Please cancel your TV Licence Direct Debit . On Wednesday we will witness the anti British Far Left BBC continuing its’ war against a democratically elected Governmenf – using money extracted under threat from the hapless taxpayer …
Midweek 5 October 2022
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Graham Norton: ‘My friends say I’m bad at keeping secrets’
Collection costs** 56.2 46.0
Depreciation of new systems 3.9 3.2
Comms*** 17.5 14.3
Postage 15.8 12.9
Admin and contract management 3.8 3.1
Licence Fee Modernisation 25.0 20.5
Total 122.2
Licence fee revenue 3800.2
Costs as % of revenue 3.2%
Licences in force (exc ARC) 24.481
Trade minister Conor Burns sacked from government
“Trade minister Conor Burns dismissed from government after a complaint of serious misconduct, No 10 says”
Another hands wondering bumboy?
From 1 February 2019 to 26 July 2019, consultant to The Affordable Housing and Healthcare Group, 170 Charminster Road, Bournemouth BH8 9RLH. I provided advice on providing key worker housing and elderly care provision using underutilised land. I received £12,500 on 12 August 2019 in return for a commitment of 6 hrs a month. This is a late registration to which the rectification procedure was applied on 10 June 2020. Paragraph 15 of chapter 4 of the 2019 Guide to the Rules refers. (Registered 26 February 2020; updated 10 June 2020)
Name of donor: Matchroom Sport
Address of donor: Mascalls, Mascalls Lane, Brentwood CM14 5LJ
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: Corporate hospitality at the UK Masters Snooker Final, value £475
Name of donor: ITV plc
Address of donor: 2 Waterhouse Square, 140 Holborn, London EC1N 2AE
Amount of donation, or nature and value if donation in kind: One ticket to the National Television Awards, including hospitality, total value £1,303
Name of donor: Government of the United Arab Emirates
Address of donor: PO Box 31966, Abu Dhabi, UAE
Amount of donation: Travel and accommodation with a value of £3,500
Destination of visit: United Arab Emirates
Date of visit: 30 March – 4 April 2012
Purpose of visit: to meet Government Ministers, Members of the Federal National Council and senior business figures together with British Diplomats in order to build on the strong bilateral relationship and further promote trade and investment ties. (Registered 12 June 2012)
to see progress made with post war reconstruction and reconciliation. This involved meetings with Government Ministers and opposition MPs and the British High Commission, and visits to reconstruction works in
I see Biden is trying to distract attention away from his disastrous party and the upcoming midterms by franticaly scaremongering about Putin and the possible use of a tactical nuclear weapon in Ukraine.
He even has gone so far as to claim that the situation is as dangerous as it was at the time of the Cuban missile crisis, but the truth is not with him on this one.
The US Military maintains its defcon status at level 3. It rose to defcon 2 (fastpace) during the Cuban Missile crisis, and were Biden telling the truth then it would be at this now.
The situation is that Russia stores its warheads in set places known to the US and vice versa, and it is immediately apparant via satellite when one of them is removed, giving NATO time warning that there is intent on behalf of the Russians to deploy a weapon to a battlefield.
The fact that equipment which is nuclear capable is being moved to the warzone does not mean that equipment is going to be used to fire nuclear warheads.
It’s not going to stop Biden scaring the sheeple half to death and then claiming that were the Republicans in power it would result in their total anihilation (vote for me I’ll keep you safe).
Grossly irresponsible and unfair.
I don’t really post here anymore, and I don’t have evidence of BBC bias, but I just saw this on afternoon quiz show The Tournament on BBC1.
Host Alex Scott (do they have any other presenters these days?) to deep-voiced, lantern-jawed contestant Hannah, who is . . . possibly a woman:
Alex: “In the film Frankenstein, the part of Frankenstein’s monster was played by Boris who?”
Hannah: “Johnson.”
No doubt another university graduate.
Only a thick-skinned stupid person who is so awesomely stupid that the thinks he is clever would subject himself to such humiliation.
Luckily for him his constituents are as racist as he is so he can get elected.
Not as good as the other racist, Diane Abbot, when she went out wearing 2 left shoes though.
