Start the Week 18 July 2022

Welcome to the Great British Summer – Aka a level 1 climate emergency .the site as part of the public service – recommends the following in the warm weather
1 – take every thing with a pinch of salt
2. Avoid increasing blood pressure through exposure to strong BBC bias
3 Always wear a grimace when hearing BBC wokery
4 Drink plenty in warm weather – ensure it is alcoholic to blur the dismal anti British BBC output
5 ensure there is always someone else to blame
6 avoid unapproved subjects between 11am and 3pm
7 turn off unnecessary appliances – such as the BBC
8 tidy up your spending – such as cancelling TVL DD s
9 limit exposure to the BBC particularly at most woke times – eg News and QT
10 pray for the right sort of culture secretary / rain ….

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451 Responses to Start the Week 18 July 2022

  1. Thatcherrevolutionary says:

    Get in


    • taffman says:

      OK I will do my best!
      Scrap the TV Tax and the outfit that is funded by it .
      Howz That ?

      PS Beware our pet Troll is out of his cave.


      • digg says:

        The ermine encrusted creatures that inhabit the house of Lords seem to be suggesting that the best way to replace the BBC license fee is to simply move it to council tax.

        I can see the thinking here… much harder to evade, any prosecutions would not reflect on the BBC, fee income would be automatically linked to council tax rises.

        For the BBC, what’s not to like?

        For the public, it’s catch 22, pay up or go to jail.

        What is this fascination with ring-fencing the malicious and odious outfit by the great and good?


        • Fedup2 says:

          I’ve been browsing the 75 pages of the Lords Digital committee Report on the future of the BBC. It follows on from the government white paper published in April .

          So many words – nothing particularly critical – apart from the crash is reputation of the BBC news where only 55% now think it’s trustworthy down from 85% a few years ago …

          I suggest that this key stat is a bigger indication of the truth about the BBC monster – but the Commmittee doesn’t go there…

          …. So far I have not heard the BBC report on itself about this supposedly important report .

          Instead it is preoccupied by a couple of days of summer weather and the cowardice of American police ( surprise ) failing to stop slaughter in a school 8 thousand miles away – not so much telford – eh BBC .?

          And elsewhere – a lift from ‘feedback’ in the Mail ? From our Justin warning about ‘today ‘ interviewers being not too enthusiastic when interviewing certain people about certain things in case the look ‘biased ‘ .

          I laughted at this because I couldn’t think of whom he could be referring – Apart from the mentally challenged comrade Robinson who sees his version of the world as the only one . He’d have been really good running execution squads .


        • Doublethinker says:

          I’m afraid that adding the cost of the the BBC to general taxation or the council tax is the most likely way the politicos will deal the growing number of refuseniks. The council tax route is the more likely because then the BBC can say that it isn’t in the pocket of government.
          Perhaps the best that we can hope is that the council tax route is chosen but that only for a basic stripped down BBC service and that if you want the full propaganda service you have to subscribe.

          Of course successive Tory governments have failed to privatise the BBC , a decision I am sure they bitterly regret. Even Lady T who flirted with the idea didn’t go through with it. The BBC has been allowed , unchecked by Tory governments , to act as a leftist change agent for forty years . The country is now paying the price.


          • Fedup2 says:

            Double – I agree – one way or another it will be funded through general taxation – the growing non payment – both of the licence and community charge will land up with the government picking up the tab .

            The bbc is never told it is just too big – ever expanding – it never contracts – the damage it does to local news is untold – god knows what indoctrination the kids get –
            Direct State funding will doom our campaign – it will feel even more fireproof and arrogant …


            • Doublethinker says:

              The only consolation is that they haven’t yet got the technology to force us to watch the foul corporation bag of vomit inducing propaganda . But who knows when the Social Credit scheme is launched if you don’t watch the BBC points will be deducted from your score and your performance on the daily Ten Minute Hate sessions will be monitored to ensure that you and your family display sufficient authenticity and vigour.
              The public is sleepwalking into the nightmare of 1984.


              • MarkyMark says:

                I suppose GoggleBox is close to that dream – paid to watch people watching what you are paid to watch.


              • Fedup2 says:

                Double – I think totalitarian is being rapidly secured by the blue labour gang .. long live The State . The State is All …

                “I’m from the government and I’m here to help “ Ronnie was far ahead of his time …


        • BurnaTyreForGreta says:

          If it is camouflaged with other taxes it will be impossible to be rid of it.


  2. Nibor says:

    What spending plans have any of the candidates have for expansion of the population due to illegal immigration ?

    Someone has to pay for the extra roads , sewage works , schools etc that have to be built NOW .


    • taffman says:

      And the extra “carbon footprint” they bring along to our shores because of our weak feeble Consocalist Government . So much for our attempt at the “net zero target” ? We have the worst government in British History. A government that cares little for the people of Great Britain .
      Our only salvation is a collation of The Reform Party and UKIP .


      • NCBBC says:

        Thank you Taffman for putting “footprint” in scare quotes. A good sharp thrust. The very idea of Carbon footprint slyly intimates that CO2 is a problem and bad. Its not. Its a blessing. Without CO2 the planet will be a dead planet of deserts and worse.

        The entire AGW was a scam from the beginning – falsifying data, cherry picking or leaving out inconvenient data, backed by childish and naive understanding of thermodynamics.

        And when the lie of AGW became obvious, the government funded and appointed environmental activists switched to Climate Change – they win which ever way the temperature goes.

        And amazing, they all come to a consensus that the government desires. Science, particularly the physics of thermodynamics, does not progress by “consensus” papers. It progresses by disproving the opposite.

        The lie of AG Climate Change has to be stopped or it will destroy the huge progress engineering has made in lifting billions of people out of poverty. We are headed to real poverty in the West as Marxists continue to misinform people about Climate, while Asia will continue in the opposite direction.


        • maxincony says:


          The very idea of Carbon footprint slyly intimates that CO2 is a problem and bad. Its not. Its a blessing.

          *Food isn’t a problem, it’s a blessing. Without food I’d be dead right now.*


          • Yasser Dasmibehbi says:

            Fat shaming Maxi? I thought that was forbidden in Loopyleft Land!


            • JohnC says:

              You are forgetting what shameless hypocrites the Left are. I would say it’s their second most characteristic trait – after their extreme double-standards.

              As the ‘unbiased’ BBC’s coverage of Biden compared to Trump proves beyond any doubt.


