The BBC is running compulsory courses for its’ staff . Perhaps the BBC – in a spirit of openess – will publish the contents and cost of said training . Perhaps posters could suggest course content …?
And on Monday night the BBC is broadcasting the first half of a documentary about the relationship of the Royal Princes and The Press – unusually without having given the Royal Household a pre broadcast viewing …
Start the Week 22 November 2021
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Kay Burley charging consult fees?
Biden’s berks shut down USA oil production.
now – they’re emptying the strategic oil reserves.
d’ya see what it is yet?
President Obama says the Bin Laden raid was the longest 40 minutes of his life. With the possible exception of every time he asks Joe Biden, ‘Hey, what’s up?’
not as long as 40mins in bed with big mike
Every Bbc ‘local democracy’ reporter knows what is expected as the ‘climate assembly’ new democracy concept gets quietly embedded.
Brought to you by the bbc, and friends.
And what a blonde slapper and a half dozen acolytes send back…
To be fair, I doubt they even know who Toenails or Bronzed Strumpet are.
It’s now accelerating: The number of commentators Worldwide that are now spotting the universal trends. Slowly being exposed – the collusion of political leaders Worldwide who are patently conspiring to impose collective tyranny on the rest of us.
Jeff Taylor’s penny has dropped:
I apologise in advance for sharing this, not bbc but an item in my inbox which brought a smile
What’s the biggest difference between men and women?
What they mean, when they say: “I got through a whole box of tissues watching that film.”
This is my I TOLD YOU SO moment !
A little snippet in today’s paper inform me that Jay Blades is one of those chosen to appear in the Christmas edition of Strictly. I’m only surprised its taken so long. It only needs Nadya now to get the call.
I sense a disturbance in the Farce…
Who in God’s name in this country finds this abortion of a comedy Mrs Brown remotely funny ?
Brissles – But don’t you find it comforting that it will be a Netflix ( online ) Christmas – another crack in the reputation of the BBC …
….has anyone seen Chernobyl ? Amazon is flogging it for £3 – worth the money ?
Brissles; thickos want stupid progs like this, it makes them feel ‘superior’!
And I even thought Fick Ange was slightly intelligent…
(We’re watching ‘Coming Home’ (Rosamunde Pilcher), it was when decent yarns made decent viewing)!
Jay Blades will stand at the side of the dance floor and only step forward when his professional partner is given full marks!
Oh, and he will still be wearing his flat cap along with his dancing costume.
ahh the good old 70 odd percent yougov poll is back again I see
An Auntie! This needs full bbc support.
I emphatically support the hunger strike and have sponsored it, with the proviso it reaches 365 days minimum
Then, and only then, I have agreed to donate a packet of dolphin friendy, anti nuclear, baked, not fried, vegan, low salt , fair trade, free range, tofu flavour, gluten free Hoola Hoops
If the paki shop down the road sells them
Not the beeb but has anyone noticed that in the Verisure security adverts, that the only people fitting alarms are certainly not dusky?
Some might say it is to make sure they don’t get hold of the pin codes
I could not possibly comment
The commercial I watched featured 2 gay guys so I think Verisure can rest assured boxes were ticked satisfactorily.
I saw an advert earlier. Unbelievably it had an all white cast.
It was for Black Friday.
Hope they secured the back door
Could we transfer our BBC Licence Fees to GB News?
The Waukesha rap artist’s grim toll …
Will the BBC tell their readers / viewers / listeners about The Dancing Grannies? – I suspect not.
THIS is why the bbc is biased
“Kyle Rittenhouse: Who is US teen cleared of protest killings?”
(Not innocent, “cleared”)
“A US teenager has been cleared of all charges in relation to two men he shot and killed during unrest in Wisconsin. What do we know about Kyle Rittenhouse?
After a black man, Jacob Blake, was shot seven times in the back by a police officer in Kenosha, Wisconsin, in August 2020, two nights of rioting erupted.
(“black man” his colour seems important to the bbc)
On the third night, 17-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse fired on three men with a military-style semi-automatic rifle, killing two and seriously injuring a third.
(colour of three men not mentioned here)
(military style ? what does that even mean? the military use guns we know that)
He was arrested at his mother’s home in Antioch, Illinois, some 30 minutes from Kenosha. A day later he was charged with one count of first-degree intentional homicide and one count of first-degree reckless homicide.
(keep banging on about the arrest and charges in detail, despite his being found innocent)
Videos indicate he spent hours on Tuesday apparently helping patrol the streets. He told journalists it was his “job” to guard buildings and even offer medical assistance to protesters.
