“Channel migrants: More than 25,000 cross to Kent so far in 2022” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-kent-62705913
Along with the energy tax we have to pay for the invaders .
Do we have a government ? If we do, are they deliberately a turning a blind eye because of some secret deal?
Consider this pending disaster……….. every month the number of invaders increases. Before long they will out number the entire strength of the British Army . At the same time we are facing imminent confrontation coming from the ‘East’.
Who of our political elite of any party has strongly opposed or resigned over the current most obvious act of treachery, which is deliberately taxiing in and harbouring an alien army?
Answer – none.
They are all traitors, for which there ought to be only one penalty.
Sad story in the DT of an alleged GP doctor refusing to attend to certify death of his patient .it seems he said they don’t ‘come out anymore ‘….
… I recall that doctors claim £75 for certifying death – so whether he could claim it on the zoom call I don’t know . But these days I assume that doctors are mainly motivated by money – so maybe it can be claimed without getting off his backside …..
Seems the public is getting less satisfied with the NHS . Good . But keep clapping …..
I will presume the fact that the guy who was going to sail her back again flew across the Atlantic and rendered the carbon-footprint no different to if she flew herself was not mentioned.
Biden’s totally farcical administration staggers from one disaster to another but the blinkered partisan lefty MSM keep handing him a free pass. Americans are either stupid or have a democracy death wish.
The left have gone so far into totally illegal actions to try to keep things together it surely can only end in a massive breakdown and (hopefully) the culprits facing charges.
New York’s governor telling Republican voters, many of whom are wealthy and fund large parts of the NY government, to move to Florida is truly incredible to watch. Especially since the NYC mayor is traveling to Florida begging these guys to move back. pic.twitter.com/50NvBzEZgC
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – keeping this strange thing going
The-cost-of-living-crisis (a.k.a. nothing of the sort, just the result of so-called ‘Green Initiatives’ over 30 years) shows people in their homes – often female, sometimes an ethnic minority – puzzling over paper. Inevitably, there is often a recent smart phone or laptop or tablet computer in the shot and the ‘victims’ appear to live in a certain amount of luxury, as here, top line photos, second from left: https://www.bbc.co.uk/ and here: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-62703858
“Crisis? What crisis?” As Sunny Jim Callaghan once famously said while Prime Minister.
This farce by Maitlis and fully supported by The Guardian is making my blood boil.
This is how the Left are portraying her:
In one striking passage that won praise on social media, Maitlis said: “It might take our producers five minutes to find 60 economists who feared Brexit and five hours to find a sole voice who espoused it.
Ignoring the fact that that statement is clearly a complete lie, the simple fact about this is that I never saw a single person campaign for Brexit for the economy.
Everyone accepted it would get worse before it got better but all the other reasons for getting out made it worth it – like uncontrolled immigration, classrooms full of children who don’t speak English, ridiculous laws being forced upon us for reasons only relevant in other countries, the ECHR overturning the rulings of our own courts and people having to work for minimum wage and living in poverty because someone from Poland could earn that, send it back home and buy a house. I will presume (because I never watched it) that Newsnight never went anywhere near any of those.
Maitlis is an excellent example of a greedy, shallow, self-obsessed and totally arrogant Leftist. She is a vile creature – up there with Soubry, Clinton, Pelosi and Markle.
All darlings of the far-Left.
Hopefully now she has some rope, she will hang herself and we will be rid of this creature.
Lots of derisory talk (mostly from the BBC and chums) about what ‘sort of people’ Brexiteers were, but not so much about what sort Remainers were.
Strange how many of the staunchest Remainers had connections to the financial sector, and/or property development, and/or a dumbed down academia dependent on EU student backsides on seats, and dwelt in the festering swamps of London.
Right ….. grass an organised crime gang to the police and if you hear anyone coming your front door late at night, give them a ring and you will get a crime number for your insurance (if you can get through in time)
Bottom line is that nobody trusts the police any more. The BLM riots proved beyond doubt that they are now there to enforce political policy. Not protect the public.
