Well, Azeem Rafiq did promise us more “explosive race revelations” and he wasn’t lying…However, I wasn’t expecting this!
I might feel sorry for this pathetic creature if it wasn’t clear from the start that he was another snotty race hustler.
And it’s just too delicious for words that the ghastly BBC, who have been playing this for all they were worth, are left with curried egg all over their smug faces. Wonderful.
Yorkshire: Club suspend coach Andrew Gale for tweet he sent in 2010
Last updated on 9 November 2021
Andrew Gale became Yorkshire’s head coach in 2016
Yorkshire head coach Andrew Gale has been suspended as part of an investigation into a tweet he sent in 2010.
Azeem Rafiq apologises for historical anti-Semitic Facebook messages
Last updated on 16 minutes ago
Azeem Rafiq has apologised and said he is “deeply ashamed” for using anti-Semitic language in Facebook messages from 2011.
Ok. So if Yorkshire CCC apologises and say they are deeply ashamed perhaps we can move along and everything will be ok BBC
Nothing says ‘You stupid, gullible idiots’ than this revelation.
Racist calls everyone else racists.
I will guarantee 100% that him and his mates will have used plenty of racist language against white people in their time. They ALL do. But not in English. So it doesn’t count.
As I’ve said before, in all my travels working around the world, the most racist people I have encountered – by far – are Muslims. It is the worst kind : hate based racism as opposed to predjudice-based racism.
Former Labour peer Nazir Ahmed ‘sexually abused young boy and girl’ as teenager?
Former politician, 64, is on trial at Sheffield Crown Court for sexual offences against children dating back more than 40 years..
Ahmed was charged along with his two older brothers, Mohammed Farouq, 71, and Mohammed Tariq, 65, but both these men have been deemed unfit to stand trial.
Ahmed, from Rotherham, sat in the dock with a security guard, wearing a dark suit, a purple shirt and a predominantly red tie. He denies buggery of a boy under 11, two counts of attempted rape of a girl under 16 and the indecent assault of a boy under 11.
Not that the BBC like to report that kind of thing, they would prefer to call it cultural differences. And as its an MP from Labour, another reason to avoid putting in too much detail, after all any child sexual exploitation may lead back to the BBC itself, busy denying any of its staff were also involved in similar sexual crimes over the past forty years.
At least the DT are able to report the facts of this case, (at a time when Yorkshire seems to be in the news for all the wrong reasons).
Watching Nige on GB News earlier, he had a fair bit to say about cricket and the latest revelations. He did let slip that he’d had word from a ‘source or three’ that Mr Rafiq had more than a few thousand in gambling debts which the cricketing authorities had helped him out with. So, as Nige indicated, the potential book and its financial rewards plus any compensation should help with his current finances. Now, Nige wouldn’t tell porkies would he ?
'Millions of people are hanging on every syrupy word of Meghan Markle’s latest interview'
Colin Brazier says comments made by the Duchess of Sussex in her latest interview with Ellen DeGeneres pale in comparison to the sacrifice of Terry Waite thirty years ago. pic.twitter.com/079usRIosC
Imperial War Museum bosses say sorry for ending Remembrance Sunday silence with a woke rap against Winston Churchill
Imperial War Museum apologises for ‘woke’ rap after Remembrance Day silence
Rap was described as ‘a vile attack on Winston Churchill and a rant about race’
Witnesses say that members of public walked out in disgust during performance
‘His friends are hiding him’: Abused girlfriend of on-the-run former Jets running back Zac Stacy asks public to help find him as she reveals her injuries after he threw her around apartment in jealous rage
Home surveillance footage shows Zac Stacy, 30, attacking the mother of his child in front of their five-month-old son on Saturday
The footage was posted on social media by the victim, Kristin Evans
Evans, 32, has now filed for a restraining order against Stacy
She can be heard begging for Stacy to stop in the disturbing video
The incident began when the former football player visited his son at his ex’s house at around 2pm on Saturday
But once there, he flew into a jealous rage and attacked his ex
He punched her multiple times in the head before dragging her from the couch and throwing her into the TV, which then fell on her
According to the BBC
Migrants have been living in camps in freezing conditions and with little food or water just inside Belarus, stranded between Polish guards on one side and Belarusian guards on the other.
I just checked the weather its 7c in Bialystik a town near the border between Poland and Belarus . So more lies to add to the other lies.
Its getting warmer at the weekend as well so that’s one benefit of climate change.
Supporting the Poles , Lithuanians and Hungarians is good for the UK. Eastern Europe is where the fight back against the Woke liberal establishment in Brussels and London is happening. The Poles et al are much closer to the way of thinking of most of us on this site than are the BBC, Boris , Starmer and the rest of the liberati Pratt’s in Westminster.
I’ve just nipped into my time machine and found a copy of a similar interview she will be giving in 12 months time, following the announcement of her replacement:
“I must admit that when I was appointed Culture secretary, I was initially suspicious of the BBC. In particular, I was concerned about reports regarding its so-called bias and left-leaning politics. However, I now realise that these concerns were utterly unfounded and, having had the privilege of working with the BBC management team on a near daily basis, I appreciate more than ever its contribution to our national life. There are many taboos in our society, things which are not normally discussed in the media – racism, climate change, LGBTP+ rights, diversity, the need to intensify the fight against Covid, the need to truly Build Back Better – yet the BBC has been at the forefront of the public discourse on these topics, which are of so much importance to ordinary people. With regards to the renewal of the BBC’s Charter in 2027 and the Licence fee it is, of course, a matter for my successor. However, if asked I would fully support its renewal and the retainment – indeed, expansion – of the Licence fee.”
Cancel culture .. A certain cricketer has this morning been ‘ cancelled’ ……… from the BBC news front pages that is .. No sign anywhere except in the hidden depths usually reserved for those visiting Alan’s snack bar carrying deliveries .. Can’t think why ! … nothing to see here, please read one of our other carefully selected stories..
Your BBC. It isn’t as much what they say, it is as usual what they Don’t say !
Many, many times I’ve read a BBC report and it seemed like some bits didn’t quite makes sense. So I’ve researched it with google and discovered the bits the BBC misrepresented or omitted altogether.
You have to hand it to British Woke liberals , they stick to the script no matter how much evidence that they are wrong is put in front of them. Such strong convictions are to be admired. On the other hand they could just be exceptionally stupid!
The Moaning Emole was alive with the sound of of whinging, but today…. “Quotes”…
Social media ‘hijacked’ – culture secretary
People have become afraid to say what they think for fear of being “cancelled”, while left-wing activists have “hijacked” social media. At least, that’s the view of Culture Secretary Nadine Dorries. In her first TV interview since being appointed two months ago, she tells us she does not plan “to charge out on a culture war battle”. And she suggests when using social media “we just need to tone down the condemnation and the judgement, and evaluate and engage a little bit more”. Our culture editor Katie Razzall says this will “raise eyebrows” given Ms Dorries’ reputation as “a politician who shoots from the hip, who has previously got into fairly heated Twitter rows with detractors”.
The Razz knows about relative facial hair movements clearly.
Maybe the bbc could think about turning less to politicians of outrage who know more about the inside of green rooms than constituent surgeries?
Our BBC seems to confuse cause and effect here: ‘German Covid cases hit new high after Merkel warning‘
In their enthusiasm for the policy of Lockdown, and for the person of the German Chancellor, that BBC headline almost implies she precipitated in some way the spreading of the disease.
The problem is that simple statements of news, as they appear in our media, we now all too often notice being overloaded with messaging and implied narrative.
We merry band of sceptics who feel the bias too often inherent in the editorialised presentation of news remain in the minority – except perhaps on those rare occasions when there happens to be a secret ballot or referendum.
The left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper would have our minds turn from yesterday’s Prime Ministerial car crash to today’s: ‘Train wreck: Fury as PM ‘rips up’ rail plans for the North‘ – quite why the phrase train wreck doesn’t get the scare quotes, but the expression rips up is put within single inverted commas is – we suppose – because someone, other than a motivated journalist on the ‘i’ newspaper, can be safely cited to be the source of said remark.
This is of course scarcely neutral factual reporting of the fact of the curtailment of part of our massively expensive HS2 white elephant project. You see, now I’m doing it.
Governmental white elephants are hardly a rare breed. Take Nightingale Hospitals and the NHS Track and Trace App as recent examples.