(“apparently”, but the videos prove what he said, and a jury accepts this but only “apparently to the biased bbc)
Before dropping out of high school, he participated in cadet programmes with the fire department and police.
(“Before dropping out of high school”, snide reference there and unlike our black victims of drug turf wars who are all, despite complete lack of education, all “promising footballers” etc)
(St George Floyd was a “family man”)
etc etc etc
Perhaps one of the dead being a convicted paedophile having assaulted several preteen children might have something to do with it too.
BBC George Floyd trial:
Jurors took less than a day to reach their unanimous verdict, finding Chauvin guilty on all three charges: second-degree murder, third-degree murder and manslaughter.
“unanimous”, “verdict”
words missing from the other story, instead we have “cleared”
Why the difference ?
Just a note here on The latest stupidity about banning MPs from having second jobs and why it’s a really bad thing, and why the media would support it.
Labour MPs are sponsored by Union, senior ones can receive large fees, and rumour suggests Angela Rayner received £180K in just 3 months of this year.
Conservative MPs on the other hand are normally backed by companies who do this by giving them directorships, which are effectively legally second jobs, even if they never even work an hour for their ’employer’.
Banning second jobs is effectively going to defund the Tory parties MPs and constituencies and plays right into the hands of the Left.
Simple – take away the union funding as well . Cut both lots down to £80k … or pay them more but cut their pensions – deffo ban all second jobs – including lawyers and doctors …and end the peerage if only to remove one strand of corruption .
True, the left are able to hide behind puppet charities and well funded campaign groups such as Soros. That won’t stop as most for the funding is called ‘expenses’ notable as exceptionally generous to those that appear on the BBC promoting the prized issue of the day i.e the conservative are on the take, whilst the BBC and sundry staffers would never dream of…
Phillip – the thing that gets me most is that they are paid substantially more than the people they represent .
I would put in a requirement to spend a minimum time in their constituency every month with disqualification as a potential penalty .
If they don’t like it – they can find another job which will obviously pay them more money – hopefully not public …..
And of course – banning family members from being employees of MPs …
£180K sounds like a donation to her election fund
rather than a straight salary payment.
Tories have similar.
In the Rittenhouse story not a single mention of his self defense account
and a bbc correction at the end of the “story”:
Correction 9th October 2020: This article was amended in the hours after publication to give a more detailed account of the sequence of events and make clear that Kyle Rittenhouse was seen on video being pursued by a group of people before the first shooting.
don’t you love the deceit that comes with a BBC “correction” ?
try seeking your favourite Rittenhouse story on NewsSniffer
Kindof makes you wonder how they define a correction.
FFS BBC corrections do not belong at the end of a story
Put them at the beginning.
Alastair Stewart
Patrick Christys tweets
Another important report on grooming gangs in Rotherham from @kevin_larkin @GBNEWS will not let this story drop.
The problem hasn’t gone away, and neither will we.
Tuesday Two items of London Terrorism
#1 A man is due in court tomorrow (Tuesday, 23 November) charged with terrorism offences
Mohammad Zubair Khan, 21 , of west London, was charged on Monday, 22 November with eight counts of dissemination of terrorist material (contrary to Section 2 of the
.. A second man, aged 19, was arrested and detained under Section 41 of the Terrorism Act 2000 as part of the same investigation
#2 Officers from the Met’s Counter Terrorism Command arrested a 52-year-old man at an address in west London on Monday, 22 November.
The man was arrested on suspicion of collecting information likely to be useful to a person preparing an act of terrorism (contrary to Section 58 of the Terrorism Act 2000).
released on police bail until a date in late December.
That image is from Getty Images
“Roommates eating pizza – stock photo
Close up of a group of roommates eating pizza”
First label : Diversity Photos
next : Multiracial Group Photos
Next : Flatmate Photos, Person in Education Photos. Pizza Photos
Next : Asian and Indian Ethnicities Photos,
… African Ethnicity Photos
BBC label it : “Double jabbed people are catching Covid and passing it on to those they live with, warn experts who have studied UK household cases.”
Just heard some deeply troubling news that whilst China is threatening Taiwan and Russia is rattling sabres over Ukraine, and Iran is quietly working to become a nuclear power Biden is making ever growing steps to destroy the United States ability to even defend itself let alone project power around the globe.
The Democrats have made the insane decision that all officers in the military have to have a covid vaccine or leave (be sacked). This does not extend to the men and NCOs.
In other words the entire command and control of the US military is likely to be so badly compromised that it will be unable to function.
