The BBC now believes it has the answer to what the demographics of a truly diverse company should look like …
“By 2020, the BBC wants its employees to comprise 50% women, 8% disabled people, 8% lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender people and 15% people from black, Asian and ethnic minority backgrounds.{ 14sep2017}”
Hasn’t the BBC done well, looks to me like it’s exceeded every one of those targets – well done BBC (white, straight men, totally removed from the TV).
A man has been jailed for murder after stabbing a much-loved teenager to death in front of his family in Sydenham.
Romello Harley, 19 (1st pic ), of Kirkdale, Sydenham, was jailed for life, to serve a minimum of 22 years, at Inner London Crown Court on Monday,
“About 15,000 Russian troops killed, UK defence secretary says
He said the Ministry of Defence assessed that about 15,000 Russian military personnel had been killed, while an estimated 2,000 armoured vehicles had been destroyed or captured.
That includes at least 530 tanks, 530 armoured personnel carriers and 560 infantry fighting vehicles, he said.
Wallace said Russia had also lost more than 60 helicopters and fighter jets.
So far, Russia had “failed in nearly every one of its objectives”, he said, but Ukrainians were still “fighting for their lives”.
Ok balanced BBC tell how many Ukrainians troops and para militaries have been killed etc
Ask what are these objectives they’ve failed in?
All stirring stuff, no doubt, and I’m sure the figures quoted are beyond question, but every shot of every Ukraine military unit seems to show a disorganised and amateur militia with overweight officers all dressed in surplus and non-uniform clothing and with little or no idea of battlefield tactics or awareness.
Those lines of wrecked armour also appear to have badly rusted in a remarkably short space of time, with no bright metal splash to indicate recent hits. Strange.
Beltane – well the war is still going on and I bet both the objectives and timetable hasn’t gone remotely near to plan….
…and even better NATO hasn’t got directly involved yet …. But I count each day . Buy potassium iodide tablets and a silver foil hat
I think there is little doubt that we are being drip fed complete garbage from Ukraine. There is no assault by the Russians, they have already done what they came to do which is to support the Russian citizens in Donbas. They will now sit and wait for the ex actor Zelensky to come up with yet another plea for the west to engage in nuclear war with Russia to save his skin.
Please take a look at the superb UK column web site and you will see an alternative view on Ukraine. The main takeaway , for me , from it is that BBC Media Action are in control of the narrative coming out from the conflict. This to me explains an awful lot.
Areas outside of the French continent that vote in the elections — Martinique, etc. — all showed massive swings toward Le Pen that nowhere on the continent showed. Places she lost by 3 to 1 margins in 2017, she won this time by 2 to 1 margins. Yet, that did not happen anywhere on the continent itself.
>>> hints that something odd is going on n’est ce pas?
Paul Kagame re-elected president with 99% of vote in Rwanda election {05aug2017}
“Former guerrilla leader praised for bringing stability and growth after genocide but criticised as authoritarian wins third term”
– 99% is what World leaders dream of getting for a vote!
– Wonder what the 1% thought?
– The European Union official was very happy ….
‘“The world has important lessons to learn from Rwanda,” gushed a European Union official. Embassy observers hailed it as the most orderly vote they had witnessed in their careers.{theguardian 03jan2016}‘
Rwanda election: President Paul Kagame wins by landslide { 05aug2017}
– Notice how BBC use word ‘landslide’ rather than 98.63%. Alarm bells would ring with such a high figure.
I really hope that Musk gets away with this, I suspect it will never happen as the globalists will bring down fire and fury on him for rocking their Twitter protected boat. After all, it’s their official mouthpiece!
Paul Kagame re-elected president with 99% of vote in Rwanda election
This article is more than 4 years old
Former guerrilla leader praised for bringing stability and growth after genocide but criticised as authoritarian wins third term
Health officials say there is mounting evidence that a common virus is linked to rare cases of hepatitis that have been occurring in some young children.
Wonder if they will ever compare incidents to the bloody rushed covid vaccinations. If any correlation it wil be BURIED…..
The populations of the World have been coerced into a massive experiment which has resulted in massive profits for the various dodgy companies involved, at some time we deserve a cool analytic probe into what went on and who made billions of pounds in profits by panicking and blackmailing goverments.
18 February 2021, received £2,500 from Harper Collins Publishers, 1 London Bridge Street, London SE1 9GF, as advance payment for signing a book contract. Hours: none to date. (Registered 02 March 2021)
Papers reporting Sweden and Finland applying to join NATO next month . That’s quite an achievement for Putin – and maybe will cause a bit of discomfort in the Kremlin – particularly the Finland application ….
I believe we are a few short years away from this being accepted in our own country as the usual suspects promote these putrid individual, non-human rights.
We need to rise up now and block these Neanderthals from taking any part of our society, they are base and disgusting low animals hunting in packs who should have no place in a civilised society.
If Boris has any balls he should immediately block any trade or negotiation with Pakistan until they bring this sort of horrible practice to an end.
1985 Batley (terror) vs 2022 Batley (three teachers hide from Islam).
Ahmadis suffer vicious persecution around the world. The main source of fuel for that persecution is in Pakistan, but what happens in Pakistan does not stay in Pakistan.
I know that from my experience in the Yorkshire market town of Batley. In August 1985, when I was 11 years old, my parents organised an inter-faith meeting in the town hall. It was interrupted and disturbed when, according to West Yorkshire police, more than 1,000 extremists, led by Pakistani hate preachers funded by the Pakistani state, were bused in from around the country. The mob brutally attacked my English mother and my father, a dermatologist; my eldest brother and I; and a Welsh Ahmadi schoolteacher who was with us. My first cousin, a GP, was by chance driving through the market town that day. He saw the mob and saw his family and friends being attacked, so he stopped. He was recognised, pulled from his vehicle and savagely beaten up.
Twitter finally turns to the experts on fact-checking
After months of trying everything else, Twitter announced a partnership with The Associated Press and Reuters to fight misinformation
The 2017 AP Stylebook features about 200 new or revised entries and a comprehensive index. The AP Stylebook is a writing and editing reference in newsrooms, classrooms and corporate offices worldwide. ISBN: 978-0-917360-66-4. {apstylebook}
“Words related to terrorism are sanitized in the AP (Associated Press) Stylebook. Militant, lone wolves or attackers are to be used instead of terrorist or Islamist. ‘People struggling to enter Europe’ is favored over ‘migrant’ or ‘refugee.’ While it’s true that many struggle to enter Europe, it is accurate to point out that they are, in fact, immigrants or refugees.”
Royal couple told of Antigua and Barbuda’s wish to be republic
By Andre Rhoden-Paul
BBC News
Published2 hours ago
SHANDONG, People’s Republic of China – August 31, 2014 During a meeting here on Saturday, Prime Minister the Hon. Gaston Browne told a group of CEO’s and Presidents of corporations attached to the Department of Commerce of Shandong Province that Antigua and Barbuda is part of a network of trade agreements that allow goods to enter the European Union, Canada and the United States.
Some of the companies, which are in the top one hundred of companies in China, which expressed interest in doing business in Antigua and Barbuda include the Shandong Linuo Paradigma Co. Ltd, SEPCO1 Electric Power Construction Corporation and Shandong Auhua Clean Energy Co. Ltd.
If you ever think you’re worthless, remember that Elon Musk is offering $43 billion for Twitter’s 212 million daily active users, so you’re actually worth about $202.
local radio “£26 billion for 300 million users”
divide by a million
£26,000 for 300
£260 for 3
so about £95 per user
Have you ever bought anything off a Twitter advert ?
