New episode of our Sideways podcast out now on @BBCRadio4!
The Secret of Success: In this episode of Sideways, @matthewsyed asks us to question the myths we’re fed about success and redefine its meaning for ourselves.
Here’s an idea about us paying the French £54 million to stop the invasion.
For every boat that makes it, whether picked up by our border faux or to the beaches, knock £1 million off.
Ten boats make it over, knock £10 million off.
Emmanuel Goldstein
Excellent Idea….A money back guarantee !
Or Invade France and move our Border to there ,
Just reminded of the old joke …..French Border Guard to German visitor ‘ Occupation ? ‘ ……No Just visiting this time ! !
I suspect that the most unwelcome consequence of the the Rafiq affair at YCCC will be that team selectors for county and England will feel compelled to demonstrate their anti racism stance by picking plenty of BAMEs in their teams, even if they don’t merit inclusion on their performances. I’m sure that this will also be the case with the English cricket team.
I gave up watching ‘England’ football team years before they became Kneelers United because I felt that they didn’t represent my country, not so much in colour but in attitude. In contrast the England rugby team , with a good contingent of black players, still seems to me to represent English values.
I hope that England cricket will follow rugby and not cricket but I have strong doubts.
The most out of touch comment made on this affair comes from Imran Kahn, the PM of Pakistan , who has said that as Yorkshire is flooded ( his word not mine) with Asians he couldn’t understand why there was so much hostility towards them at Headingly. Hasn’t he heard the English phrase that familiarity breeds contempt.
Perhaps there should be the same ratio of coloured-white people in sports teams as there already is in TV advertisements. That would bring home to people the true racial make-up of this country, despite the evidence of their own eyes whenever they leave the house.
Man who hit wife with bat and made her drink bleach spared jail after judge says she was ‘not vulnerable’
Domestic violence charities accuse judge of ‘shocking ignorance’, saying ruling sends out ‘dangerous message’ that could discourage victims from coming forward
A judge has been accused of “shocking ignorance” after he ruled that a man who poured bleach down his wife’s throat and beat her with a cricket bat would not be jailed on the grounds that she was not “vulnerable”.
At a hearing in Manchester Crown Court, Judge Richard Mansell QC ruled that cricketer Mustafa Bashir, 34, would be spared from jail despite admitting assault occasioning actual bodily harm against his former partner, because he was “not convinced she [was] a vulnerable person”.
Domestic violence charities have warned the ruling sends out a “dangerous message” that could discourage victims of domestic abuse from coming forward, telling The Independent it is a “complete fallacy” for judges to believe such abuse only affects certain women.
Donna Traynor has been at the Bbbc for 33 years, she’s the main presenter on BBC Newsline, the BBC NI evening news programme. Or rather, she was the main presenter.
It seems they may have a problem with her age – she’s 56, younger than Marr at 62, Edwards at 60, slightly younger than Myrie at 57 – and so now she’s taking them for age discrimination.
Azeem Rafiq: Tino Best says cricket needs to tackle drinking culture.
“Former Yorkshire and Hampshire bowler Tino Best says cricket needs to tackle a “drinking culture” which is “hampering” opportunities for black and Asian players.”
TOADY Watch #1 – the PM needs to be careful, makes a change, it is usually the BBC
Normally it is the BBC that needs to watch out for elephant traps but – according to the BBC – the PM has hung Owen Paterson ‘out to dry’. The Conservative Party has a history of ‘long knives’. After SuperMac wielded his during the famous ‘night of the long knives’ usually the knife has been stuck in the back of the PM. Home, Heath, Thatcher and Major have all suffered.
If Paterson had truly breached the rules, the PM ought to say exactly where he breached them. If, on the other hand, Paterson was innocent of a strict breach of Parliamentary Standards rules then be careful, PM. Owen Paterson may have more loyal colleagues on the back benches who know the real truth in this affair and if you have wronged Paterson in order to get yourself off the hook, then you need to watch out.
Completely antithetical to this sites existence Radio 3 will broadcast a service from St John’s college Cambridge for the first Sunday in Advent at 15:00 Sunday 28th November. It is becoming more of a highlight of the Start of the Christmas season.
Lets face it though, it’s not the BBC producing this content, they are merely transmitting someone elses content for free. Still very much worth a listen – to sit by the fire with a glass of something warming and get into the festive mood.
A Service for Advent with Carols, live from the Chapel of St John’s College, Cambridge.
Introit: Adam lay ybounden (Ledger)
Processional Hymn: O come, O come, Emmanuel (Veni Emmanuel) (descant: Hill)
Bidding Prayer
Carol: Tomorrow shall be my dancing day (Gardner)
I The Message of Advent
Sentence and Collect
Antiphons: O Sapientia and O Adonaï
First lesson: Isaiah 11 vv. 1-5
Carol: Creator of the stars of night (arr. Scott)
Second lesson: 1 Thessalonians 5 vv. 1-11
Carol: Telling (Grime)
II The Word of God
Sentence and Collect
Antiphons: O Radix Jesse and O Clavis David
Third lesson: Micah 4 vv. 1-4
Carol: Nowel – Owt of your slepe aryse and wake (Anon, 15th century)
Fourth lesson: Luke 4 vv. 14-21
An Introduction to: Hark, the glad sound! (Bingham)
Hymn: Hark, the glad sound! (Bristol)
III The Prophetic Call
Sentence and Collect
Antiphons: O Oriens and O Rex Gentium
Carol: Pan fo’r stormydd garwa’n curo (Williams)
Fifth lesson: Malachi 3 vv. 1-7
Carol: Lo! the desert depths are stirr’d (Frances-Hoad)
Sixth lesson: Matthew 3 vv. 1-11
Hymn: On Jordan’s bank the Baptist’s cry (Winchester New) (descant: Robinson)
IV The God-Bearer
Sentence and Collect
Antiphon: O Emmanuel
Carol: There is no rose (Joubert)
Seventh lesson: Luke 1 vv. 39-49
Carol: A spotless rose (Howells)
Magnificat: Service in E (Murrill)
Eighth lesson: John 3 vv. 1-8
Sentence and The Christmas Collect
Carol: Make we joy (Robinson)
Hymn: Lo! He comes with clouds descending (Helmsley) (descant: Robinson)
The College Prayer and The Blessing
Organ Voluntary: Chorale Prelude ‘Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland’ BWV 661 (Bach)
Channel migrants are set to be flown to ALBANIA to a new asylum centre at cost of £100,000-a-head a year as French deny agreeing to stop all crossings
Ministers are discussing opening asylum centre in Albania and hope it would act as a deterrent to Migrants
The likelihood of sealing a deal with Tirana were now ‘looking good’, a UK government source said
It comes after Home Secretary Priti Patel vowed earlier this week to stop ‘100 per cent’ of Channel crossings
Ridiculous and just an example of how inept cowardly and useless the Tories are with a total fudge of an issue which is easily solved.
First of all return all migrants to the country they claim to have come from. If those countries will not accept them back like Israel and Iraq remove all aid money prevent travel to those countries demand payment for the costs of keeping illegal immigrants, and impose financial penalties against them such as barring money transfers.
There is no good reason for any country in the West remaining in the asylum treaty when it is being so openly fraudulently misused. We should withdraw all legal aid and go along with the decisions made by Home Office staff at interview. Deport illegal ASAP, and bill the countries they come from – if the French government can do this then there is no reason why we cannot.
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – I thought I had seen them before, usually stated to be on the Polish border
Yesterday, I was puzzled by some familiar faces that I had seen before – several times in fact – the photo on the BBC web-site had the little girl wearing a beanie hat pulled down over the distinguishing mark on her forehead which may have been a birthmark or a graze. The father looked also familiar.
I wonder if some people had contacted the BBC to question about the puzzling appearance of the same people on different dates in different European locations in the pictures both on the BBC web-site and the print media? Are we being subjected to media ‘spin’ ?
“”malign foreign influence.” This phrase describes the covert efforts the FBI has seen in several cases where American politicians were influenced indirectly to adopt policies the Chinese regime desires, particularly in four areas: Hong Kong, Taiwan, human rights abuses against the Uighurs, and the Chinese government’s role in the Covid-19 pandemic.”
My term for the extent of chinese involvement in US Governmental business? – ‘Riddled’
Got to be the same in the UK if not lining the ranks of our influential, “Worlds Most Trusted Broadcaster”
You can enter your name and see it’s popularity go up or down ….
With a special link provided by the the UK Government for special names such as Muhammad, Mohammed and Mohammad (other names not so special)
We do not have a definitive answer for why the variations of the name Muhammad have generally risen up the rankings over time, but there are some possible explanations.
1. The increasing size of the Muslim community in England and Wales
2. The dominance of the name in the Muslim community combined with increased diversity in names for baby boys
3. The possible increased dominance of the name in the Muslim community
4. The possible effect of popular sporting figures with the names Muhammad and Mohamed
The term such as ‘increased dominance‘ is odd, when in maths you could use the term ‘increased occurrence’ instead.
dominance – power and influence over others
occurrence – the fact or frequency of something happening
Words do have meanings and some are more emotive than others.
