Politicians have learnt a lesson. They can get people to behave like sheep so long as the gamut of media convinces them that it is for their own good.
Covid is simply a trial run for the real policy that will be implemented in West. It is the hypothesis of Climate Change, leading to the extinction of human kind. This drumbeat is made out to be real and urgent, that anything can be required to avert the extinction of mankind.
Such has been the consistent drum beat of this hypothesis for the last twenty years, as it morphed from AGW to Climate Change, as AGW was not being cooperative. Backed up by pseudo -scientists with dodgy degrees, we are now going down the road to economic ruination and extinction as a technical civilisation.
All this started by dumbing down universities which turned graduates from sceptics to believers. Engineers and physicists are supposed to be sceptical by nature and training. They are our insurance against snake oil merchants. No more. The few sceptics there are, instead of being listened to, are made fun off in the compliant MSM.
The BBC are happy to endorse anything woke or queer, and in today’s DT Janet Daley has made a strong video that ‘Woke’ – is fizzling out. See video.
But in the COMMENTS section is a rather disturbing vision of the future the BBC are building is of a rather more dystopian future, based on what went before. By ignorance or by design, the BBC propose the ‘ultimate’ solution that mirrors the ‘elite’ of the last war.
Comment: – As I write this what was 80 votes has risen to 116.
DF “I am not so sure woke is going to fizzle out like McCarthyism. From 1933 German schoolchildren were taught everything bad was the fault of the Jews. In our culture children are being taught that everything bad is the fault of white people. We need to take this creeping menace more seriously.”
I sure hope Janet Daley is right and Woke has gone broke. But the BBC and many UK and US institutions have already caved in to the mob rule without any public debate. Most of these are Twitter campaigners sponsored by SOROS & co, which are then reported by the BBC as ‘truth’ followers and all debate is then ‘banned’. Like “Climate Change”. Anyone who disagrees is then vilified in the Brave New World of media moguls and the BBC itself is involved as cheer leader.
The amount of money the BBC through at presenters of game show still shocks. Even though I know they are generally over paid on TV. But even so it irks, if you ever watch a BBC quiz show that may last 20 minutes of sub prime ‘rubbish’ then call ‘comedy’.
I read in Daily Mail that ‘Have I Got News For You’ may be for the chop. I have not watched it for years but I learn it been going since 1990. It seems Tim Davie is not a fan either after it was used to attack Nadine Dorries (who has threatened to cut the BBC down to size for its innate bias and bloat). So I learn that Ian Hislop and his side kick Paul Merton ‘Trouser’ £20,000 each per show!!! As an ex reader of Private Eye, I am no fan of Hislop, but I read, that he is now ‘worried’ that he might get the chop!
On a “Question of Sport”. Sue barker was dumped for a new ‘diversity squad’ that is now the ‘great replacement’ we come to expect from BBC towers. I thought I would give you some ‘live feedback’ on how well that went (again from Daily Mail) readers:
Not the only complaint either:-
MB – “Like millions of others, I’ve stopped watching ‘A Question of Sport’. The new format is embarrassing, the inclusion of non-sporting celebrities isn’t working and even the team captains Samantha Quek and Ugo Monyye display little sporting knowledge. However despite the number of viewers has halved, a BBC spokesman states the viewing figures are ‘encouraging’ and the show is reaching a young and diverse audience.”
I think that about sum it up for the BBC. A minority channel that does not deserve the money it receives. Its is a minority channel that does not deserve to be funded by a TV license. I just hope Nadine Dorries is up for the fight to Defund the BBC. We really have had quite enough and don’t want to pay for it’s ‘young and diverse’ audience that ignores the vast majority of UK tax payers asked to pay for it or go to Jail.
Stopped paying money to the BBC a while back. But I know that the BBC will continue as it is, with maybe minor changes when forced , as it is too useful a tool for government to disseminate its information, locally or worldwide, when the need arises.
BBC has used ridicule as humour or just ridicule, as a way to bring down and marginalise its opponents or its political position.
We can do the same too.
Climate Alarmism is leading to hysteric application of censorship by powerful media,. This is dangerous in all sorts of ways – suppression of views, and worse.
Hi-Just back from hospital, feeling a bit weak and catheter is
“irritating.” I would like to go to the Caribbean to convalesce.
But will just have to do second best and watch BBC TV and
the adverts on the other channels and will dream that I am
watching TV in either Jamaica or any of the other islands.
Sorry to hear hospital visit necessary, Foscari and hope you feel better.
Try not to watch the present BBC output it will only make you feel worse. We are just watching Michael Wood’s 2002 series of the Conquistadors on YouTube. I know it is the BBC but it is pre woke and the only agenda was to inform (unless so subtle that I missed it].
Turn all the lights on, turn the heating up, put a bit of reggae and steel drums on in the background, break out the rum, put on a pair of sunglasses, and turn on the BBC, and you’ll feel just like you’re in Jamaica.
Thanks everybody! I watched Pointless yesterday and was
amazed that BIG BROTHER from the diversity department
at the BBC allowed one of the quiz questions.
Classical music works were given . All by composers who were
alive in 1920. For example ” Madame Butterfly” by a composer
with the initial P. No I didn’t expect anybody to know that was Puccini. BUT more important ALL the composers were male,
stale and pale. How did you miss that BIG BROTHER?
Glad you’re back in the saddle Fossy ! You’re probably safer out of hospital than in at the moment. I recently spent 14 hours in A & E and am amazed I survived to tell the tale.
As another total dog lover, I am devastated for you and Lady O’Blene. We take on this bouncy bundle of love, and our only consolation at the end of life is they had the very best of homes.
I also understand your sh…t week. Ditto. My spell in A & E was due to chest pains but was told this week that its going to be a gall bladder removal. Yet an unrelated visit to germsville the next day and a further cancerous lesion needs removing from my back. As Larry Grayson would say “what a gay day !” so that’s 2 impending surgeries. Then a ‘just shoot me’ moment occurred last night which totally finished off the week, when the conservatory flooded after the deluge of rain.
Good job I have plenty of whiskey, gin and 40 year old Port to console me 🙂 So, keep going Scrobs, you’re far from alone.
I think we’re both Kent people, so not far from each other really!
Sometimes the interpost thing does more that we realise, I’m sorry to read your news. if it’s any help, my dear mum had her gall bladder out, as I think it’s a near redundant bit of kit, like an appendix. It’s not a bad op, so fear ye not!
If that 40 year old Port is anywhere near here, I’m on the bus (not the wagon)!
BTW, conservs always flood, they’re built that way, ours is disgusting, as I can’t be a***d to wipe it down…
Very true. Care level is virtually nil. Nurses think of themselves as consultants. And consultants think themselves gods. The result is patients have to care for themselves.
A friend of mine was talking about a relative he had who was a lorry driver. He arrived with an empty truck to collect a load, and qualified fork lift drivers stacked the truck, he as the driver was not allowed to question thte ‘qualified’ people who undertook this loading, but at the first roundabout, the load decided to exit the lorry, and have a guess who was responsible? Of course it is the driver.
Same thing with a qualified mechanic who assures a driver a vehicle is safe, it is still the driver who is legally responsible.
Same thing with a hand gun. doesn’t matter who prepared it, the one who pulls that trigger bears the ultimate responsibility for the safety of that weapon. They need to check it, make sure they know what they are doing with it and to make sure it is absolutely safe to use in the way it is intented to be used. This did not appear to have happened with the Alec Baldwin muder / manslaughter.
Live rounds were used in the gun Baldwin used, he as the ultimate user should have known this and acted accordingly, he did not, and he shot someone, and killed them.
It might be the case that Bladwin had some kind of issue with his victim, it might not, but ultimately it was him who pulled that trigger and it has to be him who bears that ultimate responsibility.
But Baldwin is an outspoken Democrat, and the rule of law does not apply to Democrats as I posted with evidence last time, in addition as a democrat despite his promoting and sensationalising guns he is opposed to the second amendment giving rise to the question as to whether he was suitable to ever be in charge of a weapon at any time, especially given his hot temper and prediliction to violence.
It now transpires the poor woman who was shot was supporting a strike on the set of a movie Baldwin had an enormous financial interest in giving a motive to his action, he is let us not forget an actor and quite capable of feigning any emotional reaction required by the media at the time, but his ability to be tweeting within a few hours after the incident is perhaps indicative.
These sort of lies are not just verbal – mere words. They damage and tear the fabric of society. When hate filled violence and lies are portrayed as peaceful, then we must not be surprised when that hate and violence visits us all in our home.
There is still time to right what happened last year. All the rioters are on video. They must all be arrested and prosecuted.
And for the journalists who did worse, they too should be prosecuted for giving moral justification to violence against the realm of Her Majesty.
Ditto here. The trouble here is that present day academics are not as expert on a subject as they used to be. They see the subject matter as personal. Beard as a woman, or Simon Sebag Montefiore as Jewish.
Now see Kenneth Clarke’s civilisation as an example of high standard . A large fraction of the series was set in Italy.
This is just another manifestation of the fall in academic standards brought about by lowering entry standards for one and all, thanks to Blair and Gordon
1.Can we expect all the Barbadians to flock back home now theyv’e ditched the Queen, I for one don’t think so.
2. As for the Councillor who resigned after using a saying that has been around for centuries, perhaps he should have said Guy Gibson’s dog in the woodpile. In the R N we used to call Raisins in Rice pudding ni**ers in the snow
Stew, just seen your post, one of my ancestors from Northallerton was on the first fleet to Australia, he was neither a tourist nor a guard.
No there’s the BBC2 late film A Time To Kill Can black man get fair trial for killings whites? Based on John Grisham book
but completely distracted from its original message
by playing up racism with KKK for shock value Samuel L. Jackson
It’s about the disproportion
It is entirely right to show concern for all society.
The problem is when their become so many it’s a grievance industry
distorting the real world.
False president changes US policy on Taiwan by saying the US will defend it – White House then has to roll back to the original ‘ambiguity ‘ line …..
One kind of thinks something big is coming down the track …. – and won’t be thinking too much about ‘green ‘ policy …
When Biden made NATO surrender to the Taleban, it made people really realise that America’s will to fight to the death for any NATO ally was just political fiction. The USA is not likely to fight Russia to the end if Russia seizes Latvia or other peripheral state, when it surrendered to the Taleban. America is not nation with fortitude. Never had.
Australia, NZ and we too, have a problem. So too Europe. One is the slow and steady Islamisation of Christendom, and the other from a resurgent Russia. The latter can negate the former.
The way things are going, the Democrats are going to lose next time.
After how they shamelessly used BLM and Floyd (I will never forget Pelosi thanking him for dying in the most obviously hypocritical speech I’ve ever seen), I would not put it past them to do the usual dying regime trick and starting a war somewhere to cover up all the problems at home.
The Times Media section gives an indication of the London media bubbleworld
Podcast Choice : The Jess Philips Podcast
The media savvy MP gets celebs to open up about the people they love
The results are surprisingly tear-jerking.
Especially worth your time are the episodes with Alastair Campbell and Radio 2 religion presenter Rev Kate Bottley
Meanwhile in the BBC’s favourite institution, their beloved EU…..
It’s all been kicking off. Poland wants some national powers back. And so at the European Parliament the MEPs don’t like that idea at all, so they want the Commission and Ursula to take action and are threatening to sue them if they don’t.
You can read about this on the BBC website. Just go to the front page and choose World, Europe, and then it’s the fifth story down. Very prominent.
Except……they’ve now removed it altogether.
Funny how the impartial BBC chooses which stories are worthy of our attention.
After 10 episodes aired twice a day over 2 weeks
Harlem Shuffle by Colson Whitehead
is ending
I just noticed the Times review “Meandering plot mundane prose :Why is he so feted ?
I am underwelmed by this new novel”
So feted by the BBC ?
Well he is a lack writer, writing bout black Haarlem.
“So feted by the BBC ? Well he is a BLACK writer, writing bout BLACK Haarlem.”
2000 Whiting Award
2002 MacArthur Fellowship
2007 Cullman Center for Writers and Scholars Fellowship
2012 Dos Passos Prize
2013 Guggenheim Fellowship
2018 Harvard Arts Medal
2020 Library of Congress Prize for American Fiction
Quality Paperback Book Club New Voices Award
Finalist, Hemingway Foundation/PEN Award
Young Lions Fiction Award
Anisfield-Wolf Book Award
Finalist, Pulitzer Prize
Finalist, National Book Critics Circle
Finalist, Los Angeles Times Book Prize
PEN Oakland/Josephine Miles Literary Award
Finalist, PEN/Faulkner Award for Fiction
Finalist, Hurston-Wright Legacy Award
Finalist, Hurston-Wright Legacy Award 2
National Book Award for Fiction, 2016
Carnegie Medal for Excellence in Fiction, 2017
Pulitzer Prize for Fiction, 2017
Booker Prize, 2017
Arthur C. Clarke Award, 2017
International Dublin Literary Award, 2018
Pulitzer Prize for Fiction, 2020
Orwell Prize for Political Fiction, 2020
Kirkus Prize for Fiction, 2019
So the Times writer I quoted is like the small boy speaking up in the story the Emperor’s New Clothes.
He showed he knew there was a long list of people feting the author, when he asked the question about him being feted.
So there was no need for your CutNPasting
BTW The Ad Popularam fallacy, means a person can be right, despite someone else quoting a long list of supporters.
Having a long list of supporters doesn’t make your argument right.
BTW you moved the goalposts there
I wrote he is a black writer, writing about black Haarlem
and suggested that is why the BBC chose THIS NEW book.
