G, membership of the Euro is also a pre-requisite of (re-)joining the EU. I can’t think that would go down too well with the population of the UK in a second Referendum. But then, on the other hand ….
An important post taff.
Leaving the European Convention on Human Rights and the jurisdiction of its Court has been talked about by ‘our’ side for years, e.g. by Nigel Farage. Well done to Michael Heaver for highlighting this issue again. Unfortunately, our MPs, whether through ignorance or fear, are under the thumb and ‘direction’ of Whitehall civil servants in all matters. The most treacherous of these work for the Foreign Office and spread their tentacles far and wide (the new Foreign Sec. Truss will defer to them in all things as she did to the fraudsters at the Ministry of Justice). Additionally all human rights lawyers are joined at the hip with the ECHR – no doubt many see a lucrative future there. The EU itself has not even signed or ratified the European Convention on Human Rights here despite demanding we remain part of it as a condition of the trade treaty with them.
Not connected, but we have a similar problem with civil servants still pushing us by fair means or foul into the ever expanding EU Defence Union (Pesco, CARD and the EDF), see here and the second part of Jeff Taylor’s commentary here from 7:36.
Nothing to do with the BBC perhaps; except real journalists could bother to investigate. All these people coming over in dinghies. I don’t suppose they travel across Europe with £3,000 stuffed in their back pocket. How are the traffickers being paid? Are they being paid by others, possibly of the socialist persuasion? Is it by bank transfer? Could the banks not stop the movement of money linked to trafficking. The banks are quick enough to demand what I use my own money for if I ask for £1,000 in cash. And why don’t the asylum seekers if they can raise so much cash, not catch a flight from Paris and claim they have come to the U.K. for a holiday. Perhaps this sort of journalism is too hard for the BBC.
You appear more concerned about the lives of the invading army than the lives of the people of Great Britain. Have you and your chums paid the telly tax yet, or do you get it free?
Why don’t ‘asylum’ seekers claim asylum in France?
And if everyone decided not to bother paying for food by just popping to the food bank, demanding food and therefore keeping their cash in their pockets how long would that last Mr or Mrs Maxi?
We need a 70% tax on the disposable income (including student grants, benefits and pensions) of all those who support illegal immigrants to the UK (AKA benefit seekers) to help pay for them
The first BAME in the Royal Family, already given up working, proven lies, bullying other staff and claiming racism, and, of course championed by the racist bbc.
Long live diversity, get ready its coming to the rest of the UK soon, every person in every workplace walking on eggshells with lawyers waiting in the wings rubbing their hands.
“Palace lawyers are on standby for bombshell Megxit documentary: Royal Family has not ruled out taking action against the BBC over ‘unfounded and overblown claims’ in The Princes and The Press programme”
“The Left love lockdowns – and few more so than the longtime communist who’s one of the BBC’s favourite ‘experts’
So who did the BBC line up as its first and only ‘expert’ to pass instant judgment on the Prime Minister’s televised announcement on Saturday of measures to address the new Omicron Covid variant?
Professor Susan Michie, that’s who. Michie was highly critical of what she saw as the inadequacy of the Government’s response,
She has been, for the past 43 years, an active member of the Communist Party of Britain.
Last year, when criticising the extent to which the UK did not completely emulate the approach of the Chinese Communist Party, she tweeted: ‘China has a socialist collective system . . . not an individualistic, consumer-oriented, profit-driven society badly damaged by 20 years of failed neo-liberal economic policies #LearnLessons.’
“In fact, it is the diehard acolytes of the former Labour leader who constitute the parliamentary membership of the Zero Covid Coalition, which says it is ‘jointly convened by Diane Abbott (formerly Corbyn’s Shadow Home Secretary) and the Morning Star’ — the daily newspaper of the British Communist Party.
It is unsurprising that politicians on the Leftmost fringes of the Labour Party and medical figures with similar opinions should advocate a ‘zero-Covid’ policy (which is as realistic as a ‘zero-flu policy’).
They are completely unconcerned about the havoc this would cause to businesses. Because if you think that profits are inherently ‘unfair’, why would you mind if firms were plunged into yet more losses?
“Why not just put workers all on furlough again, and let the taxpayer take the strain?
Or, as Isabel Diaz Ayuso, the president of Madrid’s regional authority, observed when attacking Spain’s equivalent of the Zero Covid Campaign, many on the hard Left ‘think that citizens are better off locked up in their homes and living off subsidies’.
Bipartisan lawmakers urge SEC to review Unilever filings over Ben & Jerry’s Israel boycott
Ben and Jerry’s announced in July it would no longer sell products in Israel
“In the interests of shareholders, consumers, and public policy, we believe it is appropriate for the SEC to take steps to ensure the full disclosure of all information necessary to make Unilever’s filings in compliance with the rules and regulations of the United States’ SEC,” the letter stated, Jewish Insider reported.
“Unilever is a widely held company with a current market capitalization of $135 billion, which places in jeopardy the manifold United States institutions, pension funds, and endowments which hold its shares on behalf of its beneficiaries,” the letter continued, the New York Post reported. “We believe that these actions require the SEC to request that the regulatory filings of Unilever be amended to disclose the material risk factors.”
“Migrant crisis: Lack of co-operation will lead to worse scenes in Channel, warns Priti Patel”
The EU don’t care. They are using the invasion as a tool to punish us for daring to Brexit. They hope that the continuing invasion will destabilise Great Britain . It will if we don’t get a true leader who will defend our shores .
I must confess, I thought long and hard about the Pfizer booster following two AZ first and second jabs. I finally went for it recently. I’ve now learnt about the mNRA vaccines (aka Pfizer) and the suggested 11 – 24% coronary risks. Funny that, I’ve lived through a weekend of Angina like symptoms – first since 1999 when I first had a series of heart attacks leading to a 3x by-pass in 2000.
My instincts were to ignore the mNRA booster and rely on my unused hoard of Ivermectin if needed. Will I regret acting otherwise?
GTN spray at the ready………….
Would I go to hospital/call ambulance? No fear, equally as dangerous.
The secret NHS protocols for those reporting vaccine injury involve a 12 element process of ‘partial’ removal of the ‘vaccine’.
One of the main constituents of this is Ivermectin.
Arizona university students demand administration to ‘withdraw’ Kyle Rittenhouse: ‘killer off our campus’
The groups claim Kyle Rittenhouse is a ‘violent blood-thirsty murderer’
The Arizona State University Students for Socialism, Students for Justice in Palestine, Multicultural Solidarity Coalition, and MECHA de ASU are all calling on the Arizona State University administration to take action against Rittenhouse by withdrawing him from the university and releasing a statement against him.
The four groups are calling him “Murderer Kyle Rittenhouse.”
“Even with a not-guilty verdict from a flawed ‘justice’ system – Kyle Rittenhouse is still guilty to his victims and the families of those victims,” the demand letter states. “Join us to demand from ASU that those demands be met to protect students from a violent blood-thirsty murderer.”
Fellow students can rest safely in their beds, Kyle Rittenhouse will be a millionaire soon following defamation cases so no use in any longer rubbing shoulders with the Communists . That’s Free Enterprise for you.
No names .. I guess they’ll come 24 hours after arrest The van was travelling from Luton, towards Chatham Hill, and the pedestrian, a man in his 40s, was on the footpath.
He is from the Medway area and was declared dead at the scene.
An unknown number of occupants are known to have fled on foot, however a 45-year-old man from Spalding, Lincolnshire, was arrested at the scene. He was detained on suspicion of causing death by dangerous driving
Later an additional two men, aged 25 and 35 and from Chatham, were later also arrested on suspicion of causing death by dangerous driving.
As the Commons standards committee prepares to publish its review of the MPs’ code of conduct, Labour is calling for an overhaul of the system. Deputy leader Angela Rayner will reveal the party’s plans later, which come as ministers’ conduct was brought to the forefront in recent weeks following an attempt to change the current system. After a backlash, the government swiftly scrapped its proposal which would have prevented former Tory MP Owen Paterson being suspended. This was despite the standards watchdog finding him in breach of lobbying rules. In her speech, Ms Rayner will say ministers should be banned from work relating to their past job for five years after leaving government. Labour argues the current system doesn’t work and it has failed to prevent what it describes as government corruption. But the government says it’s committed to “reinforcing high standards” of conduct in public life.
A full Labour says special.
Sky has her and Gordo. Well, they said they were, then deleted it.
