So Shamima Begum now wants to come back to the UK to “help” the Government fight terrorists says the BBC fan club who no doubt would love to have her on their red sofa.
“There are several forms of lying to non-believers that are permitted under certain circumstances, the best known being taqiyya (the Shia name). These circumstances are typically those that advance the cause of Islam – in some cases by gaining the trust of non-believers in order to draw out their vulnerability and defeat them. ”
Quran (16:106) – Establishes that there are circumstances that can “compel” a Muslim to tell a lie.
Sorry Shamima it won’t wash….NUFF SAID!
Also again revealing how this woman, despite what she did, can command a whole page from the BBC when others in the UK are non-person-ed, Farage and Robinson to name but two!
digg, on TWatO a comment was relayed from someone, either in present Government or MI5/MI6 – to the effect that – “If you had seen her file like I have, you would know it was a correct decision to keep Shamima Begum out of the UK.”
There is a huge amount of confusion regarding GB News, and UK broadcasting in general, as illustrated by two contradictory headlines in the same paper (Telegraph).
– “Andrew Neil was wrong about GB News â a âBritish Fox Newsâ is just what we need.”
– “Is the UK really ready for a Right-wing news channel?”
Part of the problem is that, by its sheer size, the BBC exerts a huge gravitational pull to the left, thereby distorting the entire media landscape and making its liberal-left bias appear ‘centrist’ (it’s not) and ‘unbiased’ (it’s not).
Another difficulty is that GB News couldn’t initially decide if it wanted to be ‘right wing’, or impartial and objective (no such thing in media), or anti-metropolitan / regional, or anti-woke, etc.
Trying to be all things to all people, including Ofcom (itself biased), it inevitably ended up a dog’s dinner.
There is clearly an appetite for a right-wing broadcaster in the Anglo-Saxon world, given the popularity of Fox in America and Sky Aus in Australia.
With the departure of Neil, GB News might at last unapologetically fill that gap. Good luck to it.
Battle of Britain commemoration. Daily Excess blurb, Spitfire takes pride of place at B of B commemoration, only problem is the aeroplane in the photograph was a Hurricane. Fact checkers I’ve sh1t them.
This the one?
It is a Spitfire, just not the ‘classic’ Spitfire shape. It’s a late-war Spitfire LF Mk.XVIe with cut-down rear fuselage, bubble canopy and clipped wingtips.
The Mk.XVI also had a licence-built Packard Merlin engine rather than a Rolls Royce one. A staff member at the Hendon museum told me that RAF mechanics liked the Packard Merlin because (typical of U.S. material abundance) each one came with a complete toolkit!
A supercharged Spitfire (cannot remember the Mk no.) put the willies up me by demonstrating a strafing to the crowd at Biggin Hill at a June or September Battle of Britain event. It climbed to a few thousand feet and came down in a very steep dive with its supercharger screaming before ‘strafing’ the runway.
Exactly what WW2 enemy infantrymen caught out in the open by one of those thought, I know not. It must have sounded like the end of the world to someone in a tank or truck.
Afterward, I had a very good idea of the concept of induced fear.
taffman, you’ve seen the BLM riots, you’ve seen XR demos, you’ve seen police take no action over the first M25 blockade, now Scotland Yard? Too busy doing their finger nails and checking the rainbow paint job for next year’s January 1st Pride Parade.
IMHO A very good reason why Bo Jo should have put Liz Truss as Home Secretary. She gets thing done .
Who is in charge of running this country , Bo Jo or Carrie ?
Nigel, along with Trump and GB News are on the list who the BBC have cancelled. They do not report any of those unless it’s to attack them.
A google search tells me they didn’t even report Nigel joining GB News. The only two stories I get are the ex-BBC nobody who took the knee (and very quick interview of him) and Andrew Neil resigning.
More of the usual discraceful bias despite ‘Why you can trust the BBC’ being pushed in your face every chance they get. And why OFCOM is such a farce.
taffman, what I think Priti Patel needs from the PM is not demotion or the sack but support. Someone high up, the Cabinet Secretary, the PM even, needs to call in the Permanent Under-Secretary and his or her immediate deputies at Home to inspect the colour and warp and woof of the carpet at No.10 Downing Street. They need to be put on notice of dimissal if there is not an immediate improvement in the performance of the Home Office across all its areas of responsibility.
There is obviously a campaign being run to get rid of Priti Patel and I suspect the Civil Service and much of the MSM is on board with it. A good leader would clamp down and end it. Bojo is really missing Dominic Cummings and Lee Cain at present.
What exactly does Allegra Stratton do for her money?
Yes it is undoubtedly the civil servants who are the main culprits (leading by the nose a succession of weakling MPs) and I blame years of faulty and deliberately biased recruitment.
taff, I can’t answer your question about who should be Home Sec. since no-one (out of those elected) seems up to have the will or wit to stand up to the serpents, or indeed to genuinely acknowledge that there is even a problem.
There is too much commendation of the BBC on this website!
We are lucky to pay ÂŁ157 for such wonderful programmes
devoted to drag artists, Don’t you just love watching men dress themselves up as women. I have actually written to the
head of the diversity department to ask him, she or it , that with
lack of white male presenters, especially newsreaders, if perhaps we could have an indigenous male presenters in drag presenting the news.
And there is sport. Yes the women’s football is great to watch.
It’s almost as good as the boys under 14 matches played in
the fields behind my garden. BUT what I really enjoy on the BBC
is women’s rugby. Honestly who doesn’t find this better than
the men’s version? And look at the other sports like netball.
Yes without doubt it is all well worth the ÂŁ157 a year for a 76 year old. I am just sorry for all of you outside the London
area that you can’t watch Riz Lateef , Asad, Ahmad, Alice Bhandhukravi or Alpa Patel presenting our local programme in
the capitol. Who says that the BBC use positive discrimination?
Certainly not in the capitol.
Yes all in all it’s all great value. I just can’t wait to see two men dancing together in “Strictly” I do hope they dance in drag .
All this Champions League MENS football on BT sport
Who want’s to watch that, when you can watch a women’s rugby match?
Women’s football, called banana football, they run around in bunches, but seriously the Bland Broadcasting Corporation is showing a programme about the menopause this evening. How come it’s called the menopause? I’ve never had a hot flush, or any other symptom, but then I identify as straight white 70ish male.
Every one I know of all ages is aware of the disproportionate number of black people on British TV, as I am sure are all the Members of Parliament including Nadine Dorries.
That Comfort advert was on just before Tipping Point in ITV it was followed by an ad for Sky Bingo then ASDA so that was three adverts in a row with black men with white wives/partners!
The BBC are currently in a paranoid fervour that Raab may scrap the Human Rights Act and remove the European Court of Human Rights' jurisdiction. Good. I hope he does.
The Human Rights Act does nothing for human rights, but a whole lot to obstruct justice and the rule of law. It's akin to passing a law which bans voting and calling it "The Fluffy Kittens and Candy Floss Act," then accusing its critics of hating cute baby animals and sweets.
Its Tony Blair’s secret baby and from it all the wokery and false profits emerge that we as nation should ‘change-our-ways’ and bow down to the high priests of Brussels (EU observance). Our own courts being used to prosecute nations blasphemies. Apparently we are all guilty in the UK of being slightly conservative (small c) and despite being the most international country in Europe we are all ‘racists’. The most generous people in the world are in the UK, education, money and talent abound. And yet the left attack this county seven days a week wanting a socialist paradise that never existed. At least in the ‘soft’ media entertainment business, of which the BBC specialty is ‘drama’, above facts
Even under Tony Blair. The vicar that never was a christian (small c), the enforcer (Alistair Campbell), the odd perversion (elevated to House of Lords) and many more small wars, (big and small). And a bankrupt country (money all spent under Gordon Brown).
And yet we still have the BBC. The mini paradise of left wing luxury and pleasures.
The BBCâs appointment of Jess Brammar is a total mess â and a jibe at the Right
Brammar became a pawn in the war over the Corporationâs direction, and her arrival shows where that battle is likely to go
The problem with Brammarâs appointment is that she will slot seamlessly into an organisation that broadly shares her outlook. In her new role, she will be responsible for selecting which stories should be covered, and how. In that respect, itâs a key role, and with Brammar at the helm we can be pretty sure that she will set the same course that the BBC has now been pursuing for decades. It will be a woke agenda: lots of stories about social justice, Black Lives Matter, the transgender issue, climate change and so on. You hardly need me to tell you: it has all become wearisomely familiar.
(TWEETS captured from Jess Brammer*)
Oh!, she did try to delete them all. Not all, though. BBC though she was the perfect BBC news editor. Can you guess why?
or web link here:
In the Telegraph today.
by Robin Aitkin
Plus ca change. So the new Tim Davie is the same as the others. The smug liberal left employing the smug liberal left. If there was a reason to unfund the BBC, this has to be be it. Proof of content the the BBC is beyond reform. De-fund the BBC, Boris, its beyond reform.
'Is there any more galling illustration of our soft touch policing than an officer politely negotiating with eco-extremists who are clearly breaking the law?'
Dan Wootton slams police officers for their handling of the Insulate Britain protests on the M25 today.
“If these activists had any balls they’d actually take their protests to China, the world’s biggest carbon emitter, but they know they’d probably be shot on the spot.”
Breaking âŚâŚâUK, US and Australia launch landmark security pactâ
Jobs for the North East and Scottish shipyards?
I donât think the frogs will be very happy with this news. The âAUKUSâ Partnership.
Can we trust Joe this time?
Chinese investors are buying more Australian real estate as part of pent-up demand caused by the coronavirus, but experts said that other factors such as rising bilateral tensions and a drop in Australian housing value may lead some Chinese buyers to reconsider their future deals in the country.5 May 2021
Just as the BBC never showed the huge crowds cheering Trump at his campaigning airport stops, likewise they’re not showing the equally huge crowds booing the Imbecile, or chanting F* Joe Biden.
Boris made a big mistake with the “temporary” credit uplift. I had a client company run by a very savvy chairman who ran a very successful business. He once said to me “You can hand your employees a ÂŁ1,000 pay rise each and it won’t cause a ripple, but just try reducing their tea break from 15 to 10 minutes and you will be at war with them.”
The lefties would obviously jump on the ending of this emergency aid and pretend that it is an attack on working-class people by the evil Tories.
Wales court : Hayder Jasim (Iraqi) received ÂŁ20,000 from undergraduates he helped cheat at the University of South Wales,
Using keyloggers he got staff passwords then stole standard answers to exams
When 5 students answers contained the same spelling mistake that was in the Answer paper the ruse was spotted.
He 20 months in jail
Helper 9 months suspended sentence
All the names seem foreign
How many students cheated and what about them ?
was in a 100 or something
What about the people competing against them ?