You then listed OLD praise for previous books
And that is what the Times writer suggests that cos he was feted in the past there is groupthink in awarding him praise for his new , not very good book.
When awards are made consistently to Blacks or females, one is right to suspect that the award is not on merit. This is particularly so when the awards are not to White or non- Muslim males, the groups one would expect to get them. These are the groups that are top of the education tables. Blacks and Muslims are at the bottom.
Oh dear. Auster law has to be brought into operation to achieve Equity.
Auster’s First law
The more destructive and backward an ethnic or religious group, the more BBC/MSM will show the contrary. The Corollary – the more worthy a group is, the more it will be vilified as violent, destructive and useless.
Blacks and females, and Muslim females will get the awards.
The tragedy of such blatant bias and discrimination is that when the awards to a Black or female are on merit, it wont be seen as such.
It never pays to lie. Crying wolf too often or giving undeserved awards or positions on the basis of sex, demeans everyone.
Lies by government recognised low quality experts on Climate “science”, have already destroyed the credibility and impartiality of scientists in general- even Physicists.
Stew, maybe I’m getting old and doddery but I enjoyed ‘Harlem Shuffle’; it was narrated perfectly by Rhashan Stone who was misnamed part of the time by BBC Continuity despite having done work for BBC Radio4 on previous occasions. I haven’t seen the full Times review but I enjoyed and next time in a public library may well see what other Whitehead books they have available. Think one thing that goes towards a successful fiction is to have a ‘hero’ that everyone can identify with irrespective of skin colour or nationality.
That was certainly true of Harlem Shuffle with Ray Carney. Carney evoked a certain amount of sympathy in the listener, too, despite his occasional criminality. Mind you, maybe the Times’ “meandering plot, mundane prose” was from a read of the book. It was one of the better adaptions in recent years for BBC Radio which is what I listened to.
It didn’t preach, it wasn’t propaganda; except for one or two short bits of George Floyd-ism relating to historical references to 1960s Harlem tensions.
@Up2Snuff I am glad you enjoyed it
and glad the BBC staff came out with a good product
They are capable of doing that.
And as ever I have no beef with the author, they merely do their job as they see fit.
I merely saw the Times review, and the writer saying it was not a good book.
So as you said either it is a good book, or the BBC have adapted it to make it better.
And it’s good to see they didn’t insert woke preaching into it.
My only beef is what I presume are white managers selecting authors unfairly as they go for woke issues and tickbox demographics.
See the way that was a black issue book
whilst the other daily book slot was Evaristo with her black issue book.
By rights if they have 100 books in a year shouldn’t only 3 be black
and 86% be white ?
Jeremy is a master of disinformation.
Some of his tricks are just plain fraud. Particularly his ‘random callers’ who are very obvious pre-arranged fakes reading from the Far-Left hymn sheet.
This ol’ grey head usually thinks of a favourite song by Genesis, when that person is mentioned…
The lyrics sort of portray this person as well, but the comments tell us a bit more, and there again, as Debs says earlier, Baldwin used to be a relative of a Conservative Prime Minister, did indeed have a factory in Emmerdale, and drank regularly in the Queen Vic, a small boozer in Homeandaway…
Pretending to report about K Pop in order to tell young people exactly where the blm protests would be, complete with long story on why it was justified during a pandemic lockdown and another on why young kids should go. On Newsbeat last year.
CPS collapsed another trial last week
A £3 million diamond fraud selling cheap diamonds as expensive after a “litany” of prosecution failings including the not disclosing evidence.
Why has my Times newspaper news section got a double page advert from the Premier League
“No room for racism” ?
I wasn’t aware that that there were hordes of Times readers hurting footballers or football fans.
All I see is a big chunk of FA money has gone to Murdoch
and that The Times better be good to the FA to make sure more adverts get paid for.
Just got round to seeing last week’s University Challenge, in whi h the right-on University of Sussex scored an outstanding….errrr…..15 points.
I digress. There was a convenient question to name check a much-lauded black female series from 2020, ‘I May Destroy You’ for which black female Michaela Cole garnered various awards.
So, I thought, it must have been a real ratings winner, yes ? All those BBC adverts about it, the publicity, the awards, the targeting of the BBC’s favourite demographic, the young.
Guess what? Viewing figures peaked at…errr…..230,000 and were as low as 87,000.
So not quite the success the BBC would have us believe.
But hey. Who needs ratings when you can proselytise about your favourite topics and minorities with £4bn of other people’s money.
If you factor in students from those places
Friends and family
Some BBC types
That’s about it ….. nice to see the last remaining ‘highbrow ‘ stuff on the BBC trashing itself – ….
Alec is getting 100% coverage and support from the BBC to make sure his reputation does not get tarnished. Why on earth is this the top news article for the ‘whole world’ BBC news page ?.
I’ll tell you why. His far left credentials and public displays of hatred of Trump. I guarantee you that if he was a Trump supporter, this would have been one small article then dropped after a day.
Alec Baldwin’s PR team must be busy. Over half the replies to my tweets – all in rapid succession – are people who don’t follow me. Totally astroturfing the narrative. We see you! 👀
It’s pathetic isn’t it ?.
Why do we ‘need to know’ what a prop gun is ? – except to make sure Alec doesn’t get any blame.
It’s quite scandalous that the BBC don’t include any of the information in that article. I guarantee it will appear later when the story dies down.
And I can’t help wondering how much coverage the BBC would be giving it if the victim was a white male.
It’s *all* about Baldwin – who’s an “edgy” political poster-boy for the left in the US.
“pathetic” seems to infer that the participants in this had no personal agency / responsibility in this matter – I’d say that any actor / actress who’s involved in regularly pretending to shoot people needs rigorous training and regular (time constrained) competency checks.
Defending Baldwin and in some cases seeming to play him as a f’ing victim while simultaneously not mentioning the dead woman’s name is scumbucketry of a high order.
Luckily, I’ve never heard of him until now, so as the BBC are putting him up as a saint, I assume he’s one of them, and like a lot of gobby ‘actors’, is a leftie.
Also my money is safe in my wallet from watching flicks like his. The same happened with anything the Redgraves did (I think… We used to go to a Hastings fleapit after eight pints, so might have watched a couple back then).
Why are ‘actors’ usually lefties? Wearing your badge on your sleeve is rather lame for someone to actually think you’re any good at anything!
Most people in showbusiness are Lefties because Lefties tend to be weak, shallow, greedy people with zero sense of humour and who get nasty quickly. Just like most teachers.
The shallow character makes them crave attention and approval from others. Hence why they clump together in ‘groupthink’ on twitter. It’s also why so many of them take drugs to help them cope with their insecurity and mental weakness.
It’s never a good idea to read too much stuff about actors’ careers, as once they’re mentioned as lefties, a lot of what they do or did seems to sink a bit, and from then on, we tend not to watch their stuff, let alone enjoy it.
The BBC have trashed so many decent stories like ‘The Darling Buds of May’ and ‘All creatures great and small’, they might just as well get a minor gay bollywood bloke over here (they probably have already), to do all their ridiculous plays and advertising.
If they’re so damned intent on showing progs with every blasted ethnic, then chuck it out on the World Service, and we normal British citizens can have some peace and quiet.
BTW, Brissles and another chum here a few posts back, I’ve just bought ‘Margin Call’ on your recommendation – it looks a great film, I’m not sure if it’s Senora O’Blene’s cup of tea, but it’ll be easy to watch on my Tesco DVD player…
As a bit of a film buff, I’ve seen many of Baldwin (and his brothers) films. It will soon be evident what happened on the film set, but my first reaction was “why was he pointing the gun – real or otherwise, in the direction of anyone anyway ? I’ve read reports where some ‘cold’ guns have exploded when the trigger hasn’t been pulled, – but until the investigation is over, its all speculation.
There is also the possibility that rewarded large amounts of money for reading a script, the actor feels it necessary to show that he cares for the poor. So they become the most fanatic of all Leftys. One sees this as all the Big Tech owners are Leftys.
I just hope that a really hard Lefty becomes president and confiscates their wealth as ill gotten. They deserve it.
And yet, the Democrats are doing their best to make fuel more expensive. This affects the low and middle income families most of all. It is they who will suffer the most. The poor all over the world will suffer the most, as they will have to face real hunger once more.
If the response to the hoax Climate Change catastrophe or Extinction really gets going, it translates to The Poor Hungry again.
Nothing like a fake scare story from the nasty BBBC to create another problem for the citizens of Great Britain!
They really are the pits, sitting there with enormous wages coming in at all hours, pontificating on real British people who really do need a bit of help!
Smug bunch indeed, of journos with a degree in a low IQ subject. But they feel it is right and proper.
These are the people, highly regarded by themselves, who set up a dodgy company for their salaries paid via that way rather then the usual. I don’t know how and why its done, but it is not not ethical, if one is being payed from the public purse.
I’m always suspicious of the phrase ‘what you need to know’ as used by the bbc in any situation or story. As if there is stuff we should not be allowed to know and its them that decide.
"Wuhan Institute of Virology manipulated a coronavirus to generate..10,000 times the viral load, violating provisions of its NIH contract that forbade unregulated research that could make a disease significantly more dangerous or transmissible."https://t.co/5z4suRKIO9
How you absolutely know that Jan 6 “Capitol Insurrection” was a put up job
HBO documentary on January 6 contains at least a dozen clips of USCP surveillance video that Biden’s DOJ claims is highly sensitive government material.
DOJ/USCP will give footage to HBO but fights to keep it concealed from the public.
“How you absolutely know that Jan 6 ‘Capitol Insurrection, was a put up job…”
“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”
Ignore him : he’s a troll. Lower than a snake. His intentions are based purely on spite.
Doesn’t even have the wit to even realise what he is. I’m certain he justifies what he does to himself with the usual mantra of the Left : ‘The ends justify the means’.
As Hitler, Stalin, Pol-Pot and any of the terrorists sticking knives into innocent people would no doubt agree.
Bit ambigious there … are you inferring that the Biden / Garland / DoJ /FBI proffered version of events at the Capitol should be accepted at face value?
Ever been in an actual riot ?
Ever been at a significant civil disturbance or seen the immediate aftermath of a bomb and then seen the subsequent media coverage?
– in fact, you might usefully try a read around Smedley Butler…
That trial of the far right wing militia that were plotting to kidnap Gretchen Whitmer is going so well – eh? – of course it’s not connected in any way to the day at the Capitol.
If I were to hoover up a gram of cocaine and suffer a heart attack as a consequence, is it standard practice to blame the dealer because I was ‘unaware’ that what was in my possession was potentially lethal?
I’ve enjoyed Baldwin in some of his movies but quite frankly I hope he burns in hell. He’s the worst of people.
It’s 30 years this month since I first walked into a #BBC newsroom, @BBCLeicester. I’ve been so fortunate to work with many talented people in this extraordinary organisation. pic.twitter.com/W2YfvHKuf7
Maybe that dimwit is going for the big job . I saw her being ripped a new hole by george Galloway at some bi election recently – he accused her to be campaigning for the Labour Party – quite so …
I was taught in the RAF that whenever you take a firearm, it is YOUR responsibility to check whether it is loaded or not. You would not accept a weapon from anyone else unless they opened the breach to show you it was empty.
If you picked one up, you always checked the breach.
In the latest update, the BBC are naming and shaming the armourer already. IMHO this is 100% Baldwins fault. He didn’t check and he pulled the trigger.
Gross negligence on his part and a clear case of manslaughter. But as a loyal Trump hater, the BBC are doing their best to absolve him of all blame. The armourer will be scapegoated.
100% JohnC.
I occasionally go shooting, and I am fully aware of the safety rules, as I am sure everyone on the set of this film would be aware of.
( British Association for Shooting and Conservation.)
The following Golden Rules apply:
1. The most important rule of gun handling – you should never point a gun, loaded or unloaded, in an unsafe direction.
2. The safe conduct of shotgun shooting must meet the standards described in this code, show respect for the countryside, due regard to health and safety and consideration for others.
3. When passing a gun to someone it must always be proved empty; that is open, empty and passed stock first so that the empty chambers are visible.
4. Remember – ignorance of the law is no excuse. If in doubt, always ask.
2. Safety
Above all, safety is the most important consideration. Always be aware of the direction in which the muzzle of your shotgun is pointing and never point it in an unsafe direction.
Follow these simple directions to be safe:
If you don’t follow these rules it’s your fault………
Absolutely, Davylars, and I was only in the CCF, but my dad was an army man.
From the beeb’s website: –
“Meanwhile, the BBC has obtained a document showing which crew members were listed as scheduled to be on set that day.
It names a head armourer, the crew member responsible for checking firearms. Hannah Gutierrez Reed is in her twenties and, according to the LA Times, had recently worked in this role for the first time.”
So, it ‘wasn’t his fault’ then…
…so the BBC think it’s OK, she was at fault as it was her ‘first job’.
The awful beeb have probably paid millions to show the flick, and want it emblazoned everywhere. I’ll never watch it.
Just reading a bit around this subject, and found this article from The Hollywood Reporter: https://features.hollywoodreporter.com/the-gun-industrys-lucrative-relationship-with-hollywood/
One of the things it throws up is this little nugget. Prop house Independent Studio Services, which has the largest armoury in Hollywood, can supply electronic versions of any gun, these are known as “e-guns” or “non-guns.” They are “used in close-fire situations like a point-blank execution scene, where real weapons firing blanks are deemed unsafe.”
