@Taffman yes I think TV does that all the time
When we see something extraordinary on TV, the reality we get is not real world reality.
They go out and film 500 minutes then come back and edit it down to 3 minutes and then it makes an extraordinary item in Attenborough or the news etc.
Mr Gove is going to change the law so that landlords cannot forbid their tenants from keeping pets, so soon these left wing hypocrites will have no excuse, they can all take a pet refugee home with them.
Seriously, their responses are so instructive. None of them want an unknown stranger living with them, but they are happy for them to be put in someone else’s neighbourhood. Leftists are the most hypocritical scum ever invented.
GB News the other day had on someone who was a Rwandan, and proud of his country. What message does it send to people like him, that his country isn’t good enough for the people who have escaped the dangerous country known as France? Perhaps interviewers could ask the Archbishop, the Prince and the Labour Party what they have against Rwanda.
I wonder if our bloated overseas budget is paying for the Rwandans to do the processing!
If so, it’s a win-win situation for everyone – we don’t have to have illegals here, the Rwandans get a wedge for their trouble, (one which was put aside originally), and our ‘hard-working’ cervical serpents all ‘working’ from home and with mental problems have to spend time doing some actual work on other issues!
Probs why Starmer’s bunch of layabouts, Charlie and the BigBish are pissed off.
Twitter watch
BBC East Yorks and Lincs @looknorthBBC
2:44pm Sunday
VIDEO : Black hair care: ‘I can’t find a hairdresser that will cut my hair’
Midnight Friday : a programmed tweet obviously
VIDEO : the woman who had vaccine phobia has had her first Covid jab
Propaganda of course
( BTW I’m triple jabbed and got over Covid in 72 hours)
7:38 PM ¡ Jun 17,
A lack of hairdressers in Hull capable of cutting and styling Afro-textured hair has left one woman travelling up to 100 miles to find a stylist
6:26 PM ¡ Jun 14, 2022
Jenny has a phobia of needles. After weeks of therapy, she found the courage to get her first Covid vaccine.
Why tweet those two stories twice ?
That’s not all
3:21 PM ¡ Jun 14, 2022
“I couldn’t say needle or injection.” Jenny has a phobia of needles. After weeks of therapy, she found the courage to get her first Covid vaccine.
I think it was mentioned on the previous thread but it would appear that Gordon Brown was all over the papers this weekend. The Saturday Telegraph colour supplement had Gordonâs photo on the cover put through a very kind filter. I understand he was all over The Times too. The Daily Mail on line had an article about him. He may have been on the BBC too but I have avoided it all weekend. He doesnât seem to have written a book. I just have to ask why?
Yes multiple tweets from multiple media outlets
indicates to me that of course “Gordon Brown say” is not news
Rather seems like big PR people are doing a big project pushing him.
@DailyMailUK 1h ago
GORDON BROWN: I urge Boris Johnson to call a summit of all world leaders now
Independent : Gordon Brown claims government lurching from âcrisis to crisisâ
Stratcom Centre UA (The Ukrainian Government PR agency)
Gordon Brown reveals Putin threatened him during an official visit to Moscow in 2006, made him sit on a very low seat and read a dossier of information he had collected on the then Chancellor â as he says the West has failed to stand up to Putin
Guardian news 4h ago
and 10h ago
Gordon Brown urges Boris Johnson to force global action on cost of living crisis
(What like abandoning mad fake green energy policies ?)
Daily Mail 4h ago
Gordon Brown reveals Vladimir Putin threatened him during an official visit to Moscow in 2006
Bloomberg 10h ago
Former Prime Minister Gordon Brown .. says
He was ‘given’ the ‘job’ by Bliar when the economy was just about to go bust, made it much worse with his total failure to do anything about the problems he’d started when chancellor, and then watched Bliar dance away to the arabs and make squillions for himself in the process.
What a despicable couple of trash-merchants those two were.
Strange developments in the Belfield case
he’s always said that he planned to sue the BBC and others civilly for harassing/defaming him
but that the other side finally after years taking him to the criminal court takes precedence so he will bring his court cases afterwards.
#1 He still hasn’t officially pleaded cos the police haven’t come up with a proper indictment that the judge will accept,; he keeps sending it back.. That’s strange cos the trial starts in 2 weeks time.
#2 Belfield says that the judge has now insisted that he will be provided with a QC paid for by the state.
He has always said a QC is too expensive so he would defend himself
which surely is his right
His spin omits an explanation rapists are often not allowed to examine their accusers directly cos that would be like a second rape
Since the charges against him are harassment cross examination by him would be second harassment.
The police had requested that he use a advocate
And it seems the judge has agreed
But surely it is strange for people who are not on legal aid to be given a free QC
Secondly ..it’s quite late for a QC to be properly briefed
Surely if it is a stitchup, they will try to give him a duff QC
.. https://youtu.be/5cLLC0k86y0
#3 Apparently the judge has agreed that Belfield is a journalist and has journalism rights
Although the police have always refused him that in this case.
A very mediocre headline chosen by the BBC for an article which is all about the murder of non-Muslims by Muslims in Afghanistan.
‘Afghanistan was once home to tens of thousands of Sikhs and Hindus, but decades of conflict have seen the number dwindle to a tiny handful.’
That’s genocide BBC. Why don’t you call it what it is ?.
They don’t go anywhere near telling us why. I’ve said many times, all their Left wing extreme empathy is fake. The only death and misery they care about are the ones they can exploit for their agenda.
That’s the BBC’s headline which is remarkably bland considering the result.
Here’s what Le Monde wrote instead:
‘Macron loses absolute majority as far right makes historic breakthrough and left surges’
The big story to me in that article is how the ‘far right’ (which seems to just mean anyone against mass-immigration these days) have won a record number of seats. But we won’t talk about that at the BBC.
Classic FM reported the result as a âsetbackâ for Macron, implying he will be able overturn the result in due course. I have no knowledge of French politics so assume this is possible or is a way of glossing over a bad result.
It was reported earlier this week that Forces TV is closing down completely at the end of this month. Apparently it’s been scheduled to lose its Freeview slot for a year now, due to the auctioning of the COM7 multiplex’s frequency to EE, which will use it for 5G services.
One step closer to me unplugging my aerial completely and just using my telly as a monitor for my Blu Ray player and YouTube.
On the brighter side, another casualty will be BBC News HD, which will only continue broadcasting on Freeview in SD format (it will still be available in HD on Sky, Freesat and Virgin). I don’t know if this has any significance to the evil Corporation – probably not. https://rxtvinfo.com/2022/forces-tv-is-closing
Oh hell. No more Dear John (Forces TV on Friday evenings).
Not John Sullivan’s best sitcom but Kirk St Moritz, as played by the late Peter Blake, was a terrific character.
We had a good laugh seeing the old Imbecile in the White House fall off his bike yesterday.
It now emerges that the reason the old perv cycled over to the group of journalists in the first place was that he spotted a young girl in the crowd and couldn’t resist doing a spot of hair-sniffing.
And that was the day after his daughter revealed he showered with her when she was 11, which she now blames for her sex addiction.
What a disgusting family. I don’t suppose the BBC will be reporting all that.
Don’t forget how he psuhed a woman up against a wall and put his finger inside because ‘someone told him she liked him’.
And the MSM to their eternal shame have said nothing. Yet look at the pantomime they made of Trump boasting about grabbing women. Women who were there by choice and didn’t complain about it.
