Midweek Thread 6 October 2021

The BBC and its’ mass media friends are intent on increasing shortages – either actual or fictional . It’s a dream subject for the BBC – it can both frighten people and blame its’ enemy – the government – Brexit – you – me …….

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581 Responses to Midweek Thread 6 October 2021

  1. StewGreen says:

    2:15pm trailer Jim Al Khalili
    “We are on the run up a hugely important Climate event : Cop26
    … BBC Radio4’s Day Of The Scientists
    Next Tuesday”

    “scientists” would that be a word trickery ?
    that = “selected sciency mates of mine, that will push green agendas”

    I’m looking at the line up
    I don’t see how 3 or 4 shows counts as “Day of The Scientists”


    • Guest Who says:

      BBC News

      Cities have had to rethink security in the face of Covid. Here are the ones doing it well, according to the Economist Intelligence Unit.


      Travel? Not, presumably, with Greta in the aisle seat, pre COP.


    • StewGreen says:

      The day’s schedule looks like the normal R4 day

      – A few shows pushing the black/refugee agendas

      – A few shows pushing the GREEN agendas

      9 am Jim and his mates
      11 am prog about Black Green politics
      11:30am REPEAT ” terrifying scale of the climate crisis?” from Jan 2020

      3:30pm Costing the Earth promoting Earthshot

      4:30pm Book prog : two BBC/Guardian folks promoting sciency books

      8pm Jim interviews Patrick Vallance
      blurb “Shockingly, only about 10% of civil servants have a scientific training. ”
      What does that mean ?
      Many civil servants will have science A levels and done labwork at uni

      9;30pm REPEAT Another Guardian man Alok Jha : from August


      • Nibor says:

        It should have read
        Shockingly only 10% of senior civil servants do any work .
        Could also have read
        Shockingly only 10% of senior civil servants see their loyalty is to Britain .


    • MarkyMark says:

      Science is settled …
      Learn to pronounce
      the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment.


      • Eddy Booth says:

        “A system of understanding the physical universe that is open to adapting to new information, even if that new information means that what was previously assumed to be true has to be henceforth regarded as false.
        Contrary to popular belief, a scientist does not (or at least should not) attempt to prove their theories correct, but rather attempt to find any flaw in the theory, so as to gain a better understanding of the fundamental principal being studied”


        • MarkyMark says:

          In February-March 1616, the Catholic Church issued a prohibition against the Copernican theory of the earth’s motion. This led later (1633) to the Inquisition trial and condemnation of Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) as a suspected heretic, which generated a controversy that continues to our day. Do these Church actions prove the incompatibility between science and religion? What lessons can be learned from the thought and actions of Galileo, who became the “Father of Modern Science”?


  2. s.trubble says:

    Contemplating the forthcoming Savile bBC documentary it will be interesting to see how they portray Savile,s numerous visits to Celtic FC,

    Recently a class action has been filed and is due to be heard involving 25 abused victims of Celtic Fc and its Boys Club,

    This episode is truly one of Scotland,s darkest where despite numerous requests an external investigation one has been refused,

    bBC Scotlands coverage has been negligible over the years,

    The class action is believed to be the tip of the iceberg with speculation that the full number is in excess of 200 victims.

    2 Paedophiles employed by Celtic Fc and astonishingly one of them was even employed twice have been tried and convicted.

    Much comment has been made of the light sentences both have received,

    I,ve probably answered my own question regarding the bBC doc,
    Given these events any content will surely now be lying on the cutting room floor.

    The SNP role in all of this has been to deny a full independent investigation . however as usual with this cretinous bunch of grievance mongers they could end up on the wrong side of events.


    • StewGreen says:

      documentary ?
      Isn’t it a Steve Coogan drama ?


      • Fedup2 says:

        I saw somewhere that ITV have done a documentary on Mr Saville – not sure if it’s gone out yet … I still think Idris or Lenny should play our jimmy in the ‘drama ‘ which is called ‘white wash ‘…



    • Thatcherrevolutionary says:

      SNP are firmly in bed with Celtic FC. Humza Useless ‘Health Secretary’ has been photographed in a Celtic hoodie.


  3. StewGreen says:

    4:30pm Sciency show
    #2 Nobel prizes “Oh there is one problem this year
    all the recipients were men
    the panel has missed their opportunity for SOCIAL ENGINEERING”

    FFS BBC/Guardianland have no idea what EQUALITY means


    • StewGreen says:

      #3 Forests and climate change
      what’s the impact of increased CO2 on then 150 parts/million more
      FFS today is 0.04% they’ve made it 0.055%
      ie the amount of Non CO2 is 99.06% and then is 99.045%
      That’s surely not like a 10% CO atmosphere
      She claimed growth increases by “upto” 30%
      I find that difficult to believe

      #4 The refugee children who go into deep sleep
      …They’ve reported this before
      The medical condition is magically fixed when their asylum deciion is changed in their favour


    • MarkyMark says:

      Awarding the Nobel Peace Prize to US President Barack Obama in 2009 failed to achieve what the committee hoped it would, its ex-secretary has said.