As the fleet crosses the Indian Ocean, the political situation in France becomes more charged. At a press conference about the crisis, a French official who offers a speech in praise of the refugees is confronted by a journalist who claims he is merely trying to “feed the invaders” and demands to know if France will “have the courage to stand up to” the migrants when they reach France. The official decries this question as morally offensive and threatens to throw the journalist out when he continues to yell. Other journalists seek to inflame tensions between the French and Africans and Arabs already living in the country. Over time, these journalists begin to write that the migrant fleet is on a mission to “enrich, cleanse and redeem the Capitalist West”. At the same time as the fleet is praised by those in Paris, the people of Southern France, terrified of the migrants’ arrival, flee to the north. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Camp_of_the_Saints#Plot
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Charter one of the unused holiday cruise liners and moor it up somewhere handy (like North Africa?…..) and keep them on board.
I just wonder what bizarre little bubble the people at the BBC live in to think these warrant a place on the front page of the’British Broadcasting Corporation’.
Someones fish curry overheating in the microwave / garlic bread burning in toaster no doubt (often happened when I had the misfortune to work at a local authority in London (never again), as so many vibrant people turned up loaded with tupperware boxes, the first hour of “work” was like a bloody eat all you can buffet, unbelievable stench in an open plan office, with customers on the phones ringing away unanswered)
Many turning up after 9am still apparently unable to manage making themselves breakfast at home, the non vibrant white (wimmin, all of them) sitting all around you munching away on bowls of cornflakes.
Also sitting in morning meetings shovelling food in their mouths whilst talking.
The ubiquitous hot desking meaning lucky to find an available worksation without food stains and grease all over the keyboard and desk
“A joint statement released by Buckingham Palace, Clarence House and Kensington Palace, and shown at the end of part one, said that the BBC had given “credibility” to “overblown and unfounded claims”.”
Scroblene – I care less about royal tiffs . But I think the use of the ‘mysogeny ‘ accusation to shield the half caste American actress doesn’t do anyone favours . Harry Windsor sure knew how to pick them …
the BBC had given “credibility” to “overblown and unfounded claims”.”
This was as a result of a technical error during editing. The sentence actually relates to their coverage of the Omicron cash cow for Pfizer virus variant.
Back where it belongs, the Guardian frontpage tops the BBC online press line up.
And of course neither BBC nor Guardian ever questioned a lockdown or vaccine measure they didn’t approve: ‘Booster scheme may be widened today to tackle Omicron spread‘
But Guardian, just a fews hours back you were telling us: ‘BioNTech says it could tweak Covid vaccine in 100 days if needed. Company says it will know in two weeks whether current Pfizer jab is effective against Omicron variant‘
When in doubt, ask a teacher: ‘“Any uncertainty will add to the sense of continuing jeopardy” Paul Whiteman NAHT headteacher’s union‘ – for the phrase continuing jeopardy read fear – which is, naturally, the point the authorities want to put across here.
The classic nostalgic home front slogan keep clam and carry on would these days be tweeked to read shit a brick and do as you’re told.
There is always some other headline news to be found out there: ‘Strictly judge has hair extentions at 61‘ (Daily Mail)
But above all don’t worry yourselves about any nasty conditions other than the main lurgy – or supposed varient thereof: ‘Why should I stop caring about my looks just because I have cancer?‘ – says the Mail in the feature they entitle ‘Inspire. Starts page 41‘
The Times too has an oddly worded and peculiar pitch for a feature: ‘Why children need fear. Times Christmas Charity Appeal‘ – charity begins at home they say, and that is exactly where the authorities are itching to lock us.
Look on the bright side: ‘How the pandemic boosted women’s careers‘ (Times) – the feminists certainly march from strength to strength in this the ultimate man flu.
When complaining of one’s lot, there’s always someone out there who has it worse than ourselves: ‘Dozens trapped in pub for third night after 5ft blizzard‘ (Daily Star) – if only we could call back all those climate experts who were over here recently at that COP26 thing.
By the way, although the Daily Star thinks this a jolly good wheeze: ‘Make mine a snowball please, landlord‘ – the scenario sounds to me like the plot to Agatha Christie’s play The Mouse Trap – and that dragged on not for three nights but for 68 years… until: ‘16 March 2020, when the stage performances had to be discontinued due to the COVID-19 pandemic‘ – just to correct the Wiki… until Lockdown measures.
Thoroughly sick to the back teeth with the coof we turn to a little something I’m going to dub Culture Notes.
The Day The Earth Caught Fire [1961] a black and white British grown up oriented disaster yarn directed by Val Guest. Back in the days when we couldn’t seem to learn to – stop worrying and love the bomb – this one has atomic tests cause the earth to be knocked off its axis and start closing in on the sun. Is this the end – or another beginning? runs the ambiguous tag line.
You want trans global climate change weather weirding footage, care of the SFX department and for this low budget production the newsreel footage library – this one has it in spades. The mysteriously subsequently disappeared without trace actor Edward Judd plays the disillusioned divorced dipso journo at the real life Daily Express. Keep the news positive orders his editor as climate armageddon approaches. The Express headline today mind you reads: ‘Vaccine makers: we CAN defeat omicron varient‘ – I digress.
Of interest to us here beside early 1960s Fleet Street is the reaction of the authorities to the emergency. By wonderful coincidence you will perhaps only recall Edward Judd’s career by remembering one of those 1970s public information films – he was the chap that tub thumped “Think Once, Think Twice Think Bike!”
In the movie as temperatures rise water becomes as rare and sought after as NHS staff capacity around Christmas. The authorities in the film of course come up with a slogan. “Water is Life. Save It”
Also – and not a lot of people know this – a young Michael Caine appears in the film as a cameo policeman who mans a road block as law and order begin to break down in the panic hit British capital: “I wouldn’t go up to Chelsea, they’re all going mad up there!” – one has to smile at the gang of teenaged beatniks rampaging through the streets, led by a jazz band.
Constant catastrophizing will tend to drive the young a bit crazy. Perhaps our headtechers should work to dispel children’s fears?
BBC: ‘A boy, 14, has been charged with murdering a 12-year-old girl who was stabbed to death in Liverpool‘
'We told French police that our boat was sinking. They said we were in British waters, so we rang the British… and they told us to call the French': The shocking account of one of the two survivors of the Channel migrant tragedyhttps://t.co/N6DkJIjdNH
What is it about so many people from the Middle East that gives them such a highly developed sense of victimhood?
You paid a dodgy vicious criminal smuggler, you got on a flimsy floaty thing that looks like a mattress, you agreed to cross the Channel, one of the busiest and most dangerous waterways in Europe in the middle of winter mate!
Prince Harry admits ‘sometimes I’m so worried I can’t get out of bed in morning’
Duke of Sussex admits problems of the world weigh him down on royal tour to South Africa
ByRussell MyersRoyal editor
22:42, 24 Sep 2019
Dear Marianna Spring (BBC wages paid under threat of prosecution),
As I’ve had to look at your BBC news and use other sources to determine that your news is not news but selective editorial opinion I’d like to request that I have a refund for the last 4 years plus get the BBC free from now on.
Please let me know how I can go about this as I am willing to create a full list of articles that I’ve had to investigate plus time taken for me to check your fact checker whilst realising that the BBC intentionally removes news rather than incorrectly report on it, uses images to sway opinion or misleads with the main titles hoping no one reads the full article.
‘Omission is the greatest form of lie.’
CAS-4987700-SY1FTF : BBC NewsWatch says boredom with pro-Brexit march.
CAS-4844672-N8FDYY: Update on the MP Expenses 2009 scandal in 2018.
CAS-4939547-J71Z1V: Here’s hoping Ireland do the right thing G.Lineker.
CAS-4937378-YKMWBJ: BBC not reporting ‘Day of Freedom’ March 06may2018.
CAS-4906141-BFJQL0: I take offence that presenters promote their books.
CAS-4892811-C820SC: I am offended that I have to pay the BBC TV Tax.
CAS-4824332-633N1P: What happened in Italy was not covered …
CAS-4933135-ZV3V7F: The omission is the most powerful form of lie …
CAS-6005141-S1V9D1: Not seen a report on the UK Governments Covid19
Let me know how to go about resolving the issue of paying for something that wastes my time as I have to check each story rather than rely on its accuracy.
I think the BBC defence is E&OM (Errors and Ommisions) which is legal speak for mistakes. The problem for the BBC is that they are mostly deliberate with little or no research to back up the claim.
