“Any strategy that requires the potential women victims to be tagged rather than the violent male perpetrator will fail”.
“The cause of violence against women is a violent man, not a lone woman.”
Dear Ms. Smith, Congratulations on the recent birth of your son. Unfortunately DNA tests indicate a 95% probability that he will grow up to be a violent man.
You may opt for a post natal abortion, or failing that, retain responsibility for your child until he reaches the age of 18, at which time he will be transferred to a Pre-Crime Detention Centre for life.
Should you be considering getting pregnant in future please consult your GP as certain hormone treatments can now give a high assurance of producing a female child.
“Channel migrants: Unsuitable facilities used to hold summer arrivals, report says” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-kent-58848069
Stick them in an unused cruise liner offshore. They held prisoners in prison ships in Northern Ireland.
They are criminals after all.
We are in a very serious situation and we get nothing from this useless government but bluster, promise and even more bluster .
The millions of pounds they have wasted on trusting the French authorities could have been used to purchase patrol vessels and manned them with our own servicemen to defend our shores.
Before long all of the EU will dump their illegals upon us as a punishment for daring to become Independent.
“Brexit: EU to make offer to end ‘sausage wars’
Speaking at the Conservative Party conference, Lord Frost said the Northern Ireland Protocol was “not working and needs to change”.
He warned that, if the UK and EU fail to reach agreement on the protocol, the UK government may trigger Article 16, thereby suspending part of the agreement. ” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-58840823
Don’t waste any more time, trigger Article 16 now .
In August 2014 the Jay report concluded that an estimated 1,400 children, had been sexually abused in Rotherham between 1997 and 2013 by predominantly British-Pakistani men (Kurdish and Kosovar men were also involved).
Have to say this has started slow in unsurprising places…
The Swedish cartoonist Lars Vilks spent 14 years under police protection, before dying with his two bodyguards when their car collided with a lorry this week
While treating the crash as an accident, police have also opened a murder investigation https://t.co/mt8ff3hq6r
To mark Black History Month, this is David Lammy's powerful statement of why celebrations are important now more than ever.@DavidLammyhttps://t.co/6raqHG1FHM
Author @BernardineEvari: 'I love the fact that, here I am, a black and also mixed-race woman who actually can trace my roots back probably deeper than a lot of white British people.'
So a white British woman, who could possibly have documented evidence of roots back to late 1700s in the UK, shacks up with a Black Nigerian and produces this lady and the whole of ‘white’ Britain becomes a myth?
Only in O’Brians’s world.
She assumes, no doubt egged on by OBbrian, that the Great British, Daily Mail reading, Brexit voting Britons universally dislike her and then uses the ridiculous argument that because they might not have had the time, money or desire to research their history that she is morally superior to them.
“Bernardine Evaristo
Thursday, 7 October
When Bernardine Evaristo was in her thirties she decided she wanted to win the Booker Prize. After breaking away from her career in theatre, Evaristo eventually became the first Black British person to receive the literary award and was catapulted into the international spotlight with her novel, Girl Woman, Other. But Evaristo’s life began in “curtain twitching” white suburbia where racists routinely smashed in the windows of her family home. Her first non-fiction book, Manifesto is also her memoir – a guide to never giving up.”
“where racists routinely smashed in the windows of her family home” – wonder where she lived ?
Here are my remarks from Conservative Party Conference on why @DefundBBC's last year has been so successful and why I feel, more than ever, that the BBC licence fee, regressive and antiquated as it is, really ought to be a priority for any 'People's Government'. #DefundTheBBC
📚 Students are being paid almost £15 an hour to be “critical readers” in a decolonisation trawl of a Russell Group university’s courses https://t.co/RQnI2PCAcH
Meanwhile the French interior minister is visiting Calais to inspect efforts in the fight against illegal immigration in the Channel – after Sky News filmed dozens of migrants leaving for the UK as armed police stood by and watched.
Dr John Campbell on YT often reports objectively on Ivermectin to treat Covid 19. On that topic his last two videos attracted almost 500,000 visits for each video.
Our Worlds Most Trusted Broadcaster recently published an article on Ivermectin in which an exceedingly ropey report, effectively condemned the drug as being non supported by any evidence. Dr Campbells response highlights the glaring flaws in the BBC authors’ report, the ‘lead’ author of which, turns out to be an undergraduate student at a UK university………………. I laughed, boy did I laugh……….
Well worth a watch so see how someone knowledgeable in a particular topic, deals with the BBC’s lies.
The BBC are still bigging up the dangers of women walking the streets, in the aftermath of two high profile murders.
The reporting is sentimentalised, the pressure groups are given plenty of airtime.
Perish the thought that the BBC might use some actual facts.
Allow me to quote from ONS statistics.
The figures for the year to approx. april 2020, show 695 murders in a year of which 73% were male victims.
As regards people, such as Sarah Everard, being killed by strangers, women were the victims 23 times. Men were the victim over 150 times. Over FIVE times as many. But where are the vigils? Where are the relevant BBC interviews? Where are the demos featured on the news? Where is the transgender lobby on this one?
Still, we wouldn’t want the facts to get in the way of politically correct, sentimentalised BBC narrative, would we? Men can go hang, it’s the women what matter.
🔴 Former detectives in the Metropolitan Police’s child abuse investigation team have alleged that they were ordered to caution innocent people to meet targets
Turkey has apparently withdrawn some jet engines on barges….
see my comment up thread
There must be some detail here that the Beeboids are still mulling over how to frame …
Many Lebanese people already depend on private diesel-powered generators for power. These however have become increasingly expensive to run amid the lack of fuel, and cannot cover for the lack of a nationwide power grid.
People were often receiving just two hours of electricity a day in the country before this latest shutdown.
– glimpse of your future folks…. (I’d add that the accepted figure for generating your own electricity from a domestic gas fueled is circa 8p/kWh)
Are there any Lebanese delegates to Glasgow COP26?
Apparently Boris et al are considering (planning by some accounts) to whack a levy tax (50%?) on gas – if they do there will be trouble.
Climate Lockdowns: British Medical Journal Study Calls For Meat & Dairy Price Hikes To Fight ‘Climate Change’
Climate Lockdowns: British Medical Journal Study Calls For Meat & Dairy Price Hikes To Fight ‘Climate Change’ – Meat consumption in N. America must fall 79% – ‘Substantially fewer journeys by car’ | Climate Depot https://t.co/SrotIcmoTH
Obviously Covid cases aren’t being reported properly if actual data doesn’t agree with the model!
I suspect the SAGE model is one of those maths fiddles that produces the right historical result when fed with historical data, i.e. there is no understanding of what is going on.
Given enough terms in an equation and enough coefficients the ‘model’ can be made to fit any historic data set but is just as likely to right in future as Shakespeare’s Typing Pool Monkeys.
