A moment of silence for Claudia Webbe . Through gritted teeth the BBC reports the conviction of this lady for ‘harassment ‘.
Ms Webbe is an independent MP – because her real party – Labour – suspended her pending Trial .
So there we are – the chairman of Westminster magistrates court – a a heavy duty dude – said she had lied on oath and was making stuff up as she went along .
No doubt friends will point to the racist nature of the Criminal Justice System – and coloured folk like Claudia don’t get a fair shake …
… cue the Lammy – et all ….. or will there be a mysterious silence ?
Claudia is due to be sentenced in `November – suspended ? Or a tag ? ….she threatened the victim with an acide attack – which doesn’t count for much in BBC world …
…it reminds me of the last vermin who was mysteriously allowed out of prison on a tag in order to support the Traitor Parliament – which – of course – she supported ….
This is one of those events which the BBC submerges within an hour or two ,
ITV local news #PRasNews “An eco charity says”
item is branded “CLIMATE CHANGES”
The on air item was another way of giving work to GMB’s failed morning presenter Alex Beresford
Climate Changes: The rise of fast fashion and what we can do to combat it ♻️🧥👖👚🌎@alexberesfordTV has been finding out about the small, positive ways we can minimise our impact on the environment as part of a new series on @itvnewspic.twitter.com/vEOiyDof8h
With the England team taking the knee (thank you Gareth) we have yet another sport the Russians can beat us at. All they have to do, when the punters are pontificating and virtue signalling, is to field a team of Cossacks. They are capable of taking two knees at once and dancing at the same time. Maybe when this happens the England management will realise they cannot compete and will think of something else!
Mouthpiece Katya Adler all too ready to push the EUSSR’s line that it is the UK’s failure to provide access to a database showing the final destination for goods which has precluded them for making today’s piddling concessions.
Katya Adler
Replying to
That they’ve long been waiting to be given access to UK databases – allowing the EU to better see which goods etc destined for NIreland ONLY and which for onward travel into Ireland and rest of EU single market – and therefore subject to checks/closer scrutiny says EU /2
At the moment trying to send anything to Italy is impossible . It either gets lost or stolen . The place seems to be falling apart. There is definitely an EU policy of making life difficult for the UK exporters. Vindictive and mean lot that they are.
A number of years ago (pre-Brexit) I was in the position of regularly posting packages to a company we were supposed to be collaborating with in Italy.
NONE of the 4 or 5 packets I sent got to their destination, not one. All sent ‘recorded’ at extra cost as well. When I complained to Royal Mail, they blamed the Italian postal service.
My line manager seemed to think I hadn’t sent them properly, but we got support from our Italian co-workers, who told him “only maybe one item in 20 gets delivered by the Italian postal service, the rest get pocketed by the postmen – it’s how they make up their salary”.
In the end, it was decided to pay for one of the Italians to fly over to the UK to visit and take a box of samples back in his luggage.
Never underestimate just how inefficient and corrupt some EU countries are, cf. Spain, Greece, Malta, Romania, Bulgaria…. in fact, it might be quicker to list those EU countries where things actually do work properly…
With Poland voting to put their constitution above EU law and contemplating Pexit, the EU will do all it can to discourage any further Brexits by inflicting maximum pain on the UK.
Pour décourager les autres.
Mrs Voter was watching Film4 this arvo, Anne of a Thousand Days. I was most perturbed to find that Anne Boleyn was white! There was no notification of this before the film started.
Spoilt, confused, cross-dressing brat, needs a good spanking.
Shall avoid John Lewis and their insurance, as it seems my premiums would be wasted on irresponsible, feckless families who let their trans kids run riot.
“Spoilt, confused, cross-dressing brat, needs a good spanking.”
Advertising executives who think they’re being clever (when they’re really not), I’d say.
I don’t shop at John Lewis anyway, and no advert they could produce would convince me to enter one of their shops, let alone buy anything there, so I really don’t care what kind of woke drivel they come up with… I’m not actually sure who does?
Not sure if I dreamt it but I’m sure there was something on the BBC news about a shortage of reindeer to pull santa s’ sleigh because of global warming ‘ / shortage of drivers …
… meanwhile queues form outside Argos for toy panic buying …
10:35pm BBC1 at the end, Prince William presents the finalists for the Earthshot Prize to Build a Waste-Free World, before reflecting on the series and the scale of the challenges ahead.
.. Next week is the prize ceremony.
10pm BBC4 A BBC eco show where they have flown round and round the world to make a doco about how to improve planet
In the 6 a.m. News it was inferred that there was a fight between England supporters and Hungary supporters at the World Cup qualifying match and the police had to be called in to deal with it. In the 8 a.m. News and again at 1 p.m., the news was rather more clear cut in its report of what happened at the match: some of the Hungary supporters had made racist gestures and comments and fought with the Stewards when they tried to deal with them. Sneaky BBC.
“My ten TV series to save the BBC. 1) The real history of slavery, not the woke version we want you to believe. 2) The reasons there are really only two sexes. 3) How to leave University and not be a Marxist. 4) How the Government has removed lots of your rights and freedoms over the last ten years and not told you. 5) Why no Government will stop illegal immigration. 6) Why big business and the BBC got Brexit so wrong. 7) How the BBC and MSM feeds you only what they want you to know . 8) How the BBC manages to employ so many people who are out of touch the with the majority population and how the license fee is wasted. 9) How to make criminals of citizens without being a Government or law enforcement agency. 10) Fawlty Towers.”
John roasts most of our establishment and smashes my perception of Scousers in one.
Here’s Colin Brazier of GB News discussing, among other things, the state of broadcast news including BBC/ITV/Sky (same thing), specific incidents such as PC Blakelock, 2015 immigration, mentally deranged Greta-How-Dare-You and the under-sung achievements of Britain, and more.
Warning: it’s a slow burn, conversational, and perhaps not for those in a hurry.
Thanks – I’ve got a lot of time for Mr Brazier and his monologues – which I regularly watch …. His description of the killing of Keith Blacklock – which I remember very well – is very powerful . Spare time – perhaps – to have a watch ….
The BBC has given up all pretences that the UK should be
recognized as a North West European Kingdom, who’s majority
are ethnically Caucasian. I say majority which is around 80-85%.
The BBC gives the impression that to show any general graphics
which does not include a black face should be considered racist.
So for example if a couple is looking at their gas bill, one has to
be black .
We live in a multicultural society. But this obsessive diversity
insanity at the BBC has reached a point of paranoiac madness.
BUT the paradox is that in London where the indigenous
population in percentages is well less than half. The same rules
do not apply when it comes to presentation and reporting of
the capitols issues. Here the so called “positive discrimination”
is thrown out of the window. ” Pale and stale are in a minority
of 40%. So why should they be involved in more than 25% of
presenting, and reporting anything to do with them?”
The BBC has failed to work the Goeballs propaganda playbook by being so obvious in their campaign that even ‘ordinary people ‘ are noticing the narrative .
We even recognise / identify ‘approved thought ‘ – which is also a propaganda failure on their part – and which will – thankfully – lead to decline and demise ….
“which is also a propaganda failure on their part – and which will – thankfully – lead to decline and demise ….”
Something that I have posted on this site many times “you can fool all of the people some of the time, and you can fool some of the people all of the time, but you can’t fool all of the people all of the time”
Warning to Al Beeb: The people of Great Britain are not Fools. Your end is nigh.
Kongsberg. Norway bow and arrow nutter.
“Witnesses say incident began at Coop Extra Store”
“The suspect, whose name has not been released, targeted people in Kongsberg.”
“A stabbing of a woman has not been confirmed, but happened according to a witness. ”
Police say : 5 dead : probably just 1 perpetrator. Investigating possible terror motive, incl in SoMe.
Multiple fatalities, multiple injuries, many witnesses at several sites around town.
Police in Norway must be afraid of something cos suddenly have a new policy of carrying guns.
Tv2 “Sources inform TV 2 that the arrested man in Kongsberg is a Norwegian convert to Islam, who has had contact with the Norwegian health service several times.”
Watch how the BBC edit their article to add that bit later – even though they know it now. They play a subtle game to minimise how many people associate it with Islam. Drip drip drip.
5am UK time and the BBC still haven’t updated the article to tell us all he was a Muslim.
I wonder if they will do it at about 9am when everyone has gone to work and the story is aging.
Just imagine the uproar on the BBC if it was a far-right looney. No doubt that story will come if this terrorist attack pushes another indigenous Norwegian over the edge.
Only the BBC can write an article about Muslim terrorist murders without using the words Muslim or terrorist at all, but still manage to get ‘far-right’ into it:
‘The attack was Norway’s deadliest since far-right extremist Anders Behring Breivik murdered 77 people’
(Still no mention that he was a Muslim at 8:10am)
Ha ! – they finally added he is a convert to Islam.
I predicted 9am and it’s 9:40 now.
All of a sudden it’s become ‘breaking news’ and the original story has disappeared completely and now its just a small paragraph. They seem to want to start from scratch again ???. wtf are they doing ?.
Looks like the switch to Islamic terrorism means it needs a re-write. Maybe it will be a bit more vague about the detail and concentrate on this mysterious ‘radicalisation’ event which is to blame instead of Islam.
Plenty of time for it to slip down the rankings before everyone gets back home from work.
JohnC – once one realises what the rules of the BBC game is one then transfers to playing that game – identifying the omission – watching as unapproved details are either not reported at all or put up but rapidly relegated to – say ‘Europe ‘news ‘
Conversely if the BBC gets even a whiff of a non Muslim terrorist killer he is instantly labelled as so called ‘far right’ – as opposed to labelled as a nutter …
…meanwhile the victims of the latest Muslim mass killings will be forgotten – if they are even named at all …
The end result is that we are displaced. I am at a loss to understand how the Left still think that if we are really nice to these people, they will love us and be nice to us.
They see it as a weakness to be exploited. That’s why so many are coming here. And all the Left can think about is the extra votes to give them power.
