Per the so called increase in NI payments to pay for more non medical people idling in the anychess, surely it would be easy to recoup the monies not paid to the anychess by making those people that should be clawing it back from the dinghy people and their offspring, responsible. For every pound they don’t recover, they lose a pound from their remuneration. Should make them more enthusiastic. For every £47,000 they don’t recover they lose a diversity person and so forth. Get to it Boris!
The BBC, and Saint Jacinda of Perpetual Sorrow, are keen to remind us that the NZ knife attack was a ‘senseless’ attack by an ‘extremist’.
Indeed he was; but an extremist what, exactly?
You see, an extreme Buddhist would just meditate so hard he might attain Nirvana.
An extreme Jain would make sure not to step on a single ant, and wear a mask so as not to inhale the tiniest gnat or midge.
An extreme Jehovah’s Witness might give you a leaflet to read.
The worst an extreme Mormon would do is bore you on your doorstep for a few minutes. (When the musical mocking Mormons opened on Broadway, instead of bombing the theatre, they placed ads in the programme notes saying: “You’ve seen the play, now read the book”. That’s class!)
And an extreme Christian might drench his neighbour with love, if he followed his religion’s teachings.
Yet our extremist in NZ feels the urge to pick up a knife and attack random strangers in a supermarket.
Give me the extremist Mormon any day, I’ll even invite him in for tea and a chat.
Without a flicker of conscience the grotesque Jacinda (what a pathetic creature) can lock down five million innocent people and yet allows this known Jihadist to wander about unhindered. Don’t you think the other way around might have been better…
And now the left-wing propagandist campaign will start and they’ll spend months tying themselves in knots, attempting to persuade us that these murders had nothing to do with Islam.
A lone wolf…mental problems…drugs…subject to racist bullying…
A Nation that is prepared to fund police officers to follow a known dangerous suspect 24 hours a day and then accept the human damage they inevitably cause instead of taking direct action against the horrible creed that both drives him and infests their Country have simply lost the plot in a stupid and wicked push for some unattainable socialist nirvana for their peoples. I can’t understand why the Kiwis are not screaming for blood at her door they must have spent too much time with sheep.
I thought I’d post this here, but probably re-post it on the Weekend thread when it appears.
It’s a crowd of total F***wit Democrat ‘intelectuals’ who cannot grasp the enormity of what they are being told by Jordan Peterson, the sole voice of reason amongst them.
They laugh and they sneer and they are entranced by how clever they think they are, but they are in so many ways some of the thickest people I’ve seen on TV, unable to consider implications of their actions, the future or indeed anything outside their own scope of beliefs.
It’s remarkable how America survived and thrived under their imaginary tyrant Trump, yet their hero of social justice, decency and democracy has managed to trash America and its standing in the world in less than nine months.
As for the Wicked Witch of the West, she’s found her own bunker to hide in, probably scared witless than she might get the top job by default.
That was difficult to watch without feeling anger at their outright arrogance. Interesting that every single slur they made against Trump has been enacted by Biden in just his first nine months of being ‘President’. They have the cheek to talk about ‘enablers’ of Trump after the complete silence of the MSM on Biden.
I was laughing out loud at how blatant it was and how un self aware they all are. Especially the host. And the eager pol. And the token wimmin. Of color… oh, heck… ALL of them. And the polite, courteous, patient source of their collective left facing wibble.
This US trend to making it a forward facing curve desk with all ranged against the target stage right is very QT.
Still working on a collective noun for the phenomenon ( a ‘smug of panellists’ does not capture the stunning vileness they emit), but that collection is video gold to play anyone with half a brain coming to wonder about msm selective bias to tip them to the bright side.
Beats me why any woman would want the right to murder her child.
I would think that the communist tendencies of the ANC would be what attracted the support of the Russians, that and getting a toe-hold in the most important part of Africa. Russia isn’t exactly noted for its importation of ‘persons of colour’. All the communist countries seem to like to be mono-cultural.
Prime Minister Jacinda has shown herself as a typical two faced leftist with her comments about the stabber in Auckland being a lone wolf and not representing anything more than himself.
This is in complete contrast to her and her governments reaction to the Christchurch mosque shooter. The assassin was also an immigrant from abroad who also acted alone but the NZ government took the opportunity to smear a host of people with conservative views.
They released a report into the shooting which in the first few pages reveals the real reason the mosque shooting took place and that was failure by the police to enforce existing gun laws thereby letting an Aussie nut job to acquire powerful weapons he didn’t need. The rest of the report which in effect calls for crackdown on freedom of speech is really superfluous.
Ardern is still hero worshipped unfortunately, but the cracks are beginning to show.
The Bliar institute is churning out articles (with footnotes!) reiterating that ‘Radical Islamisation’ and Islam – that cuddly religion – are not the same thing, that Muslim youth are now ‘progressive’, and pretending that reform is possible.
Unfortunately for the weak, greedy, delusional and ignorant, who continue to forge their unholy political alliances, the bottom line is that the actions of Muslims are dictated or excused entirely by their ‘holy’ texts, which are clear in their instruction and unforgiving in their message. There can be no ‘reform’.
Blair is, as has been often said before a Traitor to his country and reigns high with the other traitors this nation has seen. Let me add that Ignorent leaders in the West are on a suicide mission of planting terrorists into their countruies. Guided by the UN, the EU and seemingly the current United States administration are and in a despotic fashion forcing un-vetted Middle Eastern migrants and now Afgahanistani’s onto their people. We have already seen the disasterous results of the feckless pernicious actions with such tragic results. What is quite obvious that most people in the West are not privy to is the fact that a Muslim country, the quintessential Muslim state, has perhaps a soltuion the refugee problem and it is right there in the Middle East: Saudi Arabia. Mina the Tent City is a neighbourhood of Mecca in Western Saudu Arabia. It apparently holds more than 100,000 air-conditioned tents presntly providing temporary accommodation for the visiting Muslim pilgrims-it can accom upwards of 1, 000,000 people quite comfortably-it is used just for 5 days a year during Hajj. Why, one has to ask, has Saudi Arabia not offered these habitations to the co-religionists, the fleeing Afgahans? Why hasn’t the UN et al called upon Saudi Arabia to offer its tented city? Saudi Arabia has chosen instead to use their influence with the UN to burden non-Muslim nations to shelter their kin. People of their own faith/Ideology, yet they have turned their backs on them, so it would seem.
Today’s MUST SEE
Three black scientists you need to know
It doesn’t get off to a good start : the black woman presenting claims she was a space scientist. The first thing here that good scientists don’t become presenters. Only very mediocre ones do.
She then goes on to describe 2 black people who worked on teams. Absolutely nothing remarkable about that : thousands upon thousands do.
The last black woman in the list makes the grade because she devised a network where black students can connect with their black peers to get advice and mentoring.
Not much science in that one at all.
If any one of them were white, they would be lost in the noise of mediocrity. And even worse, they have that damn piano music in the background again.
My own personal fact checker result : FALSE. I don’t need to know about any of them.
Their only outstanding feature is that they are all black. Which makes the whole article racist.
My lack of success is no doubt because no-one that I worked under ‘looked like me’.
Perhaps we are all individuals and unique so no-one works under someone that ‘looks like them’?
I remember being on one of those mandatory ‘diversity’ courses, run by two women, naturally, in which they bleated about the need to train women to be ‘assertive’ so as to compete with those ‘men’ who ran things. I had to point out to them that even though I was the same sex as these CEO types I didn’t feel I was ever likely to want or be able to compete with them.
My general observation of the workplace and life in general is that the obvious exception often gets special attention, the only women in the workplace will get all the ‘freebies’, everyone is fascinated by the Mongolian neighbour.
I bet that the worst thing for a ‘black scientist’ in the UK is to work in an area where there is more than one that ‘looks like them’. They go from being a fascinating novelty to being a threatening invading force. That’s human nature, one is a curiosity, two or more is a challenge.
I’m not going to listen to it again but I think the preamble to this Desert Island Discs will have one believe Aderin-Pocock single-handed invented everything in post-war Britain.
Who is Adrienne Pocock? I assume he or she is black but I’ve never heard the name. By the way everything discovered or invented before the War was , with out exception, invented by Muslims.
I’m finding that increasingly I don’t know anyone anymore.
Pop artists, Strictly contestants, Desert Island castaways, most people on the tele – unless they’re over 60. I can’t even name the Cabinet – whereas once upon a time I could name them and the Shadow Cabinet. I could also name the Tottenham team in the 70s when they had pronounceable names – including Rikki Villa and Ossie Ardiles !
And also, I really don’t give a damn who or what they are as well!
I used to revere everything the BBC used to put out, they could be relied on for truth and good manners. Nowadays, they’re just a weak, leftie, feeble-weedy bunch of over-paid non-slebs, who bask in a huge wages packet, and are pretty dire in their presentation of what they consider ‘news’.
Luckily, they’ll be called out in a couple of years, and we can get information from an unbiased state media, but until then, I’ll live a happy life, unconcerned with the trashy stuff they churn out these days.
The resistance will be wiped out and everyone killed. People will be held while their heads are sawn off with knives and others shot in cold blood. There is no other outcome. The Taliban have unlimited weapons now thanks to Joe – and the BBC will do everything they can to avoid telling us any of this because they know they had a part in making it happen.
This river of blood is on Joe and those who lied and betrayed any journalistic ethics they were supposed to have to put him there. And that most definitely includes you BBC.
Some interesting comments on the story the Mail is running about Vladimir Putin fixing elections in his favour.
Of course they all relate to Ameican and the Medias huge liberal left wing bias.
Putin bad, so election rigging bad, Biden good, what election rigging?
There isn’t even a report about the deeply suspicious goings on in California, and any report about Maricopa is tainted with the usual lies about it being a republican plot to steal the Democrats election victory.
And the most enormous elephant in the room you can possibly imagine : The worst election rigging of them all : the entire left-leaning MSM and social media companies displaying the most outrageous bias against Trump.
And because they report the news, that one goes completely unmentioned.
Yesterday, that being The Day Before You Came, they were all over the newspapers, now late to the party, like a tardy Dancing Queen (by the way, you can read all about Her Maj’s upcoming leaked funeral arrangements in the Mirror and Express, so one wonders is nothing sacred – except of course the NHS?) today’s edition of the Mirror at last catches: ‘Abba fever‘, whilst most other titles have moved on to deliver us yet another bout of covid news.
The infection that never seems to meet its Waterloo. ‘Child jabs rollout to be pushed through‘ (Telegraph)
‘Children to be jabbed from early next week. Vaccine rollout prepared for 12 to 15 year-olds‘ (Times)
‘Ministers insist programme will go ahead despite scientific advisers saying benefits are “too small”‘ (Telegraph) -hey, I thought we were supposed to listen to the scientific experts?
As the Tory-ish press sigh and comply it is left to the Guardian to call out Boris’s sudden deviation from “The Science“: ‘Ministers appear set to defy the recommendations of their official vaccine advisers for the first time‘ – so apparently this is no longer about: ‘the net health benefit‘ – interesting.
Not that the Guardian’s take on events is ever immune from the charge of hypocrisy.
Recently hereabouts one bemoaned the relentless multiplication of supposed new human rights. The Graun, right on cue, delivers: ‘Angelina Jolie: Why my divorce from Brad Pitt is a human rights issue‘ – if you say so, luv.
BBC: ‘Covid: Shaken to the core, can the NHS cope this winter?‘ – frankly, I can’t recall a winter when the NHS ever coped without moans and cries of chaos.
