Welcome to the Great British Summer – Aka a level 1 climate emergency .the site as part of the public service – recommends the following in the warm weather
1 – take every thing with a pinch of salt
2. Avoid increasing blood pressure through exposure to strong BBC bias
3 Always wear a grimace when hearing BBC wokery
4 Drink plenty in warm weather – ensure it is alcoholic to blur the dismal anti British BBC output
5 ensure there is always someone else to blame
6 avoid unapproved subjects between 11am and 3pm
7 turn off unnecessary appliances – such as the BBC
8 tidy up your spending – such as cancelling TVL DD s
9 limit exposure to the BBC particularly at most woke times – eg News and QT
10 pray for the right sort of culture secretary / rain ….
Start the Week 18 July 2022
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During the BBC’s insane coverage of the current weather and editorial insistence on linking it to climate change, there was a brief mention by a correspondent that emissions now will lead to future temperature increase.
Which is quite interesting because UK cO2 emissions have been declining since 1970 and are now about half the level then.
So why is it not cooler ?
Panorama, Wild Weather
BBC One, 3 November 2021
We reported that ‘the world is getting warmer and our weather is getting more unpredictable and dangerous,’ and that ‘the death toll is rising around the world and the forecast is that worse is to come.’
This was a reference to the cumulative death toll from weather-related events, not the annualised rate. In retrospect it would have been better to have said ‘the overall death toll is rising around the world and the forecast of extreme weather events is that worse is to come.’
In August 2021, the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) published a report into deaths from weather related disasters over the past fifty years which showed an historical decline in the annual rate of deaths related to weather events. It highlighted early warning and other interventions which have been significant factors in reducing the overall death rates from weather events.
The programme also said that the southern part of Madagascar is ‘on the brink of the world’s first climate-induced famine’.
We should have made it clear we were reflecting the language used by the UN’s World Food Programme (WFP) in its assessment of conditions in Madagascar.
Other evidence suggests there were additional factors which made a significant contribution to the situation on the island.
Meanwhile London’s School of Tropical diseases report that COLD kills EIGHTY times more people than HOT weather. No matter what the BBC say… its FACT over unqualified media opinion.
Plus the Fact that the BBC left leaning New York TImes has stated that despite the HEATWAVE. Net Zero is over. Its dead in the water. (ex BBC DG used to be the editor, when the UK got too hot due to ‘Jimmy Saville’ heat-wave)
All on this link on climate normality from campaign group
Gazprom PJSC delivered a record daily amount of natural gas to China on Sunday, while shipments to European customers languished at multiyear lows.
Marky – makes you wonder whether the chinks will run out of places to store it – on top of the stuff they are getting from Obama Biden every day …
Or maybe it will be ‘re exported ‘ to the krauts …
The Chinese state-owned Oil and Gas giant CNOOC is building the world’s largest LNG storage tanks at the Binhai LNG import terminal, Yancheng, in Jiangsu province. The capacity of each tank will be 270,000 cubic meters.
Closure of UK’s largest gas storage site ‘could mean volatile prices’
This article is more than 5 years old
Shuttering of Rough facility off Yorkshire coast by British Gas owner Centrica will increase dependence on imports, say critics
Dragon LNG at Milford Haven has two 160,000 cubic meter storage tank
The Dragon terminal is a Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) receiving, storing and regasifying facility based in Waterston, Milford Haven, Pembrokeshire, which has two shareholders, Shell and Ancala LNG Ltd. One of just three such terminals in the UK, Dragon forms a critical part of the nation’s energy infrastructure, providing a link between the UK and its overseas gas suppliers for a vital source of clean and reliable energy.
Over 85% of homes in the UK use natural gas and a significant proportion of UK electric power is generated from this. The demand for energy and natural gas is increasing at a time when the UK’s domestic production from the North Sea is declining. Dragon can supply up to 10% of the UK’s energy needs.
“European bison arrive near Canterbury to manage woodland”
How long before one of these ‘Big Boys’ kills a child ?
Scientists design contraceptives to limit grey squirrels
By Justin Rowlatt
climate editor
7 days ago
Test run for white males?
The BBC joyously tell us the Rwanda immigrant scheme is not affecting incoming numbers.
Perhaps it’s because it’s not actually in place yet BBC due to so many liberal interventions and kangaroo courts?
The appalling judgements against it have probably encouraged the traffickers and immigrants and actually increased traffic in fact.
If its not affecting incoming numbers then theyre not afraid of Rwanda so its not an inhumane policy . Therefore it should be implemented – and no courts stopping the flights .
“Tory leadership TV debate shelved amid infighting concerns”
“Toys” and “Pram” comes to mind .
Time that you, ‘dyed in the wool’ Tories looked at The Reform Party or UKIP as an alternative.
Secure Borders
Cheaper Energy.
Lower Taxes
Honesty and Integrity https://www.reformparty.uk
I am afraid to tell you ‘the present lot’ – the government, could not run a bath .
Pity – I wanted to hear tookennhart tell us about the tough times he had as a staff officer …
Teacher ‘still in hiding’ after showing class cartoon of Prophet Muhammed
author image
Jen Mills
Friday 18 Jun 2021 7:02 pm
Go back mate and see what happens.
The BBC Weather Forecast Site is saying it is 34c in my town. My manual thermometer and my digital thermometer say it is 27c in the shade. So what has caused this seven degrees of corruption?
