Vincent asserted that, after the experiment, she gained more sympathy for the male condition: “Men are suffering. They have different problems than women have but they don’t have it better. They need our sympathy, they need our love, and they need each other more than anything else. They need to be together.”[2][3]
But…but what about Liz Truss demanding that water companies dump raw sewage in the sea a few years back. Funny how it’s only come out now ain’t it? Labour are desperate for a scalp. Just a re-run of Boris by the media fed straight from a Momentum HQ.
The Princess Diana documentary last night left me thinking that the whole Bashir business was an organised plot with a far wider group of bBC people involved than just him. And right to the top of the fetid organ.
The forgery of material was bad enough but you were left in no doubt that the “gang” were responsible for the break in and theft from their employee,s home.
I don’t think that the top picture is Adelaide Cottage. It looks suspiciously larger than a 4 bed home, and is probably another property on the Windsor Estate. More Woburn Abbey than anything else.
The number of homes they have is not something that gives me sleepless nights to be honest. It doesn’t affect my life and never will.
What does make me sick to my stomach is the open border our Channel is. Lots of talk, nothing done and why should anyone bother having a bloody passport to come here anymore. Even Ann Widcombe made mention of those flying in – documents dumped down the toilet then claiming asylum at arrivals desk.
Its that word again “could”, so might, might not, maybe.. The bBC did alot of if buts or maybe when reporting on Brexit, i’m still waiting for sandwiches to run out 🙂
I’d go with retail at 18% or above – producer inflation at the moment must be heading toward 20% – by 1 October ….
The next Bank of England love in is on 15 September – my bet is on another .5% interest rate rise . Inflation is out of control …
Really can’t see how anyone can cut taxes when debt / welfare spending is about to ratchet up …. Deep recession ….
Sorry for the gloom but useful to know what ‘some ‘ think is coming .. happy Christmas …
– obviously the hikes should be enormous but the Bank hasn’t the bottle to go beyond 0.5% ….. the cost of the government is going skywards even beyond the socialism we’ve been subjected to ….
Elsewhere – Steyn echoed what I said yesterday – that Johnson’s big achievement was the vaccine – except that it’s turning out that the vaccines and lockdowns and huge borrowing to spend has done for us for the foreseeable future – 10 years ….
Assuming that putin is still kicking off …. The Chinese don’t go nasty … and the loon in N. Korea doesn’t kick off – other threats are available ….
Boris Johnson’s Guarantee
We will get Brexit done in January and unleash the potential of our whole country.
I guarantee:
Extra funding for the NHS, with 50,000 more nurses and 50 million more GP surgery appointments a year.
20,000 more police and tougher sentencing for criminals.
An Australian-style points-based system to control immigration.
Millions more invested every week in science, schools, apprenticeships and infrastructure while controlling debt.
Reaching Net Zero by 2050 with investment in clean energy solutions and green infrastructure to reduce carbon emissions and pollution.
We will not raise the rate of income tax, VAT or National Insurance.
Thank you for supporting our majority Conservative Government so we can move our great country on instead of going backwards.
I would vote for Nigel Farage for Prime Minister and Richard Tice as deputy. A revival of the Brexit Party .
Of course its not possible now, but what about two years time?
Anyone else sensed that the big three lefty news outlets, BBC, Guardian and Independent seem to be colluding on their next get the Tories assault. Now they no longer effectively have Boris to throw dung at they are going for a Tory caused financial collapse coming with misery for all.
The unions are almost certainly in on the game, particularly Unite. All the screaming is pointing at Tory mismanagement, unions are refusing to accept what most people see as perfectly reasonable offers and even blocking their members from even voting on it and trying to entice other unions to join in with the bullshit. A Telephone call here, a telephone call there I suspect!
So it’s not about wages, cost of living etc. it’s another political assault on the Tories.
The stopper will be when lots of people start losing their jobs caused by the real situation of massive staff stay at homes for months and in fact years, a huge conflict in Europe. An out of control immigration policy draining the UK of cash etc. etc. all of which the lefty press deliberately refuse to bring into the story, at which point evaluating union employees in Rock solid employment contracts with golden early pensions etc. will cause a lot of anger and resentment.
Wait until famous 29yo’s Dr. Gail, Sir Boaty, Rog, Moonbat and Dame Emma get QT all to themselves with a bbc representative audience selected to speak for the nation.
Politics is out of date for the crises we face today.
In a Citizens’ Assembly 22% would be 16 – 29.
Like a jury they select a group of people who reflect our whole society.
We can update politics, & create a fair system that represents all of us and our communities.
In a similar vein, digg, does anyone else notice the seemingly impossible clash-free release of NHS whining (unions, NHS authorities, representative bodies, etc. – activists one and all, of course) on a virtually daily basis. Amazingly, the plethora of these ‘reviews’, ‘reports’, ‘studies’, ‘funding demands’, and so forth are never seemingly being released on the same day – ever ?
Does it perhaps ‘suggest’ (to use one of the BBC’s favourite prompting words) that these are being co-ordinated (where do the NHS activists actually find the time for all of these interviews, etc. ? – given that they tell us they’re strained to the point of collapse) – or perhaps more likely, the BBC imay even actually be providing a ‘gatekeeper’ who channels these to the media on a regulated basis, in order to exert the maximum anti-government pressure they can ?
Given the incompetence across the NHS and its Trusts – none of whom seem capable of meeting their annual budgets (which they, themselves, determine) on even a semi-regular basis – how the hell do they organise this between themselves – and is the BBC, in fact, the key here ??
Almost every BBC news bulletin starts with the editorial team’s ‘doom and gloom’ story of the day. It’s clearly part of a seditious plan to demotivate the population and thus encourage voting change at the 2024 election.
Almost anything will do. But currently it’s usually a totally random person who is ‘worried’ about paying the bills.
Oh well. At least it’s not about record temperatures. Or record rainfall. Or drought. Or climate change. Or pollution.
For now.
While the BBC continues to pretend that the Imbecile in the White House is competent, Melanie Phillips excoriates his criminal policy towards Iran.
“The hellish ruins of American leadership”
“If reports of Biden’s latest concessions to Iran are true, this comes close to treason.
One shouldn’t be surprised, of course; but it’s hard not to be astounded, horrified, shocked to the very core by the lengths to which the Biden administration is reportedly going to surrender America and the free world to the Islamic revolutionary regime of Iran…”
Our so called Government does nothing to protect our people and defend our shores. This is a disgrace !
Any Tory voters on this site ? Get in touch with your MPs.
If only the Border Farce , Royal Navy and RNLI volunteers went on strike….the daily Invasion would drop dramatically ! ! , Given up on my local Conservative MP…just get the standard email reply.
Not only are the people of Great Britain being put in great danger, but they are being forced to fund the accommodation , heating and feeding of these invading scroungers, while we are facing the choice of heating or feeding ourselves, and the the invaders are put in Four Star hotels !
We have an ‘OXO Government’ because we are the ‘laughing stock’ of Europe .
IMHO, the share holders in the immigrant management agencies are making a lot of money out of this Tory fiasco.
Vote for UKIP or The Reform Party in two years time .
Years ago, the speaker at my rugby club’s annual dinner was Mr Prescott, (the man, not the fat, stupid politician), and he said, to howls of delight, that when he was a young man, it took two hands to bend an erection, and now it takes only one, so he wasn’t clear on whether he was getting stronger or weaker…
I’m so sorry Ladies, but that’s a fact which I’ve always remembered after over fifty years, and need to tell the world!
BBC run a story and PRAs news about ‘the secret world of trading nudes’. Which is essentially another form of abuse of young girls/women.
There is a website page. But guess, what? Only at the end is it revealed that most of the women are of Indian subcontinent heritage. And only at the end of the 6 pm news story is the alleged leader of the racket revealed. He is…..ahem……also of Indian subcontinental appearance.
Yes, it’s yet another triumph of multicultural nirvana. Though the BBC yet again do everything they can to hide the fact.
Good riddance to the lying corrupt Fauci. What is with these guys that cannot just **** off gracefully and retire never be heard from again but no he is going to continue with a new direction. Just bugger off – same applies to Bliar also.
There are plenty of white sex weirdos
Maybe something strange in their upbringing, maybe they were abused
but I hadn’t picked up that tonight’s Panorama about pervs trading sex images, was fosused on “South Asian” pervs.
For 10 months I’ve been investigating a huge online community that were secretly sharing & trading explicit non-consensual images of women. What we saw was shocking.
NGO wrote If you are South Asian and you have a son or brother you need to watch @monikaplaha ‘s BBC documentary
She has discovered an online community where South Asian men trade nude pictures of South Asian women they obtained through hacking, or fake relationships. Sexism, slut shaming, victim blaming, misogyny and patriarchy have all reached crisis points in our community.
These men are “normal” every day dudes, they have friends, families, some even have wives and kids. But behind the scenes they are participating in a heinous plot to ruin Women’s lives.
We need to urgently step up and start engaging with our boys and taking accountability for sexist culture and where it leads our men and women.
