“Heathrow criticises Border Force for ‘unacceptable’ queues” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-58448565
There are far more important things to criticise them for.
Ie., The criminals and terrorists they are letting in.
Britain’s vulnerable borders EXPOSED as Home Office admits losing track of 600k foreigners
THE vulnerability of Britain’s borders was exposed yesterday as Home Office officials revealed details of more 600,000 foreign visitors to the UK have been lost, and there is no way of knowing if they ever returned home.
PUBLISHED: 00:01, Thu, Mar 29, 2018 | UPDATED: 18:29, Thu, Mar 29, 2018
I don’t expect the BBC will take any notice, as UN Climate Change policies has nothing to do with the weather other than a prediction based on an incorrect statement that ‘97% of Scientists agree’
– which is the first clue that its ‘contrived’ to make it look that way for a – specific purpose. Political convenience of the left to blame everybody else..
And its worked so far.
Leading to Scientists being shadow ‘banned’, for stating the obvious when the facts don’t add up.
That is become a doctrine of the left to damage everything and exploit everything for political advantage. They are at media war with us 7 days a week. Often sponsored by our own governments as an ’emergency’ situation.
The BBC cannot see morals. Pointing out inaccuracy at the BBC is rarely admitted even when its debated in parliament and even the Courts have fined them and found them and found guilty (again). They just carry on as before, paying fine or two as they go.
But what if, suddenly, 97% of Scientists suddenly agreed that global warming was not man made but because of the role of the sun itself?
Would that change things for the left?
I don’t think so, (you see it just gets ignored. After all they control most of the media, have infiltrated governments, education and wealth locked up with the projection of ‘doom’ and a global pandemic that may be with us for the remains of the next century (or more) depending if the BBC still exists.
But not all Scientist agree (nor ever will). But they rank higher than political agitators hiding as environmentalists. Globalist corporations are keen for you to believe the end of the world scenario. They are just the profit seekers.
But: If you believe in the Science, don’t believe anything when your in lock down. Taking drugs (because if you don’t..), get you kids neutered, take an early Euthanasia pill, abort a perfectly healthy child early, close down all industry, ban cars, ban cows, ban fishing, ban money… something may happen- to the planet that is really, really scary. When governments telling you what to eat, read, abort, and father (or mother) and create a state of fear.
Except its not. Not CO2.
Study Finds Sun—Not CO2—May Be Behind Global Warming
A new scientific review article has just been published on the role of the Sun in climate change over the last 150 years. It finds that the United Nations ’Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) may have been premature in their conclusion that recent climate change is mostly caused by human greenhouse gas emissions.
So that torpedoes the entire CO2 emission argument of the left.
And the BBC would say its just one ‘light weight’ report. (they will ignore it), but they could respond. In which case they could also ignore another report here. It won’t be the last, as not all Scientist agree to work at the BBC.
If anything its cooler this year, than 2019.
Whilst I heard on the BBC that it’s the hottest on record!
And as usual the ice caps and polar bears ’emergency’ etc.
If we all died tomorrow. CO2 would not change. The planet would still be heated by the sun. Its in balance beyond the tweaks of Bill Gates and his team of global warriors of the left.
As a ‘denier ‘ i know that if someone proved that solar activity was the dominent factor in changes in the global climate – that would be suppressed .
The whole governing class of politicians and journos have fully signed up to the ‘CO2 is bad school ‘ – so nothing can get in the way of that – not in our lifetimes anyway .
Burn those hydrocarbons..
I see the BBC are still portraying the fighters in the Panjshir Valley as heros standing up against Taliban oppression. Just as they have for decades.
Which is ironic because the BBC are in part directly responsible for the fact that they are going to be completely wiped out.
What a shame we can’t take these Lefties over there and make them watch the consequences of their actions and see what distorting truth in the name of ideology leads to. All because of their hatred of Trump.
Ivermectin: Oklahoma doctor warns against using drug for Covid treatment https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-58449876
Never heard of that one BBC : thanks for the suggestion, I’ll go see if I can get some.
Just as I never considered what Trump said to mean ‘I should inject disinfectant’ until you twisted it that way. Because he never said it.
The elephant in this article about Oklahoma – where Wikipedia tells me is only 55% are ‘non-Hispanic’ white – is:
“The [emergency rooms] are so backed up that gunshot victims were having hard times getting to facilities where they can get definitive care and be treated,”
As if gunshot injuries are like catching a cold.
What occurred to me while I was researching this is how nobody on the Left has accused BLM of racism for not including Hispanics or anyone else.
Even more reason ‘taking the knee’ should be banned as the racist symbol it is.
The lying, deceitful BBC also say, “Ivermectin, mainly a veterinary deworming agent, can be used in small doses to treat some human conditions.” I love, “mainly”.
Read that and all became clear: the position of the WHO, FDA, NHS, NICE et al. no doubt all receiving backhanders from big Pharma to follow that line. That’s what you are instructed to advise if you are over on the (far) left-hand-side of the fence.
Quick check of what the BBC is projecting for the UK page today:
‘Call for clarity on COVID vaccines for children’. Pic: White boy, black boy, white girl.
‘Jobs market set for bumpy ride’. Pic: Black woman.
‘Scotland and Yorkshire are TV’s top destinations’. Pic: Horse with 2 women in the background. Though the horse might be Nut-Nut.
‘Heathrow criticises Border Force’. Pic: Queue mainly women with black woman and man in foreground.
Doctors urge MP’s to take action on flu jab delay’. Pic: Woman giving woman vaccine.
‘How are schools being kept COVID-safe’. Pic: Black girl in foreground.
Plus the feature:
‘What’s it like to be in the 1% of female lorry drivers?’
A grim day indeed when the future King of Great Britain has been caught taking bribes from wealthy Saudi businessmen in exchange for face to face meetings, a reccomendation for citizenship, and a knighthood !
Again the fact these issues come to light add further creedence to the reality poverty pay for senior politicians is leading to them open to offers of money from foreign powers to follow their agenda, and not what is in the interest of this one.
Well, you have to get a few ‘Folding Pictures of The Duke of Wellington to fund the stupid ginge and minge, currently hiding in squalor in their $10m mansion in some yank town.
And he’ll need to bail out his bro at some stage.
Our Queen deserves much better than all this, we just wish that her feckless brood could at least try and keep up to her fabulous standards.
I wonder who the awful BBC will blame? The muzzies, or Bigears?
So far as I’m aware Charles isn’t giving the pair any money, and is so cautious of them that he and William won’t even have a private meeting with Harry in case he lies about what was said and it is used against them.