            • Fedup2 says:

              I think this troll was drunk when it put this up – it’s pretty offensive and if I were a lefty I’d ban it …

              But speech can be offensive when it’s even slightly free – as in Blighty …


              • NCBBC says:

                John C

                Quite. Hypocrisy and shamelessness go hand in hand with the left. The enviro-fanatics advocate concern for the environment but without man’s hand the vast majority of the world’s population, and that includes us, would be starving and a miserable death to end.

                Shri Lanka is a teaching moment for us – the political class was conned by the enviro-left, and the result is that now Shri Lanka does not have the money to buy seeds for next years “harvest”.

                Please keep in mind too, that “harvest” and “bounty” are unallowed speech in the lexicon of the left. But they are comfortable with mass deaths as in the USSR and the rest of the miserable communist world that dominated the 20th century.

                Having lost the East, the left has now decided to con the West with its concerns for the environment. Not the immediate and now environment, but the one 50 years hence. Yeah, we can predict that. Sure.


            • moggie63 says:

              That’s a photo of maxi, it’s no wonder it’s only ever about during the night.


              • NCBBC says:

                Thanks moggie for raising the issue.

                Why was that “photo” put up by maxicony? And why publish it when it has nothing to do with my post.

                But whatever, she suffers from a condition, and should have our sympathy as well as privacy. Its wrong to put up her photo.

                Please Fedup2, if you think it appropriate, remove her photo from the blog, giving a reason why.


          • Nibor says:

            Hello Maxi ,

            Last we spoke we established, by your criteria, that you were a racist.

            What other prejudices do you have ?


          • digg says:

            I think we can with confidence just ignore anything else from this maxi creature. Can I suggest no one responds to any of maxi’s posts until he/she/they/it/animal/droid/fuckwit returns to their crypt?


          • Banania says:

            Your sole intention is to annoy; that makes you a thoroughly disagreeable person.


        • Fedup2 says:

          Nc – yes – a very good point – language is a weapon the left uses to shape attitudes – I try to choose mine carefully – my non use of standard words is chosen for a purpose – but I often lapse …


        • Peter Grimes says:

          Apologies if this has been posted previously, I’ve not been on here much for some time.


          • digg says:

            Peter, Re the American Thinker Article….

            I particularly liked the summary at the end.

            “As Happer and Lindzen summarize their conclusion:

            Misrepresentation, exaggeration, cherry picking or outright lying pretty much covers all the so-called evidence marshalled in support of (the theory of imminent catastrophic global warming caused by fossil fuels and CO2.)”

            You could actually use that same summary to describe a good deal of the output from our national broadcaster.. Just replace the words in brackets…

            (the size of the non-binary population)

            (the size of the non-indigenous population of the UK)

            (the importance and scale of the non-binary population)

            (the scale of racist attacks on non-indigenous people)

            (the insignificance of sex crimes against youngsters by sections of some Northern towns)

            I am sure you lot can add many more topics to this!


          • NCBBC says:

            Hi Peter

            Richard Lindzen was invited, along with our own Climate Profs to a House of Commons Sub-C.

            The level of knowledge of mathematical physics between the Richard L and the other two was embarrasingly obvious. So much so the other two fled the scene. Pressing engagements apparently. I cant find the Youtube of the event

            But here is a pdf of a talk to the HoC



  3. StewGreen says:

    @MattGubba tweeted
    It’s just gone 11am and is 38 degrees here in Turkey.

    I’ve been waiting for the doomsday sirens to warn us all to run for our lives
    … But still nothing. I’m perplexed.

    Kids are just playing in the park like nothing’s wrong!! 🤯


  4. AsISeeIt says:

    Compare and contrast, airtex and ashes edition

    The Labour-leaning Daily Mirror finds favour with our BBC today, topping their online press line up this putative hottest day ever.

    Forget the constitution, the 80-seat majority or the unfulfilled Brexit mandate – the Mirror wants Labour in power: 5 blue bottlers. Woeful Tory hopefulls would all dodge snap election

    Who is the weakest Tory link? – asks the down-market giveaway Metro: Going, going: Final candidates line up game-show style

    Bruce Forsyth was compere of many a vintage TV game show and cheerful purveyor of many a catchphrase. Play Your Cards Right, 1980 to 1987, spanned the Thatcher years, more or less, when greed was good – by and large, and spawned those familiar mantra-like audience participation shouts of ‘Higher, Lower’

    The Mirror punts decidedly high on the temperature today: Blowtorch Britain 42C record heat is on… – we note blowtorch is a nice nod back to the Mirror’s former workingman heritage.

    It was the anti-Thatcher-shtick alternative comedian Alexei Sayle who noted the middle class marxist left’s love of industrial referenced language – citing the preponderance of lesbian ‘workshops’ rather than ‘meetings’ – as evidence in a creditable moment of political self-reflection.

    The corporate free advertising sheet Metro bids surprisingly low: Meltdown Monday. It’s set to top 40C for first time

    The little Englander Sun, which tends to enjoy some of those almost exclusively tabloidese usage words – such as sizzling – today goes uncharacteristically global in outlook and makes a mid-table prediction: 41 Hotter than the Sahara ..and India ..and Pakistan ..and Algeria ..and Ethiopia.. – perhaps our hundreds of thousands of recent immigrants brought their weather with them?

    The Guardian relies on the alarmist rhetoric of our official managerial warnings to do much of the heavy lifting work, whilst their bid comes in lower than average among the press pack: Red alert: ‘ferocious’ heatwave set to send temperatures beyond 40C – this being the Guardianistas, they tend to look to the continent for something bigger and better than we have here in the UK: Fires across Europe as temperatures soar to 47C

    The authoritative globalist FT would issue us our New World Orders: Climate control. ‘It is not the time to be fearful, it is the time to be forceful’ Interview page 16

    OK, ok, I give in… yes, faced with the relentless alarmism, even Mr AsISeeIt will confess, repent, wear airtex and ashes… I too believe! Yes, Praise be to Greta… Global Warming is a true thing.