And before you come at me with some “[insert religion here] grooming gang” stuff, know that Hindu, Muslim & Sikh Are working in perfect unity to do this.
This is a problem that impacts every single person in our community, across the globe, irrespective of religion.
We need to stop burying our heads in the sand.
Talk to your boys now. It’s urgent.
Ahmadis suffer vicious persecution around the world. The main source of fuel for that persecution is in Pakistan, but what happens in Pakistan does not stay in Pakistan.
I know that from my experience in the Yorkshire market town of Batley. In August 1985, when I was 11 years old, my parents organised an inter-faith meeting in the town hall. It was interrupted and disturbed when, according to West Yorkshire police, more than 1,000 extremists, led by Pakistani hate preachers funded by the Pakistani state, were bused in from around the country. The mob brutally attacked my English mother and my father, a dermatologist; my eldest brother and I; and a Welsh Ahmadi schoolteacher who was with us. My first cousin, a GP, was by chance driving through the market town that day. He saw the mob and saw his family and friends being attacked, so he stopped. He was recognised, pulled from his vehicle and savagely beaten up.
As usual @MarkSteynOnline at #gbnews is dealing with the big issues as with every show. No fluff or trivia just hammering the serious situations we have to confront. #gbnews should consider a daytime repeat! People need to see this show.
— Egg Man (I don't support the current things) (@MeMints) August 22, 2022
Another excellent Mark Steyn show.
Re inflation, immigration, rape gangs etc:
David Starkey “… we have had a Conservative government since 2010 and … they’ve done bugger all about it.”
Mark “… I don’t know, David, whether one is permitted by Ofcom to say ‘bugger all’ before the watershed but you have just said it and I can always use another Ofcom complaint.”
“..I’m slightly amazed at our colleagues (Simon Schama BBC@£200K) ability to get big laughs on gang rape…I’m not much of a feminist but I draw the line at the 3 year old getting raped, and the seven year old getting gang raped in a basement. (audience claps)” – Mark Steyn {youtube The Munk debate @4:46}
Simon Schama BBC@£200K – I knew I’d seen that name Schama before. This is what Simon said earlier to ignite Mark Steyn’s response ….
“…I’m just struck by how obsessed by sex these two guys (Farage/Steyn) are, it’s a bit sad really… (audience laughs, Simon smiles)” – Simon Schama (£200K BBC Salary) {youtube The Munk debate @2:00}
Suggest you watch the whole debate…to form your own opinion of Simon “BBC on 200K” Schama, whose salary is from a TV Tax extracted from people who are struggling in the UK, a license that had 180,000 (near Simon’s Wage) prosecuted due to none payment. And sent 70 people to jail.
What’s that old saying “”you can’t run with the fox and hunt with the hounds”?
The BBC still seems to believe it can, or at least can fool us all that it is, but most people outside the BBC can see that it’s physically impossible to be both fox and hound at the same time.
The bottom line is you can’t be BOTH respected for your impartiality AND campaign for any particular cause/s.
The BBC has so many ‘good causes’ it fights loudly and proudly on behalf of, there is no way it could ever be accepted by any sane person as ‘impartial’ or ‘unbiased’.
Has the BBC ever lied to me …. YES.
“Gavin Hewitt in 2015 replacing video with still photos to hide a nasty refugee pushing a pregnant female refugee and small child onto a train track, the BBC made it look like the border guards were being tough.”
Has the BBC ever hidden news from me …. YES.
“May 2018 the Day of Freedom march was not reported on the main website or the main news channel and is not available on the BBC £3.5bn online search page – other news agencies including the Guardian reported it.”
Has the BBC kept the public in the dark …. YES.
“We know that the UK MP expenses continues and should be investigated with the £3.5bn BBC New Service every year to keep the MPs on their toes, David Lammy bought a bike for £650 on expenses (Claim Ref:387540/17oct2014) which is blatant misuse of Tax Payer Money. How come the BBC don’t check up each year?”
Has the BBC ignored politician’s lies …. YES.
“UK Politicians are on TV shouting austerity and recession but all have taken an 18% pay increase from 2010 to 2018. How can they talk for the people when the live in their own bubble?”
Has the BBC moved from news to social engineering …. YES.
“By 2020, the BBC wants its employees to comprise 50% women, 8% disabled people, 8% lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender people and 15% people from black, Asian and ethnic minority backgrounds.{ 14sep2017}”
Has the BBC let journalist break their guidelines …. YES.
“Gary ‘£1.75m’ Lineker uses his twitter account to say Brexit is bad, EU is good. But not once has he confronted Jacob Rees-Mogg or Nigel Farage to talk about it. It is a one sided echo chamber.”
Sweeney’s take on the carbombing of Dugin’s daughter
“Kremlin black op likely.”
Alexander Dugin walked out on me when I challenged him about Vladimir Putin’s anti-democracy.
I feel sorry for his daughter but they are fascists who demanded the blood of Ukrainians.
Who killed her is a dark mystery. Kremlin black op likely. Murky.”
Sweeney proudly promotes that video
Yet to me he makes Sweeney looks bad
He seems convinced that the Russians secretly got Trump elected
but the Trumpgate report turned out to be false
He predicted the world would not be safer with a Trump presidency
.. It seemed safer to me
Hello Taff, note the wording, I guess the bbc legal team has looked over it. Normally they dont hold back and Trump is quilty according to the likes of the bbc
“Lincoln: Police chief defends officers dancing Macarena at Pride event”
Readers and posters , do you think that this a good way to lead by example ?
IMHO there is something seriously wrong with the way the that the Police Chiefs are being recruited.
Only the other month the BBC protested how 2 men were stopped by the police because they fit the bill of 2 men seen waving a gun around the area. And due to the likes of the BBC defending these thugs , we see a child murdered.
In her diary she is said to have described seeing two DJs. Savile was not suspected of sleeping with her but the inquiry was described by Dame Janet Smith as “wholly inadequate” – more concerned about protecting the reputation of the BBC than getting at the truth.
The Cowboys and the Indians were having a huge fight out in the high country. They fought and fought, and finally there was only one cowboy left. He promptly surrendered to the Indians. The Chief Indian said, “ Cowboy, you a tough fighter! We give you one wish a day for 3 days, then we scalp you!” “ Are you ready for your first wish?” the cowboy said, “ I want to see my horse” They brought the horse over, the cowboy whispered in the horse’s ear, slapped him in the ass, and the horse took off. The horse came back about 3 hours later with a beautiful blonde. The cowboy took the blonde into the tent. The next morning the Chief Indian told the cowboy, “ OK Cowboy, time for wish # 2, and the cowboy said again, “ I want to see my horse”. They bring the horse over, he whispers in the horses ear, slaps him in the ass, and the horse takes off. The horse comes back around 4 hours later with a beautiful redhead. The Indians all look at each other and shrug. The cowboy takes her hand, and they go into the tent. The next morning, the Chief Indian says to the cowboy, “ OK Cowboy, last wish, and then you die” The cowboy says ,” I want to see my horse” The Indians look at each other incredulously, but shrug and say OK. They bring the horse over, and the cowboy goes over to the horse, lifts his ear, and screams, “ POSSE HORSE. I SAID POSSE!!!!”
Criminal defense attorney here. Allow me to share with you my personal top ten “don’t do these when being arrested” moments, all of which I have personally had to deal with from clients.
Don’t resist arrest. When the handcuffs come out, you cannot talk your way out of the situation any more; cooperate, and things will be much better for you.
Resist the temptation to “explain yourself” to the officer on your drive to the station. They are recording you — and this can be used against you. Just be quiet.
If you are being arrested for drunk driving, don’t refuse the intoxilyzer test. You will likely be much worse off for a refusal than a bad test number. Implied consent will screw you.
Please remember to exercise your right to remain silent. There is nothing you can say that will help you in a meaningful way. Just stop talking.
No one likes the guy who threatens to sue everyone in sight. Just request an attorney and stop talking.
Routine booking questions don’t fall into the category of custodial interrogations, so please don’t refuse to give officers your real name. In many jurisdictions this can be a separate offense.
For the love of all that is holy, do not use the following phrase when interacting with the police: “I’m drunk.” It is even less helpful when shouted at the top of your lungs.
Do not, under any circumstance, ask the officer if he or she can “look the other way just this once” while holding out money in your hand.
Sadly, most officers do not appreciate sarcastic remarks or observations about their weight or intelligence. Surprisingly, sentencing judges don’t particularly care for it either.
Officers are not scared of attorneys. Don’t think that name dropping or threats of lawsuits will get an officer to leave you alone. Pro tip: it won’t.”
Usual bbc ethnic priorities being shown on “Full story” :-
“What we know about Owami Davies’s disappearance”
(Very little)
Next week-
“What most people care about Owami Davies’s disappearance”
(Refer to comment above)
UK spy agencies accused of tip-off that led to torture
Story detail
British national Jagtar Singh Johal was in India in 2017 when his family say he was forced into an unmarked car.
