The EU concept of the ‘supremacy of EU law’ – which forces all other UK legislation to be interpreted so as to give way to EU law where there is a conflict (even if EU law was overridden by subsequent non-EU sourced UK law) – has been preserved by the 2018 Act so far as relevant to the interpretation, disapplication or quashing of domestic law passed or made before the end of the transitional period. This interpretative concept is alien to the UK legislative principles, whereby later parliaments (and their laws) can override earlier parliaments.
“William Roper: “So, now you give the Devil the benefit of law!”
Sir Thomas More: “Yes! What would you do? Cut a great road through the law to get after the Devil?”
William Roper: “Yes, I’d cut down every law in England to do that!”
Sir Thomas More: “Oh? And when the last law was down, and the Devil turned ’round on you, where would you hide, Roper, the laws all being flat? This country is planted thick with laws, from coast to coast, Man’s laws, not God’s! And if you cut them down, and you’re just the man to do it, do you really think you could stand upright in the winds that would blow then? Yes, I’d give the Devil benefit of law, for my own safety’s sake!”
An article in the Telegraph today re modern slavery in the UK upon which, needless to say , we are not allowed to comment. Nowhere in the story was the ethnicity of those who kept the slaves mentioned but we all know what it would be.
Basically the story was that charities which campaign against modern slavery hope that Mo F story will increase their revenue.
It doesn’t seem to penetrate the thick skulls of these charities nor the government , nor liberals in general , that if we import the third world we get third world behaviours and values. God knows what our country will be like in twenty years time. One thing is for sure it won’t anything the country we once knew as the UK.
Many societies throughout history have practised slavery, and Muslim societies were no exception.
It’s thought that as many people were enslaved in the Eastern slave trade as in the Atlantic slave trade.
It’s ironic that when the Atlantic slave trade was abolished the Eastern trade expanded, suggesting that for some Africans the abolition of the Atlantic trade didn’t lead to freedom, but merely changed their slave destination.
Is our broadcaster on a “Death Wish” ?
All of their their “well paid” employees hoping that it will be wound up and then to get their ‘Golden Redundancy’ pay outs?
There’s an item slightly further back about private healthcare.
From bitter experience, the one thing that you can do in these times, is to invest in private healthcare.
I had a serious situation in late 2020 at the height of the ‘pandemic’ and the NHS treatment of it was woeful. Telephone appointments, unable to call back, no physical examinations, etc, etc adds a massive layer of stress at a stressful period normally.
As this had a good outcome as of a couple of days ago as I emerged out of all this, I couldn’t help but notice that £278 per month on my payslip for NI gives a fraction of the service and quality I had privately for £48 per month through Aviva. The only Corona bollocks I had was masks in the consultations/examinations, and PCR testing prior to both surgeries. Oh, and no visitors.
Unfortunately if I had had to rely on the NHS, I would either be still waiting on some list or six feet under. The amount of people in this country who don’t have private healthcare, or believe the Labour/SNP/Lib/BBC line about private healthcare as evil, and are waiting on life changing/saving procedures, makes me incredibly sad.
5 hour queues at Dover Port to cross the Channel, endless queues and cancellations at airports – how the hell do we leave the country ???? A bloody sight easier getting into the country in a li-lo from France. Laughable.
Glad I’m off on a cruise from Southampton in November – seems to be the only way without any hassle (unless some prats decide to block the M3) !
“A lot of the woke agenda has been permeating… almost through the entire BBC… How they [the BBC] bow down to every single pressure group going…whether that’s Black Lives Matter…it’s a namby pamby approach.”
Apparently this was even a huge concern for his constituents at the time. The, erm, same constituents he represents today…
Soldiers in the Myanmar military have admitted to killing, torturing and raping civilians in exclusive interviews with the BBC. For the first time they have given detailed accounts of widespread human rights abuses they say they were ordered to conduct.
Prof Jay said: “No-one knows the true scale of child sexual exploitation in Rotherham over the years. Our conservative estimate is that approximately 1,400 children were sexually exploited over the full inquiry period, from 1997 to 2013.”
Revealing details of the inquiry’s findings, Prof Jay said: “It is hard to describe the appalling nature of the abuse that child victims suffered.”
The inquiry team found examples of “children who had been doused in petrol and threatened with being set alight, threatened with guns, made to witness brutally violent rapes and threatened they would be next if they told anyone”.
Sadiq Khan opened the London Blossom Garden in the park, which features 33 blossoming trees – one for each London borough – for people to “contemplate and reflect on the impact of the pandemic”
Sadiq Khan has shamelessly abandoned his mayoral campaign pledge to plant two million trees by 2020, a promise designed to outflank the green credentials of Zac Goldsmith. Last week Guido revealed that no trees had been planted and there were no plans to start digging. Sadiq needed to plant 10,000 trees a week to make the target…
“Farming: Mark Drakeford wants tree planting for subsidies”
“More tax being spent on farming is something Wales’ first minister has to justify to “Bangladeshi taxi drivers” in Cardiff, he has said.”
That’s another institution we have to get rid of .
A new Welsh government subsidy scheme to replace EU-based payments for agriculture has been in development since the Brexit vote and is set to be introduced from 2025.
Mr Drakeford said: “If you wish to take advantage of that money, if you want to have help from the Welsh taxpayer, then you will have to find a way of bringing yourself within the scheme that allows me, as the first minister, to justify to Bangladeshi taxi drivers in Riverside, where I live, why they should pay their taxes in order to support farmers in Wales.”
Ahmadis suffer vicious persecution around the world. The main source of fuel for that persecution is in Pakistan, but what happens in Pakistan does not stay in Pakistan.
I know that from my experience in the Yorkshire market town of Batley. In August 1985, when I was 11 years old, my parents organised an inter-faith meeting in the town hall. It was interrupted and disturbed when, according to West Yorkshire police, more than 1,000 extremists, led by Pakistani hate preachers funded by the Pakistani state, were bused in from around the country. The mob brutally attacked my English mother and my father, a dermatologist; my eldest brother and I; and a Welsh Ahmadi schoolteacher who was with us. My first cousin, a GP, was by chance driving through the market town that day. He saw the mob and saw his family and friends being attacked, so he stopped. He was recognised, pulled from his vehicle and savagely beaten up.
MPs who use private healthcare should be barred from voting on the NHS
MPs must declare whether they or their dependents use private healthcare. If they do, the MP should lose the right to speak or vote on any bills affecting the NHS. It is not right that MPs can impose laws on us that they can opt out of.
Palantir Technologies is a public American software company that specializes in big data analytics. Headquartered in Denver, Colorado, it was founded by Peter Thiel, Nathan Gettings, Joe Lonsdale, Stephen Cohen, and Alex Karp in 2003. Wikipedia
Palantir: NHS faces legal action over data firm contract
The NHS is being taken to court over its contract with controversial US data firm Palantir.
Open Democracy said it had launched the legal action over Palantir’s long-term involvement in the analysis of vast amounts of public health data.