One reads BBC reports and begins to see Britain as primarily a failing health service… with a hostage nation attached. And sometimes they kill the hostage.
‘Jihadist “Beatle” will be returned to Britain‘ (Telegraph) – you may be relieved to know that will only happen after he’s served his sentence in the US for acts of terror.
Several terms of 99 years to run sequentially you may assume, knowing the Yanks don’t tend to mess about?
Well, I’m afraid he’s made a plea deal and will only serve 15 years and then he will be deported back to Blighty. Lets hope for once he starts a family or adopts a pet or some such over there in the US and the human rights lawyers get on his case.
Camilla Tominey in the Telegraph opines: ‘Tories out of touch with Conservatism‘ – tell me about it, luv.
As Extintion Rebellion disrupts London traffic and promotes enviromentalism up market as the latest middle class obsession, the broadsheet Telegraph and former broadsheet Times appear to have caught the bug formerly the preserve of crusties and swampies: ‘Weeds “are part of the rich diversity of life”‘ (Telegraph); ‘Are you too clean? Why it’s good to be fithy (It helps the planet)‘ (Times)
‘Welcome to my posh commune‘ – says Sophia Money-Coutts in the Times.
‘Two-thirds of the global population are financially illiterate, according to World Bank data‘ (FT) – I sense a newspaper campaign coming on… ‘Welcome to the FT’s finacial literacy campaign‘
In 1928, rejecting natural selection and Mendelian genetics, Trofim Lysenko claimed to have developed agricultural techniques which could radically increase crop yields. These included vernalization, species transformation, inheritance of acquired characteristics, and vegetative hybridization.[3] He claimed in particular that vernalization, exposing wheat seeds to humidity and low temperature, could greatly increase crop yield. He claimed further that he could transform one species, Triticum durum (pasta wheat, a spring wheat), into another, Triticum vulgare (bread wheat, an autumn wheat), by 2–4 years of autumn planting. Since T. durum is a tetraploid with 28 chromosomes (4 sets of 7), and T. vulgare is hexaploid with 42 chromosomes (6 sets), Western geneticists at that time already knew this was impossible.[3]
Lysenkoist vegetative hybridisation. The mechanism would imply an effect of scion on stock when a fruit tree is grafted, either Lamarckian or (to 21st century biologists) horizontal gene transfer.[10]
Lysenko further claimed that Lamarckian inheritance of acquired characteristics occurred in plants, as in the “eyes” of potato tubers, though the genetic differences in these plant parts were already known to be somatic mutations.[3][11] He also claimed that when a tree is grafted, the scion permanently changes the heritable characteristics of the stock. This would constitute vegetative hybridization, which Yongsheng Liu and colleagues note could possibly occur by horizontal gene transfer.[10]
Yesterday about lunch time I was looking at the Daily Telegraph e version and noticed an article by Robin Aitkin , the gist of which was that the Ofcom finding in support of Piers Morgan May be a victory for free speech but that one swallow doesn’t make a summer. Aitkin doubted that Ofcom had changed its spots and insisted that it remained the enforcement arm of Woke censorship. A view which we on this site are all likely to agree with. As is so often the case with the DT no readers comments were allowed.
A few hours later I went back to re read the article, only to find it had disappeared! It still isn’t available this morning unless you search the Telegraph archive under Aitkin.
I wonder who made the decision to remove it? Aitkin is a regular contributor to the paper but usually confines himself to BBC issues and doing away with the License Fee. The DT NEVER allows comments on Megan stories and Aitkin’s piece did support Morgan’s right to doubt that she was telling the truth but that would only explain why no readers comments were allowed, not why the article was removed. It does make you wonder if the DT is frightened of Ofcom or worse supportive of its Woke censorship. The paper falls yet another notch in my esteem.
Double – yes I agree – I’ve written here about my view that paywalls are too expensive – including the £4 a month I pay for the DT .
I – too – am interested in what articles there are comments and those which do not allow them . I’m tuned in enough to know without looking now …..
Often – though – evidence of the disconnect between the Right Readers and the woke DT is very clear …. Go woke go broke – soonest …
You can get the articles up at the DT if you quickly stop the page loading as soon as it starts (the refresh button at the top left). If you have fast internet, it can be easier to go back to your previous page then forward again and click ‘stop’ immediately.
I generally have no interest in their articles these days : I just want to read the comments to check I’m not going mad. And also see what agenda they have at this time.
Nobody gets to comment on their extreme feminist ‘opinion pieces’ which can be pure misandry or anything involving Meghan.
And their family friends Amber Rudd and Helen Mirren keep popping up with amazing regularity.
I don’t go to the bbc for humour anymore – but the BBC news threw up an unintentional one today ….
…. Something about the NHS ( tick ) shortage ( tick ) HGV drivers – Brexit ( tick ) flu jabs – lefty doctor complaining ( tick )
The only other tick missing was someone ‘vulnerable ‘( tick ) frightened / moaning about their ‘right’ ( tick ) to the flu jab and being denied it because of the nasty ( tick) incompetent ( tick ) tories (tick).
The loon in charge of NZ is going to ‘tighten terror laws ‘.
Which of these do you think she is going to do ?
1 ban sharp knives
2 require every knife to have a licence
3 set up a national knife data list
4 require every knife to be handed in to police
5 stop letting Muslims into that fine country
6 none of the above – just waste air on empty promises
BBC advertising it’s own ‘product ‘ – this being girls ‘ footy – which apparently is Saturday night filler ….. a couple of blokey sounding girls telling us it’s as ‘good ‘ as real footy – the one played by men ( namely the championship – buried away on ‘quest ‘ ) …
Robinson is a real enthusiast for this nonsense – but then again he is paid to be . Don’t forget to kneel girls –
No doubt it will be presented by women as well a bit like the cricket highlights that I watched on the BBC yesterday evening three presenters two women (both of colour) and one man.Also saw the Beeb advertising a rugby league show not sure if it was highlights or live but again two women presenters
Saw a trailer for the new series of Question of Sport the other day four women contestants and two men one of which was white.
Talking of alienating males from sport I was listening to Test Match Special yesterday and during the interval they had a chap on who’d written a book basically explaining cricket for beginners.It was written quite a while ago and he was on promoting the updated version which now uses the term ‘batter’ instead of batsman he also said there are other terms that ‘need to be weeded out’. To be fair to Aggers the presenter he said he’s going to continue using batsman as batter doesn’t seem quite right somehow.
I might pop down to watch my local football team playing in the FA cup today I bet 95% of the crowd will be male (plus mostly pale!) the total opposite to the world that the BBC lives in.
Nothing would surprise me Jim!
The days of ‘Father Time’ the weather vane that has adorned Lords cricket ground for nearly a century (no pun intended) must surely be numbered! Only a matter of time before he’s removed or more likely regendered,non gendered or painted the colour of a rainbow!
More media bias and an interesting new perspective.
Biden is blamed for the debacle of Afghanistan, although grudingly by the media, and he certainly deserves his share of the blame, however he is not the only one who should be singled out for criticism.
What criticism has their been of Pakistan who not only knowingly gave safe haven to the Taleban, allowing them to regroup train and become the fighting force it is today? What of the reported military assistance given to them in begining their offensive operations? Without that assistance they could not have even invaded Afghanistan.
What of Oman and other Gulf states who provided finance to buy the Taleban weapons and training facilities?
Why are are our hopeless liberal left wing governments not up in arms about all this?
Almost certainly it is to do with the bribery and corruption so rife amongst poorly paid Western politicians cripples by Islamic expansionism and endless amounts of cash to realise it.
Pakistan rarely gets mentioned in the news because it’s Muslim and the BBC will not say or do anything negative to them. It’s policy now. It will upset all the other Muslim countries who agree with what they do.
Unlike India of course which gets way, way, way more coverage than it deserves or anyone except a small minority want. Though I expect that minority is not so small in BBC land.
Good because you don’t need it-you are young and have a strong functioning immune system. The vaccine is still only experimental, and its varience unpredictable as has been shown. Why on earth would young healthy people need such an inoculation, or is it to instill a feature that will endorse continued future compliancy.
I think the latter.
lol, start the video then pause it immediately.
You will see:
12 females and 3 BAME males.
Not a single white male.
In fact it’s exclusively BAME and girls all the way through apart from Fauci the liar making your skin crawl..
And why does someone whose parents won’t let her get the vaccine need to be in shadow like a terrorist or drug dealer ?. Are her parents really that bad ?.
Mind you, the author – Laura Foster – looks straight from the Marianne school of I-can’t-believe-I-got-this-job.
Well everyone, A Question of Sport, has hit the pits, the BBC who this time have really slid off the cliff-the presenter a so called funny bloke, with two coloureds replacing two very knowledgeable sports personalities-Matt Dawson and Phil Tuffers. One of the new one’s is a French Rugby player, the other ? I’ve loss interest, or is lost faith in our sinking broadcaster.
BBC rule : Every day in the run up COP26 there must be greendream PR in news bulletins.
9am “Grimsby and Hull are to *BENEFIT* hugely from a rise in wind industry jobs
it looks like the number of jobs in that industry is to double in the next 5 years
Here’s the man from Orsted.”
PR man Duncan ” … world’s biggest wind farm ah blah”
“and now the sport”
WTF the news was only 2 mins long and half of it was that item.
MM, just skimming that article, it mentions that newer turbine blades are made from carbon fibre, which also cannot be recycled, as far as I know. In their manufacture, carbon fibre blades require a lot of heat. I wonder where that comes from? Gas? Coal? Oil? Wood chip?
MM, I agree. It might give the game away too much.
Way back in the early 000s or late 1990s, I asked someone, a Prof at Reading Uni, what was the proportion of CO2 manufacturing-induced output compare to the 30 year life of a turbine. His reply was 10%. No payback until Year 4.
But, but, but ……. that did not included installation-induced CO2 output nor maintenance visit CO2 outputs. One would hope that there would be an efficiency improvement on the CO2 outputs over time. Certainly, the Vattenfall boats that service the windfarms in the Thames Estuary and beyond have an impressive array of solar panels on the roofs of their cabins these days. I suspect that that only powers ship-to-shore comms and maybe radar/sonar as well and that dear old diesel is required for powering the boat.
I realised that when I tried to find out just how much one really cost. All anyone told me was how long it took to generate the energy it took to manufacture it. I smelt a big rat.
I tried to estimate it myself and came up with about 20 years – but they deliberately keep all the information about grants and subsidies scattered around.
I started to get interested after reading a comment from a good chum, Elby the Berserk, on C@W site.
Apparently, he did find out the answer, and it appears that a turbine will fall apart after around 25 years on, and will still never have paid for itself!
It was some time ago, and a quick search hasn’t come up with the data, sorry about that!
I think that Islam is an important and interesting religion and that people in this country of the Muslim faith are as patriotic as Catholics are.
That there should be no differentiation in the way they are treated in this country and religious toleration is a very important value.
I didn’t realise JR-M was so dim. We can only hope that since April 2019 he has done a great deal more private research and has now modified his view.
Still, I suppose all our MPs get their fairy stories ‘advice’ about Islam from all the wrong sources.
Green jobs … These blades, which have reached the end of their 25-year working lives, come from three wind farms in the north-western US state. Each will be cut into three, then the pieces will be stacked and buried.