It’s Brexit, silly.
We know that much of the climate change data was falsified . We know that the Covid stats were interpreted so as to present the most alarming scenarios. It would be highly surprising if the temperatures presented in the current heatwave weren’t also fiddled to stoke the climate change ‘crisis’.
The globalist want us to be kept in a state of perpetual fear so that we can be more easily manipulated.
“Rwanda migrant scheme: No evidence that UK policy deters migrants, say MPs”
That’s because none have been sent back yet .
….and never will. There, fixed it for you.
Infosys is listed as an official partner of the World Economic Forum (WEF), which has been accused of seeking to develop the technological infrastructure to implement a global ‘social credit score’ system.
Mrs Sunak’s family business sees the Chinese as the model to emulate when it comes to “digital identity” and the post-cash society:
The Chinese government in Zhejiang Province has developed an ‘enterprise digital code’ for just this purpose, responding to small and mediums banks (SMBs) with easy-to-access financial resources. MYBank, a subsidiary of Ant Financial, the Chinese Big Tech firm, collaborates with the Chinese government through this scheme to provide cheap loans and other financial products to SMBs.
Was out on the bike between 4-5pm
Yes it is warm
and generally the wind has become hot like a dry sirocco
Then when trees shade the road there’s a huge drop in temp.
Its still a dry heat like in Spain or Australia
ah it’s not cloudless, but generally the sun was breaking through.. just now it’s gone behind cloud.
..just switched the fan on here.
Shade. Breeze. Hydrate.
Or, prep carefully for the tale of woe to Pipp and Kev’s rag by hitting a square foot of sand all day under a beanie with a million others.
I’m normally terrible with heat but today? Temp in the hall is 29C and outside is 36C in the shade and I’m absolutely fine. There’s a fan going in the living room but it’s more for my wife’s benefit. I was dreading today but I’m pleasantly surprised. Overnight will likely be another story.
Seems some did not get the memo.
Or diverted from Cardiff Airport.
God doesn’t follow msm? Who knew?
BBC Sketchy is like BBC Pidgin.
Both fact checked to ensure professional BBC standards reach everyone.
UPDATE; the previously known white elephant £32 million pound bBC Scotland has evolved into a slave vehicle for SNP propaganda.
This according to the ex Legal Chief of the bBC.
It cant be long until it abolishes the UK national anthem.
Donald, where,s yer troosers?
BBC Radio Whinge
The popular image of the scientist has changed, from Victor Frankenstein to Iron Man via victorious post-war boffinry and megalomanical Bond villainry.
Professor Andrea Sella has the story, on BBC Sounds 🔭 🧪 🔭 🧪
Nowadays almost all seem to be 22 yo ladies of color with afros. Universally easy on the eye.
Watched the Curie bio last night. Given what she was messing with she got a fair old way. Hubby less so.
House of Lords decide the BBC is stagnant and decline if it keeps refusing to a subscripton model. (edited)
The BBC faces “stagnation and decline” unless it explores alternatives to the licence fee and redefines its role in the age of streaming, a House of Lords committee has found.
Unless the BBC addresses these matters urgently and convinces the public of its importance to national life, it will become increasingly irrelevant, according to the report by the Lords Communications and Digital Committee.
The committee includes Lord Hall of Birkenhead, former director-general of the BBC, who defended the licence fee during his time in charge.
Novel. As even an ex BBC DG now considers the TV license fee unsustainable!
Baroness Stowell of Beeston, chair of the committee, said the BBC must deliver a “bold vision” for the future and accept that its role in national life has changed.
“Just because the institution has been around for 100 years and was first on the scene does not mean it can just assume that everybody will expect that its role is valid in the future,” Baroness Stowell said.
“This is the opportunity for the management of the BBC to come forward and demonstrate how they’re going to change.”
I think we all know the answer to that. The BBC will campaign for a Labour government (again).
Baroness Stowell, a Tory peer, was formerly head of corporate affairs for the BBC.
The report into future funding of the BBC ruled out the viability of a full subscription model, in the style of Netflix, or relying on advertising.
At least ITS being discussed in the elevated House Of Lords!
We can rely on LABOUR luvvies to try to STOP it!!! No doubt it will be called something like ‘BBC Remain’. ‘SAVE The BBC Millionaires’ (Gary Linekar needs your vote). STOP destroying YOUR BBC heritage (Jimmy Saville would have been made a life long PEER by now). You can be sure the BBC will fight back with ALL the TV License FEE money they have. Its their elite JOBS at stake. They are ALL UNEMPLOYABLE! That will be exposed. A public privileged class of toff imbeciles, pretending they are ‘working class’.
Tory leadership update.
On Pointless, contestants were asked to name someone in the post reshuffle 2021 Cabinet.
Truss and Sunak got around 25. That means 75 out of a hundred could not name them.
Boris Johnson scored 75. That means 25 out of a hundred had never heard of him.
Grant Schapps scored 5. Kwasi Kwarteng scored 0.
The current candidates may be in danger of an over-inflated sense of importance.
Perhaps they could argue for sensible, thought-through policies instead of short-term headlines no-one but anti-government BBC journalists will remember.
Liz truss sitting next to nut nut in the commons confidence debate – the anointed successor …?
Unusually flicking through afternoon commercial tv channels as it’s too hot to do any work. I noticed that the only ads that feature pretty much 100% white people are the funeral plan ones.
