Midweek 16 February 2022

As the BBC campaigns to tell us it is ‘for all of us ‘ it just shows that deep down it knows the British public is getting Fedup with it .

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482 Responses to Midweek 16 February 2022

  1. taffman says:

    First this time!

    My message to Al Beeb and Boris is get cracking and get fracking, or we are gong to enter a massive recession and inflation crisis !
    Energy costs hit everything .
    Transport , Manufacturing and Food etc etc .
    This was all predictable when Boris went “Green”.
    ‘Frosty’ has got the message already.


    • taffman says:

      “Wales has become the first UK nation to announce it will offer all five to 11-year-olds Covid vaccinations.”

      “She told Senedd members: “We’re not going to do that as a matter of urgency, as we did over the Christmas period. That’s partly because the risk isn’t as great to that cohort.”

      “That’s partly because the risk isn’t as great to that cohort.”
      Then why bother ?


    • StewGreen says:

      Catchup links to most recent posts on previous thread
      page 3 started 9am on Tuesday
      page 2 started 4pm Monday


      • NCBBC says:

        PS: I now see the Trucker convoy in a totally different light. Its not about Covid or mandates. It maybe for the Truckers, but for government elites, almost all leftist in the West, its a matter of whether their future plans for the West will survive.

        Its this that is causing Trudeau to react like a dictator- He is backed and encouraged by the rest of all the elite in the West – government, media, Big Tech, and financial institutions – all intent on destroying a working class Truck convoy. They know that if they don’t destroy the Truck convoy, the whole edifice of their plans, Climate Change mandates, control of your life and your money, will collapse.


  2. taffman says:

    “Cost of living: Most Welsh households to get £150 payments”

    And where exactly is this money coming from?…….
    The people who are careful, who do the right thing, look after their pennies and save are yet again penalised.
    The government has not get any money, they get it (or rob it) from the people .
    Scrapping the telly tax would help the poor for a start.


  3. taffman says:

    “Brexit: Northern Ireland goods exports to Republic ‘reached €4bn in 2021′”

    Lets hear it …….Despite Brexit.


  4. StewGreen says:

    The Coutts, Alberta border blockade
    The Twitter video below explains how truckers and police ended embracing and singing the national anthem together as they all retreated at 10am Tuesday viral video

    The Rebel news reporter on the ground didn’t have that viral video
    BUT his Twitter output gives us a good timeline of the past few days.

    Last video “After we found a ground infiltrated us here , we wanted no part of that, we came in PEACE, we leave in PEACE, we have no idea about that group .. we want our freedoms returned, but in a peaceful way”
    Similar 15 min official video


    • StewGreen says:

      Re the rogue group : The police say that a car tried to ram them.
      So they got the guy and went to his base a house in the town
      They put up an exclusion zone, searched the buildings and found the weapons cache of large guns etc.
      Footage from outside the exclusion fence shows some arrests
      but not the actual weapon finding.
      As always they could be nutters, or agent provocateurs.


  5. Flotsam says:

    Leading the news with Novak Djokovich novax story is utterly ridiculous. I completely concur with his views though.
    The BBC are very wedded to Tennis and Wimbledon. God knows how much it costs us.


  6. StewGreen says:

    20 April 2020 when oil prices were negative
    The BBC guy tweeted


    • Up2snuff says:

      Funny thing, Stew: petrol and diesel costs at the pumps have reached new records but with the oil price in the mid $90s. Previously the records just broken were set with the oil price @ $140/$150. Someone is being ‘taken for a ride’ and it sure ain’t by the motorbikers, van & truck drivers and car drivers themselves.


  7. vlad says:

    Neither the ‘legacy media’ nor the social media are giving the truckers a fair hearing.

    So Jordan Peterson has invited one of their leaders to speak on his own YouTube channel. He doesn’t look like a fascist to me.

    Peterson is too big and too respected for YouTube to shut down, much as they would no doubt like to.

    Hey beeb, this is what “speaking truth to power” looks like.

    Remember? You used to do it sometimes, a long, long time ago.


  8. tomo says:


    The drivel is just endless


    and then…. they wonder…



    • Guest Who says:

      Drivel, you say?

      The BBC Moaning Emole from Fergie…


      ‘I’ve seen the worst of Covid – but new drugs can tame it’

      The first patients in the NHS are being offered a new drug to help treat Covid-19. As Covid treatments are changing, fewer patients are becoming seriously ill or dying. So does this mean we are finally taming the virus? At the start of the pandemic there were no drugs for Covid. In April 2020, I stood in a Covid intensive care ward while a doctor, in full PPE, told me they had nothing but oxygen to treat critically ill patients. I watched patient after patient on ventilators being turned on to their fronts to help their lungs take in oxygen.

      Now things have changed enormously. At the Royal Victoria Infirmary in Newcastle, the critical care unit looks and feels very different. Firstly, staff are no longer in full PPE, because most wards are Covid-free. At the peak a year ago the hospital trust was caring for 90 critically ill Covid patients. Today there are just three. It is now the exception, rather than the norm, for patients to go on a ventilator. Hospital stays are much shorter and survival rates have improved significantly.

      Read full article >

      Fergus Walsh
      Medical editor


      Complete with a ‘quote’ that is not a “quote”, from someone.


    • StewGreen says:

      Those 2 BBCnews pages
      11:40am Tuesday : Telegram: What’s behind the social media app’s growing popularity?
      (very few tweets as if the no one read the article)

      1am Wednesday : Telegram: Where women’s nudes are shared without consent
      By Global Disinformation Team

      Some impact on Twitter
      eg one guy who works for a Twitter Subsidiary is busy promoting the article which disses Twitter’s competitor.
      No tweets of the article get many likes
      except for one by the Malaysian woman featured in the article
      which gets 100 Likes.

