he New Development Bank (NDB), formerly referred to as the BRICS Development Bank
The bank is headquartered in Shanghai, China.[2] The first regional office of the NDB is in Johannesburg, South Africa.[3] The second regional office was established in 2019 in São Paulo, Brazil, followed by Moscow, Russia.[4]
Alysia was introduced in the first issue of the Batgirl series, when Barbara Gordon decides it is time to move out of her father’s home. Barbara moves in with Alysia, thanks to a roommate posting advertised on “Greg’s List”. Alysia, who is of Singaporean descent, describes herself as somewhat of an activist. Alysia explains to Barbara that she paints during the day, and works as a bartender at night, although her ambition is to be a professional chef one day. Though only knowing Barbara for a very brief amount of time, she shows a very outgoing personality and is almost instantly warmly receptive of her new roommate. Alysia notices how secretive Barbara is at times, but she doesn’t keep pressing on about it. She tells Barbara that it’s okay, because she knows everyone has their secrets.
Eventually, Alysia meets Barbara’s psychopathic brother, James, and they begin dating.[4] He later gives her a pet cat named Alaska as a gift, one that Barbara later notices is very much like the cat named Alaska that her family used to have.[5]
Later, Alysia joins an environmental activist group, where she meets female member Jo, and the two fall in love.[9] Barbara moves out in order to start her life over, and to keep Alysia from worrying about her.[10] Despite this, they remain close, and Alysia invites Barbara to her wedding with Jo as her maid of honor.[11]
Why is it that, for example, Rishi is now declaring war on woke in his latest attempt to get elected.
We have been crying out loud for so many things but all of the politicians ignore us and his latest offering is just a begrudged morsel which will never happen anyway.
When you look at all the things the majority want:
Stop net zero.
Control immigration.
Leave the eu properly (and the echr)
Stop the channel crossings by hundreds of ‘refugees’ fleeing the war torn hell hole of France.
Sort the profiteering energy companies and Banks which are ripping us off.
Stop all this pc/woke nonsense.
Come clean on the jabs.
Start policing against criminals and not hurty tweets or thoughts.
Get rid of all the diversity types of management and other wastes of space in the nhs and replace them with nurses, matrons and doctors.
So many other things yet ALL the politicians are against what the majority want.
We can vote liblabcon but they are all the same.
Reform/ukip etc are unable to get their act together to give a viable alternative.
Then who CAN we Truss?
I’ve always trusted my judgement but even that has sometimes been wrong. However, I remain a committed anti Communist and an anti Globalist. Just maybe the jury is still out on those two items but unfortunately, these days, juries are bound to be comprised of folks who regularly view the Main Stream Media. Need I say more?
eremy Corbyn has pledged to investigate the rising cost of Freddos.
The Labour leader was asked in a new interview about the inflation in the price of the Cadbury-made chocolate, which used to retail for around 10p. Last year, the price of one Freddo was expected to rise to 30p in most shops.
A feature on artistic stuff going on in Birmingham in parallel to the CW Games.
The presenter takes us through a list of entertainment options.
‘DJs, dancers, and drag artists’
Yep. Drag artists. No doubt the good people of Birmingham have been bereft for years because of the paucity of drag artists.
Then we have an interview with some arty young woman.
The talk is quite normal until she has to slip ‘non-binary’ into the discussion. Then it is pointed out that only 1% of dance musicians are women. Cue outrage. But this has to be amended to ‘women AND NON-BINARY’.
The BBC sees the population only through the Leftoid woke prism of its own favoured minuscule minorities. Drag artists and non-binary. The world according to the BBC.
Equality. Modern version.
Commonwealth Games -men’s 100 metres.
Able bodied race – one
Disabled races
Leg amputees or equivalent prosthetics
Arms or hands missing or non-working
Those with things like cerebral palsy
Blind with a sighted runner.
So that’s able bodied – one medal opportunity
Disabled – five medal opportunities. And for each of the latter the level of competition is, shall we say, modest.
But all medals go onto the grand tally.
And that, readers, is wokeland’s version of equality.
I may add that I hugely admire and respect the disabled competitors for their gutsy determination. But equivalent it isn’t.
“Help house 10,000 Afghan refugees, minister tells councils” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-62393625
is this ontop of the Illegal invaders already here ?
Something tells me that we are full , thanks to our useless Conservative Government, who have failed to defens this country’s borders.
local ITV NewsPR
#1 Carefully constructed item .. someone is doing a festival against poverty in Hull
“Did you know that Hull has more poverty that the UK average ?”
Well since poverty means an income of less that 40% of the average salary, not buying power.
well since Hull and rest of the country have salaries much smaller than London
of course Hull will have more than average poverty .
Radio 4 Extra, due to its mainly having old plays from yonks ago, used to be a little refuge away from all the usual wokery spewed out by the rest of the BBC. I’m afraid it’s taken a turn for the worse…
They’ve recently put a series on hi-lighting new writers. God almighty they have been utterly ghastly. None of these efforts are “plays” as you or I might think of them, they’re blatant propaganda wrapped in a thin veneer of a story pretending to be a play.
I think the worst…and it’s difficult to choose…they have all been woefully PC…was BURP. This is a climate change story, featuring a young “seaweed scientist” and an old farmer, Clifford. Apparently it’s methane that is causing the “climate catastrophe”. We’ve got to change our ways or it’s the end of the world.
The seaweed scientist tells us that the climate has been stable for two billion years, but now, due to mankind, it’s all getting out of hand. This is nonsense. The climate has fluctuated enormously. How could the dinosaurs have survived in today’s cold climate? They lived in hot and wet climes that produced the massive and sprawling vegetation they needed to eat. There are no land animals anything like that size now.
We’ve had ice ages and times when there was no snow at either the Arctic or Antarctic. It’s a fantasy that the climate has never changed.
At one point poor old Clifford seems to be at the end of his tether and says rather plaintively, “The farming community work every day so that people can enjoy beefsteak and burgers…now it’s like the nation has turned against us and we’re the enemy. Everybody is pointing fingers and blaming us for the climate mayhem…telling us not to farm because of all the carbon we’re producing. When did we become the baddies?”
Don’t worry Clifford, our boy scientist is on hand and by feeding the cows pelleted seaweed he manages to reduce the methane by 90%. Phew…
You know, I don’t believe anyone, other than the bloody BBC and the rest of the climate fascists, are blaming farmers and pointing the finger. Most of us rather admire farmers and wish them well. And I’m guessing most of us want to continue eating beefsteaks and burgers…rather than earwigs and ants eggs.
Agreed – when 4xtra started it was a quiet British radio station aimed at the non woke non box tickers – now it’s a challenge finding something worth while – it repeats stuff from when `R4 put out stuff without the approved messages
I can’t imagine 4xtra putting out repeats of the tuck box crap r4 puts out now …
.. but I suspect 4extra is on the target list so that radio paki / Asian network can continue … wonder if it puts out tips for paedophiles ?
The topic of China-Taiwan has a complicated history in Washington, particularly ever since President Richard Nixon made his historic trip to China in 1972 to meet with Chairman Mao. Seven years later, the U.S. officially established its diplomatic relation with Beijing, as Washington acknowledged that Taiwan is a part of China, and that there’s only “One China.”
Still, the U.S. has maintained unofficial relations with Taiwan ever since. In 2018, Congress passed the Taiwan Travel Act, which allows high-level officials to visit Taiwan and vice-versa. Now as relations chill across the Strait of Taiwan and China looks to cement its hegemony in the region, Pelosi’s visit would be of great significance.
“Pelosi’s Sham Political Witch-Hunt Is So Scripted They Need Teleprompters
Any doubt that Lame Duck Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s political witch-hunt would be anything more than a made-for-TV faux drama was put to rest almost immediately when footage surfaced that the sham committee was relying on teleprompters.
Once again, Pelosi and House Democrats are desperately attempting to change the narrative rather than addressing the numerous crises facing America.
This is a partisan and illegitimate Committee.
These hearings are a Hollywoodized production with cherry picked statements and details to paint the false narrative Nancy Pelosi and House Democrats have already determined.
The goal of these hearings is NOT to prevent another January 6th but to punish the political opponents of Nancy Pelosi and House Democrats.
Speaker Pelosi took the unprecedented step of blocking the participation of the Republicans that Leader McCarthy chose to serve on the Select Committee.
The Committee is not following its own charter:
The Committee’s charter says that it must have 13 members, it only has 9.
The charter says that the Committee must have a lawyer from the ranking minority member during a deposition—there is no ranking minority member and no staff appointed by the minority.
The Committee has even misled witnesses being questioned about the position of the attorney questioning them. Mollie Hemingway broke that news HERE.
This is an abusive Committee whose mission is to harass and snoop on its political opponents.
The FBI has found that there was no “organized plot” on 1/6, but the Committee has based its investigation on the conspiracy that there was an attempted insurrection,
The Committee has subpoenaed multiple individuals for the sole “crime” of organizing a first amendment protected political rally.
From their press release: “The committee used permit paperwork for the Jan. 6 rally to identify other individuals involved in organizing.”
The Committee has interviewed over 150 people, swept up geolocation data and call records of rally organizers and low-level Trump staffers, and even may subpoena sitting members of Congress.
This isn’t just a sham Committee—Democrats are covering up the truth about what happened on January 6.
The Capitol Chief Police board which includes the Senate and House Sergeant at Arms and the Architect of the Capitol was slow to call National Guard assistance on 1/6 (pg. 62).
The Senate released a report and Pelosi’s House Sergeant at Arms Paul Irving refused to comply with ANY information requests. From page 4of the Senate report.
These documents are the property of the House and Speaker Pelosi and Bennie Thompson could get them with an email—but they refuse!
Not surprising because Bennie Thompson has said that Speaker Pelosi is off limits
The Committee is not investigating the breakdown in security on the 6th, even though its charter requires it to.
The Select Committee’s authoritarian undertaking against Americans has no place in Congress.
The Select Committee is ignoring their actual charter – to look at why we were so unprepared and what we can do to prevent this from happening again.”
Did you hear what Dan Wooton called Mark Steyn at the end of Marks (as usual, brilliant) show….
BBC Slayer.
Mark is beating everybody for ratings and that includes the bbbc.
The truth is getting out (and ofcom cannot do anything about it because it’s the truth)
If ofcom tried to silence him they would give Mark’s show a huge boost, much better than any advertising could do.
…circus of hubris, humbug and hurt feelings – no, that’s not our reaction hereabouts to the Guardian’s splash headline this morning: Revealed: the far-right web radicalising UK children
Circus of hubris is in fact: Jan Moir’s verdict on Wagatha TV interview (Daily Mail) – nice trun of phrase, our Jan… circus of hubris… I may have to borrow that.
The Guardian’s big top circus production this morning being provided by those typical left-leaning carnies: Teachers, police officers, academics and community leaders… – the usual lefty-inspired career suspects – but who, we wonder, is their ringmaster?