I haven’ I’m worth zero in advertising spend
except some advertising is opinion manipulation
eg government Covid advertising.
I can’t see how Twitter is earning £26 billion back in advertising.
Maybe they earn from other things like selling data.
He is 100% correct about the BBC. It’s perfectly obvious, to be honest, so how they can claim NOT to be biased is beyond me, the big issue seems to be politicians and other public figures are scared of the BBC and how they can ruin a reputation by mudslinging.
This evening I watched a genuinely useful and important programme on the BBC. Panorama reviewed the Post Office Subpostmasters scandal, whereby the Post Office ran a known dodgy accounting system, yet hid the truth, deceived, lied, and wrongly prosecuted many people for false accounting and theft. Some spent time in prison for offences they did not commit.It is a disgusting scandal.
But one thing was strangely missing from the BBC programme.
The Post Office is a state owned, nationalised, public sector company.
Remember them? The Far Left regard such companies as untouchable, blameless, ‘owned by the people’ and morally superior to those nasty private sector companies.
But just look at the real motives of such nationalised companies. The a*** covering motive, the keeping your job motive, the hiding ineptitude motive, those are the priorities.
Even now, not a single person at the Post Office has been held accountable. After all these years.
And as with the Post Office, so all those NHS maternity units in Bristol, Maidstone, Shrewsbury, that kill babies and mothers.
Let those who want to nationalise our energy and utility companies explain why it should be any different for them.
Typical BBC: new wine in old skins, as the saying goes. Good investigative journalism is often wasted because it has to be made to fit in with pre-existing master narratives; whereas it should change the narrative! We’ve seen this with ‘Rotherham’ (to use a shorthand for the Muslim abuse of kuffar girls in many places in the UK) where new info can’t be allowed challenge the ‘cultural enrichment’ and ‘religion-of-peace’ master narratives.
I hope GBN is not dumbing down. Some ageing wag with an over botoxed face – Lizzy Cundy on Sunday, on Nina Akua’s panel of comments, and was previously talking to Nige. Then Monday its a druggy addict ex actress with no nostrils Danielle Westbrook – also on a discussion panel, and again on the long suffering Nige’s show.
I turn over when I see these sort of ‘guests’ – as I do the unfunny ‘comedians’, because I want an articulate debate of intelligent conversation, not a constant stream of yer’know, yer’know with a lot of arm waving and waiting for someone to laugh.
They had ex BBC and now drawing a massive bbc pension Jenni Murray on last week. Carry on with these sorts and that’s the end for them as far as most of us are concerned.
He sums things up brilliantly. We can be sure that the globalist left will leave no stone unturned in their efforts to minimise the impact of the Musk take over of Twitter. But we should note everyone, every publication and news outlet that joins the anti Musk bandwagon and even those politicians who remain neutral, because if you don’t support Musk you are an enemy of democracy.
The point is that the likes of Pesto wield inordinate influence when they know nothing, but it is used by his mob anyway.
What you're actually saying is that you and the rest of the press wanted Boris to get fined so much that you screeched and screamed until the police investigated, but instead it's civil servants who got fined. They are the collateral damage from your nasty campaign. Shame on you.
“If you get invited to something where there are no rules, where there is total freedom for everybody, do you actually want to go to that party or are you going to decide to stay home?”
Musk has said that he isn’t bothered about the financial aspects and that he views corporate advertising with suspicion as it gives those corporations too much influence on what Twitter allows on the platform.
If Musk is as good as his word , which is a big ask even if someone as rich as he is, he is going to allow anything to be on Twitter that is within the law. This is a massive blow against the international left. In effect it pulls the rug out from underneath their decades long narrative . We can expect a huge fight back against him .
I thought it was funny listening to lefties who couldn’t get their head around the idea that maybe Elton Musk is so rich that he doesn’t need twitter to make money …..
Have to say, the media legend that is Vile is taking it in his stride.
Is it OK for parents to dress the same as their babies?@StormHuntley’s husband wanted an Adidas tracksuit for his birthday – so she not only bought him one, but got a matching set for when their boy is born.
Wow. Shaun King, the MA holder cited above, has left Twitter. The silencing of black voices has begun. Those of us still here must never stop speaking out for democracy, for the sake of those who can no longer speak themselves.
Now that Elon Musk owns Twitter, MSNBC is all of a sudden worried that the platform can be manipulated for political reasons. You can’t make this stuff up.
The problem with ‘ending world hunger’ is people just breed faster, which results in more ‘world hunger’, and so on… but, there must come a day when there are no resources left…
Do I detect shock in beeboids like Nickolas Robinson That Twitter might have free speech and unapproved thought again ?
There is fear that the President of the United States might be able to use twitter again . And that unapproved comments might ‘cause offence ‘.
What sort of media world do we live in when a State Broadcaster is alarmed about increased freedom ?
TOADY Watch #1 – they are trying to disguise it but …..
……. the BBC are terrified that Elon Musk, the new owner of Twitter, may let Donald Trump back on to the social media platform. It is what our Fed would call a ‘popcorn moment’; get a bocket or bowl of popcorn and sit down and watch what happens. The BBC have made several references to Donald Trump this morning in just the first forty-five minutes of the programme.
You could be forgiven for thinking they would like the former President back in the White House instead of the present incompetent incumbent.
Strange that BBC creatures like Harrabin can countenance no dissent – no challenge – no questioning of his religion . I reckon it’s because he lives in a world of unrestrained taxpayers ‘ funding …
Talking of funding – something called CNN plus has closed after a short time because it’s paid streaming only got 150 000 subscribers in America . Go woke go broke .
…I wonder how many of those subscribers were BBC account holders ?
The BBC only ever use stuff knocked out by CNN, Wapo etc., as they don’t have a competent autocue-reader over there!
And what a stupid statement for hahhabin to make – the ‘new wave’ started ages ago, when lefties, wokies etc., all got on the bandwagon, long after the real money-men had made enormous profits, confused the thick politicians, then buggered off!
Maybe the BBC could ask a few pensioners whether they would like to pay so much more for their heating, or not pay the TV Tax! They could also ask the same pensioners if they actually realise that nearly a third of their power bills are down to ridiculous ‘green’ rubbish…
Another minor pre occupation of the BBC is the cost of living . Obvious those on expenses can mitigate price increases .
But it seems that for ordinary mortals supermarket prices are going up ! Shock ! Surprise ! . Apparently people are so desperate that they are buying supermarket ‘own label ‘ fare rather than real stuff .
Right – that’s it – a windfall tax on supermarkets – and anyone else making a profit . Nationalise the supermarkets …
Perhaps the ‘super abundance ‘ of ‘cheap food ‘ days are over ? Although my bit of London is blighted by third world moped drivers charging around delivering the take aways and drugs needed every day …..can’t all be poor …?
I listened by accident to this ‘interview’ (joke). It sounded like a pastiche of the ‘four Yorkshiremen’ sketch. We were so poor we used to drink tea from a cracked cup. Luxury. We had to suck on a damp cloth.
In the spirit of deserved mockery, along with the BBC on Twitter… GB Idiocy…
Good! People are feeling compassion for cows that have their babies ripped away from them and slaughtered, so that we can have milk in our tea! Maybe people have been educated about the horrors of dairy farming.
The killing of a woman by Approved Actor Alek Baldwin is constantly described as ‘accidental shooting ‘ …. Really?