The point is a wider one, that if the future king is accepting bribes it’s almost inconceivable politicians are not also doing so, and what is being offered in return for those bribes.
You’re right of course, Thoughtful, but somewhere along the line, those two must still be somewhere on the payroll, as if they weren’t they’d be even more boring than they are now!
As for middle eastern bribes, I suppose we should appoint a ‘special envoy’ – oops, we once did…
Once a year a certain government department would re-issue a standing instruction on the subject of fraud.
It included a question: “What is the lower limit for fraud?”.
The answer was that there was no lower limit. Any fraud was seen as breaking the bond of trust with the department and the inevitable consequence would be instant dismissal – so think more than twice for claiming £1.50 for the bus ticket that wasn’t bought.
You seem to be advocating the inverse strategy – “How much do we have to pay our leaders before they will stop fraudulently taking bribes?”
The definition of ‘Diversity’ for me is ‘Over representation of minorities at the expense of the indigenous population’.
As I was checking my spelling, I discovered ‘Indigenous’ is another word whose meaning has been changed by the Left so they can use it in their narrative.
The word actually means ‘produced, living, or existing naturally in a particular region or environment’.
Wikipedia now defines it as: ‘culturally distinct ethnic groups who are native to a place which has been colonised and settled by another ethnic group.’ – ie victims.
My interpretation of ‘Diversity’ is ethnic cleansing by attrition.
“(noun) A type of expulsion, in which an ethnic or religious group is forced to leave an area by another ethnic or religious group, in order to create a “pure” and homogenized area.” London anybody?
At first I thought this was old news
but that must have been another similar article on the NHS website before.
This is new news.. there was a Mail story on Friday.
Good old BBC.
She spent nine months in jail for a string of ‘minor crimes’. She wouldn;t have needed bail if she didn’t get convicted for them.
They really dishonest scumbags.
Not complaining but this is what I got last night for dinner and the next meal is 12 hours later. Refugee life might be safe but never easy & favorable. Fort bliss El Paso Texas. #AfghanRefugees#afghanistanpic.twitter.com/2X7eP8Uwa0
Guess Who
With respect – surely that is false news? It is clearly the vegetarian sunday lunch option offered by Ryanair at £19.99 on selected flights ?
I hope the same caterers feeds such stuff to new ‘ arrivals ‘ fresh off the dinghy/ c17…
What they do is call each other to talk about what they are entitled to. Then they start demanding it.
It’s been happening to those floating across the channel : they know they are entitled to a room and so get abusive and threatening to the border control staff to get them it quickly.
Strangely, the BBC website doesn’t seem to be carrying this story, perhaps because it might cause some people to have thoughts like “Ah, now I see why Afghanis want the Taliban…”. Some of the comments are priceless.
‘…no economic policies, no aid, no one to run their airports and no money to pay wages…‘ – no, not Boris Johnson’s Tories, this was Christina Lamb in the Sunday Times wailing about the Taliban being taken by surprise by the sudden event of their being handed power in Kabul. Who really cares? Who would be surprised that this tribal backwater reverts to chaos, medievalism and infighting?
As for the suddeness of the takeover, one might envisage President Joe Biden as the grumpy old grandad, who didn’t really understand the tactics of the kid’s game Kerplunk – he thought if you pull all the sticks out at once and all the marbles come crashing down, then somehow you win the game.
But let’s look more closely at our Christina’s rough checklist for competancy in running a country. In a rather procolonialist sense she laments the Taliban’s unsuitability for the job. A concerned mother frustrated the kids are back in charge: ‘An urgent financial crisis awaited them‘ quoting a local former finance official: “They don’t understand the magnitude of the economic threat”
Closer to home: BBC: ‘More than 8,700 chain stores closed in British High Streets, shopping centres and retail parks in the first six months of this year, research suggests. That is an average of nearly 50 outlets a day as the impact of the pandemic and changing shopping habits continue to hit many towns and city centres‘
Ahem, the impact of… lockdown policy.
UK unemployment: BBC: ‘The Resolution Foundation said it was possible that unemployment would rise from its current level of 4.4% to about 4.9% in the autumn, with another 150,000 workers unemployed‘
Further criticism of the Taliban seems to centre around their disorganistion: “They hadn’t had the internal discussion about who would do what or how”
Meanwhile: ‘Tories at war over “idiotic” tax increase‘ (Sunday Telegraph)
‘Red Wall could crumble over tax and pension plan “madness”‘ (Sunday Express)
Red wall crumble? – must be some northern delicacy, like Eccles Cake. I can remember back when the Liberals couldn’t have jelly for tea – they thought they broke the political mould.
As for running the airports: BBC: ‘Heathrow criticises Border Force for “unacceptable” queues‘
I’m guessing security at Kabul airport now stop and question you only if you’re not on the terror watch list.
“Anything to declare, other than five suitcases full of opium poppy seeds?”
“We may have to confiscate this CD of Cliff Richard’s We’re All Going On A Summer Holiday. Cat Stephens is cool but we need to check if Sir Cliff complies with strict islamic law”
“Did you pack your suicide vest yourself, sir? Have a safe outward journey, won’t you”
One would like to find some light relief in the news but I’m afraid much of our tabloid press have gone covid crazy again.
‘Long covid hell for 2000 kids per day. Experts warn 1 in 7 could suffer. Whitty to rule on jabs in days‘ (Sunday People)
‘Covid chaos for under 18s. Teens face five-hour trip for jab’ (Sunday Mirror)
Just a reminder of these paper’s respective taglines: ‘Proud to be independent‘ and ‘We are with you‘
As the People turn up child project fear to the max: ‘As many as 2000 British kids a day may be going down with agonising cases of long Covid. One in seven may still have symptoms after 15 weeks says a report‘
Someone has been running computer models again, methinks.
We attempt to persuade kids to spend less time in front of their computer screens. About time our supposed expert modellers tried turning it off for a moment?
Pardon my ignorance, but there can’t be too much genuine research on ‘long covid’ so far.
Is it even a ‘thing’?
There are certainly no long term results – but it is a useful tool for the pharma child-jabbers.