    Just kidding…

    The Daily Express – which surprisingly talks a lot of sense these days – breaks the spell of the eco-nut Midwich Cuckoos among our media clones, steps out of line from the uniformity of the Stepford Wives of climate crisis comformity journalism: It’s not the end of the world! Just stay cool and carry on…

    That sounds refreshingly rather British…

    This headline doesn’t: Beyond the pale (FT) – no, fear not, it’s not some admission of white population replacement planning – perish the thought. Just the notion of the medicalisation of the weather which we’re gradually being trained to accept: Health alerts for record heat

    As for all the fuss over Truss and co… whatever the new face at the top the swampish Deep State establishment will ensure there’s no real change in policy: Deregulation drive to ditch EU rules. BoE ready to resist. (FT)

    Ever wondered how come we’re enagaged in a costly proxy war with Russia and yet, oddly, no western politician – from left or right – calls for peace talks? Northrop seeks Ukraine arms clarity. The head of one the biggest US defence groups has urged western nations to give a clear ‘demand signal’ if the industry is going to be able to provide the weapons needed for a long Ukraine war (FT)

    It may be hot today; eventually we’ll see a long hard winter. My money’s on the Russians, with all their gas reserves, fighting in the cold, in their own backyard.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Asiseeit – your last line stole my comment – forecasters prepare for -40 degrees this winter – thousands will die – and now the weather ….


    • NCBBC says:

      AsIsee: It may be hot today; eventually we’ll see a long hard winter. My money’s on the Russians, with all their gas reserves, fighting in the cold, in their own backyard.

      The lesson of history is not to take on Russia in winter, in Russia. Particularly when they control all the oil and wheat one can see. Too, China has Russia’s back. China will never allow Russia to lose, as they know they will be next on NATO’s target list.

      So the Sanctions have hit us hard, while Russia profits from it. Is the AGW- CC left that dominates the EU, on our side, or on Russia’s.


  5. andyjsnape says:

    Devastating news for the rich bBC employees

    Starbucks explores UK business sale, reports say

    I can never understand why people pay the prices and sometimes daily 🙁


  6. Fedup2 says:

    Come on then -who gets the Blame ?

    The BBC must blame someone for something . Nothing can be without blame .

    Wasn’t really hot? Blame the government for overreacting

    Too hot ? Blame the government

    Failing NHS ? Blame the government

    Paki Muslim Rape Paedo gangs ? Shush – we don’t talk about that …

    Not enough – water
    Sun hats
    Sun screen
    Air con
    Cold air

    That goodness Project Fear is alive and well


    • micknotmike says:

      And if all that fails there’s always good old covid, whatever happened to that?


      • AsISeeIt says:

        Covid… that’s SO last year…

        BBC: Ghana confirms first cases of deadly Marburg virus


        • Peter Grimes says:

          “ BBC: Ghana confirms first cases of deadly Marburg virus.”

          So, just like polio and smallpox, coming soon to several boroughs in E London and other city centres.


  7. Foscari says:

    So far as the BBC is concerned the leaders on sport
    on their internet pages is nearly always headed by the
    very few live major sports they cover on TV. So right now it’s
    the women’s football and athletics.
    This serves the BBC’S diversity department” education
    programme for us. Whilst Tiger Woods was” involved ”
    in the golf, he served the diversity departments agenda.
    And to be honest even when he had failed to qualify I
    expect the diversity department had to be told by the
    very few brave souls in the hierarchy of the BBC that they
    just could not make Woods the main feature forever on the
    Open. So by today the actual winner of the tournament
    is a downgraded feature.
    The women’s football has become a problem for the diversity
    department. Yes making a big deal of the Euros for women
    educates us to understand that the women’s game is as
    every bit , if not more important than the men’s game .
    Inclusiveness, positive discrimination is the name of the
    game. BUT now there is a “catch 22” problem for the BBC.
    nearly 90% of the England squad are WHITE !! And worse
    still at the moment the whole team playing on the pitch
    are WHITE.
    But of course there is always the fall back of making the
    main features a 100% black athletes in the 100 meters final.
    Or a Jamaican 1-2-3 in the ladies 100 meters. Working in
    the diversity department of the BBC . Must be like being
    in a lunatic asylum. Where everybody including the doctors
    and nurses are off their heads!


    • MarkyMark says:



      • Banania says:

        See, it can be done if we put our minds to it; that team is entirely diverse.


    • JohnC says:

      The thing I don’t understand is that if women are equal to men in every way and their football is just as good, why aren’t the women’s teams playing against the men ?.

      It just doesn’t add up.

      And if it’s racist to have too many white players, why isn’t it racist when there are too many non-white players ?.

      ‘England are set to compete in a historic Euro 2020 final on Sunday after a tournament where the squad has been hailed a “celebration of diversity”.

      Out of the 11 players who started for England in their thrilling semi-final victory over Denmark on Wednesday, a total of seven have a parent or grandparent from overseas.’

      Sometimes I’m stunned by the racist discrimination against whites I see and all the Leftist group-think hypocrites think it’s OK.


  8. Guest Who says:

    Another day, another headline…

    “ Resilient and record-breaking”

    No, not the entire msm in face of universal mockery on Summer weather, it’s bbc fave Indy Clare Enders of days on Channel 4 actually being totally awesome despite KGM making Cathy Newman seem impartial.


    • Guest Who says:

      This from the sage title once editted by Amol the Merrier.

      “ Protect UK from extreme heat, ministers urged”

      Maaaate. Nowt like a good urge.

      Penny in a fetching bikini holding an umbrella over constituents lobstering up down the park?


      • MarkyMark says:

        Bill Gates’ cloud-whitening trials ‘a dangerous experiment’
        This article is more than 12 years old
        Campaigners say a Bill Gates-backed geo-engineering project to whiten clouds and reduce global warming is ‘risky’


      • Guest Who says:

        BBC Panic is already on it.

        UK set for hottest day in its history
        UK’s hottest day predicted

        Just in case history fails to transpire. Which would be precedented.

        Luckily their default cover word is deployed.

        Temperatures could even go past 40C for the first time, with London set to be one of the hottest places in the world.

        Three, if ‘one of’ is included. Five, if selective ‘known fors’ added to the mix.

        Dakhla in Western Sahara, Nassau in the Bahamas, Kingston in Jamaica, Malaga in Spain and Athens in Greece – all known for having hotter climates are expected to be at least five degrees cooler than the capital.

        No word on a pub in Alexandria. Odd, as it looks balmy. Relatively.


      • Peter Grimes says:

        Replying to Guest Who…
        HMS Penafore in a crisp white blouse enclosing two fully filled spinnakers would be my bet. Paul Waugh in his Torygraph sketch comparing our Penny with Catherine Deneuve, not unreasonably.