‘Unfettered free speech can quickly turn ugly ‘. – in reference to twitter .
We should feel sorry for those who fear free speech – that there will be a home for the ‘unapproved ‘ .
It can only be a matter of time before Obama /Biden throws the feds at Elon musk since the likes of the department of justice is just a democrat Lap dog now ….
The bbc is now putting on stream of anti free speech democrats . .. I’ve yet to hear a supporter of the action
The political term for the “BRITISH” broadcasting corporation
is said to be left of centre. As an analogy I would say that
is as left of centre, as Wembley Park Station is to the centre
circle of Wembley Stadium. As for the British part of
the anarchist Marxist media outlet. Look up in a
dictionary , if you don’t know what an oxymoron is.
When I found an international website which monitors and classifies news output the BBC was described as ‘left of centre’ CNN as Left wing.
I suggest you don’t push this too hard, it doesn’t matter if the BBC are centre Left Left WIng or far Left, in each and every case they are in breach of their charter, and you can only have a breach – there’s no such thing as a bigger breach, it just becomes easier to prove!
‘Some say’ the BBC is very worried, very worried indeed ?
There is a new TV competitor in the form of Talk TV and President Trump looks set to return ?
Over to our special BBC correspondent maxincony for an inside report……………………………………..
£271 ? Wondered how that was calulated? by my rough and ready calculations thats around £4600 pa a monthly grocery bill of £383, or less than £100 per week.
The reality is that a perfect storm is gathering and people will not be spending any more on groceries because they are not going to be able to buy many of the items they were used to buying before.
We now have yet another La Nina year developing – rather unusual, but this causes drought in both North & South America lowering crop yields, although the harvest in South America failed last year as a result.
We are heading for a serious famine, and yet the elites have their heads firmly up their own ar***les debating about what a woman is, whether men can get pregnant and if the rainbow unicorn is real instead of looking to the future.
When the inevitable food shortages and famines do hit us and they have as per usual done absolutely nothing to prepare for this, they will trot out the same tired excuses that climate change is to blame.
But the thing is – thoughtful – what can states do about it ? I suggest – not much- sure the usual recital about ‘protecting the worst hit ‘ will be rolled out – and maybe those on the lowest income will get food stamps …
…. But the rest ? Hike taxes again to subsidise food ? Try to get people to realise they don’t have much by way of ‘disposable income ‘ anymore – once fuel and food bills are met ?
But of course those earning / getting a fair wack will not be too concerned about a – 10% – 20%- 30% increase in fuel / food bills ….
And as you allude – more volatile countries my see some serious civil unrest / war for resources …. Truly doom and gloom …
There is one easy measure they can take and that is to suspend the use of biofuels and turn the land over the crop production for human and livestock feed. When the crisis is over they can go back to the usual stupidity.
2.5% of land in the UK which could be freed up, then add in land for set aside or re-wilding, which again can be a temporary measure.
In the US they are talking about a billion tons of grain for biomass, grain which could feed people were the Dems not worshipping at the altar of green stupidity.
What a pathetic story. They might as well say ‘Tarmac prices will rise 6% this year’. £271 is about £5 per week. The real story is the effect of any inflation at all on people with fixed incomes. And in particular those whose pension schemes went bust and whose pension increases are limited to 2.5% per year maximum. Did you know that? Whilst the same people also have to pay for the unlimited pension inflation protection of the public sector. Also paid for, needless to say, by the rest of us. Now THERE’S an equality story the BBC somehow have failed to cover.
There's something about this that makes me feel uncomfortable, not sure what exactly. If banning Russians from events like this is seen as a legitimate part of sanctions against Russia, then ban them all, if it's not, then don't. Forcing them to say something just seems wrong.
8am local radio news opened “Campaigners against violence and anti-social behaviour against women are calling for more to be done about the problem of drink spiking in for women.
Here’s a clip from Justice for Sisters who are based in Hull”
( Is the item PRasNews for that org ?
No tell us who you are really doing PRasNews for)
This comes as a committee chaired by local Labour MP *Diana Johnson* releases a report that says the problem is widespread and is under reported
Diana will be joining us later
But Sue from the Campaign Against Drink Spiking says ..”
FFS the BBC’s station constantly acts as the PR arm of that Labour MP.
And despite all the hysteria there have been very very few proven cases of drink spiking. It’s more of a case of stupid women getting shit faced, waking up incapable of remembering what went on the night before and then blaming someone else.
Or in many other cases taking illegal drugs and experiencing an adverse reaction and because they don’t want to admit to what they have done they blame an easy target – drink spiking.
If the problem is ‘widespread’ as Johnson claims where is the evidence to support that claim.
This morning we kick off by highlighting frontpage adverts in our big national daily titles.
Despite – or perhaps because of – the report: ‘Panic buying hits Beijing as covid surges… sparking the biggest sell-off in Chinese stocks for two years‘ (FT) – the prime ad spot in the pink financial is bought by: ‘China Construction Bank. Builds a better future‘
The giveaway Metro is basically an advertising sheet interspersed with news. The proverbial second-hand car dealer being in such low repute these days the internet firm cheerfully hopes to lure us toward the notion: ‘Buy a quality used car entirely online? Cazoo yeah!‘
Such blatant red-in-tooth-and-claw capitalistic commercial promotions are the rarity lately on the covers of our newspapers. We look instead to those items we tend to call hereabouts “PR as News” – the familiar initialism referring to the now almost forgotten long-form – Public Relations.
Ladies can oncemore put one foot before the other and bend the knee in a curtsy, while chaps tug the forelock… ‘Abbey to be back. Oh I say! Look who’s your Gracing the red carpet‘ (Metro) – that’s right, we’re busy today bumming up the movie “Downton Abbey: A New Era” – Upstairs Downstairs was simply a popular TV show of the 1970s, now Downton is a franchise and probably Britain’s last valuable remaining export. Note the somewhat Star Wars reminiscent flavour of “Downton A New Era”
I guess it’s a positive in terms of the national balance of payments. Earning us all a filtered Downton Tuppence Middleton or two?
Red carpet lovelies Michelle Dockery and Laura Carmichael grace the frontpages of the Daily Mail: ‘Now that’s daring for Downton, Lady Edith… see pages 2-3‘; Daily Express: ‘Dazzling as ever…‘; and The Times is succinct and on point: ‘Costume Drama‘
Gosh, such concentration on actresses’ looks and outfits put on display for our benefit so as to help promote their show – and just as Vanessa Feltz is insisting: ‘We do NOT see our legs as a secret weapon!‘ (Express) – me thinks the lady doth protest too much – careful now; Alison Thompson in the Times tells us all about: ‘What I know about misogyny in Westminster‘; and apparently this is more prevalent on one side of the aisle – of course it is: ”The Tory basic instinct is always to blame a woman for being a bit too woman-y‘ – says the Labour-supporting Daily Mirror. When Labour can get back to us with a definition of woman perhaps we’ll take notice.
Talking of mysogyny being pegged as a Tory problem – one had to smile whilst putting oneself through the protracted trial that was Netflix’s courtroom drama Anatomy of a Scandal – quite an ordeal – the former Bullingdon Club Tory minister accused of rape is the main focus. Meanwhile the mild blink and you’ll miss it counter blow in the Labour direction was one of their MPs done for gay underage transgressions.
‘Punish sexist MPs with suspension, says most senior woman in Commons‘ that’ll be Harriet Harman making her extra-judicial demands in the Independent.
