The BBC is running compulsory courses for its’ staff . Perhaps the BBC – in a spirit of openess – will publish the contents and cost of said training . Perhaps posters could suggest course content …?
And on Monday night the BBC is broadcasting the first half of a documentary about the relationship of the Royal Princes and The Press – unusually without having given the Royal Household a pre broadcast viewing …
Start the Week 22 November 2021
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From back in the day, when the bBC did comedy
Alas! Alas!
Envy of the world.
So, selective censorship and making stuff up.
Nice one Timmeh!
The BBC is an an anarchist Marxist organization. What does
one expect from them, when it comes to a Panorama “feature”
on the Royal Family?
The BRITISH broadcasting corporation ? Do me a favour!
Only those who are looking for a the best way to describe
what an oxymoron is , can take any pleasure in the use of
the word BRITISH!!!
There are 3 things that stand in the way of the Great BBC Utopia. The Royal Family, The Church and the Tories.
Hence these repetitive sabotage attacks.
Benny Hill is back on Freeview ch 91
Surely the bigger issue is whether it is ok to let Vile in anywhere?
Self righteous cyclists banned too ?
What about a fag? Can we have a fag? Thought not.
How did they take that picture? A digital camera (on a phone possibly), either that or someone has a 20 year old film camera which they carry around with them (then scan the developed photograph digitally).
Hypocrisy of the left
Some moments of that lefty-w@nker Elton banging on about Benny Hill, then after Hill’s death, claiming he thought he was a “great comedian”.
Ahmaud Arbery case: Black armed militias gathered outside the courthouse, issue warning
The New Black Panthers, BLM 757 and Judah Armed Forces organized the march that featured a dummy corpse inside a coffin
“Ya’ll are in serious trouble because the wrath of karma is coming on America,” said a man who identified himself as the supreme commander of the New Black Panther militia. “We’re not taking it no more.”
As prosecutors and defense lawyers delivered their closing statements, dozens of members of BLM 757, Lion of Judah Armed Forces and the New Black Panther Party marched outside the Glynn County Courthouse.
The Southern Poverty Law Center has called the New Black Panther Party a “virulently racist and antisemitic organization whose leaders have encouraged violence against Whites, Jews and law enforcement.”
Rog… Mattster… Justo…?
Meanwhile, Sopes and Lurch…
BBC Moaning Emole has ‘Harry and the Media’
nvestigator sorry for targeting prince’s ex
A private investigator has apologised for targeting the Duke of Sussex’s ex-girlfriend Chelsy Davy for surveillance when they were dating. Gavin Burrows says the press focused on Prince Harry in the 2000s as “the new Diana”. Mr Burrows tells us: “There was a lot of voicemail hacking going on, there was a lot of surveillance work on [Ms Davy’s] phones, on her comms.” He is a witness in ongoing legal cases against the News of the World and the Sun. His claims are yet to be tested in court and are strongly disputed. News Group Newspapers accepts a limited amount of unlawful activity occurred at the News of the World, but denies there was any wrongdoing at the Sun. It says it has not accepted liability in any of the phone-hacking cases brought against it.
In depth: Prince Harry’s legal battle with the media
Watch The Princes and the Press on BBC iPlayer
Media have…
Frankly none of them are worth spit.
To illustrate their headline about the Wisconsin massacre, the BBC show… a picture of an SUV.
Something tells me the killer was not a white supremacist ploughing into a black crowd, or his face and race would have been front and centre of the article.
Colour is only relevant when the killer is white . Once it is established that it is another coloured criminal – such as this horror – descriptions and pictures are not used .
A method so frequently used that it is embarrassing.
Must be time for lammy and the race industry to moan about the number of coloured folk locked up ….. we are not allowed to know about the numbers of younger coloured killers because their ‘identity is withheld for legal reasons ‘….
Hogo-tied – and that doesn’t refer to Peppa Pig
Not to be too jarring, first thing in the morning, the BBC online news frontpage presents us with about the most vanilla headline possible for the Wisconsin Christmas celebration killings:
‘Parade incident driver to be charged with homicide‘
Parade incident implies one of the marching band majorettes might have accidentally dropped her twirling baton. Move along, nothing to see here – as the saying goes.
Click on the BBC header and you get this: ‘Wisconsin: Driver ‘intentionally’ mowed down people at parade‘ – oh, so this incident is newsworthy.