Deborah Lyons, UN Special Representative and Head of the UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA), said that despite an improvement in the security situation, Afghans feel abandoned by the international community and anxious about their new leadership.
“Ultimately, the Taliban must decide on whether to govern according to the needs and rights of the diverse Afghan population, or whether to rule on the basis of a narrow ideology and even narrower ethnic base”, she stated.
“Ultimately, the Taliban must decide on whether to govern according to the needs and rights of the diverse Afghan population, or whether to rule on the basis of a narrow ideology and even narrower ethnic base.”
Q. Where does a gorilla sit on a bus?
A. Anywhere it pleases!
Ditto Taliban. If they can beat the USA who is going to push them around?
Former Yorkshire and Hampshire bowler Tino Best says cricket needs to tackle a “drinking culture” which is “hampering” opportunities for black and Asian players.
“…BBC poll in 2015 found that 27% of British Muslims had quote ‘Some sympathy’ (27% or a third) for the people who went into the offices of Charlie Hebdo and killed the cartoonists, editors and journalists there. Channel 4 poll from last year (2015), found that only 1% of UK Muslims think that publications should have the right to publish the cartoons of Mohammed.”
– Douglas Murray (2016?)
Interesting … As Plato puts it: “According to Greek mythology, humans were originally created with four arms, four legs and a head with two faces. Fearing their power, Zeus split them into two separate parts, condemning them to spend their lives in search of their other halves.”
Ever wondered why Americans are so fat? Perhaps it’s because they’re so stupid! I can’t believe anyone would contemplate doing this to food, let alone need a video to stop them burning their house down!
Who on Earth thought deep frying a whole turkey was a good way to cook it? Maybe the Glaswegians ?
Thoughtful, have you ever seen the Christmas Special Top Gear with the team before Clarkson was sacked? They cook a Christmas Dinner using a microwave in an unconventional way. The turkey arrives on the table courtesy of an explosion from the microwave.
This is how pathetic and low the BBC are stooping and typical biased crap from Kuenssberg…The sooner she takes her biased crap to Radio 4 the better, at least there she will feel at home
1:29 to see the now ‘socially accceptable’ drag queen on a motorbike. Sorry, trans-person. Years ago, it was a bloke in a dress. Still is, let’s be honest. Except now it’s normalised.
True, there’s some amusing bits, but is this just about Channel 4 programming?
2017 …. Beijing (China) has proven itself rather shrewd (Dishonest? Liars? Frauds?). At home it has been steadily reducing its reliance on coal (meeting it’s international obligations!), replacing it with renewable energy. Yet all the while — it has been happy to invest in dirty energy abroad (so China does not care about the environment?), with profits returning to boost the domestic sector {dailytimes aug2017}
– I like the use of the word ‘shrewd’ for China’s behaviour – having or showing sharp powers of judgement; astute.
– I wonder what Al Gore would say?
he does seem to have something of a planet saviour complex thing going on – slathered with the usual heady mix of things that are caused by “climate change”.
If the Yanquis ever get into super-gluing themselves to freeways I’d wager he’ll be there….
A new survey shows a majority of the world’s leading climate scientists expect “catastrophic” impacts in their lifetimes driven by rising greenhouse gas emissions.
— Civilization collapse technician Keenan Roberts (@HowKeen) November 17, 2021
Increases in COVID‑19 are unrelated to levels of vaccination across 68 countries and 2947 counties in the United States
At the country-level, there appears to be no discernable relationship
between percentage of population fully vaccinated
and new COVID-19 cases in the last 7 days (Fig. 1). In fact,
the trend line suggests a marginally positive association such
that countries with higher percentage of population fully
vaccinated have higher COVID-19 cases per 1 million people.
Notably, Israel with over 60% of their population fully
vaccinated had the highest COVID-19 cases per 1 million
people in the last 7 days. The lack of a meaningful association
between percentage population fully vaccinated and
new COVID-19 cases is further exemplified, for instance,
by comparison of Iceland and Portugal. Both countries have
over 75% of their population fully vaccinated and have more
COVID-19 cases per 1 million people than countries such
as Vietnam and South Africa that have around 10% of their
population fully vaccinated.
Of the top 5 counties that have the highest percentage
of population fully vaccinated (99.9–84.3%), the US Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) identifies 4
of them as “High” Transmission counties. Chattahoochee
(Georgia), McKinley (New Mexico), and Arecibo (Puerto
Rico) counties have above 90% of their population fully vaccinated
with all three being classified as “High” transmission.
Conversely, of the 57 counties that have been classified
as “low” transmission counties by the CDC, 26.3% (15) have
percentage of population fully vaccinated below 20%.
Not the BBC, sorry Fed, but I guess a similar or exactly the same mind-set as the BBC. Very similar wording to what the BBC constantly use, btw: “You are boosted. Now what? No-one knows exactly what the rules are for post-booster behaviour.”
From the courtesy of Firefox this morning.
Very kind to think of me – there has to be places on the web where the truth can be shown ….
… I’m actually more concerned about the green industry which will happily suppress any evidence ‘ facts which go against their religion …
… and on religion … I mentioned here the other day that I was sent for a PCR test … and I’ve been thinking about what the place reminded me of – the answer – a church – meeters and greeters – instructions on what to do and when – and then an exit .. the vaccination centre was even more religious with a vicar up on the stage in the hall overlooking the proceedings like being in a pulpit ….
Fed, I do try to make my posts BBC relevant (unless I’m going after maxi & his mates) because that, after all, is what we are about here: showing examples of BBC bias. maxi and crew, please note.
Sure, I agree about the Green religion and would love the BBC to do an expose or for Marianna to Spring into action and fact-check her colleagues wild claims about weather.
Meanwhile, over on TCW, the conspiracy theorists (some nutcases among them) firmly think the Green thing and the Pandemic were planned and are linked.
The biggest problem with conspiracy theory theory – is that it assume there are people / groups with the intelligence – cleverness to be able to pull their plan off …
If they are anything like the frankly dumb British political class – not a chance …. I abide with the ‘cock up ‘ version of the world …
I think they’ve finally put up a picture – whereas this character deserves to be put up against a wall ‘ mental ‘ or not .
Just a waste of money keeping inside alive ..
Actually I don’t know why they bother reporting this monster when they should still be on the paki cricketer story – day 10? ….…
“Covid passes may be used to keep pubs open at Christmas”
So, who is closing them ?
Thanks to the Great Welsh “dictatorship”. See top ‘comments’.
Along with the cricketer drink allegations Maybe we are witnessing the start of a new BBC onslaught getting underway to help our overseas visitors banish decadent Western lifestyles such as drinking, partying and wearing what you want and following the wrong religion.
On Sept. 12, People shed light on Janet’s alleged reasons for leaving Wissam, according to brother Randy Jackson. “There’s a lot of pain. Janet’s been through a lot with her divorce,” Randy told the magazine. “It was quite an abusive situation. It came on later in the relationship, verbal abuse and being [made to feel like] a prisoner in her own home. No pregnant woman needs to go through being called a b—- everyday. There were things like that. That’s what she went through.”
Another BBC advert for mohamidanism. A multicultural city run by moslems where everyone is happy. A model for us all.
”And despite economic challenges and intense cultural debates, residents in Hamtramck from different religious and cultural backgrounds coexist in harmony, making the city a meaningful case study for America’s future of rising diversity.”
“A Polish sausage store and an Eastern European bakery sit alongside a Yemeni department store and a Bengali clothing shop. Church bells ring out along with the Islamic call to prayer.”
Here we bloody go… the lefty press memory hole departments are in full swing… so don’t worry about dusky chaps carrying bombs or murdering dozens of teenagers out for the night in Manchester.
The BBC house journal the Guardian tells us…
More Prevent referrals linked to far-right extremism than Islamist
Anyone remember when we last had a right-wing bomber harm anyone you toads?
Thought not!
Maybe its because the police need a big explosion with someone dead to record it as ISLAM terrorism whereas they only need someone with a placard in the wrong place or carrying bit of bacon to record it as right-wing terrorism.
What a stinking pile of traiterous, deceitful poo they really are!
Maybe this might throw some light on what is going on?
Going through the program planner on sky looking to see anything worth recording today I came upon the sky movie premiere which is on their movie channel which has one new film on each day.
The description for today’s offering was about a girl (black of course) and her best friend and HIS husband.
Not going to watch that woke crap.
Do they have viewing figures for these achingly pc types of films and series because I would imagine they don’t get many viewers compared to a straight forward no agenda story type of film.
Yet they keep on making these types of films.
How did the black Anne Boleyn film do? Was it a viewing success?
I find I’m watching more on channels such as Talking Pictures where there is no pc agenda and the film tells the story as opposed to preaching pc, woke lgbtetc. at you.
It’s not just the bbbc because lots of channels are showing this far left woke stuff and these channels need to make money.
Perhaps they make their money from all the ads which are just as bad but surely it’s putting lots of people off watching meaning the ads are reaching fewer people.
As the saying goes, ‘go woke go broke’
Make decent non lefty agenda driven films again and more people will watch them.
Whenever I check the latest films on IMDB, they are usually around 5/10 and the comments are polarised between ‘1/10 Another film full of agenda’ and ’10/10 Don’t believe the negative ratings by the racists’.