It also alleges that Palantir lobbied a top NHS official over expensive watermelon cocktails.
Border preparations stepped up
It will use £20m software produced by the US tech firm Palantir, which gathers information from different government computers, in the hope of minimising the amount of “short-term” disruption at the border in the days and weeks after 1 January.
Immigration: Visa applications open under UK’s post-Brexit system
1 December 2020
MPs should get two votes if they have private health insurance ( expenses claim ) – they should not have to use the NHS – that’s for inferior people such as taxpayers (PAYE ) and the thick voters …. Plebs ….
Thank you for contacting us about Beyond 100 Days on the BBC News Channel. We note and appreciate your concerns. (NOT DOING 100 DAYS FOR BIDEN)
We can assure you that the scheduling of Beyond 100 Days has no relevance to the recent US Presidential elections. We would also highlight that you can continue to watch BBC News with Katty and Christian on the BBC New Channel.
BBC News never takes a position on any story that we cover.
We do value your feedback about this. All complaints are sent to senior management and we’ve included your points in our overnight report.
These reports are among the most widely read sources of feedback in the company and ensures that your concerns have been seen by the right people quickly. This helps inform their decisions about current and future content.
Shall we list the stories the BBC won’t cover properly?
Paki gangs
Coloured criminals
Invaders at the channel
Corrupt EU
Demented Biden
Failing democrat America
A stolen election
Successes of Trump
Vaccine damage
Chinese virus origins
Dodgy weather theories
Tax and welfare fraud
Harmful immigration
Overwhelmed Anglo populations
Corrupt SNP
SNP totalitarianism
Perverted sex and mental health
Failing NHS
NHS killing people
Medical mafia corruption
“The firm owns the Azovstal plant that became the last holdout of Ukrainian soldiers and civilians during the devastation of the city of Mariupol.”
No mention of the fact the firm itself is owned by oligarch Rinat Akhmetov, Ukraine’s richest person.
475 foot yacht sailor etc…
Guess things like that are only relevant to the BBC when Russian owned football clubs are concerned.
“Oh Boo hoo the plebs get their news from Facebook.
How thick are they ?”
Yes , cos the wisdom of the crowds does seem better than media chumps these days.
On Tuesday someone in the shop told me, that they had seen a fire on the way home.
So I looked it up on Facebook and found 5 local fire events
For that first one where an abandoned factory recreation ground had caught fire, a farmer had gone in with the plough circled the fire and cut it all off… top man
– For the fire the other end of town where a field fire had spread to a closed down council daycare centre I spotted a drone operator had put up photos
So I put in a link on the Facebook page.
We don’t have proper local papers any more, instead we have a weekly newspaper put together by cutNpasters pasting together 100 other local papers 100 miles from where we are.
So on Tuesday or Wednesday they too had used Facebook to research their story, grabbed the drone photos and pasted them into the newspaper frontpage and sent it off to the printworks on Wednesday PM
So when it came out on Thursday that’s how the frontpage of the ScunthorpeTelegraph looks
: grainy drone shots, cos the newspaper people were unable to work out how to get proper HQ images from social media posts
For a fire on Scunthorpe I recognised the area from the drone photos.
It was a field fire behind some scrapyards
Again it was cutoff to the middle of the field as if ploughs or fire engines had stopped it
Yet in the local paper it is titled “*Huge* Scunthorpe blaze was deliberate says fire service”
.. Again that is headline hyperbole, it wasn’t huge .. really
I’d suspect local rough kids rather than XR
The BBC does like its exemptions, especially from FOIs, whilst getting very ‘creative’ and/or ‘snarky even with matters of life or death or national security.
#BBCshushyshushy “The corporation made an application to exclude the Belfast Telegraph from part of an upcoming tribunal hearing relating to Donna Traynor, who quit her role as a presenter on its Newsline programme in November last year
but \\employment judge ruled that a journalist .. be permitted to attend “all of the substantive hearing including any private session”//
Dominic Cummings saying Boris wants Truss, so he can swoop back in when she screws up.
Doh Boris can’t come back in quickly cos he have to be rehabilitated first
‘Truss is a human handgrenade cos he blows everything up’
.. Well she did get the trade deals done.
Cummings – Why Leave Won the Referendum
the single most important
reason really for why I wanted to get
out of the EU is I think that it will
draw it will drain the poison of a lot
of political debates it will kill off I
predicted that that if we get out you
keep in light alfarache will be finished
that’s an early game for vote leave as
you can see that’s happened that whole
side of politics in Britain will go once
this Democratic control of immigration
policy immigration will go back to being a second or third order issue and that
will be a very positive and healthy
thing for the country
@Marky : Right hand side of your screen where the Youtube transcript is,
there is a three dot button cick it & select “toggle timestamps”. so switch it off
Cumming says “Fundamentally, pretty much the worst case scenario for Europe, is a return to 1930s style protectionism and extremism
And to me, the EU project / Eurozone project are driving the growth of extremism, which is extremely DANGEROUS.
And the single most important reason really for why I wanted to get out of the EU is, I think that it will drain the poison of a lot of political debates, it will kill off.. (ends)
I predicted that that if we get out, UKIP & Nigel Farage will be FINISHED *
That’s an early gain for Vote Leave & as you can see that’s happened,
That whole side of politics in Britain will GO.
Once there’s democratic control of immigration policy immigration will go back to being a second or third order issue
and that will be a very POSITIVE and healthy thing for the country.
You guys are the educated population and you overweigh being on the opposite side to Farage.
You think ‘Farage is on that side therefore I must be on the other side’.
and that’s actually not a very rational way of thinking
but it’s actually how most educated people thought about the referendum.”
– Cumings words show he is an Islington bubbleworld open borders man
* His prediction about the end of Farage was completely wrong
– He sucks up to the media elites. Is he lying to them or to us ?
UK life is driven by HATE
but who is doing the hate and who is doing the thinking ?
Instead of thinking libmob go for the simple option of making someone their HATE figure, and then going for the opposite of what he/she says , cos they don’t want to be on the same side as the hate figure
They HATE British/English nationalists , so when those guys spoke up & aid action must be taken against raping gangs
.. libmob thought in-action was best
They HATE Farage so when he spoke up against open borders and the EU : They decided REMAIN must be the way
They HATE Trump : so every single thing he did they took against
They HATE themselves : so when orgs came up that attacked their own heritage like BLM and the statue smashers they sided against British culture
That might explain why they so often side against straight white males too, and take the side of trans extremists & immigrant even when they turn out to be criminals
They HATE people who aren’t in the green cult and label them DENIERS and rush to deny them a voice.
They HATE the rich even though libmob are often rich
They are into the politics of envy .. saying that if someone got wealth, ripping them down the ladder will automatically pull them up the ladder.
But capitalism doesn’t work that way .. socialists ripping ladders down means everyone is at the bottom
Likewise HATE is at the bottom or partygate fury, they know they could have opened up more themselves, but are jealous Downing St and even Starmer made their own decisions on risk
They HATE Oban, the police, The Daily Mail, Murdoch etc. etc.