‘BBC News has also reviewed the records belonging to the suspect.‘
How interesting that our BBC have taken it upon themselves to get to the bottom of this one. I wonder what they hoped to find? A MAGA hat perhaps?
‘In a statement on Monday, Milwaukee County District Attorney John Chisholm, a Democrat, said the bail recommendation in Mr Brooks’ open court case was “inappropriately low in light of the nature of recent charges and the pending charges” against him.‘
(My emphasis on the term Democrat)
So we see Democrats tough on crime – according to their BBC mates over this side of the pond.
Not everyone over there is in the corporate news in-the-tank-for-the-Dems bubble and has that same take: ‘Waukesha parade attack won’t get ‘wall-to-wall’ coverage because it’s the ‘wrong narrative’: Greg Gutfeld. “Ridiculous liberal bail reform policies [are] at the center of the horrific Christmas parade attack that killed five people and injured 48 others,” co-host Jesse Watters said. ‘ (Fox News)
Yep, we sense this story disappearing from the headlines faster than a suicide bomb attack on Remembrance Sunday story.
Jabbing us in a similar vein over here was the early release on parole of child killer Colin Pitchfork, who was fortunately recalled to prison preventing another offence as he was already reportedly approaching young women.
The Daily Mail notices the significance of this story: ‘Parole shake up to keep public safe‘
Our BBC has other safety concerns as it ponders: ‘Covid: Can UK avoid a Europe-style return to lockdown?‘
The obvious answer is of course we could – Lockdown is a political and administrative choice.
But let’s define the terms somewhat within that question the BBC poses and explore what it really means.
‘Europe is sliding into panic. The latest lockdowns set a dangerous precedent, says Jonathan Sumption‘ in the Telegraph.
So will our government be panicked into unprecedented authoritarian measures – which could lead who knows where – here in the UK?
Certain people over here have the taste for it: ‘GP who says: Make covid jab COMPULSORY‘ (Daily Mail) – please define your terms, doc – would that be the first two jabs, or the booster jab, or whatever the next booster might entail?
For no apparent reason other than perhaps increasing anger at the attitudes of our former family doctors, now universally referred to as GPs – I’m reminded of that ancient gag about the chap who went to see his doctor and was prescribed a suppository. He returned to the surgery the next week complaining of a sore throat – he’d been swallowing the tablets – “Doc, I know you told me to take the pill in my back passage, but I only have a cupboard under the stairs”
Two Telegraph features reveal our mixed attitudes to Lockdowns: ‘Face it. Why I won’t give in and wear a mask‘ or, should you prefer: ‘Help! I’ve got HOGO. How to cure the hassle of going out‘
The Express alone complains of: ‘It’s a “national emergency”… Anger at migrant crisis‘
Whistling into the wind there, I’m afraid.
I suppose every little helps – as the elderly lady said as she peed in the sea.
And as an appendix to today’s headlines:
‘My appendix agony, by TV news star Reeta‘ (Daily Mail) – wishing her all the best and all that – but when did autocue dollies become news stars?
Being a cynic – the image of nut nut being a ‘dad’ and talking about something called pepper pig will go down better with voters than screwing up some chore speech to the CBI ,
The BBC – swamp – see it their way – but I think voters see it the other . I am no fan of nut nut or his blue Labour Party – but I still think he is far away from a coup- with liz truss ? Waiting to be put in as a ‘new Maggie ‘….
#prasnews to set Wendy’s unit afire.
I don’t know anything about new stuff with Lush
but the historic fundamental problem with them, is that they fund anti-frackers.
The Coop helped with PR too.
Fracking should have been dealt with in a democratic way
not allowing eco-thugs to bully.
Successful fracking would have both brought money to the UK and LOWERED its CO2 footprint.
Cos as it is, we have buy Putin Gas and other foreign gas cos most of the time windpower is crap.
If we were really concerned about ‘green house’ gases then we would be making minimal use of long pipelines.
All pipelines leak and the longer they are the more they leak. That alone justifies UK fracking rather than using Russian gas.
But that is par for the course, cut UK manufacturing to ‘decarbonise’ – then get the Chinese to make it, using goodness knows what processes, then ship it all the way here.
Lush are seriously anti-Semitic, pro Palestinian and their products stink the area for about 100 yards outside each of their shops. Queuing in York for Betty’s the smell of coffee cannot be discerned for the sweet chemical smell coming from round the corner and down the road.
