GBNews has started its digital radio output . For the first time in a long time the BBC has competition against its poisonous talk radio . Let’s hope it gets the support it deserves .
I have just watched the 6pm BBC1 news with Hugh Edwards reporting about Novak Djokovic. This has obviously caused a dilemma within the BBC. They showed his mother (twice) saying how dreadful it is that he is imprisoned (until Monday?) and he must stay strong. The BBC are desperate to side with the elite who are entitled to do what they want (especially if they work for the BBC or are friends of the BBC. The BBC also want to support the human rights because that is how they support immigration. But on the other hand the BBC are strong supporters of vaccinations. I can see they don’t know which way to turn. It is so long since the BBC reported anything without first agreeing the line to take, they cannot do it. Dear BBC, if anyone from your organisation reads this post, just suggest to the higher ups that for once just report the facts and move on.
No more proof is required of the collaboration between the Democrats and the BBC than the endless coverage the BBC are giving to the anniversary of what they call the riot at the Capitol.
The BBC constantly refer to the “rioters” when there was in fact very little rioting.
The only person killed at the event was an unarmed women, shot in cold-blood by a police officer, I would call that murder myself.
Constant reference to the “lie” that the election was rigged with no back-up whatsoever and lots of evidence uncovered to support the claim.
Now why would they do this?
The answer is mid-terms…. both the BBC and the Democrats are quaking in their boots that things might swing in a direction they don’t like so they are carrying out a coordinated campaign of mis-information and hysteria along with the corrupt US judicial system and the FBI in hopes that people will be shooed away from a Republican resurgence and wipeout victory.
I think the Republicans will win back, Trump will be back and I can only imagine the penalties he might extract for the vile and lying treatment he has been given.
I also think the FBI would be in for a tough time too.
Bring it on!
I hope the night of the mid-term results is a re-run of the night of the Brexit vote, I would love to see those crestfallen, frightened BBC faces on screen.
I hope he buries the whole lot of the sneaky pile of smug crappers!
The Harris-Biden stuff I caught earlier on SlyNews was predictable puke… I wonder how much of it was scripted and if there’s one of those multiscreen mashups of them all saying the same thing?
I see that Joe Rogan’s doctor said he has prescribed ivermectin to hundreds of Congress Members and the media completely hid that.
As more than three decades in front of the camera at Channel 4 News draw to a close, what will @jonsnowC4 miss most? “I’ve never worked in a place where there are more rewarding people to be among,” he says. “It’s a family, and great-grandpa is about to step off.”
The Culture Secretary @NadineDorries just admitted that a totally opaque “disinformation unit” in government works day in day out to *extrajudicially* remove lawful speech the government doesn’t like from the internet.
She should have been there in 1986 when I made a visit, she would have been taking pictures of empty shelves, and lengthy queues when a consignment of shoes had arrived, instead of selfies !
I don’t think it’s incorrect, there was a large contingent of British Colonials there, their off-spring would be “Jamaican born”.
My wife for instance was born in Uganda of British (white) parents.
In 2022 the BBC would have us believe that Britain had always been ‘black’ and their latest dramas push that falsehood. It is through films and the like that most of us get our ideas about history.
I was being sarcastic.
You are quite right that re-patriated colonials no doubt made up the majority of ‘Jamaican born’.
‘History Debunked’ goes into this matter further – why is the BBC obsessed with black people, why not Chinese, Indians or even the French? Why aren’t these ‘minorities’ promoted?
ITV News reports on a Conservative Baroness alleged racist comments but hasn’t reported on a Labour Peer convicted of child sex abuse. Well done ITV you’ve perfectly exposed your political bias & how utterly shite your reporting is.
— CraiginWales 100% real man with a penis. (@ghost_wales) January 6, 2022
Is the new head of BBC news the same Deborah Turness who is married to a senior cabinet office civil servant & Director of Communications for Security and Intelligence, John Toker? No prizes for guessing his politics! I’m sure the Tory DG had no ulterior motive for selecting her.
— HijackedEUrophile. Masked-up hater of Tories!😷 (@EHijacked) January 6, 2022
Maybe someone can give details about how Labour first appointed him
and how many years he worked for Labout governments
2004 article
“John Toker, the former ITN producer and Tonight with Trevor McDonald executive, who acted as Mr Blunkett’s personal press secretary and the department’s head of news, remains in his post.”
Thu 8 Jan 2004 Former ITN and Tonight with Trevor McDonald senior producer John Toker has quit broadcasting to take up one of the most powerful PR jobs in the civil service, as head of news for David Blunkett.
(He was 53 then So is 71 now )
Firstly he’s slurring and faltering like someone who’s not even quite sure where he is.
Second the speech they have written for him is as full of hate as I’ve ever heard. It’s one long personal and very spiteful attack against Trump.
This is the kind of rhetoric I only expect from 3rd world dictatorships. They are clearly desperate now. And the BBC are pushing every word of it in our faces.
Even Lurch says:
‘Biden’s rhetorical shift could represent a strategic shift, as well – a decision that the Democratic base can most effectively be rallied with anger, not hope.’
Everything about Biden and the Democrats is lies. Right down to pretending he is in any way in charge. They are really showing us the true colours of the ‘tolerant’ Left now. So much for bringing the nation together : it’s more divided than ever. Could this be the trigger for unrest ?.
Yes – I was surprised at the level of vitriol – they must truly be worried that the coming elections won’t be fixed as well as the last fraudulent presidential election was – and that President Trump will stand and fight it out with the half wit VP .
The level of vitriol, repeated without criticism by the BBC, leads me to think that something very nasty is being planned. Possibly Trump’s arrest, or some way of excluding him from political life.
They are up to something.
Getty label
“Mid adult woman refueling the car at the gas station while her son sitting at the back seat and both wearing a protective face mask and gloves during COVID-19 pandemic”
Stew, yes, I wondered about L/H drive and also illegal to have child in front seat. Then I looked a bit more closely.
It appears to be a Renault Clio 3dr hatch but I think it is a larger car. But it was the background that did it: it is summer! And there was no need for masks, outdoors, in summer in the UK. If it’s after 19 July, no need for masks at all. And no need to wear one in a car although you see people doing that in the UK. Well done on researching the US origin. But UK cars have tanks on the right as well. All my previous r/h drive cars did but they were 5-door hatchbacks.
The woman is wearing gloves. But the pumps seem all the wrong colour after the introduction of E10 fuel and the return to facemasks. Could of course be a family terrified witless by the endless Covid propaganda.
Well done Stew, though. You are the only entrant so you win the Grand Prize of Eccles’ piece of paper. Don’t spend that stamp cash all at once. And memo to Scrobie: am waiting for you to take the top of the Thread on another notch.
The mask thing
i imagined a situation where the woman felt she might have Covid
Say, if she was driving to the test centre
Then she might wear a mask even outside to ensure she doesn’t cough over other people refilling her car
Anyway she has to put on a mask to pay anyway and it could be she paid first and is now filling.
Being an armchair strategist there doesn’t seem to be too much coverage of the Azerbaijan ‘coup’ …
This seems strange to me because of the concern about energy supplies to Europe from Russia. To me Putin now has control of another big energy source and will strengthen his economic war against the West .
The timing doesn’t seem to be noted either – both New Year in the East as well as America looking inward – one of those stunts the Russians love to carry out ….
Am I missing something ?
Tonight on GBNews there was discussion of whether the 12 billion pounds borrowed to be exported to ‘overseas aid ‘ should be diverted to reduce the domestic fuel bills . The current crop of politicians of all colours wouldn’t dream of it .
Just noticed Matt Price the ITV regional reporter who makes feature items that are PRasNews had blocked me on Twitter.
I wonder what for, have I insulted him ?
He couldn’t work out how to set RadioTimes to his region
I showed him how to.
He complained that is shouldn’t default to London, but should somehow magically detect your TV region
I replied RadioTimes DEFAULTS to London location
.. Just like British media reporting DEFAULTS to Guardianlalaland view
.. People then have go to great effort to find something more in proportion & perspective to actual reality
He shouted back “Blocked!”
… OK so he chose to build a bubbleworld , rather than listen to challenging.
OH look his next job is PRasNews promoting electric cars
#ElectricVehicles people – we need you! I'm working on an item about EV's and what 2022 has in store for them? Are you a #car dealer or maker? We'd love to hire a car for a day for some filming. If you can help please drop me a line to
You’d think a single call to each UK EV supplier would elicit a tidal wave?