They are so bereft of ideas and talent now, the latest fad seems to be to wokeify the older stuff which was good and make it terrible.
Yes – same as books. The publishers are dictating what the authors must include.
The Left are the new Nazis. Once they finally go too far and the silent-but-lazy majority turn against them, history will be very critical of this period.
That’s why Pretty Useless and Billy Bunter are determined to dilute the white population 50:50 (at least) with coloureds. Whether the former like it or not.
After all the hype I decided to check out Bridgerton. Silly me. I should have realised that it was a Shonda Rimes production – she of colour blind casting. Sadly I thought it was more pantomime with a lot of moaning and grinding involved than a realistic drama. Black ladies in powdered wigs as part of the aristocracy were in abundance, and even the Queen was played by a Ghanian actress, I suppose we have to be grateful if wasn’t a cross dressing transgender non binary person who got the part.
Another tale of enrichment just started the rapid slide into ‘regionals’. As usual with the BBC, you only know the guy is black from the pictures and the fact they don’t say he is white.
Difficult to imagine anything this can add to the case since we have no idea what really happened. I remember the ridiculous theories we got pumped full of when they were desperate to pin it on Putin personally.
Stand by everybody : I suspect public feeling needs to be turned against Russia so time to rehash anything they can come up with.
I personally think the money would be better spent holding a public enquiry into the recent suicide bomber and the Muslim activity around the area it happened.
I agree John , every time they bring up about the ‘boogy man’ Putin I feel that there is something they are trying to hide . The whole Salisbury ‘episode ‘ was farcical and I can’t help feeling that Scripal was somehow involved in the Christopher Steel discredited Russia Hoax.
Panel agree that authenticity is vital.@Channel4’s Head of Youth/Digital Karl Warner at #C4InclusionFest “The difference online in the digital space is authenticity is absolutely key.”
Important information on the link between Vit D deficiency and covid morbidity. A scientific paper explained to the layman:
The last time I cited this YouTube channel, someone here replied that Dr John Campbell was effectively a fraud, using his PhD to deceive viewers into believing he was a medical doctor. His 1.35 million subscribers Worldwide (including me) would not agree with you. So if you could tear yourself away from your biases you should view this short admission first assuming you are interested in learning valuable information:
My name is John Campbell and I am a retired Nurse Teacher and A and E nurse based in England. I also do some teaching in Asia and Africa when time permits. These videos are to help students to learn the background to all forms of health care. My PhD focused on the development of open learning resources for nurses nationally and internationally.
Yesterday it emerged the Labour Party had suspended the membership of Gil House pending investigation for allegedly engaging in prejudicial conduct that was “grossly detrimental to the party”. Gil’s crime? Insisting that “only women experience the menopause”.
– – – – –
“To cite the other person you just said that would *trigger you Sam Harris*, Mark Steyn said this the other day, *this is the conversation we will be having when the Mullahs nuke us*. (or blow themselves up at hospitals)
Everyone will be discussing if someone is transgender despite the fact they’ve had no operation (ref Jack Monroe in UK)” – Douglas Murray
Match of the Day host Gary Lineker has agreed a £400,000 pay cut, the BBC has revealed as it publishes the latest list of its best-paid presenters. Lineker was the highest-earning star with an unchanged salary of £1.75m in the 2019/20 financial year.15 Sept 2020
Lineker has a net worth of around £30 million ($40m), according to reports. Lineker has repeatedly claimed that he could earn more money were he to leave the BBC, but he has subsidised his income with his work with BT Sport, Al Jazeera and Walkers.
Wouldn’t you have thought that, unless the current Govt is complicit with the bBC, it would have permeated it with people to find out how what happens happens?
In other words how does it formulate its political and news output….
who are the decision makers within its labyrinth and what are the command and control structures.
Or is it actually simple and purely populated by 20,000 identical types….like 20,000 starlings or moths?
So Rafiq the BBC’S Yorkshire cricketers pin-up boy says he’s
sorry for his anti-semitic comments, from the past. But we
must not really blame him . Grooming , raping girls and
anti-semitism is part of a certain religions culture. At least the BBC
understand this !!
Not a surprise. As Mehdi Hasan once admitted, anti-Semitism is ‘routine and commonplace’ and ‘the dirty little secret’ of British Muslims.
The whole of the reporting of this is massively anti White and anti Northern bias led by the Metropolitan elites.
I can prove that for year the word Paki was nothing more than an abreviation used by and accepted by everyone. It was only a term of racial abuse when linked with perjoratives or profanities.
The Pakis use this term all the time when talking amongst themselves or even when talking to me, does that make them the meaningless word ‘racist’ ?
How is it that it’s OK for them to use it but it’;s not OK for me to use it when in conversation with them ?
The more woke nonsense I hear and read, the more convinced I am it’s fuelled by nothing more than envy and greed, and based on nothing more than ignorance and hypocrisy.
As for Mr Rafiq and his (belated) apology for anti-semitism, he clearly thinks racism is ok when he does it (unless he gets called out for it), which just makes him one massive hypocrite.
So I reckon it’s time to put Azeem Rafiq to bed.
Or for the BBC to make him one of the captains on
“A Question of Sport.” I expect it will be the latter
for the BBC.
I think we have to spare a thought for BBC reporters having to report on The North and Railways . Wasting their time with no London issues is such a chore .
Why can’t they stick with some whitee cricket batter calling a Pakistani a lake 20 years ago ? This is most important .
How strange – I thought I’d entertain myself by catching the BBC propaganda at six and was disappointed that the paki race story wasn’t at number 1 where it deserved to be .
Instead it was at item 5 after dolphins dancing – but What ! It turns out that the paki cricket player is not just a Full Time Victim- but Hates Jews – from comments on his twitter from as recent as 10 years ago .. ….
I’m sure said paki doesn’t hate Jews – why would he ?
Btw the coloured nutter who slaughtered in Birmingham was item 6 – it doesn’t matter as it’s not London ….
ITV local news
– Containment of Rafiq’s previous misdeeds
by pretending it was just one tweet
– Disability history month
– The gay dads
– National Nursery Rhyme week
I wonder if they’ll get the paki cricketer back on the BBC and parliament so that he can tell us about his love for all things Jewish …
…….nice catch on the twitter but didn’t it take a while to come out …?
BBC will put him on the dismal ‘sports personality ‘ thing …
In case you thought the terror threat comes from the Religion of Peace, the Guardian tells us that Prevent have more referrals from the Far Right than from Islam.
According to the Home Office (as reported in that Guardian article):
“The highest proportion of referrals to Prevent last year (51%) was for individuals with a mixed, unstable or unclear ideology”
Am I not understanding something, why are such people seriously being reported as terrorist suspects?
“What do you think about the Government, sir?”
“Oh, they’re all a load of rubbish, we should just get rid of the lot of them.”
“And how exactly should that be achieved?”
“I dunno… guess, we could just blow up the Houses of Parliament, or something.”
“Do you have any religious beliefs, or belong to any political parties?”
“No, I think they’re all rubbish.”
“Very good sir, please just put your name and address down here…”
With Operation Popeye, the U.S. government made weather an instrument of war
As geo-engineering projects soar, the declassified project is newly relevant.
It was a seasonably chilly afternoon in 1974 when Senators Claiborne Pell, a Democrat from Rhode Island, and Clifford Case, a Republican from New Jersey, strode into the chambers of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations for a classified briefing. While the meeting was labeled “top secret,” the topic at hand was rather mundane: They were there to discuss the weather.
The infrastructure package boosts an unsung hero of rural transportation: ferries
More specifically, Pell, the chairman of the now-defunct subcommittee for Oceans and International Environment, and his colleague were about to learn the true extent of a secret five-year-old cloud seeding operation meant to lengthen the monsoon season in Vietnam, destabilize the enemy, and allow the United States to win the war.
Though it cycled through several names in its history, “Operation Popeye” stuck. Its stated objective—to ensure Americans won the Vietnam War—was never realized, but the revelation that the U.S. government played God with weather-altering warfare changed history. The Nixon administration distracted, denied, and, it seems, outright lied to Congress, but enterprising reporters published damning stories about rain being used as a weapon, and the Pentagon papers dripped classified details like artificial rain. Eventually, the federal government would declassify its Popeye documents and international laws aimed at preventing similar projects would be on the books.
But the public would, more or less, forget it ever happened. Given the rise of geo-engineering projects, both from municipal governments and private companies, some experts believe Popeye is newly relevant.
A radarscope featured in the Compendium of Meteorology, 1951. Internet Archive Book Images via Flickr
Most travel agents would recommend planning your visit to Vietnam roughly between the months of November and April. Prices tend to jump during the so-called high season, but it’s the only surefire way to avoid the rain. And, boy, is there rain.
Between roughly May and October, the mercury rises to 90 degrees and the humidity can hit 90 percent. Heavy with water and churned by reversing monsoon winds, the northern metropolis of Hanoi typically receives 8.2 inches of rain in July alone, while Ho Chi Minh City in the south, where the monsoon hits a little later, racks up an average 11 inches each September. (For comparison, the southwestern state of Arizona typically gets 8.04 inches of rain in a year.)