Safer – controlled?
…as if his life depended on it.
That a stack of books to sell in back?
Full Complaint:
I see that BBC presenters use their twitter accounts to promote items outside of the BBC
…. Katty Kay (The Confidence Code and Womenomics),
Jon Sopel (If Only They Didn’t Speak English),
Chris Evans (Call the Midlife)
Gary Lineker ( …
there might be more around.
Does the BBC charge the presenters for using the BBC brand to promote these items?
Does the BBC get a kick back to reduce the TV License with each successful sale of these products?
Can you tell me how this works … do the items on sale conform to the BBC core values and guidelines?
Many Thanks.
I think he suffers from the swamp sickness that MPs get – they rub up against the very rich and are driven to get more cash .
Meanwhile in the real world people scrape along on PAYE and don’t collect £83 thousand a year plus pension and expenses.
Today an MP is being buried after being murdered by an Islamic terrorist – who – ironically was in the country because of the policies of the MPs colleagues ‘policies …
At least Jon Sopel has a good grip on his glass!
More Rangers versus Celtic than Queen’s Garden Party.
The Daily Beast gaslighting the public.
BTW JackPosobiec’s Twitter account has some other good stuff.
The BBC are so woke that they can’t see the strategic issue when it’s staring them in the face.
On Toady we had a first in a long time. An actually interesting and important story about business.
Astra Zeneca are opening a massive new R and D centre in Cambridge. This is good news. The country has a genuinely world class critical mass of Life Sciences in that area. And Justremainin was being shown round by CEO Pascal Soriot.
They talked about the AZ vaccine given away at cost when the other makers are making money by the bucketload.
Then Justremainin mentioned the issue that we are good at ideas and inventions but they are monetised elsewhere. This was taken to mean outside Cambridge and the chance was lost and Justremainin didn’t follow it up. Cretinous.
Because THAT is the key issue. The UK, kowtowing to the wokes of which the state funded BBC is a main player, is not allowed to make money. Business is basically frowned on as being a rather seedy activity, much less virtuous than the wonderful public sector. Drug companies are not allowed to ‘make a profit at the expense of others misfortune’. Other company bosses shamefully are happy to sell out, cash in their shares, and retire, instead of building up the business.
No such problems for Pfizer, Moderna, Microsoft, Amazon, Facebook, Google. Ooohh look, the US economy is doing rather better than ours……
Maybe the BBC could be positive about business and not seek to report each and every minor misdemeanor.
As a shareholder in one of the companies that developed and now makes the vaccine i expected to be a millionaire now .
But i am not . Better people – shareholders – have decided not to make any money out of the enterprise .
I cant see the point in the UK being at the ‘ cutting edge’ of anything – even something called pepper pig got sold to the yanks and the lady who wrote those magic books is a target for wokes
Shouldn’t Peppa Pig be ‘top shelf’?
I saw a young child pick up a ‘bottom shelf’ Peppa Pig toy with visible delight in Morrisons, to the sudden horror of her sheeted and pyjamaed parents.
Peppa Pig looking like a hairdrier is exactly right!
I don’t know what pepper pig is but when the nut nut rambled about it I heard a bit of ‘background ‘ that it was another one of those strategic companies sold abroad – bit like the CO2 factory ….
TOADY Watch #1 – the BBC wants the first word and the last word in the prime TOADY interview slot
8.10 a.m. with Justin and Mishal. Justin seems uncertain as to the name of the Political Editor (you mean there’s more than one? – Part-time, you have a rival!) of BBC TV’s Newsnight. Nick Garbled-Surname, aforesaid PE of the aforesaid TV Programme, got in the first word before interviewee Jeremy Hunt MP, Chair of the House Committee on Health and Social Care could say anything.
During the interview, poor old Jeremy was trying to reply to questions and Justin interrupted him after a Hunt had said a couple of words. The BBC view of the UK and the world must prevail! I expected the BBC to double-team against Jeremy Hunt with Laura Kuenssberg but Part-time must be on her hols (again! – at taxpayer expense), either that or on a long weekend back in Edinburgh.
Instead Nick Garbled-Surname was brought back for an afterword on the PM, on Jeremy Hunt MP and what he had said, on the universe and on everything.
Boris is, without doubt, a mess. And toast.
The problem is what follows.
