the 9:30 show so is supposed to be about the idea of North
but we just had five minutes about the changes in Bradford how pubs have become mosques etc.
I Watched the first couple of shows, there was an exclusive with a lady who was ‘lunged at ‘ by prince andrew when she worked for his family when she was 21 . She is now – I think – 35 …..
… I thought if this was the calibre of their ‘exclusives ‘ then this is gonna be pretty poor fare …
1765 …. **In a republic worthy of name, freedom to publish one ’s thoughts is a citizen’s natural right.** They may use a pen or their voice, and should not be prevented from writing any more than speaking …That is the law in England, a monarchical country, where people are freer than elsewhere because they are more enlightened. – Voltaire, Republican Ideas, 1765
2019 …Australia’s highest court has made a landmark ruling that a public servant was lawfully sacked for writing tweets which criticised government policies. The court rejected her claim that she had been denied a right to free speech. – Australia, 2019
1765 … **In a republic worthy of name, freedom to publish one’s thoughts is a citizen’s natural right.**
2019 … ** a public servant was lawfully sacked for writing tweets which criticised government policies.**
“Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov warned of the “real” threat of World War Three breaking out” as, increasingly their unwarranted Ukraine invasion develops into a proxy war with NATO/The West.
Here, Mr Lavrov, let me rephrase that assertion:
‘We demand that the West backs-off from interfering in our well established role as the Worlds Thugs and leaves us alone to invade any country or kill their nationals at will’.
‘Otherwise’, whoever is left after we exchange nuclear weapons can share a desolate permanently dark and polluted World with our, deprived of all business and influence friends in China and us. Happy Days………..
The suicide bomber who killed 22 people at an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester last year had been rescued from the Libyan civil war by the Royal Navy. Salman Abedi detonated a home-made bomb in the foyer of the Manchester Arena on 22 May 2017 as concert-goers, many of them children, were leaving the venue.31 Jul 2018
Anyone read or know anything about how the bBC were legally afforded the ability to impose its licence fee on Sky,Virgin Media or BT.
Precisely, their TV Licensing letter from a private company Capita Business Services states;
” No watching or recording live tv from paid for TV services like Sky,Virgin Media or BT.
I,ve never been asked by any of Sky, Virgin or BT that a condition of using their services requires the payment of a licence fee to bBC,
It would seem reasonable to think it is a matter of restricting competition by enabling the bBC through its Licence to have the right to impose such far reaching conditions and /or restrictions.
Ms Dorries as a first step to decriminalising this unique farrago
can you issue a restriction notice that limits the bBC to impose its conditions ONLY on its own output/channels .
Put simply. If I have bought and paid SKY Sports to watch a live football match why does that require an additional payment of £159 to a woke, biased and left wing operation which I do not watch?
I want to post this, because it’s of massive importance. Aside from the fact Russia and Ukraine produce 70% of the worlds sunflower oil, Malaysia and Indonesia produce nearly 100% of the worlds palm oil and both have announced export bans.
Canada is number one rapeseed (Canola oil) producer, but thanks to a La Nina caused drought they have had a poor harvest. The other two China and India are likely to also announce export bans as they need it for domestic consumption.
In terms of Soybean oil Number one is China – see above about domestic consumption, USA – poor crop yields for the same reasons as Canada, and then South American countries where this years harvest failed because of the drought caused by La Nina.
It’s alright saying I don’t often cook with cooking oil, but the stuff is in almost everything meaning it will either become very expensive or difficult to find.
There aren’t any options, which is the big problem. It’s like watching the Tsunami you can see it comming and take some action, but there is nothing you can do to stop it.
It gets even worse because farmers are unable to buy enough fertiliser and are not prepared to work land which will not produce optimum crop yields, because that will not even break even with the price of diesel.
We are now in April, it’s a little late to be addressing what fantasy land political leaders should have been doing virtually as soon as they applied sanctions.
It feels like playing one of those global video games ( never played but imagine it ) except that this time it is real – either the consequences of a spreading war – or spreading resource shortages …
Maybe my personal prediction of a Uk recession as a far worse global one …. But human nature amounts to a collective shoulder shrug ….
But how to best prepare for even worse times ?
Talking about fantasy land political leaders. I think Boris has implemented a “Green-Loony” “Upper-Class” “Left-Wing” “Fantasy-Land” policy of paying British Farmers taxpayers money not to produce food. Princess Nut Nut has persuaded Boris to pay farmers to rewild the countryside. Boris married a woman who’s family are part of the left-wing Independent/BBC media cartel. Carrie Antoinette replaced real Tories in No 10 with “Environ-Mentally-Ill” friends from the BBC. I think Carrie Antoinettes policy is for people in the “Red-Wall” to eat cake. It looks like she sent Boris with plans to import the cake from India.
Oh and just as a footnote, aside from the government inevitably lying that the cause is climate change rather than its own incompetence, they are likely to attack those people who have been prudent and put some food by as ‘hoarders’ and ask others to report them so they can sieze your food stores so be careful who knows if you do put a little aside.
I thought it ‘interesting ‘ that the guardian recently ran a piece on people preparing for bad times . It wasn’t that informative – and didn’t allow ‘comments ‘- which I thought was … strange ..
Ange upset about being called thick, even if she is.
Referring to a Daily Mail article
She also said the article was “steeped in classism”, insinuating she must be “thick” because she went to a comprehensive school and she is “promiscuous” because she had a child when she was young.
The anonymous Tory MP quoted in the article is said to have told the paper: “She (Ms Rayner) knows she can’t compete with Boris’s Oxford Union debating training, but she has other skills which he lacks.
“She has admitted as much when enjoying drinks with us on the (Commons) terrace.”
Ms Rayner, who went to a comprehensive school, said that suggestion was “absolute rubbish”, adding “I think I hold my own” against the Eton-educated prime minister.
“I’ve always felt quite intimidated. I think women from my background do, we always think ‘they’re important, they know more than me’ – and then you get in the room and realise, actually, they don’t,” she told ITV.