Support from Joseph Stalin increased Lysenko’s momentum and popularity. In 1935, Lysenko compared his opponents in biology to the peasants who still resisted the Soviet government’s collectivization strategy, saying that by opposing his theories the traditional geneticists were setting themselves against Marxism. Stalin was in the audience when this speech was made, and he was the first one to stand and applaud, calling out “Bravo, Comrade Lysenko. Bravo.”[17] This emboldened Lysenko, and gave him and Prezent free reign to slander any geneticists who still spoke out against him. Many of Lysenkoism’s opponents, such as his former mentor Nikolai Ivanovich Vavilov, were imprisoned or executed because of their denunciations.[18][13]
We hear more and more on the msm that the young are the ones who will be bearing the largest part of the costs incurred during this covid outbreak.
While this has some truth to it I recall that during my 50 years of contributions to the government (tax and NI payments) I happily paid towards the pensions and other stuff of the then older generation and never thought I was being used or taken advantage of.
While most workers of all ages have had various supports paid and various organisations have had lots of money from the government (us taxpayers) one group has been missing from these handouts. Pensioners.
And, they are trying to get out of paying the triple lock increase.
I’ve seen people on the tv saying pensioners are asset rich and should pay more. Do they want pensioners to sell their houses and move into one room blocks?
It’s also a bit short sighted for those calling for pensioners to sell up because it’s their future inheritances being sold off.
They say a young person on £30,000 pa (how many of the young get that much?) would pay an extra £200 a year in NI contributions.
This will be given to the NHS (more diversity managers etc)
With the majority of those killed off by the Chinese flu, about 120,000, being pensioners, there must be £billions saved every year in pension payments (even though it’s a low payment and mainly to those on the second class pension of about £40 per week less than the new pension after they paid in for some 15, or is it 20, years more than the new pensions)
So, why are the msm stirring it up. No complaints from me after 50 years of paying in so why would today’s young be so different.
Al-beeb informs us that: ‘Taliban says it will ‘raise voice for Kashmir Muslims”.
No doubt it will, as it was created by Pakistan partly to fight a proxy war against India.
But will it ‘raise its voice’ against the genocide of Uyghurs in China – which will soon be giving Afghanistan millions to exploit its natural resources? I think not.
Come to that, strange how silent the entire islamic world is on that subject.
Draw a cartoon or write a novel, and there’s mass hysteria among muslims across the planet.
But exterminate, imprison and genocide millions of muslim Uyghurs… and not a peep from the brothers.
It seems China’s been busy buying their silence.
As the Biden-led West blunders from crisis to crisis, China plays the long game, and quietly increases its reach, its power, its wealth and its hegemony.
BBC TOADY Watch #1 – what am I hearing here? 1. Propaganda
I start listening to TOADY just in time for Thought for the Day. Dire. Did you know that meerkats – those things that breed like, er, rabbits – are going to become extinct in exactly 29 years, 3 months and 26 days time? Yes. The presenter of TftD told me so.
Did you know it is essential to treat our children even more like pincushions and jab them for Covid as well? Yes it is. A brainless Nick Robinson was pushing that idea while experts hesitate. Now, don’t get me wrong. I’m not an anti-vaxxer. They can work. They do work. Sometimes. But coming from something of a pharma and science background, I also know the limitations of some vaccines. But with children, if it is true “We are going to have to live with Covid in future.” (quote Prime Minister and some of the SAGE committee) then, to my way of thinking, it is essential that you build natural immunity to the Covid virus.
That is essential for future generations (if we are not getting near the end of the world) and to vaccinate children may do more harm than good. You could, for example, with one or two of the vaccines, create a propensity for heart damage and disease. Nick, despite a private education and an Oxbridge degree is not bright enough to think about asking Mark Walport or the other contributor (sorry, forgot name) about that.
Nick is also not bright enough (or has a bad case of typical BBC Amnesia!) because this week we learned that some of the Covid vaccines, even after two doses, er … ummh …. do not work. Oooops! We also know that, from the number of people (some in the news) who although fully vaccinated have caught Covid. We also know from the statistics of daily infections that as vaccination has increased to close to 90% of the UK population, that Covid cases can increase and Covid cases can decline. Look at the evidence, Nick.
Some anti-vaxxers are as equally brainless as Nick Robinson. They claim the vaccines can do harm and are designed to kill. All medications and all vaccines can harm someone. They need to be administered with care. I have personal experience of this. But think on this, anti-vaxxers: currently Big Pharma is making money from Covid vaccines. Why would they want to kill off a large proportion of this country, let alone the world? It is where they make their future earnings from.
Big Pharma needs the population of the world to grow so that they can grow their earnings. Of course, Pandemics and panicing Governments & panicing MSM also help in that.
The contaminated blood scandal in the United Kingdom arose when at least 3,891 people, most of whom suffered from haemophilia, became infected with hepatitis C of whom 1,243 were also infected with HIV, the virus that leads to acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), as a result of receiving contaminated clotting …
The Lebanon was once the embodiment of glamour: Leila Molana-Allen says you can’t even get medicine now
(Wow as if the country was rich ..when it had French values
and then gets poorer the more Arab it is.)
Azerbaijan and Armenia : trying to clear the landmines in the Nagorno Karabakh
On the club, national and international level, men’s netball teams exist, but attract less attention than women’s netball.[1] Mixed teams are not uncommon in Australia and are very popular.[2] Men’s national teams do exist in Brunei, Canada, England, Fiji, Hong Kong, India, Isle of Man, Jamaica, Kenya, Malaysia, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Singapore and the UAE.[1]
In 1997, in England male participation comprised 0.7% of the total netball playing population within schools.[3] Unlike women’s netball at elite and national levels, men’s and mixed gendered teams in countries like Fiji, Australia and New Zealand are largely self-funded.[4] When administrators attend conferences for men’s and mixed gendered netball, they also have to pay most of their own costs.[4]
I read on the Daily Mail website about the mural in Driffield (98.7% white) which failed to have a person of colour amongst the people highlighted who had helped the town function during lockdown.
I wondered how the BBC local news would deal with the issue. (The only black person anyone seemed to know about was a black boxer who had certainly enjoyed fights outside the ring, but is apparently a reformed character who doesn’t live in Driffield anymore.
Well Look North ignored the story which apparently on some media sites ‘has divided the town’. It may be that this was just a silly story that the press had found by searching social media. But it was obvious that Look North could not have dealt with it in the way I would have expected, without looking extremely stupid.
BBC TOADY Watch #2 – what am I hearing here? 2. Advertising
Not just one book on TOADY this morning but two! And a bit of spin-off advertising for a rock band.
No Afghanistan, either, unless it made an appearance in the first 45 minutes of TOADY. That may be due to the absence of Mishal and Martha but the BBC Business Editor nobly stepped in to help out. Simon Jack seems these days to do more TOADY presenting than his proper job that the Licence Fee payer expects him to do as Business Editor. Bring back Peston!
We have a book on Queen as Freddie Mercury (not his real name) who would have been 75 tomorrow, has been written by a journalist who happened along toward the end of his life and the end of Queen as we knew them. It was an interesting interview with her except for the hard of hearing because the BBC managed to play Queen’s music throughout the interview.
Favoured son of the BBC, Salman Rushdie, has written a new book and will release chapters in stages via the interwebby. Again an interesting discussion. It’s not a new idea but will it spell the end for bookshops. Bookshop sokesman says business is booming. Has been booming thanks to Lockdown. Three cheers! Thanks to the end of Lockdown, too, more people in bookshops than before. Three more cheers! Even louder ones.
I found toady hugely entertaining this day ( but not in the way they’d appreciate ) – I got the feeling they’d run out of ‘important subjects ‘ so spent ages – ages – talking about books ….
Meanwhile in the real world – Kabul airport has been fixed by jonnie Turk and dirty Qatar Arabs ( meaning – no doubt – well paid western mercenaries …this was on al jaz – and they are hoping for the first Ryanair flights in a couple of weeks …
Fed, yes to an extent I did as well although I was hearing propaganda, promotion, propaganda, promotion, propaganda – in spades! Well, in reality, more like skip fills of the stuff spread over my ears and the ears of the TOADY listening public. But then I missed any Afgee bits, I only caught the last 70-75 minutes of the programme.
Afgee has gone from the BBC – apart from the exploitation of ‘refugees’ being treated to a lower standard than the BBC requires .
Yet as I said – al jazera is reporting important stuff – including the Biden sec state going to Qatar on Sunday to chat with the taliban …
Fed, I did hear something on TOADY this morning that made me chuckle: according to BBC News at 8 a.m. there could be a shortage of influenza vaccines this winter due to the shortage of HGV truck drivers. The BBC, in their desperation to continue to try to undermine Brexit, had not bothered to find out how influenza vaccine reaches GP surgeries and pharmacies.
BBC TOADY Watch #3 – what am I hearing here? 3. Feminism and the promotion of feminism
Feminism and football favourite topics of the BBC and, certainly as far as the latter is concerned, Nick Robinson too. However he repeats an oft-quoted lie – if not a lie, then a MUM, a Modern Urban Myth – that womens football was illegal in the UK for 50 years. Not so. It was not against the laws of the land for women to play football.
From 1921 to 1971 it was not possible for women to play football professionally in the UK in a Football Association ground. The FA, not the Government, banned the professional game – which had been played by women over one hundred years ago – on the grounds of safety, from their administered grounds.
Now why did Nick drop this myth or lie into a promotional TOADY item for Manchester City’s match against Everton’s ladies today? Was it to make previous Governments look bad and, by association, the Government of today look bad? Or was it to try and talk up the attendance at today’s game which Nick, in a fit of honesty, correctly said does not attract big crowds. Or was he trying to make a game that was going to be shown, er, by BBC on terrestial television more attractive. Who knows?
Nick was also very incorrect to say that this was the first game to be shown on television as I have watched womens football on TV at the house of a friend but then they had a streaming contract with Sky.
… the “Premier League” matches and league table are normally shown on the right-hand side of the page. The Premier League is a natural default setting for the football main page as (I presume) more fans support the premier league than any other.
Not today, “Women’s Super League” matches and tables are the default.
SG, yes, I did visit that page to see if the match was this afternoon. I saw the match report, no spoiler alert, I’m not going to give the score away but yes, what you say appears to be correct. Is it a temporary hiatus because there is no Mens League Football because of the current round of International matches for the World Cup Qualifying? But that doesn’t stop the BBC non-stop promos for the Socialist feminist cause.
All of it – they will ask China to help them Govern –
China rejects claim it bugged headquarters it built for African Union
This article is more than 3 years old
Beijing dismisses report it put bugs in walls and desks and downloaded data from its servers every night for five years
All Chinese citizens, even born abroad, and all Chinese companies are ultimately answerable to the CCP and the military, as exposed in the recent BBC doco: China’s Magic Weapon.
Governments around the world are uncovering secret operations to expand China’s influence – the work of a little-known branch of the Chinese Communist Party called the United Front Work Department. President Xi has called it his ‘magic weapon’.
Australia has changed its laws to combat foreign interference, and America says eight out of ten industrial espionage cases now involve China. So what is the United Front doing in the UK? Jane Corbin investigates this powerful but shadowy organisation. Has influence become interference as China bids to become the most powerful nation on earth?
Thank you for putting that up . One might have hoped that the US would have disabled any kit it had to leave behind . But that would only apply in a sane world .
I think the kit issue is bigger that the ‘refugees ‘ who have landed in the world of milk and honey ……
How ever this will only be recognised when it is used in Western European cities … and will come as a shock …
It did destroy some much to the annoyance of the Taleban who said that the kit belonged to Afghanistan.
