Why the Me Too movement failed
Based on politically abstracted ideals, the popular online feminist campaign didn’t recognise the driving force behind gender inequality — power — and, most importantly, who has it, argues CHLOE KOFFMAN
No fewer than eight women have formally claimed that the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee had either touched them or invaded their personal space inappropriately, with some uncomfortable incidents even captured on camera.
In fact, one of the primary proponents of Me Too and self-avowed Biden supporter and fundraiser, actor Alyssa Milano, removed the #metoo from her Twitter biography
I must admit a BBC prog I have enjoyed was Freddie Flintoff’s Field of Dreams, which finished tonight, okay a few woke themes to it, but still a bit of hope in it.
What do you think?
You you you … Kaiser – I normally reserve first place for one of the ladies – but it’s the site buckling under the heat …
I was musing about Boris . If only there’d been identical twins – the clown one – and the sensible one – we d never be wasting time and effort betting on who the next PM Would be … the clown would turn up in the commons and the sensible one would be slaving away fighting the EU and mad socialists in the treasury …
… but instead we just got the clown – even then – if he’d just gone ‘hands up ‘ each time he’d still be in office – whatever the BBC said or did ….
Personal request – if there is a londoner on the site – is it raining ? As I am along way away , not back to Blighty until the autumn ( next week ) and hope my house is okay …
Really disappointed with Boris in cabinet today highlighting net zero and climate change as shown on the BBC. First time since he resigned when I was truly pleased he had gone, and I blame Carrie. She destroyed someone who could have been a good prime minister.
Fedup2, A friend in Finchley said around 6pm in a Wattsap that it looked as though it was about to be a storm best London weather update I can give you.
From the DT
Netflix losing bi numbers of subscribers – go woke – go broke – aim for the kidults with no money – that will work ….
Netflix lost a million subscribers in the three months to June as it battled to retain customers in the face of stiff competition and rising living costs.
The US streaming giant, which is responsible for popular shows such as Stranger Things, Bridgerton and Squid Game, reported subscriber numbers fell 1m between April and June as it struggled to stop the rot in viewing figures.
It marks Netflix’s second consecutive quarter of subscriber losses, following a drop of 200,000 earlier this year. The decline at the start of the year was its first fall in a decade. However, Netflix called the latest losses “better-than-expected”.
The company cited the success of its latest season of Stranger Things for boosting retention.
The technology company is facing growing competition from Disney, Apple, Paramount, Hulu and Amazon as its once dominant position comes under threat.
A cost of living squeeze is also hurting as households try to save money.
In the UK, Netflix’s share of new subscribers fell to just 4.5pc, down from 15pc in the same period last year. A Kantar report found that a third of Americans were planning to close a video streaming account in order to save money to cope with inflation.
The results followed what analysts described as a “spectacularly bad” results day earlier this year as growth slowed at Netflix and it warned its subscriber numbers would begin to wane.
Netflix has already lost around two thirds of its market cap so far this year, valuing it at around $90bn (£75bn), or $201 per share, on Tuesday night.
Tuesday’s fall in subscriber numbers was less than the 2m Netflix had forecast. It also predicted subscriber numbers could start to increase later this year. Shares rose 6pc in after hours trading.
Revenues grew 8.8pc year on year to just under $8bn in the three months ending in June.
Netflix has pumped billions of dollars into original shows, many produced in the UK, as it hunts for hits that can reclaim viewers from rivals. But despite spending hundreds of millions of dollars on new movies, including $200m on The Grey Man starring Ryan Gosling, many have failed to make a splash with critics.
Lavish spending on content has also left it sitting on a debt pile of $14bn.
The company also revealed that it planned to crack down on 100m households it estimates share a Netflix password without paying for the service.
In an effort to shore up revenues and account numbers, Netflix is considering charging customers who share their passwords an additional fee. It has begun testing the charge for some customers in Latin America. Users will be asked to “add a home” to their account, at a cost of $1.70 to use their account in another location.
Netflix is also working on an advertising supported product, which would be offered at a discounted price. The streaming company signed a deal with Microsoft to build its advertising technology. Analysts have estimated an ad-supported tier could bring in between $500m and $1.5bn per quarter. ENDS
And if they really clamp down on password sharing there’s another ‘nail ‘…
Netflix is the world’s leading streaming platform, with 221.8 million subscribers at the end of 2021, but was a minor player in Russia. The company said in an April letter to shareholders that it had lost 700,000 paid subscribers as a result of its withdrawal from Russia.30 May 2022
Maybe they shouldn’t be so free with their money. Giving the ginger whinger and wife 100 million borders on the insanity, I imagine there are a lot of red faces at the Board meetings.
I think the ginger whinger’s main problem is that he is not very bright. Therefore his royal roots are being grabbed at for prestige by all the usual suspects in the States and the Globalists for their own aims and he is too dim to realise he is being played like a violin.
Weather report: Yesterday the BBC Weather Shite predicted a record 38c or 100f today for Beverley, East Yorkshire. I report that the maximum recorded for Beverley in the shade, was 32c or 90f. The same instrument recorded a temperature of 99f in 1990.
And Huw Edwards has got himself into a ‘twitter spat ‘ with a Tory peer about hot weather . Discipline proceedings to follow as Edwards breaches the bias rules ? Or not .. I’m sure DG put something out to staff about showing bias …. Don’t breach the deceit …
But, but… the temperatures have been so hot, homes and forests have literally been spontaneously combusting and bursting into flames, all across Europe and the SE, don’t you know?!
Dry timber requires a temperature of around 300oC to ignite, and good luck with trying to get: bricks, mortar, cement, tiles, slate, chimney pots, or glass to burn…
The DROUGHT conditions we’ve had the last few weeks have rendered the grass and undergrowth flammable, and the breezy, dry conditions help it spread… technically, naught to do with the temperature, would be just the same if it was cold and dry.
The high temperatures HAVE resulted in more than the usual number of barbeques, and all the scaremongering has led to more people at home (having barbeques, smoking, playing with magnifying glasses, and doing a little recreational arsony, apparently)… so I GUESS that much has to do with the ‘heatwave’ we’ve been suffering (yes, SUFFERING, if only all the moaning about it…).
Do they take the temperature near the exhausts of the aeroplanes? Or do they take them a few mm above the exposed (black) tarmac baking in the sun?
How strict are the rules on the placing of the thermometers and local conditions? Are they the same rules which were applied in the past?
Walking the dog this morning at around 10:30, there was a stark difference in temperature walking through the woods – in the shade, under the trees, appreciably much cooler than in the clearings and paths exposed to the full sun. On the north side of the hill, in the shade, actually felt quite chilly. All the wildlife seemed to have relocated itself deeper into the trees, I noticed, as it does when it gets cold too.
Not a lot of trees at airports, but many of those same locations would probably have had a lot more trees, and a lot less tarmac or concrete, a century ago.
Taking a whole country
and then cherry picking the hottest moment recorded during a whole day in one place of thousands, that you can find is not science, its PR.
What matters is do the crops grow, do people survive.
Generally they do
Having occasional heatwaves is not a crisis.
Temperature on Monday where I am was 30 deg at 10.30 am, so Monday evening walked the dog at 9.30 pm down a shady and cooler lane. Dog was ok, I was bitten to buggery from mozzies !! Tuesday night it was around 9pm before the temperature dipped to under 30 deg. Dog had to make do with the garden.
Sluff – usually the use data from Gravesend to show how cold or hot it is – but the whole thing has been ramped up to prove ‘climate warming extremes ‘ to keep energy bills inflated with green crap …
I really wish they’d push nuclear and start building right now instead of waiting another 10 or 20 years ….
I’d never thought of it before but maybe the increase in max temperatures over the decades is not due to global warming but airport building and expansion. Northolt, Heathrow, Gatwick, now Coningsby and Hawarden. It’s uncanny. Or maybe not.
It’s certainly not due to UK CO2 emissions.
Weather : by 8 oclock it seemed to be pretty much over. Neighbor was mowing his orchard & I biked to next village, no sweat.
Right now weather is a big confusing now there appear to be two opposing winds. One from the SE one from the NW
They’ve benn cancelling each other out but sometimes one wins so the curtains start flapping.
There are occasional spurts of extremely light rain.
A lot of fire services say they are overwhelmed
#1 West a field got on fire .. farmer ploughed around it that settled it
#2 Further west the council thought it would save money by stopping operating a daycare centre.. and then leaving it empty for 3 years to sell it off. The empty field next to it caught fire and set it on fire
Shouldn’t there have been a lot more preparation like organising fire breaks ?
#3 Car fire closed an eastern road
#4 to the west there was a “chemical explosion” at a farm .that brought down the 11,000 volt power line thus the roads are restricted but still open, and half of the village there doesn’t have power.
Similar stuff in Lincolnshire region too.
Humberside fire brigade were tweeting about rescuing a crow from netting earlier on .. that seems like a misuse of resources..crows die all the time
I may have sussed what’s actually going on with all the eco shit.
Basically the great and good need to resettle the population into two bands.
Band A will be all the people who are educated and entitled and thus will have free movement, no restrictions on consumption and all benefits especially those benefits denied to all others.
Band B will be the rest who will have no access to those benefits we currently take as granted such as the ability to travel the world, buy what we want, to live as we decide.
If this sounds too simplistic you just need to think about the plans currently being relentlessly put in place by the great and good.
Everything they are doing makes this plan inevitable.
We will need a repeat of the French tumbrils to reverse this process in due course but I trust the average man to go about it with relish.
In the end practical common sense will obliterate these greedy and lying fools and their stupid enablers
The BBC is broadcasting an important piece of Pfizer Propaganda on Wednesday at 9pm on BBC2.
As I understand, all the emergency authorisation safety trials of the mRNA genetic modification jabs for Covid, are to be kept secret for at least five decades, with the exeption of the Pfizer trials, due to a Texan judge. So the BBC and all the mainstream media are keeping the disclosure of the Pfizer trials under tight censorship.
But the Mensa debating forum reveals just how the jab works. The evidence is emerging that the only protection that the mRNA jab gives you from Covid, is by suppressing your immune system to protect you from the allergic reaction. The same protection children get from having an immature immune system. Something called a cytokine storm which results in rapid deterioration of lung function is in fact an allergic reaction to fragments of spike protein, as the virus is killed off. It occurs on average, on the 8th day after the first onset of symptoms and is unrelated to the severity of the initial infection. Death occurs on average a couple of weeks later. Its why children with an immature immune system are not effected. So this immaturity is replicated by the mRNA jab of adults. There is evidence the mRNA jabbed immune system is degraded by the mRNA jab, making the mRNA jabbed more susceptible to other viruses, but giving them a few weeks protection from death, until their immune system recovers. Then they get a second jab, a third jab and so on, each jab protects them from the cytokine storm, but brings them closer to death from every other cause of death.
It also reports corruption at the Office for National Statistics. People dying up to 16 days after vaccination were classified as unvaccinated and the proportion of unvaccinated is underestimated at 8%, when in fact it is 30%. This follows the report that the head of the Office for Statistics Regulation (OSR), Ed Humpherson, criticised the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) for providing statements “Unsupported by the data” and demanded much greater transparency on health data. The 8% is unsupported by the data, while the 30% comes from greater transparency on health data. https://www.normanfenton.com/post/simple-evidence-showing-the-ons-data-on-mortality-by-vaccine-status-is-systemically-flawed.