Tara Reade said her mother called into Larry King Live anonymously “saying my daughter was sexually harassed and retaliated against and fired, where can she go for help?”
that bit is on tape
In 2020 she named Biden as the perp.
Previously she had only complained about harassment, but a few people said she had told them about the sexual part.
Tucker on new Biden allegations: "If thatâs not child molestation, it is definitely close enough to justify a police visit." pic.twitter.com/QLHTThvcho
I’m afraid that I have very little sympathy for our hapless prime minister as he flounders around while the country goes on strike. This is mainly of his own making.
We’re in this state, primarily, because of lockdown. You can’t strangle the life out of an economy for eighteen months and not expect serious problems. Now they’re happening…
Bunter didn’t have the courage to stand up to his “scientific advisers” or the cheerleaders for lockdowns in the media. While Britain went into enforced economic hibernation he did nothing other than signing cheques and attending useless global warming summits to waffle about green issues. Now he’s charging about Ukraine in another deflection, instead of getting on with the real job. The man is a useless, cowardly pillock. Can you ever imagine Mrs Thatcher locking down our economy? Do me a favour…
One thing I will mention…the media coverage of the union turnout at the weekend. They’re all over it. It’s wall to wall. Blimey, if you didn’t know that the BBC was impartial, you might think they were supporting it…
Most of the anti lockdown demos that I attended mustered ten times the numbers to be seen on London’s streets, but you’d never have know that from our media (non) coverage. If you heard anything at all it was something like “A few hundred people attended an anti lockdown demonstration in London.” Yeh right, try half a million, that would be closer.
So, here we are. A summer of discontent goaded on by the media. Prices soaring, taxes rising. You can’t get on a train and it’s bloody hard work getting getting on a plane. Food shortages. Brilliant!
Are ultra left-wing union leaders making the most of this? Of course. Are they being encouraged by parts of the media? Absolutely. Is there anything we can do about it?
One out, all out, or… straight out of the blocks edition
No doubt feeling a bit bereft without those lockdowns they so enjoyed: Teachers and doctors threaten to join strikes (Times)
Well, imagine if you had deal face to face with all those unruly smelly kids and sickly infectious demanding patients.
But, I hear you say, doctors are pretty well paid and work for the NHS on a self-employed basis?
The Daily Mirror proletarianises the news for us: Now teachers & nurses join pay fight – and nurses – as well we know it – are poorly paid angels.
So forget for a moment those money-grabbing over-prescribing three-day-a-week absolutely no house calls considered, stethoscope brandishing bandits… the Daily Mail says: what about the workers: Now teachers and NHS workers warn of walkouts as… summer strike plague spreads – and where would we (and our media) be these days without a plague, pandemic, epidemic lurgy of some form or other?
Gosh, just imagine… the NHS on strike… doctors uncontactable… appointments cancelled… ambulances interminably late… A&E packed to the gunwales with the walking wounded…
Stop worrying about our NHS. It’ll all be sorted. Afterall, if lockdown taught us anything it was that we live in a governmental funding cornucopia. It’s a utopian bottomless money pit – a horn of patient plenty: Heart surgery boost… An operation to repair “leaky” heart valves will be offered by the NHS after a ten-year funding battle. It could help thousands… (Times); 54 charities join forces to demand cancer battle plan (Daily Express); Bitter pills: The danger of overprescribing painkillers (Telegraph)
What if our NHS did walk out on strike – would we notice yet another idle public service? Leaked memo reveals Passport Office chaos. Customers face extra ÂŁ100 charge to avoid backlog (‘i’) The cops have been out for ages: No burlars caught in almost half UK (Telegraph)
In gay news – as put on record on the frontpage for us by the Mirror, and Guardian: ‘I feel I can finally breath now I’ve come out as gay’ (Metro)- this is Dame Kelly Holmes in the commuter railway station giveaway advertising sheet (good luck with that business model in the next week or so) The corporate HR departments, care of the Metro editorial, tell us exactly what we’re supposed to think: Out in front: Olympics legend Dame Kelly Homes was praised for revealing her sexuality…
Mr AsISeeIt? I could share… but it’s all a bit pedestrian, promise. Unlikely to grab news headlines and please don’t hold any parades. Could one have fancied Dame Kelly back in the day? The problem would have been catching her.
Talking of sports stars changing their supposed identity for possibly spurious political motives: Courting controversy Natela Dzalamidze, a 29-year-old doubles player (cue wolf whistle – our Times frontpage picture pin up is quite the cutie) has changed nationality from Russian to Georgian to compete at Wimbledon
Don’t worry about it luv, who would have thought the patriotic Daily Express would come out as a plastic Ukrainian paper?
Could it be that we somehow – right out of the blocks – discovered a cure for the formerly rapidly incubating Monkey Pox pandemic? They call it Pride Month.
Rare apes threatened by Chinese project (FT) – for a moment there I thought – here we go again… don’t panic, the colonial empire-building Chinese are constructing some hydro power dam in Sumatra that will flood the rain forest and endanger the Orangutans.
The left-leaning ‘i’ takes us back to school to explain: Why Pixar’s first same-sex kiss matters – I’m oddly reminded of that line from Pink Floyd’s dystopian rock opera The Wall: “Hey, teacher, leave them kids alone”
Bryony Gordon. We should play more with our children (Telegraph) – steady on! Hopefully in a nice way.
They do say David Bowie employed William S Burroughs’s cut-up method to write some of the best of his lyrics. Simply put, you take a text, cut it up into single words and phrases and then rearrange to generate new meanings and interesting juxtapositions.
Our headline writers seem to have been at it for some time now: Hospital visitors face postcode lottery (‘i’); Summer strikes plague spreads (Daily Mail) – we already quoted that last one – and when you start to repeat yourself, it must be time to get out…
“They do say David Bowie employed William S Burroughsâs cut-up method to write some of the best of his lyrics. Simply put, you take a text, cut it up into single words and phrases and then rearrange to generate new meanings and interesting juxtapositions”.
AsISeeit, that really does work!
A daughter gave me a set of some magnetic words called – funnily enough – ‘Fridge Poetry’, and it makes minstrels out any lumpen dullard like your old chum Scrobs…
I have a portable version using a biscuit tin lid, which saves me having to lift the fridge up onto the table when I feel a sonnet coming on!
All the unbiased commentators on the Ukraine war are talking about the Russian cruise missile attack which has killed 50 or Ukrainian high ranking officers who gathered for a meeting.
Not a peep on the BBC yet. How are we supposed to trust a single thing they tell us if they only report the things which suit their agenda ?.
I’m sure they’ll put it up eventually because they have to – but do it very reluctantly.
I think that BBC tendency to pick and choose what they report loudly is a thing football fans notice when they chant: “You only sing when you’re winning!”
Craig says:
“There was an interesting edit made overnight to the BBC’s main report on the French general election. Early versions said that President Macron’s âcentrist Ensemble coalition has won Sunday’s parliamentary electionsâ. The BBC has now removed that statement.”
Actually the BBC statement is CORRECT.
245 seat makes them the winners, they have the most seats by far
twice the vote of the lefties
three time the vote of Le Pen
BUT they don’t have more than 50%
The Byline Times and New European cult human twitter bot army were strongly pushing that story on Twitter yesterday.
