The BBC will no doubt in about fourteen minutes time will make much of the Conservative MPs who ‘rebelled’ against the Government yesterday in the House and who stood up for their constituents. Will the BBC point out that spineless Labour MPs obeyed their Party Whips and the Sucker who leads but doesn’t lead and did not support their constituents? I very much doubt it.
The BBC also claims that someone heard an anti
-Muslim slur from within the bus but denied by all within. No evidence of such an occurrence, except the claim by the BBC.
I have noticed this year of a grumpy, or no response to wishing them a ” Merry Christmas”.
This is symptomatic of a people turning their back on the founding cornerstone of Western civilisation. Coupled with overt anti-semitism, and we are not far from the cliff.
I just wonder what it must feel to be surrounded by screaming fanatics trying to attack one while going to celibrate Hanukkah. Not in Berlin 1930, but now in London , while carrying the memory of Europe 1930.
Coupled with denying the redeeming Grace of our Lord, Britain is one step away from the cliff.
Some sort of nihilism has overtaken me, at least as far as the media is concerned. Everything, but everything, seems to trying to get me to believe lies. It used to be just adverts that you had to be wary of, but now it seems to be everything.
Maybe I’m being affected by the fact that Christmas is looming. Since my wife died 30 months ago I haven’t sent Christmas cards or given presents. Cards continue to arrive of course, some of them enquiring about the health and happiness of myself and my wife. One or two enquire about the dogs, the last of which died in February. I put all Christmas cards straight in the fire. My wife used to save them all, and I have a huge box full of the things.
I’m very sceptical about many of my friends and relations, especially the latter. I detect a lot of false friendliness.
As for the broadcasters, the newspapers, the government, the various pressure groups, and all our great national institutions, I wish them all far enough. Basically I reckon most of them should rot in hell.
Merry Christmas.
My sympathy to you Fred and am sure others on here will join me in this. It is a difficult time of year if you are both on your own and have suffered bereavement in winter time. There’s a lot of pressure to do what would normally be done at this time and writing 50, 60, 75 or 90 (or more) cards and buying and wrapping presents and so on.
Yes – Fred – I will second Up2 s comment . I get fed up with the rituals of this time of year – particularly for those who do not have big families of social groups – which I suggest is a fairly big number .
Yet the Christmas onslaught is led by the likes of the Godless BBC with an expectation – requirement – that every one will be celebrating and enjoying – which in the real world is not always the case . Best of wishes
Fred, I understand how you feel, I have had some grim Xmas times in the past.
Those foolish enough to be seduced by what the MSM would have one think everyone does at Xmas and how happy it is are prone to disappointment.
Get a couple more dogs, they will be happy with a tin of Winalot on Xmas day and apart from that, unconditional love, a rare thing with relatives and casual Xmas friends.
I agree with getting a dog to help with Fred’s grieving it will certainly help to provide a little brightness at this very difficult time. My other recommendation , which applies to everyone regardless of their situation, is to avoid the MSM and if possible seek entertainment from films and TV made before 2010 or preferable 2000.
Yes the kids are great. It’s just that it seems that all the people and things we used to be able to trust (I won’t list them) have gone rogue in the last ten years or so. We are seeing the end of true democracy and free speech because of the power of the left-liberal extremists, the end of our national culture because we are going to be flooded with people who don’t share our culture, the end of western society because China is going to take the world over.
This devotioanal was sent to me today by my vicar. When querried why he had sent it to me as there has been no so sad event for me in the last few years, he responded that sooner or later it will happen to all of us.
Fred, we are a community here and we care about those of us who regularly post. I cannot tell you how worried I was for Halifax when he told us he had the dreaded bug, but then the pleasure when he returned.
A friend lost her husband on Christmas Day itself in 2020. Being that sort of person she has read the books that suggest she starts new traditions and new memories for Christmas Day. She has no family but she is going for a long walk on the day and returning to a M&S gastro steak and ale pie which is what she really fancies.
Fred, avoid the BBC at all costs especially on Christmas Day itself. To them, Christmas is a day for false jollity, drink and all the decorations that don’t involve faith. The BBC never considers those on their own on Christmas Day and how they could have a worthwhile role to support them. But we are BBBC will probably be looking in on the day so if you need a moan that day, come here and have it.
I have been watching some excellent David Starkey talks about the Tudors on YouTube, and have recently found some programmes (?) about art delivered by Waldemar Januswzczak who was the art critic at the Guardian but I haven’t yet seen the agenda. If they are not your cup of tea, search YouTube for the things that are more than 5 minutes long for the topics that do interest you.
Yes, thank you. I hardly watch any broadcast TV at all these days because every programme seems to be telling me lies.
I mean, Channel Four News is on in the background. It’s such a distortion of the truth. John Snow was interviewed on the radio earlier (I was driving an old car with no DAB so it was Radio Four or nowt). It was such a soft interview; let him get away with batting off the gentle suggestions that he was biased. As a matter of fact I once helped John Snow with his bike (200 GIR mean anything to anyone?). I should have wrapped it round his neck.
Every year for about the last ten I have received a very nice Christmas card from Auntie Jean. I have no idea who Auntie Jean is, despite my best endeavours with family and neighbours (mis-addressed?) to find out. She chooses not to tell me where she lives so I am unable to tell her she is wasting her time and money.
Lunchtime – ok – it was me – my hobby is selecting random names and addresses and sending my ‘aunty Jean ‘ Christmas cards ….
…..I m in the same boat as you – but I get very few Christmas cards – but I find those who send a computer printed labelled envelope lack a certain spirit of the time ….this includes – of course – the one I get from TVlicencing entitled
I get a card from “Tim”. The only Tim I can think of would never send me a card. I now see that Tim posted his card in the “North West Yorkshire” postal district, which is almost as big as Australia, so I can’t pin him down.
Fred, As a long time widow (husband dropped down dead on New Year’s morning 20 years ago), I discovered there is no rule book on grief. You do what’s best for you and sod everyone else, – and yes I send out cards, but those I receive just sit in a pile on the table, because what’s the point of display when there’s only you to see them ? likewise decorations. To others it may sound miserable, but they forget that I once had huuuge Christmases with parents, husband and extended family, with all the trappings. Now there is just me and the dog and as long as I have food in the fridge for me and her, Netflix on the tele, and my favourite 40 year old Port, then I’m a happy bunny.
To some extent I exist in the same way. I spend very little money because there’s no enjoyment in trips, holidays, new cars, whatever when she isn’t there to share them.
Maybe because I was younger then, but I soon got out of that ‘rut’ and started to socialise again. I realised if I didn’t do anything then no-one was going to knock on my door, so I took tentative steps and began a new ‘single’ lifestyle. I quickly learned that we cannot ‘die’ inside, we have no alternative but to carry on but its not easy. I now look at my older friends who are couples, and though I was devastated at the time I coped better with grief because I was younger and still working, but my friends have a longer life relationship and they will have to ‘go through it’ at some point which will be harder to deal with. There is no easy answer.
Yes, the BBC are making much of that series of votes and the Conservative Party rebellion yesterday. I think I heard Nick say that Boris Johnson has lost control of half of his Party. Another example of BBC ‘not doing maths’ like they ‘don’t do geography’ or ‘don’t do science’ if Nick did say that.
Three hundred and sixty Conservative MPs sit in the House.
Not even one third ‘rebelled’. Nick must have been using the abboticus left by Diane in the studio after cosying up to Michael on the BBC studio couch. Or soing some wishful thinking about abstentions on behalf of the Labour Party?
I think the BBC method of telling a falsehood enough times turning it into the truth applies here . I’m hoping – always – that maybe he might finally get round to squaring up – or at least taking on the BBC – a task he has opportunity to do but has chosen not to do it – presumably because his wife doesn’t want it .
A new PM won’t want to take on the BBC because they’ll be looking for some ‘support ‘ in the run up to the next election .
Following the revelation of another party in CCHQ – I was wondering about the morality of politicians ( yes I know morality is lost on them ).
Sean Bailey – the failed Tory mayoral candidate for London has resigned from the plod committee because the mirror has published a picture of him breaking the law at a party last Christmas .
Do politicians wait to be caught ? Do they not realise these tedious laws apply to them ? Would it not be better to say ‘look – I screwed up – I went to a party ‘ before the picture comes out ?
There must be all sorts of horse trading ( blackmail ) going on with people who took party pictures telling their victims the Daily Mirror will be getting them unless …..
Fed, “one million infections a day”, will now be repeated by the BBC endlessly. “Doctor, I have a zit on the end of my nose. Does it count as an infection?”
That Bailey party? There is obviously a mole somewhere in the Conservative Party or some serious illegal hacking of phones and computers going on. I was wondering yesterday whether Bojo underneath the cover of his bumbling, apparently incompetent exterior has hatched ‘a cunning plan’. Am going to have to keep ‘my powder dry’ on that for a while.
Money, taxpayers’ money and newspaper revenues (from taxpayers!) may, indeed, have changed hands.
The best thing about ‘one million infections per day’ is that it is totally impossible to prove wrong. Who can say how many got it and didn’t have symptoms or bother getting tested ?. The BBC love things like that when it suits them.
Note how they don’t estimate ‘positive test results per day’ because they CAN be proved wrong and would expose ‘Project Scaremonger’ for what it is.
I suspect all these actions at the moment are to ‘save the NHS’. There will of course be those on the front line dealing with genuinely vulnerable people for whom getting the virus may tip seriously ill into ‘be ready to meet the maker’. These physicians and nurses need to be well and not make the ill iller. But how many receptionists, secretaries etc etc could do with a few extra days off at Xmas, and how useful the time they have ‘isolating’ gives them time to wrap the Xmas presents. It will then probably turn out to be a false alarm.