There is no established medical evidence of anything called ‘Long Covid’. There are recognised conditions such as Post-Viral Fatigue (PVF), Post-Viral Syndrome (PVS) and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS). This is where a person continues to have symptoms following recovery from a viral infection (e.g. ‘flu or common cold), typically continuing to feel ‘under the weather’ or constantly tired. The term ‘syndrome’ is used as there are no objective tests for these things, and the treatment can involve exercise or Cognitive Behavourial Therapy (CBT) rather than anything medicinal, although painkillers and tranquilisers can be prescribed. These are the ‘official’ views; there is also a significant body of opinion that believes such things, along with ME and ADHD, are an attempt to medicalise certain behavours that aren’t in themselves necessarily (or always) medical in nature.
“Further criticism of the Taliban seems to centre around their disorganistion: “They hadn’t had the internal discussion about who would do what or how”.
I wonder if they exercised, ‘internal discussion’ before they appointed ‘associates’ to carry out throat cutting or stoning?
Here is the very alarming evidence of colusion involving British and US ‘scientists’ attempting to cover up the Chinese lab origins of Covid 19 in a smoking gun Email.
Just on the equal pay in football thing. Why should anyone given the honour of representing their country need paid?
International footballers are in the main all professionals and are well paid by their clubs, all will be properly insured by their respective governing bodies, will be given comfortable accommodation, will be suited and booted in all the latest kit, will be fed and watered with all their dietary needs met by chefs and dieticians, and will have all their first class travel expenses paid to them. If they’re not professional they still get everything gratis, it still costs them nothing.
Why should any footballer, male or female, expect to be paid an appearance fee to play for their country a few times a year?
7am R4 – An Anglican bishop who opposes women priests switches sides to Catholic (one guest was a woman who wants female priests in the Catholic church)
– A 911 victim who was a priest .. the BBC just happened to pick this gay priest to highlight
– Jewish New Year traditions
– British Muslims views on the prospect of an Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan.
All the voices they played thought the Taliban are the good guys
except the Shia woman
(The reporter
should have asked them why there is a frenzy to leave Afghanistan(
– The Bishop of Hertford and *Gordon Brown* on vaccine inequity
(His point is we have to give vaccines to poor countries, not horde them ..a fair point
but the presenter treated Gordon Brown as a saint
… And it’s not really a religion item, but rather shoehorned into the prog on the excuse that it’s to do with morality ..surely it’s politics)
Oh there was an item on the Child Abuse in religion report.
The prog chose to focus on the Jehovah’s Witnesses and their rule that there must be two witnesses for abuse to be logged.
They now say that they will abandon that rule and report to police every time a complainant comes forward.
One guest said she doubted this would happen.
Having an – almost – BBC free weekend – i did hear a ‘ paper review’ ( now one of the easiest ways the BBC uses to promote lefty propaganda) in which alleged corruption close to Charles Windsor’s house has become apparent .
I have little time for Royalty – honours are now largely dishonoured – as this case seems to highlight .
But then i thought of The Queen . What an awful year she is having. I cannot see anyone deserving what she is going through .
Taffman – yes – I sorry I showed a bit of compassion for an elderly German lady – won’t happen again ….
…..elsewhere – it looks as though the coming week is a retrospective on 9/11 after 20 years .
I’d rather concentrate on a Twitter account which puts up names and details of British soldiers killed in Afgee for nothing – sent to their death by Blair ….. never again please … until the next time …
The internet allows all our New Britons to remain connected to home so they have no need for the BBC. It also means that they retain their home culture, indeed are encouraged to do so if they ever were to watch the BBC.
i expect the BBC, Oxbridge to the woman, see the New Britons like those they met at university, sons and daughters of politicians, diplomats and the wealthy, not the non-Westernised rubber-boaters.
Making programmes for the people that don’t watch the BBC and upsetting those that actually pay for it isn’t the smartest business model.
“Social care: Plans for reform in England likely this week – sources” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-58452939
Yea ! How about funding it from the money wasted on foreign aid and cutting immigration . We never voted for this.
There seems to be a lot of resistance to breaking one manifesto pledge to complete another – Adult Social Care has to be dealt with and funded – and it seems billions more poured down thd NHS drain to get them to do the day stuff they should have been doing for the last 18 months .
And if nut nut does raise NICs this time it will be easier for him – or Labour – to do it next time . Meanwhile the prospect of increased interest rates isn’t far away and the taxpayer has to play for all that borrowing done in the last 18 months …
Plenty of grief ahead …. And fodder for the Far Left BBC ..
“Time to shut it down as unreliable”
OfCom can go with it . It does no ‘do what it says on the tin’. It would not surprise me if there are a lot of ex Beeboids running OfCom?
“Why Scotland and Yorkshire are TV’s top UK destinations” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-58421232
It look like by “TV” they mean BBC and C4? IE, they choose the locations.
Strange ? At the same time Al Beeb’s viewing figure are falling all the time along with the Telly Tax. ‘The tax that robs the poor to give to the rich’.
Truck driver shortage ‘is about as bad as I’ve ever seen’: US Xpress CEO
Brian Cheung August 10, 2021
The need for workers is weighing on the trucking industry, where freight operators are struggling to raise wages fast enough to find drivers.
Eric Fuller, the CEO of U.S. Xpress (USX), said that his company has doled out 30% to 35% in total pay increases over the last 12 months — but suggested more may be needed.
“The driver situation is about as bad as I’ve ever seen in my career,” Fuller told Yahoo Finance on Monday.
Data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics showed that in the depths of the COVID-19 pandemic, the truck transportation industry lost 6% of its pre-pandemic labor force of 1.52 million workers. As of July, the industry had recovered about 63,000 of those lost jobs but still remains about 33,000 jobs short of employment levels in February 2020.
No wonder Obama was against Brexit – see what it has done to the US trucking business!
Wow, the autocutie won’t let her talk and shuts her down.
But not before the heroic interviewee manages to say: You are doing their propagandist work…!
Touché, BBC bi*ch. (I use the word in the friendly way rappers use it about women. I have nothing but the utmost respect and admiration for the professionalism and impartiality of the BBC News team.)
The Tweeter added this comment: As a counter-example, when the BBC *did* have a #Pakistan regime spokesman on, and he gave the usual spiel of flat-out lies and half-truths, there was not the reaction given to @CChristineFair, no direct arguing with him or demand for “balance”.
The technique the BBC often uses – of having just one side of an issue on for ‘interview ‘ does occasionally bite back – as in this case .
It might be noticed that whenever there is an ‘American ‘ issue it will be a Democrat – ideally one who worked for Obama –
Then it becomes a 4 minute ‘love fest ‘ of agreement between the Beeboid and interviewee .
The occasional republican -such as Sebastian gorka – turns up knowing full well of BBC techniques and invariably fries the beeboid .
