BBC desperate to keep Project Fear running despite hospitals not being overwhelmed . Shortages of stuff for Christmas didn’t happen . The lies stack up .
Ghislaine Maxwell could get 70 years (according to GB news) for trafficking under age girls.
Can we outsource our grooming of under age girls trials to the USA so that those carrying this out in places like Rochdale and Rotherham could enjoy similar justice.
Now things will get interesting. All the names in her little black book will be wearing their brown trousers, as she does a deal to get her sentence reduced if she names names.
I believe the way it works in the US “justice” (sic) system is these things are done before trial to ensure guilty pleas to lesser charges, so it seems she refused this
They use the threat of being found guilty and large sentences to get many innocent people to plead guilty to lesser charges, I have read quite a few books about relatively innocent people serving time because of this in some of the toughest jails in the world, where people are assaulted and murdered with little concern from the guards or wider world.
E.G. : “Gang of One” about the “Nat West Three”
The interesting thing is that they feel OK about going for a member of our Royal Family whilst leaving alone a member of theirs, Ol’ Bill
You can see a list of Epsteins black book easily online and the many who are in it
Gang of One:
“The book provides a detailed portrait of life in a US jail from a Scottish point of view. It starts with the intimidation of the suspects by the US Department of Justice including pressure on each of the Nat. West three to rat out the others and the almost total ineptitude of UK Law to protect UK citizens from the US machine once in motion. Once in the US Gary’s book provides a detailed in sight to the day to day operations of a main stream US jail and the ethnic groupings that divide the inmate population. It is a riveting read and yet a sobering insight in to one man’s plight in a foreign environment.”
Please forgive my obvious naivety but I don’t understand your reference to “brown trousers” or brine trizers as posh people say. Please enlighten. I would be most grateful if you omit to expose my ignorance to the rest of the riff raff on this hateful site as they would never understand that their piss taking can drive a sensitive soul to suicide.XX
Thank you for furthering my education and giving me food for thought.
As you are probably aware by now, I’m getting on a bit and not as confident as I once was so I think it might be a good idea for me to invest in a pair of brown trousers. M&S here I come.
I expect this to give rise to a new activist movement to combat Global Cooling.
We will all be ordered to turn our heating up full, reopen all the coal mines and start fracking ASAP. Have lots of bonfires in the garden and eat meat at least 3 times a day.
We will also be ordered to drive our diesel cars at least 100 miles per day and leave them ticking over outside our houses at night.
Can’t wait!
Animal fur coats will also be obligatory for everyone.
From a BBC climate scare story:
“[In Alaska] the weather extremes have prompted warnings of an “Icemageddon” from authorities, as torrents of rain and snow have left ice as hard as cement coating the roads.”
Cement isn’t hard. It comes as a soft powder and even if you mix it with water and let it dry it just crumbles in your fingers. Cement is just a binding material. Mix it with other things and you can make hard substances like concrete, but cement itself isn’t hard. I wonder if these people know the difference between flour and bread. Or do they try to make sandwiches from flour?
This merely shows how ignorant BBC journos are of the real world. They pontificate to us about global warming, but they don’t even have a grasp of elementary science and technology.
It seems these hubs are just small overflow units they often have at this time of year anyway.
I went to that article to have a look how the BBC weave in their ‘everyone will die’ narrative with the real world :
As expected, the article is a masterclass in ‘whatifery’ and contains no less than 9 ‘buts’ and 1 ‘however’ to try and cover up that omicron is so mild.
And did you know why the Nightingale centres were not used ?. I always assumed it was because they didn’t need them after all. But it seems that was not the reason at all. According to the BBC it was because:
‘they were little used as major hospitals preferred to hold on to staff to deal with Covid pressures rather than lend them to the Nightingales.’
Funny that there were a few claiming a pedo ring at the heart of the US establisment who were dismissed as cranks and conspiracy nuts
There are also similar claims over here, it has raised its head a couple of times and been dismissed, so far, with one bbc “lone wolf ” carrying the can post mortem
BBC is slammed after guest pundit Alan Dershowitz claimed Maxwell guilty verdict ‘weakens’ Virginia Giuffre’s case against Prince Andrew without reminding viewers he represented Jeffrey Epstein and is also accused by her
No @Maxi I meant to say what I said
not what you said.
The point is, coming up to someone and asking them questions even harsh questions in public
even mistaken questions
.. is legal
.. Harassment is illegal and that is confronting a person on at least 3 different occasions.
“I am about to expose what’s going on in Telford; including my friend, ***** ***** ****. The whole British public are going to see what it is. Everyone is going to see who you are. You might have got away with it for a decade. You might have thought you were smart. You might have thought you were clever. You might have thought you had police officers under your payroll… How come I have children saying you were involved in drug dealing?…Why would I have allegations you were involved in raping children?”
Sounds awfully familiar…
“On 17 January 2021, after 10pm, Robinson went to the home of Lizzie Dearden, a journalist with The Independent, and her partner, after Dearden asked for his comment for a story she was writing, about allegations that he had misused financial donations from his supporters. He falsely accused the partner of being a paedophile, and threatened to return nightly. He was duly arrested over the incident. He further published photographs of the journalist’s partner on his Telegram channel stating that “serious allegations” had been made about him.”
Maxi you know journos questioning can be very robust,
you have seen the pack outside Dominic Cummings house.
Did you protest about them ?
We’ll see if this new questioning is slander.
And I am glad that you agree false accusations are a bad thing
TR himself points out that he is called a racist, yet is not racist
Has no convictions for racism etc.
He’s said things like
‘I grew up in a mixed school ..there were black and brown people having a cup of tea in our kitchen’
“TR himself points out that he is called a racist, yet is not racist… ‘there were black and brown people having a cup of tea in our kitchen’.”
LOL! Conclusive proof!
Tommy Robinson,
“Mo Farah, the first time I heard Mo Farah come out he’s said he’s made to feel like an alien. No Mo! It’s because the people from your home country Somalia, are backwards barbarians.”
It is totally weird that Maxi can only come up with that one TR comment
You’d expect that if the antifa side were proving TR is a fundamental racist they’d be ale to list hundreds of proper examples.
Then when I point out that a national newspaper has falsely published that TR is on a list of the world’s top 20 extremists
(He’s not on the list , I gave a link)
Maxi says nothing
Do antifa have any proper sense of proportion about justice ?
If you put bad men in hot parts of hell
you’d put ISIS terrorists in a hot part
you’d put raping gang perps guilty of multiple rapes and enslaving underage girls in a hot part
.. would you put TR anywhere near them ?
I have called you out before about your racism. I find it very offensive. Just keep your comments relevant to BBC bias, not use this site to advance your racist agenda.
Maxi how many times do you need to hear the word Rochdale, I suggest you get your ears syringed out.
A whole bunch of double figures of these shitty sub-humans are facing court right now for child abuse. I for one would not pussy foot around asking them some pretty harsh questions the bloody low-life’s.
I am appalled that you attempt to defend them, not of a similar persuasion I hope!
Plus Maxi, as the police have proved that they are totally shit or unwilling to investigate these cases, thank goodness for brave people like TR to keep the pressure going.
I’m not quite sure how you think turning up outside an existing court case and almost derailing it through shouting his mouth off whilst begging for money helps anyone apart from himself, digg?
Panic has set in because TR’s promo for his film The Rape Of Britain (starts with exposing the cover ups, corruption and appeasement in Telford) is on Gettr @TommyRobinson1 on January 1st at 8pm.
People are moving over to Gettr after being suspended by twitter, such as Robert Malone @rwmalonemd.
Lord Pearson of Rannoch has also just joined Gettr @LordPearson (though still on twitter).
Lord Pearson asked the government on 15th Dec how many Muslim Children attend Madrassas and how do they know they are not been radicalised. The government refused to answer!
Whenever he asks a question in the Lords about Islam there is always a background ‘groan’. This tells you everything you need to know about the other members.
I don’t work there, but suspect bids being thrown out for relevant guests with little time to consider the implications. Very bad choice of first guest. In mitigation, probably small number of staff and possibly not enough editorial leadership. The cuts have gutted the newsroom.
Prince Andrew is facing a civil case in New York from Virginia Giuffre who alleges he abused her when she was 17. The Duke of York vehemently denies the accusations.
So lonely as a black he found himself a white woman to marry and still so lonely he divorced her and found another one, self inflicted loniless right there
cultural appropriation or what ? never stops them though
Sorry have to stop now, just thinkling of the hilarious “Trevor McDonut” with those oversize glasses
And here’s Vile’s little chocolate brown bear expert take on it all.
Always try to be rich, white and connected if you're going to commit atrocities against children… Otherwise the press might be mean to
Under Pressure – as Freddie Mercury and David Bowie might have sung at Diana’s funeral, if things had turned out differently and they’d got the gig instead of Elton John.
Just me, or do others, of an age hereabouts, recall Duran Duran were supposed to be Princess Di’s favourites; the band most often playing on her Sony Walkman, back in the day?
How so much more fitting that would have sounded rather than: ‘Secret archives reveal Elton nearly didn’t sing Candle in the Wind‘ (Daily Express) if we had enjoyed a rendition of Girls on Film by Simon Le Bon.
The chronically coronaphobic ‘i’ newspaper isn’t lured by the Ghislaine Maxwell headline, there’s only minor status and just the one sentence awarded for that frontpage report, whilst it instead boosts the superlative case for Covid: ‘183,037 Covid cases hit new daily record as PM under pressure over testing shortages…etc etc‘ – and so it goes on for five more koof-related headline bullet points.