Det Supt Vicky Washington, who recently retired as national co-ordinator for the government’s Prevent counter-terrorism programme, said social and physical isolation during the pandemic [she means during lockdown, ie government’s reponse to the so-called pandemic] had created a perfect storm [cliché alert] for far-right radicalisation (Guardian) – so this entire scare story trumpeted by the Gruan is being pushed by public-payrolled lefty campaigners and quango queens fretting about an atmosphere of societal ills which government itself engineered.
Meanwhile much of the press frontpages today focus on photos of dry grass – and we find little of import or of interest in that arid subject.
Our Vicky gained her Master’s degree in Criminal Justice Studies where her dissertation focused on the extra-familial sexual grooming of children – so she’s going a bit off her specialist subject here. One speculates whether she focused her focus on the Jimmy Saviles or the Mohammed Amins of this murky real-world world of child grooming?
Prevent – apparently rebranded as Contest – was originally instituted by the Home Office in 2003 as the immediate response to 9/11. Not that it prevented the 7 July 2005 London bombings. I guess the word prevent, what with all the repeated subsequent events, has at last been realised to be something of a hostage to fortune.
Presumably, the intention is – to borrow from Quentin Tarantino – to get algebraic on the terrorists’ asses: risk = likelihood × vulnerability × impact (thank you Wiki) – that’s all as clear as mud.
Mr AsISeeIt suspects the switch of focus from the obvious and patently deadly islamic extremist terror campaigns toward instead the bugbear far-right, is a calculated concern that as the country undergoes the largest demographic experiment ever conceived, the powers that be need to keep the lid on our slightest expression of dissent, lest the conical Erlenmeyer flask explode prior to the crucial tipping point of no return in the experiment. We may of course already be beyond that point. We note the government anxiously sitting on last year’s Census ethnic demographic results longer than an embarrassed and perplexed hen on a ceramic egg.
So it is we really ought to fret over: …racist, white supremacist, neo-Nazi and involuntary celebate (“incel”) ideas (Guardian) – ideas, mind you. I’m intrigued racist and white supremacist are two distinct categories. As for those copy-catting mid-century German ideologies, insignia and symbolism – that doesn’t seem to bother us much when they crop up in Ukraine. As they do.
Experts are alarmed [ain’t they always?] that while the total number is very small, the age profile of those referred and arrested in connection with far-right extremism is getting progressively younger. Children as young as 13 have been convicted (Guardian) – is that children plural? The choice to pursue a conviction of course lies with the authorities – so they make their own story here.
I’ve said it before, but I’d tend to get concerned when 13-year olds aren’t involuntary celebates.
The Guardian is in its’ comfort zone when ‘reporting ‘on Right Wing stuff – I refrain from using ‘extremism ‘ or ‘far ‘ as these terms are undefined and subjective .
Easy to go after the 14 year old white boy with an interest in history / ww2 / nazis and label him despite – as seen by events – the number of non Muslim terrorist attacks is – well – zero ish in the UK ….
I heard a discussion about the potential for Scots nationalistic terrorism if the hateful anti English rhetoric continues to be ‘upped’ – eg telling the UK PM he is not welcome in Scotland ….
I suppose the other advantage of going after inept white dissenters from multicultural and the Islamic take over is that they are easier targets – using English – for a start and probably based in Blighty rather than foreign parts such as tower hamletsistan or Lutonistan or Bradfordistan.
It also provides an excuse for plod not to resource investigations into real evil such as Paki Racist Paedo Rape Gangs …
……..speaking of which Mark Steyn on GBNews continues an isolated campaign – frequently requesting chief plod and politicians to be interviewed but getting silence ( accountability ? Yeah right ) ….
.. Steyn has been concentrating on the socialist republic of Oldham – which frankly appears to be one of the most corrupt places known in this country .
But the MSM / Labour Party is silent on goings on . ….
It’s funny /( not at all ) that attention was applied to antisemitism in the Labour Party – but concealing Muslim child rape in the Labour Party by Labour Party members ? Nothing .
Last night Steyn again spoke of the language – the use of the word ‘grooming ‘ or terms like CSE child sexual exploitation – and observed – rightly in my view – that such terms must not be used as they ‘sanitise ‘ the crime and the nature of it .
I agree – grooming and CSE will be avoided .
“If you use the language rules that your ideological opponent demands that you use, you cede (give up) the territory to them.” – {youtube – Jordan Peterson @6:12}
AISI, ” – so this entire scare story trumpeted by the Gruan is being pushed by public-payrolled lefty campaigners and quango queens fretting about an atmosphere of societal ills which government itself engineered.” … under pressure mostly from the left wing media such as the Grauniad and teachers whose various Unions threatened to close schools and thus paralyse the NHS and the country.
She is the grand-daughter of the late Nigerian Monarch of Ogere-Remo, Oba Alfred Obafuwa Babington-Ashaye, Legunsen III, the Ologere of Ogere and the daughter of the late Prince Adebajo Babington-Ashaye.
Her brand is operating in a pretty competitive race hate industry so the noises must be provocative in order to get a seat on QT or the next time a coloured criminal gets offed by plod in the UK ( rare ) or in the US if they are victim seeking .
Persecution of people with albinism (sometimes abbreviated PWA[1]) is based on the belief that certain body parts of albinistic people can transmit magical powers. Such superstition is present especially in some parts of the African Great Lakes region, it has been promulgated and exploited by witch doctors and others who use such body parts as ingredients in rituals, concoctions and potions with the claim that their magic will bring prosperity to the user (muti or medicine murder).[2]
The Rwandan genocide, also known as the genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda,[2] occurred between 7 April and 15 July 1994 during the Rwandan Civil War.[3] During this period of around 100 days, members of the Tutsi minority ethnic group, as well as some moderate Hutu and Twa, were killed by armed militias. The most widely accepted scholarly estimates are around 500,000 to 662,000 Tutsi deaths.[4]
Tragic. But should not have come to this, but for media.
Archie legal battle at the end, says mum
The legal battle to continue life support for 12-year-old Archie Battersbee is at the end, his mum has said. His family has been appealing to courts to reverse a decision to withdraw treatment. Their latest application lodged with the European Court of Human Rights has also been refused. Archie was found unconscious at his home in Essex in April after he may have been taking part in an online challenge. His family want to take him to a hospice but doctors say there is a “considerable risk” in doing that. His family need to submit an application to do this by 09:00 BST as, according to the family, the NHS trust will withdraw life support at 11:00. Read more here.
What is happening with Archie is very very sad. And I don’t blame the parents one little bit, of course you would fight for your child. But who is advising them? I didn’t know that the UN could get involved. And who suggested the European Court of Human Rights? The best help the parents could have is to help them to come to terms with their loss. I suspect there are left wing do gooders making things worse. (I have no evidence other than experience of life].
I suspect ambulance chasing lawyers are probably lurking in the background. No one is doing all this for zilch and it has to be way beyond the comprehension of the average couple!
The situation with Archie shows that many doctors and the media have not come to understand brainstem death, its philosophical and medical aspects. Brainstem death can only be declared on a patient in an irreversible apnoeic coma of known aetiology. Before the tests can be conducted – and these are straightforward clinical tests – certain exclusions must be considered, such as reversible states including hypothermia or drug intoxication. Otherwise the tests are invalid. For example a boxer falling into a coma during a fight might be the result of catastrophic brain injury or maybe someone had slipped him some drugs . The possibility of drugs has to be ruled out before the tests can be conducted. When asked by a member of the Italian Parliament as to how long should we wait to meet the exclusions, I answered ‘As long as it takes’.
In Archie’s case complications prevented the brainstem tests to be carried out Therefore he is not legally brainstem dead, but alive, despite his poor condition. The doctors are issuing confusing statements. Some say he is as good as brainstem dead, others that he actually is brainstem dead, which is not the case.
In cases like this you can easily identify confusion when doctors and the media speak of brain dead patients on life support whose best interests would be met if the patient was allowed to die..
The arguments upheld by the courts appeal to the child’s best interests. But best interests refer to future states in life, as in cases where his best interests would be to live with a father or mother, or move to the countryside where he might be better off. But death is not an event in life after which best interests can be assessed.
The doctors and the courts and most of the media want his ventilator removed, which will certainly end his life. His parents want continued ventilation.
The BBC are pro-euthanasia and encourage slogans about dignity and dignified death, whilst telling us that Archie is already dead and should have his life support removed so he can die with dignity.
Here is a prediction. The BBC will soon be bringing on so called medical ethicists and others who will have arguments in favour of counselling for parents so they can learn how to accept and comply with the medical experts.
Oh yes. The dog analogy is being employed. I recall a BBC interview when I was asked why I object to euthanasia for humans when we have no problems about killing dogs. When I said that I have a problem with killing dogs the interview was terminated and continued with a colleague who supported euthanasia.
The parents are desperate. It is reported that Japan have offered treatment for the boy. I advised the Japanese Government on this kind of issue several years back and wonder if my advice was accepted. They gave me a lovely book of Japanese art.
Thanks for that – do you know how this poor boy got injured in the first place ? I’m slightly ‘engaged ‘in this because I’ve been involved when switch has been turned off twice…
I cannot say for certain, but most reports say he was engaged in some kind in tik tok activity involving strangulation. I believe the reason why brainstem tests were not carried out is because there are complication involving damage to the spinal chord.
I have been involved in these type of cases for over thirty years
Yes I heard ‘tik tok ‘being mentioned but I don’t know what that is – I suppose it’s like YouTube – very sad . The parents must be absolutely exhausted but at least they know they’ve fought as hard as they could ,and it is a fight …
THE BBC has been spreading Covid misinformation on its website again.
Under the heading Covid in China: Million in lockdown in Wuhan after four cases, Yaroslav Lukov writes: ‘China follows a “zero Covid” strategy, including mass testing, strict isolation rules and local lockdowns. This has resulted in far fewer deaths than in many other countries.’
Has it?
Firstly, it is gullible to believe official figures from an ultra-authoritarian, communist one-party state such as China. It’s like taking official figures from Russia, Belarus, Syria or North Korea at face value.
Secondly, the claim that the use of a zero Covid strategy results in far fewer deaths is demonstrably false. There is no correlation between the stringency of Covid restrictions and fewer deaths, let alone causation.
For example, Japan never had any full lockdowns. At the start of the pandemic in 2020, before there was a ‘vaccine’, they even left their borders open. They did not mass test their population either.
Yet in 2020 Japan suffered negative excess mortality, and today, it has a lower Covid death rate than Vietnam and Australia.
Anyone listen to the pratt ‘Leader’ from OFGEM being interviewed at 0810 on our, “Worlds Most Trusted Broadcaster” this morning?