When it goes wrong – as in this case – it is the standard ‘technical issue ‘ or ‘we haven’t got much time ‘ or ‘the other side isn’t here ‘( why ? ) … -and now the weather …..
That interviewee won’t be turning up on the BBC in the near future – or indeed – ever …
I’m sure that the BBC has reported the name of the Islamic terrorist who attempted to carry out mass murder in NZ a couple of days ago –
In case they have not – it is
Ahamed Aathil Mohamed Samsudeen, age 32 –
( do you think they called him ‘Sam ‘ or ‘mo’?)
a local man from Oslo – by way of Shri Lanka . If only he had fallen under a bus after being released from prison ….
I don’t think the SNP has ever spelled out the actual consequences of a separation from the rest of the UK – for instance – my favourite – a solid border as a requirement for EU membership -which she seems to crave .
I am assuming that the SNP thinks England would be a ‘friend ‘ to the new foreign entity and expect subsidies and other relationships to continue . However the English might have something to say about that ….
….and the Scottish economy will be based on selling shetlands’ oil to be turned into alleged ‘greenhouse gases ‘…….cue the re run of ‘brave heart ‘
Not Beeb but just wanted to mention went to see Jim Davidson on Friday. Full theatre of generally like minded folk who had a bloody good laugh. Such a refreshing change to see real comedy and trust me once the likes of him are not there with a voice to represent the non PC crowd we are stuffed.
Saw him decades ago at the long defunct Caesers Palace in Luton. He had the place in a riot, the audience were laughing so much that it took him ages to get the next gag out, so he overran by nearly an hour. Terrific night.
7.15pm Countryfile
Presenter “There are 650 types of seaweed in Scotland
all helping to combat Climate Change”
Do they ?
.. every living thing eg humans has carbon in it that was once CO2 in the air
but when we die and burn/decay the CO2 returns to the atmosphere
If you forest an area that wasn’t forest before, then you are sequestrating CO2 for the life of the tree, and with luck some of it will become marsh and then decay without oxygen and become peat, trapping the CO2 for many years longer.
I’m not sure seaweed is as effective.
Sciency woman “we are noticing the sea is getting more acidic cos of Climate Change”
Are you really ??
“Acidic sea” is a PR word ..The sea is still alkali and I don’t think changes in alkalinity are immediately noticeable .. Rather you need sensitive methods to detect any decrease in alkalinity.
“but the seaweed actually ameliorates that and buffers the acidity”
This week was a seaweed festival special from Scotland where almost no one was Scotch
The festival organiser was Welsh and had a “Yes Cymru” Welsh Independence poster behind her on the zoom call
The seaweed festival is actually tomorrow, so Countryfile didn’t have much material so padded out the prog with 30 mins of old repeats.
“Julia Barton, the Seaweed Festival’s curator and
*environmental artist*”
“Listening to BBC Countryfile try and say Scottish Gaelic names is really hurting the ears. “
Al Beeb is driving and brainwashing young taff-people to so called ‘independence’ in the hope of reversing Brexit.
They would like to see the break up of Great Britain. Both Al Beeb and Bo Jo are not patriotic.
Important ! is Bo Jo trying to reverse Brexit?
9pm BBC1 Vigil : The times says this cop drama set on a submarine is quite good
9pm BBC2 Ruby Wax revisited
The Times preview’s strange words The meeting with comic actor Rosanne Barr : Barr’s self-sabotaging Trumpism all the more bewildering in hindsight “
WTF Barr expressed support for Trump and was cancelled by medialand
The Times writer seems to be saying that he finds someone intelligent supporting Trump, bewildering.
I only pointed out that for 200k per annum licence fee payers deserve better than 2 tweets in a week, one about football and one flogging his book during the worst foreign policy crisis in US history. @cue_bono@GiveUsAQuidpic.twitter.com/FW1E7WKfbq
Hello again -part of discussion No 10 and No 11 had to resolve about paying for health and care seems done tonight – senior govt source says 5.5bn extra on the way for winter + Covid backlogs – details of that likely to be confirmed tmrw, but social care deal still not clear
Fedup2Mar 9, 14:20 Weekend 8th March 2025 The threshold for ‘horror’ or ‘something must be done ‘ seems to be rising by the month . The murder…
GMar 9, 13:49 Weekend 8th March 2025 I thought the Home Office banned guns, like knives. Oh! silly me, I forgot the foreigners have their own laws…
MarkyMarkMar 9, 13:48 Weekend 8th March 2025 Christmas has become “holiday season” Easter has been turned into “egg hunt” Lent doesn’t even get a mention – it’s…
MarkyMarkMar 9, 13:35 Weekend 8th March 2025 Omar Prempeh, 32, of Stanstead Road, Forest Hill, was charged on Saturday, March 8, in connection with the death of…
Fedup2Mar 9, 13:24 Weekend 8th March 2025 Third world action in londonistan – Omar Prempeh 32 charged with shooting dead a 16 year old called Lathaniel Burrell.…
KinellMar 9, 13:21 Weekend 8th March 2025 Reading through the shocking posts on ‘In their own tweets’ and ‘In their own words’ on the home page on…
MarkyMarkMar 9, 13:11 Weekend 8th March 2025 King Charles has appointed a homeopath. Why do the elite put their faith in snake oil? This article is more…
pugnaziousMar 9, 12:50 Weekend 8th March 2025 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aw5k3zV7a-0
wwfcMar 9, 12:50 Weekend 8th March 2025 🤣🤣🤣🤣 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OifPPweJTTM&ab_channel=IntelLady
President Trump’s 100 Days President Biden’s 0 Day
Dear Winston Smith in the Records Department of the Ministry of Truth,
You covered President Trump’s 100 Days and then produced a Beyond 100 Days to hold power to account.
Why have you not done the same for President Biden to hold power to account?
‘Omission is the greatest form of lie.’
Thank you again for contacting us,
BBC Complaints Team
Tomo – priceless – thank you .
“Heathrow criticises Border Force for ‘unacceptable’ queues”
There are far more important things to criticise them for.
Ie., The criminals and terrorists they are letting in.
Britain’s vulnerable borders EXPOSED as Home Office admits losing track of 600k foreigners
THE vulnerability of Britain’s borders was exposed yesterday as Home Office officials revealed details of more 600,000 foreign visitors to the UK have been lost, and there is no way of knowing if they ever returned home.