Anyone who grasses this killer will be living on borrowed time as the main people involved higher up will almost certainly be Albanian mobsters drug Barons complete with guns and knives and contracted killers etc, The only people who seem to fail to grasp this are plod!
Basically because they have been so shit at actually catching these filthy scum while our border force have been showing them the welcome mat.
Probably all too busy diverted to pride events where they can twerk their friggin uniforms and seem to be fuzzy and cuddly,
We no longer have a police force in fact, it’s just a minor department of local government stuffed with woke numpties as are all the other departments.
This is the sort of thing that seems to escape our politicians as they pontificate while our country becomes a third world cess pit.
Am sure plod are well aware, but they’d still like someone to do their work for them and save their bacon, especially now this has made them look incompetent to the entire world. Then they’ll be far too busy to lift a finger to protect anyone who stuck their neck out for them.
I hope someone does come forward, because otherwise, this bastard will get away with killing a child, and it sounds as if Liverpool plod have already given up and gone back to dancing in rainbow wigs on tik tok and looking for hurty words online.
This will be buried. Drug companies are a protected global species! Also they are the attack dogs of the Globalists. The globalists need lots of innocent people dead to achieve their aims,
Not sure I have enought time to write the entirity of the implications of this however, for a short prece.
There is only one jenga piece propping up the rotteness and corruption of Western Socialism, and that is Saudi insistence on being paid for their oil in US Dollars, which keeps the Dollar much stronger than it should be, and allows the massive borrowing which they can never repay.
It’s been made far worse by Biden in many ways, as if he is deliberately trying to destroy America first he claims he wanted to make Saudi a pariah state, but worse for them is the ‘Green’ agenda which threatens to destroy the source of their wealth.
So now the Saudis along with many others have thrown their hat in with the Russians who are now their protectors, and all it is going to take is Saudi offering to sell oil in other currencies to bring the entire West crashing down.
It is suggested this is what Klaus Schuktz meant by the great reset.
The consequences of this would be hyper inflation in the US, the total devaluation of the Dollar, collapse of the stock market and America basically being utterly destroyed as a world financial power.
Thanks to the globalists America doesn’t really manufacture anything nor does Europe, and it is really going to suffer when this happens as appears to be the plan.
I predicted this when Apple moved manufacturing to the East. And thus sold out the USA. Apple demoted to a retailer instead of a producer meant that they could be crushed. I don’t understand why savvy Americans couldn’t see this coming. It was all based on greed using low cost labour for maximum profits.
Levi’s did the same thing and now there are dozens of eastern companies supplying the same copied product.
Why are the Americans so bloody dumb! Or maybe the USA has just become greedy and lazy thinking that they will always be top of the heap. Don’t think so!
The USA has now a massive bloated population and would collapse into chaos when the Chinese decide the time is right to pull the rug.
I also recall working on a website selling Honda generators a few years back. Honda, a Japanese company started manufacturing in China to maximise profits. Within no time copies of all their generators were being made in China and in the UK they had to force a legal action to crush millions of Chinese “copies” of their generators using stolen Honda technology from flooding the market. The Chinese are ruthless business men and will steal everything they can to profit,
Richard PinderMar 10, 18:42 Start the Week 10th March 2025 After banning elected President Călin Georgescu and ruling he can never run again, Romanian authorities are now using brute force…
Emmanuel GoldsteinMar 10, 18:30 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Anybody else think that the Mike Amesbury election is suddenly going to take place because Labour feel it’s their best…
Fedup2Mar 10, 18:06 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Someone has noticed the slaughter of non Muslims in Syria – now who could that be – well according to…
atlas_shruggedMar 10, 18:06 Start the Week 10th March 2025 How about sending Palestinian Action off to gaza to help the Palestinians: https://www.standard.co.uk/news/crime/palestine-action-allianz-protest-gracechurch-street-occupation-b1215699.html No need to get them back. This…
tomoMar 10, 16:42 Start the Week 10th March 2025 https://youtu.be/KpByW1LaP_o A journey around the sordid underbelly of Canadian politics – that the BBC will not show you or the…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 16:18 Start the Week 10th March 2025 As they say in Leeds Council meetings now in the UK “Allah Akbar!” Leeds: Green Party councillor Mothin Ali apologises…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 16:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “In March 2021, China unexpectedly banned imports of Taiwanese pineapples, citing biosecurity concerns, and Taiwanese farmers were forced to find…
“Channel migrants: More than 25,000 cross to Kent so far in 2022”
Along with the energy tax we have to pay for the invaders .
