Be in no doubt that as the BBC bury the Report on mass child sexual abuse in Telford their fight with the British Military will be pushed on . Some people ask what evidence of anti British Bias is there ? Well the 2 issues above help answer that question. Dump your TV licence – end your Direct Debit .
The site has been playing up from time to time recently – lets hope it gets cured .
Midweek 13 July 2022
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Belfield has just put a trailer for the 9pm court transcript show
#1 Snowflake vine said trolls bother him yet he chose to follow anti-Belfield trolls with vile names
#2 Team Vine had introduced a short video claiming to prove that AB wished Vine died of Covid
..AB demonstrated that Team Vine created it by editing together 4 separate long AB videos and had had background music added, not to make it seem to be the same video.
Equating someone who in very sarky in YouTube videos/tweets
to a child molester is itself nasty trolling
Tonight’s Belfield video was probably live on his paywall, I don’t see it on Youtube yet
There was a time when you could pretty much rely on an astute life aware judge to separate the reality from the bullshit. However this has now long gone and our judiciary are increasingly infected by the new wave of emotional dribblers who would rather judge on perceived social positioning rather than fact.
It’s heading towards a bleak world where truth is lies and lies are truth as Orwell predicted right into the very fabric of our courts of justice.
The danger is, as in Japan and Sri Lanka, Joe Public, observing stupid legal stitch ups, decides that the only way to right wrongs is to go out and just do it themselves by whatever means they have.
Mo Farrah story – then suddenly BBC Mo Farrah story …. what are the chances!
GBnews 3 million people have lost trust in the BBC in the last year now only 51%
.. 4 person panel Aitkin and Biggins against
, Jenny Bond and Rantzen for
Yup, just heard it on ‘catchup’!
Poor old Esther! She only liked Margaret Thatcher because the great Prime MInister at the time invited her to No 10 to kick off Childline, which was great for the BBC’s inflated egos at the time!
Wonder what happened to that lot, or are all the Telford stories fake news?
Robin Aitkin and Jenny Bond seemed to be from different planets – she came off worst of course, because she incredulously said that she never knew the lefty politics of the BBC, and had never been told what to say!
US Inflation rate (CP Lie) announcede at 9.1% the highest in 40 years, and the inevitable consequence of Socialism being allowed to run riot.
Now the Fed will almost certainly raise interest rates by at least .75% or even a full 1% Whilst our own dithering incompetent governor of the BoE wonders if he should go to a quarter of one percent.
The UK is currently at 1.25% The Eurozone at zero percent and the USA after the Feds rise most likely at 2.5% or even higher.
This will push the cost of all commodity items traded in the Dollar even higher, making inflation even worse! Some very very hard times ahead with the fantasy landers in our current government.
“On 10 June 2022, the Bank of Russia Board of Directors decided to cut the key rate by 150 basis points to 9.50% per annum.”
Thoughtful – it really is gonna be a horror – and for quite some time …. Here they are gonna hold off a .25% for another 2 or 3 months and have producer at 20% with retail not far behind …
Hunt says he is supporting Rishi after coming last in today’s vote.
I think that will LOSE him votes.
Come on the 4 girls, any one of them will do.
On Dewbs, David Starkey was excellent and I hope he becomes a regular. In fact, why not give him his own show.
I prefer the normal Steyn shows to the ‘specials’ although they are still very good.
Diversity is sickening.
Boy attacked with knife at his throat on a Liverpool Bus.
Diversity is sickening.
Diversity is divisive – Simples !
Anything on Al Beeb about it yet ?
‘Diversity’ is blatant racial discimination. And we are far enough down the Fascism road that nobody dare speak it.
Equality is what counts. Equal chances for everyone. Not forced advantages for specific racial groups.
Apparently he thought that he had already strangled her to death. The judge questioned him concerning “sex with a dead girl,” and the offender said:
“It didn’t bother me to have sex with a dead girl.” (Hussein K.)
“Brexit: PM to unveil plans to scrap parts of NI Protocol agreed with EU”
Now its time that Nigel Farage put the ConSocalists ‘Back in the Box’.