      Geir Lundestad told the AP news agency that the committee hoped the award would strengthen Mr Obama.

      Instead, the decision was met with criticism in the US. Many argued he had not had any impact worthy of the award.



  4. StewGreen says:

    New R4 Tweet


  5. pugnazious says:

    Oh the irony of this being a BBC pogramme…the BBC that is at the forefront of the imposition of everything Orwell warns of….


    • MarkyMark says:

      Comments ….

      Orwell: “Don’t let it happenm,, it depends on you”
      Population: “What’s on NetFlix tonight”


  6. StewGreen says:

    Live now : Anne Widdecombe, Lawrence Fox
    on the NCF weekly discussion


  7. Guest Who says:


  8. Guest Who says:

    He he.

    Were I flying to Glasgow, Farnborough is where I’d drop in.


    • Guest Who says:

      Maybe give Glasgow Arrivals a miss for the foreseeable future.


      • vlad says:

        The BBC try to bury this horrific story in Regions, naturally.

        And they claim the psycho-freak is ‘from Cardiff’.

        I thought the name didn’t sound very Welsh, and a 2 minute Google search revealed the name Milad is islamic, and Rouf is most common in Pakistan and Bangladesh.

        So not exactly Jones then.



        • Guest Who says:

          This will solve it all.


          • Guest Who says:

            As will…


          • MarkyMark says:

            Slaves were owned in all Islamic societies, both sedentary and nomadic, ranging from Arabia in the centre to North Africa in the west and to what is now Pakistan and Indonesia in the east. Some Islamic states, such as the Ottoman Empire, the Crimean Khanate, and the Sokoto caliphate [Nigeria], must be termed slave societies because slaves there were very important numerically as well as a focus of the polities’ energies.

            Encyclopaedia Britannica – Slavery



          • micknotmike says:

            I think black history should be taught in schools, as long as it’s truthful. “Up to a couple of hundred years ago the blacks walked around naked with bones through their noses and lived in mud huts.” For your homework explain why these savages think that fgm is acceptable, even if you move to the west. To see how the blacks lived, visit Zimbabwe now or South Africa in twenty years time.


            • BRISSLES says:

              A lot of them still do on a Saturday night, oh, and they’re now called ‘piercings’.


      • Fedup2 says:

        The standard of ‘medical student ‘ must be taking a dip a bit – maybe it’s cultural …


      • MarkyMark says:

        Acid of honour.


  9. Guest Who says:

    Happy memories.

    Sopes must be tripping.


  10. Guest Who says:


  11. Guest Who says:

    It’s just so hard to know who to trust with the… checks notes… ‘news’.


    • MarkyMark says:

      Leaders of the free world dance as rome burns and it’s citizens sit at home fearful of leaving the front door.


  12. Thoughtful says:

    I’m going to post this again because it’s worth watching even if it is 48 minutes long – she even manages a dig at the BBC in it too !


  13. Guest Who says:

    In 11 hrs, only a few more reactions than years.


    • Guest Who says:


      Radio 4

      Are you heartbroken?

      Advice from Rosie Green.

      On getting that way further, presumably, being the bbc.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Ha ha 75 years of ‘arnt men b stards? ‘…. ( I’m guessing cos I’ve never heard it )….


  14. Sluff says:

    Not content with splashing the story on Toady, the seditious, traitorous, disgusting, anti British BC feature on the 6 pm tv news an interview with one Nicole Jack , who took her kids to live with ISIS but swears she never saw anything. One kid died in an airstrike – no doubt the evil Americans are to blame- and of course we MUST feel sorry for the children. Mustn’t we? Yes yes yes, is the clear opinion of the BBC.

    Come on Ms Dorries. Get in there and sort them out.


  15. Sluff says:

    BBC 1 6 pm news.
    A feature about the 2022 Commonwealth Games.
    An ‘athlete’ is interviewed. Quote
    ‘I’m a disabled, black, female……..’

    Only at the BBC. Tick, tick, tick. And no insight whatever, only pathetic narrative.


  16. Fedup2 says:

    Dipped into Hugh on the BBC news – presenting a story about pensioners’ fuel bills going up . I can’t remember how much Hugh is on a year – is it £600 k?

    I’m guessing it’s just another news story to him . I had a little dose of socialism – that some how he is not worth it and it is unfair . However market forces dictate his pay right ?
    Except no it doesn’t because it is tax funded and guaranteed …
    Looking to cut back on spending to meet ‘soaring fuel bills ‘ – at a couple of clicks you can cancel the DD to the BBC licence fee. You’ll feel warmer …


    • Sluff says:

      No longer in the EU of course but back in the day it was possible to compare electricity and gas consumer prices with other EU countries.

      For years and years we were the cheapest or very close, For both gas and electric, beaten only by e.g. Lithuania. France and Germany were way above our rates. A triumph for a market based competitive energy industry.

