Please cancel your TV Licence Direct Debit . On Wednesday we will witness the anti British Far Left BBC continuing its’ war against a democratically elected Governmenf – using money extracted under threat from the hapless taxpayer …
Midweek 5 October 2022
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BBC stations doing #PRasNews for Starmer
Radio Sheffield audio
Son of a toolmaker according to all of the MSM.
The same mob a bit less quick to check on educational claims.
“Toolmaker ” 😀
Warming to Dan. On public debate issues at least.
A duo of blonde Karens in full self justification on par with Springster nodding along to Laura K.
“Nobody voted” for the Gren Levey , nobody voted for mass immigration – It is the Green Blob and their woke virtue signallers that are destroying our country. Scrap the green levy and get Britain’s economy back to where it should be.
Start by scrapping the Telly Tax . That’s the “Tax that robs from the poor to give to the rich” propagates left the left wing agenda .
It’s one of the many reasons I would say we do not live in a democracy – we are just fed the lie ….
The strain on the British State is really gonna crunch in the next year or two – there really is a limit to money trees – if they allow the pound to continue to weaken import costs are gonna go skywards – and sooner or later the markets will demand blood ..
Political Greens are not about tolerance, fairness and democracy.
They are a school bully gang who insist that they as a minority know better so their policies must be IMPOSED over everyone
and sod democracy.
eg they force a ban on fracking
and firce you to pay the extra that solar and wind power costs.
What do we ban them from
or impose on them ?
“What do we ban them from
or impose on them ?”
The Law and breaking the law of the land.
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – but you at the BBC together with your friends in the prints claimed ….
…. that Boris Johnson is a liar.
Scroll down to the front page of the i and note the comment about hospitals in the top left corner. You just could not make it up!
He only meant the top corner
“Truss cuts threaten Johnson’s imaginary 40 new hospitals pledge”
according to Whitehall insiders and contractors involved in the project.
by Hugo Gye
“The only way we can see this project progressing is by scaling back,”
they said. “There were delays throughout summer, and discussions on how to proceed are only just beginning
A Department of Health and Social Care spokesperson said: “We are fully committed to delivering 40 new hospitals across England by 2030 and it is inaccurate to suggest the number of projects will be cut
is it news ? article says a watchdog had said the target was unachievable.
That was in November last year.
In the 40 most are refurbishment or even just a new wing
3 are brand new.
Everyone knows such target dates are just for PR
and that historically every target date passes by years
Smart Meter. HS2, FM radio phaseout have all had massively failed target dates.
“Net Zero CO2” is a PR word until we get fusion power working.
Backed up by HIGNFY sneering
Today’s RadioHumberside news every hour has been reading this police statement almost word for word
A first for mentioning an attacker’s ethnicity
Maybe the complainant is one of the police or media’s own world ?
Ah, but not black………….
Asian – map of Asia!
Also Japan, China etc are Asia.
“It’s time to back us not attack us”
‘Nazi scum’ protester Siobhan Prigent screamed at milkshaked Donald Trump supporter and is now saying she’s ‘very sorry’
A woman who was recorded screaming “Nazi scum” at a man who supports U.S. President Donald Trump at a protest in London on Tuesday has apologised for what she described as !
The video was recorded by L.B.C. senior reporter, Matthew Thompson.
Mr. Thompson shared the video on Twitter on Tuesday and it went viral straight away.
The video has been watched almost 4.5 million times.
She does look like a vile ranter.
The LBC trollcaster James O’Brien is trending
for his latest trolling tweet
That says Suella Braverman. is the wrong kind of brown person.
Dominique Samuels replied
James O’Brien is an absolute idiot.
His latest pearl of wisdom is that black & brown conservatives shouldn’t be in charge of immigration policy because they’re suffering from ‘trauma’ that makes them hate other immigrants.
This is a patronising and racist statement.
Kelvin MacKenzie condemns him likewise
LBC audio A ‘heartbroken’ and ‘disgusted’ James O’Brien rips Home Secretary Suella Braverman to utter shreds for ‘dreaming of deporting *completely innocent and decent* fellow human beings’.
So people tweet dinghy diver crime cases at him
Aren’t children of immigrants precisely the rich source of “lived experience” that O’Brien and others have built careers on?
A few more years and Google/Amazon AI will be able to spot unconscious ‘personal issues’ and ban those people from society. Then O’Brien will have the tolerant, kind world he dreams of.
Bishopsgate: Three hurt in City of London phone-snatch stabbings
Description of the culprits? Could help, maybe not mentioned for some reason
Actually 4 were hurt, 3 were stabbed, 1 was pushed to ground and didn’t need the hospital.
Twitter news story ..
Would not be a problem with a little forward thinking:
City of London ? the financial centre of Europe, and you are wandering around with a hoodie and tracksuit trousers halfway down your arse talking like a demented Jamaican with tourettes.
No shit Sherlock, case solved
What do you believe the main function of stop and searches should be?
Stop and Search
Answered By:
The Mayor
Wednesday, 4th May 2022
Sadiq Khan (Mayor of London): Stop and search is an important tool for the police, particularly in the fight against violence. The MPS has my support in using these powers to keep us safe, provided they are used lawfully, proportionately and with professionalism. The primary purpose of stop and search, as set out by the College of Policing, is to enable officers to allay or confirm suspicions about individuals, without exercising their power of arrest. In London, the positive outcomes rate for all stop and search, which includes cautions, charges and arrests, is 27%. This is a 5% increase since 2020 and the highest it has been since 2018. In 2021 alone, 4,816 weapons were seized as a result of stop and searches, every seizure removing a potentially deadly weapon from our streets.
However, the debate around stop and search goes beyond these statistics. As I made clear in my Action Plan ‑ Transparency, Accountability and Trust in Policing, I recognise the disproportionate impact stop and search can have on some communities and that it is vital that the MPS has the trust and confidence of all Londoners. The MPS has committed to improving its practices and has put in place a Commander-led monthly Gold Group to provide strategic direction and the governance for lead officers and key stakeholders. It implemented enhanced training, which includes greater community involvement, lived experience sessions and unconscious bias training. The MPS has also strengthened the supervision of stop and search, which already requires supervisors to review stop and search records, with the addition of live observations of officers using their powers in public in quarterly reviews of officers’ body-worn video footage. Learning is then fed back to officers to improve their practice. My Deputy Mayor for Policing and Crime scrutinises the monthly data and raises any concerns with senior officers. At the local level, Community Monitoring Groups also regularly dip sample stop and search records and body-worn video. There have been 91 body worn-video review sessions since September 2020.