The de-Twittered Tucker Carlson monologue from yesterday that YouTube resolutely “couldn’t find” – found fugitive Brit “comedian” John Oliver from 9 months ago though and some Jimmy Kimmel…. (Right click to save vid)
Does anyone still watch that ? I gave up after series 3, as they’re all idiots who would have trouble finding their way to the end of the road, let alone run a business.
The star scribe at the Daily Telegraph is hiding his light under a bushel – or something. One might expect somebody with Evans Pritchards’s credentials to be consulted more often about the Clinton crew and his intimate knowledge of Democrat politics…. ?
No it didn’t. It ran into a sonar array being towed for hundreds of meter behind.
The BBC are starting to twist headlines into lies without even realising now. I suspect it has become such standard journalistic practice, they are doing it without thought.
It’s about the level of ‘The Sun’. Another indicator of the calibre of staff they now employ. It’s what happens when ability is not the main reason people are given jobs.
When Royal Navy frigate HMS Northumberland was tracking a Russian submarine in late 2020, it got a bit closer than expected. The AA hit the British plane’s towed target – a long tube fitted with sensitive hydrophones to listen under the water. And a TV crew, filming Warship: Life at Sea for Channel 5, caught the incident on camera, including the crew shouting: “What the hell was that?” The Ministry of Defence has confirmed the circumstances. It’s unclear whether the Russian vessel was damaged but HMS Northumberland returned to port in Scotland for repairs. There has been increased Russian submarine activity in recent years, and Royal Navy frigates regularly patrol the North Atlantic. A UK defence source tells us it’s unlikely the collision was deliberate.
They play the anthem in Thailand every evening at 6pm. People in parks stand still when it plays. Not because they have to, but because they respect it and they really do love their country. It’s quite strange to see at first because it would never happen in the UK.
BBC far-lefties like Lineker despise patriotism. It makes people stand up for things on principle instead of just doing what they are told. The jug eared idiot is unable to realise it is people like him who are making us more like North Korea. They would LOVE a totalitarian state – as long as they were in charge of course.
Then they could solve the problem of their politicial enemies once and for all. The ultimate ‘cancel culture’. Like they have tried to do throughout history.
Biden gave us a great insight to their true nature in his speech yesterday. Full of hate.
I wonder why linaker didn’t complain about the national tune being played at the start of national footy games ?
And I suppose he supports the ‘honours ‘ system – which does he have – OBE /MBE ?
Just to highlight what despicable scum the bbc are, supported by almost all in politics and media, ITBB is valiantly keeping on an actual newsworthy story.
Looks like Boohoo don't get the chance to respond, or anyone else for that matter. There's something wrong about MPs getting on their soapbox and preaching but blocking all right to reply.
I'm brown skinned from an Islamic family and I have nothing to fear from the above, why? Because I dont feel the need to pack my bags , burn my passport and pledge alligence to the likes of ISIS, openily dispise the Western way of life or hang around little girls
More often than not it turns out the accusation is other media who use it a lot too.
Like the BBC.
Just went to BBC World and they are reporting what Paul said they don’t.
But mostly US anniversary stuff from a very particular corner and something about Australian tennis. Like, a lot.
If you’re wondering how on earth we’ve ended up with one of the biggest sports stars in detention and awaiting deportation – here’s 5 mins with all the details on Djokovic and his attempt to get into Australia.
Could someone pls explain why by biggest strategic story of the moment – the violence in Kazakhstan – is prominent in German, French, other int'l media and virtually nowhere to be seen in UK (exception @FT). Barely mentioned on @BBCr4today or other @BBCNews domestic outlets
When i see stuff like that I wonder if it is at all possible to change the NHS and make it more able to deal what it is paid huge amounts to do?
I guess the medical mafia will play its ‘ usual emotional blackmail game to keep itself pampered and overpaid – ensuring the closed shop is always short of medics and always building a well remunerated hierarchy and management .
Any coming inquiry into the Chinese virus will make sure it doesn’t get into a position to criticise either the NHS or the medical mafia living off it …..
I think that mental clapping thing will provide an indication to ( sane ) future generations of the madness of this time ….
( I find myself using that ‘wtf’ terminology more and more- it used to be ‘surely not ‘ but that doesn’t make it anymore ) .
I suppose one of the reasons for all this is the transition of hippy -bred kidults into positions of influence / authority bringing the woke nonsense with them .
Hence the expression of approved emotions and offence in accordance with their conditioning …..
I was in a hospital waiting room the other day, they were running 50 minutes late.
Two ambulance men came in with a patient in a wheelchair. Apparently the usual procedure was that they wheeled him to the nurse who gave him an injection, then they took him home.
Rather than being released from that job and leaving the patient to a relief crew they stayed with him thereby keeping an ambulance out of service for 50 minutes and delaying all the other trips on their rosta.
No wonder there are ambulance ‘shortages’ and NHS ‘backlogs’.
The controversial deal saw Sir Tony face accusations that he had helped Mr Nazarbayev to ‘spin’ a massacre which saw security forces kill at least 14 during a protest over wages.
The former British prime minister advised the Kazakh leader on how to deal with questions from the Western media about the 2011 shootings, and suggested passages to be inserted into a speech Mr Nazarbayev was giving at Cambridge University in 2012.
Huw in full cry, showing opinion on polls can vary.
Well I hate to do this… but there is no 'Welsh accent' 🏴 – there are many. I vote for the Llangennech accent. Blaengarw second. Aberarth third. Sketty and Holyhead banned, sorry. It's a tough call. 😇
What is the racial makeup of London?
40% of Londoners are Black and Minority Ethnic and 37% are not born in the UK. West London has the highest proportion (48%) of its population that are Black and Minority Ethnic and 43% who are not UK-born.
This has to be the first time a modern sports star has got themselves banned for NOT taking drugs:
‘Djokovic’s father says player is being “crucified”‘ (Times)
As something of a connoisseur of tabloid headlines, one has to give props to the giveaway Metro this morning: ‘Prisoner Cell Djok H‘
The Aussies have certainly displayed a surprisingly quasi-religious adherence to covid lockdown rules – but let’s not forget that as well as being the descendents of convicts as us Poms like to joke, they are also the descendents of their jailers. His father claiming Christ-like religious persecution of Djokovic however, seems a bit strong:
‘Tennis ace Novak in a guarded room with no change of clothes, says dad‘ (Metro) – I don’t recall the lack of fresh undies as being one of the Stations of The Cross.
The BBC has one of those – “Look wot a crisis! Something must be done” – headlines, to which this reader has now become so accustomed that he simply shrugs and mutters – so wot?
‘Covid: Armed Forces send 200 personnel to support the NHS in London‘
I’d half expect to phone my GP and get some squaddie on reception insistently barking Richard Burton’s famous call sign from the movie Where Eagles Dare: “Broadsword calling Danny Boy” “Hello… is this Dr Moghal’s surgery?” “Broadsword calling Danny Boy” “Hello. Hello? I just need a repeat prescription, please?” “Roger that. Man down. Bravo Two Zero. Medivac is a no”
The Sun sounds the alarm: ‘FFS! Now Brit gets Bird Flu. A duck owner has become the first person in Britain to catch a deadly strain of bird flu‘ – what with the social distancing we’re still supposed to be doing and all that one can’t help but speculate how close one needs to get to one’s duck to catch something?
‘Scientists have for the first time reliably identified nearby animals by sucking tiny quantities of DNA from the air‘ (Financial Times) – my daughter had all her farmyard animals and most of her wild animals down to a tee by three-years-old, just by eyesight rather than sniffing their scent – by all means call us a rather modern urbanised family.
And what practical application might this – no doubt expensively-funded – expert scientific research have, we wonder? : ‘…they hope will lead to a non-invasive method to monitor biodiversity‘ – did you spot the vital buzz word there? – very handy to know your buzz words when applying for your scientific funding. But I suppose it would be better than getting invasive with wildlife. I do hope that duck owner didn’t get invasive. Talk about Love a Duck:
‘Does the Pope have a point about putting pets before children? The rise of the British “dogbaby”‘ (Telegraph)
The globalist corporate FT’s clientel are still apparently rolling in a bathtub of cash, like Disney character Scrooge McDuck. Prime frontpage advertising spot going to CHF 285,000 (Swiss Franc) approx £228,000 Bovet Battista Tourbillon wrist watches: ‘worn on a vegan rubber strap‘ no less. Of course it is.