        Quite the opposite to the ‘vicar’ in stockings, nothing else, getting jiggy with his vacuum cleaner reported elsewhere.


      • digg says:

        How the holy f*ck are they supposed to even begin trying to do that other than banning anyone from leaving the house. Hang on a minute they got away with that before didn’t they!


  9. MarkyMark says:

    I am afraid that I am not giving way. I have only three minutes left, and I have more than three minutes of content.

    Dawn Butler said that she hoped I would learn something from her. Now it is time for me to give her a couple of lessons too, although I do not believe that she is in her place. She said that we need to look at history and improve it. Lesson No. 1: we cannot improve history; we can only learn from it. What we can improve is the future, and that is what this Government have been doing over the past 10 years. I am not going to reel off statistics, in the interests of time, because other Government Members have already done so.

    Lesson No. 2: black history is not the history of institutional racism. Listening to some Members across the House, it is quite clear that they do not know the difference. It is not true, as Kim Johnson said, that African history was interrupted by slavery. It also shows an ignorance of geography, because west African history is different from African history. As probably the only Member of this House who actually grew up and went to school in Africa, I can tell the House that that is not what we are taught.
    Much more is taught about the history of black slave traders who existed before and after the transatlantic slave trade.

    In fact, the most notable statue in the city of Lagos, where I grew up, is that of Madam Tinubu. It is the biggest one in the equivalent of Trafalgar Square. She was a slave trader, but she was also a freedom fighter and a much loved icon. Her slave trading is not celebrated, but her fight against colonisers is. In Nigeria, she is recognised as a complex character, as all historical figures are—and heaven help anyone who would try to pull her statue down. There is much that we can learn from Nigeria about how to handle the issue of statues


    • Fedup2 says:

      From the DT – only in America –

      “Two prisoners at New Jersey’s only women’s prison have become pregnant after having sex with a transgender inmate.”

      Are you a bloke ? Are you being sentenced to prison ? Then go trans – get to a woman’s prison -you’ll have a great time ..

      Insanity rules


      • MarkyMark says:

        “Consequently there was a long period during which nearly every thinking man was in some sense a rebel, and usually a quite irresponsible rebel. Literature was largely the literature of revolt or of disintegration. Gibbon, Voltaire, Rousseau, Shelley, Byron, Dickens, Stendhal, Samuel Butler, Ibsen, Zola, Flaubert, Shaw, Joyce — in one way or another they are all of them destroyers, wreckers, saboteurs. For two hundred years we had sawed and sawed and sawed at the branch we were sitting on. And in the end, much more suddenly than anyone had foreseen, our efforts were rewarded, and down we came. But unfortunately there had been a little mistake. The thing at the bottom was not a bed of roses after all, it was a cesspool full of barbed wire.


      • tomo says:

        I wonder what the UK prison authorities are doing wrt to blokes in wigs trying to get into womens prisons?

        Dick Emery’s Hettie comes to mind for some reason


  10. MarkyMark says:

    What’s the truth about Hunter Biden’s laptop?
    The Inquiry

    Three weeks before the 2020 US presidential election a newspaper published contents of a laptop they said belonged to Hunter Biden, son of Joe Biden, who at that time was campaigning against Donald Trump to win the election. The contents allegedly revealed questionable business dealings that implicated Joe Biden, and lurid personal details of Hunter Biden’s life. Some media outlets refused to run the story and social media platforms blocked the content. Since then other newspapers have tried to verify the laptop data and it still remains controversial today with hints there are more revelations to come. Charmaine Cozier asks what is the truth about Hunter Biden’s laptop?

    Producer: Louise Clarke-Rowbotham


    • tomo says:

      Wot ? no mention of Pootine ‘n da wikkid wushinz?

      Charmaine’s falling down on the job.

      More lame covering for Joe + the Democrats….


  11. Nibor says:

    The European Court of Human Rights is beloved by the elite of Europe .
    If we pull out of it we will be ….. well not liked , say the elite .
    But what if we did pull out of it ?

    If it stops those bogus asylum seekers coming here because we ‘look bad ‘ then that’s what we want and that’s a Good Thing .
    And if it doesn’t then it shows we don’t look bad and the elites can shut their arrogant faces . BBC take note .


  12. MarkyMark says:

    Cutting UK taxes now would be a mistake, says IMF
    By Dharshini David
    Global trade correspondent, BBC News

    8 hours ago


    Christine Lagarde: IMF chief convicted over payout
    20 December 2016
    The IMF board said it retained “full confidence” in her leadership.


  13. Emmanuel Goldstein says:

    It looks like we will probably be losing Tom “I was in the Army” Tugendhat today.

    This would leave 3 wimmin and a brown boy.

    Tories are certainly ahead in the equal opportunities area when it comes to either a wimmin PM number 3 or the first ethnic.


    • Fedup2 says:

      I hope you are right – I think the army chap is the most overtly Remainer but the rest hide it better … the Tory party electorate are not gonna be impressed by the variety – looks like another lady leader – please god not mordant … it’s like tessie mays ‘ younger sista …


      • gb123 says:

        If it is her, the end end result would be the same. Faff around for a bit, General Election not going as planned , yet another “leadership” contest resulting in the same puppets (Lab Con).


  14. MarkyMark says:

    British-Egyptian pro-democracy activist

    British (1%)?
    Egyptian (99%)?

    Why do we assume they are 50/50 – and even that is a bad thing.


    Egypt’s Top Islamic Scholars Work to Promote Moderate Vision of Islam–top-islamic-scholars-work-to-promote-moderate-vision-of-islam/3996281.html

    CAIRO —
    Al Azhar University, Egypt’s venerable seat of Islamic law, has been working to project a more modern image of Islam to counter the violent versions being espoused by Islamic State, al-Qaida and other militant groups.


  15. MarkyMark says:



  16. tomo says:

    Well, not difficult to see why Prince Charles is a fan?

    I do so hope that today will be the day that Gary Lineker and Greta Thunberg launch themselves into the gender wars.


    • MarkyMark says:

      New Delhi: The roughly £2.5 million cash donation accepted by Prince Charles from former Qatari prime minister Sheikh Hamad bin Jassim al-Thani, between 2011 and 2015, “would not happen again”, a royal source told BBC Thursday.30 Jun 2022


    • Fedup2 says:

      🎼tomorrow belongs to me 🎼


  17. MarkyMark says:



    • Docmarooned says:

      That bloater in the middle should put down the laptop and VR crap and do some exercise in the real world.


