Never, ever trust the media, here is another reason we can say an election was stolen:
What a surprise, old Hunter gets away with it again….
Hunter Biden scandal: CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC completely avoid New York Times report verifying laptop emails from 2020.
The report verified Hunter Biden’s emails after multiple outlets suggested they were ‘Russian disinformation’
CNN’s top executives, including then-president Jeff Zucker and political director David Chalian, were caught telling staff on a conference call they were spiking the Post’s reporting on Hunter Biden, according to leaked audiotapes published by Project Veritas.
In the days leading up to the 2020 election, personalities on CNN, MSNBC, CBS and NBC all downplayed the Hunter Biden scandal while ABC News completely ignored the story,
Ferrechio called out the double standard, going all-in on every Trump-Russia collusion report, mocking how the media “now” has “ethics” when it comes to reporting about the Biden family.
“The investigation, which began as a tax inquiry under the Obama administration, widened in 2018 to include possible criminal violations of tax laws, as well as foreign lobbying and money laundering rules, according to the people familiar with the inquiry,” the Times wrote on Wednesday. “But prosecutors face a number of hurdles to bringing criminal charges, the people familiar with the investigation said, including proving that Mr. Biden intentionally violated the Foreign Agents Registration Act, or FARA, which requires disclosure to the Justice Department of lobbying or public relations assistance on behalf of foreign clients.”
“Readers of the Times have discovered in March 2022 that Hunter Biden pursued business deals in Europe and Asia, and may have leveraged his father’s position as vice president to do it. Hunter also may not have properly registered with the government or declared all his income. All legitimate topics of discussion about a presidential candidate’s family, no?
Yes indeed Zephir you can bet your bottom dollar that Hunter Biden would have used his father’s position to help his own-wide boys all of them including Jo Biden. I won’t use the word Crooks, but its obvious to all.
“Never, ever trust the media…..”. But for how long has this collusion/conspiracy to lead the distorted narrative been going on? Forever, in my humble view. I’d make the point that the advent of the Internet will, eventually seal the media fate. Not right now but not so long into the future. Inshalla. The stark contrast to the media version of issues compared with whats available on the i/net is staggering. Its the plethora of alternative news sources, more honest and less agenda driven, will eventually finish them off. That’s why Government’s around the World are seeking legal ways to silence news from the internet. I’ll bet they are all working on the Russian/Chinese techniques.
Good point, G, and I suspect also that there will be even more ‘underground’ or ‘dark’ internet connections, which are pretty well ungovernable.
I’d also bet – like you – that China and Russia are well on the case, but one good thing might come out of all this, in that we wouldn’t be flooded with stupid articles about the Beckhams, slebs of all ugly shapes colours and the tiresome Ginge and Minge!
And we could also be rid of Lineker and his kid idiot, Neville!
Now that its too late to do anything about the stolen election, the hard left papers NYT, WP, are admitting that the Laptop is real after all, and not a Russian disinfo.
Meanwhile Biden and the rest of the Dem mob, are still insisting that oil price hikes are due to Russia.
Its of course not. America refused to buy oil and gas from Russia creating a shortage. Ditto here in Europe.
Russia is not hurt. They gain from the rise in oil price. But we do get hurt in every way, from oil, to heating to food. Talk of cutting our noses to hurt our faces. Not theirs ofcourse.
Its as if the governments of the West have not hurt ordinary people enough. After this mortal danger brought about by NATO continuing to press into Russia, they will start the Climate Change panic – We have only 8 years before irreversible climate change will destroy the world. That will be blared out from all the ministries of Truth, night and day, with possible exception of Tucker Carlson, who is ofcourse the well known Emmanuel Goldstein Russki.
I wish people who believe in Climate Change, voluntarily pay up for it. They can well afford it. So let Bill Gates, Heinz heir Kerry, Prince Charles, Obama, Biden etc pay into the Climate Change fund.
Leave us out of it. But will they? No. They will burden all of it on us, while they fly their private jets to Davos.
Its this sort of French aristocrat behaviour by the elite that causes revolutions and the road to Madame G.
Former Commons Speaker John Bercow put his own wife on furlough — despite having £400,000 in the bank
“He used the scheme to claim for his wife, Sally, who provides ‘administrative support’ to the company
He dipped into employment support scheme in each of the ten months for which the Government has published figures
Each claim was in category from £1 to £10,000; Mr Bercow insisted total figure claimed is ‘well under £10,000’.
Claim was made by couple’s company, Fedhead Ltd, through which he appears to funnel payments for public speaking.”
Why aren’t the remainers blaming the equivalent of the Soviet Brexit for the Ukrainian war ?
IE ; Ukraine leaving .
Ukraine leaving the Soviet Union and not join8ng the CIS ?
Why aren’t the remainers saying that a democratic vote to be independent has unleashed racism and xenophobia in the newly independent and now democratic states ?
Why aren’t the remainers saying that it would be better for democracy and independence NOT to have happened for countries like Ukraine?
We all know there would be a cost to Brexit , whether short or medium term . But we voted for the long term ,even those who wouldn’t see it out .
The Ukrainians thought there would be a cost to leave the USSR and be independent but prized independence above commercial concerns .
Now they’re showing they prize independence above everything.
We had an easier time leaving the EU , despite the remainers trying to stymie it ,than the Ukrainians had leaving then being outside the Russian dominated USSR then CIS .
Our problem is due to the fifth columnists who via the BBC give Ukrainian independence a good PR but Brexit independence is given bad PR .
There seems to be a hair brained idea about having Ukraine ‘fast track’ to join the EU and agree not to join NATO – making the assumption that putin won’t keep going and take the whole of Ukraine – which as a 5 star armchair general I think he will …
Why leave Ukraine half intact after all that effort – and he ll use Chinese kit to do it if necessary ..
Just perusing some sites and found some invaluable advice:
When you sign up for anything online, put the website’s name as your middle name. That way when you receive spam/advert email, you will know who sold your information.
If you are doing an essay or report and are short of the required word count, leave a space after each paragraph, change the text colour to white and type some gibberish
End a tiresome phone call by putting your phone on airplane mode it will say call failed so they will think the network dropped the call and not that they were dropped by you.
Douglas Murray writes in the Telegraph today that he still believes that despite recent polls in the USA , the people of western countries would fight patriotic wars like the Ukrainians are doing.
I can only speak for myself but my attitude towards fighting for the Britain of today , assuming that I was fifty years younger , would be one asking why I should risk my life for a country with values and a culture which I no longer recognise.
The liberal internationalists have for decades undermined those things which made our country worth fighting for . The pace of this undermining has increased with the advent of Wokism and arrival of millions of aliens. I’m certainly not fighting for migrants who actually hate us and our country. We have been marginalised in our own country and I would not fight to preserve the mess that the liberals have made.
If the invader said they would restore the Britain of my youth , I would fight with them rather than against them. The last three decades have been an unmitigated disaster for Britain.
What is missed out is the toxic propaganda governments use to encourage boys who think nothing can go wrong to put on uniform .
It was used to great effect in the Great War – obviously less savvy times – to go fight for Europe and die in great numbers .
And dying in numbers drives even more to go and die.
I think there is a difference between a direct threat to family and country ( see Ukraine ) and some nonsense war such as Afgee – Iraq -done just as part of ‘a game of interests ‘ such as being blackmailed to join in by the yanks to give them legitimacy ….( see also Vietnam where Wilson refused ) …
When it comes to Blighty – would anyone be bothered to threaten it directly for itself ? No . It might be useful as a staging post to attack the US East coast but otherwise – it has no value …
We are more likely to either have a race driven civil war or become involved in someone else’s war through NATO again …
One thing that has come out of Ukraine – having nuclear weapons is a must have for any State which wants to avoid a conventional invasion – so I reckon a lot more countries – including Iran – will be trying out their nice shiny new nuclear bombs in the near future –
unless we are on the receiving end of a real one in coming days or weeks ….
Strange isn’t it ?- covid hasn’t really changed the world – but Ukraine has ….
I agree on the defence of family but no longer on country. My country has been taken from me , my culture ridiculed, I no longer have a homeland. The institutions which run it regard people like me with contempt, which is fully reciprocated. I wouldn’t lift a finger to save them.
Sadly I concur with your thoughts and words Doublethinker, as an oldie I recall the pleaseant country I grew up in-my brother and I could roam around London where we lived in the late 1940’s-1962, safe in knowing we would not be harrassed or assaulted-the Bus Conductors or clippies as we called them, would ensure there were no yobish behaviour on their buses, people in the local shops were always chatty and polite even to us kids, a few pence bought you some sweet or other, a bag full of broken biscuits cost 2-3pence old money-I won’t mention the price of petrol, but I could fill up Morry Minor when 18 for a quid ! The cost of living was balanced against the lowest common denominator, which kept prices low. What would it cost you now for bread and cheese? In my day it was a staple part of the diet, cheap. Now even my two sons who fought in the Military have very much the same view as you Doublethinker. I’m glad my parents are not around to see the mess our governance has and is making of this once great and decent land.
We never realized till much later that we had grown up in a golden age. After the war society took up where it had left off, so the 30s and 40s are all of a piece, although interrupted. Children were probably safer then than they had ever been or have ever been since. Murder and crime rates were at rock bottom. Alas! Alas!
I tend to get a bit ‘twitchy’ when I watch BAME politicians, BAME slebs, BAME people in the streets, saying on camera “my country has always had the best record of taking in refugees and peoples wanting sanctuary”.
I think “excuse me ?” of course they’ll say that because they’re either 2nd or 3rd generation that have wangled their way in here. Now we’re subjected to being ruled by BAMEs, and buying products from huge corporations and companies who are owned by BAMEs. None of whom have any history here before 1950 and that’s what aggrieves me the most.
We live in a rural part of Kent, where we hardly ever see bames etc., (benefits scroungers and layabouts yes), but as for the normal British citizen, we have 99% of our villages populated as they probably were 100 years ago.
The local councils seem to like taking on bames to fill their quota, too! Ferchrissakes, the ‘Tourism Officer’ for Tunbridge Wells used to be from Canada, and knew absolutely nothing about Kentish culture! She didn’t have a clue about the leisure business or the way it works!
So (smugly, he said), I don’t give much of a hoot as far as the way we’re continually failed by politicians, local and national, they don’t really get on my radar any more, I just assume they’re rubbish mainly, and I do what I want to do!
Completely agree Brissels.
What makes it worse is that we were never asked or consulted about whether or not we wanted millions of BAMEs in our country. We all know that Blair kept his plan to import millions of them secret because he knew we wouldn’t accept it. So much for democracy!
A country in the political and historical sense gradually evolves with passing generations , each building on what their ancestors did. If you suddenly change the people so that the continuity of generations is broken ,a discontinuity occurs, and you have a different country.
We are living through one of those great discontinuities. The Britain of 1950 will be definitely another country from Britain 2050 not because of the five fold hand over from one generation to another but because mass immigration has drastically changed the ancestry of the people. In my view it is highly unlikely to be a better place.
The BBC likes the plod story about a coloured school girl being strip searched in a school for drugs …
.. it even got that Diane abbot on to wail about something or other – I’m lucky as I’ve developed a kind of white noise thing where I just tune out .
The girl in question wants to remain ‘anonymous’ but I bet that won’t stop her getting a life changing cheque from the taxpayer as settlement to buy more drugs and a beemer for ‘mum’.
One thing that does strike me – is that the main online goes into great detail about the incident – but does not describe the colour of the idiot plod involved – .. I wonder if they are coloured ?
Would that put a different complexion on this ? Let these folk smoke / take their drugs – if they are harmed – so what ?
But on the streets of east londonistan I notice more green / grey white druggies than in recent times as well as more are more 24 hour wackie bakky smoke ….
Also the reporting states “police officers” – which always puts in the mind that they are male, making it sound barbaric, when in fact it was women police officers that did the search.
You mention that you think nobody would be much interested in invading us.
I reckon with all the shale gas, coal and oil we have it’s a tempting target for an invader who will use these assets as opposed to our useless green crap loving money grabbing politicians.
We’re energy rich but Carrie won’t allow us to use it.
“When it comes to Blighty – would anyone be bothered to threaten it directly for itself ? No”
But if, for example, Russia wished to make an example of one detested country, a constant thorn in its side?
One benefit of obliteration would be the merging of the English Channel with the Irish Sea. That’ll sure defeat the rubber boat invaders! Imagine their dismay to arrive where the UK used to be only to find a load of bubbles rising………….
That would be the diminishing / dying hot air from MP’s.
Wholeheartedly agree. I propose taking my own approach a stage further by not voting in National elections again. Good for my mental health. Thought long and hard about this but had to recognise that there’s no point. For the past 30/40 years everything I voted against has come to pass one way or another (excluding BREXIT) and I can no longer, with conscience, make a vote knowing what will ensue will be contrary to what me and many millions of others, really want. If I were to vote it would be tantamount to voting for my own demise.
I might compromise and spoil the ballot.
Whoever would have thought that, selling the policies on the back of seriously reducing immigration would result, this year, in an estimated 0.5 million more coming in…………..
The Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances comprises three identical political agreements signed at the OSCE conference in Budapest, Hungary on 5 December 1994 to provide security assurances by its signatories relating to the accession of Belarus, Kazakhstan and Ukraine to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT). The memorandum was originally signed by three nuclear powers: the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom and the United States. China and France gave somewhat weaker individual assurances in separate documents.
The memorandum prohibited the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom and the United States from threatening or using military force or economic coercion against Ukraine, Belarus, and Kazakhstan. As a result of other agreements and the memorandum, between 1993 and 1996, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Ukraine gave up their nuclear weapons.
On 15 December 1993, U.S. Vice President Al Gore visited Moscow for a meeting. Following side discussions, a U.S and Russian delegation, including U.S. Deputy Secretary of Defense William J. Perry, flew to Ukraine to agree to the outlines of a trilateral agreement including U.S. assistance in dismantling the nuclear systems in Ukraine and compensation for the uranium in nuclear warheads. Participants were invited to Washington on 3–4 January to finalise the agreement. A Trilateral Statement with a detailed annex was agreed, based on the previously agreed terms but with detailed financial arrangements and a firm commitment to an early start to the transfer of at least 200 warheads to Russia and the production in Russia of nuclear reactor fuel for Ukraine. Warheads would be removed from all RT-23s (SS-24) within 10 months. However Ukraine did not want a commitment to transfer all warheads by 1 June 1996 to be made public for domestic political reasons, and Russia did not want the financial compensation for uranium made public concerned that Belarus and Kazakhstan would also demand this. It was decided to exclude these two matters from the published agreement, but cover them in private letters between the countries’ presidents. One key point was that the English language draws a distinction between “guarantee” and “assurance”, not present in Ukrainian or Russian, and it was agreed that the lesser sense of the English word “assurance” would apply for all three language versions of the statement.[9]
U.S. President Clinton, Russian President Yeltsin, and Ukrainian President Kravchuk after signing the Trilateral Statement in Moscow on 14 January 1994
President Clinton made a courtesy stop at Kyiv on his way to Moscow for the Trilateral Statement signing, only to discover Ukraine was having second thoughts about signing. Clinton told Kravchuk not signing would risk major damage to U.S.-Ukraine relations. After some minor rewording, the Trilateral Statement was signed by the three presidents in Moscow in front of the media on 14 January 1994
All fine and good. However the US launched a coup against the democratically elected President of Ukraine in February 2014, which caused him to flee the country. The CIA backed coup led to the installation of the corrupt Poroshenko Government which the CIA, the Bidens and other corrupt US politicians used to embezzle billions of dollars. The Minsk agreements were set up to broker a peace between the breakaway regions in the Donbas that did not want to accept the new regime, which is directly controlled from Washington. However they were never honored by the Ukrainian Government. Instead it sent Neo-Nazi groups like the Azov battalion to bombard and murder Russian civilians in Luhansk and Donetsk. They have killed at least 16,000 civilians over the last 8 years. This war did not begin in 2022. It was deliberatly provoked by the US and its satellites, which is why you are seeing this hysteria now. No one is calling for peace.
Meanwhile the US and the UK continue to supply the Saudis with armaments and logistics as they continue their merciless attacks on innocent civilians in Yemen. Funny how we forget about these crimes, like Iraq and the endless list of atrocities committed by the UK and US Governments over the last 20 years. Blair has far more blood on his hands than Putin by orders of magnitude.
8am news : Clip of St Gordon Brown said their should be Putin Nuremberg trials
– Prince William and Kate are taking team on their Caribbean tour that includes winner of their Climate prize.
But But their visit to a Cacao farm in Belize tomorrow has been cancelled, cos the villagers are protesting against his CONSERVATION charity.
The Mayan indigenous village called Indian Creek is in dispute with Flora and Fauna International (FFI), a conservation group which lists Prince William as a patron. FFI has property near the village’s communal land, which has caused tensions over ownership rights, according to local residents who spoke with Reuters.
Brilliant – green crap v coloured folk v royals v imperialist NGOs …
As for Gordon brown and his best pal Major – I suppose they’ll be doing those Sunday politics shows – meanwhile Cameron is driving a van of organic fair trade avocados to Ukraine ….( hope the van is not diesel )
There is a separate protest
“Меаnwhіlе, thе Unіtеd Вlасk Аѕѕосіаtіоn fоr Dеvеlорmеnt Еduсаtіоnаl Fоundаtіоn (UЕF) hаѕ ѕеnt а rеlеаѕе соndеmnіng thе “Вrіtіѕh Соlоnіzеrѕ Vіѕіt” аѕ “аn аtrосіtу tо оur [Аfrісаn] Аnсеѕtоrѕ, аnd [Аfrісаn] реорlе lіvіng іn Веlіzе”
From the comments this seems to be a fringe group that is using the event as PR for their “reparations” campaign.
Stew, and if we are to believe the reports that it was ‘locals’ that organised for the royal helicopter to land on the Cacao farm, then there clearly was an almighty cock up with the Royals reccy team not nailing this down when doing the organizing months beforehand.
Interesting to see the views of a Russian Family on the western brands closing. At the end he says he can do without McDonalds and Coke because they are full of chemicals and are poison. It is a little long but I think worth seeing a different view.
Lambeth Palace PR department reminds us the Church still exists this morning: ‘Archbishop condemns ferry group‘ (FT) – well, it’s in the news: ‘P&O Ferries could face criminal investigation‘ (Telegraph) – apparently, in the opinion of Justin Welby – and to borrow from Father Ted – employment law would now be an ecumenical matter.
The unilateral sacking of staff and their summary replacement with cheaper alternatives is an unpleasant business – one trusts the Archbishop never indulged in such sharp practice in his previous incarnation as an oil industry executive. Perhaps he did, prior to some Damascene conversion?
The point is that elite opinion has joined the likes of the Labour-supporting Daily Mirror in condemnation of this all too blatant act of outsourcing: ‘P&Low Pay. Anger as cheap workers start on P&O ships day after 800 staff sacked. P&O Ferries has been accused of operating “modern slave ships”, replacing 800 crew it fired with £2.60-an-hour agency staff‘
Isn’t this simply nothing more than a well-publicised microcosm of the Blair/Cameron, New Labour/New Tory replacement of native British workers with more cheaply paid imported foreign labour?
Run this scam as an open borders, free movement of labour, policy and it’s all hunky dory. When we get to see it close up and personal – then they start to wince.
‘Poppins in your pocket. Hire a Norland nanny …by the hour‘ (Telegraph)
‘If the gig economy won’t look after its workers, this government must‘ (Damian Collins is the Conservative MP for Folkestone and Hythe, writing in – of all places – the Guardian, February 2022)
Such is life. So it goes in warfare: ‘Masha is 15, her body is broken and Russians say she’s a fake‘ (Daily Telegraph) – sadly, propaganda is now very much the new fog of war. Frankly, we nowadays don’t know what to believe any more. What with having had a belly-full of Blair and his WMD and a rich diet of the likes of Jeremy Bowen and his Pallywood anti-Israel collaborations.
‘Cameron drives lorry-load of aid to Poland‘ (Telegraph)
‘Palace planning “practical support” to ease suffering in Ukraine. Royals: We’ll help refugees‘ (Daily Express)
Just as well our young royals are looking for new friends – the old Commonwealth now hates them: ‘William and Kate in tour storm. They’re forced to scrap first visit on Carribean trip after villagers stage protest about “colonialism”‘ (Daily Mail)
Do we think he is Hilter? ‘War in Ukraine: Gordon Brown backs Nuremberg-style trial for Putin‘ (BBC)
Or do we see him as: ‘“Stalin” Putin peddles his lies at war rally. Evil despot: Putin milks applause as his senseless war destroys lives‘ (Express); ‘Putin and his sick war rally. Thug Putin at concert yesterday in Moscow‘ (Mirror) – no holding back there, looks as though there’s no mood to negotiate with this chap and maybe broker a ceasefire?
Well, well, well, the laptop from hell was real all along – fancy that! – and all the msm (including the BBC) were liars who called it Russian disinformation or just ignored the story in order to get Biden into the White House.
Hopefully now they’ll start properly investigating all the incriminating evidence against that criminal Biden and charge him.
Twitter was on fire last night after BBC2 Inside Culture spent the licence payers money on a Climate Change Arts special.
Actually NOT
on the #insideCulture hashtag & @ShahidhaBari there were none positive, just one tweet from a guy saying #DefundTheBBC
TOADY Watch #1 – thanks for the ‘heads up’ (as Americans would say – with the exception of President ‘up heads’ Biden) ladies
Ladies Doubles at TOADY with the Bee Lady and Mistress Mishal in charge. Just think, Wimbledon Championships only three months away. “Oh, I say!” And thank you for the warning about Gordon Brown’s appearance on the programme this morning – I have activated the power switch accordingly.
Various posters on here have shed light on the process of ‘gaslighting’, not least our Stew. It falls to me to provide information about ‘limelighting’. This is where ‘hasbeens’, usually from the political world, have to muscle their way back into the public consciousness with some call or claim or deed (David Cameron on the front page of the Dreary Torygraph this morning – with or without the aid of a publicist.
Gordon Brown was doing it during 2021 with his “Vaccinate the world against Covid-19. We are not safe until we are all safe.” despite plentiful evidence to the contrary, especially since then. Now he is back, trying to get Vlad the Bad Putin prosecuted for war crimes. Sadly, a former Conservative Prime Minister is happy to prostitute himself and go along with Gordy or Tony even, just to remind people he is still alive. Major shame on you, John.
TOADY Watch #2 – well, what do expect with your sort of policies from your Party?
Karl Turner MP was hyperventilatin’ (a pretty little touch there) over P & O’s sackin’ of its UK workforce yesterday on the TOADY Programme this morning. I can understand his fury and sympathise, especially with the P & O former employees, but it is an inevitable consequence – during the tail end of a Pandemic with its associated ‘paybacks’ – of unlimited, unrestricted as well, in addition, illegal immigration.
You need to get the Labour Party to substantially change its policy on immigration, especially the illegal immigration and modern slavery Mr Turner. Until you do, episodes like the P & O one – especially in a time of inflation and hardship – will increasingly happen. As for illegal immigration and modern slavery, I will remind you of the Chinese Cockle Pickers, Mr Turner. Tell me, which political Party was in Government in the UK then?
Right from the start insiders knew the P & O workers were NOT on British contracts
but are rather international workers on Cypriot flagged ships.
Yet the media guys made out they are just normal British workers.
R4 presenter just now “oh my friend had a daughter with Viv Richards”
I checked yes when he was already married he had an affair with this Indian actress.. and left her to take care of the child just sometimes sending a birthday card, sometimes not.
Mar 17 Gary Neville spoke to Beth Rigby
“He needs to leave because he is a danger to our country.”
Ex-footballer @GNev2 calls on Boris Johnson to leave his position “the second after” the war in Ukraine is over, adding that he’s got “zero creditability in Europe and around the world”.
`18 March Tory MP James Cleverly replied
I have views on football management,
they are just as well informed as Gary’s views on international relations.
Funny how the Labour Party regards those who might support it . Do they really think voters will have any regard to the non footy views of a wealthy ex footballer ?
Reminds me a bit of that thing blair did with importing luvvies into number 10 . Dumb .
Gary should leave politics to Lord Rashford of the reserve bench …
As a normal citizen, I don’t even know who gary neville is, but if such an idiotic display of stuff, squirts out of an over-paid and under-talented fooboller thinks he’s going to impress anyone, then bring it on!
I suppose the mental lightweights might think he’s intelligent though, but that’s fooboll for you.
If he said “at this moment in time” once, he said it at least half a dozen times in a 5 minute span. Then the camera caught Beff more focused on her iPad than listening to him.
💻 Staying safe online is so important.
We regularly dedicate our assemblies to talking about this with our children.
Thank you Miss Roe for reminding us what not to share online and about fake news.
We even listened to #goldilocks but we still love Penguinpig too 😁#unity
In a segment about vaccine approval for 12 to 15 year olds, a contributor claimed that the Pfizer vaccine is “100% safe”. This has been removed from the online article and video:
The ghastly Katty Kay from the Biden Broadcasting Corporation is trying to reframe Biden’s catastrophic failings as a ‘plus’.
The bumbling Imbecile has taken us to the brink of WW3, but our Katty continues to kiss his backside.
“War in Ukraine: America is learning the art of humility”
I’ve taken the liberty of correcting her opening para.
“War in Ukraine: America is learning the art of humility (weakness).
“The country that began this century by invading not one but two countries, has become more modest (weak) in the face of the nightmare that is Ukraine. Forget shock and awe, this is the era of caution (weakness) and apprehension (weakness). That’s what having no good options will do for you (make you weak).”
Local news “Labour MP Karl Turner says”
.. every hour for 20 hours now.
#2 “A DISGRACE” that is how local lawyer is describing the government’s visa scheme for Ukrainian.”