The so-called ‘Tories’ are destroying Great Britain, financially and culturally.
Wake up people of this great country, we voted to get out of the EU back in 2016 for God sake!
Look around you and see the mess we are in.
Illegals are swarming in, unabated, while politicians and the civil servants are indoctrinated by or in fear of wokeness.
Its going to get worse if Patel is left in place as Home Secretary and Dories as Cultural Minister etc providing ‘oxygen fore the BBC.
Over to you Tory supporters …………………
Definitely after a job.
If he gets a job will he pay UK tax then ?
Another tweeter has written an entire thread
on different contradictions
@Up2Snuff spotted a BBC Newsround photoshop in a story about optical illusions
Yes in the original Twitter thread and you can see most take it at face value but at least 3 people point out the image is different
Yes I checked by zooming in on the two different images shown below
The guy tweeted the original horizontal image with people swimming in the sea
AFTER he tweeted one that had the people photoshopped out
and the image spun to the vertical with the label “door”
That’s a cue so your brain says it can’t be a beach
Just seen ‘the circles’!
Man charged with raping Ohio girl, 10, who was denied abortion
So the scandal here according to Biden and the BBC – is that she can’t have an abortion.
Not that she was raped – aged 9 – by an illegal Guatemalan immigrant.
Like I have said many times : the Left don’t care one bit about any victims unless their story can be twisted to suit a current agenda. They are the worst of hypocrites.
Biden said “Imagine being that little girl!”. What a truly bizarre thing to say.
News by omission works every time for all our BBC £3.5bn Premium News Services (approx £12.25pm), payment and salaries of staff enforced by threat of prison.
Evidence provided in the following links …
Just searching my premium £3.5bn BBC News Service for ‘Toulouse attack’ …. no sep 2017 reports … nothing.
Using BBC £3.5bn News Service Search Engine for ‘Iran Salman Rushdie’ to find renewed Fatwa … nothing
BBC fails to follow up on a refugee related News story … BBC £3.5bn Search for ‘Maria Freiburg’
BBC Version uses words and pictures to hide the video version – Chaos as police stop Hungary migrant train – Gavin Hewitt – BBC -Sep 2015 @53s
Can you guess which overview matches which article/newspaper? Same incident – different reporting techniques
BBC Search ‘Can’t we talk about this’ does not find the film ‘Can’t We Talk About This?’ above, or maybe not. A film about FREE SPEECH not reported by the BBC …. omission.
BBC News
In Ms Marvel, the partition of India is not a relic of the past, but a touchstone carried across generations.
Which is what makes it such a hit with the kids in the madrassas.
BBC cubicle gardens dialled to 11.
Punjabi girls must have some natural abnormality we don’t know about. Maybe they have no legs ?.
The BBC always support British Asians being able to do anything.
I often wonder with all migrants and their offspring describing themselves as ‘British ‘whatever’, whether anyone who is white born in Britain and now lives in India/Pakistan, whether they refer to themselves as Pakistani British !
Because its endemic with these communities to keep their heritage. So perhaps because I was conceived in Yorkshire and born in Kent, should I call myself a Yorkshire girl of Kent ?
It never happens with western migrants here, but I do find it irritating when I hear it.
Classic bbc ‘explanation’.
Natural resources and minerals will change your world
Classic movies and B movies edition
Do we really believe the Tory leadership race matters?
We’ll borrow a line from today’s Sun: Hot and can’t be bothered
This story is of course: Union chiefs yesterday called for all workers to down tools at 30C
As echoed by our BBC – in that quizzical interrogatory mode they sometimes employ: Heatwave: When is it too hot to work?
Well, the likes of Rishi Sunak set the example that the State could well afford to gift us full pay, the fit and healthy, for months and years, as we stayed at home to avoid minor health risks.
And of course a State subsidiary quago-like organ of uncertain accountability The Met Office is there both ready and willing to go off alarming: The Met Office has extended its extreme heat weather warning for England and Wales until Tuesday, which means there’s a risk of serious illness or death. (BBC)
Warning over water consumption as Met Office forecasts ‘extreme heat’ (Telegraph) – my memory extends to the long hot summer of 1976 and the sort of jokes we had then about how Irish scientists had solved the water shortage – they were diluting it.
