370 Responses to Start the Week 27 June 2022

  1. andyjsnape says:

    Woman suing rape charity over transgender row

    “News” as of 1 hour ago!

    As a kid I was brought up with the bbc, I know dont watch any of their content, and certainly aren’t funding it


  2. Guest Who says:

    BBC Moaning Emole goes hi tech.


    The abortion clues that can hide on your phone

    After the Supreme Court overturned citizens’ constitutional right to abortion in the US, there has been concern about data protection, particularly in the 13 states which have already made ending a pregnancy illegal. But what sort of data might incriminate someone, how could the authorities get hold of it, and what are the tech firms doing?

    Gina Neff, professor of technology and society at University of Oxford, tweeted the day after the ruling: “Right now, and I mean this instant, delete every digital trace of any menstrual tracking.” Her message has so far received more than 200,000 likes and been retweeted 54,000 times. Like a number of other high-profile apps, Natural Cycles, which is billed as a digital form of contraception, insisted last month that all the data it stored was “safe and will be protected”. However, on Monday it told the BBC it is working on “creating a completely anonymous experience for users”.

    Read full article >

    Zoe Kleinman
    Technology editor


    Done and done, Zoe.


  3. Flotsam says:

    SNP, the enemy within. Wise move to let them have a bi-annual independance vote they’ll soon be fed up with it. There’s a lot of Scots very disillusioned with Sturdgeon and the SNP I don’t think the SNP will win it.
    People have been voting SNP as a pressure group, an alternative to Con/Lab Westminster to maximise financial input into Scotland, not as a route to independance. The idea that the monies from the rest of Britain will dry up will not appeal


  4. Guest Who says:

    So much peroxide, so little glare protection.


  5. vlad says:

    In a week when we learn that the police failed to solve any burglaries in half the country, how reassuring that they are very swift to arrest Christian speaker Hatun Tash for the ‘crime’ of being attacked by muslims at Speakers Corner.

    Notice the hyenas cheering and jeering and throwing stones as the police manhandle tiny Hatun, after SHE was attacked by muslims.
    And how, at the end, they thank the police for her wrongful arrest.

    The police can now be considered as part of the Jihad being waged against Britain, and enemies of the people. Thank you Cressida Dickless. Thank you Emir Khant.


    • vlad says:

      Hatun last year, after being stabbed in the face by a muslim.

      Again the police failed to protect her or to catch the assailant despite the attack being caught on camera and the presence of a multitude of witnesses.

      (Picture below, after I messed up an edit.)


    • andyjsnape says:

      Hello Vlad

      A neighbour near to me had the house broken into, and the police arrived with the culprits waiting in the car near the top of the road. Neighbours mentioned they had seen the culprits to the police and that was them, the police replied we can’t just go upto people and accuse them


    • vlad says:

      An inch or two and she’d have been blinded or killed.
      Minutes later she was preaching again.
      I propose a statue in her honour. At Speakers Corner!



    • pugnazious says:


      Curious how the BBC aren’t outraged by her treatment as they were over the vigils for Sarah Everard….

      ‘”Today’s judgment is a victory for women.

      “Last March, women’s voices were silenced. Today’s judgment conclusively shows that the police were wrong to silence us.

      “The decisions and actions by the Met Police in the run-up to the planned vigil for Sarah Everard last year were unlawful and the judgment sets a powerful precedent for protest rights..’

      Apparently not all women have such ‘protest rights’ and the backing of the BBC….it seems it’s perfectly OK for the police to silence you if you’re not saying the ‘right’ things.


  6. Sluff says:

    Not BBC.
    But then again, it may be significant that this story is not on the BBC.
    The D Mail report that the leader of the Rochdale grooming gang has won his ‘human right’ to stay in the UK and not be deported to Pakistan.

    Great news for……errrr…….no-one. Except the lawyers.


  7. tomo says:



    YouTube doesn’t seem to have this – or… if they do – they’re not keen to let you know where it is.


    • Thatcherrevolutionary says:

      All full Tucker Carlson Tonight episodes are available free at Rumble. Gave up on lefty YouTube years ago.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Tomo – it’s on the YouTube .

      Have a watch . It introduced me to a new idea . A new theory . I like that because I can go a way and think on it .