Do we have a government ? If we do, are they deliberately a turning a blind eye because of some secret deal?
Consider this pending disaster……….. every month the number of invaders increases. Before long they will out number the entire strength of the British Army . At the same time we are facing imminent confrontation coming from the ‘East’.
Who of our political elite of any party has strongly opposed or resigned over the current most obvious act of treachery, which is deliberately taxiing in and harbouring an alien army?
Answer – none.
They are all traitors, for which there ought to be only one penalty.
Sad story in the DT of an alleged GP doctor refusing to attend to certify death of his patient .it seems he said they don’t ‘come out anymore ‘….
… I recall that doctors claim £75 for certifying death – so whether he could claim it on the zoom call I don’t know . But these days I assume that doctors are mainly motivated by money – so maybe it can be claimed without getting off his backside …..
Seems the public is getting less satisfied with the NHS . Good . But keep clapping …..
Timing… is all.
Greta says, I’ve got a million in the bank, what have you got?
I will presume the fact that the guy who was going to sail her back again flew across the Atlantic and rendered the carbon-footprint no different to if she flew herself was not mentioned.
I think it was a whole team of sailors who were flown
Biden’s totally farcical administration staggers from one disaster to another but the blinkered partisan lefty MSM keep handing him a free pass. Americans are either stupid or have a democracy death wish.
The left have gone so far into totally illegal actions to try to keep things together it surely can only end in a massive breakdown and (hopefully) the culprits facing charges.
Putin must be pissing himself!
The USA is a global joke!
As they say in the USA – go figure….
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – keeping this strange thing going
The-cost-of-living-crisis (a.k.a. nothing of the sort, just the result of so-called ‘Green Initiatives’ over 30 years) shows people in their homes – often female, sometimes an ethnic minority – puzzling over paper. Inevitably, there is often a recent smart phone or laptop or tablet computer in the shot and the ‘victims’ appear to live in a certain amount of luxury, as here, top line photos, second from left: https://www.bbc.co.uk/ and here: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-62703858
“Crisis? What crisis?” As Sunny Jim Callaghan once famously said while Prime Minister.
This farce by Maitlis and fully supported by The Guardian is making my blood boil.
This is how the Left are portraying her:
In one striking passage that won praise on social media, Maitlis said: “It might take our producers five minutes to find 60 economists who feared Brexit and five hours to find a sole voice who espoused it.
Ignoring the fact that that statement is clearly a complete lie, the simple fact about this is that I never saw a single person campaign for Brexit for the economy.
Everyone accepted it would get worse before it got better but all the other reasons for getting out made it worth it – like uncontrolled immigration, classrooms full of children who don’t speak English, ridiculous laws being forced upon us for reasons only relevant in other countries, the ECHR overturning the rulings of our own courts and people having to work for minimum wage and living in poverty because someone from Poland could earn that, send it back home and buy a house. I will presume (because I never watched it) that Newsnight never went anywhere near any of those.
Maitlis is an excellent example of a greedy, shallow, self-obsessed and totally arrogant Leftist. She is a vile creature – up there with Soubry, Clinton, Pelosi and Markle.
All darlings of the far-Left.
Hopefully now she has some rope, she will hang herself and we will be rid of this creature.
Lots of derisory talk (mostly from the BBC and chums) about what ‘sort of people’ Brexiteers were, but not so much about what sort Remainers were.