Questions are now sexist … see how we can’t even talk about problems … “When it comes to sexism, some Sky news presenters need to look at themselves to. (I’m a victim) ” {youtube – @2:23 – Emily Thornberry}
What really upsets (emotion) me, about your attitude to me (asking a question), you do this with me (victim). I don’t remember you doing it with anybody else you know (I’m a victim)” {youtube – @0:19 – Emily Thornberry}
They say clothes maketh man, and ‘first impressions count’, well I think one’s accent immediately gives the impression to some of their education ability.
My parents from South Yorkshire spoke with a thick Yorkshire accent, but I was born on the South coast. Whenever I visited relatives in the North, the reaction was “doesn’t she talk posh, I bet our L……. is really brainy”, (if they only knew). That was half a century ago, and I don’t think attitudes have changed much.
I remember reading about Sue Lawley – presenter on Nationwide back in the day, who said she had elocution lessons to diminish her broad Brummie accent for televsion. How many times have we had an illusion popped when a stunning model opened her mouth – and what came out didn’t quite match the vision.
We may not publicly admit it, but accents do give a perception of how others see us.
Musk has utterly snookered this latest Cupid Stunt by working class Labour (harking back to the chavette Lord Creosote encountered), so they are in crisis mode sending her to the studio of every emoting sofa sloth show and their insincere wimmin hosts. Like Vile.
Still, on the plus side, at least in her they now have a true symbol of the utterly classless society.
Online Harms Bill, which “mandates that platforms have to remove content that emotionally distresses people – so are we going to be arresting Elon Musk when he arrives in the UK, or are we going to change the Online Safety Bill?”
Online Safety Bill
Explanatory notes to the Bill, prepared by the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and
Sport, are published separately as Bill 285-EN.
Secretary Nadine Dorries has made the following statement under section 19(1)(a) of the
Human Rights Act 1998:
In my view the provisions of the Online Safety Bill are compatible with the Convention rights
The “online safety bill” is EU legislation not UK, and is being introduced to keep the UK fully integrated with EU law to make it easier for the remainer Tories including Boris to take us back in again as soon as they feel it safe to do so.
The “Online Safety Bill” and “EU Law” is “Harm”. “Harm” means psychological harm amounting to at least serious distress to myself and all Brexiteers.
Therefore the “Online Safety Bill” and the “European Union” should be abolished promptly, so as to avoid “Harm” to “Free Speech” and the people of Europe.
Russia is at WAR with NATO and there is now a real chance the conflict will turn NUCLEAR, Kremlin foreign minister Sergei Lavrov warns.
Great just what we need and just like last time the Tories have left the country in a state with no defence, except this time there are no men of vision in a place to do something pre-emptive such as designing a new aero engine or fighter aircraft.
If left to the Tories we would probably have entered WWII with biplanes against ME109s
As well as bringing us hope through her own experiences Jess talks to the accidental heroes who have been brave enough to risk everything, become whistle-blowers and successfully fight back.
These inspiring people, often living everyday lives, who then found themselves at the centre of the storm and spoke truth to power include:
Zelda Perkins, the personal assistant who first called-out Harvey Weinstein;
Paul Caruana Galizia, son of murdered Maltese journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia;
Tom Watson the British MP who successfully took on the Murdoch press empire and won;
Sara Rowbotham, the sexual-health worker who uncovered the abuse of young girls by gangs of Asian men in Rochdale – and the subsequent cover-up by the authorities;
Natasha Elcock, resident of Grenfell Tower and chair of Grenfell United, the pressure group set up by families after the disaster;
Cara Sanquest from the campaign to legalise women’s right to choose abortion in Ireland.
Entertaining, empowering and uncompromising, TRUTH TO POWER is the book we all need to help us call time on the seemingly unstoppable tide of bullshit in our lives.
ive hundred and one years ago tonight, on the 23rd of May in the year 1498, Savonarola was burned at the stake. The citizens of Florence mourned, and the poets lamented his passing with these words:
Charity is extinct,
Love of God is no more.
All are lukewarm;
And without living faith… .
Alas! the Saint is dead!
Alas! O Lord! Alas!
Thou hast taken our Prophet
And drawn him to thyself.
Girolamo Savonarola (1452-1498), the great Italian preacher, was one of the forerunners of the Protestant Reformation. He is worthy of our consideration because his life and death illustrate the problems the church was facing in the 15th century. This is the fifth in a series of ten Windows on the World covering the last millennium in church history.
Savonarola did not stop preaching, however, and he continued to speak out against sexual immorality, prostitution, gambling, blasphemy, drunkenness, and other common sins. He helped start prayer meetings on the city streets and staged public conflagrations at which people burned their pornography, their gambling equipment, and even their cosmetics. These “Bonfires of the Vanities,” as they were called, were intended to help purge the city of evil.
I was reading the BBC Travel page on Marseille by Thomas Bird as I have sometimes thought of visiting the city with my wife. I had some concerns about safety but He describes Marseille as ‘France’s good natured city’, and paints a rosy picture of multiculturalism. He also says that disparaging opinions of the city are outmoded. I then Googled -Crime in Marseille. The first thing I see is crime is rife, 5 times higher than the rest of France. The murder rate is especially high. I think we’ll give it a miss.
I was warned off Marseille around 40 years ago. Apparently full of Arabs who are hostile to White French and Europeans, e.g. in cafes and bars if you wander into one in the wrong area. The police had to deal with dead bodies in shop doorways, which appeared overnight (knifed to death, I think, in gang warfare). The French bloke who told me about this said it was “sewer” or a “dump”, can’t recall which.
With 400-500 “Sensitive Urban Zones” (ZUS in French) when I last read about it, there are now plenty of places to avoid in France. The tragedy is partly the official denial about all of this, as in Sweden, Bradfordistan, Belgium, etc.