When will Sadiq Khan admit that stop and search works?
Even as London faces record knife killings, the Mayor continues to undermine a system that has a proven record of tackling crime
Yeah bBBC give us a full description, I might know who they are.
You may remember the BBC strongly supported the now banned banned KIDS COMPANY a while back. One member stood at BBC studios Radio 4 ensuring that no criticism was made by on-air ‘TODAY’ presenters. (BBC never mentions its OWN direct connection with that failed charity now totally banned).
The awful KIDS COMPANY received finding AND support from the BBC Children In Need appeal (a needless BBC charity) which raise millions for (so called) GOOD causes. You may wonder what the BBC definition of -‘GOOD’ is — when you consider the back catalogue of BBC perversions going back over 40 years. Many are current (re: Rolf Harris and BBC radio 5 DJ Tim Westwood – both enjoyed ‘favours’ at the BBC, whilst working at the BBC).
Well the BBC are at it again with MERMAIDS.
“UK Transgender Charity Trustee Quits Over Paedophile Group Link. A trustee of the UK transgender charity Mermaids has resigned after reports he spoke at a conference organized by a group that promotes support for paedophile”. Read more here. Again you are made to think the BBC is not connected – but they are. They promote transgenderism AND they pay BBC staff to go full TRANS on TV license fee as a staff scheme (BBC sponsor it for their own staff as private ‘healthcare’). Not that its on the news they provide the means). Apparently sold as ‘healthy’ and affordable (NHS).
This ticks two boxes for the BBC’ (1) the protection of paedophiles (PIE) and (2) the promotion of child Transgenderism to make boys girls and girls boys. (Both equally useless outcomes and expensive however its funded). That way they can continue to abuse children and claim its beneficial (good) and a ‘transforming’ healthy experience for all! They never state that they BBC – are part of the problem of sexual exploitation of juniors.
Parents have no right to object is the claim of the left.Biden has proposals to turn it into a 5 Billion dollar industry. No joke, this is a big business for PHARMA (post COVID).
“Transgender Surgery Poised to Become a Multi-Billion Dollar Industry. A recent report from Grand View Research suggests that the industry surrounding transgender surgeries is expected to reach $5 billion by the end of the decade. Read more here.
Of course the BBC will deny any PIE links, but historically there is strong links with child abuse with the BBC. And some of the funding is linked to the Children In Need BBC exploiting its money raising powers on top of its bloated TV license. Middle of the road (older BBC viewers) people who have no idea where the funds go or what the BBC is doing. They think the money – all goes to a GOOD cause(s)!! The BBC defines what is GOOD and as we saw as in the KIDS company, its as far from ‘charitable’ as you can get. The number of jailed BBC paedophiles is well known under operation YEWTREE, many of which could NOT be prosecuted due to advanced age of the offenders (over 80). History is buried in the BBC branding.
This is the Brave New World of the left.
You get attacked for protecting a woman and you accept you have no rights to your children to prevent indoctrination by the (new) socialist state they are building. This is called Equality and Diversity by the BBC (and even the EU) and they both help fund it. as political donations (tax free).
As outlined by SAUL ALLINSKY (1960’s GURU of the left).
Deconstruct the family and Marxism will prevail, ‘ the long march through the institutions’, is already achieved here in the UK. All are now TOTALLY left wing dominated — since BLAIR redefined (re defined) public CHARITY to mean the BBC can fund anything it likes… and its all legal.
So Transgenderism is ‘naturally ‘GOOD for you and your children. Even if it means death and despair and a life on drugs with no hope of achieving a family at all (biologically impossible). Hence population control. Crippling financial structures and long term depression for all Western nations via ‘climate and population’ control. Both of the same coin.
In the lecture, Rand admonishes American businessmen for apologizing for capitalism and for, in some cases, directly funding detractors of the free market. Notably, she says that “It is a moral crime to give money to support your own destroyers.” She also answers audience questions after the lecture.
I thought I was going through de ja vu
Nope, here we are again
Yeap – all that has happened will happen again and again.
@Philip look up the Kids Company decision
AFAIK they finally got it overturned
despite the evidence.
Another forum that I’m on was taken over by the USA company Time. They recruited a number of Stasi/woke so called moderators who pull anything they don’t approve of, and that’s quite a lot.
To give you an example I asked the forum that if gas went into short supply, given a lot of electricity is generated by gas. Would electricity generation be prioritised over gas users?
That was deemed to be too political or current affairs for the Stasi it would appear. Banned. A good example of where the internet is going.
Cambridge broadband, if you cant afford the internet we’ll still shove it down your throat
Gigabit Broadband Voucher Scheme
What is it and how is it funded?
The purpose of the Scheme is to increase the speed of deployment of gigabit capables within the UK by providing micro-grants to support the cost of new connectivity.
The government are targeting “hard to reach” locations where without some form of public support suppliers will not be able to build gigabit capable networks. Vouchers are the mechanism the Scheme uses to provide these grants.
These grants have a minimum value of £500 and a maximum value of £3,500.
For SME Beneficiaries vouchers have a minimum value of £500 and a maximum value of £3,500 and cannot be used to fund any VAT.
For Residential Beneficiaries, vouchers have a minimum value of £500 and a maximum value of £1,500 (inclusive of VAT).
BBC double standards & agenda building: A woman’s 13yr old daughter dies and hospital errors were found.
Of course the woman is a Guardian Editor so naturally this story needs to be taken very seriously. And the interview is with Emma Barnett, so whether the docs would have taken more seriously Mills’ husband’s concerns (on account of him being a bloke) is a question that naturally needs airing. Mills: “…a deep-seated problem of arrogance and overconfidence and ‘doctor knows best’ that we need to challenge.”
At the BBC no such questions have arisen for the last 2.5 yrs over the unethical — and possibly criminal — use of mass experimental gene-therapy injections, Midazolam, Remdesivir (known to some in the nursing profession as “Run Death is Near”) and mechanical ventilation of patients.
To summarise it would seem that doctor does know best and follow the science you idiots… until a Guardian editor has a story to tell.
Just a new political forum, not a return to the EU.
Anyone believe this?
From the BBC report
”The summit, billed as a European Political Community beyond the EU, has been championed by Emmanuel Macron, who told reporters on Thursday it sent a “message of unity”. But there is scepticism, even within the EU, about the new forum.
Ahead of the meeting, Ms Truss made clear it was “not an EU construct or an EU alternative”. Nevertheless, her decision to take part could mark a new phase in the UK’s post-Brexit relations with Europe.”
“Come into my parlour” said the spider to the fly.