The media catches the wave of increasing medicalisation of our lives: Health. Migraine: science shows it’s a disability, not a headache (left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper) – science shows, does it…? Well say no more.
Meanwhile, science really ought to come up with a new definition for the word vaccine: Covid jab 66% less effective at stopping infection but still easing symptoms (‘i’) – just another drug then?
The corporate giveaway advertising sheet the Metro claims on its masthead to be: The world’s most popular free newspaper – doesn’t that just mean they print more copies and it gets thrust into more peoples’ hands?
Get your daily showbiz fiz – insists the Metro feature as we learn this morning about: Cruise Beckham. Time to Netflix and chill as David lands documentary show – did I say corporate giveaway advertising sheet?
There’s a potential new career path beckening perhaps for our gobby former footie star getting heat in the Telegraph today: Michael Deacon. My advice to BBC: dump Gary Lineker
To matters of serious import – the FT admits the left-led leader of the western world has major economic woes ahead: US inflation piles pressure on Fed for big rate increase – they do say that when America sneezes, the world catches a cold. – let’s rephrase that for our times .. when China sneezes, America panics over Covid, the world economy is locked down.
The Telegraph notices the left-led US has committed major foreign policy blunders: Con Coughlin. Biden has messed up the Middle East.
Add to that Putin has now conquered a big chunk of Ukraine and the west is for some reason committed to a new proxy forever-war and self-harming economic sanctions.
Russia has occupied Ukraine and China eyes Taiwan – and there’s not a dang thing we can do about it…
One recalls the classic James Dean movie Giant (1956 – coincidentally the year the US put the final nail in the coffin of their former ally thereafter client and junior partner Britain’s independent world influence – when it left us up the creek without a paddle over the Suez canal crisis) I digress. James Dean was in the character of Jet Rink and his memorable line as he strikes oil and taunts his rivals:
It’s here, and there ain’t a dang thing you gonna do about it! My well came in big, so big, Bick and there’s more down there and there’s bigger wells. I’m rich, Bick. I’m a rich ‘un. I’m a rich boy. Me, I’m gonna have more money than you ever thought you could have – you and all the rest of you stinkin’ sons of… Benedicts!
Fast forward two decades…
One further recalls the agit-prop proto-rap funk-jazz of Gil Scott-Heron’s track “B” Movie of 1981 – complaining about Ronald Reagan but also giving this commentator – coincidentally a neophyte of an economics student at the time, a rather concise lesson in basic economics:
What has happened is that in the last 20 years, America has changed from a producer to a consumer
And all consumers know that when the producer names the tune, the consumer has got to dance
That’s the way it is
We used to be a producer – very inflexible at that, and now we are consumers and, finding it difficult to understand
Natural resources and minerals will change your world
The Arabs used to be in the 3rd World
They have bought the 2nd World and put a firm down payment on the 1st one
Controlling your resources will control your world
This country has been surprised by the way the world looks now
They don’t know if they want to be Matt Dillon or Bob Dylan
They don’t know if they want to be diplomats or continue the same policy – of nuclear nightmare diplomacy
Let’s ban some hosepipes …
firemen threaten strike action –
its too hot to – fill in headline –
hotter than somewhere considered very hot
. Gravesend / Heathrow hottest day since records began ….
Avondale Grange: Life in a ‘left behind’ England neighbourhood
I was thinking maybe a story about ghosts towns, but no
Highlights as follows:-
Broken glass in the park.
63,000 people are near to Grade II listed Wicksteed Park.
The Green Patch a community garden is situated on the edge of the Grange estate.
Grange Place is where a number of the local amenities are situated
So whats the point of this?
Do you notice how the BBC loves child ‘modern slavery ‘? It’s almost as popular as disfiguring ethnic lady parts . On and on about a Somalian liar cum runner – they even had Betty butler – sloss – who calls herself a baroness – demonstrating that she Has No Idea About The Real World – on that Today programme singing the praises of the Somalian runner with a dodgy British passport …..