Can’t think why they don’t seem to require the obligatory diversity component!
Black people don’t die ! they just cross the Channel.
Listening to the confidence debate – I’m revising my view about why politics seems so hostile these days – it’s not red labour – it’s the SNP .
Their hatred is just overwhelming – it is constant and appalling and frankly frightening . They are much of the source of badness – going back to pre EU and referendum days .
There is no kindness – no humanity – it’s a sort of evil .. and really sad …
Sturgeon has based her entire push for fame as the reincarnation of brave heart. The more she can stoke up hatred of anything English or UK for that matter the more she will. She is a crazed zealot determined to go down in history as the leader who “saved” Scotland from its old enemy.
The biggest problem is that pure hatred is not a good or wise alternative to ability.
Good luck with that lassie!
We ( the 4 regions of the UK) have more in common than not . Yet to listen to the SNP – it is English occupation .
What great benefits will Scotland have when ‘independent ‘- to join the EU? To be subject to the Franco German alliance ?
How would Scotland operate as a totally separate nation ? This detail just isn’t there ? They can’t even describe their new Scottish currency .
Yet on and on the SNP goes – turning England into an enemy ….
6pm BBC1 news. Oh dear the Met Office hasn’t got the final figures in yet but if the record hasn’t been broken it will be very close and they will try harder to fiddle the figures for tomorrow.
ITV local news really hyping up the heat
yet the studio presenters are both wearing suit and ties
Now presenter is claiming that heat records are being broken but not cold
I think that’s not true super cold weather has happened in my life time low of -24C or something.
Now the South Asian syndicated reporter
is doing “It’s South Asian Heritage month”
then they were speaking to a guy in Yorkshire basically saying that South Asian immigration saved Yorkshire from economic disaster.
Then at a school in Lincolnshire celebrating Indian dance.
ITV syndicated Content Hub have just recruited another South Asian reporter @MonifabSimon
British Empire helped save india with infrastructure?
6pm BBC1 news and scientists say it will happen more often because of climate change. Justin rowlatt says we can expect further heatwaves in the years to come. Well I never thought we would never have another heatwave.
And Prince Charles says we have to reduce our carbon footprint claimed Justin. He also added we must kep our climate change commitments.
a heatwave is weather .. it’s not climate
Last year winds blew super hot weather into West Canada for a while, it was obvious that the next year it would happen somewhere else.
Local news and the bbc are showing hospitals and care homes are giving ice lollies and fruit juice to old people and patients. Never mind the calories, sugary drinks don’t help with cooling your body.
When I was at school I read The Go Between. Paul Hudson says temperatures today are unprecedented. In the story set in Edwardian England the temperatures reached 100 degrees. It was a novel but when I queried the heat I was told the temperatures were real. I think Paul Holmewood on Notalotofpeopleknowthat said 1911 was a hot year.
The BBC Weather Forecast Shite is saying it will be 38c in Beverley tomorrow. So cutting out the seven degrees of corruption, that means I expect it will top 31c, using the same thermometer as used in 1990. I put a note in my 1982 edition of the Guinness book of Records, that it was 38c in Beverley on 3rd August 1990. The corruption usually seen from recent Met Office measurements means that its going to be ten degrees cooler than Heathrow.
Yes Richard the Met Office says where I live will have a top temperature of 96, nowhere near the 108 Mr Hudson is predicting. From yesterday to today the Met Office guess for today dropped 6 degrees. I am hoping the same for tomorrow from today.
Here the sun had gone behind the clouds now, breaking through a bit
but temp has dropped a lot
but so has the breeze
… oh its just breaking through a bit now like an eclipse.
The link local ITV weather guy suddenly at the end of all the hype slipped in he thinks rain will sweep through some parts of the region on TUESDAY night
thats 24 hours earlier than previously predicted.
Down in taffland my garden thermometer reached 33 Deg C.
7pm The London-supremacist Channel Heatwave special
“Over to our reporter in Nottingham”
Reporter by the river her hair swing in the breeze
“blah blah heat ..but some people have been out and about especially here on the banks of the THAMES”
… FFS you are on the River Trent
Channel4 I meant
Just reflecting – again – on the commons confidence thingy – the sheer bitterness – verbal acid being thrown around was just – I think – a signpost for politics here running up to whenever the next election is – and the campaign itself – and after where we are likely to see the msm and losers questioning the legitimacy of a UK vote …
Blighty has been under strain for over 2 years with the Chinese virus – and now the cost of living – and war – what the overall effect on the mental outlook of citizens – I cannot guess – but I reckon the number of unexplained deaths – and suicides will be way up – irrespective of the ineffectiveness of the NHS medical mafia to really help …
Sorry for another gloomy one – I’m just glad not many people witnessed the final nut nut appearance – off to Ukraine tonight I think …
Here’s what I don’t understand. To pluck a couple of locations out of a hat, the headlines are screaming “London is hotter than Barbados, and it’s all due to climate change”. Lets say London used to be at 15°C, and it’s now at 25°C. Barbados was at 20°C, hotter than London, but now that London is at 25°C, its “Hotter than Barbados”.
If London has gone up by 10°, then surely Barbados, would have too, and will now be at 30°C.
Or is climate change only occurring in countries who will believe any hogwash they read?
The earth is a big thing, the sun is so big that it loses mass at the rate of four million tons a SECOND. And I’m supposed to believe that the world will end if a polar bear farts?