The bbc is trying to ensure they control that.
A Ros review of the gibbering ShadCab’s best, and weathervane Starmer’s greatest not enough will be doubtless ‘not news’.
“Thanks to everyone who shared this” – yet are not supposed to share baseless edited lies?
The first thing I thought when I saw this story was how much they are making of this yet totally ignore The President of the USA completely losing the plot when making formal speeches on the world stage.
The BBC are such biased hypocrites nowadays, their output simple cannot be trusted to give a balanced view of the world. Everything is far-Left agenda which jumped up a gear with Brexit+Trump and got much worse after Floyd gave them the excuse they were waiting for.
** comedians no longer need to write their own material.
‘I’M DYING MUMMY’ Boy, nine, in second car hit by Ant McPartlin in drink-drive crash feared he was dying
The troubled TV star admitted to drink-driving this afternoon, apologising in court over the crash that saw a four-year-old girl sent to hospital
They should learn from Baldwin that Karma can be a real bitch.
The new season of Westwoe is shaping up well.
Seems the Tesla Stepford Leaders are all suffering DNS glitches and even state media can’t handle the cover ups.
Well well, our boy Amol – in his ‘sexy’ tight-fitting dark shirts – is having great fun stirring up trouble for the Royal Family and implying racism everywhere (‘unconscious’ racism, the sort you can never disprove because denying it just proves it more).
The anti-royalist creep always seems to be slouching.
Careful Beeb, last time you sent an Asian to cause trouble with the Firm, it didn’t end well for you. Already Buck House are threatening to stop cooperating with you.
Excellent, one more powerful enemy.
I haven’t seen the documentary but I wonder what the BBC were thinking commissioning such a thing so soon after Bashir ?
I’d like to hope the BBC has a ‘death wish ‘- and perhaps they push their propaganda crap so hard because they know they are terminal …..
……..either that or the corporate ego is so big that they feel invulnerable …..
………maybe amile is being lined up to do the funeral when The Queen pops off …
You might think that now Buck House is standing up to the BBC our Nadine might make a whisper.
That funeral cannot be far off – at which point it would be right and proper that the rights to televise are NOT given to the bBC.
I wonder if the BBC are sensing the end is near for the current Queen and now is the time to start using their power to stick the boot in and influence the public to get the monarchy abolished.
All part of their underhand socialist strategy. Never, ever make the mistake of thinking the far Left are decent people. They preach one thing and do another.
I think the BBC is more interested in dumbing down the Firm rather than abolishing it . Something which – with the likes of Andy , ginger , his wife and the idiot heir – they are doing for themselves – leaving out the William crew entering politics .
Maybe the Queen sees the danger in this and is thus sticking to the job to the end .
I was thinking about how the public will react to the passing of Elizabeth Windsor – and who will make the most out of it …
I would definitely agree with the BBC of old, but the one we have now is stuffed full of young socialist activists and BAME who have no interest in our historical culture at all.
And I agree 100% the Queen is hanging on because she knows what a downhill slope they will be on when Charlie takes over and plays his politics.
Kamala Harris calls for health care workforce that ‘looks like America’
Harris said the pandemic ‘has exasperated’ the disparities in the health care system
ermmm ok
According to racial equality activist Richard Lapchick, the NBA in 2020 was composed of 74.2 percent black players, 16.9 percent white players, 2.2 percent Latino players of any race, and 0.4 percent Asian players.
And what about short people ?
None, thats dwarfist that is
The communist press and the communist BBC are having a wish-fest over the seemingly error-prone Boris with many predicting his demise before Christmas. Polly Toynbee particularly in the Guardian earns her no doubt generous salary by producing anti-Boris snippets every day,
It reminded me of the Churchillian kickback to the cowardly Marshall Petain who wanted France to surrender to and collaborate with the Nazis in 1941. Petain said that England would have its neck wrung like a chicken.
Churchill replied in a speech to the Canadian Government…..”Some Neck Neck, Some Chicken!”.
Come on Boris, kick ‘em in the goollies!
Boris …. Burka comments for free speech.
Churchill in a box.
3 hide from Islam in Batley.
Boris rants about Peppa Pig without a script to follow.
I watched about 20 mins of Amol Bin Bashir,s programme about the Royal family or more accurately the 2 princes and their other halves.
