It would be informing, a first for the bbc morons never read a book in their life, teenage ignorant non qualified in any discipline apart from twittwer that call themselves fact checkers hey go to school oh wait you probably did that why you are thick as Sh
how did channel 4’s BlackToFront inverted racism day go ?
– #BigBreakfast revival
45k viewers, 1% audience share.
45k out of 60 million adults in the UK, that’s 1 person in every 1333 ie 0.075% watched
ie 99.925% didn’t watch
(BBC Breakfast, 1.2m @GMB 640k).
other black shows
#MelBsPackedLunch, 125k
#CelebrityGogglebox 2.6m (17% audience share, not terrible for channel4 Googlebox normally gets 2.2-3.2 million ..used to be around 4.5million)
I watched Countdown. The problem is that Trevor has zero personality. He used the same monotone voice that he read the news decades ago. The two contestants were fairly averagely intelligent people. There was some obese woman doing the numbers and a guy in a hawaiian shirt in ‘dictionary corner’. They all sounded like that had never left East London, and were all middle class, so much for diversity.
Trevor McDonald embodied the BBC News to me, growing up in the ’80s.
His plain, monotone voice seemed right for serious, ‘impartial and unbiased’ news, and as far as I recall he didn’t exhibit much emotion, or personal opinion… if you were being uncharitable, you could describe him as ‘robotic’.
What works for the news doesn’t necessarily work elsewhere though.
I’m wondering now if there wouldn’t be considerable advantage in replacing newsreaders with simple, expressionless, monotone synthesised voices. In fact, why not let impartial and unbiased AI progams write the news too? There could be considerable cost savings…
“Covid: More than 300,000 suspected of breaking quarantine rules”
Figures for this period obtained under Freedom of Information laws show a total of 301,076 cases were referred to investigators for checks on whether they were self-isolating.
I am all for diversity in the NHS having an emergency purse stitch without anastheitic due to a punctured lung not diagnosed before due to incompetence
and the black c@@@@ nurse shouting at me to stop whining while they did it and listening to the hundreds of complaints about blacks abusing (mostly asian)passengers on the TFL underground with many racist and sexist comments
lets get the racist sexist blacks in court
an example chinese asked for directions “are you stupid or what ” (just one example of hundreds)
maybe the black african that said this would be better off in his war torn sh7thole receiving bribes in Africa
There’s two very distinct types out there Zephir and your assessment should fall in line with that of the excellent Chris Rock: “I love black people, but I hate n*ggers”
Like I said before, experience trumps anything the bbc desperately tries to tell you
Like the countryside, and country walks never in twenty years
ever ever, a black or muslim person but according to the bbc they are everywhere
If I was ever to meet one no problem, the problem is desperate teenage half educated idfots that think they can socially engineer rather than reporting news
Thank you to Campbell, Khan and all the other extremists for confirming once and for all that the word ‘British’ now has absolutely no meaning other than to own a British passport. I’d be delighted for them to explain to me how this young girl’s lineage in any way links her indelibly to the heritage and tradition of this country – that would be a very enlightening conversation, I’m sure.
The connection she and her kaleidoscopic family have to the UK extends back approximately the length of time YouTube has been in existence. Let that sink in for a minute.
I know what you mean Sick OI but to be fair the girl grew up here and as far as I can tell her family have integrated and share our values. She seems like a nice person. So British she is.
But it is the lefty woke lot that are using her…funny how they didn’t say all these things about the paedophile gangs and the recent Afghan.
As always they cherry pick to suit an argument…fortunately the bulk of the public don’t listen to Twatter …
If I wished to hear the rants of a marxist educated (I use that word looesely) purple haired fat vegan desperate to get inseminated by a black man for political purposes, I could do so on the bbc, I choose not to
the scum that hate a president that never declared war and had the nerve to declare he loved his country and stood agianst a sex criminal and wife who attacked the victims
Seems Derbyshire has a very distorted view of what a journalist is supposed to do for a living. They do not put the side of people who are not present to defend themselves, that is more akin to a lawyer or perhaps an interviewer.
A journalist is someone who gathers fact for a news story and gathers as many as is reasonable to present a truthful picture of a story with an unbiased persepective.
That rules out Derbyshire from ever being a journalist.
Thoughtful – I think they start with big egos and self importance but once they get those BBC payslips and become ‘famous ‘ it goes to their heads and they go HRH . There is a long list – Attenborough _ Addie – John Simpson – and the rest – who have gone to ‘announcing the Truth ‘ rather than questioning it .
RE above vdeo bbc (wuulrl Klass) journalis says ” please dont shout at me,
he never shouted, can anyone hear him shouting ?
bbc talk for stuff they do not like to hear with anyone (white male)
that wants to be assertive
thousands of children raped by muslims hang on lets have a go at Cliff Richard, never married must be something wrong with him and we will send news helicopters over his house
nothing whatsover going on in Rotherham, Luton. Oxford , Bradford etc etc
YouTube is promoting some naff fake Fox News channels from Vietnam and Thailand – and today, Fox News’ own YouTube channel doesn’t come up in a YouTube search *at all* – from this location / account.
It’s different on my Android phone… that seems better fwiw.
On a Windows box, using Chrome, using YouTube “house” search signed in to a YouTube account – not one instance of a real Fox News channel item on the first pageload of results – looks like urine larceny from this cheap seat.
yep… it’s strange – the PC / YT account I use at my desk is definitely different. One other irritation with YT is that I keep getting content from channels that I’ve specifically tagged as “don’t show me that channel” keep getting dropped into my “Home” listing.
I might well be a propaganda hypochondriac… – but some days Fox News is missing from subscriptions listings – but when I go to look – yep – there’s a dozen vids in the previous 24 hours. The listing gets stuffed with out of time sequence pieces from other subscriptions (some more than 2 years old that I’ve already watched a couple of times!)
• KEIGHLEY – Jyoti, a successful West Yorkshire businesswoman, resists when Tara, her daughter, pushes for a more environmentally friendly business. (ie become vegan)
South Asian tappay, call and response rhyming couplets accompanied by the Dholki drum, help them to resolve their differences.
song “we start an organic revolution here in Yorkshire
,, grassfed meat is the answer stop eating meat”
“Wow I had a dream it was strange we were speaking English” (ie not Urdu)
millionaire mother “I started the biz by saying all the meat should be halal”
written by Anjum Malik
Performed by Balvinder Sopal and Sameena Hussain
• LISBURN – Fat Frida is in an Abba tribute band and being Frida is her passion in life – nothing feels like being Frida. It feels like being her best self.
“Real Donald Trump tan”
• BARGEDDIE – A disabled parent’s imaginary conversation with his toddler twins in which they think about their abilities and his.
• COLCHESTER – Victim and Perpetrator, two sides of a stabbing, based on a true story.
Original music composed by Niroshini Thambar
Illustration by Eleanor Hibbert
“disabled parent”
The person has a totally unintelligible speech defect
just like presenter Rosy on Joe Lycett’s show
Channel4 pretending that they are being inclusive when in reality we all turn the sound off.
4:30pm R4 Monday religion show
4 males and 1 female. All of Muslim heritage Mobeen Azhar and guests ask if the Taliban have changed
– Dr Sayed Hassan Akhlaq – Afghan-Iranian philosopher (Baltimore)
– Dr Haroun Rahimi – Law faculty the American University of Afghanistan;
John Mohammed Butt – Islamic scholar (India)
Dr Weeda Mehran – (University of Exeter) a woman who grew up in the Afghanistan in the 1990s.
(just tweeted pics of Taliban beating women)
The BBC are going out all guns blazing to whitewash the Taliban and present them as likeable moderates rebuilding the nation. The only reason they are doing this is to allay the pressure being put on them by their many Muslim employees.
If any white organisation in the UK had taken the steps the Taliban have already taken, let alone the ones they will eventually take the BBC would be frantically tearing them to bits them with hate and vilification.
The Taliban must be very pleased with their PR department at the BBC.
The BBC are just plain anti-white-British and the end-game is Muslim control in the UK..
Chope began by saying that the Minister first claimed the info is not available
before he gave the info himself.
“people have now started applying under the Act for compensation and none of those cases has been dealt with”
Shaun Bailey
“.. How do we ensure that, on the one hand, people who suffer severe disablement as a result of the vaccines get that support and payment, but on the other hand, we do not create a culture of hesitancy where people do not uptake vaccines
or, equally, do not produce vaccines because of the fear that they might cause mass severe side effects? ”
MPs said there will be a judge led inquiry into Covid
but Chope said people can’t wait 3-4 years for compensation.
Is the Biden Broadcasting Corporation reporting this?
A) Stadium-fuls of sports fans chanting “F*** Joe Biden”.
B) Biden booed and heckled at 9/11 events.
C) Better still, the Imbecile takes a photo op with kids and guess what? They’re wearing Maga caps and Trump t-shirts!
The doddering old fool doesn’t even realise he’s being mocked!
PS. I couldn’t find the photo on Google. Call me a paranoid conspiracy theorist but I smell censorship, yet again, from Big Tech.
Why are there so many photos of Biden with other people’s children? Is it something to do with his teacher wife, or an attempt to make him seem younger?
Either way, he usually seems to be cuddling a young girl, or sniffing one… it is distinctly creepy.
Biden is either completely unaware of the message he is sending out (senility?), or is rather too ‘touchy feelly’ by half, if it was my daughter I would be concerned.
Trump appears to be, as any Trump hater will tell you, a sexist pig, but at least his attentions are focussed on adult women, I’d rather have that any day.
Say a bad thing on the internet RE tommy robinson and get hounded for life. come over here pretending to be a child when you are an adult who has not the balls to fight for your country and be welcomed with the bbc behind you desperate fo your coward story whilst those who did fight for their country live in poverty and ther arabs live in 4 star hotels
I’ll never again tolerate a bad word about white English ex-pats who abandon this country for sunnier climes and refuse to integrate with the host community. Carry on at your convenience, since that’s what all these migrants are doing. I suspect that white flight will become a deluge in the next two to three decades once the penny drops with the masses that the cesspit is real and it’s only going to smell worse with each passing year .
If I could afford it, I’d be out of here tomorrow.
Of most senior, enduring beeboids, like VD, I have a particular distaste for Nick Robinson.