Another hurdle is the BBC Charter which gives the BBC explicit license to bullshit, and be protected by parliament as a ‘protected’ species of staffers. Every FOI complaint refers to the journalistic integrity of the BBC guaranteed by parliament without recourse to legal liability or prosecution. The BBC has breached its charter on numerous occasions. It is valid in name only, that is why OFCOM was asked to vet the BBC pending Saville investigations and ‘other’ infringements of ‘competition’ against rival commercial radio and TV which they tend to ‘copy’ format and use its monopoly position to abuse.
TOADY Watch #1 – the SNP may have a struggle but the BBC will do their best to help
Cosy little chat with John Swinney, Deputy Leader of the SNP, and Nick Robinson after the prime interview slot had been handled by The Bee Lady. Nick tried to act tough with Swinney but the gentleness compared to when Nick interviews a Conservative Government Minister was apparent. England has three detected cases of the so-called ‘new Omicron’ mutation of Covid-19. (Which isn’t Covid-19 and is really ‘Bird influenza’ a.k.a. SARS-Cov-2 according to a scientist interviewed in the first hour of the programme.)
Scotland and the SNP have to do twice as well as the English. So Swinney told us proudly that Scotland has six cases of Omicron but some have no connection with South Africa. Viruses mutate at random and develop the same strain elsewhere. Who knew? Not the ‘scientists’, obviously, that has been peculiarly absent from all their talk and also from BBC questioning for the last year and a half.
It appears the Scottish public may be cooling to the idea of independence and being tied to the EU by Nicola StEUrgeon. Difficulties over controlling borders and boarders and a wee lack of oil and gas wealth now that NetZero is a new target and coal is the big boogey-man in a non-Climate Changed very cold Scotland are going to make a ‘YES’ vote in an Independence ReferendEUm difficult to obtain.
The BBC can be almost guaranteed to do their best to help the SNP with their objective.
Up2 – I’d switched off by then . But on Scottish independence – the focus is always on the ( 7 million ) Scots and not the 50 million English .
The SNP will want to give the referendum vote to every one over 10 – a first sticking point. But even more importantly is the potential independence relationship between the republic of Scotland and England .
I mean – the border – the currency – the Money – which I think the MSM avoids as much as possible and jusr concentrates on a braveheaet hatred of the English .
Then add EU / NATO – nuclear bases – and its a real fight …..
I think now that oil is a banned substance the maths of Scotland being separate in no way stacks up however the sums are done . But maybe Scot’s will live with cuts to welfare as the price of ‘freedom ‘….
Don’t forget gas, too, Fed. The Scots make some money on that and before coal was the ‘new’ boogey-man, it was gas for a while. Perfidious Albion could always push asylum seekers over the land border into Scotland and Nicola SturgEUon has always welcomed immigration until now. The problem she and the SNP now face on that is threefold; what if there is a business and ‘brain drain’ into England, what if Scots do not like ‘the diversity and enrichment’ of the Highlands and Islands and the cost of that ‘diversity and enrichment’ to the Scottish NHS and education system.
Both of the last named are failing at present and although Nick pressed John Swinney on those issues the lack of persistent questioning spoke volumes about IndyRef2 and the BBC.
The irony is – we could land up re running the argument about a ‘solid border ‘ in a similar way to the EU/Eire is playing out in Northern Ireland – but with out the terrorists … particularly if there is a Scottish currency to accord with the new independence – let’s call it the Euro ….
Personally – I’m for a fully independent Scotland – with a solid border …. Separate passports – visiting visas – a separate currency .
Meanwhile England can do a deal with Shetland and its’ oil …
LBC : Ferrari had a very cosy chat with well know Covid guru Saint Gordon Brown
Meanwhile BBC local radio vox pops seem magic
in the way the microphone accidentally only bumps into members of the public who are absolute mask fanatics.
Just when everybody was piling in on his peppa pig speech and we’re all wondering if he was ‘all right’ along comes this weeks variant to grab the headlines.
A milder (so South Africa reckons) variant so the politicians use it to exercise their control over us by bringing back some old favourites.
The bbbc is delighted and amongst all their pro more control covid ‘experts’ we have Emma Hobday who I’ve never heard anything positive from since covid began. Today she is obviously happy that covid restrictions are coming back but she’s disappointed that face masks are only for shops and public transport.
After the 3 weeks (to show us they can bring in any control measures they want) they will get a nice headline when they admit, sorry, tell us, that this variant, like every other variant, isn’t the game changer they were threatening us it was.
However, they’ve tested their powers and found they can do what they want so now, at any time, they can say “lockdown” if they say there’s another variant.
Considering this virus is consistently changing they can lockdown any time they want. They now know they can get away with it.
Next thing is to try it with a flu variant or whatever.
They want children masked in schools.
When I was young parents used to take us to chicken pox (I think) parties to catch it while young when it had less effect but gave antibodies for later protection.
I would have thought that the same would apply to our children.
Mix them all together and have the lot catch covid and then they will be immune.
It’s better than vaccinating them (although Pfizer might lose a bit of profit)
From 17 August 2020 until 26 June 2021, Adviser and Member of J.P. Morgan EMEA Advisory Council, J.P. Morgan Securities plc, 25 Bank Street, Canary Wharf, London E14 5JP. For providing advice on the global economy, major industries and geo-politics, I received £150,000 a year, paid biannually. Hours: 80-96 hrs a year. I consulted ACoBA about this appointment. (Registered 01 September 2020; updated 21 July 2021)
From 22 October 2020 until 26 June 2021, Adviser to C3.ai (enterprise AI software provider), 1300 Seaport Boulevard, Redwood City, California, CA 94063. For providing advice on the global economy, geo-politics and market opportunities, I received £151,835 per annum, paid monthly, plus an option for 666.7 common shares per month (with a current approximate market value of £45,000). Hours: 80-96 hrs annually (10-12 days a year). I consulted ACoBA about this appointment. (Registered 10 November 2020; updated 07 December 2020, 21 December 2020 and 21 July 2021)
Tony Blair resigns as Middle East peace envoy
This article is more than 6 years old
Former British PM has written to UN chief to confirm resignation from job he took in 2007
People dont live to the same standards as others when they’re from a war torn or 3rd world country.
I get why, but i think we should do more to try to help to improve there living standards in their own country, but how much help, how far do we go.
and with the current migrant crisis, i see the media and political figures are skirting over the fact that, none of these people making the journey across the channel are fleeing war or persecution, they’re coming here for FREEBIES, you cant pick and choose the country you want to go live in, they should stay in the first safe country they land in.
The Tigris and the Euphrates have been trashed, no one would want to drink from either of them by the time they reach Baghdad, but whose fault is that?
What about the quality of life for the people already living HERE? Keep cramming more in and we’ll have problems with our supply of food and (clean drinking) water too.
Surely, the answer is to fix the problems in your own country, not to force your way into someone else’s, that’s called an invasion, or colonisation, and both are supposed to be frowned upon these days.
Ben Walker, UKIP’s national party chairman, has released his strong words as to why they are putting up a candidate.
He said: “Having checked the history of standing aside to give the incumbent party a free-run at a seat they held, I can tell you that there is simply no precedent. This occurred for the first time when Jo Cox MP was murdered.
“How is it right to give the Conservative Party a free ticket to shoehorn in a candidate to the seat of Sir David Amess.
“We are the only party willing to be honest about his death rather than mask it with woke words and ‘respect’ for fear of upsetting the ever-growing do-gooder contingent who plague the UK’s establishment and media.
“Instead of defending our country, the government and political class do everything they can to facilitate and enable illegal immigrants’ entry and settlement to the detriment of three million people already on social housing waiting lists across the country and the British taxpayer.
Rest assured that their candidate Steve will be even more under fire than he already is for highlighting the Channel invaders. He is just a normal chap who is brave enough to speak out publicly.
Theresa May could have re-iterated this at the U.N. meeting … “Because when immigration is too high (no figure given), when the pace of change is too fast, it’s impossible to build a cohesive society. It’s difficult for schools and hospitals and core infrastructure like housing and transport to cope. And we know that for people in low-paid jobs, wages are forced down even further while some people are forced out of work altogether. … So there is no case, in the national interest, for immigration of the scale we have experienced over the last decade.”
Theresa May as Home Secretary // Speech to the Conservative Party Conference – in full / 06.10.2015
… rather than more internet security. {bbc.co.uk 20sep2017}
There is a convention that The Speaker’s seat isn’t contested.
That has never seemed to be right to me, why should the constituency be denied its right to vote for a representative?
I am sure all MPs claim to believe in democracy and should one of them be killed while in service it dishonours their belief if only one party stands.