I do have to wonder if the military ‘intelligence’ of which the USA has proved laughably incompetent with the worst intelligence service in the world – the CIA overlooked the military involvement of Pakistan in the Taleban takeover.
The scale of the assets lost near beggars belief – and it’s understandable why few iin the public sphere in the Anglophone world are going anywhere near it.
Biden and his team … I’m clean out of pejorative adjectives and unflattering comparisons.
The BBC are likely aware – but they won’t go near the topic with a bargepole as the obvious culpability land slam dunk on their mates in the DNC…. They shill for those scum at every turn.
Dear Winston Smith at the BBC Complaints Department twinned with the Ministry of Truth as authored by your previous employee Eric Blair,
If the BBC is causing mental anguish by producing News that contradicts reality then should it extinguish itself or at least give people the choice of paying the BBC rather than forcing them to pay a BBC TV TAX under Government protection and threat of prosecution (est. 180,000 in 2017)?
Maybe you can do a BBC programme on it?
CAS-4987700-SY1FTF : BBC NewsWatch says boredom with pro-Brexit march.
CAS-4963895-3HKGDN: Tommy Robinson: Are you reporting on him?.
CAS-4844672-N8FDYY: Update on the MP Expenses 2009 scandal in 2018.
CAS-4939547-J71Z1V: Here’s hoping Ireland do the right thing G.Lineker.
CAS-4937378-YKMWBJ: BBC not reporting ‘Day of Freedom’ March 06may2018.
CAS-4906141-BFJQL0: I take offence that presenters promote their books.
CAS-4892811-C820SC: I am offended that I have to pay the BBC TV Tax.
CAS-4824332-633N1P: What happened in Italy was not covered …
CAS-4933135-ZV3V7F: The omission is the most powerful form of lie …
BBC admits it breached impartiality guidelines in report blaming Churchill’s racism for three million deaths in Bengal famine, because item failed to offer an alternative view
Of course nothing will be done to set the record straight or make sure those responsible are disciplined, or that it doesn’t happen again.
Alex Belfield points out that, in their coverage of the report on child abuse in religious communities, the BBC highlighted… the Jehovah’s Witnesses, while ignoring the huge elephant in the room,
‘Camel in the room’ might be more apt.
They were raped by multiple perpetrators, trafficked to other towns and cities in the north of England, abducted, beaten, and intimidated. There were examples of children who had been doused in petrol and threatened with being set alight, threatened with guns, made to witness brutally violent rapes and threatened they would be next if they told anyone. Girls as young as 11 were raped by large numbers of male perpetrators. {Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Exploitation in Rotherham – 1997 – 2013 – Jay OBE –
The Jewish Chronicle reported that the senior rabbi giving evidence to the child abuse enquiry was adamant that the view of the Jewish court (Beth Din) was that any child abuse should be reported to the police. The BBC preferred to highlight the view of a lesser rabbi’s draft paper which suggested dealing with child abuse should remain within the community. The BBC’s crafting of their report didn’t make that clear.
The Telford child sexual exploitation scandal is an ongoing scandal in the United Kingdom. Originally, a group of men were convicted of grooming local children for sex between 2007 and 2009 in Telford in the English county of Shropshire.[1][2][3] While media reports had suggested 100 or more girls had been affected[4] and around 200 perpetrators were suspected,[5] the Sunday Mirror reported in March 2018 that up to 1,000 girls may have been abused, with some even murdered, in incidents dating back to the 1970s.[6]
Posted at 13:09 6 Jul13:09 6 Jul
Telford child sex abuse report expected by the end of 2021
Local Democracy Reporting Service
The independent inquiry into child sexual exploitation in Telford and Wrekin is hoping to publish its report by the end of the year.
Its chairman, barrister Tom Crowther, has said it’s behind schedule, partly because of the large number of documents it has had to go through, and also because of the pandemic.
Early Saturday evening and I saw tonight’s prom was Carnival of the Animals. I switched on to find a black lady at the piano. One of the Kanye Masons apparently. I had chosen the moment to start watching as she had finished playing. But up popped another black woman, wearing a parka pretending to be a fish, reciting in some pseudo northern accent. It wasn’t what I wanted from a prom. I switched off.
6.00pm News
Radio 4, 15 May 2012
An item on Palestinian demonstrations marking Nakba Day referred to “thousands of Palestinians leaving their homes” following the declaration of the State of Israel. Two listeners complained that this gave a misleading impression of the scale of Palestinian displacement and the extent to which it was the result of coercion. The complaint was partly upheld.
Two viewers complained about Daley Thompson’s suggestion that a tattoo in which the word “Olympic” was misspelled must have been the work of “an Irish Tattooist”. The complaint was resolved.
Governments around the world are uncovering secret operations to expand China’s influence – the work of a little-known branch of the Chinese Communist Party called the United Front Work Department. President Xi has called it his ‘magic weapon’.
Australia has changed its laws to combat foreign interference, and America says eight out of ten industrial espionage cases now involve China. So what is the United Front doing in the UK? Jane Corbin investigates this powerful but shadowy organisation.
Has influence become interference as China bids to become the most powerful nation on earth?
Starmer wants UK to impose China human rights sanctions
Starmer wants UK to impose China human rights sanctions
Sir Keir Starmer said China was “important” to the UK but it “cannot turn a blind eye to very serious human rights abuses”.
The Labour leader said the UK should impose sanctions on Chinese officials who have been involved in human rights abuses “straight away”.
I imagine the schedulers meeting
“Right our tacky Saturday night game shows are getting dismal viewing stats
.. OK we’ll have to get the oiks back
Let’s have 90 mins of Only Fools & Horses on BBC1 at 8pm
…. What about black people ?
We’ll put on 2.5 hours of Beyonce on BBC2
What about the Guardian readers ?
Well on BBC4 we’ll have Adrian Chiles, and then 90 mins of Swedish True Crime drama.
I’d like to take this opportunity to remember and celebrate the heroic struggle of Mary Whitehouse againt the BBC and others. She was villified by the media, yet she was undeniably right in her opposition. She was awarded a CBE but cowardly politicians failed the British people once again. She should have a day of rememberance perhaps 23rd November the day she died.
Yes whichever PR agency came up with her name of Whitehouse played a blinder ! nothing better for a clean up campaign than – White House. Her real name being Constance Mary Hutcheson.
Yes I KNOW who she married – I did check Google like you btw, but I remember years ago there was a report that Whitehouse was conjured up as a suitable name for her ‘mission’.
Yasser DasmibehbiMar 9, 00:32 Weekend 8th March 2025 While I am more aligned with Rupert Lowe as regards policy, I am getting concerned with the seeming canonisation of…
StewGreenMar 8, 22:20 Weekend 8th March 2025 @Digg & @Marky there is a huge problem in the UK in that when people are presented with info in…
JeffMar 8, 22:04 Weekend 8th March 2025 Hang on a sec’ Lucy, we don’t really know what’s happened yet. All I’m certain of is that this is…
diggMar 8, 22:00 Weekend 8th March 2025 That’s because the Eastern Europeans would be tooled up and might take some coppers down with them so best to…
StewGreenMar 8, 21:49 Weekend 8th March 2025 “Clap for Ukraine on Sunday” PRasNews item on ITV local news tonight “A couple from Southall in Nottinghamshire are calling…
Fedup2Mar 8, 21:40 Weekend 8th March 2025 Taffman – gonna keep telling peopl to vote Islamic reform ?
Fedup2Mar 8, 21:39 Weekend 8th March 2025 I wonder if Farage really thought importing a Muslim to be in charge of Reform would ‘detoxify ‘ it ?…
taffmanMar 8, 21:21 Weekend 8th March 2025 Warning : We are being invaded across the English Channel from France . Our government does nothing to defend us…
Lucy PevenseyMar 8, 21:09 Weekend 8th March 2025 They just can’t get enough of their Islam. Muhammad Ziauddin Taqiyya Yusuf vets all Deform party candidates and stabbed Rupert…
MarkyMarkMar 8, 20:48 Weekend 8th March 2025 ‘Amazing atmosphere’ at Windsor Castle Iftar event Iftars are open to everyone, regardless of faith and background. they are…
blimey, this is an honour!
Per the so called increase in NI payments to pay for more non medical people idling in the anychess, surely it would be easy to recoup the monies not paid to the anychess by making those people that should be clawing it back from the dinghy people and their offspring, responsible. For every pound they don’t recover, they lose a pound from their remuneration. Should make them more enthusiastic. For every £47,000 they don’t recover they lose a diversity person and so forth. Get to it Boris!
The BBC, and Saint Jacinda of Perpetual Sorrow, are keen to remind us that the NZ knife attack was a ‘senseless’ attack by an ‘extremist’.
Indeed he was; but an extremist what, exactly?
You see, an extreme Buddhist would just meditate so hard he might attain Nirvana.
An extreme Jain would make sure not to step on a single ant, and wear a mask so as not to inhale the tiniest gnat or midge.
An extreme Jehovah’s Witness might give you a leaflet to read.
The worst an extreme Mormon would do is bore you on your doorstep for a few minutes. (When the musical mocking Mormons opened on Broadway, instead of bombing the theatre, they placed ads in the programme notes saying: “You’ve seen the play, now read the book”. That’s class!)
And an extreme Christian might drench his neighbour with love, if he followed his religion’s teachings.
Yet our extremist in NZ feels the urge to pick up a knife and attack random strangers in a supermarket.
Give me the extremist Mormon any day, I’ll even invite him in for tea and a chat.
The New Zealand tragedy is beyond parody.
Without a flicker of conscience the grotesque Jacinda (what a pathetic creature) can lock down five million innocent people and yet allows this known Jihadist to wander about unhindered. Don’t you think the other way around might have been better…
And now the left-wing propagandist campaign will start and they’ll spend months tying themselves in knots, attempting to persuade us that these murders had nothing to do with Islam.
A lone wolf…mental problems…drugs…subject to racist bullying…
Anything but the truth.
A Nation that is prepared to fund police officers to follow a known dangerous suspect 24 hours a day and then accept the human damage they inevitably cause instead of taking direct action against the horrible creed that both drives him and infests their Country have simply lost the plot in a stupid and wicked push for some unattainable socialist nirvana for their peoples. I can’t understand why the Kiwis are not screaming for blood at her door they must have spent too much time with sheep.
I thought I’d post this here, but probably re-post it on the Weekend thread when it appears.
It’s a crowd of total F***wit Democrat ‘intelectuals’ who cannot grasp the enormity of what they are being told by Jordan Peterson, the sole voice of reason amongst them.
They laugh and they sneer and they are entranced by how clever they think they are, but they are in so many ways some of the thickest people I’ve seen on TV, unable to consider implications of their actions, the future or indeed anything outside their own scope of beliefs.
An old clip but worth watching again now:
QT Producers would envy that panel balance.
It’s remarkable how America survived and thrived under their imaginary tyrant Trump, yet their hero of social justice, decency and democracy has managed to trash America and its standing in the world in less than nine months.
As for the Wicked Witch of the West, she’s found her own bunker to hide in, probably scared witless than she might get the top job by default.
JimS, be interesting what President Biden has to say in his first ‘State of the Union’ address.
That was difficult to watch without feeling anger at their outright arrogance. Interesting that every single slur they made against Trump has been enacted by Biden in just his first nine months of being ‘President’. They have the cheek to talk about ‘enablers’ of Trump after the complete silence of the MSM on Biden.