Amusingly, e-guns are also used by those who are convicted felons, like actors Mark Wahlberg and Danny Trejo, who are not allowed by law to bear arms. “They get a lot of use on hip-hop music video shoots,” says one weapons specialist!
He took the gun, didn’t check it, pointed it at someone else and pulled the trigger. Once it was in his hands, it was his responsibility. With health&safety as it is today , he absolutely MUST have been on a training course if he was using a real firearm.
Manslaughter minimum.
Now we will see what the MSM are really made of. The BBC have shown us already – but we already knew about them.
The word ‘reportedly’ is used by the BBC, so be cautious.
I hark back to my old Highway Code days and vaguely recall being informed that no matter who waves you on, possibly even a rozzer, as a driver you are ultimately responsible for your car during operation.
Certainly I ignore people getting impatient until I am sure the way is in fact clear.
A rule I feel best followed with other deadly weapons.
One prefers to take a sideways glance at the news media – and to get a bit granular with their use of terminology rather than take their word, so to speak.
This morning – unusually for these days – a Hollywood story makes many of our frontpages. As Americans might put it lately “We could care less” since the Oscars went terminally woke, Netflix TV on demand became a thing and of course Lockdown shut the local flicks. The accidental fatal missfire of a prop gun is not an unheard of event. Ask any former goth about Bruce Lee’s son Brandon and their favourite film The Crow.
What this headline terminology nerd finds interesting this morning is the shifting inconsistent terminology employed in the headlines.
To-wit: ‘Alec Baldwin was distraught after a prop gun he fired on the set killed one of the crew‘ – the old Labour Daily Mirror there harking back to the days of unionised solidarity and We’re With the Woolwich TV ads.
The Sun goes with a multisyllabic job descriptor and the old world female (possibly risking TRANS-gression) everyday term for motherhood: ‘Cinematographer and mum…‘
The Daily Star promotes the victim up the credits to top billing: ‘…Baldwin accidentally shot dead his movie boss‘ – she’s come an awful long way since being a mere member of the crew.
The Times sounds authoritive: ‘Halyna Hutchins, 42, the director of photography…‘ – furthermore The Times introduces a further victim conjuring the scenario of some JFK-like magic prop bullet: ‘…and injured the director‘
The Daily Express goes with: ‘Hollywood tragedy… Balwin kills crew member‘ – demotion and a somewhat less collegiate-sounding term than the Mirror’s ‘member of the crew‘ – which ironically reminds us of The Strawbs “You don’t get me I’m part of the union… till the day I die…”
The Mail teases us with: ‘Hollywood horror story… Live bullet riddle‘ – no spoilers untill one reads beyond their frontpage.
The Telegraph employs the upmarket sounding: ‘…cinematographer‘ – while the FT and the ‘i’ newspapers are too busy banging on about covid in their headlines to notice what their editors presumably consider an entertainment story. The later organ begging for more Lockdowns.
In case you were wondering – the BBC concurs with the broadsheets, going with cinematographer.
I think the point here is that there are so many ways to colour the same basic facts of a story and if we can’t rely on the media to tell it straight – then we can’t rely on the media to tell it straight.
The Dail Mirror reports: ‘Queen’s on light duties and could miss key summit‘ – that rather accusitory observation refers of course to the COP26 eco jamboree.
I think it’s fair to say our 95-year-old monarch has done quite enough in her time to save and to preserve some sense of Britain, and indeed the Commonwealth, that we can give her a pass for once on her responsibilty of saving the whole bloody planet. Apparently that’s Boris’s job. And his consort Princes Nut Nut. Untill they turn it around and tell us it’s our responsibilty. Having invented the notion that it needs saving in the first place.
The Daily Mail – which, like some over enthusiastic pet Corgi with a sprinkling of tabasco up its behind, goes barking up the wrong tree, and offers: ‘Why did Palace cover up truth on Queen? Aides accused of misleading nation after trying to hide hospital stay‘ – maybe because the Queen’s every medical event is her personal business and not necessarily property for your headline fodder.
And finally. One supposes we all hope for a little support in our old age: ‘Truss: We cannot be dependent on China‘ (Telegraph) – write your own jokes there, folks.
AISI, I have been informed by the BBC that they are cranking up the Global Warming and Climate Change propaganda every day next week at 8 p.m. on Radio Flaw – just in time for COP26. I would like to point out that at that same time on Radio4 Extra there is a Sarah Paretsky ‘VI Warshawski’ story. Know which I prefer.
Despite the constant ‘climate’ propaganda from the BBC part of the MSM, the print part appears to not have noticed. This morning I note that various newspapers are burning fossil fuels like they are going out of fashion.
The BBC Radio4 JustRemainIn Webb’s favourite rag, the Daily Star has a competition where the winner will win their gas, electric AND car fuel bills free for a year. Oh dear. Don’t they know two out of those three have been designated as EVIL by the Imams of the Climataliban?
Even the slightly lefty Times carries recommendations for ‘the cosiest pubs in the UK’ with, despite the logs in a bucket nearby, what appears to be a coal fire blazing away. Perhaps the logs need to dry out a bit more? The slightly left ‘i’ has the same but much smaller down on the bottom right, caption ‘Winter Escapes in the UK’. Now there’s a thought for XR and Insulate to add to their demands: lock up winter a long way away from the northern part of the northern hemisphere and then we will not need any coal or gas or oil and the electricity from PVCs will be plentiful.
The newspaper described by some as ‘Hard Right’ or ‘Far Right’, the Daily Express joins in the giveaways with ‘Win your gas and electricity bills for a year’ with a cosy couple in sharp focus with a fuzzy coal/log fire going in the background. Nice hair, shame about the CO2.
Even the Far Left or Hard Left Daily Mirror has a pic below its masthead featuring two pairs of Scandi socks toasting at a distance from a gas fire.
There must have been a coal fire burning merrily on the front of the Hard Left or Far Left Guardian today, because the BBC have missed it out of their newspaper review.
To be fair, she probably is entirely clueless.
But how many MPs could claim to be ignorant of what is happening with the Channel handovers?
How clueless was the young policeman claiming he did not know whether his colleagues had knelt for BLM (see post on midweek thread)?
I notice there was a visit from a regular troll during the night – I never read its cut and paste stuff and know it’s never about the BBC – but I’m sure it does not mention the recent murder by a Muslim terrorist ( allegedly ) …..
I would so like to take those posts down but I know the troll performs a function – just like toilet paper …
It would be good wouldn’t it . As moderator I sort of feel duty bound to scan for bad words so I have to register that the comment exists but not much more .
I apply the same technique now with those three BBC propaganda subjects – colour/Islam – green – NHS – any of these just produces a ‘buzz’ in my ears
Then the off switch comes .
Whole swaths of output are just quarantined now – politics programmes – quiz shows – often the news —
Noncomedy – crime stuff – most drama – not much left …
@Fed when I spoke of the medias constant gaslighting, no I didn’t mean merely lying, its more than that. Its the pushing of skewed narratives and suppression of other things such that the world they deliver, makes you question your sanity cos it’s so different to the world of your own eyes and common sense.
eg for the past few weeks, the media have been pushing that its poor WOMEN politicians who need our attention…They get online hurty words and threats.
… But the in the real world it was a MALE politician who was actually killed.
Stew – I like clarity of language – people get bogged down in stuff they and their group understand but it excludes outsiders .
It’s one of those reasons I don’t like too many ‘initials ‘ because they may be common to many but obscure to others .
This is not aimed at you or any individual – it’s just me . – eh
Bronze strumpet
Bee lady
Religion of peace ..
Stew – I think my ailment come from a mixture of studying law – where one single word can cause pages of argument ( eg ‘reckless ) or ( reasonable ) topped up by laziness and trying to remember what things like FFS and that ‘comments could be going better ‘,acronym .
In one previous job I had a new boss arrived from outside the organisation . She said to me one day ‘Fedup ‘ I go to meetings and half the time I haven’t got a clue what they are talking about because of the acronyms “
‘Darlin – i sez to her – don’t worry your pretty little head about that FFS – I’ll write you a guide ‘ – which I did – Btw ffs ….😎
Scrob – with respect – I was at the cutting edge of technology once Upon a time and my Amstrad holds an important place as a bookend in in my study – cum – box room ….
Has Baldwin been charged with manslaughter yet or does shooting a couple of people get a free democrat pass now ?
Interesting to note just about every…. Baldwinpoliticsphilic… media outlet is running the exact same press release verbatim about how court documents show he was utterly nothing to do with this.
More detailed reports emerging about the gun handed to #AlecBaldwin on the set of "Rust" — the person who handed him the prop reportedly shouted "cold gun," as film industry rules dictate pic.twitter.com/eRYLADaZ39
When media retreats to ‘reportedly’ you know they are on shaky ground.
The gun that killed cinematographer Halyna Hutchins on the set of Rust had been used for target practice by crew members, according to reports https://t.co/IVjUrMIcOf
“Record high migrant detentions at US-Mexico border”
“President Joe Biden’s popularity in opinion polls has been sinking, partly as a result of his immigration policy”.
“Mr Biden promised a more humane policy than his predecessor Donald Trump, but the US-Mexico border has been engulfed in crisis for much of the Democrat’s nine-month-old presidency.”
Dover, the awful beeb don’t ‘construct’, they destroy a culture, and they widdle around, poking sharp sticks at everyone who isn’t in agreement with their leftie bias.
They create mayhem with their woke fantasies, and generally piss off the majority of normal British citizens, who pay their hugely inflated wages!
Their output is abysmal, with third-rate ‘actresses’ and ‘actors’ (what happens if you’re neither these days?), stupid scenarios, and a general misinterpretation of British values in feeble re-makes like ‘The Darling buds of May’, and ‘All creatures great and small’.
In the spirit of community cohesion how about the BBC create the whacky adventures of four young men (“the muslims”) a hip industry selected super group trying to make a name for themselves as a rock ‘n roll band. The theme tune would be Hey Hey We’re The Muslims.
Meanwhile, with apologies to the Monkees, here’s a few lines of a little thing I like to call “I’m a believer”
I thought love was only true in fairy tales
Written in the Koran but not for me
The West was out to get me
That’s the way it seemed
Disappointment haunted all my dreams
Then I didn’t see her face, ‘cos I’m a believer
Not a trace, of doubt in my mind
It was arranged (mmmm, first cousin)
I’m a believer, I could beat her, if I wished
I thought Britishness was more or less a giving thing
Seems the more I get, the more I want
What’s the use in workin’
All you get on benefits? (oh, the NHS)
When I needed sunshine, I got rain
Then I didn’t see her face, cos I’m a believer
Not a trace of doubt in my mind.
I’m in love, I’m a believer!
I don’t have to leave her, I’ll marry another, if I want
And that alas is what the people of the UK want to happen. I have a neighbour who says he would rather be a slave to a Muslim than pay a politicians a penny more per decade from his taxes and stop them looking to the Middle East to make up their incomes.
Alas he is not alone, and there are plenty of people on here who feel the same way, happy to to pay the Jizya, so pig headed they would rather do that than pay their politicians the going rate.
Now it turns out murdered MP David Amess was in the pockets of the Qataris and no one wants to talk about it.
Im wondering if anyone will investigate thd Amess Qatar link – even if he was a reddish tory .
…. Im guessed the answer will be ‘ no’ – and only a version will come out if it gets to trial …
There is, as I understand it already an injunction in place wrt to reporting the Amess business.
The Qataris are very sensitive to coverage of their assorted doings – their accommodation+pocket money of selected Taliban bigwigs garnered little coverage.
That the Al Thanis and The House of Saud have a feud running complicates matters.
Both tribes (and others from that neck of the woods) have been buying favours (of all sorts) in London for some decades. It is entirely safe I feel to assume that there are a considerable number of London legal professionals who’re grateful for their largesse.
Just hearing some rumours that Baldwin – with a high financial interest in the film had brought in strike breakers to the set (what a typically Socialist hypocritical thing to do) and the armourer being fingered for the gun might not have actually been on the set that day.
Given the grievance with the victim producer and the clear instructions on film sets never to point any gun at an individual unless absolutely necessary for the shot, and only then after some pretty heavy duty risk assesments plus health & safety reviews, it’s difficult to see how Baldwin can avoid criminal responsibility for what has happened.
“rules stipulate anyone using a firearm on set must refrain from pointing a firearm at anyone, including themselves, and if it is absolutely necessary to do so on camera, to consult the prop master, the weapons handler or other safety representative. Notice the refrain from pointing the gun at anyone”
Given the tales already out there about the labour disputes, the collapsing schedule, the antisocial long work hours and draining commutes, it’s not difficult to imagine that the atmosphere on the set might have been febrile.
Baldwin’s prior antics would seem to indicate he mightn’t deal with that recipe in a rational manner – esp as it was his $$$ being burned ? I hope Mike Cernovich has scoped out Baldwin’s PR crew who sprang into action within hours of the incident.
pug, quite right. Surely the first question an actor should ask before picking up a gun, “Is there a safety catch and is it on?” followed by “If not, where is the safety catch and is the on/off position clearly marked?” As a weapons handler who has worked in films and TV explained yesterday on R4, even a blank fired at close range can discharge hot powder and maybe even metal from the casing around the charge.
Imagine an automatic hand gun (with continuous fire capability) picked up carelessly without the safety catch in the ‘On’ position and held downwards alongside a leg. Ooops!
There goes several days filming while the actor/actress recovers from powder burns and costumes are replaced.
OK – so we now know that most of the 650 MPs and civil serpents are perfectly happy with this arrangement.