A couple of bullet points spring to my mind: that number is awfully specific; I thought it was our NHS rather than our Boris that was supposed to be under pressure; and apparently we are back to Covid… whatever happened to Omicron… did that word’s fear factor diminish somehow?
Frances O’Grady – in BBC-style: the first woman to hold the position General Secretary of the British Trades Union Congress – and in my estimation the signifier of the modern nadir of the working class man – asks: ‘Would I be treated differently if I was a bloke?‘ (‘i’)
Well, luv… it has been mentioned already hereabouts but you might have had some benefits for being male – if you’d been done as a “man” (hint-hint, wink-wink) for complicity in child rape and sex trafficking you’d certainly have got a much lighter sentence than the Biblical three score and ten. Or perhaps that’s just a contrast between the US and UK justice systems? The old EU ain’t much stricter on child abuse: ‘Fritzl to be assessed for early prison release‘ (Telegraph)
One wonders whether the Ghislaine Maxwell/Jeffrey Epstein story has now been put to bed?
Speaking of beds: ‘Hospitals urged to find space for 4,000 extra beds as cases surge‘ (Guardian) – we don’t need to be told precisely cases of what exactly these days… but those extra beds might not be a bad idea, considering the now tediously recurring annual NHS winter crises of past decades and our inexerably rising population.
‘“Nightingale” hospitals return as Johnson seeks to avoid new curbs‘ (FT) – whatever did happen to those much-hyped Nightingales of 2020? Oh, that’s right… no NHS staff to staff them and, surprisingly enough, not enough patients.
But if lack of staff is the problem – apparently they’ve all signed off for a couple of weeks on sick notes – extra hospitals and extra beds won’t help much.
To conclude the headlines on a musical note one recalls Duran Duran’s Planet Earth… ‘Musk rejects claims his satellites are hogging space…‘ (FT)
Then there was The Wild Boys... that’s your Taliban: ‘Starvation, chaos and fear stalks Afghans‘ (Guardian)
Hungry Like the Wolf: ‘Frozen food freeze‘ (Daily Star) or if you prefer: ‘Socialite lured teenagers to be exploited by Epstein‘ (‘i’)
By the way the ‘i’ newspaper misses the mark by a mile with their cringe-worthy frontpage cartoon effort today – apparently such comedic sketches: ‘raised our spirits‘ in 2021 – they do say the Left can’t meme – for example the best they have is Boris shown in front of supposedly Brexit-depleted food shelves announcing: “Refugees! Welcome to Britannia – the land of milk and honey” – Britannia, really??? I know Boris is a classicist but not since ancient Rome was Britain known as Britannia. And as for the Land of Milk and Honey… that’s Israel and they wouldn’t be daft enough to be overrun by invaders of the type depicted in this cartoon. That whole Brexit thing, dear media, do try to relax and let it go, you’ll only keep upseting yourselves by continually banging on about it.
And finally from the New Romantic songbook of Duran Duran – Save a Prayer: ‘Why we should look forward to next year‘ (‘i’) pinning their hopes on Sir Keir we assume… sorry, he doesn’t have a prayer.
I had to switch off that Harry Potter fest celebrating 20 years, those ingrates that were stars of the franchise have made their millions on the back of JKR and now disown her. Well, what is their acting worth now they are all adults ? as none of them can act their way out of a paper bag – most noticeably that smug arse Daniel Radcliffe.
Here’s all from N. America so far. An RT by Sopes. Lurch also on manoeuvres.
Many wondered if this trial would ever take place and today #GhislaineMaxwell has been convicted. Here is my piece looking back at the trial and what this means:
And year last year when the Marxist thugs of BLM were attacking the police, ripping down statues and smearing gormless graffiti on The Cenotaph the BBC informed us told that “These were largely peaceful protests”.
Another little gem contained in the proposed “New” law:
“The proposed measures are likely to be put forward during the spring and could include export controls and new powers that allow the EU to collect data from businesses on their production process, their stockpiles and supply chains for their products, POLITICO reports.”
I emphasise, “New” because its concept is not, “New”. The Chinese Communist Party are doing this as a natural day-to-day event.
“The scales fall from the peoples eyes”. Blatant Communism.
Guest – I’ve listen to that show since I was a child ….. and over the years noticed both the less of authority and expertise .
I checked on the ‘sounds ‘ app and noted that they now have some previous years available to listen to. I was tempted to re listen to 2021 – if only to be reminded about the election thief but then thought – life is too short .
Craig’s piece does the job for me so thanks Craig .
Anyway here are my predictions –
1 nut nut will stay on
2 Obama will keep his stooge in place
3 Dorries will do nothing with the BBC
4 OFCOM won’t change
5 there will be a cost of living revolt
6 double the number of dinghies
7 green will get a kicking
8 inflation above 5%
9 interest rate 1%
10 i will finally get my new electric cooker fitted
11 Norwich and Newcastle to be relegated .
The above are based on 3 assumptions –
No war
No covid version 4 killing off the population
No black swan event
They are things I think will happen – not necessarily want to happen ….
Fed, if the PM survives, I reckon Starmer will get the heave-ho from Momentous Days of Ange(r). Think that might make a good album title or band name: ‘Momentous Days of Ange’.
Certainly Ghislaine Maxwell’s trial verdict has taken the BBC heat off Nut Nut as you call him, although some of the print media are seeking to lumber him with ‘Not enough test kits’. The BBC will lead the charge on your number 5. but I think inflation wil peak at just over 6% and interest rates will be up to 2% with at least three quarterly letters of humility & grovel being written by Andrew Bailey to Rishi Sunak.
The kit shortage shows a failure of intelligence / planning remains within the system . They have failed to learn from PPE which its’ turn was a foreseeable problem with a fairly cheap remedy .
From a personal point of view I would be delighted with a higher interest rate but I think the combination of rising living costs and taxes will keep the inflation rate from running away .
Other predictions –
Further Islamic terrorism
Increasing murder / homicide / suicide rates
Continued failure to deal with the medical mafia
Thick sports types will carry on meaningless kneeling
A really messy commonwealth games ( no matter )
Continued failing BBC
Fed, the NHS is hopelessly broken. There are too many Chiefs and not enough workers. The workers are politicised now to be anti-Conservative Government. The Managers cannot manage in any winter, less so in a Pandemic and even less so in a Pandemic in winter. They have an incentive not to. They get more money for failure and that more money for the NHS Budget overall inevitably bumps up management pay.
Should Bojo win a second term a wholesale reform of the NHS could, should, be engaged in but probably will not be with Sajid Javid as SoS. Jeremy Hunt would be my choice for that job after a re-shuffle.
I would hope that a tough SoS for Health would order all the medical and nursing schools to increase their places by 10% but am not sure that will happen. If the BBC are to be believed, the number of doctor training places has not improved much since the dire Gordon Brown years.
You could be right on rates but the ‘silver economy’ is very powerful in the UK. In the absence of the ‘triple-lock’ being maintained on the State Pension, interest rates at 2% or even 2.5% would boost the ‘silver economy’ and help the trickle down, inheritance-wise to younger generations; it would also help the younger generations with savings as well as HM Treasury.
Your other predictions? Probably almost certainly with one exception: the Commonwealth Games. Cannot be messy in HM’s Jubilee Year! It will be called a great success, whatever happens.
It is interesting that the BBC no longer allow the listeners to comment and add their predictions to the BBC Correspondents’ look ahead. I wonder if it was because our Fed did rather better than the BBC correspondents.
But wasn’t Jeremy Hunt in charge of health for a very long time until a few months before the Chinese virus was released from the laboratory ?
I wonder if anyone has reviewed NHS staffing to determine how many of the medical mafia actually deal with patients – even at one stage away such as ‘cleaners ‘- maintenance – lab staff … if I recall there are 1.7 million on the payroll – how many of them do not contribute to the NHS ?( half ? ) .
I’m obviously in favour of huge downsizing of the NHS – and certainly freezing recruitment on ‘non core ‘ jobs …. But it would take a government with a big majority – say 80 seats ……..
I saw that the ex head of the UK military – 10 blokes and a dog – was doing the ‘today ‘ gig . I bet the source of the latest failure – Biden /Afgee didn’t get a mention …. But on the upside it looks like we got out people out safely …. After so much needless waste of good people .
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – I’m sorry, I’ll read that again . . . . . . That top left item definitely requires a re-write: ‘Maxwell guilty of helping Epstein abuse girls’. There is plenty of space in the box for a better caption. At least 36 more characters and spaces could be included to use the rest of the second-line space.
Seems to be a worldwide play, looking at YouTube videos.
Claim there’s a kit shortage, get people thinking they’re getting something rare and in great demand, and thus be more likely to want to test?
I am still confused as to how the numbers of cases of Omricon are arrived at. Is it in conjunction with the PCR test? very suspect as so many tests are false positives, is it through the numbers of Lateral Flow Tests? Find it hard to accept that every Lateral Flow Test is reported to the NHS-I know of those like myself who have done a number LFT’s and those being found negative have not advised the NHS. Can we really believe the numbers thrown out from the BBC et al every night? No, we are being Brainwashed. The Brainwashing of such information is to continue the fear, compliance campaign. Lies and more lies.
Just browsing what film might be worth watching and found this one sums up what ‘woke’ is doing to the world perfectly.
American Pie (1999). IMDB Score 7.0
American Pie Presents: Girls’ Rules (2021). IMDB score: 3.8
Most reviews of the second one are 1/10 with the occasional 9/10 by those voting purely for the agenda.