      But of course such inconvenient truths will never feature on the BBC.


      • Guest Who says:

        Wait until Lewis gets him back in for a duet.


        • MarkyMark says:

          Brexit causes Chinese fuel problems- ha ha ha ha.


        • MarkyMark says:

          As the world starts to reopen after the pandemic, demand for Chinese goods is surging and the factories making them need a lot more power.

          Rules imposed by Beijing as it attempts to make the country carbon neutral by 2060 have seen coal production slow, even as the country still relies on coal for more than half of its power.



    • Garry Lavin says:

      Grrr. The pensions people owe me some payments. They say the rules have changed…so I can’t have a lump sum. I’ll die before I get it.
      No wonder I get bitter.


  17. Sluff says:

    Boy, have I taken one for the team this evening.

    BBC London. Wall to wall feature about women ‘feeling safe on the streets’.

    Not mentioned. The five times greater chance of men being murdered. Especially by knife attacks.

    Pathetic head in the sand selective reporting to plug an agenda. No attempt for balance, proportionality, impartiality, or objective reporting and information provision whatsoever.

    Next up. Yet another Grenfell Tower ‘story’
    Errrr, no. Off switch.


    • R P McMurphy says:

      Same on BBC look North ( Leeds ) opening story on domestic violence, male of course, never talk about female violence it doesn’t happen according to them.


  18. Fedup2 says:

    Stuff – elsewhere ( Tewkesbury ) a local man has been charged with a stabbing murder . The local man is called ‘can arslan’ which by my reckoning makes him local to Turkey . Cultural enrichment at its ‘best …..

    As for londonistan murders – the research posted here on the last thread – which must copy out – says it so much .

    Sadly wimmin will always be preyed on by some evil men. And saying that wimmin should not have to adapt their behaviour to the street environment is just – frankly – dumb – how ever noble the theory may be ….


    • Sluff says:

      In my declining years, I’d struggle if up against a bunch of knife-wielding vibrant community members.
      So what do I do. ? I minimise the risk. I shouldn’t havevto of course, but I do.
      Walk in busy places. Walk in well lit areas.
      Cross the road to avoid groups. Look as if I’m with others.
      Try and be with others.
      What is wrong with women taking a few easy steps to minimise risk and deter the infinitesimally small number of murderous thugs out there?


      • BRISSLES says:

        I live in a very low crime rate part of England, but now its dark at 7pm I won’t walk my dog up my well lit road. Daft I ain’t.


    • StewGreen says:

      The Turkish guy has been “charged with the murder of his neighbour ”
      it says


  19. taffman says:

    “Ambulance delays in Wales costing crews thousands of hours”

    “The Welsh government said: “Health boards are responsible for improving ambulance patient handover times and we expect to see them deliver improvement in this area.”

    Thanks to the Welsh Assembly who are ‘passing the buck’ .

    The assembly is a waste of public money, its just another tier in the bureaucracy. Not fit for purpose.


  20. Fedup2 says:



    • MarkyMark says:

      Not guilty! Not guilty! … OK, guilty!
      “At a pre-trial hearing at Preston Crown Court on 16 April 2013, Hall pleaded guilty to 14 charges of indecent assault involving 13 girls aged between 9 and 17 years old. He (Stuart Hall) was released on bail pending sentencing on 17 June. Reporting restrictions prevented the media from making the news public until 2 May 2013, when the Crown Prosecution Service elected not to pursue the rape charge or three other indecent assault charges relating to the same complainant, who had decided not to give evidence. Hall made a statement through his barrister, issuing an “unreserved apology” to his victims” {wiki}

      – I wonder how much the BBC TV Tax payer, under threat of prison, paid the likes of Stuart Hall to give him access to children and a celebrity status to make him untouchable?
      – The series (It’s a Knockout) was broadcast on BBC1 from 7 August 1966 to 30 July 1982,


    • Sluff says:

      Not on the BBC, i notice- without surprise.


  21. Dover Sentry says:

    Cut a long story short, I spoke with an HGV driver today. He does not deliver fuel to garages, but he was clear that our BBC caused the fuel panic.


  22. MarkyMark says:

    Later today Marcus Rashford will become the youngest ever recipient of an honorary degree from The University of Manchester. I am Chancellor at University of Manchester. This is a highlight of my seven year tenure .


    • JimS says:

      I assume MarkyMark isn’t really titular head of the University of Manchester?

      His posts are as confusing as StewGreen‘s, who delightfully managed to elevate Fedup2 to role of book author the other week, having read ‘ I have nearly finished a book’ as if Fed was about to put his pen down.

      Come back Stanley Unwin, we have need of thee.


      • Fedup2 says:

        Yes inside the mind of our stew is a place of wonder . …I finished the book on the American civil war… putting into context of what has been happening in the South recently – there must be a lot of proud confederates quietly seething ….