It came to head back when he tried to make himself the messenger of Orwell, past whose statue and inspiring words he walks each day and who he claimed to channel always to educate the masses with his wisdom.
I think it is because he epitomises such #tellitoftenenough
Most Beeboids blunder along regardless, but at least don’t flat out lie constantly that they are the epitome of trust, transparceny and impartiality.
I registered his latest attempt to snag one of BS’ awards for being a twat (BBC Edged translation: ‘robust questioning’), but missed that, true to form, he could not let being nailed lie… by lying some more.
Luckily there is a very ITBB fillet to set that right.
I thought the Orwell statue at BBC HQ was donated by a benefactor (anonymous?), and was intended as a stark warning of where the BBC was going wrong, rather than a commendation!
I do agree though, (p)Rick Nobinson, and the corrupt corporation he works for, do absolutely, embody Orwell’s bleak vision as portrayed in ‘1984’.
To be fair, the ‘Tories’ in the HoC seem to embody the pigs in ‘Animal Farm’ too.
road fund licence may pay for that oh hang on you have to pay for head cams when you argue with drivers but I can see you demand roads built and not pay for them of course and your lycra bill and swerve to avoid what, precisely, a lilttle bump in the road, how sad never mind
You have to remember that the BBC have no reservations whatsoever about lying. The Left absolutely think the ends justify the means. It’s a mental state which come along with the ideology which is intolerant and nasty. Just look at what the socialists + communists have done through history (Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot etc).
The great skill of the BBC is walking the fine line between mixing half-truths with suggestion, implication and selective omission to give a false impression without actually telling a provable lie.
The BBC have been pushing the damage and difficulties that vaccine passports would have for the night-time economy, for concert and theatre venues and other places where the Government might insist on their use. On TOADY this morning there was some obvious relief over the news that the SoS for Health, Sajid Javid, had announced that vaccine passports would not be introduced for England.
Did Der Starmer pick up his phone and call the BBC? Did someone at the BBC suddenly think ‘We need to oppose a Conservative Government decision or at least question it’ so – inevitably – they have found someone who will be put at risk by this Government decision. Despicable BBC.
No champagne at the bbc for this ? they were so happy with
Blaire and his war mongering, pro immigration and europhile opinions that has bred a generation of half, at the best. educated purple haired, tattooed pierced idiots who have avoided income tax ( like most bbc employees) whilst demanding someone else pays
In fact, their demands as they shut all the roads into Cambridge is not too different from the Kray brothers and their various protection rackets, give us the cash or else
we dont work we are unemployable but you…..yep well take your cash then dance around a drum with some idiot that thinks he can play a guitar but should really look at shampoo and soap before he learnt the E chord that is his contribution to society
Zephir, it’s nice to know there is at least one other person on this planet who can see these totally ridiculous dolts for what they really are, I salute you!
1. You are a talentless offspring of a relatively successful middle-upper class family who knows deep down you can never emulate your parents achievements.
2. Your are a male (or female) chancer with no abilities who just wants to get close to females with scrambled brains that might have sex with you if your clothes look right.
3. Your current career is shite because you are basically crap at what you do looking for a way to achieve nirvana and fame.
4. You are a now an elderly flower power child who never made your passion come to anything because you kept getting stoned.
Watching Maigret on ITV3, up comes an advert for Eon electricity supplies. Blurb says all Eon’s electricity is renewable. Small print at the end says Eon’s electricity comes from the national grid. Does anybody know when the national electricity suppliers went fully renewable?
They clamp a green magnet around your supply cable so that only green electrons can come in.
I believe they are supplied by the same people who used to supply them for softening water, improving car fuel consumption and curing rhumatism, so there is a lot of ‘science’ backing them up!
Does not matter about the simple fact that they are pig ingnorant, what matters is they demand mummy and daddy pay for it
and any journey taken during school days with the usual traffic jam, will inform any as to shouting their mis informed opinions and their own convenience
Does anybody know when the national electricity suppliers went fully renewable?
No, it hasn’t and it isn’t – it’s “terminological inexactitude”
In fact – if you read your Terms & Conditions (some contracts online only ,revised version) – you’ll see that they reserve the right to substitute any electrons that they like, at any time, from any source without telling you – citing continuity of supply.
Generators and pitchforks seem likely good investments?
In fact – this from yesterday should have set klaxons off around the place:
⚡⚡BREAKING: This is simply incredible. ⚡⚡
UK day-ahead baseload electricity prices jump to a fresh all-time high of £354 per MWh on N2EX. Intraday prices for peak demand are much, much higher.
To put into perspective, that's 700% higher than the ~£45 average 2010-2020 price
Media make you think the UK had a wind/solar revolution
but they are tiny bands in the middle of this output chart
gas power – orange colour
nuclear – grey colour
Northern – I heard some weasel words the energy industry has for terms like ‘green ‘ and ‘renewable ‘ and the like – meaning they can get away with charging more for the ‘green’ stuff when in fact it is wholesome coal generated juice – which people like me prefer … burn that carbon …
Tomo – thanks for the graph – I suggest ( 3rd time I’ve said it here ) fixing your power supply –
All those greenies will change their tune when there are power cuts because of insufficient coal and gas stations …
All those electric cars sitting there doing nothing …
E-car chargers will turn off to prevent blackouts
SEPTEMBER 13, 2021
Electric car charging points in people’s homes will be preset to switch off for nine hours each weekday at times of peak demand because ministers fear blackouts on the National Grid.
I am following that adage … but it’s a judgement issue …. And caveat emptor applies …. I have not qualifications on the issue but see more rises coming – especially with nut nut and the green meeting coming up …
I noticed that already by another green energy company, ovo, povo or some such run by some hooray Henries in islington from an office in Bow no doubt, Lets face it they are simply leeches lying to get rich! But then again that is par for the course for the pretend wokies.
It happened in telecoms when BT got split up, lots of chancers jumped in selling “minutes” to make a fortune.
Its impossible. They have to pay carbon credits to offset the theory of toxic carbon. Effectively they do nothing, but put the price up for consumers. We pay for it in our next electricity bill.
“Rochdale grooming gang member complains over treatment in Britain”
This could be the tip of the iceberg. How many more are in this country
and how many more are arriving daily ? …………………..
Just following on – the Mail online does a service by showing the false president at a live event being cut off by the White House mid feed as he goes of script and ‘asks someone a question “ … ( we don’t hear what the question was ….
…but I think it might have been ‘who am I ‘ or ‘what is all this ‘….
…. I wonder if anyone has added up the number of minutes Biden has done ‘live ‘ since becoming president compared to predecessors…
Not the MSM methinks …. One day this will Bite Bigly…
They’re not called tornadoes any more Joe they have reverted to the name of “Twisters”, but some peeps call a spade a spade even when refering to a shovel. Keep digging Joe.
Christians in Afghanistan have been paralyzed with fear at the news that the Taliban has taken control of the country. Nadine Maenza, chair of the US Commission on International Religious Freedom said the Taliban takeover ‘is the worst possible development for religious minorities. While most from these communities left Afghanistan in recent years, those that remain, and women in particular, are now in imminent danger.’
Covid-19: Preston kids breaking down vaccine myths in Asian communities
Covid-19: Preston kids breaking down vaccine myths in Asian communities
Children in Preston have filmed videos urging South Asian communities to take the Covid-19 vaccine “so you can live longer”.
Grandchildren produced the video messages for grandparents who may be worried about the safety of the vaccine after a study found some ethnic minorities were targeted with inaccurate anti-vaccination messages.
Teacher Neetal Parekh, 36, created a collection of short videos of young children encouraging their grandparents to get the vaccine in a variety of South Asian languages such as Gujarati, Hindi, Punjabi and Urdu.
And the children are advised to ignore the parents who may be justly concerned. Schools are advised to bypass parents concerns with SAGE ‘experts’. Children are unaffected by colds such as COVID and develop an immunity from it later in life…
Doctors are not convinced its all based on Science.
A comprehensive analysis of hospital admissions and reported deaths across England suggests that COVID-19 carries a lower risk of dying or requiring intensive care among children and young people than was previously thought.
In a series of preprints published on medRxiv1–3, a team of researchers picked through all hospital admissions and deaths reported for people younger than 18 in England. The studies found that COVID-19 caused 25 deaths in that age group between March 2020 and February 2021.
About half of those deaths were in individuals with an underlying complex disability with high health-care needs, such as tube feeding or assistance with breathing.
For anyone interested in GB News – past, present and future – an interesting article in the Times (below).
Among other things it claims that 2 camps are forming: that of traditional news journalists, and – horror of horrors – something more akin to Fox News.
If ‘traditional’ means more of the ‘same old same old’ as on every other channel, then give me Fox, who, incidentally, are the most watched news channel in America. Sneer all you want, lefty msm, but that’s what people like!
“Split loyalties at GB News as Andrew Neil quits as chairman”
“Two camps are said to have emerged at the channel. On one side of the divide are those who consider themselves traditional news journalists, who joined because of the pedigree of senior presenters including Neil and McCoy.
On the other is a growing roster of populist commentators, who under the leadership of Frangopoulos are making the station’s agenda more like Fox News. Recent recruits, such as the former talkRadio hosts Patrick Christys and Mark Dolan, are emblematic of the change in direction.
Insiders have said that other more sensationalist voices are poised to join the station. They include Ann Widdecombe and Martin Daubney, both former Brexit Party politicians, and Mahyar Tousi, a Conservative social media commentator. “The idea that we aren’t Fox News is increasingly laughable,” a source said.”
700 comments there, that’s a lot considering the Times has a paywall
And unusually the majority of comments are from lefties
It’s like 500 Labour accounts have piled in
The #1 comment is “There’s actually no news on GB News.
It just a lot of opinion pieces by bigoted, biased presenters and guests with virtually no balance.
.. (that must be someone who doesn’t watch, cos the station does have enough lefty guests to appease Ofcom)
..that comment was answered by someone
but the Times chose to remove that reply
I’ve noticed this a few times and the most obvious is the BBC.
Sites usually have a roughly constant balance for the Left and Right. If you watch over time, you understand the general trend.