This is the general pattern. Take something popular involving white males. Leech it’s popularity to push the woke agenda and end up rubbishing the whole thing.
Dr Who is another example among many – as is Star Wars.
Another case of ‘The ends justify the means’ by the Left as they slowly destroy the world like a cancer.
I haven’t followed the trial closely but I suppose that Clinton escaped even being mentioned . But as we know he was intimately ( in every sense of the word) involved with Epstein and the ‘the scandal’ . It was likely this connection that saw Epstein commit Arkancide in his prison cell.
Prince Andrew’s involvement is small beer compared to what Clinton has done for decades. Yet another example of how if you are on the same side as the MSM and part of the Blob you can literally get away with murder.
I see the comrades in UAF and Stand up to Racism are delighted that one of the far right bomb plotters in the Eastenders spoiler looks like Tommy Robinson.
Eastenders loves to portray itself as being “gritty and realistic”. It’s neither…
It’s a half baked propaganda piece cobbled together by a bunch of leftie, middle class, pseudo intellectual luvvies, whose only contact with the working classes is when they get in a taxi or pay someone to fix the guttering on their expensive penthouses.
They’ll absolutely love inventing a fictional “far right terrorist attack” but would run a marathon to avoid going near the very real threat of Islamic extremism or the (so called) “Asian” grooming gangs.
The BBC are the equivalent of the loathed Lord Haw-Haw from WW2.
In a segment about vaccine approval for 12 to 15 year olds, a contributor claimed that the Pfizer vaccine is “100% safe”. This has been removed from the online article and video:
By not watching the awful BBC these days, there is an added benefit in that Senora O’Blene and I enjoy much more time to chat about everything, and if tincture time beckons, the craic sometimes goes on for ages!
Not listening to, or watching the BBC is a real tonic, especially for us young’uns who won’t see 70 again, and life is so much more pleasant!
The only confession I have to make is that when I want a recipe, the BBC website always crops up, and I used to love Delia, so we’ll use what they do there, as you can’t ‘woke’ cookery, unless you’re stupid enough to be a vegan!
“Liverpool bomber made device with murderous intent, coroner says”
Mr Rebello said: “Shortly after his arrival he claimed, it is believed falsely, that he was of Syrian heritage and claimed asylum as a refugee from that country.”
“He said that claim and all subsequent claims for asylum were refused, with the latest refusal in November 2020.”
He should have been deported long ago. We are far too soft while our Border Force is useless.
We need a strong leader to sort out this mess .
Donna Lynn, 41, from Heckmondwike, charged with causing the prostitution of a girl under 16, allowing a premises to be used for unlawful sexual intercourse, procuring a female under 21, and controlling prostitution.
Mohammed Yakub, 64, from Dewsbury, charged with an offence of rape.
Nasir Billimoria, 68, from Batley, charged with an offence of rape, and procuring a female under 21.
Yousuf Motala, 69, from Dewsbury, charged with an offence of rape.
Ebrahim Mamaniatt, 52, from Batley, charged with an offence of rape.
Liaquat Ali, 65, from Batley, charged with an offence of rape.
Hashim Sacha, 53, from Batley, charged with an offence of rape.
Nobhar Shah, 69, from Batley, charged with two offences of rape and living on the earnings of prostitution.
Ibrahim Khalifa, 83, from Bradford, charged with an offence of rape.
Manaf Hussain, 47, from Heckmondwike, charged with an offence of rape.
Maria O’Rouke, 42, from Batley, charged with causing the prostitution of a girl under 16, allowing a premises to be used for unlawful sexual intercourse and controlling prostitution.
Riaz Shaikh, 57, from Dewsbury, charged with an offence of rape and an offence of indecent assault.
Amjid Rangzeb, 43, from Batley, charged with an offence of rape and an offence of false imprisonment.
Liaquat Hussain Hanif, 45, from Batley, charged with an offence of rape.
Shakeel Haq, 44, from Birmingham, charged with an offence of rape and an offence of false imprisonment.
Rafiq Patel, 69, from Batley, charged with an offence of rape.
Mohammed Abbas, 60, from Dewsbury, charged with an offence of rape.
Shafaquat Afzal Hussain, 45, from Dewsbury, charged with an offence of rape.
Tariq Azam, 52, from Dewsbury, charged with three offences of rape and three offences of indecent assault.
Aurrangzeb Azam, 50, from Dewsbury, charged with three offences of rape, two offences of indecent assault and an offence of false imprisonment.
Israr Hussain, 46, from Dewsbury, charged with three offences of rape, two offences of indecent assault and an offence of false imprisonment.
Mohammed Sheikh, 48, from Batley, charged with an offence of rape and an offence of indecent assault.
Mohammed Tariq, 62, from Bradford, charged with two offences of rape.
Sajid Majid, 48, from Mirfield, charged with an offence of rape and an offence of indecent assault.
Zulfiquar Ali, 42, from Dewsbury, charged with an offence of rape.
Ansar Mahmood Qayum, 44, from Dewsbury, charged with an offence of rape and an offence of indecent assault.
Mohammed Jabbar Qayum, 40, from Dewsbury, charged with an offence of rape.
Shafiq Siddique, 52, from Dewsbury, charged with an offence of rape and an offence of false imprisonment.
Mohammed Ishtiaq Hussain, 47, from Dewsbury, charged with an offence of rape.
Abbas Kaji, 52, from Batley, charged with an offence of rape.
Mohammed Farooq, 52, from Dewsbury, charged with an offence of rape.
Tasawar Hussain, 42, from Heckmondwike, charged with an offence of rape.
Mohammed Munir Shaffi, 43, from Dewsbury, charged with two offences of rape.
Zaheed Ali Novsarka, 53, from Batley, charged with an offence of rape.
Nassar Liaquat Khan, 42, from Keighley, charged with an offence of rape.
Mohammed Riaz Khan, 47, from Heckmondwike, charged with an offence of rape.
Mohammed Luqman Daji, 44, from Dewsbury, charged with an offence of rape.
Mohammed Ramzan, 64, from Dewsbury, charged with an offence of rape.
Janine Green, 44, from Batley, charged with encouraging prostitution, allowing premises to be used for unlawful sexual intercourse and controlling prostitution.
Ali Shan Waheed, 41, from Dewsbury, charged with rape.
Ismail Seedat, 51, from Batley, charged with indecent assault.
Mohammed Yasin, 48, from Batley, charged with rape.
Remember that Blair acolyte who used the phrase “a good day to bury bad news”?
The BBC, Guardian et al will concentrate on the Maxwell case. We’ll hear about her contacts…so long as a certain Mr Clinton isn’t included. They’ll undoubtedly mention Prince Andrew and possibly even President Trump, but as for the 30 odd Muzzies appearing in court for rape, child exploitation charges etc, it’ll be.
The inquiry team noted fears among council staff of being labelled “racist” if they focused on victims’ descriptions of the majority of abusers as “Asian” men
I would not be surprised if there are vigilantes sooner or later as the authorities and MSM are ignoring it and if forced to act give them 4 or 5 years
Ive often said it here that any talking head appearing on TV / radio should be properly introduced – particularly if they have ‘skin in the game ‘ and the ‘speaking in a private capacity ‘types
Otherwise the BBC might be accused of … bias / fraud ….
Maybe thats one for the fact checker when not sobbing about ‘ online abuse ‘ …
The BBC is in a right Catch 22 situation during the
Christmas period. They can’t show half of the old films
they used to show. Like , It’s a wonderful life” ” North West
Frontier ” ” Seven brides for seven brothers.” And even
classics like “My Fair Lady.”
There are a number of reasons of course. Lack of diversity,
stereotypes. Sometimes it will be for language, such as” the
Dam Busters” where we can’t hear Guy Gibson VC calling for his
black Labrador “come here n**ger.
The catch 22 situation is that Channel 5 can show them
because every few minutes we can see adverts with black
families , mixed race families . Also, fat pale stale males, sometimes with fat stale pale women as well, performing
stupidly. And of course the BBC cannot at least compensate
for all these whities, with adverts. I suppose that we will just
have to wait for a remake of ” My Fair Lady” the title changed
to ” My Cis Lady” starring one of the great diverse actors as
Professor Higgins and maybe some drag queen
as Eliza Doolittle. Then Eliza would not have to be CIS or
even a lady. AND we could watch it on the BBC . Because
BIG BROTHER from the diversity department would allow it !!
These days No one in their right mind watches the BBC to be ‘informed, entertained or educated ‘ . The days when the BBC did IEE are long gone now it’s just straightforward , simplistic pro Blob propaganda.
Inevitable digg. Any agency now producing a more realistic societal scenario, after perhaps falling product sales prompt a re-think, will immediately be accused of racism and right-wing manipulation.
They have created a classic Catch-22 from which there appears to be no safe exit. As sad as it is funny – or schadenfreude as the Boche might have put it.
I would like to recommend a book called “The Parasitic Mind” by a chap named Gad Saad. It hits the nail dead centre every time.
He also has a You Tube channel “The Saad Truth” which chimes with my own views on so many counts.
I would be surprised if he hasn’t, at some time, already had a mention on this website.
Maxicony- The present day BBC would not in a million
years put on North West Frontier even if they owned
100% of the rights. And you may well have personal
knowledge why.
The Raj at the turn of the 20th century. The hero, an
English army captain trying to get a train through the North
West tribal regions of the Indian sub continent. The
character played by Kenneth Moore is a type which is
an anathema to the diversity department of the BBC.