OK An event sponsored by Ogilvy called ‘Nudgestock 2017’, where he explains how they managed to win the referendum,
The event was 9th June 2017 so I don’t understand why that video was uploaded by the anti-Brexit channel ONE year later.
@Nudgestock did upload a video on 21 June 2017 but then took it private.
In Sept 2017 someone put up a video of the 90s that Marky is talking about
The Behavioural Insights team, popularly known as the “Nudge Unit”, is playing a big role in helping the government formulate its response to coronavirus.
What is the Nudge Unit?
The Nudge Unit was established in the Cabinet Office in 2010 by David Cameron’s government to apply behavioural science to public policy. Now owned partly by the Cabinet Office, by Nesta and by employees, it has operations across the world.
Its chief executive is Dr David Halpern, former director of research at the Institute for Government, who is also the government’s What Works national adviser.
Why ‘nudge’?
It is called ‘nudge’ after the book by Richard Thaler (who went on to win the Nobel prize in economics) and Cass Sunstein which set out how people are not the rational economic actors beloved of conventional economic theory – but can be influenced by “choice architecture” into making better choices in their own interests.
1pm Local news
#1 Hull wins magnet factor over Teesside
“The government is providing some MONEY for this”*
It makes rare earth magnets for offshore turbines and EVs
#2 2 mile away people complaining about plans to expand smelly biomass centre
#3 Private ops … people are paying..are NHS delays caused by Tories or Covid ?
#4 Cash point helper jailed
#5 Dover critical incident due to French backlog
#6 Heathrow workers accept pay, Rail don’t so strikes due
#7 Prince Harry going to court over police costs.
UK’s first magnet refinery given huge financial boost as first ever strategy for supply of critical minerals published
Multi-million pound investment in the UK’s first-ever magnet materials refiner launches alongside Critical Minerals Strategy.
Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy and The Rt Hon Kwasi Kwarteng MP
22 July 2022
The facility is backed by the government’s Automotive Transformation Fund, an £850 million programme to electrify Britain’s automotive supply chain and protect our nation’s competitiveness in the global market.
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #2 yesterday – think they may have the sixteen year olds in at the BBC …
…. for work experience already. The title of this article makes no sense whatsoever. Isn’t there a BBC Web-Site Editor, a BBC Web-Site Deputy Editor, a BBC Web-Site Assistant Editor and a BBC Web-Site sub-Editor to ensure that this sort of thing never happens?
The committee investigating the US Capitol riots has put the spotlight on the behaviour of former President Donald Trump as armed demonstrators invaded the seat of American democracy on 6 January 2021.
Belfield stuff : So far the court case has played out pretty much AB AWAYS said it would
I paraphrase what he said 3 years ago way before this present court case was announced or hi charges~ ‘I am a VICYIM of people spreading malicious lies about me including BBC guys like Jeremy Vine and the BBC Northamptonshire DJ
I am being thwarted by BBC trickery to keep me shut up
so I am not able to speak freely
I have hundreds of things to say about BBC cheating
but again I am not entirely free to speak
You know there is one place where I will e able to speak freely and that is in court
They think I am afraid to go to court, but I am not
I will be able to tell all’
So far everything seems to come out like he said , that the people accusing him of stalking were actually stalking him
ie they were the ones following the 30 accounts that were set up to troll him
On top of that they often contradicted themselves, or each other, or seemed to have very selective memories
eg “I can’t remember that”
The weakest part for him is the bit about the BBC Radio Leeds trans DJ
– Earlier communications from him to her establish he was not trans-phobic cos they were sparse & supportive.
Then she took over his old Radio Leeds slot
and he had a special interest in that cos BBC managers had sacked him, and then kept getting in people who got much lower audiences
So he starts to mention her in his complaint emails to BBC management ‘You have chosen this trans person to tick a box, rather than to the benefit of the licence payer’
The BBC maintain that’s harassing her cos they showed the emails to her and that upset her
Later Belfield does communicate directly a couple of times ‘look what you are doing the audience is falling etc.”
Then he does put up a video against BBC Leeds management where he parodies her.
Now he uses a mean style against everyone in his videos, but a woke-court might say trans are not equal but a special category and that being mean to a trans is a super mean crime, but being mean about Farage, Boris , Trump isn’t
In today’s 1 hour he started by mentioning that if the BBC had answered his first question about whether the BBC Northampton DJ had sent the material to the initial troll, that would be one thing.
but they kept refusing to confirm or deny which meant he had ask again and again
Then they turn around and say that him asking again and again is stalking
when their refusing to answer the question
is the cause of him having to ask it again and again.
Now in court the BBC DJ admitted he DID SEND that initial email to the troll, but he says that he told the police that from the beginning.
Minute 48 : Oh a huge deal was made by the anti-Belfield guys saying that Belfield’s own daily coverage would prejudice the trial
BUT BUT the DJ has just screwed up
QC ‘You just said that Belfield sent 4,000 emails to BBC staff, but your previous written evidence said 2,000 why have you changed that ?’
DJ ‘because someone sent me a text about what was said in court a few day ago’
‘But you know you are supposed to give YOUR OWN evidence and NOT look at the newspapers ?’
‘Yes I deleted the text straight away’
Earlier the DJ was dramatic talking about suicide, how he found a rope , started suicide on a number of occasion but never followed through, he cries.. years ago his own boyfriend had committed suicide.
AB’s QC sought to establish that the DJ was a depressive right from the start
that on his very first meeting with AB when AB was 17 and he was 37 he had taken him to dinner and talked about it.
DJ again can’t remember ever going to dinner with AB
The QC showed that he and AB communicated often and had worked on the same station for 4 months.
Again the testimony was contradictory saying that he wasn’t interested in AB , yet then saying there wasn’t a day when he didn’t think about him, about being very frightened by him etc.
The DJ accepted that AB badgered cos he wanted an admission and apology.
The DJ said he didn’t give one cos the police told him never to contact Belfield . And that the police and BBC both knew he had sent the initial email to the troll, but also declined to tell AB, until a few weeks ago.
@nottspolice PC Ryan Rowe tells jury he did no investigation prior to questioning me @ home.
BBC wanted a “civil resolution” so he closed the case April 4th 2020.
He was given a bundle by BBC.
1st thing I told him was “it’s a witch-hunt” he confirmed.
Day 15 Court Report 👨⚖️
Cross-Examination Notts Police PC Ryan Rowe ‘Can’t Remember Evidence’ & Didn’t Bring Pocket Book To Court For Notes.
Oh that much vaunted EU unity which always seems to evaporate when there is a question of national interest as we saw during covid, when the loony Red Labour fools would have given UK vaccines to the EU and also joined the EU ventilator scheme which ended with them having delivered not one single ventilator (Labour would have given them ours while not an EU member whilst other EU states didn’)
Funny how the media wants you to forget all this. So now we’re into the next big collapse in unity. The EU is not the USA and consists of individual member states who really do put their own interests ahead of the group here.