Car driving London-based left-leaning journalists can of course use the cancellation of the formerly proposed Leeds extention as a very handy lever with which to hopefully prise a brick or two out from the new Northern Tory Blue Wall.
The openly Labour-supporting Daily Mirror is explicit: ‘Betrayal of the North. HS2-faced‘ – how about they start one of their famous fund-raising newspaper campaigns to pay for the bloody thing – so us taxpayers don’t have to?
The Daily Star provides a snappy little cameo that might be taken two ways – a masked, red-nosed, clown of a PM is pictured: ‘Bozo’s a train robber‘
‘The Department for Transport’s latest estimate of the cost of HS2 has spiralled to between £72bn and £98bn‘ (‘i’) – the difference between those figures is not exactly pocket change – which goes to show not all robbers of people’s cash need to wear a mask.
We’ve a veritable bevy of female celeb angst to analyse today: ‘Adele’s 30 “The defining voice of heartbreak”‘ (Guardian); ‘Kirsten Dunst “I feel like I’m doing therapy whenever I do a role”‘ (‘i’); ‘My life as a midwife “It’s just not safe. I would go in with this feeling of dread”‘ (‘i’) – admittedly that last one is not a celeb. Well, she wasn’t until the ‘i’ took up her story.
Females, eh? If you can’t beat them (apologies for any cultural differences there), then you’ve gotta join them… or so says actor Stephen Mangan in the Telegraph: ‘Am I going through the menopause?‘ – well, the first part of the word is men. Frankly, mate, it is surely only a matter of time before the NHS recognises your condition.
On the subject of the bottomless money pit which is our nationalised health service: ‘High-earning GPs will not have to publish pay… in a government climbdown as unions consider industrial action‘ (Telegraph)
We await Labour shouting about this latest U-turn example of Tory collaboration with their top tax-bracket cronies.
Our vaguely conservative titles sometimes conjure the nerve to call out hypocrisy on their frontpages: ‘Rafiq: I’m sorry for racial slur. See page 17‘ (Daily Express); ‘Now Rafiq admits to racism. Anti-Semitic messages sent by cricketer emerge days after his explosive testimony‘ (Telegraph)
All reference to explosive news from Liverpool recently has of course disappeared from our headlines.
And if you feel you were somewhat misled by the big instutional racism headline story of the last couple of days – perhaps it was all just banter? – then try this up the garden path teaser for size:
‘Richard Madeley: My three in a bed shocker‘ (Daily Satyr) – the plot evolves: ‘... with Judy and a ghost… nothing in the I’m A Celeb castle will be as scary as the time a ghost joined him and Judy in bed. Whooooo!‘
And just for the crime of leading us up the garden path let’s remind ourselves of: ‘Let’s not forget Richard once told the nation that he and Judy have tried Viagra, and has mentioned their bedroom antics on more than one occasion‘ (Daily Satyr May 2021)
‘Richard was arrested for failing to pay for items, including champagne, just as his career was starting to soar. The star was busted in a Tesco supermarket in Manchester back in 1994. He was later acquitted of all shoplifting charges, after citing lapses of memory for what happened.‘
Madeley is desperate to get any job on the tele, and wasn’t he the chap that walked out of a supermarket not once – but twice, with a trolley load of booze that he didn’t pay for ?
Unsurpringly it has emerged that Rafiq , the cricketer at the centre of the YCCC racism row, was , probably still is , an anti Semite. Well he would be wouldn’t he he is a Muslim and Islam is a religion of conquest by the book or by the sword. It logically follows, and is so often demonstrated in practise, that Muslims are against all other religions , Christians, Bhuddists , Hindu , even atheism ! The concept of live and let live doesn’t apply once Muslims reach a critical mass where they feel they have the power to exert their religion on others. We in the UK will be reaching that point in the next decade or so. But our liberal idiots who have been in control for the past three decades think otherwise.
Miriam Cates, Conservative MP for Penistone & Stocksbridge (between Leeds & Sheffield) denies the Prime minister has broken his promises on rail@BBCNewspic.twitter.com/lWsWT2y2ry
You are right. This is why there are so many scammers around nowadays. I guess when you were in the Met there was the occasional Fraud case but these days, the BBC trail some poor woman who has believed a fraudster or scammer across the BBC airwaves or web-site every week!
Who cream off £6 million for themselves then hand it out to people the BBC decide who deserve it most.
This charity sums up everything the BBC is. A deliberately misleading name (to make you think they ARE the children in need) and dirty business tricks to seperate them from the license payer part and it’s pesky transparency.
The BBC .. a news agency that generates news about itself .. whilst ignoring the world … you pay under threat of prosecution to hear the BBC talk about themselves … Savile, Gender Pay Gap, Sport Relief, Children In Need, Russell Brand offending people on a phone … 50% coverage of the UK, 50% made up news ….
Presenters’ stress over BBC ‘tax pressure’
A BBC local radio presenter has revealed to MPs that she tried to kill herself, partly because of stress over her employment arrangements.
The anonymous presenter was among the BBC TV and radio presenters to submit evidence to a parliamentary inquiry.
Nor me. I’d like to know what happened to all those kids from the first editions back in the 80’s that were ‘helped’. Are they still alive, have they benefitted from the ‘help’ ? Millions have been donated over the past 30 odd years – the greater amount used for paying wages, but the rest ?????
Morrisons , Tesco, Asda, Lidl, Sainsburys…..we’re running out of places to shop ….thankfully there’s my local Paki shop run by a very hardworking family
Just seen BBC news 24 …still pushing the racism in cricket…its no wonder sensible people hate the BBBC…off switch !
Yorkshire batter is what you make Yorkshire pudding with. A cricketer may be a batsman or batswoman. Don’t give in to those who demand we change the language.
Au contraire. When I were a lad in the fifties and sixties we always used the term ‘batter’ . Batsmen were those who played for posh clubs or came from the south and wore fancy caps. I realise the term is used for different reasons today but it’s origins are at least 60 plus years to my certain knowledge.
Jeremy Corbyn could face up to a decade in prison if he ever meets with his “friends” from Hamas again, under a new proscription of the group to be announced by Priti this afternoon. Speaking in America she’ll declare that the political wing will join the military wing of the terrorist Palestinian group on the Home Office’s proscribed group list, and individuals who express support will be in breach of the Terrorism Act 2000. This includes flying its flag, arranging to meet its members, wearing supportive clothing or being so idiotic as to actually pay them a visit – say in November 2010, before then failing to register who paid for the trip…
TOADY Watch #1 – one of those mornings when you want to give the West a smack on the leg, tell it not to be naughty and grow up.
The so-called ‘developed world’ is on the Naughty Step this morning. I cannot believe what I heard in the first hour of the programme. The former Yorkshire County Cricket Club player of Asian heritage who was claiming his club were and are racists turns out to be a racist himself. If that wasn’t bad enough, apparently the Enviro-loonies now think cotton is bad, maybe because in its natural state, picked cotton is near enough white in colour.
I guess woollen clothing would be no good for Mishal; a sheep gives off methane although nothing like as much as a cow. But they have been damned by Monbiot as Global Warmers and Climate Changers. In addition, the Bible talks about God saving us from our sins which are as red as scarlet in His sight but could be as white as snow. In Bibles for hot cot countries near the Equator which never see snow, ‘white as wool’ is substituted for ‘snow’.
My personal Thought for the Day herewith.
It might be good for the so-called ‘developed world’ to be taken back by the Enviro-loonies seven or eight or nine centuries – maybe a round 1000 years, a whole millennia – to where your food had to be farmed by yourself, ploughed by a horse and crops planted & harvested by hand. Your tiny house was a hovel by present day standards and you had none of the things that we take for granted today: brick built houses, glass in windows, central heating, clean water out of a tap and flush toilets, tarmac roads, pavements and so on.
Perhaps then the Enviro-loonies and the Race-baiters will shut up and admit “The modern world is not so bad after all. Perhaps what we think is bad in the 21st century is us being totally self-indulgent.”
So called ‘Media Masters’ tends to alternate between beeboids, ex beeboids and aspiring beeboids.
But also offers an insight to coordinated efforts within that small bubble.