8 correct on Mohammed Ali – a fan – and 5 for general knowledge – not bad for his type – although he dipped the 3 planted woke questions and some pretty easy stuff ….
And it’s easy for the current shadow foreign secretary to not know the difference between Georgia and Czechoslovakia ….dumb as a dumb thing …
Didn’t he do well !
Another Star Labour MP , Just imagine what this Country would be like if they were in power ……or would there any difference at all ?
Thursday BBC local NewsPR
#1 “Do you have Trust in Truss ?
.. campaigning item complete with gotchas
They found 2 Lincoln Uni students who in incredibly
want Truss gone or a new election NOW
then into interview with Martin Vickers Tory MP
“Yes I never supported Truss, I’m for Rishi, the 45% tax change was a mistake
but we have to rally round”
Presenter “gotcha Qn1, Qn2, Qn3, Qn4, 5, 6, 7, etc”
#5 Lincoln memorial to the 248 soldiers killed in the Falklands War, and 3 civilian women.
#6 The report that E Yorkshire council has banned fracking
Some viewer comments who support fracking
At the end of the prog they read viewer comments about their anti-Truss item
more than half seemed to oppose it.
Fri ITV local NewsPR
Families and “cost of living crisis with Katie Ofscroft in Rotherham
PR for NGO called “Family Fund”
the “starving woman has a 100inch waistline
.. seriously
” oh my little child needs to be connected to a health machine .. what about these coming power cuts”
#2 The oil licences
Here’s our expert Jon fatty Grant from Sheffield poly
.. the first time they mentioned he’s an XR member
“Coming up Women’s football .. veteran players finally get their denied caps from the FA
Earlier I shared a bit of gobbledegook from The BBC ECU justifying some half @rs8ed claims cobbled together, called an ‘investigation’ and punted out as ‘news’.
Laughable if not so serious to individuals and nation.
The whole thing of course was MSM ‘reporting’ 101, namely a collection of bits and bobs, mostly heresay, with a gloss of cred applied by citing official ‘sources’ and documents that were ‘seen’.
Just read a snippet from a sub stack by Matt Taibbi which requires a sign in for the full story.
The resonated:
“The News is Just Guesswork Now
A New York Times story pinning an assassination on Ukraine was a blockbuster, but why was it made public? How news in the “Information Warfare” age has become incomprehensible.”
BBC local NewsPR
opens “International climate experts say that government plans on new oil licences are WRONG ”
eff off you lot have full effing Pravda
Have you working all day with teams of green PR experts to hone this propaganda.
I am denied the right to complain by Tweet cos they blocked me, without any logical reason other than they dont like people who question their green dreams
My previous tweets were polite. minimal and non-harassing
sorry typos
eff off .. LookNorth Hull have gone full effing Pravda.
Have you been working all day with teams of green PR experts to hone this propaganda ?
* The normal presenter was away, probably getting another award, so his calming influence was missing.
Beeb’s awful website dribbling with glee about a Tory bloke suspended for some sort of misdemeanour.
The trashy autocue-writers never went for lefties in the same way, mainly because most of them were the same sort of ‘different’ people, as everyone knows that W1AA is rife with disgraceful cover-ups, unfounded allegations and a deliberate policy of keeping the proles in the dark while they peddle such crap.
I really don’t give a monkey’s if some chap wants to shag another bloke/lady, it’s just not news, it’s been going on since time immemorial, so why make it a blasted headline!
Haven’t they got better things to do with four billion quid?
BBC doing a programme from the awful 1970s ‘glam rock ‘… I waited and waited for a BBC favourite called ‘uncle Gary Glitter ‘ – but for some reason he didn’t show up – there was truly some crap back then …
Glitter Band though…you don’t hear their songs played much!
Now, what is it that attracts flies?
‘Common sense’ to cut classroom doors to curb Covid
3 February
Mr Ross said he had been contacted by a retired firefighter who said doors in schools were “essential for holding back heat and smoke”, questioning whether the fire service had been consulted.
Why would truss want to talk to crankie at all . It would just be crankie doing the usual ‘give me’ so that Scots can get less worse public services than the long suffering 50 million English ( if you include the infestations ) ….