      The thing is whilst Facebook & Youtube don’t allow porn
      Twitter and Instagram do

      Only in November did Twitter implement a policy
      “Twitter bans sharing images of private individuals without their consent”
      I bet there is still stuff there
      Twitter says they deal with complaints about non-consensual nudity ..so it does happen there too

      The BBC report has no UK examples of non-consensual nudity problems
      Their 3 examples are from Cuba, Azerbaijan and Malaysia.


      The BBC title ” Telegram: Where women’s nudes are shared without consent”
      Is misleading cos it’s a general internet problem not just a Telegram problem.
      AFAIK only some platforms are on top of it
      #1 cos Facebook and Youtube have a no nudity policy algorithms scan content for nudity as it is uploaded and block it there
      #2 AFAIK major porn platforms used to have lots of non-consensual nudity content, but then under US threat removed all video content unless it was established the models had consented.

      The authorities main concern is child porn,
      And practically it’s a lot easier to police
      ie scan content to see if contains children and if it does chase the poster
      whereas with adults it’s not sure if the content is non-consensual or consensual but by someone who wants to be anonymous.
      I’d expect in a lot of cases when content is left up, that is the police trying to entrap pedos.


  9. StewGreen says:

    PJW takes on inverted racism in adverts
    ie the over-representation of black people in adverts etc.


    • Foscari says:

      When the companies who use these woke advertising
      agencies realize that their sales are going down because
      the adverts are such a turn off . I expect that we will
      see a change back to normality.


      • Thoughtful says:

        Errr no.

        The left never make mistakes, they are always right and when things don’t work the way they want there is the simple go to reason which always works for them – racism. Everything for them goes wrong because of ‘racism’ and White people.

        Take the Gillette commericial which lost the company £500 million, you would have though any resonably run business would have sacked the idiots who thought that advert was a good idea, but no. They doubled down and made it even worse!

        Same with Nike and their support for BLM before the death of George Floyd.

        These companies would prefer to go out of business rather than change, and that’s a scary thought.


  10. StewGreen says:

    “November 2021 and Andreas appeared in court to challenge the £67,000 fine imposed against his Gym — and WON the case, managing to get his money back.”

    Rebel news just covered that old case
    Was there a UK media blackout ? I’ve never heard of it


  11. StewGreen says:

    RebelNews : On Sunday, Feb 13, GiveSendGo, was hacked.
    This left the personal information of 92,845 donors extremely vulnerable, including real names (as listed on credit cards or debit cards), personal emails, locations and other assorted details.

    It was uploaded to a public Google docs account
    “analysis of the stolen data shows that the bulk of donations came from Canadian donors, while the majority of donors come from the U.S., making up more than 56%. Thousands of donations also poured in from Europe and Australia. Canadians managed to outraise Americans by almost $1 million, bringing in $4.3 million to the truckers compared to the Americans’ $3.6 million.”

    … FFS Data breaches are the responsibility of GiveSendGo
    Their failure of security is like leaving the window open.


    • Thoughtful says:

      Again it’s the motivation of the people behind this, and unfortunately it’s probably established big tech using their professional muscle which is even more frightening.

      If the Russians or Chinese were doing this then there would be an outcry, but when the state does it there is silence.


  12. Yasser Dasmibehbi says:

    Tucker spot on again.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Please listen to this Tucker because i fear his time to speak out is limited .

      He raises a key problem – the links between the press and politicians.

      By the very nature of the problem – it will be ignored by that grouping . Its often refered to here as ‘the swamp ‘ or ‘the bubble’ .

      Yet the interchange between the press and politicians is one of the biggest threats we face –

      It would be nice to see a chart of politicians / journos – linked to each other in any way – so we can see how this real ruling class is a threat to the ‘unapproved ‘ .

      As for Tucker talking about Canada – is he the only one who sees how dangerous this is ?

      Using terrorist legislation against protesters ? It is not as though the latest chinese virus is world ending .it cannot be about public health any more – it is about trudeaux being unable to accept dissent


      • vlad says:

        Fedup2, you’ve spelt Trudeau with an ‘x’ which would make it plural in French grammar.

        Please don’t tell me there’s more of them!


        • Up2snuff says:

          Vlad, LOLx10! Good ‘un.


          • Fedup2 says:

            I spell true do differently every time as a sign of my disrespect – from now on he shall be referred too as Fidel – far more accurate and a well used term on twitter …


        • StewGreen says:

          trudeaux plural, Canada is not like those tinpot countries where political power stays within one family.
          … What did his father do ?
          .. Oh yeh he was Prime Minister too


          • Mustapha Sheikup al-Beebi says:

            Was that in Cuba?


          • StewGreen says:

            Well Trudeau’s father in Canada
            was the only previous Canadian PM who invoked the War Measures Act … 51.5 years ago

            October 16th 1970
            Prime Minister Trudeau explains to Canadians why the government is invoking emergency powers as a response to the kidnappings of James Cross and Pierre Laporte by the FLQ. Laporte’s dead body would be found the next day.

            (Canada had the War Measures Act until 1988 then it was replaced by the Emergencies Act )


  13. vlad says:

    The BBC’s response to the Durham Report showing that Hillary Clinton’s team spied on Trump and fabricated Russiagate. (NY Post article here: https://nypost.com/2022/02/13/eyes-turn-to-hillary-clinton-not-trump-in-the-russiagate-scandal/ )



    • Fedup2 says:

      I have just listened to the BBC advert for itself . It states “There are no bias vibes “

      Surely this is one for the advertising standards outfit ? It is a clear lie .

      Surely the BBC has admitted bias – for instance in its projecr fear canpaign against Brexit – or the list of people it will no longer put on its ‘ programmes ?