Their ruse was shouting “oh this is all been covered up”
A strange idea cso it was viewable everywhere
Kill two birds with one stone … Barry Gardiner defends donations worth ÂŁ500,000 from Chinese agent
The Labour MP said Christine Lee appeared to be âoperating as a legitimate person in the UKâ.
Amy Gibbons
Thursday 13 January 2022 20:23
I wonder how many family members of MP’s of all persuasions are on the public money gravy train one way or another and do virtually nothing to earn it.
They won’t go into that one of course. But the MP’s expenses scandal gives us a good idea.
THE STABBING which left three people dead in Reading yesterday has been declared a ‘terrorist incident’.
Thames Valley Police has confirmed that Officers from Counter Terrorism Policing South East (CTPSE) have taken charge of the investigation after the attack in Forbury Gardens about 7pm.
The forces have this morning declared the attack was terror-related.
TOADY Watch #1 – that’s a truly exceptional job by a BBC employee to find an exceptional exception of harm
The BBC South-west Correspondent has done an exceptional piece of work and just before the rail strike has found a school-girl in Plymouth who commutes by train everyday to school in London. Outstanding piece of work – exceptional – by our national broadcaster that is a piece of work. This poor, poor girl is going to be forced to miss her GCSEs by those heartless rail workers or to spend her life savings staying in a hotel. Where are her parents?
Except that this schoolgirl isn’t exceptional.
If the BBC South-west correspondent bothered to do some research he would have found that it is possible to do a GCSE exam at home, with a personal invigilator that would be provided by the LEA (Local Education Authority). How do I know this? I’m old, I have learned stuff in life.
Does anyone know the origin of this story because, frankly, I don’t believe it – unless the ‘school day’ is considerably shorter than normal.
The fastest trains between Plymouth and Paddington take about 3 hours 15 minutes, each way. Add time to get to and from home the station and the station to the school, plus say 7 hours of actual school time and the poor child would have little time left to eat and sleep.
Alf, none of that was explained. A credulous BBC reporter asked very few questions of the girl. Correction: I don’t recall him asking any questions; it is just like the BBC has an ulterior motive, an agenda.
On a Northern Line train that is absolutely filthy. looks like it hasnât been deep cleaned in a year, nor even routine-cleaned in weeks. There is clearly a massive shortage of service personnel in every single sector now. And it will only get worse. #BrexitHasFailed
Robert Tombs and Daniel Hannan debate Stella Creasy and Dominic Grieve. Most of the debate seems to be about economics.
Tombs claims, based on what Creasy said during the debate, that it cannot be doubted that a Labour government would do its utmost to reverse Brexit surreptitiously, by attempting to rejoin the customs union and the single market, which would leave us in a worse position than in 2016.
After Shellâs decision to reconsider its decision on the Cambo oil field, we discussed whether energy security and the net zero agenda can coexist, and the practical steps that could be taken to alleviate rapidly rising energy prices.
Both contributors to the discussion argued against Shellâs involvement in the oil field.
We accept should have done more to provide a wider range of views or signal their existence in order to ensure the item met our standard of due impartiality.
He also writes The BBC has been accused of institutional alarmism in a new report published by Net Zero Watch. It reveals the BBCâs persistent exaggeration and false information when it comes to climate and weather-related news.
Winston sank his arms to his sides and slowly refilled his lungs with air. His mind slid away into the labyrinthine world of doublethink. To know and not to know, to be conscious of complete truthfulness while telling carefully constructed lies, to hold simultaneously two opinions which cancelled out, knowing them to be contradictory and believing in both of them, to use logic against logic, to repudiate morality while laying claim to it, to believe that democracy was impossible and that the Party was the guardian of democracy, to forget whatever it was necessary to forget, then to draw it back into memory again at the moment when it was needed, and then promptly to forget it again: and above all, to apply the same process to the process itself. That was the ultimate subtlety: consciously to induce unconsciousness, and then, once again, to become unconscious of the act of hypnosis you had just performed. Even to understand the word âdoublethinkâ involved the use of doublethink.
A reminder that after the exposure that @Care4Calais are handing illegals leaflets telling them they can receive legal aid in the UK. This very same charity is afforded privileged status by being allowed at the docking area to greet disembarking migrants. @pritipatel ….WHY?
At the same time they are trying to ban Steve Laws from the docks again here.
Steve has arguably been the main person responsible for bringing information on the extent of illegal Channel crossings into the public domain. His twitter accounts have been cancelled and he has been taken to court several times (and won).
This is his summary from yesterday on the numbers over the past week.
Theresa May The Secretary of State for the Home Department 12:37 pm, 20th April 2016
The first priority of government is the safety and security of its citizens, and the Government have always made the integrity of the UK border a priority. We will never compromise on keeping the people of this country safe from terrorism, criminality and illegal immigration.
The suicide bomber who killed 22 people at an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester last year had been rescued from the Libyan civil war by the Royal Navy. Salman Abedi detonated a home-made bomb in the foyer of the Manchester Arena on 22 May 2017 as concert-goers, many of them children, were leaving the venue.31 Jul 2018
Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky has warned Russia will intensify its attacks on his country in the coming days, as Kyiv awaits news on its bid to join the EU. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-61861327
After the annexation of Crimea by Russia in 2014, Canada,[15] France, Germany, Italy, Japan,[16] the UK,[17] and US[18][19] stated that Russian involvement was a breach of its Budapest Memorandum obligations to Ukraine and in violation of Ukrainian sovereignty and territorial integrity. On 4 March 2014, the Russian president Vladimir Putin replied to a question on the violation of the Budapest Memorandum, describing the current Ukrainian situation as a revolution: “a new state arises, but with this state and in respect to this state, we have not signed any obligatory documents”.[20] Russia stated that it had never been under obligation to “force any part of Ukraine’s civilian population to stay in Ukraine against its will”. Russia suggested that the US was in violation of the Budapest Memorandum and described the Euromaidan as a US-instigated coup.[21] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Budapest_Memorandum_on_Security_Assurances
“The shadow foreign secretary is being probed after allegedly failing to declare financial interests worth more than ÂŁ27,000 on time. According to the [Parliamentary Standards] Commissioner’s website, the inquiry was opened on June 15.”
It’s a dispute between Private Rail Companies and the Unions so why the hell should the Government grovel to the Press or the Unions or join in just to get a bloody nose which is what it’s really all about?
The public will in turn know who is to blame and nothing the BBC or their mates in Labour will change that however hard they push.
The Rail Companies are in pretty bad shape as it is so this might just finish some of them off.
Sometimes I don’t have time to read an entire thread.
I haven’t posted a YouTube video at all.
I’ve posted a Tweet.
A Tweet which doesn’t even show up on the page.
Perhaps Fedup can delete the offending Twitter link if he has time.
OK it’s the same Tweet as the one at the top of the page.
Both show up for me.
And it’s a half misleading gotcha
cos he doesn’t say how many people he stopped, didn’t give wacky answers.
Libmob probably stop people on a pro Brexit demo in a attempt to get the one or two people that say something racist, and then use that to smear the whole crowd.
THIRTY years on from the Satanic Verses book burning in Bradford, a community leader has said he couldn’t see a similar protest erupting today. https://www.thetelegraphandargus.co.uk/news/17461095.30-years-satanic-verses-book-burning-bradford-moved-on/
Teacher still in hiding a year on after Prophet Muhammed Batley Grammar School controversy. A teacher is still in hiding one year on from the Prophet Muhammed Batley school row. The teacher had shown a caricature of the founder of Islam, during a religious studies lesson at Batley Grammar School in March 2021.25 Mar 2022
If you are in a banana republic each office must have a picture of the president … as a false proclamation that they worship the president
If they don’t CONFORM they face intimidation.