“Covid: New WHO group may be last chance to find virus origins” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-58905945
Why is it really the “last chance”?
Are they trying to hide something ?
Another one of the Left’s finest showing us yet again what nasty, spiteful people they really are underneath. Seems like throwing acid at people they don’t like is not just reserved for people like Jo Brand.
Will this one be voting on our laws whilst wearing an ankle-tag as well ?.
“Kongsberg: Five dead in Norway bow and arrow attack”
“Police will investigate whether it was an act of terror, a spokesman said.” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-58906165
Well, it looks like a terrorist attack to me .
If the BBC don’t tell you ‘not thought to be terror related’ in the first paragraph, it means it is. Standard BBC strategy to mislead by omission. They only used the word ‘terror’ here because it’s a direct quote.
If they can report a suicide bomber blowing 50 people to pieces in a mosque in Kabul and not use the word terrorist even once for that, they certainly wouldn’t use it for this.
Nancy Pelosi’s businessman husband has the extraordinary ability to buy and sell stocks and property at just the right time, often just before the US government enacts laws or adopts policies that affect the markets.
Almost as if he had inside information.
I wonder if the Beeb will investigate? Of course not, she’s a Democrat.
The BBC Moaning Emole has all the details elsewhere.
Five die in Norway bow and arrow attack
Five people have died and two others have been injured in a bow and arrow attack in Norway. The attack is said to have started inside a Coop Extra supermarket in the town of Kongsberg, south-west of the capital Oslo, on Wednesday. A man was detained 34 minutes after the attack began. Police will investigate whether it was an act of terrorism and they believe the attacker was acting alone. A 37-year-old Danish man has been arrested on suspicion of carrying out the attack. “I understand that many people are afraid, but it’s important to emphasise that the police are now in control,” Prime Minister Erna Solberg says.
35 minutes earlier, not so much, Erna.
But the important thing to emphasise is the man bit, and alone, lone Wolfie mental issues style.
Guest who
Whatever the identity of this mass killer is – it is interesting hour touchy the MSM is now – in establishing the ‘identity ‘ of this type of character .
If they can use their favourite ‘far right ‘ terminology they will at the outset . Yet if the motivation is ‘something else ‘ they avoid naming and identifying for as long as they can – in the practice of assuming people won’t pay attention .
So- if the ‘ local man ‘ charged with the latest Norway killings is named in a day or two will he be a ‘Mohammed ?’….
The BBC have actually used the term ‘far-right’ in this one now. They still haven’t mention he was a Muslim, but have dragged up the gunman from 10 years ago.
So everyone will be assuming this was far-right too until the BBC edit the article and add the truth. Which they will eventually for the fact-checkers.
If it turns out that the Norwegian Hawkeye is indeed faith based and a Mo taboot it will be interesting the extent and duration of bbc follow up.
Will they look deeply into motivations and and inspirational literature in his past? If such books are discovered will they delve into Internet history and anyone he has followed socially, say at local places of worship, or online?
Anyone called Mo at archery clubs or indeed the local harriers might need to prep for being harried if of a ‘far’ anything bent.
Into the ‘Do not open’ skip along with Sabina Nessa and Sasha Johnson.
Sabina is an excellent example of the hypocrisy of these people. We had vigils and everything until it was dropped like a stone and Sarah Everard was pushed back to the front.
These people have no conscience, ethics or shame whatsoever. They don’t actually care who dies at all – they only care if they can use it against the people they despise – ie non-Left white males.
It was such a bizarre attack that when I first heard of it I thought it must be a madman – you know, the old, traditional kind that we used to have in the days before mass immigration.
But, as you and many others here have pointed out, the way the BBC reported this aroused suspicion. Their saying the motive was unknown and then talking about Anders Breivik made me feel they did know – and that by minimising it with a comparison with Breivik’s death toll of 77, they were already trying to downplay its Islamic aspect and placing it within the context of terrorism generally.
Breivik’s massacre ten years ago was not just an appalling act of evil, it was an immensely stupid and counter-productive move in his purported political struggle, not to mention a disaster for those of us who care about the survival of white Christian civilisation. Our enemies are now able to point to guys like Breivik when we complain about jihadis and suggest that they are both just figures on their respective lunatic fringes, mirror images of each other, extremists who don’t represent the majority of decent people in this wonderful multicultural society we are building. The “far-right” can be presented by the media as equally as dangerous as the jihadis. As long as they can do this and, let’s face it, that idiot Breivik has provided them with some justification, the threat to our culture and identity can be ignored, the very strong argument that white Europeans have for self-preservation can get lost, and the creeping Islamification of Europe can be overlooked.
Government to bribe GPs to do their jobs ….. I wonder how you do a physical exam of someone during a phone ‘appointment ‘…
….maybe it’s time to train a lot more doctors and weaken the closed shop mafia which is nt working now …
Duking it out
And we say live long and prosper to our heroes of yore
As William Shatner joyfully commands: ‘Beam me up Bezos‘ (Daily Star), our miserablist Prince William sides with the earthbound Klingons.
Our Captain Kirk of Star Trek fame – who we like to hail as the true innovator of the mobile cell phone – is celebrated as: ‘Legend Shatner oldest person in space at 90‘ in the Daily Express.
Likewise the Guardian acknowledges his: ‘Joy at real-life space mission‘ as he became: ‘the world’s oldest astronault‘
Sadly, we are not amused in the Telegraph: ‘Duke tells space tourists to boldly go and fix Earth‘ – well, he can go and pound sand. Yes, I know it’s his PR advisors, but William has gone down in my estimation.
‘William in blast at space tourism‘ (in boldly print says the giveaway Metro) ‘William’s comments were made in an interview with the BBC to be aired toninght‘ – and happily leaked to the press by either his people, the BBC publicity people, or both.
Choose your weapons for the freebie Metro’s frontpage teasers for their inside stories: ‘MP found guilty of acid threat harassment’ – that’ll be a Labour MP and to think Tories fret about being labelled as the nasty party; ‘Several people killed in bow and arrow attack‘ – one hesitates to joke about this one…
BBC: ‘Kongsberg: Five dead in Norway bow and arrow attack‘
‘A Danish man aged 37 has been arrested on suspicion of carrying out the attack. Police believe he acted alone, and will investigate whether it was an act of terrorism, a spokesman said.‘
Well, do let us know, won’t you… I’m waiting here all a quiver to find out.
The Beatles and Stones are duelling on the cover of the Star: ‘Hey feud! Macca says Stones are a “blues cover band”. Jagger says Beatles “never did arena tour”‘
This is akin to choosing between one’s own children. The Rolling Stones used to be considered the cooler of two bands – the bad boys. Nowadays, not so much: ‘The Rolling Stones have dropped Brown Sugar, one of their biggest hits, from their US tour. It follows unease with the depictions of black women and references to slavery in the song, which reached number one in the US in 1971‘ (BBC)
‘Rolling Stones drop “insensitive” Brown Sugar song from US tour setlist. 1971 hit condemned by critics as “prime example of entitlement”‘ (Guardian) – you see rock stars are now required to be sensitive and meek – which is why we don’t have any these days.
I don’t want to worry you but the Daily Star, Daily Express and Mirror are each offering: ‘50% off home delivery for six months‘ – and you’ll recall the last time we saw discounts on deliveries it was a precurser to a Lockdown.
It could dangerous out there: ‘Eubank mugged‘ (Daily Star) this is the lisping, country gent-styled, former boxer becoming a victim of London street crime: ‘Chris Eubank mugged for £400 Louis Vuitton bag – but he laments stolen bar of chocolate‘ (Mirror) – and if it’s now racist to refer to brown suger, there’s no way I’m looking for a joke there.
‘The incident happened on Tuesday outside a Barclays bank on Edgware Road in Paddington and Eubank doesn’t think the smartly dressed man who stole his bag would have done it had he known the former boxer’s background‘ – couple of points here… first and foremost, it’s nice to see our Chris comment on the mugger being well turned out. No beat up trainers and shabby old hoody will do if you are going up against Eubank. Also I think one would be somewhat leary if one knew one was confronting the former WBO middleweight and super-middleweight champion.
‘“I only saw the back of his head so I didn’t see his complexion. He was rather well-dressed with smart jeans I thought, ‘He must be the country’s most brazen crook. But it’s a sign of the times – they don’t care about confronting someone like me, so nobody is immune. The police’s hands are full with everything that’s going on. But we need protection on the streets”‘ – wise words indeed. I’ll give Chris a pass for diplomatically not noticing the chap’s complexion.
And incase you were wondering: ‘...what really frustrated him was losing the quarter bar of Waitrose Belgian chocolate with hazelnuts in the bag‘
As if it would have been anything as plebian as a Mars Bar or a Twix for our Cwisss.
We’re stuck with a tub of Cadbury’s Heroes, or if you prefer Roses or Celebrations or Quality Street: ‘Any 2 for £7 [Tesco] Clubcard price‘ (Star) – wait a minute I here you cry… Quality Street are hardly out of the news lately…
‘No Quality Street at Christmas? Nestlé warns it is “working hard” to get festive favourite on shelves this winter after being hit by supply chain crisis‘ (Daily Mail) – you don’t suppose manufacturers and retailers are becoming rather fond of this panic buying malarky, do you?
‘Christmas sales start early to avoid shortages… Supermarket bosses are believed to have told officials that they plan to begin Christmas promotions early to prevent a last-minute surge in demand‘ (Telegraph) – but how does that marry with supposed shortages? Illogical, as Spock might have remarked as he raised a Vulcan eyebrow.
‘Quality Street facing Christmas BOYCOTT as plant-based chocolate enrages farmers. FARMERS are threatening to boycott Nestlé after the company released a plant-based chocolate‘ (Daily Express) – stop the world, I want to get off… Hey! Mr Bezos!