      • StewGreen says:

        The @BBC advert says There is no angle
        No bias vibes
        No sponsors interfering

        . Direct link : https://youtu.be/FIn2YiF_Zak?t=60


        So far Corbyn supporters have put out a video titled “BBC No bias vibes”
        saying the BBC was anti-Corbyn
        Well that was sometimes true, the BBC had spotted that with Corbyn as leader, the Tories would not get booted out
        so it did do that ridiculous Communist Corbyn graphic on Newsnight etc.


        “No sponsors interfering”
        Loads of BBC shows are promos for products
        eg the daily book of the week.

        The BBC was heavily into doing everything their sponsor Stonewall told them to.


      • Lefty Wright says:

        When the Stasi realised that the game was up in East Germany they simply moved their headquarters to Broadcasting House in London England. We really must pay more attention to our national borders.
        Or perhaps it’s too late to shut the stable door.


  14. Guest Who says:

    Time for Sopes to join Nick in Oz to write another book about the far right, and BS to hit the photo studio again?


  15. Guest Who says:

    Nice the entire BBC ground floor turned out too.


    • Up2snuff says:

      Guest, oh dear, someone started a vote of no confidence in their MP in the MP’s constituency party, did they? Who da thunked it! Did Ange start a whispering campaign?


    • MarkyMark says:

      Labour … hqdefault.jpg


  16. AsISeeIt says:

    The war on Wednesday is postponed

    It’s something of an anticlimax of a morning this morning. Having assured us of a War on Wednesday and cast a thousand gun-toting Ukrainian babushkas in the role of frontline defenders of western interests, we now learn the War will not be televised – to slighly missquote Gil Scott Heron who warned us back in the 1970s that the Revolution will not be televised.

    The BBC like the rest of the media promised us a show, proposed dates and now still put their trust in Biden: ‘A Russian attack on Ukraine is “still very much a possibility” and the human cost would be “immense”, US President Joe Biden has said‘ (BBC)

    But just as Alan Hansen once knowingly remarked to Gary Lineker on Match of the Day: “Spurs, they’ll always let you down

    So it goes with Prince Andrew: ‘Prince Andrew could face US trial in 2022 over alleged sexual abuse, judge says‘ (Guardian November 2021)

    And this morning: ‘Prince settles Giuffre sex assult case out of court‘ (Guardian) – see, we told you so… “This was always the only outcome for the royal family in terms of damage limitation” (David McClure royal author quoted in the Guardian this morning)

    You see, we may as well make up the news ouselves.

    The left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper has a punt at news creation in their rather appropriately titled column: ‘Waugh on politics. Jack Monroe has done more in a week to lower food prices than any minister

    Can’t you just see it? – the dream team utopian celeb ministry of food – Jack Monroe job share with Marcus Rashford and not a vagabond street urchin, waif or stray would go hungry.

    Meanwhile the ‘i’ dreams of a land in which female wild swimmers could dive into any body of water without the fear of ever meeting extraneous excreta: ‘UK’s wild swimming hotspots hit by sewage

    Nice to know big pharma can still dictate a frontpage story: ‘Side effects of statins are exaggerated, say scientists‘ (Times) – ah, that phrase say scientists, experts say etc… it has to be up there with despite Brexit for the great clichés of the decade award.

    Speaking of which: ‘A lost decade. Long financial Covid threatens political chaos‘ (FT) – oh dear, the globalists had such high hope for a great reset and build back better but what have our politicians actually done to the world economy with their pandemic panic lockdown policies? King Canute just got his socks wet when he tried to turn back the tide. Metaphorically speaking the ‘i’s wild swimmer just found she might encounter a floating mars bar or two.

    In the Guardian we note dubious racially implied insults only work in one direction: ‘Arwa Mahdawi only monsters wear their shoes in the house

    This seems to be a two-pronged cultural attack from both middle east and far east in the Gruan: ‘Here’s why your shoes will be staying the hell out of my house. The Wall Street Journal essay about keeping shoes on left me aghast. As my Auntie Chih-Mei put it: ‘When you walk into my house wearing shoes, you are walking across my heart (Jeff Yang in Los Angeles)’

    And if you listened too closely to the media hype and you were still left wondering how come there was no War on Wednesday the Daily Star has an answer for you: ‘Uri [Geller] Star readers stopped World War 3*

    And to appropriately conclude with the Daily Star’s asterix – don’t you just love it when your tabloids include footnotes to their headlines – our left-leaning serious papers could learn a thing or two about qualifying their headlines ‘*Let’s hope this hasn’t aged badly this morning


    • Guest Who says:

      The media is the problem.

      Indy headline just now.

      “Biden warns war ‘very much possible’ as Russia plays down chances of invasion”

      There was this kid called Peter, who cried…


      • JohnC says:

        The worrying part is that Bidens approval is about to drop below Trumps and nothing shores that up more than a good war.

        We’ve seen how ruthless Joe is when he’s after political points – how many thousands have died when he overruled the Generals to pull all the troops out of Afghanistan just so he could say they were all home for the 9-11 celebrations ?.

        Add to that his obvious mental state and we have a man who is absolutely unfit for the office of President.

        And the BBC will support him because the alternative is Trump back in office. They don;t care how much blood they have on their hands. The ends justify the means.


        • Guest Who says:

          More worrying still is the calibre of senior military his administration has installed who can only survive under it, and it alone.

          Hence any deranged order sacrificing their subordinates for political reasons will be enacted by various woke scrambled egg oafs and trannies in bunkers.


  17. JohnC says:

    Matt Hancock failed in equality duty over Covid appointments

    Shock. Horror. What a Damning headline.

    The article then quickly denegerates into waffle which I usually just close, but the absolute nature of the headline made me persevere.

    ‘A judgement found then-Health Secretary Matt Hancock did not uphold a public sector duty to promote equality when hiring officials in 2020.’

