Welcome to the Great British Summer – Aka a level 1 climate emergency .the site as part of the public service – recommends the following in the warm weather
1 – take every thing with a pinch of salt
2. Avoid increasing blood pressure through exposure to strong BBC bias
3 Always wear a grimace when hearing BBC wokery
4 Drink plenty in warm weather – ensure it is alcoholic to blur the dismal anti British BBC output
5 ensure there is always someone else to blame
6 avoid unapproved subjects between 11am and 3pm
7 turn off unnecessary appliances – such as the BBC
8 tidy up your spending – such as cancelling TVL DD s
9 limit exposure to the BBC particularly at most woke times – eg News and QT
10 pray for the right sort of culture secretary / rain ….
Start the Week 18 July 2022
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I’m confused — in the relentless push for diversity it just means we’ll be getting more diverse weather too.
Isn’t that a good result for the BBC?
Surely Biggin Hill should be there too?
He had to retweet it mind.
Plus ‘analysis’ in case the bird chickens out.
Politics at the BBC: a who’s who of the establishment
No ! Lets have Robinson ! Let more people see how repulsive the c word is …
It’d be quite a quiet debate, as Nickerknob would just sit there are give his own opinions all the time, so the others could pop out for a pint, or maybe a shag if they felt so inclined!
What an utter farce these ‘debates’ are!
Tory leadership race: BBC to host TV debate for final two
From order order com
All going to plan.
Rishi Sunak: 118 (+3)
Penny Mordaunt: 92 (+10)
Liz Truss: 86 (+15)
Kemi Badenoch: 59 (+1) OUT
Sh@t that’s the end of the conservatives but the bbc will be very happy
Starmer to stand up for all women without a Cervix,
I’m afraid that ARSON could be the latest game in town. You don’t have to be an anarchist
Marxist to be an arsonist. BUT the extremely
hot weather helps.
Here in Portsmouth, it looks a bit like the end of the World we are all going to fry scare party is fizzling out.
Lots of dark grey clouds rolling in across the sun and temperature has dropped from 32 to 24 in the last hour.
Even my solar powered water fountain has spluttered to a stop.
I might not have to water the garden this evening.
Hardly a match for the weeks and weeks of relentless scorching sun we had way back in 1976 is it?
As the old saying goes… British summer is usually three fine days and a thunderstorm.
Oddly the BBC weather folk don’t seem to have noticed yet.
Oh dear never mind, better luck next time!
Won’t be long before schools and railways will shut down due to forecasts of possible thunderstorms.
… and rain!
Digg -You are lucky enough to be on the coast in this EXTREME
heatwave for us in the UK. I live in North London and the heat
today has been unbearable. I hope we get some of your cooler
conditions as soon as possible. And this 40 degrees centigrade
we have seen in London today , that’s 104 degrees Fahrenheit
is a SHADE temperature.
On Talk Radio Julia Hartley Brewer and her wally of a guest
in a three piece suit thought it was all a joke. I don’t think
it is a joke. But I suppose for somebody with heart failure.
I would say that ..
40.1C phew
glad im not on heathrows runways with all those jets warming things up
My thoughts exactly!
I realise that not all are seeing the same thing Foscari and I’m sorry you are having a tough time with the heat.
Looks like the cooler trend will cover most areas in time.
My point was that the media cannot just use anything that comes their way to advance their favourite causes, there has to be a realisation that nature is changeable and there has to be a maximum recorded temperature at any given time so why not now?
It shouldn’t be a valid argument for them to demand seismic shifts in behaviour especially those that will make many people suffer a worse existence.
I think many of us suspect that the constant harping on about climate emergency carries a hidden agenda and it’s not to save mankind.
We witnessed what happens to our basic freedoms with an epidemic when the folk at the top decided that it handed them total power to tell everyone what they could and couldn’t do at pain of prosecution. This will eventually repeat with climate alarmism without pushback and the BBC will be applauding from the stalls.
Prince Andrew says he cannot sweat!
I bet on liz truss as next PM looking better – I reckon if it is between her and the billionaire foreign green card bloke she’ll get the job …
…. Whether that makes any difference to anything is a different matter . But I think the viewing figures for PMQs will drop like that of a bbc ‘comedy ‘ show ….