As for Quality Street… my observation is that the most common post-Christmas event are the castle-like mounds of QS tins stacked up at knock-down prices at every supermarket entrance for weeks AFTER every Christmas holiday. Conclusion? This is a Nestle marketing campaign and nothing less mixed with a smattering of anti-Brexit of course being a European Company.
TOADY Watch #1 – terrible that toys are totally in short supply for EU and EU and you this Christmas
Those of us who are getting on in years can remember previous Christimas toy shortages when Britain was in the EU and positively over-run by HGV drivers and their Yorkie bars. Anyone remember Cabbage Patch dolls ? And the handwritten sign on a piece of cardboard on a New York garbage truck one year later ‘We have Cabbage Patch dolls in stock’ ? Or various electronic devices that have been in short supply in the ghosts of Christmas past ? PS1s, PS2s, Nintendo Game Boys ….
A top item in the 8 a.m. News was a possible toy shortage. If that’s all we have to worry about ….
I picked up that scare story yesterday Up2, a headline blaring “don’t panic buy Christmas presents!” Quite obviously like the petrol lies designed to create the panic buying it warns against.
In the real world that I inhabit I assume that most people will buy a certain number of presents and no more so WTF does it matter when they actually buy them?
I guess just another childish attempt to create disruption so as to be able to blame it on Brexit. Pathetic childish peeved people!
Hopefully we are slowly moving into a period where adults run stuff again.
TOADY Watch #2 – asking but not asking …. the really important questions …..
” Hopefully we are slowly moving into a period where adults run stuff again. ”
The Bee Lady is back, displacing harshMistress Mishal. Martha Kearney was in charge of the 8.10 a.m. prime interview slot and had SoS for Health, Sajid Javid, as guest. Before Sajid Javid had a chance to speak, a female Doctor, Dr Harvey, got to speak about how all unfair it is and how she is working really hard and how difficult things are and how more people are making things more difficult especially nasty newspapers that reflect the views of their readers that they want to be able to have a face-to-face appointment with their GP and not a telephone call or Zoom or Skype consult.
Martha asked about the Doctor shortage but did not ask the key question about training places for doctors: why is their no significant increase in training places over the scandalous shortage of the Blair and Brown era? Why are the Universities dragging their feet on providing more places? Why have the Willets Reforms to Tertiary Education failed?
” Hopefully we are slowly moving into a period where adults run stuff again. ”
No chance! Can’t even ask the right questions at the BBC.
I was wondering if dr Jesse Harvey / Phillips – was a fully paid up undeclared member of the Corbin party – she sounded like it – pretty hate filled for a doctor – maybe the cash does that to them
Was £20 per vaccine they were paid ? No wonder she was crowing about how many they’d done …
I’m exonerated I guess! I pointed the finger at the RHA a couple of weeks back. Time for legislation to launch an investigation and bring these creeps to court for such dangerous manipulations for purely left-wing political purposes.
TOADY Watch #3 – duher, well at least he turned up for work today
The incentive for Faisal Islam was a jolly to the US where he could create some more Global Warming and Climate Change gases (another minor news item this morning – the G20 leaders have been farting too much) but his report at around 6.35 a.m. on TOADY was distinctly underwhelming. You do have to wonder why the BBC have employed him. Faisal Islam makes Laura ‘Part-time’ Kuenssberg look like a workaholic.
Bring back Steffie!
Er, come to think of it Stephanie Flanders is now based in New York. Could she not have done a piece to mic as a ‘stringer’ and saved all that unnecessary CO2 that Faisal has produced? She knows how to do it after her time at the BBC. Questions should be asked of the BBC, I think. As it was, there was not much to report from the meeting of G7 Finance Ministers. Why could they not have had that meeting during the Cornwall jolly in the summer? Would have saved the taxpayer a few bob and the planet some CO2.
Here is BBC employee Russel T Davies accepting an award, from Virgin Atlantic, using his ‘thank you’ speech to:
1. blame the Tories for clause 28 and calling the Tories in power today “bastards”
2. Compare Tories response to covid to same as AIDS
3. Accuse the LGB Alliance of “killing” people.
At least he didn’t mention Brexit!
His speech was 3m49s and the thank you bit lasted just 7 seconds. The rest of his speech was typical BBC employee bias.
TOADY Watch #4 – gassing about gases (there’s a COP 26 spoiler for you!)
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – combined – a small boiler item …
The UK is still in the G7 and G20 despite not being in the top 20 nations for wealth anymore. In fact, if I remember the figures correctly, we are only just in the top 30. It does depend how you measure things. The GDP measure is a bit vague and estimates of the UK population may be, probably are, much lower than the true position.
Anyway, just to keep the COP26 pot boiling over, the BBC come up with this https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-58897805 together with a small item in the news. Whether they discussed it in the actual TOADY Prog I know not. I tend to listen selectively to the BBC these days and often switch off in a small protest at what is being delivered to my ears.
I caught Javid Savid being repeatedly demanded to apologise on behalf of the Government for their Covid debacle. Exasperated, he finally conceded that when he left the Black Broadcasting Corps. shrine to human perfection, he would commit Hari-Kari so they could adorn their statue of George Orwell with his entrails.
Wishful thinking.
I thought my ears were playing up . The interview went
‘Q’are you going to apologies ‘
A ‘well if you want me to say I’m sorry – yes ‘
Q so you are apologising
A yes
Q so what are you apologising for
A ? Wtf ?
The BBC seems fixated on the need for ‘apology ‘ – as if it means anything ….strange…
“New GCSE subjects announced in Wales but with fewer traditional science, maths and languages exams
Pupils would no longer sit three separate science GCSEs and there are fewer maths and languages exams under proposals for the new curriculum”
A strange BBC report on a ‘special needs ‘ school where staff have allegedly been committing crimes against the 300 plus ‘ pupils ‘.
The news report named it as Whitefields School and said met plod are investigating .
But the news report didn’t mention the location – turns out to be Waltham Forest – my local one party state borough ….
…the local mp – the ambitious honourable Stella Creasy -usually pops up demanding this and that but silence so far – swamp holidays I guess …
I see the mad / thick gene really does run in the royal family – the idiot Charles spouting about green – now the son rambling about not wanting space travel … he was meant to be a ‘pilot ‘ but I guess they just let him hit the ‘hover ‘ button on the controls of the helicopter… as with kid half brother …
What a stupid, bandwagon-jumping thing for William to say. Hero to zero.
I was in the RAF and helicopters are the very last chance for wannabe fighter pilots who fail the tests. Royals end up them because it’s where they can do the least damage.
I envy you – I fancied the RAF as I always wanted to fly – in the end I landed up financing myself to get a pilots’ licence ….
…I wonder how many hours it was before he went solo .. if they let him that is … very disappointing comment – especially since UK still has aerospace aspirations …
I think they are just much more forgiving if you screw up. If you run out of fuel for example, you just put it down in a field. That happened many times. They just have a small set of failure conditions where everybody dies. Apart from those, everybody lives.
Earlier Rolling Stone gets an outing due to meeting BBC criteria on U and non-U folk. Dean Cain watch out!
By sheer coincidence…
Media Mastewrs
Noah Shachtman
Editor-in-Chief, Rolling Stone
Noah Shachtman is editor-in-chief of Rolling Stone. Previously executive editor at The Daily Beast, and before that a national security reporter based in Afghanistan, Iraq and Kuwait, he also worked on Bill Clinton’s 1992 election campaign and deep sized the whole cigar thing. In this in-depth interview, Noah talks about taking the reins of the iconic publication – and how the music, politics and culture title will become “faster, louder, harder, more woke and go bust” as he seeks to grow its impact; shares how he turned The Daily Beast into a “scoop factory,” breaking some of the biggest stories of recent times including Jeffrey Epstein’s arrest and Donald Trump’s impeachment, but nothing Awks Demwards; and drawing on his years of experience in the Middle East, reflects on President Biden’s triumphant withdrawal from Afghanistan – and the likely consequences.
Look over there – squirrels … ironic that some on this site refer to ‘Norwegians ‘ as Muslim terrorist murders – and this one is one ..
Oh Norway – make your bed – die in it …
The authorities, and idiot media by association, appear to feel ‘known to the police’ in some way mitigates matters.
I beg to differ.
Were a loved one whacked by a fresh off the prayer mat nut job I’d be feeling pretty vexed with whoever created the situation that they were in the country to do so at all, much less restrained only post event.
Yes, there are home grown ones too, but adding to the natural mutation roster domestically is beyond dumb.
Oh dear I thought : I’ll have a look at who is responsible.
Went to the school website, all the white, female vice-principles are there but the principle has removed her picture.
So a bit of googling soon found her:
This story isn’t news. It’s what to expect when people are given jobs for reasons other than their ability.
The BBC have just rolled on a bigwig from the NHS (most probably a leftie) who was defending the appalling waiting lists by moaning about underfunding from the Government, of course they followed this up with an interview with the Shadow Health Minister, Ashworth who repeated the same total politically motivated utter garbage.
The BBC never bothered to double check the real stats… here they are on the Kings Fund site…
Eye-watering additional cash injected over the last few years while GP’s have all been on effective furlough and patients waiting for treatment have effectively been told don’t ring us well ring you….
What the hell are they doing with it all apart from recruiting dozens and dozens of diversity staff on £60,000 – £80,000 a year?
Plus the Kings Fund point out…
“A substantial share of this extra Covid-19 funding is non-recurrent and will not be maintained in the budgets allocated to the Department after the pandemic ends.”
No bloody wonder they want to keep us all muzzled for ever!
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Manager (Patient Service)
The Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Job Reference: 317-2021-32-01-DR
Employer:The Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation TrustDepartment:317 Patient Relations – FHLocation:317 01 Freeman HospitalSalary:£38,890 – £44,503 per annum
Proponents of ‘diversity’ say that institutions that serve Britain should reflect Britain in all its diversity. But it is becoming increasingly obvious that this diversity drive has no connection to the real world. It is yet another expression of the woke cultural revolution engulfing our institutions and re-racialising public life.