The EU is trying to impose on ALL members a 15% cut in natural gas consumption immediately all of them including states like Ireland which doesn’t get any gas from Russia, also Portugal and Spain neither of which have any pipeline connection for gas to the rest of Europe and are fully served by existing arrangements.
So here we are again with Italy and Germany, possibly Holland and Belgium short of gas because of the Nordstream situation and, the entire EU is being asked to make needless sacrifice which won’t actually make any difference to the EU energy woes. Thank goodness we are not members and thank goodness Red Labour are not in power or those loons would be offering every bit of gas we might have to the Germans who would take it with gratitude and then laugh their heads off at our rank stupidity.
None of it in the pro EU news of course, but it should be.
Isn’t it strange how often the UK echoes the US . There they are trying to bury president trump – here the socialist queer in his underpants running some ‘committee ‘ is after nut nut for lieing – to get him to lose his seat ….
The sheer hatred of the left is sometimes frightening – see the totalitarian SNP for more information ,…
BBC RADIO 4 Watch (ie. TOADY&TWatO combined) #1 – I have lost count of how many weeks it has been …
….. but it was noticeable that it almost coincided with the start of the final attempt to unseat Boris Johnson as PM. Is it six or seven weeks or longer? May 29th – Sunday – Jonny Dymond fired the starting pistol for the BBC’s campaign to get us back in the EU on TWotWeeee. This morning, TOADY were in on the act talking about the EU’s ‘Horizon Project’ so I switched off in annoyance and somehow, carelessly maybe, forgot to switch back on. Oh dear, how sad, never mind.
Ed Stourton, caretaking TWatO for the Montacutie who doesn’t like or do Fridays, had an item on the massive queues for the Chunnel and ferries to cross the channel to France. All blamed on the Frenchies. Cost of living crisis? What crisis? Does the Sun newspaper still do £10 Cross Channel Ferry Tickets? The tank load of petrol would cost a fortune though.
There is bit of a disconnect between stories of crowds at ports off on their foreign hols then empty foodbanks and getting dumped food …
Two different tunes played at the same time …
I put a bet on myself about credit card trouble and people having to use cash only …. Trouble on line …
Plants can help reduce the risk of psychosis and ‘bumping’ places, where people can casually meet to form connections, can potentially ease depression.
BBC & ITV local news both act as PR agencies for any green dream project
so tonight gave fawning coverage to Kwasi Kwarteng turning the soil at the Saltend Hull rate-earth metal
Neither mentioned the “£140m project creating 126 jobs”
is only happening cos it’s getting millions from the ATF Automotive Transformation Fund.
Plus words in the reports contradicted reality.
The project is really a smelter for ores containing radioactive thorium brought from Angola
when it’s finished the plant will then export the metal to Japan and Korea cos the UK has no magnet factories
A commenter says Korea has a new rare earth processing plant already in Ochang.
Other commenters claim the FTs experts are funded by China.
Equinor the new name for Norwegian national oil corp Statoil
They back a number oil green initiatives like Carbon capture (currently economically unviable)
By shear coincidence they also got UK ATF grant money for their HYDROGEN project also at Saltend, Hull
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 10, 23:10 Start the Week 10th March 2025 From the Daily Mail online: “… … … According to the Telegraph, figures from the most recent BBC annual report…
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 10, 22:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Carney worked for Goldman Sachs for 13 years, curiously enough.
FlotsamMar 10, 22:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I might be wrong. One ship, the Stena Immaculate might have been moving around at anchor due to wind and/or…
FlotsamMar 10, 21:59 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Kelvin Mackenzie on form on GBNews. “Why should the public be forced to pay, under threat of prosecution, to watch…
FlotsamMar 10, 21:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I’ve studied the tracks of the two ships and it’s clear to me that both were moving when the collision…
BRISSLESMar 10, 21:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 My nephew married a Russian girl – from Kursk, a few years ago. Her parents (just lovely ordinary people like…
Emmanuel GoldsteinMar 10, 21:26 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I keep hearing from MP’s an excuse for them not doing what they were voted in to do, things such…
The EU concept of the ‘supremacy of EU law’ – which forces all other UK legislation to be interpreted so as to give way to EU law where there is a conflict (even if EU law was overridden by subsequent non-EU sourced UK law) – has been preserved by the 2018 Act so far as relevant to the interpretation, disapplication or quashing of domestic law passed or made before the end of the transitional period. This interpretative concept is alien to the UK legislative principles, whereby later parliaments (and their laws) can override earlier parliaments.
From order-order.
“William Roper: “So, now you give the Devil the benefit of law!”
Sir Thomas More: “Yes! What would you do? Cut a great road through the law to get after the Devil?”
William Roper: “Yes, I’d cut down every law in England to do that!”
Sir Thomas More: “Oh? And when the last law was down, and the Devil turned ’round on you, where would you hide, Roper, the laws all being flat? This country is planted thick with laws, from coast to coast, Man’s laws, not God’s! And if you cut them down, and you’re just the man to do it, do you really think you could stand upright in the winds that would blow then? Yes, I’d give the Devil benefit of law, for my own safety’s sake!”
A Man for all Seasons – great play script/screenplay by Robert Bolt.
But not Brenda hale ….and her political court ..
Nor for Harman and ‘her’ committee.
An article in the Telegraph today re modern slavery in the UK upon which, needless to say , we are not allowed to comment. Nowhere in the story was the ethnicity of those who kept the slaves mentioned but we all know what it would be.
Basically the story was that charities which campaign against modern slavery hope that Mo F story will increase their revenue.
It doesn’t seem to penetrate the thick skulls of these charities nor the government , nor liberals in general , that if we import the third world we get third world behaviours and values. God knows what our country will be like in twenty years time. One thing is for sure it won’t anything the country we once knew as the UK.
Good point .
How many slave traders and slave owners have been deported ?
Many societies throughout history have practised slavery, and Muslim societies were no exception.
It’s thought that as many people were enslaved in the Eastern slave trade as in the Atlantic slave trade.
It’s ironic that when the Atlantic slave trade was abolished the Eastern trade expanded, suggesting that for some Africans the abolition of the Atlantic trade didn’t lead to freedom, but merely changed their slave destination.
Glasgow University to pay £20m in slave trade reparations
This article is more than 2 years old
Institution believed to be first British university to set up restorative justice scheme
Is our broadcaster on a “Death Wish” ?
All of their their “well paid” employees hoping that it will be wound up and then to get their ‘Golden Redundancy’ pay outs?
“Doncaster murders: Teenager guilty of street fight stabbings”
Those “men” again.
Catch it quick before it disappears the from the front page .
“A lengthy time behind bars”, two murders, erm, shouldnt that be two life sentences?
There’s an item slightly further back about private healthcare.
From bitter experience, the one thing that you can do in these times, is to invest in private healthcare.