Strange how many of the staunchest Remainers had connections to the financial sector, and/or property development, and/or a dumbed down academia dependent on EU student backsides on seats, and dwelt in the festering swamps of London.
Olivia Pratt-Korbel: Do not protect Liverpool killers, urge police
Right ….. grass an organised crime gang to the police and if you hear anyone coming your front door late at night, give them a ring and you will get a crime number for your insurance (if you can get through in time)
Bottom line is that nobody trusts the police any more. The BLM riots proved beyond doubt that they are now there to enforce political policy. Not protect the public.
Anyone who grasses this killer will be living on borrowed time as the main people involved higher up will almost certainly be Albanian mobsters drug Barons complete with guns and knives and contracted killers etc, The only people who seem to fail to grasp this are plod!
Basically because they have been so shit at actually catching these filthy scum while our border force have been showing them the welcome mat.
Probably all too busy diverted to pride events where they can twerk their friggin uniforms and seem to be fuzzy and cuddly,
We no longer have a police force in fact, it’s just a minor department of local government stuffed with woke numpties as are all the other departments.
This is the sort of thing that seems to escape our politicians as they pontificate while our country becomes a third world cess pit.
Am sure plod are well aware, but they’d still like someone to do their work for them and save their bacon, especially now this has made them look incompetent to the entire world. Then they’ll be far too busy to lift a finger to protect anyone who stuck their neck out for them.
I hope someone does come forward, because otherwise, this bastard will get away with killing a child, and it sounds as if Liverpool plod have already given up and gone back to dancing in rainbow wigs on tik tok and looking for hurty words online.
It’s that time again – the start the week thread ..
They cannot hide this sort of thing forever, some very high heads need to roll! It’s state murder!
This will be buried. Drug companies are a protected global species! Also they are the attack dogs of the Globalists. The globalists need lots of innocent people dead to achieve their aims,
Not sure I have enought time to write the entirity of the implications of this however, for a short prece.
There is only one jenga piece propping up the rotteness and corruption of Western Socialism, and that is Saudi insistence on being paid for their oil in US Dollars, which keeps the Dollar much stronger than it should be, and allows the massive borrowing which they can never repay.
It’s been made far worse by Biden in many ways, as if he is deliberately trying to destroy America first he claims he wanted to make Saudi a pariah state, but worse for them is the ‘Green’ agenda which threatens to destroy the source of their wealth.
So now the Saudis along with many others have thrown their hat in with the Russians who are now their protectors, and all it is going to take is Saudi offering to sell oil in other currencies to bring the entire West crashing down.
It is suggested this is what Klaus Schuktz meant by the great reset.
The consequences of this would be hyper inflation in the US, the total devaluation of the Dollar, collapse of the stock market and America basically being utterly destroyed as a world financial power.
Thanks to the globalists America doesn’t really manufacture anything nor does Europe, and it is really going to suffer when this happens as appears to be the plan.
I predicted this when Apple moved manufacturing to the East. And thus sold out the USA. Apple demoted to a retailer instead of a producer meant that they could be crushed. I don’t understand why savvy Americans couldn’t see this coming. It was all based on greed using low cost labour for maximum profits.
Levi’s did the same thing and now there are dozens of eastern companies supplying the same copied product.
Why are the Americans so bloody dumb! Or maybe the USA has just become greedy and lazy thinking that they will always be top of the heap. Don’t think so!
The USA has now a massive bloated population and would collapse into chaos when the Chinese decide the time is right to pull the rug.
@Digg Apple didn’t fail, they pay the Chinese $50 to make a device then sell it for $800
This has given Apple a huge huge cash pile
I also recall working on a website selling Honda generators a few years back. Honda, a Japanese company started manufacturing in China to maximise profits. Within no time copies of all their generators were being made in China and in the UK they had to force a legal action to crush millions of Chinese “copies” of their generators using stolen Honda technology from flooding the market. The Chinese are ruthless business men and will steal everything they can to profit,