        • StewGreen says:

          @JimS “Stew .. who delightfully managed to elevate Fedup2 to role of book author”

          There was a smiley face at the end of the line I wrote
          indicating it was a joke.

          Fed “Im just finishing a book about the American Civil War”

          Stew replied : OCTOBER 3, 2021 AT 9:15 PM
          Have you got a publication date for your book yet ? 🙂


          • Fedup2 says:

            Stew – lighten up – just joking a little – I apologise if I have offended …


            • StewGreen says:

              @Fed, I was referring @Jim at 7:41pm, who took a joke as serious.


              • Fedup2 says:

                Stew – I know – it’s an internet thing ..


                • JimS says:

                  What with the irony that Americans apparently don’t understand, the inversion of language by ‘the left’, expressions that normal people have never heard of, like ‘gaslighting’, (even my granny gave up on that in 1962), the multi-letter acronyms and abbreviations, never the twain shall meet, we are now expected to be fluent in those irritating micro-icons as well!

                  Perhaps 97% of internet traffic is mis-communication?


      • MarkyMark says:

        Manchester – same place this happened …

        Students at the University of Manchester have painted over a mural of a poem by Rudyard Kipling, arguing that the writer “dehumanised people of colour”.

        The poem If, which was written around 1895, had been painted on the wall of the university’s newly refurbished students’ union. But students painted over the verses, replacing them with the 1978 poem Still I Rise by theUS poet and civil rights activist Maya Angelou.

        In a statement on Facebook, Sara Khan, the union’s liberation and access officer, said students had not been consulted about the art that would decorate the union building.



    • Sluff says:

      Pity the folk who actually have to work for one.


  23. Philip_2 says:

    Kelly Gold writes in the Telegraph today about her experience at the BBC ‘TOTP.

    Excerpts here: (edited)

    I was 14 when I first appeared in the audience on Top of the Pops. It was 1969 and I’d been in stage school since the age of five. Through my child acting career, I’d been to the BBC on hundreds of previous occasions, appearing on shows with Cilla Black and Cliff Richard as well as in BBC dramas.

    …I was working on The Cilla Black Show when one of the stage managers asked me and a few other girls if we wanted to come on TOTP and dance at the front of the audience, since we were all trained dancers. The girls he asked were all attractive, with that Sixties stage school look of blonde hair and a pretty face.

    …It’s shocking now to think that after arriving at the BBC in our school uniform, we were taken to the bar and plied with alcohol by older men. It made me feel like an adult. But of course I was still a child.

    …It was during my second or third appearance on the show that a stage manager asked me and a couple of my friends to follow him to Savile’s dressing room. We did as we were told. It wasn’t a large room and it felt very full as there were quite a few people in there already: Savile himself, plus several other men and a couple of older girls. Everyone in there seemed to be drinking champagne and, because it was cramped, the girls were on the men’s laps. 

    I was handed a flute of champagne. I’d had a strict Catholic upbringing and had never touched alcohol before. (It was only later that I was taken to the BBC bar.) I’m not sure how long it was before Savile pulled me onto his knee, but …When he then started moving his hands up the inside of my dress, I immediately pushed them away and jumped off his knee. 

    …This all took place in a roomful of people, yet no one behaved as if anything untoward was going on. In fact, the other adults in the room were doing things to the other girls. It wasn’t only Savile.

    …I didn’t tell any adults what Savile had done. I didn’t want to make waves and probably also felt I would not be believed. I had to go to the BBC often and didn’t want to be cast out or become some kind of whistleblower. 

    Of course I could never have imagined the scale of Savile’s offending – Dame Janet Smith’s report published in 2016 found he abused at least 72 people in connection with his work at the BBC, while an NSPCC study found the total number of his victims across all settings was at least 500.

    …And I knew my friend Claire McAlpine had also been a target…..

    Claire was almost 15. She too was a stage school pupil and had been invited to Savile’s dressing room. She’d started “dating” some of the celebrities she met at the BBC and she lost her virginity during this time. Older men she met at the BBC would take her out for drinks or back to hotel rooms….

    …The last time I saw Claire, in 1971, she was worried. … About a fortnight later, my grandfather was reading the News of the World and I spotted a story over his shoulder that shocked me to the core: Claire had taken her own life at her home in Watford. I was devastated. 

    Claire had kept a diary. In it, she had recorded the names of the men she’d been involved with, the places they’d gone to, the hotels they’d taken her to and what had happened in the dressing rooms. Her mother found the diary and took it to the police. It should have been a smoking gun. But the police took the diary off her and it never surfaced again. 
    Claire was dismissed as a fantasist who had made everything up. But I knew she had not. She was a victim of child abuse.

    Meanwhile, Savile was allowed to continue going from one show to another, molesting and abusing. He was probably the most famous man on television. A saint who, in 1990, was given a knighthood and died a decade ago without ever being brought to justice.