I was laughing out loud at how blatant it was and how un self aware they all are. Especially the host. And the eager pol. And the token wimmin. Of color… oh, heck… ALL of them. And the polite, courteous, patient source of their collective left facing wibble.
This US trend to making it a forward facing curve desk with all ranged against the target stage right is very QT.
Still working on a collective noun for the phenomenon ( a ‘smug of panellists’ does not capture the stunning vileness they emit), but that collection is video gold to play anyone with half a brain coming to wonder about msm selective bias to tip them to the bright side.
A fester…a rancid….a delusion…..a dinosaur….
Ok, maybe Champion doesn’t have footage with a goat to keep getting wheeled in.
They just agree with stuff like this.
Beats me why any woman would want the right to murder her child.
I would think that the communist tendencies of the ANC would be what attracted the support of the Russians, that and getting a toe-hold in the most important part of Africa. Russia isn’t exactly noted for its importation of ‘persons of colour’. All the communist countries seem to like to be mono-cultural.
Islam gave power to 6 year old wives …
Jacinda-of-the-Veil, eagerly quoted by the BBC, then goes on to say of the klnife attack:
“It was carried out by an individual, not a faith.”
I would put it slightly differently, Jacinda old girl: It was carried out by an individual, following the diktats of his faith.
“Slay the idolaters wherever you find them, and take them captive and besiege them and lie in wait for them in every ambush…”
Lots more where that came from in the link below.
Prime Minister Jacinda has shown herself as a typical two faced leftist with her comments about the stabber in Auckland being a lone wolf and not representing anything more than himself.
This is in complete contrast to her and her governments reaction to the Christchurch mosque shooter. The assassin was also an immigrant from abroad who also acted alone but the NZ government took the opportunity to smear a host of people with conservative views.
They released a report into the shooting which in the first few pages reveals the real reason the mosque shooting took place and that was failure by the police to enforce existing gun laws thereby letting an Aussie nut job to acquire powerful weapons he didn’t need. The rest of the report which in effect calls for crackdown on freedom of speech is really superfluous.
Ardern is still hero worshipped unfortunately, but the cracks are beginning to show.
The Bliar institute is churning out articles (with footnotes!) reiterating that ‘Radical Islamisation’ and Islam – that cuddly religion – are not the same thing, that Muslim youth are now ‘progressive’, and pretending that reform is possible.
Unfortunately for the weak, greedy, delusional and ignorant, who continue to forge their unholy political alliances, the bottom line is that the actions of Muslims are dictated or excused entirely by their ‘holy’ texts, which are clear in their instruction and unforgiving in their message. There can be no ‘reform’.
Blair is, as has been often said before a Traitor to his country and reigns high with the other traitors this nation has seen. Let me add that Ignorent leaders in the West are on a suicide mission of planting terrorists into their countruies. Guided by the UN, the EU and seemingly the current United States administration are and in a despotic fashion forcing un-vetted Middle Eastern migrants and now Afgahanistani’s onto their people. We have already seen the disasterous results of the feckless pernicious actions with such tragic results. What is quite obvious that most people in the West are not privy to is the fact that a Muslim country, the quintessential Muslim state, has perhaps a soltuion the refugee problem and it is right there in the Middle East: Saudi Arabia. Mina the Tent City is a neighbourhood of Mecca in Western Saudu Arabia. It apparently holds more than 100,000 air-conditioned tents presntly providing temporary accommodation for the visiting Muslim pilgrims-it can accom upwards of 1, 000,000 people quite comfortably-it is used just for 5 days a year during Hajj. Why, one has to ask, has Saudi Arabia not offered these habitations to the co-religionists, the fleeing Afgahans? Why hasn’t the UN et al called upon Saudi Arabia to offer its tented city? Saudi Arabia has chosen instead to use their influence with the UN to burden non-Muslim nations to shelter their kin. People of their own faith/Ideology, yet they have turned their backs on them, so it would seem.
Today’s MUST SEE
Three black scientists you need to know
It doesn’t get off to a good start : the black woman presenting claims she was a space scientist. The first thing here that good scientists don’t become presenters. Only very mediocre ones do.
She then goes on to describe 2 black people who worked on teams. Absolutely nothing remarkable about that : thousands upon thousands do.
The last black woman in the list makes the grade because she devised a network where black students can connect with their black peers to get advice and mentoring.
Not much science in that one at all.
If any one of them were white, they would be lost in the noise of mediocrity. And even worse, they have that damn piano music in the background again.
My own personal fact checker result : FALSE. I don’t need to know about any of them.
Their only outstanding feature is that they are all black. Which makes the whole article racist.
That’s a bit weird
‘Here’s a special page about 3 scientists I selected, cos they have the same skin colour as me’
My lack of success is no doubt because no-one that I worked under ‘looked like me’.
Perhaps we are all individuals and unique so no-one works under someone that ‘looks like them’?
I remember being on one of those mandatory ‘diversity’ courses, run by two women, naturally, in which they bleated about the need to train women to be ‘assertive’ so as to compete with those ‘men’ who ran things. I had to point out to them that even though I was the same sex as these CEO types I didn’t feel I was ever likely to want or be able to compete with them.
My general observation of the workplace and life in general is that the obvious exception often gets special attention, the only women in the workplace will get all the ‘freebies’, everyone is fascinated by the Mongolian neighbour.
I bet that the worst thing for a ‘black scientist’ in the UK is to work in an area where there is more than one that ‘looks like them’. They go from being a fascinating novelty to being a threatening invading force. That’s human nature, one is a curiosity, two or more is a challenge.
I’m not going to listen to it again but I think the preamble to this Desert Island Discs will have one believe Aderin-Pocock single-handed invented everything in post-war Britain.
Just think what she could have done for Africa!
Who is Adrienne Pocock? I assume he or she is black but I’ve never heard the name. By the way everything discovered or invented before the War was , with out exception, invented by Muslims.
I’m finding that increasingly I don’t know anyone anymore.
Pop artists, Strictly contestants, Desert Island castaways, most people on the tele – unless they’re over 60. I can’t even name the Cabinet – whereas once upon a time I could name them and the Shadow Cabinet. I could also name the Tottenham team in the 70s when they had pronounceable names – including Rikki Villa and Ossie Ardiles !
Am I alone in this ?
I agree, Brissles…
And also, I really don’t give a damn who or what they are as well!
I used to revere everything the BBC used to put out, they could be relied on for truth and good manners. Nowadays, they’re just a weak, leftie, feeble-weedy bunch of over-paid non-slebs, who bask in a huge wages packet, and are pretty dire in their presentation of what they consider ‘news’.
Luckily, they’ll be called out in a couple of years, and we can get information from an unbiased state media, but until then, I’ll live a happy life, unconcerned with the trashy stuff they churn out these days.
What she has invented is a foolproof solution to insomnia. Listen… to… her… speak… she…. speaks…. very… …. …. slowly…. zzzz
Afghanistan: Fate of Panjshir Valley in balance amid heavy fighting
The BBC playing their games again.
The resistance will be wiped out and everyone killed. People will be held while their heads are sawn off with knives and others shot in cold blood. There is no other outcome. The Taliban have unlimited weapons now thanks to Joe – and the BBC will do everything they can to avoid telling us any of this because they know they had a part in making it happen.
This river of blood is on Joe and those who lied and betrayed any journalistic ethics they were supposed to have to put him there. And that most definitely includes you BBC.
Some interesting comments on the story the Mail is running about Vladimir Putin fixing elections in his favour.
Of course they all relate to Ameican and the Medias huge liberal left wing bias.
Putin bad, so election rigging bad, Biden good, what election rigging?
There isn’t even a report about the deeply suspicious goings on in California, and any report about Maricopa is tainted with the usual lies about it being a republican plot to steal the Democrats election victory.
And the most enormous elephant in the room you can possibly imagine : The worst election rigging of them all : the entire left-leaning MSM and social media companies displaying the most outrageous bias against Trump.
And because they report the news, that one goes completely unmentioned.
Yesterday, that being The Day Before You Came, they were all over the newspapers, now late to the party, like a tardy Dancing Queen (by the way, you can read all about Her Maj’s upcoming leaked funeral arrangements in the Mirror and Express, so one wonders is nothing sacred – except of course the NHS?) today’s edition of the Mirror at last catches: ‘Abba fever‘, whilst most other titles have moved on to deliver us yet another bout of covid news.
The infection that never seems to meet its Waterloo. ‘Child jabs rollout to be pushed through‘ (Telegraph)
‘Children to be jabbed from early next week. Vaccine rollout prepared for 12 to 15 year-olds‘ (Times)
‘Ministers insist programme will go ahead despite scientific advisers saying benefits are “too small”‘ (Telegraph) -hey, I thought we were supposed to listen to the scientific experts?
As the Tory-ish press sigh and comply it is left to the Guardian to call out Boris’s sudden deviation from “The Science“: ‘Ministers appear set to defy the recommendations of their official vaccine advisers for the first time‘ – so apparently this is no longer about: ‘the net health benefit‘ – interesting.
Not that the Guardian’s take on events is ever immune from the charge of hypocrisy.
Recently hereabouts one bemoaned the relentless multiplication of supposed new human rights. The Graun, right on cue, delivers: ‘Angelina Jolie: Why my divorce from Brad Pitt is a human rights issue‘ – if you say so, luv.
BBC: ‘Covid: Shaken to the core, can the NHS cope this winter?‘ – frankly, I can’t recall a winter when the NHS ever coped without moans and cries of chaos.
One reads BBC reports and begins to see Britain as primarily a failing health service… with a hostage nation attached. And sometimes they kill the hostage.
‘Jihadist “Beatle” will be returned to Britain‘ (Telegraph) – you may be relieved to know that will only happen after he’s served his sentence in the US for acts of terror.
Several terms of 99 years to run sequentially you may assume, knowing the Yanks don’t tend to mess about?
Well, I’m afraid he’s made a plea deal and will only serve 15 years and then he will be deported back to Blighty. Lets hope for once he starts a family or adopts a pet or some such over there in the US and the human rights lawyers get on his case.
Camilla Tominey in the Telegraph opines: ‘Tories out of touch with Conservatism‘ – tell me about it, luv.
As Extintion Rebellion disrupts London traffic and promotes enviromentalism up market as the latest middle class obsession, the broadsheet Telegraph and former broadsheet Times appear to have caught the bug formerly the preserve of crusties and swampies: ‘Weeds “are part of the rich diversity of life”‘ (Telegraph); ‘Are you too clean? Why it’s good to be fithy (It helps the planet)‘ (Times)
‘Welcome to my posh commune‘ – says Sophia Money-Coutts in the Times.