Summary: “Russia, Russia, Russia” gets paramount blame for increased fuel prices Worldwide. If I had been present at that interview, I’d have responded by calling him, ‘Liar, liar, liar’. Its a massive con of the public job going on at present.
The reason why there are ridiculously high energy prices Worldwide is more to do with the reckless destruction of the fossil fuel sources and markets not to mention Green Levies simply to achieve a Green Dream.
My radio reception of that R4 interview was distorted by the background chortling sounds coming from the fossil fuel industry being strangulated by the WEF and their handmaiden country leaders.
As a Right Wing Conservative the more I hear about the sheer mis government of Blighty the more I despair / despise politicians – look where we are – shortages of gas- electricity – water – food (coming ) and no strategic approach to being even 80% independent on everything .
They blame the Chinese virus .
But good leadership would ‘ringfence’ the above to ensure that key means of life – national resilience – would prevail – instead – they suddenly find out there is only one CO2 factory – or one fertiliser factory – and that their loss would lead to a PPE level shambolic scramble for global replacement at enormous cost .
Is it incompetence – or part of a plan – or coincidence . ?
I just hope that whoever the next PM – and the one after – have decent clever advisors around them … but as I write that I realise my hope will remain that .
As an early indicator – looks like sunak didn’t know one of his own policies last night and truss issues a policy which only lasted 3 hours ….
Chinese firm buys pub where David Cameron and Xi Jinping enjoyed a pint
This article is more than 5 years old
The Plough at Cadsden, a 16th-century Buckinghamshire inn, has become a hotspot for Chinese tourists since president’s state visit in 2015
G, quite right. You probably don’t need to but others may be interested. If you go to the BBC’s own Market Data section of their web-site, accessed via HomePage>News>Business>Market Data and double click on the Natural Gas (UK Gas Futures) and then when the next page comes up, then click on 5Y you can see the pattern of gas prices over five years.
Gas prices are nothing to do with Russia’s attack on Ukraine as the war has been going on there for over eight years. It is just that Russia has openly put ‘boots and equipment’ on Ukrainian soil for the first time this year. High gas prices are nothing to do with the Ukraine conflict.
High gas prices are everything to do with COP26 and the Western sanctions against Russia.
We reported on councillors in Liverpool voting on whether to scrap the position of elected mayor in the city. By mistake we showed pictures of the former Lord Mayor instead of the elected mayor. We are sorry for this error.
Wait until she finds she is partnered with Nish now MTW is canned.
✨ "It’s unreal!” Kym Marsh the second celebrity contestant confirmed for #Strictly 2022 and she can’t quite believe she won’t be watching at home in her pyjamas like she always does! More info ➡️ https://t.co/nN01riP74Apic.twitter.com/PDTz74yvQB
Seeing as how contestants have to have a clear diary for at least 3 months, then its more evidence that anyone taking part hasn’t got any work lined up, so its all about money – the fee they’re paid (our money).
Is there church in Saudi Arabia?
Saudi Arabia, the home of Islam, has outlawed churches and punished Christian worship for decades. The kingdom’s 1.4 million Christians meet in secret, but authorities are signaling more openness.
Iranian woman beaten for wearing loose hijab, fights back and goes viral
All those @Keir_Starmer supporters out there should ask why he doesn’t want an inquiry into the Rotherham child rape cover up by @UKLabour – remind me who was DPP at the time? 🤔 https://t.co/5y0fiG23qM
Andrew Norfolk explains the length Rotherham authorities go to in order to silence whistleblowers. He is interviewed at the very spot I witnessed dozens of “Rotherham men” with young girls. Police and PCSOs were often standing nearby
Theresa May The Secretary of State for the Home Department 12:37 pm, 20th April 2016
The first priority of government is the safety and security of its citizens, and the Government have always made the integrity of the UK border a priority. We will never compromise on keeping the people of this country safe from terrorism, criminality and illegal immigration.
“Climate change: More studies needed on possibility of human extinction” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-62378157
Its no good preaching to Great Britain, tell the nations that don’t care i.e. India, China, US, Russia & the rest of the world .
I don’t know how many of you on this website ever question
themselves if they are paranoid about the BBC. I do sometimes.
But is it paranoid to try and understand why on nearly every
public interest story , say about price increases etc
. You know asking the man in the street. Or should
i say man, women, or they in the street . It invariably is an
ethnic or even more likely a black member of the public.
The black population of the UK is something around 3-4% .
Yes maybe I am paranoid . And I do know that BIG BROTHER
from the Diversity department at the BBC must be sick to death of seeing
all the adverts on ITV, Sky etc featuring at least 70% ethnic
lead roles and the BBC does not do commercial advertising , except for their own “products” such as the Caribbean Games
being held in Birmingham. So we can hear somebody rapping
in patois 10 times a day.
No nearly all images of those checking their gas price rises
the increases in tax , everything is portrayed by black folk.
on the BBC news internet pages . Please
help this paranoid soul with an answer, why this is. Today is a perfect example.
Dear Winston Smith of the BBC Historical Corrections Department,
As I’ve had to look at your BBC news and use other sources to determine that your news is not news but selective editorial opinion I’d like to request that I have a refund for the last 4 years plus get the BBC free from now on.
Please let me know how I can go about this as I am willing to create a full list of articles that I’ve had to investigate plus time taken for me to check your fact checker whilst realising that the BBC intentionally removes news rather than incorrectly report on it, uses images to sway opinion or misleads with the main titles hoping no one reads the full article.
‘Omission is the greatest form of lie.’
CAS-4987700-SY1FTF : BBC NewsWatch says boredom with pro-Brexit march.
CAS-4963895-3HKGDN: Tommy Robinson: Are you reporting on him?.
CAS-4844672-N8FDYY: Update on the MP Expenses 2009 scandal in 2018.
CAS-4939547-J71Z1V: Here’s hoping Ireland do the right thing G.Lineker.
CAS-4937378-YKMWBJ: BBC not reporting ‘Day of Freedom’ March 06may2018.
CAS-4906141-BFJQL0: I take offence that presenters promote their books.
CAS-4892811-C820SC: I am offended that I have to pay the BBC TV Tax.
CAS-4824332-633N1P: What happened in Italy was not covered …
CAS-4933135-ZV3V7F: The omission is the most powerful form of lie …
CAS-6005141-S1V9D1: Not seen a report on the UK Governments Covid19
Let me know how to go about resolving the issue of paying for something that wastes my time as I have to check each story rather than rely on its accuracy.
“how to go about resolving the issue of paying for something that wastes my time as I have to check each story rather than rely on its accuracy.”
Don’t pay .
I hope I was trained to observe – question – examine – try to be objective – empathetic. I think the BBC social program started quite slow and ‘clever ‘ but has accelerated and become so clumsy that even the casual user notices –
Mad comments by lesbian sports reporters about the white engerland footy team is probably the clearest recent example of this and surely would make even the casual viewers’ eye brows to raise …
The more difficult area is ‘omission ‘ – so if you go to the very few non approved public broadcasters – GBNewx – you immediately see the difference and omission .
To any one from the BBC reading – your use of Goebells style ‘message everywhere in everything ‘ approach might have worked in less informed times – but the totalitarian approach looks lame now – and results in growing websites like this one …
Has the BBC moved from news to social engineering …. YES.
“By 2020, the BBC wants its employees to comprise 50% women, 8% disabled people, 8% lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender people and 15% people from black, Asian and ethnic minority backgrounds.{bbc.co.uk 14sep2017}”
So the lefty due is cast…. Backstabbing national media is the new normal. Sleazy aides in government having clandestine lattes with media folk to smear any politician not to the taste of the liberal media pack.
I have no particular favour for the Truss lady but this trend by the media, so obviously political, and which worked so heavily against Boris is both malevolent and repulsive.
Also of note is that it never seems to be used to target Labour types, are they so squeaky clean I wonder?
The bulk of the media in the UK have now become clones of the US CNN or NYT, merely left wing biased broadsheets, led by our very old Auntie BBC.
Super news! Coral re-growth over much of the Great Barrier Reef – especially on the northern and central areas – is at record levels, highest since monitoring began over 35 years ago.
It must be understood, however, that the extensive and unprecedented areas of new coral will be vulnerable to climate change – perhaps disregarding lengthy and continuous doomsday prophesies on the total demise of the GBR due to climate change.
Naturally, there is no explanation as to what possible environmental and/or climatic changes have allowed the massive regeneration to occur in the first place but, like any information from current informed sources, clouding the issue only leads to confusion.
Fosc, I don’t think you are paranoid at all, but if you are you are one of many. I now consciously avoid conversation with certain groups, not necessarily based on race. One wrong word or thought and my career would be over. What I am finding, is that the more the new world agenda is pushed at me, the more intolerant I’ve become. For example, there is an article on the bbc today about younger and younger children being radicalised on line with “Far right” ideas; racial intolerance, nazi ideals, white supremacy, on and on.
My first thought was “Good, maybe the next generation can still save us”. I realised that I was exhibiting a non-apprvoved viewpoint, but that sort of thought wouldn’t have crossed my mind a few years ago. Now it bubbles under, ready to rise again every time I see a boat on a south coast beach.
‘Stand easy!’ barked the instructress, a little more genially.
Winston sank his arms to his sides and slowly refilled his lungs with air. His mind slid away into the labyrinthine world of doublethink. To know and not to know, to be conscious of complete truthfulness while telling carefully constructed lies, to hold simultaneously two opinions which cancelled out, knowing them to be contradictory and believing in both of them, to use logic against logic, to repudiate morality while laying claim to it, to believe that democracy was impossible and that the Party was the guardian of democracy, to forget whatever it was necessary to forget, then to draw it back into memory again at the moment when it was needed, and then promptly to forget it again: and above all, to apply the same process to the process itself. That was the ultimate subtlety: consciously to induce unconsciousness, and then, once again, to become unconscious of the act of hypnosis you had just performed. Even to understand the word ‘doublethink’ involved the use of doublethink.
I think the line “to use logic against logic, to repudiate morality while laying claim to it” perfectly describes where much of our society is right now. e.g. burglars demanding to be paid to go out burgling and if you don’t agree your a nasty stale, pale, male burglist!
As for sexual morality, we must be getting near a point where animals will be included in the “new” freedoms all sorts.
An Italian woman has married herself in a ceremony complete with white dress, three-layer wedding cake, bridesmaids and 70 guests.
“I firmly believe that each of us must first of all love ourselves,” said Laura Mesi, a 40-year-old fitness trainer. “You can have a fairytale even without the prince.”