Eid Mubarak to you and your loved ones! Eid is a time to show love, gather and exchange gifts. Celebrate the end of Ramadan and browse gifting ideas here at Boots. Explore Eid gifts for her, him and the rest of the family. Do Eid in style this year with thoughtful presents including premium fragrances, make-up, skincare and some fabulous gifts for the little ones.
Monday local BBC news ..entirely on location from Hull’s depot for Ukrainian relief supplies
with VT ..of armoured ambulances being made in Goole
and VT of Ukrainian families arriving at local families’ homes.
The BBC is happiest when they are in their “activists saving the World” mode
Not BBC but bet they’ll be jealous! The Chase has just started on ITV four contestants all ethnic I said to Mrs ND I bet the chaser will be too sure enough it’s the gay Indian one!
A new series of Tipping Point started a couple of weeks ago they’ve changed the format a little with just three contestants now.The few times that I’ve seen it it’s been two ethnic vs one white.
A while ago between they were running clips saying something like how they needed to be more inclusive embrace diversity seems like the contestant bookers on the channel have taken it to heart.
Popped to the shops earlier heard the news headlines on Talksport that Tim Westwood has been accused of inappropriate behavior after a joint investigation by the BBC and The Guardian…I thought they were one and the same!
I wonder if the Beeb has ever done a joint investigation with The Mail? Perhaps one for Maxi to answer!
‘Millennials require a different kind of management’: Recruitment boss says Generation Y has an ‘inflated sense of entitlement’ with a ‘loathing of conflict’ after accountant, 26, lost age discrimination claim after he was fired for being ‘demanding’
“Twitter has become a liberal authoritarian bullying cesspit where debate goes to die. Elon Musk is the final hope to rescue free speech before the woke mind virus takes over big tech once and for all”
“Twitter fears sabotage by left-wing staff after Musk takeover: Developers are blocked from app after rebellious employees called deal ‘dangerous for democracy’ – and hysterical liberal social media personalities threaten to QUIT social media giant
Furious Twitter employees bombarded site and internal message boards with attacks on controversial tycoon
Complaints ranged from fears of his ‘danger to democracy’ to complaints they could be forced to stop WFH”
A long video from a smallholder in America who addresses many of the topics we often talk about here and the coming food shortages.
At the start of it he goes through an interesting set of facts that last year there were serious fires at 8 US food processing plants, and yet up to date this year there have been 18 already! Three of these have been caused by light aircraft crashing into them! He asks the reasonable question whether the US food supply system is under some kind of attack ?
Combined, Russia and Belarus had provided about 40% of the world’s exports of potash, according to Morgan Stanley. Russia’s exports were hit by sanctions. Further, in February, a major Belarus producer declared force majeure — a statement that it wouldn’t be able to uphold its contracts due to forces beyond its control.
Also the minerals used for fertiliser are used in the batteries for electric cars. It seems you either believe the myth of electric cars, or reject it and eat.
hey conclude that by 2050, demands for lithium, cobalt and nickel to supply the projected >200 million LEVs per year will increase by a factor of 15–20. However, their analysis for lithium-iron-phosphate batteries (LFP) fails to include phosphorus, listed by the Europen Commission as a “Critical Raw Material” with a high supply risk2. We outline below that, whilst timely, their analysis is incomplete in that it does not consider the complexities of the global anthropogenic phosphorus cycle in the context of supply chain resilience and sustainability for the emerging LEV sector.
Twitter wars range from users getting aircraft to Canada – saying they’ll never use a free twitter – unable to face challenge about their views … through to those banished now returning to it .
I’ve never posted on twitter – and perhaps never will – I don’t see the internet – social media – changing the views of users – it’s just a place to expose views – and be informed – and that’s about it .
Amazing – though- that all sorts of lefties can’t conceive that mr musk might want to buy it for reasons other than making Money …
#BBCtrending: Five facts about #BringBackOurGirls { may2014} The top BBC journalists have reviewed the hashtag and the findings are in …
1. When did it start? – 23rd April, 2014
2. How many times has it been used on Twitter? – 3.3million
3. Where is it being used? – Top Countries Nigeria 27%, UK, USA
4. Who is using it? – 56% Women, 44% Men
5. Most shared tweet? – 57,000 Retweets
Oh, and the missing, most important one for the actual 276 girls … not asked by the BBC …
6. Did #bringbackourgirls actually bring back the 276 girls? (the most important question)
“When they go low, we go high” – Michelle Obama – 2016
“#bringbackourgirls” – Michelle Obama – April 2014
Nigeria rejected British offer to rescue seized Chibok schoolgirls { – mar2017}
In a mission named Operation Turus, the RAF (UK Airforce) conducted air reconnaissance over northern Nigeria for several months, following the kidnapping of 276 girls from the town of Chibok in April 2014 (by Islamist militant group Boko Haram). “The girls were located in the first few weeks of the RAF mission,” a source involved in Operation Turus told the Observer. “We offered to rescue them, but the Nigerian government declined.”
– Guardian UK Online Website / 4 March 2017
#bringbackourgirls – makes you wonder who Michelle Obama was asking to do this? The wife of the most powerful man in the World, with a special relationship with the Country who could have taken action, reduced to holding a piece of card for the World to read a #hashtag that did NOT bring the girls back.
Viola was special guest on The One Show (natch), straight after their promotion of the fact that Ramadan us coming to an end, apparently the Welsh bird called this article ‘beautiful’.
Don’t forget BBC, this weekend sees the ghetto amateur butchers slit animals throats, leaving them to die in agony illegally. Amazing the police never catch anyone, the weirdo animal rights protestors suddenly disappear and the BBC turn a blind eye and don’t want to upset the communihy.
The BBC left Ronnie O’Sullivan at the snooker, to go to Politics Live in which an MP called Sir Robert Buckland is wittering about something or other. It’s like saying ‘that’s enough of Beethoven’s 5th symphony, now let’s hear a dustcart reversing for 3 miles’.
