Please cancel your TV Licence Direct Debit . On Wednesday we will witness the anti British Far Left BBC continuing its’ war against a democratically elected Governmenf – using money extracted under threat from the hapless taxpayer …
Midweek 5 October 2022
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The French philosopher Auguste Comte is often quoted as having said, “Demography is destiny.” Even if that is an overstatement, certainly demography is important—to the development of communities, economies, nations, and ultimately the entire human race.9 Aug 2020
Since the BBC seem to think the Nation is a bunch of fascist Brexit loving xenophobes, where is the astonishment that Adolf is missing from the list?
Demography does indeed matter.
In an 83% white culture, we are being increasingly lied to about black men.
South Africa ‘on the precipice of explosive xenophobic violence’, UN experts warn
Operation Dudula is a xenophobic organization. It was established in Soweto, a township of Johannesburg but has since spread to other parts of the country. “Dudula” means to “force out” or “knock down” in isiZulu, and refers to the movement’s goal to expel African immigrants. It has been described as a xenophobic vigilante organization.[1][2] Although they have been accused of violently targeting immigrants, Operation Dudula denies having any connection to xenophobic motives.[3][4]
Operation Dudula states that its campaign is aimed at addressing crime, a lack of jobs and poor health services caused by an “influx of illegal immigrants”.[1] They have campaigned for small businesses to only employ South Africans, and for immigrant shop keepers to close down and leave South Africa. Operation Dudula has been accused of a number of instances of violence against African immigrants in South African townships, including forcibly closing shops and raiding properties.[5]
Other organisations associated with Operation Dudula include:[2]
South Africa First campaign
Dudula Movement
All Truck Drivers Foundation
In early August 1972, the President of Uganda, Idi Amin, ordered the expulsion of his country’s Asian minority, giving them 90 days to leave the country.[1] At the time of the expulsion, there were about 80,000 individuals of Indian descent in Uganda, of whom 23,000 had their applications for citizenship both processed and accepted.[2][3] The expulsion took place against the backdrop of Anti-Indian sentiment in Uganda, with Amin accusing a minority of the Asians of disloyalty, nonintegration, and commercial malpractice, claims that Indian leaders disputed.[2] Amin defended the expulsion by arguing that he was “giving Uganda back to ethnic Ugandans”.[3]
What happened in South Africa about 5/6 six years ago? Some very similar allegations at the time I recall.
But hey! we benefitted from an incapable former Home Secretary didn’t we?
If Zimbabwe is for Zimbabweans so is South Africa – Operation Dudula demands that foreigners leave
Disgracefully biased report by Chris Mason on tonight’s News at 6 o’clock. This clown of a reporter shouts out a question to Liz Truss as she is walking up the aisle of the conference hall, knowing full well that she is not going to stop to answer it. Then he responds with disrespectful incredulity when the Welsh Secretary says the PM’s speech was full of energy; “Energy? Is that what you call it?” Then over a picture of Liz Truss running to her car, Mason says, “As for the prime minister, she couldn’t leave quickly enough.” No, she was clearly running because it was raining and she didn’t have a coat or umbrella.
Mason’s manipulations of situations and images are blatantly tendentious pantomimes rather than impartial news reports.
He looks like the sort of person who was bullied as a child. Now he’s getting his own back.
As Ian Dury said, “What A Waste”.
The latest list of the most popular names for babies is
a feature on the BBC website. 10% of names are Muslim
names from 4.3% of the population of the UK. You don’t
have to be an Einstein to understand what these
percentages mean.
Of course the BBC does not report thar the different
derivations of Muhammad is the most common name for
a boy in the UK.
The latest figures just verify that in the most
four generations , as sure as night follows day Muslims will
be in a majority in the UK. And the BBC will be proud to
be be playing the Adhan before their morning programmes.
Foscari, no just cos popular names are Muslim
that doesn’t prove most babies are Muslim
It’s just that Muslims go for a less diverse range of baby names
So the ones they do choose get a high tally.
All waving a bri hish passor innit bruv
What was that about?
He kindly offers that not all Corporate HR are like this.
BBC HR is clearly this with a British Accent and a weekly season to the Calais camps looking for staff, or a life partner.
I am of course assuming the video is a spoof.
Muzzies at the bbc are working hard to hide the news in Leicester
Try getting a cab in Leicester
Hang on, 12 year old schoolgirl ? on its way
UK prepares for winter blackouts as energy rationing campaign discussed
The OPEC decision has really really rattled the Biden Whitehouse who are issuing all kinds of noises!
