaints from viewers who felt the panel had a right wing bias.
The Andrew Marr Show, BBC One, 13 November 2016
We received complaints from some viewers unhappy that Andrew Marr interviewed Marine Le Pen.
The Andrew Marr Show had several prominent items to reflect Remembrance Sunday, as well as an
interview with the leader of France’s Front National party, Marine Le Pen MEP. Andrew
acknowledged beforehand that some viewers may have found the timing or content distasteful, but he
also fully explained the context and rationale for the interview with Ms Le Pen as follows:
“Now, today we are remembering the fallen, particularly of two World Wars, and we are doing so in a
context of a world which feels particularly unstable, even dangerous. Our greatest ally – the United
States – has been going through great political change, but what of our other great wartime ally,
France? Since Donald Trump’s victory, anything seems possible, and in France they’re asking
whether Marine Le Pen – the highly controversial leader of the right wing, nationalistic French National
Front – will become their next President. She’s polling strongly – at least 6 million voters so far – and
most predict that she will reach the final round this spring. Now, if she won that would be a huge and
significant moment for Europe – Marine Le Pen is hostile to Brussels, she’s against NATO, she’s
against free trade, and she’s a vehement supporter of Russia’s Vladimir Putin. Now, I know this
morning some people are offended and upset that I have been to interview Marine Le Pen, and that
we are showing this interview on Remembrance Sunday. I understand that, but I would say this: Le
Pen could – under some circumstances – become the next French President in the spring. This week
in the immediate aftermath of the Trump victory, she’s declared that the whole world has changed and
that her brand of politics is on the march. What does that mean? In the end, we are a news
programme and I don’t think the best way to honour the fallen is to fail to report on the next big
challenge to western security…”
Click to access BBC%20public%20complaints%20responses%202016.pdf
London? Nope, free Afghanistan ….
On the day the Taliban took control of Afghanistan’s capital Kabul, advertising posters outside beauty parlours showing women in bridalwear were painted over. Salons around the city were closed down too. While some businesses have vowed to return to full service soon, others fear for their futures. Afsoon (not her real name), a make-up artist in hiding, describes how much the beauty industry has meant to Afghan women.
You sure that isnt londonistan ?
Havent heard the emir talking about the two murders in 4 days in my beloved borough ?
He leaves out the ‘prayers ‘ now and just sticks with ‘ thoughts ‘ ….
Fed, he looks very pleased and happy in that photo. Was it taken after the UK & USA and other allied countries had left Afghanistan?
What a sad nation we have become-succsessive UK governments have opened our doors to those whose ideology is very far removed from ours Western Christian Democratic , and in so doing have allowed the introduction of terrorism as we have unfortunately discovered, and now again this government is allowing many more thousands of those that follow the teachings of Islam to enter our land. The cost irrespective of supporting such numbers, will also be heavily born by the indigenous folk of the UK-our majority is sinking, our pride once held so dear is being strangled by duplicitous means. I am an oldie worried for the future of our younger generation.
On GB News now (Dewbs and Co) the panel is discussing the NHS
The panellists names are Sam ‘n Ella.
Sam ‘n Ella: how many people is that?
Sam Dowden and Ella Whelan.
ITV local news
“A new windfarm information hub has opened in Grimsby”
.. The #PRasNews is laid on thick.
Various voices spout buzzwords , “Green Energy Revolution”
“saving the planet” etc.
“Here’s a little boy that wrote a fan letter to the windfarm company”
2.5 mins of a 12 minute programme.
On Twitter the BBC is paying money to push adverts about the new Nish Kumar show
Liked that Krankie went full flounce on a nifty zinger too.
Anyhoo, the bbc’s dedication to Mr. Kumar suggests he too has imagery involving goats or has access to those of Champion.
Oh, and… #CCBGB.
A fair old way.
Would look more at home in the fashionable Mullah gear …
Dear me.
Beardy Branson has had his space wings clipped by the US FAA
Let’s see how that plays at Broadcasting House