PUBLISHED: 00:01, Thu, Mar 29, 2018 | UPDATED: 18:29, Thu, Mar 29, 2018
I don’t expect the BBC will take any notice, as UN Climate Change policies has nothing to do with the weather other than a prediction based on an incorrect statement that ‘97% of Scientists agree’
– which is the first clue that its ‘contrived’ to make it look that way for a – specific purpose. Political convenience of the left to blame everybody else..
And its worked so far.
Leading to Scientists being shadow ‘banned’, for stating the obvious when the facts don’t add up.
That is become a doctrine of the left to damage everything and exploit everything for political advantage. They are at media war with us 7 days a week. Often sponsored by our own governments as an ’emergency’ situation.
The BBC cannot see morals. Pointing out inaccuracy at the BBC is rarely admitted even when its debated in parliament and even the Courts have fined them and found them and found guilty (again). They just carry on as before, paying fine or two as they go.
But what if, suddenly, 97% of Scientists suddenly agreed that global warming was not man made but because of the role of the sun itself?
Would that change things for the left?
I don’t think so, (you see it just gets ignored. After all they control most of the media, have infiltrated governments, education and wealth locked up with the projection of ‘doom’ and a global pandemic that may be with us for the remains of the next century (or more) depending if the BBC still exists.
But not all Scientist agree (nor ever will). But they rank higher than political agitators hiding as environmentalists. Globalist corporations are keen for you to believe the end of the world scenario. They are just the profit seekers.
But: If you believe in the Science, don’t believe anything when your in lock down. Taking drugs (because if you don’t..), get you kids neutered, take an early Euthanasia pill, abort a perfectly healthy child early, close down all industry, ban cars, ban cows, ban fishing, ban money… something may happen- to the planet that is really, really scary. When governments telling you what to eat, read, abort, and father (or mother) and create a state of fear.
Except its not. Not CO2.
Study Finds Sun—Not CO2—May Be Behind Global Warming
A new scientific review article has just been published on the role of the Sun in climate change over the last 150 years. It finds that the United Nations ’Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) may have been premature in their conclusion that recent climate change is mostly caused by human greenhouse gas emissions.
So that torpedoes the entire CO2 emission argument of the left.
And the BBC would say its just one ‘light weight’ report. (they will ignore it), but they could respond. In which case they could also ignore another report here. It won’t be the last, as not all Scientist agree to work at the BBC.
500 Scientist also state there is no climate change.
If anything its cooler this year, than 2019.
Whilst I heard on the BBC that it’s the hottest on record!
And as usual the ice caps and polar bears ’emergency’ etc.
If we all died tomorrow. CO2 would not change. The planet would still be heated by the sun. Its in balance beyond the tweaks of Bill Gates and his team of global warriors of the left.
Question? –
Do 97% of scientists agree how the weather will be in 14 days time……
As a ‘denier ‘ i know that if someone proved that solar activity was the dominent factor in changes in the global climate – that would be suppressed .
The whole governing class of politicians and journos have fully signed up to the ‘CO2 is bad school ‘ – so nothing can get in the way of that – not in our lifetimes anyway .
Burn those hydrocarbons..
I see the BBC are still portraying the fighters in the Panjshir Valley as heros standing up against Taliban oppression. Just as they have for decades.
Which is ironic because the BBC are in part directly responsible for the fact that they are going to be completely wiped out.
What a shame we can’t take these Lefties over there and make them watch the consequences of their actions and see what distorting truth in the name of ideology leads to. All because of their hatred of Trump.
No, take them over there, give them a rifle and abandon them.
Ivermectin: Oklahoma doctor warns against using drug for Covid treatment
Never heard of that one BBC : thanks for the suggestion, I’ll go see if I can get some.
Just as I never considered what Trump said to mean ‘I should inject disinfectant’ until you twisted it that way. Because he never said it.
The elephant in this article about Oklahoma – where Wikipedia tells me is only 55% are ‘non-Hispanic’ white – is:
“The [emergency rooms] are so backed up that gunshot victims were having hard times getting to facilities where they can get definitive care and be treated,”
As if gunshot injuries are like catching a cold.
What occurred to me while I was researching this is how nobody on the Left has accused BLM of racism for not including Hispanics or anyone else.
Even more reason ‘taking the knee’ should be banned as the racist symbol it is.
The lying, deceitful BBC also say, “Ivermectin, mainly a veterinary deworming agent, can be used in small doses to treat some human conditions.” I love, “mainly”.
Read that and all became clear: the position of the WHO, FDA, NHS, NICE et al. no doubt all receiving backhanders from big Pharma to follow that line. That’s what you are instructed to advise if you are over on the (far) left-hand-side of the fence.
Quick check of what the BBC is projecting for the UK page today:
‘Call for clarity on COVID vaccines for children’. Pic: White boy, black boy, white girl.
‘Jobs market set for bumpy ride’. Pic: Black woman.
‘Scotland and Yorkshire are TV’s top destinations’. Pic: Horse with 2 women in the background. Though the horse might be Nut-Nut.
‘Heathrow criticises Border Force’. Pic: Queue mainly women with black woman and man in foreground.
Doctors urge MP’s to take action on flu jab delay’. Pic: Woman giving woman vaccine.
‘How are schools being kept COVID-safe’. Pic: Black girl in foreground.
Plus the feature:
‘What’s it like to be in the 1% of female lorry drivers?’
How can the BBC claim they are not racist or sexist ?. The Left are total hypocrites.
Various ways of taking temperatures. I wonder which she used.
BBC News
The BBC’s Lyse Doucet takes the temperature on the streets of the Afghan capital as the Taliban tighten their grip.
Same place she talks from I expect.
Keeps her mouth clean.
A grim day indeed when the future King of Great Britain has been caught taking bribes from wealthy Saudi businessmen in exchange for face to face meetings, a reccomendation for citizenship, and a knighthood !
Again the fact these issues come to light add further creedence to the reality poverty pay for senior politicians is leading to them open to offers of money from foreign powers to follow their agenda, and not what is in the interest of this one.
Well, you have to get a few ‘Folding Pictures of The Duke of Wellington to fund the stupid ginge and minge, currently hiding in squalor in their $10m mansion in some yank town.
And he’ll need to bail out his bro at some stage.
Our Queen deserves much better than all this, we just wish that her feckless brood could at least try and keep up to her fabulous standards.
I wonder who the awful BBC will blame? The muzzies, or Bigears?
So far as I’m aware Charles isn’t giving the pair any money, and is so cautious of them that he and William won’t even have a private meeting with Harry in case he lies about what was said and it is used against them.