I had a serious situation in late 2020 at the height of the ‘pandemic’ and the NHS treatment of it was woeful. Telephone appointments, unable to call back, no physical examinations, etc, etc adds a massive layer of stress at a stressful period normally.
As this had a good outcome as of a couple of days ago as I emerged out of all this, I couldn’t help but notice that £278 per month on my payslip for NI gives a fraction of the service and quality I had privately for £48 per month through Aviva. The only Corona bollocks I had was masks in the consultations/examinations, and PCR testing prior to both surgeries. Oh, and no visitors.
Unfortunately if I had had to rely on the NHS, I would either be still waiting on some list or six feet under. The amount of people in this country who don’t have private healthcare, or believe the Labour/SNP/Lib/BBC line about private healthcare as evil, and are waiting on life changing/saving procedures, makes me incredibly sad.
5 hour queues at Dover Port to cross the Channel, endless queues and cancellations at airports – how the hell do we leave the country ???? A bloody sight easier getting into the country in a li-lo from France. Laughable.
Glad I’m off on a cruise from Southampton in November – seems to be the only way without any hassle (unless some prats decide to block the M3) !
The French border guards have obviously been re deployed to the French coast to stop the third world invading England every day …
Breed sharks …
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 yesterday – well, now there’s a surprise with the BBC talking up ‘the-cost-of-living-crisis’
Jeremy Vine LIVE VIDEO ..
Jeremy Vine rides a unicycle ?!!!
More worryingly, where has he put the saddle pole?
“A lot of the woke agenda has been permeating… almost through the entire BBC… How they [the BBC] bow down to every single pressure group going…whether that’s Black Lives Matter…it’s a namby pamby approach.”
Apparently this was even a huge concern for his constituents at the time. The, erm, same constituents he represents today…
Soldiers in the Myanmar military have admitted to killing, torturing and raping civilians in exclusive interviews with the BBC. For the first time they have given detailed accounts of widespread human rights abuses they say they were ordered to conduct.
Prof Jay said: “No-one knows the true scale of child sexual exploitation in Rotherham over the years. Our conservative estimate is that approximately 1,400 children were sexually exploited over the full inquiry period, from 1997 to 2013.”
Revealing details of the inquiry’s findings, Prof Jay said: “It is hard to describe the appalling nature of the abuse that child victims suffered.”
The inquiry team found examples of “children who had been doused in petrol and threatened with being set alight, threatened with guns, made to witness brutally violent rapes and threatened they would be next if they told anyone”.
Sadiq Khan opened the London Blossom Garden in the park, which features 33 blossoming trees – one for each London borough – for people to “contemplate and reflect on the impact of the pandemic”
Sadiq Khan has shamelessly abandoned his mayoral campaign pledge to plant two million trees by 2020, a promise designed to outflank the green credentials of Zac Goldsmith. Last week Guido revealed that no trees had been planted and there were no plans to start digging. Sadiq needed to plant 10,000 trees a week to make the target…
While n the subject of trees……….
“Farming: Mark Drakeford wants tree planting for subsidies”
“More tax being spent on farming is something Wales’ first minister has to justify to “Bangladeshi taxi drivers” in Cardiff, he has said.”
That’s another institution we have to get rid of .
A new Welsh government subsidy scheme to replace EU-based payments for agriculture has been in development since the Brexit vote and is set to be introduced from 2025.
Mr Drakeford said: “If you wish to take advantage of that money, if you want to have help from the Welsh taxpayer, then you will have to find a way of bringing yourself within the scheme that allows me, as the first minister, to justify to Bangladeshi taxi drivers in Riverside, where I live, why they should pay their taxes in order to support farmers in Wales.”
Ahmadis suffer vicious persecution around the world. The main source of fuel for that persecution is in Pakistan, but what happens in Pakistan does not stay in Pakistan.
I know that from my experience in the Yorkshire market town of Batley. In August 1985, when I was 11 years old, my parents organised an inter-faith meeting in the town hall. It was interrupted and disturbed when, according to West Yorkshire police, more than 1,000 extremists, led by Pakistani hate preachers funded by the Pakistani state, were bused in from around the country. The mob brutally attacked my English mother and my father, a dermatologist; my eldest brother and I; and a Welsh Ahmadi schoolteacher who was with us. My first cousin, a GP, was by chance driving through the market town that day. He saw the mob and saw his family and friends being attacked, so he stopped. He was recognised, pulled from his vehicle and savagely beaten up.
Ten years ago I singlehandedly planted 300 trees around a school playing field where I live.
A bit better attempt than Khan managed.
My letterbox waterfall of promo-paper has started to include flyers for private GP services.
“Get your life back on track. Book your consultation, including blood tests and x-rays for only £95”
I wonder how many times this is replicated across the country?
ps – orthopaedic surgery (knees & hips) touted as ⅓ time of NHS
Envy of the world – keep clapping
MPs who use private healthcare should be barred from voting on the NHS
MPs must declare whether they or their dependents use private healthcare. If they do, the MP should lose the right to speak or vote on any bills affecting the NHS. It is not right that MPs can impose laws on us that they can opt out of.
Looks like the anychess peeps are set to monetise your medical records a la DVLA – and they’re not keen on you having any say on the matter…
that’s OK eh?
Palantir Technologies is a public American software company that specializes in big data analytics. Headquartered in Denver, Colorado, it was founded by Peter Thiel, Nathan Gettings, Joe Lonsdale, Stephen Cohen, and Alex Karp in 2003. Wikipedia
Palantir: NHS faces legal action over data firm contract
The NHS is being taken to court over its contract with controversial US data firm Palantir.
Open Democracy said it had launched the legal action over Palantir’s long-term involvement in the analysis of vast amounts of public health data.
It also alleges that Palantir lobbied a top NHS official over expensive watermelon cocktails.
Border preparations stepped up
It will use £20m software produced by the US tech firm Palantir, which gathers information from different government computers, in the hope of minimising the amount of “short-term” disruption at the border in the days and weeks after 1 January.
Immigration: Visa applications open under UK’s post-Brexit system
1 December 2020
MPs should get two votes if they have private health insurance ( expenses claim ) – they should not have to use the NHS – that’s for inferior people such as taxpayers (PAYE ) and the thick voters …. Plebs ….
Sign up for it, you’ll probably get see your own GP whose too busy for pesky NHS appointments.
Reference CAS-6617681-T3R8R9
Dear Mr MM
Thank you for contacting us about Beyond 100 Days on the BBC News Channel. We note and appreciate your concerns.
We can assure you that the scheduling of Beyond 100 Days has no relevance to the recent US Presidential elections. We would also highlight that you can continue to watch BBC News with Katty and Christian on the BBC New Channel.
BBC News never takes a position on any story that we cover.
We do value your feedback about this. All complaints are sent to senior management and we’ve included your points in our overnight report.
These reports are among the most widely read sources of feedback in the company and ensures that your concerns have been seen by the right people quickly. This helps inform their decisions about current and future content.