How very BBC. Not sure the idiot bbc peroxide bimbo thought her VO through?
“To keep me in check” for legitimately keeping a full record against daft gotchas and stealth edits? And this is felt a sensible intro?
Was she hoping to go full Jo Brand?
Seems Ms. Lake knows how the BBC operates only too well.
This morning the ONS 2021 baby names data was published. Guido’s been enjoying the annual tradition of seeing whether any politicians have inspired parents so much as to influence their birth certificate decisions. The main bad news comes for Sir Keir, whose name is now facing extinction levels. In 2019, there were 15 baby Keirs; in 2020 that fell to nine; in 2021, a year into his leadership of The Labour Party, that figure now stands at just six – a 60% drop. Will Labour’s poll lead this year do anything to improve the only statistic dropping quicker than the pound?
Meanwhile, Boris managed to cling onto popularity, with the number of babies named after the then-PM sticking to its 2019 figure of 39 – the 815th most popular boys’ name out of over 4,600. Rishi’s numbers, improved by forcing everyone to stay at home for three months while paying their wages, are remarkable. They leaped by 77% between 2019 and 2020, and now hold steady at 41 uses in 2021. It seems many Britons, if not Tory members, were #Ready4Rishi…
Oh, and I just found a special link for a special name …. so special it has it’s own page.
Brown Gal Can’t Swim: Podcast aims to get South Asian women swimming
Maybe their husbands, fathers and brothers wont let these ‘south asian’ girls go swimming?
Now that project fear has switched into winter energy shortages – courtesy of the National Grid – I’m waiting for the reason the UK hasn’t got enough juice when it needs it . What decisions ? Who made them ? And why ?
But this cuts across the evil ‘green agenda ‘ so it goes into the same file as vaccine deaths
—BBC News
So here we are, in a rich, developed country, with more technical knowledge available to us than any previous era or civilisation has enjoyed, and bugger me we’re facing three-hour blackouts this coming winter. How can this be?
It’s because Russia has invaded Ukraine.
It’s because we have allowed ourselves to become totally unprepared for such eventualities by decades of government mismanagement.
• It’s because the UK has closed gas storage facilities to the extent that we now only store enough gas to meet the demand of four winter days. The Netherlands has capacity more than nine times the UK’s, while Germany’s is 16 times the size.
• It’s because successive governments have been in the thrall of the idiotic environmentalists, who due to a combination of scientific ignorance and dogma have always opposed nuclear power.
• It’s because we are now heavily reliant on wind power, which is intermittent and therefore unreliable. Periods of stationary high pressure over the UK are common in winter. When they happen all the windmills are useless for day after day.
• It’s because we converted all the power stations from coal burning to gas (or, ludicrously, to woodchip made from good timber on the far side of Canada). As we sit in the dark next January at least we’ll have the comfort of knowing that there’s 200 years’ supply of coal beneath our feet.
• It’s because the environmentalists persuaded our weak-willed government to abandon fracking. The USA has so much gas from fracking they are almost giving it away.
Maybe if the power really does go people will actually react . Pity there is no difference between the parties with regard to responsibility .
And they chime on about the need to vote – or engage in politics – when it’s just crap .
Even now – there is no drive to conserve energy – to turn down the heat in public buildings – apart from the need for personal economic savings
“One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors” – Plato.
David Lammy mocked for fuming at ‘racist’ BBC after report on Sistine Chapel’s black and white smoke
Marky – I knew I would hook someone with my comment . Do you think anything will or can change here ?
Only extreme conditions will drive real change – even covid didn’t manage that ….
I wish I was far less aware – blissful ignorance would be best …and free money courtesy of other peoples ‘ taxes ….
Not much chance of change – everyone is hooked on tiktok and deciding how to chop of children’s genitals make make boys into girls.
Smart phones – stupid people.
@Fred the BBC do 2+2 =5 certainty all the time
and we can sometimes slip into it too
” converted ALL the power stations from coal burning to gas”
Nope we still have coal PS
Drax has 6 x 660MW units, 2 can run coal
and the government has extended that use for another 6 months
I think we have another couple too.
4 units at West Burton, 3 units at Ratcliffe and 2 coal units at drax that has been extended to 2024.
and the Northern Ireland one
We also import coal produced electricity through the interconnectors
eg from Holland.
We have less storage than some countries
cos we considered our LNG terminals to be an alternative to storage
other countries in the EU don’t have much/any LNG terminals.
Yeah I know about the few remaining coal burning power stations. But inserting an ‘almost’ would spoil the rhetoric!
Sweller is undermined by the Government.
She and Britain cannot leave the ECHR and she show naivety for even thinking she could.
If even Russia can manage to be a member then that should raise questions in everyones mind as to what is going on here.
The fact is the corrupt Tony BLiar made the ECHR superior to British law where every other country makes it inferior, right down as low as advisory only.
If Braverman was in any way competent she would know that the simple way to deal with this would be to downgrade the status of the ECHR and when judgements come in simply state “We thank you for you advice” or “We will take that under advisement”.
Currently we in the UK are forced to do what ever the ECHR tells us to do because it is superior to our own law.
Can’t see the judiciary – bred on the ECHR downgrading it .
Fortunately it isn’t their decision to make, that rests with the UK government.
Gove making farty noises behind his finger.
Milliband totally absorbed in Greta’s waffling.
The green lady thinking I could give her one.
(Posted on the Mensa Debating Forum)
Hannah Fry, the BBC and Pfizer
The morons at the BBC fail to meet their own deadline for responding to complaints about “Unvaccinated” :
The Pfizer documents:
With an mRNA vaccine, you are getting lipid nanoparticles, that are crossing every membrane in the human body and coated with a potential carcinogen traversing your bloodstream and lodging in the organs in your body:
“Potential implications of lipid nanoparticles in the pathogenesis of myocarditis associated with the use of mRNA vaccines against SARS-CoV-2”: concludes that myocarditis could be caused by the lipid nanoparticle sheath on the mRNA vaccines:
Unvaccinated due to an IQ of 164, so I was not gullible enough to take a toxic experimental gene therapy developed at warp speed and made by a criminal drug company and promoted by billionaire psychopaths whose passion is depopulation. Nobel laureate Luc Montagnier predicted that most of the jabbed would be dead in 5 years. mRNA jabs are not given in China, but they are making more of the bioweapon for us to take.
Richard – is there any rationale for the 5 year claim ? I am up for the 3rd vaccine soon so would like to better informed about my imminent death . Must make a Will …
Following on from Richard (Above). Much in agreement.