By the way, she’s been quiet of late but turned up on TV after a multiple stabbing left four dead in her constituency yesterday. To reassure the communities. Minus that famous stab-vest she wore on patrol with the cops back in 2008 when Labour were in power with their open door immigration policies. How prescient she was back then!
‘Nicola Sturgeon: Men need to change to make politics better for women‘ (Evening Standard) – having ruled Scotland since goodness only knows when – seems like since Lady Macbeth was a lass – what more does she want?
‘Boris Johnson says Angela Rayner treatment is “appalling load of sexist, misogynist tripe”…‘ (Manchester Evening News): ‘… as he visits Bury‘ – BoJo got that part about the tripe right enough. Talking tripe in Lancashire is somewhat akin to taking coals to Newcastle. I digress.
‘Commons Speaker Demands Meeting With Mail On Sunday Editor Over “Misogynistic” Angela Rayner Story‘ (Politics Home) – apperently Mr Hoyle frets that: ‘this type of comment in being demeaning, offensive to women in Parlaiment and can only deter women who are considering standing for Parliament‘
Oddly enough, one doesn’t see any dearth of budding young actresses queuing up for auditions for the likes of Downton – despite the consequent red carpet glamour shot obligations.
Given women are now the biggest demographic for newspaper readership, there’s no reason the news has to descend to the level of gossip – is there?
Beside Downton which excites the more right-leaning titles, the lefty papers are busy promoting their favourite things.
‘”If you’re female, you have to be nice” Golden Lion winner Sonia Boyce‘ (‘i’)
‘Cancelled Netflix? The best TV to see for free‘ (Guardian) – no doubt a bit of mutual BBC you scratch my my back, I’ll scratch yours, going on there.
And finally, in this product promotional edition – whether the product be feminism or yeast extract: ‘Marmite love it or love it‘ (Daily Star) – well, it’s hardly ever out of the news: ‘Camden Town launches new Marmite beer – but you’ll either love or hate it‘ (Daily Star August 2021); ‘Marmite to soar in price in further blow to Britain’s supply chain crisis‘ (Daily Star October 2021)
As I See It. Brilliant as always. One of the highlights of the day for me is reading your summary. Do you have a journalism background? Anyway, please keep writing.
You’re far too kind, Sir.
They do say politics is showbiz for the ugly – Macron unbuttoning his shirt for a win and our very own Ange demanding the right to hitch up her skirts in the chamber without comment, might tend to contradict that old notion.
Journalism… could be described as literature for those afflicted with attention span deficit – both from the point of view of producers and consumers.
The BBC’s obsession with wimmin’s equality in sport perhaps owes as much to their inability to cover men’s sport as it does to their obsession with equality.
But I laughed heartily when I saw the match attendance for the BBC live-covered women’s ‘Super’ league match between Tottenham and Chelsea. 2,161!
And they drone on about pay equality.
For Aston Villa v Manchester United , the attendance was 941. In both cases rather less than the 2,697 that watched Woking beat Wrexham in the Vanarama National league. Or Eastleigh v Barnet. Or 5 other matches.
How about paying them in relation to the popularity of the match. Say, one fiftieth of the pay of the men. Mind you, given the unutterably ludicrous pay of so many brain-cell challenged premier league footballers, that could still be a tidy sum.
Hello Sluff, mens/major sporting events are costly, wimmins events are free or next to nothing. Maybe the bBC is “promoting” wimmins sports as the cost in very little
TOADY and any other BBC Radio 4 news programmes for the last two days: you would think that after sending Martha Kearney and then Nick Robinson on TellyTax funded, CO2 and Horrorbeing producing trips to Pareee to report in advance on the French Presidential Election between the Far Right Marine Le Pen and that slightly sinister bloke that the BBC would be keen to report, with all their sudden interest in France and its politics, the protests after the slightly sinister bloke, and not the Far Right candidate won.
Not a bit of it. No mention in my hearing at all on the first minutes of TOADY or at other times. Apparently and sadly the French police shot two people dead. You would think that would make the BBC news but no.
wwfcMar 3, 20:52 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 King Charles ‘kept aware’ as Muslims break Ramadan fast inside Windsor Castle [img][/img]
Philip_2Mar 3, 20:43 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 BBC does understand GAZA, and its endemic to the BBC socialist cause since it was ‘exposed’ 2004. Sadly, even if…
pugnaziousMar 3, 20:42 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 [img][/img] R4 asks if Dicken’s was anti-Semitic in his portrayal of Fagin in Oliver Twist… ‘Fagin was first dreamt up…
Fedup2Mar 3, 20:40 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 BBC news pushing the ‘German man mental issues ‘ narrative – one for verify methinks – on the 4×4 killer…
Philip_2Mar 3, 20:26 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 A torrid week for the BBC ‘There’s something going seriously wrong at the BBC. Our national broadcaster seems to be…
Fedup2Mar 3, 20:11 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Someone made the observation that the woke king did 3 happy Islam twitters but noe for Wales on St David’s…
Up2snuffMar 3, 19:50 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 tomo, I have watched the Oval Office stuff, just now, and I did not get the same impression as you.
Fedup2Mar 3, 19:44 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Northern – true enough -but to put them all in one place could have … advantages …
Northern VoterMar 3, 19:38 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Fed the down side to your thinking is that TTK can just fill up those empty RAF bases with brown…
G.W.F.Mar 3, 19:21 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Ramadamalinglong at Windsor Castle.
Just imagine someone from our parliament making a speech like that.
It’s genuinely inclusive, it’s unapologetic and it’s optimistic.
Keep dreaming…
De Santis for POTUS
The BBC now believes it has the answer to what the demographics of a truly diverse company should look like …
“By 2020, the BBC wants its employees to comprise 50% women, 8% disabled people, 8% lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender people and 15% people from black, Asian and ethnic minority backgrounds.{ 14sep2017}”
Hasn’t the BBC done well, looks to me like it’s exceeded every one of those targets – well done BBC (white, straight men, totally removed from the TV).
London Crime reports
“About 15,000 Russian troops killed, UK defence secretary says
He said the Ministry of Defence assessed that about 15,000 Russian military personnel had been killed, while an estimated 2,000 armoured vehicles had been destroyed or captured.
That includes at least 530 tanks, 530 armoured personnel carriers and 560 infantry fighting vehicles, he said.
Wallace said Russia had also lost more than 60 helicopters and fighter jets.
So far, Russia had “failed in nearly every one of its objectives”, he said, but Ukrainians were still “fighting for their lives”.
Ok balanced BBC tell how many Ukrainians troops and para militaries have been killed etc
Ask what are these objectives they’ve failed in?
All stirring stuff, no doubt, and I’m sure the figures quoted are beyond question, but every shot of every Ukraine military unit seems to show a disorganised and amateur militia with overweight officers all dressed in surplus and non-uniform clothing and with little or no idea of battlefield tactics or awareness.
Those lines of wrecked armour also appear to have badly rusted in a remarkably short space of time, with no bright metal splash to indicate recent hits. Strange.
Beltane – well the war is still going on and I bet both the objectives and timetable hasn’t gone remotely near to plan….
…and even better NATO hasn’t got directly involved yet …. But I count each day . Buy potassium iodide tablets and a silver foil hat
I think there is little doubt that we are being drip fed complete garbage from Ukraine. There is no assault by the Russians, they have already done what they came to do which is to support the Russian citizens in Donbas. They will now sit and wait for the ex actor Zelensky to come up with yet another plea for the west to engage in nuclear war with Russia to save his skin.