‘Two-thirds of the global population are financially illiterate, according to World Bank data‘ (FT) – I sense a newspaper campaign coming on… ‘Welcome to the FT’s finacial literacy campaign‘
In 1928, rejecting natural selection and Mendelian genetics, Trofim Lysenko claimed to have developed agricultural techniques which could radically increase crop yields. These included vernalization, species transformation, inheritance of acquired characteristics, and vegetative hybridization.[3] He claimed in particular that vernalization, exposing wheat seeds to humidity and low temperature, could greatly increase crop yield. He claimed further that he could transform one species, Triticum durum (pasta wheat, a spring wheat), into another, Triticum vulgare (bread wheat, an autumn wheat), by 2–4 years of autumn planting. Since T. durum is a tetraploid with 28 chromosomes (4 sets of 7), and T. vulgare is hexaploid with 42 chromosomes (6 sets), Western geneticists at that time already knew this was impossible.[3]
Lysenkoist vegetative hybridisation. The mechanism would imply an effect of scion on stock when a fruit tree is grafted, either Lamarckian or (to 21st century biologists) horizontal gene transfer.[10]
Lysenko further claimed that Lamarckian inheritance of acquired characteristics occurred in plants, as in the “eyes” of potato tubers, though the genetic differences in these plant parts were already known to be somatic mutations.[3][11] He also claimed that when a tree is grafted, the scion permanently changes the heritable characteristics of the stock. This would constitute vegetative hybridization, which Yongsheng Liu and colleagues note could possibly occur by horizontal gene transfer.[10]
Yesterday about lunch time I was looking at the Daily Telegraph e version and noticed an article by Robin Aitkin , the gist of which was that the Ofcom finding in support of Piers Morgan May be a victory for free speech but that one swallow doesn’t make a summer. Aitkin doubted that Ofcom had changed its spots and insisted that it remained the enforcement arm of Woke censorship. A view which we on this site are all likely to agree with. As is so often the case with the DT no readers comments were allowed.
A few hours later I went back to re read the article, only to find it had disappeared! It still isn’t available this morning unless you search the Telegraph archive under Aitkin.
I wonder who made the decision to remove it? Aitkin is a regular contributor to the paper but usually confines himself to BBC issues and doing away with the License Fee. The DT NEVER allows comments on Megan stories and Aitkin’s piece did support Morgan’s right to doubt that she was telling the truth but that would only explain why no readers comments were allowed, not why the article was removed. It does make you wonder if the DT is frightened of Ofcom or worse supportive of its Woke censorship. The paper falls yet another notch in my esteem.
Omission is the greatest lie ….
“Covid-19: Final decision on jabs for children due in days”
Is Bo Jo going to follow the science?
Double – yes I agree – I’ve written here about my view that paywalls are too expensive – including the £4 a month I pay for the DT .
I – too – am interested in what articles there are comments and those which do not allow them . I’m tuned in enough to know without looking now …..
Often – though – evidence of the disconnect between the Right Readers and the woke DT is very clear …. Go woke go broke – soonest …
You can get the articles up at the DT if you quickly stop the page loading as soon as it starts (the refresh button at the top left). If you have fast internet, it can be easier to go back to your previous page then forward again and click ‘stop’ immediately.
I generally have no interest in their articles these days : I just want to read the comments to check I’m not going mad. And also see what agenda they have at this time.
Nobody gets to comment on their extreme feminist ‘opinion pieces’ which can be pure misandry or anything involving Meghan.
And their family friends Amber Rudd and Helen Mirren keep popping up with amazing regularity.
BBC stirring
Naseeruddin Shah criticised sections of Indian Muslims for celebrating Taliban’s takeover of Afghanistan.
Naseeruddin Shah: Actor creates stir with remarks on Taliban
Maybe they can get a crowd round?
I don’t go to the bbc for humour anymore – but the BBC news threw up an unintentional one today ….
…. Something about the NHS ( tick ) shortage ( tick ) HGV drivers – Brexit ( tick ) flu jabs – lefty doctor complaining ( tick )
The only other tick missing was someone ‘vulnerable ‘( tick ) frightened / moaning about their ‘right’ ( tick ) to the flu jab and being denied it because of the nasty ( tick) incompetent ( tick ) tories (tick).
Play the game yourself – but don’t snigger ….
The loon in charge of NZ is going to ‘tighten terror laws ‘.
Which of these do you think she is going to do ?
1 ban sharp knives
2 require every knife to have a licence
3 set up a national knife data list
4 require every knife to be handed in to police
5 stop letting Muslims into that fine country
6 none of the above – just waste air on empty promises
This is the fascist Left : the most likely outcome is to ban anyone talking about it. Like the BBC do.
That, and import more Muslims so they feel ‘more at home’ and won’t have so many ‘mental issues’.
0 Churches in Saudi.
0 Attacks on Churches in Saudi.
[url=]image url[/url]
A talk given some years ago now but wow how well it applies to the people today.
BBC advertising it’s own ‘product ‘ – this being girls ‘ footy – which apparently is Saturday night filler ….. a couple of blokey sounding girls telling us it’s as ‘good ‘ as real footy – the one played by men ( namely the championship – buried away on ‘quest ‘ ) …
Robinson is a real enthusiast for this nonsense – but then again he is paid to be . Don’t forget to kneel girls –
It must be so bad that even sky won’t touch it …
Funny you should raise Kamala…
No doubt it will be presented by women as well a bit like the cricket highlights that I watched on the BBC yesterday evening three presenters two women (both of colour) and one man.Also saw the Beeb advertising a rugby league show not sure if it was highlights or live but again two women presenters
Saw a trailer for the new series of Question of Sport the other day four women contestants and two men one of which was white.
Talking of alienating males from sport I was listening to Test Match Special yesterday and during the interval they had a chap on who’d written a book basically explaining cricket for beginners.It was written quite a while ago and he was on promoting the updated version which now uses the term ‘batter’ instead of batsman he also said there are other terms that ‘need to be weeded out’. To be fair to Aggers the presenter he said he’s going to continue using batsman as batter doesn’t seem quite right somehow.
I might pop down to watch my local football team playing in the FA cup today I bet 95% of the crowd will be male (plus mostly pale!) the total opposite to the world that the BBC lives in.
Pitcher and catcher next?
C’mon man!
Nothing would surprise me Jim!
The days of ‘Father Time’ the weather vane that has adorned Lords cricket ground for nearly a century (no pun intended) must surely be numbered! Only a matter of time before he’s removed or more likely regendered,non gendered or painted the colour of a rainbow!
And ‘overs’ will be called ‘Up on tops’…
The Times Sports section had a 4 page advert section promoting the woman’s league.
More media bias and an interesting new perspective.
Biden is blamed for the debacle of Afghanistan, although grudingly by the media, and he certainly deserves his share of the blame, however he is not the only one who should be singled out for criticism.
What criticism has their been of Pakistan who not only knowingly gave safe haven to the Taleban, allowing them to regroup train and become the fighting force it is today? What of the reported military assistance given to them in begining their offensive operations? Without that assistance they could not have even invaded Afghanistan.
What of Oman and other Gulf states who provided finance to buy the Taleban weapons and training facilities?
Why are are our hopeless liberal left wing governments not up in arms about all this?
Almost certainly it is to do with the bribery and corruption so rife amongst poorly paid Western politicians cripples by Islamic expansionism and endless amounts of cash to realise it.
Pakistan rarely gets mentioned in the news because it’s Muslim and the BBC will not say or do anything negative to them. It’s policy now. It will upset all the other Muslim countries who agree with what they do.
Unlike India of course which gets way, way, way more coverage than it deserves or anyone except a small minority want. Though I expect that minority is not so small in BBC land.
One of the rarer Getty images.
Good because you don’t need it-you are young and have a strong functioning immune system. The vaccine is still only experimental, and its varience unpredictable as has been shown. Why on earth would young healthy people need such an inoculation, or is it to instill a feature that will endorse continued future compliancy.
I think the latter.
it’s Mariana, isn’t it?
lol, start the video then pause it immediately.
You will see:
12 females and 3 BAME males.
Not a single white male.
In fact it’s exclusively BAME and girls all the way through apart from Fauci the liar making your skin crawl..
And why does someone whose parents won’t let her get the vaccine need to be in shadow like a terrorist or drug dealer ?. Are her parents really that bad ?.
Mind you, the author – Laura Foster – looks straight from the Marianne school of I-can’t-believe-I-got-this-job.
The BBC is out of control now.
That BBC item is truly horrifying. As for the creaky-voiced girl and the diverse podgy boy, they ought to be strangled.
They are a vile organisation.
Well everyone, A Question of Sport, has hit the pits, the BBC who this time have really slid off the cliff-the presenter a so called funny bloke, with two coloureds replacing two very knowledgeable sports personalities-Matt Dawson and Phil Tuffers. One of the new one’s is a French Rugby player, the other ? I’ve loss interest, or is lost faith in our sinking broadcaster.
BBC rule : Every day in the run up COP26 there must be greendream PR in news bulletins.
9am “Grimsby and Hull are to *BENEFIT* hugely from a rise in wind industry jobs
it looks like the number of jobs in that industry is to double in the next 5 years
Here’s the man from Orsted.”
PR man Duncan ” … world’s biggest wind farm ah blah”
“and now the sport”
WTF the news was only 2 mins long and half of it was that item.
What happens to all the old wind turbines?
By Padraig Belton
Technology of Business reporter
Published7 February 2020
MM, just skimming that article, it mentions that newer turbine blades are made from carbon fibre, which also cannot be recycled, as far as I know. In their manufacture, carbon fibre blades require a lot of heat. I wonder where that comes from? Gas? Coal? Oil? Wood chip?
Oh dear!
Would be nice to see a diagram of energy required at each stage for a Turbine – which bits do not need repeating etc.
MM, I agree. It might give the game away too much.
Way back in the early 000s or late 1990s, I asked someone, a Prof at Reading Uni, what was the proportion of CO2 manufacturing-induced output compare to the 30 year life of a turbine. His reply was 10%. No payback until Year 4.
But, but, but ……. that did not included installation-induced CO2 output nor maintenance visit CO2 outputs. One would hope that there would be an efficiency improvement on the CO2 outputs over time. Certainly, the Vattenfall boats that service the windfarms in the Thames Estuary and beyond have an impressive array of solar panels on the roofs of their cabins these days. I suspect that that only powers ship-to-shore comms and maybe radar/sonar as well and that dear old diesel is required for powering the boat.
China rub hands – more cobalt from Africa!
I read that the manufacturing costs of a turbine will never recoup the ‘savings’ on providing wind power.
Probably right, but as they’re all subsidised by gummint, nobody will ever know the real cost, just have to pay the bills.
My bill is going up by 45%, just to satisfy a screaming bunch of scare-mongers, aided by the awful bbc.
Fabulous news when pensions don’t get a look in next year.
I realised that when I tried to find out just how much one really cost. All anyone told me was how long it took to generate the energy it took to manufacture it. I smelt a big rat.
I tried to estimate it myself and came up with about 20 years – but they deliberately keep all the information about grants and subsidies scattered around.
I started to get interested after reading a comment from a good chum, Elby the Berserk, on C@W site.
Apparently, he did find out the answer, and it appears that a turbine will fall apart after around 25 years on, and will still never have paid for itself!
It was some time ago, and a quick search hasn’t come up with the data, sorry about that!
Why can’t we edit our pieces on BBC Bias anymore?
You can within a time constraint.
tarien, could be your broadband is wilting. Mine was very feeble yesterday evening.
I have had no difficulty. Important for me because I always make mistakes.
Its only the BBC that make mistakes .
Jacob Rees-Mogg said that anti-Islamic comments have no place in society and people had thoughts
Sophia Ankel
Saturday 20 April 2019 10:15
How about an anti-islamic person? Has he a right to live?
I think that Islam is an important and interesting religion and that people in this country of the Muslim faith are as patriotic as Catholics are.
That there should be no differentiation in the way they are treated in this country and religious toleration is a very important value.
I didn’t realise JR-M was so dim. We can only hope that since April 2019 he has done a great deal more private research and has now modified his view.
Still, I suppose all our MPs get their
fairy stories‘advice’ about Islam from all the wrong sources.Green jobs … These blades, which have reached the end of their 25-year working lives, come from three wind farms in the north-western US state. Each will be cut into three, then the pieces will be stacked and buried.