I think the entire exercise was called project fear. The vaccines did diddly squat and Pfizer was proven early on to have unidentified (odd) contaminants. Junk is the accurate description. But the co-ordination of project fear and wheeling out of (fake) war time ministers of medical mus-information and imminent NHS health crises can be used make the next emergency. The herd mentality was just nudged into acceptance. That is why (I think) Boris and his team never took anything seriously, although they followed the program (that had been agreed by previous PM’s). The culmination of UN Agenda 21 just could not be believed. It was 2021 at the time UN Agenda 21 prioritises depopulation and planet (climate) resources over quality of life. Hence the imposed great recession. Ukraine is a side show by comparison, but it may of saved us (UK) from UN Agenda 30 and its nonsense of saving the planet is laid bare. We need resources and people suddenly to survive.
Not the BBC bull shitters (who are now eclipsed with reality) admit. The Vaccine jabs killed far more people than they cured. But that will be buried in history as The Great Mistake. But it was deliberate all the same, to create a climate of fear. So it was a Great success in social engineering. Leading to deaths in the long and short term with ‘complications’. It was blamed on CHINA but financed entirely by the US Pharma and the usual suspects who hope to profit from a new dawn. An odd combination of US Corporate greed and mad as a hatter UN social extremists (EU inspired). These idiots promising a new tomorrow has dawned if we sign up to climate fears and over population goals, eat less, earn less, own nothing, live less, get zombied with lots of happy, happy drugs all available on the free to use NHS.
I have no idea who will pay the bill. Money will not be paid back ever. But others will be rich beyond the dreams of avarice. If they can maintain project fear.
If we live that long.
The Queen, Prince Philip my Mother and Father were vaccinated in January 2021. They are already dead after 1¾ years. The scientists aren’t seeing the mRNA being removed by peeing or shiting. So more jabs would increase the poison. The authorities are reluctant to allow autopsies, but those allowed show the accumulation of white clots. So it looks like spike proteins, white blood cells and nanoparticles are accumulating over time, leading to sudden death and with excess deaths moving up towards 2,000 a week. It could be that the jabbed have an average life expectancy of five years from January 2021.
The only cure I know of is to take Ivermectin which caps the spike proteins. Although I dont think this leads to mRNA being removed by peeing or shiting:
Posting in hope the extra bits that appear make it make sense.
They really have given up pretending, haven’t they?
BBCnews and the Starmer PR dept have merged
Cat. Pigeons… Clive Myrie in full combat attire…
An American tourist has vandalised two busts on pillars in the Vatican allegedly because he wasn’t allowed to see the Pope. The photo is not one of the best but the man at the centre of the photo appears to have a tan, a dark beard, and a close fitting white brimless cap.
No description of him is made anywhere, but it would not be a surprise if it was one of the usual suspects attempting to do harm to the head of the Catholic church.
You’re right – a middle-aged American of Egyptian origin – according to Breitbart.
Yes it’s strange why every publication has just used the same vague photo of him.
They have the tech to get better one.
I don’t think the damage is such a big deal they said about €15K to repair
The two works of art have been taken to the inhouse workshop to be assessed. While around 2,000 years old, they are thought to be secondary works of art, rather than famous works, a source told Il Messaggero
He said that restoration work had already begun, and that “they will soon be restored and back at the Museum.”
Trans activists are making malicious complaints WAR against those who disagree with them
Missing context is Farrow’s barrister Adrian Yalland who offered to defended her has had 18 complaints, 7 complaints to the regulator & 3 police investigations, all dismissed.
They were made by the SAME trans activist who persuaded Surrey police to drop knife and grooming crime investigations and instead go and raid Farrow’s church house.
Thread ..
Good point
People have learned to attack using the police as their proxy
#1 Stalking via Malicious complaints
#2 Attacking by SWATting
All Creatures episode today half black farmhand
it’s set in1938 !
Which half was black? Right or left, gotta be left.
The young lady Tristram was clearly planning to pork was a half caste. And talking of pork, I don’t know if it was significant but she ate a slice of pork pie.
This guy is beginning to annoy me…
Breaking : Putin is still the baddie
even if Zel uses PRtrickery
Are all the ex-USSR warheads accounted for?
Why not China as well – two for one deal!
“Homes face winter power cuts in worst-case scenario, says National Grid”
All thanks to Greta Thumbelina and and her Green Wokes !
Let this be a lesson to our Minister for Energy – we need a little bit of forward planning. If there are power cuts, could we see an end to the stupid Green Levy ?
PS. Why is that woman in the photograph messing about with her fuse board ?
The minister in charge of our energy security previous to the current one was KwamiKahzi.
The lights are going out !
The woke wankahz at National Grid said there was “no problem” some time back – they’re just yet another semi detached branch of the vampire public sector. I’ve followed quite a bit of their woke self regarding PR and it’s utterly turgid management woke-speak.
– look at Drax – if a real public company did what they did and lied like they have – they’d be prosecuted for fraud (“we’re only burning waste sawdust”)
National grid says it’s an unlikely situation, blatantly biased communicators say it’s going to happen. Save electricity, buy batteries.
But there’s good news – 3 hours without the BBC …
buy batteries eh?
Being another year older this week, so its par for the course that I get more irritated with each passing year – particularly listening to ‘young kids’ (under 45s) pontificating at how the rich are getting richer and poor getting poorer, and talking as though they’re inventing the wheel with how everything they know is right and why the Government isn’t doing what they say.
What they don’t realise, and I wish someone would tell them, is that conversations like this are the same as 30/40/50/60/70/80/90/100 +++++++ years ago ! NOTHING WILL CHANGE ! and all the protests, union strikes, debates on tv, won’t change a damn thing. So when they themselves reach their 70’s and listen to their grandkids rabbiting on about the same thing, THEN they’ll realise.
Briss, you are so totally right, like, I used to talk to my dad, like 60 years ago just like this like. However in 1962 watching the Beatles on Look North fronted by Eddy Grundy, he said theyre going to be big. He wasn’t wrong, changed my opinion about the old fart!
Bill Grundy
Not respecting places of worship?
FFS the places of worship don’t respect their neighbours -jolting people out of bed with a pre-dawn 110 decibel muezzin fajr prayer – I hope the BBC correspondents are in hotel rooms at the same level as the minaret bullhorns!
Chopping heads off is ok though for anyone who does not believe their religion of peace.
In Qatar they shoot them iirc.
Twitter (or 77th Brigade) is carpet bombing me with XR and Just Stop Oil Tweets
uncommanded page refreshes full ( 50% +) of militant eco-drivel now on Twitter.