The Qixi Festival, also known as the Qiqiao Festival, is a Chinese festival celebrating the annual meeting of Zhinü and Niulang in Chinese mythology. The festival is celebrated on the seventh day of the seventh lunisolar month on the Lunar calendar. The festival was derived from worship of the natural astrology. Wikipedia
The Dragonfly project was an Internet search engine prototype created by Google that was designed to be compatible with China’s state censorship provisions.[1][2][3] The public learned of Dragonfly’s existence in August 2018, when The Intercept leaked an internal memo written by a Google employee about the project.[4][5] In December 2018, Dragonfly was reported to have “effectively been shut down” after a clash with members of the privacy team within Google.[6] However, according to employees, work on Dragonfly was still continuing as of March 2019, with some 100 people still allocated to it.[7]
In July 2019, Google announced that work on Dragonfly had been terminated.[8]
Unbelievable bias this morning on the increasingly appalling Radio 4. This is why I listen to it less and less nowadays, and thus have little to contribute here.
At the end of ‘Today’, we had an item on forgiveness; but this seems only to be forgiveness by the White British for actions against us. They spoke with the daughter of Sir Anthony Berry, killed by the IRA at Brighton in 1984, and also a parent of a child killed at the Manchester Arena bombing five years ago. The clear message was that forgiving the terrorists is good for the victims’ families and society generally. No grievances must be held and no dots joined up about what is happening in Britain: in other words, the usual BBC line of “don’t believe your own eyes”.
How about forgiveness from Blacks in the USA for the largely accidental death of George Floyd? Perhaps the BBC could encourage Palestinians to forgive any casualties caused by Israeli actions against rocket attacks. What about Pakistani Muslims asking for forgiveness after the dreadful gang rapes (“grooming” in BBC speak) in Rotherham, Rochdale, Oldham, Telford, Oxford, Derby, etc, etc?
Then it was “Positive Thinking” with Sangita Myska up to 09:30, with endless unsubstantiated claims about the environment and “climate crisis” but never any questions as to what’s the point of small CO2 emissions cuts – at great cost to us – if China and/or India or Russia don’t do the same.
Next was Justin Rowlatt up to 09:45, with more alarmism about rising sea levels. One of the glaring errors in the narrative was this: if they are concerned by locked-in future warming from heat now stored (but one day to be released) by the oceans, then logically they would have to admit that the warming of the last century or so might itself have less to do with our CO2 emissions than with thermal lag from previous warm spells such as the Medieval Warm Period.
I listen on Long Wave so I thought there might be some relief (and a bit of nice church music) from 09:45 when The Daily Service came on. Silly me! There was just as much if not more climate change doom and gloom woven into the 15 minutes of service! Not much about Jesus Christ or any religion; but then I suppose the “climate crisis” IS the new religion for the globalist establishment.
Relief did finally arrive when the presenter gave a run down of what was coming up on Woman’s Hour and I didn’t detect any climate crisis agenda. I used the off switch at that point. The drum beat of propaganda is, however, almost incessant.
Someone get the rights whipped off that bBc … watching selected events on mute.
Liz Truss saying Mr. Sunak was the blocker to ending the Licence Fee.
I haven’t seen a response yet .
Good to see wee Krankie and her vile gang called out by Madeleine Grant in the Telegraph suggesting there is a deeper and sinister smell about her/their Anglophobia .
I prefer to call them England haters pure and simple…..a core message founded in hatred by what is fast becoming a rebel group is worthy of severe scrutiny.
The attentiuon seeker should be getting some excessive attention. How about an investigation of her activities under the Treason Act. That would highlight her activities with those wishing harm on the UK…Sinn Fein/Ira and the Eu being 2 in paticular.
We mark this day to celebrate British Caribbean communities and acknowledge the sacrifices and contributions the Windrush generation and their descendants have made to British society. The event will return in 2023, and will mark 75 years since the arrival of the Windrush.22 Jun 2022
Can any of you guess where all this ‘wokeness’ comes from ?
Lets al hope that Suella Braverman scraps the television tax that feeds the woke BBC .
Diversity destroys meritocracy in the work place and entertainment.
Not the BBC – but for those interested in evonomic troubles
From the DT – 2 million home owners will be affected immediately by the increased .5% rate increase 1.1 million are on standard variable with 850k on trackers .
Someone with a £400k tracker will pay an extra £99.
80% of mortgages are fixed but a third expire in the next 2 years .. ugh …
Could be argued that the, “underperforming” was as a result of members of the board being, ‘diverse’ (bad managers etc). So, that reduces the board shedding to simply getting rid of those who do the company down. Normal practice in my day in business.
Fed, 0.5% is not really enough. The UK Base Rate needs to leapfrog the USA rate by some margin. We are partly (largely?) in this mess because Bailey has been slow to talk the MPC into greater increases in Base Rate. I wonder why he would do that? Is he a Remoaner? Or keen to see Bojo go and be replaced by Der Starmer in 2024? Or what?
Their only defined remit is to control inflation to less than 2.5%. Obviously impossible without wrecking the economy, so what’s the Government doing about the economy? Meanwhile house prices are at record level, owners in London and the SE are making colossal untaxed killings thereby playing their part in stoking inflation.
I think it’s just incompetence . I agree – the rate needs to be far higher but I think they are trying to put off the recession as long as possible but allowing inflation to increase faster and bigger .
As all of this feeds through the politicians are going to be looking toward the next election and finding any reason they can to pass the blame ….
The question for the public will be to put their confidence in a ‘new ‘ Tory government or an untested Labour one – can either make much difference ? Can’t see it – nor can I see inflation being pu back in the bottle in the next couple of years if commodities remain at the level they are ….
… really can’t see any new public spending or tax reductions …
Big danger for the blue labour lot is looking as out of touch as the red labour lot … must be tedious for MPs to have to deal with constituents who are bust and have nowhere to turn …
A 400k mortgage needs 3.5 times income?
Borrower earning £9.5k a month
So they’ve got about 3 pounds a day less to spend, not enough to tame inflation..
Attorney General Suella Braverman has told Sky News that the way diversity is taught in the civil service is 'patronising, not empowering' to people from minority groups.
The report said several staff members were afraid they would be labelled racist if they identified the race of the perpetrators, while others said they were instructed by their managers not to do so.
Several councillors interviewed believed highlighting the race element would “give oxygen” to racist ideas and threaten community cohesion. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-28942986
Andy – inevitable that the BBC would go for the easy extremes . In the absence of ‘wonga’ the exposes will be about the ‘bank of mum and dad ‘ – ‘well off oldies ‘ and ‘loan sharks ‘ ….
I reckon a lot of snowflakes will be too young to recall the last time we had really high interest rates … I mean – struggling at 1.75% ? Try 5 – 10 – 15% interest rates – I was a kid but I remember the pain of my huge repayment mortgage and the interest I paid ….
Maybe it’s needed again – although I can’t remember blaming anyone or running off for’ advice ‘. I just worked my bottom off to get money to pay my debts …
Stop press
The Bank of England is finally ‘predicting a recession starting at the end of 2022 going through to 2024 – well well what a surprise . And it seems they now realise retail inflation is far higher than previously stated . In my view the ‘producer ‘inflation rate – above 20% is nearer the truth ….
MPs get bumper £2.2k pay rise NEXT MONTH as Britons crippled with eye-watering tax hikes
MPs are to be given a £2,200 pay rise from next month, as Britons suffer from tax hikes and the continued cost of living crisis.
15:47, Tue, Mar 1, 2022 | UPDATED: 19:31, Tue, Mar 1, 2022
People have taken out mortgages for several years at the lowest interest rates in history.
So now the BBC is going gaga interviewing people whose mortgages are now going to go up. Cue endless hard luck stories. No attempt at balance whatsoever.
Fomenting discord. Exploiting the modern obsession with sentimentality.
The BBC are seditious to the core. To them, over-throwing the government is an end in itself.
Sluff – as I wrote at about 1130 – a third of mortgagees will be having their fixed mortgage ended in the next year so I reckon their interest repayments will be doubling – whether this leads to large numbers of defaults remains to be seen …
If you are strains paying increasing community charges on top of food and fuel costs the question of mass defaults – and their consequences will also be – interesting ….
The BBC will be running stories of people with no money for pre paid meters with families living in dark cold flats ….
Fedup2Mar 10, 13:47 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Yeah – whatever – give her the TTK 2 year prison penalty – she is obviously not ‘approved ‘…
harry142857Mar 10, 13:45 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Commission is commission. ——————————————- Mother convicted of not paying TV Licence after death of unborn son. mother who did not…
Fedup2Mar 10, 13:17 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Two days running the DT has done a long piece on BBC news / funding – the first one is…
DoublethinkerMar 10, 13:16 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I completely agree with you . But what puzzles me is , if those of us who are of a…
Lucy PevenseyMar 10, 12:57 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Tower Bridge has been shut down after a man has climbed the railings. Emergency services at to the scene. Ban…
Terminal MoraineMar 10, 12:50 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Dorset, 3 weeks after Southport — “Man ‘obsessed with Southport killings’ stabbed girl, 9, in the neck as she played…
Terminal MoraineMar 10, 12:44 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Party atmosphere on R5 just now — Naga, whose real name is Subha Nagalakshmi Munchetty-Chendriah, is away but Leila Nathoo…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 12:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “41% of London residents were born outside the UK, according to the 2021 Census. This is much higher than the…
he New Development Bank (NDB), formerly referred to as the BRICS Development Bank
The bank is headquartered in Shanghai, China.[2] The first regional office of the NDB is in Johannesburg, South Africa.[3] The second regional office was established in 2019 in São Paulo, Brazil, followed by Moscow, Russia.[4]
Batgirl movie scrapped months before planned release
Maybe a load of leftist/woke cr*p?
Alysia was introduced in the first issue of the Batgirl series, when Barbara Gordon decides it is time to move out of her father’s home. Barbara moves in with Alysia, thanks to a roommate posting advertised on “Greg’s List”. Alysia, who is of Singaporean descent, describes herself as somewhat of an activist. Alysia explains to Barbara that she paints during the day, and works as a bartender at night, although her ambition is to be a professional chef one day. Though only knowing Barbara for a very brief amount of time, she shows a very outgoing personality and is almost instantly warmly receptive of her new roommate. Alysia notices how secretive Barbara is at times, but she doesn’t keep pressing on about it. She tells Barbara that it’s okay, because she knows everyone has their secrets.
Eventually, Alysia meets Barbara’s psychopathic brother, James, and they begin dating.[4] He later gives her a pet cat named Alaska as a gift, one that Barbara later notices is very much like the cat named Alaska that her family used to have.[5]
Later, Alysia joins an environmental activist group, where she meets female member Jo, and the two fall in love.[9] Barbara moves out in order to start her life over, and to keep Alysia from worrying about her.[10] Despite this, they remain close, and Alysia invites Barbara to her wedding with Jo as her maid of honor.[11]
Wow can a film really be that bad ?
Catastrophic climate change outcomes, including human extinction, are not being taken seriously enough by scientists, a new study says.
The authors say that the consequences of more extreme warming – still on the cards if no action is taken – are “dangerously underexplored”.
Catastrophic climate change outcomes, including human extinction, are not being taken seriously enough by scientists, a new study says.
