BBC Strictly Come Dancing contestant Stacey Dooley … will the BBC mention Stacey’s visit to home town Luton and meeting Anjem Choudary (Anjem backed the remain campaign)?
“What’s the solution? If Muslim people are in the wrong and they are committing crimes… you know, no one is above the law.” – Stacey Dooley
“If the law of the land is Islamic, we will respect the law of the land. If it’s not Islamic (the law) then the law of the land, and those who make them, can go to hell quite honestly.” – Anjem Choudary
“Oh my God!” – Stacey Dooley
“Because Allah says in the Koran Q33v1 ‘Fear Allah, and do not obey the disbelievers and the hypocrites. Is David Cameron a Muslim of a disbeliever? Guys?” – Anjem Choudary
“Disbeliever!” – mumbles crowd of 5 other Muslims
“So you (a Muslim) can’t obey him (UK Law). So he (David Cameron) can go to hell.” – Anjem Choudary
I imagine the biggest regret a lot of those women protestors in Kabul are going to have was listening to the righteous BBC woke propaganda – written in their comfortable offices before going home to their comfortable houses in their comfortable middle-class districts where the only immigrants they see are doctors or work colleagues.
The Taliban are 100% focussed on appearing to be ‘tolerant’ while the world is watching. Things will be very, very different when they aren’t on camera and the BBC idiots will have even more blood on their hands.
“Hardliners get key posts in new Taliban government”
Thanks to Al Beeb for the update.
Dare I say it, that some of their “followers” will becoming across the English Channel very shortly courtesy of our Home Office and The Border Farce?
I was just reading that.
The idiots at the BBC backed the wrong horse again.
Gullible Lefty f*ckwits. Never met a ‘victim’ they couldn’t empathise with to make themselves feel superior.
“Dozens more migrants cross English Channel in small boats”
What if they were all Taliban operatives ?
According to ECHR we cannot do anything about it because we have an useless government defending this nation of Great Britain.
Mark these words ………….
There will be “lessons to be learned”.
Bo Jo – Churchill or Chamberlin?
If something like the Manchester bombing can be handled by a couple of days of news reports then the whole thing expertly brushed under the carpet then I doubt the government is concerned about anything these people will do.
The lives don’t matter at all to these people : the only thing which does is keeping society placid and under control.
The Tommy Robinson interview (which the liar maxi pretended he hadn’t seen) gives us a glimpse of how far they are prepared to go. For every Tommy who stands up to them, there will hundreds of others who quietly comply through fear of what will happen to them or their family. By our state.
The suicide bomber who killed 22 people at an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester last year had been rescued from the Libyan civil war by the Royal Navy. Salman Abedi detonated a home-made bomb in the foyer of the Manchester Arena on 22 May 2017 as concert-goers, many of them children, were leaving the venue.31 Jul 2018
Anyone who even questions the wisdom of shutting out Muslims from Christian society in the West needs to watch the 911 program on tonight. There is loads more of this to come unless we decide to hit back as hard and lethaly as possible.
The Muslim community hide their killers due to adherence to their “faith”.
Meanwhile they are slipping into the UK on inflatables.
Are we just crazy or what, how many times must they demonstrate to us they are sub-human and totally heartless murderers who want every Christian eliminated?
This is not based on prejudice, it is based on fact and dead bodies.
The West has faith in something it calls Moderate Islam, their new Holy Grail.
So confident it is that such a thing exists that they keep importing Muslims in the sure and certain knowledge that one day, one year, one century, they will find a Moderate Muslim.
The Great Siege of Malta (Maltese: L-Assedju l-Kbir) occurred in 1565 when the Ottoman Empire attempted to conquer the island of Malta, then held by the Knights Hospitaller. The siege lasted nearly four months, from 18 May to 11 September 1565.
The Knights Hospitaller had been headquartered in Malta since 1530, after being driven out of Rhodes, also by the Ottomans, in 1522, following the siege of Rhodes. The Ottomans first attempted to take Malta in 1551 but failed. In 1565, Suleiman the Magnificent, the Ottoman Sultan, made a second attempt to take Malta. The Knights, who numbered around 500 together with approximately 6,000 footsoldiers, withstood the siege and repelled the invaders. This victory became one of the most celebrated events of sixteenth-century Europe, to the point that Voltaire said: “Nothing is better known than the siege of Malta.” It undoubtedly contributed to the eventual erosion of the European perception of Ottoman invincibility, although the Mediterranean continued to be contested between Christian coalitions and the Muslim Turks for many years.[6]
The siege was the climax of an escalating contest between the Christian alliances and the Islamic Ottoman Empire for control of the Mediterranean, a contest that included the Turkish attack on Malta in 1551, the Ottoman destruction of an allied Christian fleet at the Battle of Djerba in 1560, and the decisive Ottoman defeat at the Battle of Lepanto in 1571.
It is still beyond all reasoning that the UK is allowing boat loads of Middle Eastern/African illegal migrants to land on our shores-not mad, but thoroughly dangerous and completely irresponsible to all indigenous peoples of this nation. What action is being taken to stop this invasion? Absoultely nothing, not a dam thing and not one member of the national or social media inc the BBC are engaging in any relevent debate. All MP’s should be ashamed of themselves-as they sit and watch this Christian nation become Islamic-and yes it will soon enough, Islam has the numbers here and in Europe to bring about the introduction Sharia Law as a Law-God forbid.
The people who covered this up were the Western politians in Saudis pocket, this time BLiar and Bush. We know from that rare thing today, invesitgative journalists and an obstructive state, that the people who planned and executed 9/11 and who didn’t perish doing so left the United States prior to the attack.
We know the most useless and incompetent ‘intelligence’ agency in the world the CIA SHOULD have known all about the attack, but was either so useless they didn’t or so incompetent that they did, and failed to do anything about it.
We know the Saudis have threatened the US government if they allow the victims families to sue Saudi for compensation – so this has never been allowed.
On this occasion it is not the fault of the Muslims, but of nigardly voters who simply won’t pay politicians the going rate for the job they want them to do and appear surprised when there are other people who will.
The Muslim community haven’t got a clue what’s going on. The majority of them are as thick as two short planks and even the supposed clever ones lack wider awareness. They learn to recite their version of the Qur’an in classical Arabic, but they have no understanding of what it means and they need to turn to an Imam who himself has no understanding and has gained his ‘knowledge’ from what others in the same position have told him.
Take a listen to the talk radio interview between Robert Spencer and the Imam for the proof, all the Imam can spout is nonsense about ‘community cohesion’ which he learned from the far left indoctrinators and clearly has nothing to do with Islam.
This is why it is so easy for Muslims to become radicalised. You want it to stop? Pay your politicians properly and stop them accepting bribes.
But that’s not going to happen because the British people would rather they were beheaded by radical Jihadists than pay politicians a groat more than they receive now.
So the wonky woke idiots at the stupid ad agency working for VW have decided to shame their customers into buying EV cars, by showing non ev cars under shame sheets in the car park. tell you what, let’s just stop buying VW cars at all and see how that goes down.
I am involved in considering ways to reduce carbon and general air pollution as part of my work.
I can see the benefits of EVs in towns for the air, if people must drive. But I’ve always wondered how everyone in a country this size (population) can have an EV and charge/use it from just renewable alone.
I am a sensible green! (There are some of us.)
Hilarious. VW were one of the main architects of the diesel emissions scam. I currently have a claim against them with one of those ambulance chasing companies.
Yasser Dasmibehbi
We have a weak government that are not using our armed forces to defend our land from invasion. Until we have a new government our taxes will go up to fund housing, food, health and policing. Australia, with a smaller defence force and a larger coastline stopped Illegals landing.
Members of The Bow Group (oldest conservative think tank) are being edged out by the ‘Conservatives’.
A number of colleagues have had to stand down from panel events they were meant to be on at Tory Conference this year. Why? Because they aren't jabbed.
The Tory party is creating an echo chamber on this issue. No jab, no platform. We need a viable third party right now.
Listening to Ken Bruce from 2 weeks ago and it has a big trailer for ‘King Gary’ – the latest BBC sitcom.
The lines which are supposed to sell it to me were:
Tony: ‘That’s a perfecly packed skip’.
Woman: ‘You absolute donut’, Tony ‘What was that sorry ?’
Woman:’Do not take that tone with me Tony’, Tony: ‘Shut up’
Tony: ‘I wanna castle so it’s decadance. Oh I would love a moat’
Sounded just like a trailer for Zoe ‘text in what you had for breakfast’ Ball or Claudia Winkleman (who I saw on 8 out of 10 cats and never came out with a witty line in the whole show).
Things someone with no sense of humour thinks are hilarious because someone said them with a stupid voice. Ie the kind of people the BBC hire these days.
Checked latest imdb reviews: Pilot was good, The latest series is absolute rubbish. A mixture of 1/10’s and a few 10/10’s – a sign that the BBC (who you can trust) are not above fake reviewing their own content.