The last politician MP interviewed by Lady Brooke on TWATO, despite being ‘over-talked’ by the dear Lady, disclosed (with difficulty) that 60% of homeless in London are foreigners. He ought to have highlighted the nonsense of seriously increasing waiting times with the influx by dinghy, Afghans and Hong Kongers to help fill the queues. Thanks Boris. Another round of clapping on the doorstep maybe?
Preceded by the Doom and Gloom of the NHS which all politicians of every persuasion have secretly conspired to run down for decades whilst offering the illusion that, billions have been given to the outdated failing organisation. It has needed medically qualified ‘bodies’ for ever and it has been starved of the training for those people. Wherever and for whatever reason, the ‘Three Wheels on My Waggon” scene is palpably accurate.
My suggestion? Buy a copy of the St Johns Ambulance publication, “First Aid”. And whilst browsing the shelves of the book store, look for a copy of ‘Surgery for Dummies’ you’re sure to want/need that as well.
Lidl normally have those fold up gardening saws for branches in stock……….
Another red Tory discrediting his party . Throwing that 60% foreigner street sleepers statistic out at the end was really poor politics . The drunken poles who sleep / live in the park around may deserve one thing – a single ticket home ….
World at one ran a main piece shedding tears over ‘exhausted ‘ NHS workers and the need to stop routine operations ….
…. Do you wonder who actually runs the NHS ? I suspect the medical mafia find all sorts of reasons to ration training for doctors and nurses and are far happier importing the dregs from the third world to be ‘locum s’
If the NHS can’t deliver even with more resources – it’s time to look at privatising as much of it as possible ….
“… it’s time to look at privatising as much of it as possible ….”.
Yes, I’ll need a Cataract job done within the next 2/3 years. I’m told forget the NHS – a waste of time – even before the “Pandemic”. I jokingly replied that I might as well fly down to West Africa and find a medical charity………………
I’ve taken up ‘Benenden’. Well worth a look. ‘No questions’ and non-profiteering.
Yes I was with beneden for a good few years but thankfully never needed it – but I moved up – problem is that the inflation rate on private health insurance is gonna go up a lot as people are forced to bi pass the NHS because they cannot wait a long time …..
……I think it is poor firm that pee poor NHS mafia are the some ones you see privately ( in the mornings before those dreadful outpatient clinics ) …
I always remember those documentaries where the viewer sees the locals having to walk 10/15 miles to get water. And walk for a day to see a doctor many more miles further on. With the UK losing any normal affordable vehicles shortly and never being able to finance the, ‘illusory’ electric car, I foresee a grim future.
Now that William Shatner is the oldest person to go (boldly) up in a rocket I think we should send The Queen up in one.
At 95 she beats him by 5 years.
We (UK) would then hold the record for the oldest person in space.
Come on Bezos, think of the marketing opportunities (stamps and stuff) you know it makes sense, sign her up.
“The woman chosen to meet the Queen on her visit to Cardiff
The Queen will be in Cardiff for the official opening of the Sixth Senedd”. Not what I thought though……………
“The event, delayed due to the pandemic, has been reduced in size compared to previous years. She will be joined by Prince Charles and the Duchess of Cornwall.” Not applying to “….the woman chosen” needless to say.
‘Surely you can put that Clark’s pie down for a moment?’
This was the Bake Off winner, and this was the best she could come up with. Any fool with a slab of coloured marzipan could equally have done the job, and its got more tilt than the Leaning Tower. She’s now telling us how to prepare and cook Yorkshire Puds ! No other winner in the show’s history has been more pushed front and centre than Nadiya.
SEBASTIAN SHAKESPEARE: BBC humiliates former Bake Off winner Nadiya Hussain by axing her Mecca pilgrimage series
PUBLISHED: 01:07, 22 August 2018 | UPDATED: 07:45, 22 August 2018
‘No other winner in the show’s history has been more pushed front and centre than Nadiya.’
They were literally falling over themselves to hand her an MBE, a gigantic slap in the face to those incredible people who toil in obscurity their entire lives in local communities to achieve such an award.
There is also argument for Liam Charles (black, Hackney) being pushed harder, since he only finished fifth in 2017 yet was rewarded with his own show by Channel 4, two subsequent Bake Off presenting jobs and his own column in the Guardian, an opportunity also to given to openly-gay winner David Atherton. These people are nothing if not predictable.
Cologne becomes first major German city to allow mosques to broadcast call to prayer
Decision ‘shows that in Cologne diversity is valued and lived’, says city’s mayor
“In other words, Islam isn’t just compatible with Western values; it started to espouse and establish them long before western democracies. Islamic and Western values are one and the same, and they have been for longer than you could possibly imagine.“
“In other words, Islam isn’t just compatible with Western values; it started to espouse and establish them long before western democracies. Islamic and Western values are one and the same, and they have been for longer than you could possibly imagine.“
I think someone is twisting the truth there, actually that’s totally mendacious in my opinion.
It makes it sound as if most of modern ‘Western’ culture originated in Islam, which is drivel.
Both ‘the West’ and ‘the Middle East’ inherited certain common cultural ideas and values from the Ancient world e.g.: the Greeks, Persia, and Rome.
The Arabs were outside this sphere at the time of Mohammed, but came into contact with it through their conquests. One of the reasons Islam is so incompatible with other religions and cultures is that it originated in an isolated backwater, and has no scope to accommodate, or learn from other cultures and religions. Those Islamic ‘sects’ which espouse: moderation, accommodation, knowledge, and pacificism, are very aberrant to ‘mainstream Islam’.
Meanwhile, much of ‘the West’ had been under Roman rule for centuries, and even after the fall of the Western Empire, continued to retain a number of Roman ideals and institutions.
There were aspects of those ancient civilisations which were forgotten in the West and reintroduced, in some cases via Islam, that ‘rediscovery’ is part of what the Renaissance was about, but that doesn’t mean the ideas originated in Islam.
Anyway, what about the role of the Byzantine Empire in preserving and transmitting ideas?
What about the role of the Christian Churches and Monastic Orders?
“Kongsberg: Bow and arrow attack appears to be terrorism – officials”
“There had been concerns about his radicalisation in the past” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-58910794
I think it was bleeding obvious to us all yesterday.
Yesterday some false statements were made about me, unchallenged, on BBC Politics Live, by a student obviously unfamiliar with my body of work and views. Pleased to get a correction on the programme today. pic.twitter.com/AAnceCTRMW
A group of "Satanic ritual abuse" activists – part QAnon part Satanic panic – is holding a protest outside Windsor Castle. Leader Jeanette Archer says the royal family "are not even human" and hold Satanic rituals to torture children and drink adrenochrome from their blood. pic.twitter.com/yCLU6uVcwc
Eddy BoothMar 10, 00:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “Investor in Alastair Campbell’s son’s football betting syndicate ‘dies before receiving his £160,000 back’ after saying: ‘Are you just hoping…
JohnCMar 10, 00:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Syria leader vows to hunt down those responsible for bloodshed https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/crknjgrd3geo ‘A UK-based monitor said 830 civilians were killed in…
JohnCMar 10, 00:14 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Romanian far-right presidential hopeful barred from poll rerun https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c3d8n140mpjo An astonishing story of how deep the EU Leftist cancer has…
JohnCMar 9, 23:32 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Mark Carney wins race to succeed Trudeau and vows to stand up to Trump https://www.bbc.com/news/live/cg4k2l204zqt Good God – I started…
Eddy BoothMar 9, 23:25 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I just don’t like him. And I was suspicious of the new vax from the start myself. I don’t trust…
JonathanRMar 9, 22:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Farage will not save Britain It is far too late https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eOR8NhL09JQ&ab_channel=TheNewCultureForum
JonathanRMar 9, 22:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 No he is not but if you ever see his videos he interviews specialists in their fields. The same smears…
A moment of silence for Claudia Webbe . Through gritted teeth the BBC reports the conviction of this lady for ‘harassment ‘.
Ms Webbe is an independent MP – because her real party – Labour – suspended her pending Trial .
So there we are – the chairman of Westminster magistrates court – a a heavy duty dude – said she had lied on oath and was making stuff up as she went along .
No doubt friends will point to the racist nature of the Criminal Justice System – and coloured folk like Claudia don’t get a fair shake …
… cue the Lammy – et all ….. or will there be a mysterious silence ?
Claudia is due to be sentenced in `November – suspended ? Or a tag ? ….she threatened the victim with an acide attack – which doesn’t count for much in BBC world …
…it reminds me of the last vermin who was mysteriously allowed out of prison on a tag in order to support the Traitor Parliament – which – of course – she supported ….
This is one of those events which the BBC submerges within an hour or two ,
I note Webbe used the Covid 19 regulations in part to justify her actions. Pathetic! See Guido.
Claudia and the ‘legal team’ are planning an appeal. Methinks the magistrates ‘findings of fact are not gonna be contested by the appeal court .
The conviction of an MP for a real crime ( not expenses ) features way down on the news running order these days …
ITV local news #PRasNews “An eco charity says”
item is branded “CLIMATE CHANGES”
The on air item was another way of giving work to GMB’s failed morning presenter Alex Beresford
With the England team taking the knee (thank you Gareth) we have yet another sport the Russians can beat us at. All they have to do, when the punters are pontificating and virtue signalling, is to field a team of Cossacks. They are capable of taking two knees at once and dancing at the same time. Maybe when this happens the England management will realise they cannot compete and will think of something else!
Next item : Sue Perkins presenting the Women Of The Year award
from Central London
obviously not local news
Why is Google paying Twitter to stick its Black History Month adverts in my timeline ?
… https://twitter.com/GoogleUK/status/1440263211089948688
… it contains some video I haven’t watched
Al Beeb ready, as always, to shill for the EU.
Mouthpiece Katya Adler all too ready to push the EUSSR’s line that it is the UK’s failure to provide access to a database showing the final destination for goods which has precluded them for making today’s piddling concessions.