The FT is not above a good pun for a headline – afterall, posh newspaper crossword competitions are often cryptic pun-based: ‘Steppe change. Understanding the upheaval in Kazakhstan‘
One is wary of the pedagogic editorial tone here. It smacks of the Guardian house style of telling the faithful exactly what they ought to think on any given subject.
Whenever there’s trouble in a far off land of which we know little, our thoughts tend to turn to: ‘Munich: The edge of war. It’s a must-see thriller‘ – as promoted in the formerly patriotic Times.
Having already reminded ourselves of the subject of both old war films and the strain on our public services due to millions of staff sick notes clogging the office in-trays, it seems the Daily Star fears there’s a potential understaffing crisis in the Berlin bunker:
‘Adolf Hitler forced to work from home after Covid outbreak at his office‘
Let me explain: ‘Namibian district administrator Adolf Hitler Uunona is named after the murderous Nazi leader Adolf Hitler, and has claimed in the past that it’s too late to change it‘ – apparently there’s little fear of cancel culture, snowflake offence taking or cringeing apologies being extracted with menaces over there in Africa.
Unusually there’s no Guardian in the BBC online press frontpage line up this morning. But their website goes with: ‘England Covid testing changes could hit low-paid workers, leaked memo warns. Exclusive: Health Security Agency chief set out risks of PCR test requirement for £500 isolation payment in December‘
The Telegraph meanwhile champions tax payers: ‘One million to be pulled into higher rate of tax‘
And the Express sticks up for pensioners: ‘Cost of living squeeze will hit over 65s hardest‘
You pays your money and you takes your pick.
Or perhaps you takes your peck – if you’re a duck owner?
“Let me explain: ‘Namibian district administrator Adolf Hitler Uunona is named after the murderous Nazi leader Adolf Hitler, and has claimed in the past that it’s too late to change it‘ – apparently there’s little fear of cancel culture, snowflake offence taking or cringeing apologies being extracted with menaces over there in Africa.”
Expect to see a re-make of Downfall with a ‘diverse’ mono-ethnic cast, followed by half of YouTube filled with ‘repurposed’ copies. That should finally eliminate the White Web.
It is easier to strike from school and not learn about the planet that go to school and learn about the planet?
They are monstrous, centuries-old infernos that issue thick billows of ash and smoke, and generate sinkholes that consume roads and homes without warning. Yet in spite of the dangers they pose, underground coal fires are some of the least known environmental disasters. China, the world’s largest miner and consumer of coal, has consistently downplayed the fires in its coalfields, considered the most severe on earth.
The Greta effect seems to be thick white girls making thick girls of color and their bros even thicker.
Bet The BBC Pidgen Ed has a nice set of Crocs. Maybe Balenciaga ones, which enthusiastic media shared a while ago, and had more plastic than Jordan’s chest cavity and Anne Weak Links faces’ combined.
Whilst trying to concentrate any attention to the ‘news’ to the more important stuff ( eg the likelihood of war) I got distracted by a story about GBNews .
Apparently during to colston trial a half wit at GBNews did an opinion piece about the actions of the defendants . The judge summonsed someone from GBNews with the prospect of ‘contempt ‘ charges …
…….anyway the excuse was that the duty GBNews lawyer missed the opinion piece and it went out . OFCOM will love this one – as does the rest of the enemy Left Wing which will build up any reason to kill unapproved thought . …
Apparently the defence in that case – the Far Left Doughty Chambers got into trouble with the judge about trying to link case to the wrongs of slavery as opposed to straight forward criminal damage ….
But they obviously succeeded ….
Elsewhere – earlier in the week there was a big fuss about the failure of the barking plod in ‘the met’ from detecting the serial queer murderer chapped who dumped the bodies near his home …
….. I found it interesting that the individual plods responsible for the negligence were not clearly named . I wondered why – so after 2 minutes of digging I found the list of names on the coroners report …. It was truly … diverse .
Apparently some of these inept / lazy plod have been promoted …..
“If I was Prime Minister David Cameron, I would stop it immediately, not next month, not next year – immediately,” Mohamed said. “Everywhere on the street you see Somalis chewing khat and they lose control, they don’t even know their own families. It’s like cocaine. I’m sorry but the people who chew khat … they are not human.”
Khat is hardly likely to be criminaled if the emir of londonistan is to formally legalise the spliff … where I live that was done about 5 years ago… man ….
The Baltic state remained defiant while China downgraded its diplomatic relations and restricted its trade with Lithuania.
But then, this week, Lithuanian President Gitanas Nauseda expressed doubts about the wisdom of his country’s principled stand, in comments welcomed by China.
“”Unless Lithuania bends to China’s will, an amicable resolution looks unlikely.”
The Baltic state remained defiant while China downgraded its diplomatic relations and restricted its trade with Lithuania.
But then, this week, Lithuanian President Gitanas Nauseda expressed doubts about the wisdom of his country’s principled stand, in comments welcomed by China.”
Just spotted a banner displayed locally advertising NHS recruitment
Can’t help but notice the appeal: “Are you committed? Are you caring?” – in that order of preference – suggesting perhaps a required commitment and loyalty to the institution placed somewhat over and above care of the patients?
I further notice that “NHS Pension” is advertised as a saleable perk
Local radio “coming up an interview with the producer of David Attenborough’s green planet
.. but now over to our reporter at Princes Quay shopping centre in Hull where another Green film is being shown”
“Hull City council have commissioned this new film about them doing their bit to make the city green .. save the planet”
Guardianlalaland agendas are always pushed by the BBC
Councillors interviewed re throwing out wacky stats
“Most of the Carbon in the UK comes from transport
… 35% of the Carbon comes from heating our homes ”
… Hmm as far as I know home use is not the bulk of UK carbon
It’s all the factories/offices/government that are responsible for CO2 output.
Reporter : “Climate change as it says in the film is a real emergency”
item features Martin Budge, Climate Change manager for the council man …. “simple steps we can all do ..taking the bus, cycling, reducing our heating by 1C can have a BIG IMPACT ” (rubbish)
Reporter “but taking the bus costs most than taking a car load of people , what about that ?
council man …. “blah blah “..not answering the question.
Adam Fowler Hull Labour : “All our small differences will make a MASSIVE difference”
rubbish this is the Look after the pennies fallacies. Actually you need to save the pounds.
“small steps will make a big difference”
“We can at least try to stop the acceleration of Climate Change”
Is it accelerating .. you can only say that by cherrypicking special time slots.
“now councillor Darren Hale, doesn’t taking the bus cost more than parking the car”
Darren Hale “…blah blah .. Houses ! 35% of emissions comes from people’s homes ! ..”
“If people insulate their houses JUST SLIGHTLY will save them some money and reduce carbon.. blah blah ..all do small things”
Reporter “you didn’t answer the question”
Darren Hale “…the buses ARE NOT expensive ..people think they are ! …blah blah”
“The new flood barriers are there cos the tides are rising”
hmm I doubt that they are .. Hull is a new place built on the marshland of the river Hull ..and councils kept giving planiing permission for houses to be buil on low land.
Summary “YOU making LITTLE changes ..will cause the environmental agency to dredge drains properly, and cause the council to stop giving planning permission for houses on floodplains”
The beauties podcast, Americast, from the BBC advances the case for the arrest and trial of Trump for the violent insurrection of Jan 6th.
I think this is on the cards.
The attack on Trump will come from several quarters.
For example, a speaker interviewed by George Galloway on Twitter predicted that Maxwell will provide evidence of Trump’s sexual indiscretions, bringing him down, and will be rewarded with a pardon from Biden.
Who knows?
Released On: 07 Jan 2022Available for over a year
A year after the Capitol riot, the people who were there tell us it’s still dividing America today.
US Democratic Congresswoman Stacey Plaskett calls it “an attempted coup” and says the country is “in an ideological civil war”.
Fiona Hill – a former advisor to Donald Trump – says the way many Republicans have responded reminds her of Soviet disinformation campaigns.
And Gabriel Montalvo, from the New York Young Republican Club, explains most people who went to the rally in Washington that day were peaceful.
Americast is made by Estelle Doyle and Phil Marzouk. The studio director is Emma Crowe. The assistant editor is Alison Gee ad the editor is Jonathan Aspinwall.
LBC WAS slightly diverse
It had one presenter who challenged the ideas of ever stricter lockdowns etc.