Please take a look at the superb UK column web site and you will see an alternative view on Ukraine. The main takeaway , for me , from it is that BBC Media Action are in control of the narrative coming out from the conflict. This to me explains an awful lot.
Digg / wink
I guess the footage of missile attacks – women and children fleeing the country – satellite pictures of slaughtered civilians – are all fake then ?
If you are fighting Russia s cause – I suggest you think about putting such claims on other sites . …
Four stabbed to death in Bermondsey.
Yep, it’s another of those ‘men’ again.
And second story on BBC London.
One year ago, a young black guy jumped into the Thames to try and save a woman. He died in the process.
He was a musician, and today one of his songs was given a premier on Radio 1.
In a world where a lot is going on, ‘music on Radio 1’ does not sound like headline news, but this being the BBC, it’s all about the agenda, innit?
‘Heard mentality’.
Give it an hour, and Toenails will have a breaking scoop.
TimeLong overdue for Bojo to get investigators to look for links between the Civil Service, Crerar, Part-time and the Labour Party.Vile reaches in the cupboard, gets out a can of worms, heads over the opener, and…
Elon musk buys the twitter . Will the woke lefties get their marching orders and a bit of free speech re introduced ?
Pakistan: man sentenced to death for blasphemy on Facebook
Taimoor Raza was found guilty of insulting the prophet Muhammad during an argument on social media with a counter-terrorism official
I fuc**ing hope so it’s time overdue for these twats.
Why is Vile paid £750K pa? For asking asinine questions? License fee payers’ money well spent?!!
Relax – Barry Gardiner says if you are struggling then China will loan you £500K no strings attached.
Areas outside of the French continent that vote in the elections — Martinique, etc. — all showed massive swings toward Le Pen that nowhere on the continent showed. Places she lost by 3 to 1 margins in 2017, she won this time by 2 to 1 margins. Yet, that did not happen anywhere on the continent itself.
>>> hints that something odd is going on n’est ce pas?
Paul Kagame re-elected president with 99% of vote in Rwanda election {05aug2017}
“Former guerrilla leader praised for bringing stability and growth after genocide but criticised as authoritarian wins third term”
– 99% is what World leaders dream of getting for a vote!
– Wonder what the 1% thought?
– The European Union official was very happy ….
‘“The world has important lessons to learn from Rwanda,” gushed a European Union official. Embassy observers hailed it as the most orderly vote they had witnessed in their careers.{theguardian 03jan2016}‘
Rwanda election: President Paul Kagame wins by landslide { 05aug2017}
– Notice how BBC use word ‘landslide’ rather than 98.63%. Alarm bells would ring with such a high figure.
Sorry – confused – who is ‘Le pen’?
I’ve only heard of ‘FarRight Le Pen ‘- are they related ?
Old Goat is the go-to man for a comment on that, tomo.
Top 10 Owners of Twitter Inc
The Vanguard Group, Inc. 10.29% 82,403,665 3,188,197,799 +15,231,240 +22.67%
Morgan Stanley Investment Managem… 8.08% 64,722,431 2,504,110,855 -4,853,950 -6.98%
BlackRock Fund Advisors 4.56% 36,536,143 1,413,583,373 +636,856 +1.77%
SSgA Funds Management, Inc. 4.54% 36,363,324 1,406,897,006 +836,358 +2.35%
Aristotle Capital Management LLC 2.51% 20,112,134 778,138,464 +583,355 +2.99%
Fidelity Management & Research Co… 2.14% 17,112,059 662,065,563 -2,346,573 -12.06%
ClearBridge Investments LLC 2.09% 16,733,505 647,419,308 -476,088 -2.77%
Geode Capital Management LLC 1.79% 14,314,021 553,809,472 +378,646 +2.72%
Nikko Asset Management Co., Ltd. 1.56% 12,467,698 482,375,236 +1,731,554 +16.13%
Nikko Asset Management Americas, … 1.29% 10,297,193 398,398,397 +2,400,339 +30.40%
“I hope that even my worst critics remain on Twitter, because that is what free speech means”
I really hope that Musk gets away with this, I suspect it will never happen as the globalists will bring down fire and fury on him for rocking their Twitter protected boat. After all, it’s their official mouthpiece!
Paul Kagame re-elected president with 99% of vote in Rwanda election
This article is more than 4 years old
Former guerrilla leader praised for bringing stability and growth after genocide but criticised as authoritarian wins third term
Health officials say there is mounting evidence that a common virus is linked to rare cases of hepatitis that have been occurring in some young children.
Wonder if they will ever compare incidents to the bloody rushed covid vaccinations. If any correlation it wil be BURIED…..
The populations of the World have been coerced into a massive experiment which has resulted in massive profits for the various dodgy companies involved, at some time we deserve a cool analytic probe into what went on and who made billions of pounds in profits by panicking and blackmailing goverments.
Lisa Nandy has a book deal already! Yeah!
18 February 2021, received £2,500 from Harper Collins Publishers, 1 London Bridge Street, London SE1 9GF, as advance payment for signing a book contract. Hours: none to date. (Registered 02 March 2021)
Papers reporting Sweden and Finland applying to join NATO next month . That’s quite an achievement for Putin – and maybe will cause a bit of discomfort in the Kremlin – particularly the Finland application ….
I believe we are a few short years away from this being accepted in our own country as the usual suspects promote these putrid individual, non-human rights.
We need to rise up now and block these Neanderthals from taking any part of our society, they are base and disgusting low animals hunting in packs who should have no place in a civilised society.
If Boris has any balls he should immediately block any trade or negotiation with Pakistan until they bring this sort of horrible practice to an end.
1985 Batley (terror) vs 2022 Batley (three teachers hide from Islam).
Ahmadis suffer vicious persecution around the world. The main source of fuel for that persecution is in Pakistan, but what happens in Pakistan does not stay in Pakistan.
I know that from my experience in the Yorkshire market town of Batley. In August 1985, when I was 11 years old, my parents organised an inter-faith meeting in the town hall. It was interrupted and disturbed when, according to West Yorkshire police, more than 1,000 extremists, led by Pakistani hate preachers funded by the Pakistani state, were bused in from around the country. The mob brutally attacked my English mother and my father, a dermatologist; my eldest brother and I; and a Welsh Ahmadi schoolteacher who was with us. My first cousin, a GP, was by chance driving through the market town that day. He saw the mob and saw his family and friends being attacked, so he stopped. He was recognised, pulled from his vehicle and savagely beaten up.
Twitter finally turns to the experts on fact-checking
After months of trying everything else, Twitter announced a partnership with The Associated Press and Reuters to fight misinformation
The 2017 AP Stylebook features about 200 new or revised entries and a comprehensive index. The AP Stylebook is a writing and editing reference in newsrooms, classrooms and corporate offices worldwide. ISBN: 978-0-917360-66-4. {apstylebook}
“Words related to terrorism are sanitized in the AP (Associated Press) Stylebook. Militant, lone wolves or attackers are to be used instead of terrorist or Islamist. ‘People struggling to enter Europe’ is favored over ‘migrant’ or ‘refugee.’ While it’s true that many struggle to enter Europe, it is accurate to point out that they are, in fact, immigrants or refugees.”