Katya Adler
Replying to
That they’ve long been waiting to be given access to UK databases – allowing the EU to better see which goods etc destined for NIreland ONLY and which for onward travel into Ireland and rest of EU single market – and therefore subject to checks/closer scrutiny says EU /2
Let’s see how this develops.
At the moment trying to send anything to Italy is impossible . It either gets lost or stolen . The place seems to be falling apart. There is definitely an EU policy of making life difficult for the UK exporters. Vindictive and mean lot that they are.
A number of years ago (pre-Brexit) I was in the position of regularly posting packages to a company we were supposed to be collaborating with in Italy.
NONE of the 4 or 5 packets I sent got to their destination, not one. All sent ‘recorded’ at extra cost as well. When I complained to Royal Mail, they blamed the Italian postal service.
My line manager seemed to think I hadn’t sent them properly, but we got support from our Italian co-workers, who told him “only maybe one item in 20 gets delivered by the Italian postal service, the rest get pocketed by the postmen – it’s how they make up their salary”.
In the end, it was decided to pay for one of the Italians to fly over to the UK to visit and take a box of samples back in his luggage.
Never underestimate just how inefficient and corrupt some EU countries are, cf. Spain, Greece, Malta, Romania, Bulgaria…. in fact, it might be quicker to list those EU countries where things actually do work properly…
With Poland voting to put their constitution above EU law and contemplating Pexit, the EU will do all it can to discourage any further Brexits by inflicting maximum pain on the UK.
Pour décourager les autres.
Mrs Voter was watching Film4 this arvo, Anne of a Thousand Days. I was most perturbed to find that Anne Boleyn was white! There was no notification of this before the film started.
Gosh, that must have triggered you like anything. How inconsiderate.
Maybe Sopes didn’t point it out?
It was that or Head of BBC…. well, anything…
Middle class gits . Just look at them and weep.
Spoilt, confused, cross-dressing brat, needs a good spanking.
Shall avoid John Lewis and their insurance, as it seems my premiums would be wasted on irresponsible, feckless families who let their trans kids run riot.
Time for consumer power.
“Spoilt, confused, cross-dressing brat, needs a good spanking.”
Advertising executives who think they’re being clever (when they’re really not), I’d say.
I don’t shop at John Lewis anyway, and no advert they could produce would convince me to enter one of their shops, let alone buy anything there, so I really don’t care what kind of woke drivel they come up with… I’m not actually sure who does?
Not sure if I dreamt it but I’m sure there was something on the BBC news about a shortage of reindeer to pull santa s’ sleigh because of global warming ‘ / shortage of drivers …
… meanwhile queues form outside Argos for toy panic buying …
From that other public service broadcaster, Channel 4.
Publicity image for My First Threesome, on tonight at 10pm.
FFS i thought the Channel4 threesome show sounded so corny i was avoiding mentioning it
.. but they’ve been even more corny.
Yeah, looks like swingers keep their undies on.
Reminds me of the old Frank Carson joke:
Two Irishmen in bed together. One says to the other, “I don’t think much of this wife swapping, Paddy!”
Obesity obviously can be a Covid problem for any race, not just BAMEs.
That looks about the least ‘sexy’ thing imaginable.
I expect the intention is to put us off.
10:35pm BBC1 at the end, Prince William presents the finalists for the Earthshot Prize to Build a Waste-Free World, before reflecting on the series and the scale of the challenges ahead.
.. Next week is the prize ceremony.
10pm BBC4 A BBC eco show where they have flown round and round the world to make a doco about how to improve planet
TOADY Watch #2 – the subtle difference was noted
In the 6 a.m. News it was inferred that there was a fight between England supporters and Hungary supporters at the World Cup qualifying match and the police had to be called in to deal with it. In the 8 a.m. News and again at 1 p.m., the news was rather more clear cut in its report of what happened at the match: some of the Hungary supporters had made racist gestures and comments and fought with the Stewards when they tried to deal with them. Sneaky BBC.
More Bbbc bs in the Fail.
‘ground-breaking , ‘genre-busting’, ‘these dramas don’t sit comfortably within those genres we feel very familiar with’. Apparently.
CCBGB, one from John in Liverpool.
“My ten TV series to save the BBC. 1) The real history of slavery, not the woke version we want you to believe. 2) The reasons there are really only two sexes. 3) How to leave University and not be a Marxist. 4) How the Government has removed lots of your rights and freedoms over the last ten years and not told you. 5) Why no Government will stop illegal immigration. 6) Why big business and the BBC got Brexit so wrong. 7) How the BBC and MSM feeds you only what they want you to know . 8) How the BBC manages to employ so many people who are out of touch the with the majority population and how the license fee is wasted. 9) How to make criminals of citizens without being a Government or law enforcement agency. 10) Fawlty Towers.”
John roasts most of our establishment and smashes my perception of Scousers in one.
Here’s Colin Brazier of GB News discussing, among other things, the state of broadcast news including BBC/ITV/Sky (same thing), specific incidents such as PC Blakelock, 2015 immigration, mentally deranged Greta-How-Dare-You and the under-sung achievements of Britain, and more.
Warning: it’s a slow burn, conversational, and perhaps not for those in a hurry.
Thanks – I’ve got a lot of time for Mr Brazier and his monologues – which I regularly watch …. His description of the killing of Keith Blacklock – which I remember very well – is very powerful . Spare time – perhaps – to have a watch ….
If you have no attention span – look elsewhere …
Agree totally
The BBC has given up all pretences that the UK should be
recognized as a North West European Kingdom, who’s majority
are ethnically Caucasian. I say majority which is around 80-85%.
The BBC gives the impression that to show any general graphics
which does not include a black face should be considered racist.
So for example if a couple is looking at their gas bill, one has to
be black .
We live in a multicultural society. But this obsessive diversity
insanity at the BBC has reached a point of paranoiac madness.
BUT the paradox is that in London where the indigenous
population in percentages is well less than half. The same rules
do not apply when it comes to presentation and reporting of
the capitols issues. Here the so called “positive discrimination”
is thrown out of the window. ” Pale and stale are in a minority
of 40%. So why should they be involved in more than 25% of
presenting, and reporting anything to do with them?”
The BBC has failed to work the Goeballs propaganda playbook by being so obvious in their campaign that even ‘ordinary people ‘ are noticing the narrative .
We even recognise / identify ‘approved thought ‘ – which is also a propaganda failure on their part – and which will – thankfully – lead to decline and demise ….
“which is also a propaganda failure on their part – and which will – thankfully – lead to decline and demise ….”
Something that I have posted on this site many times “you can fool all of the people some of the time, and you can fool some of the people all of the time, but you can’t fool all of the people all of the time”
Warning to Al Beeb: The people of Great Britain are not Fools. Your end is nigh.
Kongsberg. Norway bow and arrow nutter.
“Witnesses say incident began at Coop Extra Store”
“The suspect, whose name has not been released, targeted people in Kongsberg.”
“A stabbing of a woman has not been confirmed, but happened according to a witness. ”
Police say : 5 dead : probably just 1 perpetrator. Investigating possible terror motive, incl in SoMe.
Multiple fatalities, multiple injuries, many witnesses at several sites around town.
Police in Norway must be afraid of something cos suddenly have a new policy of carrying guns.
Tv2 “Sources inform TV 2 that the arrested man in Kongsberg is a Norwegian convert to Islam, who has had contact with the Norwegian health service several times.”
Proper source : https://www.tv2.no/nyheter/14289173/
Watch how the BBC edit their article to add that bit later – even though they know it now. They play a subtle game to minimise how many people associate it with Islam. Drip drip drip.
5am UK time and the BBC still haven’t updated the article to tell us all he was a Muslim.
I wonder if they will do it at about 9am when everyone has gone to work and the story is aging.
Just imagine the uproar on the BBC if it was a far-right looney. No doubt that story will come if this terrorist attack pushes another indigenous Norwegian over the edge.
Only the BBC can write an article about Muslim terrorist murders without using the words Muslim or terrorist at all, but still manage to get ‘far-right’ into it:
‘The attack was Norway’s deadliest since far-right extremist Anders Behring Breivik murdered 77 people’
(Still no mention that he was a Muslim at 8:10am)
Ha ! – they finally added he is a convert to Islam.
I predicted 9am and it’s 9:40 now.
All of a sudden it’s become ‘breaking news’ and the original story has disappeared completely and now its just a small paragraph. They seem to want to start from scratch again ???. wtf are they doing ?.
Looks like the switch to Islamic terrorism means it needs a re-write. Maybe it will be a bit more vague about the detail and concentrate on this mysterious ‘radicalisation’ event which is to blame instead of Islam.
Plenty of time for it to slip down the rankings before everyone gets back home from work.
JohnC – once one realises what the rules of the BBC game is one then transfers to playing that game – identifying the omission – watching as unapproved details are either not reported at all or put up but rapidly relegated to – say ‘Europe ‘news ‘
Conversely if the BBC gets even a whiff of a non Muslim terrorist killer he is instantly labelled as so called ‘far right’ – as opposed to labelled as a nutter …
…meanwhile the victims of the latest Muslim mass killings will be forgotten – if they are even named at all …
Western countries really got good at self harm ….
The end result is that we are displaced. I am at a loss to understand how the Left still think that if we are really nice to these people, they will love us and be nice to us.
They see it as a weakness to be exploited. That’s why so many are coming here. And all the Left can think about is the extra votes to give them power.
Next prediction : either a small sub-story or dropped by tomorrow and disappeared without trace by the weekend.
Does conversion to islam ever make the convert a better person?
“Covid: New WHO group may be last chance to find virus origins”
Why is it really the “last chance”?
Are they trying to hide something ?
Claudia Webbe: MP guilty of threatening and harassing woman
Another one of the Left’s finest showing us yet again what nasty, spiteful people they really are underneath. Seems like throwing acid at people they don’t like is not just reserved for people like Jo Brand.
Will this one be voting on our laws whilst wearing an ankle-tag as well ?.