      The downside is that it’s about abortion . – so all the ‘battlefield ‘ rules come in

      But tucker suggests that the pro abortion lobby is partly driven by capitalism – by big corporations who encourage women into the workforce and stay there.

      He even says big corporations pay female employees for their abortions .

      Tricky one for the Left to deal with …


      • tomo says:

        I’ve tried (OK, not very hard…) to find a way of watching “Originals” but subscribing doesn’t work as a non USA debit card cant be used for payment… – it seems quite locked down.

        Interesting tack he’s taking about companies subsidising abortion though…


  8. tomo says:

    Things you wont see on the BBC – another in the never-ending list…


  9. andyjsnape says:

    Todays stupid idea brought to you by the bbc

    Wildflowers: Should grass cutting be stopped in summer?

    Is it april 1st


    • tomo says:

      We have an incompetent council in Wiltshire that unwittingly precipitated exactly that through a breathtakingly stupid contract with Balfour Beatty where summer grass cutting was an “extra”

      – it didn’t go very well….


  10. tomo says:

    anybody moving (temporarily) to Wales? – £1600 a month for ‘nowt


  11. digg says:

    Once again Ukraine suffers a merciless (and pointless) Russian civilian strike just as Western Leaders are meeting to discuss the conflict.

    The Russians are pretty ruthless when it comes to waging war, however this makes no logistical sense at all for them plus footage of public sight-seeing the damage is not what i would expect the normal aftermath. Under massive lethal bombardment normal people would be keeping well clear and running for the shelters.

    War distorts truth and reality but Something about this does not add up to me.

    I think before accepting the calls for war crimes, the area should be subject to a UN style unbiased investigation to try top establish exactly what happened, there ought to be for instance recognisable fragments of a Russian missile for a start.


    • Thatcherrevolutionary says:

      ‘UN style unbiased’

      Sorry – contradiction in terms.


    • Terminal Moraine says:

      digg this was supposedly put out by the Ukrainian National Guard.

      I’m no expert in armaments but that would be some impressive Russian tech to get a missile into someone’s kitchen that’s bigger than the hole it made in the ceiling.


    • JohnC says:

      That shopping mall was closed 4 months ago. There were about 6 cars in the car park. It’s right next to an industrial zone and large railway station. And if a cruise missile hit a mall that small with 1,000 people in it, hundreds would be dead.

      We are being lied to on an epic scale by both sides. But the BBC put Ukraines lies as the main headlines. This war is great experience to see just how far the BBC and the establishment are prepared to go to condition us then look for it in normal life.


      • andyjsnape says:

        Hello JohnC, re the shopping mall closing 4 months ago.

        I’ve just looked for the latest “news” on this on the bbc website, and cannot find the incident on the frontpage… seems to be being dropped already? Usually the bbc will go on and on and on for days/weeks


  12. pugnazious says:

    ‘What all this points to is that identity politics is corroding our ability to take on the Islamist terror threat. ‘


    What does Brendan O’Neil mean by that? Does he mean only the violence or the ideology that the violence is intended to impose upon us? Is he against the ideology?

    He finishes with this…

    ‘Whatever we come to learn about the Oslo shooting, it remains an attack not just on gay people or Norwegian people, but also on our common humanity and the values of freedom and tolerance. At the same time, it reminds us that of all the political ideologies that might threaten gay life today, Islamist extremism is both among the most deadly and the most wilfully ignored.’

    …but what does that mean? Is he saying the threat from ‘Islam’ is deadly and ignored or just the violence…and as he calls it ‘political’ presumably he’s dodging the real issue.

    Islamist ‘extremism’ or Islam?

    When you have Muslim terrorists murdering children and nobody really giving a damn and Muslim mobs terrorising Britain in attempts to enforce their own way of life upon it and nobody cares you have to ask if those in power would rather Britain became Islamised than to stand up for our own values and beliefs. I’m sure all those people who fought for our democracies and freedoms and rights in WW2 would look on in despair as the cowards in control hand Britain over to the Islamists…then again if you’re getting millions in brown paper bags from Islamic rulers no wonder eh?

    As Vlad pointed out….the Muslim mob rules…those in power are cowards…..