I was an external examiner for a university. I interviewed a girl accused of plagiarism. She had borrowed a bit too much from other sources and, letâs say, hadnât referenced them too well. But in her defence she alleged the rest of the class had paid for original work. The plagiarism software wouldnât detect that. I believed her but the university decided to take no action against the other students.
The Imbecile can’t even remember the Australian Prime Minister’s name. He has just TWO names to remember and he manages to forget one of them. Tries to cover it up with a joke, Doesn’t work. Cretin.
BBC a bit vexed about the 3i defence deal- particularly since it upsets to of our enemies – namely France and China – if they are both against it it must be good ..
My natural sympathy for the old and senile is overridden in Biden’s case by contempt. His colleagues and especially his wife should have told him long ago that he needed to retire from politics. If he was a decent man, he would have realised that himself. But he and everyone around him is corrupt. His memory is seriously impaired, he can’t form a meaningful sentence, he can’t even play the role of puppet without revealing that he has handlers who control him. His mental faculties have gone and all that remains is the base instinct of the politician – a naked lust for power and the robes of office.
I have grown to hate the sight of him. As you say, Vlad, he is a cretin. A cretin who cares nothing for the lives of his fellow Americans, who alienates America’s allies and strengthens America’s enemies.
You can tell agenda items on the BBC because the first half is full of whatever message they are sending. The counter-arguments and facts appear in the last third. If you just read the first bit to get an idea of the story, you don’t see the rest.
A bit of research shows the author of the Afghanistan report (a Pakistani) had his laptop siezed under the counter terrorism act because of his emails to members of ISIS.
What’s going on at the BBC ?. Has the balance finally tipped ?.
I’ve read many reports now on the BBC about the Capitol rioters being labelled as insurrectionists by the Left and then charged with ‘trespass’. Who would have though ‘insurrection’ would be such a light charge !.
But I don’t recall any reports of the convictions of BLM rioters for the damage and murders that took place – yet google tells me there have been hundreds.
That to me speaks volumes of the rank hypocrisy and double standards of these people. All to make themselves feel morally superior.
The Left is a cancer eating away at the very fabric of what created it.
Notice the language ..âswim to (INTOLERANT) Britainâ ⌠and not ⌠âswim from (TOLERANT) Belgiumâ âŚ. ⌠This language makes it OUR problem, not Belgiumâs. âŚ
âBody of Iraqi migrant who tried to swim to Britain found off Belgium. Tragic. These are incredibly desperate people.â
Some might have noticed that I’m not a Joe Biden fan… and given I can see that some folk here have understandable issues with global Islamists – I thought the vid linked below might be of some interest.
I just watched a presentation (+Q&A) at Dartmouth College by Jim Kreindler, a lawyer for the 9/11 victims (and a Democrat with connections to Joe Biden).
It’s 90 minutes – but quite jammed with nuggets of insight that you won’t find elsewhere (definitely not in one place – and since I’m commenting here – not on the BBC!)
These lopside agenda pieces by the BBC really make my blood boil.
She is a liar. The BBC know that, we all know that but there’s no Muslim victim in that story so the BBC are happy to go along with a lie.
Why is our state funded broadcaster giving her a platform ?. They should show some of the things her husband and ISIS did as balance.
With articles like this and the very positive one for the Taliban I posted earlier, the BBC are making themselves the ‘go to’ place for Muslim terrorists to get an unchallenged, sympathetic hearing.
All to confirm their self-proclaimed moral superiority and compassion. What a shame we can’t send these people to live under ISIS or the Taliban for a few months. They would be quivering cowards hiding under the table within a week.
Shamima Begum, 19, described spotting the gory aftermath of extremist executions, but calmly brushed off the experience as part of her “normal” life with fundamentalists.
Begum said: “When I saw my first severed head in a bin it didnât faze me at all.
It was from a captured fighter seized on the battlefield, an enemy of Islam.
I thought only of what he would have done to a Muslim woman if he had the chance.â
The heavily pregnant teen surfaced in a Syrian refugee camp and says she doesnât regret her decision to join the murderous cult.”
Run it by Marianna; always up for a check. Apparently.
Nope. Still stuck in her area of âexpertiseâ.
Anti-vax activists are exploiting medical and political debates about offering teenagers Covid jabs – resorting to violent rhetoric online and off.
Plus emotive claims from celebs like Nicki Minaj – contrary to health authoritiesâ advice – can scare younger people off the jab.
Former Love Island contestant Amy Hart has spoken about the impact of online trolling – and called for social media sites to do more.
Itâs a topic Iâm investigating at the moment – many Iâve interviewed feel the same. But all solutions come at a price for social media sites.
I think the rule for social media is that if you go out and push yourself in everybodies face, similar people will push back. And a lot will disagree with whatever you say.
If your life functions on ego, I imagine that can be quite unbearable.
Perhaps Marianna could wipe the gormless look off her face and investigate the posts on the BBC’s own HYS about inflation where it seems all the bitter and twisted remainers are trolling Brexit.
Pakistan: man sentenced to death for blasphemy on Facebook
Taimoor Raza was found guilty of insulting the prophet Muhammad during an argument on social media with a counter-terrorism official
Protest in Pakistan against social media
Blasphemy is a sensitive charge in conservative Muslim Pakistan, where even unproven allegations can trigger mob lynchings and violence. Photograph: Faisal Mahmood/REUTERS
Sune Engel Rasmussen in Kabul and Waqar Gillani in Islamabad
Sun 11 Jun 2017
Dear Marianna Spring (BBC wages paid under threat of prosecution),
As Iâve had to look at your BBC news and use other sources to determine that your news is not news but selective editorial opinion Iâd like to request that I have a refund for the last 4 years plus get the BBC free from now on.
Please let me know how I can go about this as I am willing to create a full list of articles that Iâve had to investigate plus time taken for me to check your fact checker whilst realising that the BBC intentionally removes news rather than incorrectly report on it, uses images to sway opinion or misleads with the main titles hoping no one reads the full article.
âOmission is the greatest form of lie.â
CAS-4987700-SY1FTF : BBC NewsWatch says boredom with pro-Brexit march.
CAS-4844672-N8FDYY: Update on the MP Expenses 2009 scandal in 2018.
CAS-4939547-J71Z1V: Hereâs hoping Ireland do the right thing G.Lineker.
CAS-4937378-YKMWBJ: BBC not reporting âDay of Freedomâ March 06may2018.
CAS-4906141-BFJQL0: I take offence that presenters promote their books.
CAS-4892811-C820SC: I am offended that I have to pay the BBC TV Tax.
CAS-4824332-633N1P: What happened in Italy was not covered âŚ
CAS-4933135-ZV3V7F: The omission is the most powerful form of lie âŚ
CAS-6005141-S1V9D1: Not seen a report on the UK Governments Covid19â
Let me know how to go about resolving the issue of paying for something that wastes my time as I have to check each story rather than rely on its accuracy.
If you are going to write to pull her up on her non-reporting, could you raise the issue of selfies please? Something like :-
It’s come to our attention that you seem to think that the public want to stare at you all day; I don’t know if you’ve realised, but you actually look quite ropey.
There’s very little I miss about the bbc, being two years licence-free, but Carol Kirkwood still brightens up the morning if I get a chance to check on the website (Not Iplayer) . Now there is a woman. Got a new boyfriend apparently, Grrrr.
I noticed that Jon Sopel is talking about impartial and unbiased reporting but his twitter account has three references to his book whilst using the BBC brand. Could the BBC please explain what is happening?
1) Is BBC Jon Sopel supposed to tell us about the news or his new book?
2) BBC Jon Sopelâs twitter feed has the BBC name in it and says âJon Sopel, BBC North America Editor. My book If Only They Didnât Speak English is out now.â which references his book and not the fact he is an unbiased and impartial reporter.
3) BBC Jon Sopelâs twitterâs pinned tweet is from 23May2018 and is about .. himself and his book.
4) Is BBC Jon Sopelâs book 100% BBC approved thought and unbiased and partial?
5) Shouldnât BBC Jon Sopelâs twitter be about the latest news and not himself?
6) When Jon Sopel sells a book does it go to help pay for the BBC TV Tax â to reduce it? As the BBC are promoting it â thus it is promoted by the BBC TV Tax Payer.
âImpartiality lies at the heart of public service and is the core of the BBCâs commitment to its audiences. It applies to all our output and services â television, radio, online, and in our international services and commercial magazines. We must be inclusive, considering the broad perspective and ensuring the existence of a range of views is appropriately reflectedâ
Good luck answering this one without laughing yourself silly.
From my complaint to the BBC HYS comment that Farage had not personally ‘promised prices would be lower’ as the comment claimed:
Dear BBC Visitor
Further to your complaint about some of the content on a BBC website (reference number P42308055), we have decided that it does not contravene the House Rules and are going to leave it on site.
‘Defamation is the oral or written communication of a false statement about another that unjustly harms their reputation’
Not at the BBC when it’s about Nigel Farage it seems.
When we were about to join the EEC we were told, in a leaflet sent out to every home, that food prices would rise. This was because we would lose access to some of our traditional suppliers.
In theory Brexit should have allowed us access to any supplier world-wide so our food prices should trend towards world levels rather than the EU cartels.
Ahh – so you think that when he said ‘cheaper food’, he actually meant that food would be cheaper than it was on Brexit day for ever after. Not cheaper than it would be if we remained in the EU.
Interesting logic indeed.
We haven’t even started to talk about the REAL reasons : market realignment after Brexit and COVID. But of course you aren’t interested in those. Until it suits you.
Are you suggesting or inferring that we should rejoin the EU, or are you just trolling for Al Beeb ?
The food there is dear .
Nigel Farage should have been our Prime Minister.
Perhaps if he said ‘I promise that all food will always be cheaper after Brexit than it was before Brexit …’ you might have an argument but he didn’t. Because it’s a ludicrous thing to say and even more ludicrous to suggest it is what he meant.
I think he may have been kicked off TCW. The person he always went around with, Mike something, certainly has. Piku used to follow Mike’s remarks with his own, saying “That was a wonderful comment, Mike,” or similar words.
“Promise” is the wrong word. It was impossible for him to promise such a thing, and he did not. A forecast is entirely different, and ultimately that will probably be proved right.
What happened to the mass civil unrest and societal breakdown we were promised as a result of leaving the EU? I must confess to being a little disappointed.
France should suspend all immigration from outside EU for up to five years, Michel Barnier says
Refugees and students would be among those exempted from proposal
Tragic indeed. But the BBC are very quick to use it for vaccine propaganda purposes and very careful not to say COVID directly killed either of them.
‘A mother and daughter died just days apart in a Northern Ireland hospital after both women contracted Covid-19.’
‘Mr McAllister said he believed his daughter had no underlying health conditions.’. Why is his only picture 15-20 years old ?.