I don’t have a big problem with trying to get some restraint over Xmas to prevent a surge in January. However I am acutely aware of how easily we are blatantly lied to these days.
It seems to me that it all went way out of control during Brexit when the BBC could say anything they liked because none of the left-leaning Remainers spread through the MSM and government would pick them up for it. And now it’s completely normal.
Of course I may be wrong and it’s always been like this and Brexit just gave us examples we could spot easily, but however we got here, I find it totally unacceptable.
Last night there was mention that the mirror would be publishing ‘game changing ‘ party pictures which would end nut nuts rein. Instead we got a failed mayoral candidate .
Andrew Bridgen was with Farage last night and admitted once he voted against his government it was easier the next time . However – what would another PM do – given that he /she has advise saying to apply stronger restrictions – answer – the same .
Nut nut is following the ‘react earlier ‘ line – even though there is no evidence yet of people dropping like flies infected with the latest Chinese brand .
So he is paying the price of a weary bunch of politicians . But he has bought it on himself through his conduct .
I reckon the BBC will go into overdrive if the blue labour majority is slashed in Shropshire on Thursday – and if it is a big loss – maybe stories about rivals setting up Campaign HQs will surface ….
….who ever takes over won’t be strong enough to be a conservative .
Have you noticed that for the Left and the BBC, nothing is ever the fault of the person who did something ?. It always has to be someone elses fault they were not stopped.
The country is chock full of scumbag couples now, particularly as the Left seem intent on destroying the concept of the nuclear family in their endless search for ‘victims’. Perhaps some context should have been included in the article as to how many other ‘families’ are similar to this one. Particularly in Bradford. In some ways, this is more blood on their hands.
I have a lot of sympathy for the social workers there. I’m surprised they can get anyone to do it.
And how come nearly every article I find these days on the BBC which I consider ridiculous enough to check, the author is a BAME who looks like they just left school ?.
I made this point yesterday and agree with you . However it is good to see a list of doctors in the mail online who did nothing about the cause of the injuries to this baby when they treated her .
I suspect they didn’t want the hassle of reporting the injuries to the child and were thinking about their bank balances . …I have no regard for the medical mafia and hate the idea of having to use their services .
As for the BBC – the bias is there today . The second dead child trial in two weeks and little coverage . I believe it’s because the ‘parents’ were 2 queer wimmin which is ‘right on ‘ with the BBC – which favours unconventional family types .
Makes me wonder how many children are being tortured and killed by their ‘parents ‘ – and how many of these monsters never reach court .
( before stew hits me with a gleeful correction – the bit about ‘doctors being shamed ‘ is in the mail but is about another child murder by a ‘step ‘ someone in a ‘chaotic ‘ relationship …. Now what did they do with that death penalty ? )
I suspect the statistics of the victims would be very inconvenient for the agenda if we were told everything – and set the BAME representation groups screaming about unhelpful racism.
You accused me (I think, but am not sure what you meant) of racism the other day. Would you explain a bit more, because I am genuinely mystified?
I did not accuse you of racism. I said that I have seen some comments were you appear to bait someone else to make a racist remark. They have alluded to something racist and you say something like ‘Would you care to expand on that’.
I mentioned it because Maxicony and his employers very cleary making records in some database of anything people say which they can use as ‘evidence’ at a later date. I expect they want to be able to discredit this forum if it is used as part of an attempt to force change on the BBC.
If those are not your intentions, I apologise and would ask you help us make sure people only uses race when it is a relevant factor in showing BBC bias. Because these days, it usually is.
Four 20 year olds being interviewed regarding the Shropshire by- election tomorrow.
When asked which way they were going to vote 3 said Labour and 1 undecided but not Tory.
The interviewer said had the Tory sleaze swayed them and they all said yes but then he said what policy from the Labour Party attracted them to vote Labour, a deafening silence.
They had no clue, then one piped up and said, “well my dad has always voted Labour so I will”
Then the interviewer asked about the historical problems Labour had gone through themselves in the past regarding racism etc, none was aware..!!!
lol – the best for me is still the young woman so incensed about Brexit that she joined a protest.
When asked on camera what the best thing the EU have given us was, she replied ‘the NHS’.
…..during the last general election I was on a train and it was full of kids going to Jeremy Corbyn rally and all were very excited.
Then a girl on the seat opposite me asked her male friend, ” what’s the IRA”, he then piped up, not sure but I think it’s to do with the world monetary fund in New York..
I think politicians live off the ignorance of voters – a bit like the way armies live off the immortality of the young plus their need for excitement .
I think politicians are more likely to reduce the voting age rather than raise it. I bet that is on the wish list of any incoming red labour government .
At the last election my daughter was about 21 and said she was voting for Corbyn, “because he’s lovely”.
Amusingly as she has become more aware of current affairs her views and comments are pretty right wing lately.
I reckon Nadine is more interested in building her ministerial pension than doing anything useful . I think she used to be one of those ‘mouthy’ backbenchers – now silenced by getting a government job .
Also – the blue labour politicians will be busy scheming to get a better job when nut nut leaves the stage ….
Even if she wants to destroy the BBC she won’t be able to because the PM’s wife is a part of the blob and will protect the corporation on principle. Oh and of course Boris does as he is told.
TOADY Watch #2 – in which Nick Robinson reveals how his mind works or doesn’t
Nick may have been a Conservative once upon a time but at the BBC he appears to have been absorbed into the Socialist hive mind that says and believes that science is god and the NHS is god and must be absolutely believed. There was a wonderful interview with Prof. Graham Medley which shows how lost Nick Robinson and the BBC are.
Prof. Medley was an honest scientist and in effect in answering Mishal’s question about one million Covid infections per day (who made that ridiculous statement?) said: “I don’t know.” Too much speculation is bonded onto a vagueish answer from a scientist by a scaremongering media and is believed by an adult, university (Oxford!) educated Nick Robinson and the rest of the BBC Hive Mind absolutely.
The IMF have a lot to tell us this morning: ‘ Inflation alert. IMF calls for swift rate rise. The IMF has urged the Bank of England to raise interest rates without delay‘ (FT); ‘Furlough may have to return, IMF tells Sunak‘ (Telegraph)
Remind me… we took back control, right?
Meanwhile the globalists give themselves a hearty pat on the back: ‘Capitalism works‘ (FT) – well, it certainly does for the big multinational corporations comfortably in bed with crony governments – if you want to call that capitalism: ‘The global supply chain passed its big test‘ – we take that to imply they think permanent lockdown is now a workable longterm option. Sorry, I mentioned it.
Spare a thought for our poor Guardianistas. They are having to join in the condemnation of a sista-type they would normally praise to the rafters. Just look how the mainstream describe this piece of work: ‘Bouncer murdered her girlfriend’s toddler‘ (giveaway Metro); ‘Mum let lover batter 16-month-old Star’ (Mirror); ‘Tragic tot Star let down by “woke” social services‘ (Sun)
The Guardian has to suck it up for now and take the hit: ‘Woman guilty of murder. An amateur boxer who called herself “the number one pshcho” has been convicted of killing her partner’s daughter‘
Amateur boxer, bouncer… just the sort of fiesty individual we’re going to need decked out in hi viz joining the pseudo-police workforce checking all our covid passports outside entertainment venues. Sorry, I mentioned it again. Or Oops, I did it again – as Britney Spears once said. Whilst Katy Perry told us I kissed a girl and I liked it. That’s our culture and down stream of that is this sort of outcome.
‘Channel 4 left with all-white board as ministers bar directors from rejoining‘ – complains, not The Voice, some BLM newsheet or even The Harlem Times but our rather pink Financial Times.
And that gives us more than enough to think about for one day.
Such a shame. I would have suggested that this boxer remain on call to be engaged in stores where people of a ‘not quite right’ disposition, demand to use the womens changing rooms/toilets……….
I’m really excited to start as BBC News Community Affairs correspondent in spring 2022 🥳
Although it’s a network (aka national) role, I’ll be based in Leeds as part of the BBC’s efforts to disperse the centre of our coverage from London. Looking forward to moving next year!
🚨 Chuffed to bits and very excited to be appointed @BBCNews LGBT & Identity Correspondent. It’ll be an absolute privilege to report on such important stories when I start in 2022 🏳️🌈
After ten freezing hours in the booster queue, 500 people voted to let a trans woman with an adult baby at the back zoom to the front, and a policeperson wearing a rainbow flag pushed her buggy through making neenaw noises, and I cried for ten minutes.
To me, it’s a simple but profound premise. No one should ever be vilified, discriminated or segregated because of race, gender, religion, sexuality or indeed, medical choice. And anyone who does vilify, discriminate or segregate are on the wrong side of ethical behaviour. Always.
That’s a bit harsh, I imagine that the family had lived in South Africa
so that it wasn’t a big step to keep the child at school there for a while
Probably the school costs £3,000 year instead of £30K in the UK.
Not really. Why did the parents move to the UK when their son was still in school? How long have the parents been in the UK? It could be the son has been commuting for some time. If not, how did the parents get Leave to Remain beyond their tourist visas? Are the parents working in an essential occupation in the UK?
And what does it say about the UK State School system?
Funny those people are all in hotels paying thousands as gov tries to stop Omicron entering the UK
And now it has, we just open the borders
to new people
whilst those guys are still imprisoned in their hotels
🇬🇧 🌎 We will be removing all countries still on the Red List for travel, meaning:
lol: impose a virtual ban on travel which turned out to be pointless and just massively inconvenienced people then boast you will boost tourism and business when you remove it.
8:45 R4Today joint campaign item from BBC/Labour Party with Harriet Harman
The simple narrative was laid out “every 15 year old who gave up their baby for adoption before 1973 is a victim of the cruel establishment who shamed them, when in fact they all had no shame”
.. Actually the item was supposed to be about unmarried women who gave up babies for adoption
and fathers were never mentioned in the item.