Royal couple told of Antigua and Barbuda’s wish to be republic
By Andre Rhoden-Paul
BBC News
Published2 hours ago
SHANDONG, People’s Republic of China – August 31, 2014 During a meeting here on Saturday, Prime Minister the Hon. Gaston Browne told a group of CEO’s and Presidents of corporations attached to the Department of Commerce of Shandong Province that Antigua and Barbuda is part of a network of trade agreements that allow goods to enter the European Union, Canada and the United States.
Some of the companies, which are in the top one hundred of companies in China, which expressed interest in doing business in Antigua and Barbuda include the Shandong Linuo Paradigma Co. Ltd, SEPCO1 Electric Power Construction Corporation and Shandong Auhua Clean Energy Co. Ltd.
If you ever think you’re worthless, remember that Elon Musk is offering $43 billion for Twitter’s 212 million daily active users, so you’re actually worth about $202.
Yes that was a thought I had
local radio “£26 billion for 300 million users”
divide by a million
£26,000 for 300
£260 for 3
so about £95 per user
Have you ever bought anything off a Twitter advert ?
I haven’ I’m worth zero in advertising spend
except some advertising is opinion manipulation
eg government Covid advertising.
I can’t see how Twitter is earning £26 billion back in advertising.
Maybe they earn from other things like selling data.
Of interest?
Yasser Dasmibehbi
He can see it , we can see it , but what is the ‘so called’ Tory MP Nadine Dorries doing about it ?
He is 100% correct about the BBC. It’s perfectly obvious, to be honest, so how they can claim NOT to be biased is beyond me, the big issue seems to be politicians and other public figures are scared of the BBC and how they can ruin a reputation by mudslinging.
Taffman, In answer to your question. I dunno.
What was her reply when you last wrote to her?
“No answer was the stern reply”
This evening I watched a genuinely useful and important programme on the BBC. Panorama reviewed the Post Office Subpostmasters scandal, whereby the Post Office ran a known dodgy accounting system, yet hid the truth, deceived, lied, and wrongly prosecuted many people for false accounting and theft. Some spent time in prison for offences they did not commit.It is a disgusting scandal.
But one thing was strangely missing from the BBC programme.
The Post Office is a state owned, nationalised, public sector company.
Remember them? The Far Left regard such companies as untouchable, blameless, ‘owned by the people’ and morally superior to those nasty private sector companies.
But just look at the real motives of such nationalised companies. The a*** covering motive, the keeping your job motive, the hiding ineptitude motive, those are the priorities.
Even now, not a single person at the Post Office has been held accountable. After all these years.
And as with the Post Office, so all those NHS maternity units in Bristol, Maidstone, Shrewsbury, that kill babies and mothers.
Let those who want to nationalise our energy and utility companies explain why it should be any different for them.
Typical BBC: new wine in old skins, as the saying goes. Good investigative journalism is often wasted because it has to be made to fit in with pre-existing master narratives; whereas it should change the narrative! We’ve seen this with ‘Rotherham’ (to use a shorthand for the Muslim abuse of kuffar girls in many places in the UK) where new info can’t be allowed challenge the ‘cultural enrichment’ and ‘religion-of-peace’ master narratives.
“KitKat maker Nestle warns of further price rises”
We warn KitKat maker Nestle we will not buy any then .
Lessons to Learn? ……………………….
“Retail sales fall as rising cost of living bites”
I hope GBN is not dumbing down. Some ageing wag with an over botoxed face – Lizzy Cundy on Sunday, on Nina Akua’s panel of comments, and was previously talking to Nige. Then Monday its a druggy addict ex actress with no nostrils Danielle Westbrook – also on a discussion panel, and again on the long suffering Nige’s show.
I turn over when I see these sort of ‘guests’ – as I do the unfunny ‘comedians’, because I want an articulate debate of intelligent conversation, not a constant stream of yer’know, yer’know with a lot of arm waving and waiting for someone to laugh.
They had ex BBC and now drawing a massive bbc pension Jenni Murray on last week. Carry on with these sorts and that’s the end for them as far as most of us are concerned.
Net Zero
He sums things up brilliantly. We can be sure that the globalist left will leave no stone unturned in their efforts to minimise the impact of the Musk take over of Twitter. But we should note everyone, every publication and news outlet that joins the anti Musk bandwagon and even those politicians who remain neutral, because if you don’t support Musk you are an enemy of democracy.
Tomo thank you – mr Carlsons point about our depending on a rich man to break the woke monopoly is well made …..
.. how will Obama / Biden react ..?
Conspiracy theorists were right ?
Big Tech censored Biden criticism more than 600 times over 2 years: report
Some were targeted merely for quoting the president in his own words
Also, Elizabeth Warren is upset about Musk spoiling Twitter for her.
Has the BBC left yet?
The point is that the likes of Pesto wield inordinate influence when they know nothing, but it is used by his mob anyway.
Seems like only yesterday Sopes’ main source of US intel was struggling when folk had a choice.
Lucky for the bbc their funding model avoids that.
Musk has said that he isn’t bothered about the financial aspects and that he views corporate advertising with suspicion as it gives those corporations too much influence on what Twitter allows on the platform.
If Musk is as good as his word , which is a big ask even if someone as rich as he is, he is going to allow anything to be on Twitter that is within the law. This is a massive blow against the international left. In effect it pulls the rug out from underneath their decades long narrative . We can expect a huge fight back against him .
I thought it was funny listening to lefties who couldn’t get their head around the idea that maybe Elton Musk is so rich that he doesn’t need twitter to make money …..
… I bet it does though ….
Have to say, the media legend that is Vile is taking it in his stride.
Worth every penny of that £750K pa…
Who cares?
BBC News is the largest broadcast news operation in the world with more than 2,000 journalists and 48 newsgathering bureaux, 41 of which are overseas.
So far, so funny.
Cannot wait for the cream of British media and their political heroes to opine in like ways.
Barry Gardiner defends donations worth £500,000 from Chinese agent
The Labour MP said Christine Lee appeared to be ‘operating as a legitimate person in the UK’.
Amy Gibbons
Thursday 13 January 2022 20:23
Shaun King? Never heard of him. What about his brother Wan?
How it works… worked… #101
Awaiting the thoughts of Simpo now.
Maybe Lurch, or whoever BBC N. America uses to channel info now.
In the immortal acronym of someone, QED…
QED 2.
Plus, the replies…
Not a bbc poll, despite all the boxes ticked.
The problem with ‘ending world hunger’ is people just breed faster, which results in more ‘world hunger’, and so on… but, there must come a day when there are no resources left…
$43 billion / 7 billion = $6 each?!
Today Watch
Do I detect shock in beeboids like Nickolas Robinson That Twitter might have free speech and unapproved thought again ?
There is fear that the President of the United States might be able to use twitter again . And that unapproved comments might ‘cause offence ‘.
What sort of media world do we live in when a State Broadcaster is alarmed about increased freedom ?
TOADY Watch #1 – they are trying to disguise it but …..
……. the BBC are terrified that Elon Musk, the new owner of Twitter, may let Donald Trump back on to the social media platform. It is what our Fed would call a ‘popcorn moment’; get a bocket or bowl of popcorn and sit down and watch what happens. The BBC have made several references to Donald Trump this morning in just the first forty-five minutes of the programme.
You could be forgiven for thinking they would like the former President back in the White House instead of the present incompetent incumbent.
Strange that BBC creatures like Harrabin can countenance no dissent – no challenge – no questioning of his religion . I reckon it’s because he lives in a world of unrestrained taxpayers ‘ funding …
Talking of funding – something called CNN plus has closed after a short time because it’s paid streaming only got 150 000 subscribers in America . Go woke go broke .