    • Terminal Moraine says:

      pugnazious unjoining the dots is all they can do. BBC report now on the Norway attack — police chief says “Extremists consider LGBT people ‘the enemy'”.

      Meanwhile the ICM poll in 2016 of ordinary British muslims:

      – 53% think homosexuality should be illegal
      – 47% think there should be no gay teachers
      – 23% support sharia law overriding British law
      – 66% wouldn’t tell police if they suspected someone they knew was involved with supporters of terrorism

      During covid those who were skeptical of the safety & efficacy of the mRNA vaccines and wished to make their own healthcare decisions were called ‘extremists’. Met counter-terror chief Neil Basu (who says British policing is institutionally racist) was calling for action.

      We’re in trouble when our media and governments think they can now link open scientific and medical enquiry with extremism. All the while working furiously to tell the lie that the fanatical beliefs of religious ‘communities’ are only minority views.



  13. pugnazious says:

    Is it coz she’s black?

    ‘British mother, 36, returning from life-saving brain surgery in Spain is accused of DRUG SMUGGLING by UK border force officials and has ambulance she was travelling in ‘stripped to pieces”


    Naturally it’s because he’s brown…..

    ‘Top surgeon says he was victim of ‘clear racial targeting’ when security staff insisted he go through full body scanner at Manchester airport’

    ‘A top surgeon has alleged he was the victim of ‘racial triaging’ at Manchester Airport security when he was asked to queue for the body scanner while a string of white travellers was waved through an archway metal detector.

    Professor Aali Sheen, 51, said: ‘It was racist. It was clear racial triaging.’

    Manchester Airport has investigated the allegations and concluded the doctor and his family were directed to the body scanner by its official to ‘adhere to the requisite ratio of body scanner and metal detector usage’ required by government policy.

    A spokesman said: ‘All policies and procedures…were followed.”


    • JohnC says:

      Someone should show him pictures of what the people who make the bombs and bring down airliners usually look like.


  14. theisland says:


    • pugnazious says:

      They were lucky…only 18 died….ballpark figure around 20,000 Russians died as they stormed Ukraine’s border.

      Maybe we need to send arms to Spain to help defend their territory from invasion?


  15. tomo says:

    Jan 6th Insurrection


  16. Northern Voter says:

    I have recently been reading Frederick Forsyth’s autobiography. I never knew that at one time in his life he was a foreign correspondent for the bBBC. This was during the mid sixties. Two passages in the book caught my eye.

    I quote
    “I learned quickly that the BBC is not primarily a creator of entertainment, not a reporter or disseminator of hard news like Reuters (Forsyth had worked for them previously) Those came second. Primarily the BBC is a vast bureaucracy with the three disadvantages of a bureaucracy. These are sloth like inertia, an obsession with rank over merit and amatching obsession with conformism”

    “Then it got worse, the upper echelons of the bureaucracy preferred a devoted servility to the policy of the ruling government, provided it was Labour, and it was.”

    It would appear nothing has changed in the past 57 years.


  17. Guest Who says:

    Getty First Class


    • Fedup2 says:

      Guest Who – wow – someone can afford First Class ?

      Definitely time for the government to ‘do its ‘ job ‘ and not get involved at all ….


  18. tomo says:

    The new Boris bike?


  19. MarkyMark says:

    Agreeing to the new normal 104 genders….

    ‘Do you remember,’ he went on, ‘writing in your diary, “Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four”?’

    ‘Yes,’ said Winston.

    O’Brien held up his left hand, its back towards Winston, with the thumb hidden and the four fingers extended.

    ‘How many fingers am I holding up, Winston?’


    ‘And if the party says that it is not four but five — then how many?’


    The word ended in a gasp of pain. The needle of the dial had shot up to fifty-five. The sweat had sprung out all over Winston’s body. The air tore into his lungs and issued again in deep groans which even by clenching his teeth he could not stop. O’Brien watched him, the four fingers still extended. He drew back the lever. This time the pain was only slightly eased.

    ‘How many fingers, Winston?’


    The needle went up to sixty.

    ‘How many fingers, Winston?’

    ‘Four! Four! What else can I say? Four!’