It sounds like the campaign is angling for Windrush type compensation.
Funny that Mishal didn’t ask Hattie what she was doing back in the ‘70s … Hattie would have said – ‘I was a lefty nccl campaigning on behalf of the paedophile information exchange ‘ to make sex with children legal “ –
Stew, don’t panic! It is 2% of 0.9 to 1.1 so is somewhere in the range of 0.018 to 0.022. It is for England only so I don’t know what the Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland figures are projected to be. Back in the one week of hot summer that we had this year, coincidentally just when Covid restrictions were about to be lifted, “The R range for England is 1.2 to 1.4 and the growth rate range for England is +4% to +7% per day as of 16 July 2021.”
Guess what happened next?
Yes, infections went up (a little) and then they came down a little, then they came down a lot more.
I have to say as a member of the Conservative Party i find this picture appalling and genuinely unacceptable.
I would love to know who is releasing these pictures to the Mirror Group (they must be making a fortune).
Dont you just love the hypocritical indignation from the left..A party steeped in deep rooted racism, a party that worships organisations that support terror, a party that fought tooth and nail to stay in the EU against the expressed wishes of the people and i could go on and on…People really do have short memories
The nasty and unpleasant behaviour of Cummings who is relishing in Johnson predicament, a man who was one of the worse Covid rule breakers but Boris stood by him.
“Cummings of the worse Covid rule breakers”
Nope totally disagree with that media narrative.
A man got Covid and drove to safety, where his child could be cared for.
Then recovered he drove the family 25 miles to exercise
..rule bending that hardly worries me.
Yet an SNP MP tested positive and then go on a public train
… what punishment did she get ?
AFAIK Cummings is a good guy trying to reform this country away from it’s rule by Guardin-supremacists.
Barnard’s Castle, funny place to drive to.
From the local press at the time of Cumming’s transgression
”The location of GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) which has a site on Harmire Road, in Barnard Castle, has signed a letter of intent to enter into a collaboration with French company, Sanofi.
The firm will contribute its pandemic adjuvant technology to the collaboration whilst Sanofi will deliver its S-protein Covid-19 antigen, which is based on recombinant DNA technology.”
GSK said the use of an adjuvant can be of particular importance in a pandemic situation since it may reduce the amount of vaccine protein required per dose, allowing more vaccine doses to be produced and therefore contributing to protect more people.
There are good reasons for an outing to Barnard Castle, but visiting Glaxo would not for normal people be one of them. (Not that I am accusing Cummings of being normal.)
Stew, it would be interesting to know the exact timeline on that Cummings trip north. Did we not also hear that there were a lot of people hanging round his Dad’s farm? The police did not respond to Mr Cumming’s Senior’s phone calls. Was that after Dom + wife + child had arrived or before? Think there may be more to the Cummings story than is immediately visible.
@Up2Snuff if there was any proper dirt on Cummings the press would’ve run it
instead of spinning the weak stuff they had.
Bottomline Covid rules are about protecting those that might die
..the focus should be on protecting the 5%
like making sure they get from hospital to care home without bring Covid with them.
There is more to most people’s daily lives than is immediately visible. That is no bad thing, considering how devoid of interest it would be to people outside a very narrow circle.
Just went to the Asda ‘George’ website to check some men’s joggers I saw in their store ready to expand into next week and it appears they are ALL for BAME people !!. Not a single pair with a white man in them.
What are we supposed to wear ?. There must be some with ‘I’m an institutional racist’ printed on the front somewhere : they will definitely have a white male in them.
Indigenous peoples are inheritors and practitioners of unique cultures and ways of relating to people and the environment. They have retained social, cultural, economic and political characteristics that are distinct from those of the dominant societies in which they live. Despite their cultural differences, indigenous peoples from around the world share common problems related to the protection of their rights as distinct peoples.
Which will no doube be interpreted to mean the ‘Windrush Generation’ who have lived here ever since John White played in Henry VIII’s band and Mary Seacole founded the NHS.
Rant time .
The red list of countries ended at 0400 Wednesday . Yet people already in quarantine hotels are being told to stay in them because the law needs to be changed to ;free’ them ….
…. Someone tell me I am wrong …… how high does the insanity have to get ? Has there been a mass breakout yet ..?
I’d be tempted set the smoke alarms off and be gone – wouldn’t you ? And bill the crap red labour government …..
Declaration – I have no shares in hotels or been the victim of red lists o or know anyone who has been ….
Johnson’s 80 seat majority is gone. The true believers in the UK have shown themselves, and that should give us hope for going forward. The fact it includes Jeremy Corbyn & Rebecca Long-Bailey no longer surprises me, as my previously entrenched views have been shaken already by various former lefties revealing themselves as true libertarians. This also includes all Lib-Dem MP’s.
Hopefully Bojo gets such a thrashing in the by election tomorrow that a penny drops somewhere that this Blairite crap is NOT Conservatism.
In the ramifications of party doctrine she had not the faintest interest. Whenever he began to talk of the principles of Ingsoc, doublethink, the mutability of the past, and the denial of objective reality, and to use Newspeak words, she became bored and confused and said that she never paid any attention to that kind of thing. One knew that it was all rubbish, so why let oneself be worried by it?
PMQs Keir Starmer says Boris Johnson has “quite rightly” not ruled out further restrictions in response to Omicron cases – and pledges to vote in “the national interest” if further restrictions are needed to “protect the NHS”.
Of course. Belief is largely based on repetition – that’s why, for instance, it’s generally accepted that Jo Brand is a comedian, despite little evidence outside of BBC puff to support the description.
Comedian Jethro dies aged 73 from Covid
*despite having had two jabs
and a booster two years *
after he battled cancer
As warned, my favourite of my articles from this year. Number 5 is my anthropological investigation into the species cockus womblus.
Anybody going to be watching Boris at his 5 o clock tv briefing?
Will he actually be preparing us for plan C, even after that humiliation yesterday in Parliament.
Does he have something coming out that he needs to announce plan C to deflect attention from.
Photo’s or another revelation?
It’s a depressing sight, him and the two Ronnies of doom on our tv screens.
It can’t be about protecting the nhs because the nhs is now too far gone to save, it’s not fit for purpose and will soon be losing tens of thousands because of mandatory vaccinations.
It’s always right on the verge of collapsing, has been for decades so nothing new there.
It will not be to give details about the person who died and happened to test positive for the new very mild variant of omicron. It’s more likely he died when a piano fell out of a window on him than from this new mild variant. We would know all about it if he actually died because of omicron.
It can’t be about Emicron and his boat people because this government does nothing about them
In short, I can’t think of why he’s having this press conference and I reckon it’s being called to deflect attention from somewhere else, maybe his own position as PM being in danger.
You would think a state broadcaster would take an interest, wouldn,t you?
1) General Taxation/Scotland
The SNP are withholding the increases in 40/41% taxbands from Scottish workers. Once this gets to £50k in England , Scots higher tax workers could be penalised by up to £10,000 over 5 years.
How does an employer explain that to a non Scot applying for a job here?
Worse still since the snp deviants introduced the tax deviation…the assumed increase in tax take did not materialise according to latest figures produced.
These swivel eyed Brigadoon loonballs dont seem to get how disincentives work?
This could be explained by higher paying tax people leaving or
action being taken to neutralise the effect.
many of those affected will work at bBC Scotland ( £32 million white elephant) but may enjoy protection from exposure due to the creative contracts bBC has operated.
PS If it wasn’t for the investigative work of the Scottish Daily Mail
the snp,s McBroomie would simply sweep this stuff under the carpet.
Alternatively: If you’d had a Pfizer injection, you should not play in a football match. And if you’ve not had a Pfizer injection (or two, or three) you are not allowed to watch a football match.
Update on the Stossel Case
Facebook have filed their defence
‘Our fact checkers can ban posts, that have incorrect facts,
Our fact checkers are immune from law, cos their fact-checking is just OPINION’
… Viva Frei video
And don’t forget the 4 other appointments listed lower down in that tweet.
Not a single white male in any of them.
Why are they being allowed to get away with this ?. The UK is a white Christian country despite what the BBC try to make us believe. Policy makers of the British Broadcasting Corporation should reflect the general population who are forced to pay for them.
If only there was some credible alternative. I don’t know, perhaps a grammar school boy, who went to Oxford, who is a member of a globalist group such as the Trilateral Commission, who knows the right people in military intelligence…
I visited London’s west end today. Usually at Christmas the place is a heaving hive of activity. Bars, bistros, restaurants and shops are minting it. Not this year…
Boris Blowhard’s recent doom and gloom pronouncements and idiotic restrictions have really put the kybosh on London’s recovery. It was sparsely populated. Some smaller shops hadn’t even bothered to open. This is their main money making time and this buffoon has blown it.
The Conservatives have to get shot of this useless lump otherwise it will be curtains for all of us.
4:30pm R4 Katie Razzall Media Show tribute to Jon Snow: A Lifetime in News
The Channel 4 News presenter on politicians, impartiality and a flight with Idi Amin.
the longest-running presenter of Channel 4 News and one of the most famous faces in broadcasting.
Over the course of three decades, he has grilled every prime minister
.. He drew the iconic words ‘Let bygones be bygones’ from Nelson Mandela …
But he has also been accused of being partisan, of having political views that were too obvious
– and which undermine the network’s impartiality.
And so, at a time when the future of Channel 4 is up for grabs, his words have come under unprecedented scrutiny.
“I’m impartial me …oh those poor Grenfell people ..inequality, inequality”
.. So all London, and all immigrants are victims
typical Guardianland narratives.