Join us Monday 4th October 2021 at the Coach House Theatre, Great Malvern for an evening in conversation with Rory Cellan-Jones about his life as the BBC’s principal technology correspondent and his recent book Always On. Free to attend, but places limited so please register for tickets in advance.
“…and this is my Apple Watch… which they let me keep too. Paul Mason is out in the foyer selling iPhones cheap….”
Those single mums tend to be the stupidest. Dont have sex with usless men. Used to be women waited for a commitment before they opened their legs. Now they fall for any useless bloke. Then complain they got abandoned.
They do it all the time.
The just can’t resist shoehorning their agenda into anything which is popular. It’s a free audience compared to the zero they would get if what they have had to build it’s own reputation.
They did it to Father Brown, Dr Who and Poldark (when the books ran out and the BBC decided to write it themselves) to my knowledge – and probably many others as I don’t watch any of them now.
I used to love Simon Mayo Drivetime on Radio 2 and Andrew Neil’s This Week.
I knew they were going to get rid of them*, and they did.
*not woke
So then I had a bit of sympathy for fans of Top Gear.
But only a bit 😉
BBC editorial policy –
Directive number 1 . Islam must never be mentioned negatively-
So when reporting on the Islamic mass murdering in Paris 5 years ? Ago – killing 150? People – just mention ‘men ‘ on trial – not ‘suspected Islamic terrorists ‘
When mentioning the new taliban government – consisting of a bunch of Islamic men with beards – just mention the ‘men ‘ bit .
The BBC seems more concerned that there are no wimmin gays greens or disabled in the taliban ‘cabinet ‘. They seem not to be bothered with what the author of the new government – a Mr . J. Biden – has to say about it ….
Fed, apparently the Wrongists (liberals, socialists, lefties, Hard Left, Marxists, Trotskyists, Leninists, Maoists, Greenies, etc.) are now complaining that the new Government announced for Afghanistan yesterday or today has no minorities in it.
It is obvious that these Wrongists have not been paying attention. The new Afghanistan Government has some Muslims in it. What more do they want?
I saw something about the taliban cabinet being the same cast of baddies from 20 years ago – a lot with ‘wanted ‘ posters – so it will be interesting to see whether the Americans will try out some new longer distance drones on them – ….
……. ….I’d try and kill a few off on this coming Saturday …..btw – seems our Justin is going to the States to do a ‘special ‘ presumably with Sopel – must be in quarantine now ….
Fed, maybe that’s why Simon Jack has given up his day job again to partner with Nick on TOADY this morning? Justin gets a chance to visit US friends while on a BBC jolly paid for by the Licence Fee-payer.
It will be interesting to see how the BBC apportions blame for the failings on 9/11 to President Trump ….
A couple of days ago a PBS propaganda piece likened the Capitol demonstration to 9/11 – which even made me wince at such poor propaganda …
I’m sure the taliban will have some ‘celebration ‘ this weekend after banishing the Great Satan ..
Where were the passengers of Flight 93 on 6 January?
On the 11th of September 2001 passengers of United Airways Flight 93 bravely fought against hijackers of their aircraft, thus avoiding the inevitable destruction of the Capitol building.
Fast-forward to 6th January 2021 and a wild far-right mob stormed the Capitol, urged on by Donald Trump. Four years of ‘Make America Great’ had apparently destroyed the resolve of the average American citizen to preserve her democracy and fight back against the insurrectinists.
That role was left to a single government agent, who bravely standing behind a locked door, fired the shot that ended the greatest threat to America since the War of Independence.
Batley Grammar School suspended two more teachers amid row over cartoon of the Prophet Muhammad
Head teacher Gary Kibble announced that the unnamed teacher in his 20s had been suspended while the school investigated complaints by parents
French mayor interviewed about the french facilitating the breaking of UK law by helping big dinghies across the channel .
He said there was nothing more the french could do to stop 50 seat dinghies from going to England .
Yet the outgoin’ minister for stron’ statements will meet with french opposite number and ‘threaten ‘ not to give the french £54 million in taxpayers money …
The french must be laughing their bits off ….. I wonder if a new Home Secretary will make and difference ? I reckon – none ….
Some people say that the government are ill prepared for the massive influx of Muslim asylum seekers.
They’re wrong…
If you get a chance have a wander around Westminster, Parliament Square, St James’s Park and Buckingham Palace…you’ve never seen so many defensive bollards, barriers and huge, impenetrable metal gates being built in one area in all your days. It’s become a fortress within a city.
Don’t you go worrying about Boris Bunter, he’s as safe as houses.
These mewling wimps in our pathetic Parliament might claim that Islam is a religion of peace, but they’re taking no bloody chances with their own safety.
Meanwhile the BBC keep telling us that the far-right are the biggest threat.
It’s all nothing but rank hypocrisy with the intention of keeping society ignorant and happy. If the ignorant masses actually knew the truth, we might well have a civil war. Speaking of which, I wonder how long Alex Belfield will stay up. He has nearly 350,000 subscribers now and tells us some very unpleasant facts which the BBC will never go anywhere near. Like how the 20% blacks in London commit 70% of the murders.
I for one wouldn’t complain if they built that fence all along the inside of the M25 then welded the gates shut.
TOADY Watch #1 – the BBC are upset by the Social Care reforms
So much so that Nick Robinson, the privately educated Oxbridge graduate, gets his maths completely wrong. The scare fear figure of NHS Waiting lists of 13.5 million is one fifth of the ‘official’ UK population, not one quarter, Nick.
TOADY Watch #2 – the BBC are upset by the Social Care reforms
The tax increase on private company dividends catches the Beeboids who still, especially as pensioners (the Dimbleby brothers, The Humph) who avoid high Income Tax by turning themselves into corporations will now be caught by the dividend tax increase.
Nick Robinson misrepresents the small 1.25% tax increase to fund the Social Care reforms as a huge tax increase. Are you a corporate Income Tax avoider, Nick?
I suppose the only difference between a comrade Corbyn regime would have been to have a 3% rate of company dividends as opposed to what the Red Tories are doing .
Nut nut will see how far he gets away with this tax hike for the other coming ones – which will be wrapped in ‘save the planet ‘ crap such as massively increasing petrol /diesel taxes ….
The money will be ‘ringfenced ‘ to build new power stations to be promised after the blackouts this coming Winter ( if it is chilly)….
I’ve turned off toady now but would like to know what Dilnot thinks of the proposals since his report was or is the favoured remedy .
As for Labour – I still cannot believe they offer up no opposition at all ….
I think Labour (especially Corbyn) would have gone for a ‘wealth’ tax, depending on how you define ‘wealth’. The other tax opposition would have been to load the tax onto “those with the broadest shoulders, those able to bear the burden” and increase the two higher rates of Income Tax. That would have meant that Beeboids could avoid it by incorporating themselves like Premiership footballers.
In reality it’s 2.5% as companies also have to pay additional 1.25% in their NI contribution and of which most employees know nothing and care even less.
Quite correct, Sage. I wonder if that is driving the fury of the BBC because those who have incorporated themselves will be paying a double bill. I cannot for the life of me remember the tax position on that; used to know the tax rules once upon a time.
TOADY Watch #3 – the BBC are upset by the Social Care reforms
So much so that they are now misrepresenting what Secretary of State for Health, Sajid Javid, said in his interview with Nick Robinson. He did not specifically guarantee that NHS Waiting Lists would be much shorter.
They concluded
“no panic : it’s just delta reaching Israel.
“early research show the booster is effective”
– hotdogs don’t really kill you.. it’s theoretical
– Test and trace wasn’t that expensive £13bn ..£1bn of which was contact tracing
£37bn is an overestimate
America spent $1-2trn in Afghanistan, but that spread over 20 years isn’t huge
There is only one way that this oligarchy in parliament can ousted is by a the formation of a coalition of political parties. That’s parties such as UKIP, The Reform Party , The Reclaim Party and other like-minded parties. But then, would the “impartial” Al Beeb give them a platform?
For sure, if you went out at random and rounded up 650 average people (excluding lawyers and so-called, “Professors”) and shoved them into the HoC, that would be a total 100% benefit to the rest of the country.
“The prime minister says it will raise £12bn a year which will be used to tackle the health backlog caused by the Covid pandemic and boost social care.”
And I was under the misunderstanding the backlog was caused by parliament’s hysterical over reaction to covid..
Guess there’s no chance of the BBC questioning this.
TOADY Watch #4 – the BBC are upset by the Social Care reforms
so much so that they repeat the Daily Torygraph claim, during the newspaper reviews, that the tax burden is potentially the highest evvah. Time to get Marianna to spring in to action on that. Those of us without dementia or amnesia can remember the tax burden being way over 40% in the 1980s and Margaret Thatcher’s attempts to reduce it.
Perhaps Tim Harford will check it out on ‘More or Less’ on BBC R4? If our Marianna is in tax avoidance-mode or tax evasion-mode, that is of course the subject of tax not taxes in itself.