You could describe it as ” The nitty gritty of tittle tattle” In fact was switching between Aussie Gold Hunters which features a range of Gold prospectors in outback Australia mainly swatting flies….I wonder if HMQ was also tuned in…
In the days when I listened to Radio 4 I would sometimes hear a newsreader called Zeb Soames but as my listening is rare I hadn’t realised he no longer appeared. I read the other day that at the age of 44 he has had a stroke and I am sorry to hear that. As this is the BBC, I am not surprised to hear that he has a husband.
Now I don’t know anything about him but a senior cardiologist once told me that many of the cases of middle-aged men having a stroke is connected to cocaine use. I must stress that I have no idea whether Mr Soames has ever taken such substances, but whenever I hear of such cases, I think of the cardiologist’s words.
“Consumer Reparations”
Historian David Starkey has defended his views on the England riots and protested that the subject of race has become “unmentionable”.
Dr Starkey was criticised for comments he made on the BBC’s Newsnight, in which he partly blamed the disorder on black “gangsta” culture.
He said the reaction to his remarks – which included that “the whites have become black” – was “hysterical”.
Following last Friday’s programme, the BBC has received 892 complaints.
GB News is quietly turning into a ratings winner – which will dismay the Guardianistas who predicted and hoped otherwise. Last night’s viewing figures show the upstart news channel outflanking Sky News and the BBC with its evening programming: both Farage and Brazier smashed Sky News Tonight and BBC News at 8pm, with Dewbs & Co beating News Hour with Mark Austin – and even performing respectably against BBC News at Six.
And here is what Colin Brazier has to say about the BBC and Amol Rajan (last 3 paras):
“The crown makes the state into something flesh and blood. The royals are imperfect, just like the rest of us. And the squabbles between its members are part of that story.
But Amol Rajan, openly republican, is not the man to tell that story. Not while the BBC treats us, not as equal citizens, but – effectively – as subjects. In a free society we should be able to register our disapproval of the BBC’s actions by taking our custom elsewhere. Under the license fee, we can’t. On pain of prosecution.
Everyone who works for the BBC enjoys a sort of inherited privilege. They don’t have to go out into the marketplace and compete for customers, like we have to. Ultimately, their livelihoods are guaranteed by law, just like the royals.”
The BBC will be soooo pleased to see that they are being equated to the privileged royals!
I am so pleased to hear that the viewing figures at GB News are improving – I regularly recommend it to friends. One of the highlights is Colin Brazier’s ‘Angle’. He seems a thoroughly decent man, with morals.
As for Andrew Neil, the more he speaks about his time at GB News the less respect I have for him.
It also has quite a large following on its nternet channel. But I notice that it has even fewer adverts now than it did at the start. So I don’t see where it gets it’s money from, not that I mind as long as it keeps up its current right of centre positioning.
Of course now that Dacre has decided not to have another go at becoming the Ofcom head and the BBC loving Ed Vazey is favourite for the post, it will need to keep treading carefully. I’m sure that the Guardian, BBC, Ch4 and Sky would like nothing better than to see it ground down by Ofcom.
If verified, well worth running past Marianna to check.
Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer
Job Reference: 918-MX8144
Employer:NHS Blood and Transplant (NHSBT)Department:PeopleLocation:This is a national vacancy, the successful candidate may be based at any of our main centres in the UK, final location to be agreed at interview.Salary:£78,192 to £90,387
The role of Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer was created a little over a year ago to put Equality, Diversity and Inclusion at the heart of our people agenda and strategies. Already the foundations have been set in stone to ensure that EDI is woven into every level of the organisation and is seen as the responsibility of each and every individual within NHSBT – from the Board to our Donor Carer and Logistics teams giving service at the front line of healthcare across the country.
Got to employ Blair’s thousands of Sociology Graduates somewhere, McDonalds have no vacancies
Euan Blair: How did the former PM’s son become richer than his dad?
The 37-year-old Yale graduate has a reported fortune three times that of his famous father thanks to his Google-backed apprenticeship start-up. Katie Strick charts the making of a multi-millionaire
Morning Star Web Site book recommendation …
China, after its revolution, has achieved the greatest improvement in life of by far the largest proportion of humanity of any country in human history. China’s Great Road explains how China achieved this enormous step forward for humanity. The unequivocal answer the book gives is that socialism achieved this huge advance. It analyses this at numerous different levels.