    What is he guilty of ?.

    ‘the defendants in the case had failed to provide evidence of “exactly what was done to comply with the public sector equality duty when decisions were taken on how each appointment was to be made”.’

    So they didn’t have evidence of what they did. Not that they didn’t do it.

    So lets see what else was decided in this case:

    Two other claims – that the government had exhibited “indirect discrimination” and “apparent bias” in making the appointments – were dismissed.

    “The court judgment also states that ‘the evidence provides no support… at all’ for the allegation that Dido Harding secured senior positions on the basis of ‘personal or political connections’ in the government.”

    “The judgement is clear that all claims raised by the Good Law Project were dismissed and the ruling itself stated their claim ‘fails in its entirety’.”

    Then for some completely bizarre reason they quote Angela Rayner again !!.

    And who was behind this High-Court case :

    ‘The Runnymede Trust’ and Halima ‘Bad Smell’ Begum.

    Runnymede has 14 staff and only one is white. John, whose biography is as far-Left as you can get. How ironic for an organisation whose whole purpose is for racial equality.

    Begum made a tweet

    ‘BREAKING: High Court finds PM #BorisJohnson & former Health Secretary Matt Hancock acted unlawfully in appointing #DidoHarding & Mike Coupe.’

    Didn’t mention any of the other stuff. The replies were the usual far-Left activists absolutely full of hate against Boris.


  18. Scroblene says:

    That No 10 questionnaire: –

    Fill in the missing word, “Hello, hello, *****, what have we here then”?

    Who used to start a police program with the words, “Evening all”! Was it Keir Starmer, Jeremy Corbyn or Prince Andrew?

    What vintage of Wincarnis was used at No 10 parties when Lady Forkbender gave it out?

    Is ‘Sweeny Todd’ short for Plod, God, Black Rod or Mrs Amelia Nosepoultice of 13, Acacia Garden, Ruislip?

    If the alleged party was alleged with alleged guests and alleged police turning an alleged blind eye, does all that allegedness count when all the expenses receipts were shredded by accident?

    If the party-goers all pay a £200.00 fine, will it go to a charity or yet another party?

    How many soldiers will die in Ukraine if Boris has to waste time buggering about with pointless exercises like this?


  19. Guest Who says:

    Vile tempts replies. Surprised he is not on a Sky booze mission this morning, or indeed Sky is given Beff and Slapper’s predilections.

    Corridors rolling with #prasnews ‘expert’ hypocrisy again.


    • AWOL says:

      Neither, they are both filthy, rings around and dirty handles. Who loaded the dishwasher? (We wash our cups by hand in hot water)


    • Lunchtime Loather says:

      #BlockedByVine otherwise I’d have commented.


    • MarkyMark says:

      I suggest the following to help decide if presenters are worth the TV Tax paid under threat of prison …. maybe Carrie Gracie can produce one to justify her pay as well?

      New EU Directive BBC Programme Labels – for a new transparent and accountable and gender fair BBC

      “I, Jeremy Vine, cost the public £750K* per year which is the equivalent to 21.5 nurses on £35K, declare that I have no other incomes derived from my broadcasting at the BBC. I have declared all my expenses and registered all gifts on the BBC expenses website. I, Jeremy Vine on this 30 minutes of show, with production time of 2 hours at an hourly rate of £1153 cost you the public £2884*. This does not include the studio and team wages. All monies I make from my ‘BBC Brand’ go back into the BBC. I follow the BBC guidelines – not giving my opinion on subjects that I know little about on twitter, facebook. If I do give an opinion then they are 100% in agreement with the BBC and have been approved by the BBC at time of publishing. Please note that reading out this EU compliant notice just cost you, the public enforced to pay my wages under threat of prison, a total of £76*.”

      * hourly rate is rough calculation, without knowing Jeremy Vines full wage it will be hard to workout. Figures are for illustrative purposes only. They may go up or down depending gender or TV Tax, but are NOT linked to the talent market.



  20. Guest Who says:

    I now know that whatever is seen on Twitter threads increases when getting posted places like here.

    So will the BBC. Such a post is therefore irresponsible and can only be for dubious clickbait.


  21. Sluff says:

    Statist BBC at its best I.e. worst.

    Around 0750 JustRemaininDerby enthuses about all the treatments now available for covid. One of them is Paxlovid. It prevents vulnerable people with covid getting the disease badly.

    The interviewee seems to think the drug should be rolled out to everyone with covid. JustRemaininDerby sounds pleased. It will of course be ‘free’ on our wonderful NHS.

    Just a couple of points
    1. Nothing in the NHS is free. What no-one asked was how much will this drug cost? That is to say, cost us? Clearly of no interest to the state funded BBC.
    2. The drug is made by Pfizer. And a good job too. They are allowed to make a profit. Perish the thought it had been invented by GSK or AZ. They would no doubt have to give it away at cost to the world. The fact that an American company will make the money was not mentioned.

    The BBC. World class in myopic reporting.


    • Guest Who says:

      The BBC needs to get Doc Dan in for his ac… ‘expertise’, ASAP.


    • Fedup2 says:

      I think i heard that the welsh marxists are to give £1600 to kids as an experiment to do with Operation Give Away .
      Sounds like the cost of drugs in cardiff are about to go up…


    • Sluff says:

      Further to my post.
      Reuters estimate the cost at $530 per course I.e. per person.
      The NHS has bought 2.75 million courses.
      So, not exactly free. In fact around $1.5 billion

      But from the BBC? No comment whatsoever.
      Still, hey, what’s a billion between friends of statist organisations.


  22. vlad says:

    The BBC and the rest of the rotten msm continue to ignore the shocking story of the Biden family corruption,

    Thank goodness for Sky News Aus.