Back in the 1960s, however, Vietnam’s rainfall patterns weren’t the concern of American tourists, so much as the American military. When preliminary tests for Operation Popeye began in October 1966 under President Lyndon B. Johnson, the Vietnam War had been underway for over a decade (though still a decade away from its somber conclusion) and more than 8,000 Americans had already died. With traditional methods failing, the U.S. government decided to look to the skies.
“The close monitoring of troop and truck traffic along routes where rain had fallen verified beyond any doubt the naturally adverse effects of rainfall and accumulated soil moisture on the enemy’s logistic effort,” Lieutenant Colonel Ed Soyster told Senators Pell and Case, according to the declassified notes from that 1974 meeting. Operation Popeye, he continued, intended to further ruin roads, jam rivers, and extend the amount of time swathes of Vietnam weren’t traversable.
The cloud seeding process can be done from an airplane or with a generator on the ground. Wikimedia Commons
Cloud seeding is a method for artificially stimulating precipitation, like rain or snow. The practice is thought to have originated in 1946. While experimenting with dry ice, Vincent Schaefer, a self-taught chemist employed by General Electric, made a big discovery. He noticed that cloud condensation nuclei—the tiny particles around which water condensates—could be artificially produced to create rain and snow. Schaefer put his discovery to the test by “seeding” the clouds over the Berkshire Mountains in Massachusetts and successfully created precipitation. “He was hailed as the first person to actually do something about the weather and not just talk about it,” the New York Times wrote in his obituary.
Of course, Schaefer’s discovery was not met with enthusiasm alone. While some dreamed of ending drought (or, as the Times drolly notes, ensuring white Christmases until the end of time), others worried that rain would be “stolen,” as scientists pulled precipitation out of clouds in some places and not others.
At first, no one seemed to consider the wartime applications of cloud seeding, but on March 20, 1967, the “operational phase” of Popeye began. Pilots and their crew would soar over select regions of Vietnam with a canister of silver or lead iodide, which were, by the 1960s, considered two of the primary sources of water condensation nuclei. The plane crew would ignite the canisters and release particle-rich smoke into an existing storm. If all went well, the jolt of artificial nuclei would reverberate through the system, forcibly spurring additional precipitation.
Despite 80 years of cloud seeding efforts, rigorous research aimed at proving (or disproving) its efficacy is still underway. During their top secret briefing on Popeye, Senators Pell and Case were told that though U.S. taxpayers paid, without their knowledge, some $3.6 million a year for such operations over Vietnam (or about $23 million a year in today’s dollars), Popeye’s success was “certainly limited” and also fundamentally “unverifiable.”
As he digested these facts—processed the full extent of the secret wartime weather manipulation project—Senator Pell seemed increasingly indignant, as documented in the official meeting report. Why, he asked, was it kept secret? And what other secrets were there? “The thing that concerns me,” Pell said, “is not rainmaking per se, but when you open Pandora’s box, what comes out with it?” When the details of Operation Popeye were made public a two months later, on May 19, 1974, many Americans—as well as our allies and enemies abroad—were left pondering the same question.
A plane, photographed in 1964, reportedly used in domestic cloud seeding efforts. Wikimedia Commons
As you read this, somewhere, someone is probably seeding a cloud. State and city officials seed clouds in the Sierra Nevada each winter. It’s a way to make a little money from ski resorts that pay for the potential of an extra sprinkling of powder. But it’s also a coordinated effort to increase the water supply that flows from melting snow each summer and quenches the thirst of California and its neighbors in the Colorado River Basin. And local officials from Wyoming to Mumbai carry out summertime seeding to provide rainfall for farmers. Meanwhile, the Chinese Meteorological Association is the world’s biggest cloud seeding operation, reportedly creating billions of tons of rain each year to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars.
These peacetime efforts are perfectly legal. But after the details of Operation Popeye went public, legislators began to push for an international treaty that would ban weather modification from being used in warfare ever again. As is so often the case, the law originated in the United States, among the very people who had been secretly testing and, arguably, benefitting from the technology in the first place. U.S. officials approached the former Soviet Union about an international agreement, which passed through the United Nations in 1976 and entered into force in 1978.
Called the Environmental Modification Convention, the international treaty bars any action undertaken by military or otherwise hostile forces that could result in “earthquakes, tsunamis; an upset in the ecological balance of a region; changes in weather patterns (clouds, precipitation, cyclones of various types and tornadic storms); changes in climate patterns; changes in ocean currents; changes in the state of the ozone layer; and changes in the state of the ionosphere.” The convention is, in effect, so comprehensive it bans many forms of weather modification that, at least according to publicly-available knowledge, do not yet exist. While there’s an elaborate 12-step WikiHow for a tornado in a bottle, storms don’t appear to be that easy to create—or, for that matter, stop—in the real world. Cloud seeding, if and when it works, is successful only because it piggybacks on existing weather, rather than creating new storm fronts from scratch.
But Deborah Gordon, director of the energy and climate program at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, says the convention is ultimately toothless. “You don’t even know where to look,” she says of current weather manipulation efforts. “There’s a lack of transparency in the research. We don’t even know what people are working on. You can’t govern something you can’t see. And that’s for peaceful applications.” Without the ability to measure these modifications, the Environmental Modification Convention or any other weather-related treaty is nearly impossible to enforce. “How will we know that there aren’t Operation Popeyes… going on or not?” she asks.
Given our inability to monitor these activities, there’s reason to be concerned that the United States or other nations could quietly violate the terms of the convention. But, Gordon says, the more pressing question is whether thousands of small-scale environmental modification projects already underway will eventually add up to global impact. “It didn’t matter [that there was no transparency], because there were so few projects,” Gordon says of the 20th century. But “in the last decade,” she says, “the uptick in experimentation in terms of climate engineering has not only picked up from the government’s point of view… it’s now picked up in the private space.”
A Bangalore-based company Kyathi Climate Modification Consultants leads the rainmaking project in Mumbai, for example. Kyathi technicians were, in turn, trained by the North Dakota-based company Weather Modification Inc., which has had a hand in weather modification efforts from Mexico to Morocco. In recent years, Gordon says, we’ve also seen the move beyond privately-led weather-altering schemes to climate-altering ones. Big corporations like Shell, as well as dozens of smaller startups like Carbon Engineering, have developed and begun to implement carbon capture technology. While these peacetime projects are all intended only to benefit the local community, they’ve become so widespread they could have an affect at a planetary scale. “If there’s enough local weather modification,” she asks, “at what point does that add up to more than the sum of its parts?”
In the 1960s, another experimental weather-modification operation was underway. Called Project Stomfury, the military deployed pilots (pictured here) armed with silver iodide in the hopes of weakening damaging tropical storms. NOAA
Most of the officials involved in Operation Popeye are now dead. And while weather modification is real (and the subject of troves of scientific literature), it’s also fuels endless conspiracy theories, from the Cold War-era concern that the Soviets would control the temperature of the globe to contemporary InfoWars-stoked fears of weather-wielding superpowers.
But the real concern, Gordon says, is our rapidly changing climate and its effects on global water systems. As Cape Town stares down the end of its water supply and floods and droughts destabilize communities all over the world, she says, we’re starting to “realize now how little we know about the atmosphere.” New climate-altering technologies will continue to crop up. But instead of providing us with easy answers to our biggest problems, these developments should seed new questions.
tomoMar 4, 12:50 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I doubt that a single main party dumbass in Westminster has watched this. What a contrast to Kamala…….
diggMar 4, 12:46 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The police president of The Black Police Association has complained because a tweet he made has been flagged as offensive…
Guest WhoMar 4, 12:45 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Big pow wow between Starmer and Davie on this one. “Stick with saying nothing?” “Yup”
moggiemooMar 4, 12:38 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 You should also start adding UK Terror ‘can’t find to watch’ List.
GMar 4, 12:32 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 BBC – “A German Man”. A German man can be a naturalised German ex Arab…….. Just saying.
atlas_shruggedMar 4, 12:28 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Wimmin to have to pay a £10k stud fee. Well they can do it with horses, can’t they? Any…
tomoMar 4, 12:26 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 We should see *who* curated that list of “inspirational mums” – and they should be confronted on their choices. [img][/img]…
Myth taking.
Here’s an idea about us paying the French £54 million to stop the invasion.
For every boat that makes it, whether picked up by our border faux or to the beaches, knock £1 million off.
Ten boats make it over, knock £10 million off.
Might give them an incentive to do something.
Emmanuel Goldstein
Excellent Idea….A money back guarantee !
Or Invade France and move our Border to there ,
Just reminded of the old joke …..French Border Guard to German visitor ‘ Occupation ? ‘ ……No Just visiting this time ! !
I suspect that the most unwelcome consequence of the the Rafiq affair at YCCC will be that team selectors for county and England will feel compelled to demonstrate their anti racism stance by picking plenty of BAMEs in their teams, even if they don’t merit inclusion on their performances. I’m sure that this will also be the case with the English cricket team.
I gave up watching ‘England’ football team years before they became Kneelers United because I felt that they didn’t represent my country, not so much in colour but in attitude. In contrast the England rugby team , with a good contingent of black players, still seems to me to represent English values.