    Savile: Portrait Of A Predator airs on ITV at 9pm on Thursday October 7

    Note: The BBC are clearly abusers of children. Now they tell them they have ‘equal opportunity’ to do all the the things they could not do before and call it a ‘human right’. The BBC still campaign for the age of consent to be lowered to 12 by a (so called) BBC ‘expert’. According to the BBC Jimmy Savile never actually ‘worked’ for the BBC, although his chauffeur committed suicide rather than admit taking part. This led to Operation ‘Yewtree ‘by the Police. 150 arrests later but very few charges made due to lack of evidence. One abuser being over 80.

    BBC claim to be the victim here. Shocking. The BBC should have been closed down then, any private company with this record, would be immediately closed down and forced to resign. Nobody at the BBC cared. Nor did anybody resign. Or admitted guilt.


    • MarkyMark says:

      And now the BBC make a documentary and make money from the victims.

      The World at One
      BBC Radio 4, 27 July 2021

      In an item about Portpatrick a contributor claimed that the Killantringan Lighthouse had the only working fog horn on the Scottish mainland and a recording was played. In fact the lighthouse is out of use and listeners heard a recording of the nearby Mull of Galloway lighthouse fog horn, which is operated by the Mull of Galloway Trust.



    • Fedup2 says:

      Phillip thank you – I wonder if the ITV documentary will make any mention of Patricia Hewitt / Harriet Harmon and her help for PIE in the 70s – which also wanted to reduce the age of ‘consent ‘ for children ….

      Fortunately that killed off the chance of either of those monsters from getting the top job in their Party .


    • Dover Sentry says:

      Our BBC never learn. They are the drunk uncle who no child ever wants to be alone with again.


  24. StewGreen says:

    7:30pm ITV “How Green Is Your Supermarket”
    .. a preview took up a large slice of our local ITV news as well.

    dialogue “WE NEED TO GET TO NET ZERO !” etc.

    A claim that meat/dairy are 14% of world GHG
    and that 25% of a British persons CO2 comes from food
    most caused by meat/dairy .

    They throw such figures around
    but I take them with a pinch of salt


  25. Emmanuel Goldstein says:

    I recorded Ridley Road and as I went to watch it I was a bit puzzled.
    It ticked the usual woke/pc boxes (it has a diverse lad from a black/white marriage, very common 70-80 years ago) as a goodie and of course lots of white nazis.
    However, I haven’t spotted the gay/lesbian/whatever couple yet.
    Did I miss them or will they appear in a later episode?


  26. MarkyMark says:


    Migrants in Germany: Should they be paid to go home?

    If you’d travelled across the world to pursue a better life, would you move back in return for money?

    Germany is betting that the answer is yes.

    The country has long offered migrants and asylum seekers financial incentives to leave its shores, and until 28 February 2018 it’s prepared to pay out extra.

    Individuals will get €1,000 and families up to €3,000 (£2,650; $3,540) to cover rent or resettlement costs back in their home countries – things like basic kitchen or bathroom facilities.

    Critics say Angela Merkel’s government is trying to bribe its way out of a tricky situation, but supporters say the scheme will help sad, exhausted migrants who just want to go home.

    Germany is by no means first to this approach. So where else has done it – and is it morally wrong?



  27. StewGreen says:

    8pm Jo Brand is coming up on Channel4
    I bet you are heading over for some Farage acid attack jokes.


    • MarkyMark says:

      BBC defends Jo Brand over ‘battery acid’ joke
      Published12 June 2019


      The BBC has defended Jo Brand against claims she incited violence through comments made during a radio show.

      The comedian, a guest on BBC Radio 4’s Heresy on Tuesday, joked about throwing battery acid at “unpleasant characters” rather than milkshakes.

      Brexit Party leader Nigel Farage, who was hit by a milkshake last month, said “the police need to act”.

      The BBC said the jokes made on Heresy are “deliberately provocative as the title implies”.

      – – – – – –

      The German government has approved a criminal inquiry into a comic who mocked the Turkish president, Chancellor Angela Merkel announced.

      By law, the government must approve any use of an article of the criminal code on insulting foreign leaders.

      Mrs Merkel stressed that the courts would have the final word.


      There’s no end of grim soundbites in her press conference today. How about this one?

      “In a country under the rule of law, it is not up to the government to decide,” Merkel said. “Prosecutors and courts should weight personal rights against the freedom of press and art.”

      Bog off, tosser. A free society does not threaten a guy with years in gaol for writing a poem. If you don’t know that that’s wrong, you should just cut to the chase and appoint yourself mutasarrıfa of Erdogan’s neo-Ottoman sanjak of Berlin.


    • MarkyMark says:

      Jo Brand – paid under threat of being thrown in prison! The socialist way.


  28. StewGreen says:

    ITV webnews : “An investigation by ITV News and *Liberty*
    Investigates found that the number of hate crime cases in which officers identified a suspect and took action against them fell from 14,866 in 2015 to 14,398 in 2020
    – despite the number of reports climbing to more than 100,000.”

