7:52am My BBC local radio station tweeted a link to a BBC story
“COP26: What is the Glasgow climate conference and why is it important?” https://bbc.in/2ZTjmA4
So far they have zero likes and one reply which says “It isn’t”
(BTW Surely, they shouldn’t have used a question mark, cos it’s a statement not a question)
Nov 2nd their COP26 tweet got 3 likes, zero replies
Nov 3rd their COP26 tweet got zero likes, zero replies
Nov 4th their COP26 tweet got 2 likes, zero replies
Is it okay for kids to skip school to attend climate protests?
Thousands of school children are expected to join Greta Thunberg for a march in Glasgow today. Should they be there – or should they be in lessons instead? pic.twitter.com/GUiRfqOPyv
Ron Howard, the film director formerly known as Richie Cunningham, is on The Graham Norton Show tonight. Since he has worked with everyone from John Wayne to Tom Hanks I might be interested, but the prospect of an in-depth interview by Norton seems unlikely.
The other guests include Miriam Margolyes, Stephen Fry and Halle Berry. Oh dear; as Wogan used to say, “I’m afraid I have a subsequent engagement.”
He may be a good director, but I doubt if he would be an engaging personality. I’ve read several times that there was dissent between him and Henry Winkler (Fonz) because the Cunningham family became secondary to Fonzie – well Henry couldn’t help having a bigger personality could he ? – and he was funnier.
You may be right, or I should say, “Correctamundo!” Actor Don Ameche did a magazine interview to promote the film Cocoon, directed by Howard. Ameche described John Landis (Trading Places) as one of the great directors but would only credit Ron Howard as being “a nice young man.”
Happy Days, the series that gave us the term, “Jumped the Shark”!
This video shows glacial ice calving at the end of a glacier, demonstrating that new ice is forming at the top of the glacier and pushing it seawards. That’s what is supposed to happen. This knob is talking BS.
Send a letter to China asking them to stop building new coal-fired power plants and close down some of the old ones.
Until they agree, absolutely everything we do is a total waste of time and money. Unless you are on the bandwagon and are receiving that money of course.
Michael Vaughan’s position as a BBC analyst is under review at the organisation after a second Asian cricketer said that he heard the former England captain make racist comments while playing for Yorkshire in 2009 https://t.co/4GzF7cvfIa
Ooooer, Huw Edwards has been ‘spoken’ to about tweeting his unease at censorship of historical events. He felt uncomfortable about a portrait of a Waterloo “hero” being taken down by an art gallery Wales.
He’s indicated that he may retire after his several years reading the News, so I wonder, has GB News come-a-calling ?
Yes, change these names. Suggest something recognizable to the enslaved victims of colonialism.
Cotton Row — Cannibal Row
Plantation Wharf — Clitoridectomy Plantation
Two rough estimates by scholars of the numbers of just one group – black slaves held over twelve centuries in the Muslim world – are 11.5 million and 14 million, while other estimates indicate a number between 12 and 15 million African slaves prior to the 20th century.
How does it work?
The European Solidarity Corps funding is provided in the form of grants to organisations through call for proposals.
Young people wishing to engage in such activities need to register in the European Solidarity Corps portal. The European Solidarity Corps portal offers a place for those young people and organisations, holding a grant, to implement activities and to find each other.
They are monstrous, centuries-old infernos that issue thick billows of ash and smoke, and generate sinkholes that consume roads and homes without warning. Yet in spite of the dangers they pose, underground coal fires are some of the least known environmental disasters. China, the world’s largest miner and consumer of coal, has consistently downplayed the fires in its coalfields, considered the most severe on earth.
Glasgow City Council have installed temporary lights in Kelvingrove Park during COP26 but have just rejected permanent lights…. The divide between us & them is bigger than ever.
Glasgow City Council have installed temporary lights in Kelvingrove Park during COP26 but have just rejected permanent lights…. The divide between us & them is bigger than ever. pic.twitter.com/O70msFRHaO
Why does the audience need the P-word spelt out to it? Do Britons not know the racist term invented by Britons and how deeply offensive it is? . #bbcqt
The BBC not reporting the story of the humble Republican truck driver in America who ran for office on a budget of $153 and beat the incumbent Democrat.
As a “man of the people” story, you’d think it might interest the Socialist BBC, but apparently not.
Now the story has taken an extra twist as the Dems have magically found a bunch of uncounted ballots.
So-called biomass British power stations, of which Drax is by far the biggest, consume 7m tonnes of wooden pellets/year, is equivalent to 25m trees going up in smoke. Consumers pay £800m subsidy to make it "economic". Yet CO2 emissions huge. Tree replanting doesn't compensate.
Dover, since you ask, the Left took it up enthusiastically. I have to explain why.
The Left hated two industries and had a strange love/hate relationship with a third, both in the USA and the UK and to an extent in Europe. The two hated industries were car and other powered vehicle manufacturing and the oil industry. Why did the Left hate them? Simples: they were the means of creating prosperity for many millions of ordinary people and enfranchising them as consumers, house owners, stake-holders in society and voters. Those two industries, one of which did not depend on the ownership of land, were hated by the Left for that reason.
The love/hate relationship of the Left was with the coal industry. The Left loved it because it was dependent on a landowner, ooh, an evil capitalist, a robber baron. But the Left loves a victim and the heroic miner working on his hands and knees in very difficult conditions was someone who could be used to beat the capitalists and the Right over the head, could be cannon-fodder for the ‘struggle’. That the coal miner could, when unionised give the Left in Government a hard time was the reason for the hate. Also, it should be remembered that Keir Hardie was a coal-miner. Notwithstanding that one of the founding fathers of the UK Labour Party was a miner, Labour closed more coal mines in the 1960s than Thatcher and the Coal Board did in the 1980s.