.. and now he’s gone immediately
Maajid Nawaz’s contract with LBC is up very shortly and following discussions with him, Maajid will no longer present a show on LBC with immediate effect. We thank Maajid for the contribution he has made to LBC and wish him well.
Laurence Fox tweeted You bunch of absolute cowards.
Whatever @MaajidNawaz does next will eclipse your terrible dying station by millions of listeners.
Not that I ever listened to anyone but @MaajidNawaz anyway.
Tom Harwood ex Guido, now GBnews politics reporter tweets While he’s some brilliant work in the past that I hugely respect,
in the last year he seems to have fallen into a bit of a troublingly conspiratorial place, over nonsense surrounding the United States election and over vaccines.
Hope the old Maajid can return soon.
Maajid was really bashing the establishment
at 10:30am 3 hours before he was fired tick tock @Pfizer… 🕰
We Are Coming.
1 hour before that he tweeted
BREAKING: within a day Twitter’s CENSORS REMOVED the account of researcher @AlexDeFig from the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine @LSHTM
merely for posting why he chose to ‘come out’ as UNVACCINATED & how his research led him to vehemently oppose discriminatory MANDATES
Tory MP David Davis: “Nuremberg guidelines say you can’t force someone to have a medical treatment. You certainly can’t force them to have it for someone else’s benefit. It’s wrong on every level.”
Germany is to make Covid jabs mandatory.
Tory MP David Davis: "Nuremberg guidelines say you can't force someone to have a medical treatment. You certainly can't force them to have it for someone else's benefit. It's wrong on every level."@JuliaHB1 |
Reading Minster church will play host to BBC’s Any Questions.
A political debate will be filmed in the church on Friday, January 8, with questions posed by the audience.
The panel includes Joanna Cherry, the SNP MP for Edinburgh South West, Seema Malhotra, Labour MP for Feltham and Heston, and Nigel Farage, who presents a programme on a digital news station.
The debate is hosted by BBC Radio 4’s Chris Mason, where the discussions about politics are filmed at different locations each week.
Tory MP David Davis: “Nuremberg guidelines say you can’t force someone to have a medical treatment. You certainly can’t force them to have it for someone else’s benefit. It’s wrong on every level.”
Germany is to make Covid jabs mandatory.
Tory MP David Davis: "Nuremberg guidelines say you can't force someone to have a medical treatment. You certainly can't force them to have it for someone else's benefit. It's wrong on every level."@JuliaHB1 |
What could cause an honour to be removed?
Your honour can be withdrawn (or ‘forfeited’) for a variety of reasons. This might include being found guilty of a criminal offence, behaviour which results in censure by a regulatory or a professional body, or any other behaviour that is deemed to bring the honours system into disrepute.
A decision to forfeit your honour can be based on events that pre-date the award (for example, a past criminal conviction, even if spent), or conduct that occurs after the award is made.
DJ and broadcaster Jimmy Savile was awarded an OBE in 1972, and was knighted in 1990 for his services to charity, giving him the title Sir. Savile is suspected to have raped 34 women and girls and sexually assaulted up to 450 people, including some as young as eight, according to an official report.18 Sept 2020
Now a convicted child sex offender. former Labour peer Lord Ahmed resigned from the Lords over a case of sexual misconduct in 2017
and having caused a fatal motorway crash had served a prison sentence he blamed on a ‘Jewish conspiracy’.
“Lord” Nazir Ahmed managed to stop me entering the UK in 2009 by threatening to mobilise 10.000 Muslims if I’d visit Britain’s Parliament to show my movie Fitna about Islam.
Ahmadis suffer vicious persecution around the world. The main source of fuel for that persecution is in Pakistan, but what happens in Pakistan does not stay in Pakistan.
I know that from my experience in the Yorkshire market town of Batley. In August 1985, when I was 11 years old, my parents organised an inter-faith meeting in the town hall. It was interrupted and disturbed when, according to West Yorkshire police, more than 1,000 extremists, led by Pakistani hate preachers funded by the Pakistani state, were bused in from around the country. The mob brutally attacked my English mother and my father, a dermatologist; my eldest brother and I; and a Welsh Ahmadi schoolteacher who was with us. My first cousin, a GP, was by chance driving through the market town that day. He saw the mob and saw his family and friends being attacked, so he stopped. He was recognised, pulled from his vehicle and savagely beaten up.
7 high-profile people who have been stripped of their royal honours
Harvey Weinstein
Rolf Harris
Robert Mugabe
Fred Goodwin
Jimmy Savile
“Prince” Naseem Hamed
Stuart Hall
Jimmy Savile cannot be stripped of knighthood, say officials
This article is more than 9 years old
David Cameron raises prospect of presenter losing honour, but Cabinet Office says people cease to hold title after they die
Probity and propriety checks
We protect the integrity of the honours system by carrying out probity checks with a number of government departments, before names are submitted to the Prime Minister and HM Queen for approval.
Covid trends
Death is slowly rising
but given all the factors like Christmas/New Year and low temperatures, that is a better scenario than might have occurred
ZephirJan 24, 05:23 Midweek 22nd January 2025 It is indeed informing, that so many black people in America embraced the Luther King quote above. Then, there were…
ZephirJan 24, 05:02 Midweek 22nd January 2025 “and various other participating countries” Read and digest, far left EU warmongers including starmers mob and the red blue mob.…
ZephirJan 24, 05:02 Midweek 22nd January 2025 “Settle now, and STOP this ridiculous War! IT’S ONLY GOING TO GET WORSE. If we don’t make a ‘deal,’ and…
ZephirJan 24, 04:57 Midweek 22nd January 2025 Unless it involves their favoured muslims, I don’t recall the bbc ever alluding to the human cost of this war,…
tomoJan 24, 00:53 Midweek 22nd January 2025 Could be worse …. what’s Clarkson moaning about? [img][/img] I didn’t realise that white SA farmers are being export restricted…
Fedup2Jan 24, 00:16 Midweek 22nd January 2025 He really stuck it to them – bet he doesn’t get an invite to the evil WEF again … thanks…
JonathanRJan 23, 23:33 Midweek 22nd January 2025 Oh God!! These MPs must have nothing to do. Time to cut parliament to 100 MPs max.!!
tomoJan 23, 23:23 Midweek 22nd January 2025 When people ask “what use are the Liberal Democrats? [img][/img]
IdiotboyJan 23, 23:10 Midweek 22nd January 2025 Just by mistake tuned to QT as they were discussing how we might avoid a repeat of the Southport atrocity.…
I have just watched the 6pm BBC1 news with Hugh Edwards reporting about Novak Djokovic. This has obviously caused a dilemma within the BBC. They showed his mother (twice) saying how dreadful it is that he is imprisoned (until Monday?) and he must stay strong. The BBC are desperate to side with the elite who are entitled to do what they want (especially if they work for the BBC or are friends of the BBC. The BBC also want to support the human rights because that is how they support immigration. But on the other hand the BBC are strong supporters of vaccinations. I can see they don’t know which way to turn. It is so long since the BBC reported anything without first agreeing the line to take, they cannot do it. Dear BBC, if anyone from your organisation reads this post, just suggest to the higher ups that for once just report the facts and move on.
Debs, facts are a VERY low priority for the BBC.
No more proof is required of the collaboration between the Democrats and the BBC than the endless coverage the BBC are giving to the anniversary of what they call the riot at the Capitol.
The BBC constantly refer to the “rioters” when there was in fact very little rioting.
The only person killed at the event was an unarmed women, shot in cold-blood by a police officer, I would call that murder myself.
Constant reference to the “lie” that the election was rigged with no back-up whatsoever and lots of evidence uncovered to support the claim.
Now why would they do this?
The answer is mid-terms…. both the BBC and the Democrats are quaking in their boots that things might swing in a direction they don’t like so they are carrying out a coordinated campaign of mis-information and hysteria along with the corrupt US judicial system and the FBI in hopes that people will be shooed away from a Republican resurgence and wipeout victory.
I think the Republicans will win back, Trump will be back and I can only imagine the penalties he might extract for the vile and lying treatment he has been given.
I also think the FBI would be in for a tough time too.
Bring it on!
I hope the night of the mid-term results is a re-run of the night of the Brexit vote, I would love to see those crestfallen, frightened BBC faces on screen.
I hope he buries the whole lot of the sneaky pile of smug crappers!