Why is it that, for example, Rishi is now declaring war on woke in his latest attempt to get elected.
We have been crying out loud for so many things but all of the politicians ignore us and his latest offering is just a begrudged morsel which will never happen anyway.
When you look at all the things the majority want:
Stop net zero.
Control immigration.
Leave the eu properly (and the echr)
Stop the channel crossings by hundreds of ‘refugees’ fleeing the war torn hell hole of France.
Sort the profiteering energy companies and Banks which are ripping us off.
Stop all this pc/woke nonsense.
Come clean on the jabs.
Start policing against criminals and not hurty tweets or thoughts.
Get rid of all the diversity types of management and other wastes of space in the nhs and replace them with nurses, matrons and doctors.
So many other things yet ALL the politicians are against what the majority want.
We can vote liblabcon but they are all the same.
Reform/ukip etc are unable to get their act together to give a viable alternative.
Rishi – get your vote – then ignore you again! HA HA HA!
Just like Truss!
Then who CAN we Truss?
I’ve always trusted my judgement but even that has sometimes been wrong. However, I remain a committed anti Communist and an anti Globalist. Just maybe the jury is still out on those two items but unfortunately, these days, juries are bound to be comprised of folks who regularly view the Main Stream Media. Need I say more?
Jeremy Corbyn wants to lower the price of Freddos
It’s the latest policy pledge from the Labour leader
Sam Moore
15th February 2018
eremy Corbyn has pledged to investigate the rising cost of Freddos.
The Labour leader was asked in a new interview about the inflation in the price of the Cadbury-made chocolate, which used to retail for around 10p. Last year, the price of one Freddo was expected to rise to 30p in most shops.
You just cannot make it up.
BBC Radio 5 Dead around 1730.
A feature on artistic stuff going on in Birmingham in parallel to the CW Games.
The presenter takes us through a list of entertainment options.
‘DJs, dancers, and drag artists’
Yep. Drag artists. No doubt the good people of Birmingham have been bereft for years because of the paucity of drag artists.
Then we have an interview with some arty young woman.
The talk is quite normal until she has to slip ‘non-binary’ into the discussion. Then it is pointed out that only 1% of dance musicians are women. Cue outrage. But this has to be amended to ‘women AND NON-BINARY’.
The BBC sees the population only through the Leftoid woke prism of its own favoured minuscule minorities. Drag artists and non-binary. The world according to the BBC.
Cretinous isn’t even close.
Equality. Modern version.
Commonwealth Games -men’s 100 metres.
Able bodied race – one
Disabled races
Leg amputees or equivalent prosthetics
Arms or hands missing or non-working
Those with things like cerebral palsy
Blind with a sighted runner.
So that’s able bodied – one medal opportunity
Disabled – five medal opportunities. And for each of the latter the level of competition is, shall we say, modest.
But all medals go onto the grand tally.
And that, readers, is wokeland’s version of equality.
I may add that I hugely admire and respect the disabled competitors for their gutsy determination. But equivalent it isn’t.
BBC national news at 1820.
Roy Hackett has died.
Ever heard of him? Nope, me neither.
But it’s the BBC so………he was a black pioneer who started the Bristol bus boycott in 1963.
“Help house 10,000 Afghan refugees, minister tells councils”
is this ontop of the Illegal invaders already here ?
Something tells me that we are full , thanks to our useless Conservative Government, who have failed to defens this country’s borders.
Make Afghanistan Great Again.
Afghanistan: Beating Children Considered Normal, But Attitudes Changing
And as well as the cost of housing, schooling, NHS etc, does anyone not think all these Afghans might be a danger to us?
local ITV NewsPR
#1 Carefully constructed item .. someone is doing a festival against poverty in Hull
“Did you know that Hull has more poverty that the UK average ?”
Well since poverty means an income of less that 40% of the average salary, not buying power.
well since Hull and rest of the country have salaries much smaller than London
of course Hull will have more than average poverty .
Exactly Stew.
Which obvious observation makes Truss’s backtracking on regional public sector pay all the more inexcusable.
Radio 4 Extra, due to its mainly having old plays from yonks ago, used to be a little refuge away from all the usual wokery spewed out by the rest of the BBC. I’m afraid it’s taken a turn for the worse…
They’ve recently put a series on hi-lighting new writers. God almighty they have been utterly ghastly. None of these efforts are “plays” as you or I might think of them, they’re blatant propaganda wrapped in a thin veneer of a story pretending to be a play.
I think the worst…and it’s difficult to choose…they have all been woefully PC…was BURP. This is a climate change story, featuring a young “seaweed scientist” and an old farmer, Clifford. Apparently it’s methane that is causing the “climate catastrophe”. We’ve got to change our ways or it’s the end of the world.
The seaweed scientist tells us that the climate has been stable for two billion years, but now, due to mankind, it’s all getting out of hand. This is nonsense. The climate has fluctuated enormously. How could the dinosaurs have survived in today’s cold climate? They lived in hot and wet climes that produced the massive and sprawling vegetation they needed to eat. There are no land animals anything like that size now.
We’ve had ice ages and times when there was no snow at either the Arctic or Antarctic. It’s a fantasy that the climate has never changed.
At one point poor old Clifford seems to be at the end of his tether and says rather plaintively, “The farming community work every day so that people can enjoy beefsteak and burgers…now it’s like the nation has turned against us and we’re the enemy. Everybody is pointing fingers and blaming us for the climate mayhem…telling us not to farm because of all the carbon we’re producing. When did we become the baddies?”
Don’t worry Clifford, our boy scientist is on hand and by feeding the cows pelleted seaweed he manages to reduce the methane by 90%. Phew…
You know, I don’t believe anyone, other than the bloody BBC and the rest of the climate fascists, are blaming farmers and pointing the finger. Most of us rather admire farmers and wish them well. And I’m guessing most of us want to continue eating beefsteaks and burgers…rather than earwigs and ants eggs.
Of course I could be wrong…,
Agreed – when 4xtra started it was a quiet British radio station aimed at the non woke non box tickers – now it’s a challenge finding something worth while – it repeats stuff from when `R4 put out stuff without the approved messages
I can’t imagine 4xtra putting out repeats of the tuck box crap r4 puts out now …
.. but I suspect 4extra is on the target list so that radio paki / Asian network can continue … wonder if it puts out tips for paedophiles ?
Shocking it happened, shocking it isn’t being reported.
If the BBC don’t report it – it didn’t happen
As a matter of US policy:
The topic of China-Taiwan has a complicated history in Washington, particularly ever since President Richard Nixon made his historic trip to China in 1972 to meet with Chairman Mao. Seven years later, the U.S. officially established its diplomatic relation with Beijing, as Washington acknowledged that Taiwan is a part of China, and that there’s only “One China.”
Still, the U.S. has maintained unofficial relations with Taiwan ever since. In 2018, Congress passed the Taiwan Travel Act, which allows high-level officials to visit Taiwan and vice-versa. Now as relations chill across the Strait of Taiwan and China looks to cement its hegemony in the region, Pelosi’s visit would be of great significance.
On another matter the old witch is doing well:
“Pelosi’s Sham Political Witch-Hunt Is So Scripted They Need Teleprompters
Any doubt that Lame Duck Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s political witch-hunt would be anything more than a made-for-TV faux drama was put to rest almost immediately when footage surfaced that the sham committee was relying on teleprompters.
Once again, Pelosi and House Democrats are desperately attempting to change the narrative rather than addressing the numerous crises facing America.
This is a partisan and illegitimate Committee.
These hearings are a Hollywoodized production with cherry picked statements and details to paint the false narrative Nancy Pelosi and House Democrats have already determined.
The goal of these hearings is NOT to prevent another January 6th but to punish the political opponents of Nancy Pelosi and House Democrats.
Speaker Pelosi took the unprecedented step of blocking the participation of the Republicans that Leader McCarthy chose to serve on the Select Committee.
The Committee is not following its own charter:
The Committee’s charter says that it must have 13 members, it only has 9.
The charter says that the Committee must have a lawyer from the ranking minority member during a deposition—there is no ranking minority member and no staff appointed by the minority.
The Committee has even misled witnesses being questioned about the position of the attorney questioning them. Mollie Hemingway broke that news HERE.
This is an abusive Committee whose mission is to harass and snoop on its political opponents.
The FBI has found that there was no “organized plot” on 1/6, but the Committee has based its investigation on the conspiracy that there was an attempted insurrection,
The Committee has subpoenaed multiple individuals for the sole “crime” of organizing a first amendment protected political rally.
From their press release: “The committee used permit paperwork for the Jan. 6 rally to identify other individuals involved in organizing.”
The Committee has interviewed over 150 people, swept up geolocation data and call records of rally organizers and low-level Trump staffers, and even may subpoena sitting members of Congress.
This isn’t just a sham Committee—Democrats are covering up the truth about what happened on January 6.
The Capitol Chief Police board which includes the Senate and House Sergeant at Arms and the Architect of the Capitol was slow to call National Guard assistance on 1/6 (pg. 62).
The Senate released a report and Pelosi’s House Sergeant at Arms Paul Irving refused to comply with ANY information requests. From page 4of the Senate report.
These documents are the property of the House and Speaker Pelosi and Bennie Thompson could get them with an email—but they refuse!
Not surprising because Bennie Thompson has said that Speaker Pelosi is off limits
The Committee is not investigating the breakdown in security on the 6th, even though its charter requires it to.
The Select Committee’s authoritarian undertaking against Americans has no place in Congress.
The Select Committee is ignoring their actual charter – to look at why we were so unprepared and what we can do to prevent this from happening again.”
It stank from the get go
Steven D’Antuono – the likely orchestrator of the Whitmer – Michigan kidnap plot – look him up…
Did you hear what Dan Wooton called Mark Steyn at the end of Marks (as usual, brilliant) show….
BBC Slayer.
Mark is beating everybody for ratings and that includes the bbbc.
The truth is getting out (and ofcom cannot do anything about it because it’s the truth)
If ofcom tried to silence him they would give Mark’s show a huge boost, much better than any advertising could do.
Will Pelosi be meeting with Sinn Fean next ?
you betcha
“Banned Russian oligarchs exploited UK secrecy loophole”
Hello, hello, what’s going on here then ?
when state officials arbitrarily snatch stuff – people are going to react.
The BBC’s antics wrt to BBC Studios payments etcetera come to mind.
Hello Tomo
sussshhhhh dont’ mention bBC studios and certainly never the salaries
…circus of hubris, humbug and hurt feelings – no, that’s not our reaction hereabouts to the Guardian’s splash headline this morning: Revealed: the far-right web radicalising UK children
Circus of hubris is in fact: Jan Moir’s verdict on Wagatha TV interview (Daily Mail) – nice trun of phrase, our Jan… circus of hubris… I may have to borrow that.