Having said that one could argue that an MP is elected for a full term and should they be unable to complete that term as a result of resignation or death a substitute should be appointed. If we used that priciple then we could save the expense of holding an election, wasted money if there is only one candidate.
There is no way that the French will allow British police or border personnel to patrol their northern coastline to stop the migrants.
If we were allowed there I would bet we would stop almost all the boats and in doing so we would show up the French police/border force as completely useless.
When we show them how to do it they would have no excuse for their failures.
They would not allow them to be humiliated so we will never be able to do this.
I actually think that our ordinary feet on the ground police and border force personnel are a quite honest and decent lot who would do their jobs conscientiously.
It’s the higher ups that might spoil it.
They probably want migrants as seemingly all politicians do and they would be open to bungs to make sure the feet on the ground were in the wrong place.
Put someone with the stature of Farage in charge and he would weed out the rotten ones.
Mind, even with bent people we would still stop far more than the useless frenchies.
Jussie Smollett's criminal trial for staging a hoax hate crime against himself and filing false police reports begins tomorrow, and I am reminded of this incredible tweet. pic.twitter.com/C6byt5Gs4O
TOADY Watch #2 – the BBC gets careless with the truth – once
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – the BBC gets careless with the truth – again
The subject during the first hour of the programme was Barbadian (Bajan) independence. It was stated by Celestina Olulode on radio – and is again mentioned in this web article https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/world-latin-america-59438437 that Barbados has been hit badly by Covid-19.
Not so.
Barbados has a population of about 290,000 but Covid-19 infections of 24,000 (rounding up the Johns Hopkins numbers https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-51235105) which means that less than 8.5% of the population have had Covid. Compare that to
Trinidad (popn. 1.3m, infections 66,000 – IR 5%) then it looks bad until you look at the IFR (Infection Fatality Rate) for Trini & Tobago which is twice that of Barbados.
Move further up the Covid chart to the top you have the US in No.1 spot with a population of about 333,000,000 and infections of 47,500,000 (14% IR) and an IFR over three times that of Barbados.
The ‘BBC narrative on Covid’ is pushing lies to the public that the listener who is ignorant of the facts or cannot be bothered to check readily available data will be inclined to accept. Especially when Gordon Brown is given air-time by the BBC to push his ‘narrative’ that the whole world should be vaccinated because “Nobody is safe until we are all safe.”. Not true, Gordon. It appears Covid-19 (a.k.a. SARS-Cov-2, a.k.a. Bird ‘Flu’) appears to be very much a ‘white mans’ disease.
Whither ‘omicron’ as an African variant? Doesn’t look like it.
Julie Burchill : Why I Loathe The Woke: Puritanical Joyless Snobs Who Despise the Working Class
It’s a book plug, but good
.. https://youtu.be/uQktUT_avj4
World Government = New WHOrld Order
WHO tweets .. https://twitter.com/WHO/status/1465280619219505154 “If countries can unite to negotiate a treaty against:
-the human-made threat of Smoking symbol
-the destructive potential of nuclear, chemical & biological weapons
-the existential threat of #ClimateChange
-& many other threats to our shared security & well-being…”
“…Then surely the time has come for countries to agree on
a common, binding approach to a common threat
that we cannot fully control nor prevent
– a threat that comes from our relationship with nature itself”
-@DrTedros #WHASpecial #PandemicTreaty
NOW – WHO's Tedros claims "the time has come for countries to agree on a common binding approach to a common threat" amid #Omicron variant. pic.twitter.com/cHbtbI5VQj
Robert Mugabe removed as WHO goodwill ambassador after outcry
This article is more than 4 years old
World Health Organization chief says he has listened to concerns over appointment of Zimbabwean president
Robert Mugabe.
Robert Mugabe. Photograph: Themba Hadebe/AP
Staff and agencies
Sun 22 Oct 2017 13.18
The fact that who murdered him is totally absent from the article is as loud as a foghorn to the experienced BBC observer.
I short google search soon confirmed my suspicions why:
Louis De Zoysa
‘He was allegedly flagged to the Home Office’s Prevent deradicalisation programme two years ago over claims he had extreme Islamist and right wing views’
Climate Crisis …
First up, we have these sparkly trees in Japan. This is in Tokyo’s shopping district, Marunouchi, where approximately 300 LED trees are lighting the streets this winter. The trees are made up of approximately 1.2 million LEDs!
atlas_shruggedJan 14, 13:24 Start the Week 13th January 2025 > — people who felt their concerns had not been properly addressed by experts or the medical profession Bwaaa Haa…
Terminal MoraineJan 14, 12:55 Start the Week 13th January 2025 C19 Inquiry is starting again today with “Module 4: Vaccines and Therapeutics”. It is supposed to cover: — individuals who…
MarkyMarkJan 14, 12:54 Start the Week 13th January 2025 “Sir Keir Starmer has appointed Michael Ellam, a former adviser to Gordon Brown, to lead his reset negotiations with the…
Terminal MoraineJan 14, 12:46 Start the Week 13th January 2025 “…employers could face legal action if they fail to protect staff from harassment by ‘third parties’ such as customers. The…
Eddy BoothJan 14, 12:41 Start the Week 13th January 2025 Byron Donalds isn’t correct, Biden wasn’t exposed at the debate, it was no worse than anything else we’d seem over…
Terminal MoraineJan 14, 12:38 Start the Week 13th January 2025 Well that was quick. Starmer reveals his grand plans yesterday and the BBC sections ‘Future of Business’ and ‘Technology of…
Lefty WrightJan 14, 12:36 Start the Week 13th January 2025 taffman YES. Did we ever properly leave the decomposing Marxist Club?
taffmanJan 14, 12:27 Start the Week 13th January 2025 “Former New Labour adviser appointed to lead UK’s EU reset” Is Al Beeb and the present government planning to ‘nudge’…
Pure luck!!!
Well done Peter Grimes – Lucky for some, but I think Peppa the Pig is running out of “luck”?
Why does Peppa the Pig want to remain in the ECHR ? The Tories are falling apart. What is driving Peppa the Pig ?
“Why does Peppa the Pig want to remain in the ECHR?”
That’s simple to answer on the basis of believing that Peppa and his cronies would prefer to be in the EU and will take us back in one way or another.
Membership of the ECHR is a pre-requisite of membership of the EU. Therefore, coming out of the ECHR would affect any attempt to re-join the EU.
Everybody in the EU loves the Soros controlled ECHR soooo, soooo much………..
G, membership of the Euro is also a pre-requisite of (re-)joining the EU. I can’t think that would go down too well with the population of the UK in a second Referendum. But then, on the other hand ….
An important post taff.
Leaving the European Convention on Human Rights and the jurisdiction of its Court has been talked about by ‘our’ side for years, e.g. by Nigel Farage. Well done to Michael Heaver for highlighting this issue again. Unfortunately, our MPs, whether through ignorance or fear, are under the thumb and ‘direction’ of Whitehall civil servants in all matters. The most treacherous of these work for the Foreign Office and spread their tentacles far and wide (the new Foreign Sec. Truss will defer to them in all things as she did to the fraudsters at the Ministry of Justice). Additionally all human rights lawyers are joined at the hip with the ECHR – no doubt many see a lucrative future there. The EU itself has not even signed or ratified the European Convention on Human Rights here despite demanding we remain part of it as a condition of the trade treaty with them.
Not connected, but we have a similar problem with civil servants still pushing us by fair means or foul into the ever expanding EU Defence Union (Pesco, CARD and the EDF), see here and the second part of Jeff Taylor’s commentary here from 7:36.
Just before turning in I checked al beeb for the main headline:
‘Covid: Third case of Omicron variant detected in the UK’
A variant which may – or may not – be at increased risk of allowing re-infection. But with milder symptoms.
Meanwhile total COVID cases for yesterday are 37,681.
‘Why you can trust the BBC’. Always makes me smile. And not in a good way. I trust them about as far as I could throw Priti.
I do hope for your lives and your children’s lives that Tory MPs and voters have seen the clips in this video ?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=94JkcN_FRpo
Nothing to do with the BBC perhaps; except real journalists could bother to investigate. All these people coming over in dinghies. I don’t suppose they travel across Europe with £3,000 stuffed in their back pocket. How are the traffickers being paid? Are they being paid by others, possibly of the socialist persuasion? Is it by bank transfer? Could the banks not stop the movement of money linked to trafficking. The banks are quick enough to demand what I use my own money for if I ask for £1,000 in cash. And why don’t the asylum seekers if they can raise so much cash, not catch a flight from Paris and claim they have come to the U.K. for a holiday. Perhaps this sort of journalism is too hard for the BBC.