By the Way -mass that Liverpool got Eurovision . They should be required to play the National Anthem they love so much ….
About the best thing Truss has not done. Why would she want to speak to the hideous wee gasbag who seems to think she is important. She has systematically destroyed Scotland with ruinous policies.
Such a huge ego in someone so small and ugly.
I have to admit I subconsciously think less of Scotland as a country for electing her.
Two seconds of Gardeners World …you can guess the colour…never again !
BBC are just so Bl–dy predictable !
Not to mention the gay bloke couple with their Mr & Mr mugs, there were at least three references to the fact that they were gay. Unnecessary! Why did their sexuality/marital status have to feature in a gardening program? I would also add that I think their feature was a lot longer than others. I was bored by the end!
When they deliberately show one race more than their actual representation in society, it’s pure racist discrimination.
Part of the monumental hypocrisy of the anti-white racist world the lunatic Left is creating.
An example to us all
“If you use the language rules that your ideological opponent demands that you use, you cede (give up) the territory to them.” – {youtube – Jordan Peterson}
Migrant …. “a person who moves from one place to another in order to find work or better living conditions.”
Dreamer … a migrant with better dreams than anyone else.
Irregular … a migrant that is different to those who live in the place they are heading.
Undocumented .. a migrant who destroyed their documents for some reason.
Iranian Migrant .. a migrant leaving the wonderful world of Tolerant Islam to live in the Intolerant Western World.
‘groomed’ …. There were examples of children who had been doused in petrol and threatened with being set alight, threatened with guns, made to witness brutally violent r*pes and threatened they would be next if they told anyone. Girls as young as 11 were raped by large numbers of male perpetrators. {Jay report}
Racist…. a word to hide 1400(estimate) child rapes over 16 years in 1 Town.
Islamophobe …. a word to stop you getting angry when 22 are murdered at a concert and your Prime Minister calls these people LOST.
Hate Crime .. words to stop you hating the government and leaders.
Brexit …. a word to describe racists and Islamophobe and people who like to hate things that are stupid.
The Pulitzer awaits.
They are deranged.
Charles Moore in the Telegraph on the BBC – enjoy
STARTS Liz Truss is right. There is an “anti-growth coalition”, and it does need to be defeated. At the heart of anti-growth politics lies a strange paradox. Anti-growthers, who are usually also green, like to invoke the needs of “the poorest and most vulnerable in our society”. Yet those needs cannot be met without economic growth.
“Economic growth” sounds rather abstract. In practice, it means “most people getting richer”. The alternative to getting richer is getting poorer. Most people do not want that.
Of course, it is legitimate, and often admirable, to choose to be poorer. Monks do it when they take vows of poverty. Many parents do it when they help out their children. There is more to life than making money. But altruism cannot be legislated for. If a political party imposes anti-growth policies, it will make most people involuntarily poorer, denying them opportunities they would otherwise have had. Once most people see that, they won’t vote for it.
So politically, economically and morally, Ms Truss has picked the right phrase. But she has two big problems. The first is that, after 12 years of Tory-led government, the country is on the verge of – or possibly already is – getting poorer. The mis-sequencing of her administration’s mini-Budget just made that problem worse.
The second, related to the first, is the growing belief that the Conservatives have already lost the next general election. No one works harder to ensure that result than the anti-growth coalition.
Probably the mainstream media remain the best way to spread belief in inevitable Tory defeat; so the anti-growth coalition’s best bet is the BBC. The corporation’s foundational commitment to impartiality was renewed nearly a year ago by the incoming Director General, Tim Davie. His Impartiality Action Plan remains more plan than action.
The omens are not all bad. I have noticed that, under the BBC’s director of news, Deborah Turness, more effort is being made to produce what she calls “transparent journalism”– reporting that shows its working and makes its sources clearer. “Stay in the moment,” she advises, meaning that BBC reports should concentrate on what is happening rather than offering excited predictions and tendentious analyses. Some BBC news reports in the past year have made definite efforts to give both sides of a story without telling viewers or listeners which side to support.