The Harris-Biden stuff I caught earlier on SlyNews was predictable puke… I wonder how much of it was scripted and if there’s one of those multiscreen mashups of them all saying the same thing?
I see that Joe Rogan’s doctor said he has prescribed ivermectin to hundreds of Congress Members and the media completely hid that.
Not with all in Wendy’s Unit, sucking up like a car vacuum plugged into the mains.
Her last two r/tweets..
Any utterly unsurprised by this?
Jon Snow: Shouldn’t that be “I have never worked in a place where there are more rewarded people to be among, (mostly white)”.
Might be a spoof.
Who can check?
Correct. Guest. If true though another pure invented lie. These groups seem to be about the blggest skivers currently going.
re: Long Covid spoof?
The Venn diagram for those with high rates of random sickies is … indistinguishable from a circle?
She should have been there in 1986 when I made a visit, she would have been taking pictures of empty shelves, and lengthy queues when a consignment of shoes had arrived, instead of selfies !
BBC on the 1921 census:
There were 1,712 Jamaican-born people living in England and Wales in 1921 – according to the census.
I think the census must be wrong!
Web page currently has a missing graphic (tsk! tsk!) from the story but it used in the headline page.
Cressida Dick when she was a girl.
I don’t think it’s incorrect, there was a large contingent of British Colonials there, their off-spring would be “Jamaican born”.
My wife for instance was born in Uganda of British (white) parents.
You miss the point!
In 2022 the BBC would have us believe that Britain had always been ‘black’ and their latest dramas push that falsehood. It is through films and the like that most of us get our ideas about history.
I was being sarcastic.
You are quite right that re-patriated colonials no doubt made up the majority of ‘Jamaican born’.
‘History Debunked’ goes into this matter further – why is the BBC obsessed with black people, why not Chinese, Indians or even the French? Why aren’t these ‘minorities’ promoted?
ITV news
Lefty twitter
Maybe someone can give details about how Labour first appointed him
and how many years he worked for Labout governments
2004 article
“John Toker, the former ITN producer and Tonight with Trevor McDonald executive, who acted as Mr Blunkett’s personal press secretary and the department’s head of news, remains in his post.”
Thu 8 Jan 2004
Former ITN and Tonight with Trevor McDonald senior producer John Toker has quit broadcasting to take up one of the most powerful PR jobs in the civil service, as head of news for David Blunkett.
(He was 53 then So is 71 now )
US Capitol attack: Rioters held dagger to the throat of America – Biden
This video of Biden is extraordinary.
Firstly he’s slurring and faltering like someone who’s not even quite sure where he is.
Second the speech they have written for him is as full of hate as I’ve ever heard. It’s one long personal and very spiteful attack against Trump.
This is the kind of rhetoric I only expect from 3rd world dictatorships. They are clearly desperate now. And the BBC are pushing every word of it in our faces.
Even Lurch says:
‘Biden’s rhetorical shift could represent a strategic shift, as well – a decision that the Democratic base can most effectively be rallied with anger, not hope.’
Everything about Biden and the Democrats is lies. Right down to pretending he is in any way in charge. They are really showing us the true colours of the ‘tolerant’ Left now. So much for bringing the nation together : it’s more divided than ever. Could this be the trigger for unrest ?.
Yes – I was surprised at the level of vitriol – they must truly be worried that the coming elections won’t be fixed as well as the last fraudulent presidential election was – and that President Trump will stand and fight it out with the half wit VP .
The level of vitriol, repeated without criticism by the BBC, leads me to think that something very nasty is being planned. Possibly Trump’s arrest, or some way of excluding him from political life.
They are up to something.
Jan 6th was Pearl Harbour
Psaki should dress up in a wide brimmed conical black hat and arrive at the podium on a broomstick?
and then Pelosi cranks it up even more.
I hope that she makes it to the mid terms and runs and that DJT also runs for Congress and is installed as Speaker of the House.
I think she missed off the name of the only person who was murdered in the Capitol that day the lowlife!
She’s spot on in her observations. Scared me a bit though when she said her Dad had died after his gall bladder op – that’s what I had done !!!
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – there’s some things wrong with this photo
How many can you spot?
Getty label
“Mid adult woman refueling the car at the gas station while her son sitting at the back seat and both wearing a protective face mask and gloves during COVID-19 pandemic”
Hence it’s a US car with the driver on the Left handside
and the fuel cap on the right handside
Second photo :
It appears the woman’s left arm is a prosthetic
Their masks are on the right way up, but hers is not over her nose properly.
Stew, yes, I wondered about L/H drive and also illegal to have child in front seat. Then I looked a bit more closely.
It appears to be a Renault Clio 3dr hatch but I think it is a larger car. But it was the background that did it: it is summer! And there was no need for masks, outdoors, in summer in the UK. If it’s after 19 July, no need for masks at all. And no need to wear one in a car although you see people doing that in the UK. Well done on researching the US origin. But UK cars have tanks on the right as well. All my previous r/h drive cars did but they were 5-door hatchbacks.
The woman is wearing gloves. But the pumps seem all the wrong colour after the introduction of E10 fuel and the return to facemasks. Could of course be a family terrified witless by the endless Covid propaganda.
Well done Stew, though. You are the only entrant so you win the Grand Prize of Eccles’ piece of paper. Don’t spend that stamp cash all at once. And memo to Scrobie: am waiting for you to take the top of the Thread on another notch.
The mask thing
i imagined a situation where the woman felt she might have Covid
Say, if she was driving to the test centre
Then she might wear a mask even outside to ensure she doesn’t cough over other people refilling her car
Anyway she has to put on a mask to pay anyway and it could be she paid first and is now filling.
Stew would rather have an Eccles cake. Other cakes are available.
(Bluebottle voice) “I’m on the case, my Captain…!
Eugggghhhh, it hurts my bottim…”
Being an armchair strategist there doesn’t seem to be too much coverage of the Azerbaijan ‘coup’ …
This seems strange to me because of the concern about energy supplies to Europe from Russia. To me Putin now has control of another big energy source and will strengthen his economic war against the West .
The timing doesn’t seem to be noted either – both New Year in the East as well as America looking inward – one of those stunts the Russians love to carry out ….
Am I missing something ?
Tonight on GBNews there was discussion of whether the 12 billion pounds borrowed to be exported to ‘overseas aid ‘ should be diverted to reduce the domestic fuel bills . The current crop of politicians of all colours wouldn’t dream of it .
Just noticed Matt Price the ITV regional reporter who makes feature items that are PRasNews had blocked me on Twitter.
I wonder what for, have I insulted him ?
He couldn’t work out how to set RadioTimes to his region
I showed him how to.
He complained that is shouldn’t default to London, but should somehow magically detect your TV region
I replied
RadioTimes DEFAULTS to London location
.. Just like British media reporting DEFAULTS to Guardianlalaland view
.. People then have go to great effort to find something more in proportion & perspective to actual reality
He shouted back “Blocked!”
… OK so he chose to build a bubbleworld , rather than listen to challenging.
OH look his next job is PRasNews promoting electric cars
You’d think a single call to each UK EV supplier would elicit a tidal wave?
The de-Twittered Tucker Carlson monologue from yesterday that YouTube resolutely “couldn’t find” – found fugitive Brit “comedian” John Oliver from 9 months ago though and some Jimmy Kimmel…. (Right click to save vid)
More impartiality at the BBC.
On The Apprentice out of 8 males only 3 are white Anglo Saxon.
Gotta keep the agenda going at all times.
Does anyone still watch that ? I gave up after series 3, as they’re all idiots who would have trouble finding their way to the end of the road, let alone run a business.
BBC in a nutshell.
A bunch of people tear down a civic statue in Bristol and throw it in the river and get let off…. Hooray a win for democracy!
A bunch of people enter the White House to protest the election and over 700 face criminal charges…. Hooray a win for democracy!
And they still don’t get why so many people feel bloody angry!
Media are constantly gaslighting us.
BTW I just noticed ITV local news is now available online through the webpage of my local ITV news prog
with a 24 hour time limit.
Previously ITV LOCAL news wasn’t available online
The actual ITV Hub livestream gives everyone in the whole country the London version
Right wing conspiracies….
The Secret Life of Bill Clinton
Ambrose Evans-Pritchard (interview write-up)
The star scribe at the Daily Telegraph is hiding his light under a bushel – or something. One might expect somebody with Evans Pritchards’s credentials to be consulted more often about the Clinton crew and his intimate knowledge of Democrat politics…. ?
