BBC 5 pm radio news interview Diane Abbot and Nina ? Cherry about being abused ‘ threatened as MPs ….
… the BBC seems to have gone off on a tangent over the safety of MPs . There is a big difference between a premeditated knife attack by an Islamic terrorist who even waited at the scene after stabbing and the kind of exchanges between provocative people like Abbot – often excusing the inexcusable and pre planned assassination in a church …
But I suppose the BBC has to find a distraction . It won’t work though and becomes offensive
They also seem to think being called “traitors ‘ such in the context of resisting democracy through brexit is not acceptable language . For me it is just accurate .
BBC News currently drooling over some new mosque being built.
Nice timing, beeb, nice timing.
I would consider that a cause for condolence rather than celebration.
One more fortress built in the ongoing invasion.
I feel sorrow for Sir David Amess’s family and friends on this appalling act.
The BBC, and to be fair, the media in general all sing the same tune.
. MP’s must be more protected.
. Prime Minister and MP’s shocked.
. Speaker calls for more protection.
The Elephant in the room as we all know is that MP’s are the people responsible for mass uncontrolled immigration into our Country and yet they scream like stuck Pigs when it goes wrong.
Seems like a w**k-fest of all our ‘elected representatives’ about how hard-up they are, is getting much more room on the media than the plight of normal citizens, trying to work hard and make a living.
Stabs-R-us is the bbbc’s meme for the day.
Tomorrow, more racial stuff, and how British people are told to cope.
ClimateDoomTV : Saturday 6:30pm-8pm Channel4
“A Year In The Ice : A polar icebreaker is frozen in the sea for a year to recover previously unattainable data on the effects of Climate Change now and in the future”
… doh you cannot collect data about the FUTURE
..Data is what has happened.
The line has come from the show’s PR cos multiple TV guides use it.
5:30pm BBC2 saved the planet by flying Bill Bailey around the world featured Attenborough
Coldplay “the comeback album Music of the Spheres is disappointingly shallow, says @WillJHodgkinson in @timesarts
— fluff from a band who lost their way”
I wonder if any of you out there want to recommend books or films to watch that may suit us on here.
I’ll start it off with my favourites:
All of the (12) Flashman books by George Macdonald Fraser. Deliciously non pc, especially the one about the underground railway slave route from the Southern States in America.
Catch 22 by Joseph Heller. Funniest book I’ve ever read.
Margin Call – every time I watch it I see more
13 days
I’ve been doing The Wire again – saving the final series 5 – for a rainy one
Any film with helicopters ( we were soldiers / black hawk down )
Caddy Shack
The big short
If you like that then try The Company Men, with Ben Affleck/Kevin Costner/Tommy Lee Jones and Chris Cooper. Excellent.
Yes, I agree, the Accountant had a good underlying story.
There are some actors who never make a bad film. I always enjoyed Roy Scheider, Gene Hackman, Jeremy Irons, Denzil Washington, even Stanley Tucci can play straight or do comedy and be excellent at both. (In Shall We Dance with Richard Gere, he was hysterically funny)
When I was a kid/teenager, Roy Scheider was The Man to me!
Marathon Man, Jaws, Blue Thunder, 2010 – understated, masculine and sometimes humorous, and with those craggy looks he would never have made it in today’s cinema!
And Helen ‘Jugs’ Mirren in The Cook, the Thief, his Wife, her Lover.
Actually they could remake that with my favourite, Our Marianna of the Rack, who quite resembles Jugs.
That other Greenaway film, The Draughtsman’s Contract, was good too.
Never forget seeing ‘Airplane’ at the cinema when it came out.
I missed a lot of the dialogue due to the audience laughter from all the ‘sight gags’ and only got to hear it all when it came out on tv ! (This was before Video recorders were affordable)
Got to include the ‘Naked Gun’ series too.
If you can get it on uTube ‘Police Squad’ the tv series made before Naked Gun is a must.
The BBC used to do some wonderful children’s series, Children of the New Forest, the Black Tulip and the Silver Sword, not a bame in sight, however they were in black and white on our 14″ echo TV.
Around now (our wedding anniversary next few days), we have an annual ritual of watching ‘Those Magificent Men in their flying machines’, which is still as hilarious as it was all those years ago!
More seriously, I can watch ‘The Usual Suspects’ several times…
Films I would like to recommend would include:
Ironclad – a sort of medieval Magnificent 7 with a ragtag band of fighters led by a Templar Knight (James Purefoy) defending Rochester Castle from King John. Low budget, historically suspect and very violent and gruesome, it also has anti-Brexit actor Brian Cox as a baron defending Magna Carta! I enjoyed it a lot.
WWII from the German side – the excellent Downfall (Der Untergang). Sophie Scholl is also a pretty good film.
I grew up reading sci-fi, Northern Irish writer Bob Shaw was a favourite, although it’s been some years since I last read his stuff.
For epic, cold war-era sci-fi I’d recommend The Mote in God’s Eye by Niven & Pournelle, and Eon by Greg Bear.
One of my favourite films is Slaughter House Five…….now that’s wierd but if you like Sci Fi it’s one of those films that leaves you thinking about the story. Obviously pre woke so white cast predominantly men. Now you’ll probably hate me for this but “Lobster” is thought provoking with Colin Farell (spell check,) it’s one of those alternative society films…..crackers but you’ll think about afterwards, a lot.
Read Slaughterhouse Five a long time ago, but I’ve never seen the film version . . .I’ll have to try and catch up on it (is Valerie Perrine in it? There’s a reason to see it).
I read slaughterhouse 5 as a teenager – the film is best avoided although I think there is a recent update ….the Asimov Foundation trilogy is also impressive – and I understand that – somehow – they are turning it into a film …
The title ‘Slaughterhouse Five’ often puts people off watching the film. Let me assure anybody who is uneasy about it that this film is definitely worth watching and the title is somewhat misleading.
Also for those who have an aversion to Science fiction I’d like them to know this film is quite watchable and not your normal SF fare.
Watch the first twenty minutes if you’re hesitant and see if it grabs you.
This film is in my top twenty classics and I was sceptical at first.
We’ve just started on ‘A Dance to the Music of Time’, the TV adaptation of Anthony Powells’ novel, and seen the first episode.
Looking at some of the comments online, someone said that you need to read the book(s) before you watch the programme, as there are so many characters!
I bought the books and have found the first one to be engrossing and beautifully written, which is just as well, as each of the four is around 700+ pages, and I’m a very slow reader…
(We did watch the TV story when it first came out and the DVD is a Channel 4 production. It was superb back then)!
Two films that I really liked and I think some others here might appreciate:
Thank You For Smoking. (A clever satire about a smooth-talking spokesman for the tobacco industry.)
Glengarry Glen Ross. (The ruthless world of real estate salesmen. I enjoyed the deceptive sales patter of Jack Lemmon who is particularly good in this film.)
8pm Channel 4 Malaya is the topic for the forgotten war
Tony Robinson’s script implied ethic Malay are native to Malaysia
actually it’s known Malay are like Normans they came in from elsewhere (Indonesia)
Orang Asli are recognised as indigenous and Maaly are recognised as a special class “Sons of the soil” above Chinese and Tamil.
Any Muslim usually ends up classed as Malay.
Ethnic Malay – check it out – a form of extreme discrimination against all other Malays. Bumiputera are Malay Muslims who use their state given advantages against more successful/clever Malays (Chinese perhaps?). Lovely idea – surprised Tony Robinson did not notice/comment. Not!
Play School seemed the epitome of squeaky-clean children’s TV but life on and off the set was a hive of pot-smoking and adult humour…
But in later interviews and in the BBC Four documentary Lights! Camera! Action! Tales of Television Centre, broadcast in 2012, Jones, known for his shaggy beard, warm sing-song voice and guitar, depicted life behind the scenes as a hotbed of drugs, extramarital sex and adult humour.
…According to Jones, however, presenters were often caught in flagrante in the dressing rooms of Television Centre, and they enjoyed arranging the show’s toy characters in Kama Sutra poses before filming began – Hamble, the plastic doll, being a particular target.
…His co-presenter Johnny Ball claimed that Jones and his colleague Lionel Morton were “stoned out of their minds” on “the biggest joint you’ve ever seen” when the trio appeared in silhouette as shepherds in a Nativity play, Morton holding his crook in such a way that the joint did not show. “Marijuana was like cornflakes,” Jones recalled. “We were laughing like fools but you can still sing a song when you’re stoned.”
…Jones was eventually fired by the BBC in 1973 after a fan sent him two cannabis spliffs which landed on the desk of the head of Play School, Cynthia Felgate. “I knew the writing was on the wall,” said Jones, “so I gave her one and took the other.”
Rick Jones, born February 7 1937, died October 7 2021
Islamic terrorist murderer named as Ali somthing Ali …..let’s just check BBC News…….nothing on there as you would expect and in line with thier editorial policy no doubt.
BBC staff are tweeting the name in almost the exact same tweets
– Allie Hodgkins-Brown : BBC Home & Foreign Duty Editor.
– Frank Gardner : BBC Security Correspondent.
– Deborah Haynes : security and defence editor at Sky News
Whitehall officials confirm the name of the suspect held after the stabbing of Sir David Amess MP as Ali Harbi Ali, a 25 year old British national of Somali heritage. #DavidAmess via @FrankRGardner
Children of the New Forest was being shown as Blair was consolidating his position as Head of State and Prince of Sorrows, and made a wonderful allegory. Marryatt described another time when the people of this country were continually being told what to think.
They usually do include it eventually, but they wait as long as possible before they do. Thereby minimising the number of people who read it as most will have read the story earlier and not realise it has been updated.
One of the BBC’s standard tricks. Satisfies all the fact-checkers and future searches but hides it while the story is hot.
9pm Sky Domentaries a bio of MIchael X : the London based b;acl revolutionary
The Times reviewer mocks Sky The title :Michael X: Hustler, Revolutionary, Outlaw … who was hailed as Britain’s answer to Malcolm X, makes him sound rather heroic. ..In reality his life was sad and sordid.
hanged for murder and worked as an enforcer and frontman for the notorious slum landlord Peter Rachman,
He became the first non-white person to be charged and imprisoned under the UK’s Race Relations Act,
He was sentenced to 12 months in prison
for advocating the immediate killing of any white man seen “laying hands” on a black woman
Presumably the reason the killers ‘ name has been released is because he is about to be charged – and as I said earlier today – this shuts down discussion .