Professor Eric Laithwaite correctly predicted the result of his ‘jumping ring’ experiment. Later he admitted that he thought it wouldn’t jump, he had his ‘scientific’ explanation all ready, but he didn’t know why it would jump, just that no-one would ask if he got it right!
I have strong memories of my ‘laboratory days’ when I observed, offered an explanation, then someone would say, “But..”, and hardly had they finished and I could do a ‘180 degree’ off the cuff.
It wasn’t really dishonest, it was a necessary skill, you had hit a dead-end and needed a new research direction. To say that one didn’t have a clue was to admit failure and the good scientist/engineer never fails, they just haven’t found the right solution yet!
“When will the virtue-signalling football world speak out on Qatar? Taking the knee, rainbow laces… But next year’s World Cup venue is rife with racism, misogyny – and the persecution of gay men and women, writes KATIE HIND”
The world of football fell silent yesterday after being challenged to take action against the persecution of gay people and the mistreatment of women in Qatar ahead of the World Cup.
The inclusive face of football – and the desire of its role models to speak out – was epitomised by England captain Harry Kane wearing a rainbow armband and taking the knee at Wembley during Euro 2020 in June.
But a string of influential figures so often keen to burnish their credentials by backing the taking of the knee to combat racism or supporting campaigns against homophobia uttered not a word when asked to pledge to speak out against the brutal Middle East nation or to boycott the tournament.
BBC director-general Tim Davie and ITV chief Carolyn McCall, the heads of Britain’s biggest broadcasters, which have the rights to broadcast games, were also quiet.
The Football Association said it believed more progress on human rights would be made by working with Qatar.
Gareth Southgate, who has spoken passionately on social issues during five years as England manager, did not respond when asked if he would criticise Qatar publicly for its treatment of gay people and women.
The choice of Qatar, with its woeful human rights record, to host next year’s World Cup creates a principle-versus-profit dilemma for presenters, pundits and broadcasters.
BBC presenter Gary Lineker has a £1.9 million-a-year contract that includes hosting games from World Cup tournaments. He wore a rainbow ribbon in support of gay rights at the World Cup draw in Moscow in 2017 and was among nominees for Football Ally of the Year at this year’s LGBT Awards. He declined to say if he intended to criticise Qatar or boycott the event.
Lineker enhances his brand by his BLM, LGBT stuff but opposing the Qatar World Cup won’t do so, even though there is a great deal on moral grounds to commend doing so , so he will be happy to go along with it. Now if the tournament was held in Hungary he would be foaming with indignation at their supposed abuse of human rights.
Some historians used to label periods in history as ‘Ages’ , eg the Age of Maritime Expansion , the Age of Reason, the Age of Revolution , today we are living in the Age of Hypocrisy.
The land where raped women end up being at fault: Sexual violence victims ‘can easily become the accused’ in Qatar due to government’s extreme view of Islamic law, campaigners warn
Many cases have emerged of men being taken at their word claiming sex was consensual, leaving the accuser facing charges of having sex outside of marriage. Punishments for the crime of ‘zina’ – any act of illicit intercourse – normally involve a year in prison and, if the woman is Muslim, up to 100 lashes.
Not Al Beeb, but the French are making noises about not having been paid for preventing illegal immigrants crossing the Channel.
Did they actually stop any ?
He is the national treasure from Dudley who became famous overnight 50 years ago. Yet for decades, @LennyHenry was the token black person in an industry where discrimination was rife.
This week’s Radio 4 Appeal is on behalf of the charity The No Accommodation Network (NACCOM), presented by Lord Alf Dubs. The charity provides safe, temporary accommodation to refugees in the UK as well as legal advice and mental health support.
If Rudyard Kipling can kick off a classic poem with the word if…
If you can coin a new crisis, then of course the BBC is going to put your title top of their online press review:
‘Nursing crisis sweeps wards as NHS battles to find recruits‘ (Observer)
‘Lack of EU staff adding to shortages‘ – you could have knocked me down with a feather.
The BBC itself meanwhile has to make do with a slightly lame new line on a several day old crisis: ‘Kwarteng defends handling of energy crisis‘
The Beeb playing the journalistic version of keepy uppy there with that one.
The backdrop to our weekend pick and mix crises is the ongoing culture war. Virtue-signalling artistic self-censorship is trumpeted in the Sunday Times: ‘The writer Sebastian Faulks has revealed that, for the first time, he avoided describing the physical appearance of female characters‘
The mind boggles. Let’s a have go, pretend for a moment to be a Seb Faulks (himself a fan of Pistache [pis-tash]) and see how that might work:
“Rutherford didn’t ask himself if she was beautiful, he preferred not to notice Kira’s nondescript hair, her undistinguished face, unremarkable figure and that unfathomable, ordinary, featureless way she had about her. Because the physical effect of her presence made the question of description insignificant”
I digress and I pastiche.
More culture wars in the Sunday Telegraph: ‘Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking: you’ve all got to go gender neutral‘ – this is British Airways telling their cabin crew to avoid the traditional courtesies of address and instead: ‘celebrate “diversity and inclusion”‘
Here we go. I hope you’re ready for a take off:
“Welcome aboard, gender-neutral individuals with no fixed assigned-at-birth orientation. Speaking of which, BA will now be flying in a generally leftward direction. So I’m afraid we will no longer be serving airports at Le Mans, Manitoba or the Isle of Man. BA is pleased however to announce the opening of a new service to Midway Island. We will be cruising – and there’s nothing wrong with that – at a height of 40,000 feet. But let’s not be in any way restrained by the science on this flight. I certainly didn’t bother to concentrate in my aerodynamics or gravity classes, you’ll be pleased to hear. By the way, I’m your pilot Lesley – but it’s Wednesday, so you can call me Lesley. Our stewards, Trixie and Bubbles, will be helping out in the galley. Do please compliment them on their make up and outfits and they’ll blow you a kiss and if you’re lucky might sing you a quick rendition of Gloria Gaynor’s I am What I am. Do please behave responsibly and respect other passengers. Our stewardesses, Butch and Jack, will be on hand to deal with any air rage.“
But surely if you listen to the BBC news this cannot be good for the snowflake mental health . Obviously for the few sane possessors of common sense the remedy to the BBC news is the off switch – complete omission and the eye roll ….
We are treated to
shortages – and fear of shortages
Increases in the ‘cost of living ‘
A good one about loss of ‘diversity ‘
Nothing about reasons for increases in suicide or depression or reductions in the use of BBC propaganda – or what it calls ‘news ‘…
……..every time that little notice comes up I read
I quickly realised when Covid started that the BBC News was a ‘no no’.
Without the BBC I would either die or I wouldn’t, they made no difference here.
With the BBC ‘on the hour’ casualty reporting my blood pressure would have been through the roof within the day and my mental health down the pan within the week.