He says he was then tortured by Punjab police over days, and he remains in prison to this day. He has been charged with conspiracy to commit murder and being a member of a terrorist gang. The Indian authorities say Mr Johal, from Dumbarton in Scotland and an active blogger and campaigner for Sikh human rights, was involved in murders they claim are related to Sikh nationalism. Now, accusations have been made by a human rights group Reprieve that UK intelligence agencies tipped off Indian authorities about Mr Johal, who denies any wrongdoing.
The organisation says it has matched several details relating to his case to a specific claim of mistreatment documented in a report by the watchdog that oversees the UK’s intelligence agencies. Mr Johal isn’t named, but Reprieve say the facts match his case. He is taking action against the UK government and has lodged a claim in the High Court. India’s government denies he was tortured or mistreated, and the UK government says it will not comment on an ongoing legal case. Our security correspondent Frank Gardner explains more about the story here.
Something possibly in there, but a bbc/frank explainer on top of the above? No thanks.
Nafeesa Shan
Who else?
UK spy agencies accused of tip-off that led to torture
Accused of.
his family say
He says he was then tortured
accusations have been made by a human rights group Reprieve that UK intelligence agencies tipped off Indian authorities
The organisation says it has matched several details relating to his case to a specific claim of mistreatment documented in a report by the watchdog that oversees the UK’s intelligence agencies.
Mr Johal isn’t named, but Reprieve say the facts match his case.
Good enough for the BBC then. Someone says something matches.
BBC News watch
6 million people on disability benefits are to get a £150 handout in September . I’d have thought such government generosity would have led the radio news . But no – the shooting of a 9 year old in Liverpool is the big one . Why? Users of this site might put 2 and 2 together and come up with diversity . But we may / may not find out as the facts come out .
It’s august – normally a dead month for news – so stuff like the death of the last cricket gets national news – or that dogs cry when the food provider turns up .
Back to the big story of £150 for 6 million people – there was none of the usual comments to accompany this – such as ‘not enough ‘ or ‘should have it already ‘ …. Or some shadow red labour type demanding this or that .
Also – the yearly winter energy exercise has been extended from 2 days to 4 . Lessons won’t be learnt ( see covid ).
1000 illegal migrants cross the channel in one day reports GB news. A newsworthy story if ever there was one. Yet tumbleweed and not deemed worthy of a mention on not only BBC but as far as I can see everywhere else. Maybe they will mention It later today .. Maybe not.
Aha 10am and they have finally mentioned it .. Even the BBC says 1,300. The race to bury the story again starts here. In fact already started as it is buried in kent local news and not even a mention on front page of website at the moment.
I tend not to comment on Scottish posts as they are so balanced with deep fried Mars Bars on each shoulder.
The same Nicola Sturgeon who promised a state owned energy company in 2017. Plowed £500k of taxpayer cash into it then abandoned the idea. 🤦♂️
The Scottish Government has come under fire for suggesting that the bottom of internal doors in schools could be cut away to help improve ventilation in response to Covid-19.16 Mar 2022
he Vision of the Anointed (1995) is a book by economist and political columnist Thomas Sowell which brands the anointed as promoters of a worldview concocted out of fantasy impervious to any real-world considerations.[1] Sowell asserts that these thinkers, writers, and activists continue to be revered even in the face of evidence disproving their positions.
Sowell argues that American thought is dominated by a “prevailing vision” which seals itself off from any empirical evidence that is inconsistent with that vision.
The book challenges people Sowell refers to as “Teflon prophets,” who predict that there will be future social, economic, or environmental problems in the absence of government intervention (Ralph Nader is one of his foremost examples).
The book was initially published in 1995 by Basic Books.[2] It was described as a “masterpiece” by Nick Cater.[3]
Is the latest episode of ‘Countryfile’ being filmed in the Forest of Dean this week? The scenery in the photos looks vaguely familiar, and I’m pleased to see rural Gloucestershire has finally joined the diversity drive so enthusiastically.
What do you call a dinosaur with a big bum and dandruff edition
You have to hand it to the Guardian, they’re doing a job of work smearing the Tories, while Keir Stamer keeps his hands clean: ‘Our likely future prime minister… has sewage on her hands…’ Truss cut millions from services that kept sewage off UK beaches – so says Doug Parr of Greenpeace in today’s Guardian leader
How convenient that the socialists have so many para-political organisations doing their anti-conservative dirty work for them
And what of the forensic genius that leads the Labour Party: Keir Starmer Swerves Questions On Strike Stance As Barristers Vote For Further Walkouts (Huff Post UK) – in rather Germanic all caps
Raab: ‘Justice is being held to ransom’ Minister’s fury over barristers’ strike that will bring heartbreak to thousands of crime victims (Daily Mail)
“Justice delayed is justice denied” is what they term a legal maxim
Frankly the system is bust. Like so many British institutions – such as the NHS, social housing, schooling, you name it, our legal system just can’t cope with our fashionably globalist and humanitarian open borders: Deported Albanians break back into UK… criminals deported for drugs and violence are sneaking back into Britain in the face of a government crackdown on gangsters from the Balkan country (Telegraph)
That’s as maybe… in futher eastern european news…
Putin blames car bomb killing on ‘female assassin’ – I’ve no idea why the ‘i’ newspaper gives that phrase scare quotes?
Tinker, Tailor, Soldier… Sexy pin up… Natalia Vovk has been accused of planting the car bomb that killed Darya Dugina, daughter of one of Putin’s allies (Times) – Milfy brunette Natalia, 43, allegedly: accompanied by her daughter, aged 12 – on this dangerous assassination mission deep behind enemy lines, enjoys her glamour shot adorning the frontpage of both Times and Telegraph today; where yesterday we were treated to pictures of the attractive blonde Darya, 29 (RIP)
Russia’s security service claims Ms Vovk escaped to Estonia in a Mini Cooper (Telegraph) – “yeah, baby!” – as that movie spoof spy stuck in the 1960s Austin Powers, as played by Mike Myers, might have remarked – “shagadelic!”
You can almost hear Sean Connery intone: “Schurley, Miss Moneypenny, the next 007 has to be… Bond, Jane Bond!”
Lioness is an England legend like Kane or Rooney. Ellen White hangs up her boots (‘i’)
Never mind the old stale pale patriarchy, the empire strikes back in the left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper: BBC ‘did not mistreat Diana’ David Dimbleby speaks out
Meanwhile at that other sacred national treasure and envy of the world: Snowflakes block A&E… ‘Patient’ walks into hospital and demands treatment for dandruff (freebie Metro) – perhaps someone told this person that the NHS promised medical treatment free at the point of access – I’m guessing their local GP was difficult to see.
Kim bum on NHS – promises the irreverent Daily Star – don’t laugh, this is an old story: Botched Brazilian bum-lifts inspired by Kim Kardashian costing NHS hundreds of thousands to put right (Telegraph 2018)
Sherelle Jacobs in today’s Telegraph sums up for us: The NHS is a dinosaur: it’s time for a revolution
Having been financially exposed to both solicitors and lawyers and para legals – they have only one driver ££££££ ….if you put this in a spell check it comes up with ‘justice ‘…..
Lock those barristers out ….. cut their fees – make go get a useful job …
” has sewage on her hands” … Every day, around three million litres of sewage is emptied into the Ganges – and only about half of that has undergone any kind of treatment. The river’s waters are so dirty that it’s considered one of the most polluted waterways in the world.20 Jan 2022
Amyl interviews 3 people about ‘ productivity ‘. He is happy to go on about brexit – but not about green crap or diversity crap or woke crap ….. . Big state ( big taxes ) also don’t get much of a mention either .
They spent 20 minutes wasting oxygen on this – I think they were 3 remainers too ….
BBC Radio 5 Live Breakfast
BBC Radio 5 Live, Wednesday 3 January 2018
During a phone-in on the programme a contributor, Danielle Tiplady was introduced as a staff nurse. We should have established and made clear on air that she was a political activist.
I have a sick sense of humour . So the piece about ‘laughing gas abuse ‘ was hilarious . Apparently kidults ‘idea of the the end of a good night out is to open a tube of nitrox oxide . They found some punter who had sniffed so much that she is legless ….
……….obviously the BBC want the stuff banned . There are bigger bottles coming onto the market – we might need a few this winter ….
It’s interesting to think that immigration, both legal and illegal, was the spur that led Britain to leave the EU. There’s little doubt that the large influx from East Europe set many people against the EU. The failure of the EU to control illegal immigration before and after Brexit was something that led British people to doubt the EU. There’s a lot of unrest in France and Germany and other EU countries regarding this Invasion. It really is an indictment of the EU that it’s totally failed to control it. I do wonder if there’s some secret agenda.