Harleen Kaur
CEO, Ground News
Harleen Kaur is co-founder and chief executive of Ground News. Created last year, the app was formed to handle the growing problem of misinformation and curates stories from a variety of media sources across the political spectrum, which are independently reviewed for bias and reliability, allowing users to see how the same stories are covered differently. In this in-depth interview, Harleen discusses how she abandoned her engineering career at NASA, and was inspired to tackle “information overload and media sensationalism;” shares how the app manages “filter bubbles” by revealing blind spots and news bias; and delves into how the app allows people to reach their own conclusions about developing stories.
Ms. Kaur is young, easy on the eye and I have never heard of her.
OK that is an interesting part of the prog
which brings up a numners of points
– BBC’s own automatic racism
– Jordan Peterson’s sound thinking
– Stella Creasy’s typical politicicking of an issue like all political parties do.. More PR bluster than truth seeking.
– Nazir giving us a Guardianland view of the world which would be exposed as flawed when criticised
The simplistic way he implies that skin colour is all, and then mentions that so many England players have fathers who also played at the top level
Family connections will play a big part in getting serious about a sport
Here is a photo of the 2012 England Kabbadi team
It’s quite possible someof their fathers played at high level, even for other countries.
I don’t suppose Nazir’s daughter will ever get a top law job like her father
.. unless “it’s due to racism”
She graduated in law about 18 months ago
he also commented that some group told him Pakistani girls will never amount to anything
His tweet makes it clear it wasn’t white people saying that
it was his “own community”
… https://www.twitter.com/nazirafzal/status/1230480498214023169
Of course what she really means is, “Get with the mob Jordan, stop thinking for yourself, the mob has already decided!”
I might also think that she is being incredibly rude, not allowing for the fact that although Peterson might be white like her he is a Canadian and could well have different mannerisms than her tribe, something that she would have allowed for if he had been, say, black.
Well, knock me down with a feather!
Not only has hypocrite Azeem Rafiq had to apologise for anti-semitic comments but also for a racial slur on a Black African.
I am astonished, truly astonished I tell you that BAME people can be racists against fellow BAME people.
But not nearly as astonished as the heads in the sand BBC are. Talk about inconvenient truth.
Sorry Sluff, I have duplicated your post with a TOADY Watch below.
I have a Trinidadian friend whose opinions of Jamaicans, when voiced, make my eyes and ears come out on stalks, blush bright red and probably various other colours as well. When my friend said that, I wanted to immediately challenge the racism in it but I realised it was the ‘lived experience’ (long before that phrase became fashionable) of my friend. All I could do was point out that my interactions with Jamaicans had not been so unhappy.
Dan Roan Sports Editor, @BBCNews tweeted Azeem Rafiq has apologised and said he is “deeply ashamed” for using anti-Semitic language in Facebook messages from 2011.
There appear to be credible stories that he’s a big drinker nightclubber.
The photos of players wearing Paki Power shirts are other players, not him.
The BBC have been very happy to trail Azeem Rafik across the airwaves and their web-site for the last two weeks. He has now disappeared down to just one small item on the Sports page of the web-site with two links on the News page of the web-site. I switched TOADY off at 7 a.m. and had a very nice snooze untroubled by Mishal Husain or Justin Webb.
Apparently it has since been discovered that Azeem is as racist as Yorkshire CCC and English cricket ever was. I wonder if Azeem Rafik has repaid to Yorkshire CCC the money he received from them as compensation for their so-called ‘racism’ towards him? I also wonder if anyone at the BBC will ask him, either during TOADY today or tomorrow or in the next two weeks?
It’s that goddamn awful ‘Children in Need’ tonight.
In which our state broadcaster manipulates a rather lazy public into giving to charidee, while it and its presenters feel the virtue.
And as has been said elsewhere the money goes into a pot and then ‘committees’ decide which actual charities shall reap the benefits. Needless to say the committee members will all have their favourite ‘issues’ to support. Pity the deserving charity that does not curry the favour of the day.
So the BBC here are fundamentally guilty of a sort of exploitation of the gullible.
But the public must take their share of the blame. So many can feel virtuous for the whole year by a single text message or other donation, and then leave the decision making process to the ‘committees’..
So here’s an idea. Why don’t the public get off their fat a**** and make a positive choice as to which issues they want to support and then give directly to those charities. Whether its the British Hedgehog Preservation Society or the British Heart Foundation (you see I remember a time when these were next to each other in the Charity Commission directory) doesn’t matter. There are plenty to choose from. Just make some positive choices, donate directly, and cut out the BBC CiN committee middlepersons.
Ah but Sluff, there will always be those who want to donate just to get their face on the box. The audience clap like seals in the studio, and are all grins just to be within spitting distance of their ‘heroes’ they see on the box in the flesh. Not forgetting 3000 tap dancing adults in some NCP car park, baton twirling kids on the hard shoulder of the M25, and a granddad who has been locked in his garden shed on a whittling marathon ! Enough !
Having been hammered nightly by begging ads amongst all the other advertising rubbish, I made it a policy to give these charidees bugger all. And I would never give my television the dubious opportunity of being tuned into Children in Need, as a matter of course. Not that I watch much telly, these days, anyway.
just been out for a drop off and radio 5 blah blahing away about racism and following the reasoning , as far as I could tell calling your dog kevin makes bame people die of covid.
then after 12 on the way home their covid correspondent talking about the austrian lockdown and anti-vaxxers actual went the full CNN saying some austrian anti-vax politician had contracted covid and was treating himself with horse de-wormer
and then to make it worse then said “horse de-wormer not developed for human consumption”
if I wasnt anti-vax to start with I would have to wonder why the bbc are blatantly and outright lying to me about ivermectin and what else around the vax are they lying to me about.
I wonder what Marr’voice is then ? And what the BBC has prevented him from saying ? Will he be ending his association with BBC – including his radio show . Please .
Amazing how many BBC types wash up on classic FM or the other dross ….
I suppose the favoured Asian / Paki on Today will get the gig …
Cricketer who blacked up apologises for the offence he has caused.
We have to draw conclusions from this and other instances of offence.
People with darker skin must have some genetic defect which exaggerates levels of hurt and offence felt. It follows that in certain respects they suffer from a serious disability which employers should consider before hiring them. We see the same in universities and various public places where old statues and paintings trigger off painful episodes.
All people these days are far too sensitive. The responsible thing would be for the BBC to bring back the Black & White Minstrel Show to help balance matters. The advertising industry might also be interested in using minstrels in their ‘product’, given that it features their ubiquotous combination of race and gender.
“A serving Metropolitan Police officer has pleaded not guilty to a series of child sex offences including grooming a 13-year-old girl to meet up with him for sex.”
“Francois Olwage, a detective constable who is attached to the Met’s specialist operations, entered his pleas to four charges at Winchester Crown Court.”
The Telford child sexual exploitation scandal is an ongoing scandal in the United Kingdom. Originally, a group of men were convicted of grooming local children for sex between 2007 and 2009 in Telford in the English county of Shropshire.[1][2][3] While media reports had suggested 100 or more girls had been affected[4] and around 200 perpetrators were suspected,[5] the Sunday Mirror reported in March 2018 that up to 1,000 girls may have been abused, with some even murdered, in incidents dating back to the 1970s.[6]
According to the Home Office, as of 2015, Telford had the highest rate of sex crimes against children of any city in the United Kingdom.[7] Telford has a population of just under 170,000 people.[8]
He ‘has denied a number of child sex offences, not ‘he has been accused of child sex offences which he denies’ as was the case with the cricketer accused of making racist comments the other day.
Important and deliberate wording.
No idea what kind of a name ‘Olwage’ is or where it comes from though.
Are any of the presenters or other celebrities paid for working with BBC Children in Need?
As a charity, we don’t pay celebrities for their support. We’re very grateful to all of our celebrity supporters who give their time for free.
The Tories Nadine Dorries admits she is aware and agrees with more or less all of the complaints made about the BBC and the Left on this site, which begs the question if they know all this why the hell have they done nothing about it in the years they have been in power?
And in other good news Andrew Marr has announced he is leaving the BBC !
Advocacy Western Isles
Advocacy, Stornoway, Isle of Lewis
460 children and young people across the Western Isles experiencing a range of challenges will be supported by a free, independent and confidential advocacy service. They will feel listened to, have more motivation and feel more courageous.