Richard, thanks for posting. The fudging of stats runs through UKHSA as well as the ONS and the MHRA.
MHRA had different criteria for analysing vaxx injuries compared to covid injuries; they signed off on Pfizer extending their use by dates out of cold storage by 6x the original period; and prior to the rollout their procurement “urgently seek(s) an Artificial Intelligence (AI) software tool to process the expected high volume of Covid-19 vaccine Adverse Drug Reaction (ADRs)”
Not a surprise because, as June Raine, MHRA CEO says, “… we began immediately to transform our processes… we tore up the rule book…” [35:31]
Raine has been a woefully poor member of this organisation since way back when the MCA started about 30 years ago. I know because I was at the inaugural meeting back then. Read any of Professor David Healy’s blogs relating to her. She really is clueless just like the bloody politicians.
You are welcome terminal. It really does sum up these individuals responsible for drug regulation in all countries. Did you know that when a company submits are drug dossier to the authorities for marketing approval the documentation is prepared totally by the company and the authorities never see the raw data.
There was a doc pointing out exactly this — that both MHRA and TGA (Australia) approved Pfizer vaxx without seeing the raw data. But I didn’t know that this was standard procedure.
Incredible just how failed we are by our public heath agencies, you’ve obviously known this for quite some time.
In the not too distant future.
Grandad. Can I sit on your knee while you tell me what it was like living through those three really warm days in 2022……
By that time, children will not be allowed to sit on Grandad’s knee because the dirty white pervert will almost certainly molest them.
That’s where the misandrist activists will eventually go when they get everything else they demand (eg forced ‘guilty’ conviction rates against men accused of rape). Activists never, ever stop. If the run out of road for this topic, they will find another. They are driven by hatred and spite, not right and wrong.
Have you noticed.
Once upon a time if it was very warm in the UK the BBC would show pictures of beeches full of people, kids eating ice cream and dogs paddling.
Not anymore and how dare you enjoy the sun after all its a result of man made climate change.
These people are intent on destroying fun, fun to them is people dressing as the opposite sex in kids class rooms.
This left wing woke culture is a far bigger threat to our civilisation than 3 hot days in July will ever be.
An entirely different affair with lines such as ‘A-list candidate’ and the most sycaphantic fawning I’ve seen since their interviews with Corbyn. Full of positive empathy of the girl who done good.
And her remarkable transition from remainer to brexiteer is most likely the sign of a hypocrite who will say whatever they need to to win and cannot be trusted.
Now the bribery and corruption behind the scenes will be taking place in earnest. And we absolutely cannot rely on the integrity of politicians to resist it. So Truss it will be
It’s difficult to comprehend how Boris could so royally screw up an 80 seat majority. It shows just how powerful the Establishment (of which the BBC is an integral part) really are. I can’t see any realistic way the license fee will be scrapped. They will just get rid of those who say they will do it.
I note that Boris has said that he thinks the ‘deep state ‘ will find a way to get us back into the EU one way or another.
Boris it was the deep state and their lickspittles in the MSM who got rid of you . They may even have organised the parties and took the photos and videos which put the skids under you.
After watching the deep state undermine and then get rid of President Trump for four long years I recognise the play book. If anyone of significance goes against the globalist agenda eg MAGA or Brexit , then the deep state, or the blob , in your country will be instructed and helped by the globalists to bring you down and be replaced by one their place men or women.
Democracy is dead . We live in a post democratic world run by the likes of the WEF . Elections and the like only continue so that the plebs don’t notice that governments of all stripes essentially believe and do the same thing. Voters are no longer offered a choice and have in effect been disenfranchised but they haven’t noticed yet.
Voters were never offered much of a choice under first-past-the post. When British voters participated in proportional elections to the EU parliament Ukip then Brexit Party won.
But having a PR system in place in UK Good Lord no! We’d rather go WEF and be overrun by foreign hordes than do such a thing.
When Trump was overthrown by the deep state Boris was happy.
He’s now worried about it. Serves him right.
I won’t be joining the cult of ST Boris the martyr. I understand that the Charles I lot are still going. They have much in common those two. Both thought they had a divine right to rule and ignored rising discontent and were shocked when faced with reality.
I have hope in Liz Truss (though not my first choice) and will see who she appoints in her cabinet if she wins. I think if Kemi and Suella are there that would be a good sign.
I always look forward to your posts Doublethinker, I am quite a fan but this time it looks as if Peter Hitchens has written it for you.
That is why it was scrapped in Australia. BUT, how is the ABC financed now, is it out of taxation?
Edit, later: it is financed by government grants! We are not going to escape; the BBC is too useful as a handmaiden of government propaganda and foreign policy.
You join us on a day when I’d wager our superlative-obsessed headline writers wished they could still use Fahrenheit… edition
In today’s Daily Star Dawn Neesom says: Let’s play heatwave bingo!
I’m game! We ought to have started this wheeze a couple of weeks ago…
UK heatwave leads to thousands off work on 30C ‘Meltdown Monday’ (Cornwall Live – just one of many Reach plc news outlets 11 July) – we’ll take a point for the excuse not to go into work and another for the word Meltdown. In a sensible media environment Cornwall Live’s subheader would have served as their main headline: In the South West temperatures will be very hot – that’s if you think a weather report ought to be frontpage news – especially when the fact that we’re experiencing this warm weather in July is glaringly obvious to all readers. Can something be news when it’s right there in front of you? Perhaps our media just wants to prompt us what to think about it?
Things have moved up a notch or two since 30C
Tinderbox UK ignites at record 40.3C (left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper) – we score bingo points for Tinderbox and for record of course. I think a further score is due for the headline reference to the name of the nation. For some reason – not immediately obvious to Mr AsISeeIt – the terms UK and Britain adorn many a headline lately. And they’re all at it…
40.3C Burning hot Britain (corporate advertising giveaway Metro) – see what I mean? Burning of course and Britain are on our score card.
40C Britain’s burning – yells the Mirror gifting us two points.
Daily Express: Britain burns in 40.3C heat. Wildfires rage on hottest day in history – name of the country scores for us as does burns, wildfires and that hottest ever claim – for claim is what it is without the caveat – since records began.
Guardian goes with: ‘A wake-up call’ UK hits highest ever temperature – let’s count this one up… Wake-up-call is a score. We need to double it up since direct reference to the all-pervasive global warming agenda narrative indicates the Gruan is playing their joker there. UK is a point as is the allusion to a record.
The wordy would-be worthy broadsheets promise some high scores: Britain ignites as temperatures break 40C barrier for first time (Telegraph) – Britain tick, ignites tick… one for the implied reference to records?
The formerly patriotic Times has been cut down to something less than a broadsheet these days. It used to be the paper of record so we’re very hopeful of getting a point for the word record: Record high of 40.3C sparks wildfires in tinderbox Britain – goodness! The Times has really excelled itself. Almost every word scores a point! Record – straight out of the gate, wildfires, tinderbox, Britain… we’ll take another for sparks.
The Daily Mail presents us a solid start in our game with: Hottest UK day ever 40.3C – that’s a concise brace of points for naming the nation and stating the setting of the record – Nighmare of the wildfires – one for wildfires, nightmare is adjudged too non-specific to rack up a point in our game today. You could just as easily apply that word to some pandemic or the cost of living.
Burning Britain. Houses blaze in record heat – a surprising and creditable four-pointer headline from the FT – Burning, name the name of the nation, blaze and record.
To the Daily Star – which is where we came in: Britain Roasts – double whammy two points in two words, nicely played. The naughty Star goes somewhat over the top with: Fires ravage whole country – what will overseas readers make of that if they take it at face value? We’ll have Ukrainians offering us Brits refugee status and emergency housing and perhaps Sri Lankans gifting us aid.
Well, you didn’t think there was any other news today beside the weather did you? Maybe there’s a smidgen…Surging Truss (Express) – sounds like a nasty medical condition. And what of the other Tory candidates? One looks like First Officer Spock from Star Trek and spends (other people’s) money like a drunken sailor and the other woman – if she can call herself such – apparently, doesn’t quite know what she is.
Lol – with a bit of luck miserable mordent will be sunk by that woke crap – I’d like to hope it’s a warning for going down the ‘easy’ ‘fashionable ‘ route to approval from the wokes as opposed to real people with the increasingly rare Common Sense …
My eye was caught by the strapline at the foot of the i: ‘Discovered – England’s Oldest Surviving Shipwreck’ just above the name of Jasmin Alibhai-Brown. What more can I possibly add?
A number of far left ‘democrat ‘politicians were arrested for obstruction at a baby killing installation yesterday . There were described as ‘progressives’ rather than Far Left – the air head AOC being amongst them – putting her hands behind her back pretending to be handcuffed – when she wasn’t . .
BBC of course only likes the ‘far right’ epithet for anyone unapproved …
For days before it happened the weathermen were telling us that the mini heatwave was due to a plume of heat coming up from Africa. I just wonder how cows in the Netherlands or a petrol car in Scotland can affect how the heat travels north.
Inflation now at an official rate of 9.4% with a ‘real’ rate of – I reckon 13% and above . Ouch . The next interest rate rise is due to be announced in the first week of August and there is an assumption that the rise will be .5% …
The Russian gas is due to be turned back on tomorrow – if it doesn’t happen there may well be panic in the enemy EU .
Talking of which – do you notice that the BBC – which is always eager to blame someone for something – never – never- blames the EU for its wrongs .?
Becoming reliant on enemy Russian gas and oil was a fundamental mistake – presumably driven by the Russian spy running Germany . I think only France got lucky relying on nuclear – whereas the Germans and UK failed ….
I totally agree – but even .5% is seen as a lot by them – they failed to take early measures at the beginning of the year – lied about the inflation being ‘transitory ‘ and making the whole thing worse and taking longer to feed through …
In view of even higher demand for welfare I can’t see how they are going to fund it as the debt – and servicing it goes up .
Fed, “And they are hooked on fuel taxes …” that is down to HM’s Treasury, nothing to do with the BoEngland. And fuel tax receipts tend to go down when prices are high and prices are stratospheric right now, thanks to poor £:$ rate, which is solely down to the independent Bank of England.
They’ve got that EU supporter -katya Adler – in to see if she’s any good at ‘today ‘. Oh dear – she just got ‘washed ‘by an oik lundun union bloke who is leading the Royal Mail staff out on strike .
Unusually – he ran the interview and successfully sang the usual union song without being shut down ….
Personally I’m surprised Amazon hasn’t taken over Royal Mail yet but I suspect pension arrangements might be a bit tricky …
Andy – sometimes I wonder if the BBC is on a win win – with huge reductions in people paying the TVLicence – pushing towards alternative sources – namely income tax – thus destroying the aim of sites like this one to either end the BBC or make it British and decent again – rather than a Far Left opposition monster . …
Andy – thank you – decency and reasoned comment seems increasingly rarer on the internet these days . This is the only place I make a contribution – and -I think – if you are above the age range of the kidults you are able to filter and react to contact with a degree of maturity which again is very rare ..
Thanks again – I hope this site keeps going and helps achieves something – one day …
STARTS The 4.8GW Kusile power station, which is expected to be one of the world’s largest coal-fired power plants upon completion, is being constructed by Eskom Holdings SOC, the state-run electricity public utility, in Mpumalanga, South Africa.-ENDS that was July 2021
Wiki says it will emit 36.8 million tonnes of CO2 each year … As I say – burn that carbon …
From ‘power technology ‘- I was looking for the number of carbon power stations being opened around the world …..