“The BBC itself meanwhile has to make do with a slightly lame new line on a several day old crisis:“
That’s what happens with 20,000 kids handed £5,000,000,000 not to leave the room.
I follow a US pol called Charlie Kirk. A slightly less frenetic version of that Jewish commentator of wing.
He does some kind of open air exchange thing. I wish he had more humour, but compared to those on the other side of the table he’s Michael McIntyre. But pretty darn smart, and factually prepped. We get Dawn Butler and Lammy.
All down to the edit, but a more miserabilist, thick, un self aware collection of sound bite spouters it would be hard to find.
Some years ago the BBC did a case study on two Polish people who had moved to the UK.
Neither of them was a ‘threat’, one worked in a Polish bank, serving Polish people here, and the other worked in a Polish shop, also serving Polish people here!
No doubt they lived in Polish houses, drove on Polish roads, had children attending Polish schools and from time to time visited Polish doctors, all in the UK.
Were the BBC too dumb to realise that even this specially selected pair of ‘positive’ Poles didn’t actually benefit the UK?
AISI, I see two newspapers are claiming to be ‘Sunday Newspaper of the Year’ : the Times and the Mirror. I wonder if it was a joint first place for 2021? Or has one of them been a bit slow to adjust their masthead from last year. I seem to recall the awards are made in October; possibly/probably to garner maximum attention before the AwardsFest season gets really underway.
Not sure why I’ve been relegated here: something to do with site software.
As usual, listening to the Sunday Service whilst preparing breakfast. Just about to switch off when I just caught that David Goodhart was to give the philosophical thought for the day. As a pro-immigration thinker/writer who saw the light I was amazed Al Beeb would have him on.
Still listening, he is that rare reasoned voice on Al Beeb.
Tim Pemberton FRSA
Head of BBC Religion & Ethics, BBC Audio North at BBC
London, England, United Kingdom500+ connections
Specialties: Broadcasting, Religion, and Philosophy.
I enjoy TRAVEL and have learned a lot from visiting the following countries. Germany pre and post-unification. Northern Ireland prior to the Peace Agreement. USA Los Angeles (for work) New York (for pleasure). CARIBBEAN St. Kitts, Nevis, Antigua, Jamaica. (family reasons).
AFRICA on business – Nigeria, Ghana, Senegal, Cameroon, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Malawi, Zambia, South Africa.
HOLIDAYS – Malaysia. Thailand. Dubai. Cyprus. Tunisia. Spain. Cruises… Transatlantic, Caribbean (3), the Arabian Gulf (Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Oman) and Europe.
The morning after Trump was elected back in 2016, the Headmistress (can I say that?) at my son’s school told all the staff and pupils during assembly that she would NEVER have voted for Trump.
Answer? – Bottler needs to withdraw from every treaty / UN pact that confirms the Governments willingness to take every sundry individual who presents him/her self on the borders desirous of sucking on the social teat of the country, including Kent and kick millions back to where they came from.
LBC and Dave need to have a word with their sub editor.
'After October is done, is it back to normal? White history year?'
This caller believes a fundamental change in society needs to occur before celebrations such as Black History Month are taken seriously across the board.@DavidLammypic.twitter.com/iLEBTNx1O8
“Through the black magic, witchcraft you are able to send a lightning bolt to strike someone, Can you explain that scientifically … ” @0:50 – one of the speakers
“It’s not true” – audience member
“I need to address you directly (audience member who says witchcraft does not work). When we started this we agreed on certain house rules. By you doing that (arguing) you are disrespecting that sacredness of this space. I would like you please first to apologise …” – another speaker
Ah Rob Thank goodness there's someone else who is also 'snide & irritating' out there. Phew! Long may your own lack of pleasantness continue. X https://t.co/ANereNaICe
The explanation comes at the bottom of the Wikilie sheet…
‘ In March 2020, as part of a mental health awareness campaign run by the Stoke Sentinel, Gullis said that he has suffered with depression, self-harm and suicidal thoughts during periods of his life.’
“Imagine living in a world where the BBC just concentrated on making great programmes. No such luck. The Beeb bureaucrats are at it again. The Mail Online are reporting that a BBC training workshop tells managers to keep up their blood sugar levels – because tiredness could lead them to drop their guard and racially profile job candidates.”
Interesting – particularly if such false results are framed into a press release and then picked up by the lying BBC and broadcast to the mugs who still pay for it .
For instance – the report today about the declining biodiversity of the UK – what nonsense – the third worlders are bringing all sorts of parasites into the country which future generation will be told to look fondly on ….
It suits the green nazis to pump out such lies in the desperate attempt to get the country the way they want it . Meanwhile – burn that carbon …
I know others have mentioned this, but I’m going to add my four pennorth to the debate anyway…
ITV this evening are bringing us The Larkins, based on the popular HE Bates novel, The Darling Buds of May, set in rural in Kent in the 1950s.
You already know where I’m going with this; Charlie has (somehow) magically trans-racialised and emerged as a black bloke!
Why can’t they just leave us alone? I might have actually watched this, but it’s already ruined for me. These people are obsessed with shoe-horning ethnic minorities into every part of my culture, history and even bloody fiction.
I’m supposed to suck it up when I see them messing around with Dickens, the folklore stories of Robin Hood and Merlin …and (rumour has it) even James Bond, but God forbid some pop singer has her hair put in braids or a TV chef cooks a bit of Jerk Chicken. Suddenly there’s all hell to pay about “cultural appropriation.”
This is both tiresome and predictable and also (I think) just a little sinister.
I’m going to give The Larkins a miss…
I’ll be the pub.
I’m not really an ITV type – but by the sound of it the programme will please the advertisers with all their Woke stuff – as well as the Christmas at DFS commercials …. ( I know they exist but happily avoided ) –
With the hardship script in the ascendency I suppose the advertisers will have to fight even harder for the woke buck …
Jeff, I rather suspect you won’t be alone in this. I already refuse to watch any programme that has a person of colour shoe horned in for the sake of diversity, particularly when we know our history !
ITV are as bad as bBBC now , Always used to watch Endeavor…but the new series is so woke with characters of colour shoehorned in at every opportunity , Easy to work out now who’s guilty in every episode…its the racist whitey every time ….never to be watched again ! !
I’m sure Climate change has wormed its way in as well surprisingly !
I am perfectly certain I never used to have “racist” leanings, but if anything could change that, it would be the relentless propaganda of the BBC telling me what to think. I wonder if many people feel the same.
Yesterday The Times put in a lot of effort into shouting “far-right danger !”
There was a front page , a double page spread, an editorial
and this multi-tweet thread
… https://twitter.com/thetimes/status/1446735949300445185
obviously police/state resources needed to be directed towards preventing future violence
but i am not sure that articles that seem to be cutNpasted from antifa PR don’t harm proper direction of resources.