“And why don’t the asylum seekers if they can raise so much cash, not catch a flight from Paris and claim they have come to the U.K. for a holiday.”
Yeah. And why don’t people visiting food banks just go into a shop and buy themselves something to eat? We need some proper journalism.
What a pitiful comparison! Losing your touch, old boy. Time to go back to Troll School.
He lost me when he said “yeah”.
Well if they had the cash like these bogus asylum seekers why don’t they , Maxi ?
And why doesn’t the BBC do some proper journalism, Maxi ?
You appear more concerned about the lives of the invading army than the lives of the people of Great Britain. Have you and your chums paid the telly tax yet, or do you get it free?
Why don’t ‘asylum’ seekers claim asylum in France?
And if everyone decided not to bother paying for food by just popping to the food bank, demanding food and therefore keeping their cash in their pockets how long would that last Mr or Mrs Maxi?
“How are the traffickers being paid?”. One word: ‘Soros’.
To be honest, that is what I fear – or others of his political persuasion.
We need a 70% tax on the disposable income (including student grants, benefits and pensions) of all those who support illegal immigrants to the UK (AKA benefit seekers) to help pay for them
And the same people responsible for all legal costs and compensation for all crimes committed by these illegal inmmigrants
The first BAME in the Royal Family, already given up working, proven lies, bullying other staff and claiming racism, and, of course championed by the racist bbc.
Long live diversity, get ready its coming to the rest of the UK soon, every person in every workplace walking on eggshells with lawyers waiting in the wings rubbing their hands.
“Palace lawyers are on standby for bombshell Megxit documentary: Royal Family has not ruled out taking action against the BBC over ‘unfounded and overblown claims’ in The Princes and The Press programme”
“The Left love lockdowns – and few more so than the longtime communist who’s one of the BBC’s favourite ‘experts’
So who did the BBC line up as its first and only ‘expert’ to pass instant judgment on the Prime Minister’s televised announcement on Saturday of measures to address the new Omicron Covid variant?
Professor Susan Michie, that’s who. Michie was highly critical of what she saw as the inadequacy of the Government’s response,
She has been, for the past 43 years, an active member of the Communist Party of Britain.
Last year, when criticising the extent to which the UK did not completely emulate the approach of the Chinese Communist Party, she tweeted: ‘China has a socialist collective system . . . not an individualistic, consumer-oriented, profit-driven society badly damaged by 20 years of failed neo-liberal economic policies #LearnLessons.’
“In fact, it is the diehard acolytes of the former Labour leader who constitute the parliamentary membership of the Zero Covid Coalition, which says it is ‘jointly convened by Diane Abbott (formerly Corbyn’s Shadow Home Secretary) and the Morning Star’ — the daily newspaper of the British Communist Party.
It is unsurprising that politicians on the Leftmost fringes of the Labour Party and medical figures with similar opinions should advocate a ‘zero-Covid’ policy (which is as realistic as a ‘zero-flu policy’).
They are completely unconcerned about the havoc this would cause to businesses. Because if you think that profits are inherently ‘unfair’, why would you mind if firms were plunged into yet more losses?
“Why not just put workers all on furlough again, and let the taxpayer take the strain?
Or, as Isabel Diaz Ayuso, the president of Madrid’s regional authority, observed when attacking Spain’s equivalent of the Zero Covid Campaign, many on the hard Left ‘think that citizens are better off locked up in their homes and living off subsidies’.
‘Zero Covid’ is a euphemism for ‘Year Zero’. The spirit of Pol Pot lives strong in the fringes of the Labour Party and SAGE.
Who said “our children would never see snow again ?. Was it Al Beeb ?
Unlikely to see Snow White again
David Viner – Climate Scientit.
My boycott, Haagen Dazs is better anyway:
Bipartisan lawmakers urge SEC to review Unilever filings over Ben & Jerry’s Israel boycott
Ben and Jerry’s announced in July it would no longer sell products in Israel
“In the interests of shareholders, consumers, and public policy, we believe it is appropriate for the SEC to take steps to ensure the full disclosure of all information necessary to make Unilever’s filings in compliance with the rules and regulations of the United States’ SEC,” the letter stated, Jewish Insider reported.
“Unilever is a widely held company with a current market capitalization of $135 billion, which places in jeopardy the manifold United States institutions, pension funds, and endowments which hold its shares on behalf of its beneficiaries,” the letter continued, the New York Post reported. “We believe that these actions require the SEC to request that the regulatory filings of Unilever be amended to disclose the material risk factors.”
Wherever you live, there are local ice cream makers. You don’t need these globalists.
“Migrant crisis: Lack of co-operation will lead to worse scenes in Channel, warns Priti Patel”
The EU don’t care. They are using the invasion as a tool to punish us for daring to Brexit. They hope that the continuing invasion will destabilise Great Britain . It will if we don’t get a true leader who will defend our shores .
Are any members of SAGE communists ?
Does the Booster work on the new variant?
Follow the money ,Someone is making a lot from the vaccines
I must confess, I thought long and hard about the Pfizer booster following two AZ first and second jabs. I finally went for it recently. I’ve now learnt about the mNRA vaccines (aka Pfizer) and the suggested 11 – 24% coronary risks. Funny that, I’ve lived through a weekend of Angina like symptoms – first since 1999 when I first had a series of heart attacks leading to a 3x by-pass in 2000.
My instincts were to ignore the mNRA booster and rely on my unused hoard of Ivermectin if needed. Will I regret acting otherwise?
GTN spray at the ready………….
Would I go to hospital/call ambulance? No fear, equally as dangerous.
The secret NHS protocols for those reporting vaccine injury involve a 12 element process of ‘partial’ removal of the ‘vaccine’.
One of the main constituents of this is Ivermectin.
Arizona university students demand administration to ‘withdraw’ Kyle Rittenhouse: ‘killer off our campus’
The groups claim Kyle Rittenhouse is a ‘violent blood-thirsty murderer’
The Arizona State University Students for Socialism, Students for Justice in Palestine, Multicultural Solidarity Coalition, and MECHA de ASU are all calling on the Arizona State University administration to take action against Rittenhouse by withdrawing him from the university and releasing a statement against him.
The four groups are calling him “Murderer Kyle Rittenhouse.”
“Even with a not-guilty verdict from a flawed ‘justice’ system – Kyle Rittenhouse is still guilty to his victims and the families of those victims,” the demand letter states. “Join us to demand from ASU that those demands be met to protect students from a violent blood-thirsty murderer.”
Fellow students can rest safely in their beds, Kyle Rittenhouse will be a millionaire soon following defamation cases so no use in any longer rubbing shoulders with the Communists . That’s Free Enterprise for you.
“Medway man dies after being hit by a van in Chatham”
Those “men” again or the “Van”.?
No names .. I guess they’ll come 24 hours after arrest
The van was travelling from Luton, towards Chatham Hill, and the pedestrian, a man in his 40s, was on the footpath.
He is from the Medway area and was declared dead at the scene.
An unknown number of occupants are known to have fled on foot, however a 45-year-old man from Spalding, Lincolnshire, was arrested at the scene. He was detained on suspicion of causing death by dangerous driving
Later an additional two men, aged 25 and 35 and from Chatham, were later also arrested on suspicion of causing death by dangerous driving.
We need some new laws to control the behaviour of these vans.
Luxmy got the short straw in the cubicle gardens?
Sir Boaty stuck in ice?
The Moaning Emole
Labour calls for minister conduct rules overhaul
As the Commons standards committee prepares to publish its review of the MPs’ code of conduct, Labour is calling for an overhaul of the system. Deputy leader Angela Rayner will reveal the party’s plans later, which come as ministers’ conduct was brought to the forefront in recent weeks following an attempt to change the current system. After a backlash, the government swiftly scrapped its proposal which would have prevented former Tory MP Owen Paterson being suspended. This was despite the standards watchdog finding him in breach of lobbying rules. In her speech, Ms Rayner will say ministers should be banned from work relating to their past job for five years after leaving government. Labour argues the current system doesn’t work and it has failed to prevent what it describes as government corruption. But the government says it’s committed to “reinforcing high standards” of conduct in public life.
A full Labour says special.
Sky has her and Gordo. Well, they said they were, then deleted it.
Just listening to the foul mouthed Angela Rayner on BBC, is she really as thick as she sounds, God help us if she gets her grubby hands onto power..
