Welcome to the Great British Summer – Aka a level 1 climate emergency .the site as part of the public service – recommends the following in the warm weather
1 – take every thing with a pinch of salt
2. Avoid increasing blood pressure through exposure to strong BBC bias
3 Always wear a grimace when hearing BBC wokery
4 Drink plenty in warm weather – ensure it is alcoholic to blur the dismal anti British BBC output
5 ensure there is always someone else to blame
6 avoid unapproved subjects between 11am and 3pm
7 turn off unnecessary appliances – such as the BBC
8 tidy up your spending – such as cancelling TVL DD s
9 limit exposure to the BBC particularly at most woke times – eg News and QT
10 pray for the right sort of culture secretary / rain ….
Start the Week 18 July 2022
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Today watch
Long interview with a chap from the Royal Lifesaving Club giving helpful tips about not drowning in water . I’m sure the types of victims of drowning ( usually boy teenagers) will be listening at 0650 and taking notes of the bullet points described by the anti water bloke.
I was waiting for katya? To ask where there was a need to ban swimming because it might be dangerous – but she never got there .
The anti water chap promised to be back in the winter to warn of the dangers of walking in thin ice ….. ( made up bit )
Mad times ….
I know that I may be sounding like “Max” so far as
climate change is concerned. But does anybody other than
me on this website think that there has been the slightest
change in weather in the UK in the last 20 years?
Please indulge me for a moment. I am getting old so it could
be a sign of senility. But the winters in the UK do seem to
be a bit milder? The summers a bit warmer?
What I do know is that I am lucky enough to have an
apartment in the Algarve in Portugal for the last 17 years.
We don’t go there anymore in the high summer because its too hot. honestly.. BUT the winters there are now very similar to
Madeira. And it is a joy in January to walk along the beach
in shorts in a temperature of 19 degrees.
I know this has nothing to do with climate change or carbon
emission. Because everybody on this website tells me.
Is it time for me to put away in a funny farm?
By the way I am 76 and still work 60 hours a week. And
I can still do mental arithmetic such as as 194 times 206
in my head in a second .200 squared less 6 squared= 39964.
Yes I know that has nothing to do with dementia. And you
are all for sure right about climate change. And I do put the
dogs dry food in the cupboard with our cereals on occasion.
Hello Foscari
One of the many reasons that I do not accept the ‘science ‘ of man made climate change is because of the weather monitoring .
I mean – how long has global weather been accurately measured ? 50 years ? Maybe ? – but for a planet which has been around for a bit longer than 50 years surely the weather is a bit more complex than the collective capability to factor in the effect of changes …
Bringing this down to local – national weather – how accurate are weather forcasts? Improved a bit because of satellites seeing the rain coming – but otherwise ?
The greenies say ‘there will be more extremes ‘ because of increasing carbon dioxide – but that’s easy to claim …
Finally – with Blighty chucking out a pretty low amount of gases compared to growing big countries we really are punishing our selves
In my view – if the greens are correct humanity is doomed to extreme global weather events – whatever the UK does – and the planet will impose population controls to rebalance things …
Hi Foscari, like most other institutions, the various weather institutions like the MET office have now been packed with the distorted output of our universities over the last few years. These people see their prime purpose is to educate and control all of us rather than keep us informed with simple facts. And if they have to over-dramatise and often lie to do it they will.
With the current mania for beating everyone on the head over lifestyles etc. these people are basically foot soldiers for the global forces working tirelessly to take us back to the Middle Ages. People like WHO, WEF and the UN.
It’s a grand plan in process which will end with total subservience and domination by people like Soros.
They have fingers in every pie that gives them access to mould minds and infiltrate organisations. Hence the explosion of diversity departments in every company. In particular our national broadcasters.
The universities and increasingly schools are now factories for them to turn out their robotic shock troops.
“the winters there are now very similar to
I have lived in Madeira as well
… mostly camping
Madeira is not a warm winter place like Tenerife cos it’s further North and more in the Atlantic
I used to live in Marbella. and that is bloody sunny.
December it rains a lot
but went on the beach on January 8th
I went skiing in Granada in March
stupidly took a big coat. but ended up skiing in a T-Shirt
Upminster killing: Mohammed Arslan charged with murder of Hina Bashir
Another woman murdered by a man on the streets of London. No vigils or demands that the government take action for this one though. She doesn’t even make the front page : she went straight into ‘regions’.
The headline tells us why and this story proves yet again that the BBC/Leftist activists don’t care one bit about any woman being murdered if the man who did it is not white.