Shadwell Basin Outdoor Activity Centre
Sports and health, London
Outdoor & adventure activities for disabled young people in Tower Hamlets. By attending sessions young people will form positive relationships, be more active and learn new skills.
Turkish and Kurdish Children’s Group
School and extended services, Loondon
This project will provide supplementary school activities for children from Turkish and Kurdish communities affected by local deprivation. The activities will increase self-esteem, improve educational attainment and provide opportunities to have fun. https://www.bbcchildreninneed.co.uk/grants/
Dost Centre for Young Refugees and Migrants
Sports and health, London
This project will deliver a range of activities to children who are unaccompanied asylum seekers to help them to socialise with others, help to raise their confidence and provide fun opportunities.
Gold award to Naz for the fastest ever use of the race card on question time last night.
Silver award to the Kardashians for paying to send Afghan girls to the UK. Would have shared gold if being American they had paid to have the girls sent to the USA instead.
Kim Kardashian Helped Afghan Girls Soccer Players Flee to U.K.: ‘The Danger and the Stress Was Very High’
“Thank you Kim Kardashian West and SKIMS for your magnanimous assistance to fund this flight and make it a reality,” one advocate said
Fed it’s only a matter of time and when laughing Kam takes over they will be more screwed. I found Bidens look a like the other day starring in this film. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mason_Verger
Davido – who performed in the 1Xtra live lounge in March this year – is considered one of the biggest African stars in the world.
As well as having 21.9 million followers on Instagram, he’s sold out The O2 Arena in London and collaborated with Chris Brown and Nicki Minaj.
The musician tweeted his goal was for fans to send him N100 million to clear his Rolls Royce from a seaport in Nigeria, so he could pay outstanding bills in order to release an item shipped in from abroad.
Money fall on you
Banana fall on you
Prada fall on you oh
‘Cause, I’m in love with you oh, eh
Money fall on you
Banana fall on you
Paparazzi follow you
‘Cause, I’m in love with you oh, Yeah
Are you done talking?
Tell me baby, are you done talking? Yeah
Are you done talking?
Tell me baby, are you done talking? Yeah
Are you done talking?
Tell me baby, are you done talking? Yeah
Are you done talking?
Tell me baby, are you done talking? Yeah
I don’t wanna be a player no more, ah yeah
I don’t wanna be a player no more
‘Cause, my guys call me Cristiano
Mr. Ronaldo
Omo Nintendo
Plus, my guys call me Cristiano
Mr. Ronaldo
Omo Nintendo, eh
Money fall on you
Banana fall on you
Prada fall on you oh
‘Cause, I’m in love with you oh, eh
Money fall on you
Banana fall on you
Paparazzi follow you
‘Cause, I’m in love with you oh, eh
Yeah, if I offend you
If I offend you, biko
Sorry oh, baby take heart oh
Sorry oh, baby take heart oh
I’m in love with you
I’m in love with you, oh
Baby, nothing go fit to change am oh
Nothing go fit to change am oh, eh
If I talk, them go say I dey talk, yeah
Tell me why them dey use Panadol for our headache eh
Yeeh! How I go chop if my baby no chop?
Nne, they want to spoil our market eh
I don’t wanna be a player no more, yeah
I don’t wanna be a player no more
‘Cause, my guys call me Cristiano
Mr. Ronaldo
Omo Nintendo, eh
Plus, my guys call me Cristiano
Mr. Ronaldo
Omo Nintendo, eh
Money fall on you
Banana fall on you
Prada fall on you oh
‘Cause, I’m in love with you oh, eh
Money fall on you
Banana fall on you
Paparazzi follow you oh
‘Cause, I’m in love with you oh, eh
If I offend you
If I offend you, biko
Sorry oh, baby take heart oh
Sorry oh, baby take heart oh
I’m in love with you
I’m in love with you, oh
Baby, nothing go fit to change am oh
Nothing go fit to change am oh
Money fall on you
Banana fall on you
Prada fall on you oh
‘Cause, I’m in love with you oh, eh
Money fall on you
Banana fall on you
Paparazzi follow you oh
‘Cause, I’m in love with you oh, eh
Kiddo-Kiddo! Kiddominat!
Your girlfriend favourite song
Source: LyricFind
Songwriters: Ayoola Agboola / David Adedeji Adeleke / Kojo Funds
AlthepalerpMar 4, 13:29 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Let us assume for a minute Russia invades Britain in a few years. Gen Z cant be bovered to fight,…
andyjsnapeMar 4, 13:11 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 What pause in US military aid could mean for Ukraine https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/ce8yz5dk82wo “could mean” – could? “it may be months” may?…
tomoMar 4, 12:50 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 https://youtu.be/HOJS3qQlVjE I doubt that a single main party dumbass in Westminster has watched this. What a contrast to Kamala…….
diggMar 4, 12:46 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The police president of The Black Police Association has complained because a tweet he made has been flagged as offensive…
Guest WhoMar 4, 12:45 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 https://thegrayzone.substack.com/p/un-demands-answers-from-uk-on-terror? Big pow wow between Starmer and Davie on this one. “Stick with saying nothing?” “Yup”
You heartless swines are going to laugh aren’t you?
Will the pakistani lose his career as apologies were not enough for others they had to be cancelled
Well, Azeem Rafiq did promise us more “explosive race revelations” and he wasn’t lying…However, I wasn’t expecting this!
I might feel sorry for this pathetic creature if it wasn’t clear from the start that he was another snotty race hustler.
And it’s just too delicious for words that the ghastly BBC, who have been playing this for all they were worth, are left with curried egg all over their smug faces. Wonderful.
A bit of good news for a change…
“University of Warwick stabbing: Two arrested on attempted murder charge”
Drugs or something else ?
Well, Bliar wanted 50% of the yoof to go to Uni, presumably that includes 50% of gang members, drug dealers and stabbers.
Mission accomplished.
Of course he did – that meant all those kids coming off the unemployment stats!
He’s still bitching on about Brexit, but then, with all that money, he can afford to be stupid.
BBC sport/ cricket headlines
What a difference one week makes….
Funny how Mr Rafiq’s messages are “historic”
Yorkshire: Club suspend coach Andrew Gale for tweet he sent in 2010
Last updated on 9 November 2021
Andrew Gale became Yorkshire’s head coach in 2016
Yorkshire head coach Andrew Gale has been suspended as part of an investigation into a tweet he sent in 2010.
Azeem Rafiq apologises for historical anti-Semitic Facebook messages
Last updated on 16 minutes ago
Azeem Rafiq has apologised and said he is “deeply ashamed” for using anti-Semitic language in Facebook messages from 2011.
Ok. So if Yorkshire CCC apologises and say they are deeply ashamed perhaps we can move along and everything will be ok BBC
Nothing says ‘You stupid, gullible idiots’ than this revelation.
Racist calls everyone else racists.
I will guarantee 100% that him and his mates will have used plenty of racist language against white people in their time. They ALL do. But not in English. So it doesn’t count.
As I’ve said before, in all my travels working around the world, the most racist people I have encountered – by far – are Muslims. It is the worst kind : hate based racism as opposed to predjudice-based racism.
Next up on the BBC, Femi, Dawn Butler and David Lammy on the need for more positive discrimination at W1A.
Plus Mishal on acceptable death rates. She has a chart.
Time fir them to get Raisin Brain back on every show?
I wonder if Zarah considers ‘Brits’ to be a serious racial slur against the British and censors that out as well.
Dumb, racist hypocrite.
Former Labour peer Nazir Ahmed ‘sexually abused young boy and girl’ as teenager?
Former politician, 64, is on trial at Sheffield Crown Court for sexual offences against children dating back more than 40 years..
Ahmed was charged along with his two older brothers, Mohammed Farouq, 71, and Mohammed Tariq, 65, but both these men have been deemed unfit to stand trial.
Ahmed, from Rotherham, sat in the dock with a security guard, wearing a dark suit, a purple shirt and a predominantly red tie. He denies buggery of a boy under 11, two counts of attempted rape of a girl under 16 and the indecent assault of a boy under 11.
Not that the BBC like to report that kind of thing, they would prefer to call it cultural differences. And as its an MP from Labour, another reason to avoid putting in too much detail, after all any child sexual exploitation may lead back to the BBC itself, busy denying any of its staff were also involved in similar sexual crimes over the past forty years.