Reading BBC reports is like reading documents from lawyers these days. You have to ponder each part to understand exactly it does – and does not – say. Either or both could have had underlying health conditions according to the wording here.
I would say that withou tknowing the actual cause of death, this article constitutes dis-information.
The FT’s regular frontpage feature Datawatch is a favoured source of statistical stuff and nonsense for this reviewer.
The global-minded pink paper turns its attention today to the international rankings on what it terms the: ‘Female equality gauge‘ – nope, me neither, there’s something new pops up every day. This is explained – to some extent – as: ‘Per country “empowerment” rating‘
One considers for a moment whether the UK topped this guage when Margaret Thatcher was PM and the Queen, of course, was head of State, but somehow I doubt it.
The Times has: Emma Radacanu how she will make her fortune‘ – she’s British… sort of.
If those obvious female empowerment metrics had worked for Britain then the Boris cabinet reshuffle might have bumped us up the rankings yesterday. The Daily Star is scathing: ‘Clowning Street massacre‘ whilst the ‘i’ presents a frontpage ministerial line up captioned in a way reminiscent of that female favourite parlour game Shag, Marry, Push off a Cliff.
We note the two ladies and that bulllet-headed asian chap, previously with the vax job, were the winners.
The Daily Mail presents: ‘…new queens of the jungle… Nadine Dorries and Liz Truss‘ – I suppose politics is something of a jungle. Allusion to women climbing the greasy pole might have dubious connotations in the present context. That’s more Carrie’s private sphere of influence.
Getting back to Datawatch we learn Britain is on a par with Italy and Portugal, lags behind the more female empowered Finland, Iceland and Ireland, but leads patriarchical Mexico, Turkey and Japan.
The FT further explains: ‘Equality metrics such as gender pay gap, the proportion of women in higher education and length of paid maternity leave have been combined‘ – in other words it is a measure skewed by weighting in any direction the compilers of these made up stats wish – much like our UK inflation figures.
Even the heavily massaged figures there are beginning to cause alarm: ‘Surge in inflation to 9-year high dents trust in BoE competence on price rises‘ (FT) – Don’t expect Boris to reshuffle the Governor of the Bank of England anytime soon – afterall he’s doing the government’s bidding by reducing the national debt as fast as he can by inflation. And don’t forget inflation is very handy stealth tax.
‘Bank under pressure as inflation balloons‘ (Telegraph) – a minor headline bottom right of the frontpage which tells me there’s little real interest in our media about the rising cost of living.
There’s plenty more of interest to the ladies in our press this morning: ‘UK’s washing machines face their worst crisis since the great 5p catastrophe of 1990‘ (‘i’) – being a mere bloke and washing machine lore lying somewhat outside of my wheelhouse, I had to think about what that meant.
Turns out in 1990 the former 5p coin (those of covid-fatal age may know it as shilling) was shrink-flated down to the unfeasible Lilliputian form we nowadays know and ignore. Seems these unspendable toytown metal tiddlywinks were left in chaps’ pockets of their jeans and jammed the Hotpoints of women up and down the nation. Evidently the current bugbear threatening to throw a spanner into the laundry basket works may well be that present day dress icon… the face mask.
More for the ladies in the Times: ‘Deborah Ross: My problem with recipe books‘
And if the FT can make up some feminist-inspired tosh statistics then the freebie Metro too has a make up feature: ‘Getting pout and about like Posh. The celeb make-up circuit‘ – I jest of course. Ladies, you know I’m just pulling your plonkers. Breaking your balls? Sorry, I was rewatching a lot of episodes of The Sopranos recently.
The Daily Mirror provides some inadvertent comedy today. Readership surveys by social class have found the Mirror’s audience is skewed towards manual workers. Annecdotally, we hear the editorial board are deeply disappointed by this – perhaps having an eye to advertising revenue. Mirror journos would rather ape the Guardian. And so it is that the old Labour Mirror goes with a big splash on climate change: ‘Climate emergency. If we don’t act now… this is our future. York 2070. How flooded city may look‘ – talk about a shambles.
‘Charming. The Shambles as it looks today, by Nada Fahoud… artist’s impression of floods caused by climate change‘ – hmmmm… I’m guessing long before 2070 Ye Olde Coffee Shoppe will be transfomed into a Starbucks.
By 2070 we’ll anyway probably all have succumbed to the Omega Varient. I guess the writing – in this case the Greek alphabet – was on the wall when we elected a classicist as PM.
And finally: ‘Man ewe… Ronaldo moves out of mansion after he’s kept awake by sheep‘ – (Sun) these multimillionaire celebs, they always find something to bleat about. At least he’s not been distrubed by men from the ministry outside his window shooting an alpaca to death.
” Readership surveys by social class have found the Mirrorâs audience is skewed towards manual worker. Annecdotally, we hear the editorial board are deeply disappointed by this â perhaps having an eye to advertising revenue. Mirror journos would rather ape the Guardian. ”
Better to have a large readership that buys something than a non-existent readership that buy a lot?
Rather like the ‘Conservative’ Party that tries to appease the BBC and The Guardian, the fans of which will never vote Conservative, while straining the loyalty of true conservatives to the limit.
It is a lot easier to build on a brand than telling your old customers that you don’t want them anymore and then seeking new customers who are already well supplied.
Next⌠Femi on lorry driver shortages⌠due to Brexit.
This, in the Times today, is why Extinction Rebellion are blocking roads and bridges – theyâre fighting FOR YOU. Because a few hours of inconvenience is nothing compared to famine and war.
Food shortages and wars have occurred since time immemorial. Also during that period, the climate has warmed and cooled, in cycles, and will continue to do so. So will the food shortages, and wars.
I take it that this is the same Ralf Little who stars in the BBC’s Death in Paradise?
Filmed on Guadeloupe in the Caribbean. By what eco-friendly means does he make his way there?
Looks as if Ralph Littleâs Twitter photo is of him in in an aeroplane, possibly in the pilot/co pilot position – not overly sensitive considering the subject of his tweet
Iâm surprised Princess Carrie nut nuts has allowed Boris to promote the lovely Nadine.
Sheâs actually on the right side of politics and will hopefully do something about the far left bbbc.
Rajapaksaâs experiment with organic farming in Sri Lanka a warning to developing countries
The Sri Lankan government would do well to listen to the countryâs agricultural scientists and not to quacks masquerading as experts.
R RamakumarR RAMAKUMAR 10 September, 2021 6:34 pm IST
Experts … Soviet scientists who refused to renounce genetics were dismissed from their posts and left destitute. Hundreds if not thousands of others were imprisoned. Several were sentenced to death as enemies of the state, including the botanist Nikolai Vavilov.[4] Lysenko’s actions and practices contributed to the famines that killed millions of Soviet people;[4] the adoption of his methods from 1958 in the People’s Republic of China had similarly calamitous results, culminating in the Great Chinese Famine of 1959 to 1962.[4]
Children Under 12
In March 2021, Pfizer and BioNTech dosed the first healthy children in a global Phase 1/2/3 continuous study to further evaluate the safety, tolerability, and immunogenicity of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine in children 11 years to 6 month old.
How Andrew Breitbart Helped Launch Huffington Post
BuzzFeed founder Jonah Peretti, a HuffPo cofounder, recalls their brief partnership on the record for the first time. “At war with himself,” but at least it paid for the remodeling of his kitchen.
“Most office workers will never return full-time, survey says”
Nice multi culti photo.
However, these office workers should be aware that many of their online jobs could be moved to countries where wages are far less .
These office workers may end up working as lorry drives, ground workers or builders mates .
The Viatris plant in West Virginia has been making pharmaceuticals since 1965 â but itâs closing down and laying workers off
Michael Sainato
Sun 20 Jun 2021 08.00 BST
âDisbelief. Distraught and traumatized.â
Just some of the words the United Steelworkers Local 8-957 president, Joe Gouzd, used to describe how he and hundreds of other workers felt after their 56-year-old pharmaceutical plant in West Virginia was shut down, sending between 1,500 and 2,000 jobs to India and Australia
I did read that MarkyMark and couldn’t but notice the rabid and multiple attempts to link it to Trump, they will do anything to protect the stupid dolt in the White House because he’s their puppet.
Agree! Apparently they voted for Biden, so you make your bed and lie in it.
I donât think Trump would have stood by and let this happen without intervention.
Bound to have an effect – needing less space at exorbitant rents, fewer coffee machines, outsourcing personnel, etc.
Sending a lot of junior jobs to cheaper countries would make a lot of sense, but not to get on the green energy bandwagon, they need to justify huge hikes in power costs, nearly 50% in my case!
Fitness tracking app Strava gives away location of secret US army bases. Sensitive information about the location and staffing of military bases and spy outposts around the world has been revealed by a fitness tracking company.28 Jan 2018
However, over the weekend military analysts noticed that the map is also detailed enough that it potentially gives away extremely sensitive information about a subset of Strava users: military personnel on active service.
Funniest comment on that link âRashford and Lineker sacked from Johnsonâs cabinetâ đ
On that subject, Twitter has changed lately, I am not signed up to it and it will only let me read three comments instead of limitless. It was v entertaining but Iâm not signing up out of principle.
Goodness, the BBC actually reported it. But bizarrely they show it twice in the one clip.
As usual with the BBC, if something seems odd, look closer because they always have a reason. In this case the second one is zoomed in to show Joe smiling. Just to make sure we all think it was a joke.
Not dementia.
We all know that if it were Trump, they would have been questioning his competence to be President. But these shameless hypocrites still won’t go near it.
How many “Joe Xidens” are there? He was plainly reading from an autocue, this one can actually read (still) whereas the others, not so much……
Will the real Xiden stand up? (it will be the one who continues to sit ‘cos he is so far gone).
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – bit of an own goal by the BBC, maybe? Shamima Begum is still prominently displayed on the BBC Home Page. This is a woman who ran from the UK to join ISIS to take part in the Syrian Civil War and to enlarge IS to Iraq. But she doesn’t like living in poverty and in military conflict and having switched sides to join the enemy, she now wants to switch sides again and come home to the comforts of the UK.
Remember, she is living in poverty, in dreadful conditions in a refugee camp, somewhere close to the Turkish border in Syria or Iraq. Now look at the photograph on the BBC’s Home Page on the web-site. Framed picture on the white (plastered?) wall. Hmmmn, some creature comforts then, a chair or sofa to sit on.
Now look at her. Sunglasses (expensive looking) perched on top of fairly clean looking (styled?) hair. Her face appears clean as does her western-style shirt. Does Islam and IS permit gold jewellery? I note the earring. So the poverty and hardship in that particular refugee camp appears endurable, the question is why should she be allowed to return home? She is living more comfortably than the servicemen living and sleeping on UK streets who she would have wanted killed by IS.