  18. Guest Who says:

    Shingi in da shade be da man.


  19. Up2snuff says:

    TOADY Watch #1 – how did you cope in the old days?

    The snowflakes are melting all around the BBC and they are in, expensive, newly built, air conditioned offices and studios! Weather. Warm. Nay, hot! In summer. At least we are getting a bit of a summer this year unlike 2021 – one week, at best – when it seemed I would never shed a sweater for long.

    When I did a tour of the BBC’s old building in Langham place, my guide explained some of the problems that would come up for engineering to cope with, some of which they would have had trouble with in 1976, for example. How would it have been in the days of valves and so on?


    • MarkyMark says:



      • Up2snuff says:

        I have turned off BBC Radio until they stop going into meltdown, MM. We are being infantilised. You might like that but I’m a grown up. Besides, I have the liberty to tell the BBC what they do not want to hear:
        1. Grow up
        2. CO2 is not a problem except when there is not enough of it
        3. The ‘climate’ for the unredeemed after the Day of Judgement is the most important thing for the BBC to worry about; if you think this is hot . . . . 😉


  20. MarkyMark says:

    Covid response – hide.
    Heat response- hide.

    China promotes education drive to make boys more ‘manly’



  21. tomo says:

    Strikes me that some way should be found to send all dinghy divers to Islington, Tooting and King’s Cross for assessment prior to re-homing ?


  22. MarkyMark says:

    China has been a dominant lender to several of these developing nations and therefore could control their destinies in crucial ways. But it’s largely unclear what Beijing’s lending conditions have been, or how it may restructure the debt.

    Where China is at fault, according to Alan Keenan from International Crisis Group, is in encouraging and supporting expensive infrastructure projects that have not produced major economic returns.


  23. tomo says:


    • MarkyMark says:



      • Fedup2 says:

        She looks like a 3 person kind of a gal … that is made up – right ?


        • MarkyMark says:

          Maggie De Block

          De Block served as Minister of Social Affairs and Health in the governments of Prime Ministers Charles Michel and Sophie Wilmès from 2014 until 2020.[3] Following a reshuffle on 9 December 2018 to prevent the government’s collapse, she additionally resumed responsibility for Asylum and Migration.[4]

          By 2015, De Block was the most popular politician in Flanders, Wallonia and Brussels, making her the most popular politician in Belgium.[19]


      • digg says:

        If this is the Belgian Minister of Heath then god help it’s citizens!

        Or is it non-persona to point that out?


      • digg says:

        So a gang-bang in the park is tickety-boo?

        For some time I have suspected that aliens took over Earth some time back with the aim of eliminating common sense. It now looks an even better bet.


    • MarkyMark says:

      “Motivate” … Thalidomide was first marketed in 1957 in West Germany, where it was available over the counter.[5][6] When first released, thalidomide was promoted for anxiety, trouble sleeping, “tension”, and morning sickness.[6][7] While it was initially thought to be safe in pregnancy, concerns regarding birth defects arose until the medication was removed from the market in Europe in 1961.[5][6] The total number of infants affected by use during pregnancy is estimated at 10,000, of whom about 40% died around the time of birth.[3][6] Those who survived had limb, eye, urinary tract, and heart problems.[5] Its initial entry into the US market was prevented by Frances Kelsey, a reviewer at the FDA.[7] The birth defects caused by thalidomide led to the development of greater drug regulation and monitoring in many countries.[5][7]


  24. MarkyMark says:

    According to the Home Office, as of 2015, Telford had the highest rate of sex crimes against children of any town or city in the United Kingdom.[7] Telford has a population of just under 170,000 people.[8]


    No. 10 treated us to some great Top Gun-esque photos of Boris in his Typhoon outfit over the weekend, after a visit to RAF Coningsby in Lincolnshire. Just this morning we also got footage of Boris on manoeuvres…

    “But whoever it is I can tell you the twin engines of this conservative government will roar on fantastic public services, dynamic market economy, each boosting the other and there could be no better example of that relationship that symbiosis between government and the private sector than the aviation industry and if you want a final example of this government’s ambition I give you not just FCAS or Jet Zero but space flight

    The Telford child sexual exploitation scandal was a scandal in the United Kingdom. Originally, a group of men were convicted of grooming local children for sex between 2007 and 2009 in Telford in the English county of Shropshire.[1][2][3] While media reports had suggested 100 or more girls had been affected[4] and around 200 perpetrators were suspected,[5] the Sunday Mirror reported in March 2018 that up to 1,000 girls may have been abused, with some even murdered, in incidents dating back to the 1970s.[6] Social workers, a spokesman for Together Against Grooming, and police, all cast doubt on this report, denying that Telford had a “discernible problem compared to other towns” or that specific groups of children had been targeted, or that the offenders were predominantly groups of Asian men, adding: “What I would say is sexual offending across Telford and Wrekin is virtually identically proportionate to the breakdown of society.”


  25. JohnC says:

    Ukraine war: Zelensky suspends security chief and top prosecutor

    A total of 651 collaboration and treason cases had been opened against law enforcement officials, he added.

    But .. but .. but how is this possible ?.

    Ukranians = All of them very good people. Never hurt anyone innocent and never did anything bad to anybody. They definitely would not shell civilians in the East for example or put turniquets around Russian prisoners legs so they could shoot them in them and they would take a long time to die.

    Russians = monsters and devils who just want to kill all Ukranians.

    Could it possibly be that Zelensky is not the saint the BBC keep telling me he is ?.


    • tomo says:

      Seen suggestions that some of Zelensky’s peeps have been selling military hardware paid for by North America and European taxpayers to….

      They sold American rocket systems to the Russians…

      I got sent some propaganda over the weekend (from an old acquaintance) about Russians castrating Ukranian prisoners – went and looked – the coverage I could find seemed mostly about a chap called Genady Druzenko


  26. pugnazious says:

    Bad start to Monday morning….Angela Rayner is guest host on LBC…very, very woke and hates the Tories debating Trans issues. She/he/they thinks it’s all very nasty and unnecessary….so divisive whereas she loves everyone and we should all get along…as she savagely slags off the candidates lol…not to mention her ‘Tory scum’ comment which you can be sure wasn’t a one-off. Odd how she doesn’t admit that the trans-lobby is extremely toxic, aggressive and violent….but those who disgaree with the trans ideology that women don’t exist are the problem.