Then – what started on the BBC in the run up to Brexit when they allowed HYS on real topics – was that occasionally one single article would have a huge swing of up/down voting to the Left. All the others would be the normal ratio. It stood out a mile and still happens now. It happened a lot for Trump too – until the BBC cancelled him. The comments which went with it were like 10 year old spiteful schoolboys wrote them. Just like half the comments on the Guardian.
I don’t know if the BBC is part of it or it was organised elsewhere – but it was very, very obvious and the BBC are certainly happy to let it happen.
I don’t normally bother with HYS on the BBC website, especially after I noticed a couple of things:
1. If someone posts a popular (quickly acquiring upticks) post which goes against one of the BEEB’s agendas (we all know what most of those are), and it seems to get noticed, it suddenly gets ‘drowned out’ by a great mass of negatives. This pushes it way down the ‘highest rated’ search, which most people use, and safely out of sight. What is interesting is how often these negatives come in blocks of ’10’, all apparently placed in the same fraction of a second. It’s almost as if someone has a ‘negative block vote x10’ button they can utilise to rapidly neutralise ‘off topic’ posts. I’m not talking about ‘far right’ posts here either, but say something a little ‘pro Brexit’, or stating, in a mild way you might not be ‘entirely happy with some of the results of mass immigration’…
2. The BBC’s HYS monitors are clearly carefully selected (for their views?) and the rules on what is and isn’t acceptable are so deliberately vague, they can be applied to cancel just about any post which is not ‘on topic’ (eg fits the BBC’s agenda). I’m not normally particularly contentious on HYS, but I’ve still had a number of posts cancelled on the most vague and spurious of grounds, one the other day was cancelled because I simply mentioned I thought the NHS could save money by employing less diversity officers (just a point of view). It was cancelled in milliseconds, although it had already been upticked at least 30 times! The reason given for the cancellation… apparently it broached three terms(?) of the ‘code’? I looked them up out of curiosity, and they were apparently for posting ‘racism’, ‘obscenity’ and the like… yes, mystery to me too, I don’t normally use obscene language, and didn’t there, and I’m no racist either. On the otherhand, posts calling the Tories, Brexiteers, and Tory voters ‘stupid morons’, ‘gammons’, ‘liars’, ‘cheats’ and ‘destined for hell’, were all, apparently perfectly acceptable.
Apparently, you’re welcome to Have Your Say…. so long as it agrees with the BEEB’s agendas (less so, if it doesn’t).
Unfortunately that was the deal with OFCOM to get a UK license and sign up to allow it. Sky and BBC are hotly against FOX news as it will change the liberal media landscape based on ‘BBC’ and ‘SKY” being impartial (even if they are not at all). Murdoch failed in his attempt to create a FOX news previously (the liberal media used OFCOM to ban the idea last time).
I think that fear of Ofcom is the reason why all presenters on GBN always state that they believe that climate change is a major issue and driven by CO2 , or that Islamism is not representative of the vast majority of mainly peaceful Muslims. They then allow one guest to contradict them and one to support them. But at least the issues get aired unlike the rest of the MSM which suppress all forms of dissent from the Woke orthodoxy.
SI think GBN is a breath of fresh air and if Brillo wanted something more like a reformed less leffward leaning BBC then I’m glad he has gone. But I suspect that his departure will make more likely that Ofcom will step in as they probably regarded him as a safe pair of hands.
“after reports the home secretary met two airlines and the boss of a hotel chain without any officials present
– Ministerial rules say officials should be present or informed if government business is discussed”
I have always thought that this pandemic (or recession) was engineered and part of the UN Agenda 21 update to a New World Order involving the billionaire set at DAVOS who invest heavily in ‘alternatives’ they can profit from.
You might think I am making this up. Not surprisingly its well documented outside the BBC that the ‘technorati’ hope to profit for the next hundred years. The aim is the same as the EU, to abolish ‘popular’ democracy. Only by creating an ’emergency’ can they hope for a fully quasi global Socialism come about.
All the so called ‘experts’ are sponsored puppets. Even our so called SAGE group are suspect. Many are aware of the prize of globalism being offered by the UN well above our own feeble governments.
The proof (as if we needed any), is here in ‘dark money’ to sponsor court rulings forcing governments to comply with UK or EU legislation.
This summer, the ECLJ presented a new report on the opaque financing of official UN human rights experts, also known as Special Rapporteurs. This report has since been circulated worldwide; it has received the support of several experts, but has also aroused the anger of others.
A reminder of the facts. This report demonstrates the considerable financial weight acquired by a few private foundations on the UN human rights system. In particular, it reveals that at least 37 of the 121 experts in office between 2015 and 2019 received at least 11 million dollars outside of any UN control, mainly from the Ford Foundation, George Soros’ Open Society and anonymous donors. It also reveals how foundations and governments act to fund, influence, and even ‘recruit’ experts. Although violating UN rules and every anti-corruption legislation, these practices have been tolerated until now, with experts being considered untouchable, protected both by diplomatic immunity and by a form of omerta….
Bribes, bribes and corruption at the very top of the EU. That is what I hoped we would get rid of when we left. Unfortunately, the infection has spread but it proves SOROS and GATES are just the tip of an iceberg of slush funds from the OPEN SOCIETY in particular (George Soros) involvement and several NGO’s not funded by SOROS with similar aims. This is proof by expert witnesses working for ECLJ.
or watch video below: (Warning VIDEO its very boring)!!
This is how the EU works – absurd contrived notions of LGTTQZYZ ‘rights’ are all ”sponsored”… and how to force nations to comply globally. (That is where the UN comes in). The UK is fully signed up to UN policies, which is why we end up where we are. Even with a conservative government and Boris. He is powerless unless it all collapses in Europe.
I really don’t think we can believe anything on the BBC which has close links to SOROS and several of the same (Big tech) NGO’s behind this UN+EU push for world globalism based on ‘emergency powers’ in Europe (and UK by default). Ask yourself who benefits!
Ditto: “climate agenda” sponsorship of climate deranged ‘activists’! all well funded extremists posing for the BBC and news media channels this week.
When Biden can allegedly push a woman up against a wall and put his fingers inside without her consent and get away with it, anything is possible.
That should have finished Bidens whole career. Instead he became President. What happened to #metoo for that one ?. And we won’t even start about Bill & Hillary Clinton and how she dealt with the ones he basically raped.
Then just look at what the MSM did with Trump bragging to his golf mates about women who were willing.
The Left are shameless, disgusting hypocrites. Every last one of them.
“Afghan migrant wanted for rape and murder of 13 year old Austrian girl”
I thought I’d clicked on the “situations vacant” section. I’m sure there will be lots of applications for the position though.
56% of young people think humanity is doomed by climate change. Climate fears are rational, researchers say. Meanwhile papers say road-blocking ecoactivists are irresponsible. @eciu@CarbonBrief@GeorgeMonbiot
Lamb, 1959
“There was a secondary optimum of climate between 400 and 1200 A.D., the peak probably being 800-1000 A.D. This was on the whole a dry, warm period and apparently remarkably stormfree in the Atlantic and in the North Sea. It was the time of lowland settlement in the Saxon lands and of considerable flowering of Celtic and Northumbrian cultures. Missions from the Celtic Church in Ireland were sent as far as Africa and Iceland. It was also the time of great Viking voyages and the settlement of Iceland and Greenland. The early Norse burials in Greenland were deep in ground which is now permanently frozen. There were several visits to America (probably many timbergetting voyages between Greenland and Labrador) and there is evidence which suggests that at least one Viking ship got through the North-West Passage and ultimately reached the Gulf of California (cf. Ives 1953).”
“In Domesday Book (1085) 38 vineyards were recorded in England besides those of the king. The wine was considered almost equal with the French wine both in quantity and quality as far north as Gloucestershire and the Ledbury area of Herefordshire where the soil is said to resemble that of the Rhine and Moselle wine districts. The London basin, the Medway valley and the Isle of Ely were also favoured districts.
New Scientist didn’t used to be a Guardian ‘affiliate’, 20 years ago it was often quite interesting – good place to find out what new research was going on in different scientific, and high tech engineering fields, and for job ads.
Most people I know who actually work in science and engineering stopped reading it long ago. Just like BBC ‘science’, It gained a reputation for being ever more ‘dumbed down’ and trendy (science should never be trendy), apparently in an effort to attract a wider, younger, less scientifically literate audience (e.g. ‘millenials’).
Last time I looked at a copy it was quite a shock just how low it had fallen. National Geographic is the same, I used to love that as a kid, but didn’t understand some of the more technical articles, now it seems to be aimed at 10 year olds.
The history of the English and Welsh wine industry following the arrival of the Normans
1066 marked the start of an era of viticultural activity that would not be matched until the current revival which began some 900 years later. With William the Conqueror came French Abbots and their monks who were experienced in winegrowing, along with soldiers and courtiers for whom wine was a daily requirement.
The Domesday Book (1085-6) records vineyards in forty-two definite locations.
Interestingly enough only twelve of the Domesday vineyards were attached to monasteries. Most belonged to nobles and were undoubtedly cultivated to provide them with wine for their dining tables and altars.
There were two main areas of monastic viticulture: the coastal areas of the South East, and the area covering Somerset, Gloucestershire, Herefordshire and Worcestershire. Many sources point out that the climate improved for a period of 300 years starting from about the time of the Norman invasion and citing this as a reason why so many vineyards were planted.
The wines made at this time were probably all consumed during the cooler weather of the winter and spring following the harvest and in any event, well before the weather warmed up which would have caused the wine to oxidize, spoil and turn to vinegar. Imported wines, of which there appeared to be no shortage, also suffered from the same problems – at least home produced wine did not have to travel far and probably suffered less than imported wines from oxidation, thus partially explaining its apparent popularity.
The history of the English and Welsh wine industry from the middle ages through to the 20th century
This long 600 year period marks change and gradual decline in English and Welsh viticulture. Why it did not really become a viable alternative to other crops, as it did in other countries where monastic viticulture was common, is open to debate, but commercial and practical considerations have to be important.
Before the Black Death arrived, the religious orders had prospered, reliant upon a pliable and available workforce. However, finding their manpower depleted by the plague, they took to leasing their land, rather than working it themselves and their new tenants, dependent upon short-term cash crops to pay the rent, did not want to grow vines, which then, as now, can only be grown on a long-term basis. The Black Death itself, which lasted from 1348 until the 1370s, not only cut the population dramatically, but forced changes in agriculture which had far-reaching social and demographic effects.