The Left took up the CO2=Global Warming with some enthusiasm in the 1980s. What had happened then and in the previous decade? Two economic shocks: oil in the 1970s (together with gathering momentum around Rachel Carson’s 1960s book ‘Silent Spring’) and the struggle between coal and other union power in the 1980s. Here was a reason and an opportunity for the Left to gain permanent ascendancy over the evil Right and the evil capitalists that supported the Right and the Left took it with both hands and feet and started marching and shouting.
With the Bank of England almost broke after John Major’s little infatuation with the European Exchange Rate Mechanism and Theresa May (long before she became PM) to denounce her Conservative Party as the nasty Party ten years later, it was natural for a socialistically inclined Conservative leader to instruct his Chancellor to bring in a tax that would 1. re-fill the coffers of the BoE, and 2. make the Conservatives in Government appear anti-car, anti-oil and pro-Environment, hence the Fuel Duty Escalator.
Yet, when millions march world-wide in protest at Vaccines, masks, lockdowns, and the whole Covid19 fraud in general, crickets from the BBC and all the rest of the MSM. They HATE us.
Thousands were marching. OK but the problem for the organisers is that millions were not and never will march, or even give a toss about their cause.
I suggest that the whole of the Big Brother Organisation A.K.A The Mass Media start an aggressive campaign on behalf of the Jehovah Witness Church – you know -much like they do for climate change and racism. I’m sure that Jehovah would be hard pressed to cope with all the new arrivals for while but then boredom sets in and new horizons beckon.
Oh FFS ! its really peeing me off when outside reporters are bending down to 8 year olds and asking “why are you here” or “what are you protesting about”. Most of these kids still believe in Father Christmas, so if they were in Lapland and were asked “why are you here” – the answer would be……. “to see Father Christmas” !
Yet they’re being quizzed about something they no absolutely nothing about, except having a day out and walking with Mum and Dad – (presumably, or Mum & Mum or Dad & Dad or Dad & Toaster !)
An appeal to those who post on this site as ‘regulars’:
Someone on here – I think it was on here – posted and excellent synopsis of the difference of approach of Marxism and iirc Trotskyism. It was so good that I read it and forgot to make a copy of it. It was way back in the summer, maybe the early summer or even late spring 2021. If the erudite poster is prepared to own up and repost it I would be very grateful.
And now an appeal to FedUp2: if this post is replied to as I hope, may I suggest, even urge you, to pop it on this web-site somewhere where it can be prominent and opened with a clicky. Thanks to all concerned. I think we may be living at an exciting time in history of this world and the information contained in that synopsis of communism may become very useful.
‘I’m the type of person that doesn’t like to give up’
Nel Richards
BBC Young Reporter
Speaking with activist Ineza Umuhoza Grace was a pleasure. The true facts and impacts of climate change on her family in Rwanda were very clear and she taught me that we need to fight this crisis together. Her courage was inspirational and she is a true advocate for young people.
Nel certainly buffing her professional impartiality cred there.
Lucky Ineza came to Glasgow, somehow, and Nel didn’t have to fly to Rwanda as she is very busy.
How many brain donor blondes has the bbc hired fir this jamboree?
Unable to silence Western critics, Lysenko tried to eliminate all dissent within the Soviet Union. Scientists who refused to renounce genetics found themselves at the mercy of the secret police. The lucky ones simply got dismissed from their posts and were left destitute. Hundreds if not thousands of others were rounded up and dumped into prisons or psychiatric hospitals. Several were sentenced to death as enemies of the state or starved in their jail cells (most notably the botanist Nikolai Vavilov).[4] Before the 1930s, the Soviet Union had a strong genetics community. Lysenko gutted it, and by some accounts set Russian biology and agronomy back a half-century.[4] Lysenko’s work was eventually recognized as fraudulent, but not before he had wrecked the lives of many and destroyed the reputation of Russian biology.[18]
Guest Who
This young girl is yet another example of Marxists using children as a human shield to achieve their political ends. They are truly despicable creatures and I am ashamed to admit that I, for many years, believed that Karl Marx was right and that anything that achieved his goal was indeed a noble aspiration. I suppose I should be thankful to the Blair regime for removing the blinkers from my eyes and at last allowing me to see the truth.
Marxism and human nature just do not gel together. Ask Vlad Putin. However I still don’t trust Uncle Vlad and feel that his KGB sleepers in the West have now been activated with instructions to demoralise us in every way possible which is why all celebrities with anti Communist/Socialist ideas, comments and jokes have been purged from our mass media. Nobody on British TV dare to utter statements or even make a joke that is “off message.”
Personally I would rather be dead than live in fear.
Viva human nature!
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Manager (Patient Service)
The Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Job Reference: 317-2021-32-01-DR
Employer:The Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation TrustDepartment:317 Patient Relations – FHLocation:317 01 Freeman HospitalSalary:£38,890 – £44,503 per annum
Let’s just get straight to the nursing salary question and get that answered: The current starting salary for a Band 5 Nurse in the UK is £25,655 per year (minus tax and pensions).
Guest Who
“Cut through the noise? Well I have found that, after 81 years of experience, the most effective way to do that is to press the “off switch” on the Big Brother screen in my sitting room and start using my brain for the purpose it was intended which was certainly not for it to be constantly washed.
amoa has long been touted as a beacon of democracy and political stability in the Pacific, a region troubled by military coups and civil strife. The prime minister, Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi, is the world’s second longest serving prime minister, having held the office for more than 22 years.