Islam in Bangladesh
Islam is the state religion of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh. … The majority of Bangladeshis are Sunni, and follow the Hanafi Islamic jurisprudence. Religion is an integral part of Bangladeshi identity. Despite having a Muslim-majority Bangladesh is a secular state.
Shamima, the UK-born British citizen who travelled to Syria to join ISIS at the age of 15, was planning on returning to the UK early last year before Sajid Javid, the Home Secretary at the time, took the controversial decision to revoke her British citizenship.9 Dec 2020
âBangladesh will not accept British citizen and ISIS member Shamima Begum. She has no relation with Bangladesh,â said Dr. AK Abdul Momen, as reported by state-run news agency Bangladesh Sangbad Sangstha (BSS). Not only Begum, but anyone involved in militancy will not be allowed to enter the country, said Momen.16 Feb 2020
Ms Begum had previously compared the Manchester Arena bombing â in which 22 people died â to military strikes on IS strongholds, calling the terror attack âretaliationâ.
But during her interview with Susanna Reid and Richard Madeley on Good Morning Britiain she clarified her comments.
She said: âI do not believe that one evil justifies another evil. I donât think that women and children should be killed for other peopleâs motives and for other peopleâs agendas.â
Ms Begum said when she initially made the comments, she did not know that women and children were hurt in Manchester.
You are seeing but not putting two and two together.
Who is giving her money? Who is paying for her PR? Who is arranging all the styling and photography and who is paying the legal bills.
These are really important questions, because we know that there are people in the Middle East who want to see Europe Islamised. We know that the ridiculous libel case against Tommy Robinson was funded by persons unknown in the Middle East. We moan about Soros funding his hate and bile but yet the Islamic activists as dangerous as Al Qaeda but in a different way remain anonymous and uninvestigated.
T, we know there are at least two newspapers behind it. I seem to recall it was the Times and the Daily Mirror but could be wrong on that. But we are told ‘she is living in dreadful conditions’ ‘and in dreadful poverty’ and ‘that she is sorry’ and ‘asks for forgiveness’. Does it look like it?
As a piece of PR on the BBC Home Page – ughh ughhughhh!
Rudd’s refusal to publish full report into extremist funding ‘unacceptable’
This article is more than 4 years old
Opposition parties criticise âsecurity-ledâ decision to release only summary, saying mention of Saudi Arabia is being buried
Ms Begum had previously compared the Manchester Arena bombing â in which 22 people died â to military strikes on IS strongholds, calling the terror attack âretaliationâ.
She said: âI did not know about the Manchester bombing when I was asked. I did not know that people were killed, I did not know that women and children were hurt because of it.â
A nod to the generously remunerated and pleasantly unhinged June Sarpong for creating this, The Ally Track: a gentle scull through the calm backwaters of critical race theory, and open for the general public to complete.
And complete it I did, although coming in third last out of 10 imaginary ethnic-minority contestants probably isn’t ideal since I’m white and male. Coincidentally, establishing these two specific demographics are the aim of the initial questions. Well fancy that.
“Marks & Spencer blames Brexit as it closes 11 French stores”
“Marks & Spencer has said it is closing 11 of its French stores because of problems supplying them with fresh and chilled foods since Brexit.”
Does anyone believe that this is the true reason ?
Alleged plan to make broadcasters produce more ‘British TV like the carry on films’ !
See link ..
( the lefties on another allegedly non political forum I look at are going loopy over this !)
If only this would actually happen ! Some hope ! Looking forward to ‘ carry on at the mosque’, ‘ carry on in the kebab house ‘ and more similar new ‘ British ‘ classics …
For a start the article describes Dr Who and great ‘British’ bake off as examples of Britishness … hmmmm …
SEBASTIAN SHAKESPEARE: BBC humiliates former Bake Off winner Nadiya Hussain by axing her Mecca pilgrimage series
PUBLISHED: 01:07, 22 August 2018 | UPDATED: 07:45, 22 August 2018
Last year, Tory MP Sir Bill Cash criticised the BBC for appointing a Muslim, Fatima Salaria, as its head of religious programming for TV for a second time. He said: âIt is really important that we have a proper balance.â When the BBC announced the series last May, it spoke gushingly of how Nadiya was âthe perfect person to share with viewers her experience of one of the worldâs truly great human spectaclesâ.
It commissioned Top Hat Productions to make the series, and months had been spent obtaining permits from the famously impenetrable Saudi Arabian regime. Top Hat also organised an all-Muslim crew.
It looks like GB News might be getting some competition.
The Sun is involved in a new tv station starting in 2022 which has amongst its presenters Piers Morgan, Mike Graham, Trisha Goddard and JHB.
Itâs called News UK.
âRead all about itâ in the Sun today.
It can only be a good thing and might keep GB News from drifting left/woke.
Itâs possible it may be unbiased or neutral but it looks like it may be right leaning.
I think some people have noticed Fox in the USA being the most watched channel and have realised thereâs a big opportunity here for non woke far left channels (which means every channel except GBN)
Also, Fox Australia (where âthat fellaâ comes from) are a successful right leaning channel.
Wake Up: Why the âliberalâ war on free speech is even more dangerous than Covid-19
Why the âliberalâ war on free speech is even more dangerous than Covid-19
By Piers Morgan
On Sale: October 15, 2020
Piers is not for the UK – he would take the shilling from China if required.
JohnCMar 10, 07:38 Start the Week 10th March 2025 As I posted earlier Marco, the BBC are celebrating his ‘appointment’ with such a fanfare in a ‘live update’ article…
DoublethinkerMar 10, 07:31 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I think Trump made a big mistake in taking measures against Canada and joking about it becoming the 51 st…
harry142857Mar 10, 07:31 Start the Week 10th March 2025 BBC approved type of enricher. Welcomed to the UK: Palestinian asylum seeker gunman who called on God to ‘kill all…
DoublethinkerMar 10, 07:26 Start the Week 10th March 2025 A warning from the future! And one which we can all see is not a exaggerated threat. Prof Betz and…
MarcoMar 10, 07:24 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Mark Carney Wef candidate and green scam artist ,he ticks all the globalist boxes including the BBC but the good…
pugnaziousMar 10, 07:18 Start the Week 10th March 2025 It is possible to stop the flow….you just have to want to…and Labour, the Tories and France just don’t want…
tomoMar 10, 07:10 Start the Week 10th March 2025 With all the Democrat funded “news” operations losing USAID money there’s a lot of “talent” looking for a safe harbour.…
andyjsnapeMar 10, 06:58 Start the Week 10th March 2025 bbc to go on and on about this… Lawyer probing Reform UK row contradicts MP Lowe Remember partygate, well…
FlotsamMar 10, 06:57 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I thought the decision to appoint a foreigner to be Governor of our central bank to be a shockingly bad…
JohnCMar 10, 06:26 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Pro-Palestinian student protester detained by US immigration officials, says lawyer Just look at the length of the article the…
Was it not Ed Miliband who got off a Twitter faux pas by blaming a staffer?
Home Sec Amber Rudd: Yeah, I don’t understand encryption. So what?
Techies! Will you please stop patronising and sneering! ;_;
They will be blocking motorways next.
Not the m4 Friday, obvs.
BBC already often block non-lefties from their airwaves.
CHina 3 child policy.
CHina producing plastic tat all day.
CHina using coal power stations.
China …. is untoucable.!
So Shamima Begum now wants to come back to the UK to “help” the Government fight terrorists says the BBC fan club who no doubt would love to have her on their red sofa.
“There are several forms of lying to non-believers that are permitted under certain circumstances, the best known being taqiyya (the Shia name). These circumstances are typically those that advance the cause of Islam – in some cases by gaining the trust of non-believers in order to draw out their vulnerability and defeat them. ”
Quran (16:106) – Establishes that there are circumstances that can “compel” a Muslim to tell a lie.
Sorry Shamima it won’t wash….NUFF SAID!
Also again revealing how this woman, despite what she did, can command a whole page from the BBC when others in the UK are non-person-ed, Farage and Robinson to name but two!
digg, on TWatO a comment was relayed from someone, either in present Government or MI5/MI6 – to the effect that – “If you had seen her file like I have, you would know it was a correct decision to keep Shamima Begum out of the UK.”
After Iraq and Afghanistan, I simply don’t take the word of an anonymous government official about anything.
“If you had seen her file”. So what? Show it to us then. Let us see this evidence and make our own minds up.
RiC, no need. That statement was more than enough. Keep her out.
Yes apparently a statement from a head honcho of MI5 who worked on her case, not a whisper about that mentioned in the BBC story of course!
She is only a threat to Christians so not important to the caliphate brethren at BBC.
Lying by omission as usual!
There is a huge amount of confusion regarding GB News, and UK broadcasting in general, as illustrated by two contradictory headlines in the same paper (Telegraph).
– “Andrew Neil was wrong about GB News â a âBritish Fox Newsâ is just what we need.”
– “Is the UK really ready for a Right-wing news channel?”
Part of the problem is that, by its sheer size, the BBC exerts a huge gravitational pull to the left, thereby distorting the entire media landscape and making its liberal-left bias appear ‘centrist’ (it’s not) and ‘unbiased’ (it’s not).
Another difficulty is that GB News couldn’t initially decide if it wanted to be ‘right wing’, or impartial and objective (no such thing in media), or anti-metropolitan / regional, or anti-woke, etc.
Trying to be all things to all people, including Ofcom (itself biased), it inevitably ended up a dog’s dinner.
There is clearly an appetite for a right-wing broadcaster in the Anglo-Saxon world, given the popularity of Fox in America and Sky Aus in Australia.
With the departure of Neil, GB News might at last unapologetically fill that gap. Good luck to it.
Good post, vlad.
Battle of Britain commemoration. Daily Excess blurb, Spitfire takes pride of place at B of B commemoration, only problem is the aeroplane in the photograph was a Hurricane. Fact checkers I’ve sh1t them.
This the one?
It is a Spitfire, just not the ‘classic’ Spitfire shape. It’s a late-war Spitfire LF Mk.XVIe with cut-down rear fuselage, bubble canopy and clipped wingtips.
The Mk.XVI also had a licence-built Packard Merlin engine rather than a Rolls Royce one. A staff member at the Hendon museum told me that RAF mechanics liked the Packard Merlin because (typical of U.S. material abundance) each one came with a complete toolkit!
24 versions if i recall ⌠if only some were in storage somewhere ( buried in singapore ) -? -the legend
A supercharged Spitfire (cannot remember the Mk no.) put the willies up me by demonstrating a strafing to the crowd at Biggin Hill at a June or September Battle of Britain event. It climbed to a few thousand feet and came down in a very steep dive with its supercharger screaming before ‘strafing’ the runway.
Exactly what WW2 enemy infantrymen caught out in the open by one of those thought, I know not. It must have sounded like the end of the world to someone in a tank or truck.