However – the suggestion David Ames’s was selected for execution was that he was a devout Roman Catholic might cause some – disquiet ? And the vermin who did it probably wouldn’t know that the church in which the MP surgery was held was a Protestant one .
PS breitbart reports an Islamic attack in a RC cathedral in Nice today – apparently by a ‘Tunisian ‘ illegal who ranted in Arabic and is a Muslim ….. unfortunately – like the British variant – he remains alive …
The Somalian Islamic killer will land up with the killers of Lee Rigby instead of hanging from a rope …
I am not sure how hard sub-judice rules are in this instance
They are about ensuring the guy gets a fair trial
Well if you are covered in blood with a knife in your hand and 5 witnesses saw you plunging it into the victim, what exactly going to prejudice your trial ?
Has he got a defence like saying his mothered had been kidnapped, and would be killed unless he did it ?
I guess he would proudly plead guilty.
Stew – there can be no discussion of the case – although – of course – parliamentary privilege trumps that , it seems a warrant has been granted to continue investigation over the next few days .
I will be interested where the addresses are in East London being searched … I put my money on E15 and E10…..
… the swamp will want to know if this vermin has family … I guess not ….
“Statutory contempt law bans the media from publishing or broadcasting, including on the internet, any comments or information that might seriously prejudice active legal proceedings, in particular criminal proceedings heard before juries. The concern is that a juror might hear or see something outside of the courtroom that would sway him/her when he/she is deciding whether an accused person is innocent or guilty.”
and that can apply right after arrest, not just after charging.
Fedup, I don’t think they’re so much targeting Catholics as Christians in general.
The ‘unexplained’ vandalism and arson of various churches and cathedrals globally has been pan-denominational, as have the attacks on priests, vicars, curates, church goers etc…
I’ll go even further and suggest that Jews and synagogues are also high on that list (whether, or not they have any close connection to Israel)… and let’s be honest, atheists like me are classed as an even lower level of filth than those who practice the ‘religions of the book’, by any true follower of the Prophet. Although I wonder if the ‘heretics’ following different sects of Islam, and ‘pagans’ such as Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs, Druze, Yazidi etc… don’t come even lower in their hierarchy of the ‘damned’?
They don’t actually like many other people come to think of it.
Lee Hurst is still doing quite a few jokes on his Twitter
BREAKING UK Athletics pledge to select one fat, white guy for every 4 x 100m relay team to increase diversity. Their spokesman said: ”It’s not the winning that counts, it’s the taking part in the virtue signalling.”
— Lee Hurst – Anti-vaxxer (apparently) (@LeeHurstComic) October 16, 2021
Watching GB News Tonight Live with Mark Dolan. At one point he said, “The peace-loving religion of Islam … has been appropriated by a small, hardcore rump of extremist monsters. They do not reflect the wider religion.”
He is either being duplicitous or he is utterly ignorant of the religion. Islam is not peace-loving. It is the only major religion that has a doctrine of violence towards non-believers. What is happening when young Muslims in Europe become “radicalised” is that they suddenly become aware of what their religion actually says. Far from being “extremist monsters” who appropriate a religion, they are being true and faithful followers of the teachings of Mohammed. Because what Mohammed advocated was fighting non-Muslims and either killing them or forcing them to submit to Islamic law.
So, in my view, GB News is just repeating the standard pious fictions about Muslims and is too cowardly to face the truth about Islam. The channel isn’t much better than the BBC, certainly on this topic.
Zelatek – any news outlet is going to revert to the approved OFCOM approved narrative – it’s the price we pay for having no freedom of speech …
The blame for this murder is being shifted from the Islamic terrorist to the police prevent program … which ain’t gonna work against the doctrines of that evil false ‘religion ‘. .
We need a government that puts its own people first , that’s a government that will defend the nation.
The present one is totally and utterly useless.
The Manchester Bombing, Lee Rigby the Reading gays etc., etc.,
All now forgotten. Rest in peace.
GB news put up the text
an extract There’s no getting away from it, this evil ideology is coming from specific places in our society – it’s Islamic extremism – we have to acknowledge the truth about that and address the problem.
That ‘small hardcore rump’ has 40,000 on the watch list and this guy wasn’t even on it. And I absolutely believe that 30% of the rest are sympathetic to their cause.
It’s a massive problem which nobody dare to even admit.
We will ‘prevail’ by employing thousands and thousands of police to watch them and mopping up our blood when they slip through the net.
And to prevent people pushing back or panicking, the state will make sure as much information as possible is supressed. The BBC is an integral part of that state.
I don’t think that billions of Muslims are really peace loving. When push comes to shove they will side with their own against whomever they regard as their enemy . As a generalisation they regard anyone who isn’t Muslim as inferior and a potential enemy. Islam has always been and remains a religion of conquest, either by the book or by the sword.
It doesn’t take a lot to upset some of them though, does it?
Not adopting Islam as the state religion, or not paying the Jizya, for example, or drawing a cartoon of their Prophet, or complaining when they groom and sexually abuse teenage girls… the list goes on… and on…
It’s a bit like saying a murderous psychopath is a ‘nice, friendly guy, until you trigger him’. It’s a way of passing the buck.
“I’m not to blame for this, it’s your fault, if you hadn’t set me off by talking about brussel sprouts like that I wouldn’t need to be slowly gouging your eyes out with this potato peeler, I’m a nice, peaceful guy really.”
I think of all the bullies-in-charge I have known, of whom the toadies always said, “He’s all right when you really get to know him” or “When you are in real trouble, you see his good side”.
“Sir David Amess stabbing: What we know so far”
“He was not on the MI5 “subjects of interest” watch list, according to BBC security correspondent Frank Gardner.”
They and the ‘Gardener’ know nothing.
How can they , because so many illegal immigrants have been allowed free entry in to this country without checks being made. That’s eighteen thousand criminals this year alone!
The elephant in the room here which jumps straight into my mind is that if this man was not even on the “subjects of interest” watch list, it means the potential number of terrorists with a very real chance of doing something must be huge.
In the last report about this ‘terrorist watch list’, the BBC devoted a full paragraph to the ‘growing threat from the right’. Of course they didn’t tell us the full story – there were FORTY THOUSAND Muslims on that list a year ago and they make up 90% of the list.
The BBC don’t tell you information like that because they want to use them as ‘victims’. They don’t care one bit about this MP or any of the others who will get murdered. They are unimportant. The agenda is everything. That’s why they are dragging up Jo Cox every chance they get.
Just like all the other communists and socialists throughout history who killed countless millions whilst forcing their ideology on everyone else.
“Lest complacent readers take their own superiority to the Muslims for granted, Churchill reminds them that Islam is strong: “No stronger retrograde force exists in the world.” He alerts them, in case they have not paid much attention to it up till now, that it is “a militant and proselytising faith” that “has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step.” But, as the accomplishments and professed ambitions of the Mahdi and his Khalifa suggest, it respects no boundaries to its own entitlements, except the strength and superior technology of its enemies. Civilized nations that respect the rights of their weak as well as their strong citizens must maintain the strength to defend themselves against uncivilized nations that respect only strength.
Churchill warns that the survival of “the civilization of modern Europe” depends on its superior force and its confident understanding of its own superiority to “fearless warriors” who would destroy it. Those who blithely insist that no culture is better than any other and shudder at Churchill’s insensitivity to the claims of his country’s enemies when he distinguishes between civilization and savagery would have far more to shudder about “were it not that Christianity,” with its legacy of mercy to the weak, “is sheltered in the strong arms of science.” In particular, unless “the faith of Islam” that countenances a “law that every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property” is replaced by a faith and a law that recognize the rights of women, one cannot rue Churchill’s insistence on the superiority of the civilization that does recognize them. For to dismiss Churchill’s claim that the British Empire was superior to the Dervish Empire as merely a prejudice is to dismiss the rights of women in the same way.”
I think that Choudary May have a point. After all he does know the minds of the typical medievalist of whatever ethnicity. He has been filling them with hate for years.The motivation was either an attack on a high profile Christian whitey or something more specific like murdering a prominent supporter of Israel. Of course the government and MSM will try and persuade us that the perpetrator had mental issues , although that one is wearing a bit thin after being trotted out for the past several years to explain why so many Muslims go nuts and start killing folks. Anything but the truth that Islam can’t exist peacefully in a western democracy which begs the question why are dumbo liberals letting them in by the boatload and have been doing for decades.
“Why did BBC reporter Dominic Casciani ‘downplay’ Tory MP murder suspect’s reported Somali origins?
Home Affairs correspondent appeared to wrestle with issue on Radio 4’s Today
Asked if him being of Somali origin was significant, Casciani replied: ‘Erm, no’
Social media users then claimed he was ‘desperate to diminish implications’ ”
I’m fascinated as to how easily people can ‘belong’ in the BBC world, indeed immigrants usually do far, far better than me when it comes to BBC-integration.
I was born in one city, educated in a second and have spent half my life in a third but wouldn’t dare call myself a ‘cityonian’ of any of them. I think to do that needs at least three generations in the one place!
JimS. Exactly. I have never lived in London but the local press on the kent coast is constantly full of articles saying how bad It is that ( British ) people ‘down from london’ who ‘don’t belong here’ invade the countryside .. Yet never mentioning the other far more significant invasion, except to welcome them for some reason or other.
Ah yes Casciani and his mate Danny Sandford – usually quite cunning in their deflections to keep the BBC narrative….
Casciani not so good on this occassion – due to the importance of the victim this islamic killing cant be downplayed as much as BBC vermin would like .
Comments still blocked on most of the relevant daily mail articles including the one you refer to. Those that allow comments seem to have one or maybe ten comments all of which look heavily censored rather than the usual 3000+ comments.
Are we worse than China now ?
BBC prog prioritised getting a statement from a female Asian bishop.