They think ‘Radical pop art sculptor Claes Oldenburg dies at 93’ is far more important. He DOES make the front page.
Here’s one of his creations:
And to demonstrate his artistic genius, he called it ‘Two cheeseburgers with everything’.
I’m guessing this was during claes’ early period – perhaps when he was 9? ….
I wonder if anyone monitors the ingredients needed for a killing to become a ‘thing ‘ for the mass media ? – what hits the buttons and what doesn’t …
… obviously there are the easy ones – such as that white 30 year old middle class type walking home at 1am in London – then it’s found that a plod did it …
… but all those in the local rags which never make the ‘big league ‘ of shrines and flowers and thought and prayers and the top Jonnie politicians turning up to ‘pay their respects ‘…
Some lives matter – but most don’t …
The BBC front page currently is… very BBC.
A couple to make the most hardened dfs tvc casting director moist.
And a now inevitable “quote”.
In media terms, little can match Tracey of Dagenham or Mo of Bradford making an analogy.
‘It’s like an…. [insert here – war zone/scene from Love Island/Benidorm]’. Single quotes, so truthiness?
It has been, is and likely will remain hot.
Hotter in some places, bearable if treated sensibly.
Ramming your bloated Factor 69 body on a beach all day is not sensible.
Wearing a puffa and wooly hat to look cool, also not sensible.
But very street, if ‘poor’.
Yesterday, predictably given the media, one mused on those certain ilk of folk unwilling to schlep in to the day’s grind in an airconditioned office – think of the health ramifications. Far better healthwise to take the day off, brave the traffic or tube across town to meet your mates and stand around outside beside the flaming hot barbie with a beer bottle in hand.
The BME says it all.
“ An even hotter day?”
Actually it says nothing. It guesses, and hides behind a question.
These number games are frankly daft.
Sure the BBC is praying for something historic or unprecedented such that an XR cannon fodder droid gets stuck to the tarmac at Gatwick as Dr. Gail whispers a ‘thank you’ to Alinsky, but it is missing the point. Possibly, probably, deliberately.
Say it is down to AGW and not solar activity, or magnetic shifts?
How does the current wibble from the flouncing Alok to to the frequent flying Harry to 6 litre Gaz make any positive difference?
It’s then about triage, contingency… coping. All hampered by not going near sacred cows like population. Here the Graun sandal brigade, including magic grandpa, are screaming about a bunch of six form debaters not mentioning two words, like Potter characters about their nemesis. But one at least did make a sensible analogy on the link between affordable housing and £5m RIB storage in case the entrepreneur classes want them back.
Just words. And games. Idiots held to account by idiots.
Who write books for idiots to read.
Femi looking rough.
“My heritage, country, London and a life that seemed impossible when I was growing up.”

David Lammy MP says absent fathers ‘key cause of knife crime’
3 October 2012
Labour MP received £500,000 in funding from Chinese Communist agent
Shadow Home Secretary Diane Abbott’s privately-educated son, 28, is arrested after ‘biting one police officer and spitting at another outside Foreign Office’
Labour suspends Jeremy Corbyn over reaction to anti-Semitism report
29 October 2020
England : the land of opportunity where even a thick as sh1t racist is can be in the government.
What a shame he can’t visit an alternate reality to see what is life would be like if it had been under his own ‘heritage’ instead of the one white people made.
Tony Heller refers back to old newspaper reports about the weather.
The section about the Australian Govt. ‘tweaking’ the ‘when records began’ to adjust the narrative is bad enough, but to do it so the complicit media can get the necessary ‘historic’ or ‘unprecedented’ headlines shows how low the establishment has sunk.
Is pompous, entitled, arrogant twatism a crime yet?
Someone clearly messed with the bitter old fool’s morning Lava Bread.
The Establishment. Globally.
That’s quality insult territory and I can’t think of a better target than AOC !
Met Office sarcastically ratioed
& called out for social engineering
See how they send out from a tool called Brandwatch.. which looks like a social engineering tool
Pity #WatchRatio is off ill
News channel, 15 July
We introduced an item by saying “let’s take you live to Bethlehem now, in Israel.”
Bethlehem is in fact in the occupied West Bank.
Nope. They make the rules so they made it a hate crime to call them that.
The BBC has the Champagne on ice today as they hope and hope the temperature record will be broken.
Maybe the hot temperatures in places like Rotherham, Rochdale, and Oldham will reduce certain criminal activity. Not that such activity is reported by the BBC of course.
Sunny and Banjo.