An Indian stereotype train driver Gupta played by
I.S Johar who is the real star of the film and should of
won the Academy Award for the best supporting role.
But I expect he would make 90% of those who work
at the BBC vomit. I could go on with many
other examples of why the BBC would not show this
great adventure story. But the numero uno reason
would be the portrayal of Herbert Lom as the Muslim
terrorist who is trying to kill a little boy travelling on
the train .
I reiterate not in a million years would BIG BROTHER at
the diversity department of the BBC pass this to be shown.
Even less chance than anybody from the BBC condemning
what the Muslim grooming , raping gangs have been doing to young girls for over 20 years,
Lets not forget Gunga Din ! or Sabu in Elephant Boy ! Usual Sunday afternoon fare on the BBC along with Fred & Ginger films . At least they were more watchable than all the current diversity and woke crap that they tried to force feed us now.
“Covid: Wales’ self isolation period cut from 10 days to seven”
First Minister Mark Drakeford said this was because “the rising number of cases risks our ability to deliver critical services”.
“the rising number of cases risks our ability to deliver critical services”
Yep ! I saw that one coming .
“The rising number of cases” has been the get out of jail card for Big Brother and his globalist henchmen for TOO long.
The law abiding citizens of the world are slowly losing patience.
Via yahoo comes a story from The Evening Standard, that a visitor, one visitor, to Swanage over the Summer took offence at the name of a local street, Darkie Lane. The ancient name derives from a row of trees creating shade.
But guess what? The locals want to keep the name and the council have agreed to leave it.
A small but encouraging win for ordinary people against the politically correct fascists.
Guess what also? The story does not appear on the BBC England/ Regions/ South/ Dorset web page at the time of writing.
These same sort of twats would probably have insisted that world renowned pianist Charlie Kunz must change his name as it may “trigger” hurty feelings among certain yooni students.
It’s almost painful to read the careful wording of that article as it carefully avoids any mention of the motivation behind this bomb. It’s completely sterile. We all know the words ‘Far-Right’ would be plastered across the headline if they were behind it, along with personal motivations and affiliations of those involved.
Even at the end the bit which tells us the big BBC news article about him being a Christian (along with interviews confirming his loyalty) was a complete lie is written in a bizare, wordy manner to camouflage it:
Mr Rebello said: “It was fairly evident that he carried out the religious duties of someone who is a follower of Islam, not withstanding the reported conversion to Christianity.”
The first stage of solving any problem is accepting you have a problem in the first place. The Left won’t even do that.
Many of us, I am sure, have seen the satirical movie “The Life of Brian.” Some of us were amused by it but I am pretty sure that many devout Christians were justifiably appalled by it’s anti Christian blasphemy. However, as far as I am aware, not a single person was beheaded or injured or even threatened with violent reprisals following the film’s release.
May I suggest a sequel movie be produced, only this time as an anti Islamic satire? Perhaps the Mayor of London could be offered the lead part. Or am I perhaps just losing my head.
Does Muhammed do comedy? As far as the BBC is concerned it appears to be a forgotten art. Such a pity.
‘Stwike him centuwian, vewy woughly’
‘And throw him to the floor sir ?’
‘Oooooh yes, fwow him to the fwoor’
Still has us laughing when it comes up after a few beers …
Anything similar against Islam would result in a mob wanting the people who did it dead. And they really believe they should be murdered for it. That’s what is so wrong about Islam. And not a single Left-wing coward will ever say it.
Prince Andrew … “Given that Kate’s London-related evidence did not cover a crime and related only to the dead financier and Maxwell, it’s difficult to see the London force changing its position.”
Prince Andrew is removed from almost 50 patronages as charities rush to distance themselves from him over to links to paedophile Jeffrey Epstein
Prince Andrew has been dropped by 47 groups amid his links to Jeffrey Epstein
Royal Navy and royal Marines Children’s Fund are among those to ditch the Duke
Other charities have replaced the Duke with Prince Charles as their royal patron
Four charities have kept Duke on, according to Sunday Telegraph investigation
Emily Kate summarises neatly, but from Rob Burley to Franny, Tim, Amol, etc… and OFCOM and dcms and Nads… that they remain unaccountable in doing what they would ruin others for, seems, very 2021.
It’s unclear exactly why the BBC Dershowitz debacle happened last night, but one thing’s for sure: if you cut staff numbers and embark on a restructure that will reduce editorial oversight there will be more mistakes.
Booking mistake by someone who didn't read #AlanDershowitz properly. Not a great mistake; let's move on.
Not a huge fan of Tony Hall and his gang but they've gone, are going or are regenerating. I pay the BBC licence happily and love the old thing to bits.
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
Ghislaine Maxwell could get 70 years (according to GB news) for trafficking under age girls.
Can we outsource our grooming of under age girls trials to the USA so that those carrying this out in places like Rochdale and Rotherham could enjoy similar justice.
70 years in a USA/UK jail for child groomers??? There surely must be a less expensive option.
Robert Maxwell ‘s daughter found not guilty …. Of one out of 6 Charges … oh and mostly guilty on the other 5.
Wonder if Andy Windsor will have anything to say apart from ‘ no comment’ – maybe she ll give him up
Now things will get interesting. All the names in her little black book will be wearing their brown trousers, as she does a deal to get her sentence reduced if she names names.
Looks like she’s in a pickle eh?
Vivafrei says Maxwell trial is a sham to coverup for the real perps
.. a number of high profile men.
Some Clinton chutzpah on show – good ‘ole Bill offering actual masterclasses …
– the timing wrt the Ghislaine Maxwell cover-up is epic.
The BBC Year End Review looks promising.
‘Martin Bashir Investigates, loses a few things, and asks… ‘Jimmy: was he really just misunderstood?’’
Can she change her religion? Y’know, get the kind of sentence given to the Rochdale groomers.
I believe the way it works in the US “justice” (sic) system is these things are done before trial to ensure guilty pleas to lesser charges, so it seems she refused this
They use the threat of being found guilty and large sentences to get many innocent people to plead guilty to lesser charges, I have read quite a few books about relatively innocent people serving time because of this in some of the toughest jails in the world, where people are assaulted and murdered with little concern from the guards or wider world.
E.G. : “Gang of One” about the “Nat West Three”
The interesting thing is that they feel OK about going for a member of our Royal Family whilst leaving alone a member of theirs, Ol’ Bill
You can see a list of Epsteins black book easily online and the many who are in it
Gang of One:
“The book provides a detailed portrait of life in a US jail from a Scottish point of view. It starts with the intimidation of the suspects by the US Department of Justice including pressure on each of the Nat. West three to rat out the others and the almost total ineptitude of UK Law to protect UK citizens from the US machine once in motion. Once in the US Gary’s book provides a detailed in sight to the day to day operations of a main stream US jail and the ethnic groupings that divide the inmate population. It is a riveting read and yet a sobering insight in to one man’s plight in a foreign environment.”
They will be wondering if they could get away with another suicide.
I think they’d pay someone to ‘off ‘her – a guard maybe …..
Please forgive my obvious naivety but I don’t understand your reference to “brown trousers” or brine trizers as posh people say. Please enlighten. I would be most grateful if you omit to expose my ignorance to the rest of the riff raff on this hateful site as they would never understand that their piss taking can drive a sensitive soul to suicide.XX
Seriously ? Now its me that doesn’t know if you are joking or not.
Ok, for those who have never heard this term – its a polite way of saying that blue/black trousers wouldn’t be any good if you sh….. yourself.
Thank you for furthering my education and giving me food for thought.
As you are probably aware by now, I’m getting on a bit and not as confident as I once was so I think it might be a good idea for me to invest in a pair of brown trousers. M&S here I come.
“Alaska ‘Icemageddon’ warning follows heat record”
Or could we be facing a mini ice age ?
I expect this to give rise to a new activist movement to combat Global Cooling.
We will all be ordered to turn our heating up full, reopen all the coal mines and start fracking ASAP. Have lots of bonfires in the garden and eat meat at least 3 times a day.
We will also be ordered to drive our diesel cars at least 100 miles per day and leave them ticking over outside our houses at night.
Can’t wait!
Animal fur coats will also be obligatory for everyone.
From a BBC climate scare story:
“[In Alaska] the weather extremes have prompted warnings of an “Icemageddon” from authorities, as torrents of rain and snow have left ice as hard as cement coating the roads.”
Cement isn’t hard. It comes as a soft powder and even if you mix it with water and let it dry it just crumbles in your fingers. Cement is just a binding material. Mix it with other things and you can make hard substances like concrete, but cement itself isn’t hard. I wonder if these people know the difference between flour and bread. Or do they try to make sandwiches from flour?
This merely shows how ignorant BBC journos are of the real world. They pontificate to us about global warming, but they don’t even have a grasp of elementary science and technology.
Fred (who’s used more cement than most folk)
Most came up in the Blue Peter World.
Most journos don’t know that Nigeria is one of the biggest exporters of cement, but as they’re afraid to go and find out, they’ll never know!
Obviously you haven’t been paying attention.
This is EXACTLY as predicted by St Greta.
I will NEVER forgive you.
“Covid: Nightingale surge hubs to be set up in eight hospitals, NHS England says”
Follow the money.
If they call it right … well fair enough…
-if they are shouting FIRE! in the cinema …..
Let’s see….
It seems these hubs are just small overflow units they often have at this time of year anyway.
I went to that article to have a look how the BBC weave in their ‘everyone will die’ narrative with the real world :
As expected, the article is a masterclass in ‘whatifery’ and contains no less than 9 ‘buts’ and 1 ‘however’ to try and cover up that omicron is so mild.