“Kongsberg: Five dead in Norway bow and arrow attack”
“Police will investigate whether it was an act of terror, a spokesman said.”
Well, it looks like a terrorist attack to me .
If the BBC don’t tell you ‘not thought to be terror related’ in the first paragraph, it means it is. Standard BBC strategy to mislead by omission. They only used the word ‘terror’ here because it’s a direct quote.
If they can report a suicide bomber blowing 50 people to pieces in a mosque in Kabul and not use the word terrorist even once for that, they certainly wouldn’t use it for this.
Robin Hood rides again.
Nancy Pelosi’s businessman husband has the extraordinary ability to buy and sell stocks and property at just the right time, often just before the US government enacts laws or adopts policies that affect the markets.
Almost as if he had inside information.
I wonder if the Beeb will investigate? Of course not, she’s a Democrat.
Socialism – shared resources.
The BBC didn’t cover the story of the latest school shooting in Texas for some reason.
Can’t imagine why.
Possibly Norwegian?
The BBC Moaning Emole has all the details elsewhere.
Five die in Norway bow and arrow attack
Five people have died and two others have been injured in a bow and arrow attack in Norway. The attack is said to have started inside a Coop Extra supermarket in the town of Kongsberg, south-west of the capital Oslo, on Wednesday. A man was detained 34 minutes after the attack began. Police will investigate whether it was an act of terrorism and they believe the attacker was acting alone. A 37-year-old Danish man has been arrested on suspicion of carrying out the attack. “I understand that many people are afraid, but it’s important to emphasise that the police are now in control,” Prime Minister Erna Solberg says.
35 minutes earlier, not so much, Erna.
But the important thing to emphasise is the man bit, and alone, lone Wolfie mental issues style.
Guest who
Whatever the identity of this mass killer is – it is interesting hour touchy the MSM is now – in establishing the ‘identity ‘ of this type of character .
If they can use their favourite ‘far right ‘ terminology they will at the outset . Yet if the motivation is ‘something else ‘ they avoid naming and identifying for as long as they can – in the practice of assuming people won’t pay attention .
So- if the ‘ local man ‘ charged with the latest Norway killings is named in a day or two will he be a ‘Mohammed ?’….
The BBC have actually used the term ‘far-right’ in this one now. They still haven’t mention he was a Muslim, but have dragged up the gunman from 10 years ago.
So everyone will be assuming this was far-right too until the BBC edit the article and add the truth. Which they will eventually for the fact-checkers.
The story, as they say, is… ‘developing’.
What will be interesting is how.
If it turns out that the Norwegian Hawkeye is indeed faith based and a Mo taboot it will be interesting the extent and duration of bbc follow up.
Will they look deeply into motivations and and inspirational literature in his past? If such books are discovered will they delve into Internet history and anyone he has followed socially, say at local places of worship, or online?
Anyone called Mo at archery clubs or indeed the local harriers might need to prep for being harried if of a ‘far’ anything bent.
Or, not.
You are not allowed to assume anything – yet the BBC can jump to conclusions!
Into the ‘Do not open’ skip along with Sabina Nessa and Sasha Johnson.
Sabina is an excellent example of the hypocrisy of these people. We had vigils and everything until it was dropped like a stone and Sarah Everard was pushed back to the front.
These people have no conscience, ethics or shame whatsoever. They don’t actually care who dies at all – they only care if they can use it against the people they despise – ie non-Left white males.
It was such a bizarre attack that when I first heard of it I thought it must be a madman – you know, the old, traditional kind that we used to have in the days before mass immigration.
But, as you and many others here have pointed out, the way the BBC reported this aroused suspicion. Their saying the motive was unknown and then talking about Anders Breivik made me feel they did know – and that by minimising it with a comparison with Breivik’s death toll of 77, they were already trying to downplay its Islamic aspect and placing it within the context of terrorism generally.
Breivik’s massacre ten years ago was not just an appalling act of evil, it was an immensely stupid and counter-productive move in his purported political struggle, not to mention a disaster for those of us who care about the survival of white Christian civilisation. Our enemies are now able to point to guys like Breivik when we complain about jihadis and suggest that they are both just figures on their respective lunatic fringes, mirror images of each other, extremists who don’t represent the majority of decent people in this wonderful multicultural society we are building. The “far-right” can be presented by the media as equally as dangerous as the jihadis. As long as they can do this and, let’s face it, that idiot Breivik has provided them with some justification, the threat to our culture and identity can be ignored, the very strong argument that white Europeans have for self-preservation can get lost, and the creeping Islamification of Europe can be overlooked.
The trot group, UAF, of which Cameron is a founder member, produced this.
“A 37-year-old Danish Man…….”. MMmmmm! We all know what that is code for.
If true, I am sure that Nadine will know about it ?
Government to bribe GPs to do their jobs ….. I wonder how you do a physical exam of someone during a phone ‘appointment ‘…
….maybe it’s time to train a lot more doctors and weaken the closed shop mafia which is nt working now …
Duking it out
And we say live long and prosper to our heroes of yore
As William Shatner joyfully commands: ‘Beam me up Bezos‘ (Daily Star), our miserablist Prince William sides with the earthbound Klingons.
Our Captain Kirk of Star Trek fame – who we like to hail as the true innovator of the mobile cell phone – is celebrated as: ‘Legend Shatner oldest person in space at 90‘ in the Daily Express.
Likewise the Guardian acknowledges his: ‘Joy at real-life space mission‘ as he became: ‘the world’s oldest astronault‘
Sadly, we are not amused in the Telegraph: ‘Duke tells space tourists to boldly go and fix Earth‘ – well, he can go and pound sand. Yes, I know it’s his PR advisors, but William has gone down in my estimation.
‘William in blast at space tourism‘ (in boldly print says the giveaway Metro) ‘William’s comments were made in an interview with the BBC to be aired toninght‘ – and happily leaked to the press by either his people, the BBC publicity people, or both.
Choose your weapons for the freebie Metro’s frontpage teasers for their inside stories: ‘MP found guilty of acid threat harassment’ – that’ll be a Labour MP and to think Tories fret about being labelled as the nasty party; ‘Several people killed in bow and arrow attack‘ – one hesitates to joke about this one…
BBC: ‘Kongsberg: Five dead in Norway bow and arrow attack‘
‘A Danish man aged 37 has been arrested on suspicion of carrying out the attack. Police believe he acted alone, and will investigate whether it was an act of terrorism, a spokesman said.‘
Well, do let us know, won’t you… I’m waiting here all a quiver to find out.
The Beatles and Stones are duelling on the cover of the Star: ‘Hey feud! Macca says Stones are a “blues cover band”. Jagger says Beatles “never did arena tour”‘
This is akin to choosing between one’s own children. The Rolling Stones used to be considered the cooler of two bands – the bad boys. Nowadays, not so much: ‘The Rolling Stones have dropped Brown Sugar, one of their biggest hits, from their US tour. It follows unease with the depictions of black women and references to slavery in the song, which reached number one in the US in 1971‘ (BBC)
‘Rolling Stones drop “insensitive” Brown Sugar song from US tour setlist. 1971 hit condemned by critics as “prime example of entitlement”‘ (Guardian) – you see rock stars are now required to be sensitive and meek – which is why we don’t have any these days.
I don’t want to worry you but the Daily Star, Daily Express and Mirror are each offering: ‘50% off home delivery for six months‘ – and you’ll recall the last time we saw discounts on deliveries it was a precurser to a Lockdown.
It could dangerous out there: ‘Eubank mugged‘ (Daily Star) this is the lisping, country gent-styled, former boxer becoming a victim of London street crime: ‘Chris Eubank mugged for £400 Louis Vuitton bag – but he laments stolen bar of chocolate‘ (Mirror) – and if it’s now racist to refer to brown suger, there’s no way I’m looking for a joke there.
‘The incident happened on Tuesday outside a Barclays bank on Edgware Road in Paddington and Eubank doesn’t think the smartly dressed man who stole his bag would have done it had he known the former boxer’s background‘ – couple of points here… first and foremost, it’s nice to see our Chris comment on the mugger being well turned out. No beat up trainers and shabby old hoody will do if you are going up against Eubank. Also I think one would be somewhat leary if one knew one was confronting the former WBO middleweight and super-middleweight champion.
‘“I only saw the back of his head so I didn’t see his complexion. He was rather well-dressed with smart jeans I thought, ‘He must be the country’s most brazen crook. But it’s a sign of the times – they don’t care about confronting someone like me, so nobody is immune. The police’s hands are full with everything that’s going on. But we need protection on the streets”‘ – wise words indeed. I’ll give Chris a pass for diplomatically not noticing the chap’s complexion.
And incase you were wondering: ‘...what really frustrated him was losing the quarter bar of Waitrose Belgian chocolate with hazelnuts in the bag‘
As if it would have been anything as plebian as a Mars Bar or a Twix for our Cwisss.
We’re stuck with a tub of Cadbury’s Heroes, or if you prefer Roses or Celebrations or Quality Street: ‘Any 2 for £7 [Tesco] Clubcard price‘ (Star) – wait a minute I here you cry… Quality Street are hardly out of the news lately…
‘No Quality Street at Christmas? Nestlé warns it is “working hard” to get festive favourite on shelves this winter after being hit by supply chain crisis‘ (Daily Mail) – you don’t suppose manufacturers and retailers are becoming rather fond of this panic buying malarky, do you?
‘Christmas sales start early to avoid shortages… Supermarket bosses are believed to have told officials that they plan to begin Christmas promotions early to prevent a last-minute surge in demand‘ (Telegraph) – but how does that marry with supposed shortages? Illogical, as Spock might have remarked as he raised a Vulcan eyebrow.
‘Quality Street facing Christmas BOYCOTT as plant-based chocolate enrages farmers. FARMERS are threatening to boycott Nestlé after the company released a plant-based chocolate‘ (Daily Express) – stop the world, I want to get off… Hey! Mr Bezos!