But the latest election in the country, held last month, saw the most serious challenge to Malielegaoi’s ruling Human Rights Protection party (HRPP), and has left the country without a clear result. In the weeks since, the government has used every method available to it – and some that arguably are not – to hold on to power. What the government is doing is effectively a bloodless coup.
Guest Who
Oh dear, Oh dear, Oh poxy, Phuking dear.!!
Life really is a gamble love. None of us choose where we are born.
I was born in London England. My parents moved from there to Sussex during “The Blitz” and as things have turned out I have to thank God that they did.
“Brexit: ‘Serious consequences’ if Article 16 triggered, warns EU” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-northern-ireland-59167024
Things are ‘hotting up’ eh ?
Who will Al Beb side with, the UK of Great Britain and NI or the EU?
Strange how most of the top “Join the conversation” comments apper to be tailored against Frost etc?
Where is Nadine ?
“Well, we’ve ‘brought’ I big block of ice from somewhere chilly where it ice, to here, where it isn’t, so we can watch it melt, pointlessly”.
“That it?”
“… to raise awareness”
“Full crew with you in ten”
An iceberg from a glacier in Greenland has been transported to Glasgow as part of an installation to help raise awareness of melting ice caps in the Arctic.
Sky's @ashnahurynag spoke to the group behind the campaign.
Without the Sun , Earth’s land, water, and air would all be frozen solid! Life on Earth would cease to exist. That’s because almost all living things rely on the steady light and heat of the Sun. The Sun’s heat makes liquid water on our planet possible.
Three-child policy (Chinese: 三孩政策), whereby a couple can have three children, is a family planning policy in the People’s Republic of China. The policy was announced on 31 May 2021 at a meeting of the Politburo of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), chaired by CCP General Secretary, Xi Jinping, on population aging.
When the Three Gorges Dam was built, 39 trillion kilograms of water from the Yangtze River built up behind it to 175 meters above sea level. This altered the Earth’s moment of inertia changed ever so slightly, causing the rotation to move more slowly.27 Mar 2014
We live on a ‘Goldilocks’ planet, neither too warm nor too cold but just right. It is the only one that cosmologists are aware of. There had to be a ‘climate change’ to support human life and it happened. Humankind has thrived for thousands of years; living on planet Earth.
During a series of shows in 2019 a comedian ‘joked’ “I want you White people in the audience to do something for me…. I want you to go home and kill your racist Brexit-voting parents.”
The Daily Failure and bbc specialise in snippets from a certain kind of mum who are so traumatised they like ECU photos of the new ‘do’ on the stories about their Darwinian parent skills.
"I thought I could lose him because of silly little magnets that we bought"
With governments at the COP26 climate conference aiming to reduce carbon emissions, how do we balance that with the impact of energy structure on local ecology?#COP26BBC
I’d have thought that they could build all those panels in some Arab s******e where they get loads of sun, then persuade them to stop drilling for oil and export electricity instead!
I really don’t know why I shouldn’t stand for parliament, but then I’m a decent godfearing. legal citizen, so don’t stand a chance!
ITV local news : mega report on “Yorkshire Cricket Crisis”
news that Labour’s Lord Patel will take over as chairman
..and then it’s over to Naz Shah for her opinion
.. Is she a big Yorkshire cricket fan ?
Has she been present at lots of matches
FFS BBC Children In Need organised a massive singalong across most primary schools this morning
Children sang ‘By Your Side’ .
Just happened to coincide with Youth Action Day at COP26
I guess the main driver was the school, not the BBC, cos they didn’t force it on other schools.
But seems this BBC Lincolnshire one were forced to sing a COP26 song too
“Together We Can Make A Great Big Change”
I see the Greta monster has declared the green thing a failure and a talking shop . So is she inciting more disorder ? The next steps up from blocking roads ? Bombing oil refineries – gas mains ? I fear it’s only a matter of time ….
Greta is the failure . She has failed to convince China, India and the rest of the ‘carbonisers’
What actually does she actually know about the climate ? She is a mere kid that has never done a job of work yet ? Come to think of she must be still in school . She is a sock puppet , but for whom ?
Well, with kids you never can tell. Maybe it has always been thus but I think todays school pupils are SO indoctrinated with Socialist principles that they will eventually impoverish their homeland.
Todays school teachers were largely taught their skills during and since the Blair Regime so can be regarded as mistaken in their philosophy. I’m pretty certain that any prospective candidate for a job as a teacher who displayed any doubts about that philosophy
would have been and will be rejected.
I guess the same goes for prospective M.S.M. hopefuls.
Neither Boris Johnson nor Donald Trump have managed, so far, to
change the status quo .
Let us all hope that it will not be left to the NRA in the USA to solve the problem.
I would not classify ANY child as being a “monster” but a child controlled by monsters which she certainly is and hopefully will one day come to understand her dilemma.
The BBC has suspended someone who is a famous cricketer because he allegedly breached the Banter Laws … no surprise really ….
…..best to keep one’s ‘ mouth shut when dealing with coloured folk … silence can’t cause offence can it …?
Fedup-It’s no surprise that the BBC is making the Yorkshire banter
“racist” story a cause celebre . The main news feature. It’s
a shame they were not interested when British Pakistani Yorkshire
grooming gangs were raping white girls!