Is there anyone, anywhere with any ‘authority’ who is willing to speak up strongly against this (irrespective of any so-called international law)?
If not, why not?
I’ve been reading many times now where they have a vote in the USA and every single Democrat votes in line with the party. Usually along with a few Republicans. Not one person on that side had a differing opinion and voted the other way.
I’ve only ever seen such a thing before here in Thailand which led to the last coup. Thaksin Shiniwatra ran the government from exile in Dubai and had every single MP bought and paid for. They all flew out there to get their instructions and it is said he had every one sign a letter of resignation before he allowed them to be in the government. Step out of line and they were out. It was absolutely ridiculous. The tipping point came when every single one of them voted to pass a law giving a pardon to all crimes of corruption since 2006. Which of course included Thaksin. The opposition walked out and it passed by 310 votes to zero.
That’s when the people took to the streets, the government started murdering them with grenades and the Army stepped in to stop a civil war.
Now I see exactly the same thing happening in the USA. I can hardly believe it.
As a footnote, the far-Left BBC correspondent – a typical grubby journalist called Jonathan Head – was totally biased against the Army. His classic line ‘Anti-government protests which turned violent’ which actually meant ‘Anti-government protestors murdered by grenades’ will always sum up the BBC to me.
I’ve seen that one and they haven’t voted with Republicans, they are voting against it because it doesn’t go far enough towards their socialist desires.
Yet I’ve seen a lot of reports where ALL democrats voted for something. No abstains, no votes against. My point is that none of them are voting with their conscience. They are voting to beat the opposition. I thought their main job was to represent the people, not the party.
Maybe it happens more than I realise, but it seems odd how every single member turns up and votes in favour of a bill so often. No abstentions, none vote against. I’ve never seen it often enough in reports before to actually notice it – apart from Thailand, which is politically utterly corrupt.
If you recall the BBC did a hit job news thing with catty? And Fraser ( I never saw it ) called ‘100 days ‘ or similar to assassinate president trump every day …
Well I as wondering what the year anniversary of the false president – Biden – will look like. What did you achieve Joe ? How is that afgee thing going for you ?
In fairness he is still in office – the dementia hasn’t come fully through yet – because of his Obama minders – and as of now he hasn’t started the final war to end all wars …
This is the far Left Blue Labour parties creation, and it perhaps comes as no surprise to see far left values making the fight against Islamist terror impossible.
The Marxist infiltrator Theresa May probably did more than anyone to make this happen with her ridiculous falsified ‘rise of the far right’ policies, which targetted scapegoats or people who were clearly either mentally ill or of limited mental capacity and who posed more of a danger to themselves than anyone else.
The Fail have a pop at mustering up some interest in who will inherit the role of Political Editor being vacated by the lesser-spotted Kuennsburg. ‘Intense speculation’ apparently.
Each potential placement has even been given odds, although I can’t imagine anyone actually walking into their local bookies and filling in a docket to take a punt on this particular race. Either Amol or a woman I’d guess. Beff anyone?
All the usual suspects are there anyway, reliably diverse as the Bbbc defines it, all inhabitants of the same media bubble, all smugly self-important and safe, all completely detached from real public opinion, all guaranteed to share the same opinion on everything. The opinions that actually matter, those of the licence-paying public, can be found in the comments section. There doesn’t seem to be much diversity of thought here either, but as you would imagine, the general consensus is almost completely the opposite of that held by the cognitively conformist clowns and their blinkered bosses at the Bbbc.
Careful Sluff, your stereoptypically ableist-oppressor use of traditionally able-bodied discriminatory and disability-phobic Anglo-colonist-centric tropes such as ‘shoe-in’ and ‘musical chairs’ when speaking about the physically-diverse alternatively-mobile oppressed might well be interpreted as being a hate-speech crime.
Sluff, they’ve been running ‘stand-ins’ on TOADY for a year or two since Sarah Sands left as Editor and the Humph retired and Naughtie was knocked sideways. Amol Rajan this morning, Sarah (LabourParty’s John) Smith, Simon Jack and even Dominic O’Connell, if I recall correctly, had a go earlier this year. There’s plenty of room for Part-time.
HIGNFY : BBC trying hard to regain viewers on Have I got News For You.
Jo Brand hosting tonight and Robert Peston on the panel.
That is sure to boost the figures…..
(Replying to several posts above about shortforms etc… sorry, I pressed the wrong button…)
Blimey, I didn’t know that was CCBGB!
I thought it was a beeb kids’ prog!
I sometimes get ‘LOL’, but as I liked 10cc, (Lol Creme), I’ll forgive anyone – hellfire, my 85 year-old neighbour does that on her texts, and she’s gorgeous!
There is a tab at the top of our pages
“In Their Own Words”
“When people ask for evidence of an institutional Left-wing bias at the BBC, this is the place to go for evidence.
Out of the mouths of Beeboids….”
The BBC web signin requirement here was “random” – has now escalated to all individual stories – front page and category mosaics unaffected.
fwiw – my old signin used to be accepted (stopped working) – but after a high voting episode on a comment thread – that signin always threw an error when trying to comment. I might try simply surfing the BBC via the archives 🙂
>>> archives around the place presently seem unaffected
reset password and now logs in…. presented with a blue banner telling me that my content is now “customised” – I assume that means that I’m now compartmentalised …….
tomo and stew, it has been going on for some time. Most of 2021?
It is optional; there is a ‘Maybe later’ clicky available.
I suspect that the BBC are acutely aware that they face a current and future loss of income 1. from the younger generation (I note the BBC now run ‘adverts’ aimed at parents on Radio4 about buying the Licence Fee when you go to University) 2. from disgruntled over-75s who have lost their free TV Licence, 3. from recent incomers who – if they are not on Benefits and get the Licence Fee paid for them – ie. illegal illegals who are working maybe for traffickers or gangmasters and are not keen to be totally law abiding as far as TV is concerned anyway, and, 4. from those that are influenced by sites like this one and others to entirely legally just stop watching TV.
With both eyes on this, I suspect the BBC are planning to start in future limiting web-site access to those who pay the TV Licence and also campaigning for a BBC Charter change to allow the Corporation to carry advertising.
Given the last 2 days I see a noticeable increase in mask wearing solo car drivers and mask wearing sometime frantic seeming hand sanitisers in supermarkets – I’m guessing that they’ve wound the scare knob up in broadcast news…
If I read the entitlement of BBC folk anywhere near correctly – their goal is an internet levy and that flows nicely with pols looking to muzzle the Internet
Amazing isn’t it ? The only thing those 2 people have in common is the language – that table between them could have been as wide as the moon and 30 years apart ….
… another victim of the BBC now – but top of the tree when it suited them …
Leftwing bias
Last night the One Show was presented by Darren Grimes and Melania was on as a guest AGAIN.
…No, of course not
diver Tom Daley was presenting and Hillary Clinton was on as a guest AGAIN.
for third time
They have tweeted about her more that 20 times
.. They have never had Melania on as a guest so have never tweeted about her
They did have @MichelleObama on on April 1st and in 2018 tweeted a video of her
MarkyMarkMar 9, 15:01 Weekend 8th March 2025 “I do not believe that the solution to our problem is simply to elect the right people. The important thing…
Fedup2Mar 9, 14:59 Weekend 8th March 2025 Rupert Lowe MP – previously of the Reform shambols – is still guns blazing on X – looks like he…
Fedup2Mar 9, 14:20 Weekend 8th March 2025 The threshold for ‘horror’ or ‘something must be done ‘ seems to be rising by the month . The murder…
GMar 9, 13:49 Weekend 8th March 2025 I thought the Home Office banned guns, like knives. Oh! silly me, I forgot the foreigners have their own laws…
MarkyMarkMar 9, 13:48 Weekend 8th March 2025 Christmas has become “holiday season” Easter has been turned into “egg hunt” Lent doesn’t even get a mention – it’s…
MarkyMarkMar 9, 13:35 Weekend 8th March 2025 Omar Prempeh, 32, of Stanstead Road, Forest Hill, was charged on Saturday, March 8, in connection with the death of…
Fedup2Mar 9, 13:24 Weekend 8th March 2025 Third world action in londonistan – Omar Prempeh 32 charged with shooting dead a 16 year old called Lathaniel Burrell.…
KinellMar 9, 13:21 Weekend 8th March 2025 Reading through the shocking posts on ‘In their own tweets’ and ‘In their own words’ on the home page on…
MarkyMarkMar 9, 13:11 Weekend 8th March 2025 King Charles has appointed a homeopath. Why do the elite put their faith in snake oil? This article is more…
Yippee squared, the North will rise again, apologies to the Confederacy
Catchup links to most recent posts on previous thread
– page 5 started 7:30am Friday
– page 4 started 1pm on Thursday
– page 3
Politicians have learnt a lesson. They can get people to behave like sheep so long as the gamut of media convinces them that it is for their own good.
Covid is simply a trial run for the real policy that will be implemented in West. It is the hypothesis of Climate Change, leading to the extinction of human kind. This drumbeat is made out to be real and urgent, that anything can be required to avert the extinction of mankind.
Such has been the consistent drum beat of this hypothesis for the last twenty years, as it morphed from AGW to Climate Change, as AGW was not being cooperative. Backed up by pseudo -scientists with dodgy degrees, we are now going down the road to economic ruination and extinction as a technical civilisation.
All this started by dumbing down universities which turned graduates from sceptics to believers. Engineers and physicists are supposed to be sceptical by nature and training. They are our insurance against snake oil merchants. No more. The few sceptics there are, instead of being listened to, are made fun off in the compliant MSM.
Wind Power blows
The BBC are happy to endorse anything woke or queer, and in today’s DT Janet Daley has made a strong video that ‘Woke’ – is fizzling out. See video.
But in the COMMENTS section is a rather disturbing vision of the future the BBC are building is of a rather more dystopian future, based on what went before. By ignorance or by design, the BBC propose the ‘ultimate’ solution that mirrors the ‘elite’ of the last war.
Comment: – As I write this what was 80 votes has risen to 116.
DF “I am not so sure woke is going to fizzle out like McCarthyism. From 1933 German schoolchildren were taught everything bad was the fault of the Jews. In our culture children are being taught that everything bad is the fault of white people. We need to take this creeping menace more seriously.”
I sure hope Janet Daley is right and Woke has gone broke. But the BBC and many UK and US institutions have already caved in to the mob rule without any public debate. Most of these are Twitter campaigners sponsored by SOROS & co, which are then reported by the BBC as ‘truth’ followers and all debate is then ‘banned’. Like “Climate Change”. Anyone who disagrees is then vilified in the Brave New World of media moguls and the BBC itself is involved as cheer leader.
The amount of money the BBC through at presenters of game show still shocks. Even though I know they are generally over paid on TV. But even so it irks, if you ever watch a BBC quiz show that may last 20 minutes of sub prime ‘rubbish’ then call ‘comedy’.
I read in Daily Mail that ‘Have I Got News For You’ may be for the chop. I have not watched it for years but I learn it been going since 1990. It seems Tim Davie is not a fan either after it was used to attack Nadine Dorries (who has threatened to cut the BBC down to size for its innate bias and bloat). So I learn that Ian Hislop and his side kick Paul Merton ‘Trouser’ £20,000 each per show!!! As an ex reader of Private Eye, I am no fan of Hislop, but I read, that he is now ‘worried’ that he might get the chop!
On a “Question of Sport”. Sue barker was dumped for a new ‘diversity squad’ that is now the ‘great replacement’ we come to expect from BBC towers. I thought I would give you some ‘live feedback’ on how well that went (again from Daily Mail) readers:
Not the only complaint either:-
MB – “Like millions of others, I’ve stopped watching ‘A Question of Sport’. The new format is embarrassing, the inclusion of non-sporting celebrities isn’t working and even the team captains Samantha Quek and Ugo Monyye display little sporting knowledge. However despite the number of viewers has halved, a BBC spokesman states the viewing figures are ‘encouraging’ and the show is reaching a young and diverse audience.”
I think that about sum it up for the BBC. A minority channel that does not deserve the money it receives. Its is a minority channel that does not deserve to be funded by a TV license. I just hope Nadine Dorries is up for the fight to Defund the BBC. We really have had quite enough and don’t want to pay for it’s ‘young and diverse’ audience that ignores the vast majority of UK tax payers asked to pay for it or go to Jail.
Stopped paying money to the BBC a while back. But I know that the BBC will continue as it is, with maybe minor changes when forced , as it is too useful a tool for government to disseminate its information, locally or worldwide, when the need arises.
BBC has used ridicule as humour or just ridicule, as a way to bring down and marginalise its opponents or its political position.
We can do the same too.
Climate Alarmism is leading to hysteric application of censorship by powerful media,. This is dangerous in all sorts of ways – suppression of views, and worse.
This shows how
Hi-Just back from hospital, feeling a bit weak and catheter is
“irritating.” I would like to go to the Caribbean to convalesce.
But will just have to do second best and watch BBC TV and
the adverts on the other channels and will dream that I am
watching TV in either Jamaica or any of the other islands.
Take it easy eh? Well done on getting back from hospital .
Sainsburys sent me some adverts – I thought I was in ‘out of Africa ‘… that was the feedback they got
Sorry to hear hospital visit necessary, Foscari and hope you feel better.
Try not to watch the present BBC output it will only make you feel worse. We are just watching Michael Wood’s 2002 series of the Conquistadors on YouTube. I know it is the BBC but it is pre woke and the only agenda was to inform (unless so subtle that I missed it].
Foscari – good to see that you are back. Keep up the good work.