    Things don’t get any better for the rest of the week…Tugendhat, Hancock, Hunt and Streeting.

    From 10.00am just so you don’t come across them by accident and throw/throw up something.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Watching the blue labour show I was wondering what the equivalent red labour one would be like ? Growler is a bit like the equivalent karmela … the air head show …with ‘working class grammar ‘…


  27. Cagna Guardia says:

    Earth’s on fire
    Rolling through the sky
    So notify your next of kin
    We’re all gonna die.
    (Pace Bob Dylan)


  28. Beltane says:

    Extraordinary how people are prepared to ‘remember’ the 1976 drought to suit today’s frenetic news stories.
    Some are saying skies were cloudy with regular thunderstorms and temperatures no higher than 30deg, in other words nothing exceptional to discuss.
    It’s the word ‘drought’ – searing heat and no rain for weeks on end – which shoots a large hole in that theory, and the fact that in many counties the harvest was cut and stored by mid July, at least a month and for some crops two, ahead of normal cutting times.
    But, as said before, that was ‘the weather’ in those days.


    • digg says:

      I see Wales has already gone for gold in the great it-ain’t-half-hot-mum race…. It has been a bit quiet lately for Fuerher Drakeford so maybe he can dust off his jackboots and start ordering the Taff’s around again now.

      Maybe he can arrange to reverse the current to some of the wind farms so they can become giant fans and start to blow cooler air over the valleys?

      Can’t wait for his list of rules….

      everyone to carry a leek and wave it about or plod will arrest you.

      English to push their cars while in Wales to avoid excess english exhaust fumes.

      Welsh Pubs to switch off coolers and only serve warm beer…..


  29. Sluff says:

    Wouldn’t it be fun if the all time temperature record is NOT reached today.

    The egg on face at the scaremongering BBC would be quite a joy to behold.

    Now remember children. Keep cool. Drink plenty of water. Keep out of the direct sun. And suck eggs just like your grandmother used to.
    These instructions are also available in Arabic, Farsi, Gujararti, Polish, Czech, Urdu, Hindi and others on request.


  30. Thoughtful says:

    1976 the hottest of the hot summers due to it’s longevity and severity (15 consecutive days above 32C: 90F/Five consecutive days above 35C: 95F)

    None of the hysterical snowflakes ‘melting down’ a few fragile people fell over and needed medical treatment but that was it.

    Today we have people travelling to places like Dubai where it’s far hotter, and even Spain can be this hot, and there is never any kind of warning people might keel over en masse as soon as they disembark the plane.

    It’s mass hysteria driven by the media. It’s a bit warm but it’s not going to kill you.


  31. Halifax says:

    Just had my doctors on. I have an appointment today and they asked if I wish to cancel due to the heat !!! I said no its ok and ill walk round, then told you can come at 12:00 as we have had cancellations. Basically if I come early they can go home !!!


  32. Halifax says:

    Just had 2 days in hospital.

    One person asks…..what do you want for dinner?
    Person 2 brings the knife and fork.
    Person 3 brings the meal.
    Person 4 collects plates.
    Person 5 ask about medicines
    Person 6 does blood pressure and vitals.
    Person 7 makes the bed.

    The rest are behind the counters watching Tik Tok or whatever. Very nice people nothing too much trouble but do they really need 7 people to keep me going ?????


    • Up2snuff says:

      Halifax, hope the NHS left you in good shape and no HAIs, etc.. Your post reminded me of what was said of American servicemen in Britain during WW2.


  33. Lovely Luvvies says:

    Travelling today (luckily) thanks to all the scaremongering all trains south of York cancelled tomorrow! Loads of cancellations today as well I just can’t believe how low we have sunk in this country.


  34. dafydd says:

    Sunak and Truss pull out of Sky leaders debate..

    Also both saying it was an error to do C4 debate….

    I don’t give a rat’s arse whether they debate or not, they’ve lost my vote anyway.

    You may or may not like Boris but the way they kicked him while he is down is unforgivable…

    For me that’s a no no, the parasites have lost my vote and thousands like me..

    27 years I’ve been a member of the Tory party but what they did to Boris is the straw that broke the camel’s back.

    I don’t have a problem if they no longer wanted him as Tory Leader and PM but that decision to oust him should have been ours the people not the BBC or the appalling biased MSM and let’s not forget the small grey suited clique in the Tory party that wanted him gone from day one.

    They can all go and f–k themselves


    • Fedup2 says:

      Agreed but he did bring a lot of unnecessary weakness on himself through those huge character flaws.

      Now he is pictures in the cockpit of a fighter on a jolly . I hope he personally has to pay for it or explain the justification for it ….
      Or did Mrs nut nut enjoy top gun 2?


  35. tomo says:

    Would tend to suggest that the prior events didn’t go the way required?


    • MarkyMark says:

      Tractor production is up. £2.2k Payrise deserved.
      MPs to get £2,200 pay rise next month
      1 March


    • Fedup2 says:

      Don’t they just ‘empty seat ‘ them …?


    • pugnazious says:

      LOL….that’s the whole idea of the debates…it’s not about informing the public, it’s a bear pit for the’s purely for entertainment.

      If they really wanted to inform us they’d run individual interviews indepth and longform where we could get a really good look at the candidates and their policies, views and beliefs…assuming the interviewer was up to the job…so many are not.


      • MarkyMark says:

        “…Harold Wilson ‘What the British people wanted was a bit of peace and quiet. Anything for a quiet life’. You know and I know that this is the great drag on democracy. Does my voice count, so you leave it to a well organised tiny minority. Now you ask have people learned? Yes, they are learning that if you do leave it to that tiny well organised minority … Unpleasant things happen. And then you recoil from that. In part you expect your politicians to do something about it, the question is whether the people themselves will back up the politicians.”
        – Margaret Thatcher

        “Margaret Thatcher – Capitalism and a Free Society”


  36. Beltane says:

    I see they’ve drained off just enough embalming fluid for dear old Pol to hit a keyboard key or two. Her words in today’s Guardian seem to suggest that Skier’s walk to Downing Street is a shoo-in, following the latest Potential PM Debate.