Conservatives not exactly a low tax party, take VAT:
“Under Margaret Thatcher’s leadership, Conservative Chancellor Geoffrey Howe increased the standard rate of VAT from 8% to 15% June 1979
David Cameron as an “emergency budget”, Chancellor George Osborne announced that the standard rate of VAT would increase from 17.5% to 20% with effect from 4 January 2011.”
Eddy, yes Howe increased VAT but that was to pay for a big cut in the higher rates of Income Tax in the same Budget. But for the Falklands invasion by Argentina, that little faux pas would have cost the Tories the 1982 or 1983 GE. It would be interesting to know what taxes are included in the Daily Telegraph front page calculations. I’m not about to dash out and buy a copy and the days of picking up and scanning a copy at a supermarket or visiting the local Library are limited by the Pandemic.
The MSM and others are often disingenuous about taxation, especially the BBC. I often hear the MUM (Modern Urban Myth) repeated that those on higher rates of tax pay over a third or half or two-thirds of tax but then you find they are only refering to Income Tax or only refering to the highest rate band or some such.
The other fixation is the ‘young ‘ paying for the ‘old ‘ . If that is taking further – why should anyone without kids subsidise those who breed and send their kids to state schools – but those examples can go on and on
I think the BBC uses that nonsense propaganda to widen a divide it is creating as well as signal the kidults that it is on their side …
That really winds me up when I read it.
Who do these youngsters think paid for and made all the things they take for granted while they live in a civilised country ?.
It’s the pinnacle of ingratitude. Egged on by people like the BBC who want them on-side to be programmed with the left-wing agenda the BBC want to spread to the whole world.
Give ’em more? They’ll happily spend it and come back for more as was the case with that, “emergency budget”. Who’s to say that a portion of this proposed increase is not to finance the invasion from France and the imports from Afghanistan?
One good thing about the, “today’s World” is that the elite is stripped from any safe haven in terms of the reality of any given situation. Just lies, lies and even more lies.
The US has said it is concerned after the Taliban unveiled Afghanistan’s new all-male government with figures linked to attacks on American forces.
So to summarise, the two major problems with the new Taliban government are:
1) It has known terrorists wanted by the FBI in it.
2) It doesn’t have any women.
Will we have protests on the streets with people chanting ‘Stop the terrorist slaughter of innocent people and also have some women in the government’ ?.
I can’t recall the last time I read something more ridiculous.
I can’t believe these people are so utterly ignorant of what has actually happened in Afghanistan. The Left seem unable – or unwilling – to admit what this catastrophe at the hands of Biden really means.
Now that the government has decided to steal from working people’s pockets to throw yet more money at the NHS, it’s worth checking in on how some of that money will be spent. New job adverts on the Integrated Care Systems (ICS) recruitment page show that the NHS is now hiring 42 new chief executives to manage ‘integrated care boards‘ across the country, on salaries averaging £223,261. Seven of which will pay up to a whopping £270,000. 80% more than Boris himself…
The site explains how the new executives will help lead “new partnerships between the organisations that meet health and care needs across an area, [and] plan in a way that improves population health and reduces inequalities between different groups”. The job description also insists that candidates “actively champion diversity, inclusion, and equality of opportunity for all.” All life-saving work, no doubt.
Learn to pronounce
dislike of, contempt for, or ingrained prejudice against men (i.e. the male sex).
“poorly disguised misandry”
A North African conquest of the Iberian peninsular began in the 8th century and led to the occupation of much of Spain and Portugal for several centuries. This Muslim invasion re-introduced much of the knowledge of the ancient world to Europe and linked it much more closely with North and West Africa.
It would seem that there is a huge yawning gap right now for a third party on the right. A gap crying out to be filled by a person, backed by a team, who has the political nous to create a movement that will put the British back into Britain. It won’t come from a coalition of miniscule parties it will come from an an astute and brave person or group has the correct mix of political acumen and ambition not only to spot the gap but also the guts and determination to exploit it.
Cometh the hour cometh the man they say. But I can’t see anybody in preparation. The hour will soon have ticked away.
Yasser indeed we all wish for that man to come forward-the chances are very slim as anyone with the strength and courage to bring about the change needed will have to exercise as a Benevolent Dictator-there is no other way to bring about the changes most of us want. The other way is Civil Strife/war not one would want to see brought to our streets. Apart form the Islamic problem, those that have planned for years to bring about a New World Order are closer now than ever before-COVID has been manner from heaven as a perfect subjugation/fear platform from which to bring their plan about. Our people have become so complacent and have fallen to obey every order thrown out by the Government who have been guided by dubious science. Its a mess and one that will not be cleared quickly.
Tarien, Let me clarify what I was trying to get across. I was not just calling for a strong man/ potential dictator who would step forward and come out with the right policies, win everybody over and save the UK. That would have been a childish post indeed.
I had intended it to contribute to a previous conservation earlier in the thread re third parties in the UK political system. The appearance of even a potentially effective third party on the right could have a cautionary effect on the unchallenged arrogance of the Tory Party with its shocking betrayals on tax and immigration.
Looking at third parties leaders Richard Tice, Anne-Marie Waters and Lawrence Fox I don’t see anyone of those in a position to bring a surge of support (despite my admiration for all three). Farage is more effective outside a party structure is.
What I was calling for was for was a new attempt at least by someone or some organisation to capitalize on the current situation. This is someone or some group who is at least has some political hunger!
A “botched” scheme to insulate England’s draughty homes collapsed after six months
because officials rushed its design,
put in place an undeliverable timetable,
and failed to heed industry warnings,
Whitehall’s spending watchdog has found.”
And the *RUSH* to “Net-Zero” (a ridiculous PR word , rather than a practical thing)
You really can reduce home CO2 quite a bit
by switching people from old gas boilers to new style instant hot water types
but Greendreamers would rather spend money on Net Zero schemes that producer LOWER CO2 savings
I , like most others on this site, am trying to navigate across a deep swamp of misinformation. There is almost no solid ground on which one can get a firm footing and so avoid being sucked under.
The government has sort of delivered on Brexit but has left the BBC to carry on spewing forth its Woke propaganda. The lurch towards greenism is alarming and demonstrable rubbish. The government allows tens of thousands of third worlders into our country illegally and many more legally when they must know that most Brits don’t want them here.
The police and judiciary have gone Woke long ago and support the very trends which weaken and undermine our society, which in previous decades they were supposed to protect! The civil service seems to be staffed by Remainer traitors and Woke warriors. Our universities have been seized by Woke zealots , as have our museums, galleries and most other cultural institutions who are determined to destroy our history and our sense of nationhood. Our armed forces seem to run by adherents of the Woke agenda. Our sportsmen and women also seem to ceased of the Wokist virus. Our newspapers knowingly print lies , suppress facts and don’t want to allow their readers to comment. We are supposed to value ‘lived experience’ over truth and facts. Indeed the very idea that there is such a thing as truth seems to be in doubt. Extraordinarily this even applies to science.
It’s like living in a mad house run by lunatics.
Earlier today, I said to Mr D, I wish I knew the truth about these tax rises. What I can be sure about is the BBC will be sure to take the most critical angle. I heard the 11am Classic FM news this morning. A rant with confirmatory sound bite from Labour about how these rises affect the poor the most. The example was given of someone on £30,000 having to pay an extra £200 and something extra a month. Where are all the people in the surveys the BBC just love to quote? You know, all those people who when asked said they didn’t mind paying a little more for the NHS. Now is their chance.
There was a lot about how Boris had broken his manifesto promises, as though no Prime Minister has done that before. And whether you agreed with lockdown or not, we all knew it had to be paid for. But off course the BBC and other MSM are using it to encourage the subliminal message that Boris is a liar.
I might add I have been waiting some 8 weeks for a hospital referral and had a nurse telephone appointment yesterday. It isn’t anything requiring me to be seen in two weeks But having spoken to the nurse yesterday, I have an outpatient appointment for tomorrow.
Interested in your ref to them wanting to paint Boris as a liar.
Whether he is or isn’t or is somewhere in between they are trying to infuse this idea by repeating it over and over and trying to dig up evidence.
Have noticed this trend on the bbc and all over forums and social media.
Its like a play-book.
To me it seems a co-ordinated Labour strategy.
in the next hour they switch in 2 other stories
“disabled student claims discrimination forced him off course. They did give him his money back”
“Inquiry into police who shot dead a Hull mad axe guy, cos their tasers didn’t contain him
BBC Manager #1 … “Naga is going on holiday”
BBC Manager #2 … “Well we are the home of diversity so lets put Clive Myrie on ..he ticks the right boxes”
Not fair, and actually, patently racist, and creating a two-tier society.
And assumes all white people are privileged, which is not true.
Maybe because white people running the bbc are posh and privileged.
Why not have schemes for disadvantaged young people and leave colour of skin out of it?
TWatO Watch #1 – the BBC are upset by the Social Care reforms
Sarah Montague interviews a ‘Red Wall’ Tory, a MP who won a previously Labour-held seat in the north of England. This chap is ‘on top of his brief’ and may also have set the BBC original thinking they had a Conservative Party rebel who might be upset enough over the reform Bill to vote against it.