A Mr C Packham – a self appointed beacon of the BBC woke green subject to an ‘arson attack ‘ … and exploiting the publicity to its’ fullest – he must be very ( re) wild ….
One less car on the road is a good thing? According to Chris Packham ….
Wildlife TV presenter Chris Packham wins four-year battle to stop plans to build 5,200 homes on acres of ancient woodland near his home
Controversial plans were earmarked near Bishopstoke and Fair Oak, Hampshire
Eastleigh Borough Council says it will remove the scheme from its Local Plan
Mr Packham was a fundamental part of the campaign against ‘eco-vandalism’
“He accepted everything. The past was alterable. The past never had been altered. Oceania was at war with Eastasia. Oceania had always been at war with Eastasia. Jones, Aaronson, and Rutherford were guilty of the crimes they were charged with. He had never seen the photograph that disproved their guilt. It had never existed, he had invented it. He remembered remembering contrary things, but those were false memories, products of self-deception. How easy it all was! Only surrender, and everything else followed. It was like swimming against a current that swept you backwards however hard you struggled, and then suddenly deciding to turn round and go with the current instead of opposing it. Nothing had changed except your own attitude: the predestined thing happened in any case. He hardly knew why he had ever rebelled. Everything was easy, except—!
Anything could be true. The so-called laws of Nature were nonsense. The law of gravity was nonsense. ‘If I wished,’ O’Brien had said, ‘I could float off this floor like a soap bubble.’ Winston worked it out. ‘If he thinks he floats off the floor, and if I simultaneously think I see him do it, then the thing happens.’ Suddenly, like a lump of submerged wreckage breaking the surface of water, the thought burst into his mind: ‘It doesn’t really happen. We imagine it. It is hallucination.’ He pushed the thought under instantly. The fallacy was obvious. It presupposed that somewhere or other, outside oneself, there was a ‘real’ world where ‘real’ things happened. But how could there be such a world? What knowledge have we of anything, save through our own minds? All happenings are in the mind. Whatever happens in all minds, truly happens.
He had no difficulty in disposing of the fallacy, and he was in no danger of succumbing to it. He realized, nevertheless, that it ought never to have occurred to him. The mind should develop a blind spot whenever a dangerous thought presented itself. The process should be automatic, instinctive. Crimestop, they called it in Newspeak.”
Awkward – “Like all teachers in the state, Mr Outlaw was offered an alternative of weekly testing but said he viewed that as an “unnecessary medical procedure” that was uncomfortable.
“The way that our soul speaks to us, that little voice that tells us when something is in alignment or not, that voice is telling me that I need to make this particular decision right now.””
“More than 500 cases of Covid-19 have been linked to the TRNSMT music festival, new data shows.
About 50,000 people descended on Glasgow Green for the three-day event last month.
They had to bring proof of a negative lateral flow test to gain entry.
Public Health Scotland said 551 who tested positive for the virus reported having been at the festival around the time of their illness when speaking to contact tracers.
Some 1,645 people were also found to have been close contacts of those who tested positive.
Public health expert Prof Linda Bauld said it was likely that some of these people were infected at TRNSMT but it was not a “super-spreader” event.”
“I think it’s certainly possible that some of those cases were infected at TRNSMT but we can’t prove it,” she added.
“Covid in Scotland: More than 500 cases linked to TRNSMT”
yet “but we can’t prove it”
“Covid in Scotland: More than 500 cases linked to TRNSMT”
yet “but we can’t prove it”
Those “cases”: were those people ill? Did they recover? What the blazes does it matter? Having had the virus you are better protected than by any so-called vaccination.
JohnCMar 12, 01:36 Midweek 12th March 2025 What really bothers me about the MSM these days Deborah is how their reckless partisan left-wing bias affects the whole…
DeborahMar 11, 23:54 Midweek 12th March 2025 I have never been totally sure that Reform was the answer. However I watch as the MSM take Trump’s words…
JohnCMar 11, 23:18 Midweek 12th March 2025 Not just the UK : they now have the power to rig every election of EU member states. Final ruling…
JonathanRMar 11, 22:36 Midweek 12th March 2025 It’s funny when you think someone is a genuine commentator and then you find out how wrong you were. For…
JonathanRMar 11, 22:08 Midweek 12th March 2025 I wonder if this is the reason Farage and his moslom paymaster want to get rid of Lowe. If it…
Fedup2Mar 11, 21:59 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Yes Taffman – really with you there – their intro question is ‘are you mr / Mrs x – ?…
JonathanRMar 11, 21:58 Midweek 12th March 2025 It is now becoming obvious to me that there can never be a Trump like government in Britain Even if…
Lest any doubt remain that a BBC cubicle dweller simply represents a £50kpa copy and paste between a press release and broadcast.
BBC ‘journalistm’ seem a job creation for cretins who failed to get into the public sector any other way.
888 – are you a trans woman?!
“Any strategy that requires the potential women victims to be tagged rather than the violent male perpetrator will fail”.
“The cause of violence against women is a violent man, not a lone woman.”
Dear Ms. Smith, Congratulations on the recent birth of your son. Unfortunately DNA tests indicate a 95% probability that he will grow up to be a violent man.
You may opt for a post natal abortion, or failing that, retain responsibility for your child until he reaches the age of 18, at which time he will be transferred to a Pre-Crime Detention Centre for life.
Should you be considering getting pregnant in future please consult your GP as certain hormone treatments can now give a high assurance of producing a female child.
“Channel migrants: Unsuitable facilities used to hold summer arrivals, report says”
Stick them in an unused cruise liner offshore. They held prisoners in prison ships in Northern Ireland.
They are criminals after all.
We are in a very serious situation and we get nothing from this useless government but bluster, promise and even more bluster .
The millions of pounds they have wasted on trusting the French authorities could have been used to purchase patrol vessels and manned them with our own servicemen to defend our shores.
Before long all of the EU will dump their illegals upon us as a punishment for daring to become Independent.
Are there no spare LCU Mk. 10s?
Enough room to carry 120 marines or 360 surgeon/engineer/footballers.
Pick them up, straight over to France, ramp down, a couple of Alsatians as ‘sheep dogs’, Woof!, ramp up, back home. No probs.
Marianna and BS rushed to Sopes’ bar side?
The Dems/Left/BBC only approve of laws that suit their common purpose. Democracy never suited them.
Terror plot. Terrorist walk through building in fancy dress.
“Brexit: EU to make offer to end ‘sausage wars’
Speaking at the Conservative Party conference, Lord Frost said the Northern Ireland Protocol was “not working and needs to change”.
He warned that, if the UK and EU fail to reach agreement on the protocol, the UK government may trigger Article 16, thereby suspending part of the agreement. ”
Don’t waste any more time, trigger Article 16 now .