“This couple want to house 5”
clip of lawyer “What possible reason can there be for not letting these women straight in ?”
FFS I know and that lawyer must too
For years there have been special restrictions for the safety of East European women particularly Russian/Ukrainians because prostitution gangs try to con the women.
EU freedom for pimping and sex trafficing for our charming Albanian / Romanian gangsters no doubt supported by Labour MP Turner and his pet lawyer, , sorry meant freedom of movement (and pickpocketing), slip of the keyboard there.
Just overheard a girl of about 16 talking to her dog. Previously, I had thought it a strange name given to the dog – “Saleigha”. But there, folk are strange. A penny has just dropped !! It was said to the dog, “don’t be naughtea”. It appears, ‘Saleigha’ is really meant to be, ‘Sally’ and ‘naughty’ being, ‘naughtea’. How does anyone account for these distortions? Plain weird.
But surely if not starting wars is a key criterion for judging the worth of a President , Donald Trump must rank very highly because he didn’t start one , unlike most of his predecessors.
The Classic FM Hall of Fame will be on over Easter and I bet that Samuel Coleridge Taylor , a black man who composed 1890/1910 era, will do much better than last year when his best entry was 293 out of 300.
His music has been plugged relentlessly by the station over the past 12 months with something of his being played almost everyday. Now he might be a truly great composer , I don’t know enough about music to tell, who was neglected because he was black and deserves to be higher in the Hall of Fame. On the other hand his music might be being pushed because he was black. We all know that colour trumps ability in 21 st century Britain. Any way I think he will get far higher than 293 this year.
Mrs Voter listens to Classic fm, whilst I have to put up with it. I do however agree with you, SCT will do even better if any of the Kanne Masons are playing the piece.
The same is now happening to young white models from children to young twenties – so I’m told by a grandmother friend. Work has all but stopped because ad agencies are so intent on being diverse that the pendulum has swung too far in the opposite direction.
Iss cos of Brexit innit…or…..maybe another reason for lack of lorry drivers ?
REVEALED: WFH DVLA staff who went on strike over Covid ‘health and safety’ fears and refused to return to the office vowed to ‘cripple’ the service while UK desperately needed lorry drivers to ease supply chain crisis
DVLA staff have gone on strike for 58 days of past year over ‘Covid safety fears’
Investigation found staff vowed to ‘cripple’ service with ‘maximum disruption’
It was found almost 1,000 DVLA staff were on ‘special paid leave’ in August 2020
In nine of past 24 months, more than 500 staff at a time have not been working
So that’s why the bastards have still not sent me a new driving licence despite informing them of my new address eight months ago. Sack all of them, clearly not fit for purpose.
P & O ferries always sailed their ferries into Hull from Rotterdam and Zeebrugge staggered, ie The British staffed vessel from Rotterdam, always sailed with the Dutch crewed ship from Zeebrugge, this was to stop the Union striking and keeping both British staffed ships in Hull.
When I worked on the Docks in Hull, the East Riding and Northern Lincs inspecting vessels, The British staffed ships weren’t totally British, Officers and Senior staff were Brits but a lot of the crew were Portuguese. The same applied to the Dutch flagged vessels, Officers and Senior staff Dutch, the rest Filipinos.
So the narrative that P & O has been using ALL BRITISH crew and that they have all been fired to bring in 100% Filipinos doesn’t stand up.
Zephir The reason I checked the tracking is that just cos P&O tweeted that the service had been restarted ..that doesn’t means the unions hadn’t blocked it.
As it happens now the ship was in Dublin and now it’s sailing back to Liverpool to arrive at 5:30am
Irish Ferries corp are still operating normally on a similar route..and they have had foreign crews for 17 years
“FRI, 25 NOV, 2005
Irish Ferries has mounted a vigorous defence of its controversial move to replace staff on its Irish Sea routes with cheaper labour from Latvia.”
A small extract from the DT about Dementia – nothing to do with the BBC – but the consequences of the NHS abandoning all care apart from for itself –
This refers to failures to assess people suffering from Dementia
The figures, from 28 NHS organisations, show 13,800 patients on waiting lists for memory clinics, which diagnose conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease.
They include 5,722 patients who have spent at least three months waiting for a diagnosis, after being referred by their GP. Among them are 2,545 patients who have faced a wait of at least six months.
In my case Mr Webb it comes for living on this planet for 3 score years and 10 and recognising that there is absolutely no difference in the climate or its effects over that time. If anything slightly cleaner air conditions. If you want to close down civilisation in the name of some climate cult dogma, go ahead and try but please leave those of us with “toxic beliefs” who can see through your crap alone thanks and stop trying to tun us into some sort of evil monsters.
Those “toxic beliefs” as you so haughtilly describe them are in reality called common sense and experience. I could just as easily describe your own beliefs as “demented bandwagoning delusions”.
For Mr. Qasim Rashid Islam is the cure, not the problem … “How the teachings of Islam could help us prevent more sexual abuse scandals” {independent 15oct2017}
“This is where Islamic teachings and Prophet Muhammad’s example provide a solution that no state truly can. And while there are people who don’t believe that sexual abuse is even a problem, some on the left will disagree that accountability to a higher power is a solution. ”
“Yes, Islam implores accountability to the creator, but rather than preach empty dogmatic theories, Islam instead prescribes a proven secular model.”
“The Quran further obliges men to provide for a woman’s every financial need, while holding that anything a woman earns is hers alone – preempting financial abuse. And when it comes to the Islamic concept of Hijab, it is men who are first commanded to never gawk at women, and instead guard their private parts and chastity, regardless of how women choose to dress – pre-empting sexual abuse.”
“Together, we can employ a proven Islamic model that will stop this madness, and re-invoke gender equity today in America, and the world.”
3 Hide in Bately..
1400+ raped kids (still happening).
BBC spewing.
80 Seat majority 0 Conservative policies.
Net Zero which is why we are now Net Zero energy.
NHS Diversity Managers on £80K.
MPS with 2.2K pay rise.
More Government.
Dover Invasion , still ongoing while the The Border Farce is still a ‘farce’ along with The Home Office.
Brits pay for illegals to be housed in 4 Star Hotels but are expected to put up genuine asylum seekers in their own homes.
Unless Bo Jo does something about the high energy costs and green levy we are heading for a sever recession!
We have a totally useless government that still allows the BBC to flourish !
You should have voted UKIP.
Or the Reform Party
The Sunday Times Magazine has since reported that the Skripals have moved to New Zealand. According to a senior government source, Sergei and his daughter have been given new identities and various other protections to help them start over.22 Dec 2021
In 2018, investigations by the Sunday Mirror alleged that the extent of the Telford grooming gang was far more vast than had previously been believed, with claims of up to 1,000 girls, most of them white, having been victims of trafficking, drugging, beating, rape and even murder.
Leader of Telford sex gang that targeted 100 girls as young as 13 by raping them and forcing them into prostitution is released from jail after serving just eight years of 26-year sentence
Ahdel Ali, 32, and brother Mubarak lead gang of seven men in Shropshire town
The town was a hub of abuse which saw up to 1,000 girls abused
Between 2006 and 2009, the Ali brothers’ gang targeted schoolgirls
Controlled them as child prostitutes by giving them alcohol, food and money
In 2018, one of the victims of abusers in Telford spoke anonymously on Good Morning Britain to Piers Morgan and Susanna Reid about their ordeal.
Telford has the third highest number of child sexual offences recorded in the UK, just behind Blackpool and Rotherham, according to the Home Office.
Covid-19 is on the increase in the UK it is said. Most of all, going by the BBC’s own infections map, it is growing in Scotland. Parts of Scotland have the highest infection rate in the UK. Funny but I don’t think I have heard Nicola Sturgeon being held to account on the TOADY Programme, TWatO or anything similar. No mention on the web-site. Should not the BBC be asking Nicola Sturgeon if she will institute a complete Lockdown across Scotland? Why is the Labour Party not calling for this? After all, if it was England or Wales or even just Manchester, Labour would be calling for tougher measures and the BBC would be providing air time for Labour to do it.
Scrobie, are you in Rother, that is the Local Authority area ie. not rhyming slang for ‘bother’? Then you may have Covid-19, because Rother is one of the south-east England ‘hotspots’. That’s along with mid-Sussex, Worthing, Reigate & Banstead and Mole Valley. [ See map: ]
BBC evening news
read by Victoria Derbyshire, sports lady,
Local : the male understudy, weather by a giant wig on a black lady
National weather that Polish guy : Tomasz Schafernaker (born 1979, in Gdansk, Poland)
According to the print version of the BBC known as the Guardian, “Joe Biden spoke for nearly two hours with Xi Jinping as the US sought to dissuade China from backing Russia’s war on Ukraine.”
Ok, stop right there, Mr Guardian writer: Biden spoke for TWO HOURS??
a) The Imbecile doesn’t have the energy to stay awake for 2 hours, and b) he doesn’t have the mental acuity to talk for 2 MINUTES without saying something stupid.
No way would his handlers allow him to talk without his notes for any length of time. One wrong word could trigger an invasion of Taiwan or cause WW3. His insane remarks about a ‘minor incursion causing confusion among the allies’, and ‘on no account would NATO troops enter Ukraine’ gave Putin the green light to invade. No way would his handlers risk that again.
He will have been instructed to read the damn notes, stoopid, and on no account to go off script.
In fact the BBC PR footage of the meeting showed him just grinning gormlessly and shuffling his notes around.
Oh, and by the way, his video-call achieved absolutely nothing except a photo-op for the moron, and Xi Jinping told him to go Brandon himself.
The New York Times, as pro Democrat biased as it possible to be , and fanatically anti Trump, is reporting that all the 2020 allegations about Hunter Biden’s lap top , which it suppressed at the time, are in fact true. So perhaps certain sections of the US MSM are turning against Biden . Surely they can’t want Harris in his place and Pelosi would be even worse.They must have a scheme up their sleeve but what the hell is it?
I guess Fox probably have everything they need, DT.
Just a few months to the mid-terms, and the timing is just perfect! Keep the three idiots, Biden, Kamala and Pelosi, up there and one by one, the facts will emerge as to how inept – illegal maybe – they were a couple of years ago!
There are those that say be kind when it comes to the lying, corrupt Biden, no bloody way after what the same people did for four years to another.
As for the other two, lying, incompetent in the extreme and just as corrupt.
I even heard some leftist twat, after another bumbling speech by Biden, appear outraged at any criticism saying HE HAS A STUTTER LEAVE HIM ALONE, the same twat that likely laughed and cheered as they poured abuse on Trump, Mogg, Boris, at the Brand battery acid comments and pouring milkshake all over an oponent and at the screaming harridan shouting NAZI and attacking a Trump supporter in London as they threw drinks all over him.
WEF ? isn’t that the wrestling ? Putin would make mincemeat of the lot of them
Unless they get Big Daddy, Giant Haystacks and Kendo Nagasaki in there quick.
I’d pay to watch that, with “Bulldog” Starmer and “Daddie Cool” Corbyn getting hammered by old ladies with their umbrellas for cheating in a tag team with “Novichok” Putin.
without being too a-hole-ish: as you know it’s about power.
At the moment the old firm still just about maintain the upper hand but as yo can see, they too are eating themselves out of desperation to draw attention away from the fact that politics has been assimilated by the interne,t and like news, the music business, movies bz, shopping, all of it is part of the internet without being bigger.
I keep a distant eye an these ideas but doubt that we will massively improve on the fantastic job we have done as a species. It feels very much post post-modernism society where all has been pretty much done and we do variations on a theme.
And, I preach onto ye not, saying,
‘The answer, my fellows,
and has always,
in the unknown’.
Few unknowns are unknown to us other than those ineffable unknowns. For those we need a machine capable of giving ineffable and successful unknowns to us.
In the internet business, this war is big money making machine that most wd like to tick along longer. Security consultants charging £1k a day ATM. Work everywhere. Personally, I have made buckets of it fighting the good fight as they say for Blue & Yellow. Go Go Go!
I believe they get a tot of rum a day and a plate of hard tack with maggots in them, and anything they can pillage from the passengers in the duty free.
Last time I went over the Channel it might as well have been Blackbeard running the bar, bloody daylight robbery.
The BBC are eating themselves with this and, as is always the case, the overly virtuous and righteous are eternally fated to become those they protest against.
The BBC are toxic. Many recognise this now. I have cut out them and replaced news24 with GB News which still jars sometimes but nowhere near the non-stop with BBC. BBC radio4 is dead to me as the word BLACK BLACK BLACK seems to be spoken every other word and Im sick of hearing about those less successful humans. I prefer hearing about humans driving the world, not holding s back.
BBC website only for F1 and occasional top 10 but never political story.
Get news from here.
Thats it. I have found the it makes little difference to the events whether I think about them or not.
UPDATE: Upgrade from a short-range 125cc scooter to a long-range racing tourer motorbike a few days back.
Just in case. I’ve learnt the anything can happen and that those final moments of thought before the grim reaper snatches you doesn’t want to be, “F–k, I knew I should of sorted that out last week!”