Not a bit of it. Sorry that I have forgotten the MP’s name, analogue radio reception goes a bit haywire during really good weather in my part of the world, so I could not hear too clearly. He did really well and had all the facts and figures to hand and quoted them not just once but twice to Sarah. Under the proposed H&SC reform, the highest earners will pay the most and that will include Beeboids, especially Montacutie.
Might explain why the BBC do not like it.
He also made the point that Labour and the Liberals (what is left of them) if they vote against the Reform Bill will be voting against a financial provision for the NHS which the NHS claim to need. Ooooooops!
How on earth can we host a climate conference when we are happy to sell our climate commitments for a deal with embedded animal welfare and climate issue worth a fraction of the deal we walked away from with the EU? This actually shocks me..and not much does nowadays.
China emits more greenhouse gas than the entire developed world combined, a new report has claimed. The research by Rhodium Group says China emitted 27% of the world’s greenhouse gases in 2019. The US was the second-largest emitter at 11% while India was third with 6.6% of emissions, the think tank said.7 May 2021
Indoor air pollution is a massive public health problem across the world. That is because three billion people are thought to cook and heat their homes with open fires and simple stoves burning wood, animal dung, crop waste (known as biomass) and coal.
Breathing in fumes from cooking smoke kills 600,000 Africans each year, a policy think-tank called the Africa Progress Panel tweeted recently.
We seem to have lost our grasp of right and wrong in 2018 and missing examples where things mess up.
Take a religion of peace called Shia Islam and then add Sunni Islam. Drop them in the same place and you get Yemen.
. . . .
. . .
Yemen (Islam with more Islam) is the world’s single largest humanitarian crisis.
More than 80 per cent of the population urgently need emergency aid. (when Islam meets Islam)
Around 18 million people do not have enough nutritious food and more than half of the population live without clean water. (when Islam meets Islam)
The worst cholera epidemic ever recorded is still active in Yemen (when Islam meets Islam). There have been over one million suspected cases and more than 2,250 deaths. (when Islam meets Islam)
Extreme hunger, disease and conflict are killing or injuring an estimated 75 people every day.(when Islam meets Islam)
“The members of Congress know, from their colleagues in Congress that, uh, you know, the, looks like a tornado, they don’t call them that anymore, that hit the crops and wetlands in the middle of the country, in Iowa and Nevada. It’s just across the board.”
The liar in the White House and the liars at the BBC were keen to reassure us that the new, improved Taliban had noting to do with Al Qaeda – in fact were implacably opposed to them.
This, of course served to reassure the world, and cover for the Imbecile. “Don’t worry, the Taliban are now the good guys, and nothing like mean old Al Qaeda.”
Unfortunately, somebody forgot to tell Al Qaeda, who seem very pally indeed with the Taliban in the statement below. It is nothing less than a call to jihadist terrorist groups around the world to rise up and wage war against the West.
Well done, Biden; well done, BBC.
“Al-Qaeda’s congratulatory message to their longtime Taliban allies included a call for uprisings and action as “the defeat of the American empire of evil” stands as “a tremendous source of inspiration.”
In a statement issued by the group’s General Command, al-Qaeda said Afghanistan was a model “in its resolve to confront Western invaders, refusing to bow down in the face of Western tyranny or abandon the way of jihad and martyrdom.”
“This victory has demonstrated what the Islamic nation is capable of when it unites, takes up arms and fights in the way of Allah to defend its religion, its sanctities, its land and its wealth,” the statement continued. “These events prove that the way of jihad is the only way that leads to victory and empowerment.”
Al-Qaeda called on followers “to prepare for the next stage of the struggle, the way for which has been paved by the victory of the defiant Afghan nation,” as “this historic victory will open the way for the Muslim masses to achieve liberation from the despotic rule of tyrants who have been imposed by the West on the Islamic world.”
The group predicted that Afghanistan could herald a “prelude to the liberation of Palestine from Zionist occupation,” adding that “it is worth mentioning here that these historic events offer and opportunity for the masses in Europe and East Asia to break free from the shackles of American hegemony.”
Al-Qaeda called on Afghans “to unite around the blessed leadership” of the Taliban and to abide by the group’s “decisions and Shariah-based policies.”
Congratulations to the Taliban have come from various terror outlets around the globe, from al-Qaeda Kurdish Battalions and Hurras Al Din in Syria to Jama’at Nasr al-Islam wal Muslimin in Mali and al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb.
“This victory is not just a victory for Afghanistan, it is a victory for the flag bearers of Kalema [the word] all over the world,” Jamaat-ul-Mujahideen Bangladesh said in a statement. “This victory will be a stepping stone to bring back the lost glory of the Muslims in the world, inshallah.”
“This victory is not just a victory for Afghanistan, it is a victory for the flag bearers of Kalema [the word] all over the world,” Jamaat-ul-Mujahideen Bangladesh said in a statement. “This victory will be a stepping stone to bring back the lost glory of the Muslims in the world, inshallah.”
. . . .
0. Islam asks you to have zero thought about it’s origins and practices. And make zero comparisons with successful cultures.
1. Islam asks for one simple thing. Islam asks for everything – finance, religion, police, morals, schools, law, food, science, clothes, art and your body to be Islamic.
2. Islam only has two problems – Muhammed and Mohammed. Once the first problem has been solved then the second one can be solved easily.
3. Islam offers three things. In the Koran it offers Peace, War and then a Continuation of War. In your life Islam wants you to subjugate yourself, subjugate your family and then subjugate everyone else.
Lucy PevenseyMar 9, 21:27 Weekend 8th March 2025 The plot thickens
FlotsamMar 9, 21:22 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Graham Greene wrote a brilliant novel, “The Comedians” (does anyone read books any more?). It was about a bunch of…
DeborahMar 9, 21:21 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Dr John Campbell on YouTube has reviewed some Covid vaccination research which may have indicated that the vaccine has compromised…
tomoMar 9, 21:16 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Oh yeah, that’s a good idea…
atlas_shruggedMar 9, 21:05 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Five Years On, the UK Refuses to Learn the Lessons of the Covid Catastrophe The US has changed direction…
This is just a placemarker I’ll comment proper once over the shock of being first. (I think).
First Prize: 1000 hrs watching the BBC.
Second Prize:2000 Hrs watching the BBC. That could end up being me ! Off to buy 2000 bottles of gin .
BBC Strictly Come Dancing contestant Stacey Dooley … will the BBC mention Stacey’s visit to home town Luton and meeting Anjem Choudary (Anjem backed the remain campaign)?
“What’s the solution? If Muslim people are in the wrong and they are committing crimes… you know, no one is above the law.” – Stacey Dooley
“If the law of the land is Islamic, we will respect the law of the land. If it’s not Islamic (the law) then the law of the land, and those who make them, can go to hell quite honestly.” – Anjem Choudary
“Oh my God!” – Stacey Dooley
“Because Allah says in the Koran Q33v1 ‘Fear Allah, and do not obey the disbelievers and the hypocrites. Is David Cameron a Muslim of a disbeliever? Guys?” – Anjem Choudary
“Disbeliever!” – mumbles crowd of 5 other Muslims
“So you (a Muslim) can’t obey him (UK Law). So he (David Cameron) can go to hell.” – Anjem Choudary
Covid-19: Not getting vaccine jab was mum’s biggest regret
Published3 hours ago
A woman who became critically ill with Covid-19 said not getting the vaccine after listening to anti-vaxxers is her “biggest regret”.
Emily Burrows, 47, was admitted to hospital with dangerously low oxygen levels and tested positive on 23 July.
She pleaded with staff to give her the jab but was it was too late and instead she was put on a ventilator.
The mum of six, from the Forest of Dean, spent two weeks in an induced coma. She is still in hospital.
Initially, Ms Burrows, who has multiple sclerosis, had not objected to getting vaccinated.
Her husband and eldest son had both received their jabs. It was anti-vaccine messages on social media that persuaded her not to.
And nothing at all to do with having multiple sclerosis of course.
digg, or catching Covid during hospital or GP surgery visit?
I imagine the biggest regret a lot of those women protestors in Kabul are going to have was listening to the righteous BBC woke propaganda – written in their comfortable offices before going home to their comfortable houses in their comfortable middle-class districts where the only immigrants they see are doctors or work colleagues.
The Taliban are 100% focussed on appearing to be ‘tolerant’ while the world is watching. Things will be very, very different when they aren’t on camera and the BBC idiots will have even more blood on their hands.
“Hardliners get key posts in new Taliban government”
Thanks to Al Beeb for the update.
Dare I say it, that some of their “followers” will becoming across the English Channel very shortly courtesy of our Home Office and The Border Farce?
I was just reading that.
The idiots at the BBC backed the wrong horse again.
Gullible Lefty f*ckwits. Never met a ‘victim’ they couldn’t empathise with to make themselves feel superior.
Far LEFT hardliners?
“BBC’s director of news Fran Unsworth to leave the corporation”
She reminds me of Rosa Klebb of the Bond Movie.