Although the Dissolution of the Monasteries in 1536 is often cited as being the single event that destroyed winegrowing and winemaking in England, it would appear that by this time, many monasteries had given up. The new landowners who had been handed these religious assets, proved reluctant to indulge in viticulture.
It is also said that the British climate underwent some change at this time, becoming generally wetter, with cooler summers and milder winters, leading to less ripe grapes and more fungal diseases, both of which would have been disincentives to profitable winemaking.
Wine had been coming into the country from Bordeaux since Henry II (1154–89) became King of England. Transport conditions and speeds improved and the importation of wine (and other goods) became cheaper. Also, as techniques of preserving wine for long journeys improved, imported wines arrived in better condition. Home produced wines faced, as they do today, considerable competition from imported wines.
How could this be true? Pre industrial revolution climate change cannot have taken place because there wasn’t excess CO2. Please try and keep up with the science after all 97% of all scientists agree !
Your final paragraph re the improvement of transport demonstrates that our current problems in the supermarkets are due to Brexit.
Or, it seems, the Noo Sientiss, in league with our wurld klass broadcaster.
Skollaship must be racist innit if there are not enough dusky people involved, a look at University Challenge and the hundred yard dash / basketball might inform where each races essential strengths lie, but complaints are only one way in that respect
I bet Beaujolais Nouveau Day was a blast back then, with blokes in souped-up chariots leaving the UK around September, getting through customs in Calais about lunchtime October 2nd, finding a frog noshery and getting as p****d as a f**t by teatime, then wending their way south to some hell-hole where all the peasants were also fast asleep from harvesting all those grapes, stamping their feet all over the wineries, singing stupid songs, bonking Cherie and Michelle, then flogging the really c**p stuff to the said Hooray Henries, who pooled their francs and grabbed a few flagons for the journey home, only to arrive back in Waterloo, fall out of the cart, drop the whole lot on the pavement, and wonder where they’d been for the last three months…
And no, I never did the trip, but still love Fleurie…
I am on a vodka diet myself, I’ve lost three days already
Those Russians, no wonder they don’t do comedy, yet to find a happy Russian book.
I recall a date with one once, all she went on about was why UK trains cant operate in winter on time, and the wonders of beetroot soup and suicidal Russian authors
I just finished reading two plays by the Russian writer Anton Chekhov.
In the first one, the main character shoots himself in the head in the last line of the play.
In the second one, the main character shoots himself in the head in the last line of the play.
I thought maybe I’d read the same play twice.
But I hadn’t. I checked the titles. They were different.
I can’t help thinking of the conversations Anton Chekhov used to have with his editor.
“I have a new play,” Chekhov says.
“What about?” asks his editor.
“A wealthy landowner.”
“What happens?”
“He shoots himself in the head.”
“I see. Got anything else?”
“I’ve got one about a nobleman.”
“Tell me about it.”
“He shoots himself in the head.”
“Do you have anything else?”
“Yah. I have one about a rich widow.”
“What happens?”
“She lives happily ever after.”
“Really. Then she shoots herself in the head.”
Despite all this, Anton Chekhov is now known as the greatest Russian playwright who ever lived.
Which is too bad.
Because I have to imagine he influenced every Russian playwright to follow, some of whom may not have wanted to shoot their main character in the head, but felt compelled.
If I ever meet a Russian, I’m going to let him know that not all entertainment needs to end that way.
And I’m giving away my book of Anton Chekhov plays despite the fact that I have not read the last play in the book.
Because there is need.
It’s called, “Uncle Vanya.” And I have a strong feeling he’s now deceased. And that the word “Boom” is somewhere in there.
All this made me look up Anton Chekhov to see how he, the playwright whose every character dramatically shot themselves in the head, ended his own life. Care to guess?
As COP26 approaches the ‘narrative’ becomes ever more desperate
FRAMING TODAY Watch #1 – It’s all the fault of Brexit
No, it is not you stupid woman! Did you not hear what I just told you? Except Farmer Giles did not say that, he was far too polite and he was probably thinking of dear Daisy, her udders oozing to the point of bursting.
Farming Today tried to keep the HGV driver shortage fear topped up but the farmer told presenter Anna Hill that the milk collection company had telephoned him to say that several drivers, ie. more than one, were off sick. They would be unable to collect his milk that day. May be down to Covid. May be down to Test & Trace and ‘Pandora Ingleby-McKenzie-ing’. May be down to good old British skiving- off.
Anna Hill was not interested in the reason. In her mind, it was all because of Brexit.
Having grown up with many friends from farming families, I can easily say that I’ve never ever met a more independent, hard-working lot of men and women, who still depend on their own initiatives and skills to maintain a healthy business.
Governments – especially left-wing crowds, hate farming because they epitomise good hard work and independence, relying on nobody for their money, and providing an inestimable benefit for every community, often for a meagre profit.
Of course, the BBC don’t understand this and their prog is really a joke especially when they get on their anti-brexit bandwagon, which was worn thin ages ago, but they still try – paid for by a massive tax injection.
There was a song years ago, which had the words “You never see a farmer on a bike”.
I must admit I have seen a degree of improvement in BBC
presentation regarding diversity and wokeness. You now see the
occasional white face on the BBC internet pages. And the
Londonistan programme even now has one or two features
about indigenous Londoners. Although I must admit that I didn’t realize , and of course it is isn’t important how short the
presenters were. We saw Riz Lateef interviewing one of Emma
Radecanu’s coaches in Bromley. Well I say see her. We didn’t actually see her. She just about appeared once a few inches
above the net. And Ayshea Buksh at another set of tennis courts
appeared with her head also just above the net. Of course it’s the
contents of what they say which is important . And before anybody
says “why so many ethnic presenters and reporters?” Please
remember that London now has an under 40% indigenous
population. and positive discrimination does not apply here,
so far as the BBC is concerned. AND being no taller than 5 foot
possibly helps as well.
Methinks your observation is a bit too dry …
Toady watch
2 capitalists being interviewed by our Justin and moaning about not being able to get unskilled Labour – one was a hotel cleaner – the other a fruit producer .
One had increased their hourly rate from £9 to £15 an hour – and blamed Brexit . They thought it perfectly ok for Blighty to invite guest workers from the Reich to make their businesses work .
I prefer a country where the vast majority of people speak English and behave like British people – so screw them .
My view – of course – was not put forward by Justin Webb because it is ‘unapproved thought ‘ and soon to be subject to some new restrictive law …
Btw – there are 1 million 3 hundred thousand job vacancies –
1.5 million are still on furlough .
So by the look of it when ‘dead ‘ companies being kept going by government money are killed off by the end of the year those vacancies will start to disappear .
Eddy BoothMar 10, 00:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “Investor in Alastair Campbell’s son’s football betting syndicate ‘dies before receiving his £160,000 back’ after saying: ‘Are you just hoping…
JohnCMar 10, 00:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Syria leader vows to hunt down those responsible for bloodshed ‘A UK-based monitor said 830 civilians were killed in…
JohnCMar 10, 00:14 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Romanian far-right presidential hopeful barred from poll rerun An astonishing story of how deep the EU Leftist cancer has…
JohnCMar 9, 23:32 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Mark Carney wins race to succeed Trudeau and vows to stand up to Trump Good God – I started…
Eddy BoothMar 9, 23:25 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I just don’t like him. And I was suspicious of the new vax from the start myself. I don’t trust…
JonathanRMar 9, 22:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Farage will not save Britain It is far too late
JonathanRMar 9, 22:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 No he is not but if you ever see his videos he interviews specialists in their fields. The same smears…
It would be informing, a first for the bbc morons never read a book in their life, teenage ignorant non qualified in any discipline apart from twittwer that call themselves fact checkers hey go to school oh wait you probably did that why you are thick as Sh
I always enjoy a trip to the BBC home page to find out what I ‘must see’ today.
I can tell you are all on the edge of your seats for what I found. What topic could be so important, everybody ‘must’ see it ?.
Here it is:
‘Festivals: Period facilities are needed at live events’
They should rename that section to ‘Agenda items we want you to read today’ and at least be honest about it.
Aye … The Guardian too…
“Two cheeks of the same arse” isn’t repeated enough.
how did channel 4’s BlackToFront inverted racism day go ?
– #BigBreakfast revival
45k viewers, 1% audience share.
45k out of 60 million adults in the UK, that’s 1 person in every 1333 ie 0.075% watched
ie 99.925% didn’t watch
(BBC Breakfast, 1.2m @GMB 640k).
other black shows
#MelBsPackedLunch, 125k
#CelebrityGogglebox 2.6m (17% audience share, not terrible for channel4 Googlebox normally gets 2.2-3.2 million ..used to be around 4.5million)
I watched Countdown. The problem is that Trevor has zero personality. He used the same monotone voice that he read the news decades ago. The two contestants were fairly averagely intelligent people. There was some obese woman doing the numbers and a guy in a hawaiian shirt in ‘dictionary corner’. They all sounded like that had never left East London, and were all middle class, so much for diversity.
Trevor McDonald embodied the BBC News to me, growing up in the ’80s.
His plain, monotone voice seemed right for serious, ‘impartial and unbiased’ news, and as far as I recall he didn’t exhibit much emotion, or personal opinion… if you were being uncharitable, you could describe him as ‘robotic’.
What works for the news doesn’t necessarily work elsewhere though.
I’m wondering now if there wouldn’t be considerable advantage in replacing newsreaders with simple, expressionless, monotone synthesised voices. In fact, why not let impartial and unbiased AI progams write the news too? There could be considerable cost savings…
BBC on the case.
“Covid: More than 300,000 suspected of breaking quarantine rules”
Figures for this period obtained under Freedom of Information laws show a total of 301,076 cases were referred to investigators for checks on whether they were self-isolating.
What about the 10000 + illegals that have broken the immigration rules so far this year BBC?
I’m rapidly tiring of this mantra that’s presently doing the rounds….
I’m hoping for some mobile phone videos of XR getting “Canning Town DLR’d” on M25 junctions.