If you fancy going to the Caribbean to convalesce – you can use the London Tube to visit many identical areas. Tanning shops included.
Michael Wood was the best presenter of historical programmes by far…and a respected academic.
The current crop haven’t got the twinkle…the personality, the charisma, the knowledge etc etc.
Lucinda Lambton was a close second.
Turn all the lights on, turn the heating up, put a bit of reggae and steel drums on in the background, break out the rum, put on a pair of sunglasses, and turn on the BBC, and you’ll feel just like you’re in Jamaica.
Good to see you back Foscari.
Great to see you back so quickly, Fos!
Is there a DVD machine handy, because watching the awful stuff on the BBC will make you think you’re in Jamaica anyway, but not as happy!
Goferit, and talk to us here any time!
Welcome back Foscari. Wishing you a speedy recovery.
Thanks everybody! I watched Pointless yesterday and was
amazed that BIG BROTHER from the diversity department
at the BBC allowed one of the quiz questions.
Classical music works were given . All by composers who were
alive in 1920. For example ” Madame Butterfly” by a composer
with the initial P. No I didn’t expect anybody to know that was Puccini. BUT more important ALL the composers were male,
stale and pale. How did you miss that BIG BROTHER?
Have some chicken soup. Jewish penicillin.
Get well soon. Please avoid the BBC for a while as it may increase your BP.
Glad you’re back in the saddle Fossy ! You’re probably safer out of hospital than in at the moment. I recently spent 14 hours in A & E and am amazed I survived to tell the tale.
Brissles, I sincerely hope you’re OK now!
I’m having a crap week here too, with dear little dog dying, and now Senora O’Blene is very unwell, so I need chums like you to chat to – please!
As another total dog lover, I am devastated for you and Lady O’Blene. We take on this bouncy bundle of love, and our only consolation at the end of life is they had the very best of homes.
I also understand your sh…t week. Ditto. My spell in A & E was due to chest pains but was told this week that its going to be a gall bladder removal. Yet an unrelated visit to germsville the next day and a further cancerous lesion needs removing from my back. As Larry Grayson would say “what a gay day !” so that’s 2 impending surgeries. Then a ‘just shoot me’ moment occurred last night which totally finished off the week, when the conservatory flooded after the deluge of rain.
Good job I have plenty of whiskey, gin and 40 year old Port to console me 🙂 So, keep going Scrobs, you’re far from alone.
You’ve made me fill up, Brissles…
What a rotten time you’ve had too!
I hope Fed won’t mind me putting my blog site here, and you and I can chat any time!
I think we’re both Kent people, so not far from each other really!
Sometimes the interpost thing does more that we realise, I’m sorry to read your news. if it’s any help, my dear mum had her gall bladder out, as I think it’s a near redundant bit of kit, like an appendix. It’s not a bad op, so fear ye not!
If that 40 year old Port is anywhere near here, I’m on the bus (not the wagon)!
BTW, conservs always flood, they’re built that way, ours is disgusting, as I can’t be a***d to wipe it down…
You take care young girl!
Very true. Care level is virtually nil. Nurses think of themselves as consultants. And consultants think themselves gods. The result is patients have to care for themselves.
A friend of mine was talking about a relative he had who was a lorry driver. He arrived with an empty truck to collect a load, and qualified fork lift drivers stacked the truck, he as the driver was not allowed to question thte ‘qualified’ people who undertook this loading, but at the first roundabout, the load decided to exit the lorry, and have a guess who was responsible? Of course it is the driver.
Same thing with a qualified mechanic who assures a driver a vehicle is safe, it is still the driver who is legally responsible.
Same thing with a hand gun. doesn’t matter who prepared it, the one who pulls that trigger bears the ultimate responsibility for the safety of that weapon. They need to check it, make sure they know what they are doing with it and to make sure it is absolutely safe to use in the way it is intented to be used. This did not appear to have happened with the Alec Baldwin muder / manslaughter.
Live rounds were used in the gun Baldwin used, he as the ultimate user should have known this and acted accordingly, he did not, and he shot someone, and killed them.
It might be the case that Bladwin had some kind of issue with his victim, it might not, but ultimately it was him who pulled that trigger and it has to be him who bears that ultimate responsibility.
But Baldwin is an outspoken Democrat, and the rule of law does not apply to Democrats as I posted with evidence last time, in addition as a democrat despite his promoting and sensationalising guns he is opposed to the second amendment giving rise to the question as to whether he was suitable to ever be in charge of a weapon at any time, especially given his hot temper and prediliction to violence.
It now transpires the poor woman who was shot was supporting a strike on the set of a movie Baldwin had an enormous financial interest in giving a motive to his action, he is let us not forget an actor and quite capable of feigning any emotional reaction required by the media at the time, but his ability to be tweeting within a few hours after the incident is perhaps indicative.
Alec Baldwin threatening to kill Republican Henry Hyde on Late Night With Conan O’Brien, about 1998 I think.
It’s the cheering and the whistling which give us a valuable lesson about the Left.
Nasty bast@rds when it suits them. All of them.
I was terribly confused as a non film buff, I thought he owned the factory in Coronation Street. (I gave up watching it about the year 2000).
Imagine if this had been Tommy Robinson who squeezed the trigger accidently?
Dover Sentry,
“Imagine if this had been Tommy Robinson who squeezed the trigger accidently?”
Imagine if Alec Baldwin had kicked an off duty policeman in the head and been convicted of multiple counts of fraud, stalking and violent assault?
Go read that and be ashamed at what complete low-life people like you are maxi.
It suits you being a troll. It’s all you’re good for.
Go and read that JohnC and learn the truth about the violent thug you are defending.
Got as far as ‘Not unlike the constituency surgery that Jo Cox was about to hold when she was murdered.’ and closed it.
You don’t get more in the far-Left gutter than that piece Piku. Thanks for showing us all the kind of stuff you read.
Go and read Enemy Of The State by Tommy Robinson , Piku and see the double standards of the liberal/left/BBC
And go watch this interview Piku:
And see what Tommy is standing up against. This is the state people like YOU want. As long as it’s just your enemies getting the treatment of course.
Do you know what ‘Nazi’ stands for Piku ?.
The MSM in America and the BBC here, have sunk so low that they lie brazenly
Tucker Carlson on the MSM in America showing the burning of a police station as peaceful protests
The burning of a police station is not just a police station but a statement that law and order are burning, and the law of the mob is the law.
And so here in England.
BBC’s hypocritical coverage of violent protests
These sort of lies are not just verbal – mere words. They damage and tear the fabric of society. When hate filled violence and lies are portrayed as peaceful, then we must not be surprised when that hate and violence visits us all in our home.
There is still time to right what happened last year. All the rioters are on video. They must all be arrested and prosecuted.
And for the journalists who did worse, they too should be prosecuted for giving moral justification to violence against the realm of Her Majesty.
And for propagandising it to the youth via Newsbeat.
Imagine Tommy Robinson appearing on GB News.
A really stupid comment. The poor woman is dead and the actor is beside himself with guilt and grief. It was an appallingly tragic accident.
Idiotic remarks like this don’t do this site any favours.
Please grow up.
7:30pm White Guilt and Romanticising tribal culture
@timminchin joins @wmarybeard as #InsideCulture goes Down Under
“Britain mostly sees Australia as a sort of tourist destination
… The real story of Britain and Australia is the desecration of Indigenous Australia”
Disagree, In Reality tribes are not automatically in balance with nature , they often harm in and other tribes eg Moriori vs Maori
Mary Beard has killed BBC history docs for me… well, her and wokeism are equally to blame, let’s be fair.
Waiting for her to lead a movement to remove all the statues in ancient Rome as I hear they all kept slaves!
Ditto here. The trouble here is that present day academics are not as expert on a subject as they used to be. They see the subject matter as personal. Beard as a woman, or Simon Sebag Montefiore as Jewish.
Now see Kenneth Clarke’s civilisation as an example of high standard . A large fraction of the series was set in Italy.
This is just another manifestation of the fall in academic standards brought about by lowering entry standards for one and all, thanks to Blair and Gordon
I really liked Dan Cruickshank. Knowledgeable and endearingly enthusiastic.
But I get the impression its mostly only younger people allowed now.
Cf the Red Indians: the population was kept stable by mutual murderous warfare.
1.Can we expect all the Barbadians to flock back home now theyv’e ditched the Queen, I for one don’t think so.
2. As for the Councillor who resigned after using a saying that has been around for centuries, perhaps he should have said Guy Gibson’s dog in the woodpile. In the R N we used to call Raisins in Rice pudding ni**ers in the snow
Stew, just seen your post, one of my ancestors from Northallerton was on the first fleet to Australia, he was neither a tourist nor a guard.
What no other Black Grievance TV ?
No there’s the BBC2 late film
A Time To Kill Can black man get fair trial for killings whites? Based on John Grisham book
but completely distracted from its original message
by playing up racism with KKK for shock value Samuel L. Jackson
“What no other Black Grievance TV ?”
Great comment, Stew. Looking forward to your description of ‘The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas’ as “Jewish Grievance TV”.
It’s about the disproportion
It is entirely right to show concern for all society.
The problem is when their become so many it’s a grievance industry
distorting the real world.
False president changes US policy on Taiwan by saying the US will defend it – White House then has to roll back to the original ‘ambiguity ‘ line …..
One kind of thinks something big is coming down the track …. – and won’t be thinking too much about ‘green ‘ policy …
When Biden made NATO surrender to the Taleban, it made people really realise that America’s will to fight to the death for any NATO ally was just political fiction. The USA is not likely to fight Russia to the end if Russia seizes Latvia or other peripheral state, when it surrendered to the Taleban. America is not nation with fortitude. Never had.
Australia, NZ and we too, have a problem. So too Europe. One is the slow and steady Islamisation of Christendom, and the other from a resurgent Russia. The latter can negate the former.
The way things are going, the Democrats are going to lose next time.
After how they shamelessly used BLM and Floyd (I will never forget Pelosi thanking him for dying in the most obviously hypocritical speech I’ve ever seen), I would not put it past them to do the usual dying regime trick and starting a war somewhere to cover up all the problems at home.
The Times Media section gives an indication of the London media bubbleworld
.. So sad I missed them …not
Jess Philips, Alastair Campbell, Rev Kate Bottley – three people I’d happily see fired into space… permanently.
Meanwhile in the BBC’s favourite institution, their beloved EU…..
It’s all been kicking off. Poland wants some national powers back. And so at the European Parliament the MEPs don’t like that idea at all, so they want the Commission and Ursula to take action and are threatening to sue them if they don’t.
You can read about this on the BBC website. Just go to the front page and choose World, Europe, and then it’s the fifth story down. Very prominent.
Except……they’ve now removed it altogether.
Funny how the impartial BBC chooses which stories are worthy of our attention.
As I type, German tanks are massing on the Polish border….
Is it not that any EU ,member state can ignore a EU policy if that policy threatens its national existence.
The large scale illegal entry of Muslims is definitely a threat.
The problem is that the consequences of that threat are not obvious until it’s far too late.
Which it now is.
After 10 episodes aired twice a day over 2 weeks
Harlem Shuffle by Colson Whitehead
is ending
I just noticed the Times review
“Meandering plot mundane prose :Why is he so feted ?
I am underwelmed by this new novel”
So feted by the BBC ?
Well he is a lack writer, writing bout black Haarlem.
typo : Well he is a black writer, writing bout black Haarlem.
“So feted by the BBC ? Well he is a BLACK writer, writing bout BLACK Haarlem.”
2000 Whiting Award
2002 MacArthur Fellowship
2007 Cullman Center for Writers and Scholars Fellowship
2012 Dos Passos Prize
2013 Guggenheim Fellowship
2018 Harvard Arts Medal
2020 Library of Congress Prize for American Fiction
Quality Paperback Book Club New Voices Award
Finalist, Hemingway Foundation/PEN Award
Young Lions Fiction Award
Anisfield-Wolf Book Award
Finalist, Pulitzer Prize
Finalist, National Book Critics Circle
Finalist, Los Angeles Times Book Prize
PEN Oakland/Josephine Miles Literary Award
Finalist, PEN/Faulkner Award for Fiction
Finalist, Hurston-Wright Legacy Award
Finalist, Hurston-Wright Legacy Award 2
National Book Award for Fiction, 2016
Carnegie Medal for Excellence in Fiction, 2017
Pulitzer Prize for Fiction, 2017
Booker Prize, 2017
Arthur C. Clarke Award, 2017
International Dublin Literary Award, 2018
Pulitzer Prize for Fiction, 2020
Orwell Prize for Political Fiction, 2020
Kirkus Prize for Fiction, 2019
So the Times writer I quoted is like the small boy speaking up in the story the Emperor’s New Clothes.
He showed he knew there was a long list of people feting the author, when he asked the question about him being feted.
So there was no need for your CutNPasting
BTW The Ad Popularam fallacy, means a person can be right, despite someone else quoting a long list of supporters.
Having a long list of supporters doesn’t make your argument right.
BTW you moved the goalposts there
I wrote he is a black writer, writing about black Haarlem
and suggested that is why the BBC chose THIS NEW book.
You then listed OLD praise for previous books
And that is what the Times writer suggests that cos he was feted in the past there is groupthink in awarding him praise for his new , not very good book.
When awards are made consistently to Blacks or females, one is right to suspect that the award is not on merit. This is particularly so when the awards are not to White or non- Muslim males, the groups one would expect to get them. These are the groups that are top of the education tables. Blacks and Muslims are at the bottom.
Oh dear. Auster law has to be brought into operation to achieve Equity.