Russian submarine hit Royal Navy warship in North Atlantic
No it didn’t. It ran into a sonar array being towed for hundreds of meter behind.
The BBC are starting to twist headlines into lies without even realising now. I suspect it has become such standard journalistic practice, they are doing it without thought.
It’s about the level of ‘The Sun’. Another indicator of the calibre of staff they now employ. It’s what happens when ability is not the main reason people are given jobs.
Indeed. The Moaning Emole confirms.
Russian AA shoots down RAF plane
When Royal Navy frigate HMS Northumberland was tracking a Russian submarine in late 2020, it got a bit closer than expected. The AA hit the British plane’s towed target – a long tube fitted with sensitive hydrophones to listen under the water. And a TV crew, filming Warship: Life at Sea for Channel 5, caught the incident on camera, including the crew shouting: “What the hell was that?” The Ministry of Defence has confirmed the circumstances. It’s unclear whether the Russian vessel was damaged but HMS Northumberland returned to port in Scotland for repairs. There has been increased Russian submarine activity in recent years, and Royal Navy frigates regularly patrol the North Atlantic. A UK defence source tells us it’s unlikely the collision was deliberate.
The only reason for reporting this is: “The incident, in late 2020, was captured by a television crew filming a documentary.”
The petition against Blairs knighthood is at 960,000 now. I wonder if the BBC will report it when it passes 1,000,000.
Gaz goes full hignfy with Nish as chair and team leaders. And guests.
They play the anthem in Thailand every evening at 6pm. People in parks stand still when it plays. Not because they have to, but because they respect it and they really do love their country. It’s quite strange to see at first because it would never happen in the UK.
BBC far-lefties like Lineker despise patriotism. It makes people stand up for things on principle instead of just doing what they are told. The jug eared idiot is unable to realise it is people like him who are making us more like North Korea. They would LOVE a totalitarian state – as long as they were in charge of course.
Then they could solve the problem of their politicial enemies once and for all. The ultimate ‘cancel culture’. Like they have tried to do throughout history.
Biden gave us a great insight to their true nature in his speech yesterday. Full of hate.
BBC Shires.. with ‘quotes’.
🇬🇧 Do you want to hear our national anthem more? 🇬🇧
Some MP’s think the BBC should restart playing it on TV to foster ‘unity and pride in our nation’!
Not sure playing the anthem is the solution for the UK, but promoting patriotism and some pride in the country would be a very good idea.
Unfortunately leftists like the BBC class that as racist against people who live here but whose loyalties lie elsewhere.
Sleepy and Legs Akimobo seeking to get ‘In George Floyd We Trust’ substituted. Sources allege, apparently, some close have learned.
I wonder why linaker didn’t complain about the national tune being played at the start of national footy games ?
And I suppose he supports the ‘honours ‘ system – which does he have – OBE /MBE ?
Just to highlight what despicable scum the bbc are, supported by almost all in politics and media, ITBB is valiantly keeping on an actual newsworthy story.
Claudia and Mike Wendling should get a room.
And then only let in those they agree with.
BBC Sunday programming sorted.
Interesting mask slipping on bbc images.
In fact, Nalili and Fatima look to have folded that headgear very carefully before ‘telling the bbc’ what angle to shoot.
“Pounce”, one of our old regulars on Biased BBC.
Glad to see he’s still around.
msn reports, c/o the guardian
GB News accused of prejudicing Colston Four trial
Funny its never mentioned that the bbc often “published opinion”
Certain media deploy #accusedof a lot.
More often than not it turns out the accusation is other media who use it a lot too.
Like the BBC.
Just went to BBC World and they are reporting what Paul said they don’t.
But mostly US anniversary stuff from a very particular corner and something about Australian tennis. Like, a lot.
I wonder if they reported what a collapse of law and order to the intimidation of mob rule the trial ended up being.
Somehow I doubt it.
Clive Myrie liked; no explanation as yet.
Maybe Springster doing a special using her foreign affairs expertise?
I wrote of this yesterday – maybe the BBC is not concerned about putin invading a huge oil producer …’s all about a Serbian tenniser
Covid: Armed Forces send 200 personnel to support the NHS in London
By Dulcie Lee
BBC News
Join us and become a leader of diversity and inclusion for a one-of-a-kind organisation.
NHS Blood and Transplant (NHSBT) is dedicated to saving and improving lives. We’re an essential part of the NHS, providing a wide range of services including blood transfusion, organ transplantation and diagnostics.
When i see stuff like that I wonder if it is at all possible to change the NHS and make it more able to deal what it is paid huge amounts to do?
I guess the medical mafia will play its ‘ usual emotional blackmail game to keep itself pampered and overpaid – ensuring the closed shop is always short of medics and always building a well remunerated hierarchy and management .
Any coming inquiry into the Chinese virus will make sure it doesn’t get into a position to criticise either the NHS or the medical mafia living off it …..
Clap on Thursday. Bury yourself on Friday. Save the NHS.
I think that mental clapping thing will provide an indication to ( sane ) future generations of the madness of this time ….
( I find myself using that ‘wtf’ terminology more and more- it used to be ‘surely not ‘ but that doesn’t make it anymore ) .
I suppose one of the reasons for all this is the transition of hippy -bred kidults into positions of influence / authority bringing the woke nonsense with them .
Hence the expression of approved emotions and offence in accordance with their conditioning …..
I was in a hospital waiting room the other day, they were running 50 minutes late.
Two ambulance men came in with a patient in a wheelchair. Apparently the usual procedure was that they wheeled him to the nurse who gave him an injection, then they took him home.
Rather than being released from that job and leaving the patient to a relief crew they stayed with him thereby keeping an ambulance out of service for 50 minutes and delaying all the other trips on their rosta.
No wonder there are ambulance ‘shortages’ and NHS ‘backlogs’.
Is Bliar not linked to Kazakhstan’s regime? Maybe thats the reason.
The controversial deal saw Sir Tony face accusations that he had helped Mr Nazarbayev to ‘spin’ a massacre which saw security forces kill at least 14 during a protest over wages.
The former British prime minister advised the Kazakh leader on how to deal with questions from the Western media about the 2011 shootings, and suggested passages to be inserted into a speech Mr Nazarbayev was giving at Cambridge University in 2012.
Paul Angry and Protesting Mason now waging war with every bbc ex colleague going.
Quite funny how predictably partisan all these cretins are.
Huw in full cry, showing opinion on polls can vary.
Islamic accent? Somalia accent?
What is the racial makeup of London?
40% of Londoners are Black and Minority Ethnic and 37% are not born in the UK. West London has the highest proportion (48%) of its population that are Black and Minority Ethnic and 43% who are not UK-born.
I think you will find them on page two of the list.
He’s right .
“There are many “.
Love a duck edition
This has to be the first time a modern sports star has got themselves banned for NOT taking drugs:
‘Djokovic’s father says player is being “crucified”‘ (Times)
As something of a connoisseur of tabloid headlines, one has to give props to the giveaway Metro this morning: ‘Prisoner Cell Djok H‘
The Aussies have certainly displayed a surprisingly quasi-religious adherence to covid lockdown rules – but let’s not forget that as well as being the descendents of convicts as us Poms like to joke, they are also the descendents of their jailers. His father claiming Christ-like religious persecution of Djokovic however, seems a bit strong:
‘Tennis ace Novak in a guarded room with no change of clothes, says dad‘ (Metro) – I don’t recall the lack of fresh undies as being one of the Stations of The Cross.
The BBC has one of those – “Look wot a crisis! Something must be done” – headlines, to which this reader has now become so accustomed that he simply shrugs and mutters – so wot?
‘Covid: Armed Forces send 200 personnel to support the NHS in London‘
I’d half expect to phone my GP and get some squaddie on reception insistently barking Richard Burton’s famous call sign from the movie Where Eagles Dare: “Broadsword calling Danny Boy” “Hello… is this Dr Moghal’s surgery?” “Broadsword calling Danny Boy” “Hello. Hello? I just need a repeat prescription, please?” “Roger that. Man down. Bravo Two Zero. Medivac is a no”
The Sun sounds the alarm: ‘FFS! Now Brit gets Bird Flu. A duck owner has become the first person in Britain to catch a deadly strain of bird flu‘ – what with the social distancing we’re still supposed to be doing and all that one can’t help but speculate how close one needs to get to one’s duck to catch something?