On the Media Show @BBCRadio4 we dedicate the whole programme to TV News legend @jonsnowC4 He steps down from @Channel4News next week, a huge moment after an incredible career. We were colleagues for many years; even so some of his stories were new to me. Tune in 4.30pm & 9.30pm
Today we have announced the appointment of @AleemMaqbool – currently based in Washington – as Religion Editor for @BBCNews. Aleem is a hugely thoughtful reporter and analyst – the ideal skills for this important role.
One other thing on the BBC: if you want it to survive support the licence fee that will allow it. Everything is being done with less money and increasingly skeleton staff, staff progression is disappearing, people are working really hard and being spread too thin.
Tonight’s TV
BBC..the usual show stuff : Repair Shop, cooking show with professionals
Match of the Day
BBC2 was billed as having Match of the Day FA Cup
but that has been shelved for repeats of : Stephanie McGovern, Sandi Toskvig, Michael Palin, Jen Brister
ITV soaps and I’m a Non-Entity etc.
Channel 4 Kirsty, posh houses, then 2.5 hours of people watching TV
BBC2 presenters tonight
– 18:30 Janette Manrara (born Miami) : gossip from the Strictly.
– 18:55 JJ Chalmers Afghan Appeal (Commando – Wounded in Afghanistan)
– 19:00 Sara Cox book show with Fleur East black singer chosen book Sankofa by Chibundu Onuzo. There are other guests too
– Stephanie McGovern LESBIAN
– Michael Palin
– Sandi Toskvig LESBIAN comedian
– Jen Brister LESBIAN comedian
– Emily Maitliss
I was just watching the latest Boris press conference. Laura K got to ask the first press question – pushing for more restrictions. Is this because she knows that 99 Conservative MPs are resisting more restrictions and it furthers the BBC’s agenda of splitting the government. Or is it simply that she sees that there is more potential for attacking the government if more restrictions are introduced.
I have said it before but I have watched Labour and the MSM push for more restrictions since September. We didn’t need them for the delta variant.
We don’t yet know if we need more restrictions for the omicron variant. Chris Witty did show a graph where it appeared across all age groups that a third at most of the people in hospital with covid are the vaccinated and yet at least 3/4 of the population have had at least two jabs. I know that there are very mixed views on the value of the jabs so I will leave it there.
No, it’s nothing to do with 99 Conservative MPs resisting more restrictions. Lanky Laura has been pushing for more restrictions since day one. So has Lipstick Lil’ from Sky and the ridiculous scarecrow from ITV, Peston.
Chris Whitty can shove his graphs where the sun don’t shine…and so can our idiot PM. We’ve had “three weeks to flatten the curve”…”just one more push”…”lockdown during the winter to save Easter”…”lockdown for Easter to save the summer”…”Lockdown in June to save July”…FFS, it’s endless!
I know it’s Christmas and right on time here it comes…
Far-right anti-vaccination activists are suspected of plotting attacks with crossbows or other "piercing weapons". Saxony has the lowest Covid vaccine take-up in Germany
Just listening to that BBC piece and the only evidence they present that these activists are far-right is that the AfD party is strong in the region. That’s it. And they call the AfD ‘far-right’ every time they mention it.
Maybe they are behind it, but the BBC have an ethical duty to have more evidence than that before making such a direct accusation in a headline.
Woman jailed for minimum of 25 years for murdering partner's 16-month-old daughter Star Hobson after causing "catastrophic" injuries
How come EVERY advert features BME to associate the product with wokeness, yet the reason for the experiential growth in OMRECON in London is the lack of BME not taking up the vaccinations. So if its ok to use BME in adverts to rub us none BME noses in it why can’t the government use BME actors in government adverts urging BME people to take up the vaccinations ?
‘third of Londoners not vaxxed at all’ says Twitter
..I guess theydo skew to a younger demographic.
I wonder if the included under 12s or only over 12s
Here is one of them government petitions that might force them to investigate all the adverse events from the vaccines.
If they , genuinely did care for us there should be no argument about them agreeing to this petition.
Local ITV news
“A woman was cyber stalked in her home using internet connected devices
, you really should change the generic passwords of devices like CCTV”
This “Louise” was interviewed from the back
we saw she wears a pink headscarf and full length flowing clothes.
Today’s virus numbers (I would have called it ‘Covid numbers’ but it may include colds and influenza where people have had a positive LF, esp. or PCR test in the last 28 days) are out:
There has been a big increase, not quite reaching one million in total – in fact, just 921,390 short of one million. But it is up on the day before: 78,610 compared to 59,610 yesterday, a 32% increase.
If that is the bad news, here comes the good news: although deaths have quadrupled compared to yesterday, the three month downward trend continues and 14 more people have been discharged from hospital across the UK.
“although deaths have quadrupled compared to yesterday”
You can’t really do that, cos Mondays and Tuesdays are always low due to them not having delayed weekend death reports.
The standard is to compare the figure with that from the same day last week
Today’s is 5% lower than that
The BBC, Labour, the Lib Dems and the SNP floundering like fish now Shaun Bailey has been shown to be the culpable culprit.
The story is now all about ‘The Conservative Party’ instead of Boris personally.
And I notice this has another BBC specific trick which I think started after George Floyd. When they have a new story on something they are clearly using to push an agenda, they repeat the previous articles in the new articles to make it seem like they are still news.
This is a new kind of BBC lie. I shall call it the ‘Lie by repetition’.
Ok – watched nut nut do his live press conference gig . I think I’ve seen too many now as I can’t remember any of it at all . It ran for nearly 1 hour – 1 hour ! .
I did note that nut nut didn’t use that ‘world beating ‘ lie he used to use – or that ‘ putting arms around ‘ lie either .
Although as I recall – the witty was cheerfully predicting a lot of people with the new brand of china virus at the same time – after Christmas .
We ll see if there is panic buying of pigs in blankets again or a run of goose fat or brandy butter … both of which I still have at the back of the fridge from 2006 …
Fedup2Mar 29, 11:49 Weekend 29th March 2025 Not about the BBC – But about freedom – the malicious arrest of 2 parents – from the DT STARTS…
Fedup2Mar 29, 11:45 Weekend 29th March 2025 Sometime the self awareness of the BBC is a source of mild humour …. On ‘from our own correspondent ‘…
Emmanuel GoldsteinMar 29, 11:44 Weekend 29th March 2025 Foscari. It’s especially bad up here in Sunderland where the local North East radio is forever going on about their…
BRISSLESMar 29, 10:55 Weekend 29th March 2025 Absolutely! Well done W. (pssst Snuffy – he’s a lurker ) 😀
Fedup2Mar 29, 10:45 Weekend 29th March 2025 Digg My instant response is – is he a real doctor ? Where qualified ? I found his company address…
tomoMar 29, 10:42 Weekend 29th March 2025 Stew – I went and looked 🙂 It would’ve been fun if they did issue that sort of travel advisory…
tomoMar 29, 10:34 Weekend 29th March 2025 I remember when Tim Pool and others had their work flagrantly stolen by corporate media – who in some cases…
tomoMar 29, 10:20 Weekend 29th March 2025 Foscari The sausage machine of nooze has really got performative and the editors / directors get the on-screen “key talent”…
tomoMar 29, 10:14 Weekend 29th March 2025 “wind going to be cheaper” already 9x cheaper! – the (usually paid for) Zealots screech The systematic mendacity of the…
The BBC will no doubt in about fourteen minutes time will make much of the Conservative MPs who ‘rebelled’ against the Government yesterday in the House and who stood up for their constituents. Will the BBC point out that spineless Labour MPs obeyed their Party Whips and the Sucker who leads but doesn’t lead and did not support their constituents? I very much doubt it.
A clear case of BBC bias.
Ya think?
Bbc Moaning Emole from Naff.
Covid passes for England despite Tory revolt
And then Beff, in lockstep, as ever.
Who’da thunked it?
There is something really nasty afoot in the UK
And a similar report from the the BBC
Oxford Street: Images issued after men filmed spitting at Jews on bus
The BBC also claims that someone heard an anti
-Muslim slur from within the bus but denied by all within. No evidence of such an occurrence, except the claim by the BBC.
I have noticed this year of a grumpy, or no response to wishing them a ” Merry Christmas”.
This is symptomatic of a people turning their back on the founding cornerstone of Western civilisation. Coupled with overt anti-semitism, and we are not far from the cliff.
I just wonder what it must feel to be surrounded by screaming fanatics trying to attack one while going to celibrate Hanukkah. Not in Berlin 1930, but now in London , while carrying the memory of Europe 1930.
Coupled with denying the redeeming Grace of our Lord, Britain is one step away from the cliff.
Catchup links to most recent posts on previous thread
– page 3 started 1pm on Tuesday
– page 2
Some sort of nihilism has overtaken me, at least as far as the media is concerned. Everything, but everything, seems to trying to get me to believe lies. It used to be just adverts that you had to be wary of, but now it seems to be everything.
Maybe I’m being affected by the fact that Christmas is looming. Since my wife died 30 months ago I haven’t sent Christmas cards or given presents. Cards continue to arrive of course, some of them enquiring about the health and happiness of myself and my wife. One or two enquire about the dogs, the last of which died in February. I put all Christmas cards straight in the fire. My wife used to save them all, and I have a huge box full of the things.
I’m very sceptical about many of my friends and relations, especially the latter. I detect a lot of false friendliness.
As for the broadcasters, the newspapers, the government, the various pressure groups, and all our great national institutions, I wish them all far enough. Basically I reckon most of them should rot in hell.
Merry Christmas.
My sympathy to you Fred and am sure others on here will join me in this. It is a difficult time of year if you are both on your own and have suffered bereavement in winter time. There’s a lot of pressure to do what would normally be done at this time and writing 50, 60, 75 or 90 (or more) cards and buying and wrapping presents and so on.