Auster’s First law
The more destructive and backward an ethnic or religious group, the more BBC/MSM will show the contrary. The Corollary – the more worthy a group is, the more it will be vilified as violent, destructive and useless.
Blacks and females, and Muslim females will get the awards.
The tragedy of such blatant bias and discrimination is that when the awards to a Black or female are on merit, it wont be seen as such.
It never pays to lie. Crying wolf too often or giving undeserved awards or positions on the basis of sex, demeans everyone.
Lies by government recognised low quality experts on Climate “science”, have already destroyed the credibility and impartiality of scientists in general- even Physicists.
StewGreen, PLEASE for the love of God, STOP making sense‼️
Stew, maybe I’m getting old and doddery but I enjoyed ‘Harlem Shuffle’; it was narrated perfectly by Rhashan Stone who was misnamed part of the time by BBC Continuity despite having done work for BBC Radio4 on previous occasions. I haven’t seen the full Times review but I enjoyed and next time in a public library may well see what other Whitehead books they have available. Think one thing that goes towards a successful fiction is to have a ‘hero’ that everyone can identify with irrespective of skin colour or nationality.
That was certainly true of Harlem Shuffle with Ray Carney. Carney evoked a certain amount of sympathy in the listener, too, despite his occasional criminality. Mind you, maybe the Times’ “meandering plot, mundane prose” was from a read of the book. It was one of the better adaptions in recent years for BBC Radio which is what I listened to.
It didn’t preach, it wasn’t propaganda; except for one or two short bits of George Floyd-ism relating to historical references to 1960s Harlem tensions.
Recommended. The radio adaption, that is.
@Up2Snuff I am glad you enjoyed it
and glad the BBC staff came out with a good product
They are capable of doing that.
And as ever I have no beef with the author, they merely do their job as they see fit.
I merely saw the Times review, and the writer saying it was not a good book.
So as you said either it is a good book, or the BBC have adapted it to make it better.
And it’s good to see they didn’t insert woke preaching into it.
My only beef is what I presume are white managers selecting authors unfairly as they go for woke issues and tickbox demographics.
See the way that was a black issue book
whilst the other daily book slot was Evaristo with her black issue book.
By rights if they have 100 books in a year shouldn’t only 3 be black
and 86% be white ?
Vile has gone full Springster.
There was a particularly horrible video available recently of Vine dancing with his bouncing man-boobs. Tik-Tok maybe?
The Left love him, and I think it has gone to his head. Along with a BBC salary of over £300k.
Jeremy is a master of disinformation.
Some of his tricks are just plain fraud. Particularly his ‘random callers’ who are very obvious pre-arranged fakes reading from the Far-Left hymn sheet.
This ol’ grey head usually thinks of a favourite song by Genesis, when that person is mentioned…
The lyrics sort of portray this person as well, but the comments tell us a bit more, and there again, as Debs says earlier, Baldwin used to be a relative of a Conservative Prime Minister, did indeed have a factory in Emmerdale, and drank regularly in the Queen Vic, a small boozer in Homeandaway…
How disinformation works
From the experts – BBC.
Pretending to report about K Pop in order to tell young people exactly where the blm protests would be, complete with long story on why it was justified during a pandemic lockdown and another on why young kids should go. On Newsbeat last year.
CPS collapsed another trial last week
A £3 million diamond fraud selling cheap diamonds as expensive
after a “litany” of prosecution failings including the not disclosing evidence.
Why has my Times newspaper news section got a double page advert from the Premier League
“No room for racism” ?
I wasn’t aware that that there were hordes of Times readers hurting footballers or football fans.
All I see is a big chunk of FA money has gone to Murdoch
and that The Times better be good to the FA to make sure more adverts get paid for.
There’s plenty of room for racism these days from what I see.
All of it pro-Black.
“There’s plenty of room for racism these days from what I see. All of it pro-Black.”
BiasedBBC, October 22, 2021 at 12:07 am;
“What they need is a wogwatch committee…”
I dont see any “Equity” for young White or Asian footballers.
Just got round to seeing last week’s University Challenge, in whi h the right-on University of Sussex scored an outstanding….errrr…..15 points.
I digress. There was a convenient question to name check a much-lauded black female series from 2020, ‘I May Destroy You’ for which black female Michaela Cole garnered various awards.
So, I thought, it must have been a real ratings winner, yes ? All those BBC adverts about it, the publicity, the awards, the targeting of the BBC’s favourite demographic, the young.
Guess what? Viewing figures peaked at…errr…..230,000 and were as low as 87,000.
So not quite the success the BBC would have us believe.
But hey. Who needs ratings when you can proselytise about your favourite topics and minorities with £4bn of other people’s money.
“There was a convenient question to name check a much-lauded black female series from 2020…”
Remind me of the last time you described a TV programme with a female lead as; “a white female series”?
I’ll wait…
You dont have to. Britain is predominantly a White nation.
If you factor in students from those places
Friends and family
Some BBC types
That’s about it ….. nice to see the last remaining ‘highbrow ‘ stuff on the BBC trashing itself – ….
I see little difference in Sluff calling Coel’s series “a much-lauded black female series from 2020”
and calling All Creatures a “lauded Yorkshire series”
both are descriptive.
Alec Baldwin ‘heartbroken’ over fatal film set shooting
Alec is getting 100% coverage and support from the BBC to make sure his reputation does not get tarnished. Why on earth is this the top news article for the ‘whole world’ BBC news page ?.
I’ll tell you why. His far left credentials and public displays of hatred of Trump. I guarantee you that if he was a Trump supporter, this would have been one small article then dropped after a day.
‘Why you can trust the BBC’.
Hoping for a major karma drop very soon. As Elton once said of Madonna, it couldn’t happen to a bigger c*nt.
Alec Baldwin’s hatred of Donald Trump and those who voted for him is vitriolic and well in the area of “barking mad” .
He is also anti-gun and anti second amendment.
Below link, he is making inadvisable comments
indeed – pretty putrid guff from both BBC and The Guardian
The BBC even has “what’s a prop gun ? – what you need to know”
Meanwhile the LA Times of all places has some context
Seems Baldwin fired 2 shots
It’s pathetic isn’t it ?.
Why do we ‘need to know’ what a prop gun is ? – except to make sure Alec doesn’t get any blame.
It’s quite scandalous that the BBC don’t include any of the information in that article. I guarantee it will appear later when the story dies down.
And I can’t help wondering how much coverage the BBC would be giving it if the victim was a white male.
It’s *all* about Baldwin – who’s an “edgy” political poster-boy for the left in the US.
“pathetic” seems to infer that the participants in this had no personal agency / responsibility in this matter – I’d say that any actor / actress who’s involved in regularly pretending to shoot people needs rigorous training and regular (time constrained) competency checks.
Defending Baldwin and in some cases seeming to play him as a f’ing victim while simultaneously not mentioning the dead woman’s name is scumbucketry of a high order.
f the lot of them
Luckily, I’ve never heard of him until now, so as the BBC are putting him up as a saint, I assume he’s one of them, and like a lot of gobby ‘actors’, is a leftie.
Also my money is safe in my wallet from watching flicks like his. The same happened with anything the Redgraves did (I think… We used to go to a Hastings fleapit after eight pints, so might have watched a couple back then).
Why are ‘actors’ usually lefties? Wearing your badge on your sleeve is rather lame for someone to actually think you’re any good at anything!
Most people in showbusiness are Lefties because Lefties tend to be weak, shallow, greedy people with zero sense of humour and who get nasty quickly. Just like most teachers.
The shallow character makes them crave attention and approval from others. Hence why they clump together in ‘groupthink’ on twitter. It’s also why so many of them take drugs to help them cope with their insecurity and mental weakness.
It’s never a good idea to read too much stuff about actors’ careers, as once they’re mentioned as lefties, a lot of what they do or did seems to sink a bit, and from then on, we tend not to watch their stuff, let alone enjoy it.
The BBC have trashed so many decent stories like ‘The Darling Buds of May’ and ‘All creatures great and small’, they might just as well get a minor gay bollywood bloke over here (they probably have already), to do all their ridiculous plays and advertising.
If they’re so damned intent on showing progs with every blasted ethnic, then chuck it out on the World Service, and we normal British citizens can have some peace and quiet.
BTW, Brissles and another chum here a few posts back, I’ve just bought ‘Margin Call’ on your recommendation – it looks a great film, I’m not sure if it’s Senora O’Blene’s cup of tea, but it’ll be easy to watch on my Tesco DVD player…
Tick VG Scrobs !
As a bit of a film buff, I’ve seen many of Baldwin (and his brothers) films. It will soon be evident what happened on the film set, but my first reaction was “why was he pointing the gun – real or otherwise, in the direction of anyone anyway ? I’ve read reports where some ‘cold’ guns have exploded when the trigger hasn’t been pulled, – but until the investigation is over, its all speculation.
Thank you Brissles!
Ebay has a regular account with us so we can avoid BBC trashy stuff and watch proper stories!
I generally use ‘World of Books’ or ‘Music Magpie’, and their values are perfect for ailing Scrobsters…
There is also the possibility that rewarded large amounts of money for reading a script, the actor feels it necessary to show that he cares for the poor. So they become the most fanatic of all Leftys. One sees this as all the Big Tech owners are Leftys.
I just hope that a really hard Lefty becomes president and confiscates their wealth as ill gotten. They deserve it.
And yet, the Democrats are doing their best to make fuel more expensive. This affects the low and middle income families most of all. It is they who will suffer the most. The poor all over the world will suffer the most, as they will have to face real hunger once more.
If the response to the hoax Climate Change catastrophe or Extinction really gets going, it translates to The Poor Hungry again.
Spot on, NCBBC!
Nothing like a fake scare story from the nasty BBBC to create another problem for the citizens of Great Britain!
They really are the pits, sitting there with enormous wages coming in at all hours, pontificating on real British people who really do need a bit of help!
Smug bunch, the BBBC.
Smug bunch indeed, of journos with a degree in a low IQ subject. But they feel it is right and proper.
These are the people, highly regarded by themselves, who set up a dodgy company for their salaries paid via that way rather then the usual. I don’t know how and why its done, but it is not not ethical, if one is being payed from the public purse.
I’m always suspicious of the phrase ‘what you need to know’ as used by the bbc in any situation or story. As if there is stuff we should not be allowed to know and its them that decide.
Wuhan Fauci
How you absolutely know that Jan 6 “Capitol Insurrection” was a put up job
“How you absolutely know that Jan 6 ‘Capitol Insurrection, was a put up job…”
“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”
Have you paid your Telly Tax yet maxi ? Have you noticed that the viewing figures are falling yet again??
Ignore him : he’s a troll. Lower than a snake. His intentions are based purely on spite.
Doesn’t even have the wit to even realise what he is. I’m certain he justifies what he does to himself with the usual mantra of the Left : ‘The ends justify the means’.
As Hitler, Stalin, Pol-Pot and any of the terrorists sticking knives into innocent people would no doubt agree.
Bit ambigious there … are you inferring that the Biden / Garland / DoJ /FBI proffered version of events at the Capitol should be accepted at face value?
Ever been in an actual riot ?
Ever been at a significant civil disturbance or seen the immediate aftermath of a bomb and then seen the subsequent media coverage?
You might want to read about the 1932 Bonus Army business
– in fact, you might usefully try a read around Smedley Butler…
That trial of the far right wing militia that were plotting to kidnap Gretchen Whitmer is going so well – eh? – of course it’s not connected in any way to the day at the Capitol.
Yet the burning of US police stations was OK for this far Left administration.
“HBO doco” = HBO/BBC joint production
so it’s the British filmmaker that has got hold of the banned CCTV.
An undoubted tragedy, RIP the victim, but oh, the media again in learning the facts.
Lock him up
Funny how some white men get a favourable treatment but others don’t ?
God knows what fair minded yanks think when they witness such an instant democrat whitewash …
If I were to hoover up a gram of cocaine and suffer a heart attack as a consequence, is it standard practice to blame the dealer because I was ‘unaware’ that what was in my possession was potentially lethal?
I’ve enjoyed Baldwin in some of his movies but quite frankly I hope he burns in hell. He’s the worst of people.
One for Sopes, Springster and BS to knock about?
Must. Resist. Replying.
Maybe that dimwit is going for the big job . I saw her being ripped a new hole by george Galloway at some bi election recently – he accused her to be campaigning for the Labour Party – quite so …
You’re dead right, she was utterly useless then!
Whatever one thinks about George Galloway, it’s good to see that whatever he does, he does with real passion, and wet libs don’t understand that.
‘Extraordinary organisation’ my a**e!
video Croxall vs Galloway
Thanks Stew – that’s the one!
Missed this one.
Today Progamme
God I’m still listening – but I thought – if you took out the propaganda for Race – Green crap and the NHS religion –
I wonder what would be left ?
Could there ever be room for the contrary view about any of these subjects ? Or would the non approved view just be labelled as ‘false news ‘?
The Winch in full flounce.
GB running with the pack.
How it works.
I was taught in the RAF that whenever you take a firearm, it is YOUR responsibility to check whether it is loaded or not. You would not accept a weapon from anyone else unless they opened the breach to show you it was empty.
If you picked one up, you always checked the breach.
In the latest update, the BBC are naming and shaming the armourer already. IMHO this is 100% Baldwins fault. He didn’t check and he pulled the trigger.
Gross negligence on his part and a clear case of manslaughter. But as a loyal Trump hater, the BBC are doing their best to absolve him of all blame. The armourer will be scapegoated.