DT reports that Harry Windsor has been allowed to speak in the UN . I wonder if he needed approval from the UK? He seems to have dived into US politics – if I was an American I’d tell him to butt out or go home …
Perhaps the comedian they hired for the gig dropped out so they went for the next best thing.
mick, London is a special case. (I would post that wouldn’t I?) It is an Urban Heat Island and that has a major effect on temperatures. I can need three layers in the wilds of Kent but get to London and I can shed the sweater. Other cities can be similar, running a couple of degrees warmer than the surrounding countryside.
The Great 1976 Drought having featured here on and off today, I’ve just remembered another gem from that time.
We were treated to experts – just nameless but yet ‘qualified scientists’, not like Roger, George and Justin, but today’s household names were still in shorts 45-odd years ago – so the BBC brought on these experts who told us that:
‘Due to the permanent and irrevocable change in climate demonstrated by the prevailing drought conditions, northern European agricultural practice was due for massive and irreversible change. Rice and alfalfa were to become staples with irrigation and revised rotation giving a radically different look to the UK countryside’.
That’s what we were told in August and September 1976.
One year later, in 1977 continuous rain and bitterly cold weather delayed the harvest by weeks. Some rotted in the fields, flattened by wind and rain. Some combine harvesters had to be towed out by tractors, having gone down to their axles in mud when attempting to cut the sodden corn.
There may have been experts, called in by the BBC to explain the strange phenomenon, but if so I never heard them. Perhaps they thought it might be better to remain silent. Unlike today.
1976 is different in that it was a prolonged drought where temperatures came up above 30 a couple of days
whereas this a short sharp Beast From The South with higher temps.
The default photo image of the general public on the
BBC internet website is to show an ethnic face. On
the Sports pages now slowly but surely women’s
sports. Be it football, cricket, rugby, netball are taking
over the number one place from men’s sports.
I can imagine BIG BROTHER from the diversity
department insisting that the French women’s
team is given prominence. ” Compare it to the
England team!!!!” “nudge nudge ,wink wink, say no more.”
BBC 1 6 pm news with Fiona ‘undertaker’ Bruce spent 20 minutes on how hot it has been and……..errrrrrr………how the constantly forecasted highest ever temperature of 40C plus …….was …..errr……NOT reached.
Oh dear.
I seem to hear the voice of the great Michael Fish coming down the years from 1987:
“Earlier on today, apparently, a woman rang the BBC and said she heard record temperatures were on the way. Well, if you’re watching, don’t worry, there aren’t … …”
Even now. There is no doubt that without Nitrogen Fertilizers middle America would once again have a dust bowl in trying to achieve ‘global’ net zero targets. Not only the US but the EU and in particular France, the largest food protection area in Europe. This may not matter if we had alternative food supplies from the ever cheap — until recently the Ukraine. Your ‘dairy free’ margarine suddenly got a whole lot more expensive.
But there are those at DAVOS that think things are too cheap. They own the means of production in BASIC food stuffs. Water is on the up, Electricity is linked to CO2 so (like Nitrogen) the only way is up. Drugs, you have to have one, two or twice a month, HIV is good, COVID better but you really what you need is a good dose of monkeypox to make your life worth living. Or preferably dying. Life is too cheap, and there are too many people to survive, so lets start killing them off.
We will call it “SAVING THE PLANET’, and it may even work, as we all control (most of) the media, the public finances and most of the global companies. DAVOS may seem a holiday destination but with Billionaire makers and shakers we can change the CLIMATE. No government can stand in our way.
Then along came PUTIN. He was late on schedule but his son Hunter Biden is an irregular but happily everything’s on track thanks to his father Senior Biden being elected at the White-house. His handlers, think they are in control of the US, but we globalists are creating a Brave New World. No food without GM, No food without C02 taxes, Drugs to pander to every outbreak (we make), Disease we are on it, Abortion we shall make it happen, Biden is our friend. We even have a smiley replacement. Even the UK is fully complaint with our MISSION targets. The UK is a small cog in global politics.
Who are we?. Guess THE USUAL SUSPECTS.. Yes we even pay for the BBC broadcasts, we own the BBC. We create the fear, the anxiety, the demand, hell we even tell you what the weather is. We know everything on Facebook, Google and who you vote for, we even tag your Windows PC for invites.
That is where we are. We have DAVOS. You have Southend-on-sea.
And cloaked in UN conventions. UN Agenda 21 (2021) has been a disaster, and we can expect more of the same. Bribes mainly to politicians, those lucky enough to be elected or usually ‘sponsored’. Only a few survive the media blitz that follows IF they don’t meet the TARGETS. The BBC are willing participants. Meet our GREEN agenda. The useful idiots.
IF your summary wasn’t so bloody accurate it would be funny Phillip
the term “The planners” seems to be used a lot in this doc.
wonder if I want “The planners” to dictate my life for me. no thanks.
Sri Lanka: Is a push for organic behind the country’s unrest?
As pathetic as it is predictable.
BBC Climate disinformation specialist (his description of himself – not me insulting him!)
Here’s Marco!
Tweets by MarcoLSilva
You’ve posted his entire timeline
Thankfully it’s in a scrolling box on Windows – hope it’s tolerable on other devices – apols if it isn’t – I hope it doesn’t chew any hosting resources up…
I wonder how that backlink thing works and if Marco might drop by for a look ?