The puppet controlled mainstream media will just assassinate the character of Sunak’s opponent, while painting him as unwoke, traditional, competent etc
Conservative voters fell for injecting an experimental vaccine, hating on Putin etc, doubt they’ll have the brains to withstand the onslaught.
Not that it makes much difference, but the globalists will get their main choice in.
I really don’t want Sunak.
The immediate rush to chuck money at the covids debacle was embarrassing in the extreme, as there could have been so many alternatives which a competent Chancellor could have looked at, like the tax situation, NHS reform in an emergency, Bank of England’s firm hand (not), and there was not enough collective leadership in government to deal with what turned out to be a totally different – and some say unwarranted – situation to deal with, than what they started with.
Frankly, I’m still amazed at the speed with which the population was hurled into lockdowns, fear really did preside, and we just didn’t know what to do next, but there was all this free cash from Sunak to salve our shattered peacetime nerves!
I vote to get rid of the old guard and am rapidly liking Liz and Penny, as they fit the bill, and after all, there will always be jobs for the other boys and girls if either of them get the job.
With so much mud being chucked at Penny, she may buckle, but I might still put my Saturday shilling on her though, after all the blood-letting has finished!
Self regard meets homeopathy or something…
And then there were three.
What’s the betting that whoever wins this will start off by saying they want to unify the party which means giving lots to the remainers.
Two leave voters and a reformed remainer turned leaver yet I get the feeling that little will be done regarding getting on with leaving and lots of reasons will be found to water down the leaving process.
In a years time I think next to nothing will have changed (unless it’s a change in the remainers direction)
New article on the bbc now about the worrying trend of young people dieting. The bbc and their other partners in propaganda will fall back on to the “childhood obesity” epidemic at the drop of a cheeseburger. So, having gone on and on and on and on about overweight children, the bbc now feel that they need to offer help and guidance about over-dieting tweenies. Does it not occur to these morons that they have created a problem which wouldn’t have occurred if they kept their bloody beaks out of other peoples’ business?
It’s like this bbc, your job is to report the news, not change the world .
Who are the kids who even consider watching the BBC?
Their parents pay the tax – usually, they watch some cartoons then bugger off and play some idiot game on their phones, so being thin/fat doesn’t occur to them.
No real citizens bother with hearing the crap their ‘dieticians’ and ‘experts’ spout, but it certainly hurts our most vulnerable oldies who still think the awful beeboids tell the truth!
The media.
Their mates.
Champagne is flowing at New Broadcasting House.
BBC reporters trying to outdo each other on the superlatives relating to hot temperatures and global warming.
The record was briefly at Heathrow Airport ( lots of heat absorbing dark Tarmac and concrete).
Then it was exceeded at Coningsby, Lincolnshire.
Which is …..errrr….an RAF station ( and home of Battle of Britain memorial flight) and thus has…..lots of heat absorbing dark Tarmac and concrete.
But UK CO2 emissions have halved since 1970. How hot will it be when we get to zero ? LOL.
Rain is on the way. No doubt public services will have to close because of the wrong type of water.
Perhaps the forthcoming rain will be carbonated? It would save me buying bottles at Asda.
If you ever get a chance to go to conningsby – go – I worked there a few times and fell in love with the place – nearly got into the resident Lancaster – a boyhood dream – but work got in the way ….
Gosh it must have been hot today. The 6pm news on BBC1 suggesting that Aysgarth Falls in North Yorkshire has run dry because of the heat. I suspect it is rather more to do with lack of rain rather than 2 hot days. But I suppose they will blame that on climate change.
Going to be interesting who is deputy too.
Because if they screw it up again…
“: Boris Johnson received first edition copies of Winston Churchill’s books on WW2 as a farewell gift from his Cabinet, No 10 reveals”
The BBC showed Boris at Cabinet saying that the hot weather today was evidence that the move to net zero by 2050 was the right one. Makes me less disappointed that he has gone. (Disappointment I hasten to add only because I thought he was a winner in the red wall, fought the NHS to open up lockdowns and nearly got Brexit done; whereas his views on climate change will bring this country to destruction). And I really don’t care whether he ate birthday cake or not.