Dan ” I can’t dance” Baker interviewed her, it was like have a chat with a mate over coffee, leftie bast–d
ITBB has a 50, and counting, U.K. version.
51. And counting.
Was there ever any doubt that the bbc would interpret the event to suit?
As the fleet crosses the Indian Ocean, the political situation in France becomes more charged. At a press conference about the crisis, a French official who offers a speech in praise of the refugees is confronted by a journalist who claims he is merely trying to “feed the invaders” and demands to know if France will “have the courage to stand up to” the migrants when they reach France. The official decries this question as morally offensive and threatens to throw the journalist out when he continues to yell. Other journalists seek to inflame tensions between the French and Africans and Arabs already living in the country. Over time, these journalists begin to write that the migrant fleet is on a mission to “enrich, cleanse and redeem the Capitalist West”. At the same time as the fleet is praised by those in Paris, the people of Southern France, terrified of the migrants’ arrival, flee to the north.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Charter one of the unused holiday cruise liners and moor it up somewhere handy (like North Africa?…..) and keep them on board.
Front page news:
Virgil Abloh: Designer and Off-White founder dies aged 41
Never heard of him. Would he be front page if he was white ?.
Madhya Pradesh: Man builds Taj Mahal replica home for wife
Who cares ?.
Gay and Muslim: Family wanted to ‘make me better’
Guaranteed job at the BBC if he applies.
I just wonder what bizarre little bubble the people at the BBC live in to think these warrant a place on the front page of the’British Broadcasting Corporation’.
Today watch
The best Today show ever – a fire alarm at 0735 – dead air – followed by …. A history of the T shirt …. Is the BBC HQ burning ? Is it the end ? …..
Damn at 0755 – Today returned – no fire at the BBC …
Someones fish curry overheating in the microwave / garlic bread burning in toaster no doubt (often happened when I had the misfortune to work at a local authority in London (never again), as so many vibrant people turned up loaded with tupperware boxes, the first hour of “work” was like a bloody eat all you can buffet, unbelievable stench in an open plan office, with customers on the phones ringing away unanswered)
Many turning up after 9am still apparently unable to manage making themselves breakfast at home, the non vibrant white (wimmin, all of them) sitting all around you munching away on bowls of cornflakes.
Also sitting in morning meetings shovelling food in their mouths whilst talking.
The ubiquitous hot desking meaning lucky to find an available worksation without food stains and grease all over the keyboard and desk
A hot desk must have been a necessity with all those breakfasts having to be prepared.
A line from one of the rags today…
“A joint statement released by Buckingham Palace, Clarence House and Kensington Palace, and shown at the end of part one, said that the BBC had given “credibility” to “overblown and unfounded claims”.”
Sounds about right…
Scroblene – I care less about royal tiffs . But I think the use of the ‘mysogeny ‘ accusation to shield the half caste American actress doesn’t do anyone favours . Harry Windsor sure knew how to pick them …
the BBC had given “credibility” to “overblown and unfounded claims”.”
This was as a result of a technical error during editing. The sentence actually relates to their coverage of the Omicron
cash cow for Pfizervirus variant.14 likes
Back where it belongs, the Guardian frontpage tops the BBC online press line up.
And of course neither BBC nor Guardian ever questioned a lockdown or vaccine measure they didn’t approve: ‘Booster scheme may be widened today to tackle Omicron spread‘
But Guardian, just a fews hours back you were telling us: ‘BioNTech says it could tweak Covid vaccine in 100 days if needed. Company says it will know in two weeks whether current Pfizer jab is effective against Omicron variant‘
When in doubt, ask a teacher: ‘“Any uncertainty will add to the sense of continuing jeopardy” Paul Whiteman NAHT headteacher’s union‘ – for the phrase continuing jeopardy read fear – which is, naturally, the point the authorities want to put across here.
The classic nostalgic home front slogan keep clam and carry on would these days be tweeked to read shit a brick and do as you’re told.
There is always some other headline news to be found out there: ‘Strictly judge has hair extentions at 61‘ (Daily Mail)
But above all don’t worry yourselves about any nasty conditions other than the main lurgy – or supposed varient thereof: ‘Why should I stop caring about my looks just because I have cancer?‘ – says the Mail in the feature they entitle ‘Inspire. Starts page 41‘
The Times too has an oddly worded and peculiar pitch for a feature: ‘Why children need fear. Times Christmas Charity Appeal‘ – charity begins at home they say, and that is exactly where the authorities are itching to lock us.
Look on the bright side: ‘How the pandemic boosted women’s careers‘ (Times) – the feminists certainly march from strength to strength in this the ultimate man flu.
When complaining of one’s lot, there’s always someone out there who has it worse than ourselves: ‘Dozens trapped in pub for third night after 5ft blizzard‘ (Daily Star) – if only we could call back all those climate experts who were over here recently at that COP26 thing.
By the way, although the Daily Star thinks this a jolly good wheeze: ‘Make mine a snowball please, landlord‘ – the scenario sounds to me like the plot to Agatha Christie’s play The Mouse Trap – and that dragged on not for three nights but for 68 years… until: ‘16 March 2020, when the stage performances had to be discontinued due to the COVID-19 pandemic‘ – just to correct the Wiki… until Lockdown measures.
Thoroughly sick to the back teeth with the coof we turn to a little something I’m going to dub Culture Notes.
The Day The Earth Caught Fire [1961] a black and white British grown up oriented disaster yarn directed by Val Guest. Back in the days when we couldn’t seem to learn to – stop worrying and love the bomb – this one has atomic tests cause the earth to be knocked off its axis and start closing in on the sun. Is this the end – or another beginning? runs the ambiguous tag line.
You want trans global climate change weather weirding footage, care of the SFX department and for this low budget production the newsreel footage library – this one has it in spades. The mysteriously subsequently disappeared without trace actor Edward Judd plays the disillusioned divorced dipso journo at the real life Daily Express. Keep the news positive orders his editor as climate armageddon approaches. The Express headline today mind you reads: ‘Vaccine makers: we CAN defeat omicron varient‘ – I digress.
Of interest to us here beside early 1960s Fleet Street is the reaction of the authorities to the emergency. By wonderful coincidence you will perhaps only recall Edward Judd’s career by remembering one of those 1970s public information films – he was the chap that tub thumped “Think Once, Think Twice Think Bike!”
In the movie as temperatures rise water becomes as rare and sought after as NHS staff capacity around Christmas. The authorities in the film of course come up with a slogan. “Water is Life. Save It”
Also – and not a lot of people know this – a young Michael Caine appears in the film as a cameo policeman who mans a road block as law and order begin to break down in the panic hit British capital: “I wouldn’t go up to Chelsea, they’re all going mad up there!” – one has to smile at the gang of teenaged beatniks rampaging through the streets, led by a jazz band.
Constant catastrophizing will tend to drive the young a bit crazy. Perhaps our headtechers should work to dispel children’s fears?
BBC: ‘A boy, 14, has been charged with murdering a 12-year-old girl who was stabbed to death in Liverpool‘
I wonder what the bbc, and colleagues in Whitehall, will issue on Dec 25th.
Following BbC staff on who can comment?
Not a good look, Nads.
Authentic Victorian public toilet?
My first thought. So the restriction was warranted.
She is just words with a salary … no different to the BBC.
80 Seat Majority – 0 Action.
Festive day! We are all equal.
Calling BBC Money Programme about being put on hold by the trip organisers…
“Full refund if not totes satisfied..”
Or Lewis Goodhall. Bet he has great coverage in France.
Had a phone! Which can be tracked.
Then they randomly called me.
I said- call the people you bought the boat tickets from.
What is it about so many people from the Middle East that gives them such a highly developed sense of victimhood?
You paid a dodgy vicious criminal smuggler, you got on a flimsy floaty thing that looks like a mattress, you agreed to cross the Channel, one of the busiest and most dangerous waterways in Europe in the middle of winter mate!
So where does the blame really lie?
It ain’t rocket science
Given who she is married to, something deeply reassuring about the bbc running this to kids.
Flipping heck they don’t half live in a bubble
That @BBCYoungReport tweet has zero Likes, zero replies
What happened ?
Big brother BBCnews made a ridiculous news story and tweeted it
… Then little brother @BBCYoungReport amplified it
Prince Harry admits ‘sometimes I’m so worried I can’t get out of bed in morning’
Duke of Sussex admits problems of the world weigh him down on royal tour to South Africa
ByRussell MyersRoyal editor
22:42, 24 Sep 2019
Gnaw your own arm off moment?