It's almost as if the secular BBC doesn't know the difference between RC & CoE. At a guess the person who did the booking was told find the local bishop, but had no idea the diocese of Brentwood even exists.
It might be sheer ignorance of religious matters, or it might be that BBC now take pleasure in rubbing their audience’s noses in diversity, as Labour did.
Probably a bit of both.
Hey, @BBCR4Sunday, you somehow forgot to report that your disgraced Christian boss, the infamous forger @martinbashir, is (inexplicably) going to avoid being prosecuted!
Newsworthy enough for the national press & BBC news – but not for you?
There I was watching Rob Bell on Ch5 catch up presenting about Waterloo Bridge and enjoying the programme , even the wife sits down to watch his documentaries, can’t think why. Suddenly from nowhere there came a two minutes advert for BLM relating that the Battle of Waterloo was only won because there were black soldiers in the ranks of the British Army. Fast forward and we are back to the programme about the bridge.
A year or so ago I found Ch5 was relatively free from spurious black history and black cultural appropriation , certainly in comparison to BBC, Ch4 etc but sadly that is no longer true, even their remake of All Creatures has discovered that a rich seam of black folks lived in the Yorkshire Dales in the 1930’s .
So, an honourable man has been brutally murdered, his wife and children bereft, and your feelings are hurt because some news outlets disclosed his ethnicity and terrorist links without mentioning he’s British?
You don’t stab someone 17 times for a political murder.
This was pure, extreme hatred. And the really shocking thing about it is that he never even knew the man he killed. That hate was based purely on the religion and skin colour of someone he never met.
It sickens me that the BBC won’t go anywhere near that truth. They are the most despicable of hypocrites.
Why did BBC reporter Dominic Casciani ‘downplay’ Tory MP murder suspect’s reported Somali origins?
Home Affairs correspondent appeared to wrestle with issue on Radio 4’s Today
Asked if him being of Somali origin was significant, Casciani replied: ‘Erm, no’
He might have had a point if he had gone on to say that following the slaughter in Norway, the ethnicity is not important, the religion in this case is though.
Here is David Amess’s parliamentary record. Like Rees Mogg he was a comitted old Catholic (as opposed to the new liberal reform type) and people often confuse those old Catholic values with conservatism when it really has nothing to do with it.
Like Mogg, Amess was another comitted Socialist with close ties to the Arab world even congratulating Qatar on the appointment of a Shura council. He appears to have supported virtually every far left cause going including amnesty international campaigns.
I knew amess had voted against cutting the overseas tax gove away reductions and that he was anti abortion .
I suspect the BBC will be selective in the causes he supported …
If there is a Trial it will be interesting as to why he was selected for assassination- the connections the killer has – and whether there is a ‘ traditional’ martyrdom video …
… we wont be hearing from ISIS ‘victims’ in refugee camps for a while …
We learn science is just like making a cake and I hear your question, but let me answer a different one for you.
BBC news staff would appear to like the Sunday Mirror’s headline, since it is the one they chose to mirror at the top of their online line up of press frontpages: ‘Terror will not win‘
This reader tends to instinctively reject empty platitudinous slogans and ponders what exactly a terror win or indeed a defeat would look like?
Thinking back to the last time I was subjected to airport security – whenever that was? – I sure reflected islamic terror scored a big win over our freedoms there.
‘Suspect lives on celebrity-studded street of £2m houses and is “son of former Somali government official”‘ (Mail on Sunday) – if only he’d had an interest in football and his old dad had maybe bought a north eastern Premier League football club for him: ‘Under Premier League rules, prospective buyers of league teams are required to be vetted in order to meet a so-called fit-and-proper standard‘ (a rare guest appearance for the New York Times taking an interest in the English national sport – of selling our treasured cultural assets to foreigners)
The Sunday Express quotes the minister for hollow statements, Priti Patel: “We cannot be cowed” – says the woman regularly thwarted, cowed and put in her place by the French, by human rights lawyers and by chinless wonder civil servants in her own department.
‘We must end the hatred aimed at our MPs: Commons Speaker‘ (Observer) – this of course translates to hurty words on social media policing. The real world hatred here was islamic hatred of Western society – a completely different issue. But in the style of politicians – I hear your question, but let me answer a different one for you.
Turns out it was easier to book an appointment with your MP than it is your GP.
Over there at sister site Is The BBC Biased we note the BBC’s Dominic Casciani pulled up for “downplay” of the suspect’s Somali origins as quoted in a Sunday Mail headline.
This is absultely in line with official policy. Some years ago an old friend working in a senior local government post told me about a security planning briefing he had attended – a major airport falling within his district. Interest peaked, I was piqued to learn the priority was to ‘reassure the “Community”‘. The overriding official fear being “backlash” against said “community“. Our Dominic Casciani has form. Again, some years ago, our poor Dom was mugged, the victim of street crime. He later wrote for the BBC a heartfelt panegyric on his meeting and reconciliation with the convicted mugger. You wouldn’t know it from our Dom’s BBC article – which used the distraction technique of those familiar library pics of lily white hands in manacles – but further research in local newspaper reports contemporary with the conviction showed the perp was – as was statistically likely – black. Less a “downplay” more a downright cover up by our Dom.
The Express continues: ‘Suspect in Sir David’s murder was “flagged for deradicalisation”‘ – well, that went well, then.
Apparently our so-called prevent programme gives us immunity from islamic terror about as well the covid vaccine – as celebrated by the BBC today – which doesn’t prevent us contracting or passing on the virus – and requires seemingly endless topping up with boosters?
BBC: ‘Prof Sarah Gilbert, Covid vaccine creator: Now let’s take on 12 more diseases‘
Yeah, bring it on, book us in for ever more jabs that don’t give us immunity for ever more diseases. And lets make these vaccines compulsory. Arms like pin cushions. Big pharma laughing all the way to the bank.
Our Prof Sarah, with her lank hair, vacant stare and ill-suited glasses, gives off a distinct vibe of Olive, Reg Varney’s sister in On The Buses.
But that’s rude of me, I shouldn’t be using her appearance as the butt of misogynist jokes, that would be akin to charicaturing a woman’s place as in the kitchen….
BBC ‘The new generation of vaccines are quick to make and highly flexible. “It’s like decorating a cake,” says Prof Gilbert.’
‘“We’ve got the cake and we can put a cherry on top, or we can put some pistachios on top if we want a different vaccine, we just add the last bit and then we’re ready to go,” Prof Gilbert tells Inside Health.‘
‘Some of this work is already under way. Oxford has started clinical trials of a plague vaccine using its plug-and-play technology‘ – let’s hope while they’re playing pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake, with that one there’s no lab leaks!
And as we cross the finish line… hopefully without a Steward’s Inquiry.
‘Misogyny and bullying scandal rocks horse racing‘ (Sunday Times) – what, the totally upright and above board, never a whiff of scandal, Sunday school outing-like world of the horse track? Surely not? Clearly Dick Francis must have a fevered imagination to have conjured from thin air more than 40 international best-selling thrillers with nary a real life dodgy punt, fixed race, nor dishonest nobbling.
We must redouble our efforts to be nice to moslems and welcome them in, and take extra pains to stop people being rude about their religion, otherwise the hatred of these embittered mentally-troubled loners will have won.
I suppose referring a terrorist to a bunch of do gooders for a cup of tea and sympathy will work wonders. The death of Sir David is a tragedy but people are stabbed on the streets of the U.K. most days , it’s not even newsworthy. Everyone knows the problem..
Utter patronising platitudinous tosh outside the bubble.
The loathsome politico media stitched up estate inflicted on this country has brought ‘us’ to a nadir, and are relying on the same old BS to keep them at the top of the dung heap they have created.
Stephen Pollard is correct when he says We could have the most civil politics ever and it would not change the motivations behind Islamist terror.
It is not appropriate to apply the ‘attack on democracy’ phrase to the murder of David Amess. He was murdered by a Muslim, and Muslims are under direction via their texts, mosques, imams etc. to attack and subjugate non-Muslims by any means. So the ‘attack on democracy’ is incidental to their main aim.
Imo the phrase ‘attack on democracy’ is better applied to those traitors who try to overturn democratic votes, such as Brexit – many of whom still dwell in parliament and elsewhere. These are the ones now using the phrase and doing all they can to confuse the issue. These are the traitors who are appeasing Islam because they (wrongly) think they can control it. As one comment says: Let us not forget that this attack on our democracy has been imported into this country. In fact, so many recent attacks have been imported into this country.
I see from the Daily Mail, that since the BBBC sacked Sue Barker, the figures are tanking dramatically!
We all used to watch the show from the start, and loved Sue and co later on, as Senora O’Blene was a games teacher and I was ultra-keen on rugby and cricket.
Just to prove a point about the rugby days, I mean, what could be more of a sacrifice on a Friday night, than swapping John Players untipped to the girly Gold Leaf, and staying up until 3.00am learning all the words to ‘One-eyed Reilly’, for the post-match celebrations in the clubhouse the following day!
Sport was meant for men, women and children back then, but it’s been ruined by the present woke culture and stupid decisions to dispose of some TV players who really did do so well back then!
Poor old BBC are currently going through their worst nightmare.
Ali Harbi Ali is a black, Muslim, migrant (or son of). Three of the most sacred and protected categories in the liberal pantheon.
Normally this would make him untouchable, a sacred cow, immune to the slightest criticism, almost god-like.
And lo, he’s a vile terrorist, who savagely murdered one of our most popular MPs.
And the story ain’t going away any time soon, however hard the BBC might try to spin it or disappear it.
Now let’s see how Al beeb twists and turns and contorts the story to make it about anything but the killer, and Islam.
One strategy will no doubt be to deflect the focus onto how we can protect our MPs. Another will be “now is not the time to point the finger as we mourn…”. Another will be “we mustn’t let this divide us, David Amess would have wanted us to come together…”
There are at least 20,000 people 'of serious concern' subscribed to far-right or extreme Islamist ideologies in the UK, ex-Chief Constable of Greater Manchester Police Sir Peter Fahy tells LBC.@AndrewCastle63 | @peter1fahy
Fahy must be in the lodge as a few BBC editors because they regularly roll him out – he must have been retired for over a decade .