I think you meant ‘throwaway metro’. Trains in Manchester are littered with them.
As for Quality Street… my observation is that the most common post-Christmas event are the castle-like mounds of QS tins stacked up at knock-down prices at every supermarket entrance for weeks AFTER every Christmas holiday. Conclusion? This is a Nestle marketing campaign and nothing less mixed with a smattering of anti-Brexit of course being a European Company.
I used to think they melted it all down to make Easter eggs.
“The Rolling Stones used to be considered the cooler of two bands – the bad boys. ”
Perhaps by the public but for the BBC the Beatles were the band, the inventors of popular music.
If they are mentioning The Rolling Stones now it can only be because they survived and the Loveable Liverpool Lads didn’t.
Christmas promotions to begin early. Oh, goody, it’s so annoying when they are left till the last minute.
TOADY Watch #1 – terrible that toys are totally in short supply for EU and EU and you this Christmas
Those of us who are getting on in years can remember previous Christimas toy shortages when Britain was in the EU and positively over-run by HGV drivers and their Yorkie bars. Anyone remember Cabbage Patch dolls ? And the handwritten sign on a piece of cardboard on a New York garbage truck one year later ‘We have Cabbage Patch dolls in stock’ ? Or various electronic devices that have been in short supply in the ghosts of Christmas past ? PS1s, PS2s, Nintendo Game Boys ….
A top item in the 8 a.m. News was a possible toy shortage. If that’s all we have to worry about ….
I picked up that scare story yesterday Up2, a headline blaring “don’t panic buy Christmas presents!” Quite obviously like the petrol lies designed to create the panic buying it warns against.
In the real world that I inhabit I assume that most people will buy a certain number of presents and no more so WTF does it matter when they actually buy them?
I guess just another childish attempt to create disruption so as to be able to blame it on Brexit. Pathetic childish peeved people!
Hopefully we are slowly moving into a period where adults run stuff again.
TOADY Watch #2 – asking but not asking …. the really important questions …..
” Hopefully we are slowly moving into a period where adults run stuff again. ”
The Bee Lady is back, displacing harshMistress Mishal. Martha Kearney was in charge of the 8.10 a.m. prime interview slot and had SoS for Health, Sajid Javid, as guest. Before Sajid Javid had a chance to speak, a female Doctor, Dr Harvey, got to speak about how all unfair it is and how she is working really hard and how difficult things are and how more people are making things more difficult especially nasty newspapers that reflect the views of their readers that they want to be able to have a face-to-face appointment with their GP and not a telephone call or Zoom or Skype consult.
Martha asked about the Doctor shortage but did not ask the key question about training places for doctors: why is their no significant increase in training places over the scandalous shortage of the Blair and Brown era? Why are the Universities dragging their feet on providing more places? Why have the Willets Reforms to Tertiary Education failed?
” Hopefully we are slowly moving into a period where adults run stuff again. ”
No chance! Can’t even ask the right questions at the BBC.
Train a man, get a doctor for life.
Train a woman, get a part-timer for half a life.
I was wondering if dr Jesse Harvey / Phillips – was a fully paid up undeclared member of the Corbin party – she sounded like it – pretty hate filled for a doctor – maybe the cash does that to them
Was £20 per vaccine they were paid ? No wonder she was crowing about how many they’d done …
I’m exonerated I guess! I pointed the finger at the RHA a couple of weeks back. Time for legislation to launch an investigation and bring these creeps to court for such dangerous manipulations for purely left-wing political purposes.
Seems Prince Dome’s PR folk suffered from premature release before thinking through the latest fire and regret science based royal pontification.
Speaking of which, seems Sleepy told his WH people he wanted ‘a cat, this big…’.
TOADY Watch #3 – duher, well at least he turned up for work today
The incentive for Faisal Islam was a jolly to the US where he could create some more Global Warming and Climate Change gases (another minor news item this morning – the G20 leaders have been farting too much) but his report at around 6.35 a.m. on TOADY was distinctly underwhelming. You do have to wonder why the BBC have employed him. Faisal Islam makes Laura ‘Part-time’ Kuenssberg look like a workaholic.
Bring back Steffie!
Er, come to think of it Stephanie Flanders is now based in New York. Could she not have done a piece to mic as a ‘stringer’ and saved all that unnecessary CO2 that Faisal has produced? She knows how to do it after her time at the BBC. Questions should be asked of the BBC, I think. As it was, there was not much to report from the meeting of G7 Finance Ministers. Why could they not have had that meeting during the Cornwall jolly in the summer? Would have saved the taxpayer a few bob and the planet some CO2.
Meanwhile Horror Story goes monarchist.
The regal,press release was copy and pasted by all media at the same time.
And universally panned soon after.
He should stick to spatting with Price Lear and his Handler.
George Takei
So Dean Cain apparently is upset that the new Superboy in the comics is bisexual.
I used to be upset that Dean Cain was straight but he has definitely cured me of that.
BBC staff impartiality?!?
Here is BBC employee Russel T Davies accepting an award, from Virgin Atlantic, using his ‘thank you’ speech to:
1. blame the Tories for clause 28 and calling the Tories in power today “bastards”
2. Compare Tories response to covid to same as AIDS
3. Accuse the LGB Alliance of “killing” people.
At least he didn’t mention Brexit!
His speech was 3m49s and the thank you bit lasted just 7 seconds. The rest of his speech was typical BBC employee bias.
Think we can guess what the ‘T’ stands for …
Tensions between trans women and gay men boil over at Stonewall anniversary
By Matthew Lavietes
NEW YORK (Reuters) – A black transgender woman wanted to be heard, but the white men wanted to celebrate.
TOADY Watch #4 – gassing about gases (there’s a COP 26 spoiler for you!)
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – combined – a small boiler item …
The UK is still in the G7 and G20 despite not being in the top 20 nations for wealth anymore. In fact, if I remember the figures correctly, we are only just in the top 30. It does depend how you measure things. The GDP measure is a bit vague and estimates of the UK population may be, probably are, much lower than the true position.
Anyway, just to keep the COP26 pot boiling over, the BBC come up with this https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-58897805 together with a small item in the news. Whether they discussed it in the actual TOADY Prog I know not. I tend to listen selectively to the BBC these days and often switch off in a small protest at what is being delivered to my ears.
I caught Javid Savid being repeatedly demanded to apologise on behalf of the Government for their Covid debacle. Exasperated, he finally conceded that when he left the Black Broadcasting Corps. shrine to human perfection, he would commit Hari-Kari so they could adorn their statue of George Orwell with his entrails.
Wishful thinking.
I thought my ears were playing up . The interview went
‘Q’are you going to apologies ‘
A ‘well if you want me to say I’m sorry – yes ‘
Q so you are apologising
A yes
Q so what are you apologising for
A ? Wtf ?
The BBC seems fixated on the need for ‘apology ‘ – as if it means anything ….strange…
Simples! Apology to the BBC means “Admit Guilt”.
China – still a developing country.
“New GCSE subjects announced in Wales but with fewer traditional science, maths and languages exams
Pupils would no longer sit three separate science GCSEs and there are fewer maths and languages exams under proposals for the new curriculum”
The dumbing down continues to meet the Third World midway and also to give the Chinese a head start in their quest for international supremacy.
A strange BBC report on a ‘special needs ‘ school where staff have allegedly been committing crimes against the 300 plus ‘ pupils ‘.
The news report named it as Whitefields School and said met plod are investigating .
But the news report didn’t mention the location – turns out to be Waltham Forest – my local one party state borough ….
…the local mp – the ambitious honourable Stella Creasy -usually pops up demanding this and that but silence so far – swamp holidays I guess …
I see the mad / thick gene really does run in the royal family – the idiot Charles spouting about green – now the son rambling about not wanting space travel … he was meant to be a ‘pilot ‘ but I guess they just let him hit the ‘hover ‘ button on the controls of the helicopter… as with kid half brother …
I expect it’s already been noted somewhere, but Wills was RAF wasn’t he?
Motto, “Per ardua ad astra” – “through adversity to the stars.”
What a stupid, bandwagon-jumping thing for William to say. Hero to zero.
I was in the RAF and helicopters are the very last chance for wannabe fighter pilots who fail the tests. Royals end up them because it’s where they can do the least damage.
I envy you – I fancied the RAF as I always wanted to fly – in the end I landed up financing myself to get a pilots’ licence ….
…I wonder how many hours it was before he went solo .. if they let him that is … very disappointing comment – especially since UK still has aerospace aspirations …
“…where they can do the least damage.”
Or where they are least likely to come a cropper, perhaps?
I think they are just much more forgiving if you screw up. If you run out of fuel for example, you just put it down in a field. That happened many times. They just have a small set of failure conditions where everybody dies. Apart from those, everybody lives.
Earlier Rolling Stone gets an outing due to meeting BBC criteria on U and non-U folk. Dean Cain watch out!
By sheer coincidence…
Media Mastewrs
Noah Shachtman
Editor-in-Chief, Rolling Stone
Noah Shachtman is editor-in-chief of Rolling Stone. Previously executive editor at The Daily Beast, and before that a national security reporter based in Afghanistan, Iraq and Kuwait, he also worked on Bill Clinton’s 1992 election campaign and deep sized the whole cigar thing. In this in-depth interview, Noah talks about taking the reins of the iconic publication – and how the music, politics and culture title will become “faster, louder, harder, more woke and go bust” as he seeks to grow its impact; shares how he turned The Daily Beast into a “scoop factory,” breaking some of the biggest stories of recent times including Jeffrey Epstein’s arrest and Donald Trump’s impeachment, but nothing Awks Demwards; and drawing on his years of experience in the Middle East, reflects on President Biden’s triumphant withdrawal from Afghanistan – and the likely consequences.
Sopes will be in love.
The Norwegian bowman is a moslem, one that has been radicalised and known to the police.
Look over there – squirrels … ironic that some on this site refer to ‘Norwegians ‘ as Muslim terrorist murders – and this one is one ..