So a latter day BIG BROTHER McCarthy who runs the diversity
department and controls BBC news output . Decides that all racism is equally vile. But some more equal than others. The
others being like the racialist anti-semitic taunting to a an
orthodox Jew whilst boarding a plane. I didn’t expect it to
be mentioned on the National news , less the Londonistan
The main featured story on the news should of been the
guilty verdict on five scumbags who slaughtered a 15 year
old schoolboy. BUT the woke Sen Joe Mccarthty policy towards
what the BBC considers it’s god given right against anything
that has a racist sniff if it male, pale and stale. Is in every way
similar to what McCarthy was doing against communist associating in the early 50’S in the USA.
You mustn’t be too hard on rapists. What we are conditioned to think of as “rape” is actually a long-established customary method of promoting islam, and thus an authentic expression of the moslem heritage.
Foscari – there is no greater sin than racial words – as you say raping girls doesn’t count – if they are white . The problem with following a policy of advancing the coloured and Islam leads to that perversion .
BBC local news : A Barton youth is finding Green going hard
It costs him £5 to go to the centre of Hull
but his friend in Tenerife pays 65c for a similar 25 minute journey
(I checked the schedule the Barton bus actually takes 33 minutes at least)
FFS the sense of entitlement of British Youth
Hull is 8 miles from his home, but to get there you have to cross a 2 mile wide estuary
Yet he thinks the cost should be next to nothing
Also it’s not a high populated area so they’ll never be that many customers.
And what do you thing is the real cost to the bus company ?
The journey is only 8 miles on a pushbike anyway
The Tenerife journey is massively subsidised
wwfcMar 10, 11:14 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Five charged with murder over shooting in street Koketso Ximba, 22; Aaron Osei, 22; Deric Da Silva Ferreria, 19; Fabio…
Eddy BoothMar 10, 11:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “Harry Potter and Doctor Who star dies aged 63 as tributes pour in for the beloved actor” https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-14481009/Harry-Potter-Doctor-star-dies-aged-63-tributes.html Surprised the…
andyjsnapeMar 10, 11:11 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Romanian far-right presidential hopeful barred from poll rerun https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c3d8n140mpjo Far Right, Far Right As we know the bbc isn’t biased…
Up2snuffMar 10, 10:53 Start the Week 10th March 2025 TOADY Watch #2 – BBC getting over-excited by the news from Canada? Mark Carney, former Canadian Governor of the Bank…
Eddy BoothMar 10, 10:45 Start the Week 10th March 2025 BBC getting excited over the new globalist apointee Mark Carney. “Canada’s next PM Mark Carney vows to win trade war…
Fedup2Mar 10, 10:38 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Up2 It’s a bit like the democrats is the US arguing against ‘common sense ‘ policies . People in Britain…
Fedup2Mar 10, 10:32 Start the Week 10th March 2025 EG Yes – that’s why I think TTK will incorporate the cost of the State Broadcaster into State taxes -…
Up2snuffMar 10, 10:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 MM, Hindus & Muslims will always clash, think India now and at also back in Partition days. Yes it is…
Emmanuel GoldsteinMar 10, 10:10 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Fed, The trouble with no tv licences will be that nobody will be able to get out of paying. At…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 09:57 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Just far right? “A year and a half ago, Hindus and Muslims clashed in the streets of one of Britain’s…
7:52am My BBC local radio station tweeted a link to a BBC story
“COP26: What is the Glasgow climate conference and why is it important?”
So far they have zero likes and one reply which says “It isn’t”
(BTW Surely, they shouldn’t have used a question mark, cos it’s a statement not a question)
Nov 2nd their COP26 tweet got 3 likes, zero replies
Nov 3rd their COP26 tweet got zero likes, zero replies
Nov 4th their COP26 tweet got 2 likes, zero replies
Rog has almost 10.
Pure, relentless #tellitoftenenough shock and roar.
But almost 100% one way.
I think… hope they have worked themselves into a frenzy they will have trouble digging out of.
The ‘question as a headline’ technique is now an inevitable bolt on as a notional cover against legitimate accusations of pure propaganda.
QED. Vile has nothing else left.
Ron Howard, the film director formerly known as Richie Cunningham, is on The Graham Norton Show tonight. Since he has worked with everyone from John Wayne to Tom Hanks I might be interested, but the prospect of an in-depth interview by Norton seems unlikely.
The other guests include Miriam Margolyes, Stephen Fry and Halle Berry. Oh dear; as Wogan used to say, “I’m afraid I have a subsequent engagement.”
Most of the 20 replies to Norton’s tweet are from Margoyles’ fans
In which case Ron’s people have not very long to get Ron a good excuse.
He may be a good director, but I doubt if he would be an engaging personality. I’ve read several times that there was dissent between him and Henry Winkler (Fonz) because the Cunningham family became secondary to Fonzie – well Henry couldn’t help having a bigger personality could he ? – and he was funnier.
You may be right, or I should say, “Correctamundo!” Actor Don Ameche did a magazine interview to promote the film Cocoon, directed by Howard. Ameche described John Landis (Trading Places) as one of the great directors but would only credit Ron Howard as being “a nice young man.”
Happy Days, the series that gave us the term, “Jumped the Shark”!
Some serious airmiles there.
This video shows glacial ice calving at the end of a glacier, demonstrating that new ice is forming at the top of the glacier and pushing it seawards. That’s what is supposed to happen. This knob is talking BS.
Sky has a poll. By Sky.
Send them all to bed without any supper.
Send a letter to China asking them to stop building new coal-fired power plants and close down some of the old ones.