Afterward, I had a very good idea of the concept of induced fear.
“Nadine Dorries becomes new culture secretary”
Great!, looks promising but will she sort out the Wokies, and more importantly Al Beeb ?
“Martin Bashir: Police take no action over Diana interview”
Why ?
taffman, you’ve seen the BLM riots, you’ve seen XR demos, you’ve seen police take no action over the first M25 blockade, now Scotland Yard? Too busy doing their finger nails and checking the rainbow paint job for next year’s January 1st Pride Parade.
IMHO A very good reason why Bo Jo should have put Liz Truss as Home Secretary. She gets thing done .
Who is in charge of running this country , Bo Jo or Carrie ?
I disagree. I know Truss was informed of ‘irregularities’ at the MoJ when she was Justice Sec. and did nothing. (Don’t ask).
So who would you suggest for Home Secretary?
Nige would sort the immigration problem out.
Agreed , but heâs not in the government . He should be but the media blocked his early attempts.
Nigel, along with Trump and GB News are on the list who the BBC have cancelled. They do not report any of those unless it’s to attack them.
A google search tells me they didn’t even report Nigel joining GB News. The only two stories I get are the ex-BBC nobody who took the knee (and very quick interview of him) and Andrew Neil resigning.
More of the usual discraceful bias despite ‘Why you can trust the BBC’ being pushed in your face every chance they get. And why OFCOM is such a farce.
“Don’t ask.” You need to say more than that if you want people to agree with you.
taffman, what I think Priti Patel needs from the PM is not demotion or the sack but support. Someone high up, the Cabinet Secretary, the PM even, needs to call in the Permanent Under-Secretary and his or her immediate deputies at Home to inspect the colour and warp and woof of the carpet at No.10 Downing Street. They need to be put on notice of dimissal if there is not an immediate improvement in the performance of the Home Office across all its areas of responsibility.
There is obviously a campaign being run to get rid of Priti Patel and I suspect the Civil Service and much of the MSM is on board with it. A good leader would clamp down and end it. Bojo is really missing Dominic Cummings and Lee Cain at present.
What exactly does Allegra Stratton do for her money?
Yes it is undoubtedly the civil servants who are the main culprits (leading by the nose a succession of weakling MPs) and I blame years of faulty and deliberately biased recruitment.
taff, I can’t answer your question about who should be Home Sec. since no-one (out of those elected) seems up to have the will or wit to stand up to the serpents, or indeed to genuinely acknowledge that there is even a problem.
“What exactly does Allegra Stratton do?”
Help Carrie with her shopping.
Mates rates it’s called!
There is too much commendation of the BBC on this website!
We are lucky to pay ÂŁ157 for such wonderful programmes
devoted to drag artists, Don’t you just love watching men dress themselves up as women. I have actually written to the
head of the diversity department to ask him, she or it , that with
lack of white male presenters, especially newsreaders, if perhaps we could have an indigenous male presenters in drag presenting the news.
And there is sport. Yes the women’s football is great to watch.
It’s almost as good as the boys under 14 matches played in
the fields behind my garden. BUT what I really enjoy on the BBC
is women’s rugby. Honestly who doesn’t find this better than
the men’s version? And look at the other sports like netball.
Yes without doubt it is all well worth the ÂŁ157 a year for a 76 year old. I am just sorry for all of you outside the London
area that you can’t watch Riz Lateef , Asad, Ahmad, Alice Bhandhukravi or Alpa Patel presenting our local programme in
the capitol. Who says that the BBC use positive discrimination?
Certainly not in the capitol.
Yes all in all it’s all great value. I just can’t wait to see two men dancing together in “Strictly” I do hope they dance in drag .
All this Champions League MENS football on BT sport
Who want’s to watch that, when you can watch a women’s rugby match?
Scrap the outfit.
It robs from the poor to give to the rich.
Women’s football, called banana football, they run around in bunches, but seriously the Bland Broadcasting Corporation is showing a programme about the menopause this evening. How come it’s called the menopause? I’ve never had a hot flush, or any other symptom, but then I identify as straight white 70ish male.
New Comfort Fabric Conditioner advert is centred around a mum who wants to relive the 1960s
.. a husband briefly appears of course.
Every one I know of all ages is aware of the disproportionate number of black people on British TV, as I am sure are all the Members of Parliament including Nadine Dorries.
That Comfort advert was on just before Tipping Point in ITV it was followed by an ad for Sky Bingo then ASDA so that was three adverts in a row with black men with white wives/partners!
Re: The Human Rights Act.
Its Tony Blair’s secret baby and from it all the wokery and false profits emerge that we as nation should ‘change-our-ways’ and bow down to the high priests of Brussels (EU observance). Our own courts being used to prosecute nations blasphemies. Apparently we are all guilty in the UK of being slightly conservative (small c) and despite being the most international country in Europe we are all ‘racists’. The most generous people in the world are in the UK, education, money and talent abound. And yet the left attack this county seven days a week wanting a socialist paradise that never existed. At least in the ‘soft’ media entertainment business, of which the BBC specialty is ‘drama’, above facts
Even under Tony Blair. The vicar that never was a christian (small c), the enforcer (Alistair Campbell), the odd perversion (elevated to House of Lords) and many more small wars, (big and small). And a bankrupt country (money all spent under Gordon Brown).
And yet we still have the BBC. The mini paradise of left wing luxury and pleasures.
Rant over. New post next issue.
Heard it all before … “Theresa May says she will change human rights laws if they “get in the way” of tackling terror suspects.
She said she wants to do more to restrict the freedom of those posing a threat and to deport foreign suspects.”
The BBCâs appointment of Jess Brammar is a total mess â and a jibe at the Right
Brammar became a pawn in the war over the Corporationâs direction, and her arrival shows where that battle is likely to go
The problem with Brammarâs appointment is that she will slot seamlessly into an organisation that broadly shares her outlook. In her new role, she will be responsible for selecting which stories should be covered, and how. In that respect, itâs a key role, and with Brammar at the helm we can be pretty sure that she will set the same course that the BBC has now been pursuing for decades. It will be a woke agenda: lots of stories about social justice, Black Lives Matter, the transgender issue, climate change and so on. You hardly need me to tell you: it has all become wearisomely familiar.
(TWEETS captured from Jess Brammer*)
Oh!, she did try to delete them all. Not all, though. BBC though she was the perfect BBC news editor. Can you guess why?
or web link here:
In the Telegraph today.
by Robin Aitkin
Plus ca change. So the new Tim Davie is the same as the others. The smug liberal left employing the smug liberal left. If there was a reason to unfund the BBC, this has to be be it. Proof of content the the BBC is beyond reform. De-fund the BBC, Boris, its beyond reform.
Nadine will be impressed with BBC âEditorial independence ââŚ
We shall see .
“If these activists had any balls they’d actually take their protests to China, the world’s biggest carbon emitter, but they know they’d probably be shot on the spot.”
Now there’s an idea.
More Police than hippies.
Police protecting a boat are not protecting say 1400+ raped kids.
Breaking âŚâŚâUK, US and Australia launch landmark security pactâ
Jobs for the North East and Scottish shipyards?
I donât think the frogs will be very happy with this news. The âAUKUSâ Partnership.
Can we trust Joe this time?
Chinese investors are buying more Australian real estate as part of pent-up demand caused by the coronavirus, but experts said that other factors such as rising bilateral tensions and a drop in Australian housing value may lead some Chinese buyers to reconsider their future deals in the country.5 May 2021
Just as the BBC never showed the huge crowds cheering Trump at his campaigning airport stops, likewise they’re not showing the equally huge crowds booing the Imbecile, or chanting F* Joe Biden.
Bbc 10pm news
Huw introduced a piece about the coming reduction in credit – meaning a ÂŁ20 reduction a week
I wonder if he got the Irony since his pay has reduced from ÂŁ650k pa to ÂŁ450k basic – plus outside interests âŚ
Boris made a big mistake with the “temporary” credit uplift. I had a client company run by a very savvy chairman who ran a very successful business. He once said to me “You can hand your employees a ÂŁ1,000 pay rise each and it won’t cause a ripple, but just try reducing their tea break from 15 to 10 minutes and you will be at war with them.”
The lefties would obviously jump on the ending of this emergency aid and pretend that it is an attack on working-class people by the evil Tories.
Times say that Danny Sriskandarajah @dhnnjyn
CEO of @OxfamGB
is behind plans to remove Guy’s Hospital founder statue
Wales court : Hayder Jasim (Iraqi) received ÂŁ20,000 from undergraduates he helped cheat at the University of South Wales,
Using keyloggers he got staff passwords then stole standard answers to exams
When 5 students answers contained the same spelling mistake that was in the Answer paper the ruse was spotted.
He 20 months in jail
Helper 9 months suspended sentence
All the names seem foreign
How many students cheated and what about them ?
was in a 100 or something
What about the people competing against them ?
I was an external examiner for a university. I interviewed a girl accused of plagiarism. She had borrowed a bit too much from other sources and, letâs say, hadnât referenced them too well. But in her defence she alleged the rest of the class had paid for original work. The plagiarism software wouldnât detect that. I believed her but the university decided to take no action against the other students.
The course subject of the cheaters seems to elude the reporters too.
A maths lecturer spotted spelling mistakes is a bit vague.
That said – I remember pharmacists passing en masse and bragging that “it’s not so hard when you know the questions”.
The Imbecile can’t even remember the Australian Prime Minister’s name. He has just TWO names to remember and he manages to forget one of them. Tries to cover it up with a joke, Doesn’t work. Cretin.
BBC a bit vexed about the 3i defence deal- particularly since it upsets to of our enemies – namely France and China – if they are both against it it must be good ..
My natural sympathy for the old and senile is overridden in Biden’s case by contempt. His colleagues and especially his wife should have told him long ago that he needed to retire from politics. If he was a decent man, he would have realised that himself. But he and everyone around him is corrupt. His memory is seriously impaired, he can’t form a meaningful sentence, he can’t even play the role of puppet without revealing that he has handlers who control him. His mental faculties have gone and all that remains is the base instinct of the politician – a naked lust for power and the robes of office.
I have grown to hate the sight of him. As you say, Vlad, he is a cretin. A cretin who cares nothing for the lives of his fellow Americans, who alienates America’s allies and strengthens America’s enemies.
Goodness me. I doubt you will read two other articles as sympathetic to the cause of Muslim extremists as these:
Afghanistan: Life under Taliban rule one month on
Paris attacks trial: Abdeslam blames France for bombing IS
You can tell agenda items on the BBC because the first half is full of whatever message they are sending. The counter-arguments and facts appear in the last third. If you just read the first bit to get an idea of the story, you don’t see the rest.
A bit of research shows the author of the Afghanistan report (a Pakistani) had his laptop siezed under the counter terrorism act because of his emails to members of ISIS.