    “Hunter Biden ‘blatantly traded’ on the name and power of his father”


  23. Sluff says:

    The Messiah has returned to this world!

    Around 0720 on Toady JustRemaininDerby ‘interviews’ the manager of a re-wilding project at a disused golf course. The gushing, fawning, worship was incredible. It must be a good thing of course because of the careful name-checked global warming catastrophe and the climate emergency.

    No, BBC. It’s just another taxpayer funded pious initiative by the ‘morally superior’ who delight in telling us what to think at every opportunity.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Sluff – I listened to this kidult snowflake and thought ‘how frightening she is in the absolute belief she is right ‘ – it alarmed me that any dissenter would be crushed in the interests of the ‘community ‘or ‘nature ‘…


  24. Guest Who says:

    Emma and Femi should have a sofa buying ceremony in Brussels dfs, officiated by Vile, Adonis and Mad Al.


  25. Guest Who says:

    A broken record is useless.


    • Fedup2 says:

      So brave – hugs


      • Guest Who says:

        Can just see her, a Grand Dame of BBC royalty, tottering on Burley heels and BS sagging reveal all lo-cut, hi-fashion Stella Mac boob tube, to collect her lifetime achievement award for Covid Feet at the Simpo Saviour Awards 2050.


    • MarkyMark says:



    • MarkyMark says:

      Disinformation …

      CBBC Channel, Tuesday 8 June 2021

      In a segment about vaccine approval for 12 to 15 year olds, a contributor claimed that the Pfizer vaccine is “100% safe”. This has been removed from the online article and video: https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround/57435861

      The UK’s Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) has said:

      “We have carefully reviewed clinical trial data in children aged 12 to 15 years and have concluded that the Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine is safe and effective in this age group and that the benefits of this vaccine outweigh any risk.

      “We have in place a comprehensive safety surveillance strategy for monitoring the safety of all UK-approved COVID-19 vaccines and this surveillance will include the 12- to 15-year age group.

      “No extension to an authorisation would be approved unless the expected standards of safety, quality and effectiveness have been met.

      “It will now be for the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) to advise on whether this age group will be vaccinated as part of the deployment programme.”




  26. Fedup2 says:

    As war approaches the BBC is deploying its forces to the border – today the Fergal Keen reconnaissance battalion was sited in a village ready to emote about ‘The Horror or War’ and deploy armour piercing cliches by the dozen in somber war tourist prose .
    HMS Myrie and the aircraft carrier HMS huw Edwards are steaming to the scene … stand by for probably nothing at all … now back to my bunker …


  27. Guest Who says:

    This is glorious.

    Toenails, Laura, BS, etc so have their work cut out.


  28. Up2snuff says:

    TOADY Watch #1 – the BBC just cannot help themselves ….

    .. so when an opportunity to take a dig against former President Trump arises they take it. The Bee Lady or the Newsreader @ 8 a.m. mentioned that PJ O’Rourke has died and that the ‘right wing’ writer, journalist and broadcaster voted for Hillary Clinton in the 2016 Presidential Election. He “just couldn’t face voting for Donal Trump.”.

    Aah, but Donald Trump won anyway.


    • Fedup2 says:

      One less


    • Mustapha Sheikup al-Beebi says:

      Agree: too much prominence to the Trump years in the life of O’Rourke, who was 74 and thus lived through and commented on a lot of other stuff. Justin Webb sounded smug when they got the anti-Trump soundbite / cum-shot about PJO’s switch to Killery. I knew I would regret putting ‘Today’ on at 8 a.m. which is why I rarely do it these days … no great loss.


  29. Fedup2 says:

    Kelvin mckenzie on twitter says farage got an 88 500 audience on monday – double sky – with steyn outnumbering sky too

    Sky loses £50 million on news a year but comcast own it …


    • Banania says:

      Steyn talks about all the things the BBC won’t.


    • MarkyMark says:

      Qatar makes TV debut with Sky Weather sponsorship
      Qatar Airways is the new sponsor of Sky News Weather.

      By Marketing Week 18 Aug 2005


  30. Emmanuel Goldstein says:

    Compare the £12 million payout to Andy’s girl, pictured happily laughing with him, to the treatment tens of thousands of really under age little girls tortured, threatened and gangbanged by evil old men.
    What did they get?
    £0 would be my guess.

    If exactly the same had happened to her but with a normal working man who has no money she would have received nothing.
    Andy is by all accounts an unpleasant man but he’s been taken to the cleaners because he has money.

    On Steyn last night during the Harvey Proctor interview they mentioned the ruling that the victim must be believed by the police and that’s why he was hounded and ruined.
    Does that not apply to the tens of thousands of little girls then or is it because they were all (all tens of thousands of them) slags and scrubbers who were asking for it.

    I wonder how much VG would get if she took one of these noble gangbangers to court if it was them and not Andy.
    She would probably have been arrested for racism or something.


    • Fedup2 says:

      It is the side effect of Plod having no moral compass or principles – they screw up on child abuse for years – get caught a bit and then go the other extreme that no ‘child victim ‘ can be a liar ….
      Not worth the time of day

      ( i will probably get a home visit to ‘check my thinking ‘)


    • Mustapha Sheikup al-Beebi says:

      On Woman’s Hour on R4, Emma Barnett was getting all high and holy about Prince Andrew, Virginia Giuffre and their out-of-court settlement, with Jess Phillips MP and another woman. Little mention of Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell, the real criminals. I’m no fan of Prince Andrew but he is simply not a big player in all of this, though he certainly should have been more careful about mixing with scum like Epstein and Maxwell.