Today is shaping up a treat.
Barry Gardiner has £500K from China if you need money?
That’s the normal projection from libmob
they are saying that if a BAMEs politics aligns with a nationalist parties, then the BAME is an “Uncle Tom”
That’s RACIST itself cos it denies the BAME person the right to have nationalist politics.
TR on how ‘Hope not Hate’ manufacture stories for the willing media and politicians.
Last week, we launched a campaign calling on Waterstones, Foyles, WHSmith, and Amazon to remove from their websites some of the most extreme and dangerous nazi, racist and Holocaust denial literature ever published in the English language. This included books such as the infamous bomb making manual The Anarchist Cookbook and the race war fiction The Turner Diaries, which has inspired numerous terrorist attacks including the Oklahoma City bombing and the Copeland Nail Bomb attacks in London.
Book burning sh1ts at HopeNotHate
If anything their banning antics are going to raise the profile of works that have rested in obscurity for years – fomenting friction and discord …
Wolfie Smith was a lightweight – these peeps are the real deal.
MPs get bumper £2.2k pay rise NEXT MONTH as Britons crippled with eye-watering tax hikes
MPs are to be given a £2,200 pay rise from next month, as Britons suffer from tax hikes and the continued cost of living crisis.
15:47, Tue, Mar 1, 2022 | UPDATED: 19:31, Tue, Mar 1, 2022
It’s not right to not mention that MP’s didn’t get a payrise in 2021
BBC Radio 4
“As a young, angry black man in the 1980s, it was a revelation to find a dead white poet that made sense to me. Good poetry has no age, and no colour.”
Irony dialled to 11.
Disappointing still, if no surprise, where such folk find haven four decades on.
Manchester students deface poem by ‘racist’ Kipling
19 July 2018
It seems the BBC coverage of the confidence thing yesterday cut away in the middle of simple crofter blackford’s speech – and nut nut had already gone .
The SNP nazis very upset . But if you listen to blackford – there are echoes of goebels in there – an absolute hatred – a totalitarian dreamer for a greater scotland – a greater one party state … frughtening .
an Blackford reclaimed £40k in office expenses – and still had to ask for more taxpayers’ money!
The SNP Westminster leader has an office in the same street as Finance Secretary Kate Forbes
The humble ex investment banker who became a humble Crofting MP … knighthood and peerage awaits ….
Especially if he is found to have defended a sex offender ..
Build the wall and cut all the cables.
A terrorist attack on the murdock News radio ? Damage by green crap terrorists … filmed for the twitter … id recycle them on a compost heap …
BBC getting totally desperate now.
‘’UK swelters under hottest night on record’
In other news. Doncaster has highest 3 am temperature since August 2003.
I just made that up to save the BBC ‘journalists’ some time.
Expect hourly invented records all day today.
Perhaps tomorrow we will have a headline about ‘record drop in temperatures’. No. Wouldn’t fit the global warming narrative.
Migrant workers suffer heat stress during Ramadan in Arabian Gulf
Published on 21/04/2022, 2:01pm
Muslims find it hard to reconcile fasting with working outdoors in temperatures of over 35C, as heatwaves become increasingly common
Where is Leslie Crowther when desperate need calls.
“It’s Tuesday, it’s 3am… and it’s a BBC cracker, Jack!”
In, er, Doncaster, since the last time.
As the bbc knows, records can begin, and pause, or disappear to order.
“To the Egyptian Conference, Justin!”
Telling headline in the rag even Amol was too thick for.
Ministers told to rewrite climate emergency plan
kindof infers that minister wrote it in the first place – but existing plan was drafted by the same swines that are seeking to bypass open debate via this lawfare and ram this BS down everybody’s throats…
Green zealots seek to trigger positive feedback to drive us all into mud floored teepees burning the occasional pile of animal poo.
I’d add that lawfare does not come cheap – some tax larceny and Hungarian billionaire tinkering going on there.
R4 now playing a crowd shouting “Oh Jeremy Corbyn” at Glastonbury
then followed by a Starmer like guy praising him
Before that rap music was played and it sounded like a black lawyer was explaining how she got her black gangster client a reduced sentence.
The show was the Rory Stewart show
Funny how the BBC have memory holed that northern lass heckler at Glastonbury telling Corbyn to reproduce + travel?
“UK heatwave: Hottest day on record likely with highs of up to 42C”
Operative word ‘likely’.
How to talk up the ‘nudge’.