Until they agree, absolutely everything we do is a total waste of time and money. Unless you are on the bandwagon and are receiving that money of course.
“But what do you think….”
Why “but”?
They seem to be cloning them in the cubicle gardens like Stormtroopers.
Were Acid milkshake and spud face in the room?
Ooooer, Huw Edwards has been ‘spoken’ to about tweeting his unease at censorship of historical events. He felt uncomfortable about a portrait of a Waterloo “hero” being taken down by an art gallery Wales.
He’s indicated that he may retire after his several years reading the News, so I wonder, has GB News come-a-calling ?
Pure, unadulterated, howling, pointless…propaganda.
Presumably she’s just dobbed dad in to the commissars?
They are churning these out every minute.
Almost impossible to tell who is the activist and who is the ‘reporter’.
And almost no one cares.
She is displaying a Nazi salute! Arrest her, officer!
What are there solutions?
It’s just a mindless machine, cranking them out… race, climate, Tories…
Would that also apply to Dot Cotton of BBC East Enders?
Guest Who
Yes, change these names. Suggest something recognizable to the enslaved victims of colonialism.
Cotton Row — Cannibal Row
Plantation Wharf — Clitoridectomy Plantation
Two rough estimates by scholars of the numbers of just one group – black slaves held over twelve centuries in the Muslim world – are 11.5 million and 14 million, while other estimates indicate a number between 12 and 15 million African slaves prior to the 20th century.
Note how our BBC will describe hundreds of Youth March demonstrators at COP26 as being thousands. As if they represent all UK youth.
The Left can’t win democratically. Climate Change is their road to power (on a bicycle of course!).
Still all smiles at the McPatels.
How does it work?
The European Solidarity Corps funding is provided in the form of grants to organisations through call for proposals.
Young people wishing to engage in such activities need to register in the European Solidarity Corps portal. The European Solidarity Corps portal offers a place for those young people and organisations, holding a grant, to implement activities and to find each other.
Mad Al still gets them to dance…
10 minutes till Saddam hits UK with Covid version 2.
She seems to have a pink fly swatter.
Sweden’s Dirty Secret: It Arms Dictators
Tom Sullivan , Agence France Presse May 20, 2014, 12:12 PM
They are monstrous, centuries-old infernos that issue thick billows of ash and smoke, and generate sinkholes that consume roads and homes without warning. Yet in spite of the dangers they pose, underground coal fires are some of the least known environmental disasters. China, the world’s largest miner and consumer of coal, has consistently downplayed the fires in its coalfields, considered the most severe on earth.
The BBC social justice warriors in their happy place race baiting: “Nearly all-white jury chosen in black jogger murder trial”.
Clearly the justice system is easily manipulated by lawyers well aware that what MLK said was more of an ideal.
However in bbc hands it becomes the next race war club to wield.
Assessing facts is so last news cycle.
Glasgow City Council have installed temporary lights in Kelvingrove Park during COP26 but have just rejected permanent lights…. The divide between us & them is bigger than ever.
Make parks safe for rapists! You surely can’t disagree with that.
Depends if they are plod …
But enough about how impartial the BBC is…
And this gets you fast tracked.
Sangita Myska
Journalist 📻
: Positive Thinking, GrenfelI Tower Inquiry, & Addicted to Sex podcasts. Winner: BritishPodcastAwards |
| 📺
New Broadcasting House, Londonyoutu.be/2NI6eSK9hUgJoined January 2009
4,780 Following
“Kids whose parents voted Brexit, go home and kill your parents.” BBC Nish
The BBC not reporting the story of the humble Republican truck driver in America who ran for office on a budget of $153 and beat the incumbent Democrat.
As a “man of the people” story, you’d think it might interest the Socialist BBC, but apparently not.
Now the story has taken an extra twist as the Dems have magically found a bunch of uncounted ballots.
For a serious report, the link to the DM below.
For a more spicy report, there’s Salty Cracker.
A clue as to why all at that soulless doom fest are usually utter twats.
That Carbon PR outfit’s arguments are made out of cardboard too.
Journalist: what?
Greta: I don’t know, just do it.
BBC news at one ! I think a case for trade descriptions. Opinion , propaganda etc but definitely no news
Andrew Neil, on the Green Steal
Someone claimed that the main flag in the kids climate march was the Palestinian
I doubted that
but the BBC picture has that
So is it “about what they say it’s about” ?
.. or is it another front for lefty politics to push its agendas ?
I’m sure I saw those same protesters at all the BLM demonstrations. Many of the older wimmin were at Greenham Common I’m sure.
Did the Left/BBC create the Climate Change myth?
Dover, since you ask, the Left took it up enthusiastically. I have to explain why.
The Left hated two industries and had a strange love/hate relationship with a third, both in the USA and the UK and to an extent in Europe. The two hated industries were car and other powered vehicle manufacturing and the oil industry. Why did the Left hate them? Simples: they were the means of creating prosperity for many millions of ordinary people and enfranchising them as consumers, house owners, stake-holders in society and voters. Those two industries, one of which did not depend on the ownership of land, were hated by the Left for that reason.
The love/hate relationship of the Left was with the coal industry. The Left loved it because it was dependent on a landowner, ooh, an evil capitalist, a robber baron. But the Left loves a victim and the heroic miner working on his hands and knees in very difficult conditions was someone who could be used to beat the capitalists and the Right over the head, could be cannon-fodder for the ‘struggle’. That the coal miner could, when unionised give the Left in Government a hard time was the reason for the hate. Also, it should be remembered that Keir Hardie was a coal-miner. Notwithstanding that one of the founding fathers of the UK Labour Party was a miner, Labour closed more coal mines in the 1960s than Thatcher and the Coal Board did in the 1980s.