As a guide official UK government figures say in 2020 405 million tonnes of CO2 were emitted …
Taffman – I heard that the one in dartford / Upminster ? Was in a place where the houses were build on old rubbish dumps … and a local resident said ‘ cor blimey guv ner – when it goes up it goes up ‘…
Yep, the Chinese and Indian governments are hanging on Greenpeace’s every word………
Still, we can do our bit. Like converting traffic lanes to cycle lanes. That ought to do it.
You don’t suppose the climate lunatics have created a clandestine arson division do you. A lot of these fires are both very conveniently timed and clustered in the same area as the M25 nutters.
If I were the local plod I would certainly be checking to see if any accelerants might have been in play.
If this turned out to be the case then 20 years inside all round for anyone proved to be involved would be proportionate in my opinion.
On Toady the latest wheeze is to ask people around the country how they are coping in the cost of living ‘crisis’. Gotta keep those crises going.
So in Derby they interview………wait for it……….an ‘art and well being practitioner’.
She’s having to supplement her earnings with bar work.
I wonder why.
But then again, in BBCLand, Derby is far more famous for its ‘Art and well being practitioners’ than for example it’s engineers at Rolls Royce jet engines. Isn’t it?
Mainly wimmin struggling to balance having a job few need and not having an employer to cover one week in three off and two years in every three. Or the taxpayer.
Sluff – don’t you know ? The industrial revolution was founded on ‘arts and well-being practitioners ‘ but we have now evolved to ‘diversity managers ‘…
I heard that piece and ( as predicted here ) we are going to hear ‘eat or heat ‘ stories for the foreseeable future with the narrative that The State Should Do More … All Hail The State ..
Sluff – whenever it is ‘hot ‘ I always remember that in a few weeks time as the darkness comes back and and the second duvet comes into play – nothing stays the same ..
I have a lot of time for Brazier on GB News , he will tackle issues that the MSM won’t go near, that after all is the point of GBN . But I noticed that when Boris mentioned the role of ‘the deep state’ in getting us back into the EU, Brazier seemed worried by the language used finding it reminiscent of President Trump.
He reminds me very much of Douglas Murray , among others , who recognise the existence of the Deep State and the culture war against the woke that is raging and who agree wholeheartedly that Wokism is anti democratic and must be rooted out, but don’t seem to want to actually fight back nor to overtly support those that are willing to fight for democracy.
I’m afraid this reluctance to get down in the gutter and fight hard and dirty against the enemy who is very much doing that , will result in an easy victory for the other side. People like Brazier and Murray may be too fastidious to get their own hands dirty but even if they won’t fight they need to be upfront in their support of those that do and keep on passing the intellectual ammunition.
(That’s surely racist in BBC terms is it not?) Anyway, that aside, the evidence presented won’t come as a shock to the well travelled oldies here (including me).
But to be serious for a moment
Mrs S this morning was talking about Honour and Shame.
An extremely national personality related cultural dimension, as we know when Pakistani girls are murdered by their families for not agreeing to arranged marriages.
Double – I listen to him too – but I question the quality of the ‘guests’ he has to keep him going for 2 hours …
As the ‘deep state ‘ – it was good that nut nut read it into Hansard – and it might attract a bit more attention . But brazier knows his OFCOM limit and is more cautious than – say mark Steyn who often delights in making the OFCOM monitors wince .
It must be very difficult for OFCOM to take out Steyn when he is reporting on real victims of Chinese virus vaccination and grief stricken relatives …
Being quite ancient I remember fondly the long hot summers of both 1975 and 1976. They seemed to go on for ever…
I was a young apprentice gardener, working in a lovely old place, trying to keep our parched flora alive. I remember we rigged up a device to syphon water from an ancient well. We had a diesel generator and a massive pipe that sucked water from deep underground. It was a right old palaver, but there were hosepipe bans and we had to use what ever water we could. These heat waves went on for many months, not a few weeks…
Wimbledon Common caught fire, all the grass became dun coloured, tarmac melted, there were stand-pipes in the streets and people queued to top up buckets with cool water. Perhaps I’m mis-remembering, but it all seemed to be taken in our stride.
What I don’t recall is the endless emphasis on us facing impending Armageddon. The constant narrative that the planet is on fire. Most of us just seemed to get on with it. Blimey, as a young chap I actually enjoyed some of it.
Yes, it was terribly hot yesterday, really unpleasant. Now it’s over and feels lovely and cool.
Normal service has been resumed.
Remembering the immortal words of Corporal Jones, “Don’t panic, Captain”…
Marky – I think that’s unfair – he said he told the selection board his circumstance and they dumped him for that . He ll be a peer in 2023 – and use his voice even more as a result to do good …
Of all the corrupt political vacuums in that place surely there should be a few decent ones ..
Martin Lewis: “It’s staggering how little politicians know”
The Money Saving Expert opens up about his own attitude to spending, how little politicians know, and being mistaken for Keir Starmer.
Thank you for posting that and I think every one should watch it . I’ve got a lot of time for mr Lewis – I’ve taken his advice a good few times and found it to be wise and timely ….
…. He mentions the prospect of mass non payment of energy bills – which I’ve discussed here – as well as – I think – non payment of council taxes – and forget the TVLicence – long gone ….
But the prospect of civil disorder ? That happens for any concocted reason as soon as the various opportunity factors are present – such as a non police force ..
I think supermarkets will also need to impose drastic physical controls to prevent shoplifting too ….
I was trying to find the current default level on mortgages but couldn’t – the higher rates go and the more mortgages reverting to variable – the greater the strain will be ……
Anyway – a bigger point is that here is a non politician – speaking truth – outside parliament – but probably more trusted and regarded than any politician .
Mr Lewis is a wealthy man – he sold his money advice website for – I think – over £100 million – yet he still pushes for the ordinary Joe ….and has great influence – his name is regularly used by politicians …
So we live in a time where politicians are so poor that others do their job of representation – I’d put Nigel Farage a bit into that very small group too…
But the bleak message from Mr Lewis to politicians is clear . Stuff needs to be done right now – we are losing August to the Tory campaign – but whoever takes the job on 6 September has to deliver straight away .
Eg – cutting fuel costs – VAT
Heating oil tax reduction
Possible VAT cuts
And more challenging – maybe cut Income Tax – or raise thresholds even more …
And the message he delivers to us about re checking personal finances is just as important …
As an aside – I notice John Redwood now endorsing liz truss because of her promised financial plans – it can’t be sunak because he didn’t prevent us getting here …. Those barbed words he used about ‘doing whatever it takes ‘ will be on his political gravestone …
Guest Who
Suffered some of the Sky news this morning….local residents interviewed….funny I thought sounded like they were from the Sub Saharian region …at least the weather is what they are used to ,
Yes it was very hard for everyone losing their homes and properties but do we have the constant agenda pushed down our throats all the time ! . If only we had a Sky as good as the Australian version
Tried watching BBC and there’s that Khant person on , BBC true to form and not surprised at all…off switch
Dagenham is an idyllic old England village on the outskirts of londonistan -mt he population is nearly 100% white English apart from nice mr Mohammed in the chicken shop cum cab firm . He is ever so nice to the local girls …
Wenningt9n is famed for its ever efficient fire station – where the single fire engine is often found in Orpington – just few miles stay – even when the village catches fire …
Plenty of inconvenient truths here for the obsessed BBC.
What an irony. The country with BY FAR the highest per capita CO2 emissions is…….Qatar, where the World Cup is being held. Perhaps Justin Rowlatt will be commentating on the football.
The UK are about one sixth of the Qatar figure, so small as to be off the list completely.
Soon after the prayer meeting began, the intruders went upstairs and questioned the men about their purpose for gathering. The Christians were manhandled and dragged down the stairs and taken to the middle of the street outside Siddappa’s home.
Neethiraj’s bag which contained Christian tracts was forcefully emptied on the street. The attackers also gathered all the Bibles and hymn books from Siddappa’s home. Local sources say that Neethiraj was forced to set the items on fire with petrol, which the perpetrators had extracted from a nearby vehicle, despite pleas from the Christians not to set the Bibles on fire.
The BBC local Hull news tonight decided to let their weatherman, Paul Hudson, have a rant about how we were all responsible for greenhouse gasses making a mess of the climate and for global warming. Anyone who thinks otherwise was labelled an “armchair expert”. That’s us lectured. No better on ITV where they interviewed a senior Lecturer on Clinate Change at Sheffield University who just also happened to be a scientist for Extinction Rebellion. No bias there then.
It’s a new form of democracy. Like BBC ‘local democracy’ reporters in print. For consistent messaging.
Last night Paul Hudson referred to his ‘partner ‘. A quick search on google suggests he is still married to his Nicola. I am just wondering whether the BBC has banned the use of terms like ‘husband’ or ‘wife’ for equality reasons although I presume not for people in a gay marriage.
Seems only the Daily Mail is reporting this at the moment
‘Wildfires broke out across the UK as families fled for their lives as their homes which they tried to save with buckets of water were engulfed amid blazes across the country in record 40.3C heat – and police are now probing whether some were caused intentionally. ‘
I wouldn’t be surprised if some of these Fires had been started by the various eco loon groups. XR, Insulate, No Oil etc.
From their past reckless antics and protests, it would seem feasible.
There has been much talk of corruption in the aftermath of the Grenfell Tower tragedy. Could corruption have played a part in the alleged catalogue of errors and shortcuts that led to so many lives being lost? n.b. Transparency International will be writing to the Head of the Inquiry outlining the corruption risks that will need to be analysed.
The record was at RAF Coningsby
still you don’t see 40+ on the observations database
Why ?
cos it samples every hour and the 40+ breach would have happened for a few mins in the middle of the hour
“A provisional temperature of 40.3°C was recorded at Coningsby at 15:12 yesterday”
They need to check the equipment was calibrated properly etc.
It is remarkable that it got 0.6C hotter in 12 minutes, than the official on the hour reading
19/07/2022 16:00:00 39.6C wind 13.0
19/07/2022 15:00:00 39.7C wind 13.9
ah the on the hour readings are an average
“The record is based on the peak value of temperature recorded whilst the hourly average max was 39.7 deg”
(hangon the tweeter days that but it’s not on the met webpage)
Peak extreme weather days are not doomsday
They are weather not climate.
Sad about the wildfires etc.
Our front room peaked at 28C
many churches were open for people to sit in the cool.
Why are all the ‘record ‘ temperatures recorded at airports or air bases? As posted by someone earlier the huge area of concrete and tarmac are likely to raise temperature by at least a few degrees just as they do in city centres. This is why exotic plants can be grown in city centre gardens but not in the countryside.
I read that right across the west the number of weather stations used to compile climate data had been more than halved a few decades ago. Those out in the countryside being the ones culled. So it is quite possible , perhaps likely that the temperatures recorded in recent years are higher than in the past due solely to this selective culling of weather stations. You might think the culling was deliberate!
HS2. It’s a pity that the project didn’t get delayed a handful of years to coincide with the new situation we are in. It probably wouldn’t have got the go-ahead, it shouldn’t have got the go-ahead anyway but if you ever wanted a great example of how Metropolitan types mis-govern and piss money up the wall, this is it.