Did a search for Paul Joseph Watson and the results auto-refreshed with different content 3 times in 5 minutes
Happening here too, it’s not a coincidence
have a little look at default programmes that are set to automatically load without your knowledge or permission
settings / apps / default apps on start up
It’s always been the case on Twitter
that when you do a search on Twitter and are still on the “Top tweets” tab
that when you start scrolling and want to go back up the list to some tweet you just looked at, the entire damn list auto refreshes.
..There is weird bias in what the Twitter algorithms chooses to be the “top tweets” sometimes
weird – certainly
skewed – absolutely swerving any tweets the the software decides are inconvenient
Russia did it?
I can’t disagree….
oh noes
Due to brexit?
Lincolnshire is not very black
good look to every black person who does live there of course.
But is Radio Lincolnshire black coverage proportionate ?
Today the presenter was praising Starmer’s interview
then the news came on
After 2 items
#3 “An appeal is out for more black blood donors in Lincolnshire
in order to treat conditions that largely effect the black community like sickle cell”
#4 The National Trust’s Belton House has unveiled a portrait of SEATED black person
It’s not normally shown they found the painting in storage”
curator “Yes when we see the rare images which feature black people they are lower down the hierarchy
like servants etc.
but this seated painting must be of someone in higher hierarchy “
oh BBC have put up a news story
I can’t see how a scruffy guy sat on the ground is high status
Neither the BBC nor the National Trust’s press release
have been subject to mass tweeting by Lincolnshire’s huge “black community”.
Lincs Police get called disproportionate too
BTW I see someone started planning a workshop day to make Wikipedia pages on Lincolnshire brown and black people .. they deleted their tweet for some reason.
One is not allowed a guitar it seems if your colour is wrong:
“Cultural appropriation
In a recent thread about Joe Bonamassa the subject of cultural appropriation came up. Got me wondering – at what point does cultural appropriation become a thing?
AFAIK early white champions of the blues (John Mayall, Rolling Stones, Chris Barber, etc) were never accused of it, yet people like JoBo are. What’s changed? Is it because the likes of John Mayall, etc ‘discovered’ American blues and were passionate, even evangelical, about spreading the word? Whereas people like JoBo are perhaps seen as only using the blues form as a bit of a money spinner? Certainly the blues was born of hardship and subservience, but I don’t believe that there are many (if any) white blues musicians who claim their music to be anything other than paying tribute to, or popularising a type of music that may well otherwise have died out. Most acknowledge their sources.
I’m a comfortably well-off white man so would be the first to admit I can never fully understand the lives of those early players. However, I can still appreciate listening to them; I can enjoy playing songs by people like Muddy Waters, Jimmy Reed etc even if I’ll never do them justice. Does that me guilty? Or only if I try to claim some authenticity that isn’t actually there?”
Have seen Joe B. many times. He is as steeped in the blues as any musician I know. He fully acknowledges the blues masters such as the 3 Kings, Muddy Waters Howling Wolf etc as shown by several live releases.
Hand Me Down Blues – How The Blues Became White
albert king – bb king – eric clapton – stevie ray vaughanThe Blues was clearly created by Negros. No one disputes that. Whether you believe it started with W.C. Handy or Charley Patton, or by some unknown cotton picker in Mississippi playing a Sears acoustic guitar, there’s no question that black men and women somewhere created the blues style. And in the beginning those are the people who embraced it.
And as it evolved through the 20’s and 30’s, it was mostly black people who loved it and nurtured it and made it spread throughout the country. It was THE music that was played in black juke joints and clubs throughout the south and eventually in Memphis, Chicago, St. Louis, Los Angeles, New York, and a hundred other cities where blacks lived.
muddy-and-margolinThen something happened…
Either because the blues became passe or because other music became more popular, black folks began to lose interest in their own music. It didn’t die out, but fewer and fewer records were being sold especially to blacks. Other music was being found in the juke boxes at black clubs.
During the 40’s swing music was the best and most popular music in the land. Both blacks and whites loved it and though racism was still rampant, you could find blacks and whites enjoying Count Basie and Benny Goodman records and concerts together. Clearly “The Blues,” particularly “country blues” was not as popular.
But who’s to argue that swing does not have much of the blues style in it. You could say that what was happening was The Blues style was being spread into other types of music. In many cases blues and jazz were mixing together and forming other types of Blues. Certainly swing and jump blues of the 40’s had many elements of the blues as part of the style. Blues was just changing and evolving.
Then in the 50’s, rock and roll began to take over. Even though Muddy Waters said, “The Blues had a baby and they called it rock and roll,” blues music, was being replaced in popularity. And the stars of the blues were finding it harder and harder to survive.
Rock and Roll was primarily a white music, even though there were many black artists that were rock and roll stars (Chuck Berry, Little Richard, Fats Domino). And certainly Elvis Presley got much of his inspiration from blues music and even played blues songs on his early recordings.
The music business was a big part of why whites became the focus of rock and roll. They had the money to buy records and they were beginning to appreciate music that was more raw and real compared to the popular music of the day… and they could dance to. There was clearly a market and white music business executives saw the opportunity.
That’s not to say there wasn’t a black market for blues music. Black’s still bought records and kept some of the black artists working in the clubs. B.B. King worked heavily through the 50’s mostly working the Chitlin’ Circuit throughout the south, often working over 300 shows per year.
Eric Clapton and B.B. King
And it’s not to say all blacks didn’t like the music. It was just popular in fewer numbers.
Certainly, some of the stars of the early blues like, Son House, and Skip James, and Lonnie Johnson were struggling to make a living. Some stopped playing and took on regular jobs. The “Golden Age” of traditional blues appeared to be over.
Folk Music Saves The Day
For many Delta and Country Blues artists the 40’s and 50’s went by without getting much attention or work. Then something happened. The folk music revival of the early 1960’s brought many of the early country blues artists back into the spotlight. Although most of the 60’s “folk” artists were white, and certainly the audience was, there was a large blues contingent that was popular including Leadbelly, Josh White, Mississippi John Hurt and Odetta. They were seen as part of the American folk tradition and blues was seen as a traditional music that came from rural America. The good news is this brought the blues to many white kids for the first time.
Personally I remember seeing a white duo perform a “ragtime” version of Stagger Lee (also called Stack-o-lee, Stack-a-Lee, and others) in my small town’s library. It made a powerful impression on me and I still remember the version well, even though I was about 15 at the time and hadn’t started playing guitar yet. The song is of unknown origin but Mississippi John Hurt played a version and there were earlier versions by many country blues artists through the years.