“The White House accused Opec+ of aligning with Russia after Saudi Arabia led the group in agreeing deep cuts in oil production”
Now OK anyone who didn’t know the deeper implications would think these were just words by a President hacked off at a move he didn’t like, but this is Saudi Arabia we are talking about, a country with whom America has had a relationship with for close to a century, and which the Democrats have destroyed in less than two short years.
“In response to the OPEC+ decision, the US said it would continue to release oil from its strategic stockpile “as appropriate” and was exploring “further responsible actions” to boost domestic oil supply.”
This appears to be an admission the Green lunacy in America attacking home grown oil production is going to have to stop if the Democrats ever want to be elected again this side of 2050.
The Strategic Reserve is finite and is already depleted. It is not meant for political parties to use to shore up their credibility prior to elections, and now it’s lower than 50% capacity, they might be making noises now, but after the midterms you can guarantee they will have to stop the releases.
I knew of the strategic reserve and the idea to sell off – especially to enemies resonated with the foolishness of the closure of our Rough gas reserve –
As for votes in November – do you think it won’t be fixed like the last time – postal votes – corrupt counting – the rest ….
I take on board your idea of filling up the tank ….shaky times – and keeping a few more pieces of paper with the Late Queens’face on it ..
You can fix voting, but only up to a point. Last time it appeared concentrated in certain swing states where the result was tipped, but will they be able to muster sufficient for the mid terms?
The Dems had only to rig the vote in five counties in five swing states. That’s all it took. Frightening.
And just to put the icing on the cake:
One Show tonight, big article about a black people birdwatching group FFS.
Apparently black people feel discriminated against if the go birdwatching or fellwalking.
The people who are in groups such as ramblers and birdwatching are probably so nice, soft and woke, is one reason why I go out walking on my own.
If I tried to join the black birdwatching group, would the say, “sorry mate your skin is the wrong colour” ?
Why is there only the blackbird – why no white bird – innit ?
How many 77th Brigader boobs does Twitter employ?
Any box ticking tonight ?
8pm Repair Shop features Clare Rayner’s daughter
That’s BBC diversity children of celebs get on the BBC payroll, her son Jay Rayner is a R4 presenter
9pm 2 episodes of the lifestory of a Down Syndrome couple
8:30 Nadiya
11:15 John Simpson lectures
ITV 10:50pm Peston
BBC4 9pm series about the 1981 where 13 black people died ep1/3
Simon Webb believes it was their own fault
BBC3 10pm Queen & Slim a black film which was only just on the other night
9-11:30pm 1930s all black debating team triumph
W is a British free-to-air television channel owned by BBC Studios
8:20pm A show which seems to take place in a Britain which is 80% black
Over on BBCthree 8pm BBC 1Xtra DJ
presents a dream job prog
which to me doesn’t accurately reflect the UK
Mad, you say?
The Guardian headline says
“Why did Liz Truss wear the same outfit as a fictional fascist?
The red dress worn by the PM at the Tory conference was surprisingly similar to Emma Thompson’s in the TV series”
That’s a blocking’..
Dave Lammy have a Love Child with Whoopi there?
I think Elon has shown himself far, far more capable in the real world than that ‘special’ fruitcake activist Greta Thunberg who says she can actually see CO2 rising from rubbish dumps
But the Leftists give her a free ride because they are monstrous hypocrites and don’t care one bit how much damage they have done to her in later life.
Just look at the clear hatred and spite in his face as he talks. Just like Pelosi is when she talks about Trump.
I really liked this reason why he says Musk should not get twitter:
‘or you could secretly turn down the reach of their stuff and turn up the reach of something else …’
Someone should explain to this far-left numpty that they already do that to a very large extent.
Slightly worse than an air source heat pump then, but different – but STILL sh1t.
The floating farms are going to be a fiasco on a number of levels – but bang per buck and maintenance are good starters.
Do you think a Panorama team are working on a wind farm prog to follow up on Drax?
erm …
Insane much?
Comments from Japan blocked
The BBC likes HuffPo as much as NYT, so if this gains classic BBC Toenails The Critic passing on, things not looking great in Cairo soon for delegates.
After the completely positive BBC reporting on the Labour conference – where free breakfasts at school (funded by their money tree of course) was a major, front page headline – Just went to check the BBC report on the Tory Party conference:
What I found was exactly what I expected:
‘And context is everything: this is a party that’s been close to ripping itself to shreds in the last few days. A conference that was a showcase of dysfunction and division, from the cabinet down.