Likewise in the woke banana republic that is modern UK
the walls of corporates & government orgs have woke proclamations to signal that they worship woke issues
: Green, Net-Zero, BLM, LGBT et.
If they don’t CONFORM they face intimidation from the libmob
in libmob world the proclamations are mostly false so are gaslighting
I’m looking at the Nationwide shareholder report
“We’ve been carbon neutral since 2020”
“All our electricity is from renewable sources”
Those are false in the real world, they are only backed by the idea they have purchased carbon credits.
And on windless nights they are powered by non-renewables
The annual report uses the word “green” 86 times
eg. Our Procurement for Mutual Good
programme is supporting a greener, more diverse and more
ethical supply chain
..ie they won’t employ non-wokes
emm their ÂŁ50 million Oakfield green homes site has been stalled for 5 months after their builder went bust
On the bBC websh1te there is an item asking all the Wakefield by-election candidates to deliver a one-minute manifesto on the cost of living. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-leeds-61839542
However, there doesn’t appear to be a similar one for the Tiverton and Honiton by-election.
Why would that be?
My son is a senior teacher and the situations he tells me about with the teaching Unions are remarkable. The teaching Unions are an’ utter disgrace, they are virulently politically militant, ie left wing and fiercely defend the most reprehensible and incompetant teachers. The employer, ie the local authority have to shower crap and abusive teachers with (our)money to get rid of them together with a non disclosure agreements that allow them to fleece another LA or even the same one( I kid you not). I know a lot of this happens with other public sector employment, I wonder what the total annual bill is?
The teaching Unions are only concerned with unseating Tory Governments and buggering up our education system rather than improving the education of our children.
Cineworld Pulls ‘The Lady Of Heaven’ From UK Theaters Following Protests. Some groups have criticized it for depicting the Prophet Muhammad, which is taboo in Islam, although the movie’s website notes, âIn accordance with Islamic tradition, during the making of this film no individual represented a Holy Personality.â13 Jun 2022
In January 2018, Barack Obama made his first talk show appearance since leaving the White House a year earlier. A cacophonous cheer erupting as he strode to the front of the stage, the former President sat down for an hour-long interview with legendary host David Letterman to discuss life in and after politics.
But the interview was not broadcast on CBS, where Letterman used to work. Nor did it feature on CNN, ABC, or any other US network.
Susan Rice, an alum of the Obama administration, will exit the Netflix board of directors to take a top policy position in president-elect Joe Bidenâs White House.
SNL sketches are often the weakest, least funny “comedy” imaginable. That these people think their work somehow has importance or is even effective pro-abortion propaganda is more grimly humorous.
The woman actually says “I have a right to exist” about halfway through, no irony intended.
Lucy PevenseyMar 10, 08:24 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Andy, they do go on don’t they? From the article “The lawyer, a KC or King’s Counsel, who has not…
vladMar 10, 08:16 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Maureen Lipman tears into the BBC for its anti-Semitism – Gary Lineker & Miriam Margolyes in particular. Delicious. https://youtu.be/PX8_GOKob5s
Guest WhoMar 10, 08:13 Start the Week 10th March 2025 And who they do not âsupportâ. https://x.com/bbcworld/status/1898839867473219940?s=61 Romanian far-right presidential hopeful barred from poll rerun John C has the full…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 08:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “A year and a half ago, Hindus and Muslims clashed in the streets of one of Britain’s most diverse cities.…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 08:05 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Winning upsets us all wwfc and can lead to hate – please take your first position and divide it up…
AsISeeItMar 10, 08:04 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Posters hereabouts will jostle and jockey for that prized top of the shop number one spot. Whereas a last comment…
Simply superb đ.
The context there is that yes you can get gotchas against 15 lefty hypocrites
but you probably filmed 60 lefties and binned 45 vids
Would that be an example of something that Al Beeb does all the time?
Especially when selecting twitter comments.
Their standard tactic is:
Three in favour of their agenda.
One slightly against.
One more in favour, contradicting the one against.
That’s the nearest they get to ‘balanced’.
@Taffman yes I think TV does that all the time
When we see something extraordinary on TV, the reality we get is not real world reality.
They go out and film 500 minutes then come back and edit it down to 3 minutes and then it makes an extraordinary item in Attenborough or the news etc.
Mr Gove is going to change the law so that landlords cannot forbid their tenants from keeping pets, so soon these left wing hypocrites will have no excuse, they can all take a pet refugee home with them.
Seriously, their responses are so instructive. None of them want an unknown stranger living with them, but they are happy for them to be put in someone else’s neighbourhood. Leftists are the most hypocritical scum ever invented.
Media editorial terms need to be understood.
âI donât have roomâ means âpeople are saying we need to take more in. Reportedly.
Then there is ânot newsworthyâ.
Gary is an ex footballist, like Gary.
Well, there was also that âtoo tired to work without more moneyâ thing as she had jobs as a supposed jr. doc, mp and pervasive media gob.
GB News the other day had on someone who was a Rwandan, and proud of his country. What message does it send to people like him, that his country isn’t good enough for the people who have escaped the dangerous country known as France? Perhaps interviewers could ask the Archbishop, the Prince and the Labour Party what they have against Rwanda.
I wonder if our bloated overseas budget is paying for the Rwandans to do the processing!
If so, it’s a win-win situation for everyone – we don’t have to have illegals here, the Rwandans get a wedge for their trouble, (one which was put aside originally), and our ‘hard-working’ cervical serpents all ‘working’ from home and with mental problems have to spend time doing some actual work on other issues!
Probs why Starmer’s bunch of layabouts, Charlie and the BigBish are pissed off.
The rail strikes .
Should the government do more or allow the chaos in trying to face down the unions ?
So asks the BBC .
Is that impartial?
Twitter watch
BBC East Yorks and Lincs @looknorthBBC
2:44pm Sunday
VIDEO : Black hair care: ‘I can’t find a hairdresser that will cut my hair’
Midnight Friday : a programmed tweet obviously
VIDEO : the woman who had vaccine phobia has had her first Covid jab
Propaganda of course
( BTW I’m triple jabbed and got over Covid in 72 hours)
7:38 PM ¡ Jun 17,
A lack of hairdressers in Hull capable of cutting and styling Afro-textured hair has left one woman travelling up to 100 miles to find a stylist
6:26 PM ¡ Jun 14, 2022
Jenny has a phobia of needles. After weeks of therapy, she found the courage to get her first Covid vaccine.
Why tweet those two stories twice ?
That’s not all
3:21 PM ¡ Jun 14, 2022
“I couldn’t say needle or injection.” Jenny has a phobia of needles. After weeks of therapy, she found the courage to get her first Covid vaccine.
Then 3 tweets back in January about Jenny
I think it was mentioned on the previous thread but it would appear that Gordon Brown was all over the papers this weekend. The Saturday Telegraph colour supplement had Gordonâs photo on the cover put through a very kind filter. I understand he was all over The Times too. The Daily Mail on line had an article about him. He may have been on the BBC too but I have avoided it all weekend. He doesnât seem to have written a book. I just have to ask why?