None of the Tory hopefuls are suggesting cancelling it, a pity but they’re all from the same mould.
Not the cheeriest of segments – but as usual he marshals some evidence to support his assertions. Anybody remember the UK Labour Party peeps from Blair’s crew who actually said that their promotion of immigration was to replace the inconvenient deplorables who kept voting for ‘fatcha?
There’s an idea – give every dinghy diver a number plate
DVLA can track millions of drivers for tax, MOT via a database but the immigration service have lost 40,000+ illegal immigrants. Every single person arriving in the UK, should have an interview immediately. Those without ID or refusing to give details should be detained.
— Andrea Hodgkinson 🇬🇧🏴 (@andie1105) July 18, 2022
Microchip / Tracker injected in into them …..most seem to migrate to the hand car washes . Someone is making a Huge amount of cash from it , traffickers involved in it from start to finish ? or Priti Patel !
In 1995 I looked at the way London was full of illegal immigrant workers
and concluded whatever the law
there was a deliberate policy implemented to allow casual immigration to supply cheap labour.
And that they did it that casual way
cos if illegals got into trouble the police would arrest them and they’d be frightened into fleeing home or the courts would deport them anyway on mere fact they were illegal.
That that saved on red tape.
i was thinking that Brazilians and Peruvians did get deported.
I’m at a loss as to who I would prefer, they’re all rubbish.
However, I’m wondering who my fellow bbbc’ers would prefer.
I dont really know who will be best for our brexit, getting us out properly. Liz may have the converts zeal and the other 2 voted leave but which one will really leave. None of them will completely leave is my suspicion.
Will any leave the unhcr so that we can tackle the dingy boys.
Will any of them actually do anything about the mass immigration, a million legally last year.
None of these issues were raised on the pathetic tv panel shows.
How do they stand on net zero and cancelling it or at least doing it reasonably instead of the headlong gallop towards it.
Would they actually get the small nuclear reactors up and running.
How woke are they and how do they actually believe all this blm and gender crap.
So then, who do we on here want to win.
Don’t say Boris as he will not be allowed to stand.
I trust our views on here more than any other place.
A number of people have said it’s a pity that the 200k ish conservative members only have a choice of 1 from 2 .
I think if it’s between sunak and truss they’ll go for truss .
But there is a month of campaigning and making commitments .
Obviously sunak will commit to anything to get his Indian family into number £10 £ ……. And maybe the ‘thatcher ‘ act truss is using will get some traction …
My test will be
How quickly they roll out policy
Who the chancellor / home sec / foreign sec is
Whether they will repeal HRA – with draw from ECHR
Push illegals onto planes
Dump the foreign giveaways
Cut fuel taxes
Cut vat
Dump green crap
Start to cut public spending
And see how many cross the floor ….
If it’s between sunak and mordant – the tories are toast .
'She got Brexit wrong and voted three times for Theresa May's abysmal sell-out… She's an out-and-out careerist, I don't see an ounce of sincerity.'@Nigel_Farage speaks to Dan Wootton about the Tory leadership contest and whether Liz Truss could succeed in the role of PM. pic.twitter.com/mAqnuZhVh3
Sunak will cut n’paste directly from the WEF.
Truss will cut n’paste indirectly via the Blob (civil service).
Mordaunt will probably be a combination of the above.
The only one that might have left the UCHR was Suella Braverman.
LabLibGrnSNP coalition government gets in next time by default.
One would almost think the Tories are doing it on purpose.
Mordaunt has the forward of her book written by Bill Gates. I don’t need to know anything else. Rishi is MP for Richmond N Yorks and he would keep voting Remain very quiet or risk losing his seat. So did he really vote Leave? Truss was a Lib Dem and voted Remain.
As you say all suspect . All likely to be globalists at heart and ready to follow the globalist mantra, Net Zero, Mass Immigration and LGBT XY …… Rights. Not a single shred of a true conservative agenda between the three of em.
Emmanuel, Rishi Sunak took a lot of rubbishing from the BBC and others in the media – cannot now remember when (last year or this but long before the leadership election) – so on the basis of who the BBC fears might be best, it could be Sunak. Sunak, iirc, is a keen Brexiteer.
Not backing Bojo against an obviously targetted campaign is a greater act of self-harm than the Conservative Party getting rid of Mrs Thatcher as leader. Really, really stupid.
Apparently the president of Russia – Iran – Turkey met yesterday . It’s a shame the chap from North Korea and the chink were missing … I have it on authority that one of them was stroking a white cat – and that the meeting took place on a room with a shark pool …
I’m guessing any attempted assassinations were covered up …
Has Rory been back to his charity in Kabul since the beards moved in to the Presidential Palace?
A Kabul visit with a camera crew might be entertaining – as I understand it – he speaks some local lingo unlike 99.99% of the other peeps we sent out “to help”
The reason turbines shut down like this is for safety – if the wind is too fast it can put major stress on the blades and mechanisms inside the turbine causing lots of friction and long term damage. It’s much safer to have the turbines stop and then start again when wind is a bit slower and safer.1 Oct 2019
The Hywind numbers indicate that wind turbines are f-all to do with producing electricity….
Me, I want the government to give me a constraint payment for every hour I don’t drive my car.
The results are in for Hywind, the UK's first floating windfarm. Its costs are around £225/MWh, more than four times the long-term cost of gas-fired power. It sells power for £92/MWh, so it is astonishingly uneconomic. But it then gets £215/MWh in subsidy.#RipOffRenewablespic.twitter.com/FzPjy3Ulhv
MM, you would think that the designers of those things would have been smart enough to have designed an ‘auto-feathering’ system for them when wind speeds increased.
AFAIK the amount of sun energy entering the atmosphere each minute is massive.
However most is simply reflected back out into space.
So solar panels don’t steal heat rather they convert that that would have been reflected out into space.
However massive forest clearance changes what gets reflected back as does to a smaller extent concreting roads and buildings etc. That could warm the Earth on top of natural variations.
If the climate is to change for the worst because of human CO2 emissions – future generations may well already be doomed – if you see an earlier comment – just one coal powered South African power station opened recently emits a 8% of the entire UK CO2 output – all those cycle lanes count for nothing …
Those pompous grey men in grey suits, who like to be considered ”grandees,” have zero awarness of the membership’s raw anger at how they have collectively inflicted a level of self harm to the Tory Party not seen since Howe and Hesiltine toppled Margeret Thatcher…
Little doubt that self-styled arch-grandee Heseltine played his part in stoking the anger. His arrogance simply confirms his own sense of self-importance, while the BBC provide enough airtime to ensure we understand what a sad loss to statesmanship his fading years have been.
Made his money in publishing you know, much like Murdoch, Hearst and Maxwell. Coincidence?
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me me me me me
ohhh yeah !!
Greedy !
MeToo MeToo MeToo …..
Why the Me Too movement failed
Based on politically abstracted ideals, the popular online feminist campaign didn’t recognise the driving force behind gender inequality — power — and, most importantly, who has it, argues CHLOE KOFFMAN
No fewer than eight women have formally claimed that the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee had either touched them or invaded their personal space inappropriately, with some uncomfortable incidents even captured on camera.
In fact, one of the primary proponents of Me Too and self-avowed Biden supporter and fundraiser, actor Alyssa Milano, removed the #metoo from her Twitter biography
I must admit a BBC prog I have enjoyed was Freddie Flintoff’s Field of Dreams, which finished tonight, okay a few woke themes to it, but still a bit of hope in it.
What do you think?
You you you … Kaiser – I normally reserve first place for one of the ladies – but it’s the site buckling under the heat …
I was musing about Boris . If only there’d been identical twins – the clown one – and the sensible one – we d never be wasting time and effort betting on who the next PM Would be … the clown would turn up in the commons and the sensible one would be slaving away fighting the EU and mad socialists in the treasury …
… but instead we just got the clown – even then – if he’d just gone ‘hands up ‘ each time he’d still be in office – whatever the BBC said or did ….
Personal request – if there is a londoner on the site – is it raining ? As I am along way away , not back to Blighty until the autumn ( next week ) and hope my house is okay …
Really disappointed with Boris in cabinet today highlighting net zero and climate change as shown on the BBC. First time since he resigned when I was truly pleased he had gone, and I blame Carrie. She destroyed someone who could have been a good prime minister.
Fedup2, A friend in Finchley said around 6pm in a Wattsap that it looked as though it was about to be a storm best London weather update I can give you.
No water Fed, but plenty of fires.
From the DT
Netflix losing bi numbers of subscribers – go woke – go broke – aim for the kidults with no money – that will work ….
Netflix lost a million subscribers in the three months to June as it battled to retain customers in the face of stiff competition and rising living costs.
The US streaming giant, which is responsible for popular shows such as Stranger Things, Bridgerton and Squid Game, reported subscriber numbers fell 1m between April and June as it struggled to stop the rot in viewing figures.
It marks Netflix’s second consecutive quarter of subscriber losses, following a drop of 200,000 earlier this year. The decline at the start of the year was its first fall in a decade. However, Netflix called the latest losses “better-than-expected”.
The company cited the success of its latest season of Stranger Things for boosting retention.
The technology company is facing growing competition from Disney, Apple, Paramount, Hulu and Amazon as its once dominant position comes under threat.
A cost of living squeeze is also hurting as households try to save money.
In the UK, Netflix’s share of new subscribers fell to just 4.5pc, down from 15pc in the same period last year. A Kantar report found that a third of Americans were planning to close a video streaming account in order to save money to cope with inflation.
The results followed what analysts described as a “spectacularly bad” results day earlier this year as growth slowed at Netflix and it warned its subscriber numbers would begin to wane.
Netflix has already lost around two thirds of its market cap so far this year, valuing it at around $90bn (£75bn), or $201 per share, on Tuesday night.
Tuesday’s fall in subscriber numbers was less than the 2m Netflix had forecast. It also predicted subscriber numbers could start to increase later this year. Shares rose 6pc in after hours trading.
Revenues grew 8.8pc year on year to just under $8bn in the three months ending in June.
Netflix has pumped billions of dollars into original shows, many produced in the UK, as it hunts for hits that can reclaim viewers from rivals. But despite spending hundreds of millions of dollars on new movies, including $200m on The Grey Man starring Ryan Gosling, many have failed to make a splash with critics.
Lavish spending on content has also left it sitting on a debt pile of $14bn.
The company also revealed that it planned to crack down on 100m households it estimates share a Netflix password without paying for the service.
In an effort to shore up revenues and account numbers, Netflix is considering charging customers who share their passwords an additional fee. It has begun testing the charge for some customers in Latin America. Users will be asked to “add a home” to their account, at a cost of $1.70 to use their account in another location.
Netflix is also working on an advertising supported product, which would be offered at a discounted price. The streaming company signed a deal with Microsoft to build its advertising technology. Analysts have estimated an ad-supported tier could bring in between $500m and $1.5bn per quarter. ENDS
And if they really clamp down on password sharing there’s another ‘nail ‘…
Netflix is the world’s leading streaming platform, with 221.8 million subscribers at the end of 2021, but was a minor player in Russia. The company said in an April letter to shareholders that it had lost 700,000 paid subscribers as a result of its withdrawal from Russia.30 May 2022
Maybe they shouldn’t be so free with their money. Giving the ginger whinger and wife 100 million borders on the insanity, I imagine there are a lot of red faces at the Board meetings.