Will there be a new broom to sweep clean?
“Dozens more migrants cross English Channel in small boats”
What if they were all Taliban operatives ?
According to ECHR we cannot do anything about it because we have an useless government defending this nation of Great Britain.
Mark these words ………….
There will be “lessons to be learned”.
Bo Jo – Churchill or Chamberlin?
If something like the Manchester bombing can be handled by a couple of days of news reports then the whole thing expertly brushed under the carpet then I doubt the government is concerned about anything these people will do.
The lives don’t matter at all to these people : the only thing which does is keeping society placid and under control.
The Tommy Robinson interview (which the liar maxi pretended he hadn’t seen) gives us a glimpse of how far they are prepared to go. For every Tommy who stands up to them, there will hundreds of others who quietly comply through fear of what will happen to them or their family. By our state.
About us
The first duty of the government is to keep citizens safe and the country secure.
The suicide bomber who killed 22 people at an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester last year had been rescued from the Libyan civil war by the Royal Navy. Salman Abedi detonated a home-made bomb in the foyer of the Manchester Arena on 22 May 2017 as concert-goers, many of them children, were leaving the venue.31 Jul 2018
Anyone who even questions the wisdom of shutting out Muslims from Christian society in the West needs to watch the 911 program on tonight. There is loads more of this to come unless we decide to hit back as hard and lethaly as possible.
The Muslim community hide their killers due to adherence to their “faith”.
Meanwhile they are slipping into the UK on inflatables.
Are we just crazy or what, how many times must they demonstrate to us they are sub-human and totally heartless murderers who want every Christian eliminated?
This is not based on prejudice, it is based on fact and dead bodies.
The West has faith in something it calls Moderate Islam, their new Holy Grail.
So confident it is that such a thing exists that they keep importing Muslims in the sure and certain knowledge that one day, one year, one century, they will find a Moderate Muslim.
Now that is what is called faith.
A moderate muslim is one who wants someone else to cut your head off.
The Great Siege of Malta (Maltese: L-Assedju l-Kbir) occurred in 1565 when the Ottoman Empire attempted to conquer the island of Malta, then held by the Knights Hospitaller. The siege lasted nearly four months, from 18 May to 11 September 1565.
The Knights Hospitaller had been headquartered in Malta since 1530, after being driven out of Rhodes, also by the Ottomans, in 1522, following the siege of Rhodes. The Ottomans first attempted to take Malta in 1551 but failed. In 1565, Suleiman the Magnificent, the Ottoman Sultan, made a second attempt to take Malta. The Knights, who numbered around 500 together with approximately 6,000 footsoldiers, withstood the siege and repelled the invaders. This victory became one of the most celebrated events of sixteenth-century Europe, to the point that Voltaire said: “Nothing is better known than the siege of Malta.” It undoubtedly contributed to the eventual erosion of the European perception of Ottoman invincibility, although the Mediterranean continued to be contested between Christian coalitions and the Muslim Turks for many years.[6]
The siege was the climax of an escalating contest between the Christian alliances and the Islamic Ottoman Empire for control of the Mediterranean, a contest that included the Turkish attack on Malta in 1551, the Ottoman destruction of an allied Christian fleet at the Battle of Djerba in 1560, and the decisive Ottoman defeat at the Battle of Lepanto in 1571.
It is still beyond all reasoning that the UK is allowing boat loads of Middle Eastern/African illegal migrants to land on our shores-not mad, but thoroughly dangerous and completely irresponsible to all indigenous peoples of this nation. What action is being taken to stop this invasion? Absoultely nothing, not a dam thing and not one member of the national or social media inc the BBC are engaging in any relevent debate. All MP’s should be ashamed of themselves-as they sit and watch this Christian nation become Islamic-and yes it will soon enough, Islam has the numbers here and in Europe to bring about the introduction Sharia Law as a Law-God forbid.
None of this is true unfortunately.
The people who covered this up were the Western politians in Saudis pocket, this time BLiar and Bush. We know from that rare thing today, invesitgative journalists and an obstructive state, that the people who planned and executed 9/11 and who didn’t perish doing so left the United States prior to the attack.
We know the most useless and incompetent ‘intelligence’ agency in the world the CIA SHOULD have known all about the attack, but was either so useless they didn’t or so incompetent that they did, and failed to do anything about it.
We know the Saudis have threatened the US government if they allow the victims families to sue Saudi for compensation – so this has never been allowed.
On this occasion it is not the fault of the Muslims, but of nigardly voters who simply won’t pay politicians the going rate for the job they want them to do and appear surprised when there are other people who will.
The Muslim community haven’t got a clue what’s going on. The majority of them are as thick as two short planks and even the supposed clever ones lack wider awareness. They learn to recite their version of the Qur’an in classical Arabic, but they have no understanding of what it means and they need to turn to an Imam who himself has no understanding and has gained his ‘knowledge’ from what others in the same position have told him.
Take a listen to the talk radio interview between Robert Spencer and the Imam for the proof, all the Imam can spout is nonsense about ‘community cohesion’ which he learned from the far left indoctrinators and clearly has nothing to do with Islam.
This is why it is so easy for Muslims to become radicalised. You want it to stop? Pay your politicians properly and stop them accepting bribes.
But that’s not going to happen because the British people would rather they were beheaded by radical Jihadists than pay politicians a groat more than they receive now.
Interesting analysis/theory. But how much would need to be paid to prevent bribes? And how do you know it was bribery behind it all?
Christians are taught to love everybody. Muslims are taught to hate non-Muslims, it’s not rocket science!
Christianity has ran out of cheeks even after offering gay bum cheeks.
So the wonky woke idiots at the stupid ad agency working for VW have decided to shame their customers into buying EV cars, by showing non ev cars under shame sheets in the car park. tell you what, let’s just stop buying VW cars at all and see how that goes down.
BAN VW ….. VW stink etc etc.
It’s a great time to own an EV now they have fired up the coal-powered generators again so people can actually charge them.
I am involved in considering ways to reduce carbon and general air pollution as part of my work.
I can see the benefits of EVs in towns for the air, if people must drive. But I’ve always wondered how everyone in a country this size (population) can have an EV and charge/use it from just renewable alone.
I am a sensible green! (There are some of us.)
Hilarious. VW were one of the main architects of the diesel emissions scam. I currently have a claim against them with one of those ambulance chasing companies.
Volkswagen has taken responsibility for diesel emissions tests on humans and monkeys amid mounting fury.
Ah , yes….
wonky woke idiots ..
Boris must Go!
Ahh but who will replace him?
How about somebody like this chap from the Bow Group?
Yasser Dasmibehbi
We have a weak government that are not using our armed forces to defend our land from invasion. Until we have a new government our taxes will go up to fund housing, food, health and policing. Australia, with a smaller defence force and a larger coastline stopped Illegals landing.
Members of The Bow Group (oldest conservative think tank) are being edged out by the ‘Conservatives’.
Islamic Party lead by Sadiq Khan twinned with the Taliban!
They had a viable third party, it was led by Nigel Farage, and look how the idiots behaved when it threatened their hegemony.
They are far too dim to be able to cope with a third viable centre right party as are their supporters.
Listening to Ken Bruce from 2 weeks ago and it has a big trailer for ‘King Gary’ – the latest BBC sitcom.
The lines which are supposed to sell it to me were:
Tony: ‘That’s a perfecly packed skip’.
Woman: ‘You absolute donut’, Tony ‘What was that sorry ?’
Woman:’Do not take that tone with me Tony’, Tony: ‘Shut up’
Tony: ‘I wanna castle so it’s decadance. Oh I would love a moat’
Sounded just like a trailer for Zoe ‘text in what you had for breakfast’ Ball or Claudia Winkleman (who I saw on 8 out of 10 cats and never came out with a witty line in the whole show).
Things someone with no sense of humour thinks are hilarious because someone said them with a stupid voice. Ie the kind of people the BBC hire these days.
Checked latest imdb reviews: Pilot was good, The latest series is absolute rubbish. A mixture of 1/10’s and a few 10/10’s – a sign that the BBC (who you can trust) are not above fake reviewing their own content.
“MPs to vote on health and social care tax rise”
Well, someone will have to pay for the new beach arrivals.
Malvern Festival of Innovation
Join us Monday 4th October 2021 at the Coach House Theatre, Great Malvern for an evening in conversation with Rory Cellan-Jones about his life as the BBC’s principal technology correspondent and his recent book Always On. Free to attend, but places limited so please register for tickets in advance.
“…and this is my Apple Watch… which they let me keep too. Paul Mason is out in the foyer selling iPhones cheap….”
BBC Inspired News driving the ratings today.
We are all equal? Everyone is a lone wolf?
Seems that ‘Question of sport’ ratings are dire, and not a lot of interest is being shown since they got rid of the best people like Sue Barker.
Typical BBBC – take a prog which everyone likes, then f—-k it up for the ‘next generation’, who’ll actually ignore it.