The BBC loves to illustrate its stories with gratuitous pictures of ethnic folk, preferably black wimmin’ with fly-away hair, no matter how inappropriate to the story. But when it decidely is appropriate, they quickly reverse course. For example, a story about da boyz in da hood in a stabbin’ frenzy, killing other aspiring architects and doctors from da community, will be illustrated with a photo of a White hand holding a knife.
Another example has appeared today on the BBC website. A new law has come into effect in England and Wales which raises the minimum marriage age to 18 (previously it was 16, provided there was parental consent). The story is illustrated with a photo of two White hands. But why has the government made this change? The clues are in the words and phrases in the news item:
‘…The new law also applies to cultural or religious marriages…’
‘…This would include adults who took children abroad to carry out the marriage…’
‘…Payzee Malika, who was coerced into a marriage…’
‘…While Payzee escaped her marriage, her sister Banaz was murdered in a so-called honour killing…’
‘…Mihai Calin Bica, of the Roma Support Group…’
‘…it will take time for that information to trickle through to the communities it will most effect…’
‘…That’s a worry for those who represent the Roma community…’
‘…Analysis, By Rajdeep Sandhu, BBC Westminster correspondent…’
Now, nobody should underestimate the seriousness of the problem. And raising the age to 18 is probably a good thing, after all, the only thing that 16 year olds should be permitted to do is vote Labour or SNP in a General Election. But this change is not in response to the beastly behaviour of – how shall we put it – traditional British people. Rather, it’s a consequence of people coming here from countries with very different standards of behaviour and beliefs, and bringing those customs with them. So, why have the BBC chosen to illustrate it with a picture of two adult White hands?
The father-of-four (Anjem Choudary preaching hate 1999-2016) takes home more than £25,000 a year in benefits and lives in a £320,000 house in Leytonstone
“…and don’t you worry. It’s coming to a place near you…we cannot have state subsidized preachers…give it up or give it to your deadliest enemy and pay for the rope that will choke you.“
Hi Lucy – nice to hear from you … the idea of mr musk buying the BBC did pass my mind … I wonder what the valuation should be …? … small change for Mr M…
A major city in Sudan’s Darfur region has been under fierce attack – days after thousands of people arrived there seeking safety after their own town was set ablaze by horse-riding Arab militias known as Janjaweed.
We have amended an article on the BBC News online site in Bristol about endometriosis to make it clearer to the audience how the condition affects women. The article was updated to remove an inaccuracy where we described symptoms as causes. Also, specifically, the word ‘people’ was replaced with the word ‘women’, and we removed the phrase “who are assigned female at birth”.
You mean “Burn Karens” surely!? Karens, as in “check your privilege, Karen (i.e. honky)!” Plenty of Karens in both Sweden and USA whom the Left would like to see out of the way. Don’t know about the CO2 emissions angle, mind you …
Following the Russian invasion of Ukraine we reported on the journey a Scottish man was making from Kyiv to Poland. The report started with a shot of military planes in formation overhead. This was old footage filmed in 2020 of preparations for a military parade in Moscow and should not have been used. We apologise for the mistake.
Very strange interview of nut nut by Tom Newton Dun on Talk TV – far too many serious questions – and answers – to be a proper BBC style interview – no ‘gotcha’ question – only one question about cake – no ‘ are you going to resign ?’ Question –
Almost an interview from another time – `TND letting the PM answer sensible questions – very rare …..
atlas_shruggedMar 4, 01:04 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The roof looks in good nick. Just like the cathedral at Notre-Dame in Paris.
tomoMar 4, 00:52 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 We absolutely need some British judges subject to this sort of challenge.
Van HelsingMar 4, 00:33 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I rather think their ambition is loftier than their reach. Trump holds the cards in this one.
JohnCMar 4, 00:29 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 This sounds like what that talk about Obama and the Logan act was really about. ‘ a United States federal…
JohnCMar 4, 00:22 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 taff, the usual BBC response is to simply not report it. A search with Google shows several UK sites reporting…
JohnCMar 4, 00:00 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I think you overcomplicate it there Zelazek: Trump is outspokenly right-wing. And the Left absolutely hate people like him with…
ZelazekMar 3, 23:46 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Jeff – exactly. They hate Trump no matter what. Their reasons will appear illogical and contradictory over time. This hatred…
the 9:30 show so is supposed to be about the idea of North
but we just had five minutes about the changes in Bradford how pubs have become mosques etc.
Talk TV
I Watched the first couple of shows, there was an exclusive with a lady who was ‘lunged at ‘ by prince andrew when she worked for his family when she was 21 . She is now – I think – 35 …..
… I thought if this was the calibre of their ‘exclusives ‘ then this is gonna be pretty poor fare …
There’s manipulation, then there’s BBC manipulation
“lawfully sacked for writing tweets which criticised government policies.” { aug2019} – the death of freedom of speech.
1765 …. **In a republic worthy of name, freedom to publish one ’s thoughts is a citizen’s natural right.** They may use a pen or their voice, and should not be prevented from writing any more than speaking …That is the law in England, a monarchical country, where people are freer than elsewhere because they are more enlightened. – Voltaire, Republican Ideas, 1765
2019 …Australia’s highest court has made a landmark ruling that a public servant was lawfully sacked for writing tweets which criticised government policies. The court rejected her claim that she had been denied a right to free speech. – Australia, 2019
1765 … **In a republic worthy of name, freedom to publish one’s thoughts is a citizen’s natural right.**
2019 … ** a public servant was lawfully sacked for writing tweets which criticised government policies.**
She was a civil servant who broke the civil service code, unlike the cowardly UK government the Aussies had the guts to sack her.
What she did is akin to British civil servants to go on the record criticising Britain policy of exporting asylum seekers to Rwanda.
“Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov warned of the “real” threat of World War Three breaking out” as, increasingly their unwarranted Ukraine invasion develops into a proxy war with NATO/The West.
Here, Mr Lavrov, let me rephrase that assertion:
‘We demand that the West backs-off from interfering in our well established role as the Worlds Thugs and leaves us alone to invade any country or kill their nationals at will’.