Kind regards,
Darren Loughlin
BBC Complaints Team
Shall we list the stories the BBC won’t cover properly?
Paki gangs
Coloured criminals
Invaders at the channel
Corrupt EU
Demented Biden
Failing democrat America
A stolen election
Successes of Trump
Vaccine damage
Chinese virus origins
Dodgy weather theories
Tax and welfare fraud
Harmful immigration
Overwhelmed Anglo populations
Corrupt SNP
SNP totalitarianism
Perverted sex and mental health
Failing NHS
NHS killing people
Medical mafia corruption
For starters ….
Russia ‘looting’ steel bound for Europe and UK, says Metinvest boss
“The firm owns the Azovstal plant that became the last holdout of Ukrainian soldiers and civilians during the devastation of the city of Mariupol.”
No mention of the fact the firm itself is owned by oligarch Rinat Akhmetov, Ukraine’s richest person.
475 foot yacht sailor etc…
Guess things like that are only relevant to the BBC when Russian owned football clubs are concerned.
“Oh Boo hoo the plebs get their news from Facebook.
How thick are they ?”
Yes , cos the wisdom of the crowds does seem better than media chumps these days.
On Tuesday someone in the shop told me, that they had seen a fire on the way home.
So I looked it up on Facebook and found 5 local fire events
For that first one where an abandoned factory recreation ground had caught fire, a farmer had gone in with the plough circled the fire and cut it all off… top man
– For the fire the other end of town where a field fire had spread to a closed down council daycare centre I spotted a drone operator had put up photos
So I put in a link on the Facebook page.
We don’t have proper local papers any more, instead we have a weekly newspaper put together by cutNpasters pasting together 100 other local papers 100 miles from where we are.
So on Tuesday or Wednesday they too had used Facebook to research their story, grabbed the drone photos and pasted them into the newspaper frontpage and sent it off to the printworks on Wednesday PM
So when it came out on Thursday that’s how the frontpage of the ScunthorpeTelegraph looks
: grainy drone shots, cos the newspaper people were unable to work out how to get proper HQ images from social media posts
now THAT is urine larceny on quite an epic scale.
1000 illegal migrants use arrest warrants as ID for US flights
Is there another, erm, word… – stronger than “farce”?
Home Office loses track of more than 600,000 people who should have left country, finds immigration watchdog
UK border checks branded ‘shambolic’
May Bulman
Social Affairs Correspondent
Thursday 29 March 2018 16:39
For a fire on Scunthorpe I recognised the area from the drone photos.
It was a field fire behind some scrapyards
Again it was cutoff to the middle of the field as if ploughs or fire engines had stopped it
Yet in the local paper it is titled
“*Huge* Scunthorpe blaze was deliberate says fire service”
.. Again that is headline hyperbole, it wasn’t huge .. really
I’d suspect local rough kids rather than XR
Anyways here’s a comment someone made

The BBC does like its exemptions, especially from FOIs, whilst getting very ‘creative’ and/or ‘snarky even with matters of life or death or national security.
When it comes to itself…
#BBCshushyshushy “The corporation made an application to exclude the Belfast Telegraph from part of an upcoming tribunal hearing relating to Donna Traynor, who quit her role as a presenter on its Newsline programme in November last year
but \\employment judge ruled that a journalist .. be permitted to attend “all of the substantive hearing including any private session”//
Dominic Cummings saying Boris wants Truss, so he can swoop back in when she screws up.
Doh Boris can’t come back in quickly cos he have to be rehabilitated first
‘Truss is a human handgrenade cos he blows everything up’
.. Well she did get the trade deals done.
Cummings – Why Leave Won the Referendum
the single most important
reason really for why I wanted to get
out of the EU is I think that it will
draw it will drain the poison of a lot
of political debates it will kill off I
predicted that that if we get out you
keep in light alfarache will be finished
that’s an early game for vote leave as
you can see that’s happened that whole
side of politics in Britain will go once
this Democratic control of immigration
policy immigration will go back to being a second or third order issue and that
will be a very positive and healthy
thing for the country
@Marky : Right hand side of your screen where the Youtube transcript is,
there is a three dot button cick it & select “toggle timestamps”. so switch it off
Then copy the text and put it through
.. to remove the weird line breaks
Then remove the Youtube errors eg “start” instead of “style”, then put in punctuation.
Thanks – didn’t notice that.
Cumming says
“Fundamentally, pretty much the worst case scenario for Europe, is a return to 1930s style protectionism and extremism
And to me, the EU project / Eurozone project are driving the growth of extremism, which is extremely DANGEROUS.
And the single most important reason really for why I wanted to get out of the EU is, I think that it will drain the poison of a lot of political debates, it will kill off.. (ends)
I predicted that that if we get out, UKIP & Nigel Farage will be FINISHED *
That’s an early gain for Vote Leave & as you can see that’s happened,
That whole side of politics in Britain will GO.
Once there’s democratic control of immigration policy immigration will go back to being a second or third order issue
and that will be a very POSITIVE and healthy thing for the country.
You guys are the educated population and you overweigh being on the opposite side to Farage.
You think ‘Farage is on that side therefore I must be on the other side’.
and that’s actually not a very rational way of thinking
but it’s actually how most educated people thought about the referendum.”
– Cumings words show he is an Islington bubbleworld open borders man
* His prediction about the end of Farage was completely wrong
– He sucks up to the media elites. Is he lying to them or to us ?
UK life is driven by HATE
but who is doing the hate and who is doing the thinking ?
Instead of thinking libmob go for the simple option of making someone their HATE figure, and then going for the opposite of what he/she says , cos they don’t want to be on the same side as the hate figure
They HATE British/English nationalists , so when those guys spoke up & aid action must be taken against raping gangs
.. libmob thought in-action was best
They HATE Farage so when he spoke up against open borders and the EU : They decided REMAIN must be the way
They HATE Trump : so every single thing he did they took against
They HATE themselves : so when orgs came up that attacked their own heritage like BLM and the statue smashers they sided against British culture
That might explain why they so often side against straight white males too, and take the side of trans extremists & immigrant even when they turn out to be criminals
They HATE people who aren’t in the green cult and label them DENIERS and rush to deny them a voice.
They HATE the rich even though libmob are often rich
They are into the politics of envy .. saying that if someone got wealth, ripping them down the ladder will automatically pull them up the ladder.
But capitalism doesn’t work that way .. socialists ripping ladders down means everyone is at the bottom
Likewise HATE is at the bottom or partygate fury, they know they could have opened up more themselves, but are jealous Downing St and even Starmer made their own decisions on risk
They HATE Oban, the police, The Daily Mail, Murdoch etc. etc.
MM, that supposed statement from Cummings about the EU is pure gibberish. Can we assume that what he told Kuenssberg is also complete rubbish?
Interesting the video gives no detail about the event
and doesn’t allow comments.
OK An event sponsored by Ogilvy called ‘Nudgestock 2017’, where he explains how they managed to win the referendum,
The event was 9th June 2017 so I don’t understand why that video was uploaded by the anti-Brexit channel ONE year later.