Indiscipline within government, mutiny beyond it. Fears of this government’s collapse run to its highest levels.’
Since BLM, the BBC have gone completely USA-style where you say the most extreme and biased thing imaginable because you are targetting the lower IQ part of the audience who will get your preference elected.
As they are not state-funded, the USA news has no fear of any regulatory body like OFCOM and no duty to be imperatial. Unfortunately, neither do the BBC any longer despite getting billions each year from tax-payers to do it. They have pushed the limit more and more since Brexit and nothing happened. Now they only need to worry about fact-checkers – and they have many ways of dealing with those.
Who watches those are supposed to be watching everyone else ?. It’s a fundamental flaw : these people are only as honest as the society they operate in – and ours is now nearly as rotten as the USA.
The BBC have an article about some nasty internet trolls up today.
Sandy Hook dad: Trolls said I killed and dismembered my son
When I read articles like this, I wonder if people like maxi even realise that they are trolls too. I strongly suspect they think they are ‘different kind of troll’ and unlike ALL the others, they alone are doing the right thing.
Exactly the same as every Leftist murdering tyrant throughout history did. And after this moment of perusal – while my mouse is heading for the ‘close’ button – I marvel to myself at just how narrow minded they are because they clearly don’t even realise what monumental hypocrites they are.
Then when the window is gone, I don’t give them any more consideration than I would to some dog mess on my shoe.
The BBC article is quite interesting. Since when was it normal, impartial journalistic practise to put your surplass quota staff onto making heart-wrenching videos which are leading in the extreme for articles which are still ongoing trials ?.
This is the new, post-Brexit far-left activist BBC. They have appointed themselves judge and jury for what we should think.
Judge and jury
A photograph shows Cuban revolutionary Che Guevara executing two women.
If one is a socialist, even photos before photoshop lie, apparently.
I have decide to become a fact checker, I have looked at the job requirements and there are none, not even O levels, apart from opinion.
Donald Trump touched a girls bum once, true
Clinton and his cock sucking intern,, erm local news wait wait oh look Liz Truss dresses like a fascist
Another classic Snopes ‘fact check’ which sets the tone by starting with:
‘This photograph is nearly always shared with anti-socialist sentiments and often posted along with barbs directed at politicians’
As always I go to their twitter (they are always on it) and as usual, he’s a Democrat supporting activist.
The summary of that picture is – of course – that it is false. If they couldn’t come up with that ending, it wouldn’t have even been published.
Looking more closely at the fact check, a few things do seem a bit too convenient.
1) So first they have an expert telling us it was actually from the Serbian war. But later we discover it wasn’t – so not much of an expert then.
2) Next they say a bucket with smoke coming out of it is dry-ice, so it must be theatre. But the bucket is nowhere useful at all. What is it making smoke for ?? – certainly not for anything in this scene for this ‘performance’.
3) Then we have a ‘dated photograph’ which is their ‘proof’ and is actually a print-out, not a photograph. People don’t usually write dates on the back of print-outs : they do it to photographs as soon as they have been developed. How incredibly convenient for this one.
4) Continuing the ‘theatre group’, they tell us it was actually during a performance. So how many theatre groups do outdoor performances like that – and are so amateur that they have a bucket of dry ice randomly in the scene.
5) A would a theatre group really put two other women laid flat like that to make it look like they were already shot ?. No point for that.
I tried in vain to find the Snopes fact check about the fake Time magazine cover showing children separated from their mothers by Trump – but for some reason, people like Dan (who wrote this one) didn’t check that one. But they did check fact-check the one about Trump having himself on Time magazine covers on the walls in his golf clubs for which the verdict miraculously went against Trump. Because if it didn’t, it wouldn’t have been used.
Just like all the other examples I found while trying find the Time magazine lie.
Definite pattern at Snopes. Just another set of activist hypocrites.
Early JezBo post (no longer updated)? Lying in the job. By omission (rockets? I did not hear no rockets)
That said….
Been there, got the T-shirt…
Now the latter errs on sources who say, but a few more than a kindly old warlord in a mud hut with a Panorama ‘journalist’ being told what they want to hear and can work up a treat to suit.
How very dare you, here’s your answer, in a nutshell, the new bownshirts:
I don’t think that is Che Guevara. For one thing, he is using a revolver, and Che boasted that he liked to use a 7.65mm automatic when he executed prisoners.
TOADY Watch #1 – the most important news the BBC has to tell me ….