What’s going on at the BBC ?. Has the balance finally tipped ?.
BBC journalist stopped at Egyptian airport after security do not know what her tampons were
I’ve read many reports now on the BBC about the Capitol rioters being labelled as insurrectionists by the Left and then charged with ‘trespass’. Who would have though ‘insurrection’ would be such a light charge !.
But I don’t recall any reports of the convictions of BLM rioters for the damage and murders that took place – yet google tells me there have been hundreds.
That to me speaks volumes of the rank hypocrisy and double standards of these people. All to make themselves feel morally superior.
The Left is a cancer eating away at the very fabric of what created it.
Notice the language ..âswim to (INTOLERANT) Britainâ ⌠and not ⌠âswim from (TOLERANT) Belgiumâ âŚ. ⌠This language makes it OUR problem, not Belgiumâs. âŚ
âBody of Iraqi migrant who tried to swim to Britain found off Belgium. Tragic. These are incredibly desperate people.â
Body of Iraqi migrant who tried to swim to Britain found off Belgium
Some might have noticed that I’m not a Joe Biden fan… and given I can see that some folk here have understandable issues with global Islamists – I thought the vid linked below might be of some interest.
Recent events surrounding the 9/11 20th anniversary – suggest perhaps he (Biden) actually has some marbles left / a conscience.
I just watched a presentation (+Q&A) at Dartmouth College by Jim Kreindler, a lawyer for the 9/11 victims (and a Democrat with connections to Joe Biden).
It’s 90 minutes – but quite jammed with nuggets of insight that you won’t find elsewhere (definitely not in one place – and since I’m commenting here – not on the BBC!)
The Obamessiah doesn’t come out of it well….. at all
Shamima Begum tells the BBC she will forever regret joining ISIS
These lopside agenda pieces by the BBC really make my blood boil.
She is a liar. The BBC know that, we all know that but there’s no Muslim victim in that story so the BBC are happy to go along with a lie.
Why is our state funded broadcaster giving her a platform ?. They should show some of the things her husband and ISIS did as balance.
With articles like this and the very positive one for the Taliban I posted earlier, the BBC are making themselves the ‘go to’ place for Muslim terrorists to get an unchallenged, sympathetic hearing.
All to confirm their self-proclaimed moral superiority and compassion. What a shame we can’t send these people to live under ISIS or the Taliban for a few months. They would be quivering cowards hiding under the table within a week.
Shamima remembered….
Shamima Begum, 19, described spotting the gory aftermath of extremist executions, but calmly brushed off the experience as part of her “normal” life with fundamentalists.
Begum said: “When I saw my first severed head in a bin it didnât faze me at all.
It was from a captured fighter seized on the battlefield, an enemy of Islam.
I thought only of what he would have done to a Muslim woman if he had the chance.â
The heavily pregnant teen surfaced in a Syrian refugee camp and says she doesnât regret her decision to join the murderous cult.”
The BBC opened a HYS on rising food prices. This is the top comment:
‘Whatever happened to the cheaper prices Mr Farage promised once all the great new trade deals were signed once the UK was free of EU red tape.’
1340 upvotes to 340 downvotes.
I don’t recall Farage ever making such a promise. The whole comment is like a spiteful student wrote it (and probably did).
I reported it as defamatory saying Farage never made such a promise. Let’s see what the BBC do about it.
This HYS says everything about what the BBC has become.
Run it by Marianna; always up for a check. Apparently.
Nope. Still stuck in her area of âexpertiseâ.
I think the rule for social media is that if you go out and push yourself in everybodies face, similar people will push back. And a lot will disagree with whatever you say.
If your life functions on ego, I imagine that can be quite unbearable.
Perhaps Marianna could wipe the gormless look off her face and investigate the posts on the BBC’s own HYS about inflation where it seems all the bitter and twisted remainers are trolling Brexit.
She only seems to have the one facial expression. Bizarre.
She has been bodysnatched.
Pakistan: man sentenced to death for blasphemy on Facebook
Taimoor Raza was found guilty of insulting the prophet Muhammad during an argument on social media with a counter-terrorism official
Protest in Pakistan against social media
Blasphemy is a sensitive charge in conservative Muslim Pakistan, where even unproven allegations can trigger mob lynchings and violence. Photograph: Faisal Mahmood/REUTERS
Sune Engel Rasmussen in Kabul and Waqar Gillani in Islamabad
Sun 11 Jun 2017
Dear Marianna Spring (BBC wages paid under threat of prosecution),
As Iâve had to look at your BBC news and use other sources to determine that your news is not news but selective editorial opinion Iâd like to request that I have a refund for the last 4 years plus get the BBC free from now on.
Please let me know how I can go about this as I am willing to create a full list of articles that Iâve had to investigate plus time taken for me to check your fact checker whilst realising that the BBC intentionally removes news rather than incorrectly report on it, uses images to sway opinion or misleads with the main titles hoping no one reads the full article.
âOmission is the greatest form of lie.â
CAS-4987700-SY1FTF : BBC NewsWatch says boredom with pro-Brexit march.
CAS-4844672-N8FDYY: Update on the MP Expenses 2009 scandal in 2018.
CAS-4939547-J71Z1V: Hereâs hoping Ireland do the right thing G.Lineker.
CAS-4937378-YKMWBJ: BBC not reporting âDay of Freedomâ March 06may2018.
CAS-4906141-BFJQL0: I take offence that presenters promote their books.
CAS-4892811-C820SC: I am offended that I have to pay the BBC TV Tax.
CAS-4824332-633N1P: What happened in Italy was not covered âŚ
CAS-4933135-ZV3V7F: The omission is the most powerful form of lie âŚ
CAS-6005141-S1V9D1: Not seen a report on the UK Governments Covid19â
Let me know how to go about resolving the issue of paying for something that wastes my time as I have to check each story rather than rely on its accuracy.
If you are going to write to pull her up on her non-reporting, could you raise the issue of selfies please? Something like :-
It’s come to our attention that you seem to think that the public want to stare at you all day; I don’t know if you’ve realised, but you actually look quite ropey.
There’s very little I miss about the bbc, being two years licence-free, but Carol Kirkwood still brightens up the morning if I get a chance to check on the website (Not Iplayer) . Now there is a woman. Got a new boyfriend apparently, Grrrr.
Dear Winston Smith,
I noticed that Jon Sopel is talking about impartial and unbiased reporting but his twitter account has three references to his book whilst using the BBC brand. Could the BBC please explain what is happening?
1) Is BBC Jon Sopel supposed to tell us about the news or his new book?
2) BBC Jon Sopelâs twitter feed has the BBC name in it and says âJon Sopel, BBC North America Editor. My book If Only They Didnât Speak English is out now.â which references his book and not the fact he is an unbiased and impartial reporter.
3) BBC Jon Sopelâs twitterâs pinned tweet is from 23May2018 and is about .. himself and his book.
4) Is BBC Jon Sopelâs book 100% BBC approved thought and unbiased and partial?
5) Shouldnât BBC Jon Sopelâs twitter be about the latest news and not himself?
6) When Jon Sopel sells a book does it go to help pay for the BBC TV Tax â to reduce it? As the BBC are promoting it â thus it is promoted by the BBC TV Tax Payer.
âImpartiality lies at the heart of public service and is the core of the BBCâs commitment to its audiences. It applies to all our output and services â television, radio, online, and in our international services and commercial magazines. We must be inclusive, considering the broad perspective and ensuring the existence of a range of views is appropriately reflectedâ
Good luck answering this one without laughing yourself silly.
From my complaint to the BBC HYS comment that Farage had not personally ‘promised prices would be lower’ as the comment claimed:
Dear BBC Visitor
Further to your complaint about some of the content on a BBC website (reference number P42308055), we have decided that it does not contravene the House Rules and are going to leave it on site.
‘Defamation is the oral or written communication of a false statement about another that unjustly harms their reputation’
Not at the BBC when it’s about Nigel Farage it seems.
When we were about to join the EEC we were told, in a leaflet sent out to every home, that food prices would rise. This was because we would lose access to some of our traditional suppliers.
In theory Brexit should have allowed us access to any supplier world-wide so our food prices should trend towards world levels rather than the EU cartels.
“I reported it as defamatory saying Farage never made such a promise.”
Nigel Farage made that promise on lots of occasions. This is one example:
Prices for fresh food in France were up 6.3 percent in August
Germany’s producer prices surged by 10.4 percent from a year earlier in July 2021
Seems to me he was right anyway. 3.2% doesn’t look that bad.
So the comment is not just defamatory, it’s an outright lie.
Thanks for the update.
“Seems to me he was right anyway.”
Up is down and down is up.
Interesting logic.
Ahh – so you think that when he said ‘cheaper food’, he actually meant that food would be cheaper than it was on Brexit day for ever after. Not cheaper than it would be if we remained in the EU.
Interesting logic indeed.
We haven’t even started to talk about the REAL reasons : market realignment after Brexit and COVID. But of course you aren’t interested in those. Until it suits you.
It would have helped if Mr Farage had said what he meant wouldn’t it?
But then again, perhaps he did.
Are you suggesting or inferring that we should rejoin the EU, or are you just trolling for Al Beeb ?
The food there is dear .
Nigel Farage should have been our Prime Minister.
Perhaps if he said ‘I promise that all food will always be cheaper after Brexit than it was before Brexit …’ you might have an argument but he didn’t. Because it’s a ludicrous thing to say and even more ludicrous to suggest it is what he meant.
UKIP backwards.
Well spotted!
You could say Piku is “Back to front”, in more ways than one?
I think he may have been kicked off TCW. The person he always went around with, Mike something, certainly has. Piku used to follow Mike’s remarks with his own, saying “That was a wonderful comment, Mike,” or similar words.
“Promise” is the wrong word. It was impossible for him to promise such a thing, and he did not. A forecast is entirely different, and ultimately that will probably be proved right.
What happened to the mass civil unrest and societal breakdown we were promised as a result of leaving the EU? I must confess to being a little disappointed.
France should suspend all immigration from outside EU for up to five years, Michel Barnier says
Refugees and students would be among those exempted from proposal
Jon Stone
Policy Correspondent
Tuesday 11 May 2021
Tragic of course.
But so is the subbing.
Tragic indeed. But the BBC are very quick to use it for vaccine propaganda purposes and very careful not to say COVID directly killed either of them.
‘A mother and daughter died just days apart in a Northern Ireland hospital after both women contracted Covid-19.’
‘Mr McAllister said he believed his daughter had no underlying health conditions.’. Why is his only picture 15-20 years old ?.
Reading BBC reports is like reading documents from lawyers these days. You have to ponder each part to understand exactly it does – and does not – say. Either or both could have had underlying health conditions according to the wording here.