This particular version was being presented to me by a couple of white boys in their 20’s who somehow had learned how to play the Piedmont style of ragtime blues quite well on their guitars. It made such an impression I still remember it well 50 years later. This “translation” process will be a recurring theme in my musical life thereafter… that of a white musician introducing me to black music that I would come to love and cherish my whole life. It lead me to research the origins of the music and the great black musicians who created it and ultimately lead me to create this website. This “hand-me-down” process that created a sincere love of The Blues for whites like me I’m sure was recreated many times for many white blues guitarists of the 60’s and beyond.
bluesbreakersThe American Folk Blues Festival
In fact this wasn’t only the case for white Americans. In Europe the same thing was happening to white folks there thanks to some European Promoters.
A couple of European blues lovers, promoters Horst Lippmann and Fritz Rau brought many of the top blues musicians of the era to Europe to perform in a series of concerts. The American Folk Blues Festival lasted for over 20 years and brought blues greats like, T-Bone Walker, Sonny Boy Williamson, Willie Dixon, Son House, Muddy Waters, and Otis Rush to Europe to perform. For many this was the most money they ever made performing and in Sonny Boy Williamson’s case, caused him to stay in Europe for a time. The concerts have been turned into 3 DVDs and you can learn more about this concert on this page.
There real point is that these concerts brought American Blues to English musicians like Eric Clapton, John Mayall, Mick Jagger, Long John Bawldry, and many others who attended the shows. They all went on to create their own blues-based bands like The Rolling Stones, The Animals, John Mayall and The Bluesbreakers, Fleetwood Mac, Led Zeppelin, The Yardbirds, The Spencer Davis Group and many others.
These bands in turn brought the blues back to Americans, like me, who learned by proxy about the great blues musicians in our own country. Muddy Waters, Sonny Boy Williamson, Howlin’ Wolf, and Son Seals all enjoyed renewed careers thanks to these English bands who played many of their songs.
Albums That Turned On White Folks To The Blues
Through the 60’s and 70’s white music was very eclectic. Popular white bands played many styles of music, and clearly some of the most popular played some blues. Certainly, the Bristish Invasion including many bands that brought blues back to us and showed us how cool it was. Here’s a few albums that caught my attention during that time. If you have some albums that were important to you, feel free to leave a comment at the end.
London Howlin’ Wolf Sessions
One of the milestone albums that affected me was an album called The London Howlin’ Wolf Sessions. On this album Howlin’ Wolf played many of his and other blues musician’s songs with British musicians Eric Clapton, Steve Winwood, Charlie Watts and Bill Wyman (of the Rolling Stones), Ringo Starr, Klaus Voormann. Hubert Sumlin, Howlin’ Wolfs regular guitar player, made the sessions too but only because of the insistence of Eric Clapton.
This 1971 album created credibility for Howlin Wolf and blues in general and brought many of these songs into the repertoire of many bands of the day. Back then your popular bands could play any type of music it wanted and I remember my band of the time played everything from Grateful Dead, to country songs, to blues without thinking. Music was just music to us.
If you would like to check out the album here’s a link to it on iTunes. – The Howlin Wolf London Sessions (Deluxe Edition)
These and other albums were big influences on a young white guitarist’s ears and musical style. Other songs and albums that were big influences on white guitarists in the 60’s and early 70’s include…
Taj Mahal – Natch’l Blues
Fathers and Sons
The Allman Brothers Band – Live At Fillmore East –
Particularly Stateboro Blues and Stormy Monday
Paul Butterfield Blues Band
Fleetwood Mac – Boston Tea Party
Canned Heat – Living The Blues
Cream – Fresh Cream
Rolling Stones – England’s Newest Hitmakers
Of course there are many other albums where blues was part of the song list if not the major focus of the albums. One that sticks in my mind is a Lovin’ Spoonful album that had a song called Sportin Life. It was really the only blues song that The Spoonful ever did as far as I know. John Sebastian was a great harmonica player and his harp on the song is a highlight. The song made a big impression on and it’s still in my own repertoire today.
And many of the bands of the 60’s and 70’s played all types of music with blues being one of the styles. Here’s some single tracks that stand out in my memory…
Boz Scaggs – “Loan Me A Dime” from his solo album
Jeff Beck – “I Ain’t Superstitious” from Truth album
The Doors – “Backdoor Man” from The Doors
The J Geils Band – “Serves You Right To Suffer”
The Blues Project – “Two Trains Running”
So this is how many a white guitarist and music fan was introduced to the blues in the late 60’s and early 70’s. This introduction by white bands of the day was the first time many heard the blues and would spark a lifelong interest in the blues. For many it inspired them to explore blues history and to learn more about the black musician’s music and story. I wonder if Robert Johnson would ever have been rediscovered if it weren’t for Eric Clapton’s enthusiastic endorsements and sharing of his influence.
The Blues Brothers Factor
One of the biggest “bump-ups” in Blues popularity occurred in the late 70’s when John Belushi and Dan Aykroyd started appearing as Jake and Elwood Blues on Saturday Night Live. Their skit was so popular that they decided to make a movie and subsequent album. The beauty of this new approach is they would use the actual blues stars to play themselves in the movie. We were introduced to blues creators like Steve Cropper and Duck Dunn of Stax Studios as well as Matt Guitar Murphy, Cab Callaway, and reintroduced to Ray Charles.
Unfortunately they didn’t use as many of the great Chicago stars they could have, but at least many of the songs in the movie and on the album were classics that brought back greats like Big Joe Williams, Junior Wells, Sam and Dave, Eddie Floyd, and others.
As dated and unauthentic as the album and the movie sound now (all except for the Cab Callaway section) it did bring the Blues to many new fans and helped spark the renewal of blues interest that lasted through the 80’s and 90’s. How many new blues societies were started because of this new wave of interest. And again all of this interest led to people exploring the history of the blues and led them back to those great blues men and women of the 20’s, 30’s, and 40’s, and hopefully buying their records.
The Blues Today
The popularity of the Blues has settled into a comfortable place. No it’s not as popular as it was 10-15 years ago but the fans left are as committed to the blues as ever.
If you look through Blues Revue or Living Blues magazine you’ll see lots of new artists coming out with music. Yes most of them are white but there are a few blacks in there as well. The Blues is alive and well if not quite as popular as it was in the late 80’s and 90’s when every major city had lots of blues clubs and blues bands could work most nights.
In my area in Tampa Bay Florida, it’s a bit hard for a blues band to make a livin today. Sure you can play a couple of nights a week, but you better be good and you better be ready to play other types of music to survive. I would say the number of working bands has been reduced by 50% or more in the last 10 years.