Do you have children nearby who can support you?
My and our good wishes to you at this time.
Yes – Fred – I will second Up2 s comment . I get fed up with the rituals of this time of year – particularly for those who do not have big families of social groups – which I suggest is a fairly big number .
Yet the Christmas onslaught is led by the likes of the Godless BBC with an expectation – requirement – that every one will be celebrating and enjoying – which in the real world is not always the case . Best of wishes
Fred, I understand how you feel, I have had some grim Xmas times in the past.
Those foolish enough to be seduced by what the MSM would have one think everyone does at Xmas and how happy it is are prone to disappointment.
Get a couple more dogs, they will be happy with a tin of Winalot on Xmas day and apart from that, unconditional love, a rare thing with relatives and casual Xmas friends.
(as long as the Winalot lasts anyway)
I agree with getting a dog to help with Fred’s grieving it will certainly help to provide a little brightness at this very difficult time. My other recommendation , which applies to everyone regardless of their situation, is to avoid the MSM and if possible seek entertainment from films and TV made before 2010 or preferable 2000.
Yes the kids are great. It’s just that it seems that all the people and things we used to be able to trust (I won’t list them) have gone rogue in the last ten years or so. We are seeing the end of true democracy and free speech because of the power of the left-liberal extremists, the end of our national culture because we are going to be flooded with people who don’t share our culture, the end of western society because China is going to take the world over.
Fred Stubber
Life and Death at Christmas Advent | A Devotional by John Piper–2?utm_mediun=mobile&utm_source=ios&utm_campaign=Solid+Joys
This devotioanal was sent to me today by my vicar. When querried why he had sent it to me as there has been no so sad event for me in the last few years, he responded that sooner or later it will happen to all of us.
Fred, we are a community here and we care about those of us who regularly post. I cannot tell you how worried I was for Halifax when he told us he had the dreaded bug, but then the pleasure when he returned.
A friend lost her husband on Christmas Day itself in 2020. Being that sort of person she has read the books that suggest she starts new traditions and new memories for Christmas Day. She has no family but she is going for a long walk on the day and returning to a M&S gastro steak and ale pie which is what she really fancies.
Fred, avoid the BBC at all costs especially on Christmas Day itself. To them, Christmas is a day for false jollity, drink and all the decorations that don’t involve faith. The BBC never considers those on their own on Christmas Day and how they could have a worthwhile role to support them. But we are BBBC will probably be looking in on the day so if you need a moan that day, come here and have it.
I have been watching some excellent David Starkey talks about the Tudors on YouTube, and have recently found some programmes (?) about art delivered by Waldemar Januswzczak who was the art critic at the Guardian but I haven’t yet seen the agenda. If they are not your cup of tea, search YouTube for the things that are more than 5 minutes long for the topics that do interest you.
Deborah. Its people like you and my friends on here that make me believe that their is hope for us all.
Good post, Debs. Hear hear!
Yes, thank you. I hardly watch any broadcast TV at all these days because every programme seems to be telling me lies.
I mean, Channel Four News is on in the background. It’s such a distortion of the truth. John Snow was interviewed on the radio earlier (I was driving an old car with no DAB so it was Radio Four or nowt). It was such a soft interview; let him get away with batting off the gentle suggestions that he was biased. As a matter of fact I once helped John Snow with his bike (200 GIR mean anything to anyone?). I should have wrapped it round his neck.
Good ideas there. How fortunate Starkey’s pupils were to have him! And how fortunate that he is free to address a wider audience!
Fred, avoid the BBC at all costs especially on Christmas Day itself.
Absolutely. One way or other the BBC will try to demean the Grace of our Lord.
They wont succeed but they will destroy the innocent joy of many people.
Every year for about the last ten I have received a very nice Christmas card from Auntie Jean. I have no idea who Auntie Jean is, despite my best endeavours with family and neighbours (mis-addressed?) to find out. She chooses not to tell me where she lives so I am unable to tell her she is wasting her time and money.
Lunchtime – ok – it was me – my hobby is selecting random names and addresses and sending my ‘aunty Jean ‘ Christmas cards ….
…..I m in the same boat as you – but I get very few Christmas cards – but I find those who send a computer printed labelled envelope lack a certain spirit of the time ….this includes – of course – the one I get from TVlicencing entitled
‘Thinking of you ‘…..
Well, that’s very kind of you then as the envelope also usually includes a £20 note. Cheers!
I get a card from “Tim”. The only Tim I can think of would never send me a card. I now see that Tim posted his card in the “North West Yorkshire” postal district, which is almost as big as Australia, so I can’t pin him down.
She chooses not to tell me where she lives so I am unable to tell her she is wasting her time and money.
She is fortunate that you cant tell her.
Fred, As a long time widow (husband dropped down dead on New Year’s morning 20 years ago), I discovered there is no rule book on grief. You do what’s best for you and sod everyone else, – and yes I send out cards, but those I receive just sit in a pile on the table, because what’s the point of display when there’s only you to see them ? likewise decorations. To others it may sound miserable, but they forget that I once had huuuge Christmases with parents, husband and extended family, with all the trappings. Now there is just me and the dog and as long as I have food in the fridge for me and her, Netflix on the tele, and my favourite 40 year old Port, then I’m a happy bunny.
To some extent I exist in the same way. I spend very little money because there’s no enjoyment in trips, holidays, new cars, whatever when she isn’t there to share them.
Maybe because I was younger then, but I soon got out of that ‘rut’ and started to socialise again. I realised if I didn’t do anything then no-one was going to knock on my door, so I took tentative steps and began a new ‘single’ lifestyle. I quickly learned that we cannot ‘die’ inside, we have no alternative but to carry on but its not easy. I now look at my older friends who are couples, and though I was devastated at the time I coped better with grief because I was younger and still working, but my friends have a longer life relationship and they will have to ‘go through it’ at some point which will be harder to deal with. There is no easy answer.
TOADY Watch #1 – did I hear Nick Robinson right?
Yes, the BBC are making much of that series of votes and the Conservative Party rebellion yesterday. I think I heard Nick say that Boris Johnson has lost control of half of his Party. Another example of BBC ‘not doing maths’ like they ‘don’t do geography’ or ‘don’t do science’ if Nick did say that.
Three hundred and sixty Conservative MPs sit in the House.
Not even one third ‘rebelled’. Nick must have been using the abboticus left by Diane in the studio after cosying up to Michael on the BBC studio couch. Or soing some wishful thinking about abstentions on behalf of the Labour Party?
I think the BBC method of telling a falsehood enough times turning it into the truth applies here . I’m hoping – always – that maybe he might finally get round to squaring up – or at least taking on the BBC – a task he has opportunity to do but has chosen not to do it – presumably because his wife doesn’t want it .
A new PM won’t want to take on the BBC because they’ll be looking for some ‘support ‘ in the run up to the next election .
Following the revelation of another party in CCHQ – I was wondering about the morality of politicians ( yes I know morality is lost on them ).
Sean Bailey – the failed Tory mayoral candidate for London has resigned from the plod committee because the mirror has published a picture of him breaking the law at a party last Christmas .
Do politicians wait to be caught ? Do they not realise these tedious laws apply to them ? Would it not be better to say ‘look – I screwed up – I went to a party ‘ before the picture comes out ?
There must be all sorts of horse trading ( blackmail ) going on with people who took party pictures telling their victims the Daily Mirror will be getting them unless …..
I wonder how many other of the ‘Judge and Jury’ politicians who are faking outrage over ‘partygate’ broke lockdown rules themselves in some way.
I would bet my house that it is the vast majority.
Fed, “one million infections a day”, will now be repeated by the BBC endlessly. “Doctor, I have a zit on the end of my nose. Does it count as an infection?”
That Bailey party? There is obviously a mole somewhere in the Conservative Party or some serious illegal hacking of phones and computers going on. I was wondering yesterday whether Bojo underneath the cover of his bumbling, apparently incompetent exterior has hatched ‘a cunning plan’. Am going to have to keep ‘my powder dry’ on that for a while.
Money, taxpayers’ money and newspaper revenues (from taxpayers!) may, indeed, have changed hands.
The best thing about ‘one million infections per day’ is that it is totally impossible to prove wrong. Who can say how many got it and didn’t have symptoms or bother getting tested ?. The BBC love things like that when it suits them.
Note how they don’t estimate ‘positive test results per day’ because they CAN be proved wrong and would expose ‘Project Scaremonger’ for what it is.
I suspect all these actions at the moment are to ‘save the NHS’. There will of course be those on the front line dealing with genuinely vulnerable people for whom getting the virus may tip seriously ill into ‘be ready to meet the maker’. These physicians and nurses need to be well and not make the ill iller. But how many receptionists, secretaries etc etc could do with a few extra days off at Xmas, and how useful the time they have ‘isolating’ gives them time to wrap the Xmas presents. It will then probably turn out to be a false alarm.
I don’t have a big problem with trying to get some restraint over Xmas to prevent a surge in January. However I am acutely aware of how easily we are blatantly lied to these days.
It seems to me that it all went way out of control during Brexit when the BBC could say anything they liked because none of the left-leaning Remainers spread through the MSM and government would pick them up for it. And now it’s completely normal.
Of course I may be wrong and it’s always been like this and Brexit just gave us examples we could spot easily, but however we got here, I find it totally unacceptable.
Last night there was mention that the mirror would be publishing ‘game changing ‘ party pictures which would end nut nuts rein. Instead we got a failed mayoral candidate .
Andrew Bridgen was with Farage last night and admitted once he voted against his government it was easier the next time . However – what would another PM do – given that he /she has advise saying to apply stronger restrictions – answer – the same .
Nut nut is following the ‘react earlier ‘ line – even though there is no evidence yet of people dropping like flies infected with the latest Chinese brand .