The Left took up the CO2=Global Warming with some enthusiasm in the 1980s. What had happened then and in the previous decade? Two economic shocks: oil in the 1970s (together with gathering momentum around Rachel Carson’s 1960s book ‘Silent Spring’) and the struggle between coal and other union power in the 1980s. Here was a reason and an opportunity for the Left to gain permanent ascendancy over the evil Right and the evil capitalists that supported the Right and the Left took it with both hands and feet and started marching and shouting.
With the Bank of England almost broke after John Major’s little infatuation with the European Exchange Rate Mechanism and Theresa May (long before she became PM) to denounce her Conservative Party as the nasty Party ten years later, it was natural for a socialistically inclined Conservative leader to instruct his Chancellor to bring in a tax that would 1. re-fill the coffers of the BoE, and 2. make the Conservatives in Government appear anti-car, anti-oil and pro-Environment, hence the Fuel Duty Escalator.
Good assessment Up2snuff. And, I think it has grown since the Left realise that they can’t get their way democratically.
I get the feeling that even Boris is playing a game in pleasing the vocal minority.
Yet, when millions march world-wide in protest at Vaccines, masks, lockdowns, and the whole Covid19 fraud in general, crickets from the BBC and all the rest of the MSM. They HATE us.
Thousands were marching. OK but the problem for the organisers is that millions were not and never will march, or even give a toss about their cause.
I suggest that the whole of the Big Brother Organisation A.K.A The Mass Media start an aggressive campaign on behalf of the Jehovah Witness Church – you know -much like they do for climate change and racism. I’m sure that Jehovah would be hard pressed to cope with all the new arrivals for while but then boredom sets in and new horizons beckon.
Oh FFS ! its really peeing me off when outside reporters are bending down to 8 year olds and asking “why are you here” or “what are you protesting about”. Most of these kids still believe in Father Christmas, so if they were in Lapland and were asked “why are you here” – the answer would be……. “to see Father Christmas” !
Yet they’re being quizzed about something they no absolutely nothing about, except having a day out and walking with Mum and Dad – (presumably, or Mum & Mum or Dad & Dad or Dad & Toaster !)
An appeal to those who post on this site as ‘regulars’:
Someone on here – I think it was on here – posted and excellent synopsis of the difference of approach of Marxism and iirc Trotskyism. It was so good that I read it and forgot to make a copy of it. It was way back in the summer, maybe the early summer or even late spring 2021. If the erudite poster is prepared to own up and repost it I would be very grateful.
And now an appeal to FedUp2: if this post is replied to as I hope, may I suggest, even urge you, to pop it on this web-site somewhere where it can be prominent and opened with a clicky. Thanks to all concerned. I think we may be living at an exciting time in history of this world and the information contained in that synopsis of communism may become very useful.
Perhaps you mean this post https://biasedbbc.tv/blog/2021/06/29/midweek-thread-30-june-2021/comment-page-2/#comment-1127125
Inoreader has a good search engine.
Little in the bbc armoury of joke propaganda can match…. a poll.
On what planet does anyone see merit in taxes, especially so typically ill defined as this headline?
From the link.
‘I’m the type of person that doesn’t like to give up’
Nel Richards
BBC Young Reporter
Speaking with activist Ineza Umuhoza Grace was a pleasure. The true facts and impacts of climate change on her family in Rwanda were very clear and she taught me that we need to fight this crisis together. Her courage was inspirational and she is a true advocate for young people.
Nel certainly buffing her professional impartiality cred there.
Lucky Ineza came to Glasgow, somehow, and Nel didn’t have to fly to Rwanda as she is very busy.
How many brain donor blondes has the bbc hired fir this jamboree?
Hope Nel was given some salts.
Can she list the loop holes and frameworks?
Maybe do to school and study business?
** SEE PANDORA PAPERS on how to avoid stamp duty by Balir **
Sky pool sharing?
Greta’s mask appears based on the Heels Up model.
Where is this going to end?
Unable to silence Western critics, Lysenko tried to eliminate all dissent within the Soviet Union. Scientists who refused to renounce genetics found themselves at the mercy of the secret police. The lucky ones simply got dismissed from their posts and were left destitute. Hundreds if not thousands of others were rounded up and dumped into prisons or psychiatric hospitals. Several were sentenced to death as enemies of the state or starved in their jail cells (most notably the botanist Nikolai Vavilov).[4] Before the 1930s, the Soviet Union had a strong genetics community. Lysenko gutted it, and by some accounts set Russian biology and agronomy back a half-century.[4] Lysenko’s work was eventually recognized as fraudulent, but not before he had wrecked the lives of many and destroyed the reputation of Russian biology.[18]
Guest Who
This young girl is yet another example of Marxists using children as a human shield to achieve their political ends. They are truly despicable creatures and I am ashamed to admit that I, for many years, believed that Karl Marx was right and that anything that achieved his goal was indeed a noble aspiration. I suppose I should be thankful to the Blair regime for removing the blinkers from my eyes and at last allowing me to see the truth.
Marxism and human nature just do not gel together. Ask Vlad Putin. However I still don’t trust Uncle Vlad and feel that his KGB sleepers in the West have now been activated with instructions to demoralise us in every way possible which is why all celebrities with anti Communist/Socialist ideas, comments and jokes have been purged from our mass media. Nobody on British TV dare to utter statements or even make a joke that is “off message.”