I think the ginger whinger’s main problem is that he is not very bright. Therefore his royal roots are being grabbed at for prestige by all the usual suspects in the States and the Globalists for their own aims and he is too dim to realise he is being played like a violin.
Ten degrees of corruption from the BBC.
Weather report: Yesterday the BBC Weather Shite predicted a record 38c or 100f today for Beverley, East Yorkshire. I report that the maximum recorded for Beverley in the shade, was 32c or 90f. The same instrument recorded a temperature of 99f in 1990.
Thanks Richard, not far from Beverley and by keeping windows and curtains closed my kitchen was a pleasant 80 degrees.
Cooler today in Halifax the Yorkstream appears to be kicking in.
Apparently the Red Labour Party has sneaked out some report proving it isn’t anti Jew – in the midst of hot weather and a Tory fight club? The ideal time for it – they probably hope the Queen would die and publish it then …
…………… no one will notice … no one will read it .. the BBC will ignore it -just like the `telford Report on Paki Paedo Racist Muslim Rape gangs from last week .. move along please .. now the weather … sponsored by extinction rebellion PLC ©️
And Huw Edwards has got himself into a ‘twitter spat ‘ with a Tory peer about hot weather . Discipline proceedings to follow as Edwards breaches the bias rules ? Or not .. I’m sure DG put something out to staff about showing bias …. Don’t breach the deceit …
Near normal temperatures on Wednesday.
Tory leadership down to 3.
What propaganda will the BBC news team have to dredge up / invent to fill up all that space tomorrow?
Record temperatures at Heathrow, Coningsby, and Hawarden.
All airports. Not that the BBC will point out that places with lots of Tarmac and concrete tend to get hot.
But, but… the temperatures have been so hot, homes and forests have literally been spontaneously combusting and bursting into flames, all across Europe and the SE, don’t you know?!
Heatwave: Fires blaze after UK passes 40C for first time
Dry timber requires a temperature of around 300oC to ignite, and good luck with trying to get: bricks, mortar, cement, tiles, slate, chimney pots, or glass to burn…
The DROUGHT conditions we’ve had the last few weeks have rendered the grass and undergrowth flammable, and the breezy, dry conditions help it spread… technically, naught to do with the temperature, would be just the same if it was cold and dry.
The high temperatures HAVE resulted in more than the usual number of barbeques, and all the scaremongering has led to more people at home (having barbeques, smoking, playing with magnifying glasses, and doing a little recreational arsony, apparently)… so I GUESS that much has to do with the ‘heatwave’ we’ve been suffering (yes, SUFFERING, if only all the moaning about it…).
Is London burning ?
Do they take the temperature near the exhausts of the aeroplanes? Or do they take them a few mm above the exposed (black) tarmac baking in the sun?
How strict are the rules on the placing of the thermometers and local conditions? Are they the same rules which were applied in the past?
Walking the dog this morning at around 10:30, there was a stark difference in temperature walking through the woods – in the shade, under the trees, appreciably much cooler than in the clearings and paths exposed to the full sun. On the north side of the hill, in the shade, actually felt quite chilly. All the wildlife seemed to have relocated itself deeper into the trees, I noticed, as it does when it gets cold too.
Not a lot of trees at airports, but many of those same locations would probably have had a lot more trees, and a lot less tarmac or concrete, a century ago.
Taking a whole country
and then cherry picking the hottest moment recorded during a whole day in one place of thousands, that you can find is not science, its PR.
What matters is do the crops grow, do people survive.
Generally they do
Having occasional heatwaves is not a crisis.
Temperature on Monday where I am was 30 deg at 10.30 am, so Monday evening walked the dog at 9.30 pm down a shady and cooler lane. Dog was ok, I was bitten to buggery from mozzies !! Tuesday night it was around 9pm before the temperature dipped to under 30 deg. Dog had to make do with the garden.
And that probably putting the thermometer on the runway for an hour is a bit cheaty.
Sluff – usually the use data from Gravesend to show how cold or hot it is – but the whole thing has been ramped up to prove ‘climate warming extremes ‘ to keep energy bills inflated with green crap …
I really wish they’d push nuclear and start building right now instead of waiting another 10 or 20 years ….
I’d never thought of it before but maybe the increase in max temperatures over the decades is not due to global warming but airport building and expansion. Northolt, Heathrow, Gatwick, now Coningsby and Hawarden. It’s uncanny. Or maybe not.
It’s certainly not due to UK CO2 emissions.
From 10 yrs ago – The Gravesend site is in it’s own micro-climate so will always be warmer than it’s surroundings.
Just like Heathrow – move a mile away and the temperature drops.
“Netflix loses almost a million subscribers”
Go Woke go broke!
That image shows only 2 white males
and 4 BAME
They should be about 15% , thats just over 1 in 8
I liked the proms, now tick tick tick
Weather : by 8 oclock it seemed to be pretty much over. Neighbor was mowing his orchard & I biked to next village, no sweat.
Right now weather is a big confusing now there appear to be two opposing winds. One from the SE one from the NW
They’ve benn cancelling each other out but sometimes one wins so the curtains start flapping.
There are occasional spurts of extremely light rain.
A lot of fire services say they are overwhelmed
#1 West a field got on fire .. farmer ploughed around it that settled it
#2 Further west the council thought it would save money by stopping operating a daycare centre.. and then leaving it empty for 3 years to sell it off. The empty field next to it caught fire and set it on fire
Shouldn’t there have been a lot more preparation like organising fire breaks ?
#3 Car fire closed an eastern road
#4 to the west there was a “chemical explosion” at a farm .that brought down the 11,000 volt power line thus the roads are restricted but still open, and half of the village there doesn’t have power.
Similar stuff in Lincolnshire region too.
Humberside fire brigade were tweeting about rescuing a crow from netting earlier on .. that seems like a misuse of resources..crows die all the time
I may have sussed what’s actually going on with all the eco shit.
Basically the great and good need to resettle the population into two bands.
Band A will be all the people who are educated and entitled and thus will have free movement, no restrictions on consumption and all benefits especially those benefits denied to all others.
Band B will be the rest who will have no access to those benefits we currently take as granted such as the ability to travel the world, buy what we want, to live as we decide.
If this sounds too simplistic you just need to think about the plans currently being relentlessly put in place by the great and good.
Everything they are doing makes this plan inevitable.
We will need a repeat of the French tumbrils to reverse this process in due course but I trust the average man to go about it with relish.
In the end practical common sense will obliterate these greedy and lying fools and their stupid enablers
The BBC is broadcasting an important piece of Pfizer Propaganda on Wednesday at 9pm on BBC2.
As I understand, all the emergency authorisation safety trials of the mRNA genetic modification jabs for Covid, are to be kept secret for at least five decades, with the exeption of the Pfizer trials, due to a Texan judge. So the BBC and all the mainstream media are keeping the disclosure of the Pfizer trials under tight censorship.
But the Mensa debating forum reveals just how the jab works. The evidence is emerging that the only protection that the mRNA jab gives you from Covid, is by suppressing your immune system to protect you from the allergic reaction. The same protection children get from having an immature immune system. Something called a cytokine storm which results in rapid deterioration of lung function is in fact an allergic reaction to fragments of spike protein, as the virus is killed off. It occurs on average, on the 8th day after the first onset of symptoms and is unrelated to the severity of the initial infection. Death occurs on average a couple of weeks later. Its why children with an immature immune system are not effected. So this immaturity is replicated by the mRNA jab of adults. There is evidence the mRNA jabbed immune system is degraded by the mRNA jab, making the mRNA jabbed more susceptible to other viruses, but giving them a few weeks protection from death, until their immune system recovers. Then they get a second jab, a third jab and so on, each jab protects them from the cytokine storm, but brings them closer to death from every other cause of death.
It also reports corruption at the Office for National Statistics. People dying up to 16 days after vaccination were classified as unvaccinated and the proportion of unvaccinated is underestimated at 8%, when in fact it is 30%. This follows the report that the head of the Office for Statistics Regulation (OSR), Ed Humpherson, criticised the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) for providing statements “Unsupported by the data” and demanded much greater transparency on health data. The 8% is unsupported by the data, while the 30% comes from greater transparency on health data. https://www.normanfenton.com/post/simple-evidence-showing-the-ons-data-on-mortality-by-vaccine-status-is-systemically-flawed.
Now it has been disclosed that the BBC’s ‘independent vaccine expert’ just happens to be in charge of Pfizer’s Vaccine Centre, and the BBC’s ‘vaccine is safe’ for pregnant women ‘expert’ just happens to be the PI of the Pfizer Covid vaccine in pregnancy trial. So Pfizer is behind the BBC’s propaganda: https://www.normanfenton.com/post/bbc-s-independent-vaccine-expert-just-happens-to-be-in-charge-of-pfizer-s-vaccine-centre
Censored by the BBC’s ‘vaccine is safe’ for pregnant women ‘expert’. Covid-19 vaccination actually increases the risk of suffering a miscarriage by at least 1,517%. https://expose-news.com/2022/07/19/foia-pfizer-hid-dangers-covid-vaccination-pregnancy/
Richard, thanks for posting. The fudging of stats runs through UKHSA as well as the ONS and the MHRA.
MHRA had different criteria for analysing vaxx injuries compared to covid injuries; they signed off on Pfizer extending their use by dates out of cold storage by 6x the original period; and prior to the rollout their procurement “urgently seek(s) an Artificial Intelligence (AI) software tool to process the expected high volume of Covid-19 vaccine Adverse Drug Reaction (ADRs)”
Not a surprise because, as June Raine, MHRA CEO says, “… we began immediately to transform our processes… we tore up the rule book…” [35:31]
Raine has been a woefully poor member of this organisation since way back when the MCA started about 30 years ago. I know because I was at the inaugural meeting back then. Read any of Professor David Healy’s blogs relating to her. She really is clueless just like the bloody politicians.
Docmarooned I’m looking at David Healy’s blog now, interesting stuff.
Thanks for the tip.
You are welcome terminal. It really does sum up these individuals responsible for drug regulation in all countries. Did you know that when a company submits are drug dossier to the authorities for marketing approval the documentation is prepared totally by the company and the authorities never see the raw data.
There was a doc pointing out exactly this — that both MHRA and TGA (Australia) approved Pfizer vaxx without seeing the raw data. But I didn’t know that this was standard procedure.
Incredible just how failed we are by our public heath agencies, you’ve obviously known this for quite some time.
I have major expertise in this field. Worked in it for over 35 years.
In the not too distant future.
Grandad. Can I sit on your knee while you tell me what it was like living through those three really warm days in 2022……
Ok, gather round children……
By that time, children will not be allowed to sit on Grandad’s knee because the dirty white pervert will almost certainly molest them.
That’s where the misandrist activists will eventually go when they get everything else they demand (eg forced ‘guilty’ conviction rates against men accused of rape). Activists never, ever stop. If the run out of road for this topic, they will find another. They are driven by hatred and spite, not right and wrong.
Have you noticed.
Once upon a time if it was very warm in the UK the BBC would show pictures of beeches full of people, kids eating ice cream and dogs paddling.
Not anymore and how dare you enjoy the sun after all its a result of man made climate change.
These people are intent on destroying fun, fun to them is people dressing as the opposite sex in kids class rooms.