….and yet – modern slavery ? BBC love it – paki child rape gangs with 1000s of victims ? Don’t go there – Tommy Robinson ? Don’t go there ….was he right ? Yes . Is this acknowledged by anyone ? No .
I don’t like TR -I think he’s a rough gobby egotist – but he was right about the operations of paki child rape gangs – still doing their thing – with the paid bits of the State such as plod and councils and Lawyers and doctors too frightened of a ‘race ‘ badge – to protect white kids .( unless they are part of the gangs of coursed)
Back to ‘modern slavery ‘ … sympathetic nodding …
The mark Steyn special on Chinese vaccine injury / killing went out last night on GB News. I listened on the digital wireless . For some reason they had a couple of barking dogs on it .
And although the programme ‘breaks ground ‘ about the plight and experience of victims and next of kin – the barking dogs made the thing sound like channel 5 daytime TV . Which was a shame …
…at least – because it was prerecorded – it didn’t have the ‘technical issues ‘ that regularly affects all GBNews programmes .
After a year on air I expect a lot better – but there are constant issues which have no sign of being fixed . And the ‘breaks ‘ ? Constantly repeated segments of presenters saying the same thing …it’s still so much better than the bbc msm – rant over …
I agree Fed!
I usually listen to GB when LBC’s leftie Darren Adam is on as he’s just tiresome as an anti Tory government warbler, but I wish GB could join up their items better, as there’s always some sort of ‘pregnant’ break between the little ads they do for their progs, and actual items. The interim music isn’t that good either…
I guess it’s just that I’m listening on ‘catchup’, and it’s the commercials being cut out, but surely a ‘bit of tech’ could be applied, and a better choice of music to hide the gaps!
I’ll write it on Garage Band if they like!
Its the “thank goodness for Thane” bloke that I could happily strangle ! and the voice of the bloke who buys Gold makes my ears bleed.
Yep, there were barking dogs, because I thought it was out in the street, not on the tele. The technical issues should have been sorted out, because the number of times they ‘lose’ contact with Zoom video guest are too numerous.
The Steyn vax death show let people bring their dogs in
I think that was cos the people are vax death families and their dogs are their support
Telford inquiry on Child Sex Exploitation CSE – by Paki gangs
( yes forget it ) – well the Telegraph does a service today by naming the names of particular people who declined to engage with the inquiry – namely
The local Tory MP
The former Chief exec of the Council
A now retired Detective Chief Inspector who failed to investigate …
Will anything be done about these white men ? No …
“If you use the language rules that your ideological opponent demands that you use, you cede (give up) the territory to them.” – {youtube – Jordan Peterson}
Migrant …. “a person who moves from one place to another in order to find work or better living conditions.”
Dreamer … a migrant with better dreams than anyone else.
Irregular … a migrant that is different to those who live in the place they are heading.
Undocumented .. a migrant who destroyed their documents for some reason.
Iranian Migrant .. a migrant leaving the wonderful world of Tolerant Islam to live in the Intolerant Western World.
‘groomed’ …. There were examples of children who had been doused in petrol and threatened with being set alight, threatened with guns, made to witness brutally violent r*pes and threatened they would be next if they told anyone. Girls as young as 11 were raped by large numbers of male perpetrators. {Jay report}
Racist…. a word to hide 1400(estimate) child rapes over 16 years in 1 Town.
Islamophobe …. a word to stop you getting angry when 22 are murdered at a concert and your Prime Minister calls these people LOST.
Hate Crime .. words to stop you hating the government and leaders.
Brexit …. a word to describe racists and Islamophobe and people who like to hate things that are stupid.
doing the rounds in various guises:
MP gropes man – remove MP.
1400+ raped kids – no action.
Until GB News, and in particular Mark Steyn , came along I don’t think that I had heard of WEF or Klaus Schwab. But judging by by Klaus’s claims on video he and his acolytes seem to rule the West.
So much so that I would very much like the Tory leadership candidates to be investigated and forced to comment on their association with WEF. Any candidate who has an association should be ruled out.
After all we didn’t fight hard to escape from the EU only to led by a paid up member of the WEF.