At least the DT are able to report the facts of this case, (at a time when Yorkshire seems to be in the news for all the wrong reasons).
Watching Nige on GB News earlier, he had a fair bit to say about cricket and the latest revelations. He did let slip that he’d had word from a ‘source or three’ that Mr Rafiq had more than a few thousand in gambling debts which the cricketing authorities had helped him out with. So, as Nige indicated, the potential book and its financial rewards plus any compensation should help with his current finances. Now, Nige wouldn’t tell porkies would he ?
How nauseating to see the revolting BBC cooing over the revolting Meghan being ‘interviewed’ by the revolting Ellen Degenerate.
(Wasn’t she shut down for being a complete b*tch to her staff? That’s bitch, btw, but butch works as well.)
Colin Brazier compares and contrasts.
Imperial War Museum bosses say sorry for ending Remembrance Sunday silence with a woke rap against Winston Churchill
Imperial War Museum apologises for ‘woke’ rap after Remembrance Day silence
Rap was described as ‘a vile attack on Winston Churchill and a rant about race’
Witnesses say that members of public walked out in disgust during performance
arts council funded bloody blacks whingeing about racism
‘His friends are hiding him’: Abused girlfriend of on-the-run former Jets running back Zac Stacy asks public to help find him as she reveals her injuries after he threw her around apartment in jealous rage
Home surveillance footage shows Zac Stacy, 30, attacking the mother of his child in front of their five-month-old son on Saturday
The footage was posted on social media by the victim, Kristin Evans
Evans, 32, has now filed for a restraining order against Stacy
She can be heard begging for Stacy to stop in the disturbing video
The incident began when the former football player visited his son at his ex’s house at around 2pm on Saturday
But once there, he flew into a jealous rage and attacked his ex
He punched her multiple times in the head before dragging her from the couch and throwing her into the TV, which then fell on her
According to the BBC
Migrants have been living in camps in freezing conditions and with little food or water just inside Belarus, stranded between Polish guards on one side and Belarusian guards on the other.
I just checked the weather its 7c in Bialystik a town near the border between Poland and Belarus . So more lies to add to the other lies.
Its getting warmer at the weekend as well so that’s one benefit of climate change.
Al Beeb
“About 150 British army Royal Engineers will be sent to help reinforce Poland’s border with Belarus, the defence secretary has said.”
How about sending troops to defend our borders?
I recollect the famous words of our leader ……..”take back control “.
Why are we even sending them ?. We are not in the EU any more.
We should keep out of their squabbles from now on. They all hate us anyway.
Supporting the Poles , Lithuanians and Hungarians is good for the UK. Eastern Europe is where the fight back against the Woke liberal establishment in Brussels and London is happening. The Poles et al are much closer to the way of thinking of most of us on this site than are the BBC, Boris , Starmer and the rest of the liberati Pratt’s in Westminster.
I have no problem helping the Poles if they have squabbles with the EU, but I strongly suspect this is all about showing solidarity with the EU.
“We are not in the EU any more.”
Are you sure about that?
Technically you SHOULD be correct, but there are plenty who seem to have other ideas.
“Nadine Doris: Culture secretary says social media has been hijacked”
It looks like she may have been looking at this site . It’s not likely she will “cancel” the BBC or the licence .
I’ve just nipped into my time machine and found a copy of a similar interview she will be giving in 12 months time, following the announcement of her replacement:
“I must admit that when I was appointed Culture secretary, I was initially suspicious of the BBC. In particular, I was concerned about reports regarding its so-called bias and left-leaning politics. However, I now realise that these concerns were utterly unfounded and, having had the privilege of working with the BBC management team on a near daily basis, I appreciate more than ever its contribution to our national life. There are many taboos in our society, things which are not normally discussed in the media – racism, climate change, LGBTP+ rights, diversity, the need to intensify the fight against Covid, the need to truly Build Back Better – yet the BBC has been at the forefront of the public discourse on these topics, which are of so much importance to ordinary people. With regards to the renewal of the BBC’s Charter in 2027 and the Licence fee it is, of course, a matter for my successor. However, if asked I would fully support its renewal and the retainment – indeed, expansion – of the Licence fee.”
Cancel culture .. A certain cricketer has this morning been ‘ cancelled’ ……… from the BBC news front pages that is .. No sign anywhere except in the hidden depths usually reserved for those visiting Alan’s snack bar carrying deliveries .. Can’t think why ! … nothing to see here, please read one of our other carefully selected stories..
Your BBC. It isn’t as much what they say, it is as usual what they Don’t say !
Many, many times I’ve read a BBC report and it seemed like some bits didn’t quite makes sense. So I’ve researched it with google and discovered the bits the BBC misrepresented or omitted altogether.
Always agenda based and hence deliberate.
A brief conversation with my neighbour this morning:
Him: “Just because he made some anti-semitic comments, it doesn’t mean he’s an anti-semite”
Me: ‘What if he made transphobic comments, would he be a transphobe?”
Him: “That’s different!”
By their words, ye shall know them…
You have to hand it to British Woke liberals , they stick to the script no matter how much evidence that they are wrong is put in front of them. Such strong convictions are to be admired. On the other hand they could just be exceptionally stupid!
That’s why the ‘vaccine’ has been such a ‘success’
The Moaning Emole was alive with the sound of of whinging, but today…. “Quotes”…
Social media ‘hijacked’ – culture secretary
People have become afraid to say what they think for fear of being “cancelled”, while left-wing activists have “hijacked” social media. At least, that’s the view of Culture Secretary Nadine Dorries. In her first TV interview since being appointed two months ago, she tells us she does not plan “to charge out on a culture war battle”. And she suggests when using social media “we just need to tone down the condemnation and the judgement, and evaluate and engage a little bit more”. Our culture editor Katie Razzall says this will “raise eyebrows” given Ms Dorries’ reputation as “a politician who shoots from the hip, who has previously got into fairly heated Twitter rows with detractors”.
The Razz knows about relative facial hair movements clearly.
Maybe the bbc could think about turning less to politicians of outrage who know more about the inside of green rooms than constituent surgeries?
Our BBC seems to confuse cause and effect here: ‘German Covid cases hit new high after Merkel warning‘
In their enthusiasm for the policy of Lockdown, and for the person of the German Chancellor, that BBC headline almost implies she precipitated in some way the spreading of the disease.
The problem is that simple statements of news, as they appear in our media, we now all too often notice being overloaded with messaging and implied narrative.
We merry band of sceptics who feel the bias too often inherent in the editorialised presentation of news remain in the minority – except perhaps on those rare occasions when there happens to be a secret ballot or referendum.
The left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper would have our minds turn from yesterday’s Prime Ministerial car crash to today’s: ‘Train wreck: Fury as PM ‘rips up’ rail plans for the North‘ – quite why the phrase train wreck doesn’t get the scare quotes, but the expression rips up is put within single inverted commas is – we suppose – because someone, other than a motivated journalist on the ‘i’ newspaper, can be safely cited to be the source of said remark.
This is of course scarcely neutral factual reporting of the fact of the curtailment of part of our massively expensive HS2 white elephant project. You see, now I’m doing it.
Governmental white elephants are hardly a rare breed. Take Nightingale Hospitals and the NHS Track and Trace App as recent examples.
Car driving London-based left-leaning journalists can of course use the cancellation of the formerly proposed Leeds extention as a very handy lever with which to hopefully prise a brick or two out from the new Northern Tory Blue Wall.
The openly Labour-supporting Daily Mirror is explicit: ‘Betrayal of the North. HS2-faced‘ – how about they start one of their famous fund-raising newspaper campaigns to pay for the bloody thing – so us taxpayers don’t have to?
The Daily Star provides a snappy little cameo that might be taken two ways – a masked, red-nosed, clown of a PM is pictured: ‘Bozo’s a train robber‘
‘The Department for Transport’s latest estimate of the cost of HS2 has spiralled to between £72bn and £98bn‘ (‘i’) – the difference between those figures is not exactly pocket change – which goes to show not all robbers of people’s cash need to wear a mask.
We’ve a veritable bevy of female celeb angst to analyse today: ‘Adele’s 30 “The defining voice of heartbreak”‘ (Guardian); ‘Kirsten Dunst “I feel like I’m doing therapy whenever I do a role”‘ (‘i’); ‘My life as a midwife “It’s just not safe. I would go in with this feeling of dread”‘ (‘i’) – admittedly that last one is not a celeb. Well, she wasn’t until the ‘i’ took up her story.