      Meanwhile, the empathy with female victims (well, only certain ones as you say, not those from Rotherham) has a hollow ring coming from Barnett. Here’s a quick cut-and-paste from Wiki:

      “During Barnett’s teenage years, her father ran brothels in the Greater Manchester area. The family home was used for publicity shoots of some of the women and for the recording of sex films. Previously convicted of “living off immoral earnings” and subjected to a suspended sentence,[6] in 2008 Barnett’s father was sentenced to immediate imprisonment for keeping brothels and controlling the prostitution of a trafficked woman …”


      • Fedup2 says:

        Mustapha – Steyn raised the curiosity that American users of the Lolita express – named of the log – have not been of interest to the MSM – yet alone – plod …..


    • Doublethinker says:

      We , particularly those of us on this site, should always remember that if the likes of the BBC had done the job that they are supposed to do the scandal of grooming gangs would have been exposed and prevented from happening again many years ago. The BBC utterly failed to apply basic journalistic standards to this story because they want the indigenous population to accept millions of Muslims into their midst and theBeeb knew that if they did a half decent journalistic job on this the lid would be blown off the great immigration plan.


  31. JohnC says:

    Rust shooting: Lawsuit alleges Baldwin ‘recklessly shot’ Hutchins

    Oh dear, things are finally starting happen and Kama is catching up with their darling Trump hater.

    But it seems the BBC are still trying to say the gun did it:

    ‘Ms Hutchins, 42, died last year during a scene rehearsal after a gun held by Baldwin discharged a live round.’


  32. Fedup2 says:

    Not BBC but trevor phillips has put up a minute of sky with the ex speaker traitor scumbag pouring vitreol on nut nut – i dont think he mentioned his non peerage ..


    • micknotmike says:

      It’s worth remembering if it crops up in conversation:-

      Q) Name one good thing Boris Johnson has done.
      A) Blocked the peerage for Bercow.

      That’s a legacy, right there.

      As an aside, Trevor Phillips is that rare thing, a spokesman for the race relations discussion who speaks a lot of sense. I rarely hear any victimhood claims from his direction.


  33. Guest Who says:


    BBC SOP.

    Let’s check The BBC Caste System team.

    Of course…


    • Fedup2 says:

      Bet he wished he’d never met that creature …


      • Up2snuff says:

        Virginia Guiffre sure seems pleased to have met Prince Andrew in that much published photograph. It seems a shame that she wasn’t asked about that in a Court of Law.


  34. JohnC says:

    Russian attack on Ukraine still a possibility says Biden – BBC News

    I thought I’d check if the BBC are showing any clips of Biden these days. I found this one they just put up.

    And to my absolute astonishment, it is very heavily edited. No responsible news organisation should jump around a speech like that to change what it means. There is no other option but to show it from start to finish. Only activists trying to hide something do such tricks.

    Obviously it’s to only show Joe when he isn’t stumbling or confused. When they did that to Trump, it was to make it sound like he recommended injecting disinfectant. Which he never did.

    The BBC are absolutely shameless in what they do now. It’s an outward sign of their increasing confidence to make the news to fit their agenda, not just report it.


  35. Sluff says:

    The utterly disgusting treatment of sub postmasters by the Post Office from 2000 onwards, yes over 20 years ago, due to the IT scandal is being revealed day by day at a public enquiry.
    But can we remember that the Post Office was state owned.
    Therefore the government of the day was responsible.

    So why are the BBC not charging around seeking interviews with Tony Blair and Gordon Brown?

    They’re not as reticent when it comes to the current government and their claimed failings over anything and everything, are they?

    And let us also think about that same Post Office as a state enterprise and then wonder why the hell so many want to nationalise things like energy utilities and railways.
    What total, utter madness that would be.

    When the state sector priority is *rse covering, job retention, denial of failings, and passing the buck, the private sector profit motive seems to me to be easily understood and transparent and with its inherent trend of innovation, flexibility, and growth, far more desirable.

    Why does Boris consistently miss these open goals?
    Frustrated of Tunbridge Wells


    • StewGreen says:

      Sluff still in 2022 “The Post Office is a limited company owned entirely by the government.”

      “Post Office Counters Ltd was created as a wholly owned subsidiary of the Post Office in 1986”

      It was Royal Mail that was sold off.


  36. StewGreen says:



  37. vlad says:

    This book contains a ton of well documented information on the criminal Biden clan’s shady dealings.

    “Laptop from Hell: Hunter Biden, Big Tech, and the Dirty Secrets the President Tried to Hide”

    Be sure that if a single line could not be substantiated, in the Land of Litigation Biden’s lawyers would be suing the author for all she’s worth.

    Meanwhile the crooked BBC don’t even acknowledge its existence, let alone investigate the allegations.

    Warning: Do not look into those satanic eyes for too long.


  38. dafydd says:

    Across the BBC today they have decided that Prince Andrew is a nailed on pervert.

    I for one really dont give a sh-t whether he dipped his wick or not, i dare say we will never find out

    The bloke is between a brick and a hard spot. No matter what he decides to do he’s flogging a dead horse.

    It seems to me he settled because he didnt want to drag the Royal Family through anymore grief, to the detriment of his own standing and mental well being.

    We in this country state innocent until proven guilty.

    All we have is some women who has made an allegation without providing any convincing evidence and we have to believe her. Why is it she waited all these years to come forward..it stinks.

    But regardless, the BBC have him hung drawn and quartered already.

    I have no real opinion of Prince Andrew and i dont really care but i have to say it makes me uneasy the way he’s been treated…Especially by our rancid media.


    • Jeff says:

      We should also remember that this lady was seventeen when the “offence” occurred, not seven. In our country that would certainly be distasteful, but not illegal…

      Meanwhile, the BBC were serving up pre pubescent girls on a weekly basis to that aged paedo, Jimmy Savile, on his teatime TV show, Jim’ll Fix It.