I bet the Manchester plod don’t even know who he is …but he has some neck commenting on contemporary issues -but I guess it supplements that big cheese plod pension…
A few hundred on ‘the right’, and 19,500 of the other really evil variety!
I was at a lunch a few years ago, when Colin Cowdrey’s son, Chris, was the speaker. He was superb, and one of his cracks was that when he discussed the number of test matches he and his dad had played in, he used to say that between them they played in 120 tests*…
*Colin 114, Chris 5…!
Sad loss to cricket, especially as I always supported Kent, and just loved the ground at Canterbury!
I clicked on that link and there was an interesting piece by former Rotherham MP, Dennis Macshane, telling us we all need to be “kinder to each other.”
FFS, I don’t expect much from MPs, either present or former, but this trite cobblers is pathetic. Is he some sort of hippy?
And don’t forget Macshane is the MP who covered up the Muslim rape gangs for decades in the interests of “social cohesion”.
He was later jailed for fiddling his local party funds.
The Mouse
IMHO he has been ordered by Al Beeb to ‘wind his neck in’ as his posts are counter productive.
His posts here are merely akin to ‘poking a stick in a wasps nest’, they aggravate the situation turning even more of the population against a biased broadcasting outfit.
Mouse – at such times ( too common ) – as moderator I keep a closer eye than usual on any ‘provocative ‘posts – I’m glad to say I don’t have much work to do—- sometimes nocturnal posts get a bit close but otherwise the few trolls who pop in to stir things up are rare ….
I feel that we have a problem with “machine politicians” and their unhealthy relationship with the incumbent, largely unaccountable state bureaucrats.
It seems we have swathes of people employed at public expense as “servants” who’ve largely disconnected themselves from the consequences of their actions and whose primary tasking in life is to maintain their comfy sinecures going forwards? (and they’ve allied themselves with the power drunk machine politicians)
When the Obamessiah turns up at COP26 will he speechify and channel “Ich bin ein Berliner” and give us all a rendition of “Ah B’lang Tae Glasgae” ?
“”Where Islam takes hold, it is forever. Islamism is based on Islam, which no one has the right to criticize. But in your countries it also plays a role in democracy and in the rule of law. Islamism exploits these values. Since democracy recognizes all opinions, from the far right to the far left, it is obliged to recognize Islam as well. All those who do not commit attacks or violent acts are, in principle, protected in a state of law. Islamism thus immediately finds itself in a conquered terrain. It is necessary to fight Islamism from the beginning. Because it is like humidity in a house. Initially the threat is invisible, it penetrates the walls which, little by little, crumble. When you realize it is too late, you have to destroy everything to clean up. It becomes a mission impossible. France is at the stage where it has just discovered that Islam is eroding her home”.”
It’s worth a few minutes imho as Jessie Watters details what Sopel and the troupe of creeps at BBC America won’t mention ( and by simple inference approve of!)
Much as I despise what the BBC has become, I’m not sure there is justification to take it that far.
However, it is 100% correct to say it displays biases that demonstrate it would rather turn a blind eye to such acts, and redirect our attention elsewhere.
I’m hearing the bbc are being called out because they are downplaying the Somali part of this latest muzzy slaughterer.
If I recall correctly the first day or two we had the bbbc constantly describing the murderer as a ‘British man’ so they can’t be accused of holding back on the ethnicity.
Of course, we all know what really goes on.
You would think that the bbbc should recognise when one of their pets goes on the rampage and recognise the style, 17 times stabbed (before he ‘passed on’) and try to cover it up some other way but they keep on with the ‘man’ description fervently hoping it’s not one of their pets this time.
Recent BBC article from@BBCNewsbeat @bbcasiannetwork reporter @siva_thasan
This features interviews with two of my lovely participants & fulfilled in a teeny way my ambition (scuppered by covid) to start intergenerational convos.
Beyond the image of the Blonde Arts Oaf, the two names they cite pretty much sums up the state of the state and state media on matters of trillion pound science triage.
1. Subsidise warmth
Paying for everyone (or just the ‘poor’?) to install heat pumps.
Maybe heat pumps are the way forward when it comes to reducing reliance on fossil fuels (?), but last time I looked they were: a. very expensive to buy, b. even more expensive to install with special pipework and radiators required, c. not at all reliable, d. not very effective, and e. very, very expensive (I think I already mentioned that?)
2. Cut the burger rate
Eating less meat/going vegan (again?)
“We’ve repatriated control of agricultural subsidies because of Brexit. We can change what we pay farmers to do, shift that effort and investment into encouraging rewilding, better upland land management, reforestation.”
In other words, with an unsustainable population of 70 million+ (and growing by the day), we should convert what little agricultural land isn’t being concreted over for housing, into jungle, and import even more of our foodstuff from hotter countries half way around the world, because we’ve stopped eating meat/dairy which can be produced in this country on marginal land, even in the winter months?
Yes, that would be a logical approach.
3. Streetlamp charging
“The switch to electric vehicles (EVs) is underway but there’s a roadblock: not enough charging points.”
Quite, but there’s another problem with EV, the electricity has to be generated somewhere, somehow, and with millions more EV on the road we’re going to need a heck of a lot of it, and quite frankly, it’s not going to be produced by windmills and solar panels that only work some of the time.
4. Climate accounting
“Nick Mabey’s number one priority though is something which sounds more mundane: company reporting.”
What?! We’re going to FIX global warming by better accounting?! No, not really, now British companies are all going to have to explain what they’re doing to cut energy use.
“No other country has managed to do this yet.”
Quite, maybe because it’s physically impossible to do so?
5. Taxing carbon
“The UK already has a sort of tax on carbon because industry has to pay for emissions permits. There are fuel duties too.”
Yes, we do, and lots of industry is no longer commercially viable here in the UK because of it.
What about making everyone pay another tax then?
“The problem: a carbon tax would make up a bigger proportion of day-to-day spending for society’s poorest which seems unfair.”
“The other stumbling block, how to avoid untaxed goods from overseas undercutting tax-paying UK producers, is trickier.”
6. Throw money at it
No comment, except throwing money at a problem with no possible solution is not ‘commonsense’ it’s insanity and a fast track to bankruptcy (although SOME may get rich(er) as a result of it, I guess).
DeborahMar 9, 22:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Eddy, John Campbell has a PhD in nursing. My mistake if I led people here to think he is a…
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FlotsamMar 9, 21:22 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Graham Greene wrote a brilliant novel, “The Comedians” (does anyone read books any more?). It was about a bunch of…
DeborahMar 9, 21:21 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Dr John Campbell on YouTube has reviewed some Covid vaccination research which may have indicated that the vaccine has compromised…
BBC 5 pm radio news interview Diane Abbot and Nina ? Cherry about being abused ‘ threatened as MPs ….
… the BBC seems to have gone off on a tangent over the safety of MPs . There is a big difference between a premeditated knife attack by an Islamic terrorist who even waited at the scene after stabbing and the kind of exchanges between provocative people like Abbot – often excusing the inexcusable and pre planned assassination in a church …
But I suppose the BBC has to find a distraction . It won’t work though and becomes offensive
They also seem to think being called “traitors ‘ such in the context of resisting democracy through brexit is not acceptable language . For me it is just accurate .
BBC News currently drooling over some new mosque being built.
Nice timing, beeb, nice timing.
I would consider that a cause for condolence rather than celebration.
One more fortress built in the ongoing invasion.
I feel sorrow for Sir David Amess’s family and friends on this appalling act.
The BBC, and to be fair, the media in general all sing the same tune.
. MP’s must be more protected.
. Prime Minister and MP’s shocked.
. Speaker calls for more protection.
The Elephant in the room as we all know is that MP’s are the people responsible for mass uncontrolled immigration into our Country and yet they scream like stuck Pigs when it goes wrong.
It doesn’t really matter. In 50 years or so the majority of the MP’s, along with the majority of the general population, will be peacefuls.
All my Gardener’s Question Time cacti are rotting in the ground.
Seems like a w**k-fest of all our ‘elected representatives’ about how hard-up they are, is getting much more room on the media than the plight of normal citizens, trying to work hard and make a living.
Stabs-R-us is the bbbc’s meme for the day.
Tomorrow, more racial stuff, and how British people are told to cope.
BBC 1 18.15 tonight The Hitlist.
We’d better watch out, probably all the posters on here will be on it.
ClimateDoomTV : Saturday 6:30pm-8pm Channel4
“A Year In The Ice : A polar icebreaker is frozen in the sea for a year to recover previously unattainable data on the effects of Climate Change now and in the future”
… doh you cannot collect data about the FUTURE
..Data is what has happened.
The line has come from the show’s PR cos multiple TV guides use it.
5:30pm BBC2 saved the planet by flying Bill Bailey around the world featured Attenborough
And Biden turns up in airforce one – the helicopter – and -I think 12 c17 globemasters
Even better – the chinaman whose country produces a third of global CO2 output is turning up video ( technical problems methinks …)
Coldplay “the comeback album Music of the Spheres is disappointingly shallow, says @WillJHodgkinson in @timesarts
— fluff from a band who lost their way”
GoWoke GoBroke
Guest Who
I see the organ grinder is coming. But is he bringing his Biden monkey along?
One way of getting a third term ….
I wonder if any of you out there want to recommend books or films to watch that may suit us on here.
I’ll start it off with my favourites:
All of the (12) Flashman books by George Macdonald Fraser. Deliciously non pc, especially the one about the underground railway slave route from the Southern States in America.
Catch 22 by Joseph Heller. Funniest book I’ve ever read.
I like all the Sean Connery Bond films.
A Clockwork Orange.
Blazing Saddles.
Life of Brian (funniest film ever)
Any other recommendations?
Emmanuel, may I add to your list,
The Long Good Friday.
Bob Hoskins and Helen Mirren.
Great film.
Margin Call – every time I watch it I see more
13 days
I’ve been doing The Wire again – saving the final series 5 – for a rainy one
Any film with helicopters ( we were soldiers / black hawk down )
Caddy Shack
The big short
Yeah ! Margin Call is one of my favs too !