This left wing woke culture is a far bigger threat to our civilisation than 3 hot days in July will ever be.
‘Speaking to LBC Radio, former cabinet minister David Davis, who is backing Ms Mordaunt, said it was the “dirtiest campaign” he had ever seen.’
On course nicely for the predicted Truss/Sunak in the final vote then Truss as PM where she starts walking the path back to the EU.
I’m already seeing the negative reports aimed at discrediting Mordaunt and have yet to see one at Truss.
I looked for what the BBC are saying about them both as my yardstick:
First I searched for Penny and this came up:
Penny Mordaunt’s false Brexit claim about Turkey
Why are the BBC ‘reality check’ team fact-checking something she said in 2016 ?. The whole article has an unpleasant, spiteful tone about it.
So I searched the BBC for ‘Liz Truss’ and this came up top:
Liz Truss: Fast-track career of foreign secretary
An entirely different affair with lines such as ‘A-list candidate’ and the most sycaphantic fawning I’ve seen since their interviews with Corbyn. Full of positive empathy of the girl who done good.
And her remarkable transition from remainer to brexiteer is most likely the sign of a hypocrite who will say whatever they need to to win and cannot be trusted.
Now the bribery and corruption behind the scenes will be taking place in earnest. And we absolutely cannot rely on the integrity of politicians to resist it. So Truss it will be
It’s difficult to comprehend how Boris could so royally screw up an 80 seat majority. It shows just how powerful the Establishment (of which the BBC is an integral part) really are. I can’t see any realistic way the license fee will be scrapped. They will just get rid of those who say they will do it.
I note that Boris has said that he thinks the ‘deep state ‘ will find a way to get us back into the EU one way or another.
Boris it was the deep state and their lickspittles in the MSM who got rid of you . They may even have organised the parties and took the photos and videos which put the skids under you.
After watching the deep state undermine and then get rid of President Trump for four long years I recognise the play book. If anyone of significance goes against the globalist agenda eg MAGA or Brexit , then the deep state, or the blob , in your country will be instructed and helped by the globalists to bring you down and be replaced by one their place men or women.
Democracy is dead . We live in a post democratic world run by the likes of the WEF . Elections and the like only continue so that the plebs don’t notice that governments of all stripes essentially believe and do the same thing. Voters are no longer offered a choice and have in effect been disenfranchised but they haven’t noticed yet.
Voters were never offered much of a choice under first-past-the post. When British voters participated in proportional elections to the EU parliament Ukip then Brexit Party won.
But having a PR system in place in UK Good Lord no! We’d rather go WEF and be overrun by foreign hordes than do such a thing.
When Trump was overthrown by the deep state Boris was happy.
He’s now worried about it. Serves him right.
I won’t be joining the cult of ST Boris the martyr. I understand that the Charles I lot are still going. They have much in common those two. Both thought they had a divine right to rule and ignored rising discontent and were shocked when faced with reality.
I have hope in Liz Truss (though not my first choice) and will see who she appoints in her cabinet if she wins. I think if Kemi and Suella are there that would be a good sign.
I always look forward to your posts Doublethinker, I am quite a fan but this time it looks as if Peter Hitchens has written it for you.
Don’t agitate for PR – look at Scotland. Absolute and utter disaster.
“I can’t see any realistic way the license fee will be scrapped.”
Easy , just stop paying it.
Simples !
That is why it was scrapped in Australia. BUT, how is the ABC financed now, is it out of taxation?
Edit, later: it is financed by government grants! We are not going to escape; the BBC is too useful as a handmaiden of government propaganda and foreign policy.
You join us on a day when I’d wager our superlative-obsessed headline writers wished they could still use Fahrenheit… edition
In today’s Daily Star Dawn Neesom says: Let’s play heatwave bingo!
I’m game! We ought to have started this wheeze a couple of weeks ago…
UK heatwave leads to thousands off work on 30C ‘Meltdown Monday’ (Cornwall Live – just one of many Reach plc news outlets 11 July) – we’ll take a point for the excuse not to go into work and another for the word Meltdown. In a sensible media environment Cornwall Live’s subheader would have served as their main headline: In the South West temperatures will be very hot – that’s if you think a weather report ought to be frontpage news – especially when the fact that we’re experiencing this warm weather in July is glaringly obvious to all readers. Can something be news when it’s right there in front of you? Perhaps our media just wants to prompt us what to think about it?
Things have moved up a notch or two since 30C
Tinderbox UK ignites at record 40.3C (left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper) – we score bingo points for Tinderbox and for record of course. I think a further score is due for the headline reference to the name of the nation. For some reason – not immediately obvious to Mr AsISeeIt – the terms UK and Britain adorn many a headline lately. And they’re all at it…
40.3C Burning hot Britain (corporate advertising giveaway Metro) – see what I mean? Burning of course and Britain are on our score card.
40C Britain’s burning – yells the Mirror gifting us two points.
Daily Express: Britain burns in 40.3C heat. Wildfires rage on hottest day in history – name of the country scores for us as does burns, wildfires and that hottest ever claim – for claim is what it is without the caveat – since records began.
Guardian goes with: ‘A wake-up call’ UK hits highest ever temperature – let’s count this one up… Wake-up-call is a score. We need to double it up since direct reference to the all-pervasive global warming agenda narrative indicates the Gruan is playing their joker there. UK is a point as is the allusion to a record.
The wordy would-be worthy broadsheets promise some high scores: Britain ignites as temperatures break 40C barrier for first time (Telegraph) – Britain tick, ignites tick… one for the implied reference to records?
The formerly patriotic Times has been cut down to something less than a broadsheet these days. It used to be the paper of record so we’re very hopeful of getting a point for the word record: Record high of 40.3C sparks wildfires in tinderbox Britain – goodness! The Times has really excelled itself. Almost every word scores a point! Record – straight out of the gate, wildfires, tinderbox, Britain… we’ll take another for sparks.
The Daily Mail presents us a solid start in our game with: Hottest UK day ever 40.3C – that’s a concise brace of points for naming the nation and stating the setting of the record – Nighmare of the wildfires – one for wildfires, nightmare is adjudged too non-specific to rack up a point in our game today. You could just as easily apply that word to some pandemic or the cost of living.
Burning Britain. Houses blaze in record heat – a surprising and creditable four-pointer headline from the FT – Burning, name the name of the nation, blaze and record.
To the Daily Star – which is where we came in: Britain Roasts – double whammy two points in two words, nicely played. The naughty Star goes somewhat over the top with: Fires ravage whole country – what will overseas readers make of that if they take it at face value? We’ll have Ukrainians offering us Brits refugee status and emergency housing and perhaps Sri Lankans gifting us aid.
Well, you didn’t think there was any other news today beside the weather did you? Maybe there’s a smidgen…Surging Truss (Express) – sounds like a nasty medical condition. And what of the other Tory candidates? One looks like First Officer Spock from Star Trek and spends (other people’s) money like a drunken sailor and the other woman – if she can call herself such – apparently, doesn’t quite know what she is.
Lol – with a bit of luck miserable mordent will be sunk by that woke crap – I’d like to hope it’s a warning for going down the ‘easy’ ‘fashionable ‘ route to approval from the wokes as opposed to real people with the increasingly rare Common Sense …
Well, it’s her or a hypocrite opportunistic remainer pretending to be a Brexiteer (just like Javid).
Truss will be easily coaxed back onto the correct path by the powers behind the throne.
I can see history repeating itself : another Brexit based election coming up.
AISI – The Unfortunate Juxtapositions Department
My eye was caught by the strapline at the foot of the i: ‘Discovered – England’s Oldest Surviving Shipwreck’ just above the name of Jasmin Alibhai-Brown. What more can I possibly add?
BBC News watch
A number of far left ‘democrat ‘politicians were arrested for obstruction at a baby killing installation yesterday . There were described as ‘progressives’ rather than Far Left – the air head AOC being amongst them – putting her hands behind her back pretending to be handcuffed – when she wasn’t . .
BBC of course only likes the ‘far right’ epithet for anyone unapproved …
For days before it happened the weathermen were telling us that the mini heatwave was due to a plume of heat coming up from Africa. I just wonder how cows in the Netherlands or a petrol car in Scotland can affect how the heat travels north.
The cows in Africa are pretty powerful.
Buzzfeed was a main BBC source. Wait until Nick Robinson picks it up.
Inflation now at an official rate of 9.4% with a ‘real’ rate of – I reckon 13% and above . Ouch . The next interest rate rise is due to be announced in the first week of August and there is an assumption that the rise will be .5% …
The Russian gas is due to be turned back on tomorrow – if it doesn’t happen there may well be panic in the enemy EU .
Talking of which – do you notice that the BBC – which is always eager to blame someone for something – never – never- blames the EU for its wrongs .?
Becoming reliant on enemy Russian gas and oil was a fundamental mistake – presumably driven by the Russian spy running Germany . I think only France got lucky relying on nuclear – whereas the Germans and UK failed ….
Hello Fed, its okay the UK has coal fired station… oww wait we are shutting them down.
With the temperatures the last few days, wind output must be next to nothing
Fed, it is crazy. Bailey and his MPC are so out of touch. Rates need to go up by 5%, not 0.5%.
I totally agree – but even .5% is seen as a lot by them – they failed to take early measures at the beginning of the year – lied about the inflation being ‘transitory ‘ and making the whole thing worse and taking longer to feed through …
In view of even higher demand for welfare I can’t see how they are going to fund it as the debt – and servicing it goes up .
And they are hooked on fuel taxes …
Fed, “And they are hooked on fuel taxes …” that is down to HM’s Treasury, nothing to do with the BoEngland. And fuel tax receipts tend to go down when prices are high and prices are stratospheric right now, thanks to poor £:$ rate, which is solely down to the independent Bank of England.
Turning into stew eh?
They’ve got that EU supporter -katya Adler – in to see if she’s any good at ‘today ‘. Oh dear – she just got ‘washed ‘by an oik lundun union bloke who is leading the Royal Mail staff out on strike .
Unusually – he ran the interview and successfully sang the usual union song without being shut down ….
Personally I’m surprised Amazon hasn’t taken over Royal Mail yet but I suspect pension arrangements might be a bit tricky …
Wait for the Drone Highway!
Netflix loses almost a million subscribers
Why does the bbc keep reporting on Netflixs losses?
hint hint, you can save money cutting back on Netflix maybe, how about saving money on cutting back on the tele tax
Andy – sometimes I wonder if the BBC is on a win win – with huge reductions in people paying the TVLicence – pushing towards alternative sources – namely income tax – thus destroying the aim of sites like this one to either end the BBC or make it British and decent again – rather than a Far Left opposition monster . …
Fed, When I first came across this site (bbcbiased) I was relieved to find like minded people out there
thanks for all the hard work yourselves and other put into keeping the site up and running
Andy – thank you – decency and reasoned comment seems increasingly rarer on the internet these days . This is the only place I make a contribution – and -I think – if you are above the age range of the kidults you are able to filter and react to contact with a degree of maturity which again is very rare ..
Thanks again – I hope this site keeps going and helps achieves something – one day …
The Government will bail them out; they are too useful to be let go.
BBC do like the misfortunes of others without compelled funding.
They use Stranger Things as the lure.
An unexpected hit.
However an 80s story arc with rainbow pining is eroding the appeal to our zombiephilic kids.
And a season finale that was double the length necessary to cram it all in was testing loyalty.