I am all for diversity in the NHS having an emergency purse stitch without anastheitic due to a punctured lung not diagnosed before due to incompetence
and the black c@@@@ nurse shouting at me to stop whining while they did it and listening to the hundreds of complaints about blacks abusing (mostly asian)passengers on the TFL underground with many racist and sexist comments
lets get the racist sexist blacks in court
an example chinese asked for directions “are you stupid or what ” (just one example of hundreds)
maybe the black african that said this would be better off in his war torn sh7thole receiving bribes in Africa
There’s two very distinct types out there Zephir and your assessment should fall in line with that of the excellent Chris Rock: “I love black people, but I hate n*ggers”
Like I said before, experience trumps anything the bbc desperately tries to tell you
Like the countryside, and country walks never in twenty years
ever ever, a black or muslim person but according to the bbc they are everywhere
If I was ever to meet one no problem, the problem is desperate teenage half educated idfots that think they can socially engineer rather than reporting news
Thank you to Campbell, Khan and all the other extremists for confirming once and for all that the word ‘British’ now has absolutely no meaning other than to own a British passport. I’d be delighted for them to explain to me how this young girl’s lineage in any way links her indelibly to the heritage and tradition of this country – that would be a very enlightening conversation, I’m sure.
The connection she and her kaleidoscopic family have to the UK extends back approximately the length of time YouTube has been in existence. Let that sink in for a minute.
I know what you mean Sick OI but to be fair the girl grew up here and as far as I can tell her family have integrated and share our values. She seems like a nice person. So British she is.
But it is the lefty woke lot that are using her…funny how they didn’t say all these things about the paedophile gangs and the recent Afghan.
As always they cherry pick to suit an argument…fortunately the bulk of the public don’t listen to Twatter …
If I wished to hear the rants of a marxist educated (I use that word looesely) purple haired fat vegan desperate to get inseminated by a black man for political purposes, I could do so on the bbc, I choose not to
the scum that hate a president that never declared war and had the nerve to declare he loved his country and stood agianst a sex criminal and wife who attacked the victims
Do they listen ? do they debate ?
Cressida Dick
Gambaccini rages at Derbyshire in BBC row
Seems Derbyshire has a very distorted view of what a journalist is supposed to do for a living. They do not put the side of people who are not present to defend themselves, that is more akin to a lawyer or perhaps an interviewer.
A journalist is someone who gathers fact for a news story and gathers as many as is reasonable to present a truthful picture of a story with an unbiased persepective.
That rules out Derbyshire from ever being a journalist.
Thoughtful – I think they start with big egos and self importance but once they get those BBC payslips and become ‘famous ‘ it goes to their heads and they go HRH . There is a long list – Attenborough _ Addie – John Simpson – and the rest – who have gone to ‘announcing the Truth ‘ rather than questioning it .
“Covid: Vaccine should be given to 12 to 15-year-olds?”
Why ?
RE above vdeo bbc (wuulrl Klass) journalis says ” please dont shout at me,
he never shouted, can anyone hear him shouting ?
bbc talk for stuff they do not like to hear with anyone (white male)
that wants to be assertive
thousands of children raped by muslims hang on lets have a go at Cliff Richard, never married must be something wrong with him and we will send news helicopters over his house
nothing whatsover going on in Rotherham, Luton. Oxford , Bradford etc etc
YouTube is promoting some naff fake Fox News channels from Vietnam and Thailand – and today, Fox News’ own YouTube channel doesn’t come up in a YouTube search *at all* – from this location / account.
Search seems normal to me
It’s different on my Android phone… that seems better fwiw.
On a Windows box, using Chrome, using YouTube “house” search signed in to a YouTube account – not one instance of a real Fox News channel item on the first pageload of results – looks like urine larceny from this cheap seat.
@Tomo, Strange cos I am Windows as you described.
yep… it’s strange – the PC / YT account I use at my desk is definitely different. One other irritation with YT is that I keep getting content from channels that I’ve specifically tagged as “don’t show me that channel” keep getting dropped into my “Home” listing.
Google’s employee training is having an impact and I suspect I’m seeing snippets of that.
I might well be a propaganda hypochondriac… – but some days Fox News is missing from subscriptions listings – but when I go to look – yep – there’s a dozen vids in the previous 24 hours. The listing gets stuffed with out of time sequence pieces from other subscriptions (some more than 2 years old that I’ve already watched a couple of times!)
2:15 Monday short dramas
• KEIGHLEY – Jyoti, a successful West Yorkshire businesswoman, resists when Tara, her daughter, pushes for a more environmentally friendly business. (ie become vegan)
South Asian tappay, call and response rhyming couplets accompanied by the Dholki drum, help them to resolve their differences.
song “we start an organic revolution here in Yorkshire
,, grassfed meat is the answer stop eating meat”
“Wow I had a dream it was strange we were speaking English” (ie not Urdu)
millionaire mother “I started the biz by saying all the meat should be halal”
written by Anjum Malik
Performed by Balvinder Sopal and Sameena Hussain
• LISBURN – Fat Frida is in an Abba tribute band and being Frida is her passion in life – nothing feels like being Frida. It feels like being her best self.
“Real Donald Trump tan”
• BARGEDDIE – A disabled parent’s imaginary conversation with his toddler twins in which they think about their abilities and his.
• COLCHESTER – Victim and Perpetrator, two sides of a stabbing, based on a true story.
Original music composed by Niroshini Thambar
Illustration by Eleanor Hibbert
“disabled parent”
The person has a totally unintelligible speech defect
just like presenter Rosy on Joe Lycett’s show
Channel4 pretending that they are being inclusive when in reality we all turn the sound off.
SG why give them oxygen ? woke means they die, none of them will survive if they had to earn a living
We regulars know that BBC stuff in wokism at any opportunity
but for the sake of lurkers it is good to point out concrete examples.
Oh and cos I have got them to change progs before by pointing out bias beforehand.
4:30pm R4 Monday religion show
4 males and 1 female. All of Muslim heritage
Mobeen Azhar and guests ask if the Taliban have changed
– Dr Sayed Hassan Akhlaq – Afghan-Iranian philosopher (Baltimore)
– Dr Haroun Rahimi – Law faculty the American University of Afghanistan;
John Mohammed Butt – Islamic scholar (India)
Dr Weeda Mehran – (University of Exeter) a woman who grew up in the Afghanistan in the 1990s.
(just tweeted pics of Taliban beating women)
Any Christians in Afghanistan?
Not for much longer.
The BBC are going out all guns blazing to whitewash the Taliban and present them as likeable moderates rebuilding the nation. The only reason they are doing this is to allay the pressure being put on them by their many Muslim employees.
If any white organisation in the UK had taken the steps the Taliban have already taken, let alone the ones they will eventually take the BBC would be frantically tearing them to bits them with hate and vilification.
The Taliban must be very pleased with their PR department at the BBC.
The BBC are just plain anti-white-British and the end-game is Muslim control in the UK..
Friday in Parliament, Christopher Chope Tory read out the harm list for UK vaccines
Belfield has put up a video and says in his melodramatic way he’ll have to delete it, before YouTube bans him
Hmm .. It’s all on Hansard video
And in Hansard text
Chope began by saying that the Minister first claimed the info is not available
before he gave the info himself.
“people have now started applying under the Act for compensation and none of those cases has been dealt with”
Shaun Bailey
“.. How do we ensure that, on the one hand, people who suffer severe disablement as a result of the vaccines get that support and payment, but on the other hand, we do not create a culture of hesitancy where people do not uptake vaccines
or, equally, do not produce vaccines because of the fear that they might cause mass severe side effects? ”
MPs said there will be a judge led inquiry into Covid
but Chope said people can’t wait 3-4 years for compensation.
” judge led inquiry” – chilcot report stage 2.
Thread : the woke mob against the Grantham football chairman
‘How dare you say that some Aghans are roaming the streets looking for drugs , even though that is what your player told you’
Is the Biden Broadcasting Corporation reporting this?
A) Stadium-fuls of sports fans chanting “F*** Joe Biden”.
B) Biden booed and heckled at 9/11 events.
C) Better still, the Imbecile takes a photo op with kids and guess what? They’re wearing Maga caps and Trump t-shirts!
The doddering old fool doesn’t even realise he’s being mocked!
PS. I couldn’t find the photo on Google. Call me a paranoid conspiracy theorist but I smell censorship, yet again, from Big Tech.
I smell Photoshop…
Why are there so many photos of Biden with other people’s children? Is it something to do with his teacher wife, or an attempt to make him seem younger?
Either way, he usually seems to be cuddling a young girl, or sniffing one… it is distinctly creepy.
Biden is either completely unaware of the message he is sending out (senility?), or is rather too ‘touchy feelly’ by half, if it was my daughter I would be concerned.
Trump appears to be, as any Trump hater will tell you, a sexist pig, but at least his attentions are focussed on adult women, I’d rather have that any day.
Spot the hand?
If that’s shopped then red t-shirt kid is Jedi-level skillset.
Don’t spoil the moment.
al GBNews at Dover draws attention to the suffering of the migrants. I think I will return to the BBC
Beware, GB News: get woke, go broke.
Brillo has left al GB News.
More tears over the migrants. Add this to the outpouring over moslem victims of 9/11.
We need a non woke neutral source of news.
Amazing what one will do to
escape France and its non housing benefit culture, the poor dears
Say a bad thing on the internet RE tommy robinson and get hounded for life. come over here pretending to be a child when you are an adult who has not the balls to fight for your country and be welcomed with the bbc behind you desperate fo your coward story whilst those who did fight for their country live in poverty and ther arabs live in 4 star hotels
Why not build their home land?
I’ll never again tolerate a bad word about white English ex-pats who abandon this country for sunnier climes and refuse to integrate with the host community. Carry on at your convenience, since that’s what all these migrants are doing. I suspect that white flight will become a deluge in the next two to three decades once the penny drops with the masses that the cesspit is real and it’s only going to smell worse with each passing year .
If I could afford it, I’d be out of here tomorrow.
Hmmm…. has *anybody* heard of one of these smuggling gangs getting busted?
One instance?
The focus is entirely on the passengers – not the perps
So the UK Tax payer is funding terrorism?
Of most senior, enduring beeboids, like VD, I have a particular distaste for Nick Robinson.
It came to head back when he tried to make himself the messenger of Orwell, past whose statue and inspiring words he walks each day and who he claimed to channel always to educate the masses with his wisdom.