Rails buckling because of heat , correct me if I am wrong, but didn’t rails have expansion joints to prevent this happening ?
taffman, sad news that another teenage boy has drowned; this time in the Thames west of London. When I was young I was taught about safety around water in high summer both at school and at home. (I couldn’t swim at the time but have since learned.) I was reminded of Chris Fawkes’ foolish prediction that this week thousands could die when in fact the Heatwave Death Total currently stands at four, yes four. Sad for the parents and siblings concerned but irresponsible scaremongering by the BBC and aided by the Met Office must be stopped.
On the rail question, yes they did but because of TOC greed or profit desire, it was expensive to keep maintaining the expansion joints and more specifically the sleepers and ballast underneath. ‘Customers’ (I am a passenger – h/t Iggy Pop) did not like the clackety clack noise and the slight jolt so rails are produced, as I understand it, in ever increasing lengths and joins are welded rather than fishplated.
At school Capsize drill in a small sailing dinghy on ‘a Rezzi ‘put me off for life … will always happen – like dogs dying in hot cars …
My dinghy training has been useful getting those nice refugees to safety in Blighty from war torn France …
Great fun, Fed, compulsory capsize drill part of a basic RYA qualification but then with a life jacket on it is a bit of a breeze. I’ve sailed Walthamstow ‘rezzie’. Bit tricky, as you get ‘holes in the wind’ thanks to the large apartment blocks around the reservoir.
I still have nightmares at Banbury – pulling the damn boat up a ramp then capsizing it again and again —- in the winter …
Making a buoyancy aid out of trousers … ugh …
I got a kayak during a midlife crisis – regretted that too – but it’s in the garden waiting for the flood …
Fed, blowing up your trousers doesn’t seem too smart. (I can hear Bluebottle: “Nyeheeuuughh! You dirty rotten swine. You have deaded me. My knees are all smoke coloured now.” “I don’t like this game.”)
I was taught to use a shirt because it keeps your head above water unlike trousers.
Re your kayak (is it made out of gopher wood?) : us Proddies have all signed the Noahic Covenant. Didn’t Catholics get a chance to do that? Maybe you can do it at the last minute?
I closed the patio door at 6am but then when I went out at 8:30am the heat was still about the same
by 9am the sun had broken through.
Then as ever the wind came up a bit
The weather centre strangely hasn’t registered a temp for 8am
7am it was 20.3C
The west facing conservatory is boiling hot of cause.
I didn’t need a fan while sleeping last night
Yet when I am abroad, a fan is pretty much a standard thing for sleeping.
Our forecast has changed
supposed to reach 39C at 2pm , and no rain on Wednesday
Sung to the tune of ‘morning has broken ‘..?
update ..they now reinstated tomorrow’s rain
Over twenty-four hours ago one of the internet News Agencies (probably MSN) told me that Wursella von der Lying has held up her hands in surrender to the UK. Despite Brexit, UK sales of goods to the EU has exceeded imports from the EU, no doubt helped by a recent fall in the £:Euro rate. I searched for this bit of good news yesterday on the BBC web-site.
Nothing to be found. There’s a surprise! Not sure its worth another look today but maybe I will. The BBC probably have Marianna springing into action right now to discredit that information as FalseFacts and Misinformation.
Max temp yesterday? 33 C. https://www.timeanddate.com/weather/@2648147/historic
Question: will the Met Office and their Cheerleaders, the BBC, be cheated yet again?
“UK heatwave: Hottest day on record likely with highs of up to 42C”. (It was 45C a few days ago)
Sorry BBC it ain’t gonna be. I’m in West Wales and just now, in the Sun, I recorded 27 C. Wind picking up and front moving in all on a SW wind.
I feel sorry for the BBC’s office junior who has been given the task of monitoring the thermometer in case it rises to their predicted 42C. A secret office junior? put a cigarette lighter under the mercury…………
If found out, you can always argue to have followed the BBC’s policy of news manipulation/manufacture. Elliot Carver.
When I was a gullible young schoolkid, I was told that if you bit the thermometer very gently, you could get it up a few degrees and therefore have a few days in the sanatorium…
Scrobs did and broke the bloody thing, so Sister was particularly peeved…
And it went on the bill, together with the shirt I tore fighting M.P O****d for quite a good twenty minutes!
This will be interesting.
Truss, Aching and Watercarrier pulling a Peter Grant on some EU pencil neck?
Crisis – Bradford crowned UK City of Culture 2025
City will now receive initial seed funding of £275,000 to begin preparation for a year of groundbreaking cultural activities in 2025
Guest, how did the Beatles manage to get to Hamburg so often in the 1960s before the UK joined the EU/EC/EEC?