If you like that then try The Company Men, with Ben Affleck/Kevin Costner/Tommy Lee Jones and Chris Cooper. Excellent.
Yes, I agree, the Accountant had a good underlying story.
There are some actors who never make a bad film. I always enjoyed Roy Scheider, Gene Hackman, Jeremy Irons, Denzil Washington, even Stanley Tucci can play straight or do comedy and be excellent at both. (In Shall We Dance with Richard Gere, he was hysterically funny)
The Accountant was a much better film than I expected ….
Limitless ….
A film from 1994 called ‘the last seduction ‘ which is just a good tale ….
I was made to watch ‘pretty woman ‘ recently – defo girl film but it has a charm ….
Master and Commander is a great film ……. An easily rewatchable
On Radio 4X – they’ve started a re run of The Harpoon – god knows how it got through vetting …highly recommended ….
I once lived in ‘margin call ‘ world with extreme stress in the room at 4am … so I recognised so much …. Think I need to see it again …
When I was a kid/teenager, Roy Scheider was The Man to me!
Marathon Man, Jaws, Blue Thunder, 2010 – understated, masculine and sometimes humorous, and with those craggy looks he would never have made it in today’s cinema!
And Helen ‘Jugs’ Mirren in The Cook, the Thief, his Wife, her Lover.
Actually they could remake that with my favourite, Our Marianna of the Rack, who quite resembles Jugs.
That other Greenaway film, The Draughtsman’s Contract, was good too.
Never forget seeing ‘Airplane’ at the cinema when it came out.
I missed a lot of the dialogue due to the audience laughter from all the ‘sight gags’ and only got to hear it all when it came out on tv ! (This was before Video recorders were affordable)
Got to include the ‘Naked Gun’ series too.
If you can get it on uTube ‘Police Squad’ the tv series made before Naked Gun is a must.
Been wracking my brain for a BBC classic.
I had to go a long way back to ‘Edge of Darkness’ with Bob Peck. 1985.
This will appeal to users of this site as it involved the hero trying to get to the bottom of something very dodgy and dangerous – bit like the BBC.
The BBC used to do some wonderful children’s series, Children of the New Forest, the Black Tulip and the Silver Sword, not a bame in sight, however they were in black and white on our 14″ echo TV.
Edge of Darkness is available on DVD – it’s well worth it . The US remake is to be avoided .
A long lost BBC drama about the army in Northern Ireland is ‘ contact’ ….which is also available as a ( now ) expensive DVD ….
Police Squad….brilliant. Tucked away late at night on Granada.
Around now (our wedding anniversary next few days), we have an annual ritual of watching ‘Those Magificent Men in their flying machines’, which is still as hilarious as it was all those years ago!
More seriously, I can watch ‘The Usual Suspects’ several times…
Pre-Sunday lunch drinks totally forgotten in tears of laughter at the ‘Naked Gun’ clips on YT!
Will watch all tonight on Chromecast/iPad – many thanks, Jazz!
Films I would like to recommend would include:
Ironclad – a sort of medieval Magnificent 7 with a ragtag band of fighters led by a Templar Knight (James Purefoy) defending Rochester Castle from King John. Low budget, historically suspect and very violent and gruesome, it also has anti-Brexit actor Brian Cox as a baron defending Magna Carta! I enjoyed it a lot.
WWII from the German side – the excellent Downfall (Der Untergang). Sophie Scholl is also a pretty good film.
I grew up reading sci-fi, Northern Irish writer Bob Shaw was a favourite, although it’s been some years since I last read his stuff.
For epic, cold war-era sci-fi I’d recommend The Mote in God’s Eye by Niven & Pournelle, and Eon by Greg Bear.
One of my favourite films is Slaughter House Five…….now that’s wierd but if you like Sci Fi it’s one of those films that leaves you thinking about the story. Obviously pre woke so white cast predominantly men. Now you’ll probably hate me for this but “Lobster” is thought provoking with Colin Farell (spell check,) it’s one of those alternative society films…..crackers but you’ll think about afterwards, a lot.
Read Slaughterhouse Five a long time ago, but I’ve never seen the film version . . .I’ll have to try and catch up on it (is Valerie Perrine in it? There’s a reason to see it).
I read slaughterhouse 5 as a teenager – the film is best avoided although I think there is a recent update ….the Asimov Foundation trilogy is also impressive – and I understand that – somehow – they are turning it into a film …
Yes I belive she makes an appearance and is the love interest at the end……very memorable.
The title ‘Slaughterhouse Five’ often puts people off watching the film. Let me assure anybody who is uneasy about it that this film is definitely worth watching and the title is somewhat misleading.
Also for those who have an aversion to Science fiction I’d like them to know this film is quite watchable and not your normal SF fare.
Watch the first twenty minutes if you’re hesitant and see if it grabs you.
This film is in my top twenty classics and I was sceptical at first.
Thanks for the back up Yasser. You watched Lobster ??
We’ve just started on ‘A Dance to the Music of Time’, the TV adaptation of Anthony Powells’ novel, and seen the first episode.
Looking at some of the comments online, someone said that you need to read the book(s) before you watch the programme, as there are so many characters!
I bought the books and have found the first one to be engrossing and beautifully written, which is just as well, as each of the four is around 700+ pages, and I’m a very slow reader…
(We did watch the TV story when it first came out and the DVD is a Channel 4 production. It was superb back then)!
I don’t watch many modern films but I’ll give it a go since you obviously have good taste.
Two films that I really liked and I think some others here might appreciate:
Thank You For Smoking. (A clever satire about a smooth-talking spokesman for the tobacco industry.)
Glengarry Glen Ross. (The ruthless world of real estate salesmen. I enjoyed the deceptive sales patter of Jack Lemmon who is particularly good in this film.)
I thought Witness was very scary the first time I saw it. Watching it again revealed lots of things missed the first time.
The film is also remarkable because a policeman-of-colour uses a word that came to be used to excess in subsequent American films.
It’s remarkable because it is actually funny and appropriate, (it relates to cows).
The barn raising and marble run are interesting too.
If you want something for the money that is the BBC
The Survivors — a 1970s series about a pandemic .
Inception is a great film
8pm Channel 4 Malaya is the topic for the forgotten war
Tony Robinson’s script implied ethic Malay are native to Malaysia
actually it’s known Malay are like Normans they came in from elsewhere (Indonesia)
Orang Asli are recognised as indigenous and Maaly are recognised as a special class “Sons of the soil” above Chinese and Tamil.
Any Muslim usually ends up classed as Malay.
Ethnic Malay – check it out – a form of extreme discrimination against all other Malays. Bumiputera are Malay Muslims who use their state given advantages against more successful/clever Malays (Chinese perhaps?). Lovely idea – surprised Tony Robinson did not notice/comment. Not!
Play School seemed the epitome of squeaky-clean children’s TV but life on and off the set was a hive of pot-smoking and adult humour…
But in later interviews and in the BBC Four documentary Lights! Camera! Action! Tales of Television Centre, broadcast in 2012, Jones, known for his shaggy beard, warm sing-song voice and guitar, depicted life behind the scenes as a hotbed of drugs, extramarital sex and adult humour.
…According to Jones, however, presenters were often caught in flagrante in the dressing rooms of Television Centre, and they enjoyed arranging the show’s toy characters in Kama Sutra poses before filming began – Hamble, the plastic doll, being a particular target.
…His co-presenter Johnny Ball claimed that Jones and his colleague Lionel Morton were “stoned out of their minds” on “the biggest joint you’ve ever seen” when the trio appeared in silhouette as shepherds in a Nativity play, Morton holding his crook in such a way that the joint did not show. “Marijuana was like cornflakes,” Jones recalled. “We were laughing like fools but you can still sing a song when you’re stoned.”
…Jones was eventually fired by the BBC in 1973 after a fan sent him two cannabis spliffs which landed on the desk of the head of Play School, Cynthia Felgate. “I knew the writing was on the wall,” said Jones, “so I gave her one and took the other.”
Rick Jones, born February 7 1937, died October 7 2021
Meanwhile: CBBC goes from strength to strength. This week!
CBBC presenter, 32, nicknamed ‘Sizzlin’ Steve’ sobs in dock as he admits having stash of extreme animal porn which was found on his phone
And if you google ‘BBC’ or ‘CBBC prensenter charged with indecency’
You will find its a common theme with BBC staff and presenters going back decades.
The attraction seems to be the BBC itself. Assorted wierdos are attracted to the BBC.
You may wonder why they feel so ‘safe’ until charged.
And even that is when they are ‘deceased’ such as the late Jimmy Saville.
Best not to watch this then…
10:15pm BBC2 their film of the night is a BLACK theatre play Ear For Eye
Originally a play ‘ear for eye’ follows British and US Black characters of different generations navigating their way through today’s society.
Islamic terrorist murderer named as Ali somthing Ali …..let’s just check BBC News…….nothing on there as you would expect and in line with thier editorial policy no doubt.
BBC staff are tweeting the name in almost the exact same tweets
– Allie Hodgkins-Brown : BBC Home & Foreign Duty Editor.
– Frank Gardner : BBC Security Correspondent.
– Deborah Haynes : security and defence editor at Sky News
BBC themselves tweeted the name at 9:27pm
Children of the New Forest was being shown as Blair was consolidating his position as Head of State and Prince of Sorrows, and made a wonderful allegory. Marryatt described another time when the people of this country were continually being told what to think.
The Telegraph:
‘ Sir David Amess latest: Suspect ‘was referred to Prevent counter-terrorism scheme’ before attack’
Sky website:
‘The 25 year old, who is a British citizen, with Somali heritage, is not thought to have been previously known to security services’
They usually do include it eventually, but they wait as long as possible before they do. Thereby minimising the number of people who read it as most will have read the story earlier and not realise it has been updated.
One of the BBC’s standard tricks. Satisfies all the fact-checkers and future searches but hides it while the story is hot.