“Nadhim Zahawi vows to tackle persistent pupil absences ‘head on. ”
Yet more promises, promises and promises.
Just heard that this latest diversity rosette on a donkey’s behind has muttered something about head people of a color.
Joins most of the Gov and all shadcab front benches as to be ignored totally.
In August 2014 the Jay report concluded that an estimated 1,400 children, had been sexually abused in Rotherham between 1997 and 2013 by predominantly British-Pakistani men (Kurdish and Kosovar men were also involved).
BBC PR gets a press release from Labour Head Office. The automated system turns it into ‘news’.
Sadly, #CCBGB
Something to do with cervixes? Beyond that…
Speaking of automated systems…
Barbara Castle? Really? Could just as well be Margaret Thatcher!
I know what is wrong, the mouth!
Barbara Castle always looked like she was sucking lemons, small and waspish, just right for spitting out small and waspish remarks.
Sadly the expertise of the grieving parent and bbc panel are left until clicking on.
Racist rivers?
Have to say this has started slow in unsurprising places…
Earlier in the programme the notion of global stilly was brought to our attention in the wonderful world of wind.
When Bonny Met Lammy.
She been made a Baroness yet?
Could do Macoroon’s joke inquiry on Frog Plod obeying orders.
Seems she told Dave what he wanted to hear.
Those audience engagements are enough to inspire any ratings producer or election agent.
LBC. Home of those even the BBC cannot justify.
So a white British woman, who could possibly have documented evidence of roots back to late 1700s in the UK, shacks up with a Black Nigerian and produces this lady and the whole of ‘white’ Britain becomes a myth?
Only in O’Brians’s world.
She assumes, no doubt egged on by OBbrian, that the Great British, Daily Mail reading, Brexit voting Britons universally dislike her and then uses the ridiculous argument that because they might not have had the time, money or desire to research their history that she is morally superior to them.
O’Brian is a nasty man isn’t he?
“Bernardine Evaristo
Thursday, 7 October
When Bernardine Evaristo was in her thirties she decided she wanted to win the Booker Prize. After breaking away from her career in theatre, Evaristo eventually became the first Black British person to receive the literary award and was catapulted into the international spotlight with her novel, Girl Woman, Other. But Evaristo’s life began in “curtain twitching” white suburbia where racists routinely smashed in the windows of her family home. Her first non-fiction book, Manifesto is also her memoir – a guide to never giving up.”
“where racists routinely smashed in the windows of her family home” – wonder where she lived ?
Jen’s loft mirror must be struggling.
That smile Timmeh! has always.
A million dollar smile. And change.
Plus the next rank of market rate memo shovelers.
Mail online pouring on the panic with picture of coloured lady pushing a trolley full of toilet rolls .
She is so far that perhaps she eats them whole …
Happy panic buying …
Most might suspect I have doubts and concerns not just about the BBC but entire MSM.
If anyone does not share these after this…
It has it all. The LOT. Todos. A full deck.
Never in the field of recent reporting has so little summed up so much about so many who are so lacking.
Top use of money.
Still, Dave and Bonny will be happy.
France tells the bbc things to pass on.
Why don’t Muslims apologise for the slavery of millions, both past AND present?
Where’s BBC Panorama when you need her most?
Dr John Campbell on YT often reports objectively on Ivermectin to treat Covid 19. On that topic his last two videos attracted almost 500,000 visits for each video.
Our Worlds Most Trusted Broadcaster recently published an article on Ivermectin in which an exceedingly ropey report, effectively condemned the drug as being non supported by any evidence. Dr Campbells response highlights the glaring flaws in the BBC authors’ report, the ‘lead’ author of which, turns out to be an undergraduate student at a UK university………………. I laughed, boy did I laugh……….
Well worth a watch so see how someone knowledgeable in a particular topic, deals with the BBC’s lies.
BBC’s articles on Climate Change anybody?
Our BBC told us that the petrol shortage would be long term and all down to Brexit.
Has our BBC now dropped the topic?
Where’s BBC Panorama when you need her most?
The BBC are still bigging up the dangers of women walking the streets, in the aftermath of two high profile murders.
The reporting is sentimentalised, the pressure groups are given plenty of airtime.
Perish the thought that the BBC might use some actual facts.
Allow me to quote from ONS statistics.
The figures for the year to approx. april 2020, show 695 murders in a year of which 73% were male victims.
As regards people, such as Sarah Everard, being killed by strangers, women were the victims 23 times. Men were the victim over 150 times. Over FIVE times as many. But where are the vigils? Where are the relevant BBC interviews? Where are the demos featured on the news? Where is the transgender lobby on this one?
Still, we wouldn’t want the facts to get in the way of politically correct, sentimentalised BBC narrative, would we? Men can go hang, it’s the women what matter.
Exactly, Sluff.
White males are expendable, deserving of their deaths and don’t count in the eyes of the BBC. Unless of course they are gay or are journalists.
More grief for the Met
The relationships between senior officers and the gangsters who operate with impunity in London and other cities really needs looking at.
All this was driven by the Home Office demanding ‘results’. Forces were given targets. This is what happened. We haven’t seen nothing yet.
Feminists will drive the police to take the side of any woman who complains against a man about anything, regardless of the evidence.
Wimmin have noted all this and use it to ’empower’ themselves against men.
“Lebanon left without power as grid shuts down”
Don’t tell me , its “because of Brexit” .
Turkey has apparently withdrawn some jet engines on barges….
see my comment up thread
There must be some detail here that the Beeboids are still mulling over how to frame …
– glimpse of your future folks…. (I’d add that the accepted figure for generating your own electricity from a domestic gas fueled is circa 8p/kWh)
Are there any Lebanese delegates to Glasgow COP26?
Apparently Boris et al are considering (planning by some accounts) to whack a
levytax (50%?) on gas – if they do there will be trouble.and then along comes…..
Climate Lockdowns: British Medical Journal Study Calls For Meat & Dairy Price Hikes To Fight ‘Climate Change’
y’all ready?
I’m confident Mr. Harrabin and the BBC are….
… and roll on 20 years to the subsequent health crisis where everyone is advised to eat more meat.
Never, ever let academics near the real world. They can’t cope with it : that’s why they stayed in an educational environment.
As SAGE have admirably demonstrated. We led the world going out of COVID and now we are in last place.
As somebody who’s spent a lifetime in science and engineering I am really pissed about this….
In any sane world they’d be demoted to mopping the floor.
Obviously Covid cases aren’t being reported properly if actual data doesn’t agree with the model!
I suspect the SAGE model is one of those maths fiddles that produces the right historical result when fed with historical data, i.e. there is no understanding of what is going on.
Given enough terms in an equation and enough coefficients the ‘model’ can be made to fit any historic data set but is just as likely to right in future as Shakespeare’s Typing Pool Monkeys.
lol – that’s what most science is. Look what happened then try to explain it as if you knew it all along.