I see there’s another operator with the same job title
Tweets by MerlynThomas
He won’t know
The thing is each hour the box will change and fill with newer tweets.
If Fedup was around he could edit your post and put a couple of dots in front of it
cos the embed thing only happens if the link is on a fresh line alone.
Merlyn, just fook off you know fook all you stupid child! You are schooled by the BBC ratshit department of know fu** All.
Plus I was actually there unlike you so you can’t bullshit me! The current heatwave is a weak joke compared to 1976 when my car stuck to the road in a river of tarmac. And roadside verges were just bleached out for weeks.
Get a life!
8pm I went to the shop. It was still hot, I noticed the sky was more cloudy
but then people started pointing out it’s raining. It stopped after a minute.
The breeze seemed to have picked up.
but it dropped away with sun.
Both local weather stations say it’s around 35C
but out in the garden here its nowhere near that
There’s no breeze.
Stew – is that a Springsteen lyric ? The one at 9.14?
I don’t recall the British summer of ’76, in 1976 we were living in Australia, I was 5 years old, and it was “bloody hot” (as Aussies say), but then every summer was “bloody hot” in Aus, and the tarmac melted, and if you touched metal you got burnt, and kids like me had heatstroke, but you didn’t whine about it, or you got called a “bloody whinging Pom”.
Then in the Aussie summer/British winter of ’79 we came back to England (baking Aussie summer to bleak British winter), and it was “bleedin’ cold” (as Brits say), and everyone was on strike, with rubbish piled on the sides of the road in the snowdrifts… and I cried and demanded to go back to Australia.
It’s been warm around here today, but still nothing like Aussie summer hot, and all these whingeing Poms are really starting to annoy me.
You forgot to mention the differences in ‘Heat’. The UK ‘heat’ is accompanied by high uncomfortable humidity – that’s the problem – whereas the, for example, ‘dry heat’ of Saudi is comfortable – even to wear a collar and tie. Getting up to 50 sometimes needed some adjustment: like keeping a cotton handkerchief with you to use when opening the car doors which otherwise (even reflective chrome plated) were too hot to even fleetingly touch.
pug, I just love to tell you so, but Fed and Thoughtful didn’t believe me. Suckers!
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – how stupid is stupid?
You do have to wonder at the intelligence of some people. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-61982532 Not only was Selamawit Teklay a successful beauty queen she was also a business-woman. Instead of going to the British Embassy in an adjacent safe countryand buying a Visa and then flying to the UK to claim asylum here, she paid traffickers – I assume – to get her out of Ethiopia, across several more countries and then she risked crossing the busiest shipping lane in the world in a rib which may have been overloaded. Incredible! As Stew might say, ‘Too wow to believe.’
Bits of the story make sense. Though the BBC choose a strange chronology.
.. She was successful everything was going OK “Then in November 2020, the civil war that has claimed thousands of lives broke out. ..
. Bank accounts in Tigray have also been frozen, and no-one can get their money
We were forced to flee our home, and go and stay in a village…
After that I decided to leave”
OK I guess she lost her money in the bank, but had gold
but the BBC just say
“…Ms Selamawit first made her way to France”
Why omit the route ?
Surely she went to at least 1 safe country.
And once in France. it’s a safe country so why did she not stay instead of paying resources to people smugglers ?
Something distinctly fishy about that entire Sellumadimwit Takeaway ‘beauty queen’ story from start to finish.
I’m not spotting too many beauty queens getting off these dinghies, lots of young African and Middle Eastern men, not a lot of anyone else… no children, no women, no older people…
It’s got to be cheaper and easier to get here via legal means if you’re anything like legit (hundreds of thousands do every year), so those coming in on dinghies have probably been turned away attempting the legal routes numerous times before, which is why they’re resorting to such means (and getting rid of any ID en route).
I had a look through all of the Twitter threads about BBC story and didn’t find any huge debunk.
#1 It’s weird the BBC cherry pick her instead of the hundreds of men
#2 I wouldn’t take stories at face value I think outrageous lying is common among dingy divers.
Some raise the issue of whether she is actually Tigreayan
Usually in such countries random people don’t make it into international beauty contests, it’s like you have to have connections to the governing political group.
Has anybody seen Prince Andrew, who doesn’t sweat, out and about in this 40 degrees heat.
This about China….
Look at what’s creeping up on us here
There is only one thing the Chinese Communist Party fears, and that is its own people. Another Tiannenmen square just would not be tolerated.
Sounds like Xi has wiped out opposition / regional factions in The Party … – and pulled of a giant shell game on the population.
3 term White House physician opines on Joe’s state
The real joke with the BBC is how they don’t realise that people have sussed them. From the rigid and forced on message delivery of their star performers to the endless round of unqualified straight out of uni types quoting the BBC mantra they unleash on every non-story.
The BBC is now a standing joke!
They are far from being our national broadcaster and probably represent about 10% of the national population but possibly 70% in inner London where they think the world begins and ends.
With the possible addition of Brighton populated as it is with so many “vibrant” people who align with the BBC’s core values. Especially in the field of unusual sexual preferences.
Lewis really sums up the bbc.
Shame the little weasel is off.
Oh no.
From a guy who worked at Newsnight.
All the people in that thread who are on his side, the alarmist side tweet sneeringly.