Females, eh? If you can’t beat them (apologies for any cultural differences there), then you’ve gotta join them… or so says actor Stephen Mangan in the Telegraph: ‘Am I going through the menopause?‘ – well, the first part of the word is men. Frankly, mate, it is surely only a matter of time before the NHS recognises your condition.
On the subject of the bottomless money pit which is our nationalised health service: ‘High-earning GPs will not have to publish pay… in a government climbdown as unions consider industrial action‘ (Telegraph)
We await Labour shouting about this latest U-turn example of Tory collaboration with their top tax-bracket cronies.
Our vaguely conservative titles sometimes conjure the nerve to call out hypocrisy on their frontpages: ‘Rafiq: I’m sorry for racial slur. See page 17‘ (Daily Express); ‘Now Rafiq admits to racism. Anti-Semitic messages sent by cricketer emerge days after his explosive testimony‘ (Telegraph)
All reference to explosive news from Liverpool recently has of course disappeared from our headlines.
And if you feel you were somewhat misled by the big instutional racism headline story of the last couple of days – perhaps it was all just banter? – then try this up the garden path teaser for size:
‘Richard Madeley: My three in a bed shocker‘ (Daily Satyr) – the plot evolves: ‘... with Judy and a ghost… nothing in the I’m A Celeb castle will be as scary as the time a ghost joined him and Judy in bed. Whooooo!‘
And just for the crime of leading us up the garden path let’s remind ourselves of: ‘Let’s not forget Richard once told the nation that he and Judy have tried Viagra, and has mentioned their bedroom antics on more than one occasion‘ (Daily Satyr May 2021)
‘Richard was arrested for failing to pay for items, including champagne, just as his career was starting to soar. The star was busted in a Tesco supermarket in Manchester back in 1994. He was later acquitted of all shoplifting charges, after citing lapses of memory for what happened.‘
Over to you, Rafiq…?
Never really liked that Madeley feller.
Madeley is desperate to get any job on the tele, and wasn’t he the chap that walked out of a supermarket not once – but twice, with a trolley load of booze that he didn’t pay for ?
Unsurpringly it has emerged that Rafiq , the cricketer at the centre of the YCCC racism row, was , probably still is , an anti Semite. Well he would be wouldn’t he he is a Muslim and Islam is a religion of conquest by the book or by the sword. It logically follows, and is so often demonstrated in practise, that Muslims are against all other religions , Christians, Bhuddists , Hindu , even atheism ! The concept of live and let live doesn’t apply once Muslims reach a critical mass where they feel they have the power to exert their religion on others. We in the UK will be reaching that point in the next decade or so. But our liberal idiots who have been in control for the past three decades think otherwise.
Blonde on blonde.
Victoria should get Springster and him on for a good blub.
My God, what has the world come to. I bet there’d be many more tears if he didn’t have heat, light, transport, etc.
I think such crying, is probably on lists of signs people are in a CULT.
People are always fed “narratives” – that goes some way to explain why they are so gullible.
OG, hope you and yours are all ca va bien-ing.
You are right. This is why there are so many scammers around nowadays. I guess when you were in the Met there was the occasional Fraud case but these days, the BBC trail some poor woman who has believed a fraudster or scammer across the BBC airwaves or web-site every week!
VD is untouchable.
And knows it.
BBC … Children in Need.
BBC .. Prosecutes poo children parents who cannot pay tv tax.
Every penny goes to Children in Need.
Who cream off £6 million for themselves then hand it out to people the BBC decide who deserve it most.
This charity sums up everything the BBC is. A deliberately misleading name (to make you think they ARE the children in need) and dirty business tricks to seperate them from the license payer part and it’s pesky transparency.
Our shire radio is pushing it today.
Maybe no one is up yet.
Children In Greed.
2020 Annual Report and Accounts |
The emoluments of employees who are higher paid fell into the following bands of £10,000:
£60,000 – £69,999 5
£70,000 – £79,999 2
£80,000 – £89,999 1
£90,000 – £99,999 2
£100,000 – £109,999 2
£130,000 – £140,000 1
The emoluments paid to the Chief Executive in the year were £137,917 (2019: £134,425).
Thats why I won’t donate.
The BBC .. a news agency that generates news about itself .. whilst ignoring the world … you pay under threat of prosecution to hear the BBC talk about themselves … Savile, Gender Pay Gap, Sport Relief, Children In Need, Russell Brand offending people on a phone … 50% coverage of the UK, 50% made up news ….
Presenters’ stress over BBC ‘tax pressure’
A BBC local radio presenter has revealed to MPs that she tried to kill herself, partly because of stress over her employment arrangements.
The anonymous presenter was among the BBC TV and radio presenters to submit evidence to a parliamentary inquiry.
Nor me. I’d like to know what happened to all those kids from the first editions back in the 80’s that were ‘helped’. Are they still alive, have they benefitted from the ‘help’ ? Millions have been donated over the past 30 odd years – the greater amount used for paying wages, but the rest ?????
And we still don’t know if or how much they may have given to disgraced charity kids company nor whether Yentob put any pressure on them to do so.
Just seen Morrisons Xmas advertisement.
Won’t be going there again. I don’t support racists.
Morrisons , Tesco, Asda, Lidl, Sainsburys…..we’re running out of places to shop ….thankfully there’s my local Paki shop run by a very hardworking family
Just seen BBC news 24 …still pushing the racism in cricket…its no wonder sensible people hate the BBBC…off switch !
I didn’t know Asian people existed in the UK, the quota for TV adverts seems to be over 80% for certain people
Wishful thinking…
Yorkshire batter is what you make Yorkshire pudding with. A cricketer may be a batsman or batswoman. Don’t give in to those who demand we change the language.
Au contraire. When I were a lad in the fifties and sixties we always used the term ‘batter’ . Batsmen were those who played for posh clubs or came from the south and wore fancy caps. I realise the term is used for different reasons today but it’s origins are at least 60 plus years to my certain knowledge.
In much the same way, “gunman” has become “shooter”.
Jeremy Corbyn could face up to a decade in prison if he ever meets with his “friends” from Hamas again, under a new proscription of the group to be announced by Priti this afternoon. Speaking in America she’ll declare that the political wing will join the military wing of the terrorist Palestinian group on the Home Office’s proscribed group list, and individuals who express support will be in breach of the Terrorism Act 2000. This includes flying its flag, arranging to meet its members, wearing supportive clothing or being so idiotic as to actually pay them a visit – say in November 2010, before then failing to register who paid for the trip…
The Polish government wants its border protecting
.. The British government doesn’t want to protect its border
. It seems.
TOADY Watch #1 – one of those mornings when you want to give the West a smack on the leg, tell it not to be naughty and grow up.
The so-called ‘developed world’ is on the Naughty Step this morning. I cannot believe what I heard in the first hour of the programme. The former Yorkshire County Cricket Club player of Asian heritage who was claiming his club were and are racists turns out to be a racist himself. If that wasn’t bad enough, apparently the Enviro-loonies now think cotton is bad, maybe because in its natural state, picked cotton is near enough white in colour.
I guess woollen clothing would be no good for Mishal; a sheep gives off methane although nothing like as much as a cow. But they have been damned by Monbiot as Global Warmers and Climate Changers. In addition, the Bible talks about God saving us from our sins which are as red as scarlet in His sight but could be as white as snow. In Bibles for hot cot countries near the Equator which never see snow, ‘white as wool’ is substituted for ‘snow’.
My personal Thought for the Day herewith.
It might be good for the so-called ‘developed world’ to be taken back by the Enviro-loonies seven or eight or nine centuries – maybe a round 1000 years, a whole millennia – to where your food had to be farmed by yourself, ploughed by a horse and crops planted & harvested by hand. Your tiny house was a hovel by present day standards and you had none of the things that we take for granted today: brick built houses, glass in windows, central heating, clean water out of a tap and flush toilets, tarmac roads, pavements and so on.
Perhaps then the Enviro-loonies and the Race-baiters will shut up and admit “The modern world is not so bad after all. Perhaps what we think is bad in the 21st century is us being totally self-indulgent.”
bBC reports..