So he is paying the price of a weary bunch of politicians . But he has bought it on himself through his conduct .
I reckon the BBC will go into overdrive if the blue labour majority is slashed in Shropshire on Thursday – and if it is a big loss – maybe stories about rivals setting up Campaign HQs will surface ….
….who ever takes over won’t be strong enough to be a conservative .
It’s all getting a bit Len Deighton and John le Carré, Fed.
nudge nudge 😉 😉
I think the BBC are safe; they have proved their worth as the propaganda arm of the Government during this pseudo-pandemic.
Star Hobson babysitter criticises social services response
Have you noticed that for the Left and the BBC, nothing is ever the fault of the person who did something ?. It always has to be someone elses fault they were not stopped.
The country is chock full of scumbag couples now, particularly as the Left seem intent on destroying the concept of the nuclear family in their endless search for ‘victims’. Perhaps some context should have been included in the article as to how many other ‘families’ are similar to this one. Particularly in Bradford. In some ways, this is more blood on their hands.
I have a lot of sympathy for the social workers there. I’m surprised they can get anyone to do it.
And how come nearly every article I find these days on the BBC which I consider ridiculous enough to check, the author is a BAME who looks like they just left school ?.
I made this point yesterday and agree with you . However it is good to see a list of doctors in the mail online who did nothing about the cause of the injuries to this baby when they treated her .
I suspect they didn’t want the hassle of reporting the injuries to the child and were thinking about their bank balances . …I have no regard for the medical mafia and hate the idea of having to use their services .
As for the BBC – the bias is there today . The second dead child trial in two weeks and little coverage . I believe it’s because the ‘parents’ were 2 queer wimmin which is ‘right on ‘ with the BBC – which favours unconventional family types .
Makes me wonder how many children are being tortured and killed by their ‘parents ‘ – and how many of these monsters never reach court .
( before stew hits me with a gleeful correction – the bit about ‘doctors being shamed ‘ is in the mail but is about another child murder by a ‘step ‘ someone in a ‘chaotic ‘ relationship …. Now what did they do with that death penalty ? )
I suspect the statistics of the victims would be very inconvenient for the agenda if we were told everything – and set the BAME representation groups screaming about unhelpful racism.
You accused me (I think, but am not sure what you meant) of racism the other day. Would you explain a bit more, because I am genuinely mystified?
Are you an associate of maxincony ?
I did not accuse you of racism. I said that I have seen some comments were you appear to bait someone else to make a racist remark. They have alluded to something racist and you say something like ‘Would you care to expand on that’.
I mentioned it because Maxicony and his employers very cleary making records in some database of anything people say which they can use as ‘evidence’ at a later date. I expect they want to be able to discredit this forum if it is used as part of an attempt to force change on the BBC.
If those are not your intentions, I apologise and would ask you help us make sure people only uses race when it is a relevant factor in showing BBC bias. Because these days, it usually is.
A piece from Radio this morning..
Four 20 year olds being interviewed regarding the Shropshire by- election tomorrow.
When asked which way they were going to vote 3 said Labour and 1 undecided but not Tory.
The interviewer said had the Tory sleaze swayed them and they all said yes but then he said what policy from the Labour Party attracted them to vote Labour, a deafening silence.
They had no clue, then one piped up and said, “well my dad has always voted Labour so I will”
Then the interviewer asked about the historical problems Labour had gone through themselves in the past regarding racism etc, none was aware..!!!
I despair..!!
lol – the best for me is still the young woman so incensed about Brexit that she joined a protest.
When asked on camera what the best thing the EU have given us was, she replied ‘the NHS’.
Voting age should be at least 21 IMHO.
…..during the last general election I was on a train and it was full of kids going to Jeremy Corbyn rally and all were very excited.
Then a girl on the seat opposite me asked her male friend, ” what’s the IRA”, he then piped up, not sure but I think it’s to do with the world monetary fund in New York..
I think politicians live off the ignorance of voters – a bit like the way armies live off the immortality of the young plus their need for excitement .
I think politicians are more likely to reduce the voting age rather than raise it. I bet that is on the wish list of any incoming red labour government .
At the last election my daughter was about 21 and said she was voting for Corbyn, “because he’s lovely”.
Amusingly as she has become more aware of current affairs her views and comments are pretty right wing lately.
I remember Peter Simple summing up voter awareness by quoting one saying, “Well, I’m going with Jo Wilson and the Conservatives”.
Does Nadine Dorries ever listen to, or watch the BBC?
I reckon Nadine is more interested in building her ministerial pension than doing anything useful . I think she used to be one of those ‘mouthy’ backbenchers – now silenced by getting a government job .
Also – the blue labour politicians will be busy scheming to get a better job when nut nut leaves the stage ….
Even if she wants to destroy the BBC she won’t be able to because the PM’s wife is a part of the blob and will protect the corporation on principle. Oh and of course Boris does as he is told.
“…….Boris does as he is told.”
Not as far as his dick is concerned I understand. What’s the total of known? is it seven or eight children?
A bit of light relief from Katie (erstwhile Boris supporter if I recall).
TOADY Watch #2 – in which Nick Robinson reveals how his mind works or doesn’t
Nick may have been a Conservative once upon a time but at the BBC he appears to have been absorbed into the Socialist hive mind that says and believes that science is god and the NHS is god and must be absolutely believed. There was a wonderful interview with Prof. Graham Medley which shows how lost Nick Robinson and the BBC are.
Prof. Medley was an honest scientist and in effect in answering Mishal’s question about one million Covid infections per day (who made that ridiculous statement?) said: “I don’t know.” Too much speculation is bonded onto a vagueish answer from a scientist by a scaremongering media and is believed by an adult, university (Oxford!) educated Nick Robinson and the rest of the BBC Hive Mind absolutely.
The what else can we talk about edition.
The IMF have a lot to tell us this morning: ‘ Inflation alert. IMF calls for swift rate rise. The IMF has urged the Bank of England to raise interest rates without delay‘ (FT); ‘Furlough may have to return, IMF tells Sunak‘ (Telegraph)
Remind me… we took back control, right?
Meanwhile the globalists give themselves a hearty pat on the back: ‘Capitalism works‘ (FT) – well, it certainly does for the big multinational corporations comfortably in bed with crony governments – if you want to call that capitalism: ‘The global supply chain passed its big test‘ – we take that to imply they think permanent lockdown is now a workable longterm option. Sorry, I mentioned it.
Spare a thought for our poor Guardianistas. They are having to join in the condemnation of a sista-type they would normally praise to the rafters. Just look how the mainstream describe this piece of work: ‘Bouncer murdered her girlfriend’s toddler‘ (giveaway Metro); ‘Mum let lover batter 16-month-old Star’ (Mirror); ‘Tragic tot Star let down by “woke” social services‘ (Sun)
The Guardian has to suck it up for now and take the hit: ‘Woman guilty of murder. An amateur boxer who called herself “the number one pshcho” has been convicted of killing her partner’s daughter‘
Amateur boxer, bouncer… just the sort of fiesty individual we’re going to need decked out in hi viz joining the pseudo-police workforce checking all our covid passports outside entertainment venues. Sorry, I mentioned it again. Or Oops, I did it again – as Britney Spears once said. Whilst Katy Perry told us I kissed a girl and I liked it. That’s our culture and down stream of that is this sort of outcome.
‘Channel 4 left with all-white board as ministers bar directors from rejoining‘ – complains, not The Voice, some BLM newsheet or even The Harlem Times but our rather pink Financial Times.
And that gives us more than enough to think about for one day.
Such a shame. I would have suggested that this boxer remain on call to be engaged in stores where people of a ‘not quite right’ disposition, demand to use the womens changing rooms/toilets……….
Now that would be something else.
Cubicle garden diversity dispersal. Luverly.
Shame to miss this one. Which is important.
These people are ideological mutants. They have no idea how depraved their thinking has become.
WTF is an adult baby?
An adult baby is a 6′ who thinks he is a baby girl and sucks his father’s teats for sustenance.
I thought everyone knew that.
You do know he is a parody account, right?
I didn’t – I can’t read minds . Might be fairer if posters still such crap up with a preface saying it is not real …
I’ve been caught out many a time!
Good show. Pile it on.
Or this. The color coding made it ripe for priority.
Likely best to stick with narrative guidelines.
So none of the 4 is a white man.
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – our nation is truly lost . . . . . (scroll down to ‘We had to put ourselves into debt to pay the bill’)
. . . . when a child commutes to school in South Africa – yes, honestly.
That’s a bit harsh, I imagine that the family had lived in South Africa
so that it wasn’t a big step to keep the child at school there for a while
Probably the school costs £3,000 year instead of £30K in the UK.
Not really. Why did the parents move to the UK when their son was still in school? How long have the parents been in the UK? It could be the son has been commuting for some time. If not, how did the parents get Leave to Remain beyond their tourist visas? Are the parents working in an essential occupation in the UK?
And what does it say about the UK State School system?
Funny those people are all in hotels paying thousands as gov tries to stop Omicron entering the UK
And now it has, we just open the borders
to new people
whilst those guys are still imprisoned in their hotels
lol: impose a virtual ban on travel which turned out to be pointless and just massively inconvenienced people then boast you will boost tourism and business when you remove it.
That’s politicians for you.
And now Fi Glover tells us to send our cheque for the people of Afghanistan.
So the license payers are paying her salary as she asks them to send more money.
8:45 R4Today joint campaign item from BBC/Labour Party with Harriet Harman
The simple narrative was laid out “every 15 year old who gave up their baby for adoption before 1973 is a victim of the cruel establishment who shamed them, when in fact they all had no shame”
.. Actually the item was supposed to be about unmarried women who gave up babies for adoption
and fathers were never mentioned in the item.