I think that a full list of all leading politicians in a. Western countries with any link to the WEF would make interesting reading. I suspect that we would be shocked at the extent of the numbers who are members.
“What the root of racism, what the root of sexism is. And sexism doesn’t come from women (says a man who says he’s a women). So of course it’s caused by men.” {youtube – Racism: Piers Morgan vs. Munroe Bergdorf – @2:50}
– racism : prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one’s own race is superior.
– sexism : prejudice, stereotyping, or discrimination, typically against women, on the basis of sex.
– indeed this is backed up with words … “LOUISE O’NEILL: It is impossible for women to be sexist towards men {irishexaminer jan2017}”, then it goes into different degrees of sexism “Women cannot be ‘as sexist as men’”
“To cite the other person you just said that would *trigger you Sam Harris*, Mark Steyn said this the other day, *this is the conversation we will be having when the Mullahs nuke us*.Everyone will be discussing if someone is transgender despite the fact they’ve had no operation (ref Jack Monroe in UK)” – Douglas Murray when he’s angry, but he still makes sense.
Images of security trying to keep Biden on the red carpet in Israel when he gets off the big bird …. Popcorn time ….
Wonder if hunter will smuggle some coke back home on it … ?
The Global News recently was all about the old idiot launching the pictures from outer space.
Luckily, President Trump started all that years ago so the old fool has someone to thank, but did he know what it was all about – did his doctor explain?
Double – I agree – every politician with an association with that non democratic gang should be named . But I fear media types are members too so will suppress the knowledge of – and activities of – that gang ….
The same – obviously with the green crap mafia ….
.. none of the applicants to be next PM have said they’ll dump the green crap or cut fuel taxes right now ….
Our global team works in more than 20 countries across four continents to support leaders with strategy, policy and delivery. From Covid-19 to the war in Ukraine, the tech revolution to the net-zero transition, our experts and thought leaders provide fresh analysis, practical policy solutions and embedded support in response to the world’s biggest challenges – all driven by the progressive vision and insights of our Executive Chairman Tony Blair.
practical policy solutions and embedded support
practical policy solutions and embedded support
practical policy solutions and embedded support
practical policy solutions and embedded support
embedded support
embedded support
embedded support
BBC News
BBC One, 4 June 2022, 10.30pm
We reported that the acclaimed British sculptor Sir Antony Gormley is to become a German citizen. We said he was giving up his British passport because of the UK’s decision to leave the European Union and that he had described the move as embarrassing and had plans for new sculptures that would reflect his view.
In fact Sir Antony Gormley is not giving up his British nationality and has asked us to make clear the circumstances behind his application for a German passport.
Sir Antony holds dual nationality as a result of having a German mother and has decided to apply for a German passport, which he will hold alongside his British one.
In a statement he says he remains a proud British citizen and is grateful for the extraordinary support he has received from so many people and institutions across the UK but he is also keen to retain his links with and continue to show his work in Europe.
We apologise for the mistake.
“lack of statistical validity.”
BBC News
‘We’re being pressured into sex by some trans women’, 26 October 2021
The Head of the BBC’s Executive Complaints Unit (ECU) has made a ruling on the article and the headline has now been changed to ‘The lesbians who feel pressured to have sex and relationships with trans women’ in light of the finding.
The ECU also ruled that the original article did not go far enough to make clear to readers a survey’s “lack of statistical validity.” The article has been amended to reflect this.
You can find the ECU’s ruling here:
The BBC also issued a statement about the article:
“lack of statistical validity.”
Mo Farah admitted taking performance-enhancing supplement minutes after ‘repeatedly denying’ it in Salazar investigation
Four-time Olympic champion was grilled by Usada officials in 2015 where he allegedly changed his story on the use of L-carnitine after suddenly remembering the injection two days before the 2014 London Marathon
Jack de Menezes
Monday 24 February 2020 21:37
Mo Farah is facing fresh allegations that he repeatedly denied receiving a controversial supplement via injection to United States Anti-Doping Agency (Usada) officials ahead of the 2014 London Marathon, only to then confirm minutes later that he did.