MM, will the blades destined for destruction be transported by bicycle or electric truck? No?
Oh dear!
Support from Joseph Stalin increased Lysenko’s momentum and popularity. In 1935, Lysenko compared his opponents in biology to the peasants who still resisted the Soviet government’s collectivization strategy, saying that by opposing his theories the traditional geneticists were setting themselves against Marxism. Stalin was in the audience when this speech was made, and he was the first one to stand and applaud, calling out “Bravo, Comrade Lysenko. Bravo.”[17] This emboldened Lysenko, and gave him and Prezent free reign to slander any geneticists who still spoke out against him. Many of Lysenkoism’s opponents, such as his former mentor Nikolai Ivanovich Vavilov, were imprisoned or executed because of their denunciations.[18][13]
Covid-19: First man to get jab William Shakespeare dies of unrelated illness
Published25 May
Coventry councillor Jayne Innes, a friend of Mr Shakespeare, said he had died on Thursday and added the “best tribute to Bill is to have the jab”.
If Bill had been run over a bus, should other people jump under buses in tribute?
We hear more and more on the msm that the young are the ones who will be bearing the largest part of the costs incurred during this covid outbreak.
While this has some truth to it I recall that during my 50 years of contributions to the government (tax and NI payments) I happily paid towards the pensions and other stuff of the then older generation and never thought I was being used or taken advantage of.
While most workers of all ages have had various supports paid and various organisations have had lots of money from the government (us taxpayers) one group has been missing from these handouts. Pensioners.
And, they are trying to get out of paying the triple lock increase.
I’ve seen people on the tv saying pensioners are asset rich and should pay more. Do they want pensioners to sell their houses and move into one room blocks?
It’s also a bit short sighted for those calling for pensioners to sell up because it’s their future inheritances being sold off.
They say a young person on £30,000 pa (how many of the young get that much?) would pay an extra £200 a year in NI contributions.
This will be given to the NHS (more diversity managers etc)
With the majority of those killed off by the Chinese flu, about 120,000, being pensioners, there must be £billions saved every year in pension payments (even though it’s a low payment and mainly to those on the second class pension of about £40 per week less than the new pension after they paid in for some 15, or is it 20, years more than the new pensions)
So, why are the msm stirring it up. No complaints from me after 50 years of paying in so why would today’s young be so different.
You’re lucky! I had to pay for World War One ! Still paying for WWII, and probably the Boer War as well !
Excellent article by Lionel Shriver writing an anniversary letter to her brother killed in 9/11.
Al-beeb informs us that: ‘Taliban says it will ‘raise voice for Kashmir Muslims”.
No doubt it will, as it was created by Pakistan partly to fight a proxy war against India.
But will it ‘raise its voice’ against the genocide of Uyghurs in China – which will soon be giving Afghanistan millions to exploit its natural resources? I think not.
Come to that, strange how silent the entire islamic world is on that subject.
Draw a cartoon or write a novel, and there’s mass hysteria among muslims across the planet.
But exterminate, imprison and genocide millions of muslim Uyghurs… and not a peep from the brothers.
It seems China’s been busy buying their silence.
As the Biden-led West blunders from crisis to crisis, China plays the long game, and quietly increases its reach, its power, its wealth and its hegemony.
Taliban – first Zero Carbon Party to meet it’s targets.
But China …good .. USA .. bad.
BBC TOADY Watch #1 – what am I hearing here? 1. Propaganda
I start listening to TOADY just in time for Thought for the Day. Dire. Did you know that meerkats – those things that breed like, er, rabbits – are going to become extinct in exactly 29 years, 3 months and 26 days time? Yes. The presenter of TftD told me so.
Did you know it is essential to treat our children even more like pincushions and jab them for Covid as well? Yes it is. A brainless Nick Robinson was pushing that idea while experts hesitate. Now, don’t get me wrong. I’m not an anti-vaxxer. They can work. They do work. Sometimes. But coming from something of a pharma and science background, I also know the limitations of some vaccines. But with children, if it is true “We are going to have to live with Covid in future.” (quote Prime Minister and some of the SAGE committee) then, to my way of thinking, it is essential that you build natural immunity to the Covid virus.
That is essential for future generations (if we are not getting near the end of the world) and to vaccinate children may do more harm than good. You could, for example, with one or two of the vaccines, create a propensity for heart damage and disease. Nick, despite a private education and an Oxbridge degree is not bright enough to think about asking Mark Walport or the other contributor (sorry, forgot name) about that.
Nick is also not bright enough (or has a bad case of typical BBC Amnesia!) because this week we learned that some of the Covid vaccines, even after two doses, er … ummh …. do not work. Oooops! We also know that, from the number of people (some in the news) who although fully vaccinated have caught Covid. We also know from the statistics of daily infections that as vaccination has increased to close to 90% of the UK population, that Covid cases can increase and Covid cases can decline. Look at the evidence, Nick.
Some anti-vaxxers are as equally brainless as Nick Robinson. They claim the vaccines can do harm and are designed to kill. All medications and all vaccines can harm someone. They need to be administered with care. I have personal experience of this. But think on this, anti-vaxxers: currently Big Pharma is making money from Covid vaccines. Why would they want to kill off a large proportion of this country, let alone the world? It is where they make their future earnings from.
Big Pharma needs the population of the world to grow so that they can grow their earnings. Of course, Pandemics and panicing Governments & panicing MSM also help in that.
The contaminated blood scandal in the United Kingdom arose when at least 3,891 people, most of whom suffered from haemophilia, became infected with hepatitis C of whom 1,243 were also infected with HIV, the virus that leads to acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), as a result of receiving contaminated clotting …
MM, that was, largely, the fault of the UK Civil Service. Nothing to do with Big Pharma.
NHS let it happen under experts watching!
MM, again, nothing to do with Big Pharma, Small Pharma and Inbetween Pharma.
11:30am R4 FooC
The Lebanon was once the embodiment of glamour: Leila Molana-Allen says you can’t even get medicine now
(Wow as if the country was rich ..when it had French values
and then gets poorer the more Arab it is.)
Azerbaijan and Armenia : trying to clear the landmines in the Nagorno Karabakh
New York : Laura Trevelyan talks to a 911 widow
Italy : Freddy Mercury Road
Paris : Hugh Schofield has a rat in his house
Best not talk about afgee eh ?
Look over there! Squirrels! Sorry – Rats!
What’s it like to be in the 1% of female lorry drivers?
By Michael Race
Business reporter, BBC News
Published12 hours ago
On the club, national and international level, men’s netball teams exist, but attract less attention than women’s netball.[1] Mixed teams are not uncommon in Australia and are very popular.[2] Men’s national teams do exist in Brunei, Canada, England, Fiji, Hong Kong, India, Isle of Man, Jamaica, Kenya, Malaysia, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Singapore and the UAE.[1]
In 1997, in England male participation comprised 0.7% of the total netball playing population within schools.[3] Unlike women’s netball at elite and national levels, men’s and mixed gendered teams in countries like Fiji, Australia and New Zealand are largely self-funded.[4] When administrators attend conferences for men’s and mixed gendered netball, they also have to pay most of their own costs.[4]
I read on the Daily Mail website about the mural in Driffield (98.7% white) which failed to have a person of colour amongst the people highlighted who had helped the town function during lockdown.
I wondered how the BBC local news would deal with the issue. (The only black person anyone seemed to know about was a black boxer who had certainly enjoyed fights outside the ring, but is apparently a reformed character who doesn’t live in Driffield anymore.
Well Look North ignored the story which apparently on some media sites ‘has divided the town’. It may be that this was just a silly story that the press had found by searching social media. But it was obvious that Look North could not have dealt with it in the way I would have expected, without looking extremely stupid.
Surely the ‘crime’ of Driffield was not the mural but the fact that its shopkeepers were all of the toxic white race?
One can’t but help feel that there is an underlying claim that Great Britain was part of Africa until the evil white people colonised it!
They probably shifted the Earth’s axis too, so that the rightful African owners were deprived of essential sunshine to top up their vitamin D levels!
Can’t be long before BLM creates BOB, B**ger Off B**cks – no doubt part of the ‘plan’, discontent being more newsworthy than harmony.
BBC TOADY Watch #2 – what am I hearing here? 2. Advertising
Not just one book on TOADY this morning but two! And a bit of spin-off advertising for a rock band.
No Afghanistan, either, unless it made an appearance in the first 45 minutes of TOADY. That may be due to the absence of Mishal and Martha but the BBC Business Editor nobly stepped in to help out. Simon Jack seems these days to do more TOADY presenting than his proper job that the Licence Fee payer expects him to do as Business Editor. Bring back Peston!
We have a book on Queen as Freddie Mercury (not his real name) who would have been 75 tomorrow, has been written by a journalist who happened along toward the end of his life and the end of Queen as we knew them. It was an interesting interview with her except for the hard of hearing because the BBC managed to play Queen’s music throughout the interview.
Favoured son of the BBC, Salman Rushdie, has written a new book and will release chapters in stages via the interwebby. Again an interesting discussion. It’s not a new idea but will it spell the end for bookshops. Bookshop sokesman says business is booming. Has been booming thanks to Lockdown. Three cheers! Thanks to the end of Lockdown, too, more people in bookshops than before. Three more cheers! Even louder ones.
I found toady hugely entertaining this day ( but not in the way they’d appreciate ) – I got the feeling they’d run out of ‘important subjects ‘ so spent ages – ages – talking about books ….
Meanwhile in the real world – Kabul airport has been fixed by jonnie Turk and dirty Qatar Arabs ( meaning – no doubt – well paid western mercenaries …this was on al jaz – and they are hoping for the first Ryanair flights in a couple of weeks …
Fed, yes to an extent I did as well although I was hearing propaganda, promotion, propaganda, promotion, propaganda – in spades! Well, in reality, more like skip fills of the stuff spread over my ears and the ears of the TOADY listening public. But then I missed any Afgee bits, I only caught the last 70-75 minutes of the programme.
Afgee has gone from the BBC – apart from the exploitation of ‘refugees’ being treated to a lower standard than the BBC requires .
Yet as I said – al jazera is reporting important stuff – including the Biden sec state going to Qatar on Sunday to chat with the taliban …
Fed, I did hear something on TOADY this morning that made me chuckle: according to BBC News at 8 a.m. there could be a shortage of influenza vaccines this winter due to the shortage of HGV truck drivers. The BBC, in their desperation to continue to try to undermine Brexit, had not bothered to find out how influenza vaccine reaches GP surgeries and pharmacies.
Get ‘em while they’re impressionable.
Taliban to be included?
BBC TOADY Watch #3 – what am I hearing here? 3. Feminism and the promotion of feminism
Feminism and football favourite topics of the BBC and, certainly as far as the latter is concerned, Nick Robinson too. However he repeats an oft-quoted lie – if not a lie, then a MUM, a Modern Urban Myth – that womens football was illegal in the UK for 50 years. Not so. It was not against the laws of the land for women to play football.
From 1921 to 1971 it was not possible for women to play football professionally in the UK in a Football Association ground. The FA, not the Government, banned the professional game – which had been played by women over one hundred years ago – on the grounds of safety, from their administered grounds.
Now why did Nick drop this myth or lie into a promotional TOADY item for Manchester City’s match against Everton’s ladies today? Was it to make previous Governments look bad and, by association, the Government of today look bad? Or was it to try and talk up the attendance at today’s game which Nick, in a fit of honesty, correctly said does not attract big crowds. Or was he trying to make a game that was going to be shown, er, by BBC on terrestial television more attractive. Who knows?