100% JohnC.
I occasionally go shooting, and I am fully aware of the safety rules, as I am sure everyone on the set of this film would be aware of.
( British Association for Shooting and Conservation.)
The following Golden Rules apply:
1. The most important rule of gun handling – you should never point a gun, loaded or unloaded, in an unsafe direction.
2. The safe conduct of shotgun shooting must meet the standards described in this code, show respect for the countryside, due regard to health and safety and consideration for others.
3. When passing a gun to someone it must always be proved empty; that is open, empty and passed stock first so that the empty chambers are visible.
4. Remember – ignorance of the law is no excuse. If in doubt, always ask.
2. Safety
Above all, safety is the most important consideration. Always be aware of the direction in which the muzzle of your shotgun is pointing and never point it in an unsafe direction.
Follow these simple directions to be safe:
If you don’t follow these rules it’s your fault………
Tragic, but could have been avoided…
I am sure the USA rules are the same..
Latest BBC headline:
‘Alec Baldwin told gun was safe before fatal shooting’
That’s OK then is it ?. What a joke they are. Nothing but a propaganda machine for the Left now.
Absolutely, Davylars, and I was only in the CCF, but my dad was an army man.
From the beeb’s website: –
“Meanwhile, the BBC has obtained a document showing which crew members were listed as scheduled to be on set that day.
It names a head armourer, the crew member responsible for checking firearms. Hannah Gutierrez Reed is in her twenties and, according to the LA Times, had recently worked in this role for the first time.”
So, it ‘wasn’t his fault’ then…
…so the BBC think it’s OK, she was at fault as it was her ‘first job’.
The awful beeb have probably paid millions to show the flick, and want it emblazoned everywhere. I’ll never watch it.
Just reading a bit around this subject, and found this article from The Hollywood Reporter:
One of the things it throws up is this little nugget. Prop house Independent Studio Services, which has the largest armoury in Hollywood, can supply electronic versions of any gun, these are known as “e-guns” or “non-guns.” They are “used in close-fire situations like a point-blank execution scene, where real weapons firing blanks are deemed unsafe.”
Amusingly, e-guns are also used by those who are convicted felons, like actors Mark Wahlberg and Danny Trejo, who are not allowed by law to bear arms. “They get a lot of use on hip-hop music video shoots,” says one weapons specialist!
Doesn’t matter who else was there.
He took the gun, didn’t check it, pointed it at someone else and pulled the trigger. Once it was in his hands, it was his responsibility. With health&safety as it is today , he absolutely MUST have been on a training course if he was using a real firearm.
Manslaughter minimum.
Now we will see what the MSM are really made of. The BBC have shown us already – but we already knew about them.
He’s only an ‘actor’ John, so will be blameless in the awful bbc’s eyes.
They need idiots like this, it makes them feel important.
It seems from some reports that he puled the trigger twice?
The word ‘reportedly’ is used by the BBC, so be cautious.
I hark back to my old Highway Code days and vaguely recall being informed that no matter who waves you on, possibly even a rozzer, as a driver you are ultimately responsible for your car during operation.
Certainly I ignore people getting impatient until I am sure the way is in fact clear.
A rule I feel best followed with other deadly weapons.
I think the bullet passed through the woman who died and hit the second, so only one shot
One prefers to take a sideways glance at the news media – and to get a bit granular with their use of terminology rather than take their word, so to speak.
This morning – unusually for these days – a Hollywood story makes many of our frontpages. As Americans might put it lately “We could care less” since the Oscars went terminally woke, Netflix TV on demand became a thing and of course Lockdown shut the local flicks. The accidental fatal missfire of a prop gun is not an unheard of event. Ask any former goth about Bruce Lee’s son Brandon and their favourite film The Crow.
What this headline terminology nerd finds interesting this morning is the shifting inconsistent terminology employed in the headlines.
To-wit: ‘Alec Baldwin was distraught after a prop gun he fired on the set killed one of the crew‘ – the old Labour Daily Mirror there harking back to the days of unionised solidarity and We’re With the Woolwich TV ads.
The Sun goes with a multisyllabic job descriptor and the old world female (possibly risking TRANS-gression) everyday term for motherhood: ‘Cinematographer and mum…‘
The Daily Star promotes the victim up the credits to top billing: ‘…Baldwin accidentally shot dead his movie boss‘ – she’s come an awful long way since being a mere member of the crew.
The Times sounds authoritive: ‘Halyna Hutchins, 42, the director of photography…‘ – furthermore The Times introduces a further victim conjuring the scenario of some JFK-like magic prop bullet: ‘…and injured the director‘
The Daily Express goes with: ‘Hollywood tragedy… Balwin kills crew member‘ – demotion and a somewhat less collegiate-sounding term than the Mirror’s ‘member of the crew‘ – which ironically reminds us of The Strawbs “You don’t get me I’m part of the union… till the day I die…”
The Mail teases us with: ‘Hollywood horror story… Live bullet riddle‘ – no spoilers untill one reads beyond their frontpage.
The Telegraph employs the upmarket sounding: ‘…cinematographer‘ – while the FT and the ‘i’ newspapers are too busy banging on about covid in their headlines to notice what their editors presumably consider an entertainment story. The later organ begging for more Lockdowns.
In case you were wondering – the BBC concurs with the broadsheets, going with cinematographer.
I think the point here is that there are so many ways to colour the same basic facts of a story and if we can’t rely on the media to tell it straight – then we can’t rely on the media to tell it straight.
The Dail Mirror reports: ‘Queen’s on light duties and could miss key summit‘ – that rather accusitory observation refers of course to the COP26 eco jamboree.
I think it’s fair to say our 95-year-old monarch has done quite enough in her time to save and to preserve some sense of Britain, and indeed the Commonwealth, that we can give her a pass for once on her responsibilty of saving the whole bloody planet. Apparently that’s Boris’s job. And his consort Princes Nut Nut. Untill they turn it around and tell us it’s our responsibilty. Having invented the notion that it needs saving in the first place.
The Daily Mail – which, like some over enthusiastic pet Corgi with a sprinkling of tabasco up its behind, goes barking up the wrong tree, and offers: ‘Why did Palace cover up truth on Queen? Aides accused of misleading nation after trying to hide hospital stay‘ – maybe because the Queen’s every medical event is her personal business and not necessarily property for your headline fodder.
And finally. One supposes we all hope for a little support in our old age: ‘Truss: We cannot be dependent on China‘ (Telegraph) – write your own jokes there, folks.
AISI, I have been informed by the BBC that they are cranking up the Global Warming and Climate Change propaganda every day next week at 8 p.m. on Radio Flaw – just in time for COP26. I would like to point out that at that same time on Radio4 Extra there is a Sarah Paretsky ‘VI Warshawski’ story. Know which I prefer.
Despite the constant ‘climate’ propaganda from the BBC part of the MSM, the print part appears to not have noticed. This morning I note that various newspapers are burning fossil fuels like they are going out of fashion.
The BBC Radio4 JustRemainIn Webb’s favourite rag, the Daily Star has a competition where the winner will win their gas, electric AND car fuel bills free for a year. Oh dear. Don’t they know two out of those three have been designated as EVIL by the Imams of the Climataliban?
Even the slightly lefty Times carries recommendations for ‘the cosiest pubs in the UK’ with, despite the logs in a bucket nearby, what appears to be a coal fire blazing away. Perhaps the logs need to dry out a bit more? The slightly left ‘i’ has the same but much smaller down on the bottom right, caption ‘Winter Escapes in the UK’. Now there’s a thought for XR and Insulate to add to their demands: lock up winter a long way away from the northern part of the northern hemisphere and then we will not need any coal or gas or oil and the electricity from PVCs will be plentiful.
The newspaper described by some as ‘Hard Right’ or ‘Far Right’, the Daily Express joins in the giveaways with ‘Win your gas and electricity bills for a year’ with a cosy couple in sharp focus with a fuzzy coal/log fire going in the background. Nice hair, shame about the CO2.
Even the Far Left or Hard Left Daily Mirror has a pic below its masthead featuring two pairs of Scandi socks toasting at a distance from a gas fire.
There must have been a coal fire burning merrily on the front of the Hard Left or Far Left Guardian today, because the BBC have missed it out of their newspaper review.
To be fair, she probably is entirely clueless.
But how many MPs could claim to be ignorant of what is happening with the Channel handovers?
How clueless was the young policeman claiming he did not know whether his colleagues had knelt for BLM (see post on midweek thread)?
She’s a shoo-in for a minor Albeeb slot, maybe on a prog every day about knitting…
What a dumb bird.
I notice there was a visit from a regular troll during the night – I never read its cut and paste stuff and know it’s never about the BBC – but I’m sure it does not mention the recent murder by a Muslim terrorist ( allegedly ) …..
I would so like to take those posts down but I know the troll performs a function – just like toilet paper …
Is it possible to have an ignore feature ?.
I so like the idea of him spending hours on research and not single person ever seeing it.
Surely by now it has been issued a team of interns by the bbc that can be funded off books behind foi exemptions?
It would be good wouldn’t it . As moderator I sort of feel duty bound to scan for bad words so I have to register that the comment exists but not much more .
I apply the same technique now with those three BBC propaganda subjects – colour/Islam – green – NHS – any of these just produces a ‘buzz’ in my ears
Then the off switch comes .
Whole swaths of output are just quarantined now – politics programmes – quiz shows – often the news —
Noncomedy – crime stuff – most drama – not much left …
Could we have a ‘vote down’ clicker, and when it reaches – say – five, the troll gets kicked into touch?
I never even understood what they were talking about, because it’s all dragged up cut’n’paste stuff, so ignore it all nowadays when I see who it is.
It would save you a lot of bother Fed, and you do a sterling job here already!
@Fed when I spoke of the medias constant gaslighting, no I didn’t mean merely lying, its more than that. Its the pushing of skewed narratives and suppression of other things such that the world they deliver, makes you question your sanity cos it’s so different to the world of your own eyes and common sense.
eg for the past few weeks, the media have been pushing that its poor WOMEN politicians who need our attention…They get online hurty words and threats.
… But the in the real world it was a MALE politician who was actually killed.
Stew – I like clarity of language – people get bogged down in stuff they and their group understand but it excludes outsiders .
It’s one of those reasons I don’t like too many ‘initials ‘ because they may be common to many but obscure to others .
This is not aimed at you or any individual – it’s just me . – eh
Bronze strumpet
Bee lady
Religion of peace ..
And – yes I’ve as guilty as anyone else …
BTW FFS I think common shortforms are OK
CCBGB gets used
and every so often people explain it means Comments Could Be Going Better
but I find cryptic ones offputting cos by their nature inside jokes exclude outsiders
Stew – I think my ailment come from a mixture of studying law – where one single word can cause pages of argument ( eg ‘reckless ) or ( reasonable ) topped up by laziness and trying to remember what things like FFS and that ‘comments could be going better ‘,acronym .
In one previous job I had a new boss arrived from outside the organisation . She said to me one day ‘Fedup ‘ I go to meetings and half the time I haven’t got a clue what they are talking about because of the acronyms “
‘Darlin – i sez to her – don’t worry your pretty little head about that FFS – I’ll write you a guide ‘ – which I did – Btw ffs ….😎
Cyptic crossword clue,
Biggest ever troll in a rabbit skin (9)
Mr Voter! My Collins machine doesn’t even register maxi or piku, so you either do The Tmes crossword, or (if you can bear to see it), the Graun’s!
I always have a book of DT crosswords by my side, and try and remember a clue before I go to bed – it’s an age thing…
This one has beaten me, so – er – maybe a hint or seven please?
Got it!
I’ve never known that a ‘cony’ was a rabbit skin, and I used to live near the woods!
So the answer is…
(You need to know the cast of Auf Wiedersehen for the first bit)…
Strewth ( or streatham as workthing says ) life is stress enough without Xwords … ugh .. I’d never have got ( pertains to computers – 2 letters ) ..
Fed, you’re probably too young to remember the Amstrad 464, so wait a while and I’m sure you’ll be into Windows 3 pretty soon!
I’m still learning the one before that…
Scrob – with respect – I was at the cutting edge of technology once Upon a time and my Amstrad holds an important place as a bookend in in my study – cum – box room ….
Has Baldwin been charged with manslaughter yet or does shooting a couple of people get a free democrat pass now ?
Interesting to note just about every…. Baldwinpoliticsphilic… media outlet is running the exact same press release verbatim about how court documents show he was utterly nothing to do with this.
When media retreats to ‘reportedly’ you know they are on shaky ground.
BBC Online News:
“Record high migrant detentions at US-Mexico border”
“President Joe Biden’s popularity in opinion polls has been sinking, partly as a result of his immigration policy”.
“Mr Biden promised a more humane policy than his predecessor Donald Trump, but the US-Mexico border has been engulfed in crisis for much of the Democrat’s nine-month-old presidency.”
Biden could build a wall, perhaps? Perhaps our BBC could suggest that in a constructive sort of way?
Dover, the awful beeb don’t ‘construct’, they destroy a culture, and they widdle around, poking sharp sticks at everyone who isn’t in agreement with their leftie bias.
They create mayhem with their woke fantasies, and generally piss off the majority of normal British citizens, who pay their hugely inflated wages!
Their output is abysmal, with third-rate ‘actresses’ and ‘actors’ (what happens if you’re neither these days?), stupid scenarios, and a general misinterpretation of British values in feeble re-makes like ‘The Darling buds of May’, and ‘All creatures great and small’.
Building walls is essentially constructive.