I think it is because he epitomises such #tellitoftenenough
Most Beeboids blunder along regardless, but at least don’t flat out lie constantly that they are the epitome of trust, transparceny and impartiality.
I registered his latest attempt to snag one of BS’ awards for being a twat (BBC Edged translation: ‘robust questioning’), but missed that, true to form, he could not let being nailed lie… by lying some more.
Luckily there is a very ITBB fillet to set that right.
The comment on his effort matching the ECU at its most slippery is apposite as ever too.
I thought the Orwell statue at BBC HQ was donated by a benefactor (anonymous?), and was intended as a stark warning of where the BBC was going wrong, rather than a commendation!
I do agree though, (p)Rick Nobinson, and the corrupt corporation he works for, do absolutely, embody Orwell’s bleak vision as portrayed in ‘1984’.
To be fair, the ‘Tories’ in the HoC seem to embody the pigs in ‘Animal Farm’ too.
Professional courtesy.
road fund licence may pay for that oh hang on you have to pay for head cams when you argue with drivers but I can see you demand roads built and not pay for them of course and your lycra bill and swerve to avoid what, precisely, a lilttle bump in the road, how sad never mind
Obviously the fault of President Trump – there were no snakes under Obama
‘Just had to swerve’
Excuse me! Whoever filmed that clearly stopped to catch some pictures.
If he can lie about a snake on a path what else is he capable of?
You have to remember that the BBC have no reservations whatsoever about lying. The Left absolutely think the ends justify the means. It’s a mental state which come along with the ideology which is intolerant and nasty. Just look at what the socialists + communists have done through history (Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot etc).
The great skill of the BBC is walking the fine line between mixing half-truths with suggestion, implication and selective omission to give a false impression without actually telling a provable lie.
Another beauty… the snake, not Soapy, shame it didn’t bite him, that I would have paid the licence fee to watch.
£3.5bn News Service ….
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – Well the BBC just had to find one !
The BBC have been pushing the damage and difficulties that vaccine passports would have for the night-time economy, for concert and theatre venues and other places where the Government might insist on their use. On TOADY this morning there was some obvious relief over the news that the SoS for Health, Sajid Javid, had announced that vaccine passports would not be introduced for England.
Did Der Starmer pick up his phone and call the BBC? Did someone at the BBC suddenly think ‘We need to oppose a Conservative Government decision or at least question it’ so – inevitably – they have found someone who will be put at risk by this Government decision. Despicable BBC.
Interesting that the BBC news notes the departure of a journalist from a competitor News Channel . …..
Mr Neil being interviewed by Mr Farage on the 7pm GBNews show
No champagne at the bbc for this ? they were so happy with
Blaire and his war mongering, pro immigration and europhile opinions that has bred a generation of half, at the best. educated purple haired, tattooed pierced idiots who have avoided income tax ( like most bbc employees) whilst demanding someone else pays
In fact, their demands as they shut all the roads into Cambridge is not too different from the Kray brothers and their various protection rackets, give us the cash or else
we dont work we are unemployable but you…..yep well take your cash then dance around a drum with some idiot that thinks he can play a guitar but should really look at shampoo and soap before he learnt the E chord that is his contribution to society
Zephir, it’s nice to know there is at least one other person on this planet who can see these totally ridiculous dolts for what they really are, I salute you!
5 Reasons for joining XR type protests:
1. You are a talentless offspring of a relatively successful middle-upper class family who knows deep down you can never emulate your parents achievements.
2. Your are a male (or female) chancer with no abilities who just wants to get close to females with scrambled brains that might have sex with you if your clothes look right.
3. Your current career is shite because you are basically crap at what you do looking for a way to achieve nirvana and fame.
4. You are a now an elderly flower power child who never made your passion come to anything because you kept getting stoned.
5. You are just a twat.
Watching Maigret on ITV3, up comes an advert for Eon electricity supplies. Blurb says all Eon’s electricity is renewable. Small print at the end says Eon’s electricity comes from the national grid. Does anybody know when the national electricity suppliers went fully renewable?
They clamp a green magnet around your supply cable so that only green electrons can come in.
I believe they are supplied by the same people who used to supply them for softening water, improving car fuel consumption and curing rhumatism, so there is a lot of ‘science’ backing them up!
Does not matter about the simple fact that they are pig ingnorant, what matters is they demand mummy and daddy pay for it
and any journey taken during school days with the usual traffic jam, will inform any as to shouting their mis informed opinions and their own convenience
No, it hasn’t and it isn’t – it’s “terminological inexactitude”
In fact – if you read your Terms & Conditions (some contracts online only ,revised version) – you’ll see that they reserve the right to substitute any electrons that they like, at any time, from any source without telling you – citing continuity of supply.
Generators and pitchforks seem likely good investments?
In fact – this from yesterday should have set klaxons off around the place:
Media make you think the UK had a wind/solar revolution
but they are tiny bands in the middle of this output chart
gas power – orange colour
nuclear – grey colour
Northern – I heard some weasel words the energy industry has for terms like ‘green ‘ and ‘renewable ‘ and the like – meaning they can get away with charging more for the ‘green’ stuff when in fact it is wholesome coal generated juice – which people like me prefer … burn that carbon …
Tomo – thanks for the graph – I suggest ( 3rd time I’ve said it here ) fixing your power supply –
All those greenies will change their tune when there are power cuts because of insufficient coal and gas stations …
All those electric cars sitting there doing nothing …
Funny you should say that Fed
E-car chargers will turn off to prevent blackouts
SEPTEMBER 13, 2021
Electric car charging points in people’s homes will be preset to switch off for nine hours each weekday at times of peak demand because ministers fear blackouts on the National Grid.
Fed, you are ignoring the old sage markets advice: buy (a.k.a fix) low; sell (a.k.a. sit back and consume) high!
I am following that adage … but it’s a judgement issue …. And caveat emptor applies …. I have not qualifications on the issue but see more rises coming – especially with nut nut and the green meeting coming up …
Yes. Those ads are despicable. Creating a false impression. They fail to mention the electricity that comes from French nuclear plants.
I noticed that already by another green energy company, ovo, povo or some such run by some hooray Henries in islington from an office in Bow no doubt, Lets face it they are simply leeches lying to get rich! But then again that is par for the course for the pretend wokies.
It happened in telecoms when BT got split up, lots of chancers jumped in selling “minutes” to make a fortune.
Its impossible. They have to pay carbon credits to offset the theory of toxic carbon. Effectively they do nothing, but put the price up for consumers. We pay for it in our next electricity bill.
“Rochdale grooming gang member complains over treatment in Britain”
This could be the tip of the iceberg. How many more are in this country
and how many more are arriving daily ? …………………..
“Vietnamese man arrested in people-smuggling investigation”
This country is in need of a Border Force not a Border Farce.
Tonight’s TV
9pm ITV Steven Lawrence drama 3/3
9pm C4 Bin Laden biography series 2/3
BBC4 is entirely about painting art
I have a selection of generators and a heating system that can revert to to actually burning “stuff”.
No proper pitchfork yet.
Tomo – me too – but my back up generator is a bit noisy – but the four candles are quiet …
Sept 8th SkyAust video first mocks Biden’s Climate waffle
then Alex Epstein takes Climate Alarmism apart
“Build back better”, “All in this together” and “Code red. Now where have I heard those words before?
Just following on – the Mail online does a service by showing the false president at a live event being cut off by the White House mid feed as he goes of script and ‘asks someone a question “ … ( we don’t hear what the question was ….
…but I think it might have been ‘who am I ‘ or ‘what is all this ‘….
…. I wonder if anyone has added up the number of minutes Biden has done ‘live ‘ since becoming president compared to predecessors…
Not the MSM methinks …. One day this will Bite Bigly…
They’re not called tornadoes any more Joe they have reverted to the name of “Twisters”, but some peeps call a spade a spade even when refering to a shovel. Keep digging Joe.
Christians in Afghanistan have been paralyzed with fear at the news that the Taliban has taken control of the country. Nadine Maenza, chair of the US Commission on International Religious Freedom said the Taliban takeover ‘is the worst possible development for religious minorities. While most from these communities left Afghanistan in recent years, those that remain, and women in particular, are now in imminent danger.’
News received by Aid to the Church in Need echoed reports that leaders of underground house churches in Afghanistan had received letters from the Taliban warning them that they ‘know where they are and what they are doing’.
All children aged 12 to 15 in England will be offered one dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech Covid jab, Vaccines Minister Nadhim Zahawi has said.
Invitations for the jab will begin next week, the government said, and parental consent will be sought for the schools-based vaccination programme.
It follows advice from the UK’s chief medical officers, who say the jab will help reduce disruption to education.
. . . . .
Covid-19: Preston kids breaking down vaccine myths in Asian communities
Covid-19: Preston kids breaking down vaccine myths in Asian communities
Children in Preston have filmed videos urging South Asian communities to take the Covid-19 vaccine “so you can live longer”.
Grandchildren produced the video messages for grandparents who may be worried about the safety of the vaccine after a study found some ethnic minorities were targeted with inaccurate anti-vaccination messages.
Teacher Neetal Parekh, 36, created a collection of short videos of young children encouraging their grandparents to get the vaccine in a variety of South Asian languages such as Gujarati, Hindi, Punjabi and Urdu.
Published14 JanuarySectionBBC NewsSubsectionLancashire
And the children are advised to ignore the parents who may be justly concerned. Schools are advised to bypass parents concerns with SAGE ‘experts’. Children are unaffected by colds such as COVID and develop an immunity from it later in life…
Doctors are not convinced its all based on Science.
A comprehensive analysis of hospital admissions and reported deaths across England suggests that COVID-19 carries a lower risk of dying or requiring intensive care among children and young people than was previously thought.
In a series of preprints published on medRxiv1–3, a team of researchers picked through all hospital admissions and deaths reported for people younger than 18 in England. The studies found that COVID-19 caused 25 deaths in that age group between March 2020 and February 2021.
About half of those deaths were in individuals with an underlying complex disability with high health-care needs, such as tube feeding or assistance with breathing.
“Just cos an article is published in Nature
that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s wrong”
but it usually is if it’s on climate.
For anyone interested in GB News – past, present and future – an interesting article in the Times (below).
Among other things it claims that 2 camps are forming: that of traditional news journalists, and – horror of horrors – something more akin to Fox News.