Yes multiple tweets from multiple media outlets
indicates to me that of course “Gordon Brown say” is not news
Rather seems like big PR people are doing a big project pushing him.
@DailyMailUK 1h ago
GORDON BROWN: I urge Boris Johnson to call a summit of all world leaders now
Independent : Gordon Brown claims government lurching from âcrisis to crisisâ
Stratcom Centre UA (The Ukrainian Government PR agency)
Gordon Brown reveals Putin threatened him during an official visit to Moscow in 2006, made him sit on a very low seat and read a dossier of information he had collected on the then Chancellor â as he says the West has failed to stand up to Putin
Guardian news 4h ago
and 10h ago
Gordon Brown urges Boris Johnson to force global action on cost of living crisis
(What like abandoning mad fake green energy policies ?)
Daily Mail 4h ago
Gordon Brown reveals Vladimir Putin threatened him during an official visit to Moscow in 2006
Bloomberg 10h ago
Former Prime Minister Gordon Brown .. says
Gordon Brown : the second worst PM we ever had. The worst until May got in unopposed through dirty trickery all round.
And neither of them won an election.
If someone upset him in a meeting, he would just sit there sulking in silence until they gave up and abandoned it. What a leader.
It’s amazing how certain people the country was glad to forget long ago suddenly have opinions worth listening to when they fit an agenda …
Absolutely JohnC!
He was ‘given’ the ‘job’ by Bliar when the economy was just about to go bust, made it much worse with his total failure to do anything about the problems he’d started when chancellor, and then watched Bliar dance away to the arabs and make squillions for himself in the process.
What a despicable couple of trash-merchants those two were.
Strange developments in the Belfield case
he’s always said that he planned to sue the BBC and others civilly for harassing/defaming him
but that the other side finally after years taking him to the criminal court takes precedence so he will bring his court cases afterwards.
#1 He still hasn’t officially pleaded cos the police haven’t come up with a proper indictment that the judge will accept,; he keeps sending it back.. That’s strange cos the trial starts in 2 weeks time.
#2 Belfield says that the judge has now insisted that he will be provided with a QC paid for by the state.
He has always said a QC is too expensive so he would defend himself
which surely is his right
His spin omits an explanation rapists are often not allowed to examine their accusers directly cos that would be like a second rape
Since the charges against him are harassment cross examination by him would be second harassment.
The police had requested that he use a advocate
And it seems the judge has agreed
But surely it is strange for people who are not on legal aid to be given a free QC
Secondly ..it’s quite late for a QC to be properly briefed
Surely if it is a stitchup, they will try to give him a duff QC
.. https://youtu.be/5cLLC0k86y0
#3 Apparently the judge has agreed that Belfield is a journalist and has journalism rights
Although the police have always refused him that in this case.
Pro Bono in a high profile case? They would fall over themselves to ‘Advocate’
I guess this WGAP video about illegals
has already been posted here
… https://youtu.be/GhT0AYO36bk
Afghanistan gurdwara attack: Sikhs say ‘We don’t feel safe’
A very mediocre headline chosen by the BBC for an article which is all about the murder of non-Muslims by Muslims in Afghanistan.
‘Afghanistan was once home to tens of thousands of Sikhs and Hindus, but decades of conflict have seen the number dwindle to a tiny handful.’
That’s genocide BBC. Why don’t you call it what it is ?.
They don’t go anywhere near telling us why. I’ve said many times, all their Left wing extreme empathy is fake. The only death and misery they care about are the ones they can exploit for their agenda.
France’s Emmanuel Macron set to lose majority
That’s the BBC’s headline which is remarkably bland considering the result.
Here’s what Le Monde wrote instead:
‘Macron loses absolute majority as far right makes historic breakthrough and left surges’
The big story to me in that article is how the ‘far right’ (which seems to just mean anyone against mass-immigration these days) have won a record number of seats. But we won’t talk about that at the BBC.
Classic FM reported the result as a âsetbackâ for Macron, implying he will be able overturn the result in due course. I have no knowledge of French politics so assume this is possible or is a way of glossing over a bad result.
It was reported earlier this week that Forces TV is closing down completely at the end of this month. Apparently it’s been scheduled to lose its Freeview slot for a year now, due to the auctioning of the COM7 multiplex’s frequency to EE, which will use it for 5G services.
One step closer to me unplugging my aerial completely and just using my telly as a monitor for my Blu Ray player and YouTube.
On the brighter side, another casualty will be BBC News HD, which will only continue broadcasting on Freeview in SD format (it will still be available in HD on Sky, Freesat and Virgin). I don’t know if this has any significance to the evil Corporation – probably not.
Oh hell. No more Dear John (Forces TV on Friday evenings).
Not John Sullivan’s best sitcom but Kirk St Moritz, as played by the late Peter Blake, was a terrific character.
We had a good laugh seeing the old Imbecile in the White House fall off his bike yesterday.
It now emerges that the reason the old perv cycled over to the group of journalists in the first place was that he spotted a young girl in the crowd and couldn’t resist doing a spot of hair-sniffing.
And that was the day after his daughter revealed he showered with her when she was 11, which she now blames for her sex addiction.
What a disgusting family. I don’t suppose the BBC will be reporting all that.
Shame the disgusting old perve didn’t break his neck, even if that would mean President Harris.
Don’t forget how he psuhed a woman up against a wall and put his finger inside because ‘someone told him she liked him’.
And the MSM to their eternal shame have said nothing. Yet look at the pantomime they made of Trump boasting about grabbing women. Women who were there by choice and didn’t complain about it.
Allegedly, in 1993
Tara Reade said her mother called into Larry King Live anonymously “saying my daughter was sexually harassed and retaliated against and fired, where can she go for help?”
that bit is on tape
In 2020 she named Biden as the perp.
Previously she had only complained about harassment, but a few people said she had told them about the sexual part.
The filthy old perve is hiding in plain sight. No wonder Hunter turned out to be a drug addicted sex fiend, he had such a great role model.
“ÂŁ3000 to ÂŁ4000”
– each, per person…
Destitute refugees
Stewgreen – is this the R4 prog you mentioned?
@Tomo Yes : 4 episodes in March
“The Smugglers’ Trail
Sue Mitchell and Rob Lawrie investigate human trafficking, exposing some of those involved”
I’m afraid that I have very little sympathy for our hapless prime minister as he flounders around while the country goes on strike. This is mainly of his own making.
We’re in this state, primarily, because of lockdown. You can’t strangle the life out of an economy for eighteen months and not expect serious problems. Now they’re happening…
Bunter didn’t have the courage to stand up to his “scientific advisers” or the cheerleaders for lockdowns in the media. While Britain went into enforced economic hibernation he did nothing other than signing cheques and attending useless global warming summits to waffle about green issues. Now he’s charging about Ukraine in another deflection, instead of getting on with the real job. The man is a useless, cowardly pillock. Can you ever imagine Mrs Thatcher locking down our economy? Do me a favour…
One thing I will mention…the media coverage of the union turnout at the weekend. They’re all over it. It’s wall to wall. Blimey, if you didn’t know that the BBC was impartial, you might think they were supporting it…
Most of the anti lockdown demos that I attended mustered ten times the numbers to be seen on London’s streets, but you’d never have know that from our media (non) coverage. If you heard anything at all it was something like “A few hundred people attended an anti lockdown demonstration in London.” Yeh right, try half a million, that would be closer.