    The needle must have risen again, but he did not look at it. The heavy, stern face and the four fingers filled his vision. The fingers stood up before his eyes like pillars, enormous, blurry, and seeming to vibrate, but unmistakably four.

    ‘How many fingers, Winston?’

    ‘Four! Stop it, stop it! How can you go on? Four! Four!’

    ‘How many fingers, Winston?’

    ‘Five! Five! Five!’

    ‘No, Winston, that is no use. You are lying. You still think there are four. How many fingers, please?’

    ‘Four! five! Four! Anything you like. Only stop it, stop the pain!’



  20. MarkyMark says:

    ‘The first thing for you to understand is that in this place there are no martyrdoms. You have read of the religious persecutions of the past. In the Middle Ages there was the Inquisitlon. It was a failure. It set out to eradicate heresy, and ended by perpetuating it. For every heretic it burned at the stake, thousands of others rose up. Why was that? Because the Inquisition killed its enemies in the open, and killed them while they were still unrepentant: in fact, it killed them because they were unrepentant. Men were dying because they would not abandon their true beliefs. Naturally all the glory belonged to the victim and all the shame to the Inquisitor who burned him. Later, in the twentieth century, there were the totalitarians, as they were called. There were the German Nazis and the Russian Communists. The Russians persecuted heresy more cruelly than the Inquisition had done. And they imagined that they had learned from the mistakes of the past; they knew, at any rate, that one must not make martyrs. Before they exposed their victims to public trial, they deliberately set themselves to destroy their dignity. They wore them down by torture and solitude until they were despicable, cringing wretches, confessing whatever was put into their mouths, covering themselves with abuse, accusing and sheltering behind one another, whimpering for mercy. And yet after only a few years the same thing had happened over again. The dead men had become martyrs and their degradation was forgotten. Once again, why was it? In the first place, because the confessions that they had made were obviously extorted and untrue. We do not make mistakes of that kind. All the confessions that are uttered here are true. We make them true. And above all we do not allow the dead to rise up against us. You must stop imagining that posterity will vindicate you, Winston. Posterity will never hear of you. You will be lifted clean out from the stream of history. We shall turn you into gas and pour you into the stratosphere. Nothing will remain of you, not a name in a register, not a memory in a living brain. You will be annihilated in the past as well as in the future. You will never have existed.’

    Then why bother to torture me? thought Winston, with a momentary bitterness. O’Brien checked his step as though Winston had uttered the thought aloud. His large ugly face came nearer, with the eyes a little narrowed.

    ‘You are thinking,’ he said, ‘that since we intend to destroy you utterly, so that nothing that you say or do can make the smallest difference — in that case, why do we go to the trouble of interrogating you first? That is what you were thinking, was it not?’

    ‘Yes,’ said Winston.

    O’Brien smiled slightly. ‘You are a flaw in the pattern, Winston. You are a stain that must be wiped out. Did I not tell you just now that we are different from the persecutors of the past? We are not content with negative obedience, nor even with the most abject submission. When finally you surrender to us, it must be of your own free will. We do not destroy the heretic because he resists us: so long as he resists us we never destroy him. We convert him, we capture his inner mind, we reshape him. We burn all evil and all illusion out of him; we bring him over to our side, not in appearance, but genuinely, heart and soul. We make him one of ourselves before we kill him. It is intolerable to us that an erroneous thought should exist anywhere in the world, however secret and powerless it may be. Even in the instant of death we cannot permit any deviation.


    1765 …. **In a republic worthy of name, freedom to publish one ’s thoughts is a citizen’s natural right.** They may use a pen or their voice, and should not be prevented from writing any more than speaking …That is the law in England, a monarchical country, where people are freer than elsewhere because they are more enlightened. – Voltaire, Republican Ideas, 1765

    2018 … In addition to reporting hate crime, please report non-crime hate incidents, **which can include things like offensive or insulting comments, online, in person or in writing**. Hate will not be tolerated in South Yorkshire. Report it and put a stop to it #HateHurtsSY – UK South Yorkshire Police, 2018

    1765 … **In a republic worthy of name, freedom to publish one’s thoughts is a citizen’s natural right.**

    2018 … **which can include things like offensive or insulting comments, online, in person or in writing**


  21. MarkyMark says:

    We shall crush you down to the point from which there is no coming back. Things will happen to you from which you could not recover, if you lived a thousand years. Never again will you be capable of ordinary human feeling. Everything will be dead inside you. Never again will you be capable of love, or friendship, or joy of living, or laughter, or curiosity, or courage, or integrity. You will be hollow. We shall squeeze you empty, and then we shall fill you with ourselves.’