If the international left does not raise itself to understanding China’s successful socialist development then it is lagging in understanding one of the most enormous facts in human history. China’s Great Road both analyses China’s reality and shows how socialists in other countries can and should learn from China.
The, “independent” Praxis Press are situated in Glasgow………
Ahh… that explains why no one knows what the hell they are on about
Probably none to the bbc for two reasons:
1) doing her job better.
2) if about the bbc, it would vanish.
Did she write them or get another on expenses to write them?
It is dishonest to provide elected MPs with written documents in the knowledge that they will (or are instructed to) pass the documents off as their own work.
I demand an investigation.
Has to do something to justify the £81,932 she is paid I guess!
Kelvin Mckenzie reports comparative viewing figure average numbers for GBN /sky – farage 171k /60k and brazier 128k/ 33k .
The demise of GBNews seems to be ‘ wishful fantasy’ on behalf of the likes of the Guardian …
The Guardian like to keep us informed, from the never-ending supply of ridiculous bitchy opinions presented as facts from the nutty and rabid “humans are evil” crowd we now get the ultimate in sheer juvenile bilge.
Men’s meat-heavy diets cause 40% more climate emissions than women’s, study finds.
I do admit to some “emissions” after a heavy meat meal but my wife is just as capable at producing astounding “emissions” of her own.
I can only assume that the juvenile people who produced this report probably had a high feminist or trans head count.
What I can only file under the heading of hot air!
I fully expect this to be a main feature on the BBC news tonight as it is much more on their trend than a few dozen folk in the USA having an “accident” with a stray car.
It’s a well known fact that vegetables cause more noxious and resounding efforts than meat.
Cows are vegetarian which is why they get blamed for more hot air than a Labour Party Conference.
As cows are vegetarian a good steak can count as one of your five a day.
Ha ha ha!
Time to revisit this again…
Christmas presents. Buy some Marcus Socks and help the homeless. Made in Turkey.
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Marcus Rashford is poised to leave the Roc Nation agency despite being with the company founded by Jay-Z for just over a year.
The Manchester United star campaigned for free school meal during his time with the company, with the Government performing a u-turn as a result of his efforts.
Rashford has worked closely with Kelly Hogarth, Roc Nation’s vice-president of strategy and communications, and she too is expected to leave the company.
The England forward is no longer listed as one of Roc Nation’s clients on their website.
He was previously represented by D N May Sports Management – run by his brothers Dwaine Maynard and Dane Rashford – for his last contract with Manchester United, according to the official paperwork lodged with the FA.
Maybe rashford can go off and prepare for playing in the championship …
… elsewhere -over the last 3 weeks a professor of politics called runcimen has been presenting a 3 part series about politics and time
It is muddled and quite cleverly biased compared to normal BBC propaganda
For instance it assumes that Biden is both a legitimate president as well as mentally sound – both of which are untrue .
Plenty of of anti democratic poison is injected into it along with the liberal assumptions about the way people behave and vote .
A sad complete mess.
If only they would follow Biden with a microscope…..
President Trump’s 100 Days President Biden’s 0 Day
Dear Winston Smith in the Records Department of the Ministry of Truth,
You covered President Trump’s 100 Days and then produced a Beyond 100 Days to hold power to account.
Why have you not done the same for President Biden to hold power to account?
‘Omission is the greatest form of lie.’
Thank you again for contacting us,
BBC Complaints Team
BBC don’t believe China? Yet believe it’s the greatest socialist experiment ever …
Event organiser Crystal Chen told the BBC that while the released videos and photos appear to show Ms Peng “physically unharmed”, she was “not truly free”.
100 Days of Trump.
100 Days of Taliban.
0 Days of Biden.
Afghanistan: 100 days of Taliban rule
Afghanistan: 100 days of Taliban rule
It’s been 100 days since the Taliban returned to power in Afghanistan.
BBC reporter Yalda Hakim visited a district of Kabul to report on four key areas of concern facing the country.
I am waiting for the sign in Waterstones window
“please note, the post-apocolyptical fiction section has been moved to current affairs”
The basic difference between humans and animals, animals will never let the dumbest one lead the pack
Yet just 90 minutes of Komona Norris got headlines in all the meedja!
I bet at least half of them were inane giggling, and the other half was trying to work out what the red button under the desk marked ‘Nuke’ was for…
That is the “bury me in a ‘Y’ shaped coffin” Harris I presume ?