So, here we are. A summer of discontent goaded on by the media. Prices soaring, taxes rising. You can’t get on a train and it’s bloody hard work getting getting on a plane. Food shortages. Brilliant!
Are ultra left-wing union leaders making the most of this? Of course. Are they being encouraged by parts of the media? Absolutely. Is there anything we can do about it?
Sweet FA…
I listened to the last episode of “The Smugglers Tale”
An interesting detail – “NGO” peeps have trivial access to cellphone tracking data to locate handsets…
Yeah, like that’s totally kosher!
One out, all out, or… straight out of the blocks edition
No doubt feeling a bit bereft without those lockdowns they so enjoyed: Teachers and doctors threaten to join strikes (Times)
Well, imagine if you had deal face to face with all those unruly smelly kids and sickly infectious demanding patients.
But, I hear you say, doctors are pretty well paid and work for the NHS on a self-employed basis?
The Daily Mirror proletarianises the news for us: Now teachers & nurses join pay fight – and nurses – as well we know it – are poorly paid angels.
So forget for a moment those money-grabbing over-prescribing three-day-a-week absolutely no house calls considered, stethoscope brandishing bandits… the Daily Mail says: what about the workers: Now teachers and NHS workers warn of walkouts as… summer strike plague spreads – and where would we (and our media) be these days without a plague, pandemic, epidemic lurgy of some form or other?
Gosh, just imagine… the NHS on strike… doctors uncontactable… appointments cancelled… ambulances interminably late… A&E packed to the gunwales with the walking wounded…
Stop worrying about our NHS. It’ll all be sorted. Afterall, if lockdown taught us anything it was that we live in a governmental funding cornucopia. It’s a utopian bottomless money pit – a horn of patient plenty: Heart surgery boost… An operation to repair “leaky” heart valves will be offered by the NHS after a ten-year funding battle. It could help thousands… (Times); 54 charities join forces to demand cancer battle plan (Daily Express); Bitter pills: The danger of overprescribing painkillers (Telegraph)
What if our NHS did walk out on strike – would we notice yet another idle public service? Leaked memo reveals Passport Office chaos. Customers face extra ÂŁ100 charge to avoid backlog (‘i’) The cops have been out for ages: No burlars caught in almost half UK (Telegraph)
In gay news – as put on record on the frontpage for us by the Mirror, and Guardian: ‘I feel I can finally breath now I’ve come out as gay’ (Metro)- this is Dame Kelly Holmes in the commuter railway station giveaway advertising sheet (good luck with that business model in the next week or so) The corporate HR departments, care of the Metro editorial, tell us exactly what we’re supposed to think: Out in front: Olympics legend Dame Kelly Homes was praised for revealing her sexuality…
Mr AsISeeIt? I could share… but it’s all a bit pedestrian, promise. Unlikely to grab news headlines and please don’t hold any parades. Could one have fancied Dame Kelly back in the day? The problem would have been catching her.
Talking of sports stars changing their supposed identity for possibly spurious political motives: Courting controversy Natela Dzalamidze, a 29-year-old doubles player (cue wolf whistle – our Times frontpage picture pin up is quite the cutie) has changed nationality from Russian to Georgian to compete at Wimbledon
Don’t worry about it luv, who would have thought the patriotic Daily Express would come out as a plastic Ukrainian paper?
Could it be that we somehow – right out of the blocks – discovered a cure for the formerly rapidly incubating Monkey Pox pandemic? They call it Pride Month.
Rare apes threatened by Chinese project (FT) – for a moment there I thought – here we go again… don’t panic, the colonial empire-building Chinese are constructing some hydro power dam in Sumatra that will flood the rain forest and endanger the Orangutans.
The left-leaning ‘i’ takes us back to school to explain: Why Pixar’s first same-sex kiss matters – I’m oddly reminded of that line from Pink Floyd’s dystopian rock opera The Wall: “Hey, teacher, leave them kids alone”
Bryony Gordon. We should play more with our children (Telegraph) – steady on! Hopefully in a nice way.
They do say David Bowie employed William S Burroughs’s cut-up method to write some of the best of his lyrics. Simply put, you take a text, cut it up into single words and phrases and then rearrange to generate new meanings and interesting juxtapositions.
Our headline writers seem to have been at it for some time now: Hospital visitors face postcode lottery (‘i’); Summer strikes plague spreads (Daily Mail) – we already quoted that last one – and when you start to repeat yourself, it must be time to get out…
Dr. Rosena only treating close relatives in Sarf London?
Sadiq will need to take a convoy across the river.
But many a bbc cubicle gardener will be nearby in leafy North Balham.
“They do say David Bowie employed William S Burroughsâs cut-up method to write some of the best of his lyrics. Simply put, you take a text, cut it up into single words and phrases and then rearrange to generate new meanings and interesting juxtapositions”.
AsISeeit, that really does work!
A daughter gave me a set of some magnetic words called – funnily enough – ‘Fridge Poetry’, and it makes minstrels out any lumpen dullard like your old chum Scrobs…
I have a portable version using a biscuit tin lid, which saves me having to lift the fridge up onto the table when I feel a sonnet coming on!
Canada first in the queue.
Justin Trudeau and his family flee the Canadian capital for a secret location amid security concerns as anti-vaccine mandate ‘Freedom Convoy’ truckers and thousands of demonstrators march days after being dismissed as a ‘small fringe minority’
All the unbiased commentators on the Ukraine war are talking about the Russian cruise missile attack which has killed 50 or Ukrainian high ranking officers who gathered for a meeting.
Not a peep on the BBC yet. How are we supposed to trust a single thing they tell us if they only report the things which suit their agenda ?.
I’m sure they’ll put it up eventually because they have to – but do it very reluctantly.
I think that BBC tendency to pick and choose what they report loudly is a thing football fans notice when they chant: “You only sing when you’re winning!”
French elections: Macron loses majority as French vote fragments
If this were Boris Johnson, the bBC would bang on about it for months.
I say congratulations to the “far” right
It is red/green, surely?
Making it Far-Brown.
Which is a Gordo-Amber hue.
Oh, shizzle, we are soâŚ. f⌠ortune bereft.
Craig says:
“There was an interesting edit made overnight to the BBC’s main report on the French general election. Early versions said that President Macron’s âcentrist Ensemble coalition has won Sunday’s parliamentary electionsâ. The BBC has now removed that statement.”
Gives link to news sniffer version 6.
Actually the BBC statement is CORRECT.
245 seat makes them the winners, they have the most seats by far
twice the vote of the lefties
three time the vote of Le Pen
BUT they don’t have more than 50%
Brexit: Plans to ditch parts of NI Protocol are economic vandalism – Irish PM
An eu member is slating the NI Protocol, no theres a suprise… still waiting for the bBC to find ANYTHING favourable about Brexit
I personally would still vote the same
When the msm bloc pressures the msm using their joint favoured means (Twitter is not the ballot).
The Byline Times and New European cult human twitter bot army were strongly pushing that story on Twitter yesterday.
Their ruse was shouting “oh this is all been covered up”
A strange idea cso it was viewable everywhere
Kill two birds with one stone … Barry Gardiner defends donations worth ÂŁ500,000 from Chinese agent
The Labour MP said Christine Lee appeared to be âoperating as a legitimate person in the UKâ.