Who cares in W1AA? nobody, as they’re tax-funded, so don’t need to do anything worthwhile.
“ Who cares in W1AA? nobody, as they’re tax-funded, so don’t need to do anything worthwhile”.
A bit like the NHS , really.
They do it all the time.
The just can’t resist shoehorning their agenda into anything which is popular. It’s a free audience compared to the zero they would get if what they have had to build it’s own reputation.
They did it to Father Brown, Dr Who and Poldark (when the books ran out and the BBC decided to write it themselves) to my knowledge – and probably many others as I don’t watch any of them now.
I used to love Simon Mayo Drivetime on Radio 2 and Andrew Neil’s This Week.
I knew they were going to get rid of them*, and they did.
*not woke
So then I had a bit of sympathy for fans of Top Gear.
But only a bit 😉
BBC editorial policy –
Directive number 1 . Islam must never be mentioned negatively-
So when reporting on the Islamic mass murdering in Paris 5 years ? Ago – killing 150? People – just mention ‘men ‘ on trial – not ‘suspected Islamic terrorists ‘
When mentioning the new taliban government – consisting of a bunch of Islamic men with beards – just mention the ‘men ‘ bit .
The BBC seems more concerned that there are no wimmin gays greens or disabled in the taliban ‘cabinet ‘. They seem not to be bothered with what the author of the new government – a Mr . J. Biden – has to say about it ….
Fed, apparently the Wrongists (liberals, socialists, lefties, Hard Left, Marxists, Trotskyists, Leninists, Maoists, Greenies, etc.) are now complaining that the new Government announced for Afghanistan yesterday or today has no minorities in it.
It is obvious that these Wrongists have not been paying attention. The new Afghanistan Government has
someMuslims in it. What more do they want?Up2
I saw something about the taliban cabinet being the same cast of baddies from 20 years ago – a lot with ‘wanted ‘ posters – so it will be interesting to see whether the Americans will try out some new longer distance drones on them – ….
……. ….I’d try and kill a few off on this coming Saturday …..btw – seems our Justin is going to the States to do a ‘special ‘ presumably with Sopel – must be in quarantine now ….
Fed, maybe that’s why Simon Jack has given up his day job again to partner with Nick on TOADY this morning? Justin gets a chance to visit US friends while on a BBC jolly paid for by the Licence Fee-payer.
It will be interesting to see how the BBC apportions blame for the failings on 9/11 to President Trump ….
A couple of days ago a PBS propaganda piece likened the Capitol demonstration to 9/11 – which even made me wince at such poor propaganda …
I’m sure the taliban will have some ‘celebration ‘ this weekend after banishing the Great Satan ..
Where were the passengers of Flight 93 on 6 January?
On the 11th of September 2001 passengers of United Airways Flight 93 bravely fought against hijackers of their aircraft, thus avoiding the inevitable destruction of the Capitol building.
Fast-forward to 6th January 2021 and a wild far-right mob stormed the Capitol, urged on by Donald Trump. Four years of ‘Make America Great’ had apparently destroyed the resolve of the average American citizen to preserve her democracy and fight back against the insurrectinists.
That role was left to a single government agent, who bravely standing behind a locked door, fired the shot that ended the greatest threat to America since the War of Independence.
John Soappell
Er, and taken the country by force…
BBC News, that isn’t.
Concerned in quotes – why?
They’ve spelled ‘created’ wrong.
Batley Grammar School suspended two more teachers amid row over cartoon of the Prophet Muhammad
Head teacher Gary Kibble announced that the unnamed teacher in his 20s had been suspended while the school investigated complaints by parents
BBC Radio 4
The history of fascism in Britain – a three-part documentary on BBC Sounds.
Britain’s Fascist Thread [interesting caption]
Posted 8h ago
3 comments, 3 shares, 8 reactions
A national conversation to be sure.
Oh, all comments are from loons overseas.
Toady 2
French mayor interviewed about the french facilitating the breaking of UK law by helping big dinghies across the channel .
He said there was nothing more the french could do to stop 50 seat dinghies from going to England .
Yet the outgoin’ minister for stron’ statements will meet with french opposite number and ‘threaten ‘ not to give the french £54 million in taxpayers money …
The french must be laughing their bits off ….. I wonder if a new Home Secretary will make and difference ? I reckon – none ….
Home Secretary: “What the hell are you doin’ with the £54million I sent you?”
Ministre de l’Europe et des Affaires étrangères:“Ah zort you waanted us to bahy mohr dingees?”
(Something lost in translation?)
Some people say that the government are ill prepared for the massive influx of Muslim asylum seekers.
They’re wrong…
If you get a chance have a wander around Westminster, Parliament Square, St James’s Park and Buckingham Palace…you’ve never seen so many defensive bollards, barriers and huge, impenetrable metal gates being built in one area in all your days. It’s become a fortress within a city.
Don’t you go worrying about Boris Bunter, he’s as safe as houses.
These mewling wimps in our pathetic Parliament might claim that Islam is a religion of peace, but they’re taking no bloody chances with their own safety.
Of course, as for the rest of us…
Meanwhile the BBC keep telling us that the far-right are the biggest threat.
It’s all nothing but rank hypocrisy with the intention of keeping society ignorant and happy. If the ignorant masses actually knew the truth, we might well have a civil war. Speaking of which, I wonder how long Alex Belfield will stay up. He has nearly 350,000 subscribers now and tells us some very unpleasant facts which the BBC will never go anywhere near. Like how the 20% blacks in London commit 70% of the murders.
I for one wouldn’t complain if they built that fence all along the inside of the M25 then welded the gates shut.
You’re doing a bbc by assuming all areas inside the M25 are London. (Us in North Surrey have no local news, only London)
TOADY Watch #1 – the BBC are upset by the Social Care reforms
So much so that Nick Robinson, the privately educated Oxbridge graduate, gets his maths completely wrong. The scare fear figure of NHS Waiting lists of 13.5 million is one fifth of the ‘official’ UK population, not one quarter, Nick.
With all the guests arriving on a daily basis I wouldn’t be at all surprised to learn it’s only one sixth of the ‘actual’ population.
TOADY Watch #2 – the BBC are upset by the Social Care reforms
The tax increase on private company dividends catches the Beeboids who still, especially as pensioners (the Dimbleby brothers, The Humph) who avoid high Income Tax by turning themselves into corporations will now be caught by the dividend tax increase.
Nick Robinson misrepresents the small 1.25% tax increase to fund the Social Care reforms as a huge tax increase. Are you a corporate Income Tax avoider, Nick?
I suppose the only difference between a comrade Corbyn regime would have been to have a 3% rate of company dividends as opposed to what the Red Tories are doing .
Nut nut will see how far he gets away with this tax hike for the other coming ones – which will be wrapped in ‘save the planet ‘ crap such as massively increasing petrol /diesel taxes ….
The money will be ‘ringfenced ‘ to build new power stations to be promised after the blackouts this coming Winter ( if it is chilly)….
I’ve turned off toady now but would like to know what Dilnot thinks of the proposals since his report was or is the favoured remedy .
As for Labour – I still cannot believe they offer up no opposition at all ….
I think Labour (especially Corbyn) would have gone for a ‘wealth’ tax, depending on how you define ‘wealth’. The other tax opposition would have been to load the tax onto “those with the broadest shoulders, those able to bear the burden” and increase the two higher rates of Income Tax. That would have meant that Beeboids could avoid it by incorporating themselves like Premiership footballers.
In reality it’s 2.5% as companies also have to pay additional 1.25% in their NI contribution and of which most employees know nothing and care even less.
Quite correct, Sage. I wonder if that is driving the fury of the BBC because those who have incorporated themselves will be paying a double bill. I cannot for the life of me remember the tax position on that; used to know the tax rules once upon a time.
TOADY Watch #3 – the BBC are upset by the Social Care reforms
So much so that they are now misrepresenting what Secretary of State for Health, Sajid Javid, said in his interview with Nick Robinson. He did not specifically guarantee that NHS Waiting Lists would be much shorter.
You know you can trust the BBC.
To tell lies.
9am R4 More Or Less
– Vaccine protection declining over time
Israel has now seen a sharp rise in the numbers of cases and hospitalisations.
– Does eating a hot dog really take 36 minutes from your life?
– Afghanistan numbers
eg Is Test and Trace spending really more than spending on UK military operations there ?
They concluded
“no panic : it’s just delta reaching Israel.
“early research show the booster is effective”
– hotdogs don’t really kill you.. it’s theoretical
– Test and trace wasn’t that expensive £13bn ..£1bn of which was contact tracing
£37bn is an overestimate
America spent $1-2trn in Afghanistan, but that spread over 20 years isn’t huge
£22bn cost of UK military spending in Aghanistan is probably an underestimate
So test and trace cot is much smaller
If American heroin consumption was reduced by Afghanistan occupation, then one can say that is an economic benefit to the US
80 Seat Majority.
0 Conservative Policies.
There is only one way that this oligarchy in parliament can ousted is by a the formation of a coalition of political parties. That’s parties such as UKIP, The Reform Party , The Reclaim Party and other like-minded parties. But then, would the “impartial” Al Beeb give them a platform?