    Drag Race performer Mo Heart on going through so-called conversion therapy and why she thinks it should be banned.

    Harvey Day
    2 March 2022


  22. MarkyMark says:

    Rail workers (RMT) – 7%
    Barristers (CBA) – 21%
    Teachers (NEU & NASUWT) – 12%
    Doctors (BMA) – 30%
    Nurses (RCN) – 5% above inflation (14%-16%)
    Royal Mail (CWU) – In line with inflation (9%-11%)
    Civil Service (PCSU) – 10%
    Council and school support employees (UNISON) – 10%
    Manchester bin men (GMB) – 22% – Won
    Gatwick & Heathrow workers (Unite) – 21% – Won
    Croydon hospital cleaners & porters (GMB) – 24% – Won


    MPs to get £2,200 pay rise from April for ‘dramatically increased’ duties last year


    • tomo says:

      MPs to get £2,200 pay rise from April for ‘dramatically increased’ duties last year

      Looks like my local MPs actually did less, – a lot less – last year….

      Urine larceny


    • G says:


      “… for ‘dramatically increased’ duties last year” I guess that’s additional time for their court appearances for various crimes?


    • StewGreen says:

      @MarkyMark why didn’t you point out that last year in 2021 MPs did NOT get a pay rise ?
      that kind of omission reporting is what we expect of the BBC/MSM

      Apr 2018 £77,379
      Apr 2019 £79,468
      Apr 2020 £81,932
      Apr 2021 £81,932
      Apr 2022 £84,144

      The PMs salary ..the entitlement is the first number
      but he actually takes the second number which is about £4K less
      1 Apr 2019 £158,754[20] £154,908[20]
      1 Apr 2020 £161,866[21] £157,372[21]
      Members of parliament were unpaid until 1911, as it was assumed they had independent means



      • StewGreen says:

        Which other MPs take less ?
        Dave Nellist when he was an MP, and took
        the wage of the average skilled worker

        Zarah Sultana promised the same I think


  23. Foscari says:

    The BBC has reported on the increase in population in the UK from
    the latest census. One of the stats I just cant’ understand
    is that highest increase in population has been in Tower Hamlets
    in East London. There has been a 21% increase.
    Would somebody explain to me why it may be in Tower Hamlets?
    Peterborough also comes very highly on the list of large
    increases. Could it be that like cases of grooming and the rape
    of girls it could have something to do with an increase of
    the ethnicity of “Asian” folk. Of course it is just a coincidence.
    And I say only a coincidence that Tower Hamlets and
    Peterborough stand pretty high in the pecking order when it
    comes to voter fraud.
    But these ” Asian” folk have nothing to worry about . As
    Colonel Gaddafi once said . That there was no need for
    “Asian” terrorism . In, at the most four generations
    demographics will take its natural course, And the BBC
    will proudly be playing an “Asian” call to prayer, before their morning
    programmes for the majority ” Asian” folk in the UK.
    It is as sure as night follows day.


    • MarkyMark says:

      Demographics is the future my friend.
      Find out yourself the government have known this data for years and not acted on it.

      Go to the link below and type in the names John and Mohammed to see the future for boys.
      Type in Amelia (Trustworthy, beautiful) and Katie for girls.

      Mark as a baby name petered out around 2002. Katie has plummeted like a Icarus. Peter (the rock) has eroded to nothing.


      Oh, and I just found a special link for a special name …. so special it has it’s own page.

      Combining spelling variations changes the name at the top
      The ONS treats all names separately by publishing the names of babies as they are written on their birth certificates and ranking them accordingly. This has been our longstanding approach and it is consistent with international practice.

      In the past it has been reported that Muhammad is the most popular name for baby boys – however this is often because people have combined the various spellings of Muhammad.