What do these people do when not being a pundit ? Like the ex footballers, they’ve been out of their game for decades yet they still get dusted off and wheeled out. Why do we need them ? I sold property at home and abroad for almost 30 years over 20 years ago, but nobody asks me for my expertise.
I’ll write a book then. Loads of anecdotes – like the time I did an inventory of a house – and in a cupboard was a stack of porno mags and when I opened a box out popped a life size blow up doll ! ( remember Delboy & Rodders ?? ) it was interesting having to list those items !
BBC4 Police show starts
The star is a white police woman
Opening scene the head of the interview panel is a black male police chief with an accent the same as the Yorkshire actor who does the Dacia adverts
(Ralph Ineson)
An accent I’ve never seen a black guy do before.
The black actor is not listed in the credits.
IMDB lists him as Kevin Harvey
He’s from Liverpool so normal speaks a bit scouse. I guess he is just playing at a Yorkshire accent.
So they think that for all P&O ferries where some of the crew were British and been fired
they can get the government to cancel the licences
So leaving the market free to all the other ferries and companies
…. that have been using foreign crewed vessels for years
eg Irish Ferries Ltd since 2005
And people are going to boycott P&O and use these foreign crewed competitors instead.
Given Boris Johnson comments and other comments by UK politicians, plus the actions of the UK government – this is WW3. It seems that Britain (presumably with support from other NATO countries and the USA) will not relent on its sanctions on Russia until there is regime change in Russia and Putin is put on trial. Already Russian assets have been taken, and being sold off, with the proceeds maybe going to fund support of Ukraine and to destabilise Russia until they hand over Putin.
I know of several people who having been exposed to the BBC propaganda are adamant that Putin is unhinged and that we must do everything in our power to stop him, overthrow him, kill him.
“Google Maps Platform services went missing for a few hours on Friday as various APIs fell over.
Around 0847 am PDT (1347 UTC), users of Google Maps Platform services began reporting problems. These surfaced on crowdsourced reporting sites like and on the Maps Platform Status Page.”
first time i can remember it doing that as they have the world’s largest server farms. Russian attack. Also, hitting ALL Google’s services including business. This is a site-wide DOS on all Google products. OMG. And no tech sites are reporting it as full take down. Just maps. Not true. Comments being deleted from webpage comments when highlighting it site-wide not Maps only.
“Ukraine uses Clearview AI facial-recognition technology
The Ukrainian government is using facial recognition technology from startup Clearview AI to help them identify the dead, reveal Russian assailants, and combat misinformation from the Russian government and its allies.
Reuters reported yesterday that the country’s Ministry of Defense began using Clearview’s search engine for faces over the weekend.
… [the] five-year-old company had more than 2 billion images scraped from Russian social media service VKontakte – whose design is visually very similar to that of Facebook – among its database of more than 10 billion photos.”
I have ClearView AI in my watchlist. My conscience is stopping me buying shares in this as they are going to be massive once this service is offered to you and me.
The Chinese post I made up. But you can see ClearView involved. Google hit down first time in history – I cant even imagine how they did that!
They are just getting started.
I have moved all my email, contacts etc to Apple and bought and iPhone. Not perfect but much better and more secure than android and data inst sold on. Pretty sure iOS doesn’t have any Russian library dependencies like Google does! If they infected those repositories, then Andriod phones could be ‘botted; for DOS take-downs quite easily without anyone knowing.
Putin needs to bring in the tech boys deeper into his chambers to win this.
Actually, it’s mch worse than that. I’ve just been thinking the Russian Univerisites contribute to Linux which Andriod is.
There are a few unknown data blobs (data that shows what it is but NOT how it shows what it shows – like opening a pdf file). Those blobs operate at hardware level and do not require u to do anything.
Then Windows: Take out Live service. There are already at least 30 zero-day critical unpatched exploits on your windows machine judging by Windows Update monthly report. They must be using 30pc of the Internet to take down Google. That much. Billions of phones and PC’s all pinging Google domains. Google controls something like 41% of the internet traffic. might be wrong but around there. So, u need a lot to knock her down.
It is smaller businesses too. WordPress-based (68%) publishing sites are getting hammerred and als form the Chinese. Nobody reporting that. I was joking b4 but on my publishing biz, Chinese Russian attacks at about 140,000 a second at peak. Just auto banning them.
If that was your computer or phone it’s like opening a 2mg Word document 140,000 times at the same time in one second. Your machine might not be happy!!!
If you want to help Yellow & Blues then use secure operating systems which Windows are Andriod are not. The opposite; they openly sell all your data. tons of it. The hackers get profile of you from Google and Facebook tracking, etc., and uses it counter anti-botnet tech cuse the bot seems real cause its you. mix in AI learning give it your last 10 years and it will be a digital you in a few days.
I have solved the immigration crisis, the racist diversity agenda, islamification of the UK, the plethora of antifa wokes and the green agenda crap last night.
All we have to do is go to war with Russia.
The dinghy mob will be off again at the first sign of having to fight against anyone who can fight back.
Other muslims will all of a sudden forget about their British passports and never fight against Syrians recuited by Russia, or anyone else that can shoot back.
Africans will all of a sudden forget about their British passports and suddenly become refugees like in Ukraine, along with the blm mob because, well, only black lives matter.
And we will have to get energy from anywhere we can, solar panels and windmills will be banned as to easy to be damaged by an enemy.
And I wonder how many blacks will think again about getting a job before anyone else when it comes to army recruitment knowing one will have to go to war.
And we can shoot antiwar protesting antifa and wokes on sight legally well, actually life imprsonment:
Since the Crime and Disorder Act 1998 became law, the maximum sentence for treason in the UK has been life imprisonment
“And we can shoot antiwar protesting antifa and wokes on sight legally well, actually life imprsonment:”
Just saw this bit. 360 no-scooping the treasonous traitors on Parliament Green!
The rest above is pretty much there too. Not sure the solar stuff but the division of races even further will be key. We do not ever want to accept a society were first is last, or with Blacks, last is first. Means everybody else has to slow down to wait for those that sd really of dropped out of the race by now.
But, the divisions are digital and financial – faster ur connection more wealthy country and person u are.
An aside: Nigerians are more successful than there Caribbean immigrants cousins. Much harder working. Seems I was wrong and the windrush were mostly less productive workers than Brits of that time which led to rent problems and signs appearing in windows.
Racism is mostly bad past experiences distilled into a general warning.
Well all it takes is a very small bomb to make solar panels inactive, even if the are made to point the wrong way, and same with windmills and they all have to sit out in the open easily spotted from miles away…
Not sure if it was you, but thought it was u who mentioned the portable solar panel for surviving the doomsday – about half size a cricket bat. I got one. Excellent. USB heater, fan, kettle. no gas or batteries just sun. loves it.
I am not a five star Army General but I think, if all goes to plan, we should be able to push forward to take Moscow come autumn / winter.
My plan is, we nationalise Millets for all their coats and tents and push Home Bargains and Poundstretcher into 24 hour production of their cheap de icers, Lem Sip and windscreen scapers, it should all be okey dokey.
As long as the War Office are not working from home or the council road gritters and DVLA are not on strike.
If we are going to take Russia we need to go now but I fear milletts may not deliver stuff for a couple of weeks … I need to make a list – suntan lotion – mozzie nets . Is there wi fi ?
We might need PPE as well – I know a bloke in turkey with a job lot … is out of sell by but it’s okay sez mustafa ..
Nut nut has upset the BBC and other remainer traitors by comparing the Ukraine to brexiters . This is so obvious it doesn’t need saying .
Russia and the EU are both monsters – corrupt -anti democratic – inept – gotta an anti British chip – they use power without thought – eg NI border and just wish us ill.
“ Hi pre teens and teens needed to cast as child soldiers for a series based on the final weeks of ww2 for all the details please message me under 18s must have a parents / guardians consent thanks.”
Some parents asking if those of white Caucasian parentage need apply.
If WW2 likely Jugend rather than South Sudan.
Though the casting director probably now spoiled for choice on the latter and the script does call for it.
Horror scenes in Belgium – at least four dead after car crashes into carnival crowd
A CAR has ploughed into a crowd of people in Belgium, leaving at least four dead.
Donald Tusk, the president of the European Council, faced parliamentary questions in Warsaw on June 17 over allegations that he failed to prevent VAT fraud while Polish prime minister from 2007 to 2014.
Marcin Horała, chairperson of the committee investigating VAT issues and a member of Poland’s ruling Law and Justice (PiS) party, said there was “at least a suspicion” that Mr Tusk “either did not sufficiently supervise the services reporting to him or did not take appropriate action that could protect the state budget from VAT fraud.”
Lucy PevenseyMar 9, 21:27 Weekend 8th March 2025 The plot thickens
FlotsamMar 9, 21:22 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Graham Greene wrote a brilliant novel, “The Comedians” (does anyone read books any more?). It was about a bunch of…
DeborahMar 9, 21:21 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Dr John Campbell on YouTube has reviewed some Covid vaccination research which may have indicated that the vaccine has compromised…
tomoMar 9, 21:16 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Oh yeah, that’s a good idea…
atlas_shruggedMar 9, 21:05 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Five Years On, the UK Refuses to Learn the Lessons of the Covid Catastrophe The US has changed direction…
Never, ever trust the media, here is another reason we can say an election was stolen:
What a surprise, old Hunter gets away with it again….
Hunter Biden scandal: CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC completely avoid New York Times report verifying laptop emails from 2020.
The report verified Hunter Biden’s emails after multiple outlets suggested they were ‘Russian disinformation’
CNN’s top executives, including then-president Jeff Zucker and political director David Chalian, were caught telling staff on a conference call they were spiking the Post’s reporting on Hunter Biden, according to leaked audiotapes published by Project Veritas.
In the days leading up to the 2020 election, personalities on CNN, MSNBC, CBS and NBC all downplayed the Hunter Biden scandal while ABC News completely ignored the story,
Ferrechio called out the double standard, going all-in on every Trump-Russia collusion report, mocking how the media “now” has “ethics” when it comes to reporting about the Biden family.
“The investigation, which began as a tax inquiry under the Obama administration, widened in 2018 to include possible criminal violations of tax laws, as well as foreign lobbying and money laundering rules, according to the people familiar with the inquiry,” the Times wrote on Wednesday. “But prosecutors face a number of hurdles to bringing criminal charges, the people familiar with the investigation said, including proving that Mr. Biden intentionally violated the Foreign Agents Registration Act, or FARA, which requires disclosure to the Justice Department of lobbying or public relations assistance on behalf of foreign clients.”
“Readers of the Times have discovered in March 2022 that Hunter Biden pursued business deals in Europe and Asia, and may have leveraged his father’s position as vice president to do it. Hunter also may not have properly registered with the government or declared all his income. All legitimate topics of discussion about a presidential candidate’s family, no?
Catchup links to most recent posts on previous thread
– page 5 started 4pm on Friday
– page 4 started 8pmThursday night
Yes indeed Zephir you can bet your bottom dollar that Hunter Biden would have used his father’s position to help his own-wide boys all of them including Jo Biden. I won’t use the word Crooks, but its obvious to all.
“Never, ever trust the media…..”. But for how long has this collusion/conspiracy to lead the distorted narrative been going on? Forever, in my humble view. I’d make the point that the advent of the Internet will, eventually seal the media fate. Not right now but not so long into the future. Inshalla. The stark contrast to the media version of issues compared with whats available on the i/net is staggering. Its the plethora of alternative news sources, more honest and less agenda driven, will eventually finish them off. That’s why Government’s around the World are seeking legal ways to silence news from the internet. I’ll bet they are all working on the Russian/Chinese techniques.
Good point, G, and I suspect also that there will be even more ‘underground’ or ‘dark’ internet connections, which are pretty well ungovernable.
I’d also bet – like you – that China and Russia are well on the case, but one good thing might come out of all this, in that we wouldn’t be flooded with stupid articles about the Beckhams, slebs of all ugly shapes colours and the tiresome Ginge and Minge!
And we could also be rid of Lineker and his kid idiot, Neville!
Now that its too late to do anything about the stolen election, the hard left papers NYT, WP, are admitting that the Laptop is real after all, and not a Russian disinfo.
Meanwhile Biden and the rest of the Dem mob, are still insisting that oil price hikes are due to Russia.
Its of course not. America refused to buy oil and gas from Russia creating a shortage. Ditto here in Europe.
Russia is not hurt. They gain from the rise in oil price. But we do get hurt in every way, from oil, to heating to food. Talk of cutting our noses to hurt our faces. Not theirs ofcourse.
Its as if the governments of the West have not hurt ordinary people enough. After this mortal danger brought about by NATO continuing to press into Russia, they will start the Climate Change panic – We have only 8 years before irreversible climate change will destroy the world. That will be blared out from all the ministries of Truth, night and day, with possible exception of Tucker Carlson, who is ofcourse the well known Emmanuel Goldstein Russki.
I wish people who believe in Climate Change, voluntarily pay up for it. They can well afford it. So let Bill Gates, Heinz heir Kerry, Prince Charles, Obama, Biden etc pay into the Climate Change fund.