The immigrants make their way north, having no desire to assimilate to French culture, but continuing to demand a First World standard of living, even as they flout laws, do not produce, and murder French citizens, such as factory bosses and shopkeepers, as well as the ordinary people who do not welcome them. They are also joined by the immigrants who already reside in Europe, as well as various left-wing and anarchist groups. Across the West, more and more migrants arrive and have children, rapidly growing to outnumber whites. In a matter of months, the white West has been overrun and pro-immigrant governments have been established, while the white people are ordered to share their houses and flats with the immigrants. The village containing the troops is bombed flat by airplanes of the new French government, referred to only as the “Paris Multiracial Commune”. Within a few years, most Western governments have surrendered. The mayor of New York City is made to share Gracie Mansion with three African-American families from Harlem; migrants gather at coastal ports in West Africa and South Asia and swarm into Europe, Australia, and New Zealand; London is taken over by an organization of non-white residents known as the “Non-European Commonwealth Committee”, who force the British queen to have her son marry a Pakistani woman; millions of black Africans from around the continent gather at the Limpopo River and invade South Africa; and only one drunken Soviet soldier stands in the way of hundreds of thousands of Chinese peasants as they overrun Siberia.
As if by design?
1295 illegals/criminals invaded yesterday! Its a disgrace perpetuated by our Conservative government who sit and do nothing but emit verbal threats to the invaders that come to nothing .
At the same time our own people face a “cost of living crisis”.
Vote and support UKIP and The Reform Party.
This manifesto offers the chance of
real change for every generation and
every community. When Labour wins,
the nurse wins, the pensioner wins, the
student wins, the office worker wins, the
engineer wins. We all win.
We can and we must do better
as a country.
This is our last chance to tackle
the climate emergency.
The future is ours to make. It’s time for
real change – for the many, not the few.
Together, we can deliver it.
Jeremy Corbyn
Leader of the Labour Party
Those with the broadest shoulders can pay a little more = if you pay tax you will pay more . If you don’t pay tax and live on benefits it’s happy days …
UK intelligence agencies are accused of tipping off Indian authorities about a British national before his abduction and alleged torture by Punjab police.
Jagtar Singh Johal, from Dumbarton, was in India in 2017 when his family say he was forced into an unmarked car.
He says he was then tortured over days, including with electrocution. He has remained in detention since then.
Successive British prime ministers have raised his case but India’s government denies he was tortured or mistreated.
Theresa May told Conservative MP Fiona Bruce the news would be welcomed by her family “and those who have campaigned in Pakistan and around the world for her release”, and the UK was committed to the global abolition of the death penalty.
Lefties here don’t realise that foreign nations do not recognise the ‘dual nationality’ or myriad of passports from these foreigners who don nationalities like an interchangeable raincoat.
Food historian Adrian Miller looks at the presence of fried chicken on the plantation fields in the Deep South and explains how the racial connotations of fried chicken and black people materialised in America.
#jerk I’m just wondering do you know what #Jamaican #jerk actually is? It’s not just a word you put before stuff to sell products.
should do a masterclass. Your jerk Rice is not ok. This appropriation from Jamaica needs to stop.
#jamieoliver@jamieoliver#jerk I'm just wondering do you know what #Jamaican#jerk actually is? It's not just a word you put before stuff to sell products. @levirootsmusic should do a masterclass. Your jerk Rice is not ok. This appropriation from Jamaica needs to stop.
I agree, now all of you not from Yorkshire no more Yorkshire Pudding for you. She’s only one of many on my list of people that deserves a good slap, unfortunately the list is getting longer and longer and it sometimes wanders into “ perhaps a gun would be kinder “.
Many people are more concerned that Britain has been appropriating people from Jamaica and the West Indies. This must stop immediately, and these poor victims returned to their countries of origin, thus freeing them from the horrors of systemic racism in Britain and being forced to appear in adverts and Getty photo shoots. Reparations are in order too, which can be in the form of one-way airplane tickets.
Here’s an idea. Stop eating Indian food, boycott Indian restaurants and takeaways, and stop buying any indian food and spices from supermarkets. Lets all do our bit!
If producing food to “Other” cultures’ traditions is unacceptable, then surely consuming it is too?
Our anthem could be the well-known Madonna hit “Poppadom preach”.
A few of us have written about the BBC’S imaging on their
website. In my opinion it’s one of two things. It’s
either that the woke, diversity, inclusive, positive discrimination.
lunatics are fully in control of showing us nearly 100% black
imaging on public service headlines. OR that BIG BROTHER
at the BBC is taking the piss over our comments. I think it’s
the latter.
Our dishonest ‘Worlds Most Trusted Broadcaster’, nothing on the National News but………hidden away in ‘England’ news:
“A man accused of repeatedly stabbing an elderly mobility scooter rider has appeared at the Old Bailey.
Lee Byer, 44, is charged with murdering Thomas O’Halloran, 87, in Greenford, west London, in what a prosecutor described as a “vicious attack”.
Mr O’Halloran was found with multiple stab wounds between Runneymede Gardens and Welland Gardens on 16 August.”
Doesn’t look anything like the police photo’s of the black murderer released at the time. (See earlier contribution from: Terminal Moraine, August 17 1535)
Above looks as if he has intentionally been given a white washing and otherwise appearance altered to make him more akin to a white person. I wonder why. In fact, the image above does not even look remotely like the mans real photograph. Perhaps this is the beginning of a trend?
I already shared, apols, but this was good value, including the use of the word ‘investigations’ at the start; enough to see Springster need another mental week at a villa.
And, of course, the note at the end that The BBC, home of attacks on others based on claims, again exempts itself from FOIs.
Footnote: True to form, no financial or other contractual details were disclosed when Mr Hendy was appointed ‘official BBC historian’. To remedy the deficit, News-watch is filing a Freedom of Information request about the deal.
JohnCMar 4, 03:17 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 WTF is Trudeau doing in there ?. That is just a TDS convention. There is a LOT of hate, spite…
atlas_shruggedMar 4, 01:14 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The Germans knew this was coming. They just did not know what city would be hit first. Here is Nuremberg…
atlas_shruggedMar 4, 01:04 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The roof looks in good nick. Just like the cathedral at Notre-Dame in Paris.
tomoMar 4, 00:52 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 We absolutely need some British judges subject to this sort of challenge.
Van HelsingMar 4, 00:33 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I rather think their ambition is loftier than their reach. Trump holds the cards in this one.
JohnCMar 4, 00:29 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 This sounds like what that talk about Obama and the Logan act was really about. ‘ a United States federal…
JohnCMar 4, 00:22 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 taff, the usual BBC response is to simply not report it. A search with Google shows several UK sites reporting…
JohnCMar 4, 00:00 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I think you overcomplicate it there Zelazek: Trump is outspokenly right-wing. And the Left absolutely hate people like him with…
Last week’s BBC topic was about female athletes and periods
yes it’s a burden
but males have testosterone
and that makes complications for their lives too
eg drives to take risks
Get injured, die earlier etc.
Vincent asserted that, after the experiment, she gained more sympathy for the male condition: “Men are suffering. They have different problems than women have but they don’t have it better. They need our sympathy, they need our love, and they need each other more than anything else. They need to be together.”[2][3]
Barristers striking – ideal opportunity to unify the sharks – (solicitors ) into one occupation . Dump the wigs – cut the prices –
Boris on holiday. Barristers on strike. Rail on strike. Ports on strike. NHS on tiktok. 650 MPS ignoring Salman Rushdie.
But…but what about Liz Truss demanding that water companies dump raw sewage in the sea a few years back. Funny how it’s only come out now ain’t it? Labour are desperate for a scalp. Just a re-run of Boris by the media fed straight from a Momentum HQ.
Buggers want paying to do an estimate – never mind the actual work.
The Princess Diana documentary last night left me thinking that the whole Bashir business was an organised plot with a far wider group of bBC people involved than just him. And right to the top of the fetid organ.
The forgery of material was bad enough but you were left in no doubt that the “gang” were responsible for the break in and theft from their employee,s home.
Licence Fee you say?
From the CBC Archives: Christopher Hitchens
I thought it spoke volumes when they put if the lingering final screen with the words “Were the Royal family involved?”
Nasty media question as answer tactics.
Rotten to the core!
COTTAGE …. Adelaide Cottage: William and Kate to move to cottage on Windsor estate
By Nicholas Witchell
Royal correspondent
2 hours ago
The Cambridges will keep their Norfolk home, Anmer Hall, and their apartment at Kensington Palace – both of which are sizeable.
They are roughing it a bit – the nanny won’t be ‘living in ‘….
Nanny will sleep with William!
I don’t think that the top picture is Adelaide Cottage. It looks suspiciously larger than a 4 bed home, and is probably another property on the Windsor Estate. More Woburn Abbey than anything else.
The number of homes they have is not something that gives me sleepless nights to be honest. It doesn’t affect my life and never will.
What does make me sick to my stomach is the open border our Channel is. Lots of talk, nothing done and why should anyone bother having a bloody passport to come here anymore. Even Ann Widcombe made mention of those flying in – documents dumped down the toilet then claiming asylum at arrivals desk.
Its scary, and a catastrophic situation.