…. is that a policeman has suspended for using the ‘P’ word. Proper? Personal? Private? The big question that I want to know – and the £3.5bn uniquely funded NEWS organisation cannot tell me is did that Police Officer use Proper Joined-Up Handwriting?
Cancel those TV Licence Direct Debits now. You know it makes sense. Put the telly in the loft or garage or garden shed. Take up a hobby. Sing old songs and stave off dementia and dimensia and any other measurement of old age you can think of. Go out collecting fallen timber in the woods and saw it and chop it into logs for your fire and your neighbours fire this winter. Do a good deed for someone instead of watching telly.
Befriend someone who is lonely.
It may work in principle, but back in my older days I do recall being invited back after a noisy concert to continue the fun, they had an open fire, but could not be bothered to go back and forth so we sat around a large tree, inserted into the fireplace and our host would kindly stop the conversation and demand someone would kick the tree trunk further into the fireplace.
It all went swimmingly until he thought his wife had nicked his dope and spent the rest of the evening cutting up her piano with an axe.
I am a keen watcher of antique restoration shows, but still waiting to see anyone that can rearrange a piano with common household tools like he did and with a running commentary about the menopause and manage a divorce with no paperwork whilst doing it.
Z, LOL x10! 🙂
Puff ?
Paki ?.
Because if it’s Paki then the policy should also make it clear they should be suspended for calling me a Brit.
Which of course it won’t because being white, male and heterosexual, I don’t have any right to not be offended.
I just read the Lefties on ‘Quora’ trying to justify why ‘Paki’ is racist and basically the summary is that it is more Lefty ‘thought police’ stuff where you are punished for what they decide you are thinking and nothing at all about what you said.
Saying ‘He’s a Paki’ and ‘He’s a Pakistani’ are absolutely identical. Exactly the same as ‘He’s a Brit’ and ‘He’s British.’.
Like a dog with a bone and it’s gone a rocket edition
The Dangerous Dogs Act, 1991, represents a classic of the genre of rushed, ill considered legislation, knocked up ad hoc in an overreaction to some transient media hullabaloo of “something must be done”, “think of the children”, “if it saves just one life” variety.
Both the RSPCA and the British Veterinary Association voiced certain doubts about breed-specific legislation whilst statistics from the Met Police suggested only 20% of ‘dangerously out of control dogs’ reports were attributable to mutts of those now branded ‘dangerous’ types.
If one desired proof of the pudding that government intervention had made a dog’s breakfast of legislating against dog attacks on humans then surely it is evidenced by the intermittent reappearance of the self-same issue. And so here we are, and none the wiser, some thee decades later.
Stop the killer dogs. Campaign to save lives. After nine deaths from savage attacks this year, we demand new laws – blusters the Daily Mirror
Leader by Lucy Thornton and the amusingly appropriately monikered Hollie Bone
Dog with a bone indeed…
The Mirror today demands new laws on dangerous dogs after our investigation showed a 26% rise in attacks since the pandemic began in 2020 – how interesting that this supposed increase is dated back to the advent of Lockdowns – one wonders if the Mirror has considered any causational link there?
One further speculates whether the UK Covid-19 Inquiry might now find it within its remit to include this apparent angry canine-related side effect – which is clearly adverse to public health and wellbeing – on the debit side of any cost benefit analysis for future Lockdowns? One doubts it. But I digress.
The Labour-supporting Mirror naturally and reflexively puts its faith in the State to legislate for every aspect of our wellbeing – despite the multitudinous perennial evidences of State failure to fix social ills.
Perhaps things would be hunky dory if only the more Blairite Tories would replace the vaguely Thatcherite ones – as today’s Times implies?
Dorries attacks ‘cruel’ plans and ‘lurch to the right’ (Times)
Because that MP’s politics make complete sense: Leave-voting MP Nadine Dorries slams May’s Brexit deal because UK won’t have seats in European parliament ‘This is a very sad place to be’ (Independent 2018) – her politics may be confused but methinks the lady doth love the limelight.
Whereas the Times doth have an infatuation with Brussels: Pleas for European help against blackouts
The blushing pink FT rivals the Times in its teenage crush on the EU: Hope for Brexit shift ( FT ) – and yet can’t help but voice doubts about continental energy policy: Spain and Belgium have warned about Germany’s fiscal stimulous package, as the bloc struggles for a united stand on energy prices.