In the spirit of community cohesion how about the BBC create the whacky adventures of four young men (“the muslims”) a hip industry selected super group trying to make a name for themselves as a rock ‘n roll band. The theme tune would be Hey Hey We’re The Muslims.
Meanwhile, with apologies to the Monkees, here’s a few lines of a little thing I like to call “I’m a believer”
I thought love was only true in fairy tales
Written in the Koran but not for me
The West was out to get me
That’s the way it seemed
Disappointment haunted all my dreams
Then I didn’t see her face, ‘cos I’m a believer
Not a trace, of doubt in my mind
It was arranged (mmmm, first cousin)
I’m a believer, I could beat her, if I wished
I thought Britishness was more or less a giving thing
Seems the more I get, the more I want
What’s the use in workin’
All you get on benefits? (oh, the NHS)
When I needed sunshine, I got rain
Then I didn’t see her face, cos I’m a believer
Not a trace of doubt in my mind.
I’m in love, I’m a believer!
I don’t have to leave her, I’ll marry another, if I want
Your last lines, how about;
“I don’t have to leave her, she’ll die in a house fire.”
Sorry, I think reading that troll’s comments has set me off.
And that alas is what the people of the UK want to happen. I have a neighbour who says he would rather be a slave to a Muslim than pay a politicians a penny more per decade from his taxes and stop them looking to the Middle East to make up their incomes.
Alas he is not alone, and there are plenty of people on here who feel the same way, happy to to pay the Jizya, so pig headed they would rather do that than pay their politicians the going rate.
Now it turns out murdered MP David Amess was in the pockets of the Qataris and no one wants to talk about it.
You’re getting what you pay for so smile.
Im wondering if anyone will investigate thd Amess Qatar link – even if he was a reddish tory .
…. Im guessed the answer will be ‘ no’ – and only a version will come out if it gets to trial …
There is, as I understand it already an injunction in place wrt to reporting the Amess business.
The Qataris are very sensitive to coverage of their assorted doings – their accommodation+pocket money of selected Taliban bigwigs garnered little coverage.
That the Al Thanis and The House of Saud have a feud running complicates matters.
Both tribes (and others from that neck of the woods) have been buying favours (of all sorts) in London for some decades. It is entirely safe I feel to assume that there are a considerable number of London legal professionals who’re grateful for their largesse.
Just hearing some rumours that Baldwin – with a high financial interest in the film had brought in strike breakers to the set (what a typically Socialist hypocritical thing to do) and the armourer being fingered for the gun might not have actually been on the set that day.
Given the grievance with the victim producer and the clear instructions on film sets never to point any gun at an individual unless absolutely necessary for the shot, and only then after some pretty heavy duty risk assesments plus health & safety reviews, it’s difficult to see how Baldwin can avoid criminal responsibility for what has happened.
“rules stipulate anyone using a firearm on set must refrain from pointing a firearm at anyone, including themselves, and if it is absolutely necessary to do so on camera, to consult the prop master, the weapons handler or other safety representative. Notice the refrain from pointing the gun at anyone”
If he isn’t charged with manslaughter, something is seriously corrupt over there.
Given the tales already out there about the labour disputes, the collapsing schedule, the antisocial long work hours and draining commutes, it’s not difficult to imagine that the atmosphere on the set might have been febrile.
Baldwin’s prior antics would seem to indicate he mightn’t deal with that recipe in a rational manner – esp as it was his $$$ being burned ? I hope Mike Cernovich has scoped out Baldwin’s PR crew who sprang into action within hours of the incident.
pug, quite right. Surely the first question an actor should ask before picking up a gun, “Is there a safety catch and is it on?” followed by “If not, where is the safety catch and is the on/off position clearly marked?” As a weapons handler who has worked in films and TV explained yesterday on R4, even a blank fired at close range can discharge hot powder and maybe even metal from the casing around the charge.
Imagine an automatic hand gun (with continuous fire capability) picked up carelessly without the safety catch in the ‘On’ position and held downwards alongside a leg. Ooops!
There goes several days filming while the actor/actress recovers from powder burns and costumes are replaced.
Baldwin has an annoying way of pushing his lips out.
OK – so we now know that most of the 650 MPs and civil serpents are perfectly happy with this arrangement.
Is there anyone, anywhere with any ‘authority’ who is willing to speak up strongly against this (irrespective of any so-called international law)?
If not, why not?
Maybe the newsflash could be reworded to Hurricane in the English Channel. With a bit of luck, the traffickers will think it is a weather report.
I’ve been reading many times now where they have a vote in the USA and every single Democrat votes in line with the party. Usually along with a few Republicans. Not one person on that side had a differing opinion and voted the other way.
I’ve only ever seen such a thing before here in Thailand which led to the last coup. Thaksin Shiniwatra ran the government from exile in Dubai and had every single MP bought and paid for. They all flew out there to get their instructions and it is said he had every one sign a letter of resignation before he allowed them to be in the government. Step out of line and they were out. It was absolutely ridiculous. The tipping point came when every single one of them voted to pass a law giving a pardon to all crimes of corruption since 2006. Which of course included Thaksin. The opposition walked out and it passed by 310 votes to zero.
That’s when the people took to the streets, the government started murdering them with grenades and the Army stepped in to stop a civil war.
Now I see exactly the same thing happening in the USA. I can hardly believe it.
As a footnote, the far-Left BBC correspondent – a typical grubby journalist called Jonathan Head – was totally biased against the Army. His classic line ‘Anti-government protests which turned violent’ which actually meant ‘Anti-government protestors murdered by grenades’ will always sum up the BBC to me.
Don’t know what you’ve been reading but it doesn’t reflect reality !
I’ve seen that one and they haven’t voted with Republicans, they are voting against it because it doesn’t go far enough towards their socialist desires.
Yet I’ve seen a lot of reports where ALL democrats voted for something. No abstains, no votes against. My point is that none of them are voting with their conscience. They are voting to beat the opposition. I thought their main job was to represent the people, not the party.
Maybe it happens more than I realise, but it seems odd how every single member turns up and votes in favour of a bill so often. No abstentions, none vote against. I’ve never seen it often enough in reports before to actually notice it – apart from Thailand, which is politically utterly corrupt.
If you recall the BBC did a hit job news thing with catty? And Fraser ( I never saw it ) called ‘100 days ‘ or similar to assassinate president trump every day …
Well I as wondering what the year anniversary of the false president – Biden – will look like. What did you achieve Joe ? How is that afgee thing going for you ?
In fairness he is still in office – the dementia hasn’t come fully through yet – because of his Obama minders – and as of now he hasn’t started the final war to end all wars …
They report the antil lockdown demonstrations in just the same way.
Report: Prevent anti-terrorism scheme is so fearful of seeming racist it may be unfit for purpose
This is the far Left Blue Labour parties creation, and it perhaps comes as no surprise to see far left values making the fight against Islamist terror impossible.
The Marxist infiltrator Theresa May probably did more than anyone to make this happen with her ridiculous falsified ‘rise of the far right’ policies, which targetted scapegoats or people who were clearly either mentally ill or of limited mental capacity and who posed more of a danger to themselves than anyone else.
Mark, pictured, looks awfully male, pale and stale. That cannot be accurate surely?
I know for a fact Woodward and Bernstein were ethically Maori and Arab.
Seems no BBC Democracy moles in those titles.
Of course! You have only to look at the surnames to see that.
The Fail have a pop at mustering up some interest in who will inherit the role of Political Editor being vacated by the lesser-spotted Kuennsburg. ‘Intense speculation’ apparently.
Each potential placement has even been given odds, although I can’t imagine anyone actually walking into their local bookies and filling in a docket to take a punt on this particular race. Either Amol or a woman I’d guess. Beff anyone?
All the usual suspects are there anyway, reliably diverse as the Bbbc defines it, all inhabitants of the same media bubble, all smugly self-important and safe, all completely detached from real public opinion, all guaranteed to share the same opinion on everything. The opinions that actually matter, those of the licence-paying public, can be found in the comments section. There doesn’t seem to be much diversity of thought here either, but as you would imagine, the general consensus is almost completely the opposite of that held by the cognitively conformist clowns and their blinkered bosses at the Bbbc.
Nikki Fox or Ade Adepitan must be shoe-ins.
But who is leaving Toady to create the space for Doomsberg?
Or is this the usual BBC game of musical chairs where everyone moves round one, and hey presto they all get massive pay rises?
Andrew Lawrence is on it.
Careful Sluff, your stereoptypically ableist-oppressor use of traditionally able-bodied discriminatory and disability-phobic Anglo-colonist-centric tropes such as ‘shoe-in’ and ‘musical chairs’ when speaking about the physically-diverse alternatively-mobile oppressed might well be interpreted as being a hate-speech crime.
Very tame – but accurate on the ‘biggest state sponsored paedophile ring ….
Gotta a be a job for beff – if she coloured up a bit and converted to the ‘mo’ …
Sluff, they’ve been running ‘stand-ins’ on TOADY for a year or two since Sarah Sands left as Editor and the Humph retired and Naughtie was knocked sideways. Amol Rajan this morning, Sarah (LabourParty’s John) Smith, Simon Jack and even Dominic O’Connell, if I recall correctly, had a go earlier this year. There’s plenty of room for Part-time.
HIGNFY : BBC trying hard to regain viewers on Have I got News For You.
Jo Brand hosting tonight and Robert Peston on the panel.
That is sure to boost the figures…..
(Replying to several posts above about shortforms etc… sorry, I pressed the wrong button…)
Blimey, I didn’t know that was CCBGB!
I thought it was a beeb kids’ prog!
I sometimes get ‘LOL’, but as I liked 10cc, (Lol Creme), I’ll forgive anyone – hellfire, my 85 year-old neighbour does that on her texts, and she’s gorgeous!
There is a tab at the top of our pages
“In Their Own Words”
“When people ask for evidence of an institutional Left-wing bias at the BBC, this is the place to go for evidence.
Out of the mouths of Beeboids….”
Thank you! I had never noticed that tab “In their own tweets”, and shall spend some happy time going through the compilation.
Anybody else seeing that the BBC web site is demanding a login before reading ‘some’ stories?
A couple on Twitter mention it
saying it sometimes goes away if you click a cross or the Esc key
They said it was only on the Home page
The BBC web signin requirement here was “random” – has now escalated to all individual stories – front page and category mosaics unaffected.
fwiw – my old signin used to be accepted (stopped working) – but after a high voting episode on a comment thread – that signin always threw an error when trying to comment. I might try simply surfing the BBC via the archives 🙂
>>> archives around the place presently seem unaffected
reset password and now logs in…. presented with a blue banner telling me that my content is now “customised” – I assume that means that I’m now compartmentalised …….
I have seen BBC pages with the “no archive” tag set on.
Also BBC tend to add lots of stealth edits That means the archive page gets to be quite different from the live page.
How to massage the news in a few easy lessons!
The awful BBC do lectures on the subject – it helps silly kids in their ‘uni’ degrees.
Presumably the ‘lessons’ are in quite a few different languages…
tomo and stew, it has been going on for some time. Most of 2021?
It is optional; there is a ‘Maybe later’ clicky available.
I suspect that the BBC are acutely aware that they face a current and future loss of income 1. from the younger generation (I note the BBC now run ‘adverts’ aimed at parents on Radio4 about buying the Licence Fee when you go to University) 2. from disgruntled over-75s who have lost their free TV Licence, 3. from recent incomers who – if they are not on Benefits and get the Licence Fee paid for them – ie. illegal illegals who are working maybe for traffickers or gangmasters and are not keen to be totally law abiding as far as TV is concerned anyway, and, 4. from those that are influenced by sites like this one and others to entirely legally just stop watching TV.
With both eyes on this, I suspect the BBC are planning to start in future limiting web-site access to those who pay the TV Licence and also campaigning for a BBC Charter change to allow the Corporation to carry advertising.
The BBC: nothing if not greedy for money.
The BBC web gets a paywall?
I suppose they got an exception for iPlayer ….
Given the last 2 days I see a noticeable increase in mask wearing solo car drivers and mask wearing sometime frantic seeming hand sanitisers in supermarkets – I’m guessing that they’ve wound the scare knob up in broadcast news…
If I read the entitlement of BBC folk anywhere near correctly – their goal is an internet levy and that flows nicely with pols looking to muzzle the Internet
Is access to the BBC grossly distended websit supposed to be a benefit worth paying for? How deluded can they be?
Unfortunately if the BBC did firewall it – public bodies would pay for it as they do the ‘free’ Guardian .…
Amazing isn’t it ? The only thing those 2 people have in common is the language – that table between them could have been as wide as the moon and 30 years apart ….
… another victim of the BBC now – but top of the tree when it suited them …
Was the interviewer Richard Bacon?
I love that clip.
Who the bloke in the vest is, I haven’t a clue, but Jim is fabulous here!
Bookmarked to watch every time a pathetic little troll or a woker gets to my screen!
As least he didn’t mention bacons’ coke addiction.. not the drink one …
@ Fedup
Acute observation!
Leftwing bias
Last night the One Show was presented by Darren Grimes and Melania was on as a guest AGAIN.
…No, of course not
diver Tom Daley was presenting and Hillary Clinton was on as a guest AGAIN.
for third time
They have tweeted about her more that 20 times
.. They have never had Melania on as a guest so have never tweeted about her
They did have @MichelleObama on on April 1st and in 2018 tweeted a video of her
Hillary was also on Woman’s Hour Again !
The body language gives him away – I guess he was on £650k a year then …. Even his first statement about the bbc not being a monolith is a lie …