I hope that England cricket will follow rugby and not cricket but I have strong doubts.
The most out of touch comment made on this affair comes from Imran Kahn, the PM of Pakistan , who has said that as Yorkshire is flooded ( his word not mine) with Asians he couldn’t understand why there was so much hostility towards them at Headingly. Hasn’t he heard the English phrase that familiarity breeds contempt.
Funny old world.
BBC analysis follows…
See, moving on…
Perhaps there should be the same ratio of coloured-white people in sports teams as there already is in TV advertisements. That would bring home to people the true racial make-up of this country, despite the evidence of their own eyes whenever they leave the house.
Man who hit wife with bat and made her drink bleach spared jail after judge says she was ‘not vulnerable’
Domestic violence charities accuse judge of ‘shocking ignorance’, saying ruling sends out ‘dangerous message’ that could discourage victims from coming forward
May Bulman
Monday 27 March 2017
A judge has been accused of “shocking ignorance” after he ruled that a man who poured bleach down his wife’s throat and beat her with a cricket bat would not be jailed on the grounds that she was not “vulnerable”.
At a hearing in Manchester Crown Court, Judge Richard Mansell QC ruled that cricketer Mustafa Bashir, 34, would be spared from jail despite admitting assault occasioning actual bodily harm against his former partner, because he was “not convinced she [was] a vulnerable person”.
Domestic violence charities have warned the ruling sends out a “dangerous message” that could discourage victims of domestic abuse from coming forward, telling The Independent it is a “complete fallacy” for judges to believe such abuse only affects certain women.
2 Tier Justice System.
Sharia court?
Donna Traynor has been at the Bbbc for 33 years, she’s the main presenter on BBC Newsline, the BBC NI evening news programme. Or rather, she was the main presenter.
It seems they may have a problem with her age – she’s 56, younger than Marr at 62, Edwards at 60, slightly younger than Myrie at 57 – and so now she’s taking them for age discrimination.
As should most of their remaining licence payers.
Commentary on the judge’s ring tone during the Rittenhouse trial from the BBC’s most unbiased reporters – Sopel and Maitlis
Azeem Rafiq: Tino Best says cricket needs to tackle drinking culture.
“Former Yorkshire and Hampshire bowler Tino Best says cricket needs to tackle a “drinking culture” which is “hampering” opportunities for black and Asian players.”
Islam turns another screw…
Um, is there a culture of racism in hockey ? – which the Indians seem to excel at ?
TOADY Watch #1 – the PM needs to be careful, makes a change, it is usually the BBC
Normally it is the BBC that needs to watch out for elephant traps but – according to the BBC – the PM has hung Owen Paterson ‘out to dry’. The Conservative Party has a history of ‘long knives’. After SuperMac wielded his during the famous ‘night of the long knives’ usually the knife has been stuck in the back of the PM. Home, Heath, Thatcher and Major have all suffered.
If Paterson had truly breached the rules, the PM ought to say exactly where he breached them. If, on the other hand, Paterson was innocent of a strict breach of Parliamentary Standards rules then be careful, PM. Owen Paterson may have more loyal colleagues on the back benches who know the real truth in this affair and if you have wronged Paterson in order to get yourself off the hook, then you need to watch out.
Ides of March? Beware the Ire of MPs.
Completely antithetical to this sites existence Radio 3 will broadcast a service from St John’s college Cambridge for the first Sunday in Advent at 15:00 Sunday 28th November. It is becoming more of a highlight of the Start of the Christmas season.
Lets face it though, it’s not the BBC producing this content, they are merely transmitting someone elses content for free. Still very much worth a listen – to sit by the fire with a glass of something warming and get into the festive mood.
A Service for Advent with Carols, live from the Chapel of St John’s College, Cambridge.
Introit: Adam lay ybounden (Ledger)
Processional Hymn: O come, O come, Emmanuel (Veni Emmanuel) (descant: Hill)
Bidding Prayer
Carol: Tomorrow shall be my dancing day (Gardner)
I The Message of Advent
Sentence and Collect
Antiphons: O Sapientia and O Adonaï
First lesson: Isaiah 11 vv. 1-5
Carol: Creator of the stars of night (arr. Scott)
Second lesson: 1 Thessalonians 5 vv. 1-11
Carol: Telling (Grime)
II The Word of God
Sentence and Collect
Antiphons: O Radix Jesse and O Clavis David
Third lesson: Micah 4 vv. 1-4
Carol: Nowel – Owt of your slepe aryse and wake (Anon, 15th century)
Fourth lesson: Luke 4 vv. 14-21
An Introduction to: Hark, the glad sound! (Bingham)
Hymn: Hark, the glad sound! (Bristol)
III The Prophetic Call
Sentence and Collect
Antiphons: O Oriens and O Rex Gentium
Carol: Pan fo’r stormydd garwa’n curo (Williams)
Fifth lesson: Malachi 3 vv. 1-7
Carol: Lo! the desert depths are stirr’d (Frances-Hoad)
Sixth lesson: Matthew 3 vv. 1-11
Hymn: On Jordan’s bank the Baptist’s cry (Winchester New) (descant: Robinson)
IV The God-Bearer
Sentence and Collect
Antiphon: O Emmanuel
Carol: There is no rose (Joubert)
Seventh lesson: Luke 1 vv. 39-49
Carol: A spotless rose (Howells)
Magnificat: Service in E (Murrill)
Eighth lesson: John 3 vv. 1-8
Sentence and The Christmas Collect
Carol: Make we joy (Robinson)
Hymn: Lo! He comes with clouds descending (Helmsley) (descant: Robinson)
The College Prayer and The Blessing
Organ Voluntary: Chorale Prelude ‘Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland’ BWV 661 (Bach)
Channel migrants are set to be flown to ALBANIA to a new asylum centre at cost of £100,000-a-head a year as French deny agreeing to stop all crossings
Ministers are discussing opening asylum centre in Albania and hope it would act as a deterrent to Migrants
The likelihood of sealing a deal with Tirana were now ‘looking good’, a UK government source said
It comes after Home Secretary Priti Patel vowed earlier this week to stop ‘100 per cent’ of Channel crossings
“….Priti Patel vowed earlier this week to stop ‘100 per cent’ of Channel crossings”
Please don’t make me laugh, it’s far too early for that.
Ridiculous and just an example of how inept cowardly and useless the Tories are with a total fudge of an issue which is easily solved.
First of all return all migrants to the country they claim to have come from. If those countries will not accept them back like Israel and Iraq remove all aid money prevent travel to those countries demand payment for the costs of keeping illegal immigrants, and impose financial penalties against them such as barring money transfers.
There is no good reason for any country in the West remaining in the asylum treaty when it is being so openly fraudulently misused. We should withdraw all legal aid and go along with the decisions made by Home Office staff at interview. Deport illegal ASAP, and bill the countries they come from – if the French government can do this then there is no reason why we cannot.
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – I thought I had seen them before, usually stated to be on the Polish border
Yesterday, I was puzzled by some familiar faces that I had seen before – several times in fact – the photo on the BBC web-site had the little girl wearing a beanie hat pulled down over the distinguishing mark on her forehead which may have been a birthmark or a graze. The father looked also familiar.
Sure enough they turn up again today in a BBC web-site article which tells rather more about this so called ‘aylum-seeker family’.
I wonder if some people had contacted the BBC to question about the puzzling appearance of the same people on different dates in different European locations in the pictures both on the BBC web-site and the print media? Are we being subjected to media ‘spin’ ?
I think maybe we are.
“”malign foreign influence.” This phrase describes the covert efforts the FBI has seen in several cases where American politicians were influenced indirectly to adopt policies the Chinese regime desires, particularly in four areas: Hong Kong, Taiwan, human rights abuses against the Uighurs, and the Chinese government’s role in the Covid-19 pandemic.”
My term for the extent of chinese involvement in US Governmental business? – ‘Riddled’
Got to be the same in the UK if not lining the ranks of our influential, “Worlds Most Trusted Broadcaster”
You can enter your name and see it’s popularity go up or down ….
With a special link provided by the the UK Government for special names such as Muhammad, Mohammed and Mohammad (other names not so special)
We do not have a definitive answer for why the variations of the name Muhammad have generally risen up the rankings over time, but there are some possible explanations.
1. The increasing size of the Muslim community in England and Wales
2. The dominance of the name in the Muslim community combined with increased diversity in names for baby boys
3. The possible increased dominance of the name in the Muslim community
4. The possible effect of popular sporting figures with the names Muhammad and Mohamed
The term such as ‘increased dominance‘ is odd, when in maths you could use the term ‘increased occurrence’ instead.
dominance – power and influence over others
occurrence – the fact or frequency of something happening
Words do have meanings and some are more emotive than others.
Deborah Lyons, UN Special Representative and Head of the UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA), said that despite an improvement in the security situation, Afghans feel abandoned by the international community and anxious about their new leadership.
“Ultimately, the Taliban must decide on whether to govern according to the needs and rights of the diverse Afghan population, or whether to rule on the basis of a narrow ideology and even narrower ethnic base”, she stated.