@Nudgestock did upload a video on 21 June 2017 but then took it private.
In Sept 2017 someone put up a video of the 90s that Marky is talking about
See how it’ focussed on NUDGE trickery
The Behavioural Insights team, popularly known as the “Nudge Unit”, is playing a big role in helping the government formulate its response to coronavirus.
What is the Nudge Unit?
The Nudge Unit was established in the Cabinet Office in 2010 by David Cameron’s government to apply behavioural science to public policy. Now owned partly by the Cabinet Office, by Nesta and by employees, it has operations across the world.
Its chief executive is Dr David Halpern, former director of research at the Institute for Government, who is also the government’s What Works national adviser.
Why ‘nudge’?
It is called ‘nudge’ after the book by Richard Thaler (who went on to win the Nobel prize in economics) and Cass Sunstein which set out how people are not the rational economic actors beloved of conventional economic theory – but can be influenced by “choice architecture” into making better choices in their own interests.
but can be influenced by “choice architecture” into making better choices in their own interests
but can be influenced by “choice architecture” into making better choices in their own interests
but can be influenced by “choice architecture” into making better choices in their own interests
but can be influenced by “choice architecture” into making better choices in their own interests
Should have called if ‘manipulate’
Single Market Scoreboard 2021: Member States edging forward to a better implementation of Single Market rules for a more resilient Europe
Problematic sectors: environment (8 cases), including 4 on water protection & management; transport (4) = 52% of all pending cases.
Polls, BBC polls and…
One day the media will grasp their true standing.
tomo’s word of the week
1pm Local news
#1 Hull wins magnet factor over Teesside
“The government is providing some MONEY for this”*
It makes rare earth magnets for offshore turbines and EVs
#2 2 mile away people complaining about plans to expand smelly biomass centre
#3 Private ops … people are paying..are NHS delays caused by Tories or Covid ?
#4 Cash point helper jailed
#5 Dover critical incident due to French backlog
#6 Heathrow workers accept pay, Rail don’t so strikes due
#7 Prince Harry going to court over police costs.
* They mean granny taxpayer will be paying.
UK’s first magnet refinery given huge financial boost as first ever strategy for supply of critical minerals published
Multi-million pound investment in the UK’s first-ever magnet materials refiner launches alongside Critical Minerals Strategy.
Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy and The Rt Hon Kwasi Kwarteng MP
22 July 2022
The facility is backed by the government’s Automotive Transformation Fund, an £850 million programme to electrify Britain’s automotive supply chain and protect our nation’s competitiveness in the global market.
In May last year NHS Test and Trace (NHST&T) was set up with a budget of £22 billion. Since then it has been allocated £15 billion more: totalling £37 billion over two years.
The crude sums for NHS T&T show ca. £600 quid each human in the UK contribution.
Have you seen £600 of value anywhere?
I mean 37 billion is a lot of money – even at sunak consultant rates … a breakdown will be most depressing …
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #2 yesterday – think they may have the sixteen year olds in at the BBC …
…. for work experience already. The title of this article makes no sense whatsoever. Isn’t there a BBC Web-Site Editor, a BBC Web-Site Deputy Editor, a BBC Web-Site Assistant Editor and a BBC Web-Site sub-Editor to ensure that this sort of thing never happens?
The Bank of England and the government have said that wage rises to cope with the current cost of living could fuel further inflation.
The BBC promoting a putrid misrepresentation of Jan 6th – it’s almost like they’re trying hard to annoy people.
Some peeps need to do jail time over this
BBC Sri Lanka – gone!
BBC USA Capitol Hill … 24/7.
The committee investigating the US Capitol riots has put the spotlight on the behaviour of former President Donald Trump as armed demonstrators invaded the seat of American democracy on 6 January 2021.
Islamic veil: Why fewer women in North Africa are wearing it
Lincolnshire non-Muslim girls asked to wear hijab for a day
Niloofar (not her real name) was arrested for demonstrating against the mandatory hijab. She says she was held in solitary confinement and subjected to torture and beatings.
Boris Johnson’s burqa comments ‘led to surge in anti-Muslim attacks’
Saudi Arabia’s religious police stopped schoolgirls from leaving a blazing building because they were not wearing correct Islamic dress, according to Saudi newspapers.
Belfield stuff : So far the court case has played out pretty much AB AWAYS said it would
I paraphrase what he said 3 years ago way before this present court case was announced or hi charges~
‘I am a VICYIM of people spreading malicious lies about me including BBC guys like Jeremy Vine and the BBC Northamptonshire DJ
I am being thwarted by BBC trickery to keep me shut up
so I am not able to speak freely
I have hundreds of things to say about BBC cheating
but again I am not entirely free to speak
You know there is one place where I will e able to speak freely and that is in court
They think I am afraid to go to court, but I am not
I will be able to tell all’
So far everything seems to come out like he said , that the people accusing him of stalking were actually stalking him
ie they were the ones following the 30 accounts that were set up to troll him
On top of that they often contradicted themselves, or each other, or seemed to have very selective memories
eg “I can’t remember that”
The weakest part for him is the bit about the BBC Radio Leeds trans DJ
– Earlier communications from him to her establish he was not trans-phobic cos they were sparse & supportive.
Then she took over his old Radio Leeds slot
and he had a special interest in that cos BBC managers had sacked him, and then kept getting in people who got much lower audiences
So he starts to mention her in his complaint emails to BBC management ‘You have chosen this trans person to tick a box, rather than to the benefit of the licence payer’
The BBC maintain that’s harassing her cos they showed the emails to her and that upset her
Later Belfield does communicate directly a couple of times ‘look what you are doing the audience is falling etc.”
Then he does put up a video against BBC Leeds management where he parodies her.
Now he uses a mean style against everyone in his videos, but a woke-court might say trans are not equal but a special category and that being mean to a trans is a super mean crime, but being mean about Farage, Boris , Trump isn’t
In today’s 1 hour he started by mentioning that if the BBC had answered his first question about whether the BBC Northampton DJ had sent the material to the initial troll, that would be one thing.
but they kept refusing to confirm or deny which meant he had ask again and again
Then they turn around and say that him asking again and again is stalking
when their refusing to answer the question
is the cause of him having to ask it again and again.
Now in court the BBC DJ admitted he DID SEND that initial email to the troll, but he says that he told the police that from the beginning.
Minute 48 : Oh a huge deal was made by the anti-Belfield guys saying that Belfield’s own daily coverage would prejudice the trial
BUT BUT the DJ has just screwed up
QC ‘You just said that Belfield sent 4,000 emails to BBC staff, but your previous written evidence said 2,000 why have you changed that ?’
DJ ‘because someone sent me a text about what was said in court a few day ago’
‘But you know you are supposed to give YOUR OWN evidence and NOT look at the newspapers ?’