The Guardian’s big top circus production this morning being provided by those typical left-leaning carnies: Teachers, police officers, academics and community leaders… – the usual lefty-inspired career suspects – but who, we wonder, is their ringmaster?
Det Supt Vicky Washington, who recently retired as national co-ordinator for the government’s Prevent counter-terrorism programme, said social and physical isolation during the pandemic [she means during lockdown, ie government’s reponse to the so-called pandemic] had created a perfect storm [cliché alert] for far-right radicalisation (Guardian) – so this entire scare story trumpeted by the Gruan is being pushed by public-payrolled lefty campaigners and quango queens fretting about an atmosphere of societal ills which government itself engineered.
Meanwhile much of the press frontpages today focus on photos of dry grass – and we find little of import or of interest in that arid subject.
Our Vicky gained her Master’s degree in Criminal Justice Studies where her dissertation focused on the extra-familial sexual grooming of children – so she’s going a bit off her specialist subject here. One speculates whether she focused her focus on the Jimmy Saviles or the Mohammed Amins of this murky real-world world of child grooming?
Prevent – apparently rebranded as Contest – was originally instituted by the Home Office in 2003 as the immediate response to 9/11. Not that it prevented the 7 July 2005 London bombings. I guess the word prevent, what with all the repeated subsequent events, has at last been realised to be something of a hostage to fortune.
Presumably, the intention is – to borrow from Quentin Tarantino – to get algebraic on the terrorists’ asses: risk = likelihood × vulnerability × impact (thank you Wiki) – that’s all as clear as mud.
Mr AsISeeIt suspects the switch of focus from the obvious and patently deadly islamic extremist terror campaigns toward instead the bugbear far-right, is a calculated concern that as the country undergoes the largest demographic experiment ever conceived, the powers that be need to keep the lid on our slightest expression of dissent, lest the conical Erlenmeyer flask explode prior to the crucial tipping point of no return in the experiment. We may of course already be beyond that point. We note the government anxiously sitting on last year’s Census ethnic demographic results longer than an embarrassed and perplexed hen on a ceramic egg.
So it is we really ought to fret over: …racist, white supremacist, neo-Nazi and involuntary celebate (“incel”) ideas (Guardian) – ideas, mind you. I’m intrigued racist and white supremacist are two distinct categories. As for those copy-catting mid-century German ideologies, insignia and symbolism – that doesn’t seem to bother us much when they crop up in Ukraine. As they do.
Experts are alarmed [ain’t they always?] that while the total number is very small, the age profile of those referred and arrested in connection with far-right extremism is getting progressively younger. Children as young as 13 have been convicted (Guardian) – is that children plural? The choice to pursue a conviction of course lies with the authorities – so they make their own story here.
I’ve said it before, but I’d tend to get concerned when 13-year olds aren’t involuntary celebates.
Doc Shola is a Graun fave. More on matters better left.
The Guardian is in its’ comfort zone when ‘reporting ‘on Right Wing stuff – I refrain from using ‘extremism ‘ or ‘far ‘ as these terms are undefined and subjective .
Easy to go after the 14 year old white boy with an interest in history / ww2 / nazis and label him despite – as seen by events – the number of non Muslim terrorist attacks is – well – zero ish in the UK ….
I heard a discussion about the potential for Scots nationalistic terrorism if the hateful anti English rhetoric continues to be ‘upped’ – eg telling the UK PM he is not welcome in Scotland ….
I suppose the other advantage of going after inept white dissenters from multicultural and the Islamic take over is that they are easier targets – using English – for a start and probably based in Blighty rather than foreign parts such as tower hamletsistan or Lutonistan or Bradfordistan.
It also provides an excuse for plod not to resource investigations into real evil such as Paki Racist Paedo Rape Gangs …
……..speaking of which Mark Steyn on GBNews continues an isolated campaign – frequently requesting chief plod and politicians to be interviewed but getting silence ( accountability ? Yeah right ) ….
.. Steyn has been concentrating on the socialist republic of Oldham – which frankly appears to be one of the most corrupt places known in this country .
But the MSM / Labour Party is silent on goings on . ….
It’s funny /( not at all ) that attention was applied to antisemitism in the Labour Party – but concealing Muslim child rape in the Labour Party by Labour Party members ? Nothing .
Last night Steyn again spoke of the language – the use of the word ‘grooming ‘ or terms like CSE child sexual exploitation – and observed – rightly in my view – that such terms must not be used as they ‘sanitise ‘ the crime and the nature of it .
I agree – grooming and CSE will be avoided .
“If you use the language rules that your ideological opponent demands that you use, you cede (give up) the territory to them.” – {youtube – Jordan Peterson @6:12}
AISI, ” – so this entire scare story trumpeted by the Gruan is being pushed by public-payrolled lefty campaigners and quango queens fretting about an atmosphere of societal ills which government itself engineered.” … under pressure mostly from the left wing media such as the Grauniad and teachers whose various Unions threatened to close schools and thus paralyse the NHS and the country.
Wonder if Femi will mention this on Vile?
Dr. Shola is quite a piece of work.
Confession via projection
Is she in Prince Charles’ circle?
Silver spoon much?
Her brand is operating in a pretty competitive race hate industry so the noises must be provocative in order to get a seat on QT or the next time a coloured criminal gets offed by plod in the UK ( rare ) or in the US if they are victim seeking .
The exact same mechanism that makes schoolkids hate the ones with brains and talent. Basically envy and spite.
Persecution of people with albinism (sometimes abbreviated PWA[1]) is based on the belief that certain body parts of albinistic people can transmit magical powers. Such superstition is present especially in some parts of the African Great Lakes region, it has been promulgated and exploited by witch doctors and others who use such body parts as ingredients in rituals, concoctions and potions with the claim that their magic will bring prosperity to the user (muti or medicine murder).[2]
The Rwandan genocide, also known as the genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda,[2] occurred between 7 April and 15 July 1994 during the Rwandan Civil War.[3] During this period of around 100 days, members of the Tutsi minority ethnic group, as well as some moderate Hutu and Twa, were killed by armed militias. The most widely accepted scholarly estimates are around 500,000 to 662,000 Tutsi deaths.[4]
When we got flooded it was all the 4×4 gawkers driving past overtopping the sandbags.
I recall flash flooding in 1980s Abu Dhabi.
It was hilarious – people didn’t seem aware that wet roads have reduced grip and that engines don’t like breathing water.
Tragic. But should not have come to this, but for media.
Archie legal battle at the end, says mum
The legal battle to continue life support for 12-year-old Archie Battersbee is at the end, his mum has said. His family has been appealing to courts to reverse a decision to withdraw treatment. Their latest application lodged with the European Court of Human Rights has also been refused. Archie was found unconscious at his home in Essex in April after he may have been taking part in an online challenge. His family want to take him to a hospice but doctors say there is a “considerable risk” in doing that. His family need to submit an application to do this by 09:00 BST as, according to the family, the NHS trust will withdraw life support at 11:00. Read more here.
Will not be reading more, BBC. No point.
What is happening with Archie is very very sad. And I don’t blame the parents one little bit, of course you would fight for your child. But who is advising them? I didn’t know that the UN could get involved. And who suggested the European Court of Human Rights? The best help the parents could have is to help them to come to terms with their loss. I suspect there are left wing do gooders making things worse. (I have no evidence other than experience of life].
I suspect ambulance chasing lawyers are probably lurking in the background. No one is doing all this for zilch and it has to be way beyond the comprehension of the average couple!
The situation with Archie shows that many doctors and the media have not come to understand brainstem death, its philosophical and medical aspects. Brainstem death can only be declared on a patient in an irreversible apnoeic coma of known aetiology. Before the tests can be conducted – and these are straightforward clinical tests – certain exclusions must be considered, such as reversible states including hypothermia or drug intoxication. Otherwise the tests are invalid. For example a boxer falling into a coma during a fight might be the result of catastrophic brain injury or maybe someone had slipped him some drugs . The possibility of drugs has to be ruled out before the tests can be conducted. When asked by a member of the Italian Parliament as to how long should we wait to meet the exclusions, I answered ‘As long as it takes’.
In Archie’s case complications prevented the brainstem tests to be carried out Therefore he is not legally brainstem dead, but alive, despite his poor condition. The doctors are issuing confusing statements. Some say he is as good as brainstem dead, others that he actually is brainstem dead, which is not the case.
In cases like this you can easily identify confusion when doctors and the media speak of brain dead patients on life support whose best interests would be met if the patient was allowed to die..
The arguments upheld by the courts appeal to the child’s best interests. But best interests refer to future states in life, as in cases where his best interests would be to live with a father or mother, or move to the countryside where he might be better off. But death is not an event in life after which best interests can be assessed.
The doctors and the courts and most of the media want his ventilator removed, which will certainly end his life. His parents want continued ventilation.
The BBC are pro-euthanasia and encourage slogans about dignity and dignified death, whilst telling us that Archie is already dead and should have his life support removed so he can die with dignity.
Here is a prediction. The BBC will soon be bringing on so called medical ethicists and others who will have arguments in favour of counselling for parents so they can learn how to accept and comply with the medical experts.
Oh yes. The dog analogy is being employed. I recall a BBC interview when I was asked why I object to euthanasia for humans when we have no problems about killing dogs. When I said that I have a problem with killing dogs the interview was terminated and continued with a colleague who supported euthanasia.
The parents are desperate. It is reported that Japan have offered treatment for the boy. I advised the Japanese Government on this kind of issue several years back and wonder if my advice was accepted. They gave me a lovely book of Japanese art.
Thanks for this useful “insider” knowledge. I still can’t make up my mind about poor Archie, mind you.
Thanks for that – do you know how this poor boy got injured in the first place ? I’m slightly ‘engaged ‘in this because I’ve been involved when switch has been turned off twice…
I cannot say for certain, but most reports say he was engaged in some kind in tik tok activity involving strangulation. I believe the reason why brainstem tests were not carried out is because there are complication involving damage to the spinal chord.
I have been involved in these type of cases for over thirty years
Yes I heard ‘tik tok ‘being mentioned but I don’t know what that is – I suppose it’s like YouTube – very sad . The parents must be absolutely exhausted but at least they know they’ve fought as hard as they could ,and it is a fight …
Wendy in back with Pelosi’s hairdressers?
THE BBC has been spreading Covid misinformation on its website again.
Under the heading Covid in China: Million in lockdown in Wuhan after four cases, Yaroslav Lukov writes: ‘China follows a “zero Covid” strategy, including mass testing, strict isolation rules and local lockdowns. This has resulted in far fewer deaths than in many other countries.’
Has it?
Firstly, it is gullible to believe official figures from an ultra-authoritarian, communist one-party state such as China. It’s like taking official figures from Russia, Belarus, Syria or North Korea at face value.