The BBC wants to convince us that we’re by default winning the proxy war as our stand-in forces advance: Ukraine war: Putin signs Ukraine annexation laws amid military setbacks
There’s an old saying that might be apposite here – something about winning the battle and losing the war.
US hits out at oil cut that ‘align Opec with Russia’ (FT) – while our BBC fusses over what flag happens to be raised over what village in some far distant Donbas oblast – be it that nice blue and yellow one as still flies on the Daily Express masthead and on certain bandwagon jumping trendy cafés, or be it the red white and blue of the bad guys – the FT there notices the wider world slippage of western pestige and dollar dominance – which is what the Ukraine is really all about.
There was a Soviet Space Race era joke about earthly shortages and failures of infrastructure. Disgruntled but resigned Russians would shake their heads when the queues for everyday staples were seemingly never ending, their appartment lights blacked out, or their telephone didn’t work “It’s gone on a rocket” was the humorous slightly subversive response.
Talking of rockets: Nicole Mann: Astronaut becomes first Native American woman in space (BBC) – smoke-virtue-signals there from NASA? Stop the world, I want to get off.
North Korea carries out sixth missile launch in two weeks (BBC)
Space, the unseen frontier in the war in Ukraine… In an interview with the BBC, the head of the US Space Force, General Jay Raymond, describes it as the “first war where commercial space capabilities have really played a significant role” (BBC) Commercial? – I suppose “Everything is commercialised these days, Rigsby” as was explained by Phillip, the black character in the vintage ITV sitcom Rising Damp, when he duped his lovelorn landlord into the belief that a piece of wood off his wardrobe was a magic ancient African aphrodisiac that would deliver Miss Jones into the clutches of Rigsby – if burnt and wafted under her nose.
All that happened was Miss Jones demanded “Extinguish yourself, Mr Rigsby” as she poured water over him and his wood – so to speak.
Where were we? Ah yes… It’s gone on a rocket…
British rocket launchers turn the tide against Russian forces (Daily Express) – hold that thought and hope it still gives readers a warm feeling inside this coming winter.
AISI, the Picture Editor on the Grauniad has made a bit of a blooper this morning. Not only has he suggested a ‘N’ name for a BAME baby boy, but he/she has used a picture of an obviously one year year old (approximately) baby for it. While it is true that it is not unknown for babies from the womb to emerge with teeth, it is highly unusual. You can also tell from the eyes that the baby is not a new-born.
Bring back Eamonn McCabe! Oh. He’s dead. Shame.
A met police officer has been suspended for “racist” messaging. Front page news, and big picture of the guy involved. its words again, and must suppress speech?
How about front page news of the muslim terrorists in this country? And putting big pictures of them all over the news?
Neither of the above is right, but balanced news wouldn’t go a miss
Sorry andy – but the Left have changed the meaning of the word ‘racist’ so that it only applies to white people. They even changed it to cover ALL white people simply because apparently we have all grown up in a racist society.
Racism definition: Merriam-Webster to make update after request
It was changed by the request of a single person : a student called Kennedy Mitchum.
Here’s what she looks like:
Apparently when she called white people racists, they showed her what the word actually meant and she didn’t like it.
The quote from the excellent ‘Justified’ seems to apply: ‘If you go out and everyone you meet is an Asshole, it’s YOU who is the Asshole’.
Hello JohnC
My true story… a few years ago I had a knee operation, a few weeks later I was walking from my home to visit mom/dad, I was crossing the road and a car came quick around the island and I couldn’t move out the way, no indicators being used on the car and nearly hit me, I tapped the car light as it went past me. The guy who appeared maybe Iranian or something, got out the car and said thats racist! I said how can I be racist to a car.
Racist is used often now for totally the wrong reasons, and some brain dead people feel its correct to use
But Andy – isn’t that the inevitable consequence of infecting everything with white guilt ? Any third worlder like the one who nearly got you is instantly going to play ‘victim of racism ‘ when challenged .
Stoke that with ‘diversity managers ‘ and ‘HR’ and we lost control of freedoms – in the way Enoch Powell sort of predicted ….
The remedy ? Separation . I avoid communicating with non whites when I can . I share my views in a limited way – certainly not on the internet – apart from the diluted version you are reading here.
As for fools who express their views on ‘instagram’ (whatever that is ) good luck because either plod or the BBC is watching – as with this site …
Hope your knee is ok . Mine went when I was 21 and I was told that because I am very tall the other one might ‘go ‘ one day . I’ll go private and check whether any socialist nurse will try to kill me ..