A mark that they are actually on the wrong side Next week there could be hundreds if not thousands of excess deaths”
Yes that does seem hyperbolic for 2 or 3 days
I just closed the door here cos it was getting too cold
I was gob smacked when I saw this clip in real time. What the hell was John Hammond thinking ? in saying hundreds of thousands of deaths would occur in the 2 days of extreme heat.
Yes, it has been bloody hot – 38c in my neck of the woods, but feet in cold water, a cold wet tea towel around my neck, eating an ice cream cornet, …. sorted.
Admittedly it is too hot to move even with all the precautions of closing curtains etc etc, but I think the summer of 76 was easier to deal with because I was 40 years younger and could cope with it better.
And the 1976 event was, as I recall, over about two weeks continuously. I spent the duration running a concrete plant in the depths of a windless sand pit in Dorsetshire. Using a Portacabin as the office……………. Fond memories of that ‘near death’ experience.
Rob Burley retweeted this.
Why, Lord knows.
Marr is about as relevant as Bad Al, Piers Morgan and Robert Peston
Never cared for his analysis and suspect that Red Andy never went away – he just hides it better …
I think the BBC’s top scientific expert, brain damaged by the mRNA jab, would say this.
“Climate Change” is more real in July and August, than from September. This must be because Carbon Dioxide levels fall until it starts to snow in December. Then because the snow melts in January, the trapped carbon is released from the snow and the Climate starts to change again in spring, causing all life to suffer greatly, until the Climate becomes real again in the Summer, killing all the polar bears. Those who deny the existence of climate change should take a walk at night when climate change is not happening.
But Atmospheric Physicists, Meteorologists and Solar Astronomers banned by the BBC say that Climate Change is real, but only when the Sun causes the Globe to warm, not Carbon Dioxide, as is proven by understanding global warming on Venus: https://tallbloke.wordpress.com
Love to see that one run past Springster when not blocking those who can actually debate.
Why is Mucus in a piece about the Tory leadership campaign?
Adair Turner? – wouldn’t trust him to run a bath.
Looks like they’re getting rattled
Toenails still thinks he has credibility.
“barely known beyond SW1”
… I thought she was known for being a black person who pushing back against BLM & woke supremacists etc.
Very obviously – like the rest of his colleagues Robinson thinks Badenoch is entirely the wrong sort of black person.
What is it with the BBC that attracts (and cultivates) so many conceited snobbish creeps?
Robinson adds
Here’s my Politcial Thinking interview with her
In which she says she “loves Mrs Thatcher”,
was influenced by the libertarian US economist Thomas Sowell
& fell out with Bob Geldof about how to help Africa (Nov ‘20)
oh …
tee-hee ! – that’d make Robinson choke
Kemi’s not playing metrolib games at all – Thomas Sowell is a good sign imho. Sowell is also the wrong sort of black person – in fact – I’d hazard a guess that he’s a black Beelzebub in BBC circles 🙂
I hope Kemi weaponizes a few Sowell quotes – that would be delicious. She might usefully get Sherelle Jacobs on the team….
She hasn’t got a chance and virtue-signalling Robinson knows it.
It’s most likely Sunak and Truss in the final with remainer Truss getting the job as people have been predicting from the start. I can’t believe our best hope for PM is Mordaunt.
Someone pushed Badenoch forward and it’s been engineered to say she had a real chance. She is entirely unsuitable IMHO as does not have the experience or presence required to be in charge. Her statements have been quite naiive. And they know full well that electing a black leader is electoral suicide which is exactly what the Left want.
As expected, this leadership campaign has been dominated by back-room dealings. I can’t even begin to imagine what has been promised to who – but I’m quite sure it has. Where are all the white males ?.
This rule of only allowing two ‘pre-selected’ candidates into the members vote smacks of EU style democracy and is clearly designed so politicians can more or less decide the PM. Why not 4 ?.
I thought she (Badenoch) would get sidelined in the first round as a token candidate.
TBH I think it’s really a lacklustre field that one could very easily imagine Jim Hacker participating in – complete with the Sir Humphries sneaking stones into shoes and orchestrating revelations etc.
The Conservative Environment Network (who’ve been squealing about NetZero for days) should’ve put up Caroline Lucas – they don’t deserve to be taken seriously in any way, shape or form…
Sherelle Jacob’s piece in the Telegraph (archive full text) is I feel worth a read as she does point out some obvious matters that the BBC / Sky / ITV et al aren’t touching.
I find Badenoch quite refreshing in the sense that she does seem less “prepared” than the others who are speaking it seems from carefully worked out scripts. Badenoch likely won’t be first over the line – Sunak, Truss and Mordaunt are all effectively Jim Hacker clones – I wouldn’t trust any of them to run a bath – the Tory party has a credibility problem that isn’t as bad as Labour’s – great huh?
I think if she went in the first round, the BBC/Left would immediately start screaming that the Tory MP’s are racist – so I suspect they are making sure she looks like she had a real chance.
Odd how Labour don’t have female or BAME leaders don’t you think ?.
Badenoch is the only non-WEF candidate, and therefore in my opinion, the only choice.
I think you will be disappointed in the end – she can only do what she is allowed to do ….