“Getty, show me Labour MPs instead of just folk of color…”
Hello Guest
Its that word again “could”, so might, might not, maybe.. The bBC did alot of if buts or maybe when reporting on Brexit, i’m still waiting for sandwiches to run out 🙂
I’d go with retail at 18% or above – producer inflation at the moment must be heading toward 20% – by 1 October ….
The next Bank of England love in is on 15 September – my bet is on another .5% interest rate rise . Inflation is out of control …
Really can’t see how anyone can cut taxes when debt / welfare spending is about to ratchet up …. Deep recession ….
Sorry for the gloom but useful to know what ‘some ‘ think is coming .. happy Christmas …
Fed, £ is down the pan v. the $, if it keeps up this decline the next increase in Base Rate is likely to be 1% … at least.
– obviously the hikes should be enormous but the Bank hasn’t the bottle to go beyond 0.5% ….. the cost of the government is going skywards even beyond the socialism we’ve been subjected to ….
Elsewhere – Steyn echoed what I said yesterday – that Johnson’s big achievement was the vaccine – except that it’s turning out that the vaccines and lockdowns and huge borrowing to spend has done for us for the foreseeable future – 10 years ….
Assuming that putin is still kicking off …. The Chinese don’t go nasty … and the loon in N. Korea doesn’t kick off – other threats are available ….
Without #couldfiles the bbc cubicle gardens might need to emerge from W1A and check.
Any awesome Springster posts?
Hard to believe that such nonsense is being rolled out during a Conservative Government …. People didn’t vote for that .
Boris Johnson’s Guarantee
We will get Brexit done in January and unleash the potential of our whole country.
I guarantee:
Extra funding for the NHS, with 50,000 more nurses and 50 million more GP surgery appointments a year.
20,000 more police and tougher sentencing for criminals.
An Australian-style points-based system to control immigration.
Millions more invested every week in science, schools, apprenticeships and infrastructure while controlling debt.
Reaching Net Zero by 2050 with investment in clean energy solutions and green infrastructure to reduce carbon emissions and pollution.
We will not raise the rate of income tax, VAT or National Insurance.
Thank you for supporting our majority Conservative Government so we can move our great country on instead of going backwards.
“Tory leadership: Liz Truss dodging scrutiny of tax plans, claims Sunak”
If I could vote I would avoid both of the above .
I would vote for Nigel Farage for Prime Minister and Richard Tice as deputy. A revival of the Brexit Party .
Of course its not possible now, but what about two years time?
Anyone else sensed that the big three lefty news outlets, BBC, Guardian and Independent seem to be colluding on their next get the Tories assault. Now they no longer effectively have Boris to throw dung at they are going for a Tory caused financial collapse coming with misery for all.
The unions are almost certainly in on the game, particularly Unite. All the screaming is pointing at Tory mismanagement, unions are refusing to accept what most people see as perfectly reasonable offers and even blocking their members from even voting on it and trying to entice other unions to join in with the bullshit. A Telephone call here, a telephone call there I suspect!
So it’s not about wages, cost of living etc. it’s another political assault on the Tories.
The stopper will be when lots of people start losing their jobs caused by the real situation of massive staff stay at homes for months and in fact years, a huge conflict in Europe. An out of control immigration policy draining the UK of cash etc. etc. all of which the lefty press deliberately refuse to bring into the story, at which point evaluating union employees in Rock solid employment contracts with golden early pensions etc. will cause a lot of anger and resentment.
Wait until famous 29yo’s Dr. Gail, Sir Boaty, Rog, Moonbat and Dame Emma get QT all to themselves with a bbc representative audience selected to speak for the nation.
And the other 78% ..?
Jeremy Corbyn wants to lower the price of Freddos
It’s the latest policy pledge from the Labour leader
Sam Moore
15th February 2018
In a similar vein, digg, does anyone else notice the seemingly impossible clash-free release of NHS whining (unions, NHS authorities, representative bodies, etc. – activists one and all, of course) on a virtually daily basis. Amazingly, the plethora of these ‘reviews’, ‘reports’, ‘studies’, ‘funding demands’, and so forth are never seemingly being released on the same day – ever ?
Does it perhaps ‘suggest’ (to use one of the BBC’s favourite prompting words) that these are being co-ordinated (where do the NHS activists actually find the time for all of these interviews, etc. ? – given that they tell us they’re strained to the point of collapse) – or perhaps more likely, the BBC imay even actually be providing a ‘gatekeeper’ who channels these to the media on a regulated basis, in order to exert the maximum anti-government pressure they can ?
Given the incompetence across the NHS and its Trusts – none of whom seem capable of meeting their annual budgets (which they, themselves, determine) on even a semi-regular basis – how the hell do they organise this between themselves – and is the BBC, in fact, the key here ??
Almost every BBC news bulletin starts with the editorial team’s ‘doom and gloom’ story of the day. It’s clearly part of a seditious plan to demotivate the population and thus encourage voting change at the 2024 election.
Almost anything will do. But currently it’s usually a totally random person who is ‘worried’ about paying the bills.
Oh well. At least it’s not about record temperatures. Or record rainfall. Or drought. Or climate change. Or pollution.
For now.
Yiou heard it here first – subsidence has reached the rags, and the awful beeb will milk this story until yer eyes bleed…
While the BBC continues to pretend that the Imbecile in the White House is competent, Melanie Phillips excoriates his criminal policy towards Iran.
“The hellish ruins of American leadership”
“If reports of Biden’s latest concessions to Iran are true, this comes close to treason.
One shouldn’t be surprised, of course; but it’s hard not to be astounded, horrified, shocked to the very core by the lengths to which the Biden administration is reportedly going to surrender America and the free world to the Islamic revolutionary regime of Iran…”
“Channel migrants: MoD says 606 cross Channel in single day
More beach landings on the east coast .”
Our so called Government does nothing to protect our people and defend our shores. This is a disgrace !
Any Tory voters on this site ? Get in touch with your MPs.
If only the Border Farce , Royal Navy and RNLI volunteers went on strike….the daily Invasion would drop dramatically ! ! , Given up on my local Conservative MP…just get the standard email reply.
Not only are the people of Great Britain being put in great danger, but they are being forced to fund the accommodation , heating and feeding of these invading scroungers, while we are facing the choice of heating or feeding ourselves, and the the invaders are put in Four Star hotels !
We have an ‘OXO Government’ because we are the ‘laughing stock’ of Europe .
IMHO, the share holders in the immigrant management agencies are making a lot of money out of this Tory fiasco.
Vote for UKIP or The Reform Party in two years time .
”Any Tory voters on this site ? Get in touch with your MPs”.
I am convinced that someone has already been in touch with the MPs and Government, which is why the invaders are not being impeded.
I’m getting stronger.
About 20 years ago it would take a couple of people to carry £50 worth of groceries but now I can easily carry them by myself.
EG – Naughty alert…
Years ago, the speaker at my rugby club’s annual dinner was Mr Prescott, (the man, not the fat, stupid politician), and he said, to howls of delight, that when he was a young man, it took two hands to bend an erection, and now it takes only one, so he wasn’t clear on whether he was getting stronger or weaker…
I’m so sorry Ladies, but that’s a fact which I’ve always remembered after over fifty years, and need to tell the world!
BBC run a story and PRAs news about ‘the secret world of trading nudes’. Which is essentially another form of abuse of young girls/women.
There is a website page. But guess, what? Only at the end is it revealed that most of the women are of Indian subcontinent heritage. And only at the end of the 6 pm news story is the alleged leader of the racket revealed. He is…..ahem……also of Indian subcontinental appearance.
Yes, it’s yet another triumph of multicultural nirvana. Though the BBC yet again do everything they can to hide the fact.
Stuff like… sickle cell anemia…
BUPA = Blacks Universally Present in Advertising?
BBC #28Gate: An Explainer
The national broadcaster.
Envi ov da wurld, innit
Cities Anger …. Don’t look back in anger …. see 22 in manchester.
Bernard Manning joke from way back.
‘People say I’m racist, that’s not true.
My Grandad died at Auschwitz.
He fell out of one of the machine gun towers.’
Ding Dong Fauci gone:
Good riddance to the lying corrupt Fauci. What is with these guys that cannot just **** off gracefully and retire never be heard from again but no he is going to continue with a new direction. Just bugger off – same applies to Bliar also.
Welcome him to the Blair Institute?
I asked my MP what was being done about this shambles that happens every day in Kent. He said he would get back to me.
That was 8 months ago.
Silence since.
Old Panorama : This clip from BBC’s Panorama shows a Home Office researcher was told to never refer to grooming gang perpetrators as Asian men and was sent on a diversity course.
.. Some of his thread does contain nutty conspiracy theories about “The Jews”
There are plenty of white sex weirdos
Maybe something strange in their upbringing, maybe they were abused
but I hadn’t picked up that tonight’s Panorama about pervs trading sex images, was fosused on “South Asian” pervs.
For 10 months I’ve been investigating a huge online community that were secretly sharing & trading explicit non-consensual images of women. What we saw was shocking.