‘Otherwise’, whoever is left after we exchange nuclear weapons can share a desolate permanently dark and polluted World with our, deprived of all business and influence friends in China and us. Happy Days………..
About us
The first duty of the government is to keep citizens safe and the country secure.
The suicide bomber who killed 22 people at an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester last year had been rescued from the Libyan civil war by the Royal Navy. Salman Abedi detonated a home-made bomb in the foyer of the Manchester Arena on 22 May 2017 as concert-goers, many of them children, were leaving the venue.31 Jul 2018
Sanity4Sweden’s view.
Open cheating French election? / Elon Musk and Twitter, what’s pissing me off about it
Anyone read or know anything about how the bBC were legally afforded the ability to impose its licence fee on Sky,Virgin Media or BT.
Precisely, their TV Licensing letter from a private company Capita Business Services states;
” No watching or recording live tv from paid for TV services like Sky,Virgin Media or BT.
I,ve never been asked by any of Sky, Virgin or BT that a condition of using their services requires the payment of a licence fee to bBC,
It would seem reasonable to think it is a matter of restricting competition by enabling the bBC through its Licence to have the right to impose such far reaching conditions and /or restrictions.
Ms Dorries as a first step to decriminalising this unique farrago
can you issue a restriction notice that limits the bBC to impose its conditions ONLY on its own output/channels .
Put simply. If I have bought and paid SKY Sports to watch a live football match why does that require an additional payment of £159 to a woke, biased and left wing operation which I do not watch?
I want to post this, because it’s of massive importance. Aside from the fact Russia and Ukraine produce 70% of the worlds sunflower oil, Malaysia and Indonesia produce nearly 100% of the worlds palm oil and both have announced export bans.
Canada is number one rapeseed (Canola oil) producer, but thanks to a La Nina caused drought they have had a poor harvest. The other two China and India are likely to also announce export bans as they need it for domestic consumption.
In terms of Soybean oil Number one is China – see above about domestic consumption, USA – poor crop yields for the same reasons as Canada, and then South American countries where this years harvest failed because of the drought caused by La Nina.
It’s alright saying I don’t often cook with cooking oil, but the stuff is in almost everything meaning it will either become very expensive or difficult to find.
On the upside – maybe it’s the end of the obesity crisis ….
… pity the chap doesn’t offer any options for preventing a coming recession or global famine .
Mind you – if Russia is sabre rattling about NATO kitting out Ukraine – we might not have a food problem to worry about – Boom ….
There aren’t any options, which is the big problem. It’s like watching the Tsunami you can see it comming and take some action, but there is nothing you can do to stop it.
It gets even worse because farmers are unable to buy enough fertiliser and are not prepared to work land which will not produce optimum crop yields, because that will not even break even with the price of diesel.
We are now in April, it’s a little late to be addressing what fantasy land political leaders should have been doing virtually as soon as they applied sanctions.
It feels like playing one of those global video games ( never played but imagine it ) except that this time it is real – either the consequences of a spreading war – or spreading resource shortages …
Maybe my personal prediction of a Uk recession as a far worse global one …. But human nature amounts to a collective shoulder shrug ….
But how to best prepare for even worse times ?
Talking about fantasy land political leaders. I think Boris has implemented a “Green-Loony” “Upper-Class” “Left-Wing” “Fantasy-Land” policy of paying British Farmers taxpayers money not to produce food. Princess Nut Nut has persuaded Boris to pay farmers to rewild the countryside. Boris married a woman who’s family are part of the left-wing Independent/BBC media cartel. Carrie Antoinette replaced real Tories in No 10 with “Environ-Mentally-Ill” friends from the BBC. I think Carrie Antoinettes policy is for people in the “Red-Wall” to eat cake. It looks like she sent Boris with plans to import the cake from India.
Oh and just as a footnote, aside from the government inevitably lying that the cause is climate change rather than its own incompetence, they are likely to attack those people who have been prudent and put some food by as ‘hoarders’ and ask others to report them so they can sieze your food stores so be careful who knows if you do put a little aside.
I thought it ‘interesting ‘ that the guardian recently ran a piece on people preparing for bad times . It wasn’t that informative – and didn’t allow ‘comments ‘- which I thought was … strange ..
That was 2017, Canada is damaged goods now
.. Past its sell-by date
Itv headline news at 1.30
Ange upset about being called thick, even if she is.
Referring to a Daily Mail article
She also said the article was “steeped in classism”, insinuating she must be “thick” because she went to a comprehensive school and she is “promiscuous” because she had a child when she was young.
The anonymous Tory MP quoted in the article is said to have told the paper: “She (Ms Rayner) knows she can’t compete with Boris’s Oxford Union debating training, but she has other skills which he lacks.
“She has admitted as much when enjoying drinks with us on the (Commons) terrace.”
Ms Rayner, who went to a comprehensive school, said that suggestion was “absolute rubbish”, adding “I think I hold my own” against the Eton-educated prime minister.
“I’ve always felt quite intimidated. I think women from my background do, we always think ‘they’re important, they know more than me’ – and then you get in the room and realise, actually, they don’t,” she told ITV.
Questions are now sexist … see how we can’t even talk about problems … “When it comes to sexism, some Sky news presenters need to look at themselves to. (I’m a victim) ” {youtube – @2:23 – Emily Thornberry}
What really upsets (emotion) me, about your attitude to me (asking a question), you do this with me (victim). I don’t remember you doing it with anybody else you know (I’m a victim)” {youtube – @0:19 – Emily Thornberry}
Blimey – he didn’t even mention lady nugee and the white van picture – touchy touchy …
Is that the one where in reply he put up a tweet listing a whole series of occasions, where he asked other people similar questions in the past ?
They say clothes maketh man, and ‘first impressions count’, well I think one’s accent immediately gives the impression to some of their education ability.