    Some of her points about the debate’s significance might be valid – but her conclusion continues to regurgitate the same spiteful 1930s nonsense which forged her ‘stellar career’. Sad woman.


    • tomo says:

      I’ve seen Polly compared to an old golden retriever

      The Guardian must’ve reanimated her via a kite, some wet string and a passing thunderstorm.


    • pugnazious says:

      Well quite a few are nearing Starmer levels of character and interest…they may just be cardboard cutouts…only Badenoch and Sunak look slightly less corporate and Establishment…Mordaunt performs well on stage and in the Commons but is there any more to her than that? Is she as incompetent as people say? She and Tugendhat are classic Tories in appearance with, I’d imagine , little street appeal unlike the eye-catching Badenoch who almost certainly would shake things up….but would fall victim to the ‘Blob’ trying to stymie her at every step….the Blob including the BBC of course.

      You can have an 80 seat majority but the real rulers of the land will actually decide if you can stay in Office and run the policies you were elected to implement.

      Maybe someone should start asking questions about the Media’s abuse of power…in particular the national broadcaster.


  37. andyjsnape says:

    Rwanda migrant scheme: No evidence that UK policy deters migrants, say MPs

    If I traveled 1/2 way around the world to get to blighty and then was sent to Rwanda, I think this would make a difference

    What planet are these MPs from!

    Also no evidence because its not been given a chance


  38. pugnazious says:

    High Noon and it’s 38°C in the sun.

    The world’s still spinning and the postman is still delivering.

    I guess the apocalypse has been postponed.


    • Deborah says:

      Nearly 12.30 and apparently 30 degrees Celsius according to the bottom right of my computer (86 in proper money) but there is a cool breeze coming through my window and I am fine. Yesterday the Met Office was predicting where I live was going to be 41 degrees but they kept changing it a bit but now that has reduced to 35 for today and they are saving their thunder for tomorrow when it is going to be 36. I wonder what it will really be but I don’t trust either the Met Office or the BBC. What has this world become that we cannot even believe the forecast?


      • moggie63 says:

        Did you ever believe the forecast? I’ve lost track of the number of times I’ve watched the rain running down the windows while the weather presenter is saying what a nice day it is in ‘our region’. These are the same people we are told to believe because they can predict the weather in 20, 30, 50, 100 years in the future. Yeah, of course they can. The predictions are based on who pays the most for the longest.


      • Guest Who says:

        Walked the dogs at 10am. Park, shade, water.

        Lunch now.

        They are in the utility room of a house with 3′ stone walls. The lurcher goes out for a 10′ bask on the drive every few hours.

        In the shade it is 30.

        In the direct sun it is 43.

        The secret is, I find, passage of air shade, and fluids.

        Deckchair under a tree it is.

        Or fan if have to be indoors.

        Dogs likely walked after dinner.

        Any screeching harpie currently cooking off the Facebook servers is welcome to make a report.


        • StewGreen says:

          I went for a run at 10:30 it wasn’t uncomfortable, but the sun was more intense than yesterday.
          So I was running with a wide brim on and I did sweat on my head.

          It is hotter than Sunday, a bit like Spain or sunny parts of Australia ..still not equatorial.
          The wind was also different today, more from the west than south and less mad than yesterday,
          though at 3:30pm it’s picking up..

          Met office observations site seems overloaded
          Its saying 35C for near here
          Yet 39C Huntanton .. that might be a mistake


  39. tomo says:


  40. MarkyMark says:

    “And I want you to know that after 3 happy years in the cockpit and after performing some pretty difficult if not astonishing feats: getting Brexit done and restoring this country’s ability to make its own laws in parliament; vaccinating the population faster than any other comparable country; and ensuring the fastest growth in the G7; and being the first European country to give the Ukrainians the vital military help they need see off Putin’s aggression; cutting neighbourhood crime by 31%; lowest unemployment for almost 50 years; gigabit broadband from 7 to 69%; I am about to hand the controls over seamlessly to someone else.

    3 teachers in Batley hide as 3 million from Hong Kong allowed into UK (unvetted)


  41. MarkyMark says:

    The housing of Ukrainian refugees also leaves much to be desired, with offerings ranging from accommodation on a ship to flats previously intended for demolition. Considering Sturgeon’s previous promises, no doubt Bute House has rooms spare…


    Police Scotland to include hijab in uniform to encourage more Muslim women to join the force
    A suitable headscarf has been tested and will now be presented for consideration, before being incorporated into the standard uniform.


    • BRISSLES says:

      Does that mean Scottish police constables on the beat will wear kilts ??

      If there’s no racism in the police force now, imagine the comments from colleagues and members of the public who are nabbed by someone wearing a headscarf.


    • StewGreen says:

      That hijab news story was from June2016
      by Jan 2017 it was policy to help increase police numbers.
      Yet by May 2018 only 1 part time officer wears it.

      “May 18, 2018
      Aleena Rafi one of our Special Constables and currently the only police officer in Scotland wearing the hijab.
      Great to see her talking about her positive and inclusive experience as part”

      The context is that in countries like Iran MEN make women wear a hijab
      so it is a sign of oppression.


  42. pugnazious says:

    Looked promising….

    ‘The TV licence fee is ‘regressive’ and could be replaced with a ‘viable alternative’ system, a House of Lords report has said.

    Peers said that the BBC faced ‘stagnation and decline’ if it did not come up with a ‘bold’ new plan for its future.’

    ….until you read the smallprint…

    ‘The report by the Lords communications and digital committee added that raising the fee hits ‘the poorest hardest’ and suggested that a new universal household levy could be introduced which could be linked to council tax.

    Other alternative ‘progressive’ funding models could include a ‘ring-fenced’ income tax or offering discounts to people on low incomes.

    The BBC could also explore ‘hybrid’ subscriptions meaning ‘core’ programmes, such as the news, remain publicly funded while other shows, like Strictly Come Dancing, are hidden behind a paywall.’

    So you’re still going to have to pay one way or another for something you don’t want and doesn’t in any shape or form represent your values or beliefs…such as maybe a news provider should give us impartial, unbiased news.

    Linked to council tax? Lol…that’s what the BBC wants…no escape…and with every household paying they’d get even more money than now….and you’d have absolutely no choice whether to vote with your wallet or not.