I imagine, then, all you needed was love, so they worked it out.
Still laughing at the BBC failing to match Harry on audience at his gig.
Despite the severe threat to life yesterday I played golf in the South East of England. I always carry my bag which weighs >12kg. I had just 1 litre of water to last 4 hours on a very hilly course.
No problems at all. Once you get used to the heat, after 15 minutes, it was fine and I had a better than usual score. Only saw 2 other young lads using a golf buggy but the rest of the course deserted.
This country is pathetic how the majority listen to MSM and get scared of what we used to call ‘a nice day outside’.
With forecasts of 42degC today I’m playing golf again!
No doubt you’ll struggle to find any ‘Casal Water’, Tabs, but if you can remember Michael Green’s ‘Art of Coarse Golf’, he mentions Askew claiming the North Sea was ‘casual water’, and also called his infant son the same name…
Scrobie, I remember that … ‘The Art of Coarse Golf.’. Great fun. Happy Hackers and all.
Pure Alinsky.
Gobbled up by the BBC local democracy droids everywhere.
Attack the BBC?
BBC won’t remove naked boy statue created by paedophile sculptor targeted by protester
author image
Joe Roberts
Thursday 13 Jan 2022 4:11 pm
I wonder what’d happen if somebody turned up at XR offices and lobbed a brick through the window?
Better still, burn a pile of plastic outside their window and contribute to the destruction of the world before their eyes.
Combine the two – what’s not to like?
Kemi seems to have hit a nerve…
Media type claims they are smarter.
Because he uses the bbc.
Justin already setting up his tent in Egypt?
A vital aspect of the 1976 heatwave – when temperatures between 30 and 35 deg were near constant for almost 3 weeks – was what happened next year in 1977.
August 1976 and the BBC provided a platform for ‘noted scientists’ to assure the listeners that northern European agriculture would be forced to change, permanently. Rice and alfalfa would become staples with irrigation and crop rotation systems transforming the UK countryside. There was no argument or challenge involved, these were scientific facts that changes to the climate would force upon us.
1977 and the next year’s UK summer months were some of the wettest, coldest and windiest on record. Thousands of cereal crop acres were ploughed in with combines unable to cut and harvest the waterlogged fields. Equally verifiable facts – yet hardly ever mentioned when ‘The Drought Year’ is the subject of discussion.
This provides a classic, irrefutable example of wildly inaccurate surmise and blatant scaremongering dressed up as scientific fact, totally contradicted within a few short months, yet without a single apology or explanation at the time, or since. Much like the same contradictions and failed computer projections trotted out by identical ‘experts’ we currently enjoy.
When the Gates mob invented Excel, it was a gateway to the preposterous, and also an easy way for lazy state-paid journos to cut-and-paste bollocks.
Had I believed the spreadsheet I wrote twenty-five years ago, (admittedly after a bottle of red), I’d be a multi-millionaire by now…
BBC autocue-readers haven’t a clue about reality, but that’s what under-managers tell them to spout!
Guest, funny thing, but June 2022 was rather like June 1953 especially at the beginning of the month. Funny that. No global warming and no climate change in sixty-nine years. Something must have gone wrong.
Russia with Simon Reeve
BBC Two, Sunday 1 October 2017
This programme suggested that many reindeer populations are in steep decline because of climate change. It would have been more accurate to say that many reindeer populations are threatened by it.
Prof. Hannah putting Springster in the shade.
If she crams hard she might get a Blue Peter badge by 30.
Fry is the classic bBBC persona. Bloody maths professor so obviously she is eminently qualified to spout endless bbc bs.
tomo, I did a little search recently to find out the per household subsidy cost for renewables (I assume that includes solar) and found it hard to find the true figure. I have heard £500 per household but only found £250 and £340 as suggested amounts.
Anyone know for sure?
Initial costs are expensive ….
Wind Turbine Blades Can’t Be Recycled, So They’re Piling Up in Landfills
Companies are searching for ways to deal with the tens of thousands of blades that have reached the end of their lives.
According to the deluded loons you’re promulgating untruth (and should be burned at the stake)
As with all energy supply options, wind energy can have adverse environmental impacts, including the potential to reduce, fragment, or degrade habitat for wildlife, fish, and plants. Furthermore, spinning turbine blades can pose a threat to flying wildlife like birds and bats. Due to the potential impact that wind power can have on wildlife, and the potential for these issues to delay or hinder wind development in high-quality wind resource areas, addressing impact minimization, siting, and permitting issues are among the wind industry’s highest priorities.