So yes the blues is now mostly white. I seldom see many black people at blues concerts and that’s really been the case since the late 50’s really. But whites do really love the blues. They play it, buy it and go to blues festivals to see it. It’s just that the audience has changed a lot in the last 50 years.
The Blues is now White. That’s all there is to it.
If you’d like to share your story of how you got turned on to the blues please feel free to register and make a comment. All comments are welcome.
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They don’t like us but they like our hair
Meghan Markle Through the Years: Photos of the Duchess of Sussex Going Back to Her California Girl Days
Inside the L.A. native’s journey from independent youngster to star actress to royal history-maker
‘Truss declares Macron a friend as pair forge working relationship’
Here we go. This is why the leadership election was rigged to put Truss in No.10. Exactly as predicted. Stage 1 of returning to the EU is complete.
Sickle cell: Black donors urged to give blood to help treat patients
How can this be possible ?. I have been told quite explicitly that there are no biological differences between black and white.
Next they’ll be telling me that black people have more of the DNA components which make them more aggressive and likely to stab other people.
Which is much more plausible than the current reason I am told : ‘because white people are racist’.
Most 12- to 14- year-olds in China are short-sighted
Experts say they should get out more
THE PHONE on Wang Xiaoying’s desk rings incessantly on a weekday morning. An optometrist in Shanghai, Ms Wang doubles as a part-time operator for China’s first publicly funded call centre providing information about myopia. It began operating on January 7th. Most callers are parents who worry about the deteriorating eyesight of their young offspring. “Make sure your child spends two hours outdoors each day!” Ms Wang often urges them. Another tip she offers is to avoid reading when supine. Trying to focus on an object held up by an unsteady arm is likely to strain the eyes, some experts believe.
The government reckons that more than 450m people in China, or at least one in three, are short-sighted (meaning that distant objects appear blurry). Globally just over one in five are. The prevalence of myopia among Chinese schoolchildren is even more alarming. In 2018 an official survey of 1m pupils found that among those aged between 12 and 14, 72% had myopia, up from 58% in 2010. Early onset of myopia is associated with a higher risk of eye diseases such as glaucoma, which can lead to blindness. In 2018 Xi Jinping, the president, declared the swelling ranks of young myopes a “big problem concerning the future of the country” which “must not carry on”.
Ex-Met Police officer arrested over racist WhatsApp chat
Of course we are not told what he actually wrote to assess whether it was actually true or really was racism. We are just told they were “vile and deplorable”. And when the BBC consider someone pointing out the truth that the Prophet Mohamed married a 6 year old girl and consumated the marriage when she was 9 is too offensive to repeat, it could be anything.
Meanwhile those very people he was unhappy with have been stealing and stabbing again in the streets of Londonistan.
Bishopsgate: Three hurt in City of London phone-snatch stabbings
The BBC go nowhere near it, but the DT have some video of it. The thieves/stabbers are wearing masks – but it’s 100% obvious by their movement they are black. Despite there being ‘no biological differences at all’. And the icing on the cake is that the half-wit, far-left hypocrites like maxi will call ME the racist for just pointing it out.
What a bizarre and warped alternate-reality we now live in thanks to these idiots.
Hunter Biden could be charged with tax crimes
Whats with the bBC keep mentioning that CNN is the bBC’s US partner, both left reporting – but this isn’t the 1st time they have mentioned this in “reporting”
And… they’re off!
Hello Guest, maybe the bBC could talk to the Italians re the Roman invasion and compensation due?
Who the bbc ‘talk to’, and who talks to them, about what, selectively, with classic bbc journalistic rigour applied, is rather well appreciated in the Middle East.
Meanwhile JezBo lies in a ditch. Locations vary.
Here’s they key line:
‘asks for a formal acknowledgement and apology’
Because after that, the families will demand compensation.
You won’t see a more lop-sided, half-truth article than that one. It smacks of ‘Panorama’.
Perhaps they should make the apology on condition the Palestinians issue apologies for all their terrorist murders (including sending children in as suicide bombers) and pay the victims families compensation.
Interesting if typical.
Seems the way to dismiss a complaint is to claim the proof the bbc claimed proof was not as valid as bbc claims to prop up a claim.
According to the bbc. Who investigate themselves.
lol – and also give themselves awards.
So what you are saying is….
Can’t wait for Springster to do one of her famous ‘investigations’ on how Cathy Newman made a total a*se of herself but actually was a victim of the patriarchy.
According to sources, experts… fellow media bimbos*.
*Not Ms. Kelly. An actual bombshell.
Guest Who
somehow … I suspect this “Brits in Africa” history doesn’t get a look in….
Voodoo is best for the NHS!
Has voodoo been misjudged? { aug2017}
While many African traditions and cultures are under threat from modern life, there is one which is holding its own – voodoo. It has suffered from a bad press internationally but is an official religion in the West African country of Benin. … The Regional High Priest (special person, no complaints allowed, special privilege) of Voodoo Daagbo Hounon is presiding over the day’s rituals. … With the government supporting it at home and the descendants of slaves embracing it abroad (Government backing suggests it will not survive on it’s own merits?), the ancient voodoo tradition has found a place in the modern world, where other African belief systems are often struggling for relevance.
– Let me comment on this for the BBC, anything that gives a supernatural power over the rational is evil. It will mean that the Priest has a power that no one else can counter or complain about.
Cast your mind back into the BBC past, 12 years ago, and how the BBC used to report things …
Is witchcraft alive in Africa? { jul2005}
Does witchcraft have a place in modern society? BBC Africa Live wants to know if it is relevant to you.
In Africa, witchcraft has played a role in rebellions, fighting wars, gaining independence and is often seen at election time.
Some people also consult witchdoctors to cure diseases or find a husband.
However, the practise has negative sides – mutilated bodies are often found in Africa, with their organs removed presumably for use in magic charms. And recently in the UK, three people were jailed over the torture of an eight-year-old Angolan girl they accused of being a possessed witch.
Comment by Kingsley Obika, Nigeria
Two days ago in my neighbourhood. A girl of five was accused of killing her mother through witchcraft. She was tortured (tied upside down a tree) for hours to confess. What surprised me is the fact this girl had not heard of the word witchcraft and here she was being asked to make a so-called confession. In my opinion, those behind this child abuse should be brought to face the wrath of the law.
Comment by Guy, Johannesburg, South Africa
Is witchcraft alive in Africa begs for the answer: Is the Pope a Catholic? We are mourning the death of our four-year-old’s beloved pre-school teacher who suddenly died, apparently after taking some ‘muti’ (medication) dispensed to her by some ‘visitors’ from her rural home.