Personally I would rather be dead than live in fear.
Viva human nature!
Bet that coffee cost more than my kids make in an hour at the work they drive to.
Jeremy Vine – £295,000-£299,999
Daily show on Radio 2
2019/2020: £320,000-£324,999
2018/2019: £290,000-£294,999
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Manager (Patient Service)
The Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Job Reference: 317-2021-32-01-DR
Employer:The Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation TrustDepartment:317 Patient Relations – FHLocation:317 01 Freeman HospitalSalary:£38,890 – £44,503 per annum
Let’s just get straight to the nursing salary question and get that answered: The current starting salary for a Band 5 Nurse in the UK is £25,655 per year (minus tax and pensions).
Isn’t it funny that he obviously has not the slightest clue about how thoroughly obnoxious he is.
One to pop in the forward planner.
“In five or 10 years this will all be covered.”
The village of Shishmaref, in Northern Alaska, is facing evacuation due to rising temperatures, thawing permafrost, and rapid coastal erosion.
Alaska is also home to rapidly retreating glaciers where melt rates are among the highest on the planet.
So what are the consequences for the rest of the world? #CutThroughTheNoise
Guest Who
“Cut through the noise? Well I have found that, after 81 years of experience, the most effective way to do that is to press the “off switch” on the Big Brother screen in my sitting room and start using my brain for the purpose it was intended which was certainly not for it to be constantly washed.
Phew, the lack of a woman’s voice on the bbc was cause for concern.
Ethnic groups
Samoan 92.6%
Euronesians (persons of mixed European and Polynesian descent) 7%
Europeans 0.4%
Total population
Coronavirus Cases:
Samoa is experiencing a bloodless coup. The Pacific’s most stable democracy is in trouble
Fiona Ey
amoa has long been touted as a beacon of democracy and political stability in the Pacific, a region troubled by military coups and civil strife. The prime minister, Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi, is the world’s second longest serving prime minister, having held the office for more than 22 years.
But the latest election in the country, held last month, saw the most serious challenge to Malielegaoi’s ruling Human Rights Protection party (HRPP), and has left the country without a clear result. In the weeks since, the government has used every method available to it – and some that arguably are not – to hold on to power. What the government is doing is effectively a bloodless coup.
Guest Who
Oh dear, Oh dear, Oh poxy, Phuking dear.!!
Life really is a gamble love. None of us choose where we are born.
I was born in London England. My parents moved from there to Sussex during “The Blitz” and as things have turned out I have to thank God that they did.
“Brexit: ‘Serious consequences’ if Article 16 triggered, warns EU”
Things are ‘hotting up’ eh ?
Who will Al Beb side with, the UK of Great Britain and NI or the EU?
Strange how most of the top “Join the conversation” comments apper to be tailored against Frost etc?
Where is Nadine ?
I have mentioned this before. Nadine has been Pritied.
“Hi… media, want an awesome COP26 scoop?”
“Do we evva,”
“Well, we’ve ‘brought’ I big block of ice from somewhere chilly where it ice, to here, where it isn’t, so we can watch it melt, pointlessly”.
“That it?”
“… to raise awareness”
“Full crew with you in ten”
Without the Sun , Earth’s land, water, and air would all be frozen solid! Life on Earth would cease to exist. That’s because almost all living things rely on the steady light and heat of the Sun. The Sun’s heat makes liquid water on our planet possible.
Three-child policy (Chinese: 三孩政策), whereby a couple can have three children, is a family planning policy in the People’s Republic of China. The policy was announced on 31 May 2021 at a meeting of the Politburo of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), chaired by CCP General Secretary, Xi Jinping, on population aging.
When the Three Gorges Dam was built, 39 trillion kilograms of water from the Yangtze River built up behind it to 175 meters above sea level. This altered the Earth’s moment of inertia changed ever so slightly, causing the rotation to move more slowly.27 Mar 2014
It is melting !
Of course it is – Its in Glasgow !
Glasgow temp 10 Deg C. Greenland temp (Minus ) – 11 Deg C
Simples !
What was the motive power used in its transportation down to the UK ?
The motive power was —- yes – you’ve guessed it — WORLD SOCIALISM!!
We live on a ‘Goldilocks’ planet, neither too warm nor too cold but just right. It is the only one that cosmologists are aware of. There had to be a ‘climate change’ to support human life and it happened. Humankind has thrived for thousands of years; living on planet Earth.
I suppose they could take a bottle of water to Greenland and show the locals that water freezes when cold.
Nah. Too obvious I’m afraid. Even President Biden wouldn’t buy that one. Well—– just maybe——-
From her travel agent? Springster?
The cultural politics of racism in the Brexit conjuncture
Nikolay MintchevFirst Published July 10, 2020
During a series of shows in 2019 a comedian ‘joked’ “I want you White people in the audience to do something for me…. I want you to go home and kill your racist Brexit-voting parents.”
Kumar is a confirmed Remainer, his ‘joke’ is at the very least heartfelt.
Well, she obviously must have said something annoying.
The Daily Failure and bbc specialise in snippets from a certain kind of mum who are so traumatised they like ECU photos of the new ‘do’ on the stories about their Darwinian parent skills.
I do wish they would not.
Last month Radio Lincolnshire had a Lincolnshire mother with a n almost identical story.
Guessing, being the bbc, scag loads more munny?
In a more nuanced sense, like ECOnomics and ECOlogy, there is likely a realistic balance none in W1A could grasp, or countenance.