Leave us out of it. But will they? No. They will burden all of it on us, while they fly their private jets to Davos.
Its this sort of French aristocrat behaviour by the elite that causes revolutions and the road to Madame G.
And breaking news US Marines involved in ‘incident’ in Norway during NATO exercise, rescue underway
Former Commons Speaker John Bercow put his own wife on furlough — despite having £400,000 in the bank
“He used the scheme to claim for his wife, Sally, who provides ‘administrative support’ to the company
He dipped into employment support scheme in each of the ten months for which the Government has published figures
Each claim was in category from £1 to £10,000; Mr Bercow insisted total figure claimed is ‘well under £10,000’.
Claim was made by couple’s company, Fedhead Ltd, through which he appears to funnel payments for public speaking.”
Why aren’t the remainers blaming the equivalent of the Soviet Brexit for the Ukrainian war ?
IE ; Ukraine leaving .
Ukraine leaving the Soviet Union and not join8ng the CIS ?
Why aren’t the remainers saying that a democratic vote to be independent has unleashed racism and xenophobia in the newly independent and now democratic states ?
Why aren’t the remainers saying that it would be better for democracy and independence NOT to have happened for countries like Ukraine?
We all know there would be a cost to Brexit , whether short or medium term . But we voted for the long term ,even those who wouldn’t see it out .
The Ukrainians thought there would be a cost to leave the USSR and be independent but prized independence above commercial concerns .
Now they’re showing they prize independence above everything.
We had an easier time leaving the EU , despite the remainers trying to stymie it ,than the Ukrainians had leaving then being outside the Russian dominated USSR then CIS .
Our problem is due to the fifth columnists who via the BBC give Ukrainian independence a good PR but Brexit independence is given bad PR .
There seems to be a hair brained idea about having Ukraine ‘fast track’ to join the EU and agree not to join NATO – making the assumption that putin won’t keep going and take the whole of Ukraine – which as a 5 star armchair general I think he will …
Why leave Ukraine half intact after all that effort – and he ll use Chinese kit to do it if necessary ..
Just perusing some sites and found some invaluable advice:
When you sign up for anything online, put the website’s name as your middle name. That way when you receive spam/advert email, you will know who sold your information.
If you are doing an essay or report and are short of the required word count, leave a space after each paragraph, change the text colour to white and type some gibberish
End a tiresome phone call by putting your phone on airplane mode it will say call failed so they will think the network dropped the call and not that they were dropped by you.
As my email address starts with a longish number, I always delight on seeing this on the spam emails, and can automatically reject them!
Trouble with aeroplane mode – as I found out to my cost – is that you won’t get texts asking for verification of entering a restricted account etc!
I spent ages with my bank trying to log on and they eventually had to give up, but it was in fact my fault, as I’d touched the switch by mistake!
Also, I cocked up all sorts of things when the other night, I tried to turn on LBC, and touched the emergency button, as I didn’t have my glasses on!
Nearly started WW3! (or WW4 if you believe the lefties)!
I tend to just ‘hover’ the cursor over the sender’s name, which reveals the email address, and its generally an unknown or gobbledegook.
Douglas Murray writes in the Telegraph today that he still believes that despite recent polls in the USA , the people of western countries would fight patriotic wars like the Ukrainians are doing.
I can only speak for myself but my attitude towards fighting for the Britain of today , assuming that I was fifty years younger , would be one asking why I should risk my life for a country with values and a culture which I no longer recognise.
The liberal internationalists have for decades undermined those things which made our country worth fighting for . The pace of this undermining has increased with the advent of Wokism and arrival of millions of aliens. I’m certainly not fighting for migrants who actually hate us and our country. We have been marginalised in our own country and I would not fight to preserve the mess that the liberals have made.
If the invader said they would restore the Britain of my youth , I would fight with them rather than against them. The last three decades have been an unmitigated disaster for Britain.
I am all for bbc syle diversity if we are attacked, I fully expect the army to consist of asians, blacks and women with white boys excluded.
And non black asians excluded as per bbc.
What is missed out is the toxic propaganda governments use to encourage boys who think nothing can go wrong to put on uniform .
It was used to great effect in the Great War – obviously less savvy times – to go fight for Europe and die in great numbers .
And dying in numbers drives even more to go and die.
I think there is a difference between a direct threat to family and country ( see Ukraine ) and some nonsense war such as Afgee – Iraq -done just as part of ‘a game of interests ‘ such as being blackmailed to join in by the yanks to give them legitimacy ….( see also Vietnam where Wilson refused ) …
When it comes to Blighty – would anyone be bothered to threaten it directly for itself ? No . It might be useful as a staging post to attack the US East coast but otherwise – it has no value …
We are more likely to either have a race driven civil war or become involved in someone else’s war through NATO again …
One thing that has come out of Ukraine – having nuclear weapons is a must have for any State which wants to avoid a conventional invasion – so I reckon a lot more countries – including Iran – will be trying out their nice shiny new nuclear bombs in the near future –
unless we are on the receiving end of a real one in coming days or weeks ….
Strange isn’t it ?- covid hasn’t really changed the world – but Ukraine has ….
Ukraine used to have nukes until Clinton etc made them give them up on the understanding US and UK would step in to protect them if attacked
I agree on the defence of family but no longer on country. My country has been taken from me , my culture ridiculed, I no longer have a homeland. The institutions which run it regard people like me with contempt, which is fully reciprocated. I wouldn’t lift a finger to save them.
Sadly I concur with your thoughts and words Doublethinker, as an oldie I recall the pleaseant country I grew up in-my brother and I could roam around London where we lived in the late 1940’s-1962, safe in knowing we would not be harrassed or assaulted-the Bus Conductors or clippies as we called them, would ensure there were no yobish behaviour on their buses, people in the local shops were always chatty and polite even to us kids, a few pence bought you some sweet or other, a bag full of broken biscuits cost 2-3pence old money-I won’t mention the price of petrol, but I could fill up Morry Minor when 18 for a quid ! The cost of living was balanced against the lowest common denominator, which kept prices low. What would it cost you now for bread and cheese? In my day it was a staple part of the diet, cheap. Now even my two sons who fought in the Military have very much the same view as you Doublethinker. I’m glad my parents are not around to see the mess our governance has and is making of this once great and decent land.
We never realized till much later that we had grown up in a golden age. After the war society took up where it had left off, so the 30s and 40s are all of a piece, although interrupted. Children were probably safer then than they had ever been or have ever been since. Murder and crime rates were at rock bottom. Alas! Alas!
I tend to get a bit ‘twitchy’ when I watch BAME politicians, BAME slebs, BAME people in the streets, saying on camera “my country has always had the best record of taking in refugees and peoples wanting sanctuary”.
I think “excuse me ?” of course they’ll say that because they’re either 2nd or 3rd generation that have wangled their way in here. Now we’re subjected to being ruled by BAMEs, and buying products from huge corporations and companies who are owned by BAMEs. None of whom have any history here before 1950 and that’s what aggrieves me the most.
That’s an interesting point Brissles.
We live in a rural part of Kent, where we hardly ever see bames etc., (benefits scroungers and layabouts yes), but as for the normal British citizen, we have 99% of our villages populated as they probably were 100 years ago.
The local councils seem to like taking on bames to fill their quota, too! Ferchrissakes, the ‘Tourism Officer’ for Tunbridge Wells used to be from Canada, and knew absolutely nothing about Kentish culture! She didn’t have a clue about the leisure business or the way it works!
So (smugly, he said), I don’t give much of a hoot as far as the way we’re continually failed by politicians, local and national, they don’t really get on my radar any more, I just assume they’re rubbish mainly, and I do what I want to do!
Seems to work!
Completely agree Brissels.
What makes it worse is that we were never asked or consulted about whether or not we wanted millions of BAMEs in our country. We all know that Blair kept his plan to import millions of them secret because he knew we wouldn’t accept it. So much for democracy!
A country in the political and historical sense gradually evolves with passing generations , each building on what their ancestors did. If you suddenly change the people so that the continuity of generations is broken ,a discontinuity occurs, and you have a different country.
We are living through one of those great discontinuities. The Britain of 1950 will be definitely another country from Britain 2050 not because of the five fold hand over from one generation to another but because mass immigration has drastically changed the ancestry of the people. In my view it is highly unlikely to be a better place.
The BBC likes the plod story about a coloured school girl being strip searched in a school for drugs …
.. it even got that Diane abbot on to wail about something or other – I’m lucky as I’ve developed a kind of white noise thing where I just tune out .
The girl in question wants to remain ‘anonymous’ but I bet that won’t stop her getting a life changing cheque from the taxpayer as settlement to buy more drugs and a beemer for ‘mum’.
One thing that does strike me – is that the main online goes into great detail about the incident – but does not describe the colour of the idiot plod involved – .. I wonder if they are coloured ?
Would that put a different complexion on this ? Let these folk smoke / take their drugs – if they are harmed – so what ?
But on the streets of east londonistan I notice more green / grey white druggies than in recent times as well as more are more 24 hour wackie bakky smoke ….
Also the reporting states “police officers” – which always puts in the mind that they are male, making it sound barbaric, when in fact it was women police officers that did the search.
You mention that you think nobody would be much interested in invading us.
I reckon with all the shale gas, coal and oil we have it’s a tempting target for an invader who will use these assets as opposed to our useless green crap loving money grabbing politicians.
We’re energy rich but Carrie won’t allow us to use it.
“When it comes to Blighty – would anyone be bothered to threaten it directly for itself ? No”
But if, for example, Russia wished to make an example of one detested country, a constant thorn in its side?
One benefit of obliteration would be the merging of the English Channel with the Irish Sea. That’ll sure defeat the rubber boat invaders! Imagine their dismay to arrive where the UK used to be only to find a load of bubbles rising………….
That would be the diminishing / dying hot air from MP’s.
Wholeheartedly agree. I propose taking my own approach a stage further by not voting in National elections again. Good for my mental health. Thought long and hard about this but had to recognise that there’s no point. For the past 30/40 years everything I voted against has come to pass one way or another (excluding BREXIT) and I can no longer, with conscience, make a vote knowing what will ensue will be contrary to what me and many millions of others, really want. If I were to vote it would be tantamount to voting for my own demise.
I might compromise and spoil the ballot.
Whoever would have thought that, selling the policies on the back of seriously reducing immigration would result, this year, in an estimated 0.5 million more coming in…………..
Voting is a joke.
In Tunbridge Wells, you could vote for anyone, but still get a Tory.
He’s alright, I suppose, I’ve met him a couple of times, but he’s no better than the average parish councillor.
The freebie rag T.W sends out is just painful even to open with the absolute bollocks plastered all over it!
Makes a good firelighter!
Same but opposite in Wales. They vote Labour by default. Even those who seemingly are objective: ‘My father and grandfather always voted Labour…”
The Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances comprises three identical political agreements signed at the OSCE conference in Budapest, Hungary on 5 December 1994 to provide security assurances by its signatories relating to the accession of Belarus, Kazakhstan and Ukraine to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT). The memorandum was originally signed by three nuclear powers: the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom and the United States. China and France gave somewhat weaker individual assurances in separate documents.
The memorandum prohibited the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom and the United States from threatening or using military force or economic coercion against Ukraine, Belarus, and Kazakhstan. As a result of other agreements and the memorandum, between 1993 and 1996, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Ukraine gave up their nuclear weapons.
On 15 December 1993, U.S. Vice President Al Gore visited Moscow for a meeting. Following side discussions, a U.S and Russian delegation, including U.S. Deputy Secretary of Defense William J. Perry, flew to Ukraine to agree to the outlines of a trilateral agreement including U.S. assistance in dismantling the nuclear systems in Ukraine and compensation for the uranium in nuclear warheads. Participants were invited to Washington on 3–4 January to finalise the agreement. A Trilateral Statement with a detailed annex was agreed, based on the previously agreed terms but with detailed financial arrangements and a firm commitment to an early start to the transfer of at least 200 warheads to Russia and the production in Russia of nuclear reactor fuel for Ukraine. Warheads would be removed from all RT-23s (SS-24) within 10 months. However Ukraine did not want a commitment to transfer all warheads by 1 June 1996 to be made public for domestic political reasons, and Russia did not want the financial compensation for uranium made public concerned that Belarus and Kazakhstan would also demand this. It was decided to exclude these two matters from the published agreement, but cover them in private letters between the countries’ presidents. One key point was that the English language draws a distinction between “guarantee” and “assurance”, not present in Ukrainian or Russian, and it was agreed that the lesser sense of the English word “assurance” would apply for all three language versions of the statement.[9]
U.S. President Clinton, Russian President Yeltsin, and Ukrainian President Kravchuk after signing the Trilateral Statement in Moscow on 14 January 1994
President Clinton made a courtesy stop at Kyiv on his way to Moscow for the Trilateral Statement signing, only to discover Ukraine was having second thoughts about signing. Clinton told Kravchuk not signing would risk major damage to U.S.-Ukraine relations. After some minor rewording, the Trilateral Statement was signed by the three presidents in Moscow in front of the media on 14 January 1994
All fine and good. However the US launched a coup against the democratically elected President of Ukraine in February 2014, which caused him to flee the country. The CIA backed coup led to the installation of the corrupt Poroshenko Government which the CIA, the Bidens and other corrupt US politicians used to embezzle billions of dollars. The Minsk agreements were set up to broker a peace between the breakaway regions in the Donbas that did not want to accept the new regime, which is directly controlled from Washington. However they were never honored by the Ukrainian Government. Instead it sent Neo-Nazi groups like the Azov battalion to bombard and murder Russian civilians in Luhansk and Donetsk. They have killed at least 16,000 civilians over the last 8 years. This war did not begin in 2022. It was deliberatly provoked by the US and its satellites, which is why you are seeing this hysteria now. No one is calling for peace.