      But combining spellings of one particular name distorts the list – for example combining Sophie, Sophia and Sofia on the 2015 girls list would knock Amelia off the top spot.


    • MarkyMark says:

      Gaddafi wants EU cash (£4bn) to stop African migrants {bbc.co.uk aug2010}

      “Libyan leader Col Muammar Gaddafi says the EU should pay Libya at least 5bn euros (£4bn; $6.3bn) a year to stop illegal African immigration and avoid a ‘black Europe’.

      ‘We don’t know what will happen, what will be the reaction of the white and Christian Europeans faced with this influx of starving and ignorant Africans,’ Col Gaddafi said…

      He told them that Islam should become the religion of Europe and gave them free copies of the Koran, after he had lectured them for an hour on the freedoms enjoyed by women in Libya.”

      Aug 2010 … fast forward … Nov 2016

      Migrant crisis: Turkey (Erdogan) threatens EU with new surge (EU Tax Payers are paying Erdogan £2.6 billion) {bbc.co.uk nov2016}
      “Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has warned that he will let hundreds of thousands of migrants travel on to Europe if pushed by the EU.

      ‘Listen to me: these border gates will be opened if you go any further,’ he warned the EU on Friday.”



    • zxcvbnm says:

      massive increase in population and bbc talks about how people are living longer (during a “pandemic” to boot)

      you couldn’t make it up


  24. MarkyMark says:

    China bans religious names for Muslim babies in Xinjiang
    This article is more than 5 years old
    List of banned baby names released amid ongoing crackdown on religion that includes law against veils and beards



  25. pugnazious says:

    This can’t be good…..

    ‘Census: Population of England and Wales grew 6% in a decade’


    Note how there is no analysis of how this effects Britain.

    Celebrate the diversity as the roads are clogged with more fume belching vehicles, land is smothered in housing, rivers emptied of water, hospitals and schools burst to overflowing, the need for power escalates rapidly and the national infrastructure is overwhelmed.

    Oh and that’s before we get to the bad stuff like huge increases in crime, terrorism, racial conflict and social unrest and the destruction of western civilisation….lol.

    Fling open the borders lovies…and your own houses and wallets…you want ’em you pay for ’em.


    • Fedup2 says:

      I wonder if they factor in the 10% plus who stay off the books ?


    • Kaiser says:

      as they “found” an extra 2million europeans after brexit I find these figures dubious at best


      • Eddy Booth says:

        I think they just believed anyone who claimed they’d been in the country the required time, without checking.


    • Thatcherrevolutionary says:

      No worries – the Pfizer/AZ shot will take about 20%.


  26. tomo says:

    More stuff from the continent about the agenda being foisted on us.

    BBC report? ….. tumbleweed


  27. tomo says:

    We’re governed by an elite who get free rail tickets, free energy bills & £2,200 pay increases.


    • Fedup2 says:

      But Tomo – you have to pay the rate to get ‘quality ‘ MPs …

      I’d cut their pay and conditions by 10% across the board – end the Palace of Westminster – make the lords redundant and require all MPs to have their primary address in their constituency- never a shortage of politicians – lawyers or journos …

      …………. Interesting piece on GBNews that the price of rail tickets in 2023 is based on the `July inflation rate – so expect a 10% hike – ouch ….


      • tomo says:

        The duff MPs need winnowing out – that’s clear I feel.

        I’d randomly test them on their knowledge of legislation that they’re voting on – less than a 50% correct score and they have to re-sit while their expenses and salary are withheld….

        Having seen Danny Kruger MP (Con, Devizes) claim £3500 in electricity on his expenses for his rented constituency residence before the price rises I’m all for reeling in the duffers.


      • MarkyMark says:

        Performance based – 20K per Dinghy.


  28. tomo says:

    Self awareness isn’t her strong suit – but still….

    Virtually the only place racism is still welcomed in modern America is wherever white progressives encounter intellectually emancipated minorities.


  29. Kinell says:

    Netflix has just cancelled Q-Force after one season, ten shows.

    I have never seen it but I imagine this is due to poor viewing figures.

    For those of you that don’t know the programme it’s an adult animated comedy about a group of LGBTQ+ superspies known as Queer Force.
    The Q-Force not only fight against national security threats but also workplace discrimination.