Isle of Wight tidal project failure ‘would ruin shellfish beds’
3 May 2016
Shellfish beds could be “useless for centuries” if a planned tidal power project fails, Isle of Wight fishermen have claimed.
Perpetuus Tidal Energy Centre (PTEC) has secured approval for up to 60 seabed turbines off the island.
The company aims to generate electricity to power 15,000 homes.
Yarmouth fishery owner Geoff Blake said authorities must ensure the seabed is not “littered with redundant giant tidal devices” if the project fails.
The Marine Management Organisation (MMO) approved plans last month for up to 30 structures that will protrude about 9m (29.5ft) above sea level, off St Catherine’s Point.
Now that too can hart is out of the running for PM – he done his duty – we now have another ‘Tory ‘ doing the ‘duty ‘ gig – this time it is American born Toby Elwood who declined to return from abroad to support his government . …. Military duty didn’t meant much to him …..
But now he is an ‘independent ‘ waiting for a government job from rishi ….
Russia with Simon Reeve
BBC Two, Sunday 1 October 2017
This programme suggested that many reindeer populations are in steep decline because of climate change. It would have been more accurate to say that many reindeer populations are threatened by it.
Simon Reeve out and about armed with preconceptions and looking to contrive some “evidence” seems to be the way it works.
I do wonder at what level of detail these people plan out stuff like that – and they certainly do plan it out…
It might seem like paranoia – but one only has to trivially look at work history, activism affiliations of the commissioning peeps, the producers, the directors (and even the camerapersons + sound folk) to see clearly that you’re not seeing reportage but you are seeing activist advocacy dressed up as honest work.
And they stick it to the audience as hard and regularly as they can while banking very fat pay cheques.
cynic … moi?
Matt Hancock is spending the day behind the LBC mic, presenting what should be a radio phone in, though is coming across as a prolonged party political broadcast on behalf of Rishi Sunak™. Matt was left hot under the collar at one point following some searing criticisms from a member of the public. John from Edinburgh called out Hancock’s legacy in dealing with the management of rare conditions, calling him a “totally useless health secretary”. Before too long Matt could clearly no longer take the barrage, angrily signalling for a producer to mute the call before launching on an uninterrupted and self-congratulatory rant. For the second time in recent history, Matt was unfortunately undermined by a camera he presumably forgot was running…
Matt Hancock says sex is “ok in an established relationship” but adds people need to be “careful”.
Mandy Rice-Davies
One for Springster to check, Amol to analyse and Timmeh! to send an anonymous droid to say it’s all fine…?
Charlie • 21 hours ago • edited
The House of Lords Communications and Digital Committee has suggested a household levy based on your council tax to replace the licence fee.
How clever – a levy is a tax by another name and now it doesn’t matter if you watch tv or not (or even own a tv).
Baroness Stowell of Beeston, chair of the committee was formerly head of corporate affairs for the BBC.
The committee includes Lord Hall of Birkenhead, better known as Tony Hall, ex BBC director general.
You couldn’t make it up.
Yet they do. And are allowed to.
Labour are usually very excited about ermine stitch ups.
Re SNP behaviour….Krankie has a new name following her recent divisive and hate filled rancour towards the English and especially Westminster…
What this muppet fails to realise is that a vast number of Scots have family , relatives and , kin based in England.
This behaviour is purely designed to throw some raw meat to her cult of loonball nationalists, Irish republicans and fans of Celtic FC.
It is deplorable, squandering fortunes and a complete misrepresentation of true Scotsmen and women..
Sometimes I don’t get it – maybe it’s because I’m a Londoner … but in a time of ‘globalism ‘ and reducing the idea of nations – off go the SNP with some ‘braveheart ‘ ideal that 7 million people ( a lot quite old) have a desperate need to be separate…
… yet they are anti NATO but pro EU …. God knows what Scot’s who do not live in `Scotland think of it all – do they know that they may become foreigners – or declare whether they are english or welsh or northern Irish to retain residences ?
Whatever drives them it is founded on hatred….
let alone the Scots living and working in england …think about some nationalist scrote coming round your door to remove your British identity….how do you think that would play out?
I think anti English ( historic wrongs ) emotions get going – same in Northern Ireland with English landowners – a class war from another time being re run ….
I understand it a bit – but people need to know thar independence would me a different physical relationship with England and the English – to me it’s all about Scotland as though other bits of the UK don’t matter at all – that includes the people of Shetland and their oil …. They can afford self determination too …
Current national threat level
The threat to the UK (England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland) from terrorism is SUBSTANTIAL.