Meanwhile the US and the UK continue to supply the Saudis with armaments and logistics as they continue their merciless attacks on innocent civilians in Yemen. Funny how we forget about these crimes, like Iraq and the endless list of atrocities committed by the UK and US Governments over the last 20 years. Blair has far more blood on his hands than Putin by orders of magnitude.
8am news : Clip of St Gordon Brown said their should be Putin Nuremberg trials
– Prince William and Kate are taking team on their Caribbean tour that includes winner of their Climate prize.
But But their visit to a Cacao farm in Belize tomorrow has been cancelled, cos the villagers are protesting against his CONSERVATION charity.
The Mayan indigenous village called Indian Creek is in dispute with Flora and Fauna International (FFI), a conservation group which lists Prince William as a patron. FFI has property near the village’s communal land, which has caused tensions over ownership rights, according to local residents who spoke with Reuters.
Brilliant – green crap v coloured folk v royals v imperialist NGOs …
As for Gordon brown and his best pal Major – I suppose they’ll be doing those Sunday politics shows – meanwhile Cameron is driving a van of organic fair trade avocados to Ukraine ….( hope the van is not diesel )
There is a separate protest
“Меаnwhіlе, thе Unіtеd Вlасk Аѕѕосіаtіоn fоr Dеvеlорmеnt Еduсаtіоnаl Fоundаtіоn (UЕF) hаѕ ѕеnt а rеlеаѕе соndеmnіng thе “Вrіtіѕh Соlоnіzеrѕ Vіѕіt” аѕ “аn аtrосіtу tо оur [Аfrісаn] Аnсеѕtоrѕ, аnd [Аfrісаn] реорlе lіvіng іn Веlіzе”
From the comments this seems to be a fringe group that is using the event as PR for their “reparations” campaign.
back to the Mayas
thе МLА ѕаіd. “Тhеѕе еffоrtѕ аrе аіmеd аt ѕеvеrіng Q’еqсhі lіvеlіhооd rеlаtіоnѕ wіth thеіr trаdіtіоnаl lаndѕ – а раrt оf а glоbаl рrоblеm tо rіd іndіgеnоuѕ реорlеѕ frоm thеіr аnсеѕtrаl lаndѕ, оftеn рrоmоtеd undеr thе guіѕе оf соnѕеrvаtіоn аnd рrіѕtіnе fоrеѕtѕ!”
Тhе МLА rеgаrdѕ thе dесіѕіоn аѕ јuѕt оnе раrt іn а lаrgеr саmраіgn tо іntіmіdаtе аnd hаrаѕѕ Іndіаn Сrееk vіllаgеrѕ, whо hаvе аlrеаdу hаd thеіr rіghtѕ tо thе lаnd іtѕ rеѕоurсеѕ аffіrmеd bу thе Саrіbbеаn Соurt оf Јuѕtісе’ѕ Соnѕеnt Оrdеr аnd јudgmеnt.
Stew, and if we are to believe the reports that it was ‘locals’ that organised for the royal helicopter to land on the Cacao farm, then there clearly was an almighty cock up with the Royals reccy team not nailing this down when doing the organizing months beforehand.
If I was in a neighbouring state to putin I’d be buying my nuclear weapons right now – you can do a click and collect at Argos …
I would suggest a bunch of made in China external memory drives.
They blow up pretty well along with all your photos and music.
bBC quote news
“We contacted the main operator of the business and demanded the suspension of Burger King restaurant operations in Russia… He has refused to do so.”
Burger King Russia partner ‘refuses’ to shut shops
As ever, with all versions of the Q.
It has comments enabled, but if Wendy and his unit are any guide, open only to those who conform… or else.
Interesting to see the views of a Russian Family on the western brands closing. At the end he says he can do without McDonalds and Coke because they are full of chemicals and are poison. It is a little long but I think worth seeing a different view.
Speaking from the pulpit edition
Lambeth Palace PR department reminds us the Church still exists this morning: ‘Archbishop condemns ferry group‘ (FT) – well, it’s in the news: ‘P&O Ferries could face criminal investigation‘ (Telegraph) – apparently, in the opinion of Justin Welby – and to borrow from Father Ted – employment law would now be an ecumenical matter.
The unilateral sacking of staff and their summary replacement with cheaper alternatives is an unpleasant business – one trusts the Archbishop never indulged in such sharp practice in his previous incarnation as an oil industry executive. Perhaps he did, prior to some Damascene conversion?
The point is that elite opinion has joined the likes of the Labour-supporting Daily Mirror in condemnation of this all too blatant act of outsourcing: ‘P&Low Pay. Anger as cheap workers start on P&O ships day after 800 staff sacked. P&O Ferries has been accused of operating “modern slave ships”, replacing 800 crew it fired with £2.60-an-hour agency staff‘
Isn’t this simply nothing more than a well-publicised microcosm of the Blair/Cameron, New Labour/New Tory replacement of native British workers with more cheaply paid imported foreign labour?
Run this scam as an open borders, free movement of labour, policy and it’s all hunky dory. When we get to see it close up and personal – then they start to wince.
‘Poppins in your pocket. Hire a Norland nanny …by the hour‘ (Telegraph)
‘If the gig economy won’t look after its workers, this government must‘ (Damian Collins is the Conservative MP for Folkestone and Hythe, writing in – of all places – the Guardian, February 2022)
Such is life. So it goes in warfare: ‘Masha is 15, her body is broken and Russians say she’s a fake‘ (Daily Telegraph) – sadly, propaganda is now very much the new fog of war. Frankly, we nowadays don’t know what to believe any more. What with having had a belly-full of Blair and his WMD and a rich diet of the likes of Jeremy Bowen and his Pallywood anti-Israel collaborations.
‘Cameron drives lorry-load of aid to Poland‘ (Telegraph)
‘Palace planning “practical support” to ease suffering in Ukraine. Royals: We’ll help refugees‘ (Daily Express)
Just as well our young royals are looking for new friends – the old Commonwealth now hates them: ‘William and Kate in tour storm. They’re forced to scrap first visit on Carribean trip after villagers stage protest about “colonialism”‘ (Daily Mail)
Do we think he is Hilter? ‘War in Ukraine: Gordon Brown backs Nuremberg-style trial for Putin‘ (BBC)
Or do we see him as: ‘“Stalin” Putin peddles his lies at war rally. Evil despot: Putin milks applause as his senseless war destroys lives‘ (Express); ‘Putin and his sick war rally. Thug Putin at concert yesterday in Moscow‘ (Mirror) – no holding back there, looks as though there’s no mood to negotiate with this chap and maybe broker a ceasefire?
Stalin, remember, got away with his crimes.
Almost double figures.
Awesome stats.
What in the living smeg is BBC N. America up to?
Grayson Perry in that red dress ?
Sometimes making men objects is OK…..

Well, well, well, the laptop from hell was real all along – fancy that! – and all the msm (including the BBC) were liars who called it Russian disinformation or just ignored the story in order to get Biden into the White House.
Hopefully now they’ll start properly investigating all the incriminating evidence against that criminal Biden and charge him.
That would lead the to the corrupt Ukrainian Government so expect it to be buried.
Twitter was on fire last night after BBC2 Inside Culture spent the licence payers money on a Climate Change Arts special.
Actually NOT
on the #insideCulture hashtag & @ShahidhaBari there were none positive, just one tweet from a guy saying #DefundTheBBC
As if level of interest was absolutely tiny.
TOADY Watch #1 – thanks for the ‘heads up’ (as Americans would say – with the exception of President ‘up heads’ Biden) ladies
Ladies Doubles at TOADY with the Bee Lady and Mistress Mishal in charge. Just think, Wimbledon Championships only three months away. “Oh, I say!” And thank you for the warning about Gordon Brown’s appearance on the programme this morning – I have activated the power switch accordingly.
Various posters on here have shed light on the process of ‘gaslighting’, not least our Stew. It falls to me to provide information about ‘limelighting’. This is where ‘hasbeens’, usually from the political world, have to muscle their way back into the public consciousness with some call or claim or deed (David Cameron on the front page of the Dreary Torygraph this morning – with or without the aid of a publicist.
Gordon Brown was doing it during 2021 with his “Vaccinate the world against Covid-19. We are not safe until we are all safe.” despite plentiful evidence to the contrary, especially since then. Now he is back, trying to get Vlad the Bad Putin prosecuted for war crimes. Sadly, a former Conservative Prime Minister is happy to prostitute himself and go along with Gordy or Tony even, just to remind people he is still alive. Major shame on you, John.
TOADY Watch #2 – well, what do expect with your sort of policies from your Party?
Karl Turner MP was hyperventilatin’ (a pretty little touch there) over P & O’s sackin’ of its UK workforce yesterday on the TOADY Programme this morning. I can understand his fury and sympathise, especially with the P & O former employees, but it is an inevitable consequence – during the tail end of a Pandemic with its associated ‘paybacks’ – of unlimited, unrestricted as well, in addition, illegal immigration.
You need to get the Labour Party to substantially change its policy on immigration, especially the illegal immigration and modern slavery Mr Turner. Until you do, episodes like the P & O one – especially in a time of inflation and hardship – will increasingly happen. As for illegal immigration and modern slavery, I will remind you of the Chinese Cockle Pickers, Mr Turner. Tell me, which political Party was in Government in the UK then?
Right from the start insiders knew the P & O workers were NOT on British contracts
but are rather international workers on Cypriot flagged ships.
Yet the media guys made out they are just normal British workers.
Maybe p & o could have just scooped up dinghy boys and put them straight to work …
Perhaps that might have concentrated minds on border control
R4 presenter just now “oh my friend had a daughter with Viv Richards”
I checked yes when he was already married he had an affair with this Indian actress.. and left her to take care of the child just sometimes sending a birthday card, sometimes not.
Mar 17 Gary Neville spoke to Beth Rigby
“He needs to leave because he is a danger to our country.”
Ex-footballer @GNev2 calls on Boris Johnson to leave his position “the second after” the war in Ukraine is over, adding that he’s got “zero creditability in Europe and around the world”.
`18 March Tory MP James Cleverly replied
Funny how the Labour Party regards those who might support it . Do they really think voters will have any regard to the non footy views of a wealthy ex footballer ?
Reminds me a bit of that thing blair did with importing luvvies into number 10 . Dumb .
Gary should leave politics to Lord Rashford of the reserve bench …
As a normal citizen, I don’t even know who gary neville is, but if such an idiotic display of stuff, squirts out of an over-paid and under-talented fooboller thinks he’s going to impress anyone, then bring it on!
I suppose the mental lightweights might think he’s intelligent though, but that’s fooboll for you.
But Gary was hopeless at football management . He lasted only a few months at Valencia before being sacked.
I thought you needed some sort of skills for that!
Knocking a ball around isn’t exactly the same as proving some sort of leadership, but as above, that’s fooboll for you!
Is there a degree in incoherence required to ‘manage’ a fooboll team?
If he said “at this moment in time” once, he said it at least half a dozen times in a 5 minute span. Then the camera caught Beff more focused on her iPad than listening to him.
Are schools teaching that the BBC is FACT and that other sources are Fake news ?
This thread claims so
It would be good if he had a video to prove what is said in schools
Grimoldby Primary School ..Mar 17
A good mind is an OPEN MIND.
We don’t have to rush into certainty like media land people.
Often the explanation turns out to be something we haven’t even though of.
Or teaching how to think rather than what to think is a good start
CBBC Channel, Tuesday 8 June 2021
In a segment about vaccine approval for 12 to 15 year olds, a contributor claimed that the Pfizer vaccine is “100% safe”. This has been removed from the online article and video:
The ghastly Katty Kay from the Biden Broadcasting Corporation is trying to reframe Biden’s catastrophic failings as a ‘plus’.
The bumbling Imbecile has taken us to the brink of WW3, but our Katty continues to kiss his backside.
“War in Ukraine: America is learning the art of humility”
I’ve taken the liberty of correcting her opening para.
“War in Ukraine: America is learning the art of humility (weakness).
“The country that began this century by invading not one but two countries, has become more modest (weak) in the face of the nightmare that is Ukraine. Forget shock and awe, this is the era of caution (weakness) and apprehension (weakness). That’s what having no good options will do for you (make you weak).”