      They camouflaged this creep’s activities for decades, gave him a prime time slot and fed him a diet of innocent, under-age victims.

      You can’t take their outrage seriously.

      Pot and kettle…


    • digg says:

      I watched a U.S. very nasty lady lawyer crowing about how much cash he has had to cough up and it all came clear. He has been stitched up by the perverts in the US legal system where the most important thing is how much cash can be extracted. He could see that he was never going to win so did the only thing available to end the shite. Pay the US legal eagles blood money.


  39. vlad says:

    Everybody thinks crooked Hillary should be investigated over her fake Russiagate allegations, even the DEMOCRATS!

    But not the BBC, who aren’t even talking about it.




  40. Fedup2 says:

    But Dafydd

    The idiot did give it up to the BBC – maitliss – and has given money to a woman he has never met ….

    … at least the new investigation into cash for honours ( always ) will be as entertaining – and it seems the American actress is never coming back to the UK – good day for good news ….

    After the initial grief over the passing of the current sovereign I reckon the royals will be on the full on BBC target list ….


  41. StewGreen says:

    Canberra scene of big anti-mandate protests
    Imagine an antifa type woman in her car
    .. and then she gets tailgated and bumped by a protester in a car
    And when the antifa gets out of the car
    screams “The media won’t listen to you, get out of town
    .. you reversed into me”

    Then the protester never gets out the car, but rather tries to drive around the antifa car , but misjudges and drives OVER the antifa car.

    Then the police don’t charge this protester woman with assault they just issue her an infringement notice for “negligent driving”.

    Now imagine what the media said

    .. Now consider that it happened the other way around, cos it did.

    Apparently the woman Chantal Jasmine Fox ..makes money by posing in her underwear on Only Fans
    The police got ratioed https://twitter.com/ACTPolicing/status/1492775883089891332


  42. StewGreen says:

    Doh people made up a satirical meme about Trudeau
    And then AP news went to all the trouble of doing a huge debunk
    FFS ..it’s a meme

    February 17, 2018 No, Fidel Castro is not Canada PM Trudeau’s father The Associated Press

    BTW yes the idea of Prince Andrew with a 17 year old is distasteful.
    but the article says Justin Trudeau’s mother was 22 when she married Pierre Trudeau who was 51.
    “On March 4, 1971, while Prime Minister, Trudeau quietly married 22-year-old Margaret Sinclair, who was 29 years younger”


    • MarkyMark says:

      MI5 file links former SNP leader to Nazi plan
      THE former SNP leader Arthur Donaldson plotted to set up a puppet Nazi government in Scotland, according to a recently released wartime spy report.
      By The Newsroom
      Monday, 7th November 2005, 12:00 am


  43. s.trubble says:


    The linkage between the press and Politicians has been achieved by the SNP.

    Both bBc Scotland and more damaging Scottish television (STV) are becoming known as nationalist/Republican/SNP media wings.

    You are spot on calling this out.

    The HQ of bBC Scotland is commonly known as Pacific Quay Celtic Supporters Club. (Pacific Quay is bBC HQ on the Clydeside)

    With the Judiciary, Police Scotland and the Media the SNP are creating a perfect environment for trouble.


    • Fedup2 says:

      I suppose it would take an ‘off piste’ news outlet to do a study of linkages between the press and politics –

      – particularly when they live under the same roof …

      … its as though we are only served up stuff these characters choose to give prominence – and explains the visceral hatred for anyone out side that swamp eg – trump – farage ….

      Maybe there needs to be a declaimer or disclaimer whenever a talking head turns up on MSM

      I have in mind the queer ITV chap who shares a roof with another chap in the Cabinet office who scooped the party nonsense ….


  44. MarkyMark says:

    The Metropolitan Police is to investigate claims Prince Charles’ charity offered honours help to a Saudi citizen.


    • StewGreen says:

      slow justice ..earlier news
      – Sep 4, 2021 the Mail on Sunday and Sunday Times report that Prince Charles’s closest aide Michael Fawcett fixed honours for a Saudi Tycoon who donated £1.5million to royal charities

      – Sep 6, 2021The Prince of Wales and his most trusted aide Michael Fawcett have been reported to the police by the pressure group Republic over cash-for-honours allegations.

      – Nov 12, 2021 Michael Fawcett resigns from The Prince’s Foundation after accusations he offered to help secure knighthood for Saudi donor

      – Dec 2, 2021 Charity @PrincesFound releases findings of the Michael Fawcett investigation.
      It finds the former CEO did co-ordinated with “fixers” over honours for a donor to the charity
      (Tweeters said that was burying bad news on a busy day)


  45. StewGreen says:

    R4 Moneybox is talking about dating
    “Here’s one of our on-line listeners from overseas
    Mike is in the US”
    .. From the voice Mike is almost certainly black”
    … BBC box ticked I suppose.


  46. s.trubble says:

    Anyone see a point raised in the Irish Parliament witha view to transferring the collection of its state broadcasters LF in place of
    current arrangements i.e. RTE (Irish bBC) collect it.

    This is due to enormous LF non payment.

    You can be assured that Mr Tim Davie et al will be watching this closely from up their flagpoles.

    I,ve made the point before the bBC will never give up the LF…its like a Heroin addiction.


    • StewGreen says:

      I’d guess that for many miles either side of the border people can watch the other country’s state broadcaster for FREE

      ..but that that more hours of BBC are consumed in the south
      than RTE in the north.


  47. digg says:

    Having a hard time trying to bring Boris down the BBC is moving its sights to the Royal family which they also hate with a vengeance.

    Emboldened by the US court case they have found another paper trail to follow..

    Police to investigate Prince Charles’ charity


    What! Charles has been naughty?

    1. It is NOT “his” charity, he is merely a figurehead appointed to give it status.

    “He is president of the foundation but is not involved with its governance, with the charity’s trustees overseeing its day-to-day activities.”