“Ultimately, the Taliban must decide on whether to govern according to the needs and rights of the diverse Afghan population, or whether to rule on the basis of a narrow ideology and even narrower ethnic base.”
Q. Where does a gorilla sit on a bus?
A. Anywhere it pleases!
Ditto Taliban. If they can beat the USA who is going to push them around?
Former Yorkshire and Hampshire bowler Tino Best says cricket needs to tackle a “drinking culture” which is “hampering” opportunities for black and Asian players.
“…BBC poll in 2015 found that 27% of British Muslims had quote ‘Some sympathy’ (27% or a third) for the people who went into the offices of Charlie Hebdo and killed the cartoonists, editors and journalists there. Channel 4 poll from last year (2015), found that only 1% of UK Muslims think that publications should have the right to publish the cartoons of Mohammed.”
– Douglas Murray (2016?)
Rik Mayall
One by One film
Interesting … As Plato puts it: “According to Greek mythology, humans were originally created with four arms, four legs and a head with two faces. Fearing their power, Zeus split them into two separate parts, condemning them to spend their lives in search of their other halves.”
Ever wondered why Americans are so fat? Perhaps it’s because they’re so stupid! I can’t believe anyone would contemplate doing this to food, let alone need a video to stop them burning their house down!
Who on Earth thought deep frying a whole turkey was a good way to cook it? Maybe the Glaswegians ?
Thoughtful, have you ever seen the Christmas Special Top Gear with the team before Clarkson was sacked? They cook a Christmas Dinner using a microwave in an unconventional way. The turkey arrives on the table courtesy of an explosion from the microwave.
Must be round the U-choob bend or similar.
This is how pathetic and low the BBC are stooping and typical biased crap from Kuenssberg…The sooner she takes her biased crap to Radio 4 the better, at least there she will feel at home
Channel 4 doing what Channel 4 do best…
1:29 to see the now ‘socially accceptable’ drag queen on a motorbike. Sorry, trans-person. Years ago, it was a bloke in a dress. Still is, let’s be honest. Except now it’s normalised.
True, there’s some amusing bits, but is this just about Channel 4 programming?
I’ll let you decide…
David Shuckman replacement?
Pre terrified, so a saving there.
2017 …. Beijing (China) has proven itself rather shrewd (Dishonest? Liars? Frauds?). At home it has been steadily reducing its reliance on coal (meeting it’s international obligations!), replacing it with renewable energy. Yet all the while — it has been happy to invest in dirty energy abroad (so China does not care about the environment?), with profits returning to boost the domestic sector {dailytimes aug2017}
– I like the use of the word ‘shrewd’ for China’s behaviour – having or showing sharp powers of judgement; astute.
– I wonder what Al Gore would say?
Kalmus a climate scientist?
– that’s a stretch
he does seem to have something of a planet saviour complex thing going on – slathered with the usual heady mix of things that are caused by “climate change”.
If the Yanquis ever get into super-gluing themselves to freeways I’d wager he’ll be there….
One should not generalise, but they do all look like they sound.
“That’s how bad it is now.”
Definitely – but not in the way he means.
Sensing a degree of complement here.
European Journal of Epidemiology
Increases in COVID‑19 are unrelated to levels of vaccination across 68 countries and 2947 counties in the United States
At the country-level, there appears to be no discernable relationship
between percentage of population fully vaccinated
and new COVID-19 cases in the last 7 days (Fig. 1). In fact,
the trend line suggests a marginally positive association such
that countries with higher percentage of population fully
vaccinated have higher COVID-19 cases per 1 million people.
Notably, Israel with over 60% of their population fully
vaccinated had the highest COVID-19 cases per 1 million
people in the last 7 days. The lack of a meaningful association
between percentage population fully vaccinated and
new COVID-19 cases is further exemplified, for instance,
by comparison of Iceland and Portugal. Both countries have
over 75% of their population fully vaccinated and have more
COVID-19 cases per 1 million people than countries such
as Vietnam and South Africa that have around 10% of their
population fully vaccinated.
Of the top 5 counties that have the highest percentage
of population fully vaccinated (99.9–84.3%), the US Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) identifies 4
of them as “High” Transmission counties. Chattahoochee
(Georgia), McKinley (New Mexico), and Arecibo (Puerto
Rico) counties have above 90% of their population fully vaccinated
with all three being classified as “High” transmission.
Conversely, of the 57 counties that have been classified
as “low” transmission counties by the CDC, 26.3% (15) have
percentage of population fully vaccinated below 20%.
Click to access s10654-021-00808-7.pdf
Not the BBC, sorry Fed, but I guess a similar or exactly the same mind-set as the BBC. Very similar wording to what the BBC constantly use, btw: “You are boosted. Now what? No-one knows exactly what the rules are for post-booster behaviour.”
From the courtesy of Firefox this morning.
Very kind to think of me – there has to be places on the web where the truth can be shown ….
… I’m actually more concerned about the green industry which will happily suppress any evidence ‘ facts which go against their religion …
… and on religion … I mentioned here the other day that I was sent for a PCR test … and I’ve been thinking about what the place reminded me of – the answer – a church – meeters and greeters – instructions on what to do and when – and then an exit .. the vaccination centre was even more religious with a vicar up on the stage in the hall overlooking the proceedings like being in a pulpit ….
Fed, I do try to make my posts BBC relevant (unless I’m going after maxi & his mates) because that, after all, is what we are about here: showing examples of BBC bias. maxi and crew, please note.
Sure, I agree about the Green religion and would love the BBC to do an expose or for Marianna to Spring into action and fact-check her colleagues wild claims about weather.
Meanwhile, over on TCW, the conspiracy theorists (some nutcases among them) firmly think the Green thing and the Pandemic were planned and are linked.
The biggest problem with conspiracy theory theory – is that it assume there are people / groups with the intelligence – cleverness to be able to pull their plan off …
If they are anything like the frankly dumb British political class – not a chance …. I abide with the ‘cock up ‘ version of the world …
Not the BBC, but the next worst channel.
Via Guido. 😂
“Zephaniah McLeod: Birmingham stabbing spree killer sentenced”
Why no photograph ?
How often is this done ?
Let’s help them
on a similar note..
I think they’ve finally put up a picture – whereas this character deserves to be put up against a wall ‘ mental ‘ or not .
Just a waste of money keeping inside alive ..
Actually I don’t know why they bother reporting this monster when they should still be on the paki cricketer story – day 10? ….…
Maxi the ‘fact checker’ must have spotted the missing photo and the comments on this site and made sure it was put up.
“NHS Wales: A&E and ambulance performance worst ever – again”
“Covid passes may be used to keep pubs open at Christmas”
So, who is closing them ?
Thanks to the Great Welsh “dictatorship”. See top ‘comments’.
Sounds like a clear ism.
Half of the bbc needs to fly there to investigate, in a specialist manner.
False advertising.
BBC advert for mohamidanism. Islam saved this party girl’s life. She is so happy she converted to it.
Along with the cricketer drink allegations Maybe we are witnessing the start of a new BBC onslaught getting underway to help our overseas visitors banish decadent Western lifestyles such as drinking, partying and wearing what you want and following the wrong religion.
On Sept. 12, People shed light on Janet’s alleged reasons for leaving Wissam, according to brother Randy Jackson. “There’s a lot of pain. Janet’s been through a lot with her divorce,” Randy told the magazine. “It was quite an abusive situation. It came on later in the relationship, verbal abuse and being [made to feel like] a prisoner in her own home. No pregnant woman needs to go through being called a b—- everyday. There were things like that. That’s what she went through.”
Another BBC advert for mohamidanism. A multicultural city run by moslems where everyone is happy. A model for us all.
”And despite economic challenges and intense cultural debates, residents in Hamtramck from different religious and cultural backgrounds coexist in harmony, making the city a meaningful case study for America’s future of rising diversity.”
all-Muslim … so not diverse … HA HA HA HA HA
Hamtramck has elected an all-Muslim City Council and a Muslim mayor
“A Polish sausage store and an Eastern European bakery sit alongside a Yemeni department store and a Bengali clothing shop. Church bells ring out along with the Islamic call to prayer.”
Trafficked for sex, doused in petrol: How Rotherham failed Child B
One young Rotherham victim was trafficked for sex to Leeds, Bradford and Sheffield by the time she was 15 years old and was doused in petrol and threatened with being set alight.
By The Newsroom
Tuesday, 26th August 2014
Here we bloody go… the lefty press memory hole departments are in full swing… so don’t worry about dusky chaps carrying bombs or murdering dozens of teenagers out for the night in Manchester.
The BBC house journal the Guardian tells us…
More Prevent referrals linked to far-right extremism than Islamist
Anyone remember when we last had a right-wing bomber harm anyone you toads?
Thought not!
Maybe its because the police need a big explosion with someone dead to record it as ISLAM terrorism whereas they only need someone with a placard in the wrong place or carrying bit of bacon to record it as right-wing terrorism.
What a stinking pile of traiterous, deceitful poo they really are!
Maybe this might throw some light on what is going on?
Going through the program planner on sky looking to see anything worth recording today I came upon the sky movie premiere which is on their movie channel which has one new film on each day.
The description for today’s offering was about a girl (black of course) and her best friend and HIS husband.