‘Yes I deleted the text straight away’
Earlier the DJ was dramatic talking about suicide, how he found a rope , started suicide on a number of occasion but never followed through, he cries.. years ago his own boyfriend had committed suicide.
AB’s QC sought to establish that the DJ was a depressive right from the start
that on his very first meeting with AB when AB was 17 and he was 37 he had taken him to dinner and talked about it.
DJ again can’t remember ever going to dinner with AB
The QC showed that he and AB communicated often and had worked on the same station for 4 months.
Again the testimony was contradictory saying that he wasn’t interested in AB , yet then saying there wasn’t a day when he didn’t think about him, about being very frightened by him etc.
The DJ accepted that AB badgered cos he wanted an admission and apology.
The DJ said he didn’t give one cos the police told him never to contact Belfield . And that the police and BBC both knew he had sent the initial email to the troll, but also declined to tell AB, until a few weeks ago.
Today’s notes from AB’s trial
@nottspolice PC Ryan Rowe tells jury he did no investigation prior to questioning me @ home.
BBC wanted a “civil resolution” so he closed the case April 4th 2020.
He was given a bundle by BBC.
1st thing I told him was “it’s a witch-hunt” he confirmed.
Day 15 Court Report 👨⚖️
Cross-Examination Notts Police PC Ryan Rowe ‘Can’t Remember Evidence’ & Didn’t Bring Pocket Book To Court For Notes.
Oh that much vaunted EU unity which always seems to evaporate when there is a question of national interest as we saw during covid, when the loony Red Labour fools would have given UK vaccines to the EU and also joined the EU ventilator scheme which ended with them having delivered not one single ventilator (Labour would have given them ours while not an EU member whilst other EU states didn’)
Funny how the media wants you to forget all this. So now we’re into the next big collapse in unity. The EU is not the USA and consists of individual member states who really do put their own interests ahead of the group here.
The EU is trying to impose on ALL members a 15% cut in natural gas consumption immediately all of them including states like Ireland which doesn’t get any gas from Russia, also Portugal and Spain neither of which have any pipeline connection for gas to the rest of Europe and are fully served by existing arrangements.
So here we are again with Italy and Germany, possibly Holland and Belgium short of gas because of the Nordstream situation and, the entire EU is being asked to make needless sacrifice which won’t actually make any difference to the EU energy woes. Thank goodness we are not members and thank goodness Red Labour are not in power or those loons would be offering every bit of gas we might have to the Germans who would take it with gratitude and then laugh their heads off at our rank stupidity.
None of it in the pro EU news of course, but it should be.
Isn’t it strange how often the UK echoes the US . There they are trying to bury president trump – here the socialist queer in his underpants running some ‘committee ‘ is after nut nut for lieing – to get him to lose his seat ….
The sheer hatred of the left is sometimes frightening – see the totalitarian SNP for more information ,…
BBC RADIO 4 Watch (ie. TOADY&TWatO combined) #1 – I have lost count of how many weeks it has been …
….. but it was noticeable that it almost coincided with the start of the final attempt to unseat Boris Johnson as PM. Is it six or seven weeks or longer? May 29th – Sunday – Jonny Dymond fired the starting pistol for the BBC’s campaign to get us back in the EU on TWotWeeee. This morning, TOADY were in on the act talking about the EU’s ‘Horizon Project’ so I switched off in annoyance and somehow, carelessly maybe, forgot to switch back on. Oh dear, how sad, never mind.
Ed Stourton, caretaking TWatO for the Montacutie who doesn’t like or do Fridays, had an item on the massive queues for the Chunnel and ferries to cross the channel to France. All blamed on the Frenchies. Cost of living crisis? What crisis? Does the Sun newspaper still do £10 Cross Channel Ferry Tickets? The tank load of petrol would cost a fortune though.
There is bit of a disconnect between stories of crowds at ports off on their foreign hols then empty foodbanks and getting dumped food …
Two different tunes played at the same time …
I put a bet on myself about credit card trouble and people having to use cash only …. Trouble on line …
This BBC post is… now very BBC. And getting the responses it deserves.
Appropriate given the newsroom seems to be staffed by kindergardeners.
Luckily Sky is a voice of re… oh…
We had a few days of hot summer.
Today, here, it is tipping down and 20 degrees. In July.
A world run by media blondes, Sadiq Khan and Carrie is in a dodgy place.
Nick Robinson up all night checking claims?
kindergardeners too stupid to work at a fast food joint?
Luckily, the bbc has been allowed only to promote what they have settled.
The media.
BBC & ITV local news both act as PR agencies for any green dream project
so tonight gave fawning coverage to Kwasi Kwarteng turning the soil at the Saltend Hull rate-earth metal
Neither mentioned the “£140m project creating 126 jobs”
is only happening cos it’s getting millions from the ATF Automotive Transformation Fund.
Plus words in the reports contradicted reality.
… I checked on Twitter and 1 person tweets the sceptical FT story which raises a whole series of concerns
“Experts cast doubts over UK’s first rare earths processing site”
The project is really a smelter for ores containing radioactive thorium brought from Angola
when it’s finished the plant will then export the metal to Japan and Korea cos the UK has no magnet factories
A commenter says Korea has a new rare earth processing plant already in Ochang.
Other commenters claim the FTs experts are funded by China.
Always intrigued when a sponsored media ad comes my way.
If there’s one thing I know for certain it’s that most of the parasites working for StatOil don’t have a scooby about carbon capture & storage
Equinor the new name for Norwegian national oil corp Statoil
They back a number oil green initiatives like Carbon capture (currently economically unviable)
By shear coincidence they also got UK ATF grant money for their HYDROGEN project also at Saltend, Hull
“Russia is fighting a gas war. It has restarted the Nord Stream 1 pipeline supplies to Europe but not to full capacity.”
“The Nord Stream 1 gas pipeline from Russia to Europe has restarted after a 10-day break.”
Has the BBC mentioned that ?
Yes but no one noticed
They Ivans must have had a laugh at the reaction of Berlin politicians to the pipe being shut off !
Long time in Asia. Never went there.
Everyone I knew who did had to barricade the plane bogs back.
I know somebody (eejit) who did that – amoebic dysentery and a near death hepatitis
Yeah – I pal of mine tried to save somebody by diving into the Thames at Beckton – hepatitis …
Amazingly , he seems to be a media type.
– and none of the MSM seem to want to acknowledge that and look at the proximate cause.
Try to cut a political candidates throat and free less than 12 hours later with no bail.
That sends a message to *every nut job* out there …
It feels like the country is going on holiday – but some of us will still be around moaning and a groaning – so time for the Happy Holiday Thread
Why not contribute if you are stuck at Dover – or on the m1 , m6, m45 , Lake District – an airport …..
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #3 – the BBC: do as we say, not as we do.
BBC CO2 emissions are often needless: Brighton to Birmingham, Birmingham to Sheffield, Sheffield to Coventry, Exeter to Brighton, Brighton to Glasgow and lots, lots more including air travel from Lands End to Exeter.