‘Scientists have for the first time reliably identified nearby animals by sucking tiny quantities of DNA from the air‘ (Financial Times) – my daughter had all her farmyard animals and most of her wild animals down to a tee by three-years-old, just by eyesight rather than sniffing their scent – by all means call us a rather modern urbanised family.
And what practical application might this – no doubt expensively-funded – expert scientific research have, we wonder? : ‘…they hope will lead to a non-invasive method to monitor biodiversity‘ – did you spot the vital buzz word there? – very handy to know your buzz words when applying for your scientific funding. But I suppose it would be better than getting invasive with wildlife. I do hope that duck owner didn’t get invasive. Talk about Love a Duck:
‘Does the Pope have a point about putting pets before children? The rise of the British “dogbaby”‘ (Telegraph)
The globalist corporate FT’s clientel are still apparently rolling in a bathtub of cash, like Disney character Scrooge McDuck. Prime frontpage advertising spot going to CHF 285,000 (Swiss Franc) approx £228,000 Bovet Battista Tourbillon wrist watches: ‘worn on a vegan rubber strap‘ no less. Of course it is.
The FT is not above a good pun for a headline – afterall, posh newspaper crossword competitions are often cryptic pun-based: ‘Steppe change. Understanding the upheaval in Kazakhstan‘
One is wary of the pedagogic editorial tone here. It smacks of the Guardian house style of telling the faithful exactly what they ought to think on any given subject.
Whenever there’s trouble in a far off land of which we know little, our thoughts tend to turn to: ‘Munich: The edge of war. It’s a must-see thriller‘ – as promoted in the formerly patriotic Times.
Having already reminded ourselves of the subject of both old war films and the strain on our public services due to millions of staff sick notes clogging the office in-trays, it seems the Daily Star fears there’s a potential understaffing crisis in the Berlin bunker:
‘Adolf Hitler forced to work from home after Covid outbreak at his office‘
Let me explain: ‘Namibian district administrator Adolf Hitler Uunona is named after the murderous Nazi leader Adolf Hitler, and has claimed in the past that it’s too late to change it‘ – apparently there’s little fear of cancel culture, snowflake offence taking or cringeing apologies being extracted with menaces over there in Africa.
Unusually there’s no Guardian in the BBC online press frontpage line up this morning. But their website goes with: ‘England Covid testing changes could hit low-paid workers, leaked memo warns. Exclusive: Health Security Agency chief set out risks of PCR test requirement for £500 isolation payment in December‘
The Telegraph meanwhile champions tax payers: ‘One million to be pulled into higher rate of tax‘
And the Express sticks up for pensioners: ‘Cost of living squeeze will hit over 65s hardest‘
You pays your money and you takes your pick.
Or perhaps you takes your peck – if you’re a duck owner?
“Let me explain: ‘Namibian district administrator Adolf Hitler Uunona is named after the murderous Nazi leader Adolf Hitler, and has claimed in the past that it’s too late to change it‘ – apparently there’s little fear of cancel culture, snowflake offence taking or cringeing apologies being extracted with menaces over there in Africa.”
Expect to see a re-make of Downfall with a ‘diverse’ mono-ethnic cast, followed by half of YouTube filled with ‘repurposed’ copies. That should finally eliminate the White Web.
I wonder if he knows what Hitlers’ plan for Africa was after winning the war …..? Can you guess ?
Umm, same as China?
“Now Brit gets Bird Flu. A duck owner has become the first person in Britain to catch a deadly strain of bird flu”
Inevitably the tax payer will end up picking up the bill.
…bill….mmm…..maybe the chap in question would be more at home in a Chinese market … please use the hand sanitizer…
Should have used Duck,duck,go.
Nice Crocs.
In other news, Twitter cropping had initially stopped with the kid in front’s head. Which inspired a double take.
It is easier to strike from school and not learn about the planet that go to school and learn about the planet?
They are monstrous, centuries-old infernos that issue thick billows of ash and smoke, and generate sinkholes that consume roads and homes without warning. Yet in spite of the dangers they pose, underground coal fires are some of the least known environmental disasters. China, the world’s largest miner and consumer of coal, has consistently downplayed the fires in its coalfields, considered the most severe on earth.
Apple and Google named in US lawsuit over Congolese child cobalt mining deaths
My first though too, MM.
The Greta effect seems to be thick white girls making thick girls of color and their bros even thicker.
Bet The BBC Pidgen Ed has a nice set of Crocs. Maybe Balenciaga ones, which enthusiastic media shared a while ago, and had more plastic than Jordan’s chest cavity and Anne Weak Links faces’ combined.
Clap for the NHS and Greta.
Whilst trying to concentrate any attention to the ‘news’ to the more important stuff ( eg the likelihood of war) I got distracted by a story about GBNews .
Apparently during to colston trial a half wit at GBNews did an opinion piece about the actions of the defendants . The judge summonsed someone from GBNews with the prospect of ‘contempt ‘ charges …
…….anyway the excuse was that the duty GBNews lawyer missed the opinion piece and it went out . OFCOM will love this one – as does the rest of the enemy Left Wing which will build up any reason to kill unapproved thought . …
Apparently the defence in that case – the Far Left Doughty Chambers got into trouble with the judge about trying to link case to the wrongs of slavery as opposed to straight forward criminal damage ….
But they obviously succeeded ….
Elsewhere – earlier in the week there was a big fuss about the failure of the barking plod in ‘the met’ from detecting the serial queer murderer chapped who dumped the bodies near his home …
….. I found it interesting that the individual plods responsible for the negligence were not clearly named . I wondered why – so after 2 minutes of digging I found the list of names on the coroners report …. It was truly … diverse .
Apparently some of these inept / lazy plod have been promoted …..
Ping boat – protected – kids in Rotherham – not protected …
Britain fired up over khat popularity
British government looking to ban the stimulant, but many migrants say khat is part of their culture.
“If I was Prime Minister David Cameron, I would stop it immediately, not next month, not next year – immediately,” Mohamed said. “Everywhere on the street you see Somalis chewing khat and they lose control, they don’t even know their own families. It’s like cocaine. I’m sorry but the people who chew khat … they are not human.”
“United in diversity”, the motto of the European Union, first came into use in 2000.
Khat is hardly likely to be criminaled if the emir of londonistan is to formally legalise the spliff … where I live that was done about 5 years ago… man ….
You will kneel to China … and George Floyd …
The Baltic state remained defiant while China downgraded its diplomatic relations and restricted its trade with Lithuania.
But then, this week, Lithuanian President Gitanas Nauseda expressed doubts about the wisdom of his country’s principled stand, in comments welcomed by China.
China has won the war …
“”Unless Lithuania bends to China’s will, an amicable resolution looks unlikely.”
The Baltic state remained defiant while China downgraded its diplomatic relations and restricted its trade with Lithuania.
But then, this week, Lithuanian President Gitanas Nauseda expressed doubts about the wisdom of his country’s principled stand, in comments welcomed by China.”
I see the BBC ran a hit piece on Novak Djokavic wonder why?
Mrs World: Beauty queen’s US visa ‘refused due to Syria link’
“reports” the bbc
What a shame, guess best be on the cautious side, as we are talking Syria!
“believes her visa was refused because she was born in Syria.”
US officials said they could not comment on Mrs Clive’s case.
Just spotted a banner displayed locally advertising NHS recruitment
Can’t help but notice the appeal: “Are you committed? Are you caring?” – in that order of preference – suggesting perhaps a required commitment and loyalty to the institution placed somewhat over and above care of the patients?
I further notice that “NHS Pension” is advertised as a saleable perk
Marble Arch Mound, dubbed ‘London’s worst tourist attraction’, closes this weekend after five months of controversy and ridicule.
Now add a Christian Cross at Median!
Local radio “coming up an interview with the producer of David Attenborough’s green planet
.. but now over to our reporter at Princes Quay shopping centre in Hull where another Green film is being shown”
“Hull City council have commissioned this new film about them doing their bit to make the city green .. save the planet”
Guardianlalaland agendas are always pushed by the BBC
Councillors interviewed re throwing out wacky stats
“Most of the Carbon in the UK comes from transport
… 35% of the Carbon comes from heating our homes ”
… Hmm as far as I know home use is not the bulk of UK carbon
It’s all the factories/offices/government that are responsible for CO2 output.