And did you know why the Nightingale centres were not used ?. I always assumed it was because they didn’t need them after all. But it seems that was not the reason at all. According to the BBC it was because:
‘they were little used as major hospitals preferred to hold on to staff to deal with Covid pressures rather than lend them to the Nightingales.’
Oh Yeah o’ course. Funny fing that innit?
Funny that there were a few claiming a pedo ring at the heart of the US establisment who were dismissed as cranks and conspiracy nuts
There are also similar claims over here, it has raised its head a couple of times and been dismissed, so far, with one bbc “lone wolf ” carrying the can post mortem
Brexit hits the USA again, bet they wish they had never left the EU eh, bbc ?
Champagne shortage ahead of New Year’s Eve as supply chain issues hit wine industry
BBC is slammed after guest pundit Alan Dershowitz claimed Maxwell guilty verdict ‘weakens’ Virginia Giuffre’s case against Prince Andrew without reminding viewers he represented Jeffrey Epstein and is also accused by her
Black Americans living in UK
“we don’t experience any racism”
#1 Police investigating Roblin Tomlinson for asking a man questions once
#2 The Kirklees grooming gang 42
“…asking a man questions once”
I think you meant to say; publicly naming and accusing someone of child sex abuse in front of an audience of his gullible acolytes.
I went to that site Maxinconey but it wasn’t very clear and the sound was dubbed out . Can we see it on YouTube ?
No @Maxi I meant to say what I said
not what you said.
The point is, coming up to someone and asking them questions even harsh questions in public
even mistaken questions
.. is legal
.. Harassment is illegal and that is confronting a person on at least 3 different occasions.
“…coming up to someone…”
“…asking them questions…”
Tommy Robinson,
“I am about to expose what’s going on in Telford; including my friend, ***** ***** ****. The whole British public are going to see what it is. Everyone is going to see who you are. You might have got away with it for a decade. You might have thought you were smart. You might have thought you were clever. You might have thought you had police officers under your payroll… How come I have children saying you were involved in drug dealing?…Why would I have allegations you were involved in raping children?”
Sounds awfully familiar…
“On 17 January 2021, after 10pm, Robinson went to the home of Lizzie Dearden, a journalist with The Independent, and her partner, after Dearden asked for his comment for a story she was writing, about allegations that he had misused financial donations from his supporters. He falsely accused the partner of being a paedophile, and threatened to return nightly. He was duly arrested over the incident. He further published photographs of the journalist’s partner on his Telegram channel stating that “serious allegations” had been made about him.”
You might want to look up the legal definition of “slander” before going to bed, Stew.
Maxi you know journos questioning can be very robust,
you have seen the pack outside Dominic Cummings house.
Did you protest about them ?
We’ll see if this new questioning is slander.
And I am glad that you agree false accusations are a bad thing
TR himself points out that he is called a racist, yet is not racist
Has no convictions for racism etc.
He’s said things like
‘I grew up in a mixed school ..there were black and brown people having a cup of tea in our kitchen’
“TR himself points out that he is called a racist, yet is not racist… ‘there were black and brown people having a cup of tea in our kitchen’.”
LOL! Conclusive proof!
Tommy Robinson,
“Mo Farah, the first time I heard Mo Farah come out he’s said he’s made to feel like an alien. No Mo! It’s because the people from your home country Somalia, are backwards barbarians.”
…Gullible acolytes.
maxincony did you just uptick you own post just then ?
No, did you?
I can imagine someone saying
“I went to this place in Spain/Greece and the locals were hostile”
and someone saying “Yeh cos the usual British people who go there are drunken idiots”
I don’t think that speech is racist
Racism would be saying “YOU are a drunken idiot cos you are British”
Generalisations are allowed
eg One might say “the people in X country are kind”
or “Americans are loud”
It is totally weird that Maxi can only come up with that one TR comment
You’d expect that if the antifa side were proving TR is a fundamental racist they’d be ale to list hundreds of proper examples.
Then when I point out that a national newspaper has falsely published that TR is on a list of the world’s top 20 extremists
(He’s not on the list , I gave a link)
Maxi says nothing
Do antifa have any proper sense of proportion about justice ?
If you put bad men in hot parts of hell
you’d put ISIS terrorists in a hot part
you’d put raping gang perps guilty of multiple rapes and enslaving underage girls in a hot part
.. would you put TR anywhere near them ?
I have called you out before about your racism. I find it very offensive. Just keep your comments relevant to BBC bias, not use this site to advance your racist agenda.
Maxi how many times do you need to hear the word Rochdale, I suggest you get your ears syringed out.
A whole bunch of double figures of these shitty sub-humans are facing court right now for child abuse. I for one would not pussy foot around asking them some pretty harsh questions the bloody low-life’s.
I am appalled that you attempt to defend them, not of a similar persuasion I hope!
Plus Maxi, as the police have proved that they are totally shit or unwilling to investigate these cases, thank goodness for brave people like TR to keep the pressure going.
I’m not quite sure how you think turning up outside an existing court case and almost derailing it through shouting his mouth off whilst begging for money helps anyone apart from himself, digg?
But like I said; gullible acolytes.
Are you pleased that the court case wasn’t derailed?
As an aside, have you ‘drawn the short straw’ for tomorrow’s night shift ?
Almost derailing it? You clearly were not following the reports closely.
Are you attempting to defend the indefensible by deflecting from this news which has already disappeared from their front page……………………………
You are wasting your time Trolling on this site as you do the BBC a disservice . Now, be off and Troll else ware.
The story is bullying by using false equivalence
TR is only listed in the Sun’s story , he’s not actually on the source’s list
Panic has set in because TR’s promo for his film The Rape Of Britain (starts with exposing the cover ups, corruption and appeasement in Telford) is on Gettr @TommyRobinson1 on January 1st at 8pm.
People are moving over to Gettr after being suspended by twitter, such as Robert Malone @rwmalonemd.
Lord Pearson of Rannoch has also just joined Gettr @LordPearson (though still on twitter).
Whenever he asks a question in the Lords about Islam there is always a background ‘groan’. This tells you everything you need to know about the other members.
Good try from Hurly.
The subbing is going third world too.
Seems they are just excited.
Bumper crop.
So lonely as a black he found himself a white woman to marry and still so lonely he divorced her and found another one, self inflicted loniless right there
cultural appropriation or what ? never stops them though
Sorry have to stop now, just thinkling of the hilarious “Trevor McDonut” with those oversize glasses
I’m in stiches again
The dfs threesome ad with him and the exes will be awesome for the New Year….. ‘sale’.
Surprised LBC did not get Lenny to play Boris in this post.
Didn’t Lammy want us to stay in the EU, in which case we wouldn’t be allowed to remove VAT.
Doesn’t Lammy believe in the ‘climate Crisis’, in which case we should be raising taxes to ‘force’ us to become more energy efficient.
And here’s Vile’s little chocolate brown bear expert take on it all.
Or move to Rochdale maybe?
Hymns ancient and modern
Under Pressure – as Freddie Mercury and David Bowie might have sung at Diana’s funeral, if things had turned out differently and they’d got the gig instead of Elton John.
Just me, or do others, of an age hereabouts, recall Duran Duran were supposed to be Princess Di’s favourites; the band most often playing on her Sony Walkman, back in the day?
How so much more fitting that would have sounded rather than: ‘Secret archives reveal Elton nearly didn’t sing Candle in the Wind‘ (Daily Express) if we had enjoyed a rendition of Girls on Film by Simon Le Bon.
The chronically coronaphobic ‘i’ newspaper isn’t lured by the Ghislaine Maxwell headline, there’s only minor status and just the one sentence awarded for that frontpage report, whilst it instead boosts the superlative case for Covid: ‘183,037 Covid cases hit new daily record as PM under pressure over testing shortages…etc etc‘ – and so it goes on for five more koof-related headline bullet points.
A couple of bullet points spring to my mind: that number is awfully specific; I thought it was our NHS rather than our Boris that was supposed to be under pressure; and apparently we are back to Covid… whatever happened to Omicron… did that word’s fear factor diminish somehow?
Frances O’Grady – in BBC-style: the first woman to hold the position General Secretary of the British Trades Union Congress – and in my estimation the signifier of the modern nadir of the working class man – asks: ‘Would I be treated differently if I was a bloke?‘ (‘i’)
Well, luv… it has been mentioned already hereabouts but you might have had some benefits for being male – if you’d been done as a “man” (hint-hint, wink-wink) for complicity in child rape and sex trafficking you’d certainly have got a much lighter sentence than the Biblical three score and ten. Or perhaps that’s just a contrast between the US and UK justice systems? The old EU ain’t much stricter on child abuse: ‘Fritzl to be assessed for early prison release‘ (Telegraph)
One wonders whether the Ghislaine Maxwell/Jeffrey Epstein story has now been put to bed?
Speaking of beds: ‘Hospitals urged to find space for 4,000 extra beds as cases surge‘ (Guardian) – we don’t need to be told precisely cases of what exactly these days… but those extra beds might not be a bad idea, considering the now tediously recurring annual NHS winter crises of past decades and our inexerably rising population.
‘“Nightingale” hospitals return as Johnson seeks to avoid new curbs‘ (FT) – whatever did happen to those much-hyped Nightingales of 2020? Oh, that’s right… no NHS staff to staff them and, surprisingly enough, not enough patients.
But if lack of staff is the problem – apparently they’ve all signed off for a couple of weeks on sick notes – extra hospitals and extra beds won’t help much.