I also watched, as did more than 20 million people, the BBC coverage of the death, lying in state, funeral and committal of the late, great Queen.
It was almost all well done. The corporation sensed that this unique sequence was not a time for argument, but for something much deeper, so it exercised “clutch control”. It wisely avoided televised debates of the “Is the monarchy fit for the 21st century?” kind and did not fall into the false equivalence of pitting republican against monarchist. There will be time for those second-order questions later.
The BBC largely avoided the opposite fault of journalistic obsequiousness. The device of filming the lying-in-state from beginning to end, which might have been so boring, became an astonishingly powerful form of television. You could see what the people, in all their diversity of background, felt. You could even – if you knew the time they walked through – watch your friends and family arrive in Westminster Hall to pay their respects. It became by far the most widespread and best conveyed mourning in British history, possibly even in world history. It needed no compere: it spoke for itself.
Obviously, the right tone for political coverage is utterly different from that adopted for such solemnity. But the same challenge to report accurately and calmly arises.
It is already not being met. Perhaps because the BBC requires but resents the Government’s control of the licence fee, it is never happier than when biting the hand that feeds it. The best word for the corporation’s mood when a government, particularly a Tory government, is in trouble is “glee”.
Famines and wars, plagues and storms, stock-market crashes and mass killings all excite newsrooms but, for the Beeb, nothing beats one top Tory doing in another. It is indeed a good story this week, but the BBC is far from neutral in the way it tells it.
First comes the adoption of the moral high ground, the affectation of “speaking truth to power”, which usually climaxes each morning with Nick Robinson not allowing any Cabinet minister the time to finish his or her reply to Nick’s own questions. The critics never get the same grilling.
Other wiles include parading victims of alleged government callousness whose claims, for obvious reasons of taste, can never be tested as the words of politicians can.
Then there are the “revealed preferences” of reporters and presenters, implied but not directly stated. On Thursday, I listened to Evan Davis on the habitually Left-wing PM programme. His manner is admirably gentle, but his matter is almost always anti-government. On this occasion, he was determined to show that this year’s official annual report on the likelihood of power cuts this winter was notably worse than last year’s. When his interviewees did not fully agree, he restated his belief anyway, claiming the right to the last word. He also tried to rouse anger that the Government is not producing propaganda about how to save energy.
On the same programme, Jonah Fisher, environment correspondent, reported that Jacob Rees-Mogg was issuing new licences for oil and gas exploration in the North Sea. UN climate scientists were “clear”, said Fisher, “that there can be no new fossil fuel discoveries if we can have any hope of keeping global temperature rises below 1.5 degrees”. His story’s headline on the BBC website said, “UK defies climate warnings with new oil and gas licences”.
Was that really the story? Surely the primary news point for our energy-starved country was that the licences are being issued. The reaction of (unnamed) hostile scientists is secondary.
A similar approach is visible in BBC stories of identity politics, such as race and gender. The woke source is uncritically accepted. The Government’s response is subjected to harsh interrogation.
The BBC still does not know how to look at public policy questions the other way round. There is no sign that it will take up the Government’s challenge and investigate how regulation or tax or the retention of EU rules are holding back wealth creation, or that it will treat the independent free-market Institute of Economic Affairs with the reverence it always accords to the independent soft-Left Resolution Foundation.
So the Tories may well be doomed, partly through their own fault, and partly because the anti-growth coalition dominates almost every sphere which the tax or licence fee-payer funds.
Yet there are significant differences between the two previous times in modern history when the opposition swept in with a big mandate. In 1979, Margaret Thatcher’s Conservatives had spent five years working out new policies for our economic malaise. There is little evidence that Sir Keir Starmer has achieved the equivalent. He has done well in making his party look better, but that is not the same thing.
In 1997, Tony Blair won a famous landslide. He deserved huge credit for modernising Labour, but he inherited from John Major’s otherwise tattered government a well-recovered economy in a secure Western order. In 2024, Sir Keir will have no such luck. There is still time to find out whether he wants growth and, if so, how he thinks his policies will get it.ENDS
Time for the weekend thread
Fed, a Government cannot create ‘growth’. All it can do is get out of the way. Scrap NetZero. Reform the NHS. Reform education. Reform the UK tax structure. Reform Whitehall. Reform the House of Lords.