9pm Sky Domentaries a bio of MIchael X : the London based b;acl revolutionary
The Times reviewer mocks Sky
The title :Michael X: Hustler, Revolutionary, Outlaw … who was hailed as Britain’s answer to Malcolm X, makes him sound rather heroic. ..In reality his life was sad and sordid.
hanged for murder
and worked as an enforcer and frontman for the notorious slum landlord Peter Rachman,
He became the first non-white person to be charged and imprisoned under the UK’s Race Relations Act,
He was sentenced to 12 months in prison
for advocating the immediate killing of any white man seen “laying hands” on a black woman
BTW The Times slags off the 9pm Channel5 drama as naff & super amateur.
Presumably the reason the killers ‘ name has been released is because he is about to be charged – and as I said earlier today – this shuts down discussion .
However – the suggestion David Ames’s was selected for execution was that he was a devout Roman Catholic might cause some – disquiet ? And the vermin who did it probably wouldn’t know that the church in which the MP surgery was held was a Protestant one .
PS breitbart reports an Islamic attack in a RC cathedral in Nice today – apparently by a ‘Tunisian ‘ illegal who ranted in Arabic and is a Muslim ….. unfortunately – like the British variant – he remains alive …
The Somalian Islamic killer will land up with the killers of Lee Rigby instead of hanging from a rope …
I am not sure how hard sub-judice rules are in this instance
They are about ensuring the guy gets a fair trial
Well if you are covered in blood with a knife in your hand and 5 witnesses saw you plunging it into the victim, what exactly going to prejudice your trial ?
Has he got a defence like saying his mothered had been kidnapped, and would be killed unless he did it ?
I guess he would proudly plead guilty.
Stew – there can be no discussion of the case – although – of course – parliamentary privilege trumps that , it seems a warrant has been granted to continue investigation over the next few days .
I will be interested where the addresses are in East London being searched … I put my money on E15 and E10…..
… the swamp will want to know if this vermin has family … I guess not ….
Actually I think the rules are stricter on MPS
It is they who are prevented from raising on-going court cases
“Statutory contempt law bans the media from publishing or broadcasting, including on the internet, any comments or information that might seriously prejudice active legal proceedings, in particular criminal proceedings heard before juries. The concern is that a juror might hear or see something outside of the courtroom that would sway him/her when he/she is deciding whether an accused person is innocent or guilty.”
and that can apply right after arrest, not just after charging.
Fedup, I don’t think they’re so much targeting Catholics as Christians in general.
The ‘unexplained’ vandalism and arson of various churches and cathedrals globally has been pan-denominational, as have the attacks on priests, vicars, curates, church goers etc…
I’ll go even further and suggest that Jews and synagogues are also high on that list (whether, or not they have any close connection to Israel)… and let’s be honest, atheists like me are classed as an even lower level of filth than those who practice the ‘religions of the book’, by any true follower of the Prophet. Although I wonder if the ‘heretics’ following different sects of Islam, and ‘pagans’ such as Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs, Druze, Yazidi etc… don’t come even lower in their hierarchy of the ‘damned’?
They don’t actually like many other people come to think of it.
What difference would being protestant make? Moslems hate Christianity and all Christians.
Lee Hurst is still doing quite a few jokes on his Twitter
Watching GB News Tonight Live with Mark Dolan. At one point he said, “The peace-loving religion of Islam … has been appropriated by a small, hardcore rump of extremist monsters. They do not reflect the wider religion.”
He is either being duplicitous or he is utterly ignorant of the religion. Islam is not peace-loving. It is the only major religion that has a doctrine of violence towards non-believers. What is happening when young Muslims in Europe become “radicalised” is that they suddenly become aware of what their religion actually says. Far from being “extremist monsters” who appropriate a religion, they are being true and faithful followers of the teachings of Mohammed. Because what Mohammed advocated was fighting non-Muslims and either killing them or forcing them to submit to Islamic law.
So, in my view, GB News is just repeating the standard pious fictions about Muslims and is too cowardly to face the truth about Islam. The channel isn’t much better than the BBC, certainly on this topic.
Zelatek – any news outlet is going to revert to the approved OFCOM approved narrative – it’s the price we pay for having no freedom of speech …
The blame for this murder is being shifted from the Islamic terrorist to the police prevent program … which ain’t gonna work against the doctrines of that evil false ‘religion ‘. .
We need a government that puts its own people first , that’s a government that will defend the nation.
The present one is totally and utterly useless.
The Manchester Bombing, Lee Rigby the Reading gays etc., etc.,
All now forgotten. Rest in peace.
GB news put up the text
an extract There’s no getting away from it, this evil ideology is coming from specific places in our society – it’s Islamic extremism – we have to acknowledge the truth about that and address the problem.
The peace-loving religion of Islam – celebrated by billions globally – has been appropriated by a small, hardcore rump of extremist monsters.
And as always, the good must stand up and defeat the bad.
This has good historic precedent. Thousands have died in wars of the past to make Britain what it is today: a ..—but-we-will-prevail/142360
That ‘small hardcore rump’ has 40,000 on the watch list and this guy wasn’t even on it. And I absolutely believe that 30% of the rest are sympathetic to their cause.
It’s a massive problem which nobody dare to even admit.
We will ‘prevail’ by employing thousands and thousands of police to watch them and mopping up our blood when they slip through the net.
And to prevent people pushing back or panicking, the state will make sure as much information as possible is supressed. The BBC is an integral part of that state.
And because they breed like rabbits and we allow hundreds of thousands in each year the problem only get rapidly worse.
I don’t think that billions of Muslims are really peace loving. When push comes to shove they will side with their own against whomever they regard as their enemy . As a generalisation they regard anyone who isn’t Muslim as inferior and a potential enemy. Islam has always been and remains a religion of conquest, either by the book or by the sword.
They are peaceful until you upset them.
Then they are the most intolerant people on Earth.
It doesn’t take a lot to upset some of them though, does it?
Not adopting Islam as the state religion, or not paying the Jizya, for example, or drawing a cartoon of their Prophet, or complaining when they groom and sexually abuse teenage girls… the list goes on… and on…
It’s a bit like saying a murderous psychopath is a ‘nice, friendly guy, until you trigger him’. It’s a way of passing the buck.
“I’m not to blame for this, it’s your fault, if you hadn’t set me off by talking about brussel sprouts like that I wouldn’t need to be slowly gouging your eyes out with this potato peeler, I’m a nice, peaceful guy really.”
I think of all the bullies-in-charge I have known, of whom the toadies always said, “He’s all right when you really get to know him” or “When you are in real trouble, you see his good side”.
“They are peaceful until you upset them.”
Or until they become a majority.
Ever mindful of Ofcom and he went as far as the rules will allow him to go.
“Sir David Amess stabbing: What we know so far”
“He was not on the MI5 “subjects of interest” watch list, according to BBC security correspondent Frank Gardner.”
They and the ‘Gardener’ know nothing.
How can they , because so many illegal immigrants have been allowed free entry in to this country without checks being made. That’s eighteen thousand criminals this year alone!
The elephant in the room here which jumps straight into my mind is that if this man was not even on the “subjects of interest” watch list, it means the potential number of terrorists with a very real chance of doing something must be huge.
In the last report about this ‘terrorist watch list’, the BBC devoted a full paragraph to the ‘growing threat from the right’. Of course they didn’t tell us the full story – there were FORTY THOUSAND Muslims on that list a year ago and they make up 90% of the list.
The BBC don’t tell you information like that because they want to use them as ‘victims’. They don’t care one bit about this MP or any of the others who will get murdered. They are unimportant. The agenda is everything. That’s why they are dragging up Jo Cox every chance they get.
Just like all the other communists and socialists throughout history who killed countless millions whilst forcing their ideology on everyone else.
viral Fauci / vaccine video …
The BBC fact checkers might just get called in over the weekend?
We never learn, it was recognised many years ago:
“Lest complacent readers take their own superiority to the Muslims for granted, Churchill reminds them that Islam is strong: “No stronger retrograde force exists in the world.” He alerts them, in case they have not paid much attention to it up till now, that it is “a militant and proselytising faith” that “has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step.” But, as the accomplishments and professed ambitions of the Mahdi and his Khalifa suggest, it respects no boundaries to its own entitlements, except the strength and superior technology of its enemies. Civilized nations that respect the rights of their weak as well as their strong citizens must maintain the strength to defend themselves against uncivilized nations that respect only strength.
Churchill warns that the survival of “the civilization of modern Europe” depends on its superior force and its confident understanding of its own superiority to “fearless warriors” who would destroy it. Those who blithely insist that no culture is better than any other and shudder at Churchill’s insensitivity to the claims of his country’s enemies when he distinguishes between civilization and savagery would have far more to shudder about “were it not that Christianity,” with its legacy of mercy to the weak, “is sheltered in the strong arms of science.” In particular, unless “the faith of Islam” that countenances a “law that every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property” is replaced by a faith and a law that recognize the rights of women, one cannot rue Churchill’s insistence on the superiority of the civilization that does recognize them. For to dismiss Churchill’s claim that the British Empire was superior to the Dervish Empire as merely a prejudice is to dismiss the rights of women in the same way.”
Preacher Anjem Choudary sparks fury by suggesting Sir David Amess may have been killed for being ‘pro-Israel’
And a comment to this scum’s output:
“How is this vile man still allowed to spit out such bile when Hungarian football fans are charged at with batons for unfurling a banner?”
I think that Choudary May have a point. After all he does know the minds of the typical medievalist of whatever ethnicity. He has been filling them with hate for years.The motivation was either an attack on a high profile Christian whitey or something more specific like murdering a prominent supporter of Israel. Of course the government and MSM will try and persuade us that the perpetrator had mental issues , although that one is wearing a bit thin after being trotted out for the past several years to explain why so many Muslims go nuts and start killing folks. Anything but the truth that Islam can’t exist peacefully in a western democracy which begs the question why are dumbo liberals letting them in by the boatload and have been doing for decades.
“Why did BBC reporter Dominic Casciani ‘downplay’ Tory MP murder suspect’s reported Somali origins?
Home Affairs correspondent appeared to wrestle with issue on Radio 4’s Today
Asked if him being of Somali origin was significant, Casciani replied: ‘Erm, no’
Social media users then claimed he was ‘desperate to diminish implications’ ”
The BBC says Casciani ‘focuses on stories relating to law, order, society and belonging – including immigration, ethnicity’.