    I am surprised the BBC hasn’t bought it.


    • Fedup2 says:

      So glad I was only with Netflix for 6 months – Amazon has a touch of the same illness but they also deliver stuff —- and soon – I think – the Royal£ Mail£….


  30. micknotmike says:

    placement, what placement?
    If you wondered what the bbc antiques roadshow audience arrangers do on their days off, look at the bbc “Glastonbury festival clean-up begins”.


  31. andyjsnape says:

    Alex Scott: I will carry on despite sexist abuse

    I’m not saying the bbc is biased, but the bbc likes her


    • Fedup2 says:

      Girls of any hue pronouncing about prem blokes’ footy – not on – see the Harry Enfield ‘manager ‘ sketch ( where’s the bloke luv?)


      • MarkyMark says:

        Alex Scott believes the women’s game needs to be more diverse
        Alex Scott believes the women’s game needs to be more diverse
        Alex Scott believes the women’s game needs to be more diverse
        Alex Scott believes the women’s game needs to be more diverse
        Alex Scott believes the women’s game needs to be more diverse
        Alex Scott believes the women’s game needs to be more diverse
        Alex Scott believes the women’s game needs to be more diverse
        Alex Scott believes the women’s game needs to be more diverse



    • MarkyMark says:

      Alex Scott believes the women’s game needs to be more diverse
      Alex Scott believes the women’s game needs to be more diverse
      Alex Scott believes the women’s game needs to be more diverse
      Alex Scott believes the women’s game needs to be more diverse
      Alex Scott believes the women’s game needs to be more diverse
      Alex Scott believes the women’s game needs to be more diverse
      Alex Scott believes the women’s game needs to be more diverse
      Alex Scott believes the women’s game needs to be more diverse



  32. Eddy Booth says:

    Cameras near the Kremenchuk factories.

    Cameras covering a park during yesterday’s missile attacks,
    showing people’s different reactions to the situation.
    Guy at 30 seconds decides the safest action is going for a swim.
    Birds remain calmest.
    Nice park apart from the heath and safety fence around the pond..
    It’s a about time Zelensky suggests negotiations.


  33. MarkyMark says:

    Census: Wales’ population hits new record high but growth is lowest



  34. Beltane says:

    How long will it take, do you think, before our astute and highly educated politicians see through Krankie’s latest indyref scam?

    No sign so far, that’s for sure, for the past decade and more, but it’s really not rocket science. She simply wallows in the pseudo bargaining power.

    The last thing she really wants is independence, she just wants us to throw more money at her crooked administration to stave off the false and artificial dawn. There’s only slightly more factual honesty in Braveheart than the SNP agenda.


    • Thatcherrevolutionary says:

      It will be front page here for a couple of days then be totally ignored by the majority in Scotland.


  35. Fedup2 says:

    Yippee only 478 days until the Scottish Referendum ( or should it be the English Referendum ?) …..

    Maybe this time the detail of independence can be laid fully out – and who is going to pay for the wall between Scotland and England – should the time come –

    And when will the referendum after the coming one take place – 2033? 2043 ? 2053 ?

    Assuming of course Putin doesn’t fire the big one off sooner rather than later …


  36. MarkyMark says:

    School assessments: Nicola Sturgeon denies pupils face results ‘shambles’

    A TWO-YEAR-OLD scheme that has spent more than £200 million into boosting learning amongst disadvantaged pupils in Scotland is making little difference due to its “shambolic” implementation, it has been claimed.

    The Scottish Government’s Pupil Equity Funding (PEF) scheme, which puts money directly into the hands of headteachers, was launched two years ago to focus on supporting pupils in the local authorities of Scotland with the highest concentrations of deprivation.


  37. Fedup2 says:

    Metropolitan Police – world leading centre of excellence – put into ‘special measures ‘…. I wonder if they’ll have a special diversity training programme to discuss what needs to be done …
    Is being put into special measures a ‘hate crime ‘? – because most things are now

    What . A. Joke ….. Cressida s great legacy …. And getting worse …


  38. Fedup2 says:

    An unusual thing is happening – paid advertising on GBNews – good news …


  39. Guest Who says:

    That face…


    • Thoughtful says:

      He said he would normally have gone into work making the rest of his whining nothing but nonsense!