My parents from South Yorkshire spoke with a thick Yorkshire accent, but I was born on the South coast. Whenever I visited relatives in the North, the reaction was “doesn’t she talk posh, I bet our L……. is really brainy”, (if they only knew). That was half a century ago, and I don’t think attitudes have changed much.
I remember reading about Sue Lawley – presenter on Nationwide back in the day, who said she had elocution lessons to diminish her broad Brummie accent for televsion. How many times have we had an illusion popped when a stunning model opened her mouth – and what came out didn’t quite match the vision.
We may not publicly admit it, but accents do give a perception of how others see us.
Angela Rayner: I was crestfallen after Basic Instinct claim about distracting PM
Crestfallen, what
I wonder who gave her that word ..?
It’s hilarious.
Musk has utterly snookered this latest Cupid Stunt by working class Labour (harking back to the chavette Lord Creosote encountered), so they are in crisis mode sending her to the studio of every emoting sofa sloth show and their insincere wimmin hosts. Like Vile.
Still, on the plus side, at least in her they now have a true symbol of the utterly classless society.
Online Harms Bill, which “mandates that platforms have to remove content that emotionally distresses people – so are we going to be arresting Elon Musk when he arrives in the UK, or are we going to change the Online Safety Bill?”
Online Safety Bill
Explanatory notes to the Bill, prepared by the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and
Sport, are published separately as Bill 285-EN.
Secretary Nadine Dorries has made the following statement under section 19(1)(a) of the
Human Rights Act 1998:
In my view the provisions of the Online Safety Bill are compatible with the Convention rights
Click to access 210285.pdf
(4) “Harm” means psychological harm amounting to at least serious distress
The “online safety bill” is EU legislation not UK, and is being introduced to keep the UK fully integrated with EU law to make it easier for the remainer Tories including Boris to take us back in again as soon as they feel it safe to do so.
The “Online Safety Bill” and “EU Law” is “Harm”. “Harm” means psychological harm amounting to at least serious distress to myself and all Brexiteers.
Therefore the “Online Safety Bill” and the “European Union” should be abolished promptly, so as to avoid “Harm” to “Free Speech” and the people of Europe.
Russia is at WAR with NATO and there is now a real chance the conflict will turn NUCLEAR, Kremlin foreign minister Sergei Lavrov warns.
Great just what we need and just like last time the Tories have left the country in a state with no defence, except this time there are no men of vision in a place to do something pre-emptive such as designing a new aero engine or fighter aircraft.
If left to the Tories we would probably have entered WWII with biplanes against ME109s
As well as bringing us hope through her own experiences Jess talks to the accidental heroes who have been brave enough to risk everything, become whistle-blowers and successfully fight back.
These inspiring people, often living everyday lives, who then found themselves at the centre of the storm and spoke truth to power include:
Zelda Perkins, the personal assistant who first called-out Harvey Weinstein;
Paul Caruana Galizia, son of murdered Maltese journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia;
Tom Watson the British MP who successfully took on the Murdoch press empire and won;
Sara Rowbotham, the sexual-health worker who uncovered the abuse of young girls by gangs of Asian men in Rochdale – and the subsequent cover-up by the authorities;
Natasha Elcock, resident of Grenfell Tower and chair of Grenfell United, the pressure group set up by families after the disaster;
Cara Sanquest from the campaign to legalise women’s right to choose abortion in Ireland.
Entertaining, empowering and uncompromising, TRUTH TO POWER is the book we all need to help us call time on the seemingly unstoppable tide of bullshit in our lives.
..plenty of paper in the book to get the wood burner going…
Trouble is if you speak the truth to her power you’ll be arrested and imprisoned and possibly tortured as “whose real name is” was.
Only the illiberal authoritarian left is allowed to shout its ‘truth’ everyone else is verboten.
Anna Soubry Nazi-slur man given suspended jail term
Published22 July 2019
James Goddard, 30, from Altrincham, admitted using threatening or abusive language and using racist language to abuse a police officer.
Today’s libmob has a totalitarian streak
Rather than debate you, they PUNISH you by declaring you unholy and getting you cancelled.
“They’re more interested in punishing distrust than regaining trust, and that’s just one current example.”
John Hayward’s long thread
ive hundred and one years ago tonight, on the 23rd of May in the year 1498, Savonarola was burned at the stake. The citizens of Florence mourned, and the poets lamented his passing with these words:
Charity is extinct,
Love of God is no more.
All are lukewarm;
And without living faith… .
Alas! the Saint is dead!
Alas! O Lord! Alas!
Thou hast taken our Prophet
And drawn him to thyself.
Girolamo Savonarola (1452-1498), the great Italian preacher, was one of the forerunners of the Protestant Reformation. He is worthy of our consideration because his life and death illustrate the problems the church was facing in the 15th century. This is the fifth in a series of ten Windows on the World covering the last millennium in church history.
Savonarola did not stop preaching, however, and he continued to speak out against sexual immorality, prostitution, gambling, blasphemy, drunkenness, and other common sins. He helped start prayer meetings on the city streets and staged public conflagrations at which people burned their pornography, their gambling equipment, and even their cosmetics. These “Bonfires of the Vanities,” as they were called, were intended to help purge the city of evil.
I was reading the BBC Travel page on Marseille by Thomas Bird as I have sometimes thought of visiting the city with my wife. I had some concerns about safety but He describes Marseille as ‘France’s good natured city’, and paints a rosy picture of multiculturalism. He also says that disparaging opinions of the city are outmoded. I then Googled -Crime in Marseille. The first thing I see is crime is rife, 5 times higher than the rest of France. The murder rate is especially high. I think we’ll give it a miss.
I was warned off Marseille around 40 years ago. Apparently full of Arabs who are hostile to White French and Europeans, e.g. in cafes and bars if you wander into one in the wrong area. The police had to deal with dead bodies in shop doorways, which appeared overnight (knifed to death, I think, in gang warfare). The French bloke who told me about this said it was “sewer” or a “dump”, can’t recall which.
Give the north of Paris a miss too.