Hello Marky
bBC making the illegal immigrant out to be a saint
New religion
R4 BBC documentary – apparently about ‘policing ‘ led by a barrister who earned her income from attacking plod – namely Helena Kennedy .
Only the BBC would pay her to do such a woke job . It was a long 30 minutes . Poor – muddled – and didn’t tell me anything … it didn’t touch on the huge population increase – the huge number of foreigners – particularly those who don’t speak Dee eengleesh – the internet – mobile phones recording everything ….
Just very very poor and an insult to the listener – apparently it’s a series … ugh …
“Partners” (i.e. ‘Supporters’) of the World Economic Forum.
Get to know our enemies.
Some interesting names on the alphabetical lists.
I should ditch my bank account; re-insure with other insurers; stop using Astra Zeneca products etc, etc.
Apparently there is an England ladies footy team .they played recently Lawrence Fox on his currently unbanned twitter – put up a racist 21 seconds of a BBC reporter saying that all the players were white – which is a ‘ problem ‘ …
Can such racism be tolerated by the BBC ? Will said white scottish beeboid be shown the door ?
Should a couple of them put on a bit of colour ?
This is probably the video
I dont think the Scot was choosing to be shoehorning in a political statement.
Rather the BBC needed something to fill the half time spot.
They knew they had a 1 hour doco made by Alex Scott that aired in February. They decided to cut it up and reshow it.
so it fell to the Scottish woman to introduce it.
I don’t know who wrote her words.
Shakespeare, Richard 11,
“……This royal throne of kings, this sceptered isle,
This earth of majesty, this seat of Mars,
This other Eden, demi-paradise,
This fortress built by Nature for herself
Against infection and the hand of war,
This happy breed of men, this little world,
This precious stone set in the silver sea,
Which serves it in the office of a wall
Or as a moat defensive to a house……”
Dream on:
ENT Consultant: 24 months to appointment’;
Dental checkup: 4 months to appointment;
“Welcome, migrants” to the land of plenty.
You will probably want to share information about the vaccine with your parents and discuss it together.
2010 report for US GovHealth Services:
“Adverse events from drugs and vaccines are common, but underreported. Although 25% of ambulatory patients experience an adverse drug event, less than 0.3% of all adverse drug events and 1-13% of serious events are reported to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Likewise, fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events are reported.”
Click to access r18hs017045-lazarus-final-report-2011.pdf
10 YEARS ……
Survivors in England of the world’s worst drug disaster, which led to the birth of 10,000 grossly disfigured children worldwide, are to receive £80m in compensation from the Government to help with their increasing needs.
The cash, to be paid over 10 years, will be divided between 325 of the victims of thalidomide, a drug given to pregnant women in the 1950s and 1960s. Thalidomide survivors in Scotland will share £14m; those in Wales and Northern Ireland await similar announcements.
I see two more people have been arrested by Burnhams Gestapo over communications sent to the special one – Fick Ange.
Odd because plenty of public figures receive hate mail, and some of which are very threatening indeed, and no arrests are ever made. In the case of people the state views as an enemy such as “whose real name is” even the issuing of Osman notices” has never ever resulted in a single arrest let alone a prosecution.
But Fick Ange is the special one and Burham has ordered she must never ever be subjected to even a single email which calls into question her competence let alone is even mildly abusive.
It will be interesting to see just how mild the latest batch of so called malicious communications really are.
Time the media drew attention to Diversity
On 22 March 2020, 7-year-old Emily Grace Jones was stabbed at Queen’s Park in Bolton, Greater Manchester, England, while riding her scooter and died shortly afterwards. Eltiona Skana, a 30-year-old Albanian woman unknown to the Jones family, was arrested on the scene and later charged with murder. Wikipedia
The Guardian is not usually short of things to say, especially about the suffering of the oppressed and the abuse of power. I counted 55 stories on their ‘Opinion’ page… and not one about Telford.