Nick was also very incorrect to say that this was the first game to be shown on television as I have watched womens football on TV at the house of a friend but then they had a streaming contract with Sky.
But, hey, you know you can trust the BBC ….
…. to promote the cause of feminism.
If you visit the main football page on the BBC sports site ..
… the “Premier League” matches and league table are normally shown on the right-hand side of the page. The Premier League is a natural default setting for the football main page as (I presume) more fans support the premier league than any other.
Not today, “Women’s Super League” matches and tables are the default.
It’s non-stop.
SG, yes, I did visit that page to see if the match was this afternoon. I saw the match report, no spoiler alert, I’m not going to give the score away but yes, what you say appears to be correct. Is it a temporary hiatus because there is no Mens League Football because of the current round of International matches for the World Cup Qualifying? But that doesn’t stop the BBC non-stop promos for the Socialist feminist cause.
I take your point.
There are no Premiership or Championship games today. It does imply the BBC think women’s football is more popular than Division One or Two.
A “Women’s Super League” table with only one match played in the whole of that league makes amusing viewing though.
No Male Netball?
Solomon Grundy,
“the “Premier League” matches and league table are normally shown… Not today…”
Interesting definition of “non-stop”.
“However he repeats an oft-quoted lie – if not a lie, then a MUM, a Modern Urban Myth – that womens football was illegal in the UK for 50 years.”
Nope, he didn’t say it was illegal; you’ve just made that up.
“Nick was also very incorrect to say that this was the first game to be shown on television…”
Nope, he didn’t say that either. But keep on trying, Up2snuff.
‘Fact checking’ again ?
Have you paid your Telly tax yet? That’s the tax that robs from the poor to give to the rich.
Fact checking is quite the specialism.
You could write a book about it.
The sheer scale of it
Corbyn says we won the argument!
How much of that is going to fall into Chinese and Russian hands though?
All of it – they will ask China to help them Govern –
China rejects claim it bugged headquarters it built for African Union
This article is more than 3 years old
Beijing dismisses report it put bugs in walls and desks and downloaded data from its servers every night for five years
All Chinese citizens, even born abroad, and all Chinese companies are ultimately answerable to the CCP and the military, as exposed in the recent BBC doco: China’s Magic Weapon.
Governments around the world are uncovering secret operations to expand China’s influence – the work of a little-known branch of the Chinese Communist Party called the United Front Work Department. President Xi has called it his ‘magic weapon’.
Australia has changed its laws to combat foreign interference, and America says eight out of ten industrial espionage cases now involve China. So what is the United Front doing in the UK? Jane Corbin investigates this powerful but shadowy organisation. Has influence become interference as China bids to become the most powerful nation on earth?
Thanks for link to Lionel Shriver article; stirring reading.
The Russians will take them apart to study their weak spots and incorporate their strong points into their own military hardware.
The Chinese will reverse engineer them, mass produce their own versions and have them on sale in Tesco by next week.
vlad, but some of the dimensions will be slightly off and jams and misfires will be a regular occurrance for the Chinese.
Thank you for putting that up . One might have hoped that the US would have disabled any kit it had to leave behind . But that would only apply in a sane world .
I think the kit issue is bigger that the ‘refugees ‘ who have landed in the world of milk and honey ……
How ever this will only be recognised when it is used in Western European cities … and will come as a shock …
According to the DM at least some of the kit at Kabul was disabled and consequently the Taliban are angry and feel ‘betrayed’.
It did destroy some much to the annoyance of the Taleban who said that the kit belonged to Afghanistan.
I do have to wonder if the military ‘intelligence’ of which the USA has proved laughably incompetent with the worst intelligence service in the world – the CIA overlooked the military involvement of Pakistan in the Taleban takeover.
The scale of the assets lost near beggars belief – and it’s understandable why few iin the public sphere in the Anglophone world are going anywhere near it.
Biden and his team … I’m clean out of pejorative adjectives and unflattering comparisons.
The BBC are likely aware – but they won’t go near the topic with a bargepole as the obvious culpability land slam dunk on their mates in the DNC…. They shill for those scum at every turn.
Fedup – I actually heard a military spokesman state that they’d disabled the helicopters by slashing their tyres!!
Like the Taliban don’t have bicycle puncture repair kits?
Downgrade? Erase!
Dear Winston Smith at the BBC Complaints Department twinned with the Ministry of Truth as authored by your previous employee Eric Blair,
If the BBC is causing mental anguish by producing News that contradicts reality then should it extinguish itself or at least give people the choice of paying the BBC rather than forcing them to pay a BBC TV TAX under Government protection and threat of prosecution (est. 180,000 in 2017)?
Maybe you can do a BBC programme on it?
CAS-4987700-SY1FTF : BBC NewsWatch says boredom with pro-Brexit march.
CAS-4963895-3HKGDN: Tommy Robinson: Are you reporting on him?.
CAS-4844672-N8FDYY: Update on the MP Expenses 2009 scandal in 2018.
CAS-4939547-J71Z1V: Here’s hoping Ireland do the right thing G.Lineker.
CAS-4937378-YKMWBJ: BBC not reporting ‘Day of Freedom’ March 06may2018.
CAS-4906141-BFJQL0: I take offence that presenters promote their books.
CAS-4892811-C820SC: I am offended that I have to pay the BBC TV Tax.
CAS-4824332-633N1P: What happened in Italy was not covered …
CAS-4933135-ZV3V7F: The omission is the most powerful form of lie …
BBC admits it breached impartiality guidelines in report blaming Churchill’s racism for three million deaths in Bengal famine, because item failed to offer an alternative view
Of course nothing will be done to set the record straight or make sure those responsible are disciplined, or that it doesn’t happen again.
Alex Belfield points out that, in their coverage of the report on child abuse in religious communities, the BBC highlighted… the Jehovah’s Witnesses, while ignoring the huge elephant in the room,
‘Camel in the room’ might be more apt.
They were raped by multiple perpetrators, trafficked to other towns and cities in the north of England, abducted, beaten, and intimidated. There were examples of children who had been doused in petrol and threatened with being set alight, threatened with guns, made to witness brutally violent rapes and threatened they would be next if they told anyone. Girls as young as 11 were raped by large numbers of male perpetrators. {Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Exploitation in Rotherham – 1997 – 2013 – Jay OBE –
The Jewish Chronicle reported that the senior rabbi giving evidence to the child abuse enquiry was adamant that the view of the Jewish court (Beth Din) was that any child abuse should be reported to the police. The BBC preferred to highlight the view of a lesser rabbi’s draft paper which suggested dealing with child abuse should remain within the community. The BBC’s crafting of their report didn’t make that clear.
The Telford child sexual exploitation scandal is an ongoing scandal in the United Kingdom. Originally, a group of men were convicted of grooming local children for sex between 2007 and 2009 in Telford in the English county of Shropshire.[1][2][3] While media reports had suggested 100 or more girls had been affected[4] and around 200 perpetrators were suspected,[5] the Sunday Mirror reported in March 2018 that up to 1,000 girls may have been abused, with some even murdered, in incidents dating back to the 1970s.[6]
Posted at 13:09 6 Jul13:09 6 Jul
Telford child sex abuse report expected by the end of 2021
Local Democracy Reporting Service
The independent inquiry into child sexual exploitation in Telford and Wrekin is hoping to publish its report by the end of the year.
Its chairman, barrister Tom Crowther, has said it’s behind schedule, partly because of the large number of documents it has had to go through, and also because of the pandemic.
Early Saturday evening and I saw tonight’s prom was Carnival of the Animals. I switched on to find a black lady at the piano. One of the Kanye Masons apparently. I had chosen the moment to start watching as she had finished playing. But up popped another black woman, wearing a parka pretending to be a fish, reciting in some pseudo northern accent. It wasn’t what I wanted from a prom. I switched off.
BBC Proms: Remain campaigners accused of ‘hijacking’ Last Night of the Proms by waving EU flags
6.00pm News
Radio 4, 15 May 2012
An item on Palestinian demonstrations marking Nakba Day referred to “thousands of Palestinians leaving their homes” following the declaration of the State of Israel. Two listeners complained that this gave a misleading impression of the scale of Palestinian displacement and the extent to which it was the result of coercion. The complaint was partly upheld.
The One Show
19 July 2012
Two viewers complained about Daley Thompson’s suggestion that a tattoo in which the word “Olympic” was misspelled must have been the work of “an Irish Tattooist”. The complaint was resolved.
Danny Baker
BBC London 94.9
We received complaints from listeners unhappy that Danny Baker will be leaving his afternoon show on BBC London 94.9.
Governments around the world are uncovering secret operations to expand China’s influence – the work of a little-known branch of the Chinese Communist Party called the United Front Work Department. President Xi has called it his ‘magic weapon’.
Australia has changed its laws to combat foreign interference, and America says eight out of ten industrial espionage cases now involve China. So what is the United Front doing in the UK? Jane Corbin investigates this powerful but shadowy organisation.
Has influence become interference as China bids to become the most powerful nation on earth?
Starmer wants UK to impose China human rights sanctions
Starmer wants UK to impose China human rights sanctions
Sir Keir Starmer said China was “important” to the UK but it “cannot turn a blind eye to very serious human rights abuses”.
The Labour leader said the UK should impose sanctions on Chinese officials who have been involved in human rights abuses “straight away”.
Perhaps drop a bomb on Cambridge University? Sad to lose those beautiful buildings, though.
News : 23 Jul 2020 – Morton Hall, Lincolnshire immigration detention centre which has seen high levels of self-harm and violence is to *close*
News today – Morton Hall, is to *reopen* as a prison exclusively for foreign inmates
There are now 3 such prisons.
I imagine the schedulers meeting
“Right our tacky Saturday night game shows are getting dismal viewing stats
.. OK we’ll have to get the oiks back
Let’s have 90 mins of Only Fools & Horses on BBC1 at 8pm
…. What about black people ?
We’ll put on 2.5 hours of Beyonce on BBC2
What about the Guardian readers ?
Well on BBC4 we’ll have Adrian Chiles, and then 90 mins of Swedish True Crime drama.
“I imagine the schedulers meeting… OK we’ll have to get the oiks back…”
Projecting much?
I’d like to take this opportunity to remember and celebrate the heroic struggle of Mary Whitehouse againt the BBC and others. She was villified by the media, yet she was undeniably right in her opposition. She was awarded a CBE but cowardly politicians failed the British people once again. She should have a day of rememberance perhaps 23rd November the day she died.
Yes whichever PR agency came up with her name of Whitehouse played a blinder ! nothing better for a clean up campaign than – White House. Her real name being Constance Mary Hutcheson.
My that was clever of her to marry Ernest Raymond Whitehouse!
How strangely normal for the time to adopt her husband’s surname.
Surely a real name has to be Stephen Yaxley-Lennon.
Yes I KNOW who she married – I did check Google like you btw, but I remember years ago there was a report that Whitehouse was conjured up as a suitable name for her ‘mission’.
“I’d like to take this opportunity to remember and celebrate the heroic struggle of Mary Whitehouse…”
Yeah right. Her “heroic struggle” against freedom of expression and to imprison people for blasphemy.
So she would be with your lot if she was alive today then Maxi?
Good God maxi, you are the height of hypocrisy.
You people have destroyed free speech and we now live in a world were people can be arrested just because of what they think.
Don’t you think it’s time you grew up and got a proper job ?.