NGO wrote
If you are South Asian and you have a son or brother you need to watch @monikaplaha ‘s BBC documentary
She has discovered an online community where South Asian men trade nude pictures of South Asian women they obtained through hacking, or fake relationships. Sexism, slut shaming, victim blaming, misogyny and patriarchy have all reached crisis points in our community.
These men are “normal” every day dudes, they have friends, families, some even have wives and kids. But behind the scenes they are participating in a heinous plot to ruin Women’s lives.
We need to urgently step up and start engaging with our boys and taking accountability for sexist culture and where it leads our men and women.
And before you come at me with some “[insert religion here] grooming gang” stuff, know that Hindu, Muslim & Sikh Are working in perfect unity to do this.
This is a problem that impacts every single person in our community, across the globe, irrespective of religion.
We need to stop burying our heads in the sand.
Talk to your boys now. It’s urgent.
Community ….
Ahmadis suffer vicious persecution around the world. The main source of fuel for that persecution is in Pakistan, but what happens in Pakistan does not stay in Pakistan.
I know that from my experience in the Yorkshire market town of Batley. In August 1985, when I was 11 years old, my parents organised an inter-faith meeting in the town hall. It was interrupted and disturbed when, according to West Yorkshire police, more than 1,000 extremists, led by Pakistani hate preachers funded by the Pakistani state, were bused in from around the country. The mob brutally attacked my English mother and my father, a dermatologist; my eldest brother and I; and a Welsh Ahmadi schoolteacher who was with us. My first cousin, a GP, was by chance driving through the market town that day. He saw the mob and saw his family and friends being attacked, so he stopped. He was recognised, pulled from his vehicle and savagely beaten up.
Ah! The Ahmadi post again! I look for it every thread. I noticed in one thread last week it was posted twice. What a treat! Thanks MM.
Another excellent Mark Steyn show.
Re inflation, immigration, rape gangs etc:
David Starkey “… we have had a Conservative government since 2010 and … they’ve done bugger all about it.”
Mark “… I don’t know, David, whether one is permitted by Ofcom to say ‘bugger all’ before the watershed but you have just said it and I can always use another Ofcom complaint.”
“..I’m slightly amazed at our colleagues (Simon Schama BBC@£200K) ability to get big laughs on gang rape…I’m not much of a feminist but I draw the line at the 3 year old getting raped, and the seven year old getting gang raped in a basement. (audience claps)” – Mark Steyn {youtube The Munk debate @4:46}
Simon Schama BBC@£200K – I knew I’d seen that name Schama before. This is what Simon said earlier to ignite Mark Steyn’s response ….
“…I’m just struck by how obsessed by sex these two guys (Farage/Steyn) are, it’s a bit sad really… (audience laughs, Simon smiles)” – Simon Schama (£200K BBC Salary) {youtube The Munk debate @2:00}
Suggest you watch the whole debate…to form your own opinion of Simon “BBC on 200K” Schama, whose salary is from a TV Tax extracted from people who are struggling in the UK, a license that had 180,000 (near Simon’s Wage) prosecuted due to none payment. And sent 70 people to jail.
Campbell’s ‘leaning to the right’ might not be most people’s idea of leaning to the right Pug.
If you, yourself are leaning so far in one direction you’ve toppled over, the rest of the world all looks as if it’s leaning the other way.
What’s that old saying “”you can’t run with the fox and hunt with the hounds”?
The BBC still seems to believe it can, or at least can fool us all that it is, but most people outside the BBC can see that it’s physically impossible to be both fox and hound at the same time.
The bottom line is you can’t be BOTH respected for your impartiality AND campaign for any particular cause/s.
The BBC has so many ‘good causes’ it fights loudly and proudly on behalf of, there is no way it could ever be accepted by any sane person as ‘impartial’ or ‘unbiased’.
Has the BBC ever lied to me …. YES.
“Gavin Hewitt in 2015 replacing video with still photos to hide a nasty refugee pushing a pregnant female refugee and small child onto a train track, the BBC made it look like the border guards were being tough.”
Has the BBC ever hidden news from me …. YES.
“May 2018 the Day of Freedom march was not reported on the main website or the main news channel and is not available on the BBC £3.5bn online search page – other news agencies including the Guardian reported it.”
Has the BBC kept the public in the dark …. YES.
“We know that the UK MP expenses continues and should be investigated with the £3.5bn BBC New Service every year to keep the MPs on their toes, David Lammy bought a bike for £650 on expenses (Claim Ref:387540/17oct2014) which is blatant misuse of Tax Payer Money. How come the BBC don’t check up each year?”
Has the BBC ignored politician’s lies …. YES.
“UK Politicians are on TV shouting austerity and recession but all have taken an 18% pay increase from 2010 to 2018. How can they talk for the people when the live in their own bubble?”
Has the BBC moved from news to social engineering …. YES.
“By 2020, the BBC wants its employees to comprise 50% women, 8% disabled people, 8% lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender people and 15% people from black, Asian and ethnic minority backgrounds.{ 14sep2017}”
Has the BBC let journalist break their guidelines …. YES.
“Gary ‘£1.75m’ Lineker uses his twitter account to say Brexit is bad, EU is good. But not once has he confronted Jacob Rees-Mogg or Nigel Farage to talk about it. It is a one sided echo chamber.”
who jumped to defend the BBC with ?
Shame on @trussliz @BBCNews is a noble thing.
John Sweeney got 2,800 Likes maybe they were bots cos all the replies and QTs go against him
Mahyar Tousi
Sweeney’s take on the carbombing of Dugin’s daughter
“Kremlin black op likely.”
Alexander Dugin walked out on me when I challenged him about Vladimir Putin’s anti-democracy.
I feel sorry for his daughter but they are fascists who demanded the blood of Ukrainians.
Who killed her is a dark mystery. Kremlin black op likely. Murky.”
Sweeney proudly promotes that video
Yet to me he makes Sweeney looks bad
He seems convinced that the Russians secretly got Trump elected
but the Trumpgate report turned out to be false
He predicted the world would not be safer with a Trump presidency
.. It seemed safer to me
“Trump sues justice department over Mar-a-Lago search”
Go for it Donald !
We are with you all the way .
Hello Taff, note the wording, I guess the bbc legal team has looked over it. Normally they dont hold back and Trump is quilty according to the likes of the bbc
“Lincoln: Police chief defends officers dancing Macarena at Pride event”
Readers and posters , do you think that this a good way to lead by example ?
IMHO there is something seriously wrong with the way the that the Police Chiefs are being recruited.
They all have a Common Purpose.
Matched only by the media editorial heads.
To them ‘journalism’ is a no lose, all fee profession.
But the cost merely occurs elsewhere.
Analysis: How did Savile get away with it?
By David Sillito
Media Correspondent
25 February 2016
In her diary she is said to have described seeing two DJs. Savile was not suspected of sleeping with her but the inquiry was described by Dame Janet Smith as “wholly inadequate” – more concerned about protecting the reputation of the BBC than getting at the truth.
Who needs the Edinburgh fringe ?
The Cowboys and the Indians were having a huge fight out in the high country. They fought and fought, and finally there was only one cowboy left. He promptly surrendered to the Indians. The Chief Indian said, “ Cowboy, you a tough fighter! We give you one wish a day for 3 days, then we scalp you!” “ Are you ready for your first wish?” the cowboy said, “ I want to see my horse” They brought the horse over, the cowboy whispered in the horse’s ear, slapped him in the ass, and the horse took off. The horse came back about 3 hours later with a beautiful blonde. The cowboy took the blonde into the tent. The next morning the Chief Indian told the cowboy, “ OK Cowboy, time for wish # 2, and the cowboy said again, “ I want to see my horse”. They bring the horse over, he whispers in the horses ear, slaps him in the ass, and the horse takes off. The horse comes back around 4 hours later with a beautiful redhead. The Indians all look at each other and shrug. The cowboy takes her hand, and they go into the tent. The next morning, the Chief Indian says to the cowboy, “ OK Cowboy, last wish, and then you die” The cowboy says ,” I want to see my horse” The Indians look at each other incredulously, but shrug and say OK. They bring the horse over, and the cowboy goes over to the horse, lifts his ear, and screams, “ POSSE HORSE. I SAID POSSE!!!!”
The Devon and Cornwall music festival is cancelled as they couldn’t agree whether The Jam or Cream should go on first.
For all the potential George Floyds out there:
“What is the biggest no-no when being arrested?
Criminal defense attorney here. Allow me to share with you my personal top ten “don’t do these when being arrested” moments, all of which I have personally had to deal with from clients.
Don’t resist arrest. When the handcuffs come out, you cannot talk your way out of the situation any more; cooperate, and things will be much better for you.
Resist the temptation to “explain yourself” to the officer on your drive to the station. They are recording you — and this can be used against you. Just be quiet.
If you are being arrested for drunk driving, don’t refuse the intoxilyzer test. You will likely be much worse off for a refusal than a bad test number. Implied consent will screw you.