What the threat levels mean
Threat levels are designed to give a broad indication of the likelihood of a terrorist attack.
LOW means an attack is highly unlikely
MODERATE means an attack is possible, but not likely
SUBSTANTIAL means an attack is likely
SEVERE means an attack is highly likely
CRITICAL means an attack is highly likely in the near future
The World Tonight
BBC Radio 4, Wednesday 28 December 2016
In an introduction to an interview it was stated that most Gulf Arab States ‘now accept the existence of the Jewish State’ of Israel. In fact no members of the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf recognise the state of Israel.
“He looks at me with his innocent and beautiful eyes. He is asking me to take him out for a walk, but I don’t dare. We will get arrested.”
Mahsa, who has a dog, is referring to a new wave of arrests of pet owners and seizures of their animals in the Iranian capital, Tehran.

“Over the years, they have changed this a couple of times and even discussed corporal punishment for dog owners. But their plan didn’t get anywhere.”
How’s this for ‘you couldn’t make it up?
There is a weather warning………….for RAIN tomorrow.
Next up on BBC weather.
Plague of locusts could arrive on Friday.
I just made that one up. But what’s the betting another ‘warning’ will be concocted?
Deep fried locust anybody?
Haven’t you got your copy of the “bbc scary calendar”?
Monday Climate change
Tuesday Climate change
Wednesday Other scary weather news
Thursday, Biden / Zalensky good, Trump bad
Friday Arses in the air / victimhood day
Saturday Womens football
Sunday Mixed marriage good / white man bad day
Subject to change, may contain nicola sturgeon, or other nuts.
This will undoubtedly make some Greens happy
I hope they are the first to be on the receiving end of the consequences.
Mongolia says Russia-China gas pipeline will break ground in 2024
Right with Might is nothing.
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Mongolia expects Russia to begin construction of the “Power of Siberia 2” gas pipeline through its territory to China within two years, as Moscow moves to connect its Europe-supplying gasfields to Asia for the first time.
Tomo – that was feared / expected – but do you think it’s true ? If so OFGEM will be ramping the cost limit even more ….
I feel a mass movement to refuse to pay unless fracking is fast tracked is in order.
ofgem offices with no windows sounds quite attractive?
China will take all the gas the Russians can get to them – an exercise in capacity and connections of pipes looks like an interesting little project.
The German politicians have done this to themselves and Brussels / Washington have another agenda?
BBC creaming their pants at a possible new temperature record in Surrey. 200 miles from the predicted area.
Mysteriously it was ‘only’ 37c at 1100.
But by 1150 latest it was over 39 C. A record!
Has someone been playing fast and loose with the Primus stove?
Magnifying glass
I’d bet there’s some “journos” goal hanging around The Walkie Talkie armed with a carton of eggs from a nearby Tesco Metro?
Code Red !
Snow Flakes are melting !
I am laughing now because my taffland garden thermometer is “27 Deg C.. What’s more, its started bloody raining !
The Snow Flakes have been ‘nudged’ to panic, yet again .
Von der Leyen denounces Russian gas ‘blackmail’ for stopping deliveries to Poland and Bulgaria
Gazprom’s unexpected move is changing EU calculations.
Hungary and Poland lose EU funding fight over laws
16 February
– that Ursula? – the happy looking gel in the photo?
“Rishi Sunak: Former chancellor leading the pack”
If the Tories put him in charge, down comes the ‘Red Wall’.
What next Bob The Builder to “Build Back Better”.
Boris to use his 80 seat majority to …. buy curtains.
What a choice – the socialist foreign chancellor and the super woke …
Yeah! BBC have found some news … NOT ON MAIN PAGE … ha ha ha ….
Why did MI5 name Christine Lee as an ‘agent of influence’?
The Chinese embassy in London referred the BBC to a statement it issued in January saying: “China always adheres to the principle of non-interference in other countries’ internal affairs. We have no need and never seek to ‘buy influence’ in any foreign parliament. We firmly oppose the trick of smearing and intimidation against the Chinese community in the UK.”
China bans Tiananmen Square-related web search terms
bbc published this very late at night, I guess they can tell us they did publish it, albeit when most are asleep
By Gordon Corera, Security correspondent, BBC News
Key line : “In remarks to journalists after his 6 July speech, the head of MI5 also emphasised this danger:”
That makes it look like this story is a cut and paste from his material
The article says her actions were clear 5 years ago. It does make sense that MI5 would let her go on whilst people like Gardiner fed them info
They said they couldn’t prosecute her. OK she’s British since a child in Belfast, but surely some of her funds come from Beijing
and such money coming into UK politics is illegal.