Amy Gibbons
Thursday 13 January 2022 20:23
I wonder how many family members of MP’s of all persuasions are on the public money gravy train one way or another and do virtually nothing to earn it.
They won’t go into that one of course. But the MP’s expenses scandal gives us a good idea.
Pause for thought Radio 2. World Refugee Day (week)
Two years ago today in Reading.
Nothing yet in our local paper.
THE STABBING which left three people dead in Reading yesterday has been declared a ‘terrorist incident’.
Thames Valley Police has confirmed that Officers from Counter Terrorism Policing South East (CTPSE) have taken charge of the investigation after the attack in Forbury Gardens about 7pm.
The forces have this morning declared the attack was terror-related.
Didnt see that on the BBC?
TOADY Watch #1 – that’s a truly exceptional job by a BBC employee to find an exceptional exception of harm
The BBC South-west Correspondent has done an exceptional piece of work and just before the rail strike has found a school-girl in Plymouth who commutes by train everyday to school in London. Outstanding piece of work – exceptional – by our national broadcaster that is a piece of work. This poor, poor girl is going to be forced to miss her GCSEs by those heartless rail workers or to spend her life savings staying in a hotel. Where are her parents?
Except that this schoolgirl isn’t exceptional.
If the BBC South-west correspondent bothered to do some research he would have found that it is possible to do a GCSE exam at home, with a personal invigilator that would be provided by the LEA (Local Education Authority). How do I know this? I’m old, I have learned stuff in life.
Does anyone know the origin of this story because, frankly, I don’t believe it – unless the ‘school day’ is considerably shorter than normal.
The fastest trains between Plymouth and Paddington take about 3 hours 15 minutes, each way. Add time to get to and from home the station and the station to the school, plus say 7 hours of actual school time and the poor child would have little time left to eat and sleep.
Alf, none of that was explained. A credulous BBC reporter asked very few questions of the girl. Correction: I don’t recall him asking any questions; it is just like the BBC has an ulterior motive, an agenda.
The BBC Southwest page about train disruption fails to mention a school girl’s exams
Getting harder to assess spoof accounts.
Going with Femiâs new dfs sideline offsider.
Robert Tombs and Daniel Hannan debate Stella Creasy and Dominic Grieve. Most of the debate seems to be about economics.
Tombs claims, based on what Creasy said during the debate, that it cannot be doubted that a Labour government would do its utmost to reverse Brexit surreptitiously, by attempting to rejoin the customs union and the single market, which would leave us in a worse position than in 2016.
BBC Radio 4, 22 March 2022
After Shellâs decision to reconsider its decision on the Cambo oil field, we discussed whether energy security and the net zero agenda can coexist, and the practical steps that could be taken to alleviate rapidly rising energy prices.
Both contributors to the discussion argued against Shellâs involvement in the oil field.
We accept should have done more to provide a wider range of views or signal their existence in order to ensure the item met our standard of due impartiality.
Bottomline : No one expects Tom Heap’s Costing The Earth magazine show to be unbiased
It always has been out and out fakegreen propaganda as if the show is made by Greenpeace
Paul H has an article
He also writes
The BBC has been accused of institutional alarmism in a new report published by Net Zero Watch. It reveals the BBCâs persistent exaggeration and false information when it comes to climate and weather-related news.
The study, written by me, reveals that the BBC has been forced to correct a dozen items of false claims and fake news in climate-related coverage after receiving public complaints in recent years.
Voices being found, left, left and left of centre.
Newsnight getting in Wes Streeting as Anger and Tweeting Editor?
Or might Springster have to check?
Winston sank his arms to his sides and slowly refilled his lungs with air. His mind slid away into the labyrinthine world of doublethink. To know and not to know, to be conscious of complete truthfulness while telling carefully constructed lies, to hold simultaneously two opinions which cancelled out, knowing them to be contradictory and believing in both of them, to use logic against logic, to repudiate morality while laying claim to it, to believe that democracy was impossible and that the Party was the guardian of democracy, to forget whatever it was necessary to forget, then to draw it back into memory again at the moment when it was needed, and then promptly to forget it again: and above all, to apply the same process to the process itself. That was the ultimate subtlety: consciously to induce unconsciousness, and then, once again, to become unconscious of the act of hypnosis you had just performed. Even to understand the word âdoublethinkâ involved the use of doublethink.
All these self rigeous arse wipes from the Labour party pontificating how bloody wonderful they are…
Yet another who’s been found out…
Of course it wont make the BBC website or news
It doesn’t get old….
âWhy did the French go into it (European Union) then?â
âTo protect their inefficient farmers from commercial competition.â
âThat certainly doesnât apply to the Germans?â
âNo,no,no. They went in it (EU) to cleanse themselves of genocide and reapply themselves for admission to the human race.â
Yes Minister explains the EEC (EU)
âTrust in BBC News has fallen 20 percentage points in the last five years, from 75 per cent to 55 per cent,â the report found. â I wonder why??
At the same time they are trying to ban Steve Laws from the docks again here.
Steve has arguably been the main person responsible for bringing information on the extent of illegal Channel crossings into the public domain. His twitter accounts have been cancelled and he has been taken to court several times (and won).
This is his summary from yesterday on the numbers over the past week.
Theresa May The Secretary of State for the Home Department 12:37 pm, 20th April 2016
The first priority of government is the safety and security of its citizens, and the Government have always made the integrity of the UK border a priority. We will never compromise on keeping the people of this country safe from terrorism, criminality and illegal immigration.
About us
The first duty of the government is to keep citizens safe and the country secure.
The suicide bomber who killed 22 people at an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester last year had been rescued from the Libyan civil war by the Royal Navy. Salman Abedi detonated a home-made bomb in the foyer of the Manchester Arena on 22 May 2017 as concert-goers, many of them children, were leaving the venue.31 Jul 2018
Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky has warned Russia will intensify its attacks on his country in the coming days, as Kyiv awaits news on its bid to join the EU.
After the annexation of Crimea by Russia in 2014, Canada,[15] France, Germany, Italy, Japan,[16] the UK,[17] and US[18][19] stated that Russian involvement was a breach of its Budapest Memorandum obligations to Ukraine and in violation of Ukrainian sovereignty and territorial integrity. On 4 March 2014, the Russian president Vladimir Putin replied to a question on the violation of the Budapest Memorandum, describing the current Ukrainian situation as a revolution: “a new state arises, but with this state and in respect to this state, we have not signed any obligatory documents”.[20] Russia stated that it had never been under obligation to “force any part of Ukraine’s civilian population to stay in Ukraine against its will”. Russia suggested that the US was in violation of the Budapest Memorandum and described the Euromaidan as a US-instigated coup.[21]
“The shadow foreign secretary is being probed after allegedly failing to declare financial interests worth more than ÂŁ27,000 on time. According to the [Parliamentary Standards] Commissioner’s website, the inquiry was opened on June 15.”
Oh dear.
Viva Frei video about how MSM are bullies
who don’t do proper corrections
cos they are big enough to get away with it.
.. https://youtu.be/9T84MeTrnPY
I have been keeping an eye on this one since it first sprayed across social media.
It has ‘evolved’ a few times, as they say in BBC Revisionist circles.
Frank was brought in.
Now they have added a thing…
Have you been affected by any of the issues raised in this story? Please share your experience by emailing haveyoursay@bbc.co.uk.