Please remember to exercise your right to remain silent. There is nothing you can say that will help you in a meaningful way. Just stop talking.
No one likes the guy who threatens to sue everyone in sight. Just request an attorney and stop talking.
Routine booking questions don’t fall into the category of custodial interrogations, so please don’t refuse to give officers your real name. In many jurisdictions this can be a separate offense.
For the love of all that is holy, do not use the following phrase when interacting with the police: “I’m drunk.” It is even less helpful when shouted at the top of your lungs.
Do not, under any circumstance, ask the officer if he or she can “look the other way just this once” while holding out money in your hand.
Sadly, most officers do not appreciate sarcastic remarks or observations about their weight or intelligence. Surprisingly, sentencing judges don’t particularly care for it either.
Officers are not scared of attorneys. Don’t think that name dropping or threats of lawsuits will get an officer to leave you alone. Pro tip: it won’t.”
Usual bbc ethnic priorities being shown on “Full story” :-
“What we know about Owami Davies’s disappearance”
(Very little)
Next week-
“What most people care about Owami Davies’s disappearance”
(Refer to comment above)
BBC Moaning Emole
Nafeesa Shan
UK spy agencies accused of tip-off that led to torture
Story detail
British national Jagtar Singh Johal was in India in 2017 when his family say he was forced into an unmarked car.
He says he was then tortured by Punjab police over days, and he remains in prison to this day. He has been charged with conspiracy to commit murder and being a member of a terrorist gang. The Indian authorities say Mr Johal, from Dumbarton in Scotland and an active blogger and campaigner for Sikh human rights, was involved in murders they claim are related to Sikh nationalism. Now, accusations have been made by a human rights group Reprieve that UK intelligence agencies tipped off Indian authorities about Mr Johal, who denies any wrongdoing.
The organisation says it has matched several details relating to his case to a specific claim of mistreatment documented in a report by the watchdog that oversees the UK’s intelligence agencies. Mr Johal isn’t named, but Reprieve say the facts match his case. He is taking action against the UK government and has lodged a claim in the High Court. India’s government denies he was tortured or mistreated, and the UK government says it will not comment on an ongoing legal case. Our security correspondent Frank Gardner explains more about the story here.
Something possibly in there, but a bbc/frank explainer on top of the above? No thanks.
Nafeesa Shan
Who else?
UK spy agencies accused of tip-off that led to torture
Accused of.
his family say
He says he was then tortured
accusations have been made by a human rights group Reprieve that UK intelligence agencies tipped off Indian authorities
The organisation says it has matched several details relating to his case to a specific claim of mistreatment documented in a report by the watchdog that oversees the UK’s intelligence agencies.
Mr Johal isn’t named, but Reprieve say the facts match his case.
Good enough for the BBC then. Someone says something matches.
Next, Nick Robinson says the Critic says…
BBC News watch
6 million people on disability benefits are to get a £150 handout in September . I’d have thought such government generosity would have led the radio news . But no – the shooting of a 9 year old in Liverpool is the big one . Why? Users of this site might put 2 and 2 together and come up with diversity . But we may / may not find out as the facts come out .
It’s august – normally a dead month for news – so stuff like the death of the last cricket gets national news – or that dogs cry when the food provider turns up .
Back to the big story of £150 for 6 million people – there was none of the usual comments to accompany this – such as ‘not enough ‘ or ‘should have it already ‘ …. Or some shadow red labour type demanding this or that .
Also – the yearly winter energy exercise has been extended from 2 days to 4 . Lessons won’t be learnt ( see covid ).
1000 illegal migrants cross the channel in one day reports GB news. A newsworthy story if ever there was one. Yet tumbleweed and not deemed worthy of a mention on not only BBC but as far as I can see everywhere else. Maybe they will mention It later today .. Maybe not.
Aha 10am and they have finally mentioned it .. Even the BBC says 1,300. The race to bury the story again starts here. In fact already started as it is buried in kent local news and not even a mention on front page of website at the moment.
GBN interested in covering it?
I tend not to comment on Scottish posts as they are so balanced with deep fried Mars Bars on each shoulder.
I merely ponder the BBC challenge based on research, or just straight to the #prasnews quote.
The Scottish Government has come under fire for suggesting that the bottom of internal doors in schools could be cut away to help improve ventilation in response to Covid-19.16 Mar 2022
It is actually inspiring.
More so as BBC Getty appears uninvolved.
Which African country is getting the overseas handouts ?
Just saw FFF hashtag in there so likely Greta and a BBC crew flying out soon.
Ok, Mishal and Justin.
he Vision of the Anointed (1995) is a book by economist and political columnist Thomas Sowell which brands the anointed as promoters of a worldview concocted out of fantasy impervious to any real-world considerations.[1] Sowell asserts that these thinkers, writers, and activists continue to be revered even in the face of evidence disproving their positions.
Sowell argues that American thought is dominated by a “prevailing vision” which seals itself off from any empirical evidence that is inconsistent with that vision.
The book challenges people Sowell refers to as “Teflon prophets,” who predict that there will be future social, economic, or environmental problems in the absence of government intervention (Ralph Nader is one of his foremost examples).
The book was initially published in 1995 by Basic Books.[2] It was described as a “masterpiece” by Nick Cater.[3]
“We will never defeat racism until people of colour have their own spaces away from whites.
I suggest we start with schools, restaurants, buses and drinking fountains.”
Meet di man wey dey collect money just to ‘do nothing’
Environmentalist ||
Global Citizen ||
Super Rotaractor||Change Maker ||Humanitarian || Chairperson
Nairobi, Kenya🇰🇪. February 2019
20K Following
Is the latest episode of ‘Countryfile’ being filmed in the Forest of Dean this week? The scenery in the photos looks vaguely familiar, and I’m pleased to see rural Gloucestershire has finally joined the diversity drive so enthusiastically.
What do you call a dinosaur with a big bum and dandruff edition
You have to hand it to the Guardian, they’re doing a job of work smearing the Tories, while Keir Stamer keeps his hands clean: ‘Our likely future prime minister… has sewage on her hands…’ Truss cut millions from services that kept sewage off UK beaches – so says Doug Parr of Greenpeace in today’s Guardian leader
How convenient that the socialists have so many para-political organisations doing their anti-conservative dirty work for them
And what of the forensic genius that leads the Labour Party: Keir Starmer Swerves Questions On Strike Stance As Barristers Vote For Further Walkouts (Huff Post UK) – in rather Germanic all caps
Raab: ‘Justice is being held to ransom’ Minister’s fury over barristers’ strike that will bring heartbreak to thousands of crime victims (Daily Mail)
“Justice delayed is justice denied” is what they term a legal maxim
Frankly the system is bust. Like so many British institutions – such as the NHS, social housing, schooling, you name it, our legal system just can’t cope with our fashionably globalist and humanitarian open borders: Deported Albanians break back into UK… criminals deported for drugs and violence are sneaking back into Britain in the face of a government crackdown on gangsters from the Balkan country (Telegraph)
That’s as maybe… in futher eastern european news…
Putin blames car bomb killing on ‘female assassin’ – I’ve no idea why the ‘i’ newspaper gives that phrase scare quotes?
Tinker, Tailor, Soldier… Sexy pin up… Natalia Vovk has been accused of planting the car bomb that killed Darya Dugina, daughter of one of Putin’s allies (Times) – Milfy brunette Natalia, 43, allegedly: accompanied by her daughter, aged 12 – on this dangerous assassination mission deep behind enemy lines, enjoys her glamour shot adorning the frontpage of both Times and Telegraph today; where yesterday we were treated to pictures of the attractive blonde Darya, 29 (RIP)
Russia’s security service claims Ms Vovk escaped to Estonia in a Mini Cooper (Telegraph) – “yeah, baby!” – as that movie spoof spy stuck in the 1960s Austin Powers, as played by Mike Myers, might have remarked – “shagadelic!”
You can almost hear Sean Connery intone: “Schurley, Miss Moneypenny, the next 007 has to be… Bond, Jane Bond!”
Lioness is an England legend like Kane or Rooney. Ellen White hangs up her boots (‘i’)
Never mind the old stale pale patriarchy, the empire strikes back in the left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper: BBC ‘did not mistreat Diana’ David Dimbleby speaks out
Meanwhile at that other sacred national treasure and envy of the world: Snowflakes block A&E… ‘Patient’ walks into hospital and demands treatment for dandruff (freebie Metro) – perhaps someone told this person that the NHS promised medical treatment free at the point of access – I’m guessing their local GP was difficult to see.
Kim bum on NHS – promises the irreverent Daily Star – don’t laugh, this is an old story: Botched Brazilian bum-lifts inspired by Kim Kardashian costing NHS hundreds of thousands to put right (Telegraph 2018)
Sherelle Jacobs in today’s Telegraph sums up for us: The NHS is a dinosaur: it’s time for a revolution
Having been financially exposed to both solicitors and lawyers and para legals – they have only one driver ££££££ ….if you put this in a spell check it comes up with ‘justice ‘…..