Secondly, the claim that the use of a zero Covid strategy results in far fewer deaths is demonstrably false. There is no correlation between the stringency of Covid restrictions and fewer deaths, let alone causation.
At this stage of the game anybody giving the BBC any credibility has to be pretty dim.
You can’t cure stupid
The bBC also continues to push the idea that the virus originated from the market rather than the lab.
Elvis Presley’s DNA used in experiment to genetically engineer Elvis-mice hybrids
In hope of improving from Net Zero creative output so far?
For example, Japan never had any full lockdowns. At the start of the pandemic in 2020, before there was a ‘vaccine’, they even left their borders open. They did not mass test their population either.
Yet in 2020 Japan suffered negative excess mortality, and today, it has a lower Covid death rate than Vietnam and Australia.
Anyone listen to the pratt ‘Leader’ from OFGEM being interviewed at 0810 on our, “Worlds Most Trusted Broadcaster” this morning?
Summary: “Russia, Russia, Russia” gets paramount blame for increased fuel prices Worldwide. If I had been present at that interview, I’d have responded by calling him, ‘Liar, liar, liar’. Its a massive con of the public job going on at present.
The reason why there are ridiculously high energy prices Worldwide is more to do with the reckless destruction of the fossil fuel sources and markets not to mention Green Levies simply to achieve a Green Dream.
My radio reception of that R4 interview was distorted by the background chortling sounds coming from the fossil fuel industry being strangulated by the WEF and their handmaiden country leaders.
Closure of UK’s largest gas storage site ‘could mean volatile prices’
This article is more than 5 years old
Shuttering of Rough facility off Yorkshire coast by British Gas owner Centrica will increase dependence on imports, say critics
As a Right Wing Conservative the more I hear about the sheer mis government of Blighty the more I despair / despise politicians – look where we are – shortages of gas- electricity – water – food (coming ) and no strategic approach to being even 80% independent on everything .
They blame the Chinese virus .
But good leadership would ‘ringfence’ the above to ensure that key means of life – national resilience – would prevail – instead – they suddenly find out there is only one CO2 factory – or one fertiliser factory – and that their loss would lead to a PPE level shambolic scramble for global replacement at enormous cost .
Is it incompetence – or part of a plan – or coincidence . ?
I just hope that whoever the next PM – and the one after – have decent clever advisors around them … but as I write that I realise my hope will remain that .
As an early indicator – looks like sunak didn’t know one of his own policies last night and truss issues a policy which only lasted 3 hours ….
Chinese firm buys pub where David Cameron and Xi Jinping enjoyed a pint
This article is more than 5 years old
The Plough at Cadsden, a 16th-century Buckinghamshire inn, has become a hotspot for Chinese tourists since president’s state visit in 2015
G, quite right. You probably don’t need to but others may be interested. If you go to the BBC’s own Market Data section of their web-site, accessed via HomePage>News>Business>Market Data and double click on the Natural Gas (UK Gas Futures) and then when the next page comes up, then click on 5Y you can see the pattern of gas prices over five years.
Gas prices are nothing to do with Russia’s attack on Ukraine as the war has been going on there for over eight years. It is just that Russia has openly put ‘boots and equipment’ on Ukrainian soil for the first time this year. High gas prices are nothing to do with the Ukraine conflict.
High gas prices are everything to do with COP26 and the Western sanctions against Russia.
North West Tonight
BBC One, 20 July 2022
We reported on councillors in Liverpool voting on whether to scrap the position of elected mayor in the city. By mistake we showed pictures of the former Lord Mayor instead of the elected mayor. We are sorry for this error.
Wait until she finds she is partnered with Nish now MTW is canned.
BBC does not do advertising.
Seeing as how contestants have to have a clear diary for at least 3 months, then its more evidence that anyone taking part hasn’t got any work lined up, so its all about money – the fee they’re paid (our money).
Worth checking BBC semantics.
Record levels – 100% increase from 1 to 2.
Envy of the world.
“How could we have possibly known ? erm could have asked Thorntons why they have air conditioning in their chocolate shops
Fatima Payman: Meet Australia’s first hijab-wearing senator
Fatima Payman: Meet Australia’s first hijab-wearing senator
At just 27 years old, Fatima Payman is making history in Australia’s parliament.
She is the first hijab-wearing senator, the first Afghan Australian to be voted in, and the youngest person in the current parliament.
She tells the BBC her election is significant for Australian Muslims.
Video by Isabelle Rodd
Reporter: Shaimaa Khalil
Is there church in Saudi Arabia?
Saudi Arabia, the home of Islam, has outlawed churches and punished Christian worship for decades. The kingdom’s 1.4 million Christians meet in secret, but authorities are signaling more openness.
Iranian woman beaten for wearing loose hijab, fights back and goes viral
Wearing the veil is compulsory in Iran, and activists who dare to speak up face long prison sentences
Lincolnshire non-Muslim girls asked to wear hijab for a day
4 August 2019
Andrew Norfolk explains the length Rotherham authorities go to in order to silence whistleblowers. He is interviewed at the very spot I witnessed dozens of “Rotherham men” with young girls. Police and PCSOs were often standing nearby
Theresa May The Secretary of State for the Home Department 12:37 pm, 20th April 2016
The first priority of government is the safety and security of its citizens, and the Government have always made the integrity of the UK border a priority. We will never compromise on keeping the people of this country safe from terrorism, criminality and illegal immigration.
So few journos with the courage to report this .
“Climate change: More studies needed on possibility of human extinction”
Its no good preaching to Great Britain, tell the nations that don’t care i.e. India, China, US, Russia & the rest of the world .
Then we have this ……………
“Great Barrier Reef sees record coral cover, but it is highly vulnerable”
Operative word “Could”.
I don’t know how many of you on this website ever question
themselves if they are paranoid about the BBC. I do sometimes.
But is it paranoid to try and understand why on nearly every
public interest story , say about price increases etc
. You know asking the man in the street. Or should
i say man, women, or they in the street . It invariably is an
ethnic or even more likely a black member of the public.
The black population of the UK is something around 3-4% .
Yes maybe I am paranoid . And I do know that BIG BROTHER
from the Diversity department at the BBC must be sick to death of seeing
all the adverts on ITV, Sky etc featuring at least 70% ethnic
lead roles and the BBC does not do commercial advertising , except for their own “products” such as the Caribbean Games
being held in Birmingham. So we can hear somebody rapping
in patois 10 times a day.
No nearly all images of those checking their gas price rises
the increases in tax , everything is portrayed by black folk.
on the BBC news internet pages . Please
help this paranoid soul with an answer, why this is. Today is a perfect example.
Dear Winston Smith of the BBC Historical Corrections Department,
As I’ve had to look at your BBC news and use other sources to determine that your news is not news but selective editorial opinion I’d like to request that I have a refund for the last 4 years plus get the BBC free from now on.
Please let me know how I can go about this as I am willing to create a full list of articles that I’ve had to investigate plus time taken for me to check your fact checker whilst realising that the BBC intentionally removes news rather than incorrectly report on it, uses images to sway opinion or misleads with the main titles hoping no one reads the full article.
‘Omission is the greatest form of lie.’
CAS-4987700-SY1FTF : BBC NewsWatch says boredom with pro-Brexit march.
CAS-4963895-3HKGDN: Tommy Robinson: Are you reporting on him?.
CAS-4844672-N8FDYY: Update on the MP Expenses 2009 scandal in 2018.
CAS-4939547-J71Z1V: Here’s hoping Ireland do the right thing G.Lineker.
CAS-4937378-YKMWBJ: BBC not reporting ‘Day of Freedom’ March 06may2018.
CAS-4906141-BFJQL0: I take offence that presenters promote their books.
CAS-4892811-C820SC: I am offended that I have to pay the BBC TV Tax.
CAS-4824332-633N1P: What happened in Italy was not covered …
CAS-4933135-ZV3V7F: The omission is the most powerful form of lie …
CAS-6005141-S1V9D1: Not seen a report on the UK Governments Covid19
Let me know how to go about resolving the issue of paying for something that wastes my time as I have to check each story rather than rely on its accuracy.
“how to go about resolving the issue of paying for something that wastes my time as I have to check each story rather than rely on its accuracy.”
Don’t pay .
I hope I was trained to observe – question – examine – try to be objective – empathetic. I think the BBC social program started quite slow and ‘clever ‘ but has accelerated and become so clumsy that even the casual user notices –
Mad comments by lesbian sports reporters about the white engerland footy team is probably the clearest recent example of this and surely would make even the casual viewers’ eye brows to raise …
The more difficult area is ‘omission ‘ – so if you go to the very few non approved public broadcasters – GBNewx – you immediately see the difference and omission .
To any one from the BBC reading – your use of Goebells style ‘message everywhere in everything ‘ approach might have worked in less informed times – but the totalitarian approach looks lame now – and results in growing websites like this one …
Has the BBC moved from news to social engineering …. YES.
“By 2020, the BBC wants its employees to comprise 50% women, 8% disabled people, 8% lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender people and 15% people from black, Asian and ethnic minority backgrounds.{bbc.co.uk 14sep2017}”
Black is the new white!
So the lefty due is cast…. Backstabbing national media is the new normal. Sleazy aides in government having clandestine lattes with media folk to smear any politician not to the taste of the liberal media pack.
Thus time it’s Truss receiving the dung.
I have no particular favour for the Truss lady but this trend by the media, so obviously political, and which worked so heavily against Boris is both malevolent and repulsive.
Also of note is that it never seems to be used to target Labour types, are they so squeaky clean I wonder?
The bulk of the media in the UK have now become clones of the US CNN or NYT, merely left wing biased broadsheets, led by our very old Auntie BBC.
Super news! Coral re-growth over much of the Great Barrier Reef – especially on the northern and central areas – is at record levels, highest since monitoring began over 35 years ago.
It must be understood, however, that the extensive and unprecedented areas of new coral will be vulnerable to climate change – perhaps disregarding lengthy and continuous doomsday prophesies on the total demise of the GBR due to climate change.
Naturally, there is no explanation as to what possible environmental and/or climatic changes have allowed the massive regeneration to occur in the first place but, like any information from current informed sources, clouding the issue only leads to confusion.
Fosc, I don’t think you are paranoid at all, but if you are you are one of many. I now consciously avoid conversation with certain groups, not necessarily based on race. One wrong word or thought and my career would be over. What I am finding, is that the more the new world agenda is pushed at me, the more intolerant I’ve become. For example, there is an article on the bbc today about younger and younger children being radicalised on line with “Far right” ideas; racial intolerance, nazi ideals, white supremacy, on and on.
My first thought was “Good, maybe the next generation can still save us”. I realised that I was exhibiting a non-apprvoved viewpoint, but that sort of thought wouldn’t have crossed my mind a few years ago. Now it bubbles under, ready to rise again every time I see a boat on a south coast beach.
‘Stand easy!’ barked the instructress, a little more genially.