The point is a wider one, that if the future king is accepting bribes it’s almost inconceivable politicians are not also doing so, and what is being offered in return for those bribes.
You’re right of course, Thoughtful, but somewhere along the line, those two must still be somewhere on the payroll, as if they weren’t they’d be even more boring than they are now!
As for middle eastern bribes, I suppose we should appoint a ‘special envoy’ – oops, we once did…
“bribes” = his charity accepting donations
.. and the Prince’s man saying he could fix such benefits
Once a year a certain government department would re-issue a standing instruction on the subject of fraud.
It included a question: “What is the lower limit for fraud?”.
The answer was that there was no lower limit. Any fraud was seen as breaking the bond of trust with the department and the inevitable consequence would be instant dismissal – so think more than twice for claiming £1.50 for the bus ticket that wasn’t bought.
You seem to be advocating the inverse strategy – “How much do we have to pay our leaders before they will stop fraudulently taking bribes?”
Wrong strategy, wrong leaders.
Part of the Flo clan?
The definition of ‘Diversity’ for me is ‘Over representation of minorities at the expense of the indigenous population’.
As I was checking my spelling, I discovered ‘Indigenous’ is another word whose meaning has been changed by the Left so they can use it in their narrative.
The word actually means ‘produced, living, or existing naturally in a particular region or environment’.
Wikipedia now defines it as: ‘culturally distinct ethnic groups who are native to a place which has been colonised and settled by another ethnic group.’ – ie victims.
My interpretation of ‘Diversity’ is ethnic cleansing by attrition.
“(noun) A type of expulsion, in which an ethnic or religious group is forced to leave an area by another ethnic or religious group, in order to create a “pure” and homogenized area.” London anybody?
At first I thought this was old news
but that must have been another similar article on the NHS website before.
This is new news.. there was a Mail story on Friday.
By coincidence that essay is on her own website with a publication date of 4th June 2020
It got universal praise from 20 people at the time
… https://www.twitter.com/aishnine/status/1268581387818262528
The list of her ‘skills’ and achievements is an example of the mind-numbingly depressing HR world of ‘Continuous Professional Development.’
First, contact the BBC.
Good old BBC.
She spent nine months in jail for a string of ‘minor crimes’. She wouldn;t have needed bail if she didn’t get convicted for them.
They really dishonest scumbags.
A. Sopes’ new Texan connection?
B. Lurch screaming about polystyrene trays?
“Afghan refugee complaining about the food at Fort Bliss.
Posted from his iPhone, no less.”
BTW the normal Twitter view excludes the bottom left, which seems to be some bread or chips on the lid.
Whats that cropped off bottom left ..
The cropped part is cutting out the big lie he served up himself.
I hope they are Halal carrots
Guess Who
With respect – surely that is false news? It is clearly the vegetarian sunday lunch option offered by Ryanair at £19.99 on selected flights ?
I hope the same caterers feeds such stuff to new ‘ arrivals ‘ fresh off the dinghy/ c17…
With even more respect, that meal was, I imagine, free.
Last time I flew economy budget in the States, it did not arrive without engaging Apple Pay first.
Or, in those days, hard cash.
Hopefully he did not react poorly if the WiFi signal was not adequate.
What they do is call each other to talk about what they are entitled to. Then they start demanding it.
It’s been happening to those floating across the channel : they know they are entitled to a room and so get abusive and threatening to the border control staff to get them it quickly.
Guest Who
Even more respect ..😎
Guest Who
Why can’t we see what is in the other half of the plastic tray?
BBC Editorial Guidelines on space.
White trays: that’s no good. Complain.
yes : should be paper for the environment.
Strangely, the BBC website doesn’t seem to be carrying this story, perhaps because it might cause some people to have thoughts like “Ah, now I see why Afghanis want the Taliban…”. Some of the comments are priceless.
That story is just ridiculous. The two gay men are both sat in a hospital bed holding babies like they each just gave birth to the others child.
The Left live in a world of make believe.
With green rooms.
Kid’s games
‘…no economic policies, no aid, no one to run their airports and no money to pay wages…‘ – no, not Boris Johnson’s Tories, this was Christina Lamb in the Sunday Times wailing about the Taliban being taken by surprise by the sudden event of their being handed power in Kabul. Who really cares? Who would be surprised that this tribal backwater reverts to chaos, medievalism and infighting?
As for the suddeness of the takeover, one might envisage President Joe Biden as the grumpy old grandad, who didn’t really understand the tactics of the kid’s game Kerplunk – he thought if you pull all the sticks out at once and all the marbles come crashing down, then somehow you win the game.
But let’s look more closely at our Christina’s rough checklist for competancy in running a country. In a rather procolonialist sense she laments the Taliban’s unsuitability for the job. A concerned mother frustrated the kids are back in charge: ‘An urgent financial crisis awaited them‘ quoting a local former finance official: “They don’t understand the magnitude of the economic threat”
Closer to home: BBC: ‘More than 8,700 chain stores closed in British High Streets, shopping centres and retail parks in the first six months of this year, research suggests. That is an average of nearly 50 outlets a day as the impact of the pandemic and changing shopping habits continue to hit many towns and city centres‘
Ahem, the impact of… lockdown policy.
UK unemployment: BBC: ‘The Resolution Foundation said it was possible that unemployment would rise from its current level of 4.4% to about 4.9% in the autumn, with another 150,000 workers unemployed‘
Further criticism of the Taliban seems to centre around their disorganistion: “They hadn’t had the internal discussion about who would do what or how”
Meanwhile: ‘Tories at war over “idiotic” tax increase‘ (Sunday Telegraph)
‘Red Wall could crumble over tax and pension plan “madness”‘ (Sunday Express)
Red wall crumble? – must be some northern delicacy, like Eccles Cake. I can remember back when the Liberals couldn’t have jelly for tea – they thought they broke the political mould.
As for running the airports: BBC: ‘Heathrow criticises Border Force for “unacceptable” queues‘
I’m guessing security at Kabul airport now stop and question you only if you’re not on the terror watch list.
“Anything to declare, other than five suitcases full of opium poppy seeds?”
“We may have to confiscate this CD of Cliff Richard’s We’re All Going On A Summer Holiday. Cat Stephens is cool but we need to check if Sir Cliff complies with strict islamic law”
“Did you pack your suicide vest yourself, sir? Have a safe outward journey, won’t you”
One would like to find some light relief in the news but I’m afraid much of our tabloid press have gone covid crazy again.