ITV local news Victoria Whitham is in Bridlington
They had two reporters there to do hot weather reports
but they failed to calculate coastal effect
VW “It’s 24 (yes just twenty four) and it’s just started to spit”
The other reporter was early
“It’s 7am and it’s 20C
It’s 9am and it’s nearly 25C”
That is quite cooler than most parts
Now a Diana Johnson clip on contaminated blood
her PR people have influence
Before that we had a 4 minute lecture from John Grant of Sheffield Polytechnic. (Indian of course)
I had the sound turned down cos I can’t stand his Climate propaganda
FFS look at the guy he’s round like weeble
.. doesn’t look after his body well, never mind the planet.
5pm it was still boiling here
then by 6 the clouds started to mob the sun
and temperature suddenly dropped
the wind too.
Sun has fought back a bit, but no it’s safe to open the southern doors now ..
oh sun is burning off the clouds a bit
BBC local news started with a lie
“Coningsby in Lincolnshire is the hottest place in the UK ever EVER !”
No this country has been tropical before
He means during modern records not EVER
Probs a local new form of democracy reporter.
I popped down to Battle, near Hastings today, and looked up the temperature we had during the Battle of Hastings!
Yup, it was 112 degrees, so stick that up your harrobins, beeboids!
JezBo getting a bonus?
I wonder how many complimentary Rolex watches have been handed out o the back of the ad contract with Rolex?
Back in the good old days on the peninsula the Sheik of Bahrain purportedly used to give away Rolex watches to people he liked – one snag – they were custom made and had the old boy’s grinning visage on the dial – so the myth goes.
Watching GB News, Nigel is certain that Liz Truss will become our next PM. I think he’s probably right…
The Conservative parliamentary party had the chance to give us someone who was a little different…someone who was actually conservative…someone bold…someone not afraid to talk about immigration or pride in their country. Instead…
Liz Truss will be Theresa May Mk2, but without quite the same dynamic personality of our former PM.
The Tories deserve to lose the next election.
And they will…
Now is the time to pitch in with support for one of the minority parties, help them get a few seats so they can hold the balance of power.
Jeff – I hope he is right because I put a £1 on at 9/1- wish I’d done tenner each way
The conservative electorate will be a ‘anyone but sunak ‘ vote – I think they might value the loyalty truss showed to nut nut whilst the rest of them took turns plunging the knife in ….
… I admire the effort she put in when she was trade minister quietly getting on with the job – not bad as foreign sec – no smell of corruption yet ….
In summary – the best of a less than impressive lot . Make the `Femi girl home Sec for a laugh – but exact revenge on the nut nut consprirators – however much he caused his own demise …
Im hoping he does a farewell gig in Kiev tomorrow – maybe by parachute drop to tick the bucket list ….
Sudden change in wind from 6pm WNW started to beat East winds and South east winds
Scunthorpe was below 32C at 7pm , not almost 32
Scampton has been holding up, maybe it’s sheltered from WNW winds
Hugh know?
Yellow warning of rain and thunderstorms. BBC
Yellow warning of thunderstorms
Areas affected: North East England | SW Scotland, Lothian Borders | Yorkshire & Humber
Started at: 16:00 BST on Tue 19 July
Ends: 20:00 BST on Tue 19 July
Thunderstorms could bring disruption this afternoon from lightning strikes and strong, gusty winds.
– Building/structures could be damaged and power supplies maybe interrupted by lightning strikes
– Sudden strong and gusty winds may cause damage to temporary structures with a small chance of flying debris
Issued at: 15:49 BST on Tue 19 July
Last updated: 3 hours ago
stay indoors, eat grubs, obey the government. Be nudged.
And with that – it is time for an new weather affected thread –
I thought I’d put this up a bit early because one of putin’ s mate has talked about nooking England but leaving Scotland wales and Northern Ireland alone ….
So if the site is playing up you might know why 🥵
Can’t we join the club? Our BBC could help out here. Produce a short video on what would happen if the UK attacked Moscow and St Petersburg amongst other cities/areas with nukes. Flood the USSR airways with it.