    2. The allegation is against a “former valet” and NOT Charles.

    3. The allegations are made on behalf of a “Media” organisation following some details in a “letter”. So the MSM have their grubby hands and informants firmly in place behind this charade.

    This is NOT investigative reporting this is a grudge witch hunt.

    This all stinks to high heaven….How many more of these lefty civil serpents are there infiltrated into our Government and feeding dope back to shadowy Met officials and the lefty press to de-stabilise the government, the Monarchy and eventually the British way of life?

    I am astonished and ashamed that the BBC are slavering at the mouth anticipating another damaging calamity for governance in the UK.

    There is a pattern to this that could almost be called treason!


    • MarkyMark says:

      “In intention, at any rate, the English intelligentsia are Europeanized. 
They take their cookery from Paris and their opinions from Moscow. In the 
general patriotism of the country they form a sort of island of dissident 
thought. England is perhaps the only great country whose intellectuals 
are ashamed of their own nationality. In left-wing circles it is always 
felt that there is something slightly disgraceful in being an Englishman 
and that it is a duty to snigger at every English institution, from horse 
racing to suet puddings. It is a strange fact, but it is unquestionably 
true that almost any English intellectual would feel more ashamed of 
standing to attention during ‘God save the King’ than of stealing from a 
poor box. All through the critical years many left-wingers were chipping 
away at English morale, trying to spread an outlook that was sometimes 
squashily pacifist, sometimes violently pro-Russian, but always 

      ― George Orwell, England Your England
      Read more quotes from George Orwell


      • digg says:

        That man surely predicted the future 100% didn’t he?


      • Lefty Wright says:

        I would never “take the knee” for anyone. However, for some of the writings of George Orwell I certainly would doff my cap.


    • digg says:

      7.40pm and the tarnish Prince Charles story has vanished without trace from the BBC home page. Either they read this blog or someone had a word with the lefty junior BBC reporter who generated this shit.


      • Lefty Wright says:

        While I have always harboured doubts about the value of our Royal Family to our national life I do wonder whether some of this recent bad publicity is prodded along by people in extremely powerful positions with some kind of a social agenda.
        The Russian Royal Family was destroyed in a most barbaric fashion by people with a social agenda.
        Could the British Royal Family also be destroyed without the necessity of cold blooded murder?


    • digg says:

      Well whadaya know!…. the trash Prince Charles story has also mysteriously vanished from the Guardian home page where it had been featured biggly.

      So we can assume that the BBC-Guardian hotline has been busy this afternoon.

      Bunch of skunks!


  48. Guest Who says:

    As I try and locate my shed, currently on route East, I needed laugh.

    Simpo has again provided it.


    Can the bombastic, pompous old fool be any less unaware?


    • Guest Who says:

      To daft questions from groupies he is just posting the same utter howling joke statement on a #tellitoftenenough basis.

      One is sure Springster is pitching herself.


      • Banania says:

        “pitching herself”
        I am not familiar with that expression. Is it a euphemism for something?


    • MarkyMark says:

      IainW5: I hope you will be able to talk to experts in the issues and not to politicians. In general (certainly UK Govt ones) they are (i) not well qualified, (ii) not objective, and (iii) pushing an agenda which is not about truth and justice.

      John Simpson: This is the rationale for the programme. The only people on it will be BBC correspondents and experts. The range is hugely impressive. No politicians, no spin. Hence the title – ‘Unspun World with John Simpson’.



  49. MarkyMark says:

    Justin Welby – takes down a statue in UK.
    Justin Welby – 0 interest in murdered christians.
    Prince Charles – money for Saudi.
    Prince Charles – “The Prince has said that he wants to be seen as a defender of all religious faiths and not just the Anglican church but the Coronation is an Anglican ceremony. Any change would require legislation.” Prince Charles could also choose to alter another aspect of his reign, taking a different name than Charles III.2 Jul 2020


    • digg says:

      King Mohammad 2nd maybe?


    • digg says:

      Plus, “A defender of all religious faiths” makes no sense whatsoever. As far as I can see each “faith” has an implicit and inbuilt belief from their scriptures that the only “true” religious path is theirs so how the hell can that ever work?

      A soccer analogy would be a supporter forced to shout their support for both teams.


    • tarien says:

      If Prince Charles thinks that way then I hope he will not be King. He should be a vigerous defender of our faith, the Christian Faith.


  50. MarkyMark says:

    Sajid Javid has confirmed the NHS will make a “non urgent” offer of a Covid jab to all 5-11 year olds:

    “I have accepted the advice from the independent Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) to make a non-urgent offer of COVID-19 vaccines to all children aged five to 11 in England.

    Covid-19: JCVI opts not to recommend universal vaccination of 12-15 year olds
    BMJ 2021; 374 doi: https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.n2180 (Published 03 September 2021)
    Cite this as: BMJ 2021;374:n2180


    • G.W.F. says:

      The choice to have the vaccine will be up to the parents. On balance, it is going to be a good thing. A non urgent offer. No pressure on parents.
      But those parents who fail to take up the offer might have their kids taken away.


      • digg says:

        Or worse for the kids, excluded from classes and segregated by some Nazi oriented Teachers who think they work at re-education camps rather than schools!

        Maybe they will make them wear yellow stars at school?


    • tarien says:

      Not urgent it certainly should be in fact it should taken away altogether-Inncoculating young children with a suspect substance that could well cause damage to their young strong immune system is plain evil- of course in the case of some young children being or having varuous medical complications; nevertheless this particular vaccine, so called, has been severley criticized by a number of imminent Scientist in that area of vaccines therefore until all the tests have been carried out and this will not be until 2023, such a vaccine should not in any event be of suitability for the very young.