If ‘traditional’ means more of the ‘same old same old’ as on every other channel, then give me Fox, who, incidentally, are the most watched news channel in America. Sneer all you want, lefty msm, but that’s what people like!
“Split loyalties at GB News as Andrew Neil quits as chairman”
“Two camps are said to have emerged at the channel. On one side of the divide are those who consider themselves traditional news journalists, who joined because of the pedigree of senior presenters including Neil and McCoy.
On the other is a growing roster of populist commentators, who under the leadership of Frangopoulos are making the station’s agenda more like Fox News. Recent recruits, such as the former talkRadio hosts Patrick Christys and Mark Dolan, are emblematic of the change in direction.
Insiders have said that other more sensationalist voices are poised to join the station. They include Ann Widdecombe and Martin Daubney, both former Brexit Party politicians, and Mahyar Tousi, a Conservative social media commentator. “The idea that we aren’t Fox News is increasingly laughable,” a source said.”
700 comments there, that’s a lot considering the Times has a paywall
And unusually the majority of comments are from lefties
It’s like 500 Labour accounts have piled in
The #1 comment is “There’s actually no news on GB News.
It just a lot of opinion pieces by bigoted, biased presenters and guests with virtually no balance.
.. (that must be someone who doesn’t watch, cos the station does have enough lefty guests to appease Ofcom)
..that comment was answered by someone
but the Times chose to remove that reply
I’ve noticed this a few times and the most obvious is the BBC.
Sites usually have a roughly constant balance for the Left and Right. If you watch over time, you understand the general trend.
Then – what started on the BBC in the run up to Brexit when they allowed HYS on real topics – was that occasionally one single article would have a huge swing of up/down voting to the Left. All the others would be the normal ratio. It stood out a mile and still happens now. It happened a lot for Trump too – until the BBC cancelled him. The comments which went with it were like 10 year old spiteful schoolboys wrote them. Just like half the comments on the Guardian.
I don’t know if the BBC is part of it or it was organised elsewhere – but it was very, very obvious and the BBC are certainly happy to let it happen.
I don’t normally bother with HYS on the BBC website, especially after I noticed a couple of things:
1. If someone posts a popular (quickly acquiring upticks) post which goes against one of the BEEB’s agendas (we all know what most of those are), and it seems to get noticed, it suddenly gets ‘drowned out’ by a great mass of negatives. This pushes it way down the ‘highest rated’ search, which most people use, and safely out of sight. What is interesting is how often these negatives come in blocks of ’10’, all apparently placed in the same fraction of a second. It’s almost as if someone has a ‘negative block vote x10’ button they can utilise to rapidly neutralise ‘off topic’ posts. I’m not talking about ‘far right’ posts here either, but say something a little ‘pro Brexit’, or stating, in a mild way you might not be ‘entirely happy with some of the results of mass immigration’…
2. The BBC’s HYS monitors are clearly carefully selected (for their views?) and the rules on what is and isn’t acceptable are so deliberately vague, they can be applied to cancel just about any post which is not ‘on topic’ (eg fits the BBC’s agenda). I’m not normally particularly contentious on HYS, but I’ve still had a number of posts cancelled on the most vague and spurious of grounds, one the other day was cancelled because I simply mentioned I thought the NHS could save money by employing less diversity officers (just a point of view). It was cancelled in milliseconds, although it had already been upticked at least 30 times! The reason given for the cancellation… apparently it broached three terms(?) of the ‘code’? I looked them up out of curiosity, and they were apparently for posting ‘racism’, ‘obscenity’ and the like… yes, mystery to me too, I don’t normally use obscene language, and didn’t there, and I’m no racist either. On the otherhand, posts calling the Tories, Brexiteers, and Tory voters ‘stupid morons’, ‘gammons’, ‘liars’, ‘cheats’ and ‘destined for hell’, were all, apparently perfectly acceptable.
Apparently, you’re welcome to Have Your Say…. so long as it agrees with the BEEB’s agendas (less so, if it doesn’t).
Unfortunately that was the deal with OFCOM to get a UK license and sign up to allow it. Sky and BBC are hotly against FOX news as it will change the liberal media landscape based on ‘BBC’ and ‘SKY” being impartial (even if they are not at all). Murdoch failed in his attempt to create a FOX news previously (the liberal media used OFCOM to ban the idea last time).
I think that fear of Ofcom is the reason why all presenters on GBN always state that they believe that climate change is a major issue and driven by CO2 , or that Islamism is not representative of the vast majority of mainly peaceful Muslims. They then allow one guest to contradict them and one to support them. But at least the issues get aired unlike the rest of the MSM which suppress all forms of dissent from the Woke orthodoxy.
SI think GBN is a breath of fresh air and if Brillo wanted something more like a reformed less leffward leaning BBC then I’m glad he has gone. But I suspect that his departure will make more likely that Ofcom will step in as they probably regarded him as a safe pair of hands.
So, not really free speech, then?
“NI Protocol: Lord Frost ‘concerned’ over EU comments”
When Frosty’s work is done here, perhaps he should be put in charge of the Border Force?
“Priti Patel: Labour demands probe after home secretary meets hotel boss”
Would these be “4 Star Hotels” ?
“after reports the home secretary met two airlines and the boss of a hotel chain without any officials present
– Ministerial rules say officials should be present or informed if government business is discussed”
I have always thought that this pandemic (or recession) was engineered and part of the UN Agenda 21 update to a New World Order involving the billionaire set at DAVOS who invest heavily in ‘alternatives’ they can profit from.
You might think I am making this up. Not surprisingly its well documented outside the BBC that the ‘technorati’ hope to profit for the next hundred years. The aim is the same as the EU, to abolish ‘popular’ democracy. Only by creating an ’emergency’ can they hope for a fully quasi global Socialism come about.
All the so called ‘experts’ are sponsored puppets. Even our so called SAGE group are suspect. Many are aware of the prize of globalism being offered by the UN well above our own feeble governments.
The proof (as if we needed any), is here in ‘dark money’ to sponsor court rulings forcing governments to comply with UK or EU legislation.
This summer, the ECLJ presented a new report on the opaque financing of official UN human rights experts, also known as Special Rapporteurs. This report has since been circulated worldwide; it has received the support of several experts, but has also aroused the anger of others.
A reminder of the facts. This report demonstrates the considerable financial weight acquired by a few private foundations on the UN human rights system. In particular, it reveals that at least 37 of the 121 experts in office between 2015 and 2019 received at least 11 million dollars outside of any UN control, mainly from the Ford Foundation, George Soros’ Open Society and anonymous donors. It also reveals how foundations and governments act to fund, influence, and even ‘recruit’ experts. Although violating UN rules and every anti-corruption legislation, these practices have been tolerated until now, with experts being considered untouchable, protected both by diplomatic immunity and by a form of omerta….
Bribes, bribes and corruption at the very top of the EU. That is what I hoped we would get rid of when we left. Unfortunately, the infection has spread but it proves SOROS and GATES are just the tip of an iceberg of slush funds from the OPEN SOCIETY in particular (George Soros) involvement and several NGO’s not funded by SOROS with similar aims. This is proof by expert witnesses working for ECLJ.
read more…
or watch video below: (Warning VIDEO its very boring)!!
This is how the EU works – absurd contrived notions of LGTTQZYZ ‘rights’ are all ”sponsored”… and how to force nations to comply globally. (That is where the UN comes in). The UK is fully signed up to UN policies, which is why we end up where we are. Even with a conservative government and Boris. He is powerless unless it all collapses in Europe.
I really don’t think we can believe anything on the BBC which has close links to SOROS and several of the same (Big tech) NGO’s behind this UN+EU push for world globalism based on ‘emergency powers’ in Europe (and UK by default). Ask yourself who benefits!
Ditto: “climate agenda” sponsorship of climate deranged ‘activists’! all well funded extremists posing for the BBC and news media channels this week.
Oops, Creepy Joe up to his old tricks again.
In case it’s not clear, that’s his hand on her – ahem – ‘waist’.
Somewhat reminiscent of Randy Andy and Virginia Roberts.
When Biden can allegedly push a woman up against a wall and put his fingers inside without her consent and get away with it, anything is possible.
That should have finished Bidens whole career. Instead he became President. What happened to #metoo for that one ?. And we won’t even start about Bill & Hillary Clinton and how she dealt with the ones he basically raped.
Then just look at what the MSM did with Trump bragging to his golf mates about women who were willing.
The Left are shameless, disgusting hypocrites. Every last one of them.
Afghan Migrant Wanted For Rape & Murder Of 13 Year Old Austrian Girl Sneaked Into Uk On Channel Boat
September 13th, 2021
Join production by Mr WGAP and Mr Rotten Politics
Odysee version ..cos YouTube gets censored
A few stories today
“Afghan migrant wanted for rape and murder of 13 year old Austrian girl”
I thought I’d clicked on the “situations vacant” section. I’m sure there will be lots of applications for the position though.
Massive number of police assisting XR in blocking the M25
I would change that headline to Eco-Nobs
He looks very worried.
Probs why they asked him.
(Just out of shot above?)
Rog weighs in. Look who he is rallying.
How does he have a job on the public purse?
Pizzas delivered with Christmas pudding topping are a thing now.
Why is he not black?
The coppers were singing ” were busy doing nothing”
Boris’s mother has died at 79
Lamb, 1959
“There was a secondary optimum of climate between 400 and 1200 A.D., the peak probably being 800-1000 A.D. This was on the whole a dry, warm period and apparently remarkably stormfree in the Atlantic and in the North Sea. It was the time of lowland settlement in the Saxon lands and of considerable flowering of Celtic and Northumbrian cultures. Missions from the Celtic Church in Ireland were sent as far as Africa and Iceland. It was also the time of great Viking voyages and the settlement of Iceland and Greenland. The early Norse burials in Greenland were deep in ground which is now permanently frozen. There were several visits to America (probably many timbergetting voyages between Greenland and Labrador) and there is evidence which suggests that at least one Viking ship got through the North-West Passage and ultimately reached the Gulf of California (cf. Ives 1953).”
“In Domesday Book (1085) 38 vineyards were recorded in England besides those of the king. The wine was considered almost equal with the French wine both in quantity and quality as far north as Gloucestershire and the Ledbury area of Herefordshire where the soil is said to resemble that of the Rhine and Moselle wine districts. The London basin, the Medway valley and the Isle of Ely were also favoured districts.