…I wonder how many of those subscribers were BBC account holders ?
See Bri Stelter above.
Who shares some much with Lurch and Toenails.
Bar the unique funding.
I reckon all of them, Fed!
The BBC only ever use stuff knocked out by CNN, Wapo etc., as they don’t have a competent autocue-reader over there!
And what a stupid statement for hahhabin to make – the ‘new wave’ started ages ago, when lefties, wokies etc., all got on the bandwagon, long after the real money-men had made enormous profits, confused the thick politicians, then buggered off!
Maybe the BBC could ask a few pensioners whether they would like to pay so much more for their heating, or not pay the TV Tax! They could also ask the same pensioners if they actually realise that nearly a third of their power bills are down to ridiculous ‘green’ rubbish…
Another minor pre occupation of the BBC is the cost of living . Obvious those on expenses can mitigate price increases .
But it seems that for ordinary mortals supermarket prices are going up ! Shock ! Surprise ! . Apparently people are so desperate that they are buying supermarket ‘own label ‘ fare rather than real stuff .
Right – that’s it – a windfall tax on supermarkets – and anyone else making a profit . Nationalise the supermarkets …
Perhaps the ‘super abundance ‘ of ‘cheap food ‘ days are over ? Although my bit of London is blighted by third world moped drivers charging around delivering the take aways and drugs needed every day …..can’t all be poor …?
If climate change is real (and it is… and always has been, and always will be) then what is there to fear from free speech?
People who fear free speech worry me more.
BBC adjusting…
Maybe that mail white ‘comedian ‘ who wears dresses and make up should get the Obama gig . ..
Surely in the interests of diversity Mrs Obama should have been played by a white woman .
…with an American husband!
I listened by accident to this ‘interview’ (joke). It sounded like a pastiche of the ‘four Yorkshiremen’ sketch. We were so poor we used to drink tea from a cracked cup. Luxury. We had to suck on a damp cloth.
In the spirit of deserved mockery, along with the BBC on Twitter… GB Idiocy…
Sometimes GBNews does look and sound a big ‘kidult ‘ – such ‘news ‘ items support this view
will nobody think of the chickens?
Bias in BBC news
The killing of a woman by Approved Actor Alek Baldwin is constantly described as ‘accidental shooting ‘ …. Really?
‘Unfettered free speech can quickly turn ugly ‘. – in reference to twitter .
We should feel sorry for those who fear free speech – that there will be a home for the ‘unapproved ‘ .
It can only be a matter of time before Obama /Biden throws the feds at Elon musk since the likes of the department of justice is just a democrat Lap dog now ….
The bbc is now putting on stream of anti free speech democrats . .. I’ve yet to hear a supporter of the action
The political term for the “BRITISH” broadcasting corporation
is said to be left of centre. As an analogy I would say that
is as left of centre, as Wembley Park Station is to the centre
circle of Wembley Stadium. As for the British part of
the anarchist Marxist media outlet. Look up in a
dictionary , if you don’t know what an oxymoron is.
When I found an international website which monitors and classifies news output the BBC was described as ‘left of centre’ CNN as Left wing.
I suggest you don’t push this too hard, it doesn’t matter if the BBC are centre Left Left WIng or far Left, in each and every case they are in breach of their charter, and you can only have a breach – there’s no such thing as a bigger breach, it just becomes easier to prove!
Femi is upset.
Femi is selected by the producers of a show where the panel also includes YAB, Champion, etc.
The show host works for the BBC. Femi also gets many BBC gigs. As do Champion and YAB. Whereas others do not.
The Head of the BBC disinformation unit decides what they look at, don’t look at, get wrong, and block any pointing it out.
One man… 20,000 in a hive.
New forms of democracy, eh, what are they like?
Still prefer the secret ballot, if flawed.
Did they care who owned it before?
SAudi! HA HA HA HA !
‘Some say’ the BBC is very worried, very worried indeed ?
There is a new TV competitor in the form of Talk TV and President Trump looks set to return ?
Over to our special BBC correspondent maxincony for an inside report……………………………………..
maxi ? Maxi ???
“Shoppers could face £271 rise in annual food bills”
Boris could offset that rise simply by ending the Telly Tax and scrapping the Green Levy ?
£271 ? Wondered how that was calulated? by my rough and ready calculations thats around £4600 pa a monthly grocery bill of £383, or less than £100 per week.
The reality is that a perfect storm is gathering and people will not be spending any more on groceries because they are not going to be able to buy many of the items they were used to buying before.
We now have yet another La Nina year developing – rather unusual, but this causes drought in both North & South America lowering crop yields, although the harvest in South America failed last year as a result.
We are heading for a serious famine, and yet the elites have their heads firmly up their own ar***les debating about what a woman is, whether men can get pregnant and if the rainbow unicorn is real instead of looking to the future.
When the inevitable food shortages and famines do hit us and they have as per usual done absolutely nothing to prepare for this, they will trot out the same tired excuses that climate change is to blame.
It isn’t – they are !
“Lessons will be learnt”?
But the thing is – thoughtful – what can states do about it ? I suggest – not much- sure the usual recital about ‘protecting the worst hit ‘ will be rolled out – and maybe those on the lowest income will get food stamps …
…. But the rest ? Hike taxes again to subsidise food ? Try to get people to realise they don’t have much by way of ‘disposable income ‘ anymore – once fuel and food bills are met ?
But of course those earning / getting a fair wack will not be too concerned about a – 10% – 20%- 30% increase in fuel / food bills ….
And as you allude – more volatile countries my see some serious civil unrest / war for resources …. Truly doom and gloom …
There is one easy measure they can take and that is to suspend the use of biofuels and turn the land over the crop production for human and livestock feed. When the crisis is over they can go back to the usual stupidity.
2.5% of land in the UK which could be freed up, then add in land for set aside or re-wilding, which again can be a temporary measure.
In the US they are talking about a billion tons of grain for biomass, grain which could feed people were the Dems not worshipping at the altar of green stupidity.
What a pathetic story. They might as well say ‘Tarmac prices will rise 6% this year’. £271 is about £5 per week. The real story is the effect of any inflation at all on people with fixed incomes. And in particular those whose pension schemes went bust and whose pension increases are limited to 2.5% per year maximum. Did you know that? Whilst the same people also have to pay for the unlimited pension inflation protection of the public sector. Also paid for, needless to say, by the rest of us. Now THERE’S an equality story the BBC somehow have failed to cover.
bBC exempted, panto man?
Just look at that guy on the left, probably a bodyguard, but described as a professional killer and hitman!
BBC people?
Next month perhaps Which? will be giving us the results on Best Hair Dyes.
Hence, very bbc.
Do they have to kneel for racism as well?
8am local radio news opened
“Campaigners against violence and anti-social behaviour against women are calling for more to be done about the problem of drink spiking in for women.
Here’s a clip from Justice for Sisters who are based in Hull”
( Is the item PRasNews for that org ?
No tell us who you are really doing PRasNews for)
This comes as a committee chaired by local Labour MP *Diana Johnson* releases a report that says the problem is widespread and is under reported
Diana will be joining us later
But Sue from the Campaign Against Drink Spiking says ..”
FFS the BBC’s station constantly acts as the PR arm of that Labour MP.