Napalmageddonn News. Take your pick.
Woman suffers irony failure at helicopter shot fanning media fires. This 👇🏻
Plus Sue.
Sue seems… on message.
Have this greens ..
STARTS The 4.8GW Kusile power station, which is expected to be one of the world’s largest coal-fired power plants upon completion, is being constructed by Eskom Holdings SOC, the state-run electricity public utility, in Mpumalanga, South Africa.-ENDS that was July 2021
Wiki says it will emit 36.8 million tonnes of CO2 each year … As I say – burn that carbon …
From ‘power technology ‘- I was looking for the number of carbon power stations being opened around the world …..
As a guide official UK government figures say in 2020 405 million tonnes of CO2 were emitted …
Seems Paul’s hubby’s hamster had a short circuit.
Weather of course is not climate.
Lived in a few places where it nudged warm a few times each month and it did not look like the end scene of Stranger Things.
Those fires look very suspicious to me, very suspicious?
Back in the day, it was dodgy fridge freezers.
Taffman – I heard that the one in dartford / Upminster ? Was in a place where the houses were build on old rubbish dumps … and a local resident said ‘ cor blimey guv ner – when it goes up it goes up ‘…
Perhaps the local councils should advise our ethnic brethren that BBQs should not be used indoors🤔
Yep, the Chinese and Indian governments are hanging on Greenpeace’s every word………
Still, we can do our bit. Like converting traffic lanes to cycle lanes. That ought to do it.
A new tax to control the weather works every time
You don’t suppose the climate lunatics have created a clandestine arson division do you. A lot of these fires are both very conveniently timed and clustered in the same area as the M25 nutters.
If I were the local plod I would certainly be checking to see if any accelerants might have been in play.
If this turned out to be the case then 20 years inside all round for anyone proved to be involved would be proportionate in my opinion.
It was probably the local plod what done it
AS her face doubles in size! So it was an unfortunate coincidence?
On Toady the latest wheeze is to ask people around the country how they are coping in the cost of living ‘crisis’. Gotta keep those crises going.
So in Derby they interview………wait for it……….an ‘art and well being practitioner’.
She’s having to supplement her earnings with bar work.
I wonder why.
But then again, in BBCLand, Derby is far more famous for its ‘Art and well being practitioners’ than for example it’s engineers at Rolls Royce jet engines. Isn’t it?
Linked In is rammed with them.
Mainly wimmin struggling to balance having a job few need and not having an employer to cover one week in three off and two years in every three. Or the taxpayer.
Sluff – don’t you know ? The industrial revolution was founded on ‘arts and well-being practitioners ‘ but we have now evolved to ‘diversity managers ‘…
I heard that piece and ( as predicted here ) we are going to hear ‘eat or heat ‘ stories for the foreseeable future with the narrative that The State Should Do More … All Hail The State ..
Eat or heat?
Surely you mean Cool or Heat.
Sluff – whenever it is ‘hot ‘ I always remember that in a few weeks time as the darkness comes back and and the second duvet comes into play – nothing stays the same ..
Douglas Adams got very close with “The B Ark”
I have a lot of time for Brazier on GB News , he will tackle issues that the MSM won’t go near, that after all is the point of GBN . But I noticed that when Boris mentioned the role of ‘the deep state’ in getting us back into the EU, Brazier seemed worried by the language used finding it reminiscent of President Trump.
He reminds me very much of Douglas Murray , among others , who recognise the existence of the Deep State and the culture war against the woke that is raging and who agree wholeheartedly that Wokism is anti democratic and must be rooted out, but don’t seem to want to actually fight back nor to overtly support those that are willing to fight for democracy.
I’m afraid this reluctance to get down in the gutter and fight hard and dirty against the enemy who is very much doing that , will result in an easy victory for the other side. People like Brazier and Murray may be too fastidious to get their own hands dirty but even if they won’t fight they need to be upfront in their support of those that do and keep on passing the intellectual ammunition.
That is the trouble with GB News. Mark Steyn and Neil Oliver are pure gold, some of the others have their moments.
From the mouth of our own, “Worlds Most Trusted Broadcaster” –
“Different nationalities really have different personalities”
(That’s surely racist in BBC terms is it not?) Anyway, that aside, the evidence presented won’t come as a shock to the well travelled oldies here (including me).
So, what traits could we expect from the foreign extracted that have/are lining up to become PM?
Usually a good and now scientific measure.
And in other news.
Dog bites man.
But to be serious for a moment
Mrs S this morning was talking about Honour and Shame.
An extremely national personality related cultural dimension, as we know when Pakistani girls are murdered by their families for not agreeing to arranged marriages.
Double – I listen to him too – but I question the quality of the ‘guests’ he has to keep him going for 2 hours …
As the ‘deep state ‘ – it was good that nut nut read it into Hansard – and it might attract a bit more attention . But brazier knows his OFCOM limit and is more cautious than – say mark Steyn who often delights in making the OFCOM monitors wince .
It must be very difficult for OFCOM to take out Steyn when he is reporting on real victims of Chinese virus vaccination and grief stricken relatives …
Being quite ancient I remember fondly the long hot summers of both 1975 and 1976. They seemed to go on for ever…
I was a young apprentice gardener, working in a lovely old place, trying to keep our parched flora alive. I remember we rigged up a device to syphon water from an ancient well. We had a diesel generator and a massive pipe that sucked water from deep underground. It was a right old palaver, but there were hosepipe bans and we had to use what ever water we could. These heat waves went on for many months, not a few weeks…
Wimbledon Common caught fire, all the grass became dun coloured, tarmac melted, there were stand-pipes in the streets and people queued to top up buckets with cool water. Perhaps I’m mis-remembering, but it all seemed to be taken in our stride.
What I don’t recall is the endless emphasis on us facing impending Armageddon. The constant narrative that the planet is on fire. Most of us just seemed to get on with it. Blimey, as a young chap I actually enjoyed some of it.
Yes, it was terribly hot yesterday, really unpleasant. Now it’s over and feels lovely and cool.
Normal service has been resumed.
Remembering the immortal words of Corporal Jones, “Don’t panic, Captain”…
Jeff, you are a voice from the past, i.e. common sense.
Stark reality.
“Martin Lewis issues stark warning to Tory leadership candidates to act over ‘financial time bomb'”
First comment: “I trust this man more than any of those clowns that are supposed to be running this country”. Who will argue about that?
Its not just the “financial time bomb” it is also all the rest: immigration etc.
Man who says he wants to be a LORD then says he doesn’t have the time … ha ha ha ha ha
Marky – I think that’s unfair – he said he told the selection board his circumstance and they dumped him for that . He ll be a peer in 2023 – and use his voice even more as a result to do good …
Of all the corrupt political vacuums in that place surely there should be a few decent ones ..
Maybe he should lie like all of them and get the £300 a day!
HoL Expenses … https://www.parliament.uk/business/lords/whos-in-the-house-of-lords/house-of-lords-expenses/
Martin Lewis: “It’s staggering how little politicians know”
The Money Saving Expert opens up about his own attitude to spending, how little politicians know, and being mistaken for Keir Starmer.
By Anoosh Chakelian
Thank you for posting that and I think every one should watch it . I’ve got a lot of time for mr Lewis – I’ve taken his advice a good few times and found it to be wise and timely ….
…. He mentions the prospect of mass non payment of energy bills – which I’ve discussed here – as well as – I think – non payment of council taxes – and forget the TVLicence – long gone ….
But the prospect of civil disorder ? That happens for any concocted reason as soon as the various opportunity factors are present – such as a non police force ..
I think supermarkets will also need to impose drastic physical controls to prevent shoplifting too ….
I was trying to find the current default level on mortgages but couldn’t – the higher rates go and the more mortgages reverting to variable – the greater the strain will be ……
Anyway – a bigger point is that here is a non politician – speaking truth – outside parliament – but probably more trusted and regarded than any politician .
Mr Lewis is a wealthy man – he sold his money advice website for – I think – over £100 million – yet he still pushes for the ordinary Joe ….and has great influence – his name is regularly used by politicians …
So we live in a time where politicians are so poor that others do their job of representation – I’d put Nigel Farage a bit into that very small group too…
But the bleak message from Mr Lewis to politicians is clear . Stuff needs to be done right now – we are losing August to the Tory campaign – but whoever takes the job on 6 September has to deliver straight away .
Eg – cutting fuel costs – VAT
Heating oil tax reduction
Possible VAT cuts
And more challenging – maybe cut Income Tax – or raise thresholds even more …
And the message he delivers to us about re checking personal finances is just as important …
As an aside – I notice John Redwood now endorsing liz truss because of her promised financial plans – it can’t be sunak because he didn’t prevent us getting here …. Those barbed words he used about ‘doing whatever it takes ‘ will be on his political gravestone …
“but whoever takes the job on 6 September has to deliver straight away .”
Government urged to fix touring ‘crisis’ in Europe
Crisis apparently
Best not to read all the eu supporters comments at the moment. More divide and conquer tactics brought to you by the eu sponsored bebb
Recall several gigs around nice places… Cologne, Cannes, Venice…
Not a problem.
Hello Guest
Elton John adds five Australia and New Zealand shows to Farewell Yellow Brick Road Tour
Crisis apparently
Backing band in separate helicopters?
Recall well the Spice Slappers needed separate Lears to some career dive point charity gig as they had fallen out.
“Blazes can be seen across east and north London……”.
Bit like reporting of the Blitz I guess…………..
Maybe blazes don’t go Sarf of the rivva?
G, Wennington is only just inside the M25, it is really in Essex but the BBC don’t do geography these days.
Guest Who
Suffered some of the Sky news this morning….local residents interviewed….funny I thought sounded like they were from the Sub Saharian region …at least the weather is what they are used to ,
Yes it was very hard for everyone losing their homes and properties but do we have the constant agenda pushed down our throats all the time ! . If only we had a Sky as good as the Australian version
Tried watching BBC and there’s that Khant person on , BBC true to form and not surprised at all…off switch
“Places like Wenninton and Dagenham”. What places are like like Wenninton and Dagenham? Are they even like each other?
Dagenham is an idyllic old England village on the outskirts of londonistan -mt he population is nearly 100% white English apart from nice mr Mohammed in the chicken shop cum cab firm . He is ever so nice to the local girls …
Wenningt9n is famed for its ever efficient fire station – where the single fire engine is often found in Orpington – just few miles stay – even when the village catches fire …
Yes the BBC would get het up about arts , but not about trades or industries , which is why we dont have an international haulage industry .
The folly of the UK’s hair shirt self-flagellation about climate change is nicely shown here.
Plenty of inconvenient truths here for the obsessed BBC.
What an irony. The country with BY FAR the highest per capita CO2 emissions is…….Qatar, where the World Cup is being held. Perhaps Justin Rowlatt will be commentating on the football.
The UK are about one sixth of the Qatar figure, so small as to be off the list completely.
Beyond the media fanning the flames of their own demise on climate change, the stats on localised fire outbreaks by postcode might be interesting.
As with the location of thermo death measuring devices under flight paths, weather or human events based on a few days in summer are not climate.
The brown grass in the park is littered with BBQ burn rectangles.
Soon after the prayer meeting began, the intruders went upstairs and questioned the men about their purpose for gathering. The Christians were manhandled and dragged down the stairs and taken to the middle of the street outside Siddappa’s home.