Yeah weather bloke says Heathrow has hit the big 40 – lovely … in a week or two people will be shivering and saying about whether they remember the 3 day hot summer when the msm melted …?
and planes are landing at Heathrow from the west – what a coincidence.
Yep earlier on the 12pm news
“The UK temperature record has been broken at a village near to Gatwick AIRPORT”
A lot of people on social media are saying the official temperatures reported by MSM are higher than what they are measuring themselves.
In the case of Heathrow the MetOffice provide METARs (Meteorological Terminal Air Reports) for a lot of airports updating every 30 minutes. The current Heathrow surface temperature is 39 degC and not 40degC.
The last METAR for Heathrow (12:50GMT) is
EGLL 191250Z AUTO 18014KT 140V210 9999 NCD 39/08 Q1010 NOSIG=
Yes strangely Scampton observations started to be held back by almost 1.5 hours ..oh just updated
14:00:00 38.0C wind SSE 13.0Kmh that’s quite big
13:00:00 36.9 wind S. 12.2
12:00:00 35.1C 12.2
If the wind is from SE that indicates it’s coming from the sea and should be sea cooled
I don’t really understand why nearby Scunthorpe can have such different wind speed and direction SSW all day
14:45:00 38.0C wind SSW 6.5kmh
14:40:00 38.6 SSW 4.7
14:35:00 38.7 SSW 2.8
13:00:00 36.3 SSW 4.1
Apparently Toby Elwood was a mordant supporter – but now he can’t vote … imagine if there was just one vote in it – his …. Lol
Words fail
How do we start to decolonize science? @0:10
“Through the black magic, witchcraft you are able to send a lightning bolt to strike someone, Can you explain that scientifically … ” @0:50 – one of the speakers
“It’s not true” – audience member
“I need to address you directly (audience member who says witchcraft does not work). When we started this we agreed on certain house rules. By you doing that (arguing) you are disrespecting that sacredness of this space. I would like you please first to apologise …” – another speaker
Here’s a suggestion for the pay awards to those in the private sector.
Give them the same as the pensioners got, 3.1% (or £4 or so per week on the pension that the majority get, the old state pension)
Site rep ..biked into town and survived
Of course I did it is hot and dry just like you get on holiday in Spain, Turkey Australia etc.
Managed to drink a coffee, even though my friends had picked the side of the street out of the shade.
People were walking about ..most recklessly not wearing hats
The shady side of the street was bearable
On the road the sun was intense
but as ever with this event the wind shot up as well.
The tarpaulin over the patio door is flapping wildly.
even right up in the air at one point.
Aldi have pulled down the shutters on their fridges
seems you can’t buy chilled stuff, though you can buy frozen
Local radio DJ was pushing global warming
but just as I was about to switch off he suddenly bit his lip
and said Climate Change discussion should be saved for another day.
The few tweets to him are mostly sceptical.
So funding the BBC may be consolidated into Council Tax. It flashed up on the GB News subtitle.
A few questions arise. First some practical issues:
Will this mean every household pays for the BBC whether they have a TV or not?
Would the BBC Tax be uniform across all Council Tax bands, or be higher for higher bands?
Will empty properties be subject to BBC Tax even though no one will be watching TV?
There are various surcharges applied for empty properties, will this mean property owners paying multiple amounts for BBC Tax?
In Wales, second homes are charges double or treble Council Tax (nice people), will this apply to the BBC Tax?
Late or unpaid Council Tax is paid under duress to goons acting as Bailiffs. Ultimately people are jailed or Bankrupted for non payment. Thus will presumably apply to the BBC Tax as well.
All in all the idea looks very retrograde. I don’t think a sale of the BBC is possible due to the enormous Pension liabilities.
If you are still unsure of which mp to support for Tory leader here’s a tip.
When the MPs votes are announced, pick the one with the lowest number of votes.
The MPs are so out of touch with the rest of the Country.
Mind, all of the candidates are crap.
Hundreds of temperature records broken over summer
By Nassos Stylianou and Clara Guibourg
Data journalists
9 October 2019
Mixed feelings, frankly.
ROFL or go full Amber on the bed.
Prince Harry Says His and Meghan Markle’s “Life’s Work” Will Be in Africa—But They Aren’t Moving There