Local news “Labour MP Karl Turner says”
.. every hour for 20 hours now.
#2 “A DISGRACE” that is how local lawyer is describing the government’s visa scheme for Ukrainian.”
“This couple want to house 5”
clip of lawyer “What possible reason can there be for not letting these women straight in ?”
FFS I know and that lawyer must too
For years there have been special restrictions for the safety of East European women particularly Russian/Ukrainians because prostitution gangs try to con the women.
EU freedom for pimping and sex trafficing for our charming Albanian / Romanian gangsters no doubt supported by Labour MP Turner and his pet lawyer, , sorry meant freedom of movement (and pickpocketing), slip of the keyboard there.
Just overheard a girl of about 16 talking to her dog. Previously, I had thought it a strange name given to the dog – “Saleigha”. But there, folk are strange. A penny has just dropped !! It was said to the dog, “don’t be naughtea”. It appears, ‘Saleigha’ is really meant to be, ‘Sally’ and ‘naughty’ being, ‘naughtea’. How does anyone account for these distortions? Plain weird.
That is indeed a ghastly affliction, as bad as the upward inflection at the end of sentences perpetuated by the ignorant and lazy of speech.
I just had a longish journey to the charming Bury St Edmunds with Classic FM playing.
I thought TV adverts were racist enough but, every, and I mean every advert on the radio featuring a male voice was a black afro carribean voice.
I heard somewhere a while ago that a white guy who does this does not get any more work,
Bloody disgusting and racist, given the job cos you is black innit, 10 % of the population at most.
But surely if not starting wars is a key criterion for judging the worth of a President , Donald Trump must rank very highly because he didn’t start one , unlike most of his predecessors.
Now that is damned well true, Debs!
Putin wasn’t ever up to challenging The Donald, because the real US man was ready to go for the throat if the russkies ever tried it on the US!
Look at the awful failures they have there now, Biden, Kamala and Pelosi!
God save the world…
The Classic FM Hall of Fame will be on over Easter and I bet that Samuel Coleridge Taylor , a black man who composed 1890/1910 era, will do much better than last year when his best entry was 293 out of 300.
His music has been plugged relentlessly by the station over the past 12 months with something of his being played almost everyday. Now he might be a truly great composer , I don’t know enough about music to tell, who was neglected because he was black and deserves to be higher in the Hall of Fame. On the other hand his music might be being pushed because he was black. We all know that colour trumps ability in 21 st century Britain. Any way I think he will get far higher than 293 this year.
Mrs Voter listens to Classic fm, whilst I have to put up with it. I do however agree with you, SCT will do even better if any of the Kanne Masons are playing the piece.
Did you notice anything strange about the Lloyds Bank ?
“White Actors Will No Longer Perform Nonwhite Characters On ‘Family Guy’ And ‘The Simpsons’
But we can have a black Ann Boleyn though thats fine
The same is now happening to young white models from children to young twenties – so I’m told by a grandmother friend. Work has all but stopped because ad agencies are so intent on being diverse that the pendulum has swung too far in the opposite direction.
Are you suggesting that Ann Boleyn wasn’t black?
Iss cos of Brexit innit…or…..maybe another reason for lack of lorry drivers ?
REVEALED: WFH DVLA staff who went on strike over Covid ‘health and safety’ fears and refused to return to the office vowed to ‘cripple’ the service while UK desperately needed lorry drivers to ease supply chain crisis
DVLA staff have gone on strike for 58 days of past year over ‘Covid safety fears’
Investigation found staff vowed to ‘cripple’ service with ‘maximum disruption’
It was found almost 1,000 DVLA staff were on ‘special paid leave’ in August 2020
In nine of past 24 months, more than 500 staff at a time have not been working
Fire them all, along with the management and hire people who want to work. This is not difficult to work out.
Get the P&O bosses in.
So that’s why the bastards have still not sent me a new driving licence despite informing them of my new address eight months ago. Sack all of them, clearly not fit for purpose.
Liverpool to Dublin route
They just tweeted they’ve restarted
AFAIK they have quite a lot of crew who are on Irish passports
that were never sacked.
The Norbnank left Liverpool at 10
and is 15 miles off Dublin
It’s in the harbour now, just backing into the berth
Dutch flagged, She has Dutch/SE Asian crew
SG this is a useful new service on this site.
Thinking of popping off to London tomorrow how is the Hammersnith and City line looking ? 🙂
Wife is on her way back from Watford via the M25 any idea how the clockwise carriageway is looking around Junction 22 ?
P & O ferries always sailed their ferries into Hull from Rotterdam and Zeebrugge staggered, ie The British staffed vessel from Rotterdam, always sailed with the Dutch crewed ship from Zeebrugge, this was to stop the Union striking and keeping both British staffed ships in Hull.
When I worked on the Docks in Hull, the East Riding and Northern Lincs inspecting vessels, The British staffed ships weren’t totally British, Officers and Senior staff were Brits but a lot of the crew were Portuguese. The same applied to the Dutch flagged vessels, Officers and Senior staff Dutch, the rest Filipinos.
So the narrative that P & O has been using ALL BRITISH crew and that they have all been fired to bring in 100% Filipinos doesn’t stand up.
Zephir The reason I checked the tracking is that just cos P&O tweeted that the service had been restarted ..that doesn’t means the unions hadn’t blocked it.
As it happens now the ship was in Dublin and now it’s sailing back to Liverpool to arrive at 5:30am
Irish Ferries corp are still operating normally on a similar route..and they have had foreign crews for 17 years
“FRI, 25 NOV, 2005
Irish Ferries has mounted a vigorous defence of its controversial move to replace staff on its Irish Sea routes with cheaper labour from Latvia.”
Is there a Filipino Job Agency somewhere then ?
Yes, it is called the NHS.
A small extract from the DT about Dementia – nothing to do with the BBC – but the consequences of the NHS abandoning all care apart from for itself –
This refers to failures to assess people suffering from Dementia
The figures, from 28 NHS organisations, show 13,800 patients on waiting lists for memory clinics, which diagnose conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease.
They include 5,722 patients who have spent at least three months waiting for a diagnosis, after being referred by their GP. Among them are 2,545 patients who have faced a wait of at least six months.
Toxic belief: Where does climate crisis denial come from?
By Samuel Webb, Independent.
Mr Webb has activist form….
In my case Mr Webb it comes for living on this planet for 3 score years and 10 and recognising that there is absolutely no difference in the climate or its effects over that time. If anything slightly cleaner air conditions. If you want to close down civilisation in the name of some climate cult dogma, go ahead and try but please leave those of us with “toxic beliefs” who can see through your crap alone thanks and stop trying to tun us into some sort of evil monsters.
Those “toxic beliefs” as you so haughtilly describe them are in reality called common sense and experience. I could just as easily describe your own beliefs as “demented bandwagoning delusions”.
I carefully searched for tweets about that article, by title and by URL
One tweet got 39 Likes
the other 25 got 14 Likes between them.
Climate Emergency people are a fringe cult.
For Mr. Qasim Rashid Islam is the cure, not the problem … “How the teachings of Islam could help us prevent more sexual abuse scandals” {independent 15oct2017}
“This is where Islamic teachings and Prophet Muhammad’s example provide a solution that no state truly can. And while there are people who don’t believe that sexual abuse is even a problem, some on the left will disagree that accountability to a higher power is a solution. ”
“Yes, Islam implores accountability to the creator, but rather than preach empty dogmatic theories, Islam instead prescribes a proven secular model.”
“The Quran further obliges men to provide for a woman’s every financial need, while holding that anything a woman earns is hers alone – preempting financial abuse. And when it comes to the Islamic concept of Hijab, it is men who are first commanded to never gawk at women, and instead guard their private parts and chastity, regardless of how women choose to dress – pre-empting sexual abuse.”
“Together, we can employ a proven Islamic model that will stop this madness, and re-invoke gender equity today in America, and the world.”
“Getting on with the Job”
3 Hide in Bately..
1400+ raped kids (still happening).
BBC spewing.
80 Seat majority 0 Conservative policies.
Net Zero which is why we are now Net Zero energy.
NHS Diversity Managers on £80K.
MPS with 2.2K pay rise.
More Government.
Getting the Job Done … selling the UK to China.
Dover Invasion , still ongoing while the The Border Farce is still a ‘farce’ along with The Home Office.
Brits pay for illegals to be housed in 4 Star Hotels but are expected to put up genuine asylum seekers in their own homes.
Unless Bo Jo does something about the high energy costs and green levy we are heading for a sever recession!
We have a totally useless government that still allows the BBC to flourish !
You should have voted UKIP.
Or the Reform Party

The Sunday Times Magazine has since reported that the Skripals have moved to New Zealand. According to a senior government source, Sergei and his daughter have been given new identities and various other protections to help them start over.22 Dec 2021
Boris/Priti “Getting the Job DonE”
In 2018, investigations by the Sunday Mirror alleged that the extent of the Telford grooming gang was far more vast than had previously been believed, with claims of up to 1,000 girls, most of them white, having been victims of trafficking, drugging, beating, rape and even murder.
Leader of Telford sex gang that targeted 100 girls as young as 13 by raping them and forcing them into prostitution is released from jail after serving just eight years of 26-year sentence
Ahdel Ali, 32, and brother Mubarak lead gang of seven men in Shropshire town
The town was a hub of abuse which saw up to 1,000 girls abused
Between 2006 and 2009, the Ali brothers’ gang targeted schoolgirls
Controlled them as child prostitutes by giving them alcohol, food and money
In 2018, one of the victims of abusers in Telford spoke anonymously on Good Morning Britain to Piers Morgan and Susanna Reid about their ordeal.
Telford has the third highest number of child sexual offences recorded in the UK, just behind Blackpool and Rotherham, according to the Home Office.
Covid-19 is on the increase in the UK it is said. Most of all, going by the BBC’s own infections map, it is growing in Scotland. Parts of Scotland have the highest infection rate in the UK. Funny but I don’t think I have heard Nicola Sturgeon being held to account on the TOADY Programme, TWatO or anything similar. No mention on the web-site. Should not the BBC be asking Nicola Sturgeon if she will institute a complete Lockdown across Scotland? Why is the Labour Party not calling for this? After all, if it was England or Wales or even just Manchester, Labour would be calling for tougher measures and the BBC would be providing air time for Labour to do it.
I had the ‘tom-tits’ yesterday evening; does that count in the national statistics?
I demand a recount!
Scrobie, are you in Rother, that is the Local Authority area ie. not rhyming slang for ‘bother’? Then you may have Covid-19, because Rother is one of the south-east England ‘hotspots’. That’s along with mid-Sussex, Worthing, Reigate & Banstead and Mole Valley. [ See map: ]
BBC evening news
read by Victoria Derbyshire, sports lady,
Local : the male understudy, weather by a giant wig on a black lady
National weather that Polish guy : Tomasz Schafernaker (born 1979, in Gdansk, Poland)
According to the print version of the BBC known as the Guardian, “Joe Biden spoke for nearly two hours with Xi Jinping as the US sought to dissuade China from backing Russia’s war on Ukraine.”
Ok, stop right there, Mr Guardian writer: Biden spoke for TWO HOURS??
a) The Imbecile doesn’t have the energy to stay awake for 2 hours, and b) he doesn’t have the mental acuity to talk for 2 MINUTES without saying something stupid.
No way would his handlers allow him to talk without his notes for any length of time. One wrong word could trigger an invasion of Taiwan or cause WW3. His insane remarks about a ‘minor incursion causing confusion among the allies’, and ‘on no account would NATO troops enter Ukraine’ gave Putin the green light to invade. No way would his handlers risk that again.
He will have been instructed to read the damn notes, stoopid, and on no account to go off script.
In fact the BBC PR footage of the meeting showed him just grinning gormlessly and shuffling his notes around.
Oh, and by the way, his video-call achieved absolutely nothing except a photo-op for the moron, and Xi Jinping told him to go Brandon himself.
The New York Times, as pro Democrat biased as it possible to be , and fanatically anti Trump, is reporting that all the 2020 allegations about Hunter Biden’s lap top , which it suppressed at the time, are in fact true. So perhaps certain sections of the US MSM are turning against Biden . Surely they can’t want Harris in his place and Pelosi would be even worse.They must have a scheme up their sleeve but what the hell is it?
I guess Fox probably have everything they need, DT.
Just a few months to the mid-terms, and the timing is just perfect! Keep the three idiots, Biden, Kamala and Pelosi, up there and one by one, the facts will emerge as to how inept – illegal maybe – they were a couple of years ago!
Popcorn in the freezer for November!
There are those that say be kind when it comes to the lying, corrupt Biden, no bloody way after what the same people did for four years to another.
As for the other two, lying, incompetent in the extreme and just as corrupt.
I even heard some leftist twat, after another bumbling speech by Biden, appear outraged at any criticism saying HE HAS A STUTTER LEAVE HIM ALONE, the same twat that likely laughed and cheered as they poured abuse on Trump, Mogg, Boris, at the Brand battery acid comments and pouring milkshake all over an oponent and at the screaming harridan shouting NAZI and attacking a Trump supporter in London as they threw drinks all over him.
etc etc
No she’s got a mountain to climb.