Not going to watch that woke crap.
Do they have viewing figures for these achingly pc types of films and series because I would imagine they don’t get many viewers compared to a straight forward no agenda story type of film.
Yet they keep on making these types of films.
How did the black Anne Boleyn film do? Was it a viewing success?
I find I’m watching more on channels such as Talking Pictures where there is no pc agenda and the film tells the story as opposed to preaching pc, woke lgbtetc. at you.
It’s not just the bbbc because lots of channels are showing this far left woke stuff and these channels need to make money.
Perhaps they make their money from all the ads which are just as bad but surely it’s putting lots of people off watching meaning the ads are reaching fewer people.
As the saying goes, ‘go woke go broke’
Make decent non lefty agenda driven films again and more people will watch them.
I wonder how long it can continue.
Whenever I check the latest films on IMDB, they are usually around 5/10 and the comments are polarised between ‘1/10 Another film full of agenda’ and ’10/10 Don’t believe the negative ratings by the racists’.
They are so bereft of ideas and talent now, the latest fad seems to be to wokeify the older stuff which was good and make it terrible.
I read that the film makers are obliged to go woke for the channel to buy it. Netflix is just as guilty.
Yes – same as books. The publishers are dictating what the authors must include.
The Left are the new Nazis. Once they finally go too far and the silent-but-lazy majority turn against them, history will be very critical of this period.
That’s why Pretty Useless and Billy Bunter are determined to dilute the white population 50:50 (at least) with coloureds. Whether the former like it or not.
After all the hype I decided to check out Bridgerton. Silly me. I should have realised that it was a Shonda Rimes production – she of colour blind casting. Sadly I thought it was more pantomime with a lot of moaning and grinding involved than a realistic drama. Black ladies in powdered wigs as part of the aristocracy were in abundance, and even the Queen was played by a Ghanian actress, I suppose we have to be grateful if wasn’t a cross dressing transgender non binary person who got the part.
Zephaniah McLeod: Birmingham stabbing spree killer sentenced
Another tale of enrichment just started the rapid slide into ‘regionals’. As usual with the BBC, you only know the guy is black from the pictures and the fact they don’t say he is white.
A public inquiry will be held into the death of Novichok poisoning victim Dawn Sturgess, the home secretary says.
Difficult to imagine anything this can add to the case since we have no idea what really happened. I remember the ridiculous theories we got pumped full of when they were desperate to pin it on Putin personally.
Stand by everybody : I suspect public feeling needs to be turned against Russia so time to rehash anything they can come up with.
I personally think the money would be better spent holding a public enquiry into the recent suicide bomber and the Muslim activity around the area it happened.
I agree John , every time they bring up about the ‘boogy man’ Putin I feel that there is something they are trying to hide . The whole Salisbury ‘episode ‘ was farcical and I can’t help feeling that Scripal was somehow involved in the Christopher Steel discredited Russia Hoax.
Well oiled machines.
Second job? Tssk tsk!
Especially via Sky or the bbc.
Better yet, a panel; that agrees.
“refugees fleeing persecution”
Just goes to show how France has deteriorated over the years………
UK to invade France as it’s a failed state with a dictator.
Hello MarkyMark
Didn’t know France had oil
Snake oil!
Important information on the link between Vit D deficiency and covid morbidity. A scientific paper explained to the layman:
The last time I cited this YouTube channel, someone here replied that Dr John Campbell was effectively a fraud, using his PhD to deceive viewers into believing he was a medical doctor. His 1.35 million subscribers Worldwide (including me) would not agree with you. So if you could tear yourself away from your biases you should view this short admission first assuming you are interested in learning valuable information:
Yesterday it emerged the Labour Party had suspended the membership of Gil House pending investigation for allegedly engaging in prejudicial conduct that was “grossly detrimental to the party”. Gil’s crime? Insisting that “only women experience the menopause”.
– – – – –
“To cite the other person you just said that would *trigger you Sam Harris*, Mark Steyn said this the other day, *this is the conversation we will be having when the Mullahs nuke us*. (or blow themselves up at hospitals)
Everyone will be discussing if someone is transgender despite the fact they’ve had no operation (ref Jack Monroe in UK)” – Douglas Murray
Lineker in a panic?
Walkers crisp shortage leaves Leicestershire family desperate.
Match of the Day host Gary Lineker has agreed a £400,000 pay cut, the BBC has revealed as it publishes the latest list of its best-paid presenters. Lineker was the highest-earning star with an unchanged salary of £1.75m in the 2019/20 financial year.15 Sept 2020
Lineker has a net worth of around £30 million ($40m), according to reports. Lineker has repeatedly claimed that he could earn more money were he to leave the BBC, but he has subsidised his income with his work with BT Sport, Al Jazeera and Walkers.
Gary Lineker apologises for Muslim ‘eat grass’ comment on Al Jazeera
Monday 08 October 2012 10:39
Wouldn’t you have thought that, unless the current Govt is complicit with the bBC, it would have permeated it with people to find out how what happens happens?
In other words how does it formulate its political and news output….
who are the decision makers within its labyrinth and what are the command and control structures.
Or is it actually simple and purely populated by 20,000 identical types….like 20,000 starlings or moths?
Liverpool Terrorist:
“Counter-terrorism officers have traced a relative of the Liverpool bomber and are due to speak to them, a police chief has said.”
….to ‘them’ ?? Plod have lost the plot.
So Rafiq the BBC’S Yorkshire cricketers pin-up boy says he’s
sorry for his anti-semitic comments, from the past. But we
must not really blame him . Grooming , raping girls and
anti-semitism is part of a certain religions culture. At least the BBC
understand this !!
The whole of the reporting of this is massively anti White and anti Northern bias led by the Metropolitan elites.
I can prove that for year the word Paki was nothing more than an abreviation used by and accepted by everyone. It was only a term of racial abuse when linked with perjoratives or profanities.
The Pakis use this term all the time when talking amongst themselves or even when talking to me, does that make them the meaningless word ‘racist’ ?
How is it that it’s OK for them to use it but it’;s not OK for me to use it when in conversation with them ?
The more woke nonsense I hear and read, the more convinced I am it’s fuelled by nothing more than envy and greed, and based on nothing more than ignorance and hypocrisy.
As for Mr Rafiq and his (belated) apology for anti-semitism, he clearly thinks racism is ok when he does it (unless he gets called out for it), which just makes him one massive hypocrite.
“The Bangladesh Race Relations Board are becoming increasingly concerned over a new craze sweeping the country, do-it-yourself Paki bashing.”
BBC 1981 [15:14]
So I reckon it’s time to put Azeem Rafiq to bed.
Or for the BBC to make him one of the captains on
“A Question of Sport.” I expect it will be the latter
for the BBC.
Deleted tweets
he joked about an unnamed Derbyshire player being reluctant to spend money on a meal out because “he is a jew”.
I think we have to spare a thought for BBC reporters having to report on The North and Railways . Wasting their time with no London issues is such a chore .
Why can’t they stick with some whitee cricket batter calling a Pakistani a lake 20 years ago ? This is most important .
How strange – I thought I’d entertain myself by catching the BBC propaganda at six and was disappointed that the paki race story wasn’t at number 1 where it deserved to be .
Instead it was at item 5 after dolphins dancing – but What ! It turns out that the paki cricket player is not just a Full Time Victim- but Hates Jews – from comments on his twitter from as recent as 10 years ago .. ….
I’m sure said paki doesn’t hate Jews – why would he ?
Btw the coloured nutter who slaughtered in Birmingham was item 6 – it doesn’t matter as it’s not London ….
ITV local news
– Containment of Rafiq’s previous misdeeds
by pretending it was just one tweet
– Disability history month
– The gay dads
– National Nursery Rhyme week
I wonder if they’ll get the paki cricketer back on the BBC and parliament so that he can tell us about his love for all things Jewish …
…….nice catch on the twitter but didn’t it take a while to come out …?
BBC will put him on the dismal ‘sports personality ‘ thing …
In case you thought the terror threat comes from the Religion of Peace, the Guardian tells us that Prevent have more referrals from the Far Right than from Islam.
The lies and lies and lies …
Don’t know if I heard it clearly but there’s some Chinese wimmin tennis player gone missing or is in the wrong place, Feng Shui I think is her name.
According to the Home Office (as reported in that Guardian article):
“The highest proportion of referrals to Prevent last year (51%) was for individuals with a mixed, unstable or unclear ideology”
Am I not understanding something, why are such people seriously being reported as terrorist suspects?
“What do you think about the Government, sir?”
“Oh, they’re all a load of rubbish, we should just get rid of the lot of them.”
“And how exactly should that be achieved?”
“I dunno… guess, we could just blow up the Houses of Parliament, or something.”
“Do you have any religious beliefs, or belong to any political parties?”
“No, I think they’re all rubbish.”
“Very good sir, please just put your name and address down here…”
With Operation Popeye, the U.S. government made weather an instrument of war
As geo-engineering projects soar, the declassified project is newly relevant.