    #1 rising REPORTING, probably literally that
    the same number of events, but they are more often being reported rather than the person not bothering

    #2 Articles that quote an NGO, are probably cutNpasted from the NGO’s PR material



  29. theisland says:


    The bBC “is expected to become latest organisation to walk away from controversial LGBT charity’s Diversity Champions programme – after slew of public and private firms quit scheme.”

    bBC ‘source’ says “‘So the current plan is to quietly withdraw from the scheme, by just not renewing their membership. I’m super scared about this sliding back on supporting LGBT employees.”


  30. StewGreen says:

    ITV local news seemed like a wokefest
    I think we started with a trans story
    – promo item for 7:30pm show about Green Supermarkets
    – “scary : energy prices might push up the price of school dinners”
    – then finished on an item about a trans child


  31. StewGreen says:

    A Police Officer working in Barnsley has been arrested on suspicion of misconduct in a public office after having a relationship with a female victim of crime.

    The officer was arrested on September 13 following an internal report regarding concerns that the officer was having an inappropriate relationship, he has also been arrested on suspicion of corruption.
    tweeted by ITV local, but strange it’s taken a month to become public.


  32. theisland says:

    The savages got £1,958,699 in legal aid.
    The victims got nothing.


  33. StewGreen says:

    10pm Channel4 : Hunting the Football Trolls
    Ex-footballer and TV pundit Jermaine tracks the huge rise in online abuse of Black players.

    Coming face to face with a troll, he asks are social media firms doing enough about racism?

    Social-media trolls are often vicious but those who rage anonymously at footballers are on another level.

    When Marcus Rashford, Bukayo Saka and Jadon Sancho missed penalties at this summer’s Euro 2020 final, they faced a firestorm of racist abuse online – a type of hate speech that had already risen dramatically during lockdown.

    So why haven’t social media companies cracked down on messages that would be illegal in any other medium *? (would they)

    Pundit and presenter Jermaine Jenas, who himself receives daily online abuse, investigates the problem and talks to other players on the receiving end, including Anita Asante and Kyle Walker.


  34. StewGreen says:

    The small niche that watches Ru Pauls Drag race
    are tweeting that the BBC has put up a new episode on Twitter

    lucky that the BBC uses its £5.5bn pa for them.


  35. Fedup2 says:


    Forced myself to watch ITV for the first time in a long time . I’m in a country which doesn’t have TV licences so no laws have been broken …

    Any way .. the ITV documentary squeezes a Huge number of events into a very limited time . Mr saville deserves a whole series … I reckon it would take – maybe 6 hours or more ….

    …. I guess there is an argument for just tippexing saville out of British life . But what he did highlights the way in which society can be exploited quite easily by someone evil and devious enough . Any one described as ‘larger than life ‘ needs a ‘health warning ‘….


    • Jeff says:

      Yes I saw that and I thought they let the BBC off very lightly.

      The BBC knew all about this creature’s creepy tendencies for decades. It’s just no good saying “He was a powerful man.” FFS he was a bloody disc jockey, not a leading member of the mafia…

      The BBC, knowing what he was like, gave him his own show, Jim’ll Fix It. It was regular Saturday teatime viewing and he became the nation’s favourite uncle and gained access to thousands upon thousands of underage girls.

      Savile was a vile paedo nonce and was rewarded for his perversions…

      The BBC acted as his pimp.


  36. Guest Who says:

    When BBC disappears up its own fundament, it does so in style.



  37. Guest Who says:

    And then, ‘could’ from the bbc specialist everything celeb’s team…


    • Guest Who says:



    • G says:

      Just about sums it up: Blacks are undeservedly given the trinkets which everybody else has to work for simply to be seen putting them on a mental pedestal.


  38. Guest Who says:

    Or Sleepy?



    • vlad says:

      How very drôle (not).

      And for that we pay him over a quarter of a million quid?


    • BigBrotherCorporation says:

      What a man Jon is, bet he doesn’t do anything to his hair… his personal stylist just might though.


  39. Guest Who says:

    When tragedy strikes, Sangita can truly add to the story.


  40. taffman says:

    “Marcus Rashford: Child poverty may rise as Universal Credit top-up ends”
    How much does he earn from playing a simple game?
    How much does he give to charity?


    • JohnC says:

      His blatant lie that he writes his own social media posts was just uncovered.

      And if he lied about that, he will lie about anything. As my dad told me, you can cure a thief but you can never cure a liar.


      • Scroblene says:

        Luckily, I don’t read or listen to anything from minor sleb footballers, whatever colour or shape.

        Rashford is a nonentity for most normal citizens anyway, so he just panders to the thick and stupid, who may even think they understand – good luck to them.


  41. taffman says:

    “Armed forces to help Welsh Ambulance Service as drivers”
    Further to my earlier post it is now getting worse . Who’s fault, The ‘Assembly’, or the over paid NHS ‘Trustees’ , or both?
    Napoleon once referred us as a nation of ‘shop keepers’, we are now a nation of ‘pen pushers’ .
    How say you , bias warchers?