To conclude the headlines on a musical note one recalls Duran Duran’s Planet Earth… ‘Musk rejects claims his satellites are hogging space…‘ (FT)
Then there was The Wild Boys... that’s your Taliban: ‘Starvation, chaos and fear stalks Afghans‘ (Guardian)
Hungry Like the Wolf: ‘Frozen food freeze‘ (Daily Star) or if you prefer: ‘Socialite lured teenagers to be exploited by Epstein‘ (‘i’)
By the way the ‘i’ newspaper misses the mark by a mile with their cringe-worthy frontpage cartoon effort today – apparently such comedic sketches: ‘raised our spirits‘ in 2021 – they do say the Left can’t meme – for example the best they have is Boris shown in front of supposedly Brexit-depleted food shelves announcing: “Refugees! Welcome to Britannia – the land of milk and honey” – Britannia, really??? I know Boris is a classicist but not since ancient Rome was Britain known as Britannia. And as for the Land of Milk and Honey… that’s Israel and they wouldn’t be daft enough to be overrun by invaders of the type depicted in this cartoon. That whole Brexit thing, dear media, do try to relax and let it go, you’ll only keep upseting yourselves by continually banging on about it.
And finally from the New Romantic songbook of Duran Duran – Save a Prayer: ‘Why we should look forward to next year‘ (‘i’) pinning their hopes on Sir Keir we assume… sorry, he doesn’t have a prayer.
That running into the labelling Taliban will be fun.
And the running Taliban obsessed by their Fit Bits.
The Graun can learn craft tips from the BBC too.
And as if by magic, with a wave of the wand, the WOMAN disappears…
I had to switch off that Harry Potter fest celebrating 20 years, those ingrates that were stars of the franchise have made their millions on the back of JKR and now disown her. Well, what is their acting worth now they are all adults ? as none of them can act their way out of a paper bag – most noticeably that smug arse Daniel Radcliffe.
“They don’t like it up em”
Unusually Beitbart created fake news
It wasn’t a poll, there was no chart of votes etc.
Here’s the guy who used to direct ‘reports’ on what needs ‘journalising’…
Here’s all from N. America so far. An RT by Sopes. Lurch also on manoeuvres.
This is awful. Marianna has picked up too.
Seems rampaging hordes in BBC wired brains can only be one kind.
Interesting calling them activists, BBC usually reserves that term for approved, far left groups. A slip up.
“Inspired by bad information ” ?
Time will tell.
And year last year when the Marxist thugs of BLM were attacking the police, ripping down statues and smearing gormless graffiti on The Cenotaph the BBC informed us told that “These were largely peaceful protests”.
Always impartial…
Jeez. What is wrong with her? No selfie?
So anyone disagreeing with the lefties and snowflakes is now regarded as part of the Trumpian Hordes?
It’s called free-speech Mr. Burley and ms Spring You may not have come across it as it is discouraged in your places of work I guess!
Craig back in the saddle, on a roll…
Long may the Pandemic continue! (or be replaced by another one)
“New EU Law Would Allow Seizure Of Private Property During Pandemic Emergencies”
Another little gem contained in the proposed “New” law:
“The proposed measures are likely to be put forward during the spring and could include export controls and new powers that allow the EU to collect data from businesses on their production process, their stockpiles and supply chains for their products, POLITICO reports.”
I emphasise, “New” because its concept is not, “New”. The Chinese Communist Party are doing this as a natural day-to-day event.
“The scales fall from the peoples eyes”. Blatant Communism.
Hitler thought if all this shit years ago!
Guest – I’ve listen to that show since I was a child ….. and over the years noticed both the less of authority and expertise .
I checked on the ‘sounds ‘ app and noted that they now have some previous years available to listen to. I was tempted to re listen to 2021 – if only to be reminded about the election thief but then thought – life is too short .
Craig’s piece does the job for me so thanks Craig .
Anyway here are my predictions –
1 nut nut will stay on
2 Obama will keep his stooge in place
3 Dorries will do nothing with the BBC
4 OFCOM won’t change
5 there will be a cost of living revolt
6 double the number of dinghies
7 green will get a kicking
8 inflation above 5%
9 interest rate 1%
10 i will finally get my new electric cooker fitted
11 Norwich and Newcastle to be relegated .
The above are based on 3 assumptions –
No war
No covid version 4 killing off the population
No black swan event
They are things I think will happen – not necessarily want to happen ….
Fed, if the PM survives, I reckon Starmer will get the heave-ho from Momentous Days of Ange(r). Think that might make a good album title or band name: ‘Momentous Days of Ange’.
Certainly Ghislaine Maxwell’s trial verdict has taken the BBC heat off Nut Nut as you call him, although some of the print media are seeking to lumber him with ‘Not enough test kits’. The BBC will lead the charge on your number 5. but I think inflation wil peak at just over 6% and interest rates will be up to 2% with at least three quarterly letters of humility & grovel being written by Andrew Bailey to Rishi Sunak.
The kit shortage shows a failure of intelligence / planning remains within the system . They have failed to learn from PPE which its’ turn was a foreseeable problem with a fairly cheap remedy .
From a personal point of view I would be delighted with a higher interest rate but I think the combination of rising living costs and taxes will keep the inflation rate from running away .
Other predictions –
Further Islamic terrorism
Increasing murder / homicide / suicide rates
Continued failure to deal with the medical mafia
Thick sports types will carry on meaningless kneeling
A really messy commonwealth games ( no matter )
Continued failing BBC
Fed, the NHS is hopelessly broken. There are too many Chiefs and not enough workers. The workers are politicised now to be anti-Conservative Government. The Managers cannot manage in any winter, less so in a Pandemic and even less so in a Pandemic in winter. They have an incentive not to. They get more money for failure and that more money for the NHS Budget overall inevitably bumps up management pay.
Should Bojo win a second term a wholesale reform of the NHS could, should, be engaged in but probably will not be with Sajid Javid as SoS. Jeremy Hunt would be my choice for that job after a re-shuffle.
I would hope that a tough SoS for Health would order all the medical and nursing schools to increase their places by 10% but am not sure that will happen. If the BBC are to be believed, the number of doctor training places has not improved much since the dire Gordon Brown years.
You could be right on rates but the ‘silver economy’ is very powerful in the UK. In the absence of the ‘triple-lock’ being maintained on the State Pension, interest rates at 2% or even 2.5% would boost the ‘silver economy’ and help the trickle down, inheritance-wise to younger generations; it would also help the younger generations with savings as well as HM Treasury.
Your other predictions? Probably almost certainly with one exception: the Commonwealth Games. Cannot be messy in HM’s Jubilee Year! It will be called a great success, whatever happens.
It is interesting that the BBC no longer allow the listeners to comment and add their predictions to the BBC Correspondents’ look ahead. I wonder if it was because our Fed did rather better than the BBC correspondents.
Here endeth my grovel. 😉
But wasn’t Jeremy Hunt in charge of health for a very long time until a few months before the Chinese virus was released from the laboratory ?
I wonder if anyone has reviewed NHS staffing to determine how many of the medical mafia actually deal with patients – even at one stage away such as ‘cleaners ‘- maintenance – lab staff … if I recall there are 1.7 million on the payroll – how many of them do not contribute to the NHS ?( half ? ) .
I’m obviously in favour of huge downsizing of the NHS – and certainly freezing recruitment on ‘non core ‘ jobs …. But it would take a government with a big majority – say 80 seats ……..
I feel that my New Year’s resolution is self selecting …. stay off the BBC web site?
I see the BBC punting just one their multiple agendas relentlessly – here:
A group of children in Portugal are using human rights law to force European politicians to tackle climate change.
gosh – what will they do when they grow up?
BBC – “not fit for purpose” – hardly covers it.
tomo: I’ve succumbed already …. 🙁
I saw that the ex head of the UK military – 10 blokes and a dog – was doing the ‘today ‘ gig . I bet the source of the latest failure – Biden /Afgee didn’t get a mention …. But on the upside it looks like we got out people out safely …. After so much needless waste of good people .
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – I’m sorry, I’ll read that again . . . . . . That top left item definitely requires a re-write: ‘Maxwell guilty of helping Epstein abuse girls’. There is plenty of space in the box for a better caption. At least 36 more characters and spaces could be included to use the rest of the second-line space.
It’s another triumph for those that govern us.
‘Pharmacists are warning of patchy supplies of rapid Covid tests following changes to self-isolation rules.’
A story accentuated in seriousness in the Telegraph this morning.
Put these words in order
Brewery. Organise. Piss-up. Couldn’t..
Seems to be a worldwide play, looking at YouTube videos.
Claim there’s a kit shortage, get people thinking they’re getting something rare and in great demand, and thus be more likely to want to test?
I am still confused as to how the numbers of cases of Omricon are arrived at. Is it in conjunction with the PCR test? very suspect as so many tests are false positives, is it through the numbers of Lateral Flow Tests? Find it hard to accept that every Lateral Flow Test is reported to the NHS-I know of those like myself who have done a number LFT’s and those being found negative have not advised the NHS. Can we really believe the numbers thrown out from the BBC et al every night? No, we are being Brainwashed. The Brainwashing of such information is to continue the fear, compliance campaign. Lies and more lies.
My telegraph days are done – they tried to hit me for £13 a month .. no way…
I tried to leave a comment on one of their YouTube videos.
Comments switched off..
Just browsing what film might be worth watching and found this one sums up what ‘woke’ is doing to the world perfectly.