A physicist, engineer and a statistician are out hunting. Suddenly, a deer appears 50 yards away.
The physicist does some basic ballistic calculations, assuming some effect from gravity, lifts his rifle to a specific angle, and shoots. The bullet lands 5 yards short.
The engineer adds a fudge factor for air resistance, lifts his rifle slightly higher, and shoots. The bullet lands 5 yards long.
The statistician yells “We got him!”
Sortition. Interesting name.
Currently introducing ‘a new form of democracy’ to councils on matters climate, based on 48 people getting ‘chosen’ by, er…
Does Ofcom issue a command to media outlets that they must PROMOTE the latest XR stunts ?
Cannot even spell correctly
That @BBCYoungReport tweet has ZERO impact
The video “How did the Youth Climate Movement begin? – BBC My World”
has 12 Likes and 182 views
Toenails gunning for one of Springster’s awards?
Strange character weakness of robindon . Sometimes best to say nothing .. but instead … he thinks it wise to spout about the minister for OFCOM .
Can only hope that one way or another such arrogance costs thr BBC bigly…
Revealing. Good word.
“Woke religion” Samantha Price, president of the Girls’ Schools Association is obviously doing a PR push
She did a GBnews interview
as well as 8 BBC PR tweets
The Facebook version got CCBGB’ed
What with the racial things in the USA and klimate (sic) thugs in the UK there seems a disinct possibility the lib / socialist shit stirrers are doing their level best to create civil war
aided and abetted by the inflammatory and very selective content of the bbc webshite
what will it take for the vast majority that do not share their extremist views to fight back ?
considering what happened to Tommy Robinson when commenting on muslim rape gangs and sharia law
Extinction Rebellion say they will mobilise 2MILLION protestors to take part in ‘largest act of civil resistance in UK history’ starting in April
Extinction Rebellion says it wants to recruit 3.5% of UK population to its cause
Group says its activity slowed during pandemic but targets 2022 for a comeback
XR wants to mobilise the ‘largest act of civil resistance in UK history’ next April
The, “Balkanisation” of the UK. I think I was the one to first introduce this concept here 3/4 weeks ago. I recall suggesting that the country is heading in that direction and questioned what the political elite would do about it when they saw the country heading rapidly for some Lebanese scenario from the 70/80’s. This short video suggests that others think that way and indeed, as a result of physical nearness, confirm symptomatic events.
I have one suggestion. Get rid of the worthless Khan and demand that one, Anthony Bliar takes over as Mayor. Let him put things right since he is responsible for most of the problems – just manifesting themselves. Manchester, Birmingham, Bristol, the list is now endless. Serious problems looming, certainly when the AK47’s arrive ……………..
C’mon man!
You make it sound like this has been something going on for the last 8 weeks and you were the first to notice!
In fact it goes back to at least the 1960s as regards Asians and in London people have been saying that about Jews and the Irish for more than a century.
Luke 15:7 comes to mind though, I am pleased that you have noticed!
Help us lock up Insulate Britain, police plead: Force wants to speak to anyone who missed medical appointments, work or other events due to eco-zealots
Insulate Britain brought many roads to standstill through their activist antics
Now Essex Police are zeroing in on how best to collect evidence on them
They want anyone who felt serious impacts from the roads being blocked
Well, there is always going fully ‘European’.
Another caption competition please ?
my contibution:
“Oohs the yellow one in the corner ? its bad enough we have a white bloke here”
“well someone had to pay the delivery guy”
“and hes a bit asian anyway”
“they all look the same to me”
Matty, Rog and Justo going to stage a remake of ‘The Dirty Quarter of a Dozen’?
I’ve just been reading about how many ships are stuck in Arctic ice because it’s a lot colder than they expected.
And we are supposed to believe they can accurately predict that global temperatures will rise 1.5 degrees in 50 years unless we pay out lots and lots of money to those telling us to stop it.
The world is full to the brim of Left-wing propaganda and young activists like Greta believing 100% they are right about something they do not actually understand at all. The significant thing for me is that they do not have the wit to realise they don’t understand it. Which – in my experience as an engineer – makes their opinions worthless.
But, possibly, not Lewis. Which is actually extra cheery.
“Not the beginning of the end, but, perhaps the end of the beginning…”
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Next up… Vox.
I wonder if Springster would consider her story ‘not news’, or bbc award material?