Lock those barristers out ….. cut their fees – make go get a useful job …
It would be great to see the barristers strike for ever.
Then we could all move back to Common Law i.e. Magna Carta, Bill of Rights, Act of Settlement etc etc.
… but maybe I am guilty of hope.
“… it’s time for a revolution” – more diversity nurses?
Dimbles! In.. some paper nobody reads.
Do like a good #prasnews quote straight from horse’s team via cubicle garden PC to page.
Still awaiting a Mishal Chart on where ‘speaks out’ sits with ‘opens up’, ‘reveals’, etc…
Speaking of bum lifts, Amol has seen his career soar though, eh?
” has sewage on her hands” … Every day, around three million litres of sewage is emptied into the Ganges – and only about half of that has undergone any kind of treatment. The river’s waters are so dirty that it’s considered one of the most polluted waterways in the world.20 Jan 2022
^^ due to British Colonial powers.
Today watch
Amyl interviews 3 people about ‘ productivity ‘. He is happy to go on about brexit – but not about green crap or diversity crap or woke crap ….. . Big state ( big taxes ) also don’t get much of a mention either .
They spent 20 minutes wasting oxygen on this – I think they were 3 remainers too ….
BBC Radio 5 Live Breakfast
BBC Radio 5 Live, Wednesday 3 January 2018
During a phone-in on the programme a contributor, Danielle Tiplady was introduced as a staff nurse. We should have established and made clear on air that she was a political activist.
Today 2
I have a sick sense of humour . So the piece about ‘laughing gas abuse ‘ was hilarious . Apparently kidults ‘idea of the the end of a good night out is to open a tube of nitrox oxide . They found some punter who had sniffed so much that she is legless ….
……….obviously the BBC want the stuff banned . There are bigger bottles coming onto the market – we might need a few this winter ….
It’s interesting to think that immigration, both legal and illegal, was the spur that led Britain to leave the EU. There’s little doubt that the large influx from East Europe set many people against the EU. The failure of the EU to control illegal immigration before and after Brexit was something that led British people to doubt the EU. There’s a lot of unrest in France and Germany and other EU countries regarding this Invasion. It really is an indictment of the EU that it’s totally failed to control it. I do wonder if there’s some secret agenda.
The immigrants make their way north, having no desire to assimilate to French culture, but continuing to demand a First World standard of living, even as they flout laws, do not produce, and murder French citizens, such as factory bosses and shopkeepers, as well as the ordinary people who do not welcome them. They are also joined by the immigrants who already reside in Europe, as well as various left-wing and anarchist groups. Across the West, more and more migrants arrive and have children, rapidly growing to outnumber whites. In a matter of months, the white West has been overrun and pro-immigrant governments have been established, while the white people are ordered to share their houses and flats with the immigrants. The village containing the troops is bombed flat by airplanes of the new French government, referred to only as the “Paris Multiracial Commune”. Within a few years, most Western governments have surrendered. The mayor of New York City is made to share Gracie Mansion with three African-American families from Harlem; migrants gather at coastal ports in West Africa and South Asia and swarm into Europe, Australia, and New Zealand; London is taken over by an organization of non-white residents known as the “Non-European Commonwealth Committee”, who force the British queen to have her son marry a Pakistani woman; millions of black Africans from around the continent gather at the Limpopo River and invade South Africa; and only one drunken Soviet soldier stands in the way of hundreds of thousands of Chinese peasants as they overrun Siberia.
As if by design?
1295 illegals/criminals invaded yesterday! Its a disgrace perpetuated by our Conservative government who sit and do nothing but emit verbal threats to the invaders that come to nothing .
At the same time our own people face a “cost of living crisis”.
Vote and support UKIP and The Reform Party.
This manifesto offers the chance of
real change for every generation and
every community. When Labour wins,
the nurse wins, the pensioner wins, the
student wins, the office worker wins, the
engineer wins. We all win.
We can and we must do better
as a country.
This is our last chance to tackle
the climate emergency.
The future is ours to make. It’s time for
real change – for the many, not the few.
Together, we can deliver it.
Jeremy Corbyn
Leader of the Labour Party
Click to access Real-Change-Labour-Manifesto-2019.pdf
Why was Jeremy Corbyn suspended from the Labour Party?
By Jennifer Scott
BBC News online political reporter
30 October 2020
Those with the broadest shoulders can pay a little more = if you pay tax you will pay more . If you don’t pay tax and live on benefits it’s happy days …
UK intelligence agencies are accused of tipping off Indian authorities about a British national before his abduction and alleged torture by Punjab police.
Jagtar Singh Johal, from Dumbarton, was in India in 2017 when his family say he was forced into an unmarked car.
He says he was then tortured over days, including with electrocution. He has remained in detention since then.
Successive British prime ministers have raised his case but India’s government denies he was tortured or mistreated.
Theresa May told Conservative MP Fiona Bruce the news would be welcomed by her family “and those who have campaigned in Pakistan and around the world for her release”, and the UK was committed to the global abolition of the death penalty.
Theresa May asked why Asia Bibi wasn’t offered asylum in UK
Lefties here don’t realise that foreign nations do not recognise the ‘dual nationality’ or myriad of passports from these foreigners who don nationalities like an interchangeable raincoat.
From order-order…..
“I have scooped the media with policy announcements to be made public by Liz Sunak and Rishi Truss later today:
Every child to have its own real, live pet of a unicorn or dinosaur, according to choice.
Every adult to receive a large leather purse full of gold sovereigns.
The weather to be sunny every day, with gentle rain between 3 and 6am.
Hangover-free alcohol to be introduced.
Pigs to be enabled to fly.”
Jagtar Singh Johal case: UK spy agencies accused of tip-off that led to torture
Where does the bBC’s loyalties lie
Why is fried chicken an emotive subject for some?
Food historian Adrian Miller looks at the presence of fried chicken on the plantation fields in the Deep South and explains how the racial connotations of fried chicken and black people materialised in America.
#jerk I’m just wondering do you know what #Jamaican #jerk actually is? It’s not just a word you put before stuff to sell products.
should do a masterclass. Your jerk Rice is not ok. This appropriation from Jamaica needs to stop.
I disagree.
Oliver is a jerk.
I agree, now all of you not from Yorkshire no more Yorkshire Pudding for you. She’s only one of many on my list of people that deserves a good slap, unfortunately the list is getting longer and longer and it sometimes wanders into “ perhaps a gun would be kinder “.
Many people are more concerned that Britain has been appropriating people from Jamaica and the West Indies. This must stop immediately, and these poor victims returned to their countries of origin, thus freeing them from the horrors of systemic racism in Britain and being forced to appear in adverts and Getty photo shoots. Reparations are in order too, which can be in the form of one-way airplane tickets.
Yep wise words from a member of the government in waiting ….momma would be proud …
Here’s an idea. Stop eating Indian food, boycott Indian restaurants and takeaways, and stop buying any indian food and spices from supermarkets. Lets all do our bit!
If producing food to “Other” cultures’ traditions is unacceptable, then surely consuming it is too?
Our anthem could be the well-known Madonna hit “Poppadom preach”.
A few of us have written about the BBC’S imaging on their
website. In my opinion it’s one of two things. It’s
either that the woke, diversity, inclusive, positive discrimination.
lunatics are fully in control of showing us nearly 100% black
imaging on public service headlines. OR that BIG BROTHER
at the BBC is taking the piss over our comments. I think it’s
the latter.
Our dishonest ‘Worlds Most Trusted Broadcaster’, nothing on the National News but………hidden away in ‘England’ news:
“A man accused of repeatedly stabbing an elderly mobility scooter rider has appeared at the Old Bailey.
Lee Byer, 44, is charged with murdering Thomas O’Halloran, 87, in Greenford, west London, in what a prosecutor described as a “vicious attack”.
Mr O’Halloran was found with multiple stab wounds between Runneymede Gardens and Welland Gardens on 16 August.”
No artists impression of the black murderer, just a photo of a benevolent looking Mr O’Halloran.
Doesn’t look anything like the police photo’s of the black murderer released at the time. (See earlier contribution from: Terminal Moraine, August 17 1535)
Above looks as if he has intentionally been given a white washing and otherwise appearance altered to make him more akin to a white person. I wonder why. In fact, the image above does not even look remotely like the mans real photograph. Perhaps this is the beginning of a trend?
I already shared, apols, but this was good value, including the use of the word ‘investigations’ at the start; enough to see Springster need another mental week at a villa.
And, of course, the note at the end that The BBC, home of attacks on others based on claims, again exempts itself from FOIs.
Footnote: True to form, no financial or other contractual details were disclosed when Mr Hendy was appointed ‘official BBC historian’. To remedy the deficit, News-watch is filing a Freedom of Information request about the deal.
Markets – it seems – calculating that base rate will hit 4% by May 2023 …. As a lot of fixed rate mortgages convert to ‘variable ‘…. MIRAS anyone ? ……
Will my ISA interest go up?