American Pie (1999). IMDB Score 7.0
American Pie Presents: Girls’ Rules (2021). IMDB score: 3.8
Most reviews of the second one are 1/10 with the occasional 9/10 by those voting purely for the agenda.
This is the general pattern. Take something popular involving white males. Leech it’s popularity to push the woke agenda and end up rubbishing the whole thing.
Dr Who is another example among many – as is Star Wars.
Another case of ‘The ends justify the means’ by the Left as they slowly destroy the world like a cancer.
I haven’t followed the trial closely but I suppose that Clinton escaped even being mentioned . But as we know he was intimately ( in every sense of the word) involved with Epstein and the ‘the scandal’ . It was likely this connection that saw Epstein commit Arkancide in his prison cell.
Prince Andrew’s involvement is small beer compared to what Clinton has done for decades. Yet another example of how if you are on the same side as the MSM and part of the Blob you can literally get away with murder.
Can of worms hardly covers it and Andrew’s contribution is about as important as BBC “It’s a Knockout” with Stuart Hall from Windsor Castle.
I see the comrades in UAF and Stand up to Racism are delighted that one of the far right bomb plotters in the Eastenders spoiler looks like Tommy Robinson.
Bomb plot in ‘stenderz?
– oh, my…. social relevance from the producers and writers there then?
Have they got an Albanian gangster character yet?
Eastenders loves to portray itself as being “gritty and realistic”. It’s neither…
It’s a half baked propaganda piece cobbled together by a bunch of leftie, middle class, pseudo intellectual luvvies, whose only contact with the working classes is when they get in a taxi or pay someone to fix the guttering on their expensive penthouses.
They’ll absolutely love inventing a fictional “far right terrorist attack” but would run a marathon to avoid going near the very real threat of Islamic extremism or the (so called) “Asian” grooming gangs.
The BBC are the equivalent of the loathed Lord Haw-Haw from WW2.
And we all know what happened to him…
Labour councillor Peymana Assad had previously been on misquoting the 90% unvaccinated in ITU.
(Also don’t forget if you haven’t had the booster you are now ‘unvaccinated’).
CBBC Channel, Tuesday 8 June 2021
In a segment about vaccine approval for 12 to 15 year olds, a contributor claimed that the Pfizer vaccine is “100% safe”. This has been removed from the online article and video:
By not watching the awful BBC these days, there is an added benefit in that Senora O’Blene and I enjoy much more time to chat about everything, and if tincture time beckons, the craic sometimes goes on for ages!
Not listening to, or watching the BBC is a real tonic, especially for us young’uns who won’t see 70 again, and life is so much more pleasant!
The only confession I have to make is that when I want a recipe, the BBC website always crops up, and I used to love Delia, so we’ll use what they do there, as you can’t ‘woke’ cookery, unless you’re stupid enough to be a vegan!
“Liverpool bomber made device with murderous intent, coroner says”
Mr Rebello said: “Shortly after his arrival he claimed, it is believed falsely, that he was of Syrian heritage and claimed asylum as a refugee from that country.”
“He said that claim and all subsequent claims for asylum were refused, with the latest refusal in November 2020.”
He should have been deported long ago. We are far too soft while our Border Force is useless.
We need a strong leader to sort out this mess .
“Kirklees child sexual exploitation: 38 appear in court”
Interesting names?
The 12 Mohammeds ( allegedly ) …. Out of 38 ….
They all , apart from the two women procurers , look to be RoPers to me.
Yes it has to be the most popular child rapists name in the UK now!
Donna Lynn, 41, from Heckmondwike, charged with causing the prostitution of a girl under 16, allowing a premises to be used for unlawful sexual intercourse, procuring a female under 21, and controlling prostitution.
Mohammed Yakub, 64, from Dewsbury, charged with an offence of rape.
Nasir Billimoria, 68, from Batley, charged with an offence of rape, and procuring a female under 21.
Yousuf Motala, 69, from Dewsbury, charged with an offence of rape.
Ebrahim Mamaniatt, 52, from Batley, charged with an offence of rape.
Liaquat Ali, 65, from Batley, charged with an offence of rape.
Hashim Sacha, 53, from Batley, charged with an offence of rape.
Nobhar Shah, 69, from Batley, charged with two offences of rape and living on the earnings of prostitution.
Ibrahim Khalifa, 83, from Bradford, charged with an offence of rape.
Manaf Hussain, 47, from Heckmondwike, charged with an offence of rape.
Maria O’Rouke, 42, from Batley, charged with causing the prostitution of a girl under 16, allowing a premises to be used for unlawful sexual intercourse and controlling prostitution.
Riaz Shaikh, 57, from Dewsbury, charged with an offence of rape and an offence of indecent assault.
Amjid Rangzeb, 43, from Batley, charged with an offence of rape and an offence of false imprisonment.
Liaquat Hussain Hanif, 45, from Batley, charged with an offence of rape.
Shakeel Haq, 44, from Birmingham, charged with an offence of rape and an offence of false imprisonment.
Rafiq Patel, 69, from Batley, charged with an offence of rape.
Mohammed Abbas, 60, from Dewsbury, charged with an offence of rape.
Shafaquat Afzal Hussain, 45, from Dewsbury, charged with an offence of rape.
Tariq Azam, 52, from Dewsbury, charged with three offences of rape and three offences of indecent assault.
Aurrangzeb Azam, 50, from Dewsbury, charged with three offences of rape, two offences of indecent assault and an offence of false imprisonment.
Israr Hussain, 46, from Dewsbury, charged with three offences of rape, two offences of indecent assault and an offence of false imprisonment.
Mohammed Sheikh, 48, from Batley, charged with an offence of rape and an offence of indecent assault.
Mohammed Tariq, 62, from Bradford, charged with two offences of rape.
Sajid Majid, 48, from Mirfield, charged with an offence of rape and an offence of indecent assault.
Zulfiquar Ali, 42, from Dewsbury, charged with an offence of rape.
Ansar Mahmood Qayum, 44, from Dewsbury, charged with an offence of rape and an offence of indecent assault.
Mohammed Jabbar Qayum, 40, from Dewsbury, charged with an offence of rape.
Shafiq Siddique, 52, from Dewsbury, charged with an offence of rape and an offence of false imprisonment.
Mohammed Ishtiaq Hussain, 47, from Dewsbury, charged with an offence of rape.
Abbas Kaji, 52, from Batley, charged with an offence of rape.
Mohammed Farooq, 52, from Dewsbury, charged with an offence of rape.
Tasawar Hussain, 42, from Heckmondwike, charged with an offence of rape.
Mohammed Munir Shaffi, 43, from Dewsbury, charged with two offences of rape.
Zaheed Ali Novsarka, 53, from Batley, charged with an offence of rape.
Nassar Liaquat Khan, 42, from Keighley, charged with an offence of rape.
Mohammed Riaz Khan, 47, from Heckmondwike, charged with an offence of rape.
Mohammed Luqman Daji, 44, from Dewsbury, charged with an offence of rape.
Mohammed Ramzan, 64, from Dewsbury, charged with an offence of rape.
Janine Green, 44, from Batley, charged with encouraging prostitution, allowing premises to be used for unlawful sexual intercourse and controlling prostitution.
Ali Shan Waheed, 41, from Dewsbury, charged with rape.
Ismail Seedat, 51, from Batley, charged with indecent assault.
Mohammed Yasin, 48, from Batley, charged with rape.
At least 70 years each seems to be the going rate.
I doubt it .
I think you will find that G Maxwell will get a longer sentence ?
Well I don’t know what will be on BBC news but I think I know what won’t be.
I wonder what utter woke trivia will be considered more important?
The authorities appear to feel this is fairly unimportant.
The trial date is being set for 2023 or 2024 and they have all been released on bail.
Will any actually stand trial?
“Kirklees child sexual exploitation: 38 appear in court”
Interesting names?
AND OF COURSE …………………. not a whisper from the hypocritical ‘me too, brigade.
Media talk about Ms Maxwell…………… look over there, an eagle. Labour, Guardian, BBC really are scum.
This is exactly what they do.
Remember that Blair acolyte who used the phrase “a good day to bury bad news”?
The BBC, Guardian et al will concentrate on the Maxwell case. We’ll hear about her contacts…so long as a certain Mr Clinton isn’t included. They’ll undoubtedly mention Prince Andrew and possibly even President Trump, but as for the 30 odd Muzzies appearing in court for rape, child exploitation charges etc, it’ll be.
The inquiry team noted fears among council staff of being labelled “racist” if they focused on victims’ descriptions of the majority of abusers as “Asian” men
Its a bloody epidemic
I would not be surprised if there are vigilantes sooner or later as the authorities and MSM are ignoring it and if forced to act give them 4 or 5 years
they deserve the same as Maxwell minimum
The BBC, getting it about BBC, all year long, to the bitter end…
How much do Timmeh!, Franny, Caro, etc get handed?
Ive often said it here that any talking head appearing on TV / radio should be properly introduced – particularly if they have ‘skin in the game ‘ and the ‘speaking in a private capacity ‘types
Otherwise the BBC might be accused of … bias / fraud ….
Maybe thats one for the fact checker when not sobbing about ‘ online abuse ‘ …
Well, the BBC have done it several times now. And always known left-wing activists masquerading as general public with full complicity by the BBC.
And not a peep from OFCOM. Tells us everything we need to know.
The BBC is in a right Catch 22 situation during the
Christmas period. They can’t show half of the old films
they used to show. Like , It’s a wonderful life” ” North West
Frontier ” ” Seven brides for seven brothers.” And even
classics like “My Fair Lady.”