Hello Fed, the knee op was thru the NHS, but sent to a private hospital 🙂 nice porter to carry my bag to the on suite, seriously worth going NHS (sometimes)
Re my knee, now gives me different problems – bit like the bBC 🙂
That is the real world consequences of the Leftist ideology being drummed into us every day by the BBC. They think they are intellectually superior but lack the part of the brain which tells them that they aren’t.
This brain issue also makes them unable to relate to the real world which is why all their theory falls to pieces the second it meets reality. And catastrophically if they mange to attain any position of power. And also why so many of them go into Teaching.
I’m quite certain Jeremy Vile could not even wire a plug.
The PC Slob Thug who pulled a full Jack Torrance on that woman’s door for being reported for hurtiness been made Commissioner yet?
Andy – I think I heard that he’d retired from plod and become a border force type …. Talking about selling your soul …
And so the World-War 2 Nazxi propaganda machine continues relentlessly in it’s desire to gain support for WW3:
Deadly missile strikes flatten homes before dawn
‘But scenes like this in Zaporizhzhia serve as another stark reminder of Russia’s ability to hit back indiscriminately.’
I’ll bet my house there was some military target nearby (or even in it) and the BBC know it but didn’t tell us.
Just below it they have a picture with the caption it was damaged by ‘shelling’ whereas the article below says it was rockets. Just how stupid are the BBC reporters covering this run-up to global war ? – I bet they don’t even know the difference.
BBC propaganda on matters military is beyond hilarious.
Seems cannon balls were not working, so the Russians have taken to firing diseased bloated corpses over the lines.
That’s what he looked like anyway. Especially to the old biddy looking at him ‘reporting’.
Steyn had a doctor on for a second night last night . She is a US Democrat but is so worried by findings that she crosses beyond left ‘ right . She is looking at the dropping fertility rates in the western world after covid .
Apparentky YOY its ‘ as much as 20%.
The question was raised as to whether covid vaccines are affecting reproductive organs – particularly in babies .
Now – this is a huge subject – and needs to be properly examined – both by the medical mafia and media….
But policy gets in the way – propaganda – denial of opinion.
So something as important as this is non reported -other than places like GBnews.
If there is no connection then this should be explained – but if there is a connection – tricky
Dr. Naomi Wolf, she has been persistent about the efficacy of the “Vaccines” since they were first introduced.
A mad ‘discussion ‘ about ‘growth ‘ – one of those hateful lefty women who wants to ban ‘growth ‘ . She spoke in absolute terms until challenged .
Our Justin said he has a child with an incurable disease so would the lady prevent medical developments – growth.
Oops – then the lady had to explain it wasn’t all growth – just ‘disapproved growth’ ….
As I listened to her absolute certainty that she was ‘right ‘ I wondered about her background – how much has she got in the bank – does she have children ? Rich parents ?
It’s important that if these green nazis are put on the air their background – context – is explained a bit . Maybe they should have to do a 30 second intro – including their bank balance – before lecturing us ….
Mad mad times …
Did like the snippet on the BBC news that those who think plod is woke are wrong because they’ve got racists dumb enough to be infiltrated and made public ….
I spent some years teaching sailing on large yachts for a sailing school on the South coast. Progress of students was totally predictable. As they advanced through the various RYA levels of qualifications, some became arrogant and dictatorial when put on the wheel/tiller (i.e. supervised ‘in charge’), others panicked. I’d prefer the panicked anytime. They were prepared to alter their thinking/approach to dealing with the crew (6/8) and general management of the boat. I’ll say no more as other contributors will appreciate the above in terms of Truss/Kwasi…………………
The dictatorial virtually always came to grief.
Interesting . The government comparison is tricky because – in theory – they shouldn’t be making such mistakes in the first place .
With an 80 majority and 2 years to go in the job – why self destruct .
At least in yacht world ‘lessons can be learnt ‘… but the absence or ignorance of good advice leads to the truss mess .
It’s a bit like the lack of long term planning in Blighty – eg self sufficiency and the madness of ‘just in time ‘ .
We land up depend on enemies ( Europe ) for food and energy and dirty rivers .
Later today – Thursday – the National Grid will be talking about potential fuel shortages this winter …. If the beast from the east strikes again – get the thermals out … and batteries for the head torch …
At least 28 killed in attack on Thai nursery
No mention of muslims?
Thought i’d google muslim terrorists in Thailand, not great reading 🙁 religion of peace apparently
Met forecast:
But no mention of, ‘……unusually cooler for this time of the year’
Would’nt want to interrupt the progression and indoctrination of ‘Global Warming’ would we?