And a reminder that this “Must see” was given higher ranking on the BBC news page less than a day after the report came out:
Turkey’s ‘marry your rapist’ law has taken women’s rights right back to the 1950s
To say this is alarming is an understatement. With the president conveying this message, it will only be a matter of time before society buys into the idea that women’s rights don’t matter
Sara Tor
Thursday 23 January 2020 17:03
The piece by Sophie Long on the From Our Own Correspondent show was about as pro abortion in the US as possible . She adopted the funereal Fergal Keene approach doing her piece in the style of an undertaker – in a `state which has banned abortion .
Other states are available – but she didn’t go into this …no mention of killing babies of course – no balance at all..
Terminal Moraine don’t assume that the BBC got that story from the Guardian
I already said that BBC local news done a long item on the hull Skateboarding Muslim sisters on July 4th
and that was a follow up from 1 years ago
It looks like the girls have very good PR people
Probably a Muslim PR agency
I think Robinson is off writing his ‘how I bought down a Prime Minister ‘….
Apparently bay kurley is to ‘host ‘(ugh) the hustings TV show with the election survivors …. a prize for the one who mentions her Chinese virus breaches … and gurlfrend beff of course ..
pug, I wonder if Laura Kuenssberg will show any remorse for the part she played in Boris’ downfall that nearly cost her her job at the BBC? Maybe Laura will explain that she considered that a sacrifice of her position as Political Editor of the BBC (and the first woman to hold that very senior post) was a small sacrifice to pay to remove a complete liar, rogue and scoundrel (BBC implication) from his position as Prime Minister?
Genghis Han killed so many people, that it was actually good for the environment, new study claims
Good for jobs too – undertakers and florists …
While the Mongol ruler wasn’t even thinking about it, he was causing the first man-made global cooling.
Do you really think Genghis Khan and his armies killed 10% of the world population (some 40 million people)?
What about Timur?
Honestly, it’s totally unbelievable, if they seriously killed that many people, there would have been large parts of Asia almost entirely depopulated for centuries after, even today. Although there was probably a kernel of truth in such accounts, clearly a lot of it was medieval propaganda.
As a rule of thumb, when reading large medieval numbers (army sizes, casualties, massacres, plague victims, the population of cities etc…) you can take at least two zeroes off, if not three, or four. ‘Millions’ become far more plausible 10,000s in many cases. Otherwise, you have completely impossible figures that simply don’t add up with what we know about geographical, archaeological, and historical realities.
Then there are the unanswered questions, like why would you want to kill so many people? To inspire terror? You can do that by killing far less, and the rest could be made to labour for you. Then, how do you physically kill so many people? Recall this is before machine guns, poison gas, etc… every one of those people would have to be killed with a sword, or a knife, or a bow, and you know… you can only feed so many soldiers, and arms get tired after a while. Also, how do you stop the others running away, while you’re killing their friends and family, stopping for a teabreak, to have a nap etc…?
It’s a bit like the numbers of people involved in ‘large crowds’ and ‘huge protests’, which even modern ‘experts’ can’t agree on, often differing by as much as a factor of 10, or more. You can pretty much claim whatever you want… a large crowd of people can be ‘hundreds’, ‘thousands’, ‘tens of thousands’… to those there, in the middle of them, it’s hard to tell, and some aren’t above twisting the truth to suit their own ends… are they?
What I find amusing is that modern ‘experts’ take such clearly inflated numbers and ‘propagandized’ historical accounts as factual history and then expect to be taken seriously.
Accounts about the Atlantic slave trade being a case in point.
Leaders want to be known to have captured millions!
I wonder what the footsoldiers at Air Canada make of this?
Facical Recognition Booths? The cynic in me thinks that, instead of mis-spelling facial, they really meant to put ‘farcical’.
There are so many spellings and typos in this it’s got to be a fake.
Let us not forget that Jussi -boy and his nasty mates pulled some unpleasant stunts on people who were not law breakers.
Lady Brooke asks a government minister about the heat . He said they are going to make it illegal . There will be emergency powers for banning the sun from shining and make Summers illegal …
…. You kind of listen to this stuff and wonder about how far BBC types want the Government – State – to control everything
Nicely on the way to BBC Totalitarianism – comrades …
Billionaire Bill Gates has pledged again to give his wealth away, adding that he will eventually “drop off” the world’s rich list.