There are a number of reasons of course. Lack of diversity,
stereotypes. Sometimes it will be for language, such as” the
Dam Busters” where we can’t hear Guy Gibson VC calling for his
black Labrador “come here n**ger.
The catch 22 situation is that Channel 5 can show them
because every few minutes we can see adverts with black
families , mixed race families . Also, fat pale stale males, sometimes with fat stale pale women as well, performing
stupidly. And of course the BBC cannot at least compensate
for all these whities, with adverts. I suppose that we will just
have to wait for a remake of ” My Fair Lady” the title changed
to ” My Cis Lady” starring one of the great diverse actors as
Professor Higgins and maybe some drag queen
as Eliza Doolittle. Then Eliza would not have to be CIS or
even a lady. AND we could watch it on the BBC . Because
BIG BROTHER from the diversity department would allow it !!
These days No one in their right mind watches the BBC to be ‘informed, entertained or educated ‘ . The days when the BBC did IEE are long gone now it’s just straightforward , simplistic pro Blob propaganda.
Talking of TV commercials, particularly for furniture I have detected a bit of a change lately.
We now beginning to see furniture ads on TV with NO people at all. One even goes so far as to use a log of wood as the person asleep in a bed.
A push-back against OFCOM and woke Ad Agencies? In which case a lot of models of all hues are now out of work, Nice going OFCOM!
Inevitable digg. Any agency now producing a more realistic societal scenario, after perhaps falling product sales prompt a re-think, will immediately be accused of racism and right-wing manipulation.
They have created a classic Catch-22 from which there appears to be no safe exit. As sad as it is funny – or schadenfreude as the Boche might have put it.
I remember a very old joke told as a 10 year old.
Question, What’s a wog?
Answer A wump of wood.
I would like to recommend a book called “The Parasitic Mind” by a chap named Gad Saad. It hits the nail dead centre every time.
He also has a You Tube channel “The Saad Truth” which chimes with my own views on so many counts.
I would be surprised if he hasn’t, at some time, already had a mention on this website.
“There are a number of reasons of course”
Erm, no. There is only one reason and that’s because other TV companies have bought up the broadcasting rights. But nice theory bro.
Maxi coney ,
What other TV companies have bought up the rights , for how much and who from .?
Why didn’t the BBC buy the broadcasting rights ?
Northwest Frontier and the Dam Busters you can view on YouTube .
AFAIK distribution rights are often owned by conglomerates and the BBC can pay to air films if a deal can be struck.
eg : on Mar 4, 2017 BBC2 BBC2 North West Frontier with Lauren Bacall
very early about 6:30am
AFAIK “It’s a wonderful life” was considered out of copyright for about 20 years from 1970, but someone found a way of putting it back in copyright.
Maxicony- The present day BBC would not in a million
years put on North West Frontier even if they owned
100% of the rights. And you may well have personal
knowledge why.
The Raj at the turn of the 20th century. The hero, an
English army captain trying to get a train through the North
West tribal regions of the Indian sub continent. The
character played by Kenneth Moore is a type which is
an anathema to the diversity department of the BBC.
An Indian stereotype train driver Gupta played by
I.S Johar who is the real star of the film and should of
won the Academy Award for the best supporting role.
But I expect he would make 90% of those who work
at the BBC vomit. I could go on with many
other examples of why the BBC would not show this
great adventure story. But the numero uno reason
would be the portrayal of Herbert Lom as the Muslim
terrorist who is trying to kill a little boy travelling on
the train .
I reiterate not in a million years would BIG BROTHER at
the diversity department of the BBC pass this to be shown.
Even less chance than anybody from the BBC condemning
what the Muslim grooming , raping gangs have been doing to young girls for over 20 years,
Lets not forget Gunga Din ! or Sabu in Elephant Boy ! Usual Sunday afternoon fare on the BBC along with Fred & Ginger films . At least they were more watchable than all the current diversity and woke crap that they tried to force feed us now.
“Covid: Wales’ self isolation period cut from 10 days to seven”
First Minister Mark Drakeford said this was because “the rising number of cases risks our ability to deliver critical services”.
“the rising number of cases risks our ability to deliver critical services”
Yep ! I saw that one coming .
“The rising number of cases” has been the get out of jail card for Big Brother and his globalist henchmen for TOO long.
The law abiding citizens of the world are slowly losing patience.
Via yahoo comes a story from The Evening Standard, that a visitor, one visitor, to Swanage over the Summer took offence at the name of a local street, Darkie Lane. The ancient name derives from a row of trees creating shade.
But guess what? The locals want to keep the name and the council have agreed to leave it.
A small but encouraging win for ordinary people against the politically correct fascists.
Guess what also? The story does not appear on the BBC England/ Regions/ South/ Dorset web page at the time of writing.
These same sort of twats would probably have insisted that world renowned pianist Charlie Kunz must change his name as it may “trigger” hurty feelings among certain yooni students.
Liverpool bomber made device with murderous intent, coroner says
It’s almost painful to read the careful wording of that article as it carefully avoids any mention of the motivation behind this bomb. It’s completely sterile. We all know the words ‘Far-Right’ would be plastered across the headline if they were behind it, along with personal motivations and affiliations of those involved.
Even at the end the bit which tells us the big BBC news article about him being a Christian (along with interviews confirming his loyalty) was a complete lie is written in a bizare, wordy manner to camouflage it:
Mr Rebello said: “It was fairly evident that he carried out the religious duties of someone who is a follower of Islam, not withstanding the reported conversion to Christianity.”
The first stage of solving any problem is accepting you have a problem in the first place. The Left won’t even do that.
Savile and Hall: BBC ‘missed chances to stop attacks’
Published25 February 2016
‘… because of a “culture of fear”, a report says.’. And it’s still going on today.
This is the reality of the ‘tolerant’ far-Left socialists at the BBC.
Nasty b@st@rds if you do not conform. Just like the most famous socialist of all was : Mr Adolf Hitler. It’s part of the same ideological mindset.
Many of us, I am sure, have seen the satirical movie “The Life of Brian.” Some of us were amused by it but I am pretty sure that many devout Christians were justifiably appalled by it’s anti Christian blasphemy. However, as far as I am aware, not a single person was beheaded or injured or even threatened with violent reprisals following the film’s release.
May I suggest a sequel movie be produced, only this time as an anti Islamic satire? Perhaps the Mayor of London could be offered the lead part. Or am I perhaps just losing my head.
Does Muhammed do comedy? As far as the BBC is concerned it appears to be a forgotten art. Such a pity.
‘Stwike him centuwian, vewy woughly’
‘And throw him to the floor sir ?’
‘Oooooh yes, fwow him to the fwoor’
Still has us laughing when it comes up after a few beers …
Anything similar against Islam would result in a mob wanting the people who did it dead. And they really believe they should be murdered for it. That’s what is so wrong about Islam. And not a single Left-wing coward will ever say it.
Prince Andrew … “Given that Kate’s London-related evidence did not cover a crime and related only to the dead financier and Maxwell, it’s difficult to see the London force changing its position.”
Prince Andrew is removed from almost 50 patronages as charities rush to distance themselves from him over to links to paedophile Jeffrey Epstein
Prince Andrew has been dropped by 47 groups amid his links to Jeffrey Epstein
Royal Navy and royal Marines Children’s Fund are among those to ditch the Duke
Other charities have replaced the Duke with Prince Charles as their royal patron
Four charities have kept Duke on, according to Sunday Telegraph investigation
Accused by activists. Tried by mob. Executed by media.
And Clinton, who seems to have had a season ticket on the Lolita Express…NOTHING
Just your reminder that this is what used to oversee a chunk of supposedly serious bbc news output.
Projection is a libmob characteristic
.. BBC/Guardianland are full of conspiracy theories
Russiagate etc.
Hope that doesn’t come back to haunt you Rob Burley…..
She has not actually mentioned the genre of cartoon.
Hence a few sites featuring ladies called Ebony in championship positions with BBCs (I imagine most can guess).
Black Beauty, Anna Sewell. There’s one Ash, the Bloated Broadcasting Corporation even made a serial of it.
And, while your at it I’d like to complain that there is a sad lack of black labradors being trained as guide dogs.
Try The Beano , Ash . Plenty of colourful characters in that , like Biffo the Bear and Little Plum .
If not that , try um Dandy or Topper .
Maybe look for some authors of colour doing this naturally,…. Nope, can’t think of any…. Sorry it’s got to be noddy I’m afraid it’s all we got.
Try buying from Amazon in Africa or India.
Sopes, Lurch and the rest all sighing in relief that holding power to account is clearly exempted if there are chums and lawyers involved?
I was wondering if a certain false president gets a mention ….?
Oddly, no. But…
They also have a post where it seems CNN outbid the BBC to get her as a roving reporter.
And if you study ha… tick the right boxes, your journalistic career can soar too running PR from corporate colleagues’ agents.
A bit of context thanks to Craig.
And a bit of not news that still should be beyond anyone aware of how the bbc operates in that unique way it is indulged in.
Emily Kate summarises neatly, but from Rob Burley to Franny, Tim, Amol, etc… and OFCOM and dcms and Nads… that they remain unaccountable in doing what they would ruin others for, seems, very 2021.
Bad tool blames workmen.
Dude’s hit the cooking sherry early.
Sweeney! wants to… move on.
The pensioners appear concerned about the pot going down the toilet.
Sweeney! Probably the cooking sherry too.
BBC in BBC BBC spin mode…