That should be enough for the next two years, two months.
A government giving licences to extract oil and gas that can be sold here or abroad for big money
and pays big mining taxes is CREATING growth
A government that is giving licence for new wind farms
Yet that has rigged the electricity market with a large range of renewable SUBSIDIES
eg Priority market access so that corps are required to buy wind power if it is producing and turn down all other power sources.
A government that imposed no mining tax on wind creating ANTI-growth
The Media have made the country ungovernable.
The glory that is BBC ‘News’ continues to unfold.
#CCBGB to put it mildly.
A misleading BBC clickbait headline (again).
A month later the deaths were much lower than average meaning exactly the same amount of people died as usual.
‘Experts say it shows just how dangerous hot weather can be.’
Those dang ‘experts’ again to unaccountably prop up a story.
Driving a petrol car makes you a ‘grannie killer ‘… wait for it …
Gay Palestinian Ahmad Abu Marhia beheaded in West Bank
…. and yet another murder due directly to the teachings of Islam which the BBC do not go anywhere near.
I read this article because it involves Palestine, Islamic intolerance and Israel – just to see if they do their usual lop-sided, agenda-driven crap where you are left with conclusions which are basically lies. And of course they did.
They include the following:
‘Homosexuality is rejected within the most socially and religiously conservative parts of both Palestinian and Israeli societies.’
So Israel are just as bad as Muslims are they BBC ?.
A quick check on google gets me this from several sources:
‘Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) rights in Israel are considered the most developed in the Middle East.’.
And the guy was seeking asylum in Israel to escape the threats from Muslims – where he was kidnapped and beheaded. Why on Earth would someone actually go to Israel, kidnap him, take him back to Palestein and then behead him ?. That’s an extraordinary amount of hate.
Then we get:
‘Palestinians also expressed revulsion at the beheading.’
Another typical BBC ‘specific wording’. They expressed revulsion at the beheading – but not at the fact it was done because he was gay.
Other reports tell me:
‘Palestinian social media was gripped by the grisly killing, but silent on the question of Abu Murkhiyeh’s sexuality. Homosexuality remains deeply taboo in the Palestinian territories’
This is an absolute classic BBC misleading article which tells the story for the fact checkers, but is basically stuffed with agenda-based lies by omission and lies by inference.
What I find with these BBC article is that on the first pass, it seems OK. Then when you read it again you notice things which are just a bit odd. Then when you check those parts with google, you get the full story and you realise which bits the BBC have deliberately misled you about. Once you have the full picture, they have lied just as much as they told the truth.
I propose a new word for the English language which has come to be needed with the advent of ‘wokeiness’:
A person who is a monumental hypocrite but is entirely unaware of it.
Almost all the BBC and Guardian staff (maxi included) fit in this category.
As are all those who scream ‘cultural appropriation’ when a white person plays a BAME roll and ‘A triumph of multiculturalism’ when Queen Anne is black.
I will set the wheels in motion to get it onto wikipedia within the hour.
Petrol station explodes in Eire – 30 miles from the border… terrorism not mentioned -IRA bomb store ? No – the BBC says ‘gas explosion probable ‘.. but it was a Big Bang … they haven’t gone away you know …
BBC News channel just had a piece with John Simpson about meeting Volodymyr Zelenskyy.
Lots of typical BBC fawning over Zelenskyy.
Simpson said, “he is a great leader blah blah. Zelenskyy is an actor and I thought it was stupid to elect an actor who played the President and is now the President but he is a good leader and the acting has helped him…
… his decision to always wear a combat green T-shirt is genius”
The camera cut back to NagaMunchetty face and it looked like she has just realised Zelenskyy is an actor playing a pretend soldier and she had been fooled.
Simpson meanwhile still carried on not making the link.
On the version of the was we are getting it’s like the build up to a nuclear war – the US ( sorry Ukraine ) keep jabbing the Bear – now it’s a road bridge – added to various assassinations in mother Russia .
Surely putin or someone is gonna wanna ‘payback ‘…. Booommm …