Springster still mainly RTing people RTing her.
Dear Marianna Spring (BBC wages paid under threat of prosecution),
As I’ve had to look at your BBC news and use other sources to determine that your news is not news but selective editorial opinion I’d like to request that I have a refund for the last 4 years plus get the BBC free from now on.
Please let me know how I can go about this as I am willing to create a full list of articles that I’ve had to investigate plus time taken for me to check your fact checker whilst realising that the BBC intentionally removes news rather than incorrectly report on it, uses images to sway opinion or misleads with the main titles hoping no one reads the full article.
‘Omission is the greatest form of lie.’
CAS-4987700-SY1FTF : BBC NewsWatch says boredom with pro-Brexit march.
CAS-4844672-N8FDYY: Update on the MP Expenses 2009 scandal in 2018.
CAS-4939547-J71Z1V: Here’s hoping Ireland do the right thing G.Lineker.
CAS-4937378-YKMWBJ: BBC not reporting ‘Day of Freedom’ March 06may2018.
CAS-4906141-BFJQL0: I take offence that presenters promote their books.
CAS-4892811-C820SC: I am offended that I have to pay the BBC TV Tax.
CAS-4824332-633N1P: What happened in Italy was not covered …
CAS-4933135-ZV3V7F: The omission is the most powerful form of lie …
CAS-6005141-S1V9D1: Not seen a report on the UK Governments Covid19
Let me know how to go about resolving the issue of paying for something that wastes my time as I have to check each story rather than rely on its accuracy.
I think the BBC defence is E&OM (Errors and Ommisions) which is legal speak for mistakes. The problem for the BBC is that they are mostly deliberate with little or no research to back up the claim.
Another hurdle is the BBC Charter which gives the BBC explicit license to bullshit, and be protected by parliament as a ‘protected’ species of staffers. Every FOI complaint refers to the journalistic integrity of the BBC guaranteed by parliament without recourse to legal liability or prosecution. The BBC has breached its charter on numerous occasions. It is valid in name only, that is why OFCOM was asked to vet the BBC pending Saville investigations and ‘other’ infringements of ‘competition’ against rival commercial radio and TV which they tend to ‘copy’ format and use its monopoly position to abuse.
Covid trends
Here’s the death trend
Positive test counts
28th Nov 2021 down 5.81% on 7 days previously
27th Nov 2021 down 3.36% on 7 days previously
There are always more real world cases than show up in tests
but it is an indication of trends
If you look at a graph of positives by test day and average the data by 7 days, there is still a gradual rise
Yesterday there were 51 deaths registered, low cos it’s a weekend
A normal day is about 150 deaths with a background positive test rate of 50K /day
Divide both sides by 50
3 deaths and 1,000 cases
Gives a test to death rate of 0.3%
A survival rate of 99.7%
The real world survival rate is higher cos many people who get Covid don’t show up in tests
I don’t know how many though.
(I just checked and the 7 day death trend is 121/day so my start figure of 150 was conservative)
TOADY Watch #1 – the SNP may have a struggle but the BBC will do their best to help
Cosy little chat with John Swinney, Deputy Leader of the SNP, and Nick Robinson after the prime interview slot had been handled by The Bee Lady. Nick tried to act tough with Swinney but the gentleness compared to when Nick interviews a Conservative Government Minister was apparent. England has three detected cases of the so-called ‘new Omicron’ mutation of Covid-19. (Which isn’t Covid-19 and is really ‘Bird influenza’ a.k.a. SARS-Cov-2 according to a scientist interviewed in the first hour of the programme.)
Scotland and the SNP have to do twice as well as the English. So Swinney told us proudly that Scotland has six cases of Omicron but some have no connection with South Africa. Viruses mutate at random and develop the same strain elsewhere. Who knew? Not the ‘scientists’, obviously, that has been peculiarly absent from all their talk and also from BBC questioning for the last year and a half.
It appears the Scottish public may be cooling to the idea of independence and being tied to the EU by Nicola StEUrgeon. Difficulties over controlling borders and boarders and a wee lack of oil and gas wealth now that NetZero is a new target and coal is the big boogey-man in a non-Climate Changed very cold Scotland are going to make a ‘YES’ vote in an Independence ReferendEUm difficult to obtain.
The BBC can be almost guaranteed to do their best to help the SNP with their objective.
Up2 – I’d switched off by then . But on Scottish independence – the focus is always on the ( 7 million ) Scots and not the 50 million English .
The SNP will want to give the referendum vote to every one over 10 – a first sticking point. But even more importantly is the potential independence relationship between the republic of Scotland and England .
I mean – the border – the currency – the Money – which I think the MSM avoids as much as possible and jusr concentrates on a braveheaet hatred of the English .
Then add EU / NATO – nuclear bases – and its a real fight …..
I think now that oil is a banned substance the maths of Scotland being separate in no way stacks up however the sums are done . But maybe Scot’s will live with cuts to welfare as the price of ‘freedom ‘….
Don’t forget gas, too, Fed. The Scots make some money on that and before coal was the ‘new’ boogey-man, it was gas for a while. Perfidious Albion could always push asylum seekers over the land border into Scotland and Nicola SturgEUon has always welcomed immigration until now. The problem she and the SNP now face on that is threefold; what if there is a business and ‘brain drain’ into England, what if Scots do not like ‘the diversity and enrichment’ of the Highlands and Islands and the cost of that ‘diversity and enrichment’ to the Scottish NHS and education system.
Both of the last named are failing at present and although Nick pressed John Swinney on those issues the lack of persistent questioning spoke volumes about IndyRef2 and the BBC.
The irony is – we could land up re running the argument about a ‘solid border ‘ in a similar way to the EU/Eire is playing out in Northern Ireland – but with out the terrorists … particularly if there is a Scottish currency to accord with the new independence – let’s call it the Euro ….
Personally – I’m for a fully independent Scotland – with a solid border …. Separate passports – visiting visas – a separate currency .
Meanwhile England can do a deal with Shetland and its’ oil …
Fed, yes, that is correct. Now, would Tony Blair and John Major be nowhere to be seen? I expect so.
As for Shetland and its oil; you have to remember that Princess Nut Nuts has hubby, the Nut Nut fully signed up to be anti-oil at present.
LBC : Ferrari had a very cosy chat with well know Covid guru Saint Gordon Brown
Meanwhile BBC local radio vox pops seem magic
in the way the microphone accidentally only bumps into members of the public who are absolute mask fanatics.
I see arch onanist comedian Jonathan Pie is “at it” in the mask wars
I see Twitter is decrementing “likes” on criticisms of the UK “O” variant response this morning.
Owen Patterson at it again …?
£200m UK TAX PAYER MONEY (Gov funding)
Lucky Boris.
Just when everybody was piling in on his peppa pig speech and we’re all wondering if he was ‘all right’ along comes this weeks variant to grab the headlines.
A milder (so South Africa reckons) variant so the politicians use it to exercise their control over us by bringing back some old favourites.
The bbbc is delighted and amongst all their pro more control covid ‘experts’ we have Emma Hobday who I’ve never heard anything positive from since covid began. Today she is obviously happy that covid restrictions are coming back but she’s disappointed that face masks are only for shops and public transport.
After the 3 weeks (to show us they can bring in any control measures they want) they will get a nice headline when they admit, sorry, tell us, that this variant, like every other variant, isn’t the game changer they were threatening us it was.
However, they’ve tested their powers and found they can do what they want so now, at any time, they can say “lockdown” if they say there’s another variant.
Considering this virus is consistently changing they can lockdown any time they want. They now know they can get away with it.
Next thing is to try it with a flu variant or whatever.
They want children masked in schools.
When I was young parents used to take us to chicken pox (I think) parties to catch it while young when it had less effect but gave antibodies for later protection.
I would have thought that the same would apply to our children.
Mix them all together and have the lot catch covid and then they will be immune.
It’s better than vaccinating them (although Pfizer might lose a bit of profit)
Clearing inventory is a priority?
What’s in “the booster” again?
Javid for PM!