    • MarkyMark says:

      Jeremy Vine has appointed his ten-year-old daughter Martha as a shareholder of the company through which he funnels some of his earnings. The BBC presenter has been channelling money through a limited company called Jelly Vine Productions. His daughter is one of three shareholders of the firm.7 Mar 2015


      • Mustapha Sheikup al-Beebi says:

        Not so much Martha’s Vineyard as Martha Vine Fraud. Allegedly.


  40. Halifax says:

    So the Mets in special measures. Every reason under the sun mentioned but strangley no mention of the knife epidemic sweeping through the BME community.


  41. harry142857 says:

    More savagery in my hometown, within a mile of where I live.

    However the BBC have included descriptions. Poor woman.


    Reading rape investigation after woman attacked by four men

    Thames Valley Police is appealing for information on the attack, which happened at around 22:00 BST on Monday.

    The woman, in her twenties, was walking through an alleyway near McIlroy Park, Tilehurst, when all four men attacked her.

    She then walked an estimated 6.7km (4.2m) to Royal Berkshire Hospital and reported the incident to police.

    A spokesperson for the force confirmed there had not been a 999 call from the scene.

    Det Insp Laura Corscadden added the woman was receiving specialist treatment following the attack.

    She urged anyone with information, CCTV, dash-cam or doorbell camera footage in connection to the incident to come forward.

    The first offender is described as a mixed race man aged in his twenties, just over 6ft tall, of skinny build, wearing a grey tracksuit.

    The second offender is described as a mixed race man, aged in his twenties, shorter than 6ft tall, of slim build, with short, dark hair in tight curls, and wearing jeans and a black t-shirt.

    The third and fourth offenders are described as mixed race men in their twenties with short, dark, curly hair.

    Det Insp Corscadden added: “This is a concerning incident. Members of the public may see an increased police presence while we continue to investigate and I would advise anyone with concerns to please speak to one of our officers.”


    • Fedup2 says:

      Irony is – of course – is that we are yet to enter the crime wave which comes with Recession ….


    • Non Snowflake says:

      When you say “savagery” you obviously mean “diversity”.


    • Loobyloo says:

      Which race are they mixed with? Could be important for ID purposes


  42. tomo says:

    I had to check and it seems it is so….


  43. tomo says:

    “We will be the Saudi Arabia of wind with cleaner greener cheaper energy”


    “We will pay you a few £ to sit in a cold dark room if you promise not to turn anything on”

    were pretty rapid – huh?


  44. atlas_shrugged says:

    Vlad thank-you for your post about another scandalous attack on free-speech at speakers corner and on Hatun specifically.

    Reading your previous posts you have a very good understanding of the dynamic that is happening at speakers corner.

    The met police have released an open season on Christian preaching in Londonistan.

    I won’t go to speakers corner any more. Gone has all the diversity of Jewish, Chem-trail, Mad-marxists etc etc. This has been replaced by a stone-age mob.

    The BBC must be wetting themselves in excitement.


  45. Fedup2 says:

    I wonder how it an be that the Emir of Londonistan can ‘welcome ‘ the met police being put into ‘special measures ‘ .
    Khan is the Police Authority – yet somehow its ‘ failure is nothing to do with him …
    I think the core problem is the recruitment method – vetting – tick box rubbish – with a sloppy multicultural ‘culture ‘ – all frightened of their own shadow …


  46. taffman says:

    “Ghislaine Maxwell sentenced to 20 years over sex trafficking”
    20 Years for Maxwell what do our alien child groomers in UK get ?
    Do they get deported ?…………………..

    “Rochdale grooming gang: Patel criticised over deportation decision”


  47. tomo says:

    The BBC’s “150 Genders” advisers keep their heads below the parapet.



  48. tomo says:

    Blimey – for the last 30 minutes Twitter is pushing / hijacking an entire screed of Jan 6th derangement under any thread I look at – starting with goon Rick Wilson from the Lincoln Project.

    smells of desperation


  49. Fedup2 says:

    16 year old arrested for terrorist offences getting onto a plane at stansted – obviously one of those Far Right Biggest Threats – or maybe – something else …. Inshala