A potted history of the Trilateral Commission – Starmer’s a member.
Similar aims to the WEF.
WEF ? isn’t that the wrestling ? Putin would make mincemeat of the lot of them
Unless they get Big Daddy, Giant Haystacks and Kendo Nagasaki in there quick.
I’d pay to watch that, with “Bulldog” Starmer and “Daddie Cool” Corbyn getting hammered by old ladies with their umbrellas for cheating in a tag team with “Novichok” Putin.
It used to mean With Effect From. Who the hell knows?
without being too a-hole-ish: as you know it’s about power.
At the moment the old firm still just about maintain the upper hand but as yo can see, they too are eating themselves out of desperation to draw attention away from the fact that politics has been assimilated by the interne,t and like news, the music business, movies bz, shopping, all of it is part of the internet without being bigger.
I keep a distant eye an these ideas but doubt that we will massively improve on the fantastic job we have done as a species. It feels very much post post-modernism society where all has been pretty much done and we do variations on a theme.
And, I preach onto ye not, saying,
‘The answer, my fellows,
and has always,
in the unknown’.
Few unknowns are unknown to us other than those ineffable unknowns. For those we need a machine capable of giving ineffable and successful unknowns to us.
In the internet business, this war is big money making machine that most wd like to tick along longer. Security consultants charging £1k a day ATM. Work everywhere. Personally, I have made buckets of it fighting the good fight as they say for Blue & Yellow. Go Go Go!
Physical war is too expensive.
Kier Starmer wouldm’t stand a chance:
Acting stuntmen .
Finely honed athletes at the top of their game
Ref the Pand O issue.
Could the BBC tell us what typical salaries sailors on these ships actually earn in a typical month?
Not saying anything else. It’s a piece of context that just might be relevant. But no-one seems to want to tell us.
I believe they get a tot of rum a day and a plate of hard tack with maggots in them, and anything they can pillage from the passengers in the duty free.
Last time I went over the Channel it might as well have been Blackbeard running the bar, bloody daylight robbery.
I see people complaining that all 4 BBC indoor athletics commentators are “women of colour”
Well they are all ex-athletes themselves
Racist then, no diversity, bit like basketball
“White riot I wanna white riot” as the Clash said
And if they ever dare to say black athletes are athletically superior I just have two words:
“Lammy” and “Mastermind”.
Some wd say they have taken over!!!
The BBC are eating themselves with this and, as is always the case, the overly virtuous and righteous are eternally fated to become those they protest against.
The BBC are toxic. Many recognise this now. I have cut out them and replaced news24 with GB News which still jars sometimes but nowhere near the non-stop with BBC. BBC radio4 is dead to me as the word BLACK BLACK BLACK seems to be spoken every other word and Im sick of hearing about those less successful humans. I prefer hearing about humans driving the world, not holding s back.
BBC website only for F1 and occasional top 10 but never political story.
Get news from here.
Thats it. I have found the it makes little difference to the events whether I think about them or not.
UPDATE: Upgrade from a short-range 125cc scooter to a long-range racing tourer motorbike a few days back.
Just in case. I’ve learnt the anything can happen and that those final moments of thought before the grim reaper snatches you doesn’t want to be, “F–k, I knew I should of sorted that out last week!”
What do these people do when not being a pundit ? Like the ex footballers, they’ve been out of their game for decades yet they still get dusted off and wheeled out. Why do we need them ? I sold property at home and abroad for almost 30 years over 20 years ago, but nobody asks me for my expertise.
I’ll write a book then. Loads of anecdotes – like the time I did an inventory of a house – and in a cupboard was a stack of porno mags and when I opened a box out popped a life size blow up doll ! ( remember Delboy & Rodders ?? ) it was interesting having to list those items !
One can only hope the doll did not have a runny nose….
Which reminds me of Les Dawson being interviewed,
talking about his wife and remarking that her pet name was bubbles
Ah, thats cute said the interviewer,
No, he responded, it’s because she never has a handkerchief.
So women of colour are majority and need to be replaces with white people?
BBC4 Police show starts
The star is a white police woman
Opening scene the head of the interview panel is a black male police chief with an accent the same as the Yorkshire actor who does the Dacia adverts
(Ralph Ineson)
An accent I’ve never seen a black guy do before.
The black actor is not listed in the credits.
IMDB lists him as Kevin Harvey
He’s from Liverpool so normal speaks a bit scouse. I guess he is just playing at a Yorkshire accent.
So they think that for all P&O ferries where some of the crew were British and been fired
they can get the government to cancel the licences
So leaving the market free to all the other ferries and companies
…. that have been using foreign crewed vessels for years
eg Irish Ferries Ltd since 2005
And people are going to boycott P&O and use these foreign crewed competitors instead.
Given Boris Johnson comments and other comments by UK politicians, plus the actions of the UK government – this is WW3. It seems that Britain (presumably with support from other NATO countries and the USA) will not relent on its sanctions on Russia until there is regime change in Russia and Putin is put on trial. Already Russian assets have been taken, and being sold off, with the proceeds maybe going to fund support of Ukraine and to destabilise Russia until they hand over Putin.
I know of several people who having been exposed to the BBC propaganda are adamant that Putin is unhinged and that we must do everything in our power to stop him, overthrow him, kill him.
“Google Maps Platform services went missing for a few hours on Friday as various APIs fell over.
Around 0847 am PDT (1347 UTC), users of Google Maps Platform services began reporting problems. These surfaced on crowdsourced reporting sites like and on the Maps Platform Status Page.”
first time i can remember it doing that as they have the world’s largest server farms. Russian attack. Also, hitting ALL Google’s services including business. This is a site-wide DOS on all Google products. OMG. And no tech sites are reporting it as full take down. Just maps. Not true. Comments being deleted from webpage comments when highlighting it site-wide not Maps only.
“Ukraine uses Clearview AI facial-recognition technology
The Ukrainian government is using facial recognition technology from startup Clearview AI to help them identify the dead, reveal Russian assailants, and combat misinformation from the Russian government and its allies.
Reuters reported yesterday that the country’s Ministry of Defense began using Clearview’s search engine for faces over the weekend.
… [the] five-year-old company had more than 2 billion images scraped from Russian social media service VKontakte – whose design is visually very similar to that of Facebook – among its database of more than 10 billion photos.”
I have ClearView AI in my watchlist. My conscience is stopping me buying shares in this as they are going to be massive once this service is offered to you and me.
The Chinese post I made up. But you can see ClearView involved. Google hit down first time in history – I cant even imagine how they did that!
They are just getting started.
I have moved all my email, contacts etc to Apple and bought and iPhone. Not perfect but much better and more secure than android and data inst sold on. Pretty sure iOS doesn’t have any Russian library dependencies like Google does! If they infected those repositories, then Andriod phones could be ‘botted; for DOS take-downs quite easily without anyone knowing.
Putin needs to bring in the tech boys deeper into his chambers to win this.
Actually, it’s mch worse than that. I’ve just been thinking the Russian Univerisites contribute to Linux which Andriod is.
There are a few unknown data blobs (data that shows what it is but NOT how it shows what it shows – like opening a pdf file). Those blobs operate at hardware level and do not require u to do anything.
Then Windows: Take out Live service. There are already at least 30 zero-day critical unpatched exploits on your windows machine judging by Windows Update monthly report. They must be using 30pc of the Internet to take down Google. That much. Billions of phones and PC’s all pinging Google domains. Google controls something like 41% of the internet traffic. might be wrong but around there. So, u need a lot to knock her down.
It is smaller businesses too. WordPress-based (68%) publishing sites are getting hammerred and als form the Chinese. Nobody reporting that. I was joking b4 but on my publishing biz, Chinese Russian attacks at about 140,000 a second at peak. Just auto banning them.
If that was your computer or phone it’s like opening a 2mg Word document 140,000 times at the same time in one second. Your machine might not be happy!!!
If you want to help Yellow & Blues then use secure operating systems which Windows are Andriod are not. The opposite; they openly sell all your data. tons of it. The hackers get profile of you from Google and Facebook tracking, etc., and uses it counter anti-botnet tech cuse the bot seems real cause its you. mix in AI learning give it your last 10 years and it will be a digital you in a few days.
I have solved the immigration crisis, the racist diversity agenda, islamification of the UK, the plethora of antifa wokes and the green agenda crap last night.
All we have to do is go to war with Russia.
The dinghy mob will be off again at the first sign of having to fight against anyone who can fight back.
Other muslims will all of a sudden forget about their British passports and never fight against Syrians recuited by Russia, or anyone else that can shoot back.
Africans will all of a sudden forget about their British passports and suddenly become refugees like in Ukraine, along with the blm mob because, well, only black lives matter.
And we will have to get energy from anywhere we can, solar panels and windmills will be banned as to easy to be damaged by an enemy.
And I wonder how many blacks will think again about getting a job before anyone else when it comes to army recruitment knowing one will have to go to war.
And we can shoot antiwar protesting antifa and wokes on sight legally well, actually life imprsonment:
Since the Crime and Disorder Act 1998 became law, the maximum sentence for treason in the UK has been life imprisonment
“And we can shoot antiwar protesting antifa and wokes on sight legally well, actually life imprsonment:”
Just saw this bit. 360 no-scooping the treasonous traitors on Parliament Green!
The rest above is pretty much there too. Not sure the solar stuff but the division of races even further will be key. We do not ever want to accept a society were first is last, or with Blacks, last is first. Means everybody else has to slow down to wait for those that sd really of dropped out of the race by now.
But, the divisions are digital and financial – faster ur connection more wealthy country and person u are.
An aside: Nigerians are more successful than there Caribbean immigrants cousins. Much harder working. Seems I was wrong and the windrush were mostly less productive workers than Brits of that time which led to rent problems and signs appearing in windows.
Racism is mostly bad past experiences distilled into a general warning.
Well all it takes is a very small bomb to make solar panels inactive, even if the are made to point the wrong way, and same with windmills and they all have to sit out in the open easily spotted from miles away…
indeed. shock bombs.
Not sure if it was you, but thought it was u who mentioned the portable solar panel for surviving the doomsday – about half size a cricket bat. I got one. Excellent. USB heater, fan, kettle. no gas or batteries just sun. loves it.
I am not a five star Army General but I think, if all goes to plan, we should be able to push forward to take Moscow come autumn / winter.
My plan is, we nationalise Millets for all their coats and tents and push Home Bargains and Poundstretcher into 24 hour production of their cheap de icers, Lem Sip and windscreen scapers, it should all be okey dokey.
As long as the War Office are not working from home or the council road gritters and DVLA are not on strike.
If we are going to take Russia we need to go now but I fear milletts may not deliver stuff for a couple of weeks … I need to make a list – suntan lotion – mozzie nets . Is there wi fi ?
We might need PPE as well – I know a bloke in turkey with a job lot … is out of sell by but it’s okay sez mustafa ..
Nut nut has upset the BBC and other remainer traitors by comparing the Ukraine to brexiters . This is so obvious it doesn’t need saying .
Russia and the EU are both monsters – corrupt -anti democratic – inept – gotta an anti British chip – they use power without thought – eg NI border and just wish us ill.
Both will be beaten …
Oh I just remembered P and O might take a few months to sort that out before we can get to the continent.
Winter will be fine once we get the new P and O staff trained up and learning English and the correct side of the sea to drive on.
And with global warming Moscow will no doubt be spring like, maybe with some early morning frost.
For a minute i thought you said “muzzie nets”. I’d buy one of those and a few cans of repellant.
Local notice board:
“ Hi pre teens and teens needed to cast as child soldiers for a series based on the final weeks of ww2 for all the details please message me under 18s must have a parents / guardians consent thanks.”
Some parents asking if those of white Caucasian parentage need apply.
If WW2 likely Jugend rather than South Sudan.
Though the casting director probably now spoiled for choice on the latter and the script does call for it.
Horror scenes in Belgium – at least four dead after car crashes into carnival crowd
A CAR has ploughed into a crowd of people in Belgium, leaving at least four dead.
Rule No. 1: stay clear of crowds…….
The bell at W1A is being rung and 20,000 outraged huffing oafs are scrambling to Twitter…
Once they get back from the weekend cottages.
BBC not helping itself.
More so if the wheel out Bryant for the nth time in his rainbow Ys.
Donald Tusk, the president of the European Council, faced parliamentary questions in Warsaw on June 17 over allegations that he failed to prevent VAT fraud while Polish prime minister from 2007 to 2014.
Marcin Horała, chairperson of the committee investigating VAT issues and a member of Poland’s ruling Law and Justice (PiS) party, said there was “at least a suspicion” that Mr Tusk “either did not sufficiently supervise the services reporting to him or did not take appropriate action that could protect the state budget from VAT fraud.”
PiS has accused Mr Tusk’s government of allowing 250 billion zloty to be stolen from the government budget via VAT fraud.