‘Long covid hell for 2000 kids per day. Experts warn 1 in 7 could suffer. Whitty to rule on jabs in days‘ (Sunday People)
‘Covid chaos for under 18s. Teens face five-hour trip for jab’ (Sunday Mirror)
Just a reminder of these paper’s respective taglines: ‘Proud to be independent‘ and ‘We are with you‘
As the People turn up child project fear to the max: ‘As many as 2000 British kids a day may be going down with agonising cases of long Covid. One in seven may still have symptoms after 15 weeks says a report‘
Someone has been running computer models again, methinks.
We attempt to persuade kids to spend less time in front of their computer screens. About time our supposed expert modellers tried turning it off for a moment?
Pardon my ignorance, but there can’t be too much genuine research on ‘long covid’ so far.
Is it even a ‘thing’?
There are certainly no long term results – but it is a useful tool for the pharma child-jabbers.
There is no established medical evidence of anything called ‘Long Covid’. There are recognised conditions such as Post-Viral Fatigue (PVF), Post-Viral Syndrome (PVS) and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS). This is where a person continues to have symptoms following recovery from a viral infection (e.g. ‘flu or common cold), typically continuing to feel ‘under the weather’ or constantly tired. The term ‘syndrome’ is used as there are no objective tests for these things, and the treatment can involve exercise or Cognitive Behavourial Therapy (CBT) rather than anything medicinal, although painkillers and tranquilisers can be prescribed. These are the ‘official’ views; there is also a significant body of opinion that believes such things, along with ME and ADHD, are an attempt to medicalise certain behavours that aren’t in themselves necessarily (or always) medical in nature.
“Further criticism of the Taliban seems to centre around their disorganistion: “They hadn’t had the internal discussion about who would do what or how”.
I wonder if they exercised, ‘internal discussion’ before they appointed ‘associates’ to carry out throat cutting or stoning?
Here is the very alarming evidence of colusion involving British and US ‘scientists’ attempting to cover up the Chinese lab origins of Covid 19 in a smoking gun Email.
BBC on social media very excited currently about equal pay… in footballism… in NI…. For not doing the same thing.
Meanwhile, ironically…
Meanwhile, as a blonde (a la Zoe and BS) of Rack I wonder what Springster gets for her feet exposes vs. M. Wrong Always?
I wonder if a question on this will come up here?
Given all the signals of virtue abounding.
Just on the equal pay in football thing. Why should anyone given the honour of representing their country need paid?
International footballers are in the main all professionals and are well paid by their clubs, all will be properly insured by their respective governing bodies, will be given comfortable accommodation, will be suited and booted in all the latest kit, will be fed and watered with all their dietary needs met by chefs and dieticians, and will have all their first class travel expenses paid to them. If they’re not professional they still get everything gratis, it still costs them nothing.
Why should any footballer, male or female, expect to be paid an appearance fee to play for their country a few times a year?
The BBC remake of Valley of the Dolls with the holdout lads played by that fickle Russian and his ashtray is set to win all the awards.
7am R4 – An Anglican bishop who opposes women priests switches sides to Catholic (one guest was a woman who wants female priests in the Catholic church)
– A 911 victim who was a priest .. the BBC just happened to pick this gay priest to highlight
– Jewish New Year traditions
– British Muslims views on the prospect of an Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan.
All the voices they played thought the Taliban are the good guys
except the Shia woman
(The reporter
should have asked them why there is a frenzy to leave Afghanistan(
– The Bishop of Hertford and *Gordon Brown* on vaccine inequity
(His point is we have to give vaccines to poor countries, not horde them ..a fair point
but the presenter treated Gordon Brown as a saint
… And it’s not really a religion item, but rather shoehorned into the prog on the excuse that it’s to do with morality ..surely it’s politics)
Oh there was an item on the Child Abuse in religion report.
The prog chose to focus on the Jehovah’s Witnesses and their rule that there must be two witnesses for abuse to be logged.
They now say that they will abandon that rule and report to police every time a complainant comes forward.
One guest said she doubted this would happen.
Ah… the weekend crew…
Very (new) ‘Bond’ looking. I wonder………………
Kabul is great for feminist protests this time of year.
Wait several months.
Get blown off.
Find out an ECU Director’s unique belief system.
A two year banning.
Trust them.
Radio 3 just now getting very lyrical about ‘a care-free young man’ on Grenada who was murdered.
He just happened to find a bag of drugs on the beach and thought his fortune was made, but the drug gang caught up with him and finished him off.
Now a film Ashes by Steve McQueen – all our hereoes are now criminals in the woke world.
Don’t they know there are white Jamaicans?……
Richard Tice talking sense on Talk Radio now.
Much better than listening to Al Beeb Radio or TV .
Having an – almost – BBC free weekend – i did hear a ‘ paper review’ ( now one of the easiest ways the BBC uses to promote lefty propaganda) in which alleged corruption close to Charles Windsor’s house has become apparent .
I have little time for Royalty – honours are now largely dishonoured – as this case seems to highlight .
But then i thought of The Queen . What an awful year she is having. I cannot see anyone deserving what she is going through .
We are ALL enduring an unnecessary pile of poo, at the moment – why should she be exempt?
Goat- i wasnt calling for elizabeth Windsor to be exempt
The death of her husband
An amoral second son
A frankly mad’ step ‘grandson
Now number 1 son caught doing corupt practices
Obviously other stuff is successfully covered up but thats some going for 2021
Looks like the bent butler is getting the full cummings treatment …
Old Goat
Well she is 95 after all.
Taffman – yes – I sorry I showed a bit of compassion for an elderly German lady – won’t happen again ….
…..elsewhere – it looks as though the coming week is a retrospective on 9/11 after 20 years .
I’d rather concentrate on a Twitter account which puts up names and details of British soldiers killed in Afgee for nothing – sent to their death by Blair ….. never again please … until the next time …
In the UK we kill off 200,000 babies that will need schools in five years time, jobs in 15 and houses in 20 and pensions in 70.
We replace them with 200,000 immigrants that need all those now, plus translation services.
What could possibly go wrong?
If someone can put this image up just do it.
The internet allows all our New Britons to remain connected to home so they have no need for the BBC. It also means that they retain their home culture, indeed are encouraged to do so if they ever were to watch the BBC.
i expect the BBC, Oxbridge to the woman, see the New Britons like those they met at university, sons and daughters of politicians, diplomats and the wealthy, not the non-Westernised rubber-boaters.
Making programmes for the people that don’t watch the BBC and upsetting those that actually pay for it isn’t the smartest business model.