This is on top of a lack of combat training because of the crazed prioritisation of ‘diversity’ training over combat training.
We are witnessing the most evil ideology the world has ever seen – one which has killed more people than any other destroying the USA before our eyes.
ITV local news
A councillor from East Yorkshire has agreed to pay SUBSTANTIAL damages
to Jeremy Corbyn
after he tweeted a fake photo of the former labour leader at the scene of the Liverpool terror attack.
I doubt the “substantial” bit, I think it’s a safe facing word
I predicted it would not go to court.
But I didn’t expect this
I reckons Labour have said
“we have got unlimited lawyers boy, so settle now”
If it had gone to court the question is what would the reputational damage to a national politician who has proven meetings with terrorist groups, if a local councillor retweeted a joke meme about it ?
and that would’ve been close to zero.
So I reckon the word “substantial” is a face-saving thing to cover that the actual secret settlement is small say £500-2,000″
The councillor also greed to raise £10K for local charities.
Of course the proportion is offensive
as once again a rushed tweet is seen as more worth
that 5 years of horror for a grooming gang victim.
ITV local news tweeted this
but I didn’t see it mentioned on the TV version
“The Independent Office for Police Conduct has said that police need to do more to support survivors of child sex abuse in Rotherham.”
“The Independent Office for Police Conduct has said that police need to do more to support survivors of child sex abuse in Rotherham.”
Correction Stew.
The police need to do more to punish, prevent and deport the perpetrators!
ITV local news had long item about LGBT teachers programmes
Probably based about this
\\On Monday night, Lord Frost reiterated a warning that the UK would achieve free trade within its borders “one way or the other”.//
Not Al Beeb but GB News …………………
This should have been done 5 years ago!
It is starting sicken me that despite the murders by the anti-Trump, BLM supporter Darrell Brooks almost certainly being linked to racism, the BBC (and the MSM in general) are not mentioning either his colour or his ‘politics’ even though they are significant to the story.
Just imagine the uproar if he was a Trump supporter who deliberately ran over 40 completely innocent black people. It would be ‘Daniel Brooks, who is white, …’.
Are they even aware how biased and racist this is ? – or what a wedge they are driving through society by doing it ?. Do they seriously think this is how to force us all to feel ‘equal’ ?.
And how did Brooks’ social media accounts get deleted so quickly to hide his politcial and racial views from us ?. They were gone before his name was released.
It all stinks to high heaven. And they are getting away with it because they control what the general public see. Welcome to the latest version of fascism from the Left. Though I have to admit I’m completely baffled to what their ‘end game’ is with this. I suspect the motivation is simply spite at the Right after Trump and Brexit.
Fox news thank goodness:
Attempts at criminal bail reform that put violent offenders like Waukesha suspect Darrell Brooks Jr. out on the street at low or no cost is endangering communities around the country, according to experts on criminal justice and law enforcement.
Police in cities including Milwaukee, New York, Chicago and Los Angeles are facing understaffing and low morale — in part due to such policies, according to Betsy Brantner Smith, a retired police sergeant and spokesperson for the National Police Association.
“These extremely liberal prosecutors who want to talk about restorative justice, and what that means is is that we are putting the public in danger by trying to give these people too many opportunities to re-offend,” she said. “It’s incredibly frustrating for law enforcement, and it’s just absolutely dangerous for our communities.”
How we can stop The Blob: The vaccine tsar is right – our stultifying civil service has been holding Britain back for years.
“Nothing guarantees failure like handing a huge job to the civil service.
But don’t take my word for it. Yesterday, Dame Kate herself launched an astonishing attack on ‘groupthink and risk aversion’ that bedevils the British civil service.
She bemoaned the ‘devastating lack of skills and experience in science, industry and manufacturing’ — and vividly declared that ‘the machinery of government is dominated by process, rather than outcome, causing delay and inertia’.
Talk to any minister and they will regale you with stories about how civil servants simply refuse to follow up on instructions — and there is nothing the minister can do about it.
It is infuriating to watch Home Secretary Priti Patel trying everything she can to stop the waves of migrant boats landing on the English South coast every day, while Whitehall responds at a snail’s pace or, it has been alleged, strangles her ideas at birth without offering alternatives.
In any business, an underling who refused again and again to follow orders would be sacked. Not so in Whitehall. There, the system is designed to outlast its political masters. ”
But if you’ve had anything to do with Government directly, you quickly realise that its manned in the same ratio as the BBC now man with foreigners some of which, cannot understand simple English. What can you expect?