Too much in-fighting for any such coalition? (Unfortunately)
I think they must realise that by now . But that’s the only way they can get in Parliament.
For sure, if you went out at random and rounded up 650 average people (excluding lawyers and so-called, “Professors”) and shoved them into the HoC, that would be a total 100% benefit to the rest of the country.
G, can you exclude bank managers as well please?
And anyone who’s ever been involved with the BBC…
I wonder whatever happened to the tories – did they leave the country ?
They became an oligarchy made up from a pseudo Tory, Liberal and Labour MPs.
A ‘rotten parliament’ of actors with ‘pretend’ MPs
“The prime minister says it will raise £12bn a year which will be used to tackle the health backlog caused by the Covid pandemic and boost social care.”
And I was under the misunderstanding the backlog was caused by parliament’s hysterical over reaction to covid..
Guess there’s no chance of the BBC questioning this.
20,000 afghans – 20,000 NHS beds. 20,000 school places. 20,000 jobs. 20,000 new homes. 20,000 toilet flushes. 20,000 new uber eats orders.
TOADY Watch #4 – the BBC are upset by the Social Care reforms
so much so that they repeat the Daily Torygraph claim, during the newspaper reviews, that the tax burden is potentially the highest evvah. Time to get Marianna to spring in to action on that. Those of us without dementia or amnesia can remember the tax burden being way over 40% in the 1980s and Margaret Thatcher’s attempts to reduce it.
Perhaps Tim Harford will check it out on ‘More or Less’ on BBC R4? If our Marianna is in tax avoidance-mode or tax evasion-mode, that is of course the subject of tax not taxes in itself.
Conservatives not exactly a low tax party, take VAT:
“Under Margaret Thatcher’s leadership, Conservative Chancellor Geoffrey Howe increased the standard rate of VAT from 8% to 15% June 1979
David Cameron as an “emergency budget”, Chancellor George Osborne announced that the standard rate of VAT would increase from 17.5% to 20% with effect from 4 January 2011.”
Eddy, yes Howe increased VAT but that was to pay for a big cut in the higher rates of Income Tax in the same Budget. But for the Falklands invasion by Argentina, that little faux pas would have cost the Tories the 1982 or 1983 GE. It would be interesting to know what taxes are included in the Daily Telegraph front page calculations. I’m not about to dash out and buy a copy and the days of picking up and scanning a copy at a supermarket or visiting the local Library are limited by the Pandemic.
The MSM and others are often disingenuous about taxation, especially the BBC. I often hear the MUM (Modern Urban Myth) repeated that those on higher rates of tax pay over a third or half or two-thirds of tax but then you find they are only refering to Income Tax or only refering to the highest rate band or some such.
The other fixation is the ‘young ‘ paying for the ‘old ‘ . If that is taking further – why should anyone without kids subsidise those who breed and send their kids to state schools – but those examples can go on and on
I think the BBC uses that nonsense propaganda to widen a divide it is creating as well as signal the kidults that it is on their side …
That really winds me up when I read it.
Who do these youngsters think paid for and made all the things they take for granted while they live in a civilised country ?.
It’s the pinnacle of ingratitude. Egged on by people like the BBC who want them on-side to be programmed with the left-wing agenda the BBC want to spread to the whole world.
I’ll wager it will be not that many blacks paying for the white OAP’s
So they just shifted the burden from one tax to another 🤔
Give ’em more? They’ll happily spend it and come back for more as was the case with that, “emergency budget”. Who’s to say that a portion of this proposed increase is not to finance the invasion from France and the imports from Afghanistan?
One good thing about the, “today’s World” is that the elite is stripped from any safe haven in terms of the reality of any given situation. Just lies, lies and even more lies.
Afghanistan: US concerned by new Taliban government
The US has said it is concerned after the Taliban unveiled Afghanistan’s new all-male government with figures linked to attacks on American forces.
So to summarise, the two major problems with the new Taliban government are:
1) It has known terrorists wanted by the FBI in it.
2) It doesn’t have any women.
Will we have protests on the streets with people chanting ‘Stop the terrorist slaughter of innocent people and also have some women in the government’ ?.
I can’t recall the last time I read something more ridiculous.
I can’t believe these people are so utterly ignorant of what has actually happened in Afghanistan. The Left seem unable – or unwilling – to admit what this catastrophe at the hands of Biden really means.
Seems the BBC have forgotten it’s the Jewish New Year, unlike another religion who get quite a bit of coverage for their holidays, months of it.
Now that the government has decided to steal from working people’s pockets to throw yet more money at the NHS, it’s worth checking in on how some of that money will be spent. New job adverts on the Integrated Care Systems (ICS) recruitment page show that the NHS is now hiring 42 new chief executives to manage ‘integrated care boards‘ across the country, on salaries averaging £223,261. Seven of which will pay up to a whopping £270,000. 80% more than Boris himself…
The site explains how the new executives will help lead “new partnerships between the organisations that meet health and care needs across an area, [and] plan in a way that improves population health and reduces inequalities between different groups”. The job description also insists that candidates “actively champion diversity, inclusion, and equality of opportunity for all.” All life-saving work, no doubt.
Could the boost to women’s football mean more online abuse?
Learn to pronounce
dislike of, contempt for, or ingrained prejudice against men (i.e. the male sex).
“poorly disguised misandry”
Islamic Invasion good … ha ha ha ha…
A North African conquest of the Iberian peninsular began in the 8th century and led to the occupation of much of Spain and Portugal for several centuries. This Muslim invasion re-introduced much of the knowledge of the ancient world to Europe and linked it much more closely with North and West Africa.
It would seem that there is a huge yawning gap right now for a third party on the right. A gap crying out to be filled by a person, backed by a team, who has the political nous to create a movement that will put the British back into Britain. It won’t come from a coalition of miniscule parties it will come from an an astute and brave person or group has the correct mix of political acumen and ambition not only to spot the gap but also the guts and determination to exploit it.
Cometh the hour cometh the man they say. But I can’t see anybody in preparation. The hour will soon have ticked away.
Yasser indeed we all wish for that man to come forward-the chances are very slim as anyone with the strength and courage to bring about the change needed will have to exercise as a Benevolent Dictator-there is no other way to bring about the changes most of us want. The other way is Civil Strife/war not one would want to see brought to our streets. Apart form the Islamic problem, those that have planned for years to bring about a New World Order are closer now than ever before-COVID has been manner from heaven as a perfect subjugation/fear platform from which to bring their plan about. Our people have become so complacent and have fallen to obey every order thrown out by the Government who have been guided by dubious science. Its a mess and one that will not be cleared quickly.
Tarien, Let me clarify what I was trying to get across. I was not just calling for a strong man/ potential dictator who would step forward and come out with the right policies, win everybody over and save the UK. That would have been a childish post indeed.
I had intended it to contribute to a previous conservation earlier in the thread re third parties in the UK political system. The appearance of even a potentially effective third party on the right could have a cautionary effect on the unchallenged arrogance of the Tory Party with its shocking betrayals on tax and immigration.
Looking at third parties leaders Richard Tice, Anne-Marie Waters and Lawrence Fox I don’t see anyone of those in a position to bring a surge of support (despite my admiration for all three). Farage is more effective outside a party structure is.
What I was calling for was for was a new attempt at least by someone or some organisation to capitalize on the current situation. This is someone or some group who is at least has some political hunger!
A “botched” scheme to insulate England’s draughty homes collapsed after six months
because officials rushed its design,
put in place an undeliverable timetable,
and failed to heed industry warnings,
Whitehall’s spending watchdog has found.”
“Audit office blames UK government for botched £1.5bn green homes scheme”
Doh ditto the smart meter programme
And the *RUSH* to “Net-Zero” (a ridiculous PR word , rather than a practical thing)
You really can reduce home CO2 quite a bit
by switching people from old gas boilers to new style instant hot water types
but Greendreamers would rather spend money on Net Zero schemes that producer LOWER CO2 savings
I , like most others on this site, am trying to navigate across a deep swamp of misinformation. There is almost no solid ground on which one can get a firm footing and so avoid being sucked under.
The government has sort of delivered on Brexit but has left the BBC to carry on spewing forth its Woke propaganda. The lurch towards greenism is alarming and demonstrable rubbish. The government allows tens of thousands of third worlders into our country illegally and many more legally when they must know that most Brits don’t want them here.
The police and judiciary have gone Woke long ago and support the very trends which weaken and undermine our society, which in previous decades they were supposed to protect! The civil service seems to be staffed by Remainer traitors and Woke warriors. Our universities have been seized by Woke zealots , as have our museums, galleries and most other cultural institutions who are determined to destroy our history and our sense of nationhood. Our armed forces seem to run by adherents of the Woke agenda. Our sportsmen and women also seem to ceased of the Wokist virus. Our newspapers knowingly print lies , suppress facts and don’t want to allow their readers to comment. We are supposed to value ‘lived experience’ over truth and facts. Indeed the very idea that there is such a thing as truth seems to be in doubt. Extraordinarily this even applies to science.