Reporter : “Climate change as it says in the film is a real emergency”
item features Martin Budge, Climate Change manager for the council man …. “simple steps we can all do ..taking the bus, cycling, reducing our heating by 1C can have a BIG IMPACT ” (rubbish)
Reporter “but taking the bus costs most than taking a car load of people , what about that ?
council man …. “blah blah “..not answering the question.
Adam Fowler Hull Labour : “All our small differences will make a MASSIVE difference”
rubbish this is the Look after the pennies fallacies. Actually you need to save the pounds.
“small steps will make a big difference”
“We can at least try to stop the acceleration of Climate Change”
Is it accelerating .. you can only say that by cherrypicking special time slots.
“now councillor Darren Hale, doesn’t taking the bus cost more than parking the car”
Darren Hale “…blah blah .. Houses ! 35% of emissions comes from people’s homes ! ..”
“If people insulate their houses JUST SLIGHTLY will save them some money and reduce carbon.. blah blah ..all do small things”
Reporter “you didn’t answer the question”
Darren Hale “…the buses ARE NOT expensive ..people think they are ! …blah blah”
“The new flood barriers are there cos the tides are rising”
hmm I doubt that they are .. Hull is a new place built on the marshland of the river Hull ..and councils kept giving planiing permission for houses to be buil on low land.
Hale “we can STOP climate change” …ha ha ha
(none of the tweets of that story have any Likes or Replies)
Summary “YOU making LITTLE changes ..will cause the environmental agency to dredge drains properly, and cause the council to stop giving planning permission for houses on floodplains”
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – got to keep their names in front of the public in case the Sucker resigns
’nuff said.
The beauties podcast, Americast, from the BBC advances the case for the arrest and trial of Trump for the violent insurrection of Jan 6th.
I think this is on the cards.
The attack on Trump will come from several quarters.
For example, a speaker interviewed by George Galloway on Twitter predicted that Maxwell will provide evidence of Trump’s sexual indiscretions, bringing him down, and will be rewarded with a pardon from Biden.
Who knows?
Released On: 07 Jan 2022Available for over a year
A year after the Capitol riot, the people who were there tell us it’s still dividing America today.
US Democratic Congresswoman Stacey Plaskett calls it “an attempted coup” and says the country is “in an ideological civil war”.
Fiona Hill – a former advisor to Donald Trump – says the way many Republicans have responded reminds her of Soviet disinformation campaigns.
And Gabriel Montalvo, from the New York Young Republican Club, explains most people who went to the rally in Washington that day were peaceful.
Americast is made by Estelle Doyle and Phil Marzouk. The studio director is Emma Crowe. The assistant editor is Alison Gee ad the editor is Jonathan Aspinwall.
LBC WAS slightly diverse
It had one presenter who challenged the ideas of ever stricter lockdowns etc.
.. and now he’s gone immediately
Laurence Fox tweeted
You bunch of absolute cowards.
Whatever @MaajidNawaz does next will eclipse your terrible dying station by millions of listeners.
Not that I ever listened to anyone but @MaajidNawaz anyway.
Tom Harwood ex Guido, now GBnews politics reporter tweets
While he’s some brilliant work in the past that I hugely respect,
in the last year he seems to have fallen into a bit of a troublingly conspiratorial place, over nonsense surrounding the United States election and over vaccines.
Hope the old Maajid can return soon.
Who changed Maajid or Harwood ?
Maajid was really bashing the establishment
at 10:30am 3 hours before he was fired
tick tock @Pfizer… 🕰
We Are Coming.
1 hour before that he tweeted
BREAKING: within a day Twitter’s CENSORS REMOVED the account of researcher @AlexDeFig from the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine @LSHTM
merely for posting why he chose to ‘come out’ as UNVACCINATED & how his research led him to vehemently oppose discriminatory MANDATES
Germany is to make Covid jabs mandatory.
Tory MP David Davis: “Nuremberg guidelines say you can’t force someone to have a medical treatment. You certainly can’t force them to have it for someone else’s benefit. It’s wrong on every level.”
Sorry, but if he (Nawaz) pitches up on GBNews I won’t be watching. Never liked the guy since watching him on The Pledge.
We have Nigel in town today.
I wonder if he will be instructed not to mention antisemitism. (note that our local newspaper won’t mention GBNews)
Reading Minster church will play host to BBC’s Any Questions.
A political debate will be filmed in the church on Friday, January 8, with questions posed by the audience.
The panel includes Joanna Cherry, the SNP MP for Edinburgh South West, Seema Malhotra, Labour MP for Feltham and Heston, and Nigel Farage, who presents a programme on a digital news station.
The debate is hosted by BBC Radio 4’s Chris Mason, where the discussions about politics are filmed at different locations each week.
“Reading Minster church will play host to BBC’s Any Questions.”
Labour MP Chris Bryant
‘See Maajid is a DANGEROUS man spreading conspiracy theories’
In response to this Nawaz conspiracy tweet
Maajid had shouted conspiracy
and given evidence Socail Media platforms were censoring him
Screenshots :
Germany is to make Covid jabs mandatory.
Tory MP David Davis: “Nuremberg guidelines say you can’t force someone to have a medical treatment. You certainly can’t force them to have it for someone else’s benefit. It’s wrong on every level.”
Bliar petition passes one million.
Over 1,003,000 and rising.
“However, the spokesman added that such appointments were a matter for the Queen and the government had no involvement.
Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer also defended his predecessor saying he had earned the title.”
Having honours taken away (forfeiture)
Honours can be taken away from people who have done something to damage the honours system’s reputation. Taking an honour away is called ‘forfeiture’.
What could cause an honour to be removed?
Your honour can be withdrawn (or ‘forfeited’) for a variety of reasons. This might include being found guilty of a criminal offence, behaviour which results in censure by a regulatory or a professional body, or any other behaviour that is deemed to bring the honours system into disrepute.
A decision to forfeit your honour can be based on events that pre-date the award (for example, a past criminal conviction, even if spent), or conduct that occurs after the award is made.
DJ and broadcaster Jimmy Savile was awarded an OBE in 1972, and was knighted in 1990 for his services to charity, giving him the title Sir. Savile is suspected to have raped 34 women and girls and sexually assaulted up to 450 people, including some as young as eight, according to an official report.18 Sept 2020
Now a convicted child sex offender. former Labour peer Lord Ahmed resigned from the Lords over a case of sexual misconduct in 2017
and having caused a fatal motorway crash had served a prison sentence he blamed on a ‘Jewish conspiracy’.
Diversity is our …
Ahmadis suffer vicious persecution around the world. The main source of fuel for that persecution is in Pakistan, but what happens in Pakistan does not stay in Pakistan.
I know that from my experience in the Yorkshire market town of Batley. In August 1985, when I was 11 years old, my parents organised an inter-faith meeting in the town hall. It was interrupted and disturbed when, according to West Yorkshire police, more than 1,000 extremists, led by Pakistani hate preachers funded by the Pakistani state, were bused in from around the country. The mob brutally attacked my English mother and my father, a dermatologist; my eldest brother and I; and a Welsh Ahmadi schoolteacher who was with us. My first cousin, a GP, was by chance driving through the market town that day. He saw the mob and saw his family and friends being attacked, so he stopped. He was recognised, pulled from his vehicle and savagely beaten up.
7 high-profile people who have been stripped of their royal honours
Harvey Weinstein
Rolf Harris
Robert Mugabe
Fred Goodwin
Jimmy Savile
“Prince” Naseem Hamed
Stuart Hall
Jimmy Savile cannot be stripped of knighthood, say officials
This article is more than 9 years old
David Cameron raises prospect of presenter losing honour, but Cabinet Office says people cease to hold title after they die
Probity and propriety checks
We protect the integrity of the honours system by carrying out probity checks with a number of government departments, before names are submitted to the Prime Minister and HM Queen for approval.
7 high-profile people who have been stripped of their royal honours
Harvey Weinstein
Rolf Harris
Robert Mugabe
Fred Goodwin
Jimmy Savile
“Prince” Naseem Hamed
Stuart Hall
Covid trends
Death is slowly rising
but given all the factors like Christmas/New Year and low temperatures, that is a better scenario than might have occurred
Positives peaked a week ago last Wednesday , so far by official figures
Data is a bit fuzzy now
Maybe hospital admissions is a better metric ..
I wonder if the bio experiment between England and the other bits of the UK has shown up,substantial differences yet ?
They’ll all be lower than England right ?