I thought it was quite warm for the time of year?
One of the two.
And hence, again, this site ‘gets it about right’.
Can I have me £5B now?
Perhaps it should come as no surprise that the recent woes of the Bank Credit Suisse come down to them catching the virus known as diversity, and being incapable of learning from their mistakes.
I’ll not go into what actually happened because it’s a long story of intrigue and corruption by certain employees but the worst part is that despite the catastrophic outcomes, they haven’t learned a single thing from the disaster which might well go on to affect the entire world.
I wonder if the predicted crash would come as some predicted this week – is there anywhere I can go to see what they’ve done ?
If they are ‘dumb ‘ then there will be others ….
They lent $5.5 billion to a known convicted criminal investor who was running a fund called Archegos.
Archegos Capital Management was a family office that managed the personal assets of Bill Hwang. On April 27, 2022 Hwang was indicted and arrested on federal charges of fraud and racketeering.
On March 26, 2021, Archegos defaulted on margin calls from several global investment banks, including Credit Suisse and Nomura Holdings, as well as Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley.
The firm had large, concentrated positions in ViacomCBS, Baidu, Vipshop, Farfetch, and other companies, and the firm’s use of total return swaps had helped to hide its high exposure from lending banks. Its derivative contracts “exposed the firm to severe losses when the trades went bad.” The Wall Street Journal reported that Hwang lost $8 billion in 10 days, while Bloomberg News reported that Hwang lost $20 billion in 2 days.
Problem is that Credit Suisse were reportedly lending him this money after his arrest and after it was clear the fund was bust, and the question is now, why would any reasonable lender do such a thing unless some corruption was involved.
This is one of the main ones, but the issue dates back to their woke appointment of a Black CEO who appointed a Paksistani number 2 and the pair promptly fell out leaving an absolute sh** storm behind, and it has never properly recovered since lurching from one crisis to another.
ITV’s Paul Brand’s hobby is getting gotchas against the Tories
The problem is he gets his “facts” from the Labour PR world rather than the real world.
Yesterday Andrew Neil explained how how Gordon Brown passed entrance exams to get into his selective school
only years later did it change to a comprehensive.
Brand didn’t correct his thread
Don’t you find the likes of Mrs brand and the swamp depressing ? Do they think the vast majority of the public even know there are ‘conferences ‘ yet alone what is said ?
I bet if you asked a fair number of people who the current PM is – they’d say ‘that boris bloke ‘…
Paul Brand makes Toenails look like he has professional integrity.
I notice the BBC today ‘editor ‘ deploys Robinson for ‘big days ‘ like covering Party Conferences and the like – and leave quiet ones to the likes of bee lady and our bored Justin .
I suppose Robinson could get even more money from Murdock TV but prefers the ‘limelight ‘ of the flagship BBC programme and tops up his pay from the ‘speaker ‘ circuit ….
It’s Rupert Murdoch.
Bigwig at the RCN leading the charge for nurses to strike for the first time in it’s history because 5% pay rise is not enough… Nurses having to eat their shoes etc. etc.
The BBC is a bit circumspect in its reporting…
In its ugly sister the Guardian the same story has a lot more information including a line saying how “proud” the strike call leader was to have led the first strike by nurses in Ireland, this revealing bit has been ignored by the BBC, wonder why?
Could it be that it suggests the fact that the strike call is in fact a political left-wing attempt to try to attack the government?
I wonder if they’ll stop their private work as well ?
And I guess stopping overtime would be self harm …
The BBC is, of course, very keen on scientists, who say… and ‘could’, too.
The BBC writes about a very small % of the population a lot. And only hires on a similar basis.
How do they get away with it?
Nurses urged to strike for first time over pay
No photos of whites were used in this article
Who said that the BBC is not ‘agenda driven’ ?
Who still pays the Telly Tax ?
Ok – I give in -there was a twitter argument whether the claim by the PM that she was the first to go to a comprehensive .
The Left claimed a Mr G ( gold ) Brown was the first . But now it turns out it was not a comprehensive so she is right .
Who gives a damn . If they are any good what difference does it make ? The last one was an idiot Etonian who seems to have learnt the classics and the dark arts there – but not how to be good at his job .
Breaking ………….More Stabbings in London ?
Import the third world and you get the Third World.
Its time now for the Home Office to get a grip!
Anyone got more info?