Comment by Ahmed Kateregga Musaazi, Uganda
l don’t believe in witchcraft but I know that it exists. My religion, Islam, like Christianity, regards witchcraft as satanic. Witchcraft has partly survived in Africa due to the failure of Islam and Christianity to liberate their followers from poverty, ignorance and disease.
The solution is for the two beliefs to recognise African customs which are not in contradiction with Islam and Christianity and to strengthen the penal code to deal harshly with witchcraft.
Comment by Danni, South Africa
Each person is entitled to their own religion, belief or culture, but when that same thinking such as witchcraft in South Africa, encourages people to rape three-month-old babies to ‘cure’ them of HIV, people should rethink their views.
– I have intentionally ignored any positive comments supporting Witchcraft, I learnt that from the £3.5bn BBC News Machine and how Gary ‘£1.75m’ Lineker ignores talking to someone who voted Brexit within the BBC or outside the BBC.
Gary Lineker to pay up?
‘Joe Biden on Thursday warned the risk of nuclear “Armageddon” was at its highest level since the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis, as Russia hinted at the possibility of using tactical nuclear weapons after suffering major setbacks in its invasion of Ukraine.’
Now whether you agree with it or not, the reason we are at this point is because the USA are using their full might to provide Ukraine with real-time intelligence data from satellite and stealth reconnaisance aircraft as well as the very latest in technology to hit those targets with precision from long ranges.
We are on the brink of World War 3 because the USA are interfering in global affairs for political reasons.
They are gambling that Putin will be removed before he fires any missiles. Biden said already in one of his many, many gaffs that the USA are seeking regime change in Russia.
I don’t know about you, but given Ukraine is roughly Russia by a different name, I don’t think it is worth WW3. But due to the state of our media, I doubt 10% of the USA and UK even realise what is going on.
JohnC – be positive – at least nuclear war would get us the ‘net zero ‘ on target ….
I wonder what’s top of the target list here ?
That’s two reasons ‘for’
We are being sold some narrative about the Russians losing and putin now being hitler in the last days in the bunker – ready to take the world down with him .
Maybe it’s true – maybe it is not .
Then there is the line thar if putin is replaced the new leader would be even more ‘extreme ‘ and that all the nice guys fell out of windows …
But let’s face it – Russia will never be our ‘friend ‘ they only respect strength – and see the west as a weak direct less mess which can be challenged .
Gonna be a long winter – or there won’t be one …
BBC social media….
“Things are going so badly on the battlefield that Mr Putin is now reframing the invasion, writes the BBC’s Sarah Rainsford.”
Saz once shared a bunker with JezBo and a Tequila Sunrise with Clive in a hotel bar… in full body armour.
True story.
Saz is new to me.
In the comments:
“So great when the BBC knows about Putin’s dreams. This journalist was a former COVID specialist, now a specialist in russian history”
Needs verifying. Appears from the Springster School of expertise.
Time for the BBC to get Zuckerberg blocking again?
I am not a Putin fan. But serving up ‘analysis’ from such a track record hack is very bbc.
I’ve read in several places that there are Russians in the line to take over from Putin who are far more extreme. They want to declare war and fully mobilise.
It’s Iraq all over again. The USA are trying to remove a leader thinking they can put someone nice in there. It has never, ever worked. The result is absolute disaster. They have learned absolutely nothing from Vietnam, Korea, Iraq etc etc.
It’s 100 times worse because the current POTU is a senile, nasty old pervert who can’t even string a sentence together. The BBC and the MSM in general are fully complicit in whatever happens next.
Lots of Ukranian flags kicking around. Put some on the log burner.
BBC and our Govt also proudly supporting Ukraine:
Birmingham maybe?
Can we change their mind to Leicester ?
Better slap on the factor 50 – is there always the sound of a count down before a nuclear attack ?
45 minutes. Sources close to Alistair Campbell in a W1A green room say.
The trouble with the whole bbc account holding thing is that when you use idiots by remote, one way, as cover for propaganda, it ceases to be credible.
Were actual journalists on the ground looking a bit more broadly than JezBo at his camerman.
And perhaps ‘investigating’ all sides there, now, with the same commitment and rigour they simply accept transcripts from decades ago, secure that ECU will wave it through.
In what way is Ukraine ‘Russia by a different name’ except by invasion?
Would you feel the same if Russia invaded the Baltic States or Finland?
This is from a report by Harvard Ukranian Studies from 2015:
‘For most Russians, Ukraine continued to remain de facto as Little Russia—that is, a part of the triune Orthodox Russian nation, alongside “Great Russia” and “White Russia” (Belorussia or Belarus). That is why ethnic Ukrainians were considered to be “second among equals” next to ethnic Russians in the unofficial hierarchy of the Soviet peoples.’
‘In 2011 more than 54 percent thought it would be better for the Soviet Union to have been preserved.’
Can you say that about Finland or the Baltic states Alf ?.
You should read up a bit more before posting comments like that. You seem to have swallowed the BBC/MSM propaganda without question.
With respect, I think it is you who should read up a bit more.
The fact that in 2015 ‘Russians’ thought Ukraine should remain part of Russia is hardly relevant today. Note also that in February this year the Institute you quote condemned the invasion and gave their support to the Ukrainians.
The West should have stood up to Putin when he invaded Crimea. To back off now would encourage him to go further.
In your no doubt extensive reading, have you come across the word ‘anschluss’?
You asked why I think Ukraine is similar to Russia Alf and why Ukraine is different to Finland and I told you. I deliberately gave the figure of what the Ukranians thought, not what Russians thought.
My point is that Ukraine is not worth WW3. You should read up a bit more on what started this – the prospect of EU and NATO bases in Ukraine.
You have made the classic error of those whipped up by the media : if you are not pro-Ukraine, you must be pro-Putin. Some people are neither. We think the invasion is a terrible thing but can understand why Putin would consider a NATO country as big as Ukraine right up against the border and so close to Moscow to be such a threat. This conflict actually shows that NATO is a lot more than just a defensive organisation when politics get involved.
Not sure why you mention the Anschluss as a counter-argument. It’s not similar in any way. There were no other threats to Germany.
In fact I’ve read reports of people claiming the EU want Ukraine as their own ‘lebensraum’ as many countries in the EU are overpopulated. Now that’s something to think about : Germany at it again ?.
Have you wondered why there is absolutely no attempt to stop this conflict and no mention of that in our media ?. This is much more than Russia trying their own ‘anschluss’, it’s all about the new world order coming up where China is a major player.