I’d have thought that they could build all those panels in some Arab s******e where they get loads of sun, then persuade them to stop drilling for oil and export electricity instead!
I really don’t know why I shouldn’t stand for parliament, but then I’m a decent godfearing. legal citizen, so don’t stand a chance!
How’s the Wels Assembly doing ?…………………
“Grandfather waits 13 hours for ambulance after stroke”
“NHS Wales records its worst ever performance figures”
‘Based on actual ev… oh, screw it, pure PR’
ITV local news : mega report on “Yorkshire Cricket Crisis”
news that Labour’s Lord Patel will take over as chairman
..and then it’s over to Naz Shah for her opinion
.. Is she a big Yorkshire cricket fan ?
Has she been present at lots of matches
…and over to the late Freddie Truman for his assessment of the situation…
“F**** **** *******-**** ******** ********** ************ ************d”!
‘Er, Thank you, Mr Trueman’…
#2 Violence against fire crews
#3 Now long item on “Sheffield school children visit COP26”
… I though school children were supposed be specially protected against Covid
“Next week Week2 of our special Climate coverage2
#4 Here we are at a school in Sheffield at a Climate project lesson
These poor kids being brainwashed are about 7-8 years old”
“These kids are showing a keen interest in COP26″
..really the one tht spoke seemed to be reciting a script
..”Very Inspiring youngsters there”
“Scunthorpe General hospital will go green with geotheremal energy”
God knows where they’ll find it cos I’ve never heard of any geothermal there
Not even in the iron ore mine tunnels
It’s not like the geology is like Cornwall.
FFS BBC Children In Need organised a massive singalong across most primary schools this morning
Children sang ‘By Your Side’ .
Just happened to coincide with Youth Action Day at COP26
I guess the main driver was the school, not the BBC, cos they didn’t force it on other schools.
But seems this BBC Lincolnshire one were forced to sing a COP26 song too
“Together We Can Make A Great Big Change”
“We are so proud of the children and how they discussed the importance of sustainability in school.”
Discussing what? How old are those little creeps?
I see the Greta monster has declared the green thing a failure and a talking shop . So is she inciting more disorder ? The next steps up from blocking roads ? Bombing oil refineries – gas mains ? I fear it’s only a matter of time ….
Greta is the failure . She has failed to convince China, India and the rest of the ‘carbonisers’
What actually does she actually know about the climate ? She is a mere kid that has never done a job of work yet ? Come to think of she must be still in school . She is a sock puppet , but for whom ?
Well, with kids you never can tell. Maybe it has always been thus but I think todays school pupils are SO indoctrinated with Socialist principles that they will eventually impoverish their homeland.
Todays school teachers were largely taught their skills during and since the Blair Regime so can be regarded as mistaken in their philosophy. I’m pretty certain that any prospective candidate for a job as a teacher who displayed any doubts about that philosophy
would have been and will be rejected.
I guess the same goes for prospective M.S.M. hopefuls.
Neither Boris Johnson nor Donald Trump have managed, so far, to
change the status quo .
Let us all hope that it will not be left to the NRA in the USA to solve the problem.
I would not classify ANY child as being a “monster” but a child controlled by monsters which she certainly is and hopefully will one day come to understand her dilemma.
The BBC has suspended someone who is a famous cricketer because he allegedly breached the Banter Laws … no surprise really ….
…..best to keep one’s ‘ mouth shut when dealing with coloured folk … silence can’t cause offence can it …?
No-one is talkin’ to me – I’ve been sent to Coventry and I play for Sussex – is it ‘cos I is black?
“Lewes Bonfire Night: Crowds defy warnings and flock to parade”
Fedup-It’s no surprise that the BBC is making the Yorkshire banter
“racist” story a cause celebre . The main news feature. It’s
a shame they were not interested when British Pakistani Yorkshire
grooming gangs were raping white girls!
So a latter day BIG BROTHER McCarthy who runs the diversity
department and controls BBC news output . Decides that all racism is equally vile. But some more equal than others. The
others being like the racialist anti-semitic taunting to a an
orthodox Jew whilst boarding a plane. I didn’t expect it to
be mentioned on the National news , less the Londonistan
The main featured story on the news should of been the
guilty verdict on five scumbags who slaughtered a 15 year
old schoolboy. BUT the woke Sen Joe Mccarthty policy towards
what the BBC considers it’s god given right against anything
that has a racist sniff if it male, pale and stale. Is in every way
similar to what McCarthy was doing against communist associating in the early 50’S in the USA.
You mustn’t be too hard on rapists. What we are conditioned to think of as “rape” is actually a long-established customary method of promoting islam, and thus an authentic expression of the moslem heritage.
Foscari – there is no greater sin than racial words – as you say raping girls doesn’t count – if they are white . The problem with following a policy of advancing the coloured and Islam leads to that perversion .
With that it’s time for the new thread …
BBC local news : A Barton youth is finding Green going hard
It costs him £5 to go to the centre of Hull
but his friend in Tenerife pays 65c for a similar 25 minute journey
(I checked the schedule the Barton bus actually takes 33 minutes at least)
FFS the sense of entitlement of British Youth
Hull is 8 miles from his home, but to get there you have to cross a 2 mile wide estuary
Yet he thinks the cost should be next to nothing
Also it’s not a high populated area so they’ll never be that many customers.
And what do you thing is the real cost to the bus company ?
The journey is only 8 miles on a pushbike anyway
The Tenerife journey is massively subsidised
Nothing comes for nothing. Someone somewhere ALWAYS pays.