Professor Eric Laithwaite correctly predicted the result of his ‘jumping ring’ experiment. Later he admitted that he thought it wouldn’t jump, he had his ‘scientific’ explanation all ready, but he didn’t know why it would jump, just that no-one would ask if he got it right!
I have strong memories of my ‘laboratory days’ when I observed, offered an explanation, then someone would say, “But..”, and hardly had they finished and I could do a ‘180 degree’ off the cuff.
It wasn’t really dishonest, it was a necessary skill, you had hit a dead-end and needed a new research direction. To say that one didn’t have a clue was to admit failure and the good scientist/engineer never fails, they just haven’t found the right solution yet!
“When will the virtue-signalling football world speak out on Qatar? Taking the knee, rainbow laces… But next year’s World Cup venue is rife with racism, misogyny – and the persecution of gay men and women, writes KATIE HIND”
The world of football fell silent yesterday after being challenged to take action against the persecution of gay people and the mistreatment of women in Qatar ahead of the World Cup.
The inclusive face of football – and the desire of its role models to speak out – was epitomised by England captain Harry Kane wearing a rainbow armband and taking the knee at Wembley during Euro 2020 in June.
But a string of influential figures so often keen to burnish their credentials by backing the taking of the knee to combat racism or supporting campaigns against homophobia uttered not a word when asked to pledge to speak out against the brutal Middle East nation or to boycott the tournament.
BBC director-general Tim Davie and ITV chief Carolyn McCall, the heads of Britain’s biggest broadcasters, which have the rights to broadcast games, were also quiet.
The Football Association said it believed more progress on human rights would be made by working with Qatar.
Gareth Southgate, who has spoken passionately on social issues during five years as England manager, did not respond when asked if he would criticise Qatar publicly for its treatment of gay people and women.
The choice of Qatar, with its woeful human rights record, to host next year’s World Cup creates a principle-versus-profit dilemma for presenters, pundits and broadcasters.
BBC presenter Gary Lineker has a £1.9 million-a-year contract that includes hosting games from World Cup tournaments. He wore a rainbow ribbon in support of gay rights at the World Cup draw in Moscow in 2017 and was among nominees for Football Ally of the Year at this year’s LGBT Awards. He declined to say if he intended to criticise Qatar or boycott the event.
Lineker enhances his brand by his BLM, LGBT stuff but opposing the Qatar World Cup won’t do so, even though there is a great deal on moral grounds to commend doing so , so he will be happy to go along with it. Now if the tournament was held in Hungary he would be foaming with indignation at their supposed abuse of human rights.
Some historians used to label periods in history as ‘Ages’ , eg the Age of Maritime Expansion , the Age of Reason, the Age of Revolution , today we are living in the Age of Hypocrisy.
The land where raped women end up being at fault: Sexual violence victims ‘can easily become the accused’ in Qatar due to government’s extreme view of Islamic law, campaigners warn
Many cases have emerged of men being taken at their word claiming sex was consensual, leaving the accuser facing charges of having sex outside of marriage. Punishments for the crime of ‘zina’ – any act of illicit intercourse – normally involve a year in prison and, if the woman is Muslim, up to 100 lashes.
Not Al Beeb, but the French are making noises about not having been paid for preventing illegal immigrants crossing the Channel.
Did they actually stop any ?
Six months waiting list for driving licences . Someone needs to get back to work!
Taff, Cardiff got a statue of a coloured teacher, so that’s all that matters!
ps, Is ‘Le Monde’ still going strong? Used to be a fabulous watering hole – I saw Gareth Edwards in there once…
I recall the Eire driving test backlog fiasco in the 1970s?
Patrick, you’ve had a provisional license for a couple of years, we think you’ve enough experience now – so here’s your full license.
Damp squib reads the room.
BBC Radio 4
This week’s Radio 4 Appeal is on behalf of the charity The No Accommodation Network (NACCOM), presented by Lord Alf Dubs. The charity provides safe, temporary accommodation to refugees in the UK as well as legal advice and mental health support.
Mainly lawyers. Lots and lots of lawyers.
How about some help for Luke instead of “refugees”?
He’s in Marbella guys.
That threat by Insulate Britain sounds like a Criminal Offence. I am certainly offended and in fear. How about it, Panorama? Are you on the case?
Alinsky #101
Media getting bored with sitting in roads.
Need to ramp up.
If they do try I suspect that they’ll be availing themselves of the NHS
If Rudyard Kipling can kick off a classic poem with the word if…
If you can coin a new crisis, then of course the BBC is going to put your title top of their online press review:
‘Nursing crisis sweeps wards as NHS battles to find recruits‘ (Observer)
‘Lack of EU staff adding to shortages‘ – you could have knocked me down with a feather.
The BBC itself meanwhile has to make do with a slightly lame new line on a several day old crisis: ‘Kwarteng defends handling of energy crisis‘
The Beeb playing the journalistic version of keepy uppy there with that one.
The backdrop to our weekend pick and mix crises is the ongoing culture war. Virtue-signalling artistic self-censorship is trumpeted in the Sunday Times: ‘The writer Sebastian Faulks has revealed that, for the first time, he avoided describing the physical appearance of female characters‘
The mind boggles. Let’s a have go, pretend for a moment to be a Seb Faulks (himself a fan of Pistache [pis-tash]) and see how that might work:
“Rutherford didn’t ask himself if she was beautiful, he preferred not to notice Kira’s nondescript hair, her undistinguished face, unremarkable figure and that unfathomable, ordinary, featureless way she had about her. Because the physical effect of her presence made the question of description insignificant”
I digress and I pastiche.
More culture wars in the Sunday Telegraph: ‘Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking: you’ve all got to go gender neutral‘ – this is British Airways telling their cabin crew to avoid the traditional courtesies of address and instead: ‘celebrate “diversity and inclusion”‘
Here we go. I hope you’re ready for a take off:
“Welcome aboard, gender-neutral individuals with no fixed assigned-at-birth orientation. Speaking of which, BA will now be flying in a generally leftward direction. So I’m afraid we will no longer be serving airports at Le Mans, Manitoba or the Isle of Man. BA is pleased however to announce the opening of a new service to Midway Island. We will be cruising – and there’s nothing wrong with that – at a height of 40,000 feet. But let’s not be in any way restrained by the science on this flight. I certainly didn’t bother to concentrate in my aerodynamics or gravity classes, you’ll be pleased to hear. By the way, I’m your pilot Lesley – but it’s Wednesday, so you can call me Lesley. Our stewards, Trixie and Bubbles, will be helping out in the galley. Do please compliment them on their make up and outfits and they’ll blow you a kiss and if you’re lucky might sing you a quick rendition of Gloria Gaynor’s I am What I am. Do please behave responsibly and respect other passengers. Our stewardesses, Butch and Jack, will be on hand to deal with any air rage.“
Apparently Sunday is ‘mental health day ‘
But surely if you listen to the BBC news this cannot be good for the snowflake mental health . Obviously for the few sane possessors of common sense the remedy to the BBC news is the off switch – complete omission and the eye roll ….