Afghan girl footballers reach UK on Kim Kardashian West-funded flight
and at the bottom of the page
“You might also be interested in”, I wasn’t interested in the 1st article!
If you want to know how to handle bogus asylum seekers watch Poland Daily News on YouTube.
BBC knows no one trusts them, so they got in a young pretty thing called Vick.
Craig addresses the BBC habit of locating some news and not others.
So called ‘Media Masters’ tends to alternate between beeboids, ex beeboids and aspiring beeboids.
But also offers an insight to coordinated efforts within that small bubble.
Harleen Kaur
CEO, Ground News
Harleen Kaur is co-founder and chief executive of Ground News. Created last year, the app was formed to handle the growing problem of misinformation and curates stories from a variety of media sources across the political spectrum, which are independently reviewed for bias and reliability, allowing users to see how the same stories are covered differently. In this in-depth interview, Harleen discusses how she abandoned her engineering career at NASA, and was inspired to tackle “information overload and media sensationalism;” shares how the app manages “filter bubbles” by revealing blind spots and news bias; and delves into how the app allows people to reach their own conclusions about developing stories.
Ms. Kaur is young, easy on the eye and I have never heard of her.
Apostrophe missing from the word ‘curates’. Am sure the Bishop and maybe the Archbishop will be interested to know what they are. 😉
Ouch, this is painful…and funny at the same time.
Her face.
And Jordan is great while bald young and blonde twat are idiots.
OK that is an interesting part of the prog
which brings up a numners of points
– BBC’s own automatic racism
– Jordan Peterson’s sound thinking
– Stella Creasy’s typical politicicking of an issue like all political parties do.. More PR bluster than truth seeking.
– Nazir giving us a Guardianland view of the world which would be exposed as flawed when criticised
The simplistic way he implies that skin colour is all, and then mentions that so many England players have fathers who also played at the top level
Family connections will play a big part in getting serious about a sport
Here is a photo of the 2012 England Kabbadi team
It’s quite possible someof their fathers played at high level, even for other countries.
2019 male team
Strangely the women’s team is most used for photos
It has almost no ethnic Asian women
but rather seems to have girls who look like they also play rugby for Oxford/Cambridge university etc.
The BBC chose to tweet out a video of Nazir’s bit
… https://www.twitter.com/arabin_patson/status/1461579017228730368
I don’t suppose Nazir’s daughter will ever get a top law job like her father
.. unless “it’s due to racism”
She graduated in law about 18 months ago
he also commented that some group told him Pakistani girls will never amount to anything
His tweet makes it clear it wasn’t white people saying that
it was his “own community”
… https://www.twitter.com/nazirafzal/status/1230480498214023169
“Less of the hand movements!”
As she pumps the desk and waves her hands about.
Of course what she really means is, “Get with the mob Jordan, stop thinking for yourself, the mob has already decided!”
I might also think that she is being incredibly rude, not allowing for the fact that although Peterson might be white like her he is a Canadian and could well have different mannerisms than her tribe, something that she would have allowed for if he had been, say, black.
Well, knock me down with a feather!
Not only has hypocrite Azeem Rafiq had to apologise for anti-semitic comments but also for a racial slur on a Black African.
I am astonished, truly astonished I tell you that BAME people can be racists against fellow BAME people.
But not nearly as astonished as the heads in the sand BBC are. Talk about inconvenient truth.
Sorry Sluff, I have duplicated your post with a TOADY Watch below.
I have a Trinidadian friend whose opinions of Jamaicans, when voiced, make my eyes and ears come out on stalks, blush bright red and probably various other colours as well. When my friend said that, I wanted to immediately challenge the racism in it but I realised it was the ‘lived experience’ (long before that phrase became fashionable) of my friend. All I could do was point out that my interactions with Jamaicans had not been so unhappy.
The Rafiq posts are in the Indian newspaper
Dan Roan Sports Editor, @BBCNews tweeted
Azeem Rafiq has apologised and said he is “deeply ashamed” for using anti-Semitic language in Facebook messages from 2011.
He has also apologised for an Instagram meme containing a saying relating to African people.
There appear to be credible stories that he’s a big drinker nightclubber.
The photos of players wearing Paki Power shirts are other players, not him.
TOADY Watch #2 – I wonder if they asked?
The BBC have been very happy to trail Azeem Rafik across the airwaves and their web-site for the last two weeks. He has now disappeared down to just one small item on the Sports page of the web-site with two links on the News page of the web-site. I switched TOADY off at 7 a.m. and had a very nice snooze untroubled by Mishal Husain or Justin Webb.
Apparently it has since been discovered that Azeem is as racist as Yorkshire CCC and English cricket ever was. I wonder if Azeem Rafik has repaid to Yorkshire CCC the money he received from them as compensation for their so-called ‘racism’ towards him? I also wonder if anyone at the BBC will ask him, either during TOADY today or tomorrow or in the next two weeks?
I thought not.
Apologies to Azeem for spelling his family name incorrectly.
It’s that goddamn awful ‘Children in Need’ tonight.
In which our state broadcaster manipulates a rather lazy public into giving to charidee, while it and its presenters feel the virtue.
And as has been said elsewhere the money goes into a pot and then ‘committees’ decide which actual charities shall reap the benefits. Needless to say the committee members will all have their favourite ‘issues’ to support. Pity the deserving charity that does not curry the favour of the day.
So the BBC here are fundamentally guilty of a sort of exploitation of the gullible.
But the public must take their share of the blame. So many can feel virtuous for the whole year by a single text message or other donation, and then leave the decision making process to the ‘committees’..
So here’s an idea. Why don’t the public get off their fat a**** and make a positive choice as to which issues they want to support and then give directly to those charities. Whether its the British Hedgehog Preservation Society or the British Heart Foundation (you see I remember a time when these were next to each other in the Charity Commission directory) doesn’t matter. There are plenty to choose from. Just make some positive choices, donate directly, and cut out the BBC CiN committee middlepersons.
Ah but Sluff, there will always be those who want to donate just to get their face on the box. The audience clap like seals in the studio, and are all grins just to be within spitting distance of their ‘heroes’ they see on the box in the flesh. Not forgetting 3000 tap dancing adults in some NCP car park, baton twirling kids on the hard shoulder of the M25, and a granddad who has been locked in his garden shed on a whittling marathon ! Enough !
I agree with all you said.
Having been hammered nightly by begging ads amongst all the other advertising rubbish, I made it a policy to give these charidees bugger all. And I would never give my television the dubious opportunity of being tuned into Children in Need, as a matter of course. Not that I watch much telly, these days, anyway.
Yesterday there was sudden 15% one day blip up in Covid positives
..Deaths continue a slow slow downward trend
.. https://twitter.com/LawrenceGilder/status/1461423970633273350
just been out for a drop off and radio 5 blah blahing away about racism and following the reasoning , as far as I could tell calling your dog kevin makes bame people die of covid.
then after 12 on the way home their covid correspondent talking about the austrian lockdown and anti-vaxxers actual went the full CNN saying some austrian anti-vax politician had contracted covid and was treating himself with horse de-wormer
and then to make it worse then said “horse de-wormer not developed for human consumption”
if I wasnt anti-vax to start with I would have to wonder why the bbc are blatantly and outright lying to me about ivermectin and what else around the vax are they lying to me about.
I’ve just had two beers but they don’t seem to be having any effect.
I think I need a booster.
Didn’t see this coming!
To get his voice back apparently.
One of the top comments,
“His voice back? His voice has been clearly audible in his shows. He is the most biased political presenter on tv right now.”
The hagiography round kicks off again in 3, Sopel, Simpo….
Voice and affairs in order ..
Enough to turn ones stomach!
I wonder what Marr’voice is then ? And what the BBC has prevented him from saying ? Will he be ending his association with BBC – including his radio show . Please .
Amazing how many BBC types wash up on classic FM or the other dross ….
I suppose the favoured Asian / Paki on Today will get the gig …
You could be right Fed, A-hole Rajan to the rescue.
Or might it be an ideal opportunity for the disappointing Andrew Neil to make a triumphant return?
Many are asking.
Time for the bbc to start banning everyone?
Cricketer who blacked up apologises for the offence he has caused.
We have to draw conclusions from this and other instances of offence.