Winston sank his arms to his sides and slowly refilled his lungs with air. His mind slid away into the labyrinthine world of doublethink. To know and not to know, to be conscious of complete truthfulness while telling carefully constructed lies, to hold simultaneously two opinions which cancelled out, knowing them to be contradictory and believing in both of them, to use logic against logic, to repudiate morality while laying claim to it, to believe that democracy was impossible and that the Party was the guardian of democracy, to forget whatever it was necessary to forget, then to draw it back into memory again at the moment when it was needed, and then promptly to forget it again: and above all, to apply the same process to the process itself. That was the ultimate subtlety: consciously to induce unconsciousness, and then, once again, to become unconscious of the act of hypnosis you had just performed. Even to understand the word ‘doublethink’ involved the use of doublethink.
I think the line “to use logic against logic, to repudiate morality while laying claim to it” perfectly describes where much of our society is right now. e.g. burglars demanding to be paid to go out burgling and if you don’t agree your a nasty stale, pale, male burglist!
As for sexual morality, we must be getting near a point where animals will be included in the “new” freedoms all sorts.
Italy woman marries herself in ‘fairytale without prince’
27 September 2017
An Italian woman has married herself in a ceremony complete with white dress, three-layer wedding cake, bridesmaids and 70 guests.
“I firmly believe that each of us must first of all love ourselves,” said Laura Mesi, a 40-year-old fitness trainer. “You can have a fairytale even without the prince.”
The ceremony carries no legal weight.
Wonder if she’s still married?
The Qixi Festival, also known as the Qiqiao Festival, is a Chinese festival celebrating the annual meeting of Zhinü and Niulang in Chinese mythology. The festival is celebrated on the seventh day of the seventh lunisolar month on the Lunar calendar. The festival was derived from worship of the natural astrology. Wikipedia
The Dragonfly project was an Internet search engine prototype created by Google that was designed to be compatible with China’s state censorship provisions.[1][2][3] The public learned of Dragonfly’s existence in August 2018, when The Intercept leaked an internal memo written by a Google employee about the project.[4][5] In December 2018, Dragonfly was reported to have “effectively been shut down” after a clash with members of the privacy team within Google.[6] However, according to employees, work on Dragonfly was still continuing as of March 2019, with some 100 people still allocated to it.[7]
In July 2019, Google announced that work on Dragonfly had been terminated.[8]
Gotta be black………………….
Unbelievable bias this morning on the increasingly appalling Radio 4. This is why I listen to it less and less nowadays, and thus have little to contribute here.
At the end of ‘Today’, we had an item on forgiveness; but this seems only to be forgiveness by the White British for actions against us. They spoke with the daughter of Sir Anthony Berry, killed by the IRA at Brighton in 1984, and also a parent of a child killed at the Manchester Arena bombing five years ago. The clear message was that forgiving the terrorists is good for the victims’ families and society generally. No grievances must be held and no dots joined up about what is happening in Britain: in other words, the usual BBC line of “don’t believe your own eyes”.
How about forgiveness from Blacks in the USA for the largely accidental death of George Floyd? Perhaps the BBC could encourage Palestinians to forgive any casualties caused by Israeli actions against rocket attacks. What about Pakistani Muslims asking for forgiveness after the dreadful gang rapes (“grooming” in BBC speak) in Rotherham, Rochdale, Oldham, Telford, Oxford, Derby, etc, etc?
Then it was “Positive Thinking” with Sangita Myska up to 09:30, with endless unsubstantiated claims about the environment and “climate crisis” but never any questions as to what’s the point of small CO2 emissions cuts – at great cost to us – if China and/or India or Russia don’t do the same.
Next was Justin Rowlatt up to 09:45, with more alarmism about rising sea levels. One of the glaring errors in the narrative was this: if they are concerned by locked-in future warming from heat now stored (but one day to be released) by the oceans, then logically they would have to admit that the warming of the last century or so might itself have less to do with our CO2 emissions than with thermal lag from previous warm spells such as the Medieval Warm Period.
I listen on Long Wave so I thought there might be some relief (and a bit of nice church music) from 09:45 when The Daily Service came on. Silly me! There was just as much if not more climate change doom and gloom woven into the 15 minutes of service! Not much about Jesus Christ or any religion; but then I suppose the “climate crisis” IS the new religion for the globalist establishment.
Relief did finally arrive when the presenter gave a run down of what was coming up on Woman’s Hour and I didn’t detect any climate crisis agenda. I used the off switch at that point. The drum beat of propaganda is, however, almost incessant.
What have we learned from Birmingham?
Someone get the rights whipped off that bBc … watching selected events on mute.
Liz Truss saying Mr. Sunak was the blocker to ending the Licence Fee.
I haven’t seen a response yet .
Good to see wee Krankie and her vile gang called out by Madeleine Grant in the Telegraph suggesting there is a deeper and sinister smell about her/their Anglophobia .
I prefer to call them England haters pure and simple…..a core message founded in hatred by what is fast becoming a rebel group is worthy of severe scrutiny.
The attentiuon seeker should be getting some excessive attention. How about an investigation of her activities under the Treason Act. That would highlight her activities with those wishing harm on the UK…Sinn Fein/Ira and the Eu being 2 in paticular.
We mark this day to celebrate British Caribbean communities and acknowledge the sacrifices and contributions the Windrush generation and their descendants have made to British society. The event will return in 2023, and will mark 75 years since the arrival of the Windrush.22 Jun 2022
bBC website “news”
Fence will protect walkers from bull on cow attack path in Pentland Hills
Scunthorpe shop loses £1k of chocolate after heatwave causes it to melt
Incredible, keep paying the tele tax, for those that do
Can any of you guess where all this ‘wokeness’ comes from ?
Lets al hope that Suella Braverman scraps the television tax that feeds the woke BBC .
Diversity destroys meritocracy in the work place and entertainment.
Not the BBC – but for those interested in evonomic troubles
From the DT – 2 million home owners will be affected immediately by the increased .5% rate increase 1.1 million are on standard variable with 850k on trackers .
Someone with a £400k tracker will pay an extra £99.
80% of mortgages are fixed but a third expire in the next 2 years .. ugh …
I read this a very different way at first.
I wonder how The BBC reacts?
Could be argued that the, “underperforming” was as a result of members of the board being, ‘diverse’ (bad managers etc). So, that reduces the board shedding to simply getting rid of those who do the company down. Normal practice in my day in business.
Fed, 0.5% is not really enough. The UK Base Rate needs to leapfrog the USA rate by some margin. We are partly (largely?) in this mess because Bailey has been slow to talk the MPC into greater increases in Base Rate. I wonder why he would do that? Is he a Remoaner? Or keen to see Bojo go and be replaced by Der Starmer in 2024? Or what?
UPDATE: it is only 0.5% to 1.75%. Not enough. Are Bailey and the MPC deliberately trying to undermine the UK?
Bank of England Independent?
Pull the other one.
Their only defined remit is to control inflation to less than 2.5%. Obviously impossible without wrecking the economy, so what’s the Government doing about the economy? Meanwhile house prices are at record level, owners in London and the SE are making colossal untaxed killings thereby playing their part in stoking inflation.
I think it’s just incompetence . I agree – the rate needs to be far higher but I think they are trying to put off the recession as long as possible but allowing inflation to increase faster and bigger .
As all of this feeds through the politicians are going to be looking toward the next election and finding any reason they can to pass the blame ….
The question for the public will be to put their confidence in a ‘new ‘ Tory government or an untested Labour one – can either make much difference ? Can’t see it – nor can I see inflation being pu back in the bottle in the next couple of years if commodities remain at the level they are ….
… really can’t see any new public spending or tax reductions …
Big danger for the blue labour lot is looking as out of touch as the red labour lot … must be tedious for MPs to have to deal with constituents who are bust and have nowhere to turn …
A 400k mortgage needs 3.5 times income?
Borrower earning £9.5k a month
So they’ve got about 3 pounds a day less to spend, not enough to tame inflation..
The question on whether applicants are interested in salary range is funny.
Speaks out when too late.
The report said several staff members were afraid they would be labelled racist if they identified the race of the perpetrators, while others said they were instructed by their managers not to do so.
Several councillors interviewed believed highlighting the race element would “give oxygen” to racist ideas and threaten community cohesion.
Bout time the ‘race element’ was established/made: save a lot of heartbreak in the future.
Dara doing their PR now too?
Next, Nish Does Dallas?
bbc reports
‘Interest rates rise means I owe £250 a month more on loans’
Where does the bbc find these people, 25k on credit cards
Andy – inevitable that the BBC would go for the easy extremes . In the absence of ‘wonga’ the exposes will be about the ‘bank of mum and dad ‘ – ‘well off oldies ‘ and ‘loan sharks ‘ ….
I reckon a lot of snowflakes will be too young to recall the last time we had really high interest rates … I mean – struggling at 1.75% ? Try 5 – 10 – 15% interest rates – I was a kid but I remember the pain of my huge repayment mortgage and the interest I paid ….
Maybe it’s needed again – although I can’t remember blaming anyone or running off for’ advice ‘. I just worked my bottom off to get money to pay my debts …
Stop press
The Bank of England is finally ‘predicting a recession starting at the end of 2022 going through to 2024 – well well what a surprise . And it seems they now realise retail inflation is far higher than previously stated . In my view the ‘producer ‘inflation rate – above 20% is nearer the truth ….
When me and the missus bought our first house in 1980 interest rates were 17.5%! Luckily the property by todays standards was cheapish.
MPs get bumper £2.2k pay rise NEXT MONTH as Britons crippled with eye-watering tax hikes
MPs are to be given a £2,200 pay rise from next month, as Britons suffer from tax hikes and the continued cost of living crisis.
15:47, Tue, Mar 1, 2022 | UPDATED: 19:31, Tue, Mar 1, 2022
Tomo – I wonder if Americans realise that they are being governed by a bunch of ga ga s ?
You could ask that question about the British as well!
I suspect quite a few do. The MSM basically flood the airwaves with this shit.
Let me get this straight,
People have taken out mortgages for several years at the lowest interest rates in history.
So now the BBC is going gaga interviewing people whose mortgages are now going to go up. Cue endless hard luck stories. No attempt at balance whatsoever.
Fomenting discord. Exploiting the modern obsession with sentimentality.
The BBC are seditious to the core. To them, over-throwing the government is an end in itself.
Sluff – as I wrote at about 1130 – a third of mortgagees will be having their fixed mortgage ended in the next year so I reckon their interest repayments will be doubling – whether this leads to large numbers of defaults remains to be seen …
If you are strains paying increasing community charges on top of food and fuel costs the question of mass defaults – and their consequences will also be – interesting ….
The BBC will be running stories of people with no money for pre paid meters with families living in dark cold flats ….
Save £159 – cancel BBC license?
Every ( big ) interest hike helps ….cancel those DDs