We are treated to
shortages – and fear of shortages
Increases in the ‘cost of living ‘
A good one about loss of ‘diversity ‘
Nothing about reasons for increases in suicide or depression or reductions in the use of BBC propaganda – or what it calls ‘news ‘…
……..every time that little notice comes up I read
‘Why you can’t trust the BBC ‘…..
I quickly realised when Covid started that the BBC News was a ‘no no’.
Without the BBC I would either die or I wouldn’t, they made no difference here.
With the BBC ‘on the hour’ casualty reporting my blood pressure would have been through the roof within the day and my mental health down the pan within the week.
“The BBC itself meanwhile has to make do with a slightly lame new line on a several day old crisis:“
That’s what happens with 20,000 kids handed £5,000,000,000 not to leave the room.
I follow a US pol called Charlie Kirk. A slightly less frenetic version of that Jewish commentator of wing.
He does some kind of open air exchange thing. I wish he had more humour, but compared to those on the other side of the table he’s Michael McIntyre. But pretty darn smart, and factually prepped. We get Dawn Butler and Lammy.
All down to the edit, but a more miserabilist, thick, un self aware collection of sound bite spouters it would be hard to find.
Unless you are a Vile show booker or QT vetter.
Hair dye seems a constant factor.
‘Lack of EU staff adding to shortages‘ – confusing EU with EUROPE.
Some years ago the BBC did a case study on two Polish people who had moved to the UK.
Neither of them was a ‘threat’, one worked in a Polish bank, serving Polish people here, and the other worked in a Polish shop, also serving Polish people here!
No doubt they lived in Polish houses, drove on Polish roads, had children attending Polish schools and from time to time visited Polish doctors, all in the UK.
Were the BBC too dumb to realise that even this specially selected pair of ‘positive’ Poles didn’t actually benefit the UK?
AISI, I see two newspapers are claiming to be ‘Sunday Newspaper of the Year’ : the Times and the Mirror. I wonder if it was a joint first place for 2021? Or has one of them been a bit slow to adjust their masthead from last year. I seem to recall the awards are made in October; possibly/probably to garner maximum attention before the AwardsFest season gets really underway.
Not sure why I’ve been relegated here: something to do with site software.
Will the word ‘software’ be outlawed soon?
Jus’ askin’ . . …..
As usual, listening to the Sunday Service whilst preparing breakfast. Just about to switch off when I just caught that David Goodhart was to give the philosophical thought for the day. As a pro-immigration thinker/writer who saw the light I was amazed Al Beeb would have him on.
Still listening, he is that rare reasoned voice on Al Beeb.
Sunday ‘religion ‘ show – a prize for guessing the aspect of the RC church the BBC covered – and a clue – God or Jesus didn’t get a mention ….
Tim Pemberton FRSA
Head of BBC Religion & Ethics, BBC Audio North at BBC
London, England, United Kingdom500+ connections
Specialties: Broadcasting, Religion, and Philosophy.
I enjoy TRAVEL and have learned a lot from visiting the following countries. Germany pre and post-unification. Northern Ireland prior to the Peace Agreement. USA Los Angeles (for work) New York (for pleasure). CARIBBEAN St. Kitts, Nevis, Antigua, Jamaica. (family reasons).
AFRICA on business – Nigeria, Ghana, Senegal, Cameroon, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Malawi, Zambia, South Africa.
HOLIDAYS – Malaysia. Thailand. Dubai. Cyprus. Tunisia. Spain. Cruises… Transatlantic, Caribbean (3), the Arabian Gulf (Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Oman) and Europe.
linked inlinked in
The morning after Trump was elected back in 2016, the Headmistress (can I say that?) at my son’s school told all the staff and pupils during assembly that she would NEVER have voted for Trump.
Did she say she would always vote Biden even after arming the Taliban?
“The UK is one of the world’s most nature-depleted countries – in the bottom 10% globally and last among the G7 group of nations, new data shows.
It has an average of about half its biodiversity left, far below the global average of 75%, a study has found.”
Good. But no BBC suggestions. I wonder why.
Answer? – Bottler needs to withdraw from every treaty / UN pact that confirms the Governments willingness to take every sundry individual who presents him/her self on the borders desirous of sucking on the social teat of the country, including Kent and kick millions back to where they came from.
Repel invasive species, when you have been unwise enough to let them in in the first place.
LBC and Dave need to have a word with their sub editor.
How do we start to decolonize science? @0:10
“Through the black magic, witchcraft you are able to send a lightning bolt to strike someone, Can you explain that scientifically … ” @0:50 – one of the speakers
“It’s not true” – audience member
“I need to address you directly (audience member who says witchcraft does not work). When we started this we agreed on certain house rules. By you doing that (arguing) you are disrespecting that sacredness of this space. I would like you please first to apologise …” – another speaker
More repeats than the BBC, Maxi.
But relevant? Do I have to be original?
Wearing a suite is cultural appropriation –
3 piece?
My table cloth !
Soft furnishings, for sofa and matching armchairs.
Or, in Naga’s case, handle things yourself.
In other news, is wearing a steffiscope a sign of looking fabulous?
Proper doctors hook the stethoscope around the neck so they just have to plug the ends into the ears. That method did sterling service for decades.
American TV doctors sling the stethoscope across the shoulders to look ‘cool’. Idiot doctors copy them and look like idiots.
Gullis: “Gullis, annoyed at his treatment by the local Conservative party, urged locals to vote for the Labour candidate, Jeff Kenner.[7]”
Qualifies as a Turncoat.
But there, the voters in “Stoke on Trent, North” know what to do with him come next election.
The explanation comes at the bottom of the Wikilie sheet…
‘ In March 2020, as part of a mental health awareness campaign run by the Stoke Sentinel, Gullis said that he has suffered with depression, self-harm and suicidal thoughts during periods of his life.’
He is patently a self-declared nutter!!
GB News:
“Imagine living in a world where the BBC just concentrated on making great programmes. No such luck. The Beeb bureaucrats are at it again. The Mail Online are reporting that a BBC training workshop tells managers to keep up their blood sugar levels – because tiredness could lead them to drop their guard and racially profile job candidates.”
Interesting – particularly if such false results are framed into a press release and then picked up by the lying BBC and broadcast to the mugs who still pay for it .
For instance – the report today about the declining biodiversity of the UK – what nonsense – the third worlders are bringing all sorts of parasites into the country which future generation will be told to look fondly on ….