I’m fascinated as to how easily people can ‘belong’ in the BBC world, indeed immigrants usually do far, far better than me when it comes to BBC-integration.
I was born in one city, educated in a second and have spent half my life in a third but wouldn’t dare call myself a ‘cityonian’ of any of them. I think to do that needs at least three generations in the one place!
JimS. Exactly. I have never lived in London but the local press on the kent coast is constantly full of articles saying how bad It is that ( British ) people ‘down from london’ who ‘don’t belong here’ invade the countryside .. Yet never mentioning the other far more significant invasion, except to welcome them for some reason or other.
Ah yes Casciani and his mate Danny Sandford – usually quite cunning in their deflections to keep the BBC narrative….
Casciani not so good on this occassion – due to the importance of the victim this islamic killing cant be downplayed as much as BBC vermin would like .
Casciani makes JezBo seem rational and impartial.
The weasel’s weasel.
Comments still blocked on most of the relevant daily mail articles including the one you refer to. Those that allow comments seem to have one or maybe ten comments all of which look heavily censored rather than the usual 3000+ comments.
Are we worse than China now ?
“Somali heritage” is neither here nor there; he might equally have come from any number of other moslem countries.
BBC Sport
“Agnes Tirop: Husband arrested in Kenya after athlete’s death”
It was an accident, he was just sharpening a knife in the kitchen when she walked in and tripped over the doormat.
It happens all the time.
The accidental death prevented Tirop from winning the first Nobel Science Prize ever awarded to a BlackFrican.
Surely this is a hate crime at this difficult time?
Look squirrels ( pigs ) …
She and Femi should hook up.
Rayner and libmob put a target on Tory MP’s backs
So those tweets are projecting their own behaviour.
However the killer, and poor security are responsible for the death.
BBC prog prioritised getting a statement from a female Asian bishop.
“Gulnar Eleanor “Guli” Francis-Dehqani
is an Iranian-born British Anglican bishop who has been Bishop of Chelmsford since 2021″
It might be sheer ignorance of religious matters, or it might be that BBC now take pleasure in rubbing their audience’s noses in diversity, as Labour did.
Probably a bit of both.
There I was watching Rob Bell on Ch5 catch up presenting about Waterloo Bridge and enjoying the programme , even the wife sits down to watch his documentaries, can’t think why. Suddenly from nowhere there came a two minutes advert for BLM relating that the Battle of Waterloo was only won because there were black soldiers in the ranks of the British Army. Fast forward and we are back to the programme about the bridge.
A year or so ago I found Ch5 was relatively free from spurious black history and black cultural appropriation , certainly in comparison to BBC, Ch4 etc but sadly that is no longer true, even their remake of All Creatures has discovered that a rich seam of black folks lived in the Yorkshire Dales in the 1930’s .
Another one certain media can’t get enough of.
I havent seen Marr for decades but thought i would look in today .
The BBC is interpreting the murder of sir david amess as a ‘ political ‘ one . Where as is was a religious killing .
And being as biased as the BBC is any report on this islamic murder is linked back to the labour MP killed a few years ago …
I d switched off after 11 minutes marr isnt right for a sunday morning
Not right for just about anything, or time.
Be interesting to get the view of the evening special lady whose knickers he rearranged.
To the resounding silence of sistas everywhere.
You don’t stab someone 17 times for a political murder.
This was pure, extreme hatred. And the really shocking thing about it is that he never even knew the man he killed. That hate was based purely on the religion and skin colour of someone he never met.
It sickens me that the BBC won’t go anywhere near that truth. They are the most despicable of hypocrites.
If the bbc is trying to steer the political route Fick Ange may not be best pleased.
Why did BBC reporter Dominic Casciani ‘downplay’ Tory MP murder suspect’s reported Somali origins?
Home Affairs correspondent appeared to wrestle with issue on Radio 4’s Today
Asked if him being of Somali origin was significant, Casciani replied: ‘Erm, no’
He might have had a point if he had gone on to say that following the slaughter in Norway, the ethnicity is not important, the religion in this case is though.
Here is David Amess’s parliamentary record. Like Rees Mogg he was a comitted old Catholic (as opposed to the new liberal reform type) and people often confuse those old Catholic values with conservatism when it really has nothing to do with it.
Like Mogg, Amess was another comitted Socialist with close ties to the Arab world even congratulating Qatar on the appointment of a Shura council. He appears to have supported virtually every far left cause going including amnesty international campaigns.
See what you think of his activities:
I knew amess had voted against cutting the overseas tax gove away reductions and that he was anti abortion .
I suspect the BBC will be selective in the causes he supported …
If there is a Trial it will be interesting as to why he was selected for assassination- the connections the killer has – and whether there is a ‘ traditional’ martyrdom video …
… we wont be hearing from ISIS ‘victims’ in refugee camps for a while …
We learn science is just like making a cake and I hear your question, but let me answer a different one for you.
BBC news staff would appear to like the Sunday Mirror’s headline, since it is the one they chose to mirror at the top of their online line up of press frontpages: ‘Terror will not win‘
This reader tends to instinctively reject empty platitudinous slogans and ponders what exactly a terror win or indeed a defeat would look like?
Thinking back to the last time I was subjected to airport security – whenever that was? – I sure reflected islamic terror scored a big win over our freedoms there.
‘Suspect lives on celebrity-studded street of £2m houses and is “son of former Somali government official”‘ (Mail on Sunday) – if only he’d had an interest in football and his old dad had maybe bought a north eastern Premier League football club for him: ‘Under Premier League rules, prospective buyers of league teams are required to be vetted in order to meet a so-called fit-and-proper standard‘ (a rare guest appearance for the New York Times taking an interest in the English national sport – of selling our treasured cultural assets to foreigners)
The Sunday Express quotes the minister for hollow statements, Priti Patel: “We cannot be cowed” – says the woman regularly thwarted, cowed and put in her place by the French, by human rights lawyers and by chinless wonder civil servants in her own department.
‘We must end the hatred aimed at our MPs: Commons Speaker‘ (Observer) – this of course translates to hurty words on social media policing. The real world hatred here was islamic hatred of Western society – a completely different issue. But in the style of politicians – I hear your question, but let me answer a different one for you.
Turns out it was easier to book an appointment with your MP than it is your GP.
Over there at sister site Is The BBC Biased we note the BBC’s Dominic Casciani pulled up for “downplay” of the suspect’s Somali origins as quoted in a Sunday Mail headline.
This is absultely in line with official policy. Some years ago an old friend working in a senior local government post told me about a security planning briefing he had attended – a major airport falling within his district. Interest peaked, I was piqued to learn the priority was to ‘reassure the “Community”‘. The overriding official fear being “backlash” against said “community“. Our Dominic Casciani has form. Again, some years ago, our poor Dom was mugged, the victim of street crime. He later wrote for the BBC a heartfelt panegyric on his meeting and reconciliation with the convicted mugger. You wouldn’t know it from our Dom’s BBC article – which used the distraction technique of those familiar library pics of lily white hands in manacles – but further research in local newspaper reports contemporary with the conviction showed the perp was – as was statistically likely – black. Less a “downplay” more a downright cover up by our Dom.
The Express continues: ‘Suspect in Sir David’s murder was “flagged for deradicalisation”‘ – well, that went well, then.
Apparently our so-called prevent programme gives us immunity from islamic terror about as well the covid vaccine – as celebrated by the BBC today – which doesn’t prevent us contracting or passing on the virus – and requires seemingly endless topping up with boosters?
BBC: ‘Prof Sarah Gilbert, Covid vaccine creator: Now let’s take on 12 more diseases‘
Yeah, bring it on, book us in for ever more jabs that don’t give us immunity for ever more diseases. And lets make these vaccines compulsory. Arms like pin cushions. Big pharma laughing all the way to the bank.
Our Prof Sarah, with her lank hair, vacant stare and ill-suited glasses, gives off a distinct vibe of Olive, Reg Varney’s sister in On The Buses.
But that’s rude of me, I shouldn’t be using her appearance as the butt of misogynist jokes, that would be akin to charicaturing a woman’s place as in the kitchen….
BBC ‘The new generation of vaccines are quick to make and highly flexible. “It’s like decorating a cake,” says Prof Gilbert.’
‘“We’ve got the cake and we can put a cherry on top, or we can put some pistachios on top if we want a different vaccine, we just add the last bit and then we’re ready to go,” Prof Gilbert tells Inside Health.‘
‘Some of this work is already under way. Oxford has started clinical trials of a plague vaccine using its plug-and-play technology‘ – let’s hope while they’re playing pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake, with that one there’s no lab leaks!
And as we cross the finish line… hopefully without a Steward’s Inquiry.
‘Misogyny and bullying scandal rocks horse racing‘ (Sunday Times) – what, the totally upright and above board, never a whiff of scandal, Sunday school outing-like world of the horse track? Surely not? Clearly Dick Francis must have a fevered imagination to have conjured from thin air more than 40 international best-selling thrillers with nary a real life dodgy punt, fixed race, nor dishonest nobbling.
We must redouble our efforts to be nice to moslems and welcome them in, and take extra pains to stop people being rude about their religion, otherwise the hatred of these embittered mentally-troubled loners will have won.
Not worried about OFCOM.
And the problem is Greta’s Goblin Groping Grampy and those who use ‘we’ like confetti. When it suits.
Sage nodding from colleagues and political chums.
Utter patronising platitudinous tosh outside the bubble.
The loathsome politico media stitched up estate inflicted on this country has brought ‘us’ to a nadir, and are relying on the same old BS to keep them at the top of the dung heap they have created.
Stephen Pollard is correct when he says We could have the most civil politics ever and it would not change the motivations behind Islamist terror.
It is not appropriate to apply the ‘attack on democracy’ phrase to the murder of David Amess. He was murdered by a Muslim, and Muslims are under direction via their texts, mosques, imams etc. to attack and subjugate non-Muslims by any means. So the ‘attack on democracy’ is incidental to their main aim.