I would say that withou tknowing the actual cause of death, this article constitutes dis-information.
Will Mairanna investigate ?.
BBC Loadedtermism is very big these days.
Springster has fallen in love with Ros.
She is very selective.
Warfarin is used as a blood thinner.
And rat poison.
Ivermectin, “….more than a decade.” Wrong.
“Ivermectin was discovered in 1975 and came into medical use in 1981.[12][13] ”
It is one of the most safe drugs available to mankind (and animals).
I couldn’t give a plop in the bowl, one bit. I’d take it without any qualms. In fact, I bought 100 x 12mg six or seven weeks ago. For emergency use.
The FT’s regular frontpage feature Datawatch is a favoured source of statistical stuff and nonsense for this reviewer.
The global-minded pink paper turns its attention today to the international rankings on what it terms the: ‘Female equality gauge‘ – nope, me neither, there’s something new pops up every day. This is explained – to some extent – as: ‘Per country “empowerment” rating‘
One considers for a moment whether the UK topped this guage when Margaret Thatcher was PM and the Queen, of course, was head of State, but somehow I doubt it.
The Times has: Emma Radacanu how she will make her fortune‘ – she’s British… sort of.
If those obvious female empowerment metrics had worked for Britain then the Boris cabinet reshuffle might have bumped us up the rankings yesterday. The Daily Star is scathing: ‘Clowning Street massacre‘ whilst the ‘i’ presents a frontpage ministerial line up captioned in a way reminiscent of that female favourite parlour game Shag, Marry, Push off a Cliff.
‘Demoted, Sacked, Sacked, Promoted, Promoted, Promoted‘
We note the two ladies and that bulllet-headed asian chap, previously with the vax job, were the winners.
The Daily Mail presents: ‘…new queens of the jungle… Nadine Dorries and Liz Truss‘ – I suppose politics is something of a jungle. Allusion to women climbing the greasy pole might have dubious connotations in the present context. That’s more Carrie’s private sphere of influence.
Getting back to Datawatch we learn Britain is on a par with Italy and Portugal, lags behind the more female empowered Finland, Iceland and Ireland, but leads patriarchical Mexico, Turkey and Japan.
The FT further explains: ‘Equality metrics such as gender pay gap, the proportion of women in higher education and length of paid maternity leave have been combined‘ – in other words it is a measure skewed by weighting in any direction the compilers of these made up stats wish – much like our UK inflation figures.
Even the heavily massaged figures there are beginning to cause alarm: ‘Surge in inflation to 9-year high dents trust in BoE competence on price rises‘ (FT) – Don’t expect Boris to reshuffle the Governor of the Bank of England anytime soon – afterall he’s doing the government’s bidding by reducing the national debt as fast as he can by inflation. And don’t forget inflation is very handy stealth tax.
‘Bank under pressure as inflation balloons‘ (Telegraph) – a minor headline bottom right of the frontpage which tells me there’s little real interest in our media about the rising cost of living.
There’s plenty more of interest to the ladies in our press this morning: ‘UK’s washing machines face their worst crisis since the great 5p catastrophe of 1990‘ (‘i’) – being a mere bloke and washing machine lore lying somewhat outside of my wheelhouse, I had to think about what that meant.
Turns out in 1990 the former 5p coin (those of covid-fatal age may know it as shilling) was shrink-flated down to the unfeasible Lilliputian form we nowadays know and ignore. Seems these unspendable toytown metal tiddlywinks were left in chaps’ pockets of their jeans and jammed the Hotpoints of women up and down the nation. Evidently the current bugbear threatening to throw a spanner into the laundry basket works may well be that present day dress icon… the face mask.
More for the ladies in the Times: ‘Deborah Ross: My problem with recipe books‘
And if the FT can make up some feminist-inspired tosh statistics then the freebie Metro too has a make up feature: ‘Getting pout and about like Posh. The celeb make-up circuit‘ – I jest of course. Ladies, you know I’m just pulling your plonkers. Breaking your balls? Sorry, I was rewatching a lot of episodes of The Sopranos recently.
The Daily Mirror provides some inadvertent comedy today. Readership surveys by social class have found the Mirror’s audience is skewed towards manual workers. Annecdotally, we hear the editorial board are deeply disappointed by this – perhaps having an eye to advertising revenue. Mirror journos would rather ape the Guardian. And so it is that the old Labour Mirror goes with a big splash on climate change: ‘Climate emergency. If we don’t act now… this is our future. York 2070. How flooded city may look‘ – talk about a shambles.
‘Charming. The Shambles as it looks today, by Nada Fahoud… artist’s impression of floods caused by climate change‘ – hmmmm… I’m guessing long before 2070 Ye Olde Coffee Shoppe will be transfomed into a Starbucks.
By 2070 we’ll anyway probably all have succumbed to the Omega Varient. I guess the writing – in this case the Greek alphabet – was on the wall when we elected a classicist as PM.
And finally: ‘Man ewe… Ronaldo moves out of mansion after he’s kept awake by sheep‘ – (Sun) these multimillionaire celebs, they always find something to bleat about. At least he’s not been distrubed by men from the ministry outside his window shooting an alpaca to death.
” Readership surveys by social class have found the Mirrorâs audience is skewed towards manual worker. Annecdotally, we hear the editorial board are deeply disappointed by this â perhaps having an eye to advertising revenue. Mirror journos would rather ape the Guardian. ”
Better to have a large readership that buys something than a non-existent readership that buy a lot?
Rather like the ‘Conservative’ Party that tries to appease the BBC and The Guardian, the fans of which will never vote Conservative, while straining the loyalty of true conservatives to the limit.
It is a lot easier to build on a brand than telling your old customers that you don’t want them anymore and then seeking new customers who are already well supplied.
BBC over-75s free TV licence transition period to end in July
Published29 June
Next⌠Femi on lorry driver shortages⌠due to Brexit.
Has Roger Harrabin set himself on fire in the bbc patio yet using carbon free accelerants?
The sun rises every morning due to climate change.
Food shortages and wars have occurred since time immemorial. Also during that period, the climate has warmed and cooled, in cycles, and will continue to do so. So will the food shortages, and wars.
I take it that this is the same Ralf Little who stars in the BBC’s Death in Paradise?
Filmed on Guadeloupe in the Caribbean. By what eco-friendly means does he make his way there?
He swam from Belgium!
Looks as if Ralph Littleâs Twitter photo is of him in in an aeroplane, possibly in the pilot/co pilot position – not overly sensitive considering the subject of his tweet
Does Nadine Dorries visit this site ? Something tells that me she does .
Well will find out soon .
Iâm surprised Princess Carrie nut nuts has allowed Boris to promote the lovely Nadine.
Sheâs actually on the right side of politics and will hopefully do something about the far left bbbc.
I really hadn’t understood just how far New Zealand had moved to the left to fully embrace Marxism.
Sky News Australia: “Bolt: Ardernâs âwoke politicsâ leading New Zealand towards âa form of apartheidâ”
All the hallmarks of the left: Government work surreptitiously and clandestinely to conceal what they are up to.
The, “West” and its members are all doomed (“I tell ye!”)
If people don’t wake up soon, the madness will continue its acceleration.
Rajapaksaâs experiment with organic farming in Sri Lanka a warning to developing countries
The Sri Lankan government would do well to listen to the countryâs agricultural scientists and not to quacks masquerading as experts.
R RamakumarR RAMAKUMAR 10 September, 2021 6:34 pm IST
She’s an overpromoted dimwit provincial local councillor, paddling in the shallows – isn’t she?
“These people who are not taking the Covid-19 injection – they’re not thinking of the other people that they leave behind.”
Mr McAllister said the rest of his family had been left to “pick up the pieces” and he urged the public to “listen to the experts” and get vaccinated.
I “listened to the experts” and decided to remain unvaccinated.
Experts … Soviet scientists who refused to renounce genetics were dismissed from their posts and left destitute. Hundreds if not thousands of others were imprisoned. Several were sentenced to death as enemies of the state, including the botanist Nikolai Vavilov.[4] Lysenko’s actions and practices contributed to the famines that killed millions of Soviet people;[4] the adoption of his methods from 1958 in the People’s Republic of China had similarly calamitous results, culminating in the Great Chinese Famine of 1959 to 1962.[4]
Children Under 12
In March 2021, Pfizer and BioNTech dosed the first healthy children in a global Phase 1/2/3 continuous study to further evaluate the safety, tolerability, and immunogenicity of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine in children 11 years to 6 month old.
It all went to⌠places⌠when Ben Hunte left.
Remember Andrew Breitbart disbanding a crowd âŚAndrew Breitbart Confronts Hateful Protesters At Right Nation 2010
How Andrew Breitbart Helped Launch Huffington Post
BuzzFeed founder Jonah Peretti, a HuffPo cofounder, recalls their brief partnership on the record for the first time. “At war with himself,” but at least it paid for the remodeling of his kitchen.
“Most office workers will never return full-time, survey says”
Nice multi culti photo.
However, these office workers should be aware that many of their online jobs could be moved to countries where wages are far less .
These office workers may end up working as lorry drives, ground workers or builders mates .
The Viatris plant in West Virginia has been making pharmaceuticals since 1965 â but itâs closing down and laying workers off
Michael Sainato
Sun 20 Jun 2021 08.00 BST
âDisbelief. Distraught and traumatized.â
Just some of the words the United Steelworkers Local 8-957 president, Joe Gouzd, used to describe how he and hundreds of other workers felt after their 56-year-old pharmaceutical plant in West Virginia was shut down, sending between 1,500 and 2,000 jobs to India and Australia
I did read that MarkyMark and couldn’t but notice the rabid and multiple attempts to link it to Trump, they will do anything to protect the stupid dolt in the White House because he’s their puppet.
Agree! Apparently they voted for Biden, so you make your bed and lie in it.
I donât think Trump would have stood by and let this happen without intervention.
Bound to have an effect – needing less space at exorbitant rents, fewer coffee machines, outsourcing personnel, etc.
Sending a lot of junior jobs to cheaper countries would make a lot of sense, but not to get on the green energy bandwagon, they need to justify huge hikes in power costs, nearly 50% in my case!
Two black women and three white women. No white males at all.
Sexist and racist as usual.
Knowing what I do about the Left now, I honestly think a large part of why the BBC do it is spite. A defining characteristic of the Left.
Fitness tracking app Strava gives away location of secret US army bases. Sensitive information about the location and staffing of military bases and spy outposts around the world has been revealed by a fitness tracking company.28 Jan 2018
However, over the weekend military analysts noticed that the map is also detailed enough that it potentially gives away extremely sensitive information about a subset of Strava users: military personnel on active service.
Conservatives – tough on crime and implementing the law.