People with darker skin must have some genetic defect which exaggerates levels of hurt and offence felt. It follows that in certain respects they suffer from a serious disability which employers should consider before hiring them. We see the same in universities and various public places where old statues and paintings trigger off painful episodes.
All people these days are far too sensitive. The responsible thing would be for the BBC to bring back the Black & White Minstrel Show to help balance matters. The advertising industry might also be interested in using minstrels in their ‘product’, given that it features their ubiquotous combination of race and gender.
GB News:
“A serving Metropolitan Police officer has pleaded not guilty to a series of child sex offences including grooming a 13-year-old girl to meet up with him for sex.”
“Francois Olwage, a detective constable who is attached to the Met’s specialist operations, entered his pleas to four charges at Winchester Crown Court.”
No trace of this on our BBC. Had he been white, though….
Elsewhere …
The Telford child sexual exploitation scandal is an ongoing scandal in the United Kingdom. Originally, a group of men were convicted of grooming local children for sex between 2007 and 2009 in Telford in the English county of Shropshire.[1][2][3] While media reports had suggested 100 or more girls had been affected[4] and around 200 perpetrators were suspected,[5] the Sunday Mirror reported in March 2018 that up to 1,000 girls may have been abused, with some even murdered, in incidents dating back to the 1970s.[6]
According to the Home Office, as of 2015, Telford had the highest rate of sex crimes against children of any city in the United Kingdom.[7] Telford has a population of just under 170,000 people.[8]
@Dover it went up 12:35
and was fist tweeted around the same time you were typing
but hidden away on Southeast news
and barely hyped
He ‘has denied a number of child sex offences, not ‘he has been accused of child sex offences which he denies’ as was the case with the cricketer accused of making racist comments the other day.
Important and deliberate wording.
No idea what kind of a name ‘Olwage’ is or where it comes from though.
No mention of “Corbyn” or “Hamas are our friends” in the BBC article …
Hamas to be declared a terrorist group by UK
Published39 minutes ago
Home Secretary Priti Patel has announced she is seeking to declare the whole of Palestinian militant group Hamas a terrorist organisation.
The military wing of the group which controls Gaza is already proscribed a terrorist organisation by the UK.
They fired hundreds of unguided rockets at populated areas.
Why aren’t they on the list already ?.
Are any of the presenters or other celebrities paid for working with BBC Children in Need?
As a charity, we don’t pay celebrities for their support. We’re very grateful to all of our celebrity supporters who give their time for free.
Chris Evans still uses CHildren in need to get people to make him feel good … https://carfest.org/
The Tories Nadine Dorries admits she is aware and agrees with more or less all of the complaints made about the BBC and the Left on this site, which begs the question if they know all this why the hell have they done nothing about it in the years they have been in power?
And in other good news Andrew Marr has announced he is leaving the BBC !
Andrew Marr has announced he is leaving the BBC – future BBC taxes will pay for his pension.
Advocacy Western Isles
Advocacy, Stornoway, Isle of Lewis
460 children and young people across the Western Isles experiencing a range of challenges will be supported by a free, independent and confidential advocacy service. They will feel listened to, have more motivation and feel more courageous.
460 children x 1 hour = 460 hours = £236 an hour!
Shadwell Basin Outdoor Activity Centre
Sports and health, London
Outdoor & adventure activities for disabled young people in Tower Hamlets. By attending sessions young people will form positive relationships, be more active and learn new skills.
Turkish and Kurdish Children’s Group
School and extended services, Loondon
This project will provide supplementary school activities for children from Turkish and Kurdish communities affected by local deprivation. The activities will increase self-esteem, improve educational attainment and provide opportunities to have fun.
Dost Centre for Young Refugees and Migrants
Sports and health, London
This project will deliver a range of activities to children who are unaccompanied asylum seekers to help them to socialise with others, help to raise their confidence and provide fun opportunities.
Gold award to Naz for the fastest ever use of the race card on question time last night.
Silver award to the Kardashians for paying to send Afghan girls to the UK. Would have shared gold if being American they had paid to have the girls sent to the USA instead.
Kim Kardashian Helped Afghan Girls Soccer Players Flee to U.K.: ‘The Danger and the Stress Was Very High’
“Thank you Kim Kardashian West and SKIMS for your magnanimous assistance to fund this flight and make it a reality,” one advocate said
The flight, carrying about 130 people, left Pakistan on Wednesday and landed in London on Thursday morning.
Kamala Harris: First woman to get US presidential powers (briefly)
The BBC are absolutely wetting their panties over this one.
No chance on Earth they are ever going to let her be President now I think. Everyone has seen what she is.
This article would have been a good point in which to mention her popularity rating. But the BBC chose not to.
US Vice-President Kamala Harris will become the first woman to briefly be given presidential powers as Joe Biden undergoes his regular health check.
President Biden will transfer power to Ms Harris for the period in which he is placed under anaesthesia for a routine colonoscopy on Friday.
The medical examination will be Mr Biden’s first as president and comes on the eve of his 79th birthday.
Is this the big when they finally kill him off …?
Fed it’s only a matter of time and when laughing Kam takes over they will be more screwed. I found Bidens look a like the other day starring in this film. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mason_Verger
Such probes are not without risk.
And Kammy likely knows people experienced in this area.
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – it’s amazing, the generosity
It’s a mixed up, muddled up, shook up world ….
Enough said.
Davido – who performed in the 1Xtra live lounge in March this year – is considered one of the biggest African stars in the world.
As well as having 21.9 million followers on Instagram, he’s sold out The O2 Arena in London and collaborated with Chris Brown and Nicki Minaj.
The musician tweeted his goal was for fans to send him N100 million to clear his Rolls Royce from a seaport in Nigeria, so he could pay outstanding bills in order to release an item shipped in from abroad.
Davido a MUSICIAN??
Rollover Davido and tell Glen Campbell the news!
Money fall on you
Banana fall on you
Prada fall on you oh
‘Cause, I’m in love with you oh, eh
Money fall on you
Banana fall on you
Paparazzi follow you
‘Cause, I’m in love with you oh, Yeah
Are you done talking?
Tell me baby, are you done talking? Yeah
Are you done talking?
Tell me baby, are you done talking? Yeah
Are you done talking?
Tell me baby, are you done talking? Yeah
Are you done talking?
Tell me baby, are you done talking? Yeah
I don’t wanna be a player no more, ah yeah
I don’t wanna be a player no more
‘Cause, my guys call me Cristiano
Mr. Ronaldo
Omo Nintendo
Plus, my guys call me Cristiano
Mr. Ronaldo
Omo Nintendo, eh
Money fall on you
Banana fall on you
Prada fall on you oh
‘Cause, I’m in love with you oh, eh
Money fall on you
Banana fall on you
Paparazzi follow you
‘Cause, I’m in love with you oh, eh
Yeah, if I offend you
If I offend you, biko
Sorry oh, baby take heart oh
Sorry oh, baby take heart oh
I’m in love with you
I’m in love with you, oh
Baby, nothing go fit to change am oh
Nothing go fit to change am oh, eh
If I talk, them go say I dey talk, yeah
Tell me why them dey use Panadol for our headache eh
Yeeh! How I go chop if my baby no chop?
Nne, they want to spoil our market eh
I don’t wanna be a player no more, yeah
I don’t wanna be a player no more
‘Cause, my guys call me Cristiano
Mr. Ronaldo
Omo Nintendo, eh
Plus, my guys call me Cristiano
Mr. Ronaldo
Omo Nintendo, eh
Money fall on you
Banana fall on you
Prada fall on you oh
‘Cause, I’m in love with you oh, eh
Money fall on you
Banana fall on you
Paparazzi follow you oh
‘Cause, I’m in love with you oh, eh
If I offend you
If I offend you, biko
Sorry oh, baby take heart oh
Sorry oh, baby take heart oh
I’m in love with you
I’m in love with you, oh
Baby, nothing go fit to change am oh
Nothing go fit to change am oh
Money fall on you
Banana fall on you
Prada fall on you oh
‘Cause, I’m in love with you oh, eh
Money fall on you
Banana fall on you
Paparazzi follow you oh
‘Cause, I’m in love with you oh, eh
Kiddo-Kiddo! Kiddominat!
Your girlfriend favourite song
Source: LyricFind
Songwriters: Ayoola Agboola / David Adedeji Adeleke / Kojo Funds