    The others are just as bad with the same objections…you’re still paying for the BBC’s very own worldview which is almost the reverse of what the majority in this country probably think. I can’t think of anyone who has a good word to say about BBC news. The BBC claims it is the most trusted…well that ain’t saying much…people watch and listen because its so ubiquitous, it’s everywhere and of course there aren’t adverts….well, except for the relentless stream of adverts for the BBC’s own programmes which surely must be somewhat controversial as it doesn’t do the same for other broadcasters….and the fact they are adverts…often adverts masquerading as ‘news items’….the BBC is, if you like, just one big advertising hoarding for so many issues…it is the world’s biggest lobby group for climate, race, trans, socialism, the EU and terrorism.

    It isn’t the license fee system that is objectionable it is the BBC’s use of the funding to push its own toxic agenda that is almost in complete opposition to what the viewers and listeners want.

    Sort out the BBC’s bias, it’s poisonous ideologies, its high-handed pious moralising and its belief that those who don’t ‘believe’ are deplorables, racists, Islamophobes, transphobes, contemptible, ignorant populists who don’t deserve the right to vote or indeed even be heard…then we might be happy to cough up.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Seems a bit off for those not using the BBC to have to pay for it …..
      But then again – those paying for ‘public services ‘ without using them are also ripped off ….

      Small government . Small taxes . Work to eat or stay warm .

      I might need to find another country …


  43. pugnazious says:

    ‘Net Zero plan is BOTTOM of priorities for Tory members ahead of vote for new leader.’

    The BBC, nearly every other media gob and the Mordaunt fanclub all assure us, loudly and repeatedly, that trans-issues just don’t have any traction with the voters[hmmm…you think? Then why spend so much time trying to downplay it?] and polls show the issue is not a priority.

    I wonder if they will all spend so much time on assuring us Nut Zero is a low priority [which it is…lol]….naturally the lobbyists are ramping up the rhetoric about the heatwave to justify their scaremongering on climate…and their radical, extreme, civilisation busting policies….

    ”We know that time is running out’: Boris Johnson calls for action to deal with ‘carbon tea cosy’ around the Earth as heatwave grips Britain – but poll finds his Net Zero plan is BOTTOM of priorities for Tory members ahead of vote for new leader.

    The outgoing Prime Minister urged action to mitigate ‘the carbon tea cosy that is heating our planet to destruction’ as Britain braced for its hottest summer day in recorded history. ‘


    • Lucy Pevensey says:


      The only Net Zero we need is Net Zero Immigration


      • micknotmike says:

        If I could suggest a figure, I think an Immigration level of minus 100K per annum could sort most of this country’s problems in around fifty years. And frankly I don’t care where they are sent.


  44. pugnazious says:

    And yet they dumped him…at the instigation, if not instruction, of the media….

    Rayner admits the truth…Boris represented the people, at least more than anyone else…and yet he was taken down by a barrage of media disinformation and lies….with cowardly or cynical backstabbing Tories falling for the narrative….

    Guido quoting Rayner on LBC today…

    ‘“I’m quite happy with any one of them. Because the one thing, and I kind of could see it… [Boris] had this, like, teflon coating… It’s like a little magic. Where he was able to get through to the public and get through to the places that I actually don’t see any of the five candidates that are standing having at the moment… Boris had so much going for him. He got an 80-seat majority and the country was really behind him… the five that we’ve got now I don’t think have got that…”’


    • Up2snuff says:

      pug, I just love to tell you so, but Fed and Thoughtful didn’t believe me. Suckers!


  45. tomo says:


  46. Lucy Pevensey says:

    Oh the drama!


  47. Fedup2 says:

    Morality and honour

    A Tory PCC convicted of speeding in her own constabulary 6 ? Times in 3 months – and still £ hasn’t £ resigned £- vile ,


    • Thoughtful says:

      To be honest I would be more concerned about Police corruption going after someone that many times. That’s once a fortnight and the speed they work at they might not even have realised the first two or even three, possibly the lot.


  48. Johnda says:

    Just in case you missed it . It’s going to be hot hot hot or in other words scorchio
    Let’s hope all the snowflakes haven’t melted.


  49. Fred Stubber says:

    Many years ago in an isolated Bavarian village an old lady kept two parrots. One was red and the other was green. One hot day she left the window open and both parrots escaped.
    “Oh woe is me!” she cried. “Both my red parrot and my green parrot have flown away! Whatever shall I do?”
    Hearing her lament the village blacksmith said, “Do not worry old lady. I’m sure we’ll find your lovely parrots, one of which is red and the other is green.” With that he went to the alehouse and put his head in the door and bellowed, “Stop your leather-trousered leg slapping antics you lot and come and help find the old lady’s red and green parrots.” The villagers immediately complied with this unusual request, and it wasn’t long before someone spotted both the red parrot and the green parrot sitting together at the very top of an extremely tall tree, the tallest tree for miles around. But no-one knew how to get them to come down.
    The village carpenter said, “I’ll get an axe and chop the tree down!”
    The blacksmith said, “No, that would be disproportionate and in any case the tree has a preservation order on it under the Town and Country Planning Act of 1547.”
    The village hooligan said, “I’ll shoot the buggers with my blunderbuss!”
    The blacksmith said, “You stupid boy! The old lady doesn’t want them back full of lead shot! And don’t swear. This is a clean joke.”
    Then the Village Idiot stepped forward. In his characteristic slow and rather indistinct way of speaking, he said, “I’ll … climb … the … tree!” There was a gasp from the crowd.
    Lacking any better offer the blacksmith agreed, so the Village Idiot began his laborious ascent of the tree, which as I said was the tallest one for miles around. Everyone watched him and some people brought their drinks outside. Finally the Village Idiot reached the two parrots. He put his large horny hand gently around the red parrot and put it inside his jerkin. Then he started to climb back down the tree. The crowd all started shouting at once. “What about the green parrot you pillock?” “You forgot the green one!” and so on. Some of the things they shouted were quite rude, but luckily political correctness, especially as regards mental handicap, hadn’t yet been invented. The Village Idiot ignored all the shouts and catcalls and came down the tree, where he handed the red parrot to the old lady, who was grateful but a bit baffled.
    “Well done lad, but why didn’t you get the green parrot?” asked the village blacksmith, trying to hide the exasperation in his voice.
    The Village Idiot looked at him as if he, the blacksmith, was the one with the very low IQ. “Because,” he said, in his characteristic slow and rather indistinct way of speaking, “It … ain’t … ripe … yet.”