    • JohnC says:

      We a nation of ‘service providers’. AKA ‘skimmers’.

      People taking bits of other peoples money to shuffle paperwork around but having no effect whatsoever on the real world.

      They got so used to it, none of them want to actually have to work any more now all the cheap labour has gone back home.


  42. taffman says:

    “Up to 1.5m more could struggle to pay energy bills next year”
    Scrap the ‘Green subsidies’ !
    Why should the poor of this nation be forced to pay this subsidy when China, the USA and India are the biggest culprits?
    Thanks a bunch Bo Jo . By the way , when are you resigning ?


    • Scroblene says:

      ‘Funny’ that the average annual increase in electricity costs is almost exactly the same as the TV tax forced from pensioners.

      An elderly naighbour near our village has left to go into a care home, and because she’s a good friend, a few of us are looking after her home until it is sold.

      There are three threatening letters from the TV tax collectors, and all are unpleasant reading, even for a world-weary Scrobs. The last one is particularly evil, and reads unpleasantly enough to frighten many elderly people to the extent that they would fear for their safety.

      These bastards in W1AA will need to do a lot of explaining when the press eventually get off their arses and start investigating this disgraceful bullying by a fat, ugly body of over-paid, nasty people. If they uncover just one case, then a serious ton of bricks could well fall.

      How’s about some fake news then, from a normal rag like The Mail or even The Telegraph? It can be made believeable, as the BBC are expert at hiding the truth.


      • Scroblene says:

        Just to add a rider here, I’ve just seen the fourth letter from these arseholes.

        It is truly frightening for elderly citizens to be savagely bullied in this way.

        Boris had better get moving bloody soon, and Nadine must take the BBC down as soon as she can.

        The letter is an utter disgrace, and even the Inland Revenue wouldn’t send such a violent threat to ageing people.

        Sod the lot of them.

        (Boris, if you don’t get sodding well moving, then ask Greg Clark why I won’t vote for him ever again, and I’ll mobilise my chums as well – with lots and lots of similar nasty, evil, bullying letters, all poked in the direction of Tunbridge Wells*…).

        * = without a stamp.


  43. TrickCyclist says:

    Not BBC but ITV News at Ten. In a report on the malaria vaccine, John Ray in Malawi asks, “Do you think if malaria was a developed world problem, it would have been solved already?”
    BTW, if Julie Etchingham speaks any lower and slower trying to sound empathetic, she will become unintelligible. She sounds like a 45 played at 33-and-a-third.
    ITV London News, they’re banging on about statues of slave traders in the City of London. Some German woman smirks that you don’t find schools named after Nazis in her country.


  44. taffman says:

    “Andy Murray appeals for help finding lost wedding ring”
    This is the rubbish news that your telly tax pays for.
    He is that rich he could buy another one .

    Scrap the telly tax – “the tax that robs from the poor to give to the rich”.


    • JohnC says:

      Just the BBC keeping their favourites current.

      They do it everywhere : Ken Bruce has an ‘album of the week’ and a ‘record of the week’ which are nothing more than free publicity for whoever meets with the BBC’s approval and they want to give an unfair advantage.


  45. taffman says:

    “Poland’s top court ruling marks major challenge to EU laws”

    “EU indecision ‘jeopardising’ its position in Balkans – Von der Leyen”

    Are the cracks are beginning to show?
    BTW, why is the EU flag shown in the photograph ?


  46. vlad says:

    Hey BBC, when are you going to report that The Imbecile can’t tell the difference between a television and a telephone?


    • BigBrotherCorporation says:

      It’s agony just watching him make such a fool of himself.

      “Yes, yes, okay Grandpa, we all know, old Ireland, shiny brmm brmm car, big choo choo train, heard it all before. Time for your afternoon nap now, back to your chair by the fire, we’ve got a nice cup of Horlicks and some digestives for you.”


    • JohnC says:

      When he is finally removed, we will have a series of articles and documentaries about mental decline in the elderly and the BBC will talk about his deterioration whilst in office as if they never tried to hide it.

      This is the President of the USA and he can’t string a sentence together. It is the job of the media as a democratic check-and-balance to report it. This man has already personally created the disaster in Afghanistan and who knows what else he has done they are keeping from us.

      The MSM – and especially the ‘impartial’ BBC are not fit for purpose any more. They are now part of the problem. They have been overrun by far-left political activists.


      • G says:

        Can’t put a fag paper between Biden and the Bottler now even down to illegal immigration albeit on a smaller scale. It has to be a conspiracy between like minded Western ‘leaders’. No other explanation.


  47. JohnC says:

    I was reading yesterday about how they have built a completely fake oval office TV set next door to the whitehouse. Apparently it is so they can get a screen-based prompter right in front of Joe without any of being able to tell. It even has fake windows with TV screens showing pictures of the garden.

    But it seems the BBC didn’t report it.

    Anyway, that’s not why I called. I see the Tewkesbury stabbing suspect has finally been named after a suspicious couple of days delay. The name is Can Arlsan. And it’s only been released because he is in court today.