“Social care: Plans for reform in England likely this week – sources”
Yea ! How about funding it from the money wasted on foreign aid and cutting immigration . We never voted for this.
There seems to be a lot of resistance to breaking one manifesto pledge to complete another – Adult Social Care has to be dealt with and funded – and it seems billions more poured down thd NHS drain to get them to do the day stuff they should have been doing for the last 18 months .
And if nut nut does raise NICs this time it will be easier for him – or Labour – to do it next time . Meanwhile the prospect of increased interest rates isn’t far away and the taxpayer has to play for all that borrowing done in the last 18 months …
Plenty of grief ahead …. And fodder for the Far Left BBC ..
1400+ raped kids – 0 funding.
“Time to shut it down as unreliable”
OfCom can go with it . It does no ‘do what it says on the tin’. It would not surprise me if there are a lot of ex Beeboids running OfCom?
“Why Scotland and Yorkshire are TV’s top UK destinations”
It look like by “TV” they mean BBC and C4? IE, they choose the locations.
Strange ? At the same time Al Beeb’s viewing figure are falling all the time along with the Telly Tax. ‘The tax that robs the poor to give to the rich’.
” TV’s top UK destinations” – China and Kabul!
No wonder Obama was against Brexit – see what it has done to the US trucking business!
The Dame Janet Smith review identified 72 victims of Savile – including eight who were raped – and 21 victims of Hall, over five decades from 1959.
She said BBC culture “was deeply deferential” and staff were reluctant to speak to managers about complaints.
Director general Lord Hall said the BBC had failed to protect the victims.
The review found that senior managers were not told of complaints about Savile because of an “atmosphere of fear” which still exists in the BBC.
Wow, the autocutie won’t let her talk and shuts her down.
But not before the heroic interviewee manages to say: You are doing their propagandist work…!
Touché, BBC bi*ch. (I use the word in the friendly way rappers use it about women. I have nothing but the utmost respect and admiration for the professionalism and impartiality of the BBC News team.)

The Tweeter added this comment: As a counter-example, when the BBC *did* have a #Pakistan regime spokesman on, and he gave the usual spiel of flat-out lies and half-truths, there was not the reaction given to @CChristineFair, no direct arguing with him or demand for “balance”.
The technique the BBC often uses – of having just one side of an issue on for ‘interview ‘ does occasionally bite back – as in this case .
It might be noticed that whenever there is an ‘American ‘ issue it will be a Democrat – ideally one who worked for Obama –
Then it becomes a 4 minute ‘love fest ‘ of agreement between the Beeboid and interviewee .
The occasional republican -such as Sebastian gorka – turns up knowing full well of BBC techniques and invariably fries the beeboid .
When it goes wrong – as in this case – it is the standard ‘technical issue ‘ or ‘we haven’t got much time ‘ or ‘the other side isn’t here ‘( why ? ) … -and now the weather …..
That interviewee won’t be turning up on the BBC in the near future – or indeed – ever …
I’m sure that the BBC has reported the name of the Islamic terrorist who attempted to carry out mass murder in NZ a couple of days ago –
In case they have not – it is
Ahamed Aathil Mohamed Samsudeen, age 32 –
( do you think they called him ‘Sam ‘ or ‘mo’?)
a local man from Oslo – by way of Shri Lanka . If only he had fallen under a bus after being released from prison ….
I don’t think the SNP has ever spelled out the actual consequences of a separation from the rest of the UK – for instance – my favourite – a solid border as a requirement for EU membership -which she seems to crave .
I am assuming that the SNP thinks England would be a ‘friend ‘ to the new foreign entity and expect subsidies and other relationships to continue . However the English might have something to say about that ….
….and the Scottish economy will be based on selling shetlands’ oil to be turned into alleged ‘greenhouse gases ‘…….cue the re run of ‘brave heart ‘
Maybe he can raise the money to vaccinate the third world by selling our gold reserves … oops …
Not Beeb but just wanted to mention went to see Jim Davidson on Friday. Full theatre of generally like minded folk who had a bloody good laugh. Such a refreshing change to see real comedy and trust me once the likes of him are not there with a voice to represent the non PC crowd we are stuffed.
Alas it’s also supported by Blue Labour too.
Saw him decades ago at the long defunct Caesers Palace in Luton. He had the place in a riot, the audience were laughing so much that it took him ages to get the next gag out, so he overran by nearly an hour. Terrific night.
7.15pm Countryfile
Presenter “There are 650 types of seaweed in Scotland
all helping to combat Climate Change”
Do they ?
.. every living thing eg humans has carbon in it that was once CO2 in the air
but when we die and burn/decay the CO2 returns to the atmosphere
If you forest an area that wasn’t forest before, then you are sequestrating CO2 for the life of the tree, and with luck some of it will become marsh and then decay without oxygen and become peat, trapping the CO2 for many years longer.
I’m not sure seaweed is as effective.
Sciency woman “we are noticing the sea is getting more acidic cos of Climate Change”
Are you really ??
“Acidic sea” is a PR word ..The sea is still alkali and I don’t think changes in alkalinity are immediately noticeable .. Rather you need sensitive methods to detect any decrease in alkalinity.
“but the seaweed actually ameliorates that and buffers the acidity”
This week was a seaweed festival special from Scotland where almost no one was Scotch
The festival organiser was Welsh and had a “Yes Cymru” Welsh Independence poster behind her on the zoom call
The seaweed festival is actually tomorrow, so Countryfile didn’t have much material so padded out the prog with 30 mins of old repeats.
“Julia Barton, the Seaweed Festival’s curator and
*environmental artist*”
“Listening to BBC Countryfile try and say Scottish Gaelic names is really hurting the ears. “
Al Beeb is driving and brainwashing young taff-people to so called ‘independence’ in the hope of reversing Brexit.
They would like to see the break up of Great Britain. Both Al Beeb and Bo Jo are not patriotic.
Important ! is Bo Jo trying to reverse Brexit?
Tonights’s TV
9pm BBC1 Vigil : The times says this cop drama set on a submarine is quite good
9pm BBC2 Ruby Wax revisited
The Times preview’s strange words
The meeting with comic actor Rosanne Barr : Barr’s self-sabotaging Trumpism all the more bewildering in hindsight “
WTF Barr expressed support for Trump and was cancelled by medialand
The Times writer seems to be saying that he finds someone intelligent supporting Trump, bewildering.
BBC4 The Proms looks fairly normal
10pm C4 Romesh live in concert .. a repeat
Sopes, you minx.
She’s back.