Neethiraj’s bag which contained Christian tracts was forcefully emptied on the street. The attackers also gathered all the Bibles and hymn books from Siddappa’s home. Local sources say that Neethiraj was forced to set the items on fire with petrol, which the perpetrators had extracted from a nearby vehicle, despite pleas from the Christians not to set the Bibles on fire.
1 Apr 2019
BBC says it’s ‘unfortunate’ the Queen is Defender of the Faith
June 6, 2022Archbishop Cranmer475 Comments
New post on an FB page called Defund the BBC
The BBC local Hull news tonight decided to let their weatherman, Paul Hudson, have a rant about how we were all responsible for greenhouse gasses making a mess of the climate and for global warming. Anyone who thinks otherwise was labelled an “armchair expert”. That’s us lectured. No better on ITV where they interviewed a senior Lecturer on Clinate Change at Sheffield University who just also happened to be a scientist for Extinction Rebellion. No bias there then.
It’s a new form of democracy. Like BBC ‘local democracy’ reporters in print. For consistent messaging.
As promoted by…
The blurb still up front in 2018 was interesting, if ignored by media and politicians.
All our local rags are now considered jokes.
Lucky they got those BBC moles in.
Stop all aid but send them birth control pills by the ton. That ought to sort the problem.
Paul Hudson many years ago was rather more ‘open to consideration’ about climate change. I presume he is told for his career the line he has to take.
Last night Paul Hudson referred to his ‘partner ‘. A quick search on google suggests he is still married to his Nicola. I am just wondering whether the BBC has banned the use of terms like ‘husband’ or ‘wife’ for equality reasons although I presume not for people in a gay marriage.
Seems only the Daily Mail is reporting this at the moment
‘Wildfires broke out across the UK as families fled for their lives as their homes which they tried to save with buckets of water were engulfed amid blazes across the country in record 40.3C heat – and police are now probing whether some were caused intentionally. ‘
I wouldn’t be surprised if some of these Fires had been started by the various eco loon groups. XR, Insulate, No Oil etc.
From their past reckless antics and protests, it would seem feasible.
Grenfell – move them into mansions!
There has been much talk of corruption in the aftermath of the Grenfell Tower tragedy. Could corruption have played a part in the alleged catalogue of errors and shortcuts that led to so many lives being lost? n.b. Transparency International will be writing to the Head of the Inquiry outlining the corruption risks that will need to be analysed.
“Blazes across the country”! Ooo-er.
bBC “reports”..
Some reaction from Labour’s Annelise Dodds who is pushing for “urgent action” from the government.
She’s been telling BBC Breakfast: “That jump will be causing huge concern to families up and down the country.
“We need to see immediate action. Government should be taking VAT off energy bills.
Or maybe the energy companies could stop making billions in profit
Whisper it quietly.
The Met Office last 24 hours table gives the highest temperature at Scampton, with 39.9C.
Very hot but not quite 40C.
Have the BBC been a little over zealous with the Doomsday narrative?
The record was at RAF Coningsby
still you don’t see 40+ on the observations database
Why ?
cos it samples every hour and the 40+ breach would have happened for a few mins in the middle of the hour
“A provisional temperature of 40.3°C was recorded at Coningsby at 15:12 yesterday”
They need to check the equipment was calibrated properly etc.
It is remarkable that it got 0.6C hotter in 12 minutes, than the official on the hour reading
19/07/2022 16:00:00 39.6C wind 13.0
19/07/2022 15:00:00 39.7C wind 13.9
ah the on the hour readings are an average
“The record is based on the peak value of temperature recorded whilst the hourly average max was 39.7 deg”
(hangon the tweeter days that but it’s not on the met webpage)
Peak extreme weather days are not doomsday
They are weather not climate.
Sad about the wildfires etc.
Our front room peaked at 28C
many churches were open for people to sit in the cool.
No I haven’t found any evidence that on the hour observations are an average.
Why are all the ‘record ‘ temperatures recorded at airports or air bases? As posted by someone earlier the huge area of concrete and tarmac are likely to raise temperature by at least a few degrees just as they do in city centres. This is why exotic plants can be grown in city centre gardens but not in the countryside.
I read that right across the west the number of weather stations used to compile climate data had been more than halved a few decades ago. Those out in the countryside being the ones culled. So it is quite possible , perhaps likely that the temperatures recorded in recent years are higher than in the past due solely to this selective culling of weather stations. You might think the culling was deliberate!
HS2. It’s a pity that the project didn’t get delayed a handful of years to coincide with the new situation we are in. It probably wouldn’t have got the go-ahead, it shouldn’t have got the go-ahead anyway but if you ever wanted a great example of how Metropolitan types mis-govern and piss money up the wall, this is it.
None of the Tory hopefuls are suggesting cancelling it, a pity but they’re all from the same mould.
Stop this ridiculous money wasting project now!
Tucker Carlson …. again….
Not the cheeriest of segments – but as usual he marshals some evidence to support his assertions. Anybody remember the UK Labour Party peeps from Blair’s crew who actually said that their promotion of immigration was to replace the inconvenient deplorables who kept voting for ‘fatcha?
Lucky nothing like the picture tucker paints for the US happens in the UK …right ?
MM, bit of voluntary ‘upskirting’ going on in that photo – maybe it was that pic that gave Ange the ‘distract the PM in the House’ idea?
There’s an idea – give every dinghy diver a number plate
Home Office loses track of more than 600,000 people who should have left country, finds immigration watchdog
UK border checks branded ‘shambolic’
May Bulman
Social Affairs Correspondent
Thursday 29 March 2018 16:39
Microchip / Tracker injected in into them …..most seem to migrate to the hand car washes . Someone is making a Huge amount of cash from it , traffickers involved in it from start to finish ? or Priti Patel !
In 1995 I looked at the way London was full of illegal immigrant workers
and concluded whatever the law
there was a deliberate policy implemented to allow casual immigration to supply cheap labour.
And that they did it that casual way
cos if illegals got into trouble the police would arrest them and they’d be frightened into fleeing home or the courts would deport them anyway on mere fact they were illegal.
That that saved on red tape.
i was thinking that Brazilians and Peruvians did get deported.
Was worried about those mikes, but reckon they are safe.
We are down to the final 3 now.
I’m at a loss as to who I would prefer, they’re all rubbish.
However, I’m wondering who my fellow bbbc’ers would prefer.
I dont really know who will be best for our brexit, getting us out properly. Liz may have the converts zeal and the other 2 voted leave but which one will really leave. None of them will completely leave is my suspicion.
Will any leave the unhcr so that we can tackle the dingy boys.
Will any of them actually do anything about the mass immigration, a million legally last year.
None of these issues were raised on the pathetic tv panel shows.
How do they stand on net zero and cancelling it or at least doing it reasonably instead of the headlong gallop towards it.
Would they actually get the small nuclear reactors up and running.
How woke are they and how do they actually believe all this blm and gender crap.
So then, who do we on here want to win.
Don’t say Boris as he will not be allowed to stand.
I trust our views on here more than any other place.
A number of people have said it’s a pity that the 200k ish conservative members only have a choice of 1 from 2 .
I think if it’s between sunak and truss they’ll go for truss .
But there is a month of campaigning and making commitments .
Obviously sunak will commit to anything to get his Indian family into number £10 £ ……. And maybe the ‘thatcher ‘ act truss is using will get some traction …
My test will be
How quickly they roll out policy
Who the chancellor / home sec / foreign sec is
Whether they will repeal HRA – with draw from ECHR
Push illegals onto planes
Dump the foreign giveaways
Cut fuel taxes
Cut vat
Dump green crap
Start to cut public spending
And see how many cross the floor ….
If it’s between sunak and mordant – the tories are toast .
I agree with Nigel on this.
Sunak will cut n’paste directly from the WEF.
Truss will cut n’paste indirectly via the Blob (civil service).
Mordaunt will probably be a combination of the above.
The only one that might have left the UCHR was Suella Braverman.
LabLibGrnSNP coalition government gets in next time by default.
One would almost think the Tories are doing it on purpose.
Mordaunt has the forward of her book written by Bill Gates. I don’t need to know anything else. Rishi is MP for Richmond N Yorks and he would keep voting Remain very quiet or risk losing his seat. So did he really vote Leave? Truss was a Lib Dem and voted Remain.
As you say all suspect . All likely to be globalists at heart and ready to follow the globalist mantra, Net Zero, Mass Immigration and LGBT XY …… Rights. Not a single shred of a true conservative agenda between the three of em.
The time to stop voting Tory has arrived.
It’s like a Chinese system
“Here are the WEF state approved candidates that you can vote for”
Emmanuel, Rishi Sunak took a lot of rubbishing from the BBC and others in the media – cannot now remember when (last year or this but long before the leadership election) – so on the basis of who the BBC fears might be best, it could be Sunak. Sunak, iirc, is a keen Brexiteer.
Not backing Bojo against an obviously targetted campaign is a greater act of self-harm than the Conservative Party getting rid of Mrs Thatcher as leader. Really, really stupid.
Make more money from … see Diane Abbott for details.
Apparently the president of Russia – Iran – Turkey met yesterday . It’s a shame the chap from North Korea and the chink were missing … I have it on authority that one of them was stroking a white cat – and that the meeting took place on a room with a shark pool …
I’m guessing any attempted assassinations were covered up …
Has Rory been back to his charity in Kabul since the beards moved in to the Presidential Palace?
A Kabul visit with a camera crew might be entertaining – as I understand it – he speaks some local lingo unlike 99.99% of the other peeps we sent out “to help”
Gollum in a wig.
the new “leaves on the line”
The reason turbines shut down like this is for safety – if the wind is too fast it can put major stress on the blades and mechanisms inside the turbine causing lots of friction and long term damage. It’s much safer to have the turbines stop and then start again when wind is a bit slower and safer.1 Oct 2019
pic shows wind turbines on fire
A farmer near Sheffield told me he has an agreement that his turbine is only switched on when the noise won’t disturb the neighbors.
The Hywind numbers indicate that wind turbines are f-all to do with producing electricity….
Me, I want the government to give me a constraint payment for every hour I don’t drive my car.
MM, you would think that the designers of those things would have been smart enough to have designed an ‘auto-feathering’ system for them when wind speeds increased.
You would think ….
AFAIK the amount of sun energy entering the atmosphere each minute is massive.
However most is simply reflected back out into space.
So solar panels don’t steal heat rather they convert that that would have been reflected out into space.
However massive forest clearance changes what gets reflected back as does to a smaller extent concreting roads and buildings etc. That could warm the Earth on top of natural variations.
If the climate is to change for the worst because of human CO2 emissions – future generations may well already be doomed – if you see an earlier comment – just one coal powered South African power station opened recently emits a 8% of the entire UK CO2 output – all those cycle lanes count for nothing …
Those pompous grey men in grey suits, who like to be considered ”grandees,” have zero awarness of the membership’s raw anger at how they have collectively inflicted a level of self harm to the Tory Party not seen since Howe and Hesiltine toppled Margeret Thatcher…
Little doubt that self-styled arch-grandee Heseltine played his part in stoking the anger. His arrogance simply confirms his own sense of self-importance, while the BBC provide enough airtime to ensure we understand what a sad loss to statesmanship his fading years have been.
Made his money in publishing you know, much like Murdoch, Hearst and Maxwell. Coincidence?