Imo the phrase ‘attack on democracy’ is better applied to those traitors who try to overturn democratic votes, such as Brexit – many of whom still dwell in parliament and elsewhere. These are the ones now using the phrase and doing all they can to confuse the issue. These are the traitors who are appeasing Islam because they (wrongly) think they can control it. As one comment says: Let us not forget that this attack on our democracy has been imported into this country. In fact, so many recent attacks have been imported into this country.
As I mentioned the other day, a BAME on the street is statistically 10 times more likely to stab you than a white person.
I see from the Daily Mail, that since the BBBC sacked Sue Barker, the figures are tanking dramatically!
We all used to watch the show from the start, and loved Sue and co later on, as Senora O’Blene was a games teacher and I was ultra-keen on rugby and cricket.
Just to prove a point about the rugby days, I mean, what could be more of a sacrifice on a Friday night, than swapping John Players untipped to the girly Gold Leaf, and staying up until 3.00am learning all the words to ‘One-eyed Reilly’, for the post-match celebrations in the clubhouse the following day!
Sport was meant for men, women and children back then, but it’s been ruined by the present woke culture and stupid decisions to dispose of some TV players who really did do so well back then!
Given all in the news, just glanced at Sopes and Spingster.
Here’s Sopes.
Springster is still on feet.
As pinned tweets go…
Take the whole year off, Jon, you won’t be missed.
Is he one of those sad sods who drives to a picturesque location and then doesn’t leave the car park?
“My apartment”? Or the one you are renting courtesy of the BBC licence payers?
Poor old BBC are currently going through their worst nightmare.
Ali Harbi Ali is a black, Muslim, migrant (or son of). Three of the most sacred and protected categories in the liberal pantheon.
Normally this would make him untouchable, a sacred cow, immune to the slightest criticism, almost god-like.
And lo, he’s a vile terrorist, who savagely murdered one of our most popular MPs.
And the story ain’t going away any time soon, however hard the BBC might try to spin it or disappear it.
Now let’s see how Al beeb twists and turns and contorts the story to make it about anything but the killer, and Islam.
One strategy will no doubt be to deflect the focus onto how we can protect our MPs. Another will be “now is not the time to point the finger as we mourn…”. Another will be “we mustn’t let this divide us, David Amess would have wanted us to come together…”
Another deflection is to go on endlessly about Jo Cox.
I see Barack Obama is now scheduled to attend COP26
I wonder if the BBC are going to bill him over Biden?
Barack Obama, flying into the UK to tell the rest of us not to fly?
BBC front page question …
I think we know that there’s many at the state broadcaster who’d just love it if MPs had to communicate with voters via the media??
LBC and waters of mud.
I know Mr. Fahy of old. He is leftie and very common purpose.
Fahy must be in the lodge as a few BBC editors because they regularly roll him out – he must have been retired for over a decade .
I bet the Manchester plod don’t even know who he is …but he has some neck commenting on contemporary issues -but I guess it supplements that big cheese plod pension…
20,000 eh?
So let’s break that down then…
A few hundred on ‘the right’, and 19,500 of the other really evil variety!
I was at a lunch a few years ago, when Colin Cowdrey’s son, Chris, was the speaker. He was superb, and one of his cracks was that when he discussed the number of test matches he and his dad had played in, he used to say that between them they played in 120 tests*…
*Colin 114, Chris 5…!
Sad loss to cricket, especially as I always supported Kent, and just loved the ground at Canterbury!
I clicked on that link and there was an interesting piece by former Rotherham MP, Dennis Macshane, telling us we all need to be “kinder to each other.”
FFS, I don’t expect much from MPs, either present or former, but this trite cobblers is pathetic. Is he some sort of hippy?
And don’t forget Macshane is the MP who covered up the Muslim rape gangs for decades in the interests of “social cohesion”.
He was later jailed for fiddling his local party funds.
Yeh, okay Den’…
Let’s all be kind.
He may well be right! 19900 Medievalists and a hand ful f the far right.
“…far-right or extreme Islamist…”
That little word “or” is doing a lot of work.
Where’s that chap/chapess/other these days called Maxicomy (sp?) ?
Someone of here reckons he/she/other must work for the BBC – they could be right.
The Mouse
IMHO he has been ordered by Al Beeb to ‘wind his neck in’ as his posts are counter productive.
His posts here are merely akin to ‘poking a stick in a wasps nest’, they aggravate the situation turning even more of the population against a biased broadcasting outfit.
So Mouse , what’s your opinion on the outfit ?
Mouse – at such times ( too common ) – as moderator I keep a closer eye than usual on any ‘provocative ‘posts – I’m glad to say I don’t have much work to do—- sometimes nocturnal posts get a bit close but otherwise the few trolls who pop in to stir things up are rare ….
When I was much, much younger, I used to experience a few ‘nocturnal posts’ as well, but those years are sadly behind me nowadays…
Scrob – ha ha you spotted my attempt at becoming a ‘carry on ‘ films script writer … oo matron …
I feel that we have a problem with “machine politicians” and their unhealthy relationship with the incumbent, largely unaccountable state bureaucrats.
It seems we have swathes of people employed at public expense as “servants” who’ve largely disconnected themselves from the consequences of their actions and whose primary tasking in life is to maintain their comfy sinecures going forwards? (and they’ve allied themselves with the power drunk machine politicians)
When the Obamessiah turns up at COP26 will he speechify and channel “Ich bin ein Berliner” and give us all a rendition of “Ah B’lang Tae Glasgae” ?
“”Where Islam takes hold, it is forever. Islamism is based on Islam, which no one has the right to criticize. But in your countries it also plays a role in democracy and in the rule of law. Islamism exploits these values. Since democracy recognizes all opinions, from the far right to the far left, it is obliged to recognize Islam as well. All those who do not commit attacks or violent acts are, in principle, protected in a state of law. Islamism thus immediately finds itself in a conquered terrain. It is necessary to fight Islamism from the beginning. Because it is like humidity in a house. Initially the threat is invisible, it penetrates the walls which, little by little, crumble. When you realize it is too late, you have to destroy everything to clean up. It becomes a mission impossible. France is at the stage where it has just discovered that Islam is eroding her home”.”
Substitute, ‘Marxism’ in the quote……………….
Another Fox News piece.
It’s worth a few minutes imho as Jessie Watters details what Sopel and the troupe of creeps at BBC America won’t mention ( and by simple inference approve of!)
“The BBC is the real culprit…”
Much as I despise what the BBC has become, I’m not sure there is justification to take it that far.
However, it is 100% correct to say it displays biases that demonstrate it would rather turn a blind eye to such acts, and redirect our attention elsewhere.
Whether or not the BBC is the real culprit, it has declined into such a condition that we should be better off without it.
I’m hearing the bbc are being called out because they are downplaying the Somali part of this latest muzzy slaughterer.
If I recall correctly the first day or two we had the bbbc constantly describing the murderer as a ‘British man’ so they can’t be accused of holding back on the ethnicity.
Of course, we all know what really goes on.
You would think that the bbbc should recognise when one of their pets goes on the rampage and recognise the style, 17 times stabbed (before he ‘passed on’) and try to cover it up some other way but they keep on with the ‘man’ description fervently hoping it’s not one of their pets this time.
@Emmanuel Goldstein
“Passed on”: well mentioned. Much more fuss should have been made about that disgraceful choice of words by the Slimy One.
Recent BBC article from@BBCNewsbeat @bbcasiannetwork reporter @siva_thasan
Bbc radio 4 news
The BBC had decided the Somalian islamic killer so far uncharged was ‘ radicalised ‘ by the internet – facebook .
Therefore lets censor and control the internet more . Terrorism kills people and freedom .
“Lets ban something – even if we dont know what that it is “
Standard deflection
Beyond the image of the Blonde Arts Oaf, the two names they cite pretty much sums up the state of the state and state media on matters of trillion pound science triage.
Six things the UK could do to tackle climate change
1. Subsidise warmth
Paying for everyone (or just the ‘poor’?) to install heat pumps.
Maybe heat pumps are the way forward when it comes to reducing reliance on fossil fuels (?), but last time I looked they were: a. very expensive to buy, b. even more expensive to install with special pipework and radiators required, c. not at all reliable, d. not very effective, and e. very, very expensive (I think I already mentioned that?)
2. Cut the burger rate
Eating less meat/going vegan (again?)
“We’ve repatriated control of agricultural subsidies because of Brexit. We can change what we pay farmers to do, shift that effort and investment into encouraging rewilding, better upland land management, reforestation.”
In other words, with an unsustainable population of 70 million+ (and growing by the day), we should convert what little agricultural land isn’t being concreted over for housing, into jungle, and import even more of our foodstuff from hotter countries half way around the world, because we’ve stopped eating meat/dairy which can be produced in this country on marginal land, even in the winter months?
Yes, that would be a logical approach.
3. Streetlamp charging
“The switch to electric vehicles (EVs) is underway but there’s a roadblock: not enough charging points.”
Quite, but there’s another problem with EV, the electricity has to be generated somewhere, somehow, and with millions more EV on the road we’re going to need a heck of a lot of it, and quite frankly, it’s not going to be produced by windmills and solar panels that only work some of the time.
4. Climate accounting
“Nick Mabey’s number one priority though is something which sounds more mundane: company reporting.”
What?! We’re going to FIX global warming by better accounting?! No, not really, now British companies are all going to have to explain what they’re doing to cut energy use.
“No other country has managed to do this yet.”
Quite, maybe because it’s physically impossible to do so?
5. Taxing carbon
“The UK already has a sort of tax on carbon because industry has to pay for emissions permits. There are fuel duties too.”
Yes, we do, and lots of industry is no longer commercially viable here in the UK because of it.
What about making everyone pay another tax then?
“The problem: a carbon tax would make up a bigger proportion of day-to-day spending for society’s poorest which seems unfair.”
“The other stumbling block, how to avoid untaxed goods from overseas undercutting tax-paying UK producers, is trickier.”
6. Throw money at it
No comment, except throwing money at a problem with no possible solution is not ‘commonsense’ it’s insanity and a fast track to bankruptcy (although SOME may get rich(er) as a result of it, I guess).