From 17 August 2020 until 26 June 2021, Adviser and Member of J.P. Morgan EMEA Advisory Council, J.P. Morgan Securities plc, 25 Bank Street, Canary Wharf, London E14 5JP. For providing advice on the global economy, major industries and geo-politics, I received £150,000 a year, paid biannually. Hours: 80-96 hrs a year. I consulted ACoBA about this appointment. (Registered 01 September 2020; updated 21 July 2021)
From 22 October 2020 until 26 June 2021, Adviser to C3.ai (enterprise AI software provider), 1300 Seaport Boulevard, Redwood City, California, CA 94063. For providing advice on the global economy, geo-politics and market opportunities, I received £151,835 per annum, paid monthly, plus an option for 666.7 common shares per month (with a current approximate market value of £45,000). Hours: 80-96 hrs annually (10-12 days a year). I consulted ACoBA about this appointment. (Registered 10 November 2020; updated 07 December 2020, 21 December 2020 and 21 July 2021)
Next week: ‘Current vaccine still effective against omicron.’. On page 2.
Page 1 lists new restrictions coming into force over Xmas.
Channel disaster: A father’s anguish over missing family since tragedy
Bbc doesn’t even bother pretending they’re real refugees fleeing danger any more.
Apparently is because water is scarce in Iraq.
“But Kajal was adamant she wanted to give her children a better life than they had in Iraq, where food and water is scarce. “
Tony Blair can help them in his houses?
Tony Blair resigns as Middle East peace envoy
This article is more than 6 years old
Former British PM has written to UN chief to confirm resignation from job he took in 2007
Maybe they should make their own country a better one to live in. Like our ancestors did here.
Which the Left are now giving away to people who are turning it into the sh!tholes they came from.
Not enough people discuss this.
People dont live to the same standards as others when they’re from a war torn or 3rd world country.
I get why, but i think we should do more to try to help to improve there living standards in their own country, but how much help, how far do we go.
and with the current migrant crisis, i see the media and political figures are skirting over the fact that, none of these people making the journey across the channel are fleeing war or persecution, they’re coming here for FREEBIES, you cant pick and choose the country you want to go live in, they should stay in the first safe country they land in.
The Tigris and the Euphrates have been trashed, no one would want to drink from either of them by the time they reach Baghdad, but whose fault is that?
What about the quality of life for the people already living HERE? Keep cramming more in and we’ll have problems with our supply of food and (clean drinking) water too.
Surely, the answer is to fix the problems in your own country, not to force your way into someone else’s, that’s called an invasion, or colonisation, and both are supposed to be frowned upon these days.
Ben Walker, UKIP’s national party chairman, has released his strong words as to why they are putting up a candidate.
He said: “Having checked the history of standing aside to give the incumbent party a free-run at a seat they held, I can tell you that there is simply no precedent. This occurred for the first time when Jo Cox MP was murdered.
“How is it right to give the Conservative Party a free ticket to shoehorn in a candidate to the seat of Sir David Amess.
“We are the only party willing to be honest about his death rather than mask it with woke words and ‘respect’ for fear of upsetting the ever-growing do-gooder contingent who plague the UK’s establishment and media.
“Instead of defending our country, the government and political class do everything they can to facilitate and enable illegal immigrants’ entry and settlement to the detriment of three million people already on social housing waiting lists across the country and the British taxpayer.
Rest assured that their candidate Steve will be even more under fire than he already is for highlighting the Channel invaders. He is just a normal chap who is brave enough to speak out publicly.
Woah! Next he’ll be quoting Theresa May ….
Theresa May could have re-iterated this at the U.N. meeting … “Because when immigration is too high (no figure given), when the pace of change is too fast, it’s impossible to build a cohesive society. It’s difficult for schools and hospitals and core infrastructure like housing and transport to cope. And we know that for people in low-paid jobs, wages are forced down even further while some people are forced out of work altogether. … So there is no case, in the national interest, for immigration of the scale we have experienced over the last decade.”
Theresa May as Home Secretary // Speech to the Conservative Party Conference – in full / 06.10.2015
… rather than more internet security. {bbc.co.uk 20sep2017}
There is a convention that The Speaker’s seat isn’t contested.
That has never seemed to be right to me, why should the constituency be denied its right to vote for a representative?
I am sure all MPs claim to believe in democracy and should one of them be killed while in service it dishonours their belief if only one party stands.
Having said that one could argue that an MP is elected for a full term and should they be unable to complete that term as a result of resignation or death a substitute should be appointed. If we used that priciple then we could save the expense of holding an election, wasted money if there is only one candidate.
There is no way that the French will allow British police or border personnel to patrol their northern coastline to stop the migrants.
If we were allowed there I would bet we would stop almost all the boats and in doing so we would show up the French police/border force as completely useless.
When we show them how to do it they would have no excuse for their failures.
They would not allow them to be humiliated so we will never be able to do this.
Depends if border force accepts the same bungs the French must be taking …
Buy dinghy futures .. air pumps and body bags
I actually think that our ordinary feet on the ground police and border force personnel are a quite honest and decent lot who would do their jobs conscientiously.
It’s the higher ups that might spoil it.
They probably want migrants as seemingly all politicians do and they would be open to bungs to make sure the feet on the ground were in the wrong place.
Put someone with the stature of Farage in charge and he would weed out the rotten ones.
Mind, even with bent people we would still stop far more than the useless frenchies.
Viva Frei video : On Rittenhouse The Fake News Media are PAID GASLIGHTERS! , Brian Stetler & David A. French
.. https://youtu.be/BhG1gCich3U
Smollett trial due to start
TOADY Watch #2 – the BBC gets careless with the truth – once
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – the BBC gets careless with the truth – again
The subject during the first hour of the programme was Barbadian (Bajan) independence. It was stated by Celestina Olulode on radio – and is again mentioned in this web article https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/world-latin-america-59438437 that Barbados has been hit badly by Covid-19.
Not so.
Barbados has a population of about 290,000 but Covid-19 infections of 24,000 (rounding up the Johns Hopkins numbers https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-51235105) which means that less than 8.5% of the population have had Covid. Compare that to
Trinidad (popn. 1.3m, infections 66,000 – IR 5%) then it looks bad until you look at the IFR (Infection Fatality Rate) for Trini & Tobago which is twice that of Barbados.
Move further up the Covid chart to the top you have the US in No.1 spot with a population of about 333,000,000 and infections of 47,500,000 (14% IR) and an IFR over three times that of Barbados.
The ‘BBC narrative on Covid’ is pushing lies to the public that the listener who is ignorant of the facts or cannot be bothered to check readily available data will be inclined to accept. Especially when Gordon Brown is given air-time by the BBC to push his ‘narrative’ that the whole world should be vaccinated because “Nobody is safe until we are all safe.”. Not true, Gordon. It appears Covid-19 (a.k.a. SARS-Cov-2, a.k.a. Bird ‘Flu’) appears to be very much a ‘white mans’ disease.
Whither ‘omicron’ as an African variant? Doesn’t look like it.
Omnicron (1963)
An alien takes over the body of an Earthman in order to learn about the planet so his race can take it over.
They are just taking the piss now.
As long as they keep away from Summicrons ……..
Julie Burchill : Why I Loathe The Woke: Puritanical Joyless Snobs Who Despise the Working Class
It’s a book plug, but good
.. https://youtu.be/uQktUT_avj4
World Government = New WHOrld Order
WHO tweets .. https://twitter.com/WHO/status/1465280619219505154
“If countries can unite to negotiate a treaty against:
-the human-made threat of Smoking symbol
-the destructive potential of nuclear, chemical & biological weapons
-the existential threat of #ClimateChange
-& many other threats to our shared security & well-being…”
“…Then surely the time has come for countries to agree on
a common, binding approach to a common threat
that we cannot fully control nor prevent
– a threat that comes from our relationship with nature itself”
-@DrTedros #WHASpecial #PandemicTreaty
Robert Mugabe removed as WHO goodwill ambassador after outcry
This article is more than 4 years old
World Health Organization chief says he has listened to concerns over appointment of Zimbabwean president
Robert Mugabe.
Robert Mugabe. Photograph: Themba Hadebe/AP
Staff and agencies
Sun 22 Oct 2017 13.18
Word Soup.
Matiu Ratana: Memorial held for Met Police sergeant shot dead
The fact that who murdered him is totally absent from the article is as loud as a foghorn to the experienced BBC observer.
I short google search soon confirmed my suspicions why:
Louis De Zoysa
‘He was allegedly flagged to the Home Office’s Prevent deradicalisation programme two years ago over claims he had extreme Islamist and right wing views’
Another agenda-based lie by omission.
Climate Crisis …
First up, we have these sparkly trees in Japan. This is in Tokyo’s shopping district, Marunouchi, where approximately 300 LED trees are lighting the streets this winter. The trees are made up of approximately 1.2 million LEDs!
MM, mains leccy via windmills of course. 😉