It sounds like the campaign is angling for Windrush type compensation.
Funny that Mishal didn’t ask Hattie what she was doing back in the ‘70s … Hattie would have said – ‘I was a lefty nccl campaigning on behalf of the paedophile information exchange ‘ to make sex with children legal “ –
– but she didn’t ask Hattie ….
To all those tempted to believe the BBC Panic about Covid-19 and its various mutations I quote:
“The R range for England is 0.9 to 1.1 and the growth rate range for England is -1% to +2% per day as of 10 December 2021.”
a 2%/day growth rate is big
Leads to almost doubling in a month.
Increased testing leads to more positives being found.
Bottomline the death rate is still falling
It’s now averaging 114/day vs 500/day 12 months ago
Stew, don’t panic! It is 2% of 0.9 to 1.1 so is somewhere in the range of 0.018 to 0.022. It is for England only so I don’t know what the Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland figures are projected to be. Back in the one week of hot summer that we had this year, coincidentally just when Covid restrictions were about to be lifted, “The R range for England is 1.2 to 1.4 and the growth rate range for England is +4% to +7% per day as of 16 July 2021.”
Guess what happened next?
Yes, infections went up (a little) and then they came down a little, then they came down a lot more.
The Shaun Bailey photo that the press have sat on for one year.
And the pictures of non-Tories they are still sitting on.
BBC Party!
I have to say as a member of the Conservative Party i find this picture appalling and genuinely unacceptable.
I would love to know who is releasing these pictures to the Mirror Group (they must be making a fortune).
Dont you just love the hypocritical indignation from the left..A party steeped in deep rooted racism, a party that worships organisations that support terror, a party that fought tooth and nail to stay in the EU against the expressed wishes of the people and i could go on and on…People really do have short memories
The nasty and unpleasant behaviour of Cummings who is relishing in Johnson predicament, a man who was one of the worse Covid rule breakers but Boris stood by him.
“Cummings of the worse Covid rule breakers”
Nope totally disagree with that media narrative.
A man got Covid and drove to safety, where his child could be cared for.
Then recovered he drove the family 25 miles to exercise
..rule bending that hardly worries me.
Yet an SNP MP tested positive and then go on a public train
… what punishment did she get ?
AFAIK Cummings is a good guy trying to reform this country away from it’s rule by Guardin-supremacists.
…sadly we will have to agree to disagree on this one..
Barnard’s Castle, funny place to drive to.
From the local press at the time of Cumming’s transgression
”The location of GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) which has a site on Harmire Road, in Barnard Castle, has signed a letter of intent to enter into a collaboration with French company, Sanofi.
The firm will contribute its pandemic adjuvant technology to the collaboration whilst Sanofi will deliver its S-protein Covid-19 antigen, which is based on recombinant DNA technology.”
GSK said the use of an adjuvant can be of particular importance in a pandemic situation since it may reduce the amount of vaccine protein required per dose, allowing more vaccine doses to be produced and therefore contributing to protect more people.
There are good reasons for an outing to Barnard Castle, but visiting Glaxo would not for normal people be one of them. (Not that I am accusing Cummings of being normal.)
Stew, it would be interesting to know the exact timeline on that Cummings trip north. Did we not also hear that there were a lot of people hanging round his Dad’s farm? The police did not respond to Mr Cumming’s Senior’s phone calls. Was that after Dom + wife + child had arrived or before? Think there may be more to the Cummings story than is immediately visible.
@Up2Snuff if there was any proper dirt on Cummings the press would’ve run it
instead of spinning the weak stuff they had.
Bottomline Covid rules are about protecting those that might die
..the focus should be on protecting the 5%
like making sure they get from hospital to care home without bring Covid with them.
There is more to most people’s daily lives than is immediately visible. That is no bad thing, considering how devoid of interest it would be to people outside a very narrow circle.
A new BT phone directory through the door:
“Alright my luvver?”
A grey-haired woman of colour wearing a stethoscope in the Hollywood style filling the front cover.
A minority of minorities.
They do hate us don’t they? Will there be cattle trucks this time? Is Astra Zenca/Pfizer the new Cyclone B?
Ah the new ones are cusomised to your area
With a local saying, and “local” person.
I didn’t know there still were phone books. I haven’t had one for years.
Just went to the Asda ‘George’ website to check some men’s joggers I saw in their store ready to expand into next week and it appears they are ALL for BAME people !!. Not a single pair with a white man in them.
What are we supposed to wear ?. There must be some with ‘I’m an institutional racist’ printed on the front somewhere : they will definitely have a white male in them.
United Nations:
Which will no doube be interpreted to mean the ‘Windrush Generation’ who have lived here ever since John White played in Henry VIII’s band and Mary Seacole founded the NHS.
Rant time .
The red list of countries ended at 0400 Wednesday . Yet people already in quarantine hotels are being told to stay in them because the law needs to be changed to ;free’ them ….
…. Someone tell me I am wrong …… how high does the insanity have to get ? Has there been a mass breakout yet ..?
I’d be tempted set the smoke alarms off and be gone – wouldn’t you ? And bill the crap red labour government …..
Declaration – I have no shares in hotels or been the victim of red lists o or know anyone who has been ….
Be positive.
Johnson’s 80 seat majority is gone. The true believers in the UK have shown themselves, and that should give us hope for going forward. The fact it includes Jeremy Corbyn & Rebecca Long-Bailey no longer surprises me, as my previously entrenched views have been shaken already by various former lefties revealing themselves as true libertarians. This also includes all Lib-Dem MP’s.
Hopefully Bojo gets such a thrashing in the by election tomorrow that a penny drops somewhere that this Blairite crap is NOT Conservatism.
80 seat majority – 0 action.
In the ramifications of party doctrine she had not the faintest interest. Whenever he began to talk of the principles of Ingsoc, doublethink, the mutability of the past, and the denial of objective reality, and to use Newspeak words, she became bored and confused and said that she never paid any attention to that kind of thing. One knew that it was all rubbish, so why let oneself be worried by it?
Gender-neutral passports: Campaigner Christie Elan-Cane loses Supreme Court case
Today I want to be a man, and next year….
Occasionally sense does prevail
Keir Starmer says Boris Johnson has “quite rightly” not ruled out further restrictions in response to Omicron cases – and pledges to vote in “the national interest” if further restrictions are needed to “protect the NHS”.
If he says “in the national interest” enough times will anyone believe him?
Of course. Belief is largely based on repetition – that’s why, for instance, it’s generally accepted that Jo Brand is a comedian, despite little evidence outside of BBC puff to support the description.
One really hope the taxpayer didn’t pick up the tab for this crap
But you know they almost certainly did, right?
Comedian Jethro dies aged 73 from Covid
*despite having had two jabs
and a booster two years *
after he battled cancer
“…despite having had two jabs and a booster…”
That word “despite” is having to do some unaccustomed work there.
Ben Sixsmith writes
Anybody going to be watching Boris at his 5 o clock tv briefing?
Will he actually be preparing us for plan C, even after that humiliation yesterday in Parliament.
Does he have something coming out that he needs to announce plan C to deflect attention from.
Photo’s or another revelation?
It’s a depressing sight, him and the two Ronnies of doom on our tv screens.
It can’t be about protecting the nhs because the nhs is now too far gone to save, it’s not fit for purpose and will soon be losing tens of thousands because of mandatory vaccinations.
It’s always right on the verge of collapsing, has been for decades so nothing new there.
It will not be to give details about the person who died and happened to test positive for the new very mild variant of omicron. It’s more likely he died when a piano fell out of a window on him than from this new mild variant. We would know all about it if he actually died because of omicron.
It can’t be about Emicron and his boat people because this government does nothing about them
In short, I can’t think of why he’s having this press conference and I reckon it’s being called to deflect attention from somewhere else, maybe his own position as PM being in danger.
“Will he actually be preparing us for plan C, even after that humiliation yesterday in Parliament.”
He’s only accountable to the Globalist NWO so, he won’t give a toss what the people think. Their Grand Plan is going well.
You would think a state broadcaster would take an interest, wouldn,t you?
1) General Taxation/Scotland
The SNP are withholding the increases in 40/41% taxbands from Scottish workers. Once this gets to £50k in England , Scots higher tax workers could be penalised by up to £10,000 over 5 years.
How does an employer explain that to a non Scot applying for a job here?
Worse still since the snp deviants introduced the tax deviation…the assumed increase in tax take did not materialise according to latest figures produced.
These swivel eyed Brigadoon loonballs dont seem to get how disincentives work?
This could be explained by higher paying tax people leaving or
action being taken to neutralise the effect.
many of those affected will work at bBC Scotland ( £32 million white elephant) but may enjoy protection from exposure due to the creative contracts bBC has operated.
PS If it wasn’t for the investigative work of the Scottish Daily Mail
the snp,s McBroomie would simply sweep this stuff under the carpet.
I have to watch simply because after nut nut tells us “its the end of the world “ beff will ask what baby number 10 will be called …
After the huge mistake of frightening the population with the pre recorded thing on Sunday – i guess he ll talk about the parties being planned for 10 staff and his favourite peppa pig © story
Or maybe he ll beg the voters of Shropshire to keep him in the job he doesnt deserve
Jeremy Kyle 12:30pm yesterday
“Well, I’m over Covid. You know where I go it ?
Apparently 4 or 5 of us caught it whilst queuing up for the booster”
… Just like 2 cases of the5 people I personally know who go the virus
More vax, means more queues , means more cases.
More testing means more false results including false negatives who then spread the virus.
Sergio Aguero: Barcelona’s former Man City striker retires
“The former Manchester City striker was taken to hospital on 30 October after experiencing “chest discomfort” during a 1-1 draw with Alaves.”