It was a seasonably chilly afternoon in 1974 when Senators Claiborne Pell, a Democrat from Rhode Island, and Clifford Case, a Republican from New Jersey, strode into the chambers of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations for a classified briefing. While the meeting was labeled “top secret,” the topic at hand was rather mundane: They were there to discuss the weather.
The infrastructure package boosts an unsung hero of rural transportation: ferries
More specifically, Pell, the chairman of the now-defunct subcommittee for Oceans and International Environment, and his colleague were about to learn the true extent of a secret five-year-old cloud seeding operation meant to lengthen the monsoon season in Vietnam, destabilize the enemy, and allow the United States to win the war.
Though it cycled through several names in its history, “Operation Popeye” stuck. Its stated objective—to ensure Americans won the Vietnam War—was never realized, but the revelation that the U.S. government played God with weather-altering warfare changed history. The Nixon administration distracted, denied, and, it seems, outright lied to Congress, but enterprising reporters published damning stories about rain being used as a weapon, and the Pentagon papers dripped classified details like artificial rain. Eventually, the federal government would declassify its Popeye documents and international laws aimed at preventing similar projects would be on the books.
But the public would, more or less, forget it ever happened. Given the rise of geo-engineering projects, both from municipal governments and private companies, some experts believe Popeye is newly relevant.
A radarscope featured in the Compendium of Meteorology, 1951. Internet Archive Book Images via Flickr
Most travel agents would recommend planning your visit to Vietnam roughly between the months of November and April. Prices tend to jump during the so-called high season, but it’s the only surefire way to avoid the rain. And, boy, is there rain.
Between roughly May and October, the mercury rises to 90 degrees and the humidity can hit 90 percent. Heavy with water and churned by reversing monsoon winds, the northern metropolis of Hanoi typically receives 8.2 inches of rain in July alone, while Ho Chi Minh City in the south, where the monsoon hits a little later, racks up an average 11 inches each September. (For comparison, the southwestern state of Arizona typically gets 8.04 inches of rain in a year.)
Back in the 1960s, however, Vietnam’s rainfall patterns weren’t the concern of American tourists, so much as the American military. When preliminary tests for Operation Popeye began in October 1966 under President Lyndon B. Johnson, the Vietnam War had been underway for over a decade (though still a decade away from its somber conclusion) and more than 8,000 Americans had already died. With traditional methods failing, the U.S. government decided to look to the skies.
“The close monitoring of troop and truck traffic along routes where rain had fallen verified beyond any doubt the naturally adverse effects of rainfall and accumulated soil moisture on the enemy’s logistic effort,” Lieutenant Colonel Ed Soyster told Senators Pell and Case, according to the declassified notes from that 1974 meeting. Operation Popeye, he continued, intended to further ruin roads, jam rivers, and extend the amount of time swathes of Vietnam weren’t traversable.
The cloud seeding process can be done from an airplane or with a generator on the ground. Wikimedia Commons
Cloud seeding is a method for artificially stimulating precipitation, like rain or snow. The practice is thought to have originated in 1946. While experimenting with dry ice, Vincent Schaefer, a self-taught chemist employed by General Electric, made a big discovery. He noticed that cloud condensation nuclei—the tiny particles around which water condensates—could be artificially produced to create rain and snow. Schaefer put his discovery to the test by “seeding” the clouds over the Berkshire Mountains in Massachusetts and successfully created precipitation. “He was hailed as the first person to actually do something about the weather and not just talk about it,” the New York Times wrote in his obituary.
Of course, Schaefer’s discovery was not met with enthusiasm alone. While some dreamed of ending drought (or, as the Times drolly notes, ensuring white Christmases until the end of time), others worried that rain would be “stolen,” as scientists pulled precipitation out of clouds in some places and not others.
At first, no one seemed to consider the wartime applications of cloud seeding, but on March 20, 1967, the “operational phase” of Popeye began. Pilots and their crew would soar over select regions of Vietnam with a canister of silver or lead iodide, which were, by the 1960s, considered two of the primary sources of water condensation nuclei. The plane crew would ignite the canisters and release particle-rich smoke into an existing storm. If all went well, the jolt of artificial nuclei would reverberate through the system, forcibly spurring additional precipitation.
Despite 80 years of cloud seeding efforts, rigorous research aimed at proving (or disproving) its efficacy is still underway. During their top secret briefing on Popeye, Senators Pell and Case were told that though U.S. taxpayers paid, without their knowledge, some $3.6 million a year for such operations over Vietnam (or about $23 million a year in today’s dollars), Popeye’s success was “certainly limited” and also fundamentally “unverifiable.”
As he digested these facts—processed the full extent of the secret wartime weather manipulation project—Senator Pell seemed increasingly indignant, as documented in the official meeting report. Why, he asked, was it kept secret? And what other secrets were there? “The thing that concerns me,” Pell said, “is not rainmaking per se, but when you open Pandora’s box, what comes out with it?” When the details of Operation Popeye were made public a two months later, on May 19, 1974, many Americans—as well as our allies and enemies abroad—were left pondering the same question.
A plane, photographed in 1964, reportedly used in domestic cloud seeding efforts. Wikimedia Commons
As you read this, somewhere, someone is probably seeding a cloud. State and city officials seed clouds in the Sierra Nevada each winter. It’s a way to make a little money from ski resorts that pay for the potential of an extra sprinkling of powder. But it’s also a coordinated effort to increase the water supply that flows from melting snow each summer and quenches the thirst of California and its neighbors in the Colorado River Basin. And local officials from Wyoming to Mumbai carry out summertime seeding to provide rainfall for farmers. Meanwhile, the Chinese Meteorological Association is the world’s biggest cloud seeding operation, reportedly creating billions of tons of rain each year to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars.
These peacetime efforts are perfectly legal. But after the details of Operation Popeye went public, legislators began to push for an international treaty that would ban weather modification from being used in warfare ever again. As is so often the case, the law originated in the United States, among the very people who had been secretly testing and, arguably, benefitting from the technology in the first place. U.S. officials approached the former Soviet Union about an international agreement, which passed through the United Nations in 1976 and entered into force in 1978.
Called the Environmental Modification Convention, the international treaty bars any action undertaken by military or otherwise hostile forces that could result in “earthquakes, tsunamis; an upset in the ecological balance of a region; changes in weather patterns (clouds, precipitation, cyclones of various types and tornadic storms); changes in climate patterns; changes in ocean currents; changes in the state of the ozone layer; and changes in the state of the ionosphere.” The convention is, in effect, so comprehensive it bans many forms of weather modification that, at least according to publicly-available knowledge, do not yet exist. While there’s an elaborate 12-step WikiHow for a tornado in a bottle, storms don’t appear to be that easy to create—or, for that matter, stop—in the real world. Cloud seeding, if and when it works, is successful only because it piggybacks on existing weather, rather than creating new storm fronts from scratch.
But Deborah Gordon, director of the energy and climate program at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, says the convention is ultimately toothless. “You don’t even know where to look,” she says of current weather manipulation efforts. “There’s a lack of transparency in the research. We don’t even know what people are working on. You can’t govern something you can’t see. And that’s for peaceful applications.” Without the ability to measure these modifications, the Environmental Modification Convention or any other weather-related treaty is nearly impossible to enforce. “How will we know that there aren’t Operation Popeyes… going on or not?” she asks.
Given our inability to monitor these activities, there’s reason to be concerned that the United States or other nations could quietly violate the terms of the convention. But, Gordon says, the more pressing question is whether thousands of small-scale environmental modification projects already underway will eventually add up to global impact. “It didn’t matter [that there was no transparency], because there were so few projects,” Gordon says of the 20th century. But “in the last decade,” she says, “the uptick in experimentation in terms of climate engineering has not only picked up from the government’s point of view… it’s now picked up in the private space.”
A Bangalore-based company Kyathi Climate Modification Consultants leads the rainmaking project in Mumbai, for example. Kyathi technicians were, in turn, trained by the North Dakota-based company Weather Modification Inc., which has had a hand in weather modification efforts from Mexico to Morocco. In recent years, Gordon says, we’ve also seen the move beyond privately-led weather-altering schemes to climate-altering ones. Big corporations like Shell, as well as dozens of smaller startups like Carbon Engineering, have developed and begun to implement carbon capture technology. While these peacetime projects are all intended only to benefit the local community, they’ve become so widespread they could have an affect at a planetary scale. “If there’s enough local weather modification,” she asks, “at what point does that add up to more than the sum of its parts?”
In the 1960s, another experimental weather-modification operation was underway. Called Project Stomfury, the military deployed pilots (pictured here) armed with silver iodide in the hopes of weakening damaging tropical storms. NOAA
Most of the officials involved in Operation Popeye are now dead. And while weather modification is real (and the subject of troves of scientific literature), it’s also fuels endless conspiracy theories, from the Cold War-era concern that the Soviets would control the temperature of the globe to contemporary InfoWars-stoked fears of weather-wielding superpowers.
But the real concern, Gordon says, is our rapidly changing climate and its effects on global water systems. As Cape Town stares down the end of its water supply and floods and droughts destabilize communities all over the world, she says, we’re starting to “realize now how little we know about the atmosphere.” New climate-altering technologies will continue to crop up. But instead of providing us with easy answers to our biggest problems, these developments should seed new questions.