20 YEARS AGO I was in a taxi going out to our office and we passed St Denis….north of Paris
i asked the driver
Ques que c,est Monsieur
C,est l’Afrique he replied.
With 400-500 “Sensitive Urban Zones” (ZUS in French) when I last read about it, there are now plenty of places to avoid in France. The tragedy is partly the official denial about all of this, as in Sweden, Bradfordistan, Belgium, etc.
My non-Muslim neighbour jut told me that she’s had an email from Boots, telling her they have a range of Eid gifts.
Eid Mubarak to you and your loved ones! Eid is a time to show love, gather and exchange gifts. Celebrate the end of Ramadan and browse gifting ideas here at Boots. Explore Eid gifts for her, him and the rest of the family. Do Eid in style this year with thoughtful presents including premium fragrances, make-up, skincare and some fabulous gifts for the little ones.
Monday local BBC news ..entirely on location from Hull’s depot for Ukrainian relief supplies
with VT ..of armoured ambulances being made in Goole
and VT of Ukrainian families arriving at local families’ homes.
The BBC is happiest when they are in their “activists saving the World” mode
Not BBC but bet they’ll be jealous! The Chase has just started on ITV four contestants all ethnic I said to Mrs ND I bet the chaser will be too sure enough it’s the gay Indian one!
A new series of Tipping Point started a couple of weeks ago they’ve changed the format a little with just three contestants now.The few times that I’ve seen it it’s been two ethnic vs one white.
A while ago between they were running clips saying something like how they needed to be more inclusive embrace diversity seems like the contestant bookers on the channel have taken it to heart.
I said exactly the same thing to my wife. I also reckoned it’s only a matter of time before Bradley gets the boot because he’s not diverse enough.
Worth a watch because if the Republicans don’t win this election it’s not going to be good in November for them:
Easy win for the Democrats with no need to campaign. Elections are fixed and the media will support the result.
Might be a bit different with an independent Twitter – but the techniques used can be repeated more easily ….more cell site trickery though …
Popped to the shops earlier heard the news headlines on Talksport that Tim Westwood has been accused of inappropriate behavior after a joint investigation by the BBC and The Guardian…I thought they were one and the same!
I wonder if the Beeb has ever done a joint investigation with The Mail? Perhaps one for Maxi to answer!
No surprise here, and they all infest Twitter:
‘Millennials require a different kind of management’: Recruitment boss says Generation Y has an ‘inflated sense of entitlement’ with a ‘loathing of conflict’ after accountant, 26, lost age discrimination claim after he was fired for being ‘demanding’
“Twitter has become a liberal authoritarian bullying cesspit where debate goes to die. Elon Musk is the final hope to rescue free speech before the woke mind virus takes over big tech once and for all”
“Twitter fears sabotage by left-wing staff after Musk takeover: Developers are blocked from app after rebellious employees called deal ‘dangerous for democracy’ – and hysterical liberal social media personalities threaten to QUIT social media giant
Furious Twitter employees bombarded site and internal message boards with attacks on controversial tycoon
Complaints ranged from fears of his ‘danger to democracy’ to complaints they could be forced to stop WFH”
Tim westward ( one for the kids ?) a BBC DJ ? Accused of being a bad sex person – even made the BBC news – any reference to Jimmy Sex Fiend Saville ?
Its only on the bbc because the alleged victims are black females
who we hear from at nauseating length,
unlike the thousands of UNDERAGE kids repeatedly gang raped by islamists
BBC creepy diversity dude takes payola to the max.
Not news.
A long video from a smallholder in America who addresses many of the topics we often talk about here and the coming food shortages.
At the start of it he goes through an interesting set of facts that last year there were serious fires at 8 US food processing plants, and yet up to date this year there have been 18 already! Three of these have been caused by light aircraft crashing into them! He asks the reasonable question whether the US food supply system is under some kind of attack ?
Combined, Russia and Belarus had provided about 40% of the world’s exports of potash, according to Morgan Stanley. Russia’s exports were hit by sanctions. Further, in February, a major Belarus producer declared force majeure — a statement that it wouldn’t be able to uphold its contracts due to forces beyond its control.
Also the minerals used for fertiliser are used in the batteries for electric cars. It seems you either believe the myth of electric cars, or reject it and eat.
hey conclude that by 2050, demands for lithium, cobalt and nickel to supply the projected >200 million LEVs per year will increase by a factor of 15–20. However, their analysis for lithium-iron-phosphate batteries (LFP) fails to include phosphorus, listed by the Europen Commission as a “Critical Raw Material” with a high supply risk2. We outline below that, whilst timely, their analysis is incomplete in that it does not consider the complexities of the global anthropogenic phosphorus cycle in the context of supply chain resilience and sustainability for the emerging LEV sector.
Twitter wars range from users getting aircraft to Canada – saying they’ll never use a free twitter – unable to face challenge about their views … through to those banished now returning to it .
I’ve never posted on twitter – and perhaps never will – I don’t see the internet – social media – changing the views of users – it’s just a place to expose views – and be informed – and that’s about it .
Amazing – though- that all sorts of lefties can’t conceive that mr musk might want to buy it for reasons other than making Money …
Elon Musk has been warned he must protect Twitter users from harmful content after he struck a $44bn deal to buy the social media giant.
The billionaire vowed to relax content restrictions, sparking fears from human rights groups it could lead to a rise in bullying and misinformation.
“Regardless of ownership, all social media platforms must be responsible,” Boris Johnson’s spokesman said.
According to the BBC, this is a MUST SEE story.
Really? Some black actress being called out for being rubbish in her portrayal of (yawn) Michelle Obama is MUST SEE?
Only because the racist BBC are obsessed with all things black, and doubly obsessed with all things Obama.