I have. Mainly because it looked awful, was painted awful, and now has gone very quiet and will likely vanish. Why?
“Gatwick: Passenger with restricted mobility dies after leaving flight…..
…He decided to leave the EasyJet plane rather than wait for staff to return and fell while going up an escalator,
..Details are still emerging on exactly how this tragedy occurred..”
Maybe Springster and Wendy’s Unit could ask Toenails to check further with Frank’s source?
The BBC this morning are doing all they can to pin the blame for the Rail Strike on the Government but the Government is having none of it.
It’s a dispute between Private Rail Companies and the Unions so why the hell should the Government grovel to the Press or the Unions or join in just to get a bloody nose which is what it’s really all about?
The public will in turn know who is to blame and nothing the BBC or their mates in Labour will change that however hard they push.
The Rail Companies are in pretty bad shape as it is so this might just finish some of them off.
Not surprising that someone has reposted the same YouTube video
which was the first thing someone posted on this page.
The real surprise is it took so long for a comment.
Well EXCUSE ME !!!
Sometimes I don’t have time to read an entire thread.
I haven’t posted a YouTube video at all.
I’ve posted a Tweet.
A Tweet which doesn’t even show up on the page.
Perhaps Fedup can delete the offending Twitter link if he has time.
OK it’s the same Tweet as the one at the top of the page.
Both show up for me.
And it’s a half misleading gotcha
cos he doesn’t say how many people he stopped, didn’t give wacky answers.
Libmob probably stop people on a pro Brexit demo in a attempt to get the one or two people that say something racist, and then use that to smear the whole crowd.
When post sorts things, it is equal opportunity.
Raw data media sounds fun. But then there is getting inside the heads of the pre-pro guys.
Which are, often, empty spaces.
On balance, worth taking in the spirit intended,
Just a view.
Always intriguing what sets stuff off when it might not have to.
Woke #boxticking in media & PR industry
causes overrepresentation of black people #BlackAds
Here a UK building society
“Nationwide awards UK charities ÂŁ4.7 million in community grants to help tackle local housing issues”
The majority of the graphics in their PDFs seem to overrepresent.
THIRTY years on from the Satanic Verses book burning in Bradford, a community leader has said he couldn’t see a similar protest erupting today.
Teacher still in hiding a year on after Prophet Muhammed Batley Grammar School controversy. A teacher is still in hiding one year on from the Prophet Muhammed Batley school row. The teacher had shown a caricature of the founder of Islam, during a religious studies lesson at Batley Grammar School in March 2021.25 Mar 2022
Nationwide also have an image
which ticks the “green box” too
.. https://twitter.com/No2BS/status/1538860374203703296
Also Images marked “social”
If you are in a banana republic each office must have a picture of the president … as a false proclamation that they worship the president
If they don’t CONFORM they face intimidation.
Likewise in the woke banana republic that is modern UK
the walls of corporates & government orgs have woke proclamations to signal that they worship woke issues
: Green, Net-Zero, BLM, LGBT et.
If they don’t CONFORM they face intimidation from the libmob
in libmob world the proclamations are mostly false so are gaslighting
I’m looking at the Nationwide shareholder report
“We’ve been carbon neutral since 2020”
“All our electricity is from renewable sources”
Those are false in the real world, they are only backed by the idea they have purchased carbon credits.
And on windless nights they are powered by non-renewables
The annual report uses the word “green” 86 times
eg. Our Procurement for Mutual Good
programme is supporting a greener, more diverse and more
ethical supply chain
..ie they won’t employ non-wokes
emm their ÂŁ50 million Oakfield green homes site has been stalled for 5 months after their builder went bust
On the bBC websh1te there is an item asking all the Wakefield by-election candidates to deliver a one-minute manifesto on the cost of living.
However, there doesn’t appear to be a similar one for the Tiverton and Honiton by-election.
Why would that be?
Regarding Tom Hanks saying gays should play gays etc.
If, in some future film, a person is cast as Hitler, I wonder how he would feel about others thinking he is the right person for the role.
Russia blockading Ukrainian grain is a ‘real war crime’ – EU
Dont forget to mention the mines planted by Ukraine, oww okay do not mention it. Bad Russians again
Why Is Poland Fighting the Supremacy of European Union Courts?
Poland argues that its courts should supersede the blocâs top court. The E.U. sharply disagrees.
EU courts, helps keep all the eu countries in tow, very sad đ
The Ukrainian mines have known positions
and can be moved if they are in the way of ships.
Slightly off topic
Lotus Eaters’ video : Putinâs Preposterous Popadanets Propaganda
.. https://youtu.be/qDHyyYgcCgo
Gordon Brown calls Labour supporter a “bigoted woman”
My son is a senior teacher and the situations he tells me about with the teaching Unions are remarkable. The teaching Unions are an’ utter disgrace, they are virulently politically militant, ie left wing and fiercely defend the most reprehensible and incompetant teachers. The employer, ie the local authority have to shower crap and abusive teachers with (our)money to get rid of them together with a non disclosure agreements that allow them to fleece another LA or even the same one( I kid you not). I know a lot of this happens with other public sector employment, I wonder what the total annual bill is?
The teaching Unions are only concerned with unseating Tory Governments and buggering up our education system rather than improving the education of our children.
Stumbled across this on Facebook, and as it seems to be something The BBC/ECo/FT/Graun brigade get excited by, decided to have a look.
But generating widespread interest in these characters is still difficult
Not really, if your #prasnews PR guys have the right addresses.
Thing is, interest in woke newsrooms is not the same as interest with the paying public.
Hence the comment thread is a bun fight between woke white guilt gurners, Islamists and realists.
Cineworld Pulls ‘The Lady Of Heaven’ From UK Theaters Following Protests. Some groups have criticized it for depicting the Prophet Muhammad, which is taboo in Islam, although the movie’s website notes, âIn accordance with Islamic tradition, during the making of this film no individual represented a Holy Personality.â13 Jun 2022
In January 2018, Barack Obama made his first talk show appearance since leaving the White House a year earlier. A cacophonous cheer erupting as he strode to the front of the stage, the former President sat down for an hour-long interview with legendary host David Letterman to discuss life in and after politics.
But the interview was not broadcast on CBS, where Letterman used to work. Nor did it feature on CNN, ABC, or any other US network.
Instead, it premiered on Netflix, the online streaming service that has transformed the structure of the entertainment industry with more than 60 million viewers in the US alone.
Susan Rice Will Leave Netflix Board to Join Biden Administration
Susan Rice, an alum of the Obama administration, will exit the Netflix board of directors to take a top policy position in president-elect Joe Bidenâs White House.
SNL sketches are often the weakest, least funny “comedy” imaginable. That these people think their work somehow has importance or is even effective pro-abortion propaganda is more grimly humorous.
The woman actually says “I have a right to exist” about halfway through, no irony intended.
The 12-year-old who tried to save the world
That story has had almost zero impact on Twitter
As if what is important to the BBC is not important to the public.
Lammy being investigated..!!
Facinating, when a Tory is being investigated its deemed as, corruption, steeling, snout in the trrough, on the take, bent, etc etc.
When a Labour MP is being investigated its put down to, and i quote ”an administrative error in the office”
David Lammy fined ÂŁ5,000 over 35,000 nuisance calls urging people to vote for him to be London Mayor
The Labour MP made the calls over two days
“From a single act of violence…”