And yet, apparently it is now a “myth”
Climate myths: It was warmer during the Medieval period, with vineyards in England
Read more:
The Domesday book is now fake news…
Tree-rings prove climate was WARMER in Roman and Medieval times than it is now – and world has been cooling for 2,000 years
Study of semi-fossilised trees gives accurate climate reading back to 138BC
World was warmer in Roman and Medieval times than it is now
Tree rings are also now fake news
New f-ing Scientist….
The politics of the Guardian allied to the veracity of The Sunday Sport
New Scientist didn’t used to be a Guardian ‘affiliate’, 20 years ago it was often quite interesting – good place to find out what new research was going on in different scientific, and high tech engineering fields, and for job ads.
Most people I know who actually work in science and engineering stopped reading it long ago. Just like BBC ‘science’, It gained a reputation for being ever more ‘dumbed down’ and trendy (science should never be trendy), apparently in an effort to attract a wider, younger, less scientifically literate audience (e.g. ‘millenials’).
Last time I looked at a copy it was quite a shock just how low it had fallen. National Geographic is the same, I used to love that as a kid, but didn’t understand some of the more technical articles, now it seems to be aimed at 10 year olds.
Norman Britain
The history of the English and Welsh wine industry following the arrival of the Normans
1066 marked the start of an era of viticultural activity that would not be matched until the current revival which began some 900 years later. With William the Conqueror came French Abbots and their monks who were experienced in winegrowing, along with soldiers and courtiers for whom wine was a daily requirement.
The Domesday Book (1085-6) records vineyards in forty-two definite locations.
Interestingly enough only twelve of the Domesday vineyards were attached to monasteries. Most belonged to nobles and were undoubtedly cultivated to provide them with wine for their dining tables and altars.
There were two main areas of monastic viticulture: the coastal areas of the South East, and the area covering Somerset, Gloucestershire, Herefordshire and Worcestershire. Many sources point out that the climate improved for a period of 300 years starting from about the time of the Norman invasion and citing this as a reason why so many vineyards were planted.
The wines made at this time were probably all consumed during the cooler weather of the winter and spring following the harvest and in any event, well before the weather warmed up which would have caused the wine to oxidize, spoil and turn to vinegar. Imported wines, of which there appeared to be no shortage, also suffered from the same problems – at least home produced wine did not have to travel far and probably suffered less than imported wines from oxidation, thus partially explaining its apparent popularity.
The history of the English and Welsh wine industry from the middle ages through to the 20th century
This long 600 year period marks change and gradual decline in English and Welsh viticulture. Why it did not really become a viable alternative to other crops, as it did in other countries where monastic viticulture was common, is open to debate, but commercial and practical considerations have to be important.
Before the Black Death arrived, the religious orders had prospered, reliant upon a pliable and available workforce. However, finding their manpower depleted by the plague, they took to leasing their land, rather than working it themselves and their new tenants, dependent upon short-term cash crops to pay the rent, did not want to grow vines, which then, as now, can only be grown on a long-term basis. The Black Death itself, which lasted from 1348 until the 1370s, not only cut the population dramatically, but forced changes in agriculture which had far-reaching social and demographic effects.
Although the Dissolution of the Monasteries in 1536 is often cited as being the single event that destroyed winegrowing and winemaking in England, it would appear that by this time, many monasteries had given up. The new landowners who had been handed these religious assets, proved reluctant to indulge in viticulture.
It is also said that the British climate underwent some change at this time, becoming generally wetter, with cooler summers and milder winters, leading to less ripe grapes and more fungal diseases, both of which would have been disincentives to profitable winemaking.
Wine had been coming into the country from Bordeaux since Henry II (1154–89) became King of England. Transport conditions and speeds improved and the importation of wine (and other goods) became cheaper. Also, as techniques of preserving wine for long journeys improved, imported wines arrived in better condition. Home produced wines faced, as they do today, considerable competition from imported wines.
How could this be true? Pre industrial revolution climate change cannot have taken place because there wasn’t excess CO2. Please try and keep up with the science after all 97% of all scientists agree !
Your final paragraph re the improvement of transport demonstrates that our current problems in the supermarkets are due to Brexit.
No blacks though………….
The likes of the bBC, certainly no government departments, and nor it seems universities (nowadays) do ‘scholarship.’
Or, it seems, the Noo Sientiss, in league with our wurld klass broadcaster.
Skollaship must be racist innit if there are not enough dusky people involved, a look at University Challenge and the hundred yard dash / basketball might inform where each races essential strengths lie, but complaints are only one way in that respect
I bet Beaujolais Nouveau Day was a blast back then, with blokes in souped-up chariots leaving the UK around September, getting through customs in Calais about lunchtime October 2nd, finding a frog noshery and getting as p****d as a f**t by teatime, then wending their way south to some hell-hole where all the peasants were also fast asleep from harvesting all those grapes, stamping their feet all over the wineries, singing stupid songs, bonking Cherie and Michelle, then flogging the really c**p stuff to the said Hooray Henries, who pooled their francs and grabbed a few flagons for the journey home, only to arrive back in Waterloo, fall out of the cart, drop the whole lot on the pavement, and wonder where they’d been for the last three months…
And no, I never did the trip, but still love Fleurie…
I am on a vodka diet myself, I’ve lost three days already
Those Russians, no wonder they don’t do comedy, yet to find a happy Russian book.
I recall a date with one once, all she went on about was why UK trains cant operate in winter on time, and the wonders of beetroot soup and suicidal Russian authors
I Know Why Russians Drink So Much
Posted on August 20, 2010
I just finished reading two plays by the Russian writer Anton Chekhov.
In the first one, the main character shoots himself in the head in the last line of the play.
In the second one, the main character shoots himself in the head in the last line of the play.
I thought maybe I’d read the same play twice.
But I hadn’t. I checked the titles. They were different.
I can’t help thinking of the conversations Anton Chekhov used to have with his editor.
“I have a new play,” Chekhov says.
“What about?” asks his editor.
“A wealthy landowner.”
“What happens?”
“He shoots himself in the head.”
“I see. Got anything else?”
“I’ve got one about a nobleman.”
“Tell me about it.”
“He shoots himself in the head.”
“Do you have anything else?”
“Yah. I have one about a rich widow.”
“What happens?”
“She lives happily ever after.”
“Really. Then she shoots herself in the head.”
Despite all this, Anton Chekhov is now known as the greatest Russian playwright who ever lived.
Which is too bad.
Because I have to imagine he influenced every Russian playwright to follow, some of whom may not have wanted to shoot their main character in the head, but felt compelled.
If I ever meet a Russian, I’m going to let him know that not all entertainment needs to end that way.
And I’m giving away my book of Anton Chekhov plays despite the fact that I have not read the last play in the book.
Because there is need.
It’s called, “Uncle Vanya.” And I have a strong feeling he’s now deceased. And that the word “Boom” is somewhere in there.
All this made me look up Anton Chekhov to see how he, the playwright whose every character dramatically shot themselves in the head, ended his own life. Care to guess?
As COP26 approaches the ‘narrative’ becomes ever more desperate
FRAMING TODAY Watch #1 – It’s all the fault of Brexit
No, it is not you stupid woman! Did you not hear what I just told you? Except Farmer Giles did not say that, he was far too polite and he was probably thinking of dear Daisy, her udders oozing to the point of bursting.
Farming Today tried to keep the HGV driver shortage fear topped up but the farmer told presenter Anna Hill that the milk collection company had telephoned him to say that several drivers, ie. more than one, were off sick. They would be unable to collect his milk that day. May be down to Covid. May be down to Test & Trace and ‘Pandora Ingleby-McKenzie-ing’. May be down to good old British skiving- off.
Anna Hill was not interested in the reason. In her mind, it was all because of Brexit.
Having grown up with many friends from farming families, I can easily say that I’ve never ever met a more independent, hard-working lot of men and women, who still depend on their own initiatives and skills to maintain a healthy business.
Governments – especially left-wing crowds, hate farming because they epitomise good hard work and independence, relying on nobody for their money, and providing an inestimable benefit for every community, often for a meagre profit.
Of course, the BBC don’t understand this and their prog is really a joke especially when they get on their anti-brexit bandwagon, which was worn thin ages ago, but they still try – paid for by a massive tax injection.
There was a song years ago, which had the words “You never see a farmer on a bike”.
Go figure beeboids.
It is very bbc today.
Imagine the far-right bigotry responsible for suggesting a trans woman can’t menstruate. Horrific, so ‘people’ it is then.
I must admit I have seen a degree of improvement in BBC
presentation regarding diversity and wokeness. You now see the
occasional white face on the BBC internet pages. And the
Londonistan programme even now has one or two features
about indigenous Londoners. Although I must admit that I didn’t realize , and of course it is isn’t important how short the
presenters were. We saw Riz Lateef interviewing one of Emma
Radecanu’s coaches in Bromley. Well I say see her. We didn’t actually see her. She just about appeared once a few inches
above the net. And Ayshea Buksh at another set of tennis courts
appeared with her head also just above the net. Of course it’s the
contents of what they say which is important . And before anybody
says “why so many ethnic presenters and reporters?” Please
remember that London now has an under 40% indigenous
population. and positive discrimination does not apply here,
so far as the BBC is concerned. AND being no taller than 5 foot
possibly helps as well.
Methinks your observation is a bit too dry …
Toady watch
2 capitalists being interviewed by our Justin and moaning about not being able to get unskilled Labour – one was a hotel cleaner – the other a fruit producer .
One had increased their hourly rate from £9 to £15 an hour – and blamed Brexit . They thought it perfectly ok for Blighty to invite guest workers from the Reich to make their businesses work .
I prefer a country where the vast majority of people speak English and behave like British people – so screw them .
My view – of course – was not put forward by Justin Webb because it is ‘unapproved thought ‘ and soon to be subject to some new restrictive law …
Btw – there are 1 million 3 hundred thousand job vacancies –
1.5 million are still on furlough .
So by the look of it when ‘dead ‘ companies being kept going by government money are killed off by the end of the year those vacancies will start to disappear .
The furlough fraud must be – astonishing .
A flaming Winnie necklace can be at your door next day.