“Turning to this place, this building is intimidating. It reeks of the establishment and of power; its systems are confusing—some may say archaic—and it was built at a time when my class and my sex (female) would have been denied a place within it because we were deemed unworthy. I believe that the intimidating nature of this place is not accidental. The clothes, the language, and the obsession with hierarchies, control and domination are symbolic of the system at large. But the most frustrating thing has been to sit opposite those people who tell me that things are better, and that suffering has lessened for my constituents. … ” Laura Pidcock{youtube}
“There are few countries in the world where you can go in one generation from immigrant to parliamentarian. Michael Howard spoke of the British dream—people choosing this country because of its tolerance and its opportunity. It is a land where a girl from Nigeria can move, aged 16, be accepted as British and have the great honour of representing Saffron Walden. … As Woody Allen said about sex, “If it’s not messy, you’re not doing it right.” The same is true of democracy. It is not always predictable; its results are not always elegant; it can throw up results that no one expected—but we adjust. The British Parliament always has adjusted, and that is why it is the oldest in the world: it takes its lead from the British people.” Kemi Badenoch{youtube}
Just happened to notice the BBC’s “Award-winning specialist disinformation & social media reporter” Marianna Spring has a book out next year: ‘Among the Trolls’. From the editor’s pre-print blurb (2021):
— “Why do otherwise intelligent people believe that COVID vaccines contain microscopic computer chips? How did the idea that the US election was rigged become mainstream? Is Westminster being run by a shadowy collective of ‘deep-state’ operatives? […] In this gripping book, she takes the reader down the rabbit hole to explore why falsehoods spread and why so many are drawn into their net…”
Well a Swedish study has found that the mRNA in the Pfizer vaxx does indeed transcribe into DNA in cells (we were told that couldn’t happen), 2000 Mules has evidence the US election was rigged, and just today the PM specifically called out the deep state.
These are some of the reasons why intelligent people don’t follow mainstream narratives, and they’d cause a decent investigative reporter a moment or two of self doubt. But I suspect Spring won’t let such points get in the way of a good publishing deal, and instead there’ll be cheap parodies of social misfits with weird views and how we should all trust Google and Facebook to tell us what’s what.
lol, can’t wait to see how many that sells.
Marianna is one of those gullible but enthusiastic people who live in a world of groupthink and totally believe their own hype.
‘Pre order’ on Amazon ©now – I might get it as audio version ….
Marianna’s book will end up in the discount bins bundled with a briquette maker within a few weeks.
I find reading her ‘ritin is actually quite a chore – she seems to aspire to be at least in part a BBC version of America’s Taylor Lorenz.
I wonder if it’s a BBC book and the BBC get all the money or it’s her book which she pretends she wrote at home – but using all the knowledge the BBC paid her to get.
I assume it will be in the fiction category.
‘knowledge’, eh?
(content unsuitable for children)
Dear Marianna Spring (BBC wages paid under threat of prosecution),
As I’ve had to look at your BBC news and use other sources to determine that your news is not news but selective editorial opinion I’d like to request that I have a refund for the last 4 years plus get the BBC free from now on.
Please let me know how I can go about this as I am willing to create a full list of articles that I’ve had to investigate plus time taken for me to check your fact checker whilst realising that the BBC intentionally removes news rather than incorrectly report on it, uses images to sway opinion or misleads with the main titles hoping no one reads the full article.
‘Omission is the greatest form of lie.’
CAS-4987700-SY1FTF : BBC NewsWatch says boredom with pro-Brexit march.
CAS-4844672-N8FDYY: Update on the MP Expenses 2009 scandal in 2018.
CAS-4939547-J71Z1V: Here’s hoping Ireland do the right thing G.Lineker.
CAS-4937378-YKMWBJ: BBC not reporting ‘Day of Freedom’ March 06may2018.
CAS-4906141-BFJQL0: I take offence that presenters promote their books.
CAS-4892811-C820SC: I am offended that I have to pay the BBC TV Tax.
CAS-4824332-633N1P: What happened in Italy was not covered …
CAS-4933135-ZV3V7F: The omission is the most powerful form of lie …
CAS-6005141-S1V9D1: Not seen a report on the UK Governments Covid19
Let me know how to go about resolving the issue of paying for something that wastes my time as I have to check each story rather than rely on its accuracy.
Fares Maatou death: Two teenagers guilty of murdering boy with sword
The two defendants, who cannot be named because of their age, were aged 14 and 15 at the time of the crime and will be sentenced on 27 July.
This article struck me because ‘cannot be named for legal reasons’ is now appearing more often than not. And always to do with murders in London. The BBC sweep these articles swiftly under the carpet and say nothing about it.
But just think about what it means. 14 year old children are murdering other boys with swords on the street. 14 years old !!. What on Earth needs to be so broken in a society for this to be happening so regularly ?. It’s absolutely shocking.
But the BBC say nothing. Because they are invariably BAME and the agenda is more important. Black lives don’t matter at all to these hypocrite scum.
Inflation will be brought under control – Zahawi
“Nadhim Zahawi is expected to say in his first speech as chancellor….
In his Mansion House speech on Tuesday, Mr Zahawi will say that….”
So nothing has changed – exact same shower that tell us in advance what’s in the speech ..
A different puppet will deliver the words thats all.
Nadhim Zahawi ‘under investigation by HM Revenue & Customs over his tax affairs’ as it emerges Downing Street officials ‘flagged concerns’ to Boris Johnson before his appointment as Chancellor
Reading, well skimming actually, the report that hardly anyone turned up at Harry’s puff at the UN, reminds me of a great advert for Whitbread Tankard, where a hick yank gets all emotional about British beer, and ends up asking the landlord, “Are you Lord Tankard”?