“Viola Davis responds to critics of her Michelle Obama portrayal”
#BBCtrending: Five facts about #BringBackOurGirls { may2014} The top BBC journalists have reviewed the hashtag and the findings are in …
1. When did it start? – 23rd April, 2014
2. How many times has it been used on Twitter? – 3.3million
3. Where is it being used? – Top Countries Nigeria 27%, UK, USA
4. Who is using it? – 56% Women, 44% Men
5. Most shared tweet? – 57,000 Retweets
Oh, and the missing, most important one for the actual 276 girls … not asked by the BBC …
6. Did #bringbackourgirls actually bring back the 276 girls? (the most important question)
“When they go low, we go high” – Michelle Obama – 2016
“#bringbackourgirls” – Michelle Obama – April 2014
Nigeria rejected British offer to rescue seized Chibok schoolgirls { – mar2017}
In a mission named Operation Turus, the RAF (UK Airforce) conducted air reconnaissance over northern Nigeria for several months, following the kidnapping of 276 girls from the town of Chibok in April 2014 (by Islamist militant group Boko Haram). “The girls were located in the first few weeks of the RAF mission,” a source involved in Operation Turus told the Observer. “We offered to rescue them, but the Nigerian government declined.”
– Guardian UK Online Website / 4 March 2017
#bringbackourgirls – makes you wonder who Michelle Obama was asking to do this? The wife of the most powerful man in the World, with a special relationship with the Country who could have taken action, reduced to holding a piece of card for the World to read a #hashtag that did NOT bring the girls back.
Viola was special guest on The One Show (natch), straight after their promotion of the fact that Ramadan us coming to an end, apparently the Welsh bird called this article ‘beautiful’.
Don’t forget BBC, this weekend sees the ghetto amateur butchers slit animals throats, leaving them to die in agony illegally. Amazing the police never catch anyone, the weirdo animal rights protestors suddenly disappear and the BBC turn a blind eye and don’t want to upset the communihy.
BBC inspires Steel ire.
But that is ok, as both are utta pantz.
The BBC loves to illustrate its stories with gratuitous pictures of ethnic folk, preferably black wimmin’ with fly-away hair, no matter how inappropriate to the story. But when it decidely is appropriate, they quickly reverse course. For example, a story about da boyz in da hood in a stabbin’ frenzy, killing other aspiring architects and doctors from da community, will be illustrated with a photo of a White hand holding a knife.
Another example has appeared today on the BBC website. A new law has come into effect in England and Wales which raises the minimum marriage age to 18 (previously it was 16, provided there was parental consent). The story is illustrated with a photo of two White hands. But why has the government made this change? The clues are in the words and phrases in the news item:
‘…The new law also applies to cultural or religious marriages…’
‘…This would include adults who took children abroad to carry out the marriage…’
‘…Payzee Malika, who was coerced into a marriage…’
‘…While Payzee escaped her marriage, her sister Banaz was murdered in a so-called honour killing…’
‘…Mihai Calin Bica, of the Roma Support Group…’
‘…it will take time for that information to trickle through to the communities it will most effect…’
‘…That’s a worry for those who represent the Roma community…’
‘…Analysis, By Rajdeep Sandhu, BBC Westminster correspondent…’
Now, nobody should underestimate the seriousness of the problem. And raising the age to 18 is probably a good thing, after all, the only thing that 16 year olds should be permitted to do is vote Labour or SNP in a General Election. But this change is not in response to the beastly behaviour of – how shall we put it – traditional British people. Rather, it’s a consequence of people coming here from countries with very different standards of behaviour and beliefs, and bringing those customs with them. So, why have the BBC chosen to illustrate it with a picture of two adult White hands?
The father-of-four (Anjem Choudary preaching hate 1999-2016) takes home more than £25,000 a year in benefits and lives in a £320,000 house in Leytonstone
“…and don’t you worry. It’s coming to a place near you…we cannot have state subsidized preachers…give it up or give it to your deadliest enemy and pay for the rope that will choke you.“
They’re trying to divert our thinking from those communidees who really want to reduce the legal age of marriage/sex to 4.
So is Trump getting his Twitter account unblocked?
TalibanOnTwitter say hate will not be tolerated.
Hi Lucy – nice to hear from you … the idea of mr musk buying the BBC did pass my mind … I wonder what the valuation should be …? … small change for Mr M…
Due to Brexit?
A major city in Sudan’s Darfur region has been under fierce attack – days after thousands of people arrived there seeking safety after their own town was set ablaze by horse-riding Arab militias known as Janjaweed.
BBC News
Online, 26 March 2022
We have amended an article on the BBC News online site in Bristol about endometriosis to make it clearer to the audience how the condition affects women. The article was updated to remove an inaccuracy where we described symptoms as causes. Also, specifically, the word ‘people’ was replaced with the word ‘women’, and we removed the phrase “who are assigned female at birth”.
So if Russia has cut off the gas supply to Poland – what will the rest of the EU do ? I think you can guess ….
Burn Korans like sweden to keep warm?
You mean “Burn Karens” surely!? Karens, as in “check your privilege, Karen (i.e. honky)!” Plenty of Karens in both Sweden and USA whom the Left would like to see out of the way. Don’t know about the CO2 emissions angle, mind you …
BBC Breakfast
BBC One, 25 February 2022
Following the Russian invasion of Ukraine we reported on the journey a Scottish man was making from Kyiv to Poland. The report started with a shot of military planes in formation overhead. This was old footage filmed in 2020 of preparations for a military parade in Moscow and should not have been used. We apologise for the mistake.
Oh dear how sad, woke socialist liberals are losing control of peoples opinions……
Twitter employees distraught over Musk buyout, too ‘in shock to speak’: report
Protesters scream at the sky to mark anniversary of Trump’s election
BY BRETT SAMUELS – 11/08/17 8:18 PM ET
Very strange interview of nut nut by Tom Newton Dun on Talk TV – far too many serious questions – and answers – to be a proper BBC style interview – no ‘gotcha’ question – only one question about cake – no ‘ are you going to resign ?’ Question –
Almost an interview from another time – `TND letting the PM answer sensible questions – very rare …..
( the cast of BBC Today should take note )
I ve put the new thread up ….