It’s like living in a mad house run by lunatics.
Earlier today, I said to Mr D, I wish I knew the truth about these tax rises. What I can be sure about is the BBC will be sure to take the most critical angle. I heard the 11am Classic FM news this morning. A rant with confirmatory sound bite from Labour about how these rises affect the poor the most. The example was given of someone on £30,000 having to pay an extra £200 and something extra a month. Where are all the people in the surveys the BBC just love to quote? You know, all those people who when asked said they didn’t mind paying a little more for the NHS. Now is their chance.
There was a lot about how Boris had broken his manifesto promises, as though no Prime Minister has done that before. And whether you agreed with lockdown or not, we all knew it had to be paid for. But off course the BBC and other MSM are using it to encourage the subliminal message that Boris is a liar.
I might add I have been waiting some 8 weeks for a hospital referral and had a nurse telephone appointment yesterday. It isn’t anything requiring me to be seen in two weeks But having spoken to the nurse yesterday, I have an outpatient appointment for tomorrow.
Interested in your ref to them wanting to paint Boris as a liar.
Whether he is or isn’t or is somewhere in between they are trying to infuse this idea by repeating it over and over and trying to dig up evidence.
Have noticed this trend on the bbc and all over forums and social media.
Its like a play-book.
To me it seems a co-ordinated Labour strategy.
Things you come across
Local NHS job advert : It has a picture showing the LBGTQ rainbow and a brown female manager
I checked recent ads and there aren’t many white males featured
Not proportionate with UK population.
Local radio news
– Murder/Death of a local teacher
– stirring “local care home owner says the government, care plan tax is too little too late”
– “Report says northerners were hid harder by Covid health impacts”
– “Grimsby accent wanted for new film”
… Not so much agenda pushing today
in the next hour they switch in 2 other stories
“disabled student claims discrimination forced him off course. They did give him his money back”
“Inquiry into police who shot dead a Hull mad axe guy, cos their tasers didn’t contain him
Jamaican Grimsby.
BBC Manager #1 … “Naga is going on holiday”
BBC Manager #2 … “Well we are the home of diversity so lets put Clive Myrie on ..he ticks the right boxes”
Clive to Laugh at the Taliban flag?! (Like Naga did to the UK flag)
Morning Stew; I think you’ll find that is a “pre-op” photo.
BBC in discrimination row after opening trainee role only to ethnic minorities
Not fair, and actually, patently racist, and creating a two-tier society.
And assumes all white people are privileged, which is not true.
Maybe because white people running the bbc are posh and privileged.
Why not have schemes for disadvantaged young people and leave colour of skin out of it?
20,000 Afghans – sorted.
1,400 raped white kids – ignored.
TWatO Watch #1 – the BBC are upset by the Social Care reforms
Sarah Montague interviews a ‘Red Wall’ Tory, a MP who won a previously Labour-held seat in the north of England. This chap is ‘on top of his brief’ and may also have set the BBC original thinking they had a Conservative Party rebel who might be upset enough over the reform Bill to vote against it.
Not a bit of it. Sorry that I have forgotten the MP’s name, analogue radio reception goes a bit haywire during really good weather in my part of the world, so I could not hear too clearly. He did really well and had all the facts and figures to hand and quoted them not just once but twice to Sarah. Under the proposed H&SC reform, the highest earners will pay the most and that will include Beeboids, especially Montacutie.
Might explain why the BBC do not like it.
He also made the point that Labour and the Liberals (what is left of them) if they vote against the Reform Bill will be voting against a financial provision for the NHS which the NHS claim to need. Ooooooops!
No mention yet on BBC Little Monkeys about Mosleyesque spanking.
Speakers’ Corner: Woman attacked with knife
OMISSION IS THE GREATEST LIE – No Christianity or Islam mentioned.
When Debbie met Femi.
A Vile back up for YAB and Champion?
China emits more greenhouse gas than the entire developed world combined, a new report has claimed. The research by Rhodium Group says China emitted 27% of the world’s greenhouse gases in 2019. The US was the second-largest emitter at 11% while India was third with 6.6% of emissions, the think tank said.7 May 2021
Died of COVID?
Indoor air pollution is a massive public health problem across the world. That is because three billion people are thought to cook and heat their homes with open fires and simple stoves burning wood, animal dung, crop waste (known as biomass) and coal.
Breathing in fumes from cooking smoke kills 600,000 Africans each year, a policy think-tank called the Africa Progress Panel tweeted recently.
Could the number of deaths be that high?
Thank God that XR and Greenpeace will deny these people safer and more convenient gas
.. cos of their dogmatic stance against fossil fuels.
Taliban end racism by never mentioning it again. FACT.
I don’t think the Taleban think in terms of race, it’s more whether someone is a Muslim or not, and then it’s degrees of the Muslim they are.
The Taliban are notionally Sunni as I understand it – the apparent friction with ISIS seems a bit weird … The Iranians …
Quite the tangled web in that part of the world…
We seem to have lost our grasp of right and wrong in 2018 and missing examples where things mess up.
Take a religion of peace called Shia Islam and then add Sunni Islam. Drop them in the same place and you get Yemen.
. . . .
. . .
Yemen (Islam with more Islam) is the world’s single largest humanitarian crisis.
More than 80 per cent of the population urgently need emergency aid. (when Islam meets Islam)
Around 18 million people do not have enough nutritious food and more than half of the population live without clean water. (when Islam meets Islam)
The worst cholera epidemic ever recorded is still active in Yemen (when Islam meets Islam). There have been over one million suspected cases and more than 2,250 deaths. (when Islam meets Islam)
Extreme hunger, disease and conflict are killing or injuring an estimated 75 people every day.(when Islam meets Islam)
Race …. race to the bottom.
How very dare you mock a man with a stutter.
The liar in the White House and the liars at the BBC were keen to reassure us that the new, improved Taliban had noting to do with Al Qaeda – in fact were implacably opposed to them.
This, of course served to reassure the world, and cover for the Imbecile. “Don’t worry, the Taliban are now the good guys, and nothing like mean old Al Qaeda.”
Unfortunately, somebody forgot to tell Al Qaeda, who seem very pally indeed with the Taliban in the statement below. It is nothing less than a call to jihadist terrorist groups around the world to rise up and wage war against the West.
Well done, Biden; well done, BBC.
“Al-Qaeda’s congratulatory message to their longtime Taliban allies included a call for uprisings and action as “the defeat of the American empire of evil” stands as “a tremendous source of inspiration.”
In a statement issued by the group’s General Command, al-Qaeda said Afghanistan was a model “in its resolve to confront Western invaders, refusing to bow down in the face of Western tyranny or abandon the way of jihad and martyrdom.”
“This victory has demonstrated what the Islamic nation is capable of when it unites, takes up arms and fights in the way of Allah to defend its religion, its sanctities, its land and its wealth,” the statement continued. “These events prove that the way of jihad is the only way that leads to victory and empowerment.”
Al-Qaeda called on followers “to prepare for the next stage of the struggle, the way for which has been paved by the victory of the defiant Afghan nation,” as “this historic victory will open the way for the Muslim masses to achieve liberation from the despotic rule of tyrants who have been imposed by the West on the Islamic world.”
The group predicted that Afghanistan could herald a “prelude to the liberation of Palestine from Zionist occupation,” adding that “it is worth mentioning here that these historic events offer and opportunity for the masses in Europe and East Asia to break free from the shackles of American hegemony.”
Al-Qaeda called on Afghans “to unite around the blessed leadership” of the Taliban and to abide by the group’s “decisions and Shariah-based policies.”
Congratulations to the Taliban have come from various terror outlets around the globe, from al-Qaeda Kurdish Battalions and Hurras Al Din in Syria to Jama’at Nasr al-Islam wal Muslimin in Mali and al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb.
“This victory is not just a victory for Afghanistan, it is a victory for the flag bearers of Kalema [the word] all over the world,” Jamaat-ul-Mujahideen Bangladesh said in a statement. “This victory will be a stepping stone to bring back the lost glory of the Muslims in the world, inshallah.”
“This victory is not just a victory for Afghanistan, it is a victory for the flag bearers of Kalema [the word] all over the world,” Jamaat-ul-Mujahideen Bangladesh said in a statement. “This victory will be a stepping stone to bring back the lost glory of the Muslims in the world, inshallah.”
. . . .
0. Islam asks you to have zero thought about it’s origins and practices. And make zero comparisons with successful cultures.
1. Islam asks for one simple thing. Islam asks for everything – finance, religion, police, morals, schools, law, food, science, clothes, art and your body to be Islamic.
2. Islam only has two problems – Muhammed and Mohammed. Once the first problem has been solved then the second one can be solved easily.
3. Islam offers three things. In the Koran it offers Peace, War and then a Continuation of War. In your life Islam wants you to subjugate yourself, subjugate your family and then subjugate everyone else.