Is that Tankard with a silent W ?
Meanwhile on the South Coast in this glorious summer ( BBC climate change / disaster / world’s on fire scenario ) weather , at least it makes all the illegals feel at home on arrival !
Ha ha ha CF, we’re not that far from the coast, and know Winchelsea Beach and Camber very well, so I suppose they’ll be given ice creams and Asylum-Me-Quick hats…
Despite the Tory leadership battle apparent hiatus and someone was bound to say it edition
Inevitably: Jorda’s neighbourhood, with a high proportion of people on low incomes or out of work, is one of the most deprived areas of the country. And people living in places like these across Britain are most at risk from severe heat. (BBC)
And, as Jennifer Anniston once used to say in those vintage L’Oréal Elvive shampoo adverts: “Here comes the science bit, concentrate”
How did you combine heat and deprivation data? The heat hazard score was calculated for LSOAs, which also have a population estimate and a deprivation score in its nation’s IMD… The BBC then combined the heat data by nation with the population estimates to calculate the number of individuals estimated to live in each heat hazard score. Taking the areas with a heat hazard score of four or five, the top 10% of heat hazard scores in Great Britain, and also areas with deprivation scores of one and two, the 40% most deprived areas, a calculation was then made to reveal the percentage of people living in higher hazard areas which were also more deprived. (BBC)
So thanks to all that mumbo jumbo, if you’re a lefty you can now bang on about the heat disproportionately affecting the poor – because the science says so and the BBC dutifully told you so. That’s a nice example of how it works generally.
Giveaway free advertising sheet Metro catches the eye of BBC online press review pickers – one suspects they admired the freebie’s concise bold on-message headline over and above those of other titles: Hottest day ever
Weather-watching tabloids crowd the BBC podium positions this morning – but the Daily Star’s: Britain melts; and the Sun’s: Britain is melting – jovial tabloidese thought they are… they do somehow fail to sound as sciency as the emphatic and concise superlative narrative agenda-friendly “hottest evahh!”
Simple, sloganised messaging. Note this is where tabloids come into their own. Conversely see how the catchy, memorable global warming message tends to get lost in the Telegraph’s overloaded headline litany: Record highs, travel chaos, schools close… and it’s going to get hotter – using the BBC’s notion of the poorer you are, the hotter you are – our Royals really ought to be fairly comfortable right now: Prince Charles: ‘alarming’ heat has confirmed my climate fear (Telegraph) – there you are, someone was bound to say it.
Catch-22 was the title of the 1961 satirical anti-war novel by Joseph Heller. Dictionaries explain the term as describing a paradoxical situation from which an individual cannot escape because of contradictory rules or limitations. Call it heads I win, tails you lose…
Energy to cost more if wind is not blowing. Households are to be charged more for energy in calm weather when wind turbines are not operating at full capacity under plans drawn up by the Government (Telegraph) – nice to know the machinery of State policy contines unabated – despite the Tory leadership battle apparent hiatus.
In a funny, roundabout way, higher energy bills are good for the poor – because they tackle global warming from which the poor disproportionately suffer.
The workingman’s Mirror stick with their nostalgic harking back to pre-post-industrial Britain caption of yesterday: Blowtorch Britain – and add the formerly nation of shopkeepers reminiscent: Record baker – presumably the butcher and the candlestickmaker took a day off with the heat.
The left-leaning, formerly most emphatically coronaphobic of titles, the ‘i’ newspaper, never knowingly under-sells the agenda: Earth sends a warning
Anti-Boris politics can never take a day off over there at the Guardian: Johnson accused of ‘checking out’ as Britain swelters in searing heat – do take a day off, Guardianistas
The Daily Mail provides a breath of fresh air: Sunny day snowflake Britain had a meltdown
The Express too has a snarky poke at WFH culture: Hot desking. Is it work from home… or the beach? I forget
Of course these two querulous titles that buck the agenda find themselves way down the BBC’s online press line up.
All quiet on the eastern front? The FT considers the fortunes of the war profiteers: Europe defence groups sense prospects changing
Your concept of ‘heat poverty ‘ can be developed by our current socialist government . Let’s have an air con panic – we can send RAF transport planes to Turkey again to give some dodgy mo a suitcase of royalty approved readies – £30 million ? – in payment for a shedload of air con machines which don’t work – or only blow hot in the warm weather .
Let’s have ‘air con furlough ‘ where contracts for billions are given to good chaps who Tory ministers went to school with . No need to vet or scrutinise the contracts as they are good chaps and friends of Owen Paterson …
Also – ‘families ‘ without their own air con will be supplied with State purchased air con machines – so That little Jonnie or Ahmed can do their homework whilst all the schools are closed again .
The air con should be delivered by November …..
There must also be a case for those 5pm press conferences again with chaps and others standing at lecterns frightening every one again. …
….. and a bit of clapping because the heroes in the NHS are keeping the hospitals open ….
‘Ain’t arf hot mum ‘ is to be shown as a training film …
Mad times …
I think Darwin had a thing or two to say about those people in deprived areas who are are ‘most at risk from severe heat.’.
Particularly those who get severe burns because they had to spend their money on food instead of sun-cream.
In nature, they would gradually disappear to be replaced by those who stay out of the sun when they don’t have sun-cream. But Western civilisation is now an unnatural place and it’s getting worse. It will eventually be the end of us.