My take:
Alternatively: If you’d had a Pfizer injection, you should not play in a football match. And if you’ve not had a Pfizer injection (or two, or three) you are not allowed to watch a football match.
New Farage video
Update on the Stossel Case
Facebook have filed their defence
‘Our fact checkers can ban posts, that have incorrect facts,
Our fact checkers are immune from law, cos their fact-checking is just OPINION’
… Viva Frei video
Clearly an ‘all must have prizes’* day at W1A.
*certain exceptions apply.
And don’t forget the 4 other appointments listed lower down in that tweet.
Not a single white male in any of them.
Why are they being allowed to get away with this ?. The UK is a white Christian country despite what the BBC try to make us believe. Policy makers of the British Broadcasting Corporation should reflect the general population who are forced to pay for them.
Maybe the BBC can’t recruit white males
cos few are willing to join the sinking ship.
Anyway what happened to the last BBC Religion editor ?
Was he not born a Muslim ?
PM has lost trust and authority says Starmer
PM suffers biggest rebellion
Tory party picture back up
SDLP leader says PM should resign
Ex Tory mayor candidate quits over picture
Which Tory parties are now being investigated
Kuenssberg say no brainer for Starmer to attack PM on Tory rebellion in PMQ’s
Why the public have lost faith and trust in the PM
Tory party was unacceptable says Minister
Tory Government overseas fastest price rises in 10 years
What do we know about the PM finances..
All these headlines on BBC website.. Nothing to do with tomorrows by-election
Basically the PM is wounded and the BBC have rushed in and are furiously stabbing at him while he is down hoping to finish him off.
Hardly the act of an impartial news source.
…he had a good PMQ’s and lots of back bench cheering…
Dare say more pics will be released for tomorrows papers…
A well..!!
If only there was some credible alternative. I don’t know, perhaps a grammar school boy, who went to Oxford, who is a member of a globalist group such as the Trilateral Commission, who knows the right people in military intelligence…
Keir Starmer, come on down!
Click to access TC_MEMBERSHIP_LIST.pdf
I visited London’s west end today. Usually at Christmas the place is a heaving hive of activity. Bars, bistros, restaurants and shops are minting it. Not this year…
Boris Blowhard’s recent doom and gloom pronouncements and idiotic restrictions have really put the kybosh on London’s recovery. It was sparsely populated. Some smaller shops hadn’t even bothered to open. This is their main money making time and this buffoon has blown it.
The Conservatives have to get shot of this useless lump otherwise it will be curtains for all of us.
He’s a liability.
-we need somebody who can be bothered to do their homework in possession of a spine.
Sir Humpheys have their arms up the present crew’s backsides working their mouth parts.
4:30pm R4 Katie Razzall Media Show tribute to Jon Snow: A Lifetime in News
The Channel 4 News presenter on politicians, impartiality and a flight with Idi Amin.
the longest-running presenter of Channel 4 News and one of the most famous faces in broadcasting.
Over the course of three decades, he has grilled every prime minister
.. He drew the iconic words ‘Let bygones be bygones’ from Nelson Mandela …
But he has also been accused of being partisan, of having political views that were too obvious
– and which undermine the network’s impartiality.
And so, at a time when the future of Channel 4 is up for grabs, his words have come under unprecedented scrutiny.
“I’m impartial me …oh those poor Grenfell people ..inequality, inequality”
.. So all London, and all immigrants are victims
typical Guardianland narratives.
It’s the impartiality that defined his professional conduct that so resonates around W1A.
More incredible careers ahead, for some.
With ideal skills.
Is Maqbool a Christian ?. Because he f*cking well should be. Whatever colour he is.
Pakistani – arabic – muslim …
Fed, Pakistan has a higher number of Anglicans than the UK.
The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the church.
Career progression clearly a variable issue.
Will the lefty have a leaving party ? Pictures ? Resignations?
Tonight’s TV
BBC..the usual show stuff : Repair Shop, cooking show with professionals
Match of the Day
BBC2 was billed as having Match of the Day FA Cup
but that has been shelved for repeats of : Stephanie McGovern, Sandi Toskvig, Michael Palin, Jen Brister
ITV soaps and I’m a Non-Entity etc.
Channel 4 Kirsty, posh houses, then 2.5 hours of people watching TV
BBC4 Kermode is so good, they put him on at 11pm
BBC2 presenters tonight
– 18:30 Janette Manrara (born Miami) : gossip from the Strictly.
– 18:55 JJ Chalmers Afghan Appeal (Commando – Wounded in Afghanistan)
– 19:00 Sara Cox book show with Fleur East black singer chosen book Sankofa by Chibundu Onuzo. There are other guests too
– Stephanie McGovern LESBIAN
– Michael Palin
– Sandi Toskvig LESBIAN comedian
– Jen Brister LESBIAN comedian
– Emily Maitliss
The real football is on itv4. bbc only do live womens football.
Nuff said!!!!
BBC News 5pm, Party political broadcast from Bojo focusing on the virus, aided by Laura of the long hair, keeping Bojo on course.
I was just watching the latest Boris press conference. Laura K got to ask the first press question – pushing for more restrictions. Is this because she knows that 99 Conservative MPs are resisting more restrictions and it furthers the BBC’s agenda of splitting the government. Or is it simply that she sees that there is more potential for attacking the government if more restrictions are introduced.
I have said it before but I have watched Labour and the MSM push for more restrictions since September. We didn’t need them for the delta variant.
We don’t yet know if we need more restrictions for the omicron variant. Chris Witty did show a graph where it appeared across all age groups that a third at most of the people in hospital with covid are the vaccinated and yet at least 3/4 of the population have had at least two jabs. I know that there are very mixed views on the value of the jabs so I will leave it there.
No, it’s nothing to do with 99 Conservative MPs resisting more restrictions. Lanky Laura has been pushing for more restrictions since day one. So has Lipstick Lil’ from Sky and the ridiculous scarecrow from ITV, Peston.
Chris Whitty can shove his graphs where the sun don’t shine…and so can our idiot PM. We’ve had “three weeks to flatten the curve”…”just one more push”…”lockdown during the winter to save Easter”…”lockdown for Easter to save the summer”…”Lockdown in June to save July”…FFS, it’s endless!
I know it’s Christmas and right on time here it comes…
The continuing Covid pantomime.
You know what’s coming…
BBC Suspect News
Marianna doubtless parachuting in to help the resistance.
Just listening to that BBC piece and the only evidence they present that these activists are far-right is that the AfD party is strong in the region. That’s it. And they call the AfD ‘far-right’ every time they mention it.
Maybe they are behind it, but the BBC have an ethical duty to have more evidence than that before making such a direct accusation in a headline.
I wonder how blm supporter Hamilton felt kneeling before a white prince.
BBC Social Media News
A woman has been jailed for a minimum of 25 years for murdering her partner’s 16-month-old daughter after causing “catastrophic” injuries.
Oddly, no headline image.
bbcBreaking tweet
How come EVERY advert features BME to associate the product with wokeness, yet the reason for the experiential growth in OMRECON in London is the lack of BME not taking up the vaccinations. So if its ok to use BME in adverts to rub us none BME noses in it why can’t the government use BME actors in government adverts urging BME people to take up the vaccinations ?
‘third of Londoners not vaxxed at all’ says Twitter
..I guess theydo skew to a younger demographic.
I wonder if the included under 12s or only over 12s
Pupils celebrate exam success – Four girls of colour.
Crime in schools raises concerns – Mixed group of white pupils.
It doesn’t happen by chance.
Here is one of them government petitions that might force them to investigate all the adverse events from the vaccines.
If they , genuinely did care for us there should be no argument about them agreeing to this petition.
Local ITV news
“A woman was cyber stalked in her home using internet connected devices
, you really should change the generic passwords of devices like CCTV”
This “Louise” was interviewed from the back
we saw she wears a pink headscarf and full length flowing clothes.
Today’s virus numbers (I would have called it ‘Covid numbers’ but it may include colds and influenza where people have had a positive LF, esp. or PCR test in the last 28 days) are out:
There has been a big increase, not quite reaching one million in total – in fact, just 921,390 short of one million. But it is up on the day before: 78,610 compared to 59,610 yesterday, a 32% increase.
If that is the bad news, here comes the good news: although deaths have quadrupled compared to yesterday, the three month downward trend continues and 14 more people have been discharged from hospital across the UK.
“although deaths have quadrupled compared to yesterday”
You can’t really do that, cos Mondays and Tuesdays are always low due to them not having delayed weekend death reports.
The standard is to compare the figure with that from the same day last week
Today’s is 5% lower than that
Rejigging gov figs to by actual day
#1 the death rate which is dependent on last weeks cases is still flat
#2 Postives show a sudden peak of this wave
Conservative Christmas party was unacceptable, says Grant Shapps
The BBC, Labour, the Lib Dems and the SNP floundering like fish now Shaun Bailey has been shown to be the culpable culprit.
The story is now all about ‘The Conservative Party’ instead of Boris personally.
And I notice this has another BBC specific trick which I think started after George Floyd. When they have a new story on something they are clearly using to push an agenda, they repeat the previous articles in the new articles to make it seem like they are still news.
This is a new kind of BBC lie. I shall call it the ‘Lie by repetition’.
Ok – watched nut nut do his live press conference gig . I think I’ve seen too many now as I can’t remember any of it at all . It ran for nearly 1 hour – 1 hour ! .
I did note that nut nut didn’t use that ‘world beating ‘ lie he used to use – or that ‘ putting arms around ‘ lie either .
Although as I recall – the witty was cheerfully predicting a lot of people with the new brand of china virus at the same time – after Christmas .
We ll see if there is panic buying of pigs in blankets again or a run of goose fat or brandy butter … both of which I still have at the back of the fridge from 2006 …