And despite all the hysteria there have been very very few proven cases of drink spiking. It’s more of a case of stupid women getting shit faced, waking up incapable of remembering what went on the night before and then blaming someone else.
Or in many other cases taking illegal drugs and experiencing an adverse reaction and because they don’t want to admit to what they have done they blame an easy target – drink spiking.
If the problem is ‘widespread’ as Johnson claims where is the evidence to support that claim.
This morning we kick off by highlighting frontpage adverts in our big national daily titles.
Despite – or perhaps because of – the report: ‘Panic buying hits Beijing as covid surges… sparking the biggest sell-off in Chinese stocks for two years‘ (FT) – the prime ad spot in the pink financial is bought by: ‘China Construction Bank. Builds a better future‘
The giveaway Metro is basically an advertising sheet interspersed with news. The proverbial second-hand car dealer being in such low repute these days the internet firm cheerfully hopes to lure us toward the notion: ‘Buy a quality used car entirely online? Cazoo yeah!‘
Such blatant red-in-tooth-and-claw capitalistic commercial promotions are the rarity lately on the covers of our newspapers. We look instead to those items we tend to call hereabouts “PR as News” – the familiar initialism referring to the now almost forgotten long-form – Public Relations.
Ladies can oncemore put one foot before the other and bend the knee in a curtsy, while chaps tug the forelock… ‘Abbey to be back. Oh I say! Look who’s your Gracing the red carpet‘ (Metro) – that’s right, we’re busy today bumming up the movie “Downton Abbey: A New Era” – Upstairs Downstairs was simply a popular TV show of the 1970s, now Downton is a franchise and probably Britain’s last valuable remaining export. Note the somewhat Star Wars reminiscent flavour of “Downton A New Era”
I guess it’s a positive in terms of the national balance of payments. Earning us all a filtered Downton Tuppence Middleton or two?
Red carpet lovelies Michelle Dockery and Laura Carmichael grace the frontpages of the Daily Mail: ‘Now that’s daring for Downton, Lady Edith… see pages 2-3‘; Daily Express: ‘Dazzling as ever…‘; and The Times is succinct and on point: ‘Costume Drama‘
Gosh, such concentration on actresses’ looks and outfits put on display for our benefit so as to help promote their show – and just as Vanessa Feltz is insisting: ‘We do NOT see our legs as a secret weapon!‘ (Express) – me thinks the lady doth protest too much – careful now; Alison Thompson in the Times tells us all about: ‘What I know about misogyny in Westminster‘; and apparently this is more prevalent on one side of the aisle – of course it is: ”The Tory basic instinct is always to blame a woman for being a bit too woman-y‘ – says the Labour-supporting Daily Mirror. When Labour can get back to us with a definition of woman perhaps we’ll take notice.
Talking of mysogyny being pegged as a Tory problem – one had to smile whilst putting oneself through the protracted trial that was Netflix’s courtroom drama Anatomy of a Scandal – quite an ordeal – the former Bullingdon Club Tory minister accused of rape is the main focus. Meanwhile the mild blink and you’ll miss it counter blow in the Labour direction was one of their MPs done for gay underage transgressions.
‘Punish sexist MPs with suspension, says most senior woman in Commons‘ that’ll be Harriet Harman making her extra-judicial demands in the Independent.
By the way, she’s been quiet of late but turned up on TV after a multiple stabbing left four dead in her constituency yesterday. To reassure the communities. Minus that famous stab-vest she wore on patrol with the cops back in 2008 when Labour were in power with their open door immigration policies. How prescient she was back then!
‘Nicola Sturgeon: Men need to change to make politics better for women‘ (Evening Standard) – having ruled Scotland since goodness only knows when – seems like since Lady Macbeth was a lass – what more does she want?
‘Boris Johnson says Angela Rayner treatment is “appalling load of sexist, misogynist tripe”…‘ (Manchester Evening News): ‘… as he visits Bury‘ – BoJo got that part about the tripe right enough. Talking tripe in Lancashire is somewhat akin to taking coals to Newcastle. I digress.
‘Commons Speaker Demands Meeting With Mail On Sunday Editor Over “Misogynistic” Angela Rayner Story‘ (Politics Home) – apperently Mr Hoyle frets that: ‘this type of comment in being demeaning, offensive to women in Parlaiment and can only deter women who are considering standing for Parliament‘
Oddly enough, one doesn’t see any dearth of budding young actresses queuing up for auditions for the likes of Downton – despite the consequent red carpet glamour shot obligations.
Given women are now the biggest demographic for newspaper readership, there’s no reason the news has to descend to the level of gossip – is there?
Beside Downton which excites the more right-leaning titles, the lefty papers are busy promoting their favourite things.
‘”If you’re female, you have to be nice” Golden Lion winner Sonia Boyce‘ (‘i’)
‘Cancelled Netflix? The best TV to see for free‘ (Guardian) – no doubt a bit of mutual BBC you scratch my my back, I’ll scratch yours, going on there.
And finally, in this product promotional edition – whether the product be feminism or yeast extract: ‘Marmite love it or love it‘ (Daily Star) – well, it’s hardly ever out of the news: ‘Camden Town launches new Marmite beer – but you’ll either love or hate it‘ (Daily Star August 2021); ‘Marmite to soar in price in further blow to Britain’s supply chain crisis‘ (Daily Star October 2021)
As I See It. Brilliant as always. One of the highlights of the day for me is reading your summary. Do you have a journalism background? Anyway, please keep writing.
You’re far too kind, Sir.
They do say politics is showbiz for the ugly – Macron unbuttoning his shirt for a win and our very own Ange demanding the right to hitch up her skirts in the chamber without comment, might tend to contradict that old notion.
Journalism… could be described as literature for those afflicted with attention span deficit – both from the point of view of producers and consumers.
The BBC’s obsession with wimmin’s equality in sport perhaps owes as much to their inability to cover men’s sport as it does to their obsession with equality.
But I laughed heartily when I saw the match attendance for the BBC live-covered women’s ‘Super’ league match between Tottenham and Chelsea. 2,161!
And they drone on about pay equality.
For Aston Villa v Manchester United , the attendance was 941. In both cases rather less than the 2,697 that watched Woking beat Wrexham in the Vanarama National league. Or Eastleigh v Barnet. Or 5 other matches.
How about paying them in relation to the popularity of the match. Say, one fiftieth of the pay of the men. Mind you, given the unutterably ludicrous pay of so many brain-cell challenged premier league footballers, that could still be a tidy sum.
Hello Sluff, mens/major sporting events are costly, wimmins events are free or next to nothing. Maybe the bBC is “promoting” wimmins sports as the cost in very little
In other words……the market economy in action. Prices influenced by supply and demand.
“Say, one fiftieth”
they play half as many matches
the crowds are around 1/20 – 1/25
the tickets are about 1/10 of the cost
the sponsorship level about 1/150
I reckon that makes everyone of them extremely overpaid compared to the revenue they bring in already
TOADY and any other BBC Radio 4 news programmes for the last two days: you would think that after sending Martha Kearney and then Nick Robinson on TellyTax funded, CO2 and Horrorbeing producing trips to Pareee to report in advance on the French Presidential Election between the Far Right Marine Le Pen and that slightly sinister bloke that the BBC would be keen to report, with all their sudden interest in France and its politics, the protests after the slightly sinister bloke, and not the Far Right candidate won.
Not a bit of it. No mention in my hearing at all on the first minutes of TOADY or at other times. Apparently and sadly the French police shot two people dead. You would think that would make the BBC news but no.