Oh Norway – make your bed – die in it …
The authorities, and idiot media by association, appear to feel ‘known to the police’ in some way mitigates matters.
I beg to differ.
Were a loved one whacked by a fresh off the prayer mat nut job I’d be feeling pretty vexed with whoever created the situation that they were in the country to do so at all, much less restrained only post event.
Yes, there are home grown ones too, but adding to the natural mutation roster domestically is beyond dumb.
Pupil abuse in special school secure rooms filmed on CCTV
Oh dear I thought : I’ll have a look at who is responsible.
Went to the school website, all the white, female vice-principles are there but the principle has removed her picture.
So a bit of googling soon found her:

This story isn’t news. It’s what to expect when people are given jobs for reasons other than their ability.
Picture Is definitely Walthamstow E17 though … absence of the picture means so much …. Look away ..
The BBC have just rolled on a bigwig from the NHS (most probably a leftie) who was defending the appalling waiting lists by moaning about underfunding from the Government, of course they followed this up with an interview with the Shadow Health Minister, Ashworth who repeated the same total politically motivated utter garbage.
The BBC never bothered to double check the real stats… here they are on the Kings Fund site…
Eye-watering additional cash injected over the last few years while GP’s have all been on effective furlough and patients waiting for treatment have effectively been told don’t ring us well ring you….
What the hell are they doing with it all apart from recruiting dozens and dozens of diversity staff on £60,000 – £80,000 a year?
Plus the Kings Fund point out…
“A substantial share of this extra Covid-19 funding is non-recurrent and will not be maintained in the budgets allocated to the Department after the pandemic ends.”
No bloody wonder they want to keep us all muzzled for ever!
What a shower of absolute charlatans!
“NHS underfunding from the Government”
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Manager (Patient Service)
The Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Job Reference: 317-2021-32-01-DR
Employer:The Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation TrustDepartment:317 Patient Relations – FHLocation:317 01 Freeman HospitalSalary:£38,890 – £44,503 per annum
Why does the NHS need diversity managers?
Our health service is already one of the most ethnically diverse institutions in Britain.
Proponents of ‘diversity’ say that institutions that serve Britain should reflect Britain in all its diversity. But it is becoming increasingly obvious that this diversity drive has no connection to the real world. It is yet another expression of the woke cultural revolution engulfing our institutions and re-racialising public life.
The last politician MP interviewed by Lady Brooke on TWATO, despite being ‘over-talked’ by the dear Lady, disclosed (with difficulty) that 60% of homeless in London are foreigners. He ought to have highlighted the nonsense of seriously increasing waiting times with the influx by dinghy, Afghans and Hong Kongers to help fill the queues. Thanks Boris. Another round of clapping on the doorstep maybe?
Preceded by the Doom and Gloom of the NHS which all politicians of every persuasion have secretly conspired to run down for decades whilst offering the illusion that, billions have been given to the outdated failing organisation. It has needed medically qualified ‘bodies’ for ever and it has been starved of the training for those people. Wherever and for whatever reason, the ‘Three Wheels on My Waggon” scene is palpably accurate.
My suggestion? Buy a copy of the St Johns Ambulance publication, “First Aid”. And whilst browsing the shelves of the book store, look for a copy of ‘Surgery for Dummies’ you’re sure to want/need that as well.
Lidl normally have those fold up gardening saws for branches in stock……….
Another red Tory discrediting his party . Throwing that 60% foreigner street sleepers statistic out at the end was really poor politics . The drunken poles who sleep / live in the park around may deserve one thing – a single ticket home ….
World at one ran a main piece shedding tears over ‘exhausted ‘ NHS workers and the need to stop routine operations ….
…. Do you wonder who actually runs the NHS ? I suspect the medical mafia find all sorts of reasons to ration training for doctors and nurses and are far happier importing the dregs from the third world to be ‘locum s’
If the NHS can’t deliver even with more resources – it’s time to look at privatising as much of it as possible ….
“… it’s time to look at privatising as much of it as possible ….”.
Yes, I’ll need a Cataract job done within the next 2/3 years. I’m told forget the NHS – a waste of time – even before the “Pandemic”. I jokingly replied that I might as well fly down to West Africa and find a medical charity………………
I’ve taken up ‘Benenden’. Well worth a look. ‘No questions’ and non-profiteering.
Yes I was with beneden for a good few years but thankfully never needed it – but I moved up – problem is that the inflation rate on private health insurance is gonna go up a lot as people are forced to bi pass the NHS because they cannot wait a long time …..
……I think it is poor firm that pee poor NHS mafia are the some ones you see privately ( in the mornings before those dreadful outpatient clinics ) …
UK Housing problem of 3 million.
Boris invites 3 million in from Hong Kong.
Suggested for UK 2022 … Where There is No Doctor: A Village Health Care Handbook for Africa Paperback – 16 Oct. 2004
I always remember those documentaries where the viewer sees the locals having to walk 10/15 miles to get water. And walk for a day to see a doctor many more miles further on. With the UK losing any normal affordable vehicles shortly and never being able to finance the, ‘illusory’ electric car, I foresee a grim future.
Boris said there is a level playing field in the same ditch.
“…those fold up gardening saws…”
For a cleaner cut, look for one with a Japanese blade.
Would he take it well if someone told him to piss off back to Sri Lanka?
Now that William Shatner is the oldest person to go (boldly) up in a rocket I think we should send The Queen up in one.
At 95 she beats him by 5 years.
We (UK) would then hold the record for the oldest person in space.
Come on Bezos, think of the marketing opportunities (stamps and stuff) you know it makes sense, sign her up.
Nice One.
“The woman chosen to meet the Queen on her visit to Cardiff
The Queen will be in Cardiff for the official opening of the Sixth Senedd”. Not what I thought though……………
“The event, delayed due to the pandemic, has been reduced in size compared to previous years. She will be joined by Prince Charles and the Duchess of Cornwall.” Not applying to “….the woman chosen” needless to say.
‘Surely you can put that Clark’s pie down for a moment?’
‘Are you Megan’s sista ?”
This was the Bake Off winner, and this was the best she could come up with. Any fool with a slab of coloured marzipan could equally have done the job, and its got more tilt than the Leaning Tower. She’s now telling us how to prepare and cook Yorkshire Puds ! No other winner in the show’s history has been more pushed front and centre than Nadiya.
SEBASTIAN SHAKESPEARE: BBC humiliates former Bake Off winner Nadiya Hussain by axing her Mecca pilgrimage series
PUBLISHED: 01:07, 22 August 2018 | UPDATED: 07:45, 22 August 2018
MM (Nadiya)
Build them up, then knock them down……………..
‘No other winner in the show’s history has been more pushed front and centre than Nadiya.’
They were literally falling over themselves to hand her an MBE, a gigantic slap in the face to those incredible people who toil in obscurity their entire lives in local communities to achieve such an award.
There is also argument for Liam Charles (black, Hackney) being pushed harder, since he only finished fifth in 2017 yet was rewarded with his own show by Channel 4, two subsequent Bake Off presenting jobs and his own column in the Guardian, an opportunity also to given to openly-gay winner David Atherton. These people are nothing if not predictable.
Ha! Ha! Ha………….
“Germany: Cologne Mosques to Begin Outdoor Broadcasting of Muslim Call to Prayer”
Coming to a town or City near you soon!
With Boris’ support naturally.
9th February 2019, By T-VINE
Germany’s first female imam Seyran Ateş slams influence of foreign-funded Muslim clerics
Cologne becomes first major German city to allow mosques to broadcast call to prayer
Decision ‘shows that in Cologne diversity is valued and lived’, says city’s mayor
Ella Glover
2 days ago
“In other words, Islam isn’t just compatible with Western values; it started to espouse and establish them long before western democracies. Islamic and Western values are one and the same, and they have been for longer than you could possibly imagine.“
“In other words, Islam isn’t just compatible with Western values; it started to espouse and establish them long before western democracies. Islamic and Western values are one and the same, and they have been for longer than you could possibly imagine.“
I think someone is twisting the truth there, actually that’s totally mendacious in my opinion.
It makes it sound as if most of modern ‘Western’ culture originated in Islam, which is drivel.
Both ‘the West’ and ‘the Middle East’ inherited certain common cultural ideas and values from the Ancient world e.g.: the Greeks, Persia, and Rome.
The Arabs were outside this sphere at the time of Mohammed, but came into contact with it through their conquests. One of the reasons Islam is so incompatible with other religions and cultures is that it originated in an isolated backwater, and has no scope to accommodate, or learn from other cultures and religions. Those Islamic ‘sects’ which espouse: moderation, accommodation, knowledge, and pacificism, are very aberrant to ‘mainstream Islam’.
Meanwhile, much of ‘the West’ had been under Roman rule for centuries, and even after the fall of the Western Empire, continued to retain a number of Roman ideals and institutions.
There were aspects of those ancient civilisations which were forgotten in the West and reintroduced, in some cases via Islam, that ‘rediscovery’ is part of what the Renaissance was about, but that doesn’t mean the ideas originated in Islam.
Anyway, what about the role of the Byzantine Empire in preserving and transmitting ideas?
What about the role of the Christian Churches and Monastic Orders?
“Kongsberg: Bow and arrow attack appears to be terrorism – officials”
“There had been concerns about his radicalisation in the past”
I think it was bleeding obvious to us all yesterday.
Not likely to happen in the UK
– unfortunately …
Seems worth running by Sopes and Springster.
They won’t answer, but…
Oops… oh well. Just read the comment 😬
Now, which pr person sent this in for which client?
That’s national news?!
Who the bbc wheel in, and on, never fails.
Until it does. Then they sneak out an oops next day and move on.
Springster’s offsider is desperate much?
I have to admit, there are times when I wonder if various members of the Royal Family are on the same planet as most of us.
What are the odds that’s down to generations of inbreeding, rather than them being Satan worshiping, blood drinking, child torturers though?