Now we now where Maxi and Piku chu are
Funniest comment on that link âRashford and Lineker sacked from Johnsonâs cabinetâ đ
On that subject, Twitter has changed lately, I am not signed up to it and it will only let me read three comments instead of limitless. It was v entertaining but Iâm not signing up out of principle.
Pity we are forced to pay for plod – here facilitating a crime .
Sky News has appointed Florence Snead as news editor. Florence was previously assistant breaking news editor at The i paper.
Fish in shallow, stagnant ponds… get fish that are already rotting from the head.
The trouble with BBC clickbait posts is they are designed to drive heat based ratings rather than light.
Has Vile picked up yet?
Money is running out for Ru Paul Drag Queen …
The BBC will end its licence fee grace period for over-75s on 31 July, with 260,000 pensioners still yet to pay.
The right to a free TV licence for that age group ended last August for all except those in receipt of the pension credit benefit.
I wonder how many of those in receipt of the pension credit benefit already have an extensive collection of nasty missives from Crapita?
other grim grifters:
Proximity London Limited
Havas Media
AMV BBDO Limited
Fishburn Communications Limited
Biden calls Australian PM ‘that fellow down under’
Goodness, the BBC actually reported it. But bizarrely they show it twice in the one clip.
As usual with the BBC, if something seems odd, look closer because they always have a reason. In this case the second one is zoomed in to show Joe smiling. Just to make sure we all think it was a joke.
Not dementia.
We all know that if it were Trump, they would have been questioning his competence to be President. But these shameless hypocrites still won’t go near it.
Time for a medical? Like Trump. And to list how many burgers he eats.
His brain is burger now.
How many “Joe Xidens” are there? He was plainly reading from an autocue, this one can actually read (still) whereas the others, not so much……
Will the real Xiden stand up? (it will be the one who continues to sit ‘cos he is so far gone).
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – bit of an own goal by the BBC, maybe? Shamima Begum is still prominently displayed on the BBC Home Page. This is a woman who ran from the UK to join ISIS to take part in the Syrian Civil War and to enlarge IS to Iraq. But she doesn’t like living in poverty and in military conflict and having switched sides to join the enemy, she now wants to switch sides again and come home to the comforts of the UK.
Remember, she is living in poverty, in dreadful conditions in a refugee camp, somewhere close to the Turkish border in Syria or Iraq. Now look at the photograph on the BBC’s Home Page on the web-site. Framed picture on the white (plastered?) wall. Hmmmn, some creature comforts then, a chair or sofa to sit on.
Now look at her. Sunglasses (expensive looking) perched on top of fairly clean looking (styled?) hair. Her face appears clean as does her western-style shirt. Does Islam and IS permit gold jewellery? I note the earring. So the poverty and hardship in that particular refugee camp appears endurable, the question is why should she be allowed to return home? She is living more comfortably than the servicemen living and sleeping on UK streets who she would have wanted killed by IS.
Islam in Bangladesh
Islam is the state religion of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh. … The majority of Bangladeshis are Sunni, and follow the Hanafi Islamic jurisprudence. Religion is an integral part of Bangladeshi identity. Despite having a Muslim-majority Bangladesh is a secular state.
Shamima, the UK-born British citizen who travelled to Syria to join ISIS at the age of 15, was planning on returning to the UK early last year before Sajid Javid, the Home Secretary at the time, took the controversial decision to revoke her British citizenship.9 Dec 2020
âBangladesh will not accept British citizen and ISIS member Shamima Begum. She has no relation with Bangladesh,â said Dr. AK Abdul Momen, as reported by state-run news agency Bangladesh Sangbad Sangstha (BSS). Not only Begum, but anyone involved in militancy will not be allowed to enter the country, said Momen.16 Feb 2020
Bangladesh? Remind me how much money we pay them every year.
Budget: ÂŁ71,718,877.37
Partnership for a Tolerant and Inclusive Bangladesh
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Partnership for a Tolerant and Inclusive Bangladesh is a one year imitative to understand and prevent violence and extremism in Bangladesh
Project identifier:
Start Date:
Activity Status:
Total Budget:
Ms Begum had previously compared the Manchester Arena bombing â in which 22 people died â to military strikes on IS strongholds, calling the terror attack âretaliationâ.
But during her interview with Susanna Reid and Richard Madeley on Good Morning Britiain she clarified her comments.
She said: âI do not believe that one evil justifies another evil. I donât think that women and children should be killed for other peopleâs motives and for other peopleâs agendas.â
Ms Begum said when she initially made the comments, she did not know that women and children were hurt in Manchester.
You are seeing but not putting two and two together.
Who is giving her money? Who is paying for her PR? Who is arranging all the styling and photography and who is paying the legal bills.
These are really important questions, because we know that there are people in the Middle East who want to see Europe Islamised. We know that the ridiculous libel case against Tommy Robinson was funded by persons unknown in the Middle East. We moan about Soros funding his hate and bile but yet the Islamic activists as dangerous as Al Qaeda but in a different way remain anonymous and uninvestigated.
T, we know there are at least two newspapers behind it. I seem to recall it was the Times and the Daily Mirror but could be wrong on that. But we are told ‘she is living in dreadful conditions’ ‘and in dreadful poverty’ and ‘that she is sorry’ and ‘asks for forgiveness’. Does it look like it?
As a piece of PR on the BBC Home Page – ughh ughhughhh!
re: Shamima …
Look at the lawyers and PR peeps ….
I wonder if the KSA Ministry of Islamic Affairs have an interest?
see here for a selection of their sponsorship efforts… but equally it could well be Qatari money the legal shite hawks are spending….
Rudd’s refusal to publish full report into extremist funding ‘unacceptable’
This article is more than 4 years old
Opposition parties criticise âsecurity-ledâ decision to release only summary, saying mention of Saudi Arabia is being buried
Ms Begum had previously compared the Manchester Arena bombing â in which 22 people died â to military strikes on IS strongholds, calling the terror attack âretaliationâ.
She said: âI did not know about the Manchester bombing when I was asked. I did not know that people were killed, I did not know that women and children were hurt because of it.â
You cannot server TWO MASTERS ..
Perhaps the other shoe lace has also come undone………….
The Telegraph
“We want more Britishness on TV, John Whittingdale tells broadcasters”
Where has he been until now ?
African British? Asian British?
Witingdale has left his ministerial post – one less red tory .
JP morgan has been employed to ovwrsee the sale of C4
I reckon Nadine got witingdale fired as part of her getting the job âŚ.next up – deal with OFCOM . A long battle âŚ
OfCom , what exactly do they do ?
They rubber stamp anything the BBC wants to do Taffman – because the majority are ex BBC âŚ.
A nod to the generously remunerated and pleasantly unhinged June Sarpong for creating this, The Ally Track: a gentle scull through the calm backwaters of critical race theory, and open for the general public to complete.
And complete it I did, although coming in third last out of 10 imaginary ethnic-minority contestants probably isn’t ideal since I’m white and male. Coincidentally, establishing these two specific demographics are the aim of the initial questions. Well fancy that.
“Marks & Spencer blames Brexit as it closes 11 French stores”
“Marks & Spencer has said it is closing 11 of its French stores because of problems supplying them with fresh and chilled foods since Brexit.”
Does anyone believe that this is the true reason ?
Can we see the actual reasons rather than word soup – what goods?
What has increased and decreased in price? Has France raised rent prices?
Remind me, what overseas jurisdictions has Marks and Spencer ‘enjoyed’ previous failures?
We,ll see your Brammer and Raise you a Dorries”
Your move punk!
If only that could come true.
ps Bashir Police investigation dropped ….why?
Alleged plan to make broadcasters produce more ‘British TV like the carry on films’ !
See link ..
( the lefties on another allegedly non political forum I look at are going loopy over this !)
If only this would actually happen ! Some hope ! Looking forward to ‘ carry on at the mosque’, ‘ carry on in the kebab house ‘ and more similar new ‘ British ‘ classics …
For a start the article describes Dr Who and great ‘British’ bake off as examples of Britishness … hmmmm …
SEBASTIAN SHAKESPEARE: BBC humiliates former Bake Off winner Nadiya Hussain by axing her Mecca pilgrimage series
PUBLISHED: 01:07, 22 August 2018 | UPDATED: 07:45, 22 August 2018
Build them up, then knock them down.
Ouija sessions with Benny Hill and Dick Emery are progressing well?
I hear on Toady earlier that a rerun of ‘The Railway Children’ is proposed……………
I suppose that at least the knifers will be off their killing sprees.
Last year, Tory MP Sir Bill Cash criticised the BBC for appointing a Muslim, Fatima Salaria, as its head of religious programming for TV for a second time. He said: âIt is really important that we have a proper balance.â When the BBC announced the series last May, it spoke gushingly of how Nadiya was âthe perfect person to share with viewers her experience of one of the worldâs truly great human spectaclesâ.
It commissioned Top Hat Productions to make the series, and months had been spent obtaining permits from the famously impenetrable Saudi Arabian regime. Top Hat also organised an all-Muslim crew.
No jews … all-Muslim crew..
No LGBT … all-Muslim crew..
No Christians … all-Muslim crew.
“Military to be called in to help Scottish ambulance crews”
The British Army rescues the Scottish NHS.
Taliban Army from Afghanistan with their new shiny equipment?
BBC Newsbeat
Mani, a student from India, tells Newsbeat his parents have had to remortgage their house to cover his visa costs.
Seems the audience might not relate to this as much as the girls in the cubicle gardens. Or the wimmin.
“Swansea man jailed after CCTV operator witnessed rape”
Will he really get deported ?
Turkey Al-Turkey, 26, of Cwm Level Road in Brynhyfryd, Swansea, attacked the woman outside the city’s Civic Centre on 18 July.
It looks like GB News might be getting some competition.
The Sun is involved in a new tv station starting in 2022 which has amongst its presenters Piers Morgan, Mike Graham, Trisha Goddard and JHB.
Itâs called News UK.
âRead all about itâ in the Sun today.
It can only be a good thing and might keep GB News from drifting left/woke.
Itâs possible it may be unbiased or neutral but it looks like it may be right leaning.
I think some people have noticed Fox in the USA being the most watched channel and have realised thereâs a big opportunity here for non woke far left channels (which means every channel except GBN)
Also, Fox Australia (where âthat fellaâ comes from) are a successful right leaning channel.
Wake Up: Why the âliberalâ war on free speech is even more dangerous than Covid-19
Why the âliberalâ war on free speech is even more dangerous than Covid-19
By Piers Morgan
On Sale: October 15, 2020
Piers is not for the UK – he would take the shilling from China if required.
Shame that the Tories all appear to be watching CNN and reading NYT and WaPo believing Blairism is the popular option.
I messed up the second last paragraph (above) but I think you all know what I meant to put.
Trisha Goddard is a gold standard race stirrer who never lets black excellence get in the way of implied victimhood, so donât get your hopes up.