It came as the Microsoft co-founder announced he would make a $20bn (£17bn) donation to his philanthropic fund.
his philanthropic fund
his philanthropic fund
his philanthropic fund
his philanthropic fund
his philanthropic fund
his philanthropic fund
The Usual Suspects…
Disabled woman fined more than £1,000 for parking in disabled spot
To summarize the woman knew she shouldn’t park there for several years, but still did
Oh well, – there’s a surprise – a BBC “campaigning” video goes up *in full* on YouTube – I wonder if it’s a commercial endeavour – who’s getting the ad revenues – is it monetised?
Are Documentary Hub paying the BBC for YT rights?
Before BBC THREE and Ru Paul ….
Bacha bāzī (Persian: بچه بازی, lit. “boy play”;[1] from بچه bacheh, “boy”, and بازی bazi “play, game”) is a slang term in some parts of Afghanistan and Pakistan[2][3] for a custom in Afghanistan involving child sexual abuse by older men of young adolescent males or boys, called dancing boys, often involving sexual slavery and child prostitution.[4] In the 21st century, bacha bazi is practiced in various parts of Afghanistan and Northwestern Pakistan.[5][6][3] Force and coercion are common, and security officials state they are unable to end such practices and that many of the men involved in bacha bazi are powerful and well-armed warlords.[7][8][9]
During the Afghan Civil War (1996–2001), bacha bazi carried the death penalty under Taliban law.[10] Under the post-Taliban government, the practice of dancing boys was illegal under Afghan law, but the laws were seldom enforced against powerful offenders, and police had reportedly been complicit in related crimes.[11][12] Despite international concern and its illegality, the practice continued under the post-Taliban government.[13][14]
A controversy arose after allegations surfaced that U.S. government forces in Afghanistan after the invasion of the country deliberately ignored bacha bazi.[15] The U.S. military responded by claiming the abuse was largely the responsibility of the “local Afghan government”.[16]
Derlano Samuels murder: Killer jailed for nearly 19 years
Derlano’s family described him as “a happy, positive, thoughtful and kind-hearted person”
The happy positive thoughtful and kind-hearted person – strange, I wonder what would have caused this then
Martin Henry Bashir (born 19 January 1963) is a British journalist.[1] He was a presenter on British and American television and for the BBC’s Panorama programme and gained an interview with Diana, Princess of Wales for the programme in 1995. Though the interview was much heralded at the time, it was later determined that he used forgery and deception to gain the interview.[2][3]
The scare was coming, and It’s starting then:-
bbc front page “sore throat now top symbol that could be covid.”
Interesting when the have your says come along, the 50% of posts passing muster are –
“I’ve not had a vaccine and I’m fine”
“Ah but you will be taking up a bed when the lurgie gets you”.
On the other hand, or the other 50% of opinion, the conversation at the hospital could be –
“I’ve got heart disease and I’ve had a stroke”
“Did you take all the vaccines like you were told to?
“yes of course, boosters too”
“Ah well, you’ve only yourself to blame”
I’m not pro-or-anti, but I object, once again, having the bbc slant it and tell only half the story.
Which they sure as heck are about to.
Thanks for watching that, so I didn’t have to.
I can’t see why anyone would think the SAS would conduct night raids just to kill random Afghans. They know the value of “hearts and minds” in counter-insurgency warfare. Atrocities are counter productive. The SAS are professional soldiers, they know this.
A moment’s thought should tell you that seeking to capture Taliban suspects in the middle of the night is not like trying to arrest a person in Britain. It was a war zone, they had been told the people they needed to capture, but any sort of resistance would be met with immediate ultimate force. No tasers, no “you have the right to remain silent…”.
It would not surprise if, sadly, some innocent people were caught up in this and killed. Maybe. But the idea that the SAS go out at night, risk their lives, and kill Afghans for fun is ridiculous.
What the BBC has achieved is to undermine the reputation of the British army, and ensure that if in the future a British soldier is captured by islamic terrorists, he will be murdered by them. For the BBC, that’s a job well done.