Standard BBC protocol kicks in:
1. Avoid reporting as long as possible.
2. Report, but with no description of attacker(s) and state that ‘motive is unknown’.
3. Present misinformation e.g. member of public reports seeing ‘a White man’ in the area or running away.
4. Provide misleading or irrelevant information e.g. man had been wearing blue cap and black jacket etc.
5. When inevitable truth starts to break – you know, the stuff ordinary people knew instantly when it happened – acknowledge that an ethnic was involved. Substitute appropriate phrases e.g. ‘Alleged attacker made a religious comment’ rather than ‘Knifeman repeatedly shouted Alan’s Snack Bar’.
6. Continue to insist that ‘motive is unknown’.
7. After 48 hours, declare that ‘accused may have been previously known to the police’.
8. After 72 hours, issue sympathetic interviews with ‘members of the community who are afraid of a backlash’.
9. After 4 days, publish the name of the attacker. Continue to deny motive and claim that attacker had ‘mental issues’.
10. After 7 days, publlish more complete story in which it is revealed that attacker had been known to the authorities for several years and had previous convictions etc. Quote un-named source from security services who says that ‘lack of resources and money meant this individual could not be tracked’.
Repeat ad nauseam.
Caveat: there are exceptions to this but this applies in 99% of cases.
Witnesses believe the Bishopsgate stabbing began over a bike theft gone wrong, though this has not been confirmed.
A delivery driver who witnessed the incident told MyLondon:
The attackers tried to steal someone’s phone. Then three pedestrians and one guy on a motorbike came to help and they got attacked. Police arrived in ten minutes.
Any descriptions of the attacker?
Has Al Beeb reported?
They are saying
The BBC has been told a victim of a “phone snatch” was injured after fighting back, along with other members of the public who stepped in to help.
GB News calming people down, no arrests, not terror, man tried to steal a phone and some people got lightly injured, no arrests. ‘Details sketchy’ be careful wot you see on line.
I dont suppose Brian Berletic will be offered employment by the BBC:
Just watched last nights Mark Steyn, brilliant.
Who was the bBBC radio bloke who said The Great Reset is a conspiracy theory?
TalkRadio’s @TVkev Kevin O’Sullivan had always insisted that
Klaus Schwab, Chairman of the World Economic Forum, says ‘How dare you say it is a conspiracy theory! Now, be a good global
consumer slavecitizen and buy my book on it from Amazon’:Radio Lincolnshire host is enthusiastically plugging “coming up we’ll get another chance to hear the breakfast show’s Starmer interview”
Anyone hear one of his appearances ?
Grilling : when BBC interview Tory like Truss
Cosy Chat : when BBC interview Tory like Starmer
Audio has flattering photo
Non-flattering photos are used for people BBC doesn’t like.
Looks like PR when BBC do multiple tweets
BBC does do ADVERTISING for caused and people it likes.
Lincolnshire police union working in cooperation with BBC Lincs and Labour
Lincs Police UNISON Branch 🇺🇦
It was good to hear @Keir_Starmer on @BBCRadioLincs this morning
and thanks for putting my question@seandunderdale
Shows the power of local radio 📻
Rejoiner account approves ..
When the BBC show tweeted for questions to Starmer
they only got 2 people asking
1 more replied with snark
doctored photos even … on a non attributed basis or obligingly supplied by a well paid 3rd party activist run archive who’ve lawyers on tap …?
Facebook have banned me, I mentioned Greta looked like a trannie
Previously I reported someone who all over their profile was about death to Israel, bombs, killing – but this was acceptable to facebook, errrm
Free speech – not allowed. Terrorism acceptable
What was your exact wording ?
Would it matter?
BBC staff are allowed to block folk for being ‘too political’ in seeking to comment on them being too political opining on things that are political.
algorithms usually do the banning
(or people doing malicious reporting)
If “trannie” is on the banned list for high profile names
then an algorithm might automatically ban you.
Look at the evasion techniques people have to use in Guido comments
tranny hate crime
Everyone knows what ‘Norwegian’ is code for.
Hello Stew
Picture of Greta… Greta looks like a trannie
Unfortunately she did in the pic, and I was being honest
They seem to have banned me from sharing anything from You Tube.
I don’t believe I’m overly offensive, but I have consistently shared opinions that question the efficacy of the vaccine. Mark Steyn’s guests are often my favourites.
Blimey, it’s not as if I’d been in support of beheading the unbelievers.
Perhaps if I had been…
I was banned by FB a few times, I think saddoes were continually reporting me.
Dont let it bother you.