    Google tells me this is a Turkish Muslim name.

    Perhaps the delay is not actually so surprising after all. We have absolutely no details whatsoever about this story which makes me think Alan has been doing business at his snackbar.


  48. vlad says:

    The lying BBC won’t tell you this, but here’s what’s really happening on the Mexican border, from the man who used to be in charge.


  49. Twin_Town says:

    Have you seen what they are pushing…


    Trying to make everyone vegetarian or vegan or shame people into trying to be.

    I personally don’t like veg…. So they have got a snowballs chance in hell of converting me, but they push a minority view as always and make everyone believe they have to change to accommodate one view.

    It’s just negative constantly unless you are from a “non-native” British demographic, in which case you can have positive news such as one race groups or be portrayed as victims.

    Early hours rant over 😁


  50. AsISeeIt says:

    From yet another NHS SOS
    To HMS Pinafore

    If Sir Keir Starmer was our superhero Captain Hindsight for the coronavirus panic, then the Guardian today makes a play for the title Major Hindsight – insisting the Tory goverment ought to have spent millions on pandemic mitigation four years before we knew the Chinese were going to have their lab leak: ‘Coronavirus report in 2016 warned of need for tracing and more PPE‘ – steady on Guardianistas, pandemic pre-planning? This is just the sort of headline that plays into those dreaded conspiracy theories.

    2016 of course just happens to be their year of the beast, when we voted for Brexit.

    From the promotion Captain to Major to further high ranking top brass news in the Telegraph: ‘Boris Johnson put his foot down to appoint a Royal Navy admiral as the head of the armed forces‘ – there were one or two going spare since we have more admirals than ships these days.

    Quick CV of this latter day Nelson: “Radakin was born on 10 November 1965 in Oldham, Lancashire, England. He was educated at St. Brendan’s College and studied law at the University of Southampton, graduating with a Bachelor of Laws (LLB) degree in 1989.He qualified as a barrister, and was called to the Bar at Middle Temple in 1996. He later studied international relations and defence studies at King’s College London

    Cue a rare appearance hereabouts for Gilbert and Sullivan:

    When I was a lad I served a term
    As office boy to an Attorney’s firm.
    I cleaned the windows and I swept the floor,
    And I polished up the handle of the big front door.

    He polished up the handle of the big front door.

    I polished up that handle so carefullee
    That now I am the Ruler of the Queen’s Navee!

    The Mirror goes with: ‘NHS on high alert. Now for the Flu war. Bid to jab 35 million over fears 60,000 may die this winter from lack of immunity‘ – here we go again. Prof Van-Tam raises his bullet head on the frontpage of the Mirror.

    That other left-leaning national the ‘i’ unashamedly “goes there” in a headline: ‘Britons urged to get flu jabs to save NHS

    The NHS has now been saved more times than an England international football penalty shoot out kick.

    The Telegraph, in that midly disapproving but resigned manner of theirs, joins the excitable lefties in reporting: ‘Flu deaths may reach 60,000, say experts

    I would be interested to know, given the age profile of our population, what number experts would put on winter deaths from all causes? I think some perspective is needed here. We can’t all live forever.

    To the seemingly immortal BBC. Nadine Dorries has said recently the BBC needed “real change” in order to represent the entire UK and questioned whether the BBC will still exist in 10 years. She also remarked on the broadcaster’s “impartiality problem”

    Hence, in the spirit of progressive reasoned debate, a BBC beneficiary and fanboy comments: ‘Dorries is “a f****** idiot” Russell T Davies launches astonishing attack on the Culture Secretary and warns BBC is in grave danger‘ – as reported, don’t blame us guv, in the left-leaning ‘i’

    The Telegraph spills the beans on our self-inflicted fuel crisis: ‘Switch to E10 “major factor” in fuel crisis… greener petrol last month was… behind fuel crisis… industry chiefs have revealed

    Meanwhile the freebie Metro blames the Ruskies: ‘Vlad’s putting up gas bills. Russian iron man accused of rigging our energy prices

    Apparently Europe is powerless. The FT is left crying into its blue stary hanky: ‘The EU’s energy chief has said that Brussels is powerless to prevent the gas price surge, as she rebuffed demands to to act

    Here comes your £2,000 energy bill‘ warns the Daily Mail.

    Is it possible to panic buy gas? Should I get a big plastic balloon, put it in the spare room and fill it up now? Don’t try this at home, kids.

    Perhaps, invoking the spirit of Captain Hindsight, we ought to have fracked ourselves some gas?

    On a lighter note, speaking of panic buying: ‘What are we running out of today, folks?‘ asks the saucy Daily Satyr: ‘Knickers down and sausages are up. Pants crisis looms. Pork prices to rise

    The Mirror issues: ‘Quality Street Xmas warning‘ – well, maybe it will be just the ones in the green trianglar wrappers – they always seem to be in short supply.