It suits the green nazis to pump out such lies in the desperate attempt to get the country the way they want it . Meanwhile – burn that carbon …
“…..and that the hotter a scientific field (with more scientific teams involved), the less likely the research findings are to be true.”
How true. He’s got a point, that must surely extend to Global Warming…………..
Out of the mouths of babes.
I know others have mentioned this, but I’m going to add my four pennorth to the debate anyway…
ITV this evening are bringing us The Larkins, based on the popular HE Bates novel, The Darling Buds of May, set in rural in Kent in the 1950s.
You already know where I’m going with this; Charlie has (somehow) magically trans-racialised and emerged as a black bloke!
Why can’t they just leave us alone? I might have actually watched this, but it’s already ruined for me. These people are obsessed with shoe-horning ethnic minorities into every part of my culture, history and even bloody fiction.
I’m supposed to suck it up when I see them messing around with Dickens, the folklore stories of Robin Hood and Merlin …and (rumour has it) even James Bond, but God forbid some pop singer has her hair put in braids or a TV chef cooks a bit of Jerk Chicken. Suddenly there’s all hell to pay about “cultural appropriation.”
This is both tiresome and predictable and also (I think) just a little sinister.
I’m going to give The Larkins a miss…
I’ll be the pub.
I’m not really an ITV type – but by the sound of it the programme will please the advertisers with all their Woke stuff – as well as the Christmas at DFS commercials …. ( I know they exist but happily avoided ) –
With the hardship script in the ascendency I suppose the advertisers will have to fight even harder for the woke buck …
Jeff, I rather suspect you won’t be alone in this. I already refuse to watch any programme that has a person of colour shoe horned in for the sake of diversity, particularly when we know our history !
ITV are as bad as bBBC now , Always used to watch Endeavor…but the new series is so woke with characters of colour shoehorned in at every opportunity , Easy to work out now who’s guilty in every episode…its the racist whitey every time ….never to be watched again ! !
I’m sure Climate change has wormed its way in as well surprisingly !
I am perfectly certain I never used to have “racist” leanings, but if anything could change that, it would be the relentless propaganda of the BBC telling me what to think. I wonder if many people feel the same.
Next door to The Windsors?
Was he a plumber?
He got the money by hard graft – carrying all those cases of notes to the last plane out of kabukistan…
Yesterday The Times put in a lot of effort into shouting “far-right danger !”
There was a front page , a double page spread, an editorial
and this multi-tweet thread
… https://twitter.com/thetimes/status/1446735949300445185
obviously police/state resources needed to be directed towards preventing future violence
but i am not sure that articles that seem to be cutNpasted from antifa PR don’t harm proper direction of resources.
USA supplies Taliban with modern weapons – so they are far right?
Ask what law is being broken?
Ask if they are chasing criminals today?
Ask if they have a rainbow flag?
@1:50 “We’ve been asked to come here because of crimes anonymous … (hard to work out what she says)”
Omission is the greatest lie!
CANCEL YOUR BBC TX TAX to PAY FOR HEATING THIS YEAR – Gary Lineker on £2million backs this new campaign.
A Mr C Packham – a self appointed beacon of the BBC woke green subject to an ‘arson attack ‘ … and exploiting the publicity to its’ fullest – he must be very ( re) wild ….
One less car on the road is a good thing? According to Chris Packham ….
Wildlife TV presenter Chris Packham wins four-year battle to stop plans to build 5,200 homes on acres of ancient woodland near his home
Controversial plans were earmarked near Bishopstoke and Fair Oak, Hampshire
Eastleigh Borough Council says it will remove the scheme from its Local Plan
Mr Packham was a fundamental part of the campaign against ‘eco-vandalism’
PUBLISHED: 10:59, 5 May 2020
Yet he believes in the Suffragets violent campaign for women?
“He accepted everything. The past was alterable. The past never had been altered. Oceania was at war with Eastasia. Oceania had always been at war with Eastasia. Jones, Aaronson, and Rutherford were guilty of the crimes they were charged with. He had never seen the photograph that disproved their guilt. It had never existed, he had invented it. He remembered remembering contrary things, but those were false memories, products of self-deception. How easy it all was! Only surrender, and everything else followed. It was like swimming against a current that swept you backwards however hard you struggled, and then suddenly deciding to turn round and go with the current instead of opposing it. Nothing had changed except your own attitude: the predestined thing happened in any case. He hardly knew why he had ever rebelled. Everything was easy, except—!
Anything could be true. The so-called laws of Nature were nonsense. The law of gravity was nonsense. ‘If I wished,’ O’Brien had said, ‘I could float off this floor like a soap bubble.’ Winston worked it out. ‘If he thinks he floats off the floor, and if I simultaneously think I see him do it, then the thing happens.’ Suddenly, like a lump of submerged wreckage breaking the surface of water, the thought burst into his mind: ‘It doesn’t really happen. We imagine it. It is hallucination.’ He pushed the thought under instantly. The fallacy was obvious. It presupposed that somewhere or other, outside oneself, there was a ‘real’ world where ‘real’ things happened. But how could there be such a world? What knowledge have we of anything, save through our own minds? All happenings are in the mind. Whatever happens in all minds, truly happens.
He had no difficulty in disposing of the fallacy, and he was in no danger of succumbing to it. He realized, nevertheless, that it ought never to have occurred to him. The mind should develop a blind spot whenever a dangerous thought presented itself. The process should be automatic, instinctive. Crimestop, they called it in Newspeak.”
Awkward – “Like all teachers in the state, Mr Outlaw was offered an alternative of weekly testing but said he viewed that as an “unnecessary medical procedure” that was uncomfortable.
“The way that our soul speaks to us, that little voice that tells us when something is in alignment or not, that voice is telling me that I need to make this particular decision right now.””
500? From 50,000.
“More than 500 cases of Covid-19 have been linked to the TRNSMT music festival, new data shows.
About 50,000 people descended on Glasgow Green for the three-day event last month.
They had to bring proof of a negative lateral flow test to gain entry.
Public Health Scotland said 551 who tested positive for the virus reported having been at the festival around the time of their illness when speaking to contact tracers.
Some 1,645 people were also found to have been close contacts of those who tested positive.
Public health expert Prof Linda Bauld said it was likely that some of these people were infected at TRNSMT but it was not a “super-spreader” event.”
“I think it’s certainly possible that some of those cases were infected at TRNSMT but we can’t prove it,” she added.
“Covid in Scotland: More than 500 cases linked to TRNSMT”
yet “but we can’t prove it”
“Covid in Scotland: More than 500 cases linked to TRNSMT”
yet “but we can’t prove it”
Bagpipes covid threat shock
Those “cases”: were those people ill? Did they recover? What the blazes does it matter? Having had the virus you are better protected than by any so-called vaccination.